#meanwhile at the Zalgo castle
Lazari: would you rather be blind or deaf
Jack: I’m already blind
Lazari: do you wanna be deaf
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katphantom69 · 6 years
Monster Masquerade~
((Alright homie @creatortiffany98 and @starstruckcomicsmangatoad Ive done it!! hope you all like it!))
There comes that time of year where ghouls and witches all come together to celebrate their differences but alikeness to one another. They all come down to the Slender Woods to an old abounded castle that lays deep with in them...where no human, no matter how insane , would dare to wander...espeically in the middle of the night. As the full moon rises claiming her rightful place amoung the stars, residents of the forest and beyond gather inside the castle for the annual Monster Masquerade.
Slender Man was the host along with Zalgo...a temporaly truce for now between the two. Tonight was a night of joy not of fights or quarls. The proxies arrived dressed their best to join in the celerbartion. There were witches casting sparkling spells for lights and bigfoot served the punch. Ghosts flew all around with glee as everyone hid behind their fancy dresses and masks. Werewolves howled and vampires strut their stuff since they could be extra fancy tonight. It was magical and terrifing all at once. Defenatlly not for the faint of heart.
Jeff hid behind a plain white and black mask. He wore a smiple suit and tie for comfort. He grabbed a glass of punch...((he hoped it was punch but with the color and the all the vampires drinking it, it could be blood too)..and took a seat just a few feet away from the dance floor. He observed the acrobatic demonic porcielin dolls twist and turn in different and very painful looking poses. A wicked fairy danced on the tight rope above her crystal black wings givng spectacualar lighting to the dance floor where many couples of all kinds got together to dance and have fun. Jeff sighs watching them all dance. Altho stuff like this wasnt his style, he did wish he had someone to dance with. His fellow proixies goofed off running around and just observing everything with glee and awe. He chuckles and relaxed a bit as he looked around to try and guess who the guests were. He reconized a few. Ugly Nina and even more ugly and stupid Jane were there, their desguises too simple and easy to uncover who they were. They were both dancing with some vamps. Jeff stuck his tongue out. How could someone dance with those ugly beasts was beyond his comprehension. He leaned back in his chair and turned to look over at the door. Thats when his eyes widen in awe and shock at such shear beautiy that walked in. That was Flacie no doubt He could tell from a mile away. The vamp demons beauty was one Jeff could reconize anywhere no matter what, even if she was hidden behind a gold and blood red mask. Flaice had a lovely and very elegant ball gown on. Black as bats with blood red ribbons and white frilly trims. Elegant, gorgoues and deadly,. Jeff sprang up and tried to make his way up to her but soon lost her in the crowed. He cursed under his breath and sat down to think of a plan. 
Meanwhile Flacies brother, Killer, a handsome young vampire, waited at the entrance for his partner for the dance. He was equally elegantly and deadly dressed as well looking as dashing as vampire soldier with his face hidden behind a demon mask. Some feline gals purred and catcalled at him trying to get his attention. Killer chuckled and smiled “Sorry ladies but im taken” he said soon spying his lovers limo. As the kitties questioned who might be the owner of this vampires heart, BM stepped out wearing his best suit. It was all black of course with a long waist coat making it look like the tail of a dress. He had a silver vest on to match the silver wolf mask he was wearing. He smiled and walked over to his lover dragging someone behind. Killer smiled and walked over happily taking his lover into his arms for kiss. He smirked at cat girls as he and his lover intertwinded their lips in a deep passionate kiss. The girls gasped and squealed like any good yaoi fan girl. This was some of that good gay shit. Killer smiles as BM looks up at him: “Sorry I was late my dear...but SOMEONE...had to make things hard now did they!” he said looking over his shoulder. The person he had dragged stood up and dust themselves up. She sighed as she clearly did not want to be there. Killer chuckles as he could reconize the female instatly even behind her white with blue checker board looking mask. PK grumbles a bit “I clearly stated that i did not wanna come...but nooooo u gotta put me in this frilly dress and drag me here now did you!” 
Killer laughs “Come now PK youll have fun lets go inside” he said pulling both of them in. PK nealy stumbled on her high heels.Her dress was long in the back and short in the front so her legs were visible. She wore white and blue gloves to match the white and blue toned dress she was wearing. The feathered design of the dress made it easy for her to walk along. It also had shiny gems to make it look like stars were placed on the night sky along the back side of her dress. She sighs and quickly sniffs around for food. At least this was the only thing that would be worth it.
Flacie sighs boredly and sips her blood. She watched as her brother and his lover got out on the dance floor. They danced happily as the music switched to the Vampire Waltz. Flacie looked around wanting to dance with someone but yet not wanting to dance with the different monsters that came to ask her out.She needed someone familiar. Jeff grumbles thinking to himself when all of a sudden he saw PK. He smirked and got up soon tapping the blind psychopath on the shoulder. PK jolted up and growled before recongnizing the smell. “Oh its just you” she said as she kept eating Jeff chuckles”Yes nice to see you too” he said before he pulled her up “Listen I need to find Flacie...put that hound nose of yours to good use and sniff her out for me please!!” he said excited. PK sighs “Fine fine but you owe me” she said. She sniffed around soon finding Flacies scent and grabbed Jeffs arm dashing through the crowd. Jeff said excuse me and pardon me so many times that night that he lost count. Soon PK had them at the end of a table...and at the other end...Flacie! Jeff thanked PK and went over to Flacie fast. He panted and tapped her on the shoulder. Flacie hissed a bit “Listen here buddy that is no way to approach a lady!” She huffed a bit. Jeff chuckles “Sorry there harley quinn..didnt mean to disturbe you!” he joked Flacie blinks. There was only one person she allowed to call her that. “Jeff is that you?” she asked. Jeff chuckles “The one and only” he smiled behind the mask and sat down next to her. Flacie chuckles “With that suit you really do look like the joker now” she teased. Jeff roles his eyes “Yeah yeah enough chit chat you wanna dance or what?” he said getting up and ofering his hand. Flacie smiles and gets up “About time you asked lets go!” she said and soon both of them headed out to the floor to waltz. They happily danced together laughing and had fun.BM and Killer dance happily swirling around the floor. PK sat down again to eat. Behind her two of Slenders proxies stopped and tried to approach her. They both started fighting however about who deserved to take her out. PK blinked annoyed and munched on her food till she heard a small whine. Sniffing around she found Jeffs dog Smile under the table happily waiting for food. She feed him some and smirked pulling him out to the dancefloor. The crowd made room surprised at this but asked no questions. The two proxies looked over and sigh in defeat. PK laughs as Smile licks her face as they clumsly danced around. Jeff and Flacie laugh as well seeing them and soon Killer and BM were joining in the laughter. The friends happily danced to the music as the full moon shone over them lighting up the night with her eery light. They happily swayed and twirled with all the other monsters enjoying this wonderful scary night till crack of dawn. They then say their goodbyes and promise to come again next time for another fun night at the Monster Masquerade.
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