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iPhone Orginal MeanLove Case فول كاور - در سه رنگ ، چرم طبيعي در ٢ مدل كيف پول و ساده ،در ٣ رنگ 6,6s,6+,6s+,7,7+ 50,000 T 65,000 T Tel : 04442220776 Telegram Channel :MahabadAppleStore Telegram ID : AppleStoreMahabad ارسال رايگان به تمام نقاط كشور #apple # #applestore #applestoremahabad #mahabad #orginalcase #iphone #iphoneorginalcase #orginalsiliconecase #iphone7siliconecase #iphone7#ghab #unicorn #قاب #ايفون #مهاباد#apple #اپل_استور #اپل_استور_مهاباد #ايفون #مك_بو #مك_بوك #اپل_استور #اپل_استور_مهاباد #cotetcl #bamper #اپل_استور_مهاباد #marbelcase #marbella #marbel #ghab #lvcase #lv #louisvuitton #meanlove #meanlovecase (at اپل استور مهاباد)
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I wrote a song about women who fight back. #meanlove Produced by @zachjonesmusic and @gregmayomusic Video by @chriscarlone Link to full song in BIO @music (at Williamsburg, Brooklyn)
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Made In PoP™ ꝏ eventi Rock in Veneto dal 21 al 27 Dicembre 2017 ꝏ stagione 15
Ciao Made-In-PoPpers, un sacco do eventi natalizi, come il periodo impone, purtroppo non riusciamo ad essere esaustivi ed inserire tutti gli eventi, solo quelli a cui ci hanno invitato, causa molteplici cene aziendali. CHECcO & LoRIS «Sostenete la Musica, Andate ai Concerti» ► segnalazione Made In PoP ◄ Ω SABATO 23 Dicembre Ω GROOVE via Martiri della Libertà LUGO di Vicenza (Vi) Ω Ω dalle 21:00 classic XMAS Party al GROOVE carico di rock'n'roll, non l solita festa, molto di più, si parte con gli idoli locali DIPLOMATICS che festeggiano in "casa" un anno di live e soddisfazioni dopo la pubblicazione del secondo lp via SHYREC/GoDown Records, mentre a festeggiare il loro terzo disco saranno le ganzissime toscane The CLEOPATRAS garage/punk attitude, prima e dopo i live djset CHECcO MERDeZ (Lamette Party/Made In PoP). https://www.facebook.com/events/167828250479363/ ► SETTIMANA ◄ ► GIOVEDÌ 21 Dicembre ᴥ YOKELZ Plan B pub piazza Marconi TREBASELEGHE (Pd) un tranquillo e quieto live pre-natalizio con gli incazzattisimi UN GIORNO DI ORDINARIA FOLLIA alternative/hard rock. ᴥ VECCIA CENEDA birreria via del Fante 37 VITTORIO Veneto (Tv) classico concerto pre-natalizio con RICKY BIZZARRO accompagnato da Francesco BARBATO . ᴥ Teatro Fondaco dei Tedeschi calle del fondaco dei Tedeschi Rialto VENEZIA all'interno della rassegna DIAMOCI del TELPO dalle 19.30 proiezione del film muto "La Caduta della casa degli Husher" (1928) con la sonorizzazione dei MASSIMO VOLUME. ᴥ AL CASTELLO Ostaria via Rossi A. 15 CHIUPPANO (Vi) dalla riviera romagnola alla pedemontava vicentina il duo CACAO indietronica. ᴥ Caffè PEDROTTI via XX Settembre 4 VERONA tour per Veronetta tra blues ragtime e murder ballads per Michele BOMBATOMICA. ᴥ EL CABALLITO via Pastrengo 17 BUSSOLENGO (Vr) festa pre-natalizia con attitudine rock'n'roll con il live degli ottimi ROBERTA & i suoi NEGRONI. ► VENERDÌ 22 Dicembre ᴥ RUVIDO Barber rock club viale Arcella 3 PADOVA dalle 20:30 concerto pre-natalizio in barberia per i HOPE'n'LIBERTY rock dalle influenze brit. ᴥ SINÈ corso Risorgimento 21 ADRIA (Ro) serata WannaBe con i live per i desertici FENRIVER i gli spettacolari e psichedelici MOTHER ISLAND. ᴥ ALTROQUANDO Osteria Musicale via Corniani 32 SANT'ALBERTO di Zero Branco (Tv) serata Lizards records con le sperimentazioni del maestro Adriano barbiero e i musicisti del DOG GRAFAN PLANET ensemble. ᴥ Casa dei CARRARESI via Palestro 33 TREVISO ore 20 in occasione della mostra Andy Warhol Superstar performance per la super band The SHINY BOOTS composta da Ricky BIZZARRO, Max BREDARIOL, Tommaso MANTELLI e Vittorio DEMARIN che si confronterà con il primo disco dei Velvet Underground & Nico. ᴥ Spazio MAVV via del Gelsolino 43 VITTORIO Veneto (Tv) festa rock pre-natalizia con influenze elettroniche sul palco il duo femminile milanese I'm NOT A BLONDE, con loro anche la star locale VETTORI e Andrea BRAIDO. ᴥ La STAZIONETTA borgo Pieve 109 CASTELFRANCO Veneto (Tv) stasera qui si esibiranno i MYOWNSIN crossover rock/alt. ᴥ METRICUBI campo delle Erbe 2003 San Polo VENEZIA classico concertopre-natalizio qui con l'eroe del folk emiliano BOB CORN, ultimo concerto per un lungo periodo qui ai Metricubi. ᴥ NOVAK Club via Castellana 59 SCORZÈ (VE) celebrazione punkrock con le band SLAM giovani leve WITHOUT WHISTLE skatepunk SKULLJERKS freschi ma navigati e le leggende TRAGICZ. ᴥ OASI Bar da LELE via Mazzini 6 ERACLEA (Ve) all'ora dei cicchetti concerto acustico per il cantautore GianLuca CHIARADIA. ᴥ ARCADIA Csa via Lago di Tovel 18 SCHIO (Vi) Non Piangere Dischi volume 2 fest tra memorie tribali e introspettive tempeste di droni con protagonisti PIGEON noise/drone/Francia PRG3 postpunk/Germania VERA SPEKTOR powernoise/drone/UK e i local BLACK LAGOON psych/tropical/Verona. ᴥ Bar SMERALDO viale Venezia 9 VICENZA live per-natalizio con i local heroes SUPeRBA rock/alt e expo artistica per IL CAOS DOMATO + djset La GIÒ. ᴥ COHEN Pub via Scarsellini 9 VERONA primi concerti in vista della prossima pubblicazione disco per i bravissimi MISS CHAIN & the Briken Heels powerpop/garage. ᴥ Colorificio KROEN via Pacinotti 19 Zai VERONA ammucchiata di band in occasione del passaggio qui degli americani TROPICAL TRASH space/punk, a dar loro manforte MEANLOVER postpunk BRUTAL BIRTHDAY noisepunk BASIC e gli interessanti CAROGNA VENETA heavy noise. ► SABATO 23 Dicembre ᴥ BOTTEGHE BARRANCO piazza Martiri Libertà MERLARA (Pd) dalle 21 festa del natale sbagliato con il ritorno della mitica formazione punk locale NAUTILUSS, saranno della festa anche BLAK SAAGAN space explorations e i CAROGNA VENETA heavy/noise. ᴥ Bar San MARCO piazza Papa Lucinai 16 PUOS d'ALPAGO (Bl) antivigilia con i botti che faranno sul palco DIRTY BULLET (Tv) heavy southern rock e BLARING SILENCE (Ve) alt/metal + djset. ᴥ MAME Club via fra Paolo Sarpi 48 PADOVA Parklife in collaborazione con Studio 2 per il Xmas Party con una super band sul palco Roberto DELL'ERA (Afterhours) Lino GRITTO (the Winstons) Marco FASOLO (Jennifer Gentle) GianLuca De RUBERTIS (Il Genio) Alberto FERRARI (Verdena) + Soundpark djset. ᴥ La BASE live factory via Da Vinci 124 San MARTINO di Lupari (Pd) ospite della serta l'ex-frontman dei Timoria, SASHA TORRISI. ᴥ Cso DJANGO via Monterumici TREVISO il Natale secondo SISMA con ospite il progetto KEATON indietronica da Bologna + djset Ropsten. ᴥ AI BILIARDI calle del Spezier 1253 Canareggio VENEZIA DESTROY ALL GONDOLAS ᴥ CHINASKI Pub via Cadorna STRETTI di Eraclea (Ve) serata super energica e muscolare con le band RUDHEN stoner/doom/Treviso MALOTA noise/psych/doom/Venezia e i THUNDER GODZILLA stoner/rock/Padova. ᴥ ARG0 16 Arci Club via delle Industrie 27 MARGHERA (Ve) ospiti della serata la band emiliana GAZEBO PENGUINS. ᴥ Bar ASTRA contrà Barche 14 VICENZA dalle 19 classico concerto pre-natalizio con il cantautorato di PHILL REYNOLDS e LA NOTTE delle STREGHE poi aseguire il il powerpop/garage della bravissima MISS CHAIN e i suoi BROKEN HEELS. ᴥ CENTRO STABILE di CULTURA via Leogra 4 San VITO di Leguzzano (Vi) sperimentazioni elettroniche nellelive performance per YOOP (synthwave/Vi) presentazione nuovo disco, Nicola TESLA e KAUFMAN (Bs) nuovo disco su Inri, a seguire djset tematico per LINE Festival. ᴥ LUCA's Bar via Jolanda 122 STROPPARI di Tezze sul Brenta (Vi) dalle 21 sguaiato rock'n'roll con i live per SMALL JACKETS Romagna hard'n'roll e di fresca formazione i BORDERLINE + djset Barbarella. ᴥ Bar SMERALDO viale Venezia 9 VICENZA serata Synthetica con live del nuovo progetto ALBERTO ALMAS reminescenze eighties synth wave a seguire djset postpunk wave goth new romantic synthpop. ᴥ Bar SARTEA corso SS Felice e Fortunato 362 VICENZA tradizionale xmas party ricco di groove e psychedelia con il concerto dei VERTICAL. ᴥ CASCINA del LAGO viale Tigli 1 LEGNAGO (Vr) party pre natalizio organizzato dai ragazzi del SoundVito con live per EDO (Garrincha dischi) e djset. ᴥ Colorificio KROEN via Pacinotti 19 Zai VERONA Wild Xmas party con il duo napoletano The DEVILS trash'n'roll su Voodoo Rhythm + djset FogSufers e Lukino Ungawa. ► DOMENICA 24 Dicembre ᴥ PUNKY REGGAE Pub via Barbarigo 15 LIEDOLO si San Zenone degli Ezzelini (Tv) dalle 17, l'intenso cantautorato de LO STRANO FRUTTO (Melt/Muleta) e GIORGIO CANALI. ᴥ DUMP galleria Bailo 7 TREVISO dalle 17 concerto natalizio dei RADIOFIERA in strada per supportare la causa della LILT Giocare in Corsia e poi dalle 19 si prosegue il DUMP. ᴥ LANTERNA del DOGE via Tiveron 28 ZERO BRANCO (Tv) vigilia di natale alcoolica con la musica del duo piano voce PSYCHOOSTERIA. ► LUNEDÌ 25 Dicembre ᴥ PUNKY REGGAE Pub via Barbarigo 15 LIEDOLO di San Zenone degli Ezzelini (Tv) puntuali alle 17 per il concerto di natale con gli intensi GROG punk/d-beat e con DESTROY ALL GONDOLAS surf/punk/HC/Shyrec/macina dischi/Venezia. ᴥ BAHNHOF Live via Sant'Antonio 34 MONTAGNANA (Pd) Mighty Xmas party con il fuzzrock dei CRUEL EXPERIENCE (Lu) e il thrash'n'roll del duo The DEVILS (Na) + djset. ᴥ BARUFFA Cafè viale Porta Adige 91 ROVIGO festa di presentazione disco e nuova formazione per i SHORTCUT alt/rock. ᴥ BENICIO Live Gigs via Porcu 63 GIAVERA del Montello (Tv) da Trieste una delle più importanti band del panorama sludge/metal, i GRIM, in apertura gli OSS drone/noise. ᴥ DIRTMOR via Pisa 13 TREVISO natale sotto la torre con le sperimentazioni soniche e le performance per The NOISEMAKER (Germania) VERA SPEKTOR (Uk) OTTAVEN (canedicoda) MODES, XEN STREAM, MAGIA NERA, DEZROY ADAM (Turkey). ᴥ Bar SMERALDO viale Venezia 9 VICENZA classico concerto natalizio per l'OSTERIA POPOLARE BERICA folk alcoolico. ᴥ VIAROMA17 via Roma 17 DUEVILLE (Vi) qui si festeggia con il conerto dei bravi FREEZ psych/surf/garage e djset Barbarella. ► MARTEDÌ 26 Dicembre ᴥ PUNKY REGGAE Pub via Barbarigo 15 LIEDOLO di San Zenone degli Ezzelini (Tv) anche a Santo Stefano dalle 17 i live, oggi suonerano MALUS ANTLER psych-rock e LA FESTA degli IMPICCATI alt/indie rock. ᴥ NASTY BOYS via Pellicciaio 4 TREVISO per festeggiare sei anni di concerti e feste ospite una delle migliori band italiane, The BONE MACHINE rock'n'roll/rockabilly/garage. ᴥ BOCCIODROMO via A.Rossi 198 VICENZA puntuali alle 21 i concerti per CETO MEDIO punk/HC + DANNY TREJO punk/HC + ZËNE metal/punx. ᴥ Colorificio KROEN via Pacinotti 19 Zai VERONA Santo Stefano full of rock con la tripletta di band DESTROY ALL GONDOLAS surf/punk/HC Shyrec/Macina Dischi, METEOR HC/Metal/Wallace records e BORDERLINE hard'n'roll. ᴥ MALACARNE BarAssociazione via San Vitale 14 VERONA a partire da stasera, tre giorni di musica sperimentale e d'avaguardia, con protagonisti VOKODOTRON, XENU, RA KUNESH, BLACK LAGOON, STROMBOLI e VIRTUAL FOREST, programma in via di definizione. ► MERCOLEDÌ 27 Dicembre ᴥ Teatro CAMPLOY via Cantarane 32 VERONA dalle 21:00 concerto benefico con STREGONI NETWORK ovvero l'iniziativa dei C+C=MAXIGROSS con l'artista senegalese ALIOUNE SLYSAJAH e gli "Stregoni" migranti improvvisanti. • https://telegram.me/madeinpop/ • https://www.facebook.com/Shyrec/ • https://www.facebook.com/threeblackbirdsfree/ • https://www.facebook.com/NewsletterMadeinpop/ • http://shyrec.bandcamp.com/
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Car Phone Holder, MeanLove Universal Phone Gravity Car Vent Mount for iPhone 8/ 8 Plus/ 7, Galaxy S8/ S7, HTC, Huawei, LG and More Smart Phones (Black)
【GRAVITY CAR PHONE HOLDER】: Gravity linkage, automatic lock and release. It is super easy to install. One hand operate to pick up/put down the phone within one second when driving, reducing the dangers of driving. 【THICKEN SCRATCH-PROOF PAD】: Here are thicken and soft pads on the surface of the car mount and elastic clip. Non-slip and shock proof to protect your car air vent and cellphone from Scratches. 【ADVANTANGES】: Reserved port design on the bottom makes you recharge your phone when the car mount installed without removing it.
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AirPods Case, MeanLove Soft Silicone Shockproof Protective Case Cover and Skin with Anti-lost Strap for Apple...
Why we use this soft silicon case for our Apple Airpods charging case Durable and impact-resistant silicone design for any occasions. The key chain makes it portable to carry. Easy to install and remove. Complete protection from scratches, scrapes and bumps. All of Apple Airpods charging case features are accessible when it is installed. Compatibility: Apple Airpods charging case 【AIR PODS ACCESSORIES】: Airpod case and anti-lost strap as a set. A must have for your expensive airpods. 【STRONG SHOCKPROOF CASE】: Full protection design philosophy, thickened silicone corners effectively absorb impact. Anti-slip surface of skin avoids the case slipping out of the hand, protect your Airpods from damage (scratches, scrapes and crack) when dropping accidentally. key chain design is portable to carry. 【MAGNETIC AIRPODS STRAP】: Health and fashion style for you to enjoy air pods. Here are 4 pics magnets in the middle of the AirPods strap, which could magnet massage neck to relieve fatigue. Easy to wear, you just need to put your airpods in the holes with magnetic adsorption on the strap, then you can wear it firmly.Never lost and find them once accidentally drop quickly. 【ADVANTAGES】: Accurate Power button and USB socket design, is more convenient to turn on bluetooth connection and charging the air pods without removing this Airpod case. It will not be deformed after taking it off and putting it back on multiple times. 【YOU WILL GET】: You will get one pcs case, one pics strap and 12 months warranty. Any quality problem for product or any reason you want to refund or replace it, please feel free to contact us and we are standing by to assist you.
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Blackhead Remover, MeanLove Blue Light Electric Facial Pore Cleanser Blackhead Acne Suction Removal Vacuum Extractor Tool
MeanLove effectively massages and improves your skin, eliminates blackheads, grease and acne, relieves damaged skin, compared with traditional blackhead removal needles.
Provides 5 skin-friendly replaceable suction heads with the different shape hole to meet different needs, easily cleanse your face including forehead , cheek, chin and nose. Safety and none-irritate, easy to operate. Translucent design allows you to see the blackheads, oils and dead skin cells, suitable for both sensitive and normal skin.
This post contains affiliate links.
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#meanlover#golden teeth#cerimonia secreta#tab_ularasa#occult punk#casa occupata gorizia#support your local squat#pipistrello
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iPhone Orginal MeanLove Case فول كاور - در سه رنگ ، چرم طبيعي در ٢ مدل كيف پول و ساده ،در ٣ رنگ 6,6s,6+,6s+,7,7+ 50,000 T 65,000 T Tel : 04442220776 Telegram Channel :MahabadAppleStore Telegram ID : AppleStoreMahabad ارسال رايگان به تمام نقاط كشور #apple # #applestore #applestoremahabad #mahabad #orginalcase #iphone #iphoneorginalcase #orginalsiliconecase #iphone7siliconecase #iphone7#ghab #unicorn #قاب #ايفون #مهاباد#apple #اپل_استور #اپل_استور_مهاباد #ايفون #مك_بو #مك_بوك #اپل_استور #اپل_استور_مهاباد #cotetcl #bamper #اپل_استور_مهاباد #marbelcase #marbella #marbel #ghab #lvcase #lv #louisvuitton #meanlove #meanlovecase (at اپل استور مهاباد)
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iPhone Orginal MeanLove Case فول كاور - در سه رنگ ، چرم طبيعي در ٢ مدل كيف پول و ساده ،در ٣ رنگ 6,6s,6+,6s+,7,7+ 50,000 T 65,000 T Tel : 04442220776 Telegram Channel :MahabadAppleStore Telegram ID : AppleStoreMahabad ارسال رايگان به تمام نقاط كشور #apple # #applestore #applestoremahabad #mahabad #orginalcase #iphone #iphoneorginalcase #orginalsiliconecase #iphone7siliconecase #iphone7#ghab #unicorn #قاب #ايفون #مهاباد#apple #اپل_استور #اپل_استور_مهاباد #ايفون #مك_بو #مك_بوك #اپل_استور #اپل_استور_مهاباد #cotetcl #bamper #اپل_استور_مهاباد #marbelcase #marbella #marbel #ghab #lvcase #lv #louisvuitton #meanlove #meanlovecase (at اپل استور مهاباد)
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iPhone Orginal MeanLove Case فول كاور - در سه رنگ ، چرم طبيعي ،مگنت دار در ٢ مدل كيف پول و ساده ،در ٣ رنگ 6,6s,6+,6s+,7,7+ 50,000 T 65,000 T Tel : 04442220776 Telegram Channel :MahabadAppleStore Telegram ID : AppleStoreMahabad ارسال رايگان به تمام نقاط كشور #apple # #applestore #applestoremahabad #mahabad #orginalcase #iphone #iphoneorginalcase #orginalsiliconecase #iphone7siliconecase #iphone7#ghab #unicorn #قاب #ايفون #مهاباد#apple #اپل_استور #اپل_استور_مهاباد #ايفون #مك_بو #مك_بوك #اپل_استور #اپل_استور_مهاباد #cotetcl #bamper #اپل_استور_مهاباد #marbelcase #marbella #marbel #ghab #lvcase #lv #louisvuitton #meanlove #meanlovecase (at اپل استور مهاباد)
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Magnetic Car Mount Holder, MeanLove Universal Air Vent 360¡ãRotation Magnetic Cell Phone Holder for iPhone X 8 Plus 7 6s 5s 5 SE, Galaxy S8 S7 Edge S6 Edge Note 8 with 2 Metal Plates
MAGNETIC CAR MOUNT: MeanLove air vent universal cell phone magnetic car mount holder is easy to use, due to its simple and complementary design with a powerful magnetic head for holding for your iPhone X 8 Plus, Galaxy Note 8 S8 Plus S7 Edge. 360°ROTATION CELL PHONE HOLDER: The phone holder for car can swivel 360 degree . This guarantees that your cell phone will always remain in your preferred position when driving. WIDE USAGE of METAL PLATE – For direct mounting of metal plates to phone or phone case, according to different situation. Then, remove the included protection film provided BEFORE placing the metal plate.
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AirPods Case, MeanLove Soft Silicone Shockproof Protective Case Cover and Skin with Anti-lost Strap for Apple...
Why we use this soft silicon case for our Apple Airpods charging case Durable and impact-resistant silicone design for any occasions. The key chain makes it portable to carry. Easy to install and remove. Complete protection from scratches, scrapes and bumps. All of Apple Airpods charging case features are accessible when it is installed. Compatibility: Apple Airpods charging case 【AIR PODS ACCESSORIES】: Airpod case and anti-lost strap as a set. A must have for your expensive airpods. 【STRONG SHOCKPROOF CASE】: Full protection design philosophy, thickened silicone corners effectively absorb impact. Anti-slip surface of skin avoids the case slipping out of the hand, protect your Airpods from damage (scratches, scrapes and crack) when dropping accidentally. key chain design is portable to carry. 【MAGNETIC AIRPODS STRAP】: Health and fashion style for you to enjoy air pods. Here are 4 pics magnets in the middle of the AirPods strap, which could magnet massage neck to relieve fatigue. Easy to wear, you just need to put your airpods in the holes with magnetic adsorption on the strap, then you can wear it firmly.Never lost and find them once accidentally drop quickly. 【ADVANTAGES】: Accurate Power button and USB socket design, is more convenient to turn on bluetooth connection and charging the air pods without removing this Airpod case. It will not be deformed after taking it off and putting it back on multiple times. 【YOU WILL GET】: You will get one pcs case, one pics strap and 12 months warranty. Any quality problem for product or any reason you want to refund or replace it, please feel free to contact us and we are standing by to assist you.
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AirPods Case, MeanLove Soft Silicone Shockproof Protective Case Cover and Skin with Anti-lost Strap for Apple...
Why we use this soft silicon case for our Apple Airpods charging case Durable and impact-resistant silicone design for any occasions. The key chain makes it portable to carry. Easy to install and remove. Complete protection from scratches, scrapes and bumps. All of Apple Airpods charging case features are accessible when it is installed. Compatibility: Apple Airpods charging case 【AIR PODS ACCESSORIES】: Airpod case and anti-lost strap as a set. A must have for your expensive airpods. 【STRONG SHOCKPROOF CASE】: Full protection design philosophy, thickened silicone corners effectively absorb impact. Anti-slip surface of skin avoids the case slipping out of the hand, protect your Airpods from damage (scratches, scrapes and crack) when dropping accidentally. key chain design is portable to carry. 【MAGNETIC THERAPY TECHNOLOGY STRAP】: Health and fashion style for you to enjoy air pods. Here are 4 pics magnets in the middle of the AirPods strap, which could magnet massage neck to relieve fatigue. Easy to wear, you just need to put your airpods in the holes with magnetic adsorption on the strap, then you can wear it firmly.Never lost and find them once accidentally drop quickly. 【ADVANTAGES】: Accurate Power button and USB socket design, is more convenient to turn on bluetooth connection and charging the air pods without removing this Airpod case. It will not be deformed after taking it off and putting it back on multiple times. 【YOU WILL GET】: You will get one pcs case, one pics strap and 12 months warranty. Any quality problem for product or any reason you want to refund or replace it, please feel free to contact us and we are standing by to assist you.
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