#mean while Danny is crying in the corner wondering why his friends are like this.
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on-the-clear-blue · 1 month ago
To help boost relations with the people of Amity Park, Danny (with the help of Sam and Tucker) starts a podcast.
Tucker, sitting across from Danny in an abandoned house: So, continuing where we left of last episode before we were rudely interrupted by an overgrown man child dressed up like a vampire...Phantom, is it true that yoy are a sickly Victorian child that died at the ripe age of 12?
Danny, eye twitching at the comment: No...no I am not...sorry why do people think this?
Tucker, grinning ear to ear: oh, it's the frail weak voice and sad wet kitten energy.
Sam, looking up from her phone, bearly holding back laughter: Now for the question segment of the show...this one is coming from...Dashtom4life asking "if not twink why twink shaped?"
Danny, pained look on his face: Not...not a twink, I swear to the ancients I am not a twink.
Tucker, on the edge of loosing it: I-I don't know Phantom...G-Got a snatched waist...
Just the idea of Danny starting the podcast so he can help the people better understand ghosts and how they do things only for it to be derailed in the second episode to be 30 straight minutes of Sam and Tucker ragging on Danny and arguing about things that barely pretain to ghosts.
After Danny gets over the exasperation of having his podcast getting taken over, he gets a 10 minute weekly segment for talking about space.
(Jazz finds out later, and after a little bit of convincing, she gets roped into doing psyche evals on ghosts.)
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15-dogs · 4 years ago
chapter 2 - burning pile
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pairing: fred weasley x reader
series masterlist
summary: your son asks you a tough question about his father, causing you to reflect on the exact moment you decided what you were going to tell him
warnings: children, the war, mentions of death, getting disowned, description of broken limbs, very light swearing, pregnancy mention
guide: (Y/N) = your name, (Y/L/N) = your last name
word count: 2.4K 
a/n: if your url is crossed out that means i couldn’t tag you! if you want to be added to my taglist for this, either comment or send an ask :) hope you like it!!
●chapter 2●
“Everyone at school has one,” your son stated, “how come I don’t have a dad?”
You clenched your eyes shut. You knew this was coming at some point, but 8 years old seemed far too soon. You smiled softly at your son, Daniel, as you patted your lap. He clambered onto you and you ran your hand through his fiery red hair, wondering how you could explain something so broken to someone so young.
You ran into the war alone. You were part of no affiliation, no friends by your side, you only knew who you were fighting for. 
Your son, nearly 2 years old at the time, was at your muggle neighbor’s flat. You couldn’t bring him to your muggle parents, not when they disowned you for finding out about your accidental pregnancy.
That’s why you were fighting. For him. For Danny. He needed to grow up in a world where blood status didn’t matter, where he didn’t need to be concerned about having a future or not. For Danny. You had to repeat it to yourself over and over again. For Danny. For Danny.
The war, like wars often were, was ugly. Rubble coating the grounds and bodies peeking out from under it. Being at such a broken place that was once filled with hope and joy was like seeing a photo go black and white.
You did your best to assist where you could, seeing people you went to school with falling lifeless onto the ground. They had families, they had parents that loved them. That was somebody’s child who was chasing death, and you were not about to let them get caught. You would jump in just in time to save them, feeling that was your best bet at contributing to the cause.
So you wandered the halls of the castle, seeking trouble. But, as it always does, trouble seems to find you. A Death Eater appeared from behind one of the many staircases, firing a spell at you. You barely dodged it, slipping behind a pillar, your heart pounding in your ears. You imagined what it would be like to have someone beside you but you couldn’t dwell, you were facing life and death.
You readied your wand before popping out from your hiding spot, firing a stunning spell at the man. He blocked it, but it sent him skyrocketing backwards into another hallway.
You had just found your target, there was no way you’d let him escape. You charged after where you had left him, only to find him missing. Your eyes locked onto a trail of blood that dotted from where you stood to a hallway, which just so happened to have sparks flying from it.
You rounded the corner to see two redheads battling two Death Eaters, your feet bolting to the ground.
It was Fred.
He was laughing at something Percy had said as they battled the men. He looked so...grown up. It had only been 2 years since you last saw him, but he looked different. He seemed genuinely happy. 
But it wasn’t the time to focus on such trivial things, not when the Death Eater you were battling was sneaking up on Fred. Both men were unaware of the cloaked person sneaking up on them, so you decided you needed to take action.
Fred was Molly’s son. If she lost him, she’d be devastated, broken beyond repair. You knew what it was like to have a child, and if you lost him, you didn’t know what you’d do. Danny was all you had and Merlin forbid anyone were to take him away from you.
As those thoughts coursed through your mind, adrenaline coursed through your veins. You watched as the Death Eater you were tracking snuck up on Fred and Percy, your wand readied as you waited with bated breath for the two to move out of the way. However, as the man approached, the brothers didn’t move. Your whole body was itching with anxieties, your eyes flickering towards the shadows. But as the man raised his wand, you couldn’t wait any longer; there were human lives at stake, one of which just happened to be your ex boyfriend.
“Fred, Percy! Get down!” you shouted as you revealed yourself from your hiding space. 
The Death Eater was distracted by your declaration, pausing in his mission to cast the spell. Fred, too, was distracted by your presence, leading to Percy dragging him onto the ground alongside himself. As soon as they were clear, you shot a spell at a pillar beside the man, the cracked tiles crashing down on his legs, trapping him underneath. He let out a shrill cry of pain, his face contorting into something awful that made you almost sorry for him. However, you didn’t want to take the risk that he was the devil in disguise, putting on an act just to garner sympathy from you.
“Stupefy!” you cried, freezing the man in his place.
As soon as the area was clear, you pocketed your wand and ran to the Weasley brothers. You slid onto the ground beside Percy, helping him up.
“Lovely to see you again, (Y/N),” he commented. 
You cringed but put on your best smile. “Been a long time, Percy.”
You recalled the last time you’d seen the stern boy, the one time that Fred took you home for the holidays. His family had welcomed you in open arms and made you quite jealous; your family wasn’t so affectionate.
When you got kicked out of your own house at 18, you weren’t really shocked. Your mother had never truly approved of you and Fred so she had been expecting something of that “sinful nature” for years now. 
When she had kicked you out, you couldn’t even gather most of your things as you found her burning them in the backyard in an old fire pit. You were only slightly shocked that time. Your mother had a saying: put all your troubles on a burning pile because when it’s all lit up, you’ll start to smile. That saying, of course, wasn’t true, nor did you think she took the meaning literally. When you walked outside to speak with her one last time— a regretful decision, you knew— her tears were illuminated on her cheeks from the flames that kissed her.
“You look good, seeing as how you helped Fred and I narrowly escape death, so thanks again for that.” Percy glanced down at Fred, kicking him with his foot. “Suppose you want to hear it from him, too.”
You half expected Fred to say something smart or, at the very least, notice that it was you who saved his life but he didn’t say anything. Come to think of it, he didn’t even move. 
Your heart stopped beating in your chest. You fell to your knees, hovering over Fred’s lifeless body. No, no! You were supposed to be saving him! What did you do?
“Oh, Merlin,” whispered Percy, his pale skin turning even paler. He, too, sank to his knees, shaking Fred’s body. “Oh, shit. Fred! This isn’t funny! Wake up, please!”
As a parent, you had to be aware of your surroundings at all times. Danny was rarely out of your sight, and if he ever got hurt you knew the play by play of what happened. That little skill came in great use as you stared at Fred’s body in the patch of rubble.
“He wasn’t hit,” you assured Percy, “this is shock.” You held your middle and pointer fingers close together, pressing them under his jaw in search of his pulse. As soon as you felt the soft beating against the pads of your fingers, you let out a happy gasp.
“What is it? What are you doing?” Percy scrambled to replicate your actions, pushing your hand aside and replacing it with his.
“That’s his heartbeat. It’s faint but it’s there. We need to take him to the Great Hall so he can get patched up.”
Percy let out a relieved sigh, tears falling down his cheeks carelessly. With the sparks that were being shot from outside the castle, it illuminated his face just right so that it reminded you of your mother. In his hands was Fred— your problem— and the glaring reality became apparent that you desperately wanted to run away from it.
With the wards down at Hogwarts, you could apparate inside the castle. Unable to pick Fred up, you and Percy pushed him up against a wall, his head drooping onto his chest and back slouched. 
“I’ll meet you in the Great Hall, if that’s okay?” Percy asked. You frowned. “I want to check on George, he’s been missing for a bit.”
“Yeah, go check on your brother, I can take care of Fred.” The words left a sour taste in your mouth but you couldn’t help but feel a familiar sense of warmth blossom in your chest as his name rolled off your tongue.
You reluctantly slid up next to him and slung his arm around your shoulder before apparating away. When you arrived in the Great Hall, nobody even realized you were there. You let Fred rest against a wall while you tracked down Pomfrey, who was hurriedly mixing some salve together, an unpleasant earthy aroma drifting your way.
“Madam Pomfrey, Madam Pomfrey!” You waved your hand wildly in the air, the color draining from her face at the sight of Fred behind you.
“Oh, Godric.” The words escaped her lips like a dying man’s last breath as she ran up to you two.
You took her wrist and ducked to meet her eyes, shaking your head. “He’s not dead, he’s just unconscious.”
Pomfrey gripped at her apron as she let out a shaky sigh. She lifted her head up to the sky, hoping that Merlin himself would dry her eyes. Once she had regained composure, she chuckled slightly at the insanity of the situation.
“Unconscious,” she repeated, pointing at you, “that’s something I can fix. Help me get him to that cot right there, dear.”
You nodded and helped Pomfrey drag him to the sheet on the ground right beside you. She rifled through her apron, the many pockets holding vials of wonders. 
“I haven’t seen you in quite some time, Miss (Y/L/N),” Pomfrey noted. She paused, her eyes flickering up at you for just a moment. “Or is it missus, now?”
You flexed your hand in silent rage— you hated those questions. “No, I’m not married, but I appreciate your concern.”
Pomfrey frowned slightly, her eyes moving down towards your stomach before drifting back towards her pockets. She whispered a quiet “aha!” and pulled a long tube full of amber liquid out, uncorking and pouring it into Fred’s limp mouth.
You sank onto the floor beside Fred, resting your back against the wall. Pomfrey looked at you like a mother staring at a lost child. You finally met her gaze, brows knit together.
“How’s your kid?” she asked.
Your eyes flitted to Fred; he was still asleep. “He’s good. He’s safe. Staying with a muggle neighbor at her flat for the time being.”
“Yeah, Daniel— Danny. He hates when I call him Daniel.”
A reluctant grin tugged at the corners of your lips. You reached into your pocket, pulling out a wallet-sized, moving photo of you and your son. He was a small boy with fiery ginger hair and loads of freckles covering his face. You spun him around before shrugging him onto your back, him hiding his laughter into your hair.
Pomfrey snorted. She glanced between the photo in her delicate hands, the sleeping boy beside you, and your sunken eyes. “He takes after his father.”
You pocketed the photo, scoffing. “He doesn’t need to know that.”
“Mr. Weasley or Danny?”
Pomfrey shook her head but not truly disapproving of you. You avoided her stare and your eyes happened to get caught on a person waving, causing Pomfrey to turn around as well. She nodded, understanding that they were beckoning her. “Would you stay here with him? I need to care for some others.”
“Won’t be a problem.”
She nodded a quick thanks before scurrying off to the other side of the Great Hall. 
And then you were alone with Fred.
Your eyes roved over his body, mentally taking pictures of how he changed. No matter how hard you tried, the images of Fred the night before he left were seared in your mind. He looked different, like he’d seen things he never intended to. His eyes had a slight depth to them and his skin coarse with dirt.
You didn’t really mean to, but your heart has a funny way of dictating things. You reached your hand out, linking your pinky with his. As soon as you touched, you felt a spark in your chest. No sooner did you touch him than you jumped away.
Your mother might have been right. Problems need to be thrown away because there was no other way that you’d escape them. You needed not to feel such a thing— you were supposed to hate Fred— but a simple touch disproved that.
You spotted every member of the Weasley family at the other end of the hall, their eyes scanning the room for Fred. You looked down at your ex, a sense of sympathy tugging at your heart as you slipped out of the Great Hall unnoticed, leaving Fred to be in the care of people who actually loved him, or at least could admit it.
You needed to burn every memory, every thought, every feeling that was Fred Weasley. Because if you didn’t burn them, he’d be the death of you.
“It’s rare, Danny,” you began, dotting every freckle that lined his arms, “but some people just don’t have dads. They weren’t born with them.”
“But Ethan has a dad and he also only lives with his mum!” 
He yanked his arm away from you, an oncoming tantrum arriving. You sighed, tugging him closer to you and brushing his unruly hair with your fingers.
“But we’re special,” you whispered, “some people don’t have dads because they don’t need them.”
His displaced anger mellowed, his wide, amber eyes staring up at you, full of hope. “So we don’t need a dad?”
“No, we don’t need a dad, so we don’t have one.”
You never thought that you could do it, but you had; you had erased Fred Weasley from your life. It was then you knew that your mother was right: seeing everything you had with him burn into ashes really did make you smile.
taglist:  @whiz-bangs78 @the-romanian-is-bae @witch-and-a-half @pineapplesandpinas @bellaiscool​ @gsvshsjsbs
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gretavanfleetlove · 4 years ago
Not mad?
AN: this is unedited and I’m pretty sure really bad 😬 but I’ve been working on it for awhile so here you go! 💕. And I’m gonna tag @joshstambourine and @kill-fear-the-power-of-lies because I shared the fic with them beforehand :) Summary: y/n and Josh have liked each other for awhile but have been too afraid to admit their feelings especially because of y/n’s protective little brother.
I nervously knocked on the Kiszka’s door. Danny, my brother, has been bugging me to go to one of his band practices and at least play a song or two with them for awhile now. It’s only a couple songs though right? It’s nothing bad, and plus Danny is one of your best friends and your brother. I can’t let him down. So here I am. I wanted to go with Danny so it wouldn’t be so awkward but, of course he was already there.
As I was nervously twiddling my thumbs, Sammy opened the door with Danny standing right next to him.
“Hey y/n!!” Sam happily said. That makes me feel a little more comfortable.
“Hi Sammy, what's up?” I asked, trying to hide my nerves.
“Nothin much we were just waiting for you.” He said, moving to the side to let you in the door.
“Oh awesome sorry I’m a little late.” I said with a smile. Which got cut off by Danny tackling me in a hug from behind.
Sam told me everything was fine and went to get me a soda, when Josh walked out. “Oh hey y/n/n.” He said nonchalantly. “H-hey Josh,” I managed to get out. See what I forgot to mention before is that I’ve had a huge crush on Josh since about 8th grade. Which is completely stupid since he’s one of my little brothers best friends but still. How could I not be head over heels for him?
He’s always been a gentleman, he’s kind, he’s talented, and loves his mother I mean come on he has everything!
But here I am at his house tripping over every word like an idiot.
“Hey y/n!” Jake said happily coming in from the garage. “Hey!” I replied, taking my attention away from Josh.
“Is everyone ready?” Danny asked, walking over next to me.
“Hold on,” Sam exclaimed and started chugging his soda.
“You probably don’t wanna see the rest of that come on.” Laughed Josh as he lightly took my hand, leading me into the garage. “You can ask Jake where to set everything up because well I don’t know.”
I chuckled at the fact he didn’t know where his own band, in his own house sets up their things.
“K thanks.” I replied shyly.
“Of course.” He said with a smirk, making eye contact.
I just finished up with the band, and it was amazing! Danny made sure I was comfortable and he and Sammy gave me a little tour of the house after I set my things up. And Jake was great, he was very welcoming to another guitarist and we fed off of each other really well. And Josh, Josh is incredible. I tried to give him compliments on his voice without sounding, I don’t know, needy. But, all feelings aside, his voice is insanely beautiful. He looked insanely beautiful singing too! “Y/n y/n y/n!!!” Daniel's loud voice snapped me out of my thoughts. “Danny Danny Danny!!” I yelled back matching his energy.
“How was it I think it was great you sounded really good so yeah and like I think I was good too and you and Josh seemed to click well and-“
“Shhhhh” I cut him off, laughing. And also impressed he said that in one breath.
“It was great Danny. I loved it, and yes you sounded amazing. Hopefully the other guys think the same?” That last part I phrased as more of a question, pretty much asking if the boys said anything in particular about it.
“Oh they did!” Danny says with a smile.
(TIME SKIP again don’t hate me*two months later*)
“That was great y/n really.” Josh said quietly to me as we walked off the small stage.
“Thanks,” I replied blushing. My crush on Josh has only grown since I’ve joined the band. Being together all the time, performing together, and even staying up late drinking coffee together.
It all just makes me fall for him harder.
“No problem,” he said with a smile. “Are you just gonna go home with Danny?”
“Yeah probably why?” I asked slightly, hoping he might be disappointed.
“I was wondering if you guys wanted to come over to our place? We’re just gonna eat dinner and you know, I don’t know just hang out?” He looked nervous, looking down scratching behind his neck.
“Oh yeah I’m sure Danny wants to also!”
“Ok awesome!” He smiled at me and started walking back to the group. I followed close behind.
“Are you coming y/n/n?” Sam asked, putting his head on my shoulder. He’s always been like a second brother to me, since him and Danny are so close.
“Yeah I am!” I said with a smile petting his hair. I saw Josh from the corner of my eye sigh looking at Sam and I, and walked past Jake into our van.
And after a long car ride, singing along to Bob Dylan, we got to the Kiszka’s.
Their parents and sister me and Danny when we came in asking how we are. Then we all made our way outside. We all decided we would start a small fire since it’s getting dark out.
“Y/n y/n who’s better Donovan or Bob Dylan??” Danny turned around and asked, from his conversation with Sam.
“Don’t drag me into this Daniel!” I yelled at him shaking my head.
“We all know Bob Dylan is better!” Jake argued, looking at Sam.
“But think about it really, I mean you know I love Bob. I was just considering the possibility-“ Sam tried to say but got cut off my Jake yelling “ no, no nope negatory.”
Now in the middle of this argument I was sitting in between Danny and Josh when Josh slipped his hand into mine.
“You really did do really well today.” He whispered so only I could hear him.
“Oh thanks,” I replied taking a breath. It’s not unusual for Josh to be touchy, he was like this with nearly everyone.
“No problem.” He smiled, giving my hand a squeeze.
I wish I could date him, or at least kiss him. I’ve always wished that. But I couldn’t. Even though Danny is my younger brother he’s always been over protective, plus, Josh is one of his best friends and I can’t intrude on that. It would be like me dating his brother or something. And I couldn’t do that. But it’s tempting, especially right now, to just be with Josh.
“Are you ok?” That familiar voice of Josh snapped me out of my thoughts.
“Oh yeah, why?” I asked, but quickly realized tears starting to form in my eyes.
“You look like you’re about to cry.” Concern started to cover his face.
“No, I’m fine, I’m ok, sorry.” I quickly replied, wiping my eyes a bit.
“You’re good.” He said with a tone of comfort and also, still some concern.
“Y/n?” Sam turned back to me.
“What?” I asked, his voice scared me a little since Josh and I were talking so quiet.
“Tell your brother that he needs to open his musical horizons!”
“What?” I asked again confused what conversation topic has come up this time.
“He needs to hear some good jazz!”
“No no I do not y/n tell him!” Danny intruded.
“I mean I say listen to jazz!” I said just trying to get under his skin.
“Oh shut up.” He replied with a roll of his eyes.
Everyone laughed at the poor guy being forced into smooth jazz.
“Hey hey what’s that?” Jake yelled over everyone.
A chorus of curious “what’s” were heard.
“That.” He said tilting his sunglasses below his eyes (why was he wearing sunglasses at this hour, don’t ask me). He was looking at mine and Josh’s hands.
Of course Sam and Danny looked over.
“Nothing.” I answered shortly while Danny gave me that ‘ok sureee’ face.
“Doesn’t look like nothing.” Sam said, raising an eyebrow.
“It’s- we’re just holding hands.” Josh was blushing. Why was he blushing? Probably just because the guys will make fun of him. “Friends do that you idiots!” He defended.
“Friends do that?” Danny questioned.
“Yes.” Josh replied looking at me, I nodded trying to back him up.
“Josh I love you man but I’d never just hold your hand.” Danny said with a completely straight face.
“Well-“ is all Josh got the chance to say before gasps and “ooo”s were heard.
“Shut up!” I yelled at the boys too smitten to say anything else.
“Are you guys dating?” Jake asked.
“Y/n and Joshy sittin in a tree!” Sam started singing.
“Not yet.” Josh replied with a smirk. I’m gonna kill him. Or Danny will kill him. But was that his way of admitting he liked me? It kind of sounded like it. I meant to do something but I just sat there, still clinging to Josh’s hand, blushing.
“What?” Danny asked. Smiling?
“I said not yet.” Josh replied very matter-of-factly.
“You like him?” My little brother whispered, like the other guys couldn’t hear.
“Oh my gosh I ship it !” I heard Sam exclaim.
“Same” Jake squealed.
I responded to Danny with a quiet “yeah.”
“Do you like her?” He now questioned a hilariously scared looking Joshua.
“I mean yeah.” He nearly whispered.
“How much?” Danny asked again, with a straight face.
“I mean, honestly, like a lot a lot. You know?” Josh replied nervously twiddling his thumbs.
“And what about you? How much?” He turned back to me, looking more at ease now. And smirking a bit.
“A lot, a lot.” I replied, also too afraid to look Danny in the eye.
“YES!” He yelled suddenly, scaring all of us especially Jake and Sam who were watching this like it was a soap opera.
“Ok ok you guys are gonna be adorable! I mean if you want to be a couple which I assume you do, and Josh we could be brothers!” He excitedly exclaimed.
“Wait, so you’re not mad at me?” I was shocked my brain barely processed what he said.
“Nope.” He said with a dopey smile on his face.
“So you wouldn’t kill me if I dated her… or kissed her?” Josh hesitantly questioned.
“No, unless you hurt her then I just might kill you.” He said cooly. Then pointed at me and said “same goes for you, and don’t kiss in front of me because that’s weird.”
Josh and I were completely relieved but I was much too afraid to look at him after that extremely awkward situation.
“So Jake and I will be on wedding planning duty?” Sam asked with a grin matching Danny’s.
“If they would let us. But Danny has to have some say too.” Jake said thoughtfully.
“Who said we were getting married?” I asked.
“Who said we weren’t?” Josh asked with a wink.
“Ew.” Was all Danny said. And honestly all I could hear before Josh grabbed my hand and started dragging me in the direction of their house.
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hiswhiteknight · 5 years ago
Fighting with Fire – Part 1
Summary:  The Reader is friends with Erin Reagan, but absolutely hates one of her brother’s. After meeting Erin for a case, Reader meets Erin’s youngest brother. But due to her hatred of a certain Reagan, the Reader isn’t necessarily warm towards the youngest Reagan.
Pairing: Jamie Reagan X Fire Fighter Reader
Words: 940
Warning: Maybe cursing, eventual angst, eventual fluff
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Erin looked at you, patting you on the back, “That was one hell of a testimony, Y/N.  Thank you, I think with that it’s a close case.”
“That monster deserves to be in a jail,” you both start your walk down to her office, “Plus, I love it when the defense tries to rile me, particularly when it’s a man.”
Erin chuckled at you, shaking her head, “You are the only fire fighter that takes this amount of joy in testifying.”
You wave that statement off, “No one testifies like me, you promised me a lunch, let’s go. I’m looking at places that serve breakfast all day.”
“Scrappy,” you heard a voice come from the door of Erin’s office, “What a pleasant surprise.”
You chose not to look, but stared at Erin, “I thought you said-.”
“I did,” she urged, “Danny, I thought you had lunch at the kids school today.”
“What a terrible greeting,” he walked in, taking a sit, while you chose to continue to stand not looking at him, “I did, but they had to reschedule due to something, so I thought I’d take my siblings for lunch. I sent you a text.”
Erin grabbed her phone, “Damn it, I’m sorry Y/N.”
“Sorry,” Danny said looking up to you, “You avoiding me there, Scrappy. Big bad police officer scares the dainty fire fighter.”
Within an instance, you were grabbing Danny’s shirt, “Y/N!”
You let go, watching Danny just smirk at you after not lifting a finger when you went for him, “You’re pretty cute when you get all fierce there Scrap, I see why you always the talk at those charity games.”
“Danny, you and me, a ring, and 5 minutes, I’ll have you crying like a-,” you jabbed your finger towards him.
“Like a little girl,” he smiled. “Sorry, I got a real job to do, can’t waste my time playing around a ring.” He ignored you and looked to his sister, “Ya ready there sis?”
She shook her head, “Kind of got plans, Danny.”
“Invite feisty here, I’ll even make it my treat. A reward for this cool temperament under pressure I only hear about,” he smiles at you.
“Go ahead Erin, I lost my appetite,” you collect your stuff from the corner of her office.
“Oh come on, I’m not that bad,” he said to you, standing up. “Think of everything we can learn from each other,” he laughed.
“Danny,” Erin scolded him.
You glanced up at him, with your gym bag in hand, “Maybe when the Jets win the super bowl, I’ll eat food with you,” you started for the door.
“I think that might be this year, they are looking mighty good,” he urged, “I’ll pencil you in for January.”
“In you football fantasy dreams, Danny,” you started for the door, “I’ll see you at the gym Erin.”
Danny looked back at Erin, then to you, before yelling, “What are you benching now a days, 25 pounds, Scrap?”
You growled through the door way and stomped to the elevator. You continued to grumble and boil while you waited for what felt like twenty years for the elevator. You heard the ding and lurched forward to get in when someone plowed into you, “Crap, are you alright?”
“Damn it, I’m sorry,” you said, picking up some of your gym stuff that fell out. He leaned down to help pick up some of the stuff, “I don’t really process patience when I’m pissed.”
He stood back up, handing you your phone and a boxing glove, “Nah, it’s alright. I get it, had to be something pretty bad -.”
“Jamie, you met Scrappy,” Danny said from behind you. You groan and look down, before pressing the elevator button.
“Danny, shut up,” Erin urged him, “Sorry Y/N. Jamie, this is Y/N Y/L/N. Y/N, this is our youngest brother Jamie.”
“You’re a Reagan,” you ask him, “I’m sorry Erin, but I had enough of the male Reagans for one day.” Right as you finished that, the elevator door open and Commissioner Reagan stepped out, “Lovely, I speak too soon.”
“Y/N,” the Commissioner greeted you.
“Commissioner,” you said as you stepped into the elevator, “So long,” you waved as the elevator closed.
 Commissioner looked at his kids, “What was that about?”
“Danny torturing my friend, again,” Erin smacked him, “Why can’t you leave the lady alone.”
“What,” he shrugged laughing, “I love how puffed up she gets, she’s like,” he paused to think, “What’s that bird from Snoopy?”
“Woodstock,” Jamie answered.
“Yeah,” Danny pointed, “She’s like Woodstock, it’s so easy.”
The Commissioner sighed, “Danny, you should not belittle or rile a dedicated firefighter and decorated Navy Officer. She deserves better than that,” he lectured.
“She was in the Navy,” Jamie asked, pressing the button for the elevator, “And she is a fire fighter,” he asked, “Erin, I’ve never heard you mention her before.”
“Well, as you can see she avoids Danny like the plague, but you’ve probably heard of her. She is the Fire Fighter’s heavy hitter when it comes to the charity boxing event,” Erin answered.
Danny nodded stepping into the elevator, “Yeah, she’s got game. But she is a Philly fan, so she is pretty much enemy number one and she’s one of those kitten savers.”
Their father followed them onto the elevator, “You should have invited her to lunch,” he scolded him.
“I tried, she pretty much implied she’d rather eat dirt than eat with us,” he mentioned.
Erin shook her head, “You mean, you and I wonder why.”
“Beats me, I’m sweet as pie,” he shared. Erin shook her head and thought about her friend.
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imekitty · 5 years ago
Because I'm sadistic, I have a Prompt: Danny has incredibly slowed age. He looks about twenty, when he's almost sixty, and his mind is as sharp as ever. He's attending Sam's funeral
This was exceptionally hard to write.
Tucker parked his car in the cemetery’s front parking lot. Past the gate, Danny could see a large crowd of people gathered, every single one of them dressed in black. Exactly the way Sam would’ve wanted it.
Or maybe not. Maybe she wouldn’t have liked how everyone was dressed in her signature color. She did like to be as unique and different as possible.
Danny unbuckled his seat belt and gave Tucker a weak smile. “Need help getting out?”
“You really haven’t aged,” muttered Tucker. His smile was also weak but still deepened all of the lines in his face. “You just can’t help being a brat even now at a funeral.”
“Look, I just know your knee gives you trouble.”
“Yeah, it does, but I’m not decrepit yet.”
Danny hopped out of the car and walked to the other side just in time to see Tucker groan as he put weight on his leg.
“Here.” Danny held out an arm to help, an arm still strong and taut.
Tucker shook his head and shut the door. “Thanks, but I’m okay.” He stretched his back and looked up at the sky. “It’s sunny. I’m not sure Sam would’ve liked this.”
Tucker squinted in the bright light, his eyes crinkling, skin sagging. Creases and jowls that Danny did not have.
“You gonna let everyone see you?” asked Tucker.
Danny looked down at himself. “Oh.” He turned invisible so that no one could see him. Because there were people at this funeral who might recognize him. People who would wonder why his hair was still so dark, his skin tone still so even and smooth, why there were no spots or wrinkles anywhere on his face.
The price of keeping his youth for longer than he was supposed to.
Danny walked alongside Tucker past the gate into the cemetery, kept his pace slow and synced with Tucker’s. Tucker stared straight ahead, acting as if there weren’t an invisible man by his side.
When they reached the gravesite, the oldest woman there approached Tucker. Pam Manson, Sam’s mother. At eighty-two years old, she had outlived both her husband and now her daughter.
“Tucker. So wonderful you could make it.” Pam directed him to a seat.
“Of course,” said Tucker. “Wouldn’t miss it.”
“But it seems Danny would.”
Danny rubbed his thumbs over his knuckles in an attempt to keep calm.
Tucker smiled, the corners of his mouth and eyes twitching. “Danny really wanted to be here, Pam. But he unfortunately had some family matters to take care of.”
“Of course, I understand. I wouldn’t expect him to put one of his oldest childhood friends above his family.”
Danny’s lips thinned. Sam’s mother never did like him, and after more than fifty years, that apparently hadn’t changed.
Well. At least Danny didn’t have to pretend to smile. He could make faces at her all he wanted and she’d never know.
Danny stood silently next to Tucker and only listened to the conversation he was carrying with the family beside him. This was fine, really. He was always so shy anyway and bad at making good impressions. It was just fine that no one could see him so he didn’t have to interact with anyone.
Just… Just fine.
The funeral conductor began addressing the crowd. Danny did not recognize him. In fact, he did not recognize most of the people here. When he and Sam were younger, he knew everything about her and the people in her life, but after high school, she moved pretty far from Amity Park to attend a more prestigious university, and then she just…never returned. She met a guy in one of her classes who was also a goth in his high school years, and they married shortly after graduating. Danny remembered opening the wedding invitation, smiling at how not at all surprising it was that she’d marry a guy named Lucien.
And now her children were all grown up. He could see them in the front row, all four of them. They even had small children of their own now.
During the funeral, throughout the eulogies and speeches, no one mentioned her cause of death even once. No, of course not, they all wanted to focus on her life, her strong moments, not her weakest.
But Danny’s mind kept drifting to how this all started, to that first phone call from Sam just a little under five years earlier when she told him she had been diagnosed with leukemia. She posted frequently on social media about her journey through chemotherapy, remission, recurrence, more chemo, a second remission, another recurrence, more chemo and experimental treatments, a third remission.
And throughout it all, Danny talked to her on the phone as often as he could and used rips in the Ghost Zone to visit her in the hospital when needed.
After the fourth recurrence, when the cancer spread to her brain, the doctors sent her home to die. And Danny visited her every single time she informed him that her husband and children weren’t around. He had to keep his half-ghost secret even from them.
“You look good, Danny,” Sam remarked during one of their final times together.
She had been lying on a hospital bed that had been set up in her home. The left side of her face drooped as she looked at him out of only her right eye; the cancer in her brain had caused irreparable nerve damage. Danny sat beside her and held her nearly translucent hand riddled with veins.
“It’s incredible how young you still look; I keep forgetting you’re sixty like me. You look like you could still be in college,” said Sam feebly but with humor. “Maybe I should’ve zapped myself in that portal with you.”
Danny studied her pale face, the sparse patches of hair on her head, her loose skin.
“You look beautiful, Sam,” said Danny.
Sam gave him her familiar smirk, the one he loved so much even if it was slightly lopsided now. “You don’t have to lie to me.”
Danny wished he could make her believe he absolutely meant it with all his heart.
“I don’t think I’m going to become a ghost,” said Sam the very last time he visited her. “If you’re worried.”
Danny furrowed his brow.
“I’ve had five years to prepare for this,” said Sam. “I’m okay with it now. I feel ready. I’m not going to die with any intense regrets or unfinished business. So don’t worry; I won’t be making your life as a ghost fighter harder when I go.”
She gave him one last smile, one last memory for him to cherish.
“There’s just no longer a call for me to stay.”
Danny stifled a sob and put a hand over his mouth even though no one at this funeral could see him anyway.
“You okay?” whispered Tucker.
“Yeah,” Danny replied as breathlessly as he could. He looked forward again at the current speaker, one of Sam’s sons. His eyes were dry but bloodshot.
One of them had to die first. Of him, Sam, and Tucker, one of them had to be the first to go. Danny didn’t expect it to happen quite this soon, but it was always inevitable. And then the next friend would die, and one would outlive the others.
But he and Tucker both already knew who would be attending whose funeral in the future. It was only a question of when Tucker would die and how old Danny would appear at that time.
And Jazz, well, he knew he’d be outliving her, too. And that was normal. Him, Sam, Tucker, Jazz, they were all about the same age. It was supposed to be that way.
And it was also normal for him to attend his parents’ funerals. They were both gone now. He had expected them to die first and was at peace with it.
He again looked at the speaker, Sam’s son, speaking at his mother’s funeral because that was how it was meant to be, children burying their parents and then moving on until their own children buried them.
In the front row, Pam cried into her hands.
And Danny realized that would one day be him.
He clutched at his chest but kept his shuddering breaths quiet. His children already looked older than he did, which could only mean—
They would get old before he did.
They would die before he did.
And for all he knew, his grandchildren might surpass him in age as well, and then he’d be attending their funerals, too.
This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. This wasn’t how he was supposed to be. He wasn’t supposed to be half ghost. He was born human and he was supposed to stay that way.
Was this God punishing him for bastardizing the body he was given? Forcing him to watch everyone he loved die before he could finally leave, too?
Pam was still crying. If only Danny could ask her what it was like to bury her child. Maybe she could help him prepare for when he would have to bury all of his.
Danny sniffled as a couple tears slid down his face. Tucker glanced up in his direction but said nothing. For once, Danny was glad to be invisible. He hated crying with other people around, but here, he could cry as much as he wanted and no one would ever know.
He was supposed to grow old with his wife. Supposed to grow old with Tucker. It was hard to even think of Tucker as his “bro” these days, not with this difference in appearance and abilities. Tucker was once full of energy, and now he was just tired all the time and unable to walk or run for long without triggering inflammation in his knee. Hanging out with Tucker now was mostly just watching TV or talking or maybe playing a video game if Tucker was up for it. Nothing like the adventures they used to have, the adventures Danny still had energy for. It had been years since Tucker even joined Danny on ghost patrol.
And that should’ve been fine. That should’ve been normal. Danny should’ve been right there with him, advanced in years and down on energy, the two of them enjoying the remainder of their lives while watching their kids take on new adventures.
Instead, he was watching everyone slowing down and dying while he was stuck here and unable to follow them. Even if he wanted to join them all sooner in death, his ghostly obsession would never allow it. He had to stay here for as long as his supernatural body and health allowed him to.
You’re so lucky, Sam, Tucker, Jazz, his wife, and even his kids kept telling him. So lucky to not have to deal with wrinkles and thinning hair, straining eyes and aching joints, discolored skin spots and bulging veins.
Well, someday he was gonna be all alone. Then how lucky would he be?
A cloud covered the sun as a new speaker moved to the front. Danny shivered in the new cold shade. He wished he could say a few words, let everyone know just how amazing Sam was and how much he missed her and how much he still loved her.
But he couldn’t. He was stuck right here.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years ago
Written In The Stars CXX (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: I’m learning to drive and the anxiety it gives me should be illegal why can’t we just apparate -Danny
Words: 2,883
Series’ Masterlist
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Listen to: ‘Already Gone’ -by Sleeping At Last
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Chapter Eighteen: Inside His Mind.
"Not that I'm complaining," She heard Fred's voice from where she was, her arms tightly wrapped around his middle. "But I thought you wanted to be discrete?"
"This is just a hug," Mel murmured. "I'm sad."
"I see that," Fred was reading through the list of materials for his new products. "You shouldn't be sad though, you got a place in the team, didn't you? We're hoping you'll make us proud, Ginny as well."
"Thank you," She said. "But that's not what worries me right now. I just heard that Flint's Grandad... he's gone."
Fred stopped reading.
"Yeah, he'd been ill for a while... Erick looked terrible."
"Well, that's how you look after you lose someone."
"I acted like an idiot," She groaned. "I just stood there..."
"For the best, if I'm honest," He continued. "Some people don't react well to hugs when they're in shock. What if someone had walked in on you hugging a Slytherin? That's bad for everyone involved."
"I'm her friend, to hell with the gossip..."
"I wasn't talking about the gossip," The boy replied. "He's been helping us a great deal by keeping the prefects of his house away from the D.A. I'm really sorry about his Grandad, he helped us to get a great deal for a little flat on Diagon Alley, but we have to be careful; if someone sees him acting too friendly with any of us that wouldn't help him, would it?"
"I guess not," Mel propped herself up and away from his chest. "I still think I could've done more."
Fred gave her a serious look.
"Your schedule is full all the time, you barely have time to sit and sulk on me!"
"That sounds terrible," Mel blushed.
"Well it's true, you only come to your dear boy-friend," He smirked, knowing how flustered Mel got, "to complain about how hard life is. I don't mind being a shoulder to cry on, but maybe you could compensate afterwards?"
His smile widened.
"Get out," Mel slipped away from his grip, crossing her arms. "Leave before I hex you."
"Oh, c'mon!" Fred laughed. "Not even a good night kiss?"
He laughed louder, standing up and lifting his hands in surrender, his notebook under one arm.
"Fine," He sighed. "I'm just saying, you'll miss me during the next weeks, you'll be all alone in Grimmauld Place and I'll be at the burrow..."
"I've created a monster," Mel groaned, feeling her face burning.
Twenty minutes later she was finishing her History of Magic essay, her eyes slowly giving up in the dim firelight. Ron was laying across the rug and Hermione was next to her, writing the longest letter ever to Krum. Harry was nowhere to be seen, but she didn't worry about it, if he were in danger she'd be able to feel it.
He came back eventually and sat down quietly in front of the girls.
"What kept you?" Ron asked.
"Are you all right, Harry?" Hermione glanced at him, noticing his silence.
He didn't answer, Mel lifted her gaze. Harry was pale.
"What's up?" Ron insisted, leaning on his elbow. "What's happened?"
Harry shook his head slightly, opened his mouth, then closed it again. He glanced at Mel nervously, and she was surprised when he immediately darted his eyes away, his hands closing into fists to avoid shaking.
"Is it Cho?" Hermione asked knowingly. "Did she corner you after the meeting?"
Mel had noticed the Ravenclaw staying behind, staring at Cedric's picture, but she didn't think much of it because her mind was already swirling, too busy to focus on the girl Harry had a crush on.
Ron let out a silly giggle.
"So — er — what did she want?" The boy asked.
"She —" Harry started, but when his eyes found Mel's again his voice faltered and he had to stop to clear his throat. "She — er —"
"Did you kiss?" asked Hermione bluntly, trying to finish with it as fast as possible for the sake of her friends' sanity.
Ron sat up and accidentally pushed his ink making a mess on the rug. None of them moved to fix it.
Those ten seconds felt like a lifetime. Harry stared at Ron, then at Hermione. When he gathered the courage to look at her, he frowned slightly, a short and silent nod making its way out.
Three second-years that were sitting near them jumped. Ron's laughter filled the room and for the first time in her life, Mel didn't follow. Harry was waiting for her reaction, which was weird considering she'd hidden away when Harry found out she'd kissed Fred. Didn't he know it was awful to ask for her opinion?
They had spent months in blissful secrecy, escaping to secluded places and holding hands, he couldn't lie to himself saying he'd never felt something for her. Yet he was, and she was doing the same thing. This whole thing felt like a joke, but she had to be fair and give him the same freedom he'd given her, no dirty looks, no insults.
Harry had every right to be with someone when they hadn't worked out. Even if she was bitter, at the end of the day she wasn't planning on giving up whatever she had with Fred, and who knew? Maybe Cho would be a better match for Harry.
"Glad to see she finally worked up the courage," Mel said lowly. "You should've seen the way she would stare at you during every meeting..."
Harry was too transparent when it came to his emotions, and at that moment, a little smile crept up his face as he looked down, clearly pleased.
"Well? How was it?" Ron's laughing fit finally stopped, and now he was looking at his best friend with eager eyes.
Harry's smile faltered and he frowned.
"Wet," He replied shortly.
Ron made a noise between a snort and a groan, Mel looked at Harry with mild confusion. Surely he had a better way to describe a kiss than just 'wet'?
"Because she was crying," Harry explained further.
"Oh," Ron said, then his face filled with pity. "Are you that bad at kissing?"
"Dunno," His expression changed, panicking. "Maybe I am..."
"No, you're not!" Mel blurted out.
"How do you know?" Ron asked her, a hint of amusement in his voice.
"Because Cho spends half her time crying these days," said Hermione, saving her without noticing. "She does it at mealtimes, in the loos, all over the place."
"You'd think a bit of kissing would cheer her up," Ron joked.
"Ron," Hermione straightened in her place and took a deep breath, "you are the most insensitive wart I have ever had the misfortune to meet."
Mel snorted.
"What's that supposed to mean? What sort of person cries while someone's kissing them?" Ron argued.
"Yeah," said Harry, still worried. "Who does?"
Hermione looked at the boys with a sad little expression; then she looked at Mel waiting for her to say something. Mel merely shrugged.
"Don't you understand how Cho's feeling at the moment?" Hermione asked softly.
"No," said the boys.
Mel rolled her eyes. Hermione, who couldn't help herself, started to explain everything.
"Well, obviously, she's feeling very sad, because of Cedric dying. Then I expect she's feeling confused because she liked Cedric and now she likes Harry, and she can't work out who she likes best. Then she'll be feeling guilty, thinking it's an insult to Cedric's memory to be kissing Harry at all, and she'll be worrying about what everyone else might say about her if she starts going out with Harry. And she probably can't work out what her feelings toward Harry are anyway, because he was the one who was with Cedric when Cedric died, so that's all very mixed up and painful. Oh, and she's afraid she's going to be thrown off the Ravenclaw Quidditch team because she's been flying so badly."
"I can relate to that," Mel sighed. "Minus the flying, I mean, I managed to get in the team after all—" Hermione hushed her.
"How can you relate to that?" Ron asked in disbelief. "One person can't feel all that at once, they'd explode!"
"Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all have," said Hermione sharply.
"That explains why you haven't been kissed, Ronnie," Mel teased.
"You've kissed my brother once, you can't talk!"
Mel had to bite her tongue so she wouldn't say she'd kissed someone else apart from Fred Weasley.
"She was the one who started it!" Harry exclaimed over their bickering. "I wouldn't've — she just sort of came at me — and next thing she's crying all over me — I didn't know what to do —"
"Don't blame you, mate," said Ron, shivers running up his spine.
"You just had to be nice to her," said Hermione, then she stopped writing once more and looked up. "You were, weren't you?"
"Well... I sort of — patted her on the back a bit."
"Dear Merlin..." Mel ran a hand over her face in embarrassment. "Why are you like this?"
"Well, I suppose it could have been worse," Hermione said with contained annoyance. "Are you going to see her again?"
"I'll have to, won't I? We've got D.A. meetings, haven't we?"
"You know what I mean."
Harry's face was a bunch of mixed emotions, she wondered if Ron was seeing what she was seeing, then maybe he'd be able to believe one could possibly feel many things at once.
"Oh well," said Hermione simply, "you'll have plenty of opportunities to ask her..."
"What if he doesn't want to ask her?" Ron said bravely.
"Don't be silly! Harry likes her, don't you, Harry?"
The boy glanced at Mel again and she pretended to be busy putting all her stuff inside her bag.
"Who're you writing the novel to anyway?" Ron asked, saving Harry the trouble of admitting something that could damage their thin bond even further.
"How many other Viktors do we know?"
Mel sat there in silence, a mix of second-hand embarrassment for Harry and something like a sharp, little sting in her chest that she was sure had to do with him as well. She thought about Erick and wondered if it was a good idea to plan a meeting for the next day so they could talk about all the things that were happening in such a short amount of time.
"Well, 'night," said Hermione as she finally finished her letter to Krum. "You're coming, Mel?"
"Yeah," She stood up.
Harry got up abruptly as well, Mel froze in place and stared at him.
"What?" She asked.
In the end, he picked up his own bag and nudged Ron's leg.
"Nothing— We're going too, right Ron?"
"Yup!" Ron stood up, his bag already on his shoulder.
"Okay..." Mel said, still feeling slightly uneasy about his behaviour. "See you..."
When it was just the two girls in the room, Hermione sneaked her way into her bed and sat down.
"I think it was nice of you to be kind to Harry, he was quite upset."
"It's not really my place to be rude, is it? I'm with Fred now... sort of."
"Yes, you are," Hermione said in a tone that sounded like she could tell Mel was having doubts. "And you're happy with him. There's no need to overthink it now."
"No," Mel sighed. "I feel bad for him though, their kiss wasn't ideal."
"Well, your first kiss wasn't perfect either," Hermione shrugged. "You simply threw yourself at Fred in front of everyone while he was in a temper..."
Mel's cheeks felt warm. She wanted to reply with 'That wasn't my first kiss.' But that would only provide a context Hermione did not need to know.
The girl laid on her bed and against her own will, thought about the very first night Harry had kissed her. Back then he looked like he knew what he was doing, but she couldn't blame him. Mel wasn't crying when they'd kissed. She was beaming with joy. For only a second, she felt happy that Harry could count that as his first.
Then a bitter voice that would come to her more often than not came to interrupt her thoughts.
'Well, he could've had more of those if only he hadn't tried to play the hero with you. He deserved that! He can't take you back whenever he pleases...'
No, he can't, Mel agreed.
At some point after falling asleep, Mel started to have a very strange dream. She felt her body on the bed, but the setting was slightly different, the light was coming from the wrong side of the room and she was wearing a different set of pyjamas.
A sharp pain shot up her forearm and cracked open her skull, or at least, that's how it felt. She let out a sharp cry, sitting up abruptly. When she opened her eyes she realized she was back on her bed, not only that, but she finally knew why the one in her dream had looked slightly different. It was the boys' room.
She got up, sweating profusely and feeling nausea. Luckily for her, her scream hadn't woken up her roommates, and she could leave the room without them noticing. When she reached the stairs she ran into Neville, who was looking really pale.
"Mel!" His eyes widened in relief. "You heard him? He's really ill..."
"What happened?"
"He–He woke up screaming and threw up..."
"Go get McGonagall," She urged him. "I'll take care in the meantime, go!"
Neville nodded and left, she walked into the room and the boys turned to look at her. Dean moved away so she could get to Harry.
"Harry, mate," Ron was saying, "you... you were just dreaming..."
"No!" He cleaned his face hastily, there was vomit on the floor, next to his bed. "It wasn't a dream... not an ordinary dream... I was there, I saw it... I did it..."
"He's talking nonsense since he woke up," Seamus told her. "He's saying Ron's dad was attacked."
Mel felt something cold run down her back. Harry gawked again and Ron jumped.
"Harry, you're not well," He said. "Neville's gone for help..."
"I'm fine!" Harry coughed, shaking uncontrollably. "There's nothing wrong with me, it's your dad you've got to worry about — we need to find out where he is — he's bleeding like mad — I was — it was a huge snake..."
"Move over," Mel said in a determined voice.
Ron hadn't noticed her until she spoke, he seemed relieved to have her there.
"Harry," She supported one leg on the mattress, trying not to step on the vomit. "What happened?"
"You have to believe me," He said hoarsely. "I swear it wasn't a dream— We have to—"
"I believe you," She said. "I can feel it, remember?"
Harry blinked, a worried expression on his face.
"Yes... I remember..."
"Good," She held his face firmly and stared into his eyes. "Now, show me what you saw."
"Think about your dream," She explained. "I'll see it."
She wasn't an expert at Legilimancy yet, but now was the perfect time to make use of her hours studying the subject. Wouldn't hurt to try...
Harry nodded and stared back at her, his frown deepening as he tried to recall every little detail.
It was the strangest sensation, getting pulled into someone else's thoughts. She saw the dark hall, Mr Weasley's body covered in blood in a place that looked slightly familiar. The weirdest part of all was that Harry had seen it from the creature's point of view— What did he say it was? A snake..?
Mel blinked, stumbling away from Harry and feeling Dean and Seamus holding her so she wouldn't fall.
"Merlin, that was hard..."
"What did you do?"
"I saw... I read his mind," She said dryly.
"You what?"
"Don't go around telling this to other people!" She warned them. "I mean it, this is a secret!"
"Fine!" Ron exclaimed. "But what did you see?"
Before she could reply, Neville and McGonagall entered the room.
"What is it, Potter? Where does it hurt?"
"It's Ron's dad," Harry sat up again. "He's been attacked by a snake and it's serious, I saw it happen. Mel saw it!"
"What do you mean, you saw it happen?" Professor McGonagall frowned. "What do you mean Mel saw it?"
"I don't know... I was asleep and then I was there..."
"You mean you dreamed this?"
"No! I was having a dream at first about something completely different, something stupid... and then this interrupted it. It was real, I didn't imagine it, Mr Weasley was asleep on the floor and he was attacked by a gigantic snake, there was a load of blood, he collapsed, someone's got to find out where he is..."
"It's true," Mel added hurriedly. "It woke me up—  You... you know what that means, right?"
"I'm not lying, and I'm not mad!" Harry insisted. "I tell you, I saw it happen! Mel did something a second ago, she saw my thoughts!"
"I believe you, children," said Professor McGonagall. "Put on your dressing-gown, both of you. We're going to see the headmaster."
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Next Chapter —>
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chayacat · 3 years ago
Devil’s Sweet Star (45)
Fandom: Dead by Daylight
Ghostface x Female Reader  
Rated M for Violence, Language and Smut  
That feeling... you thought it would be gone forever. But it’s still there. And it’s much heavier than before. The question is: why? Why is this feeling of insecurity, this feeling that something dangerous is going to happen to you, still there? You know everything. You know that Danny won't do anything to you, that he will always make sure that the police don't know anything. But you have a hunch that the thing that wants to hurt you... is foreign to the city. to the country itself. You've been hearing for a few days something... unusual. Like voices.
But these voices are inaudible from others. Only you seem to hear them. At least that's what you think. They are strange, impossible to distinguish whether it is men or women who talk to you. or maybe both? Just as it is impossible to know what they are telling you. These are whispers. The only words you managed to understand once were: "Sorrow" and "Suffering". But nothing more. Could it be ghosts? spirits wandering aimlessly and trying to get in touch with you? From memory, you don't remember having a gift for communicating with spirits. But you've always believed in it. And you have always respected the dead, whether they were people you knew or complete strangers. Perhaps this respect has earned you a gift from the gods, allowing you to contact the afterlife? Maybe.
“Have you seen the latest news? In the end Hoggins was not McKellan's murderer. It was Ghostface!” said one the customer.  
“Yeah, I saw. But hey, is it surprising? No. Does this change anything? neither. And I want to tell you: so much the better. At least we are sure of who we should thank.” said his friend.  
“Excuse me? You wanna thank that freaking psycho for killing people? He’s a twisted man! Not a hero!” Replied the first one.
“Yeah, and he killed two others monsters, who stole money from the poorest and even the richest for their personal accounts! Moreover, it seems that Hoggins was involved in a more horrific scandal in Florida. They only got what they deserved.” Responds the second one.  
“I have heard of this story. What a bastard, to let sick people die when they could be saved. You have to be inhuman to do that. Fortunately, we have journalists like Jed Olsen to shed light on this kind of horror. Imagine how much longer Hoggins could have remained free if guys like Olsen didn't risk their lives and careers for it.” said another man before drink his coffee. “We need a guy like him to rule this damn country.”  
If only you knew sir what we know about "Jed Olsen". If only you knew... you would quickly change your point of view. But he and the second man in the trio were right, if Danny hadn't put his life and career on the line, Hoggins would still be free with impunity. And so does McKellan. They deserved to die it's true, and Danny made sure of it. He is both a completely twisted murderer, but also a hero to the inhabitants of this city. A murderous hero... you would have a hard time knowing how he would have reacted, if he ever heard it.
He would be both flattered and annoyed perhaps. Because that's not how he wants to be remembered, he doesn't want to be remembered that way. But simply as the greatest murderer in history who has never been arrested, and whose identity will forever remain a mystery. Like Jack the Ripper in itself. You wonder inwardly if Danny was inspired by it. It’s quite possible.  
“I find it hard to believe what I just heard. Ghostface who goes from murderer to hero of the little people. It looks like the end of the movie "Joker".” said suddenly a woman voice. When you turned your head, you could see Melina, smiling at you like always, coming to the table next to the counter. “Same as usual Amy!”  
“Alright! Right away!” responds Amy with a smile.  
“Hey... you look like you have your head in the clouds. Everything's fine? Jed made you live another wild night? Be careful, you will end up with a little baby at home very quickly if it continues.” replied Melina laughing by looking at you.  
“Really funny Melina.” you start before laughing too. “Even though Jed is... wild, he knows how to be careful. We are not yet ready to have a baby. But let's say that for a few days... I have trouble sleeping well.”
“Oh. Tell me maybe I can give you two or three advices.”
You tell Melina about your bad nights. If at first, she listened attentively and without expressing emotion, once your story was finished, the young woman looked at you with big eyes, as if you had just told her your most shameful secret of your life.
“Shit, so they're after you too...” she said worried.
“What do you mean?” you ask worried.  
“Jed told me the same thing the other day. He said he heard the same whispers and even had nightmares about them. Nightmares where you were there. I thought it was just a fear not to be able to take care of you but... I have to believe that my mystical side was right.”
Hold on. Danny went through the same things you did and he didn't tell you anything? It's not very friendly. But in a sense... you can't really blame him. He certainly had good reasons not to tell you about it. Surely, he didn't want to worry you, or that you would think he was crazy. Even if he is a little bit crazy in a sense. And again, the word is weak.
“You and Jed are related. And I feel like you've attracted... negative entities. Spirits, ghosts who want to hurt you. They may be trying to reach you through dreams first, but who knows how this can evolve. And who can be these spirits.” said Melina worried.  
“You starting to scare me. Why us? Jed and I didn't do anything except ... live our lives and do our work.” you said scared.
“Evil spirits have no particular criteria for attacking someone. If they find a target they like, or someone provokes them, then they go after that person. In your case, I think it's related to Jed. Because I think the mcKellan and Hoggins' souls are not... Left. They are surely stuck here because of their hatred and anger. And since you're in a relationship with Jed, they're attacking you too. Or, it's a much more powerful entity than those two. But in any case, it wants to hurt you. You're going to have to be very careful.”
“There's no way to get them to leave?”
“I could use the objects my grandmother used to purify a house but... I'm not sure I'm as good as she was. It's really very meticulous as a practice.” replied Melina.  
“I'll talk about it with Jed tonight. Thank you very much Melina.” you respond.  
You went back to work and the rest of your day was all about anxiety. If Melina is telling the truth, then you are in danger. Maybe that's why you have this strange feeling of not being safe when, all those who could have hurt you are dead, under Danny's sharp blade. And he, too, had the same experience. There is not much you can do about evil spirits except to drive them out. And you will deeply hope that Melina will be your salvation. Otherwise... you will have to think about leaving the city. Or start praying to God.
The last customers of the day ended up leaving your café, greeting you warmly. Then it was Amy and Corey’s turn who for a few days, got very close to each other. They were so lovely together. You clean the last tables before you take care of the back shop. Danny shouldn't be long in coming, so you'll both be able to discuss these nightmares you're both experiencing. Hoping he isn't too tired or in a hurry to kill someone tonight.
While you were cleaning your kitchen tools, you suddenly hear a noise coming from the room. You put down your equipment and take a weapon in case it’s a thief. You move carefully through the room until you reach the switch to turn on the light. But nothing. not the shadow of a thief, or an object that fell to the ground. You may have dreamed... Then suddenly, whispers. The same whispers you've been hearing for days and days. But this time it looks like it's coming from the back shop you just left.  
When you return to the back shop, you find that the door leading to the outside is... strange. A dark aura emanated from it and mist escaped from the lock and the bottom of the door. The whispers became clearer as you approached.
“(Y/N) …(Y/N) ...It’s time. Come with us. Join us. Feed my hunger. Give us all your suffering and sorrow. For all eternity.” said the voices.
“Who are you? And what do you want from me?” you ask.
“Who we are doesn’t matter. The most important is that you’ll feed us. With your screams, your pain, your sorrow, your blood. Now come with us. It’s time for you to meet your fate.”
Suddenly the door opened on a thick black mist. Giant spider legs came out and tried to catch you. You step back several steps but visibly, they are much longer than you hoped. As it was about to take you away, you feel something pulling you back. Under the effect of fear, you try to struggle when a familiar voice was heard.
“Hey! Hey Honey It’s me! Calm down!” said Danny by blocking yourself by the shoulders, forcing you to look at him. “It’s me...stay calm.”
“Danny...” you start as you feel tears in the corner of your eyes.  
The voices were heard again, and the paws moved towards the two of you. Danny pushed you, one of the spider legs injuring his arm in the process. He took a weapon in his hands and pushed it back to the door before getting against it and locking it. The door began to move, as if we wanted to open it from the outside and then after a few minutes... a silence set in. Everything had stopped. Danny stepped back before looking at you making sure you were still there. Then he joins you, taking you in his arms.
“What the f**k was that thing?? And what did it want??” you said crying.
“I don’t know. But for now...we’re safe.” said Danny.  
“You’re...you’re hurt. I have a first care kit. I will take care of your injury.”
You take the first care kit and ask Danny to come and sit next to you so you can treat him. He winced when you applied the disinfectant but remained motionless until you applied the bandages to him. You then put away the equipment and both of you leave the café to go home. Once at the apartment, you both sit on the sofa sighing, still in shock from what had just happened.
“Melina was right. We have attracted evil spirits. And they're not going to let us go now.” You said.  
“Honey please... Don't tell me you believe in this bullshit...” responds Danny, passing a hand on his face.  
“Danny, you saw what I saw! And you were hurt! How can you not believe in these things?? You suffered the same thing as me! Melina told me everything.”
“Okay, okay, stay calm. If they're really hitting spirits, there's not much we can do but chase them away, hoping it works.”
“Melina proposed it to me... it doesn't cost anything to try. But if it doesn't work... either we will have to leave the city, or we will have to pray to God.” you replied.
“Leaving the city would not be of much use and I have not believed in God for years. So don't count on me to pray to him. Anyway, knowing that I am a murderer I am not sure that he does much for me.” Responds Danny before getting up.  
You watch Danny walk to his office and walk out a few minutes later with his bag. He's not going to go out and kill someone tonight, is he? And even less leave you alone?? This thing, whatever it is, could come back! As he was about to leave, you take his hand before sticking yourself against him.
“Don't leave me alone... Not tonight. Please...” you said sadly.
“We no longer risk anything. I don't think this thing is attacking the two of us again.” Danny responds.  
“How do you know? If it happens, maybe it will only go after you and I will never see you again! Danny please... Stay with me.”
“...Fine Honey. I’ll stay. Tomorrow I'll call Melina. If her magic shits works...we’ll be safe again. Let’s eat something and go to sleep.”  
Despite his words, you do not let him go. On the contrary, you will tighten more and more against him. And he gave it back to you. Whatever that thing is, it will surely come back. Danny is maybe a murderer, but he is the one you love. And if this thing has to take Danny, it will have to take you too.
And that's what it intends to do. One way or another.
(My second dose of vaccine is finally done! but the effects were quick to manifest, I think my body wanted to do a speed run X) Don't worry it was nothing very bad, arm pain after the injection and the next day, headache in the morning and some dizziness in the evening. But now I'm feeling better! and above all, I will finally be able to enjoy the simple pleasures of life! And go see Dune at the cinema! I hope you’ll like this chapter like the other ones! Well, it's time for my brain to rest! Have a great weekend to you all!  See ya! )
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wkemeup · 5 years ago
Guiding Light (6)
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summary: It was supposed to be a simple mission. Get the intel and go home. Until everything goes wrong and you’re taken captive by Hydra and now, Bucky can’t breathe without you. Not until he brings you home. If he even can. pairing: bucky x reader chapter word count: 7.3k warnings: torture, angst™, graphic descriptions of violence, the peak of the angst ive been warning yall about 🖤series masterlist // series playlist
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You laid on your stomach upon the hard lumps and broken springs of the mattress, the weight of your body heavy, impossibly aching, and somehow feathery light at the same time; like your body was not your own, like you were just barely inhabiting your own skin covered in bruising and dried blood caked into your hair, bones protruding where thick muscle once sat. Unrecognizable.
Lids heavy, you dragged your arm up to the corner of the ground under the mattress, shifting slightly and taking up all of your energy to do so. A few scratches in a single line amongst forty-seven marks of the same; tiny white lines along concrete.
Forty-eight days in Hydra’s captivity.  
“How you doing over there, Y/n?” Danny’s voice called carefully through the wall.
You closed your eyes, turning your head to face the wall, staring at the crack that allowed you an ounce of sanity in your imprisonment. Your fingertips reached out and brushed the line in the wall. Tiny rocks fell from the fracture, sharp edges scratching at your skin.
“M’okay,” you replied, though the rough tone of your voice betrayed you.
You could still feel the worn muscles and aching joints from where Cain had beat you senseless for the sake of the camera a few days prior. He had yet to explicitly tell you what your purpose was in Hydra or why they bothered keeping you alive at all, but you could tell they were ramping up to their endgame soon. Whatever it was, had to do with Bucky.
You suspected it from the beginning. They were too quick to taunt him in your face and he had become the main subject of your interrogations as of late. You had handled the videos up to this point as best as you could. It was what you were trained for, but the moment you saw Bucky’s name listed upon the cue card, you broke.
You had outright refused to say his name aloud in such a place and Cain, in his unending frustration with you, had cut off your air supply with the grip of his hand until you lost consciousness. He only released long enough for you to come back to, and then he’d close his gasp again. He did that four times before he relented.
So, despite the tears in your eyes, the awful break in your voice, and the sickening guilt in your stomach, you spoke his name at the demands of the same nature of men who had tortured and mutilated Bucky Barnes until he resembled something outside of himself.
You spoke his name and you told him he was at fault just before Cain nearly beat you to death for the second time.
When you regained consciousness hours later, you couldn’t stop crying. Heaving and desperate to catch your breath, just to picture his face as you spoke those words, words you had so carefully worked to convince him of otherwise in the three years since you’d known him. Those words were never supposed to come from your mouth, never should have parted your lips, echoed in your voice. They were lies; vicious and cruel because you knew that Bucky would latch onto them and take any excuse to give into the dormant fears in the back of his mind that constantly wondered if he really was to blame for all the bad in the world.
You had so vigilantly kept your mind away from Bucky since you’d been here, focusing only on old memories, on his smile and the blue in his eyes, on something warm and kind you could hold onto, but then suddenly, all you could think about was what he was doing without you, if he’d retreated so far into himself he resembled the withdrawn, self-loathing man you first met in the kitchen before sunrise drinking coffee or if it was worse than that, if he dove back into missions and reckless behaviors and gave into the empty part of himself he reserved for the soldier.
You weren’t sure which was worse, but having to think of him being anything other than the incredibly kind, gentle, wonderful man you knew tore at your heart in ways you couldn’t explain. You didn’t want to think that you could hold that kind of power, that being ripped from his life would alter him in such a way. His recovery was too important for that. And yet, if you let yourself think of it, if it had been Bucky that was taken forty-eight days ago and you were the one left behind, you knew with certainty that your world would have come crashing down. It has.
“When's the last time you ate?” Danny asked as a tear slipped over the bridge of your nose, bringing you out of your thoughts. You brushed it away, glancing through the small hole in the wall. Danny had been working on making it bigger, just enough so to slip a few spare bites of food to you in the days Cain ordered the agents to withhold your food as punishment.
It wasn’t large enough to catch a real glimpse of the kid in the cell beside you, but the most you could gather was the orange waves of his hair having grown from the buzzcut over the month since he arrived. Soft freckles on his paled skin and the tan camouflage pants of his military uniform.
“Don’t know,” you replied honestly. Your body had stopped growling for food weeks ago. The pangs turning into numb aches that never quite seemed to go away. Danny didn’t say a word as he pushed a bite of bread throw the wall and it dropped to the concrete by your mattress.
“Danny, don’t,” you urged, though your fingers brushed over the bread, your mouth already watering as you touched the spongey surface. “You need to eat, too.”
“They feed me on a daily basis, Y/n,” he countered, pushing through another piece. “I can afford to share with you. Please, eat.”
You brought the first bite to your mouth and swallowed it before you could even taste the stale texturing. It brought relief for a brief moment, though not nearly long enough, and you picked up the second piece.
Danny let out a groan as he attempted to push another piece of breath through the wall for you, a side effect of the beating he took shortly after yours. He estimated he had a few bruised ribs and some swelling around his eye, but insisted he was unharmed, better off than what they did to you, he would say.
You still didn’t know why they took Danny in the first place or why they were keeping him alive. This young, inexperienced soldier who was too kind and too naïve to second guess breaking protocol to help a stranger start their car. It didn’t make sense. He had no information he could give, no secrets he could expose. He was just some kid.
You mumbled a thank you as Danny took a steady breath, ripping the bread into pieces.
“You're the Avenger here, you know,” Danny chimed in light-heartedly as another bite landed into your outstretched hand and you smiled through your cracked lips, “you need to get your strength anywhere you can grab it so you’re ready for when your team comes for you.”
As easily as it came, your lips fell back to a straight line. You swallowed back the last bite he was able to offer you.
You spent the rest of the day curled up on the mattress, trying to find sleep despite the horrible aches in your body and the likely concussions you had sustained. You were still waking up after you fell asleep, so that was a decent sign at least.
The only good thing about filming those awful videos was the fact that Cain and his men left you alone for a few days. Even if it meant no food, it also meant no torture, no questions you’d refuse to answer, no nails pulled from your skin, no knives carving into you or fists barreling against your bones. It meant peace, if only for a little while.
“Hey Y/n?”
“Yeah, kid?”
Danny paused before he spoke again, a nervous shift as he turned on the squeak of his mattress. “Will you tell me about the Avengers? What they’re really like?”
You turned so your back fell against the mattress, a wash of relief over your muscles. Staring up at the ceiling, you studied the water stains and fractures in the tiling as you considered his question.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want,” Danny quickly retracted. “I didn’t mean to overstep.”
“No. No, it’s okay,” you sighed, the soft semblance of a smile aching over your lips as you tried to find comfort upon the mattress. You had tried to keep your friends away from this room for so long, that the thought of having them with you, in memory, in spirit, in conversation, brought a kind of warmth to your chest you hadn’t experienced in a long time. “Who do you want to know about?”
First, he asked about Steve, which made sense as Danny had enlisted young without any other prospects. It didn’t surprise you that he idolized the man who went from the small, scrawny kid to a decorated war hero. What did surprise you was that Danny was more interested in who Steve Rogers was than Captain America.
So, you told him the story of when you first met Steve; how he was shyer than you would have expected and had a serious aversion to following rules. He was reckless for the right reasons and passionate for what he believed in. You told him about how Steve volunteers with Sam at the VA and helps facilitate support groups for veterans with PTSD.
Danny listened intently as you talked, asking questions here and there. He was still so young and full of the kind of awe you’d see on the streets of New York when you’d race through the city on the back of Bucky’s motorcycle as Tony and Sam flew above the crowd, chasing behind Steve as he ran at exceptional pace. It was the kind of genuine excitement of a generation who grew up with superheroes in their backyards.
Then, you told him about Tony, how he was far kinder than the media gave him credit for. You told him that he was a good man under all that sarcasm and wit and about how he routes his charity donations through international banks just to take measures to keep it anonymous. You told him about the lavish parties he throws to raise money or help improve the Avenger’s public image and how he somehow became known as the modern day Gadsby, which he had explicitly states he resents.
He asked about Natasha with a slight tremor in his voice, like he was almost fearful of even saying her name, but you told him she was witty and compassionate and fearless unlike anyone else you knew. You told him she was your closest friend and that she had spent countless hours of her own free time to train with you when you first joined the team. You told him that she always wore socks around the compound, even on the hottest summer days, and made the best homemade bread you’d ever had in your life.
You told him about Sam, who was always your main source of laughter, who had a comeback for just about everything and the heart of someone twice his size. You told him about the time Sam once drove five hours just to get a specific type of chocolate from his childhood in the days after you came home from a mission that had more casualties than anyone had expected, hoping the sweets would bring back even an ounce of your smile.
Danny was enthralled the entire time, so eager to learn more and asking the kinds of questions you’d only get from someone who genuinely cared, who spent most of their life looking up to superheroes and wanting to embody them as he got older.
He asked about what it was like living at the compound, if superheroes ordered pizza, what kind of shows secret agents watch on Netflix, and what you did when you weren’t on missions. He got you laughing enough to forget about the pain in your body and the warmth of the memories allowed you a brief distraction from horrors of the room you laid in.
“They sound awesome,” Danny exhaled with a laugh and you could only picture the grin that spread over his lips, cheeks aching from smiling for so long.
“Yeah, they kinda are,” you chuckled, surprised to find you had been smiling too. Even through cracked lips and discolored bruising on your jawline, a smile still found its way back to you. How it was possible this kid was able to bring that out in you, you didn’t know.
“What about, um,” Danny started with a nervous tick in his voice, “what about Sergeant Barnes? You haven’t mentioned him...”
You clenched your jaw as you focused on the watermark on the ceiling above you, suddenly a dry ache burning in your chest that wiped away your smile.
“I know the papers talk a lot of crap about him,” Danny went on to say, “but I don’t believe that garbage. He served his country, spent decades as a prisoner of war for it, and this is the way we treat him when he comes home? It’s bullshit. He’s a veteran who got dealt a shitty hand and he shouldn’t be treated like an enemy. All these assholes talk a big game but if it came down to it, none of them would have been able to survive what they put Sergeant Barnes through, let alone resist all the brainwashing Hydra forced on him. They’re all a bunch of cowards. He’s a hero if you ask me.”
You nodded, tears welling in your eyes. It wasn’t often you came across someone who so adamantly and without persuasion believed in Bucky’s innocence. Sniffling back tears, you pressed your hand to the crack in the wall, like it was an extension of you, like maybe Danny could feel your appreciation through the barrier. The small glimpse of him you were able to see through the hole in the wall turned to you, a soft smile on his face as he pressed his hand to the crack.
You let your hand fall away, taking in a deep breath as Danny settled in against his own mattress.
“Bucky is the best man I know,” you said, the words flowing out easily, because they were true and because just being able to talk about Bucky, to have him with you like this, might have been the only thing keeping you from falling apart. “He still has a hard time accepting what Hydra did to him, what they made him do, but he’s come so far. The progress he’s made has been just... amazing to watch. He’s so strong and he cares so much but he holds the weight of the entire world on his shoulders. I just wish the rest of the world could see him the way you do.”
“I’m sure they’ll get there,” Danny replied. “They just got to get to know him, right?”
“It’ll take time,” you chuckled softly, thinking back on fonder memories.
So, you told Danny about your first interactions with Bucky nearly three years ago; how he had sat at the kitchen table hunched over his coffee at the early hours of the morning, silent and brooding for weeks before he so much as spoke to you. You told him about the first time Bucky stuck around in the kitchen as you stretched before your run and how avoidance turned to tight lipped smiles, which turned to mumbled greetings until he stood dressed in running shorts and worked up the courage to ask to go with you.
“Takes a while for him to warm up then?” Danny chuckled.
“Didn’t let me carry a conversation with him until after a few days of running in complete silence,” you confirmed, smile brimming at your lips.
You told him about the day you dragged Bucky into Brooklyn and brought him to the bookshop where you purchased a series of novels on your catch-up list. The first one he read was To Kill A Mockingbird and he had latched onto the character of Scout, pulling you aside at every opportunity to talk about what she stood for and why she was so important as a character. He asked if you would help him find essays and articles about the author and what inspired her. It was the first time you had seen him excited, eager, like he had a kind of hopefulness and light in his eyes he was lacking.
You told Danny about the playlist you started for Bucky, how it had started out as records of music from the decades he missed and the best of your generation before it turned into something else. He learned he leaned towards the acoustic trends of the 70s and 80s in bands like Fleetwood Mac and artists Jim Croce, but he’d find himself asking about your favorite music, songs you’d put on when you need uplifting, songs that made you cry, songs that he’d relate to, and he’d ask if you’d put those on his playlist, too, even if you weren’t sure if he’d like it. He told you he’d love anything you did. You’d hear the playlist echo down the hall at all hours of the day.
You told him of your first mission with Bucky in Vienna, how you would have bled out in the combat zone if Bucky hadn’t carried you out of there. You told him that Bucky was incredibly brave and selfless behind all those layers of guilt he carried upon his shoulders. Even in the months he was suffocated by the shame of it all, before he was able to start swimming back to the surface, he was still impossibly kind for the cruelty he had experienced.
He found a way to step back into the light and you could only pray he hadn’t fallen back to the darkness.
“You really care about him, huh?” Danny sighed.
You closed your eyes for a moment, trying to picture Bucky’s face. Details were starting to fade away, like the two freckles in his forehead and the patterns of gold trimming on his left arm, and that was what scared you the most. But you could still picture the blue of his eyes, the soft wave in his hair, the smile that left crinkles along the side of his face, and that was what kept you from succumbing to Hydra’s torture, to their demands.
“I love him,” you exhaled as tears slipped from the corners of your eyes. You had only said the words aloud once, from behind the glass barrier that kept you from him on the day you were taken. Saying it now, so far away from the man who needed to hear it tore at your chest but it made it real. It reminded you that it happened, that you had loved someone so deserving and so beautiful and that it was worth it, even if it led you here. Even if you’d never get the chance to tell him again.
Danny didn’t say anything, but you could hear the gentle sounds of his breathing as he listening intently. His hands brushed over the crack in the wall, the shadow casting into your room, and you mustered a sad smile, knowing it was his way of letting you know he was still there, still listening.
You brushed your nose, sniffling back more tears. “I um, never had the courage to tell him until I realized Hydra was going to take me prisoner. Thought I might not ever get the chance again and I couldn’t let him go on thinking I didn’t love him, that he wasn’t worth it or didn’t deserve of something more, because I know he thought those things of himself.”
“Does he feel the same way?” Danny asked cautiously, sincerely.
“Don’t know for sure,” you shrugged, running your fingers under your eyes to wipe at the tears. “I think he might. It’s hard to believe he would so willing open up to me the way he did, trust me with his burdens and the horrors in his dreams if he didn’t, but I...” you let out a heavy sigh, one that crushed on the weight of your chest, “I don’t think I’ll ever know.”
“I don’t understand,” Danny paused, a soft shuffling as he adjusted on his side of the wall, “of course you’ll know. You can tell him again when he gets you out of this hell hole and I’ll knock sense into him myself if it’s not the first thing he says to you.”
You chuckled through the tears on your cheeks, biting at your lip to keep your voice from breaking. “I don’t know about that, Danny.”
“But you said they’d come for you,” he questioned and a lump burned in the back of your throat.
“I know,” you confessed, “but things don’t always work out the way they should. I know my team is doing everything they can to find me. I know Bucky is doing everything he can but… people like me, in this job, we don’t always get happy endings. I’ve done more good than bad, saved more people than I’ve killed, than I’ve lost, but… the universe doesn’t take that into account. We’re all the same in her eyes and she won’t favor me because of who my friends are or how much evil I’ve prevented.”
Danny took in a careful breath after a moment of consideration, and then, “you don’t think you’ll make it out of this, do you?”
You wiped your hand over your eyes, wet tracks on your skin.
You thought of Steve and Tony, who you were sure were tirelessly working around the clock and overworking their staff to track down leads they ultimately wouldn’t find. You thought of Sam and Natasha who would spend every waking hour in the gym if they weren’t out in the field because neither of them ever learned how to sit still when something was out of their control, how Sam would resort to his charm and wit to pull the rest of the team from their hopelessness and how Nat would put on a smile and pretend like she was handling it better than she was.
Then, with a broken heart, you thought of Bucky; of ocean eyes and warm smiles, of the smell of old bookshops in Brooklyn, and sitting at the floor of your bedroom listening to music and introducing him to new books. You thought of sitting at the kitchen counter at five in the morning and the bitter taste of black coffee. You thought of morning runs and sparring in the gym, of his laugh and the glances he’d steal in your direction.
You thought of the look on his face the last time you saw him, how he had promised he would find you, lips read through the glass barrier, and how wholeheartedly you had believed him.
But that was forty-eight days ago.
“I’m not sure anymore.”
Later that night, you found Bucky in your dreams. At the end of an impossibly long hallway, dark shadows in overcast shielding the lights, locked doors on either side as you sprinted towards him. He stood still, impossibly so, and the floor seemed to stretch under you as you ran. Your legs were too weak, pace too slow. He was getting further and further away despite the hot breath in your lungs and the ache of your legs.
You screamed for him, but your voice was gone, broken and raspy, coming out in only a whisper. He reached out for you but the darkness was pulling him in. It wrapped like tentacles around his wrists, his ankles, his neck, but you were gaining on him, just a step away and your fingertips brushed his in a sweet moment of relief until he was yanked back sharply from your grasp.
Into the darkness he fell and you tried to follow, but you couldn’t see. You felt around aimlessly but there was only the cruel mask of empty space around you. Heart beating painfully, sobs racing through your body, and you shouted his name. A broken, desperate plea, to be unanswered.
Suddenly, you were pulled from your sleep with the series of loud clicks at the door; locks unfastening quickly resulting in a sharp twist in your chest as your heart rate increased, a conditioned response even on the verge of consciousness.
“Rise and shine, princess!” Cain’s voice barreled into the cell as the door slammed open.
You groaned, pressing your face into the mattress as the influx of florescence filled the room. Even your nightmares were better than whatever Cain had in store for you. At least you saw Bucky in your dreams.
Harsh hands gripped onto your arms and yanked you from the mattress. You tried to walk, to carry yourself to the chair bolted to the center of the room, but these men wouldn’t allow you the dignity of that. They tossed your body around like a rag doll and threw you into the chair, quickly fastening the restraints.
They were cowards. If you were at your full strength you could have taken the pair of them down, and yet, even weakened and starved and beaten, they still felt the need to cuff you under metal sheets that punctures and burned at your raw skin, red and swollen.
You turned to Cain who was leaning against the wall, arms folded over his chest, and an obnoxious, smug smirk curved upon his thin lips.
“What do you want?” you rasped, voice still altered from the last time his hand was wrapped around your throat. He chuckled at that, whether it was your taunt or the state of your voice, you weren’t sure.
“You should watch your mouth,” Cain warned, “especially since I’ve come with news for you.”
You narrowed your eyes. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Means your little boyfriend and your team of insufferable idiots just captured one of our men,” Cain replied casually, though the hardened tone of his voice remained. He pushed himself from the wall and he began to pace around you. His hand touched your shoulder as he rounded your chair, fingers sliding up your neck, around your back, and down your left arm until he faced you again
You watched him carefully, chest panting a little harder, heart in your throat.
“Jennings is a seasoned agent and he will bide us time, but it won’t be enough,” Cain continued.
A dread settled in your stomach. “Enough for what?”
“The Avengers are getting too close,” Cain said, blatantly ignoring your question, “and we will have to resort to drastic measures to get them off our tracks.” He looked to the door and Moira, the blonde woman behind the camera you had come to know, stepped through the door. Cain pressed a kiss to her cheek and she kept her eyes on you the entire time, like it was meant to be an affront. The video camera hung from her left hand.
“We’ve got a new video to shoot today,” Cain smirked, “ain’t that right, baby?”
Moira nodded. “Got something real special in store.”
They stepped aside and a new figure was shoved into the room, bound and restrained by agents, one that made your heart stop completely. It wasn’t possible, not as far as you knew and you knew pretty well from your trips to see Shuri with Bucky. This kind of technology was far beyond SHIELD’s capability and Wakanda hadn’t even breached the surface on this yet.
It wasn’t possible.
Heart in your throat, your lips parted in shock, unable to process what you were seeing.
Cain smirked, amused by the panic coursing over you and he turned to Moira, black mask curling into his right hand.
“We go live in ten.”
Bucky’s breaths were heavy in his chest; calculated as he filled his lungs every few steps, legs burning as he raced down the busy streets of Manhattan. A silver Toyota Highlander weaved in and out of traffic fifty feet ahead, carrying inside a Hydra affiliated scientist who had been rumored to know where they were keeping you, had maybe even laid eyes on you in person within the last three weeks.
Jennings was the one to give the scientist’s name after days of interrogation: Anton Sokolov, a geneticist known for his work on those with enhanced abilities. Sokolov’s father was one of the men Bucky became familiar with in his years under Hydra’s rule. It appeared an affinity for experimenting on unwilling human subjects ran in the blood.
“I’ll cut them off on 42nd,” Steve’s voice echoed through the coms, accompanied by the roar of his motorcycle.
“Why the hell are they heading to Times Square?” Sam grunted from several hundred feet above Bucky’s head. Wings expanded as he dove through the sky, just ahead of Bucky, enough to keep a watchful eye on the SUV. “They’re not going to escape through there. What are they playing at?”
“Capture first, ask questions later, Wilson,” Nat said through the coms in her usual teasing tone. Wind captured in her mic as she held onto Steve’s back.
Bucky skirted out of the way of a cyclist passing through the intersection as he ran straight through a red light in effort to keep up with the SUV. He was gaining on the van, closing the gap the closer he got to Times Square, the heavy traffic of pedestrians increasing with every block. Only, Bucky wasn’t running any faster. If anything, he was losing energy from the sheer exhaustion of running after a car for nearly thirty-six blocks.
They were slowing down.
“Something’s up,” Bucky panted into his mic. “They’re leading us to a trap.”
“There’s nothing out ahead of you,” Tony reported. “I’m above 42nd and 7th. You’re clear.”
“Bucky’s right,” Steve said, the roar of his engine pulling to a halt. “If they were trying to run, they took a wrong turn about forty blocks ago. They planned this.”
“Guess we better be ready for anything,” Nat replied, a tone of excitement in her voice. She was always ready for something like this. Wasn’t trained for anything else.
“Here we go,” Tony sang as the SUV passed 41st street. From above, Bucky could spot the red and gold shimmer of the iron man suit suspending in the air as he aimed an open palm at the ground ahead of the van, shooting a single blast that took out the front two wheels.
Pedestrians were screaming, running away from the scene; tourists paused to pull out cameras and iPhones at the sight of the Avengers in action while native New Yorkers kept their heads down, headphones in as they continued their commute without interruption.  
Tires broke and tore from under the van, rubber flying out to the sides as a deafening screech rang through the streets. Electric sparks burst from under metal as it scrapped along the pavement until ultimately, the SUV skidded to a stop.
Tony and Sam touched down on either side as Bucky sprinted up to the side door, denting the frame as he crashed into it. He released a guttural scream and ripped the car door from its hinges, throwing it several feet down the street.
Inside, he was met with a man in a white button-down shirt, glasses, and a black tie, holding his arms out to the side in defense. The two men in the front seat were hunched over the dashboard, the blast from Tony’s suit rendering them unconscious as blood dripped down the side of their face from the impact.
“Soldat, it’s so wonderful to see you,” Sokolov smirked, thick Russian accent as he taunted the very man who carried vengeance in his veins. Bucky gripped the cold metal of his left hand around Sokolov’s collar and yanked him from his seat, tossing him into the street and he skidded along the pavement on his back.
Bucky pushed Sam aside and stalked towards the Hydra scientist until he stood above him. Sokolov laid on his back, making no effort to run away as Bucky slowly knelt above him, his right hand curling into a fist as he raised it, ready to strike.
“I’m done with these games,” he growled. “Tell me where Y/n is, now!”
“Buck, you’ve got an audience,” Steve said carefully, appearing just a few paces ahead of him. Bucky glanced up slowly, eyeing the crowd of people who had gathered on the sidewalks, standing at a careful distance though they held their cameras and phones out to capture the Avengers in action, to capture the Winter Soldier beat a man to death.
“Yes, Soldat,” Sokolov taunted, “don’t want to upset the balance of your public image any more than you already have. You’re already a monster in their eyes. Do you wish to prove them right?”
“Shut the hell up,” Bucky spat, clenching his metal fist around Sokolov’s shirt, his right arm shaking as he held it above his head, closed into a fist. He looked up at Steve, panting, sincerely trying to bring himself back from the brink of darkness but he couldn’t find the end of the tunnel, not without you. “He knows where Y/n is.”
“That’s right, I do.”
Bucky’s eyes widened, gaze snapping back to Sokolov, who seemed quite pleased with himself. Even Steve and Sam, who stood above him wore the shock evident upon their features. Nat and Tony who had been carefully controlling the crowd to keep them from coming closer froze as they heard it through the coms. It was one thing to hear it through rumors, but another for it to be confirmed.
“But you’re too late,” Sokolov finished, pursing his lips, satisfied with the way desolation quickly replaced the ounce of hope swimming in the blue of Bucky’s eyes. “You wasted too much time, Soldat. She cannot be saved.”
“You’re stalling,” Bucky sneered, glancing up to Steve for support and he mustered a short nod.
“I was with her just days ago,” Sokolov grinned through yellowed teeth and dried lips as Bucky’s heart dropped, his stomach twisting into painful knots. “You have not seen her the way I have. She is weak. Pathetic. You do not see how she cowers in fear, how she cries out your name, begging for you to save her while we tear her apart!”
“No, you’re-- you’re lying,” Bucky accused but his throat had run dry.
“Am I?” Sokolov jeered, a laugh on his tongue. “Do you really think so, Soldat? You think that she is strong enough to withstand what we did to you? You think she could survive the torture and the pain you remember so well? You think we would even allow her to live!?”
Bucky let out a scream and dove his fist to the side of Sokolov’s face, a deafening crack of cheek bones as his knuckles hit flesh. He couldn’t stop himself, tears in his eyes and weeks of desperation and hopelessness rushing to the surface, and he swung again and again until his fist was bloody and broken and Sokolov had stopped laughing, stopped smiling, stopped taunting Bucky of the very nightmares he couldn’t remove from his head.
“Bucky,” Steve gasped, his voice distant, fearful, looking elsewhere, but Bucky could hardly hear him over the ringing in his ears.
Sokolov had slumped over, his body limp; unconscious, though still alive. Bucky panted, sweat dripping from his brow onto the man’s white dress shirt now dampened in red. He fell back from his knees, muscles aching and tiny rocks of the pavement imbedded into his right hand.
“Buck,” Steve said again, an urgency laced through his name that made Bucky narrow his eyes up at his friend. Steve swallowed, glancing down at Bucky with a kind of horror he had never seen in his eyes. For the first time, Steve Rogers was speechless.
It was then Bucky noticed the crowds had silenced completely save for a few murmurs behind hands clasped over mouths. A pin drop could be heard in the middle of Manhattan, at the center of Times Square. Steve nodded up to the sky and hesitantly, Bucky followed his gaze.
There, upon every screen in Times Square, replacing each advertisement and billboard down 7th avenue, was you.
Bound and strapped to that same God forsaken chair, silver tape covering your mouth for the first time, and tears streaming down your cheeks. Your heavy, exasperated breaths could be heard echoing through the street, your eyes frantically searching for something Bucky couldn’t see. In the top right corner of the screen was a single red dot. He realized with a horrible pang in his stomach, that the video was being streamed live.
Bucky scrambled to his feet, rushing a few yards forward, though he had nowhere else to go, no way to reach you through the projection of the screens. He spun in a circle, catching every monitor you were visible on, surrounding him from all sides.
“People of New York,” a voice called out, grainy and distorted, as a man in a black mask stepped into view of the camera. Hushed gasps came from the hordes of pedestrians watching in horror as the man grabbed a tight hold of your hair, enough for you to whimper. Bucky’s hands were shaking at his sides.
“Hydra has no demands. Only, a message to the Avengers,” the man continued. He pulled a silver handgun from behind his back from the waistband of his jeans. Bucky’s heart was in his throat as the man dragged the barrel of the gun suggestively up the side of your arm, over your collarbone, along your cheek, until he settled it at the nape of your neck.
Your breaths were coming in too fast, panic in your eyes Bucky hadn’t even seen the day you were taken, a kind of helplessness that shook him straight to his core.
“You are nothing compared to the reach of Hydra,” the man growled as he pressed the gun harder against your neck, forcing you to twist your head in search of relief. “These so-called heroes are weak, defenseless, and they cannot save you. They are made up of war criminals, assassins, soviet spies, washed up army brats, and arrogant billionaires. They will turn on you. They will turn on each other. They. Are. NOTHING.”
Bucky glanced back at his team, wide eyes fearful and powerless, his own voice lost to him.
Tony was cold faced, jaw clenched tightly as he watched the monitors. Sam knelt by the edge of the SUV, hands clasped over his knee, head bowed save for the moments he dared to look at the screens. Natasha was pacing back and forth relentlessly, hands curling and uncurling into fists by her sides, muttering under her breath as she glanced up at the projections, only to turn away as quickly because seeing you like that wasn’t something she ever thought she’d have to face. Steve stood just a few paces behind Bucky, watching him more than the monitors, his chest rising and falling at a speed that betrayed the calm nature of his expression.
There was nothing they could do. Entirely helpless but to watch.
“You will learn,” the man stated, straightening his back as he took a step away from you, withdrawing the gun and Bucky sighed of relief, though it was impossibly short lived. “You will learn that your heroes are no better than us and that, above all else, they are... mortal.”
Bucky heard the gun fire before he saw it.
The worst of his nightmares paled in comparison to the fear that coursed through his veins, the paralyzing shock that ripped and tore at him in ways Hydra had never been able to when he was held under their fist; not even under the sharp edge of a scalpel, or the machine that obliterated his memories.
The sharp echo of the sound punctured straight through his heart and he stumbled backwards, breaths short, uneasy, excruciating; watching in horror as you slumped forward in the chair, blood spraying onto the wall, dripping down concrete in thick beads.
“N-no,” he gasped out, rushing forward, staring up at the screens as blood soaked through your hair, your body unmoving. His hands curled against his pants, his jacket, shaking violently, and he couldn’t breathe. His vision was closing in, too blurry from the wet tears burning in his eyes.
Upon the screens, the man gripped at your hair, yanking your face up to the camera and Bucky heard a wail from behind him; Natasha. Your features were slack, eyes staring off far beyond where he could see and clouded over in a cold, unforgiving stare.
“No!” Bucky cried out, his voice breaking in the effort and burning raw in his throat, “no, n-no, please... God, no...”
The man shoved the chair until it tilted on its side until you fell from frame. The man laughed, a cold sinister kind of sound that curled its way into Bucky’s chest and lit him aflame. He stepped towards the camera, close enough that Bucky could see the color of his left eye, green, and the scar that rendered his right useless.
“And you dare to worship the Avengers like Gods,” the man sneered, his lips curving in a satisfied grin.
Bucky let out a scream and it echoed through the silence of the streets as he yanked the gun from its holster on his thigh and fired the entire clip into the closest billboard he could find. Bullet holes pierced the monitor, altering the image’s frame as it fragmented around it, shards of glass and plastic falling from the sky, and then it turned black. He felt no relief as he turned to the dozens of projections lining the streets, taunting him.
Then, the man stepped away from the camera and the video went dark.
Silence took over Times Square and Bucky stumbled on his feet; legs too weak to hold him. Muffled whimpers could be heard from the sidewalks, tearful cries as bystanders huddled together, holding one another, hundreds of pedestrians rendered witness to the murder -- the execution -- of an Avenger.
Bucky heaved, desperate to catch his breath, but he was too light headed, darkness tunneling in his vision and he fell to his knees. Rocks in the pavement punctured his skin through the layer of his pants but he couldn’t feel much of anything. Hands grasping at the fabric of his suit, trembling violently as a sob racked through his body, enough for it to echo amongst the silence.
A pain so indescribable burned and festered in his chest, unable to find a release, he pushed it from his body in a cry so heartbreaking, it cracked his voice, tears streaming down his face; no energy to care about the hundreds of onlookers.
He’d been subjected to so much evil in his life, so much hatred and cruelty, and you had been the good to come out of it. The one thing that led him through the darkest parts of his mind to the end of the tunnel where the warmth of light touched his skin again. You held him and encouraged him and helped him find his own footing so they he could walk there himself, towards the light he so desperately craved.
But that light had extinguished. Smothered and suffocated.
It died with you, leaving Bucky surrounded by the cold arms of darkness.
This is the serious angst I’ve been trying to warn you about... Theories anyone? 😅
tags 🗽 @musiclover1263​ / @pies-wands-and-more​ / @buckygrantbarnes​ / @mywinterwolf​ / @breatheeagainnnn​ / @jewelofwinter​ / @panic-naran​ / @fairislesheets​ / @kaliforniacoastalteens​ / @captain-hammer-of-asgard​ / @daydreamsquad​ / @deanssweetheart​ / @maybesomedaytho​ / @montypythonsholysnail​ / @saharzek​ / @jillybeaner13​ / @chubby-dumplin​ / @searchingforbucky​ / @alohafromhell1​ / @tabalugax​ / @shesalatesh​ / @whyamidoingthistomyselfhelp​ / @aliensbecameourstyle​ / @bucksgoat​ / @serpensortiaaa​ / @trash-rats-unite​ / @hungry-pasta​ / @nervosaa​ / @lbuck121​/ @get0verit​ / @obama-mia​ / @imsoft-barnes​ / @this-broken-band-girl​ / @michelehansel​ / @itz-kira​ / @forever157​ / @grey-water-colors​ / @sebastianstan-posts​ / @sarcastic-and-cool​ / @no-clue-whats-happenin​ / @capsgrl​ / @happyeyesandsunshine​ / @slithredn​ / @13sunken-ships13​ / @thefandomplace​ / @sweetheartbarnes / @jennmurawski13 / @galaxkay / @moonlessnight14 / @wxstedhexrt
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oldsilverblood5 · 5 years ago
Part 2 to Isolation
Paulina mumbled angrily to herself as she walked down the hall. Finally, she could go to lunch. She couldn’t believe she had to waste half of her lunch period on some stupid computer error. At least the assignment was in now and she wouldn’t have to worry about it again.
As she walked through the halls, the unmistakeable sounds of hitching breath and crying teen reached her ears. Though Paulina wouldn’t have minded some gossip, she really just wanted to go to lunch and not deal with some crying loser. But she grimaced as she realised the sounds were coming from the hall she needed to walk through to get to the cafeteria.
Hoping that she could just pass by without being noticed, Paulina slowly turned the corner, but froze once she realised who it was.
It was the Fenton boy. The one with the crazy parents that ran around in garish jumpsuits claiming to be hunting ghosts. She didn’t know his first name, only knowing ‘Fenton’ from the family and the obscene nicknames Dash always came up with.
Paulina didn’t know him personally, nor did she know him well, but she did know that he had two friends. There was the tech nerd who was always naming his tech, she knew even less about him than she did Fenton, but she knew the other one well.
Sam Manson, the goth freak that was always making out like she was better than Paulina. Unfortunately, their parents were friends, and that meant the two were forced to spend time together whenever their parents met up. They generally maintained their distance at school though, and no one knew they knew each other outside of school. She was pretty sure even her friends didn’t know. Which was fine by Paulina, and she had no intentions of changing that.
But she did know how close the three were, and it confused her that they weren’t here to comfort their distressed friend. Maybe they got into a fight? But with her impression of their friendship, she didn’t think it would be so bad to get to this point. Honestly, he was crying like the world was ending or something.
Her curiosity got the best of her, and after looking around to make sure there was no one here to see her talking to this loser, she called out to him.
Her voice surprised him apparently, because his head shot up and he immediately locked eyes with her. Whatever expression she expected him to have on his face, it was not the mixture of shock and hope she found.
“P-Paulina?” Okay, this is creepy. She’d had people look at her with reverence before, but Fenton looked like he was afraid she’d disappear.
“Yeah?” Seriously, the almost crazed look was freaking her out. “What the hell’s up with you? Why are you acting so weird?”
That seemed to make him realise what he was doing as he winced and drew back into himself, though his eyes kept flicking back to her. “Sorry… You… You know who I am?” He sounded pathetically hopeful, and she focused on that rather than the desperation that came off him.
“Don’t act like it makes you special or anything.” She said, rolling her eyes, “People only know you ‘cause you’re a Fenton. You’re still a loser.”
For some reason, that made him chuckle. It sounded off, but it was still there. “I’ll take it.” He whispered.
Paulina frowned at him. There was something strange going on. “Where are your friends.”
He curled in on himself and looked like he was about to cry again. She was just starting to think it was a fight when he spoke again, “They don’t know who I am.”
“What?” She asked, disbelieving. She must have misheard because that didn’t make any sense.
“They can’t remember me. I thought they were just mad ‘cause of what I said yesterday, but they really don’t. They don’t know who I am.”
Paulina stared at the boy as he started crying again. This didn’t make any sense. How could close friends just forget each other? Things didn’t work that way.
“That makes no sense at all, Fenton. People don’t just forget somebody. It’s probably just some dumb misunderstanding.” Though even as she said it, there was some part of her that couldn’t believe it. How could you misunderstand somebody that badly? And the way he reacted when she said his name still put her on edge. It’s like he was glad anyone knew who he was.
“Believe me, if that were the case I wouldn’t complain. I’ve never wanted to be an idiot more in my life.” He chuckled wetly. “But they were serious.”
Paulina growled in frustration as she dug through her bag. She wanted to get away from this enigma, but she also wanted to make sense of it all. She threw him a small packet of tissues she kept as an emergency. “There. Your face is a mess.”
He looked between them and her like he couldn’t believe she would do such a thing. “Thank you.” He said quietly as he opened it.
“I’m going to lunch now.” Paulina ignored the brief look of panic on his face before he reigned it in. She could tell he didn’t want to be alone, but she couldn’t stand to be here any longer. “I’m talking to your friends later to get to the bottom of this.” She said before she could stop herself. Sure, she wanted answers, but that didn’t mean letting Fenton know about it.
“You-you are!?” He gave her a look of pure shock.
Paulina crossed her arms with a huff. “I don’t like it when I don’t know things. And I don’t understand this at all.”
“…Thank you.” Paulina blinked, surprised at the words. Fenton was giving her a small grateful smile.
“I’m not doing it for you.” She narrowed her eyes.
His smile dimmed a little. He looked so fragile and it was starting to annoy her. “I know. But, thank you.”
She didn’t know how to react to that, so instead she asked him a question. “What’s your name?”
Fenton blinked at her, confused. “What?”
Paulina rolled her eyes, “Your name, loser. I only know your last one.”
“Oh, uh…” He looked surprised, and she supposed she didn’t blame him. It’s not like she’d asked before. “It’s Danny.”
With that, she nodded and walked away. He didn’t call out to her and she didn’t look back. She went straight to the cafeteria to enjoy what was left of her lunch period.
As she walked over to her table, Paulina’s eyes scanned the room, easily finding the two she was looking for. They were sitting in a back corner, alone, and didn’t seem concerned at all by their missing friend. She wanted to ask her friends if she’d missed anything between the trio but didn’t want to seem interested if there was nothing to say. There was no reason to worry though, as Star quickly brought it up anyway.
“Did anyone else notice what happened with Fenton earlier?”
Dash rolled his eyes and looked like he was going to say something along the lines of, ‘who cares’, but Paulina stepped in before he could.
“No. What was it?” She maintained an air of bored curiosity, not letting anyone know she was actually interested. She didn’t want anyone to know about her conversation with Fenton until she got the rest of the story.
“I only caught the last bit of it, but his friends looked like they were about to attack him. Then he got this real sad look on his face and just stared at them for a while. He ran off not long after that.”
Paulina shrugged, “Probably got into an argument or something. Did you hear what they were talking about?”
Star waved a dismissive hand in her direction, “Nah, I wasn’t close enough.”
Paulina hummed, and moved the conversation onto something else before they could get suspicious. It didn’t really do much to answer her suspicions, which meant she still had to talk to the two losers.
Her chance didn’t come until the change over to the second period after lunch. She cornered them at Sam’s locker and since she had to change her books, they had little choice but to listen to her.
“So, I hear you two developed sudden amnesia.” Sam’s annoyance and the nerd’s wariness turned to confusion at the one statement. “What? Did you forget who I am too?” She asked condescendingly.
And the annoyance was back. “What are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about the rumour that you two are such lousy friends you’d pretend your own friend doesn’t even exist.” There was no such rumour, but she hoped getting a rise out of Sam would get her the truth and she didn’t want anyone to know she’d talked to Fenton. He’d probably tell them anyway, once this whole thing blows over, but she wasn’t going to be the one to admit it.
“Again, what are you talking about? That’s sounds like something you’d do, not us.”
“Oh, so whole thing with Danny was a misunderstanding?” She asked sardonically, not even hiding her glee at the word choice. She was going to hold this over the goth for a very long time.
The question shocked Paulina, though she tried not to let it show. Even though Fenton had seemed certain he’d been forgotten, Paulina hadn’t fully believed it.
“Wait. Is this about that guy who came up to us before?” Paulina could say what she wanted to about nerds, at least they were smart.
“Black hair, blue eyes, hideous red and white T-Shirt?” Paulina asked nonchalantly, even as a strange fear began to rise in her chest.
The glare Sam gave her for the barb was nowhere near as venomous as it should be for insulting her friend. “Yeah, that’s him. What do you know him or something?”
She stared. It was all she could do. ‘They really did forget him.’ Paulina couldn’t believe this. Everything Fenton said was true. His friends had completely forgotten who he was.
Sam must have had enough of the silence because she scoffed. “We don’t have time for this. Come on, Tuck.”
“Danny Fenton.” Paulina said before they could get away. They paused and looked at her with confusion. “Your best friend. The three of you have been inseparable for years.” She reminded, hoping to jog their memories. This was really starting to freak her out and she had to wonder if she’d stepped into an alternate universe or something because none of this made any sense.
“He’s a Fenton?” Sam asked, but beyond her confusion she gave no indication that the other statements meant anything to her.
“That would actually explain it.” The tech geek said thoughtfully, he frowned as she and Sam looked at him for clarification. “If he’s anything like his parents, the crazy is probably genetic or something. It would explain why he thought we were friends, and the little freak out he had.”
Sam nodded thoughtfully, easily agreeing to the statement to Paulina’s disbelief. If there were any doubt in her mind about this whole thing, any thought that maybe these losers were just trying to mess with her, it went out the window at the geek’s statement. Whenever someone bullied Fenton for his parents, these two stood by and defended him. Because of their friendship, they knew all the Fentons, and would not tolerate anything negative said about them. Sometimes, they were even more defensive of them than their own son was.
Her thoughts were put to a halt when Sam gave her a condescending look of pity. “And let me guess, you believed whatever sob story he spun you.” She scoffed, but Paulina gave no reaction, “You need to stop believing everything you hear Paulina.”
And she walked away, dragging the tech geek with her. Paulina still hadn’t moved, too much in shock to. If anyone noticed her standing frozen by the lockers and not going anywhere, they didn’t say anything to snap her out of it or warn her she’d be late to class. She was left to sort through all the confusing information she’d gathered as the halls emptied until there was no one but her.
Her and Danny that is.
The sniffling brought her out of it, making her look up and catch his eye. His presence, and the fact that he was, once again, crying were all she needed to know that he had been listening in. Having his friends forget he existed must have been painful enough for him, but hearing them say he and his family were crazy would just hurt even more.
Paulina made no move to comfort him. They weren’t close and she was still confused as to how this could happen in the first place. She had no idea what to do. She didn’t know if she even should do something. It wasn’t her responsibility, she only wanted to get to the bottom of whatever was going on. She now knew that they’d truly forgotten him. That was the truth and she got it. Did she really want to go further? Did she want to find out the why and the how? Was this really something she wanted to get into?
She didn’t have to. They weren’t her friends. Danny wasn’t her friend.  She could walk away now and forget this ever happened.
But could she?
What if this wasn’t a one-time thing? What if other people started forgetting things? And would her curiosity really let this lie?
She looked at Danny, teary eyed and giving her a look of cautious hope.
Could she really let him go through this on his own?
Paulina sighed. She didn’t want to help a loser with anything, but this was serious, not only for him but for everyone. They needed to figure this out. Whatever strange and unexplainable thing happened to his friends could happen again, and right now they were the only ones that knew about it.
She didn’t like it, but she couldn’t do nothing.
Paulina pulled out a pen from her bag and ripped out a piece of paper, writing her address on it. “Here.” She thrust it towards Fenton who jumped and took it cautiously. “Come to my place after school so we can try to figure this whole mess out. And don’t tell anyone I’m doing this, got it?”
Danny’s mouth hung open as he stared at the paper, not quite believing it was real. He looked at her, with eyes so full of hope she squirmed. “You-you’re going to h-help me?”
“You’re still a loser, don’t forget that.” She snapped, “But if something is making people forget things, we need to know about it.”
She didn’t look at him, and he didn’t say anything for a few long moments. Eventually, he shifted to put the paper in his pocket.
“Thank you, Paulina. I’ll see you after school.”
She nodded, “We should get to class now.” She avoided his grateful smile as they climbed to the next floor together.
Paulina hoped she’d made the right decision.
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ecto-american · 5 years ago
Le Freak
Phic Phight Oneshot for @phantomroyalty : Natural born halfas (EX a child with one ghost parent and one human parent) used to be common place. Now they are all gone. What happened to them?
It’s been a rough day lads, and this is purely self-indulgent nonsensical headcanon stuff that I wrote while partly crying over stress! Thus, fun fact for you! You can’t critique or criticize this because if you do, I absolutely will cry again! I know it sucks, it jumps around and makes Zero Sense bc editing? idk her but I just need to be able to post my fun shit and have a good time  :’) I’ll even put literally everything under the cut
Word Count: 1814
Danny looked up from his phone to glance at his mom before his eyes shifted to see who she was referring to. A dark skinned man about his mom’s height with black hair to his shoulders, in jeans and a dark yellow t-shirt was standing with a grocery cart. The man looked around confused for a moment before turning to his mom. Once facing her, he shot her a bright smile.
“Aye, Mads,” he called out cheerfully. 
“Oh, I haven’t seen you since college!” Maddie exclaimed, and Danny internally groaned. He returned his attention back to his phone, continuing to lean onto the grocery cart. He began to text his friends about the interruption. “I can’t believe you came to Amity Park and didn’t tell me!”
He heard his mom continuing to chat. His name soon came up, and he glanced up.
“This is my son, Danny.”
Cas was giving him a bright smile. Danny gave a polite half smile in return, only to freeze as ghost sense went off. He noticed at the end of the isle, a young adult turning the corner, in his early twenties with very long, light blonde hair. Super long, especially for a guy. Jean jacket and dark washed jeans, a regular black band t-shirt. Very ordinary. 
“Dad, they don’t have any salt,” he complained, but he paused upon seeing the conversation. 
“Oh, uh, this is my son, Peter,” Cas introduced briefly, and his entire demeanor shifted. Danny couldn’t help but completely forget the texting conversation. This dude was suddenly...so nervous. “Peter, this is Maddie. We went to college together.”
Peter didn’t come any closer to them. He gave a light, polite wave from afar, and Danny knew that he was staring at his mom...almost nervously. 
“I’m terribly sorry, but we need to get going,” Cas apologized. He pulled the grocery cart with him as he stepped towards his son. “Busy schedule. It was good seeing you!”
“Oh you too!” Maddie was cheerful, seemingly oblivious to the others. The father son duo left the isle, and out of sight. Danny watched after them.
“Where’d you know him from?” Danny wondered. He glanced to see Maddie putting some boxed dinners into their cart.
“Cas? He was an old classmate of your dad and I. Before Vlad, he worked on the portal with us, but ended up dropping out to care for his son, but I’m so glad to hear that he eventually went back and finished. He was always a very smart man,” Maddie replied. She glanced at the list in her hand. “We don’t have much more to get. Let’s try to get done before the rush really comes in.”
“Phantom,” a voice called out to him. Danny glanced over to see Peter standing nearby. The halfa shot him a smile, capping his thermos and a light salute. Though inside he was a bit shaky. Was he really just? Watching that entire fight?
“Hello, citizen!” Danny put on his public hero voice. He paused, half turning away as he prepared to leave. “Well uh, ghost’s contained. I’ll see you around!”
“No!” Peter’s harsh, desperate plea caught him off guard. “Please. We need to talk. I know your secret.” Danny’s blood ran cold. 
“What secret?” Danny asked quickly. “There’s no secret. I’m a ghost, what secret could I have?”
Peter’s look, that absolute knowing, scared Danny. Despite it, he didn’t seem malicious like he had feared. 
“You can’t run, because I really, really actually need your help,” Peter asked. “I know you’re half ghost.” He hurriedly added at Danny’s panicked look, “But I don’t know who your human half is! I don’t care who either, I just really need to know how you’re so stable.” 
The entire statement caught Danny absolutely off guard. Peter wasn’t giving off any kind of vibe like he was with the Guys in White, nor that he was going to hurt him. He couldn’t even sense anybody else around, and he had been fighting in the area long enough to have already set off booby traps if they existed. And his ghost sense...had gone off around him sporadically. 
“What do you mean?” Danny asked. Peter’s lower lip trembled.
“I’m half ghost too,” he claimed. Danny stared, his heart stopping. “But I can’t...it’s literally killing me.”
“I don’t believe you,” he whispered. Peter motioned for him to move back a bit. Danny did.
There were no familiar rings or flash of light that always signaled his transformation. A dark shadow seemed to overwhelm the other, and left behind a figure that was unmistakably ghostly. Electric blue skin that was forever crackling with purple energy with matching purple eyes, the once blond hair now pitch black and floating around him softly. His outfit didn’t change, but Danny’s ghost sense did go off.
Peter held his hand up, and a purple dome shield came up. An ectoplasmic dome shield. He didn’t know how to feel at this revelation. Danny could only stare in awe at the other. There was more like him. It wasn’t just him and Vlad and Dani. They weren’t alone, there were oth-
The newly exposed halfa doubled over with a groan of pain. The shield quickly melted away, and Danny tensed up. He took a step forward.
“D-Don’t!” Peter’s voice gurgled, and Danny stopped. The newly discovered halfa fell to his knees and knees, and he threw up as his ghostly form melted away. As the form melted away, Danny could feel the air being filled with a rush of electricity and static before it finally faded.
“...Are you okay?” Danny called out.
“Yeah, that’s normal,” Peter wheezed, wiping his mouth as he stood back up, wiping his knees of dirt and gravel. “My ghost powers are super unstable. I can’t…not without...” He paused before glancing up at Danny. “Did you ever have a time where you were struggling to get your powers to work?”
“Yeah,” the teen nodded.
“I’m the opposite. I have to force myself to turn it off, and it takes so much energy, and every time I just try to utilize a little bit of power, it’s this…” Peter trailed off. “It’s overwhelming. And it hurts. And I can’t just bottle it up forever. If I don’t let it lose sometimes...it’s not pretty. I try to do it in isolated areas. Just let the excess energy out.”
Danny could only imagine the kind of destruction. If he had to guess, based on the electricity in the air, this guy had some kind of electric core. 
“How’d you...know about me anyway?” Danny changed the subject.
“I didn’t put puzzle pieces together, if that’s your concern,” Peter assured him. “The other halfa told me.” Danny’s eyes widened. “It’s why my dad and I came to Amity Park. We’ve been looking for a halfa to help us, or uh, rather help me.”
“Wait Vlad told you!?” he blurted out. What the fuck, cheesehead!? Oh, when Danny found him, he was gonna.
“No?” Peter’s puzzled tone snapped him out of his anger. “There’s...more than just us three left?” Danny’s undead heart skipped a beat. 
“Five,” Danny replied. “Who’s this other halfa?”
Peter stared somberly at him, glancing at his feet briefly as he toed with some of the rubble. 
“...I don’t know his human name. I purposefully didn’t ask,” Peter told him. “I originally asked him to help me, but he’s in a terrible spot and needed help of his own, help we couldn’t give. Not without getting ourselves in worse trouble. He said you were a halfa though. It had to be worth a shot. There’s not many of us left anymore.”
“How’d you even become half-ghost?” Danny asked curiously. Peter cocked his head in confusion. 
“I was? Born this way? Ghost mom, human dad?” he said slowly. He studied Danny curiously, and it seemed to click. “Wait were you not born half ghost?”
“You were born this way?” Danny asked back. His mind was going crazy. You could be born a half-ghost? That was possible? How come his parents never knew that? This would definitely explain why his dad seemingly dropped the Fentons as a friend... “Wait, many of us left?” 
Peter’s face told him nearly everything. Something happened. Something bad. The other cleared his throat. 
“Um...yeah,” he said quietly. “It’s kind of a long story. I don’t know all the details, cause I was kinda young, but basically...there was a lot of us. We had our own little section of the Ghost Zone. Do you know how the Bermuda Triangle is a giant natural ghost portal?” Danny nodded in confirmation. “There’s a section of the Ghost Zone near where it spawns most often that we used to inhabit, because of all the otherworldly crossing. Well, we were there. Before the Guys in White found out about us, and they came, and.” 
His breath hitched. Danny felt sick. The Guys in White...knew. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up. They not only knew, but did this...oh fuck then that meant that there was a chance that they knew about him, and Vlad, and…..oh no.
“My dad said I nearly died too,” Peter continued. “One of the full ghosts saved me, smuggled me out. And my mom’s a doctor and was able to save me, but I was in a coma for like two months. Some made it out alive too. The unlucky ones…”
“...Died?” Danny guessed quietly. Peter let out a breathless chuckle. 
“No. They’re lucky if the GIW just killed them,” he replied flatly. “It’s honestly terrible. I don’t think you wanna know.” Peter was right; Danny didn’t want to know. It was Peter’s turn to be curious. “So...you weren’t born this way? Right? So how…”
“I was in an accident,” Danny kept it simple. Peter raised an eyebrow.
“Must be one hell of an accident,” he commented. Danny chuckled nervously. Peter sighed heavily. “So, I still don’t know if you can actually help my stabilization issue…cause of the differences…”
“I’ll do what I can!” Danny blurted out. Peter’s face brightened. “Please. I’d love to know more about halfas. We can compare stuff.” The young adult let out a sigh of relief.
“Come to my house tonight, my parents can tell you everything they know,” Peter agreed. He reached into his pocket to pull out the familiar small notebook. He ripped a page out, jotting down an address Danny already knew. “Just...come alone.”
Danny nodded, holding his hand out for the paper. Peter gave it to him, and despite the other powering down, Danny still felt a bit of an electric shock as they grazed hands. 
“I’ll see you then,” Danny promised. 
Grasping the note, he waved a goodbye, and he flew out. He had so much to tell Jazz.
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five-wow · 5 years ago
considering what we now know, one of the last of these i might ever get to do: i watched 10.18! thoughts under the cut.
the previously on reminds us of adam’s yakuza problems, so i was braced for that, and then we get an establishing shot of the mcgarrett house instead! and suddenly steve is ironing a shirt on a towel in his kitchen again, and for a moment i was extremely confused because this is very clearly not the same shot as in the valentine’s episode but it’s also... the same thing?
BUT THEN, of course, we get steve raising a finger and going “don’t” just before we’re shown that danny is SITTING ON THE KITCHEN COUNTER WATCHING HIM, again i might add, and danny hasn’t even said anything yet but steve is already defensive and claiming that he likes ironing (which i love, that is a wonderful headcanon) and as far as déjà vus go, this is one i do not mind in the slightest. this is, in fact, the exact content i come here for.
okay wait, EVEN BETTER, danny seems to be sitting on the counter... reading a book? he is... in the kitchen, reading (writing in? idk) a book (in a room where there are zero chairs, which is usually where people locate their asses when they read books), while steve is also in the kitchen, ironing a shirt? dear lord. danny moved in and suddenly eddie wasn’t the only guy following steve from room to room in his own house anymore, i guess.
waiiit, steve is going on a date with emma. that is. not bad, just, so very confusing. (potentially very much a lie, omfg. that kind of confusing.)
HAH. i’m not the only one who went “?”, because danny doesn’t believe steve either.
fdjkfd steve asks alexa for his schedule to prove he’s telling the truth but what this really proves is that if it’s a lie, steve had the foresight and intention to put a fake appointment in his calendar, which i would in no way put past him. that’s the easiest thing in the world.
also, danny casually dropping in that he bought alexa for steve? i??? danny is just “casually” hanging out in rooms steve is hanging out in while it makes no sense for danny to be there, buying steve presents, pulling steve’s pigtails by questioning everything he does when he gets the chance, and that’s? that’s normal now?
junior!!! junior pops into the kitchen!
and he’s GOT A DATE TOO, which is a) WONDERFUL and b) a reason for danny to start describing tani which is fascinating and c) a reason for steve to say “well you know what, i think it’s great that you and tani are giving it a go, bud”, which is super cute and it’s A+ to know they have steve’s official stamp of approval (i mean, he’s their boss, that could’ve somehow gotten awkward), but also leads to a shot we get of danny pulling a face that’s kind of “ugh” and “yeah right” mixed into one and just. you know where i’m going with this. if you’re on this blog and you’ve read this post all the way to this point you definitely know where i’m going with this, but yes, this is absolutely danny mentally yelling that it sure is great THEY’RE giving it a go, steve, and doesn’t that potentially inspire you to ruminate on something going on in your own life, like, say, how you feel about your best friend and partner who also works on the taskforce with you and has a big mouth and whose name is oddly close to tani, actually, for that matter?
steve gets a call about shots fired at adam’s building and i’m just now realizing i’m only two minutes into this episode. i’ve spent at least ten times the amount of time rambling that i have watching anything. gonna need to shake that up a little bit.
fdjkfd lou and hpd enter adam’s apartment and they find at least three guys in actual gear, all dead, and adam curled up on the floor in what looks like sleep clothes, with blood all over him, and a) is adam literally superman now? but also b) even if i do accept that it’s possible he killed all of those guys before they managed to hit him anywhere vital even once, then how did he get smeared in blood that evenly all over? did he roll around on the floor before he curled up in the corner? i’m not an expert, but i feel like that’s not how a person would look after fighting off three attackers and presumably shooting most of them.
oh BOY. adam, with a crazy glint in his eyes: “i’ve been trying to dismantle kenji’s operation for months now. and i finally have the evidence to do it.” i both unexpectedly like this, and already low key hate it for how it’s probably going to be used as the show’s way of clearing adam from all the completely bonkers things he’s been doing all on his own with zero authorization or backup and bringing him back into the fold of five-0 as a somehow still trusted team member.
oh dang. opening credits do their thing, and then there’s no pause to check whether there’s even actually any actual evidence on that thumb drive adam was holding, but we just jump to swat, adam, lou and junior rolling up to kenji’s house and engaging in a huge shootout.
adam is now the lone dude pursuing kenji through the dark woods, who is also alone, of course. they brawl, adam gets the upper hand, and he gets a chance to shoot kenji which he doesn’t take, and then he calls for emts (good! this is good!) and extremely dramatically tells kenji “you were right not to trust me. i was working for five-0 the whole time”, and it just sounds like such a weird brag at this point. so i guess adam never went to the bad side again, suddenly? he just... keeps pretending he does over and over, and the criminals on this very small island keep being stupid enough to trust him, which honestly, is on them.
adam keeps bragging and oh gosh, tell me there’s a twist here and this is not just his victory lap. there’s so much of the episode left that something has to go very wrong about adam’s nice plan to wrap it all up neatly.
aha! it’s implied that letting kenji live might go badly for adam because kenji has information about adam that is bad for him. they did not completley forget that adam did crime stuff!
noelani seems to be at a funeral and we meet her parents and they don’t exactly seem super proud of her achievements, which i think we were told in the past, but now we’re shown, and it hurts my heart.
oh noooo. noelani gets to the open casket and immediately finds marks on the body that she clearly thinks are suspicious. that’s! not going to go well, gosh.
fdjkfdjkf adam and steve are in steve’s office and steve basically just went “so your plan to fight the yakuza was to join the yakuza” and adam very seriously goes “yes.”
steve is very not happy and adam doesn’t truly seem to grasp why and then steve’s phone rings and there’s a case, which is very nice timing for adam. saved by the bell.
so five-0 is on a ship that got robbed by pirates but it’s all very mysterious, and then they realize there might still be a pirate on board and they split into search parties and it’s junior and tani as one (who start talking about their missed date), and steve and danny as the other (who are not shown talking about dates, but who knows), and just. i love watching both of those duos work together, and the junior-tani vs steve-danny parallel is once again very in your face, hah.
tani gets locked in a kitchen with the pirate and junior is outside freaking out and that’s angsty but then junior and steve finally break through the door in a combined effort and they and danny rush in, only to find tani has already solved the problem without their help. YES. GOOD CONTENT.
jkfdfjdk over on the island, quinn is now helping noelani intimidate the coroner who wrote a bad report on noelani’s uncle’s death and that is ALSO very good content.
dfjdk lou welcomes most of the team back to hq and asks “anybody left pining”, which he follows up with the rest of a sentence about the high seas, but UH. YES. i know some people who might be pining.
lots of plot stuff happens and it’s genuinely interesting to watch, but also, oh my god, quinn and noelani are making me cry.
fjdkfd tani goes to meet one of the guys from the magnum pi crossover and he says he’s still waiting to hear back from quinn about the dinner he was hoping to have with her, and i like that because my lesbian quinn headcanon is still going strong.
quinn and noelani encounter a teen trying to get out of gang life who might be on a wealthy person’s hitlist, and my first thought is just. put the kid in the mcgarrett house. not only will he be instantly adopted by steve (and thereby gain a complicated network of siblings), but he’ll also be living in a place where he’s protected by not one, not two, but three members of five-0, two of whom are former seals. just. aside from the dire lack of beds, it would be so good.
jfkdslf, steve, danny and junior find the pirates and a room full of bags of powder that looks like drugs but probably isn’t, seeing as it killed the pirates, and then a small army rolls up outside and starts shooting at them, forcing them to take cover in the room with the powder, which starts dusting the air as the bags get shot. i love how the writers made the circumstances work here, omg.
I LOVE THE WAY THAT PLAYED OUT EVEN MORE, because it made a) for a very interesting shootout with clear stakes, and b) for a somehow both hilarious and potentially super angsty moment when danny is fairly affected by the powder, which has to bring up some bad sarin gas memories for him, and then steve shoots one last bad guy right over danny’s head and danny’s ears are ringing and he yells something and steve doesn’t understand him and just kind of pats his back in comfort, which in turn gives me strong driving-a-nuclear-bomb-through-the-woods, name-your-restaurant-Steve’s-please flashbacks, oh my gosh.
quinn got the whole team together at a bar so noelani wouldn’t be sitting at home alone!!! the type of supportive female friendship i want to see!!!
and then quinn wants noelani to come dancing with her, but the magnum pi guy shows up and noelani tells him that maybe he could take her place. GAY QUINN IS SOARING. also, poor woman. this has strong vibes of danny setting steve up half against his will.
tani and junior watch quinn and the guy dance and decide to join and/or dance fight them in the best conversation ever, and it looks they’re all having SO MUCH FUN and it makes my heart happy.
what ALSO makes my heart happy is how much i enjoyed this episode, because i thought there would be a lot of yakuza stuff after that “previously on” and the beginning, but adam just kind of disappeared after his talk with steve, and suddenly there were two entirely unrelated plots which were both very neat and gave me so, so many character interactions i adored, ahh, how wonderful. i love season 10 so much.
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chuffyfan87 · 5 years ago
Hiding. Part 46b
“And I didn’t lie to you, either.”
"Did you know two weeks ago?"
“I suspected but I didn’t know.”
"You're lying. Mum went to the doctors three weeks ago."
“Your mum and I wanted to wait until we were twelve weeks. To tell everyone. To make sure the baby was ok.”
"I asked mum what was going on and she told me it was nothing."
“We didn’t want to worry you. We still don’t. I need you to talk to me, tell me how you feel?”
"All you ever do is lie to me. Ever since I was little." Peter blurted out.
“I didn’t know you were my son Peter!” Charlie rubbed the back of his neck.
"Look in the mirror dad, it's pretty obvious!"
“It is now! But back then, it wasn’t.”
"You slept with my mum nine months before I was born!"
“It wasn’t that simple.” Charlie replied.
"So Louis' mum wasn't just calling mum names coz she's nasty?"
“She only calls your mum those names because she’s jealous.”
"And not coz it's true?" Peter asked, his words barely audible.
“No! Peter. You need to listen to me.” Charlie sighed.
"Why should I when all either of you do is lie to me?"
“You want the truth? All of it?” Charlie replied.
“I slept with your mum because I was drunk.” Charlie replied, “We both were. I always thought you were my son. But I don’t want to say anything because I didn’t know what I wanted. I went from one woman to the next. I refused to break your mum’s heart like I’d done to all those other women!” He sighed and closed his eyes. “I loved your mum for a very long time but I was scared.”
"If you loved her why didn't you stop the bad things that happened to her? To us?"
“You mean what Andrew did to you all?”
"You let him hurt her again and again."
“I didn’t know he was hurting you both. I only knew when your mum was taken to the hospital when Andrew had hurt her when she was pregnant with Em. That’s when I found everything out.”
"I called you. I left a message. She promised me she'd tell you."
“Your mum was scared.” Charlie sighed, “As soon as I realised what was going on, I got your mum out of there. And you and Jake.”
"Why didn't you call and check mum was OK? Didn't you care? Mum was hurting and I didn't know who else to tell." Peter began to cry.
“I went to the hospital. When your mum got hurt. I was there. You helped me that night Peter. Because your message made me call the police.” Charlie sat on the edge of the bed and pulled his son into a hug. “You saved your mum and your sister.”
"No, you don't understand. I called you before that night."
“You did?” Charlie frowned. “When?”
"Mum had just come back from a wedding. They had a huge row. He was calling her all sorts of horrible things. He smacked her head onto the kitchen worktop. She started shaking on the floor. He kicked her." The tears were streaming down his face. "I hid under my bed with the phone. I called you but it wasn't you that answered. She said she'd tell you."
“Who? Baz?” Charlie closed his eyes. “She never told me, Peter. If she had, I’d have come round.” He closed his eyes and kissed the top of his son's head, still holding him tightly. “Does your mum having another baby, scare you?” He asked as he lay down with his son in his arms.
"Why does she hate mum so much that she didn't tell you?"
“Because Baz always knew where my heart lay.” Charlie sighed. “With your mum.”
"Jake said that mum's gunna be OK this time. That's not true is it?" Peter whispered.
“Truthfully I don’t know. So far, so good though. No problems with your mum’s heart. She goes to the doctor once a week to make sure everything’s ok. And it is at the minute.”
"And the fits?"
“They’re something your mum has now and again. There’s usually no warning but they have been part of her life for a very long time. Since she was seventeen.”
"We were doing about epilepsy in science the other day - is that what's wrong with her?"
“Yes. Your mum has a form of epilepsy. It usually happens when she hits her head, she’ll have a seizure.”
"Does she take medication for it?"
“No medication. At least, not that I’m aware off.”
Peter nodded. "That's good because my teacher said that the medication isn't suitable for pregnant women."
“No it’s not you're right. Why don’t you ask your mum if she’s on any medication?” Charlie smiled and kissed the top of Peter's head. “I can try and protect your mum. But believe me, Peter, your mum can be a very stubborn when she wants to be.”
A small smile began to pull at the corners of Peter's lips. "Yeh she is."
“Not every man can handle that stubbornness. They feel threatened by it.”
"But she's just standing up for herself." Peter shrugged. "Isn't that a good thing?"
“Some men don’t like it because they can’t control women. I love your mum’s stubbornness and her ambition and drive.” Charlie smiled, “Is there anything else you want to talk about?”
Peter considered his father's words. "I wouldn't want to control a woman I loved. No-one should be treated like that."
“You’re a very smart young boy, Peter.” Charlie smiled, “I don’t control your mum, you know that don’t you?”
Peter nodded. "Mum's different with you. She's not as jumpy as she used to be."
“Shall I let you in on a little secret?”
Peter nodded, curious.
“I showed your mum that I love everything about her. Even those really annoying stubborn traits of hers that she hates.” Charlie smiled, “Do you want to talk for a while? You’ve got my attention for as long as you need it.”
"How did you know you were in love with mum?"
“Because your mum was all I could think about. She gave me butterflies, all the time. She still gives me butterflies.”
Peter nodded, mulling the words around in his head.
“Are you in love with Sarah?” Charlie asked.
"I'm not sure. I really like her. I think about her a lot..." Peter's cheeks blushed bright red.
Charlie smiled, “Can I ask a question? Is she your first girlfriend?”
Peter nodded. "Her dad said that no-one falls in love with their first girlfriend, not really."
“No maybe not but your first girlfriend is always special.”
"What was your first girlfriend like?"
“She was called Emma. We were fifteen. She was brunette with grey eyes.”
"When did you last see her?"
“A very long time ago.” Charlie laughed gently. “Not since school.”
"Do you ever wonder what she's up to now?"
“Not really.” Charlie replied.
"Why not? How can she no longer mean anything to you?"
“Because I was a teenager when I met her. When we left school. We lost contact.”
"I can't imagine Sarah not meaning anything to me."
“She will.”
"Can you fall in love more than once? Or is it something that only really happens once?"
“You can fall in love more than once.” Charlie replied. “I did.”
"Was it different each time?"
Charlie nodded.
"Can I ask you something?" Peter mumbled.
“You can ask me anything.”
"When did you..?" Peter looked down, picking at his fingers. "Um... You know..?"
“Kiss her?”
"Yeh... And, you know..." Peter started to blush again.
“Are you thinking about sex?” Charlie asked.
"My mate Danny says he slept with his girlfriend recently. That everyone's doing it. I don't know..."
“Most guys just say that because they think it’s cool.” Charlie smiled, “You're fourteen. I’d rather you waited until you were sixteen but—“ He paused, “Have you spoken to Sarah?”
"I don't want to push her. The lads said that if she really liked me then she'd do it but it just doesn't feel right to ask her. I tried to tell them that but they laughed at me."
“You are a lot more mature than boys your age Peter.” Charlie smiled, “Do you know about contraception? Safe sex?”
"Of course I do! I'm not stupid!"
“I’m not suggesting you are stupid. I just wanted to know. Put my own mind at rest that if you were going to have sex, you’ll do it safely.”
Peter nodded. There was a brief silence between them. "You didn't answer the question."
“When did I have sex?”
“I... I was eighteen.” Charlie admitted.
"Did you like her a lot?"
“I’ll be honest.” Charlie paused; “When I was younger, I had no respect for girls. I...” He paused again trying to find the right words, “I was a bit of a player. Ladies man.”
"What changed?"
“Things didn’t change until, until I met your mum I guess. And I started to see her.”
"Coz she was different?"
“Really different. It just scared me.”
"Did you realise you liked her straight away? You've known each other a long time."
“Your mum had always been this really special person because she was my best friend. Then one day I realised I never wanted to be apart from her. Ever.” Charlie admitted.
"I like that you make her happy."
“All I ever want to do is make you, your siblings and your mum happy. If I can do that, it makes me happy.” Charlie replied and kissed Peter’s forehead.
"I'm sorry I got angry at you earlier."
“You’re allowed to get angry and upset. I don’t mind.” Charlie smiled, “I’m just glad you can talk to me about these things.”
"You won't tell mum what I said about the lads at school will you?"
“No I won’t.” Charlie promised.
"I'm hungry." Peter paused. "I should probably say sorry to mum too."
“Yeah you should.” Kissing Peter’s forehead again, Charlie got up. “Love you son, shall we go and get dinner?”
Peter nodded and followed his dad downstairs.
The whole family sat around the table and had their dinner in silence.
The longer the meal went on the more fidgety Tilly became. “Daddy? Ask you question?” She asked but didn’t wait for Charlie’s reply, “How did baby get into mummy’s tummy?”
“Oh erm—-“ Charlie blushed a little, looking uncomfortable. He looked at Duffy for help! How was he - they - going to explain that one? “Well... erm...”
Duffy tried not to laugh as she watched Charlie squirm.
“Well... mummy and daddy do special things together and that’s how a baby gets in mummy’s tummy...”
“What kind of special things?” Tilly asked.
“Erm...“ He looked at Duffy again and mouthed, “Help?!” He took a few minutes to pause, “Holding hands and kissing.”
Duffy raised an eyebrow at him as a snort of laughter escaped.
“Lewis says his mummy and daddy make funny noises when they do special things together.” Lottie piped up.
Charlie could feel the heat raising to his face further!
Duffy nearly choked on her food.
“Do you and mummy make funny noises when you do special things?” Tilly asked.
Jake found it hilarious and began to laugh. Peter spat his drink out across the table and coughed.
“Erm... Can we finish eating girls, please?” Charlie attempted to divert the attention off the subject they were discussing.
"How does the baby get out?" Lottie asked, tilting her head to stare at her mum.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 5 years ago
Written In The Stars XLVIII (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: I feel like I go from ‘This is just a fun fluffy chapter with a nice picnic :)’ to ‘This is a bloodbath, you will cry and you will hate me.’ That’s cool -Danny
Words: 4,444 (this is aesthetically pleasing omg)
Warnings: Corpses, blood, trauma.
Series’ Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
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Chapter Seven: New Lessons.
"Hey, Harry," said Seamus Finnigan during their Potions class that Thursday morning, "have you heard? Daily Prophet this morning — they reckon Sirius Black's been sighted."
"Where?" said Harry and Ron.
"Not too far from here- It was a Muggle who saw him. 'Course, she didn't really understand. The Muggles think he's just an ordinary criminal, don't they? So she phoned the telephone hotline. By the time the Ministry of Magic got there, he was gone."
"Not too far from here..." Ron looked over at Harry and Mel. Then he caught Malfoy staring and sneered. "What, Malfoy? Need something else skinned?"
The boy had returned with his arm covered in bandages, he didn't need them of course, but no one seemed to notice. Snape forced Ron and Harry to do the hard work for him, so he was sitting on their table.
"Thinking of trying to catch Black single-handed, Potter?" He asked with a taunting smile.
"Yeah, that's right," Harry said, not really paying attention.
"Of course, if it was me," Malfoy continued quietly, "I'd have done something before now. I wouldn't be staying in school like a good boy, I'd be out there looking for him."
"Are you sure you wouldn't be crying under your bed?" Mel asked through greeted teeth.
"What are you talking about, Malfoy?" Ron frowned.
"Don't you know, Potter?" Malfoy's eyes examined his expression.
"Know what?"
"Maybe you'd rather not risk your neck," Malfoy shrugged. "Want to leave it to the dementors, do you? But if it was me, I'd want revenge. I'd hunt him down myself."
"What are you talking about?" Harry asked with a lack of patience.
"You should have finished adding your ingredients by now; this potion needs to stew before it can be drunk, so clear away while it simmers and then we'll test Longbottom's..."  Snape said to the class.
They walked over to the gargoyle sink, Harry whispering his doubts to them.
"What did Malfoy mean? Why would I want revenge on Black? He hasn't done anything to me — yet."
"He's making it up," said Ron. "He's trying to make you do something stupid..."
"Wouldn't be the first time, would it?" Mel scoffed.
"Everyone gather 'round," said Snape, he was next to Neville and Hermione's table, "and watch what happens to Longbottom's toad. If he has managed to produce a Shrinking Solution, it will shrink to a tadpole. If, as I don't doubt, he has done it wrong, his toad is likely to be poisoned."
The Gryffindors watched fearfully. The Slytherins looked excited. Snape picked up Trevor the toad in his left hand and dipped a small spoon into Neville's potion, which was now green. He trickled a few drops down Trevor's throat.
There was a moment of hushed silence, in which Trevor gulped; then there was a small pop, and Trevor the tadpole was wriggling in Snape's palm.
The Gryffindors burst into applause. Snape, looking sour, pulled a small bottle from the pocket of his robe, poured a few drops on top of Trevor, and he reappeared suddenly, fully grown.
"Five points from Gryffindor," said Snape, which wiped the smiles from every face. "I told you not to help him, Miss Granger. Class dismissed."
"Five points from Gryffindor because the potion was all right! Why didn't you lie, Hermione? You should've said Neville did it all by himself!- Where is she?"
Harry and Mel turned. Hermione was nowhere to be seen.
"She was right behind us..."
Malfoy passed them between Crabbe and Goyle. He smirked, and it took a great deal from her to not throw a shoe at his head.
"There she is," said Harry suddenly, pointing at the end of the stairs.
"How did you do that?" said Ron.
"What?" said Hermione, joining them.
"One minute you were right behind us, the next moment, you were back at the bottom of the stairs again."
"What?" Hermione looked slightly confused. "Oh — I had to go back for something. Oh no —"
A seam had split on Hermione's bag. Harry wasn't surprised; he could see that it was crammed with at least a dozen large and heavy books.
"Why are you carrying all these around with you?" Ron asked her.
"You know how many subjects I'm taking," said Hermione breathlessly. "Couldn't hold these for me, could you?"
"But —" Ron was turning over the books she had handed him, looking at the covers. "You haven't got any of these subjects today. It's only Defense Against the Dark Arts this afternoon."
"Oh yes," said Hermione vaguely, but she packed all the books back into her bag just the same. "I hope there's something good for lunch, I'm starving," she added, and she marched off toward the Great Hall.
"D'you get the feeling Hermione's not telling us something?" Ron asked Harry.
"Maybe she's just carrying them to study between classes?" Mel offered, but she didn't actually believe that what she said was the whole truth.
A student approached her, he pocked her shoulder and gave her a note.
"Professor Dumbledore told me to give you this," He told her, going away as soon as he'd said it.
"Oh?" She unfolded the note. "Oh! It's my lesson!"
"What does it say?" Ron leaned over to read, forgetting about Hermione.
"He'll meet me tonight after dinner," Mel squirmed in her place, excited. "Can't wait!"
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"Do you have any idea of what he'll be teaching us for our first class?" Hermione asked her anxiously.
Mel had told them (in utter secrecy) that Professor Lupin was sort of related to her, she didn't have to, but Ron and Hermione were her best friends along with Harry, and she wanted to be honest.
"I haven't talked to him since our first day," She tilted her head, "but I haven't heard bad things about him, so I trust he'll be good."
Professor Lupin entered the room just then, looking way better than the first night.
"Good afternoon," He said. "Would you please put all your books back in your bags. Today's will be a practical lesson. You will need only your wands."
The kids shared curious and excited looks as they obliged, wondering what the man may be planning. Once they were ready he glanced around and nodded.
"Right then, if you'd follow me."
Puzzled but interested, the class got to its feet and followed Professor Lupin out of the classroom. He led them along the deserted corridor and around a corner, where the first thing they saw was Peeves the Poltergeist, who was floating upside down in midair and stuffing the nearest keyhole with chewing gum.
Peeves didn't look up until Professor Lupin was two feet away; then he wiggled his curly-toed feet and broke into song.
"Loony, loopy Lupin," Peeves sang. "Loony, loopy Lupin, loony, loopy Lupin —"
Rude and unmanageable as he almost always was, Peeves usually showed some respect toward the teachers. Everyone looked quickly at Professor Lupin to see how he would take this; to their surprise, he was still smiling.
"I'd take that gum out of the keyhole if I were you, Peeves," he said pleasantly. "Mr. Filch won't be able to get in to his brooms." Filch was the Hogwarts caretaker, a bad-tempered, failed wizard who waged a constant war against the students and, indeed, Peeves. However, Peeves paid no attention to Professor Lupin's words, except to blow a loud wet raspberry.
Professor Lupin gave a small sigh and took out his wand.
"This is a useful little spell," he told the class over his shoulder. "Please watch closely."
He raised the wand to shoulder height, said, "Waddiwasi!" and pointed it at Peeves.
With the force of a bullet, the wad of chewing gum shot out of the keyhole and straight down Peeves's left nostril; he whirled upright and zoomed away, cursing.
"Cool, sir!" said Dean Thomas in amazement.
"Thank you, Dean," said Professor Lupin, putting his wand away again. "Shall we proceed?"
She'd only seen him do magic once or twice during her summer, but it was all domestic, little spells. This demonstration was the first thing Mel witnessed on her uncle's abilities, and she was intrigued, to say the least.
They stopped outside the staffroom and their Professor invited them in, they found Snape sitting in one of the armchairs, however, he stood up to leave.
"Possibly no one's warned you, Lupin, but this class contains Neville Longbottom. I would advise you not to entrust him with anything difficult. Not unless Miss Granger is hissing instructions in his ear."
Mel scowled at the man in front of her, she couldn't believe that such a nasty person could teach at school. Professor Lupin didn't miss a beat.
"I was hoping that Neville would assist me with the first stage of the operation," he said, "and I am sure he will perform it admirably."
"Now, then," said Professor Lupin, beckoning the class toward the end of the room, where there was nothing but an old wardrobe where the teachers kept their spare robes. As Professor Lupin went to stand next to it, the wardrobe gave a sudden wobble, banging off the wall.
"Nothing to worry about," said Professor Lupin calmly because a few people had jumped backward in alarm. "There's a boggart in there."
Most people seemed to feel that this was something to worry about. Neville gave Professor Lupin a look of pure terror, and Seamus Finnigan eyed the now rattling doorknob apprehensively.
"Boggarts like dark, enclosed spaces," said Professor Lupin. "Wardrobes, the gap beneath beds, the cupboards under sinks — I've even met one that had lodged itself in a grandfather clock. This one moved in yesterday afternoon, and I asked the headmaster if the staff would leave it to give my third years some practice.
"So, the first question we must ask ourselves is, what is a boggart?"
Hermione put up her hand.
"It's a shape-shifter," she said. "It can take the shape of whatever it thinks will frighten us most."
"Couldn't have put it better myself," said Professor Lupin, and Hermione glowed. "So the boggart sitting in the darkness within has not yet assumed a form. He does not yet know what will frighten the person on the other side of the door. Nobody knows what a boggart looks like when he is alone, but when I let him out, he will immediately become whatever each of us most fears.
"This means," said Professor Lupin, choosing to ignore Neville's small sputter of terror, "that we have a huge advantage over the boggart before we begin. Have you spotted it, Harry?"
"Er — because there are so many of us, it won't know what shape it should be?" Her friend offered.
"Precisely. It's always best to have company when you're dealing with a boggart. He becomes confused. Which should he become, a headless corpse or a flesh-eating slug? I once saw a boggart make that very mistake — tried to frighten two people at once and turned himself into half a slug. Not remotely frightening. The charm that repels a boggart is simple, yet it requires force of mind. You see, the thing that really finishes a boggart is laughter. What you need to do is force it to assume a shape that you find amusing. We will practice the charm without wands first. After me, please . . . riddikulus!"
"Good," said Professor Lupin. "Very good. But that was the easy part, I'm afraid. You see, the word alone is not enough. And this is where you come in, Neville."
The boy -quite bravely, if Mel would say so- stepped forward, trembling from head to toe.
"Right, Neville," said Professor Lupin. "First things first: what would you say is the thing that frightens you most in the world?"
He mumbled out something, but no one could hear.
"Didn't catch that, Neville, sorry," Professor Lupin replied, smiling politely.
"Professor Snape."
All the kids laughed, however, their Professor only nodded, deep in thought.
"Professor Snape... hmmm... Neville, I believe you live with your grandmother?"
"Er — yes. But — I don't want the boggart to turn into her either."
"No, no, you misunderstand me. I wonder, could you tell us what sort of clothes your grandmother usually wears?"
"Well... always the same hat. A tall one with a stuffed vulture on top. And a long dress... green, normally... and sometimes a fox-fur scarf."
"And a handbag?" prompted Professor Lupin.
"A big red one," said Neville.
"Right then," said Professor Lupin. "Can you picture those clothes very clearly, Neville? Can you see them in your mind's eye?"
"When the boggart bursts out of this wardrobe, Neville, and sees you, it will assume the form of Professor Snape," said Lupin. "And you will raise your wand — thus — and cry 'Riddikulus' — and concentrate hard on your grandmother's clothes. If all goes well, Professor Boggart Snape will be forced into that vulture-topped hat, and that green dress, with that big red handbag."
"Oooh!" Mel exclaimed in her place, she couldn't wait to see that. And judging by the chuckles and nervous smiles of her classmates, neither could them.
"If Neville is successful, the boggart is likely to shift his attention to each of us in turn," said Professor Lupin. "I would like all of you to take a moment now to think of the thing that scares you most, and imagine how you might force it to look comical..."
Mel froze.
What was she afraid of?
The dark, perhaps- No, she didn't mind waking up at night and walking alone to the toilet. Insects? No... they were small, weak things. They couldn't hurt her...
She knew a thing or two about pain, there were worse things than spiders or ladies in white nightgowns and black, dirty hair. There are murderers, and death.
Death. Not hers... around her.
"Everyone ready?" said Professor Lupin.
She heard the rest of the students mumbling an agreement.
"Neville, we're going to back away," said Professor Lupin. "Let you have a clear field, all right? I'll call the next person forward... Everyone back, now, so Neville can get a clear shot —"
They all retreated, backed against the walls, leaving Neville alone beside the wardrobe. He looked pale and frightened, but he had pushed up the sleeves of his robes and was holding his wand ready.
"On the count of three, Neville," said Professor Lupin, who was pointing his own wand at the handle of the wardrobe. "One — two — three — now!"
A jet of sparks shot from the end of Professor Lupin's wand and hit the doorknob. The wardrobe burst open. Hook-nosed and menacing, Professor Snape stepped out, his eyes flashing at Neville.
Neville backed away, his wand up, mouthing wordlessly. Snape was bearing down upon him, reaching inside his robes.
"R — r — riddikulus!" squeaked Neville.
There was a noise like a whip crack. Snape stumbled; he was wearing a long, lace-trimmed dress and a towering hat topped with a moth-eaten vulture, and he was swinging a huge crimson handbag.
There was a roar of laughter; the boggart paused, confused, and Professor Lupin shouted, "Parvati! Forward!"
Parvati walked forward, her face set. Snape rounded on her. There was another crack, and where he had stood was a blood-stained, bandaged mummy; its sightless face was turned to Parvati and it began to walk toward her very slowly, dragging its feet, its stiff arms rising —
"Riddikulus!" cried Parvati.
A bandage unraveled at the mummy's feet; it became entangled, fell face forward, and its head rolled off.
"Seamus!" roared Professor Lupin.
Seamus darted past Parvati.
There she stood as the rest of the class faced their fears, and it was one of the funniest things she'd ever seen. The energy in the room was simply so full of life... And then it was her turn.
She stood above Dean's fear -a severed hand- and waited.
Her mother laid dead on the floor- Crack! Dumbledore's corpse was in front of her- Crack! Ron's body- Crack! Hermione-
It changed so fast that she couldn't focus on what she was supposed to say.
'Say it!' She begged to herself, 'Say it before it turns into your uncle! Say it!'
Riddikulus. Riddikulus. Riddikulus...
Harry's eyes were staring right at her, eyes wide open in fear, but lifeless.
Dashing blue sparks blew out of her wand and, with no warning, the boggart fell back at her feet,  this time as a rubber duck.
Professor Lupin exclaimed with wide eyes, "Miss Dumbledore... you know non-verbal spells?"
"I don't..." She was so shocked about her actions that her panic sounded like utter calmness, her eyes fixed on the duck.
"Outstanding..." Her uncle said with a strange glint in his eyes.
Mel stepped back, holding her wand tightly with both hands.
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Harry and Mel were quite uneasy after class, the former because their Professor tackled his chance with the boggart with no explanation, and her because, well, it was never easy to see your loved ones dead.
Almost all of the class had left the classroom happy and talkative, but whenever their eyes landed on her they'd go pale, not daring to talk about what they'd seen.
She understood, of course. They saw Dumbledore and several of their classmates' bodies, it wasn't exactly a sight for sore eyes. She didn't know how dark her mind could go until the boggart showed it. She got up from the Gryffindor table until most of the students were gone, Dumbledore was waiting for her at the entrance, ready for their first lesson.
"Good evening," He said gently. "Follow me, please."
She didn't speak until Dumbledore mentioned her Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson.
"Professor Lupin had the kindness to let me know that today you managed to do a non-verbal spell," He started. "Are you aware of its meaning?"
"No," She said shortly. "I'm aware that it can't be normal."
"We teach non-verbal spells to our students, most are quite capable by the time they turn sixteen," there was something else to what he was saying, "But it's a difficult thing to accomplish being so young... how old are you, if I can ask?"
"Thirteen," She mumbled, and before she could stop herself she added, "I got scared! I tried to say it but I'd never seen it so... so real. I'm sorry-"
"What you did is nothing to be sorry, my dear girl," Dumbledore smiled, "your mind focused on the spell you needed and your wand did it for you. You might feel that it was completely unplanned, but I believe you're improving."
"You really think so?" She asked.
"I assume you read the books I gave you this summer," The man stopped in front of a Gargoyle statue, looked right at it and said, "Butterbeer."
The statue moved and revealed a set of stairs, Dumbledore signaled her to go through and she obeyed. Her thoughts were soon cut short when she came face to face with a large, wooden door. Dumbledore stepped forward and opened it, he turned to smile kindly at her and say, 'Come in' before closing the door behind both of them.
She remembered Harry describing a little how the office looked, he'd been sent there last year, when people thought he was the one causing the attacks on Muggleborns. The room was welcoming and warm, full of strange objects and books that she wanted to examine more carefully. However, she was there for a reason, and they needed to start right away.
She spotted Fawkes next to the desk and her heart jumped with happiness, she was quite fond of him. Fawkes flew swiftly across the room and landed on her shoulder, gently stroking her cheek with his head.
"I have taken the liberty to ask the staff what are their thoughts on your progress as a student," Dumbledore mentioned as he walked towards a closet. "Most of them think you're promising and have no complaints..."
"Most of them?" She raised her eyebrows in surprise.
"Professor Snape, I think, holds his expectations high," Dumbledore smiled. "Do not take it as an insult, even him can be convinced of your abilities."
"Doubt it," She said under her breath, lovingly patting Fawkes.
"Please take a seat," Dumbledore pointed to the chair in front of his.
As she sat down, Fawkes went back to his place behind Dumbledore's chair.
"Tonight I want to work with your intuition," Dumbledore put two small boxes in front of her, "I think you know Professor Trelawney?"
"Yes," Mel tried to remain neutral. "I've assisted to her class."
"Very well. What I want you to do is something similar to what she asks, I want you to clear your head and feel- not think- feel, whatever these boxes may contain."
"I'm not a seer," She said quickly, having the bad feeling that she was about to fail her first lesson.
"It is not Divination," The old man soon calmed her, "it can be perceived as the same, but you won't use your mind for this bit, you'll be using your attraction to the power these boxes hold inside, and what kind of emotions you perceive."
"Oh," She frowned, unsure. "Okay, then."
"Take one of the boxes," Mel chose the one on the left, "and close your eyes, let the magic you own and the one in the box meet, take as much time as you need."
Now was not the time to let fear take the best of her, she was there to learn and she was going to learn. She took a deep breath, and sank in the loneliness of the dark behind her eyelids.
Mel knew that if she kept counting the seconds the stress would block the purpose, so she forgot about it. It could be two, three hours... she wasn't leaving that office without any results.
Then she felt it: a hard tug on her stomach and suddenly she recognized the energy, even if she hadn't seen, or heard it before. It seeped through her, blinding her for just a moment.
Light. Whatever it was inside that box was created to keep light and share it with its surroundings. She knew it, and so she told her great-uncle.
When she opened her eyes he was smiling at her.
"May I?" He pointed to the box, and she handed it over.
She blinked a few times, her eyes getting used to the illuminated room.
Dumbledore opened it and pulled out what looked like a lighter.
"This is a deluminator," He offered it back for her to hold, "it can take the sources of light from the room-"
As he explained this, Mel actioned it and suddenly they were sitting in the middle of a dark room, all the lights immediately flying to it.
"Oops," She said quietly.
She heard a low chuckle, and Dumbledore's hand gently reaching for the deluminator.
"However, it can also give it back," A soft click was heard, and the lights returned to their rightful place. "And in some cases, it can light one's path, clarify the way towards a big decision."
Mel nodded, then her hands reached the last box.
"Should I?"
Dumbledore's eyes shone in the candlelight, he had both hands in front of his face, as if he was pondering her answer, perhaps doubting her, though she didn't know why.
"Your fear..." Dumbledore replied, "you're allowed to not answer my next question if you don't wish to explain yourself... Has it always been death?"
Mel was taken by surprise, but she didn't think it was hard to answer.
"I don't think so," She played with the edge of her robes, "I don't remember having nightmares about it as a kid, not even about my dad... I think it started when, uh- well, after my first year here."
Dumbledore remained silent. Processing her answer, he nodded once.
"Harry and you have shared your own amount of adventures, and most of them had been nerve-wracking. I also know you want to protect your loved ones, you have that in common with your parents."
Mel waited for him to continue, his mind somewhere else.
"Ardent tempter, both of them. Emily wasn't patient with unkind behavior, even if she wasn't a saint herself during her school years. Matthew, on the other hand, picked his battles carefully– I believe he was pressured to do so, our family had its own fame, known for taking a few bad decisions from time to time... He tried to step away from it, to be perceived differently... I'm proud to say he succeeded."
"Sir?" Mel asked shyly. "Are you... Do you think I won't?"
Dumbledore raised his eyebrows.
"Not at all, Mel. I believe you'll become something bigger than any of us ever could. Not a lot of people know this, but the women in our family have always been stronger than any men. Unfortunately, they're also more sensitive. Dumbledore women are bound to be the ones with big sacrifices in life, but also the ones with brighter minds and stronger wills. I believe that you've inherited their power, as much as their disposal to use it for others, or in the least, to protect others with it."
That was a massive piece of information.
"I think that your fear isn't death, but to fail on what you've decided to do, which is to protect your family and keep them safe. Believe me when I tell you, dear girl, that if you follow these lessons, you won't."
Finally, a clear answer to the question she feared most. She looked down at the untouched box and held it with determination. It took her less time than expected, only because she knew exactly what it was as soon as her magic and the one inside the box mixed together.
She hated it. Not the feeling, no. She loathed the object inside, and the hatred was mutual somehow- it filled her with anguish and a bitter taste in her tongue, its magic was dark, lethal.
"Riddle's diary," She stated, her hands shaking under the weight of its energy.
She put the box on the table, as far as she could from her body.
She recognized the feeling because she'd held the book once or twice last year. Of course, last year she wasn't paying much attention, but that night, with her radar all the way up like a radio finding the clearest station, it felt contaminating, blistering to the touch.
Dumbledore didn't bother to open the box. His expression, while serious, reflected triumph.
"That's all for today." He replied calmly.
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Next Chapter —>
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ectowaves · 6 years ago
Prompter: @ghostlyhabato
Prompt: Amateur Novelist: In the events of the Christmas special, Ghostwriter unknowingly kidnaps Danny in his book rather than release him at the end of the episode like he thought. The canon events are all actually Danny making up stories for himself and slowly learning he has no limits, and getting information about ghosts and other events from books around him through osmosis. Meanwhile, Ghostwriter is being hunted down by Danny’s friends and family for kidnapping him, and doesn’t know how ton undo his deed.
Words: 2111
Warnings: unedited, 
“Maybe this is the moral: In the same way my parents love their old Christmas quarrel – everyone celebrates in the way of their choosing. I started abusing the one I love most, and I ruined their cheer. I’ll try to be better come Christmas next year.” Danny smiled as he had his arms around his closest friends.
Sam shrugged off Danny’s arms, “Uhh… nice sentiment, but what are you, a greeting card?”
Tucker smirked, “Yeah, why are you talking in rhyme?”
Jazz giggled as she fluffed her brother’s hair. “Such a dork.”
“We’re not talking in rhyme?” At the look at Danny’s face, his friends and sister took a step back. Danny raised his hands high into the air then cheered, “WE’RE NOT TALKING IN RHYME!”
Ghostwriter smiled as he shut the book on his lap. His prize work was complete, and better than before. He sighed in contentment and looked at his fellow cellmate.
His cell mate inched closer to him and snorted a puff of smoke. Ghostwriter backed away and stopped at the bars.
“Orange?” Walker grinned, holding the fruit close to his prisoner.
“Get that thing away from me!” Ghostwriter screamed curling into a fetal position. The pure white ghost howled in laughter at his prisoner’s distress, The Ghostwriter could hear the jeers coming from his fellow prisoners as he clutched the book close to his chest. Soon Walker was out of hearing range.
Once he could no longer hear the footsteps of his jailor, the Ghostwriter uncurled from his position. The prison time was absolutely worth it, if he could have the glory of one book.
Danny smiled at his friends while they laughed. Maybe… Christmas wasn’t really all that bad.
“Come on Danny, Dad’s going to eat all the chocolate again!” Jazz called from the steps. Danny took one step forwards before he froze. Something felt wrong, like the moment should not have happened. Before his very eyes time froze. Sam, Tucker and Jazz faded away.
“Guys?” Danny cried. He received no comfort or any indication that the ghosts were playing a cruel prank.
Danny watched as the world’s colour faded away. It was like something out of a horror film. All plant life died. The snow melted into nothing. The buildings around him crumbled.
“Mom? Dad! Anyone?” Danny yelled, “Clockwork? What’s happening?”
The ruins of the buildings started to crumble further. Soon they were no more than dust that blew away in a nonexistent wind. Around Danny was nothing but plain white. It was hell, in a different sort of way. Then he felt himself falling, or he thought that he was falling.
Black markings raced by him. Danny found himself screaming again. Finally, he found himself on the ground. Danny stood up and looked around him. He spotted more pitch-black markings. Danny walked towards it.
The black markings turned out to be letters. Danny frowned as he read “the end”
It didn’t take long for Danny to put the pieces together, “I’m still trapped in the story!”
Ghostwriter hid the book underneath the bed. He did everything he could to make it invisible or only visible to his eyes. The book did not respond to his abilities. It was like the book was immune to his will.
Ghostwriter pulled out the book, hoping to read it once more. To his shock, the once purple, green and red markings the cover had been designed with had turned to different shades of blue. Quietly, Ghostwriter opened the book to its dedication. The book no longer said that it was written for his brother Randy, or the infernal boy. Instead it was dedicated to Sam, Tucker and Jazz.
Danny didn’t know how long he sat down and thought. He wondered how he ended up trapped and if he deserved the fate. The poem was supposed to set him free when the lesson was learned. Danny had clearly been taught the joys of Christmas.
It was unfair. He only destroyed the poem by accident. Why did he have to be punished for an accident? Who would condemn someone else to hell because they destroyed their ‘masterpiece’?
Jazz had just told him that she knew he was Phantom. Danny had just defeated an awful future version of himself. Why had he been forced into this?
Danny found himself wishing he could go on another adventure, if only with his sister.
“Hey Danny!” The ghost boy watched as the world started to fade back. He turned to see his sister waving excitedly at him.
“Why is she so happy?” Sam hissed in his ear.
Danny beamed.
Ghostwriter refused to look at ‘his’ book after seeing the change in cover and dedication. He was afraid to see anymore changes. Who knew what was happening to his book?
The other prisoners made sure to mock him at any chance they got. He couldn’t blame them. It wasn’t reasonable to be afraid of fruit. As much as he tried to convince himself of that fact, the Ghostwriter still had the phobia.
His cell mate had been released a few days after his imprisonment. Now Ghostwriter found himself lonely. He tried imaging adventures for himself. He thought about the ghost kid living wild and free.
“You’ve got visitors.” One of the guards clanged on the bars of his prison. Ghostwriter gasped in surprise and relief.
Who would want to visit him?
The guard then noticed something hiding underneath the bed, “And give me that book! It’s going back to the library!”
Reluctantly, Ghostwriter handed the now completely black book to his captors. The guard passed the book to another guard passing by. The two nodded in understanding.
Danny frowned as he finished his newest adventure. It was depressing, but something that Vlad would do.
If a similar situation happened in reality, would Danny allow his clone to fly away? He wasn’t very sure. He would have to give up his secret and that could potentially mean being rejected by his parents. But of he kept it hidden, an innocent girl would be condemned to live on the streets.
Despite knowing the situation was fictional, Danny had a new dislike for Vlad. He needed something that would balance what had just occurred. He wanted to humiliate the billionaire for the fictional crimes he had done. A couple of pranks were an order.
“Danny, I don’t think this is a good idea.” Sam warned.
His world came back again.
Ghostwriter was brought into an interrogation room. Inside were three extremely angry teenagers.
“Where is he?” the goth girl snarled. Ghostwriter pushed her away, doing his best not to hurt her. The girl didn’t let go, but Ghostwriter earned a punch from one of the girl’s friends.
“It’s something that the whole zone has been wondering.” Walker boomed as he entered the room. The goth girl let go, and the prisoner was forced to sit in the only chair in the room.
“I have no idea who you are talking about!” Ghostwriter defended himself.
“Liar! He said that you had him trapped in a poem. I didn’t believe him,” The goth fell on the ground. Her male friend put a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort. Ghostwriter watched this happen with a growing understanding of what had happened.  He stood up.
“I think I know where he is,” Ghostwriter frowned.
Danny frowned as he felt different. Once more he was in the waste land. He felt that he had a new influx of power. Danny looked as new words filled the screen. It started reading it, then smirked. The whole article was about ancient civilizations.
Danny noticed some other words appear a little further away. He stared in awe as he discovered that the paragraph was talking about some ancient artifacts.
“I wonder if there is any information about ghost tribes?” Danny asked aloud. To his surprise, a new paragraph appeared out of thin air. Danny quickly scanned it and laughed. He had a new adventure in mind.
The world started to appear, but instead of Danny being in his town, he was in the Ghost Zone. Danny grinned at the map he was holding in his hands. He would soon get to experiment with another.
Walker slammed open the doors to the library, “Everybody out!”
The prisoners grumbled but obey the warden’s command. As the prisoners left, Ghostwriter and the ghost kid’s friends fanned out to search the numerous shelves of books. Each book looked to be incredible old, it shouldn’t have been that difficult to find the newest book. Still, the group couldn’t seem to find it.
Ghostwriter wondered if the book was thrown away. That would mean punishment from the goth girl. Ghostwriter had overheard stories about what the girl was capable of and did not want to feel it first-hand.
Then, out of the corner of his eye, Ghostwriter noticed a group of three books glowing bright green. He approached them, and his eyes widened. He had found what they had been looking for.
Danny smiled as he waved good-bye to his ‘cousin’. He hoped to see her again one day. Danny put his wrist out towards Valarie. She shook her head and told him to leave. It was the perfect end to another perfect adventure.
Danny allowed himself to sigh in contentment. Then he watched the world fade away. What adventure could he come up with next? Danny decided that he would take a break and rest. He wondered if he could sleep. He received his answer when he began to snore.
The books stopped glowing as soon as Ghostwriter appeared. The ghost picked up the newest looking book. He noted that the book was in between Legends of the Living World and Legends of the Ghost Zone. To his horror, it no longer read The Fright Before Christmas. Now it was called The Adventures of Danny Phantom. The Ghostwriter wanted to cry at the destruction of his latest work.
“I found it!” He yelled. The warden and the boy’s friends came to his call. They stared in shock as they spotted the book in the Ghostwriter’s hands. Then the goth girl flipped through the books.
“Do you write this?” the goth girl asked, flipping through the book. Ghostwriter shook his head.
“Only the poem, and even that I did not finish writing.” He tried to keep the depression out of his voice. The red-haired girl shot him a pitying look anyways.
“How did he manage to do all these adventures in five days?” The boy with the yellow sweater asked, “And how do we get him out?”
“Isn’t it obvious? Write him an ending!” Walker ordered. After he saw the group’s bewildered glances, the warden frowned, “I have a life beyond this prison.”
The red haired girl grabbed the book from the goth. She opened to the blank pages then pulled out a pen from one of her pockets. Then she began to write.
“What are you-” the boy began to ask.
“She needs to concentrate.” Ghostwriter warned him. Everyone became silent as the girl continued her tale. Ghostwriter hoped she knew what she was doing. If the warden was right, the tale would have to fit Daniel, if even on a surface level.
Danny smiled at Sam as the two of them lounged against a tree. He finally had his happy ending. The world was saved from the Disasteriod, Vlad was in space, his parents accepted him, and Danny was in a new relationship with Sam. The ghosts would come but it wasn’t anything Danny couldn’t handle. Amity Park would be safe for years to come.
Danny leaned against his girlfriends, wanting to hug her one more time before she disappeared into the abyss. He didn’t want things to fade, but it always did at the end of the story. Then the process started.
Danny watched the world freeze. This time, Sam didn’t disappear. Confused, Danny looked down at himself and saw his body fading away.
“What?” he whispered. There wasn’t much more to say. Would he forever be gone, like the stories he had previously told? Danny had a feeling he would. He closed his eyes.
The eldest girl smiled, “It’s done!”
The group waited in silence for anything to happen. Moments passed and nothing happened. He was just about to apologize when the ghost boy appeared in the room.
“Danny!” His friends cheered.
“Guys?” Danny whispered, opening his eyes. He looked so sad, like he didn’t think what was happening was real. Ghostwriter couldn’t blame him. It would take a lot of time before the Phantom would accept that he was in the correct reality.
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dp-pastandpresent · 6 years ago
Past and Present: Chapter 23
The wheels in Danny's head were spinning as he stood with the Fentons in their lab.
'Of course! I knew I had seen something similar to my amulet before! Clockwork had a whole wall of them in his lair when he brought me back. But if he told me their meaning, I sure can't remember it now'
Maddie was sitting in a chair, tapping away on her computer keyboard, trying to piece together the mystery of Sam's disappearance.
Jack was pacing by the portal, rather loudly muttering something about how this was all their fault.
'I wonder how many realms have their own amulets. The one I have isn't the same as his…'
'Is that really what matters right now? After all, Sam is MISSING and we know it had to be Clockwork!'
'But he never struck me as the type to abduct someone. Yes, he lied and has clearly been feeding me memories, but abduction?'
'Maybe he knows something I don't. About this prophecy. Maybe it has to do with Sam…'
The thought of Sam being somehow involved with Danny's apparent destiny made him shiver. As much as he had fallen for her recently, he hated thinking he would be the reason for her getting hurt.
A loud banging sound followed by an "ugh" brought Danny back to reality. Looking over to Maddie at the computer, he saw that her head was down in frustration.
"You would think that Google would know a little bit more about these ghosts!"
"Google?" Danny asked, confused yet again by the computer lingo.
Maddie turned around, a small smile on her face.
"Right, different time. Google – it's a program on the internet you use to find information other people put online."
Danny shook his head , only understanding about half of what she had just said.
Jack walked over and put his hand on Danny's shoulder.
"Trust me, my boy, if Google can't find it, then we're out of luck!"
"I had a feeling you'd say that," Danny sighed as he looked at the ground.
"It's not that the information doesn't exist, it's just that it hasn't been found yet," Maddie added, trying to add a bit of optimism. "There's a reason there are only a few para-psychology schools out there, and your sister got laughed at for attending one of them."
"It's just not fair! Somebody has to know what's going on!" Danny shouted, moving away from the Fenton couple.
"We've tried everything shy of going into the Ghost Zone ourselves," Maddie said, trying to keep her cool.
"And we're not about to do that without a proper map and protection!" Jack added.
A light in Danny's head went on at this, and he turned back to look at them.
"Why not send me? I'm a ghost, I've been in before, and have been wanting to go back for a while. Let me go in and get some answers!"
The two Fentons looked at each other, raising their eyebrows. The look on Jack's face showed how much he desperately wanted to send the boy in, but the look on Maddie's said how much she wanted to keep him safe. As always, Maddie seemed to win out.
Jack was the first to respond with a sigh.
"Danny, as much as I would love to send you in there, we haven't properly mapped it yet. Every device we've created to send in has disappeared or exploded within the first few minutes."
"It's just not safe, especially with your powers on the fritz," Maddie added.
He had been so obsessed with Clockwork and finding Sam, Danny had forgotten that he was still in his human form, having tried to use his amulet after coming downstairs to no avail.
"I know, I know! But we cannot just wait for the answers to appear to us. We have to do SOMETHING! Didn't your examination of his medallion tell you ANYTHING?"
The first thing they had done upon arriving in the lab was to investigate and test Clockwork's medallion, searching its surface for any indication of its origin and power.
"DAMNIT DANNY, DON'T YOU THINK WE'RE TRYING?!" Jack boomed to the boy in front of him, his hands shaking.
Danny was taken aback at this, having never experienced the true wrath of Jack Fenton before. "Yes, of course, it's just…"
"No. Listen here. We have been searching FOREVER to find information about the Ghost Zone. About YOU! And now here you are, and suddenly we're caught in this web created by a ghost we don't have any information about! Don't you think that if we knew more we'd be doing it right now!? This is mine, my wife's, YOUR SISTER'S life work, and now it's put an innocent girl at risk!"
Jack let out a loud sigh before falling to the ground and putting his head in his hands. A muffled sobbing sound followed.
Maddie looked at Danny before bending over to check on her husband.
"Jack, please, we know how important this research has been to you, but you can't blame yourself for what happened to Sam."
Jack raised his head and looked at his wife with big, tear-filled eyes.
"Mads, I always knew our research would get results, but I never thought it would put an innocent girl in danger. I just want to take it all back."
Danny hated what he was hearing and knew that the Fentons needed a bit of privacy. Turning his back to them, he walked over to the table where Clockwork's medallion was currently sitting.
'There has to be an answer to this. Futuristic tech or not, something has to be able to crack this thing!'
Danny's hand brushed across the bottom one last time, only to notice a small hole that resembled the ones he had seen Jack using to plug things into his computer.
'Would Clockwork really put a normal, human hook up in his ghostly device?'
Danny knew next to nothing about current technology, and having investigated the lab on multiple occasions, knew that the Fentons' lab only housed the technology needed for to run their gadgets – never anything normal.
He paused to think, wondering if there were another way to sate his curiosity over the technology that was housed within the medallion. Finally, he remembered something Sam had told him once.
Turning to the Fentons, who had both gotten up from the ground, Jack still with red eyes but no longer crying, Danny smiled.
"I have an idea."
"You want me to what?" Sarah asked the boy, eyes getting big behind her thick glasses.
"Those things everyone carries and stares at all the time. The little devices, you have one right?"
"Danny, dear, I think you mean an iPhone?" Maddie offered, coming up behind him.
After having explained his idea to the Fentons downstairs, the group had returned to the living room where Sarah was waiting impatiently for answers.
"Well why didn't you say so! Of course I have one, but I barely know how to use the thing…" she replied as she pulled the device from her pocket.
"Warren insists I keep this thing in case I get hurt," she muttered.
"Perfect!" Danny said with a grin. "Do you have the book on it?"
Sarah raised her eyebrows.
"The book, the one with the friends?"
Maddie stepped in yet again, putting her hand on his shoulder and scooting him over a bit.
"I'll take it from here," she said with a soft smile.
Danny grumped as he stepped back to join Jack.
"Don't worry, my boy, I don't understand those things either!" Jack said, trying to reassure him.
"Sarah, do you have Facebook on your phone?"
Sarah smiled, realizing what it was Danny had been trying to describe.
"I think I installed it once, for Sam. Her phone was on the fritz so I lent her mine. She's probably still logged in and everything. Hold on..." She looked down at the bright glow of the device in her hand, using her fingers to swipe across the screen until finally she found what she needed.
"There it is! But how is this going to help?" Sarah asked as she held the phone out to Maddie.
"Danny, what did you say his name was again?" Maddie said, turning to the boy again.
"I think Sam called him Tuck…"
School had been out for the past few days due to Fall Break, so unfortunately, Danny wouldn't be able to track him there. Luckily the digital profile for the boy had listed a place of work, giving Danny a good lead on where to start.
Partially because his amulet STILL wasn't working, and partially because a ghost walking into a store would be weird, he had decided to try and stay in his human form for this mission. Which was harder that he wanted to admit, as getting from place to place was a lot easier when you could fly.
'How did I do this when I was alive?'
He smiled to himself, realizing the irony in his thoughts as he pushed open the door to the store.
If the record store hadn't been such an eye opener, his amazement would have been greater. Everywhere he looked there were glass tables holding devices that ranged in size from the large computer he had seen in the lab to mini screen smaller than Sarah's. At one corner, there was a man standing with a weird hearing aid type thing in one ear, talking away to seemingly no one, while in the other, a group of teenage girls was huddled around what looked to be a plastic cylinder emitting the music of some unknown boy band.
Danny felt dizzy as he took in all the tech, realizing just how much he had missed in the fifty years he had been gone. If he hadn't died, would he have accepted all these things? Found them normal? He didn't want to think about it.
Refocusing on the mission, he tried to imagine the face he was seeking out. He had a faint idea of who he was looking for, having seen a couple of blurry photos on the boy's limited profile, but he knew he couldn't be sure until he saw him face to face.
Seeing as this was his place of work, Danny approached the counter, hoping that maybe the cashier would know who he was looking for. His mind in a daze, he didn't even notice when the clerk called him forward.
"Dude. You're holding up the line. Can I help you?"
Stepping forward, Danny faced the kid behind the counter. He was about to ask about the boy but found himself unable to before the kid spoke himself.
Taken aback, Danny put his hand on his chest. He didn't think anyone would recognize him as a human.
"Pardon?" he asked.
The kid leaned forward, his glasses falling down his nose, and spoke in a hushed tone.
For what seemed like the millionth time that day, Danny's wheels began to turn as he realized he had managed to find exactly who he had been looking for.
"Actually, it's Danny."
"But, but… why don't you look like… you?" the boy asked, he dark skin beginning to turn pale.
"It's a long story, but I'll explain if you come with me."
"So, you're telling me that Sam has been abducted by a ghost – Clockwork – and the only way to find her is by using this medallion to track him, but you can't figure out the medallion because you don't have the tech for it?"
'How is it possible I know more about this ghost tech than the Fentons?'
Tucker had now joined the group in the living room of Fenton Works, having followed Danny there from the store. But with each moment, he felt more and more like he should have just stayed behind.
"Something like that yea," Danny replied.
"Tucker, it's more than that. We believe this Clockwork fellow is behind Danny's return and transformation. We think he's been playing with his emotions. Making him do things," Maddie added.
'He's a ghost! I wouldn't be surprised…
While Tucker had been excited to learn about the technology and ghost happenings when the Fentons first announced their discoveries, the excitement had begun to wear thin on him. What with Sam's recent obsessions and all the ghost attacks, it felt more like an episode of Scooby-Doo than anything innovative and groundbreaking.
"As her best friend, I'm worried about her, really. But you can't expect me to just jump into this cold turkey," Tucker said, crossing his arms.
"We hate having to ask so much of you like this, but we could really use the help," Maddie pleaded.
Tucker just stood, his eyes fixated on the ceiling.
"Maddie, we NEED his help! We can't let any more time pass with Sam in there!" Jack began, his voice a bit loud, startling Tucker.
"I know dear, but we can't just force his hand," she replied through gritted teeth.
"But, but…"
It was Sarah's loud exclamation that made the group turn this time.
"Can't you see! This is getting us nowhere!"
She wheeled over to Tucker.
"Tucker, you are the only person who has ever stood by my Sam. Spending time with her, looking out for her, making sure she got home safe. I'll admit, I was a bit worried when she brought you home for the first time, what with all your little quirks, but I've warmed up to you. And I believe in you. We all do. Can't you please help us find her?"
'Sam's Grandma has always had a way with convincing people…'
He could see the fog behind her glasses as a few tears began to stream from her eyes.
Maybe it was pressure, or sympathy, or the desire to make sure his best – and only – friend was ok. Either way, he looked down and nodded his head in agreement.
"So, I bring a backpack full of cables and cords to work every day in case someone needs a troubleshoot," Tucker said as he opened his bag.
They were in the lab now, having spent the last few minutes letting Tucker take it all in.
"Hopefully one of these is compatible with that medallion you found." He dumped the bag's contents onto the ground.
Danny walked over to the lab table, picked up the gold trinket, and offered it to Tucker.
"The plug is on the bottom, just under the inscription. It's really small, do you see it?" he asked as he handed it to the boy.
Tucker took it with both hands, feeling the weight and examining it closer. He turned to Maddie.
"Do you mind if I look up something on your computer?"
"Go right ahead! But Google already failed us once today!" Jack boomed before Maddie could respond.
"Yea, but Google doesn't know how to hack government technology websites," Tucker muttered as he sat down in front of the screen.
"Government technology? Since when is the government involved?" Maddie asked.
"It's not, but they keep a database of all the cords and cables and outlets and stuff…" Tucker replied as the glow of the computer reflected in his glasses.
A few clicks and passwords later, Tucker found himself on the main page of the U.S. government's catalogue of technology.
Watching him scroll down the page in a blur gave Danny a headache.
'Seriously, how does anyone live with this much tech?'
Finally Tucker stopped, moving out of the way to show the group what he had found.
"I think this is it. A T-95 adapter. If the picture here is a match to the medallion, I may have just the cord!"
He held the medallion up to the screen, comparing the bottom of it to the photo, and a smile formed on his face.
"Good news?" Maddie asked.
"This is it!" Tucker exclaimed as he hurried back to his pile of tangled cords, digging until he found the one he needed.
Everyone smiled as he held it up, but Tucker's smile slowly faded as he realized something else.
"Ummmm, what do we plug this into?"
"Hmmm?" Jack asked.
"Well, it's got a USB on the end but I'm afraid to plug it into your computer without the proper program installed. After all, this is ghost tech, and who knows what kind of viruses that could bring."
"I don't think we need to worry about that," Maddie smiled, "We installed anti-ecto protection on the computer a few years back."
"Of course! It took me AGES to install that stuff, how could I have forgotten. Mads, you think of everything."
He leaned over to kiss her on the cheek as the two teenagers looked back at the computer, trying to refocus on their task.
Taking the Fentons' enthusiasm as a confirmation that it was fine to plug the thing into the computer, Tucker grabbed the cord and plugged the flat end into the tower.
He looked to Danny, hope and fear in his eyes, and nodded as he plugged the other end into the medallion.
The computer screen went black, and a loud sigh came from everyone in the room.
"Really!?" Danny complained as he raised his hands in frustration. "Just when we have a lead, nothing…"
Before he could finish his statement, bright green words appeared on the screen.
"I'm guessing you want me to hit Y?" Tucker asked; everyone nodded.
As he hit the button, the group watched the screen change to what resembled a large, pixelated map with several glowing dots in various places.
"Sooo, now what?" Tucker asked.
"Hold on son, let me see this thing," Jack responded, coming forward to take the boy's place at the computer.
"It looks like there are lots of locations on here, but it's hard to tell which one we need to track."
"Danny, do you remember anything about places or names?" Maddie asked as her husband squinted at the screen, trying to decipher the tiny writing under several of the locations.
Danny stepped back to think for a moment before answering.
'Did Clockwork ever have a name for the Graveyard? His home?
He was on his knees, head facing down at the ground with hair hanging in his face. White hair.
"I've done it. At last, I have finally found an answer."
The boy looked up, eyes wide with confusion.
A figure floated in front of him, dressed in all purple with what appeared to be a grandfather clock showing through his chest. In his hand he held a staff, also resembling a clock, and when he got closer to the boy, his appearance suddenly went from old to young.
The boy lurched back, afraid of the figure's touch.
"Don't worry son, I won't hurt you. I'm here to help." The young figure spoke with a bit of compassion in his voice.
"What? Where? Who?" was all the boy could say in response.
"Of course, you're confused. You've only been back for a few hours now. Your mind hasn't fully returned yet. I should have known that would be a side effect of resurrection."
Confusion spread across his entire face now; he still couldn't understand what was happening to him.
"Of course. You, Daniel, are the first soul I've ever been able to retrieve from death."
"Death? You mean, I…?'
"Died, yes. But I've brought you back." The figure smiled.
"Back to where?"
"I believe the humans call it 'The Ghost Zone,'" he answered with amusement, "but this part, my home, is the Island of Lost Time."
Danny opened his eyes and looked at the group, all of whom had turned face him once again.
The amulet around his neck was glowing green, and he could feel its heat permeating his body.
"Does he do that a lot?" Tucker asked.
"Change his appearance? Yes, I'm afraid so," Maddie answered.
"The Island of Lost Time. That's where she is," Danny replied, his green eyes glowing down at them.
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winterwriter8845 · 6 years ago
In Love With My YouTube Hero
Story Masterlist
Chapter 3
My lips parted as I couldn't believe what I was reading.
Hey, are you okay? I was just checking to make sure you're okay.
The message was from Xavier. The bold words reading "XavGame." I nearly squealed with excitement. I looked over at Teegan.
"What is it?" She raised her eyebrow. "Look at your face! You're bright red."
I pointed at my screen, hiding my face from my blush. My hair fell over my face, hiding my eyes.
"Xavier messaged you?! Looks like he's interested in you."
I shook my head. "N-No... Why would he be interested in me?"
"Because you're smart and beautiful and passionate," Ms. Weeks intervened.
I blushed even more. "No, I'm not..."
"Well, respond back," Teegan said.
I bit my lip as I started to type back:
Yeah, I'll be fine. It's nothing to worry about.
Ms. Weeks walked over and sat down at the desk beside us. "So who is Xavier?"
"He's a YouTuber from England," I said.
"And he's famous. He has over 11 million subscribers on YouTube," Teegan added.
"Oh, so you're a gold digger?" Ms. Weeks joked.
"Totally." I giggled.
I heard the ding of the Discord notification go off, and I read the message.
I'm glad that you're okay. I was just curious because I could see blood on your face.
I smiled, looking down at my lap for a moment. "He's really persistent on seeing if I'm alright." I typed:
Yeah, it's fine. It's nothing I'm not used to. But thank you for your concern.
The bell rang, and everyone came into the classroom as Ms. Weeks was setting up the food on the round table in the corner of the room. She called it "The Round Table." Every Friday in creative writing, we would have an event called "Knights of the Round Table." It was where people would share their writing that they had worked, whether it be a personal work or a class assignment, and we would eat food as well.
I continued to message Xavier throughout the block, and we just talked about random stuff. It was nice to talk to him, and I wasn't just saying that because he was famous. He genuinely cared about me and made sure I was okay.
The class ended, and I moved my stuff to my other seat as Ms. Weeks was also my creative writing teacher.
I sat in a group of desks in the corner with three other people. Their names were Michael and Kylie. Michael was in my grade, and Kylie was a freshman as creative writing was one of the few classes that mixed different grades in together.
I continued to talk to Xavier. Then he brought TwitchCon.
Hey, are you going to TwitchCon?
I typed back:
Isn't it in like a few months?
I sat there, waiting for a response. Michael walked in and sat down at the desk next to me. He was actually a good writer when he was stoned. He said one time, that he was tripping and he was watching FOX News at like 3 am. And he was freaking out as well from the drugs and so write a piece called the American Obituary. And it was like a prophecy, and it was excellent.
"Hey, wassup?" Michael asked.
"Nothing much." I smiled up at him, glancing at my laptop screen every now and then.
"Why all anxious?" He asked as he noticed me looking at my screen.
"Umm, nothing." I giggled.
"Alright, who's made you all giggly? Who's the guy?" He turned my laptop to face him. "Who's XavGames?"
I groaned. "He's a Youtuber.... and he lives in England." I smiled as I pulled up another tab and went to YouTube. I pulled up a video of Xavier playing Friday the 13th: the Game. "He had donated some money on my stream last night, and then my father did what he always has done, and I had to end the stream early. Then he started to message me and made sure I was alright."
"Well, damn. Get yourself some good dick." He smiled. "I'm so proud of you, my little girl is all grown up." He faked cry, wiping away fake tears.
I laughed. "But we're literally not even friends yet. So I'm not getting the D."
"I doubt I ever will," I said as I looked up at him.
"Don't say that. You're smart, beautiful, creative. You're too kind for your own good. Who wouldn't like you?" He smiled as he pulled his laptop out from under his seat.
"I mean apparently since I think Xavier is cute, Danny is getting jealous."
"Well, if he can't respect your life decisions on who you want to date, then he's not the man for you. He has to respect all of your decisions unless they're bad ones. Then he can say something. But he has to respect your personal space."
I smiled. "Thank you."
The bell rang for class to begin, and everyone got settled into their seats. I noticed that Kylie wasn't here.
I began to search through my writing to find something to share for Knights of the Round Table. I found a piece that I had written a while back for my Medieval narrative for English class. Though it didn't have to be set in the medieval times, it had to have some kind of element of medieval narratives in it. So I chose to write a piece that had a lot of scenery and description.
Once Michael had finished reading my work, which I stuttered a lot when I read and have to have someone else read my work, everyone went ballistic. I burrowed my face down in my arms as a blush came onto my face. Everyone was saying that they wanted more, but I didn't have any more to share.
We read a few more writing and ate as did. Michael shared his piece of writing, which was kind of prophetic.
The class ended eventually, and I packed up my books and laptop. "I expect you to tell me all about this Xavier boy tomorrow," Michael said.
I smiled. "I will." I picked my books up and left the classroom.
School went on, and it was pretty much the norm. Teachers who don't know how to teach, lots of homework, and tons of drama over petty stuff.
I reached my car and sat down in the passenger seat. I noticed my phone had turned on with a Discord notification so I looked at the message. It was Xavier.
Hey, so I was wondering if you wanted to collab with me on some videos. Maybe play some game together.
And I nearly lost it. I grew excited and immediately replied with a yes. I sat in the parking lot, in my car, waiting for a response. And one came.
Great. What kind of games do you play? I play mainly single player games though.
I typed back:
Same. Maybe we can play some Golf-It with some other friends. Maybe Cards Against Humanity.
There wasn't a response after a few minutes so I decided to drive to my work so I wouldn't be late. I worked at this small little café called the Witt Stop. They made food like hamburgers but they also served muffins and coffees. It was a very small place, and they had recently just opened, so very few of us worked there who wasn't family. It was owned by a woman and her fiancé and brother. They were the ones who worked there most of the time and handled all of the big rushes, like the mornings when the elderly people came in to have breakfast and read the paper and talk about politics.
Then there was me. I wasn't family but a friend of a friend of the family. My boss, Rosie, was friends with Nina, and Nina had recommended me since they still needed a few people. And Nina had known of my situation and explained it vaguely to Rosie. So Rosie hired me and then hired Teegan so I wouldn't be completely lost around people. I stayed in the back and made food and cleaned dishes while Rosie and Teegan handled the cashier and taking people's orders.
I drove away from the school and drove towards town. My town was small, it was a place where everyone knew everyone and there were no secrets. The town had a population of about 1,000 people, and it took about ten minutes to walk from one side of town to the other.
I arrived at work about fifteen minutes later as it wasn't far from the school. I checked my phone to see it had gone off from another message from Xavier. It read:
That sounds great! Let me know when you're free to make a few videos.
I smiled and blushed. I typed back:
Okay! I will.
I got out of the car and walked into the small store. Rosie was already at the cashier, ringing up an elderly man.
She looked up at me and saw my busted lip. "Everything okay?"
"Yeah... It's nothing to worry about." I looked down, shifting my feet. My bangs fell over my face, hiding it.
"You know I worry about you." She leaned against the counter.
I walked behind the counter and through the door to the kitchen. I pulled my hair back in a ponytail and started to wash dishes. Though it wasn't the best job, it made enough money for me to have some money to get food and help support mom.
I eventually finished up the dishes and walked out to stock the drink fridges. I brought the crates for soda out to the fridges and started to stock them. I finished up and took the empty crates back to the back of the store. I finished up my shift without any incidents.
I got in my car after work and went back to Teegan's house. I sat down at my desk and pulled up my class assignments. I had a few assignments to do as Ms. Weeks gave homework to do on the weekends. They weren't hard assignments as they were just free writing assignments within a certain topic. She had decided to take the medieval narrative from my English class and make it a creative writing assignment. So I decided to write an imagery scene of a fight scene between a vampire prince and a werewolf alpha.
I finished the first writing assignment, then I pulled up Discord. I started to type.
Hey, guys. No stream tonight. I'm not feeling the best.
It wasn't a lie. I just needed a mental health day. The discord group started to blow up.
And I saw the One Unread Message icon pop up next to his name.
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