#dannymay day 26
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five-rivers · 9 months ago
“I've got it!  I've got it!” 
“You got Phantom?” asked Agent K, pulling himself out of the dumpster.  
“I– well, no, but look!”  The young Agent L held up a…
“A boot?”
“Phantom's boot!  We can find him with this!”
“We know that he's hiding in the teenage population.  We just have to have all the teenagers try on the boot!  It's foolproof!”
As soon as L finished speaking, the boot started to dissolve.  In a second, it was dust.  
“Oh,” said L, dejected.  
“Your favorite movie is Cinderella, isn't it?”
“Oh, um.  Yeah?”
K sighed.  “You're an idiot.”
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aprocessionofthoughts · 9 months ago
GIW speech
day 26: shoes
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jackson-imbecille · 2 years ago
Dannymay Day 26: Art/Fic Switch!
I usually draw, so here’s a reveal fic with Danny and a very concerned Lancer.
He really should have stayed home today. It would have been so easy to just fly back home after being dropped off at school and sleep for the next twelve hours. His parents wouldn’t notice, they were too busy working on making ghost shields for the elementary schools. And even if they did notice, he could just say he was feeling sick. His mom would definitely believe him and even her fawning over him all day would be better than this. 
It was getting hard to keep his eyes open. Seven medium powered animal ghosts had attacked last night and by the time he finished capturing them all it was already time for him to get ready for school. The only sleep he had been able to get in was the thirty minutes he had spent passed out under the bleachers in gym class. And the (so far unused) gym clothes in the front pocket of his backpack turned it into such a comfortable pillow. Especially now with the white noise of Lancer droning on about murderous rabbits of all things.
Sam was in Peru with her parents for the week and Tucker was on a field trip with his computer programming class. So if he just fell asleep there wouldn’t be anyone to shake him awake or worry about why he was so tired. He could just relax and drift away into unconsciousness. 
Until the alarms started blaring.
His head was pulsing in time with the electronic whining. People were yelling and rushing around the room, but he couldn’t make out any specific words or voices. The thumping in his head and blaring from everywhere at once drowned it out. Somebody grabbed his upper arm and guided him up from his chair, out the door, and down the hallway. People were running, he was running with them. He wasn’t sure what they were running from, he couldn’t think. His head hurt. The hand was still on his arm. He just kept running until he ran into something hard and painful. It stung his skin like fire, ice, and electricity at the same time. All feelings of tiredness were forcibly expelled from his body by the sheer amount of pain pumping through him. He screamed and fell to the ground.
“Are you okay Mr. Fenton?”
Danny controlled his breathing and blinked away the shock of the impact before he looked around and took in his surroundings, shocked awake by the impact. There was a shield around the school. A shield he couldn’t go through. And Lancer had seen it. 
“Are you hurt?” Lancer asked, offering out a hand to Danny. Danny shook his head and took it, letting himself be lifted up by his teacher.
“We need to go through the shield. The ghost will be able to get to us if we don’t.” So that’s what was happening. There was a ghost attack. But why didn’t he sense it before?
“Daniel, we need to go. Now.” Despite his words, Lancer didn’t move towards the shield. He just looked around frantically as if searching for another way out.
“No, I can’t. It won’t let me through.” Danny took a step back from the glowing green barrier. Just being close to it made his hair stand on end. 
“We can’t just stay here. This is dangerous.” 
“Just go ahead without me, I’ll be fine. I promise.” He would have a hard enough time fighting that ghost off himself with how tired he was. He really didn’t want to have to protect Lancer too. “I deal with stuff like this all the time. My parents are the Fentons. You don’t have to worry about me.”
Lancer looked at him with what he could only describe as horror. Whether it was from the idea of him fighting ghosts, or the idea of running to safety while leaving him to fend for himself Danny didn’t know. “Daniel, in my time as a teacher in this town, I have not lost a single student. I’m not going to lose one now. I’m staying with you and we’re going to find a way out of this.”
There was no way around this then. Lancer was stuck with him until this was over.
They walked back down the hallway towards the center of the building. “The Fentons, I mean, your parents were alerted when the ghost entered the building. Let’s hope they come soon. The shield can’t be deactivated until the ghost is captured, so we should probably find a place to hide until then.” 
Danny led them into an empty classroom and closed the door behind them. “Here, we can hide behind Mr. Mallard’s desk.”
“Wouldn’t the basement be better?” Lancer asked.
“No time. Besides, I’m not entirely sure it would.”
They sat behind the desk, silent for what felt like hours, though it couldn’t have been more than 20 minutes. Danny focused on the booming sounds of footsteps from a giant creature overhead and the inhuman screeches that would send shivers down any normal person’s spine while he picked at the fraying sleeve of his jacket and tried to think of some way out of this. Tried to come up with a plan to stop the ghost and keep Lancer safe without compromising his identity. Lancer broke the silence. 
“Why can’t you go through the shields?”
Danny jumped, broken out of his focus, before turning his eyes to the ground and scratching his neck. A small part of him had been clinging onto the idea of Lancer somehow forgetting about that, as impossible as it seemed. “It’s complicated. You probably won’t believe me.” He hoped that this would be enough to get Lancer to drop it, but wasn’t too optimistic. 
“I might be surprised by it, but I think I’d be able to believe whatever it is.” Lancer smiled and looked at Danny expectantly.
“I, um,” He didn’t have enough time to come up with a full fledged lie, so a half truth would have to do. “In September last year I got a little shock from one of my parents' inventions and now some of their ghost tech works on me. It’s nothing serious, but it does cause some problems.” 
It was silent for a bit more. The sounds of stomping and screaming died down. The ghost had probably moved to the other side of the school. After around five more minutes, Lancer started the conversation back up. 
“Do your parents know?”
Danny hesitated, not sure what to say. He didn’t want to make his parents look bad, but what could he say to achieve that? “Yes. I mean, no. I think? They might know about some of it, but not a lot. I mean, if they knew about all of it, they probably would have made some adjustments to the shield. Right?” He held his breath, waiting for Lancer’s reaction. Lancer took a second to consider the information, then relented. 
“I suppose that is right.” Danny relaxed and went back to listening for the ghost. He heard talking, and faint bellows before the room started to tint green. 
“Oh thank goodness, your parents are here.” A strange smell filled the room, seeping from the vents and sinking to the ground. It made his skin tingle and made it hard for him to move. It was like all his limbs were falling asleep.
“We need to get out of here.”
“We need to go upstairs, I can’t stay here.” He tried to stand up, but his legs wobbled. His head was starting to feel really heavy and his eyes were getting droopier than normal. His face felt numb, like he had gotten fifteen shots at the dentist in preparation for a cavity removal.
“Daniel, what’s going on?”
“The gas, I,” It was getting hard to breathe, hard to talk, hard to think. “I can’t.” He started to sway. He wanted to go to bed, but he was picked up and carried upstairs, away from the gas.
He was set down on the floor of the third floor hallway. He started to cough so hard he wouldn’t be surprised if he had a sore throat tomorrow. He sounded like a dying goose, but at least he felt a bit better now. The gas was heavy and wouldn’t travel much up here. As long as he stayed upstairs he was safe from it. But once the threat was dealt with, how was he going to get out? It wasn’t like he could just transform and fly away. Lancer would probably be keeping close attention to him. Especially after this.
Lancer was breathing hard like he had just ran a marathon. Danny didn’t blame him. The guy was trapped in a building with a dangerous ghost, was probably scared out of his mind for his and Danny’s safety, and just had to run up two flights of stairs while carrying 98 pounds of injured teenager. “How often do things like this happen?”
“What?” Danny’s throat was raspy, and it slightly hurt to talk.
“The gas, the shield, is this common?” Lancer looked worried. Danny didn’t like that look. He didn’t like how often it was paired with talk about his parents or their inventions. He wished Lancer would just leave that topic alone.
Danny bit the inside of his lip. If he lied about this, it would be super obvious. “Yes, but-”
“You need to tell your parents about this.” Lancer cut him off.
“I can’t.” He really couldn’t. What if they didn’t take it well? What if they thought he was an imposter? Or he was faking still being himself after the accident?
“Why not? If you did, you’d be safer. I’m worried about you Daniel.” He didn’t have to be worried. His job was to teach and sometimes give out detentions, not to get worried. Why couldn’t he just stick with that like all the others instead of always being worried about something or other? That would make everything so much easier.
“I know but-” He really didn’t want to talk about this right now.
“This is dangerous.”
“So are they!”
He wasn’t supposed to say that. Lancer didn’t know the situation, he couldn’t know the situation. If Lancer wasn’t suspicious of them before, he definitely was now. 
“Daniel?” He tried to avoid Lancer’s gaze, but failed. Lancer looked surprised and worried, but he couldn’t do anything to fix it. Couldn’t reassure him that everything was fine, that he didn't have to worry. Anything he could say would just make everything worse. Danny pulled himself to his feet and started walking down the hallway.
“Daniel, where are you going?” Lancer followed not too far behind him.
“There’s a Fenton thermos in the ceiling in C305.” He walked down the hall, trailing his fingers along the wall, suppressing his urge to lean against it for support. He reached room C305 and grabbed a chair to bring to the center of the room.
“Why is there a thermos in the ceiling?” Lancer looked up at the ceiling in confusion.
Danny grabbed another chair and put it in front of the first one, fronts facing each other before grabbing a barstool seat from the corner. “Because nobody ever goes in here.” He put the barstool seat on top of and inbetween the two chairs before grabbing a wooden box and putting it on top of the barstool.
He climbed up the stack of items and popped up one of the ceiling tiles to search for the thermos. “Mr. Fenton, you shouldn’t be-”
“I’m fine,” Danny cut him off. “I recover from that gas quickly. It doesn’t work as well on me as it does…” He trailed off and froze for a second before shaking the weird feeling away and grabbing the thermos. “I’m fine, you don’t need to worry about me. What we do need to worry about though, is the ghost.” He tossed the thermos to Lancer who fumbled before catching it, then jumped down from the tower of furniture and landed in a squat on his hands and feet as the tower tumbled down behind him.
“The gas is denser than the air, so it’s gonna stay on the lower floors. That ghost was on the second floor when the gas started appearing, so it won’t be super affected by it. But still, it’s probably gonna try to come up here. So we need to be ready for when it does.” Dany looked at Mr. Lancer. He didn’t look to be doing too well and there wasn’t any reason for him to be here putting himself in danger.
“Mr. Lancer, I would feel a lot better if you hid in one of the classrooms downstairs or on the other side of the shield.” Lancer looked at him in horror. It was getting kind of funny how often he was able to cause that expression on his teacher’s face, in a weird sad way. It made him feel kind of guilty, but there wasn’t really any way around it. 
“Daniel, I am not going to leave you to fend for yourself against a ghost.” He sounded completely resolute, but Danny didn’t back down.
“I won’t go looking for it, I’ll hide in one of these classrooms, or the janitor’s closet. Maybe even one of the lockers. I’ll be fine, I promise. I have the fenton thermos on me and years of ghost safety knowledge. Even if it does find me, I can handle it. But I’m worried you won't be able to.”
Lancer’s face softened. “Daniel, you are a child. You shouldn’t have to be able to handle it, and I’m not going to leave you alone.”
Danny opened his mouth to respond, but froze. A wisp of fog escaped from his lips and a shudder crept down his spine. The ground beneath them rumbled and shook, then went still.
“What was that?”
A low bellow shook the building and a shrill scraping sound like nails on a chalkboard rang out from every possible direction. The ground dipped under their feet before shooting up and crumbling.
A feathery draconic figure with the face of a boar burst through the ground and scrambled towards them like its afterlife depended on it. Teeth gnashing and tail thrashing out, bashing holes in the wall. They quickly ran out of the classroom and down the hall, the creature hot on their heels, running on six stocky, clawed, rhinoceros-like limbs. It slipped on the tiles and crashed into the walls, howling in rage at every turn. Squealing in delight the closer it got to its prey.
They needed to outrun this monster, they needed to hide, but they soon found themselves at a dead end. The doorway to the stairwell locked, the monster barreling towards them, and no time to think of a way out. Lancer closed his eyes, not wanting to see what the ghost was going to do to them, But just before it could reach them, a green barrier separated it from them. The beast ran to them at full force, but they felt no impact. 
Lancer slowly and hesitantly opened his eyes, shocked that he was still alive. But when he turned his eyes to his companion, rather than the student he was expecting to see, he came face to face with Amity Park’s most famous ghost.
“Well, I guess you of all people were bound to find out sooner or later.” Danny grinned sheepishly.
“You’re… but I…” Lancer was speechless, the all too common expression of horror painted across his face.
“Yeah, that shock I mentioned wasn’t as little as I made it out to be.” Danny chuckled, trying to make light of the morbidity of the situation.
The ghost circled around the protective dome, clawing at it and attempting to chew at it, before eventually giving up and slinking away.
“So,” Danny turned to Lancer with a mix of a sheepish grin and a grimace on his face. “What was that about not losing a single student?”
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dnpanimationstudioclone · 2 years ago
   Day 25 & 26, Blame and Fic Switch 
Aftermath of my Sidney Rewrite Episode. Danny’s in his room, reflecting on what happened and the things he wished he could’ve done. I dont normally do fics so I hope I atleast got a clear message in this.
TW, mentions of blood, violence and death.
Here's a link to my Rewrite Episode and take on Sidney design, character and how he died
          “I’m sorry Sid”, Danny said to himself solemnly, in his room holding Sid’s broken glasses, they got fairly damaged from…the incident. After the traumatic experience and damage caused in the school, the students were sent home for at least a week. While ghost attacks became a common thing, especially at Casper High, this one was especially frightening, no one, especially Danny saw what Sid did coming. He can still remember being chased like a little bug, seeing the fear in his own eyes from Sid’s giant reflective form, when he saw Dash's face get-he shakes his head, trying to get those horrific memories out. He can’t deal with those graphic details today. He’s just too tired, laying himself on his bed, he stares blankly at the ceiling.
          His friends, his family, even Lancer tried to assure Danny none of it was his fault, how could he have known it would all end up like this, how could he have been able to save Dash from something like that, he wasn’t even anywhere near the fight(or so his parents and teacher believed). He even tries to reassure himself, he shouldn’t blame himself but deep down he can’t help but wonder constant what ifs. What if he didn’t let or had been more careful about letting a ghost help prank on Dash and the other mean kids, knowing his backstory, what if he had listen to his friends sooner when they were worried he was getting carried away, what if he had tried talking to Sid better when he did wonder that himself. What if he didn’t let things get so out of hand…he couldn’t fix things.
Flashback of Sid and Danny talking. Sid’s dialogue, the darker words:
        “ What do you mean this is getting out of hand? Not like anything’s being tied back to us, right?”.
    “ I know, I know, Sid. It’s just some of these pranks have been pretty mean, even for them”.
“ It’s called giving them a a taste of their own medicine Danny. If it was the other way around, you’d think they’d be worrying about being too mean with you? They clearly haven’t thought that to begin with”.
“ Yeah, fair point. It’s just my friends seemed pretty worried and-
“ Ah you’re friends are just being brainwashed by flowery fables that those stupid teachers and the school tell you like “be the bigger person” or “being mean to them makes you just as mean” and other crud ike that. They just teach you to be as worthless as they are”.
“Hey, my friends aren’t worthless! And I get a lot of teachers can be jerks but there’s also plenty that at least try to help(thinks of Lancer). I like to think so.
“ I’m sure that’s what he'd tried to tell you, along with one of his dumb book swears. Seriously most haven't even heard of those books in years, especially not kids-he sees Danny becoming really uncomfortable and starts regulating himself. 
“ Sorry, sorry. I'm sure the people you're talking about truly mean well. I was just getting a little heated over there(brings back bad memories) I just know when you try to be nice and let things go, they usually don’t really care and just go back to their old nature. I just wanna make sure they learn their lesson for good. You know I’m just trying to look out for ya, right? 
         “ y-yeah ofcourse. You’re not wrong, it’s just not sure how long we can keep doing all these pranks, I am pretty busy with other stuff”.
“ Then maybe we should do one final, epic prank! The ultimate prank to teach all the mean kids you don’t mess with nerds! Revenge of the Nerds!
“ YEAH! though Def no revenge of the nerds 80′s style, those guys went WAY too far”.
“ Well it’s a good thing this Daddy-O’s from the 50′s! So I’ve been thinking what if-
Back to the present:
     As Danny remembers that conversation, he starts to realize he missed certain red flags such as Sid's growing mean streak...and the little cracks he was trying to hide on his skin. And then, there’s Dash, he got it much worse, being the main target for Sidney’s revenge hunt. Had to be sent to the hospital to get treatment for his injuries and stitches for that bad cut Sid’s pincer left on him, still remembers when the blood spilled on- Danny shakes from that experience. Good chance that mark will stay for a long time.
     He wishes it didn’t take him having a full emotional breakdown from all those brutal revenge pranks they pulled and almost dying trying to protect him(Danny) from Sid’s wrath to realize that for all his many, many faults, he’s not really a bad person and didn’t deserve to almost die. He can't even properly apologize to him, not without risking his identity being exposed.
     Danny lays back on his bed, breathing out a sigh of guilt and exhaustion. Part of why he wasn’t more willing to acknowledge and try to talk to Sid more was because, outside of Sam and Tucker, he doesn’t have a lot of friends. Then he met Sid who not only understood his problems but enjoyed hanging out with, sharing each others different time pleasures(like Egg-creams), talking about sci-fi films, when they did harmless pranks...at first. He was so worried about losing a new friend, he ended up losing him anyway, the worst way possible. In a way, he made a similar mistake to what the people in Sid’s life made. They ignored him and his problems until they became too big to fix. Thinking about it, Sid’s first failed plan in a twisted way, might've worked, in terms of making his bully regret everything. Doubt he had it easy after being known as the guy who accidentally killed one of his fellow classmates.
     As he takes his eyes off the rotating ceiling fan back to Sid's broken glasses, seeing his own reflection from them, he starts to consider. He can’t reverse what happened, but he can atleast make sure what happened to Sid is better acknowledged rather than just try to forget what happened like they did. Regardless of what was and what wasn't his fault, he still wants to make things right. Or atleast try to.
He props himself up to go check some stuff on his laptop such as memorials and finding perhaps some flowers and a card to send to Dash at the hospital. After what happened, it’s highly doubtful anyone would want to use that locker anymore. But maybe it could be used for something else, to remember Sid's story in a clearer light. Give his friend some peace.
As he looks at pictures of locker memorials, he calls Tucker, holding Sid’s broken glasses
“ Yeah I’m doing good too, thanks Do you know how to fix up cracked glasses?”
The End. 
What do u think? I'd love to know💖
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dannymayevent · 10 months ago
Dannymay 2024
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Welcome back to Dannymay! We sincerely apologize for the delay this year, as we're releasing this just a day before the event is due to start. Life's been a bit hectic for all of us, but we're here now and ready to get this event started for you!
If you aren't aware, Dannymay is a yearly event where creators are given a daily prompt and are free to run with it! Any and all art is allowed; fanfiction, fanart, music, poetry, and anything else will be welcomed!
Feel free to complete as many or as few prompts as you'd like, and remember to have fun! When you're done, post your creations to Tumblr with the #Dannymay2024 tag so we can see it!
Like last year, we'll be compiling an ao3 collection under the tag Dannymay 2024, and we'll fire up the Dannymay discord for another year - the link is in our FAQ!
Full text prompt list and AU explanations are below the cut
2. Wish
3. Invisible
4. Wander
5. Nails
6. Immortal AU: What if Danny/Halfas couldn't die?
7. Mind Control
8. Style Challenge: A unique prompt to kick off the second week! Take the characters and draw them in the style of a different piece of media, or experiment with your own style and see what you can make!
9. Hunger
10. Mausoleum
11. Mutation
12. Time Travel
13. D&D AU: Drop the characters into the world of Dungeons & Dragons, or imagine them playing the game!
14. Light
15. Field Trip
16. Glowing Veins
17. Equilibrium
18. Revenge
19. Iron
20. Pitch AU: What if the show had aired as presented in the Pitch Bible, where Danny is a human with an owl named Spooky, rides a motorcycle, and has a psychic connection with Sam? For more information, the Bible has been uploaded to the Internet Archive
21. Funeral
22. Song Lyric: Just one week left! Take a line from a song you like and use that as inspiration!
23. Reflection
24. Electricity
25. Games
26. Shoes
27. Zombie AU: What if the ghosts were zombies, or what if canon Amity Park were to face a zombie apocalypse?
28. Healing
29. Fireworks
30. Goodbye
31. Free Day: You made it, thanks for participating in the event! For the last day, create anything you'd like!
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thebooo-merang · 9 months ago
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For DannyMay Day 26: shoes!
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dragonshoardofworks · 9 months ago
DannyMerMay 2024
Day 1: Insect/Anchor
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The return of Little Baby Moth! (From last year DannyMay)
Something happened since last time the two of them met, so LBMo is reasonably surprised to see Little Baby Man Mer's new form... or is this just an alternative dimension iteration of LBM (by @tourettesdog)? 🤔
(Keep reading to find the answer!)
@pikakaistudios Little Baby Mer inspired me in doing my own, so Kudos and credits where are due!
More fanarts and lore under the cut because it was getting long...
Prompt for DannyMay by @dannymayevent and MerMay by @vladdyissues.
Since I'm a serial procrastinator and I wanted to be sure the art pieces were at least decent/accurate, I was almost late (but thank CW that I did, because some of them had the wrong orca-pattern and I would have brought disgrace upon myself if I published anything not done right since orcas are one of my favorite animals).
That being said, let's continue the DannyMerMay journey!
Day 12: Time Travel/Seafood
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My poor Mer-boy got yoinked temporalily into the past when he was still Danny (so even before the "normal" LBM-fication) and he's feeling reeeaaally distressed at the act of practically cannibalism that his past-self is committing...
Day 2+4+29: Wish/Starfish + Wander/Night + Fireworks/Bioluminescence
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Wandering in the night, some interesting encounters are bound to happen...
I wonder what would happen if you wish upon a(n alien) star(fish)...
Day 19+20: Iron/Pearl + Pitch AU/Abyss
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LBMer found a his rightful Crown (of Fire) sunk into the depths of the ocean!
But since it was rusty and forgotten, what better way to restore it than ghostly mother pearl?
(Works like ghostly ice, but it's an exclusive power of LBMer.)
(The Crown got bigger than canon, but he smol!)
Day 26: Shoes/Camouflage
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They say that imitation is one of the best form of flattery, but when you don't want to get caught by a certain dimensional hopper (and be mistaken for one of his foes), it's the best way to blend in!
(Octopi can camouflage in ways that make you think that magic is real...)
(Little Baby Terror unfortunately got caught in the same "accident" that LBM did, so they generally prefer to stick together-ish in case they need help.)
Day 16+22: Glowing Veins/Courtship + Song Lyrics/Songs
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I couldn't help myself and sneaked in some Everlasting Trio for the soul.
After all, LBM (and therefore LBMer) is still Danny, even if he has new form(s) and instincts.
They do incarnate the "Would you still love me if I was a worm?", don't they?
Song: A Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay
(It feels such a Danny song to use, plus I checked how orcas court and while there's some posturing, they also sing! It felt only natural from there... >:3c)
Day 11: Mutation/Shell(s)
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And finally: the answer!
LBM found this weird shell on the beach while they were on vacation, but when he checked it (read: nibbed it), it reacted and tooted a magical cloud that mutated our Little Baby Man into a Mer!
(The same fate happened to Dani/Little Baby Menace and Dan/Little Baby Terror, changing them into a Seahorse Mer and Octopus Mer respectively.
I've got a lineart done of them for another prompt, but I didn't manage in time to clean and color it yet, along with a couple of others... ( ≧Д≦) )
This has two versions because I couldn't decide which was better. @teacupsandstarlight suggested the first because of the transforming smoke around our boi, but since I saved both, I told myself: why not upload both?
For now, that's all! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
I still have some linearts to finish/digitalize/color, but at least I contributed to these two fantastic events, hope y'all enjoyed them and my works!
Hope to type ya soon! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
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duchi-nesten · 2 years ago
DannyMay Day 26: Art/Fic Switch!
Treats and Threats
Valerie was going to kick Phantom’s ass for this! The only problem? She didn’t know where to find him.
Good thing Cujo was more than willing to help in exchange for some treats. Too bad he wasn’t very good at distinguishing which Danny he was meant to find though...
Word Count: 2894 || AO3 Link
Did I use this day as an excuse to try writing something for the shared cujostody au?? Maybe...
it referances this comic a little bit...
[Shared Cujostody AU Masterpost]
Valerie was gonna kick Phantom’s ass for this. Did he think she wouldn’t notice?
She looked over to Cujo, who was sniffing all over her room. He just came over as he often did. Phantom liked to think they had a set custody schedule or whatever it was he called it, but in reality Cujo just came by whenever he wanted and to whichever of them he wanted.
She was reluctant to ‘’adopt’’ the ghost dog at first. Yes, she wasn’t as mad at him anymore after she finally listened to Phantom and found out why exactly Cujo was now a ghost, but that didn’t mean she had to like him. He was incredibly persistent though and the more time Valerie spent around the dog, the more she started loving him. He was just a tiny little puppy, a ball of joy who wanted to play all the time.
She even kept some treats for him for whenever he came over and started making and buying him some dog clothes. He loved dressing up, especially when they got to match. And it made Phantom jealous, so it was just bonus points for her really.
Phantom used to insist that the dog wasn’t his, but now it seemed like they were fighting for who gets to have him. Okay, she was fighting. That idiot seemed delighted to share the ‘’custody’’, he kept making jokes about them being a family which was genuinely getting on her nerves. He was so infuriating.
She did agree to a truce with him after finding out he was right about Vlad, but that didn’t mean she had to enjoy sharing Cujo with that menace. He was too careless and brute with the puppy. Which is exactly why she needed to find him right now and kill him, truce be damned.
Unfortunately for her the ghost attacks have been kinda on the down low lately and she had no idea where he hung out when he wasn’t fighting them. She did send him a bunch of text messages and even tried calling (which was still so weird! How did he even get that phone??), but she was sent to voicemail every time.
If only there was a way for her to track him down…
She glanced at Cujo, who had his head stuck in the plastic box of treats. She sighed. Truly nothing could stop a ghost dog. She always tried hiding these from him, but no matter where she put the box he always managed to sniff it out.
Which gave her an idea. If he could sniff these out then maybe…
‘’Cujo, baby. You know you’re not supposed to eat those.’’ she gently pushed his head out of the box. If he really wanted to he could just phase through her hand and continue, but he was a good boy and always listened. Yet he kept his eyes on the treats as if they would disappear at any moment. She chuckled.
‘’I’ll give you a treat if you do something for me.’’ she said and his eyes instantly snapped to her. His tail slowly swayed back and forth. ‘’Can you find Phantom for me? Sniff him out?’’
Cujo blinked at her before barking happily, tail full on wagging now. He phased through her hand and made his way through the bedroom window. She quickly jumped to follow him, nearly yanking the window off its hinges. Her suit making a humming sound as it activated.
He got quite ahead of her, but she managed to keep up just fine. She did have his ecto-signature marked in her tracker just in case she ever lost track of him, but she also had Phantom’s and that one tended to disappear off her radar at random. She wasn’t so inclined to test if Cujo’s wouldn’t do the same.
They flew their way through Amity Park before Cujo suddenly took a sharp turn towards her high school. She saw him growing into his bigger form before he disappeared behind the building.
As she rounded the corner and saw Cujo’s back, tail wagging. It seemed like he was holding someone in his mouth.
Got ya, ghost boy.
She landed behind the dog and could hear his captive yelling
‘’Cujo! I can’t right now! I told you to go to-’’
Cujo turned around to show his catch to Valerie and…
‘’Oh-... Heheh.. hi Red! Uh.. Huntress!’’
That was not Danny Phantom.
That was Danny Fenton.
‘’CUJO NO. Shit, I’m so sorry Da-uh citizen!’’ She quickly raced up to them and coaxed her puppy into releasing her ex boyfriend. Which he did by letting him fall face first on the ground. ‘’SHIT.’’
Valerie knelt down next to him to help him rise to his feet.
‘’Are you okay??’’
‘’Yeah.’’ he said, standing up to his full height, which was only slightly taller than her. He looked at her and sent her a bright smile. ‘’Don’t worry about it.’’
She smiled back knowing that he probably struggled to see it through her visor. His view got even more obscured when Cujo put his huge snout in between them wagging his tail happily. Which ended up with him accidentally knocking over some full trash cans standing behind him.
‘’Ugh. Cujo, I just cleaned that up.’’ Danny said resigned, moving over to the garbage. ‘’Lancer’s gonna have my head if he sees another piece of mutated meat.’’
Valerie looked at the knocked over trash and sure enough it was full of disgusting glowing green meat. Or at least what was left of it. It looked maimed and burned.
Right. He was recording a tiktok during lunch today. She was eating in the library while working on her missed homework, so she didn’t get to see it herself, but she heard the rumors. Apparently he put some sort of new ectoplasmic concoction from his parents lab in his serving of today’s mystery meat. It backfired and spread to every piece of meat in the cafeteria like a disease.
People were saying it was like a zombie apocalypse with all the meat moving around the room. Some even said they saw the Lunch Lady ghost appear for a second before she noticed Danny in the middle of it and left terrified. Which if that was true Valerie couldn’t blame her. Danny’s eating habits probably made her turn in her grave.
‘’You didn’t eat it, did you?’’ she asked, squinting at a small piece of meat that apparently survived whatever happened to the rest of it and was slowly crawling away from them, likely trying to escape. Danny picked it up and squashed it in his hand before it got far.
‘’Obviously I did.’’ he turned to her with a familiar shit-eating grin on his face, moving the thing he caught closer to his mouth as if to prove a point.
Damn him. How could he be so endearing even when he was being disgusting?
She shook her head chuckling and looked at Cujo instead. He was looking right back at her expectantly. Right.
‘’No Cujo, no treats until you find Phantom for me.’’ she said sternly. She saw Danny trip over a trash can lid out of the corner of her eye. ‘’You good there?’’
‘’Wha-Yes! Ha- Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine! Don’t mind me!’’ he tried to act cool, almost losing his footing again. Dork.
Cujo whined at her, stepping from front paw to front paw and cocking his head to the right. He knew damn well he looked cute when he did that, no matter which form.
‘’Baby, no. I’m not gonna cave. Find Phantom and I’ll give you a treat then.’’ she said calmly trying to stroke him behind the ear, but since he was in big mode she had to settle for his cheek.
He whined a bit more letting out a little pathetic bark to go with it. He turned and stalked over to Danny, poking him in the back with his nose, which made the boy squeak.
‘’No, Cujo.’’ she said, sighing. ‘’That’s the wrong Danny you’re thinking of.’’
‘’Y-Yeah, buddy!’’ Danny chuckled nervously, petting Cujo’s snout. ‘’I’m not the one you’re looking for! Definitely not! I’m not Phantom, why would you even think that? You’re not thinking that right?’’
Okay he was acting weird. Almost as if he was hiding something.
Valerie looked him up and down. His eyes were wide, observing her every move with fear. One arm was rubbing his neck, which he always did when he was nervous. The other still stroking Cujo’s fur almost instinctively.
That’s when it clicked.
‘’No fucking way.’’ she uttered absolutely baffled.
It made so much sense.
‘’W-What?’’ he asked, his voice cracking.
‘’How many times did that asshole leave you as a dogsitter?’’
She knew Phantom did that. She caught Cujo in the background of one of Danny’s tiktoks a while ago and when she confronted Phantom about it he admitted to ‘’hiring’’ Danny as a dogsitter sometimes.
If that asshole left Cujo with Danny too often, then no wonder the poor puppy would mistake Danny for his second caretaker. Oh she was going to kick his irresponsible ghost ass even harder now!
‘’Uh… w-wha..?’’ Danny tilted his head questionably.
‘’I know about the dogsitting, Danny. And it looks like he’s leaving Cujo with you so often that the dog thinks you’re him!’’
‘’Oh… you think-’’ he knitted his eyebrows in confusion before his eyes widened. ‘’Oh! Oh, hahah, he didn’t- I mean it wasn’t many times! Maybe like twice! Is this the dog? I didn’t even recognise him, I don’t even remember his name!’’
Cujo whined again, turning into his puppy form and jumped in Danny’s arms, who barely managed to catch him in time. He started sniffing and licking his face distressed.
‘’Cujo stop! I mean! Dog whose name I don’t remember…’’ that made Cujo whine even harder and Danny flinched. He instantly gave up and buried his face in Cujo’s fur. Valerie could barely hear him mutter ‘’I can’t do this to you.’’
That interaction only reaffirmed Valerie’s suspicions.
‘’Don’t cover up for him.’’ she said, crossing her arms. ‘’I’m not mad at you, I’m mad at him. He’s going to pay for this too.’’
‘’Uh…why were you even looking for him in the first place? Did he do something?’’
‘’Yes, he knows what he did! And now this! The moment I find him I’m gonna kick his ass so hard he’ll be the gone kind of dead!’’
‘’… well you definitely won’t find him now…’’
‘’Nothing!’’ Danny shoved Cujo in her arms and started walking off before she could even react. ‘’Anyway I’ll be going now! Gotta finish cleaning so Lancer doesn’t kill me! Bye Val!’’
‘’Bye-....wait…what did you just call me?’’
Danny stopped frozen in his tracks. She stared at his back bewildered.
He slowly turned around and stared back at her too.
‘’...Bye Red Huntress! It was nice to see you, I’ll go disappear behind that corner now!’’ he yelled nervously and booked it behind said corner.
It took her a second to shake off the shock. Cujo jumped out of her arms as she quickly followed after the boy.
She rounded the corner to see that he did in fact disappear. Shit.
She was sure he called her Val. How did he know about her secret identity? She was always so careful! It did explain his weird behavior though, he probably didn’t know how to act around her like this.
She needed to talk to him immediately, he couldn’t just reveal something like this and run off!
Though that is exactly what he did. How did he even disappear like that? This boy was impossible sometimes.
In frustration she knocked her head on the wall a few times. What was her life at this point?
Her thoughts got interrupted when she heard Cujo’s bark and a yelp come from behind her. Turning around only provided her with even more frustration when she saw Danny mcfucking Phantom laying helplessly under Cujo’s once again big paw.
‘’Why must you do this to the hand that feeds you…’’ he hissed to Cujo before turning his attention towards Valerie. ‘’Hey Red! You look very good today! Are those new arm plates on your suit?’’
Danny Fenton could wait. She was gonna deal with this asshole first.
‘’YOU.’’ she roared stalking over to them. Cujo looked up at her coming closer and switched to his puppy form again laying his whole body on Phantom’s chest, wagging his tail and barking excitedly.
‘’Ah.. hahah, have you been looking for me?’’ Phantom said, raising into a sitting position, even though Cujo was making it difficult for him.
‘’I’m going to end you!’’ Valerie yelled, pulling out her gun and making sure to aim it at his face and away from the dog in his lap.
‘’I thought we had a truce! What did I do?!’’
‘’No, I actually don’t!’’
She let her gun disappear back into her suit and angrily knelt beside them. Picking up Cujo from his lap, she turned him around to show Phantom a charred section of fur on his right back leg.
‘’I FOUND SOME SINGED FUR ON CUJO AGAIN. You were playing too harshly with him! again!’’ she put the puppy down, so she could stand up summoning her gun back and aim it at the ghost boy in front of her.
Phantom looked from the gun to her, at Cujo and then back to the gun.
‘’……. Listen in my defense he really likes fetching ectoblasts…’’
‘’He’s gonna be fetching your ectoplasm when I’m done with you! What were you thinking?! He’s not one of your vile rouge buddies! He’s a little puppy! How many times have I told you to be softer with him?!’’
‘’Valerie, with all due respect…That dog can chew off Skulker’s head, he can take a few tiny burns! He doesn’t even react to it!’’ he defended standing up too. He kept his hands in the air as a sign of surrender. ‘’Can’t I just play catch with my own son?’’
Cujo barked from the side.
‘’UgH your SON that you constantly leave with Danny! Apparently you do that so often that he’s more used to Danny’s scent than yours!’’ she yelled irritated.
‘’Uh…I’m a ghost…. I don’t have a scent?’’ he answered, uncertain before nodding to himself. ‘’Yes. Yes! I don’t have… a scent for him to find. Only uh… Only material beings do.’’ he added still unsure and she swore she could hear him mutter something about being a genius.
‘’He couldn’t sniff me out and uh… you and Danny are the only humans who have me on speed dial so he thought that was the best next thing. Yes, that’s definitely it.’’
‘’Yeah! It’s true! Totally! So he did good!’’ he motioned to Cujo which made him wag his tail more. ‘’Give him a treat, he deserves it. He’s a good boy!’’
The puppy barked happily.
‘’Yeah, you are!’’ Phantom crouched to coddle Cujo. ‘’Your mother just couldn’t see it! But don’t worry, your cool ass dad always got your back.’’
There he goes again with the family bullshit. Valerie slumped defeated and hid her gun.
‘’Ugh. Stop saying things like that to him, we’re not a family.’’ she groaned.
‘’Well yeah, we’re divorced.’’
‘’We never even dated!’’
‘’As far as you know.’’ he looked up at her with his dumb trademark smirk.
‘’What’s that supposed to mean?’’ she asked because what the actual fuck did he mean by that.
‘’Nothing!’’ he stood up quickly picking up Cujo to shove him in her arms and woah, did that give her deja vu. ‘’I have to go, can I have a rain check on that ass kicking? I’m very busy right now!’’
‘’Wha- No!’’ she protested trying to keep Cujo from licking her face. ‘’Get back here!’’
‘’Bye Val!’’ he yelled and flew off before she had the time to react. God damn it!
She turned her gaze down to Cujo’s pleading eyes.
‘’Alright.’’ she pulled out a dog treat from a tiny storage in her glove and gave it to Cujo. ‘’You did good baby.’’
She put him down on the ground so he could devour the treat in peace and sighed loudly. Phantom ran off like a little bitch and apparently Cujo couldn’t sniff him out. He would just go to Danny again.
Which reminded her. She still needed to have a talk with that boy. She did trust him not to tell anyone, but she needed to know how he found out in the first place, so she can make sure no one else can find out the same way. She should probably give him a bit of time before she gets Cujo to stalk him out again though.
The puppy had finished his little treat and was now looking at her with those cute red puppy dog eyes. She couldn’t hold back the smile that overtook her face. Whatever. She’ll deal with Danny at school tomorrow. And deal with Phantom whenever she sees him next.
‘’C’mon Cujo. Let’s go home.’’
It was on the way home when a sudden thought hit her.
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jadenoryuu · 2 years ago
Day 26+31: Art/Fic Switch + Free Day!
And here we end the Ghost Animal Noodle AU of DannyMay!
(And you're gonna ask: it's almost August, Jade, wtf‽)
Simple! Today is the anniversary of the first airing of Reign Storm!
It took me a while to finish it, since, once I made the first pencil on paper lineart, I decided to take a step further:
Digital coloring! (And thus justifying the use of the challenge of day 26!)
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Fright Knight is a bat, while Pariah Dark (since is the Ghost King) is a lion!
@tourettesdog 's Little Baby Man is storming Pariah's Keep to reclaim his territory/haunt Amity Park... And the Skeleton Army can do little to nothing against him!
Under the cut there's all the inspirations for this drawing!
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(The original lineart)
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(The bat who's the inspiration for Fright Knight: Myzopoda)
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(The spider, the pony, the Meme, the Legend!)
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hannahmanderr · 2 years ago
DannyMay Day 26 - Art/Fic Switch Challenge
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I was originally gonna do something more ambitious, but I am Not An Artist so I gave up and made a transparent little blorbo instead lol
I like to headcanon you can see blob ghosts' cores through their skin and they kind of end up sliding around in the ghost like in one of those squishy jelly tubes
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five-rivers · 2 years ago
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Possible demon!Danny sketches from Baroque, with a human Danny and a normal Phantom Danny for comparison.
(Featuring: I have never drawn digitigrade feet before oh nooooooo.)
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aprocessionofthoughts · 2 years ago
A Haunting
dannymay day 26 art/fic switch
dp x dc crossover
1905 words
Danny was so done with Skulker. It was one thing to chase him and try to catch him to hang his skiing above the mantle, but it was a totally different thing to yeet him into an alternate timeline/dimension. Danny didn’t really care which. And he was extra annoying about it too. 
Skulker had been chasing Danny through Amity when a natural portal had opened up. Danny had been distracted and Skulker had used the opportunity to grab him and throw him through the portal,
And that was it. 
And so here Danny was who knows where, who knows when, for who knew how long. Well, Clockwork knows but that’s the equivalent of no one knowing because the Ancient doesn't know how to communicate.
Maybe Danny should sick Jazz on him to teach him the importance of communication. And also sick her on Skulker to teach him that it’s rude to launch your adversaries into unknown portals.
But first things first. He was hungry and required sustenance, preferably the greasy kind. 
Invisibly and intangibly he floated down to search for some food. Just in time to miss a bat swooping down onto the roof.
Red Hood had been in the middle of…persuading one of Falcone’s members to talk when he saw a flash of green in the corner of his vision. He tossed the man aside and turned to see a crack in the sky the same color as the Lazarus pits open up above an abandoned apartment building. He could just see something falling through before the crack in the sky closed up. 
He was moving before he really thought about it.
It took him less than 5 minutes to land on the building's roof but as far as he could see there was nothing.
He hesitated for a moment before reaching up to his com.
“Oracle, I need you to pull up any feeds around the old Adam Apartments.”
“What am I looking for?”
“You’ll know when you see it.”
“What do you mean… oh. I’m patching everyone else in.”
“What is it, Oracle?” came NItghwing’s voice amidst the sounds of fighting.
“Hood spotted an anomaly over the Adam Apartments. It looked like a Lazarus Pit.
There was silence for a moment, then…
“What do you mean a Lazarus Pit!?”
“Are there any League members nearby?”
“Do we know where Talia is?”
“Are you sure Hood saw a pit?”
“Quiet! Hood tell us what happened.: came B’s voice.
“I was doing some business when I spotted a green tear in the sky. Something or someone fell out but when I got to the building I couldn’t find anything.”
“Alright, Nightwing heads over to Hood’s position and help investigate. Oracle, keep looking through any nearby cameras.  Everyone else, stick to your normal patrols and keep a lookout for any other anomalies.
A chorus of ‘yes, sirs’ and ‘will do , B’ sounded before the coms fell quiet.
After Danny had eaten, a burger he had to swipe because apparently money was different in this dimension, he decided to explore. After all, there wasn’t much he could do except wait for a natural portal to show up. He stopped a few crimes because why not. And, he had to admit, it was hilarious to spook people with his slightly more eldritch form. Though, the muttering about another bat was confusing.
After flying through the shadier parts of town he came across some large mansions. And, well, Danny had always wanted to try his hand at haunting. 
Danny had only just started exploring the mansion and he had already found out that the owners were either furries or vigilantes. Then again, this was a different dimension. Maybe everyone here had secret basements and furry costumes. Danny shouldn’t assume. Then again again, his parents had a secret basement (kind of) and he was a vigilante (kind of). So, he totally had the right to assume. And judge. Who dressed up like bats and traffic lights?
Though, it would be cool to have a whole big lair with lots of gadgets instead of just hiding things under floorboards and in walls.
At least now he knew why the criminals he scared kept muttering about bats. 
But now it was time to start haunting!
Time knew he should be in bed. Had been told repeatedly that he should go to bed. Had been  threatened that if he didn’t go to bed there would be consequences. But, well… he was technically in bed. Even if he wasn’t sleeping, or resting, he was sitting in bed. That had to count for something. Besides, he’d sleep as soon as he finished updating this case file. Maybe. He reached for his cup of coffee (decaf if anyone asked) and went to take a sip. But nothing came out. Tim frowned; he was sure he had just refilled it recently. That’s why he kept the secret coffee maker in his closet. He looked away from his computer to his cup and his frown deepened. His coffee was frozen.
Dick was staying at the manor over the weekend to help finish up a case which would probably now be delayed because of the Lazarus green anomaly that had been spotted. Oh well, that was a worry for tomorrow. Right now he was ready for a nice hot shower to relax his muscles and then a good sleep before waking up to a delicious Alfred made breakfast. 
After walking out of the shower he found his window open. Dick frowned. That was strange. He was sure the window had been closed. He shrugged, it was probably one of his siblings. He closed it and went to pull his sleepwear on. He was about to turn his lamp off when he saw that the window was open. He narrowed his eyes. He closed it again and watched it, but nothing happened. He turned towards his bed when he heard the window opening. He turned quickly but there was no one there and the window was open again.
Damien had just laid down when his door creaked open.
“Who is it?” 
No one answered. Damien huffed and got up to close the door. It was probably Drake or maybe Todd. Regardless, Damien thought as he walked back to his bed, he would find out who and would show that they shouldn't mess with an Al’ Ghul.
His door creaked open again and Damien growled as he stalked open and slammed the door closed. Before he could turn around the door creaked open.
Damien inspected the door but couldn’t see how someone would be opening it remotely. 
He closed it again and when nothing happened headed back to bed. Had just closed his eyes several minutes later when the door opened again.
Jason had debated going to his safehouse but, and he wouldn’t admit this to anyone except maybe Alfred, he was nervous. Anything related to the Pits made him nervous. He didn’t want to fall back into a murderous rage. So, he’d stay at the manor just for tonight.
He still felt a little off. The Pit felt like it was stirring, but he didn’t feel angry. It felt like the Pit was calling out to something. Jason tried to ignore it as he made his way to his room where he hung up his leather jacket. Which promptly fell down. Jason rolled his eyes and picked up, he shivered his room felt colder than usual. He hung his jacket up and turned around only to hear it fall again. He scowled. If one of his brothers had done something…. But no, the hook looked normal and his jacket was fine.
But it wouldn’t stay hung up! Everytime he hung it up it promptly fell back down.
Well fine! If it wanted to lie on the ground then it would stay there. He was going to bed.
Bruce was typing up tonight's report on the Batcomputer when the screen shut down. He frowned, The Batcomputer wasn’t supposed to randomly shut down. He turned it on but when he clicked on the report it opened up a video with some music video with some guy sign ‘never gonna give you up.’ Bruce scowled harder and clicked out and went back to the file. But this time when he tried typing no matter what keys he hit the only words that appeared on screen were the same lyrics.
He sighed. This was undoubtedly one of his kids trying to get him to go to bed. But just in case.
“Oracle, is there anything wrong with the Batcomputer?”
“Not that I can tell. Oh wait.”
Bruce tensed.
Oracle sounded like she was laughing.
“What is it?” 
“It looks like someone activated the “Rick Roll Procedure.”
“Don’t worry about, it was probably one of the boys.”
“Oracle, what’s the “Rick Roll Procedure”?
“Sorry, B. Got to go.” she signed off.
Bruce grunted. Fine, he’d go to bed, if only to please Alred.
Alfred was in the kitchen beginning preparation for tomorrow's breakfast. The scone dough was ready, all he needed to do was add the apples and then he could b=put it in the fridge to bake tomorrow. When he reached for the bowl containing the pre-cut apples his hand found nothing. He turned and saw that the bowl of apples had been moved farther away and a bag of chocolate chips had been placed near his mixing bowl. Alfred raised an eyebrow and went to retrieve the apples, but just as he reached it the bowl slid further away. 
Alfred froze. He looked around the kitchen but didn’t see any of the boys. But his eyes caught on an odd shimmer in the air near the apples.
Well then.
“Hello, there. I was unaware we had a guest. If you’ll allow me to take the apples I’ll make another batch of scones with chocolate chips.”
Nothing happened for a moment, but the bowl of apples slid towards him.
“Thank you very much.” Alfred said before returning to his work. He’d let Master Bruce know tomorrow morning that they might have a new family member soon.
The next morning at breakfast there was much glaring and staring at one another through squinted eyes trying to establish guilt.
Finally, Damian spoke up. “Alright, which of you kept childishly opening my door?”
“What are you talking about? The real question is who messed with my coat hanger?” Jason said, pointing his fork at Damian.
“Well someone kept opening my window.”
“And someone froze my coffee.”
“What are you boys talking about?” Bruce said, setting down his newspaper.
“Someone’s been messing with things around the manor and it wasn’t me,” Jason said.
“We’re being haunted!” Dick said with way too much enthusiasm.
“What?” Bruce asked, sounding somewhere between confused and concerned, a common occurrence when it came to his sons.
“Are you discussing our guest?” Alfred asked as he came in carrying two plates of scones. “It is thanks to them that we are having both apple cinnamon and chocolate chip scones.”
A clamor arose.
“What do you mean?”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“What is their purpose here?”
Alfred cleared his throat and everyone fell silent. “Perhaps, they’d like to introduce themselves?” He looked toward the back corner of the room, one eyebrow raised.
Everyone turned to stare just as a floating figure materialized. “Hi, I’m Danny, you’re resident Casper.”
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little-pondhead · 2 years ago
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Day 1: Fantasy AU (art)
Day 2: Backpack (fic)
Day 3: Blizzard (art)
Day 4: Fractals (fic)
Day 5: 10 min. vs. 1 hour (art)
Day 6: Eclipse (fic)
Day 7: Weapon (art)
Day 8: Electric Core AU (fic)
Day 9: Ghost Zone (art)
Day 10: Bones (fic)
Day 11: Underwater (art)
Day 12: Traditional Media (art)
Day 13: Monster (art)
Day 14: Séance (fic)
Day 15: Full Hazmat AU (art)
Day 16: Fangs (fic)
Day 17: Temper (art)
Day 18: Grave (fic)
Day 19: No CTRL Z/Backspace (art)
Day 20: Nasty Burger (fic)
Day 21: Shatter (art)
Day 22: Cryptid AU (fic)
Day 23: Rogue Gallery (art)
Day 24: NASA (fic)
Day 25: Blame (art)
Day 26: Art/Fic switch! (animation)
Day 27: Rings (art)
Day 28: Campfire (fic)
Day 29: Ghost Speak AU (art)
Day 30: Post-Reveal (fic)
Day 31: Free Day! (art)
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fandonnavyce · 1 year ago
Fic Masterpost
By Events
Ectoberhaunt 2023
Crossover Danuary 2024
DPxDC Ship Week2024 & Ship Week: After Dark 2024
Dannymay 2024 (WIP)
Patrol Partners 2024
Invisiobang 2024
Ghouls and Gangs 2024
Ecto-Implosion 2024
Fandom Trumps Hate 2024 (upcoming)
DPxDC, Dead on Main Series/AUs
My Love I Devour
and it's wider universe sequel series, The Wild Hunt
Cinderella Wonderland
Ghouls and Gangs 2024 - Hades and Persephone AU
Everything is posted on AO3, not everything is cross-posted on Tumblr
Ectoberhaunt 2023 AO3 Link
Day 2 - White Crow. Danny's a college student with some corvid friends. Dead on Main
My Love I Devour Series (In Timeline Chronology)
Day 4 - Zombies. Another Danny fixes Jason’s Pit Madness/Sick Ghost Core Fic, feat. the inherent homoeroticism of impromptu soul surgery. Rating: Mature. First in the My Love I Devour
Day 10: Occultism, Day 11: Dread vs Calm, Day 12: Obsession vs Repression, Day 13: Horror Flick - Sequel to Day 4
Day 17: Flesh, Day 18: Unravel vs Intertwine. Jason and Danny get down hot and heavy at a nightclub in the ghost zone. AO3 Series Link
Wild Hunt Series (Occurs post MLID)
Day 5 - Hunt. Ghost King Danny cordially invites you to the Wild Hunt, winner gets Constantine's entire soul - Danny's First Draft. DpxDc. First in the Wild Hunt Series
Day 19 - Claws. Danny needs Jason's brains (to write a royal invite) Sequel to Wild Hunt Part I.
Day 23: Magic, Day 26: Cults - The Ghost King summoning ritual is active for the first time in aeons. Constantine and Zatanna try it out and get more than they bargained for. AO3 Series Link
Crossover Danuary 2024 AO3 Link
Day 1 - Ben 10 Xover Tucker escapes Space Prison with the help of his two best friends
Day 1 - Another Ben 10 xover, the soft prequel. Ben meets an non-alien ET in a haunted forest
Day 2 - Atla Xover Hey, remember when Sokka got kidnapped into the Spirit World?
Day 4 - Cinderella Wonderland. A Cinderella and Alice in Wonderland Fandom Fusion but make it dpxdc, Dead on Main
Day 5 - The Owl House xover where The Collector becomes fast friends with a certain white haired girl on a day at the beach (Word of God part of the Cinderella Wonderland AU) AO3 Collection Link
DPxDC Ship Week and Ship Week: After Dark 2024
A continuation of Ectoberhaunt's Day17&18; it is the completion of part 3 of the MLID series. Can be read stand-alone more or less.
Part 1: Pleasures of the Flesh Ch 3
Part 2: Sweet Endings aka The Epilogue AO3 Fic Link
Part 3: Hunger. Smut. Jason has a sexual fantasy about Danny Written for Day 9 Dannymay2024 AO3 Link
Dannymay2024 AO3 Link
Day 2: Wish. Dead on Main Moodboard. Prayers are like wishes (you never know who's listening) so be careful for what you wish for.
Day 4: Wander. Dani Phantom Postcard. I'll wander far and long to where I wish to roam. But I won't forget to go and wander home Love, Dani
Day 9: Hunger. Dead on Main Smut.
Day 13: DnD AU. A Cleric casts Speak with Dead. The corpse's response is unusual. Pre-Everlasting Trio
Day 15: Field Trip. Everlasting Trio Field Trip through the Ghost Zone, ala Little Einsteins.
Patrol Partners 2024 AO3 Link
Need A Lift? A co-authored DPxDC Tim/Danny (Not Jason/Danny for once lol) fanfic. Aka the Brain Dead Meet Cute where where Tim and Danny are Trapped in An Elevator during a Rogue Attack.
Invisobang 2024 AO3 Link
Supernova Series A DPxDC Bang where The Fentons manage to create an interdimensional portal. But it wasn't to the Ghost Zone. At 14 years old, one teenage boy dies in a portal to Hueco Mundo.
The fic series where Danny Fenton is the freak accident to Kurosaki Ichigo's lab experiment, who's been living under the radar in Soul Society. At least until the Plot(TM) kicks off. Crossover Fusion with Bleach, that starts pre-Bleach Canon.
Ghouls and Gangs 2024 AO3 Link
In Death's Sweet Embrace: a Dead on Main, Hades and Persphone AU featuring non-traditional takes on A/B/O and the Sentinel&Guide AU
EctoImplosion 2024 AO3 Link
Forget-me-nots: Post-AGIT, Vlad has the niggling suspicion that he's forgotten something. Dan dismisses his concerns.
"If you forgot, I doubt it was something important." "Yeah, you're probably right," Vlad agrees.
Vlad only remembers what he forgot when Dani forcibly reminds him of her existence by crashing through his rooftop and into his and Dante's breakfast.
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pupstim · 2 years ago
The void around him brought no joy, instead an aching yearning opening in him. Green eyes trailed up to the blue planet above him, half his heart reaching to Earth, while the other half reached for the stars. His suit felt wrong around him, bulky when it should have been light, and a cracked helmet although no air hisses from the broken seal.
“I just want to go home,” Danny said, gritting his teeth as he drifts in the stars.
“So come home,” said ground control.
“S o  c o m e  h o m e,” said the voice from the stars.
Dannymay Day 26: Switcheroo
A little bit late but I have had a day so I’m forgiving myself.
I knew I was going to write something because although I’ve done both mediums writing is the least one. I really enjoyed this piece, it’s dedicated to my absolute favorite poem of all time, which you can find here and I just wanna include the artwork that is my fave of all that spawned from it here.
It’s a short lil blurb but I like it.
An interesting idea that arose when I wrote this was what if Danny’s parent’s never got the portal to work or only partially work. It leaks ectoplasm and I know the phandom loves to have ectoplasm do wacky stuff. But the main idea is that Danny never dies in the portal and he gets to go on to school and become an astronaut. Only something happens when he’s in space and he suddenly finds himself in a hellish limbo as part of him fights to join the stars and the other part yearns for home. Wacky stuff. Could tie in with him becoming an Ancient of Space, and then have the whole inevitability factor in it. He was always going to be the Ancient of Space whether he died in the portal or in space itself.
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kimerawrt · 9 months ago
Dannymay 2024, now with kitty paws!
Prompts from my AU, also in AO3
Day 26: Shoes
He was late. Again.
Danny forgot to set his alarm last night so now he was rushing through his daily routine and tried to wake himself up at the same time. The halfa did not even open his eyes while changing clothes and brushing his teeth, though he did open them to glare at the toast laying innocently in a plate on the kitchen table.
Danny didn't trust toast. Those things could stay still for a long time and attack at any moment.
The halfa ignored the toast, took his backpack from the couch, and ran through his door. He was so late that there was no time to open the door like a normal person. It was a good thing that his parents were busy in the lab.
Because he knew he would be even more late if he ran to school normally, Danny hid in the alleyway beside his house and transformed. He barely paid attention to his new form he gained. At least he looked like a normal gray cat, except for the eye on the tip of his tail. It was weird being able to see behind him but Danny didn't think much about it.
He was late! He had to run now!
Danny used the convenience of his powers to reach his school the fastest way possible. He flew and went through anything in his path and, in a few minutes, he reached Caper High. The ghost cat passed into the walls of the school and stopped inside the bathroom. He transformed back into his human form and ran towards his classroom.
“Sorry I'm late Mr. Lancer” Danny said as soon as he opened the door.
“Just two minutes today. Very well Mr. Fenton, I won’t mark you tardily, but next time please don’t forget to put on your shoes” Mr. Lancer pointed at Danny’s feet.
Danny looked down and saw that in his hurry he had forgotten to put on his socks and shoes. He wasn't really bothered about it. It must be a side effect of going around barefoot every time he was a cat.
“Sure thing Mr. Lancer” Danny nodded and hurried to his seat.
“I have an extra pair of boots if you want” Sam whispered her offer. It was a good thing that they shared shoe size.
“Thanks Sam” Danny nodded. It would be good to not be shoeless inside school.
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