#me? liking a regular shmegular guy????
seokmattchuus · 4 months
Me?? Having feelings for a-🤢
a m-🤢🤢
a ma-🤢🤢🤢
a man🤢🤢🤢🤢
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junedenim · 1 month
when you're so pretty and i'm so shy
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when banging into somebody only leads to more banging
warnings: fluffy smut, fingering, eating, and the regular shmegular
word count: 3k
The first time Alex talks to you, he breaks your nose. You had known each other nearly your whole life but you lived on opposite sides of town and ran in different groups. The closest you ever came was when he sat two seats over from you in English and you passed a note to him once. Then, in physical education, during a rousing game of basketball, he crashes into you. You aren't even playing the game. 
You're standing on the sidelines, talking with Gemma, and paying little attention. Lost in gossip and the drama of Gemma's rivalry with Daphne Pritchett when the blur of Alex runs right smack into you. You hear the crack. You reach up and blood is pouring out. Your heart is pounding and your face is red but mostly you're too embarrassed to look up and make eye contact with anyone.
"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. Are you okay? I'm sorry," Alex profoundly says. 
"Yeah," you mutter, even if it isn't true. You look up slowly at him.
"Shit," he whispers.
You panic and grab your nose. You wince in pain. "Is it bad? Am I missing a tooth or something?"
He shakes his head. "You're just...your nose...it's bleeding a little." A lot. There's a puddle on the floor and you can taste it, all metallic in your mouth.
"You broke her fucking nose!" Gemma shouts.
You cringe and curve your shoulders over. "Seriously?"
"I'm sorry." He's all meek and he has his hand on your shoulder trying to soothe. You or him, you aren't sure? "I'll take you to the nurse. Right? You good to stand?"
You nod and gradually stand up with his help. Your teacher hands you a pile of tissues that you hold close to your face groaning in pain. Alex's hand is on your back trying to guide you the best he can.
"I'm sorry. I just...I wasn't looking. I was an idiot and, and—I don't know."
"Not perceiving?"
"Yeah, that." It's brought a smile to his face and that makes you feel better. You don't want him to hurt too. He's always been a sweet guy.
"It's broken."
"Fuck," Alex mutters. 
In the following days, with a piece of tape secured on the bridge of your nose and a bruise giving you an undereye coating, you catch Alex's eyes on you throughout the day. They're always filled with concern, desperate for forgiveness even though he won't accept it.
"You're fine," you reassure him in the hallway on the way to the cafeteria. "It was an accident. Besides, it's my new excuse to get a nose job."
"At least let me buy you lunch." You nod and walk together for the first time since your bloody walk to the nurse. "Is it healing alright?"
You shrug. "I think so. I can't really tell. Bruises mean healing."
His hands are stuffed in his trouser's pockets. He's slumped over and somber-eyed. "Sorry about all of that."
You laugh at his constant apologies. "It's fine. I swear. I like bruises. That sounds like I'm a freak."
"Kind of."
You gasp and turn to look at him with a cheeky grin and dirty Reeboks, the only personality to his school uniform. "Hey! You're the inflictor. You're in my debt. You're lucky I'm not suing you. I meant it in an I-Got-Into-A-Fight kind of way."
Alex chuckled. "Are you the type to get into a fistfight?"
"I think I'm more likely than you. You couldn't hurt a fly."
"I hurt you."
You toot. "It's fine. You upped my street cred. Anyone who knows what happened feels sympathy for me and for those who don't I can say things like 'Oh, you should see the other guy.'"
"Okay, then should we continue this routine and I break your leg next time?"
"No, I think I'm good on broken bones but maybe you'll allow me a punch at you."
He toys with you, "Threatening violence? I should tell on you."
You tell him through giggles, "I'd kick your ass if you do."
After he pays for your lunch, he walks you to your lunch table like a poor stray dog. You should start calling him Sandy in the vein of Annie's shaggy orphaned dog. "Thanks, Al."
"My pleasure." He gives a crooked smile. "Oh, and don't get a nose job."
Unsure of what he's said, you question, "Huh?"
"Back there you said..." he points his thumb behind him then shrugs. "Anyway, I like your nose."
You furrow your brows. "Thanks?"
He's blushing and it makes your cheeks flush and you feel like he's attacking you with his cuteness. Like he's a cute drug you're overdosing on. You want to crush him up in between your teeth and digest him completely. (Maybe you've taken too many painkillers). 
"You're pretty. That's all."
You smile back at him, overwhelmed by his flirtatious shyness. "Well, thanks." He turns to walk away but you stop him with "Do you want to sit with us?"
"I don't want to intrude and I've got me friends." He points over to a table in the back corner filled with rowdy boys tossing food at one another.
You shake your head. "You owe me."
"So, I'm gonna be in your debt forever."
You think, tapping your finger on your chin. "Hmm, well, at least for the rest of the year."
He chuckles and sits down beside you. You do have lunch together for the rest of the year but by Day 3 your table and his table mesh and suddenly you're intertwined.
The swelling is gone in a week, the bruises are gone after two weeks, the fracture healed in four weeks, and Alex and you date after 5 weeks. You think he first kissed you a week after your doctor told you it was healed for fear that his nose would hit yours and somehow dislodge its position again.
He has a guitar in the corner of his room that you tease him into strumming for you. He looks embarrassed the whole time and it makes it even more charming. He tells you his secret ambitions and you encourage the way his mind moves. It's the perfect Hollywood teen romance.
One evening, you fall onto his bed. The mattress dips under your weight, and your mouth opens under his. Your skin sears as you spread your legs wider to make room for his body. You feel mindless. You move against each other a little while making out. Uncertain shifts and searching grinds, friction, fervency. You've never done this before, what you're about to do, unlike him. You like him being more experienced. It makes you feel as if he's your guidepost.
Your kisses are all tongue, broken by moans and desperate gasps. Your nails dig into his back and you try to stifle the sounds forced from your mouth. He turns his focus onto your neck, licking and sucking, bruising you like a peach. "Let it out."
It's erotic and troubling how much you throb. “I—I want—”
“You want what?”
You roll your hips up against him for real, starting to shake when you feel how hard he is beneath his jeans, and his grip tightens on you like that’s too much for him. You do it again, moaning some more but as loud as you want this time, and find a rhythm. “Fuck,” he rasps, “I’m—fuck. Don’t do that, baby.”
He stops you by the hips. You grunt, “Why not?”
"'Cause if you do I’m gonna come in my fucking jeans."
You force yourself to meet his eyes and hold his gaze as you push your skirt down, before grabbing his hands so they’re pulling your panties and tights down together. He finishes the job when they get to your thighs, and you're suddenly aware that you're wearing nothing down there.
His attention drifts low. His expression takes on weight, and he whispers, “God,” almost like a 'Thank you.' It dissipates any insecurity. He spreads your legs a little wider and then trails his hand down from your knee to your center, stopping just an inch and then moving it back down again. He does it a few more times, and it’s torture. “You sure?”
You nod. “Yes,” you manage, throaty and raw. “Please, do it.”
He grins at that and keeps teasing you, but then gets close again, and this time he doesn’t go back down. Instead, he strokes you, just a brush of a thing, not even inside of you and you're still gasping. Fuck, fuck. “Alex," you manage as some strangulated thing.
“I know,” he whispers, keeps stroking, all infuriatingly slow. "You’re so good.”
When he slips a finger in it’s done carefully, but it has you gasping. You're hit with it: you're really doing this right now. You're in his bed and he’s fingering you. The thought alone is enough to make you lose it.
“Let me know if it hurts,” he says.
You shake your head. “It doesn’t. I—more, I want more—”
A second finger and your back arches. It feels like you're on fire when he finds your clit. The first brush has you whimpering, somehow overstimulated with just that ghost of a touch. He makes it worse by pumping his fingers in and out at just the right angle. He keeps stopping too, building pressure, and the third time you grab his hand to make him keep going. His fingers stroke a spot that has you crying out, and so he keeps going right there, and you hold his wrist, gasping and wanting what you can feel building so bad that you nearly scream.
He won’t give it to you, instead leaning down to kiss you again, smiling through it like maybe he’s enjoying the tease. You bite his lower lip in revenge and he laughs. “Feel good?” he asks.
You can only nod. He smooths your hair back and keeps going, keeps doing both; affectionate strokes and intimate ones with intent, the angle precise and the movements deliberate. When you come, his pace quickens a little and that feels so perfect, and your head falls back, and for a second everything just kind of whites out. Your legs shake and his thumb ghosts your temple. You blink and manage to utter, “Oh.”
“Oh,” he echoes, head tilted, fond. Alex kisses your cheek once, twice, three times. “You liked it?”
There’s a tiny bit of anxiety in his voice, which is ridiculous. “I loved it,” you correct.
His responding grin is like a spark to kindling. He says, “Me too.” When he sucks his fingers clean you get a burning fire inside you that you've never felt before. Your lips part. 
Your breathing is shaky as you inhale. “Can we…?”
His forehead falls against yours. “I don’t have, uh—”
“Rubbers?” You ask, coming back to yourself a little now. “That’s okay, I do.”
Alex leans back. “Do you, now?”
“Shut up,” you say, face on fire as you sit up. You find your backpack on the floor and part of this feels ridiculous that you're doing this after school before his parents come home but it feels like the most romantic thing you'll ever get the chance to experience. That first love feeling. “Here.”
Alex takes them with a, “Huh,” and an infuriating grin. It falls a little as he looks back up at you, and his eyes are so brown and comforting. “You really want to? You’re sure?”
You nod. “I wanna.”
The fear is just an underscore to the want, which overpowers everything else. You're safe with him and he’s beautiful and you think if you don't sleep with him right now, tonight, you'll explode or something.
Alex kisses your cheek and then rips open the wrapper with his teeth. You sit on the bed with your knees drawn up to your chest. “We don’t have to do this, y’know.”
“No, I know,” you say, your school cardigan falling off your shoulder. You tuck your hair behind your ears, a nervous habit. “I know that I just want it to be...”
“Not perfect." You shake your head, “Good? I don’t wanna look back on this and think about how I was cold the whole time, or how I was insecure, or—”
“Don’t be insecure.”
You give him a dry look. “Yeah, okay, I fixed that problem.”
Alex gets you on your back and nuzzles your nose with his. “I’m just saying I think you’re beautiful.”
Your face scrunches up. “Liar.”
His jaw drops with exaggerated affront. “Excuse me?”
“You’re just trying to butter me up.”
He snorts and glances down. “Pretty sure I already did that.”
“Oh my God, you gonna hang that over my head forever,” you say, all laughing as you wriggle underneath him, and you wrestle like kids for a minute, and then you're just kissing. The rest of the world falls away. It’s just you and him in this bed, and the way you fit underneath him, and the sounds you make when he presses into you. 
He pulls your top off and you can barely breathe before you come back together. He wants to see all of you so fucking badly, wants to touch every square inch of your body, wants to find every freckle and map out the distance between them like a cartographer with kisses.
You yank his shirt over his head and then sort of still, running your hands down the length of his abdomen memorizing it like your flashcards. Then you kiss him with complete need. Your arms wind around his neck and he wraps his around your body, hands searching for the clasp of your bra. He undoes it and leans back to pull it off slowly, eyes on you until it’s gone, and then his gaze falls to your chest.
“Fuck,” he whispers, ragged, you're so— there isn’t even a word. Divine is the only thing that comes close to his mind. He starts kissing and doesn’t intend to stop, insatiably craving your taste. He sucks your skin to bruise, on your collarbone and sternum, right above your heart. He can hear it pounding, an erratic busting beat. He brushes his lips over your left nipple, kissing it softly and feeling it perk, hardening in his mouth as he plays his tongue over it. You start to tug on his hair and he's obsessed with the feeling.
“Alex,” you beg, “please, please—”
He’s listening, but he doesn’t respond. Just moves lower and lower still, running his open mouth down your stomach and only stopping when he’s settled between your legs. Alex eats you out slowly, stroking your thighs and squeezing your hips while you moan and whimper and gasp various words of the ‘fuck’ and ‘shit’ variety. He decides that he fucking loves this, it’s his favorite thing on the planet maybe, and he can’t help grinning while he does it. 
When he starts to move back up you try to push him down. “No, no, I’m not done—”
Alex laughs. “I know that, knobhead. Just wait." He knows he’s infuriating you but that’s on purpose too. He fucking loves it when you get all wound up like this. He strips and puts the condom on as quickly as he can manage, and you watch all fascinated, cheeks flushed when you catch sight of his dick. You're sort of sitting up now, so he tugs you back down with a murmured, “Come here.”
He slides in and being inside of you feels ritualistic. You're so warm, and you wrap your body around him as you start to move together. You hide your face in the crook of his neck and he cradles you, wants you to feel so safe, and relishes in every sound you make. Alex pulls your leg over his hip for a deeper angle and your head falls back. “Oh, fuck, yes,” you whine.
He stays right there and fucks you so good and so raw he feels sweat start to bead on his back because he’s been waiting for this for so long and if it doesn’t last for at least a few minutes he might as well die. You're so goddamn pretty under him too, with gentle curves and soft skin as you moan. He does too, can’t help it, doesn’t wanna, just wants to feel this and never forget it.
Your back arches when you come. You grasp at the headboard and cry out and so he lets himself too. You pile on top of one another like that heap in which you first spoke. “Jesus Christ,” he mutters.
You let out a weak noise. Alex turns to you, your faces less than an inch apart. You're all flushed and dazed and he loves it. He bumps his nose against you. “You alright there?”
“Shhh,” you say, with an ineffectual whack to his arm. “I’m...”
He grins. “Me too.”
You nod. You turn onto your side and so he pulls you into him, gathering you up to hold. He pulls the blanket over your bodies as goosebumps rise on your arms. You burrow against him gladly. “Mmm. Warm.”
Alex hums. “Don’t fall asleep yet,” he urges, watching your eyelids flutter shut.
You snort. “So I take it you’re a total girl after sex, huh?”
Alex shrugs. “I was just trying to save you the bladder infection, but I guess I’ll just fuck off.”
That has you scurrying out of his arms with an, “Oh, shit,” and his eyes follow your body shamelessly as you leave him.
Later, when you're all dressed and pretending to do homework, you shamelessly ask him, "When can we do that again?"
He looks up all shaggy. He's dressed in his home clothes with a T-shirt and jeans. You're stuck in your school's uniform skirt but with his old sweatshirt overtop, all cutesy in a way that has him biting on the eraser of his pencil. "Oh, no, I've created a sex addict."
You toss your pencil at him, making him chuckle as he catches it. "You seemed to enjoy it just as much as me."
He has a cheeky smirk and looks deeply at you. Then, suddenly, he turns serious, clasping his hands with one another and sitting up straight. "I could pencil you in for Saturday," he says as he flips through his desk calendar.
"Shut up or I'm withholding the goods."
"Exhortation now?"
"I can be one and done. I fear you'd crumble without seeing me naked again. I'm trying to spare pain."
You're so cute it makes everything in him a desperate, clingy spirit and he's not sure how he's going to be able to let you go back home after today. You're so far away, curled up on his bed while he's over at his desk. What is he doing over at his desk?
So, he stands up, walks over, and kisses you.
a/n: it's a quick, sweet fic. plenty of other things cooking...thanks!
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itgirlgyu · 9 months
Oml I saw you post SKZ hcs (💗melting in the cracks of my ceiling rn but in a good way💗) and I wanna read it as I'm getting into skz at the moment and like KFNYAKAGAKA- OKOK THE BANNER IS SO GOOD LIKE???? ANOTHER SLAY BANNER BY THE ONE AND ONLY PHOTOSHOP-PICSART-IDK-WHAT-APP-YPU-USE GODDESS 😤😤😤
I haven't read it yet tho because I wanted to ask (and I hope this isn't a dumb question (spare me I haven't been to school for like *counts on fingers* 3 weeks 😭😭 IVE BEEN ROBBED OF MY BRAIN CELLS)) what does the title mean exactly? Like... We, a regular-shmegular hooman, punched THE STRAY KIDS??? 🤠😳😃
(P.S. send help. my heart literally shivered and quaked thinking about punching Felix 🥹💔🥹💔🥹)
(PPS have a hand quokka bcuz I'm nice 🫶)
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omg hi!!!! i missed seeing in my dash so much!! also oooh you're getting into skz???
and thank you so much!!!! ive like changed it's banner like three times i think lmao
i don't blame you for not getting the title bc it's so weird, it's like that one trope where the main character is like, "that's my wife!" and punches a random man in a club that is hitting on their gf but I wanted to make the skz guys those random man and reader the main characters and was like 'heh how would the skz react if they were that random men wrongfully punched?'
also i thought of jisung getting very embarrassed and had to write it lmao and you know YOU KINDA MADE ME WANNA WRITE ANOTHER SKZ HEADCANON THANK YOU!!! (thank u for the quokka!!)
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cakejerry · 8 months
Idk if u care but since I saw u tweet about the video: le serrafim’s stylist called out iu and v’s mv for being exploitative of queer and disabled people. Then Taekookers got mad that she called tae straight (but not mad she called them ableist lmao). She deleted the post but they’re still in her comments
I also felt gross about the video’s narrative but I didn’t see anyone else feel weird about it so I thought I was just being a sensitive lib. But apparently on the kside the disability community is also upset
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awe honestly I just now watched it to answer these. I do love IU and I find the song aka her voice to be a tearjerker regardless of the mv. my honest first impression is that both the mv and the lyrics were well done but kind of... not saying anything. while I really like some lines (loneliness's antonym etc), the lyrics are kinda just your regular shmegular soliloquy about an all-encompassing love/relationship. so, a love song, basically. I like the mv visually and they're jonna a match, visual bomb fr, she's the most beautiful woman in korea and he's taehyung. love her hoodie too, the styling in general. I like that they tried doing something new and interesting and told a story but it also... didn't seem like it had a deeper meaning to me. call me anti-intellectual. I think they just wanted to do an apocalypse concept and left the 'symbolism' open ended on purpose. the cube? the cube represents prejudice guys, did you know, omg im so smart for figuring this out holy shit. whatever. I liked the camera idea.
and once again damn they're both so beautiful. I need to see them scissor. anyways
idk where queer people come in besides the redacted title (which was done very respectfully btw). I suppose the lyrics are as relatable to the queer experience as any other song about forbidden love written with.., not-that in mind. and those are aplenty. and I hear the worries about the disability stuff and I agree it would've been cool to show her still being deaf in the 'happy' universe and him still vision impaired, absolutely, but also it's an end of the world apocalypse narrative. I see how they reached for permanent physical injury as a shorthand for 'everything is fucked'. and I'm usually a sensitive lib too but I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt because not everything has to be about everything all the time. sue me. I mean it's not like I'll be streaming or buying the album anyways but I have a feeling this won't affect either of their careers at all. especially as an (imo) minor first offense. so, whatever the fuck
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
getou being perfect for that meet ugly is so 😭😭😭😭 bc it WOULD happen 😭😭
he just screams dentist to me like if he was a regular shmegular ass guy. he wanted to do art but thats his practical job he gives me that vibe. Like its just so him i cant
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itsgaga · 3 years
Dating Tommy Lee Would Include...
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hi i think im in love
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooookkkkkkkkkkkkk soooooo
Tommy knew he needed you to be in his life when he saw you
Like he was in his own little world and then you walked past
And he was just mesmerized 
He went running after you and asked you out 
This dude Tommy
Was like a lost puppy 
 Just falling in love with anyone who gave him any sort of attention
But your attention was different to him
He was almost addicted to your type of attention?
It was like your attention was a sense of ecstasy that he was addicted to 
He realized that pretty early in your relationship
Which was when he knew that you were really different 
Bc usually its the women that become hooked like that on Tommy
He is a hopeless romantic
But didn’t really know how to be in a actual real relationship before you
So patience ma’am, ok?
Tommy really was trying to be normal?
Like not “normal”
He didn’t want this to just seem like any of his past relationships 
He wanted you and everyone else to realize he was serious 
He is clingy AS FUCK
You honestly find it quite cute 
You would be gone for a couple hours 
Shopping, work, or something
You come home to see Tommy laying on the couch whining your name with his arms wide open
You and Nikki 
Oh God 
No no wait
You dealing with Tommy and Nikki
May God bless your soul 
You’re a trooper 
Along with that
You taking care of Tommy when he is fucked up
Yall are some vampires
At least he is 
Sleeps all day, stays up all night 
He takes you to get snacks at 2 am
Hello random gas station trips 
Yes ma’am
Maybe yall are craving a slushy after doing the goods
Like I said before Tommy is a hopeless romantic
See the word “romantic”
Boat rides like those paddle boats
He took you on one to see the sunset 
Along with being romantic he is equally horny
I know I know 
Just picture this, ok?
You wake up, go to work pretty much a normal regular shmegular day, you cant wait to come home to see the love of your life, you walk through the front door when you hear “Ahh babe you home? Come quick I have a surprise for you” you walk into your bedroom to see Tommy swinging on a sex swing, he looks at you with his dark brown eyes and says “i’m gonna fuck the actual shit out of you” you then proceed to turn around and walk your ass right out of that house
Just saying, I see it
Tommy tries to have sex literally everywhere
Stores, closets, bathrooms, cars, doctors office, restaurants, award shows, recording studio, every room in the house, counters, parks, on the fridge, in a random field, tour bus
Seriously, everywhere
Now don’t get me wrong it’s not that Tommy doesn’t trust you
Tommy doesn’t trust anyone but you
He gets jealous very quickly
Sometimes he’ll let you know
Other times its kept to himself 
He doesn’t want to scare you away or making you think he’s possessive or controlling 
But he really just can’t stand the idea/thought/image of you being with another guy
In his head your this pure breath of fresh air and he’s dirty and fucked up
Him being that way is something he’s proud of 
But then again it’s just the thought that someone like you is with someone who is so different 
It’s like his head has two mindsets for the same idea
Like his Motley side and the side that his heart controls
He likes being known as this partier who does hardcore drugs 
But he doesn’t like being known as that when you’re involved
Ok ok so love, marriage, etc
Dude knocked you up
Got your pregnant 
Saw how you looked pregnant 
And proposed
You had this certain glow
Like he just thought you were stunning
It was like seeing you in your most natural state as a women
And Tommy just being lilke
“Yeah this is it”
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bokutobaby · 4 years
heyo just wanted to say congrats on your milestone!! uhmm may i req oikawa n kageyama with an s/o who is like,,, surprisingly good at volleyball 👉👈 also rlly random question— what's your fave colour¿ ^^
hii tysm! 😌💖💗💞 p.s my fav color is baby blue :) | sleepover m.list!
oikawa and kageyama with an s/o who’s really good at volleyball
warnings! oikawa getting dragged lol
oikawa tooru
dis man was DEDICATED to teaching you how to play
he thought it’d be cute if you both played volleyball
“obviously you won’t be as good as me buuuut i’m an excellent teacher😌✨”
it’s like a few weeks later after you guys have bee practicing together and he’s like guys guys look y/n’s gonna serve
the entire team is watching you and oikawas like ‘omg my baby’s gonna do it’
he’s anticipating a regular shmegular serve
iwa: shes lowkey better than you
kunimi: no but really
makki: yea you kinda suck oikawa
he’s hella embarrassed but you tell him you didn’t wanna tell him you already knew how to play bc you thought it was cute that he wanted to teach you 💞
now he’s asking YOU for help and iwa never passes up the chance to tease him for it lmaooo
kageyama tobio
kags & hinata stayed after practice as per usual and you were with them
hinata had to go to the bathroom right quick so kags didn’t have a partner to pass with </3
you: i could help?? maybe??
he’s shocked because you never showed any interest in sports before but he agreed
you’re in your school uniform so it’s kinda awkward but you did really well for your first time
kags is confused af cause your form is perfect and the ball didn’t drop once
but suddenly he’s really happy bc omg you can bond over this now
you didn’t really care for volleyball as much as he did but you thought it was so sweet that he wanted to practice with you
passing and setting the ball to each other while simultaneously having weird conversations
you, as you receive: ok but how do we KNOW mermaids aren’t real like nobody has even seen one so 😡???
kags, setting it back: how much milk would it take to become 75% lactose instead of water
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levworship · 3 years
what's the difference between non con and dub con?/gen
i’m bad at explaining things,, but as far as my understanding
dubius consent = not clear and/or coerced consent. like if a guy started getting sexual with me and i was like “omg stopp 🙈” but he kept going or something.
non consent = straight up no consent,, unwanted
and ofc there’s just regular shmegular “this is okay :)” consent. i hope this helped wjwjjwe
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iridesent-folly · 3 years
is skool kicking ur ass? is that why i haven't seen u on my dash? if so, KICK ITS DAMN ASS BACK ╰(‵□′)╯
💓💕💕ANDI MY LUV HI😫🤚✊💕💕💓
No, I haven’t began school as of yet but I’ve been ignoring my notifications and sheltering myself because my anxiety had skyrocketed this week which did make me a lil paranoid + it may also be social anxiety and me neglecting going outside due to not liking to interact on regular shmegular days.
This week wasn’t my brightest but I’m back now and I miss you guys so much like tf(?!??!) + how has today and everyday if the week been so far for you my beloved soul mate🥺🍵 anything boring or cool?
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cuntyko · 3 years
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happiness is a butterfly is the anthem of success
says a girl who once took a personality quiz and apparently is most like a cartoon mad scientist trying to defeat his own existentialism...
I mean maybe I am the serial killer that Lana is talking about, but thats neither here nor there
guys the amount of fucking narcs I see on the daily is like sad...
everything mainstream culture took from the streets is just gone, like credibility honor mean like nothing to people anymore,,, its more about if twitter deems you to be a decent person or not,,, like this fear based living were you'll hear normal regular shmegular ass people worried about being cancelled. As if that fucking means anything, bitch at this point doing something cancelable is the only thing you can do to get noticed.... kinda like the 2009-2012 era of youtube.
its so interesting how people will hate something so much they sensationalize its like the perfect analogy for love and hate being cousins or something, but seriously I'm really not down wit the shit is witness people doing out here. its like we traded social etiquette for basic human expectations, the internet is a prison state, peoples court. I saw this video of this girl snitching on the guy that sold fake id's to their grade in like high school, as if thats makes him a child molester or something... this whole underaged or aged shit is getting out of hand we acting like we all IN o CENT
hi hello look at me its just me and you talking here, personal responsibility here my man, you're gonna find a way to get what you want either way. its the philosophy of youth you're suppose to do the things you're not supposed to, and I know we like to think of extremes so when I say that some of you might have thought "yea jo we are supposed to rape and murder? is that what your saying?" dude chill no how many times do you encounter that shit irl? never oh then why are you constantly thinking about it. I get it you never know but at what point does it literally become you manifesting this shit.
STOP and I mean STOP feeling the need to cope with things that have yet to happen to you, the internet isn't real and I feel like a lot of people need to hear that post cover because like it seems as if everyone forgot
but anyways I'm tired of seeing people getting mad at kids doing bad ass little kid things, the adultification of gen z is also something Ima want to talk about, cuz it really seems as if people expect the teeny boppers to skip this era of their life just because they've seen other people??? growing up???? lol but thats for another time
what I really want is to people to start thinking about their own morals like what do you like actually believe in not what you feel you should believe in or whatever what ever ok GUYS lets think critically lets have brains lets mindless zombies ;)
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redoctopusbabe · 5 years
Hey, as your neighborhood Swedish sex worker, please feel free to ask me questions about the industry/community and I’ll do my best to answer them.
Let me debunk some myths to start:
- We gotta pay taxes. We have to fill out this W-2 forms with our real name, social security, whatever.
- 99.99% of the time, the “Free Porn” that you watch is probably stolen, especially on tube sites - PornHub is notorious for this. SO, if you’re gonna watch free porn, make sure you're aware of where you’re watching it, and if it’s from a verified user (they usually have some sort of check mark or indication that they’re verified), and not “User130489903.”
- Most of the time, we weren’t forced into it.
- The phrase “sex worker” is an umbrella term - not everyone is a traditional escort, some people just do cam stuff and are content creators (like me).
- If you’re nice, we’re nice.
- We’re more hygienic than you think, probably more hygienic than the average person.
- We come in all shapes, sizes, genders.
- We can have healthy relationships/friendships, too.
- We’re not drug addicts.
That’s what I can come up with on the fly. Because I want you guys to at least know that we’re regular shmegular people, just like you, we have lives too.
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sleemo · 7 years
StarWars.com: In Last Shot, the story takes place in three distinct time periods. How did you tackle capturing Han and Lando at these different phases in life, considering they both really grew and changed throughout their lives?
Daniel José Older: This was a lot of fun. I got to play with that reckless young time when both of these guys were just gallivanting the galaxy taking themselves way too seriously and the world not seriously enough at all, and then much later, as they struggle with the rigors of adulting in a post-war, still torn-up society. So for younger Han and Lando, I let their easy swagger and adventurous spirits lead the way, and then later on it was about balancing responsibility and the heavier demands of their new found fame and family life (or lack thereof).
StarWars.com: As a new father, I loved the excerpt. For a galaxy far, far away, I found it relatable on a million levels, though I’ve never been awakened by a Mon Mothma hologram. What can you tell us about writing this scene, and, in general, writing Han Solo, legendary smuggler and scoundrel…as a dad?
Daniel José Older: This was also a lot of fun! (The whole book was way too much fun to write, if we’re being honest.) Han is someone we know has the capacity to love deeply — take that moment in Jedi when he’s ready to step back because he thinks Luke and Leia have a thing going (eep!); it’s so small but says so much about the man he has become. So on the one hand he has a powerful devotion to Leia and Ben and on the other — look, he’s still a rugged smuggler deep down, and the open sky still calls his name. So how does a wandering heart find adventure amidst contentment? As we gather from the more recent movies, in Han’s case, maybe one doesn’t. But at this early point in his marriage he’s still really trying to solve that problem.
StarWars.com: Considering the path that Ben took, there’s also something tragic about this scene and this glimpse into how Han loved him. Is that something you wanted to convey?
Daniel José Older: Ah, the great thing about writing in this wild and vast universe is so much of that work is already done, so it relieves me of the need to be overbearing or lean heavily into foreshadowing. We know there’s tragedy down the road, so it’s really the every day regular-shmegular type details that are kind of heartbreaking, like Ben calling Lando “Unca Wanwo.”
StarWars.com: Lando seems to be having a real moment in Star Wars fandom. Why do you think that is?
Daniel José Older: Mannnnnnnnnnnn…listen. The science fiction/fantasy world in general and Star Wars in particular have made some incredible strides in the past couple years toward depicting more honest reflections of the world we live through the lens of worlds we don’t, and both still have a long way to go. There’s gigantic excitement about characters like Lando, and movies like Black Panther, and musicals like Hamilton, and shows like Luke Cage, because after a very long time we’re finally arriving at this singular and difficult and delicious moment of reckoning and truthtelling — and you see it all across the political and cultural spectrum right now. It’s an amazing time to be a literary conjurer.
StarWars.com: What did you learn about Han and Lando having written this story? And what do you hope readers learn about them?
Daniel José Older: As much as I already loved these characters going into this project, I came to love them even more as I delved into their similarities and differences and complex friendship. There were so many fun nuances to explore, from how each of them gets suited up for a night out or battle, to how clean or disastrously messy they kept the Falcon (* sneezes * Ahh-Han!), to their relationships to different women in their lives, and it just became a really fascinating journey in contrasts, amidst all the laser blasts, space fights, and planet-hopping.
Last Shot arrives April 17 and is available for pre-order now.
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adeelusionaldiary · 7 years
Love that y'all are loving the shorts. I love it when you guys interact with me. Thanks for rocking with me making me feel like this regular degular shmegular girl can turn her writing into something worthy and enjoyable for you guys. 😘💙
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