#me: THRANGST!!!!!!!!!!
elivanto 2 years
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I wished I did.
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stars-in-my-damn-eyes 3 years
reunions and the unhappy like
"Thalias," Thrawn rasped, after a while. "Samakro. It's nice to see you again."
The shorter Chiss opened her mouth to reply in kind, but her companion was faster.
"Oh, really?" he sniped, lip curling in obvious disdain, sunlight glancing off of his piercings. "I didn't think we committed enough war crimes for you to feel truly at home here, isn't that why you fucked off to Lesser space?"
"Samakro!" the shorter Chiss - Thalias - hissed, elbowing her unrepentant companion.
"Can you not give him a break for five minutes? He's been- crawling about the wilderness, for who knows how long, and-"
"I don't know, Thalias, did he give the literal war crimes a fucking break at any point over the last few years?"
"I-" Thalias trailed off, biting her lip. "Look, you have a point, but just- lay off for a moment, please."
"Fine," Samakro growled. "A moment. Then he gets what's been coming ever since he decided rampant war crimes were in. Fuck, I knew he was- unorthodox, but this- what he's done, Thalias? It's unforgivable. It's fucking unforgivable."
"I know," Thalias said, soft as ever. "But- please. Not now."
"Fine. But only-" and that was directed at Thrawn, moreso than Thalias- "because you asked. Because, fuck that guy."
Ezra blinked at Samakro, and glanced back at Thrawn, whose face was as pinched as he'd ever seen it, and he suddenly became acutely aware that Thrawn was- upset?
No, that wasn't quite right, he was hurting. Who were these two people, this Samakro, this Thalias, that Thrawn held their opinions in such high regard?
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skywalkerthrawn 2 years
your latest thrangst....i'm going to curl up into a little ball and die. oh my god. god. fuck. jkfghkjsfkjsfhgkjsf
EEEEEEEE IM GLAD YOU LIKED IT :3 very high praise coming from you. i live for your thrawn hurt/comfort stuff and it inspires me
this is a concept me and @mistressminako have been playing around with for months and it's been living in my head rent free because i'm a SLUT for thrawn coming back from his space whale adventures battered, bruised and traumatized and all but broken, because let's be real, he never lets himself heal. combined with his whole belief that he is nothing but a tool for the ascendancy. and then his friends having to show him that there is a life beyond war for him, and that he deserves happiness. i could read/write countless variations of this
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