#me: maybe lucien made it a theme because he couldn't stand to celebrate tristan that long
ladamedemartel · 1 year
hc + Tristan
send me  ‘ hc ‘  + a word and i’ll write a headcanon about it regarding my character
Because the Gregorian calendar largely went into effect in 1582 at various points depending on the country, Aurora got confused as to when Tristan's birthday was supposed to be celebrated that year, so she simply held a festival for thirteen days (October 27 to November 9) in a row that was centered around Tristan. Each day had a different theme celebrating some important moment in Tristan's life (his birth, the first time he rode a horse, his becoming a vampire, the compulsion breaking, his take over of the Strix, the first regime he deposed, and so on). The celebrations nearly went beyond the thirteen days and into the Christmas season.
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