#me: 'well no i just wanted to tell him--' (everyone starts booing and throwing balls of paper and vegetables at me etc and whatnot)
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proteuus · 2 years ago
comes to your house to talk about management theory and my ex boyfriend for two hours straight
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constellationguy · 7 months ago
Another Perspective
Episode two
"Text": regular talking
'Text': regular thinking
"Text": Saiki talking telepathically
'Text': Saiki thinking
ATTENTION! You might want to rewatch episode two of The Disastrous Life of Saiki K before reading to fully understand the events.
Previous episode
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Summary: Episode 2 in L/N Y/N's perspective.
“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?” “Was that a meteor?”
‘Nope just Kusuo trying to put the ball away,’ thought Y/N exasperated.
“Alright losers listen up. We’re playing dodge ball!” Coach Matsuzaki announced. However class 2-3 did not seem too amused at the thought of playing dodgeball, they’d rather be doing something else.
“HEY QUIT COMPLAINING! Let’s give it everything we’ve got! So what if it’s childish? It’ll be fun to relive our youth! Let’s go out there and dodge till we drop!” Hairo announced convincingly.
‘Damn, and here I thought we were going to do something else,’ Y/N thought a little glum, Saiki also agreed with this thought.
“Well if Hairo really wants us to then I guess” “Ya we gotta give it a shot right?” Soon enough the collective opinion of the class turned from annoyed to eager positivity.
“Who wants to be on my team?” Most on the class raised their hands and shouted along with enthusiasm. “We’ll decide the teams with rock paper.” Matsuzaki announced.
“Alright! We’re gonna win this thing!” “YAAAAA” ‘I have a feeling this is gonna be a bit overdramatic even for my taste,’ “I have a feeling you’re right,” Saiki said to Y/N. “Being on Hairo’s team beats the alternative right?” ‘Guess so’ Y/N thought back to Saiki.
“We’ll start with a jump ball.” And with that the game is on! Hairo immediately grabbed the ball yelling enthusiastically and got Takahashi out.
“YA WE GOT ONE OUT!” Hairo’s team gave him numerous high fives in their excitement. “Getting one player out is worth that much excitement? And how is he sweating so much already? We just started.” “Hairo’s his own little sports anime, it’s best you just roll with it” Y/N said back to Saiki.
“Hey there Saiki. We’re taking you first!” The student threw the ball but Saiki did nothing to catch or block the ball from hitting him.
“Hold it Saiki! Were you actually trying to get hit by that ball?” Saiki nodded. “For real? Well. Hey where you going? You’re not out. Face safe rule.” Hairo smiled at Saiki, he could not smile back. Now Saiki has to throw the ball, uh oh.
“Saiki give it all you’ve got!” Hairo yelled. ‘Ya I don’t think so. I’d like my classmates to still have skin by the end of class.’ Y/N thought.
Y/N could tell that Saiki was obviously freaking out but eventually he landed on throwing the ball at Nendo. The throw happened to turn out more like a calm pass to Nendo though.
“What the hell kinda wussy ass throw was that?! This isn’t a game kid, it’s serious put some heart into it!” ‘Ouch that was harsh. You tried your best Kusuo, don’t worry about it too much.’
“Hey now buddy! Thanks for going easy on your boy but right now we’re supposed to be enemies.”
“Did you really go easy on him cause he’s your friend?!” ‘No part of that is true’
“Alright. They don’t call me Nen the dodgeballer for nothing! Take that! And that! Bam! Boo ya! Two fa!” “Wow he took out 6 players at once!” “The paper team only has two guys left!” Conveniently and not so conveniently Y/N was gotten out by Nendo but Saiki stayed in the game.
“Obviously I’ve gotta save my pall for last. Which makes you my next target captain. Dodge ball!!!!”
“AAAAAA” ‘okay here’s the dramatics, I’m not really into sports anime’s but this is entertaining enough,’ ‘try being in the sports anime’ Saiki thought back to Y/N. ‘right. Sorry Kusuo,’.
Just as Hairo was lining up to catch Nendo’s ball, Saiki got in the way and the ball hit him instead, shocking everyone.
“Hey don’t give up now! We’re still in this! LETS GO!” Surprisingly Hairo had enough time to make that short speech and also catch the ball before it hit the ground. ‘Okay now that was impressive’.
“Oh no! Hairo’s knee is busted!” “That means Saiki is the only one left on team paper!” The he shocked and annoyed faces Saiki was making was gold to Y/N, maybe playing dodgeball wasn’t such a bad idea.
“Looks like this is it for me. I entrust this ball to you. I know that you’re hiding something Saiki. You’ve got a power deep inside you that’s you’re not using. What’s stopping you? Now’s the time. I want to see you let loose and unleash” he paused to vomit sparkly blood. “Help us Saiki. You’re our only hope.” He puked sparkles again.
“Yo Saiki, I believe in you!” “We’re counting on you Saiki!” “Kick their butts Saiki!” ‘You have got to be kidding me!’
‘Kusuo’s thinking hard about his next move. Whatever it is, I hope it turns out in his favor.’ Y/N thought a little worriedly.
This time when Saiki threw the ball it turned out to be a spin ball. This shocked the class and brought his likeability up.
“Finally it’s my turn to show you what I’ve got. Do you have any idea what that means for you Saiki? I means that you’re in big trouble.” Kaido grabbed the ball extra confident. ‘By that face Kusuo is making, I bet he was banking on getting out, guess that plan failed.’ Y/N couldn’t tell if they should feel bad for Saiki or a little amused at the situation he’s in.
“Here’s my meteor spark genocide ball!” Kaido then made a rather pitiful noise when letting go of the ball. Saiki caught the ball with pretty much no effort.
Saiki then threw the ball to out field to bring a player in but he put a little too much power into it, which sent the class into hysteria.
“Sorrrrry, Buddy!!!” Saiki braces for Nendo’s ball and was hit. “Iiiiiiii’ve got it!” Hairo was suddenly in the game again. “Just in time” ‘I kinda feel bad for Kusuo but that face is priceless!’ Y/N tried to not laugh at Saiki’s misery.
“Saiki I saw the spirit you put into that throw. It’s really moved me!” Hairo was crying! “I’ll handle things from here!” Hairo managed to get a few outs until the score was even.
“Sorry but your little come back ends here. I won’t be dropped as easy like those puny whimps.” “Ya me neither,” “Fine! Let’s finish this thing. Bring it!”
When Nendo threw the ball Hairo was unable to catch it, but Saiki came to the rescue and gently threw it back to Hairo. “No! You take it.” Hairo threw the ball back to team rock and got Nendo and Kaido out in one throw.
“Saiki is so amazing!” “Nice job Saiki!”
“Buddy! That was a really great match man!” Nendo hugged and cried to Saiki and the class’s adoration for Saiki quickly dissipated.
“WHAT? Manako said yes?!” Class 2-3 was filled with conversations on love and relationships. In the middle of the classroom sat Saiki and Yumehara, and it was clear she had a crush on him.
Y/N was only a few seats behind the two and knew that today was going to be interesting for Saiki and fun for them. Yumehara’s blush was evident and Y/N could tell that Saiki was reading her thoughts and wasn’t very unamused at their contents.
In Yumehara’s first plan she tried to make a meet-cute, but Saiki flipped over her and used his powers to put all her papers back neatly into her hands. Y/N was at the end of the hall and had the best view possible to this event, and boy was it entertaining.
In Yumehara’s next plan she dropped her handkerchief next to Saiki, but this plan was ruined by Y/N themself. Yumehara didn’t notice but Y/N was walking right behind her and when she dropped the handkerchief Y/N picked it up, “Hey Yumehara! You dropped this.” Y/N announced.
‘I know Saiki was meant to pick this up but I couldn’t resist throwing a wrench in her plans! Sure it may be a little mean but she’s my source of entertainment for today, she’s being a little too interesting for me to let slide,’ Y/N thought only feeling slightly guilty. Unfortunately Y/N’s thoughts were accurate and when they gave her handkerchief back she had a very obviously dejected expression, “how interesting,” Y/N smirked.
Undeterred Yumehara continued on her mission to get the attention of Saiki. But unfortunately for her, all of her plots were ruined by either an unamused Saiki or an overly enthusiastic Y/N.
For Yumehara’s final plan she tried to wait for Saiki so they could share his umbrella but before that could happen the rain suddenly stopped. Yumehara was feeling solemn but quickly found a new boy, but at the other side of the entrance Y/N was waiting for their boy, Kusuo.
“I think you had a little too much fun messing with her,” Saiki said to Y/N. “Maybe so, but I couldn’t have her stealing you away from me.” Y/N said jokingly. “Who else am I going to make massive amounts of sweets for?,” Y/N continued. “No one,” Saiki replied quickly. “That’s what I thought. Now let’s get home, I’ve got macrons with our names on them!”
In the L/N residence it was a normal and quiet afternoon. Y/N was making coffee jelly and was preparing to make their mango smoothie, all was well.
‘Ever since the neighbors have stopped fighting Kusuo has been able to come over more often. I hope he and his parents are doing well.’ But suddenly they were thrown out of their thoughts my a harsh CRACK from next door. ‘I know this is non of my business but I swear if they start fighting again,’ Y/N thought exasperated.
It was quiet for about an hour until a BAM was heard, again from the Saiki residence. ‘Okay what the hell. Is Kusuo in a bad mood or something, sheesh,” Y/N thought while sipping on their smoothie.
“Hey,” Saiki suddenly teleported in front of Y/N, giving them quite the scare. “I know we’ve been friends for forever but damn, give me some warning Kusuo! Anyway what was all that noise about?”
“My parents wanted some help moving furniture,” “Oh? Alright, well there’s freshly made coffee jelly in the fridge for you. I had a feeling you’d be over here sometime this weekend. Enjoy,” Y/N smiled at Saiki. “You’re a genius,” Saiki said dreamily while walking towards the fridge.
“Hey, you missed Kongo getting chopped by Mr. Hatakeyama at the front gate,” Saiki said to Y/N who was already spacing out at their desk.
“WAIT WHAT?! Nooooooo, why did I get here early for once?!” Y/N pouted.
“Beats me,” Saiki shrugged.
Next episode
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whxre4hange · 2 years ago
attack on titan but dodgeball hc’s
eren is most definitely trying his best to DEMOLISH the other team
nothing will stand in his way. anything that does will be crushed.
probably hits a bunch of his teammates accidentally during his rampage
mikasa is mvp
well she would be if she wasn’t constantly lurking around ereh
has dove and skidded on the ground at least 20 times to catch the ball and/or protect ereh
armin cowered on the ground behind his teammates for the first 20 minutes and was the last one standing cause everyone else got picked off before him
tries to psych the other team out- “cmon, let’s talk it out- we can talk this out! violence isn’t the answer!” [boos] “you wouldn’t wanna hit me, would you? i’m so weak and defenceless and you would NEVE-‘ [gets hit by 5 different balls]
sasha ate 10 baked potatoes before the game and she gets stitches 30 seconds into the game
she is on the floor crawling around the whole time
‘pls im an injured woman dont throw anything at me :(‘
she also snuck a bunch of snacks into her pockets so she’s snacking at the back until someone gets her out
and she’s still snacking on the sidelines #girboss
connie does not understand what is going on, he thinks it’s catch, so he keeps throwing it at his teammates
and he’s like :’o when everyone yells at him
“ur just mad because u cant catch properly” connie no ur just dumb sweetie
jean wants to be the leader and is the control freak of the team, but no one cares about anything he says
and because eren is not petty at all, he ignores everything jean says and instead gets everyone to do the opposite
marco is the wholesome one. shakes everyone’s hand. smiles and wishes everyone good luck (including the opposing team). is the first one out because he got distracted whilst smiling and waving to his mom, who was in the crowd. yells encouragement from the sidelines. (he’s so precious PLS)
reiner is following historia around constantly trying to be a human shield
spoiler; it doesn’t work
ymir keeps intercepting anything that dares come near historia and “accidentally” whacks reiner every time he gets too close
annie is the true mvp. she’s an absolute machine. but she kicks the balls instead of throwing it. beat up the referee when he tried to tell her it was against the rules
given his size, bertholdt is seemingly an easy target
or is he? bertolto is actually a very speedy player
although he struggled to get how the game worked at first, bertoloto quickly grasped the rules and became the runner up mvp
bertrololololololol has kind of made it his mission to be annie’s back up- always catching/intercepting anything that might hit annie and attacking would-be annie attacks
very good at running, ducking - you name it, birthcontrol can do it!
erwin, surprisingly, is really really really bad at dodgeball
gives a really huge inspirational speech to his team but doesn’t understand the point of it
why throw balls when he has the biggest balls out of everyone? [this was a joke about what a great brave commander he was, not a sex joke. pls don’t cancel me]
anyways all jokes aside, he just stands there like 🧍🏼 what is going on
gets hit very quickly and sits on the sidelines researching the origins of dodgeball
hange managed to invent this robotic arm that throws dodgeballs at an insane pace
but it malfunctions and targets her & her team instead
oh and she built it legs that have suddenly started working and it’s chasing her around now
moblit is frantically running after hange with the remote screaming because he can’t find the off button
(spoiler: there is no off button. hange forgot. in her defence, she made it at 3am on a grand total of -50 hours of sleep)
levi is above this nonsense and is silently judging you all
lmao you thought. he’s lurking in the back throwing stuff at hange #pettygirlboss
some r from aot junior high but I tried to expand on them and add more stuff :) hope u enjoyed
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waitimcomingtoo · 3 years ago
Wicked Game ~ T.H
chapter eight: the twin flame bruise
pairing: frat! Tom Holland x Reader
series masterlist
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“As you all know, I won the bet. I was the first to get a girl to fall in love with me, so I stand before you as the president of Delta Nu.”
It was a week after the party and officially the start of a new semester. Tom’s frat brothers sat in seats in front of him a as he gave his first speech as president. He looked around the room at all his frat brothers and let out a nervous breath. Then, he looked down at his note cards and spoke before he lost his nerve.
“For my first act as president, I am officially disbanding the Delta Nu chapter on this campus. Effective immediately.”
He was immediately met with a roar of backlash from his frat brothers. Some threw questions at him while others talked amongst themselves. With everyone speaking at once, Tom couldn’t hear any of the questions being asked of him. Tom banged on the gavel until they all quieted down. One of the boys raised his hand and Tom called on him.
“Yes, Elijah.”
“You can’t do that.” Trevor stated, making all the boys shout in agreement. Tom hit the gavel again to get their attention.
“Yes, I can. I already submitted a proposal for the abolishment of this chapter to national headquarters.”
“But why?” Elijah asked.
“You want to know why I’m doing this? I’m doing this because we suck. We all suck. The few of us who aren’t emotionally scaring women for the rest of their lives simply stand by and watch those of us do. If you don’t speak up when your friend is harassing a girl, then you might as well be harassing her too. You’re not better just because you’re not the one doing it.”
“This is bullshit. Why are we all being punished for what Trent did?” One of the boys asked and the rest murmured in agreement.
“Because look at us. Look at what we do. How many of you would’ve stepped in and stopped Trent? How many of you would’ve even noticed what he was doing?” Tom asked, making the room fall silent.
“This is what I mean, guys. We don’t stop each other when someone goes too far. We just cover it up and move on. But the girls that we do this to, don’t get to move on. They start walking home with their keys between their fingers. And they stop laughing the way they used to because of us made them feel bad about it. They eat less because of something we said and stop wearing their favorite shirt because we made fun of it. We emotionally terrorize these girls and praise each other for who does it best. And that doesn’t make us stereotypical “asshole” frat guys. That makes us terrible human beings.”
Tom looked around at his brothers and hoped what he said had made an impact on him. Instead, they started to boo him and throw paper balls at him. Tom ducked when a ball come flying at him and looked to Harrison for help. Harrison quickly stood up to get their attention.
“He’s right. We do suck. Especially Chad. You suck big time, bro. And so do I because I’m the one who made this stupid bet in the first place.” Harrison shouted over the noise.
“The bet was nothing in compared to what Trent did.” Elijah pointed out.
“Maybe not.” Tom agreed. “But it was still a shitty thing to do. We bet that we could get a girl to fall in love with us by the end of the semester. By taking part in this bet, we admitted that we view the women on this campus as toys that can be played with. But when you win a game against people who didn’t know they were playing, you don’t really win. You lose. You lose yourself. You lose your humanity. You lose the ability to say that you’re a good person without lying to yourself.”
Tom looked down at his note cards and dropped them on the podium. He decided to go off script and speak from the heart instead. It was the kind of cliche that happened in the movies the romantic comedies you liked to watch and made Tom think of you.
“When I was a little boy, I was nice.” Tom began. “My mom used to tell me that all her friends couldn’t get over what a gentleman I was. Now, I think my mom would cry if she knew what I was like. I think she’d be sick to her stomach if I told her about this bet. And I bet your moms would be too. Do you think your moms or your sisters or your grandmas would be proud of you if they knew about this bet? Hell, are you proud?”
Tom looked around the room but didn’t meet a single eye. Everyone was avoiding eye contact as they thought about their worst moments. Every time they stood a girl up, made her cry, laughed at her dreams, rolled their eyes at her jokes, made her feel dumb, screamed in her face, or lied to her replayed in their minds.
“It’s different when you put it like that. I’d kill a guy for doing this to my sister.” Brad, who had previously been silent, spoke up.
“That’s our problem.” Tom laughed dryly. “We can’t pick and chose which women have value. All women are people with feelings, whether they’re related to us or not. A lot of us don’t get that. But we need to. We can do better. We have to do better. This frat has become a breeding ground for people like Trent. So I’m disbanding it. And maybe you’ll all go on and join another frat and keep living the way you’re living. Or maybe you’ll take what I said here into consideration. I hope you do the second one.”
Tom looked around the room one last time before setting his gavel down on the podium.
“Meeting is over. You’re all dismissed. Move your stuff out by the end of the week.” Tom said before leaving the podium. The boys slowly dispersed as Tom walked over to Harrison.
“You did the right thing man.” Harrison told him.
“Yeah. About a semester too late.” Tom sighed. “But when you get bit by a snake, you have to suck out all the poison. And that's what I have to do, suck all the poison out of my life.”
“Wow. That’s really deep. Did you just come up with that?” Harrison wondered.
“No. I stole it from Mean Girls.” Tom admitted. “But it’s true. The root of the poison started here. And I let it infect me and I hate it. I hate everything about this stupid frat. And I hate that I dragged Y/n into it.”
“I know, dude. But she’ll forgive you one day.”
“I hope so.” Tom said as he looked over his shoulder. He looked at the swords mounted to the wall, the holes punched into almost every wall in the house, the cans of beer and empty liquor bottles were strewn across the ground. He then took his hat off his head and looked down at it.
“I don’t even recognize myself anymore.” Tom said, mostly to himself.
“Neither do I.” Harrison smiled sadly. “I feel like I’m the worst version of myself yet.”
“So do I.” Tom sighed. “Have you spoken to Peyton?”
“No. She won’t talk to me. Have you spoken to Y/n?”
“No. I’ve left her a million messages but I think she blocked my number. I was gonna go over there today to apologize in person.”
“I’ll go with you.” Harrison decided and nodded towards the door.
A few minutes later, the boys stood outside your door with their hearts pounding in their chests. They stopped by the corner store to pick something up before heading over to your dorm. Harrison patted Tom on the back before knocking on the door. Peyton opened it, her smile dropping as soon as she saw who it was.
“Oh. Ew.” She scrunched her face in disgust and went to shut the door.
“Please don’t shut the door. I just want to talk to Y/n.” Tom pleaded as he pushed the door back open. Peyton shut it enough so only her face was sticking out.
“She doesn’t want to talk to you. Believe it or not.”
“Please?” Tom begged. “I haven’t spoken to her all week. I just want to see that she’s okay.”
“She’s fine. No thanks to you.” Peyton said flatly.
“Then can you at least give her these?” Tom asked as he held out some flowers.
“Fine.“ Peyton rolled her eyes and snatched the flowers.
“And these?” Tom smiled weakly and held out a pack of Reese’s. Peyton gave him a strange look and took the candy. She then made eye contact with Harrison for the first time since their breakup.
“Hi.” He smiled at her and gave a little wave.
“Get lost.” She scoffed and shut the door.
“Who was that?” You asked when Peyton came back into your room.
“Some idiots. These are for you.” Peyton said as she held out the candy and flowers. You looked at them curiously as you took them. You sniffed the flowers and cracked a smile.
“What?” Peyton wondered.
“He brought me flowers.” You spoke in a quiet tone. It was an old-fashioned gesture, the kind he knew you loved.
“Yep. He probably brought bees into our dorm too.” Peyton mumbled.
“I love bees.” You said softly.
“What was that?” Peyton asked.
“Nothing. Thanks for answering the door.“
“Anytime, girl.” She gave you a warm smile. You returned the smile before looking down at the candy in your hands. You unwrapped it and took a bite, immediately thinking back to one of your earliest encounters with Tom. You were so sure he was a good guy when he brought you Reese’s back from the store, along with the pads. Now, you weren’t sure of anything.
Over the next few days, there was a new bouquet of flowers waiting for you every time you left your dorm. Each bouquet had a long, handwritten apology attached to the stems. You would read the first few lines and drop them right into the trash, then go back and read them later. Each note was different, showing you that Tom was really trying.
“More flowers?” You asked when Peyton came into the room one day with a handful of daisies.
“Yep. And a latte this time.” She replied and handed you the cup in her hand.
“A latte?” You asked curiously. She watched your face go from confused to surprised once you took a sip.
“What?“ She wondered.
“It’s a an unsweetened cinnamon light soy latte.” You smiled fondly as you looked at the cup.
“You drink those?”
“No. Sandra Bullock does in The Proposal. It’s like Christmas in a cup.” You said and took another sip.
“Why would he drop that off?” Peyton wondered.
“I don’t know.” You lied. “Weird.”
First, it was the candy from the morning you got your period on his sheets. Now, it was the latte from your favorite movie. That, along with all the flowers he was sending you, we’re making it more difficult to hate Tom than you hoped.
In addition to the flowers, Tom had been waiting for you outside your classes. He waited from a distance this time, just to make sure you were okay. He never failed to show up and watch as you went from one class to another.
“Hey.” Tom smiled hopefully as you walked by him.
“Don’t bother.” You replied, never turning your head to look his way. When you ignored him, it felt as if he didn’t even exist. The perfume that used to stain his sheets and leave him thinking of you when you were gone was now all that hung in the air between you as you walked away.
As the weeks went by, the flowers never stopped. Every surface in your dorm had a multiple vases filled with flowers on them. Watering each individual vase had been keeping your mind off everything that had happened. You were watering
“I’ll get it.” Peyton told you when you heard a knock at the door one day.
“Hi. Me again.” Tom smiled sheepishly and held up a bouquet of yellow roses.
“Tom. You gotta give this up. Just go home.” Peyton sighed and tried to close the door.
“Please let me see her.”
“She doesn’t want to see you. I tell you this every day. Why don’t you get that?”
Before Tom could respond, he heard familiar laughter coming from inside your dorm. He heard male voices that he knew all too well and frowned in confusion.
“Are those my brothers?” Tom asked and pointed inside.
“No.” Peyton lied as Tom pushed past her. Once he was in your dorm, he saw Sam and Harry sitting on your bed. You were all laughing as you took forkfuls out of a tin of brownies.
“Harry? Sam? What are you guys doing here?” Tom asked. He then made eye contact with you and felt his entire face go red. You hadn’t spoken to each other since the night of the party, about a month ago. His hair was a little longer and curlier than since you last saw him. He was wearing a nice button-down shirt, a sharp contrast to the usually backward cap and jerseys you usually saw him in.
“Hi Tom.” You said with a mouthful of brownies. He smiled fondly at you and felt like he could cry just from hearing you speak to him again.
“Hi darling. How are you feeling?”
“Better.” You shrugged and looked away from him.
“She’s a lot better.” Sam insisted. “Because there is no ailment slutty brownies can’t fix.”
“Slutty brownies?” Tom questioned.
“Its brownies with Oreos and chocolate chip cookies baked into them. Sam made them for Y/n. You gotta try these.” Harry said as he held up the tin of brownies.
“I’m good, thanks. Um, these are for you, Y/n.” Tom said as he sheepishly held out the bouquet of flowers. He usually left them at your door so this was the first time he was getting to hand them to you in person.
“Thanks.” You took them from him without looking him in the eyes. Tom felt his heartbreak all over again at your iciness towards him and nervously cleared his throat.
“Uh, yellow roses are meant to symbolize friendship.” Tom told you. “Because I hope we can be friends again.”
“Yeah, I wouldn’t bet on it.” You mumbled as you pulled a petal off one of the flowers.
“Ha. She loves me not?” Sam snorted and pointed to the petal.
“Exactly.” You smiled dryly at him. Somehow, that stung Tom worse than your previous silence had.
“Nice one.” Harry smirked and held his fist out. You cracked a smile and bumped his fist with your own, making Tom’s jealousy rise up again.
“Can I talk to you guys outside for a second?” Tom asked his brothers. Sam handed the brownies back to you before walking out of the room with Tom.
“What the hell are you guys doing here?” He asked them.
“We came to apologize to her about the bet.” Harry explained.
“And then about everything else we’ve ever done to women.” Sam added.
“You came to apologize to her? Why?”
“We all took part in the bet.” Sam shrugged. “We all encouraged you to do what you did to her. It wasn’t a one-man operation. We all fucked her over.”
“I mean, I guess so. But what did she say? Did she forgive you?”
“Yeah.” Harry nodded. “Although I think the brownies had more to do with that than our apology.”
“I make really good brownies.” Sam shrugged.
“Do you think she’ll forgive me too?” Tom asked as he looked at your door. Harry and Sam exchanged a look, making Tom think they already had this conversation with you.
“I don’t know, man.” Harry smiled apologetically. “We encouraged the bet but we weren’t the ones playing with her feelings like that.”
“What we did was a lot different from what you did.” Sam added. “It was still bad, but not as bad as you.”
“Yeah. I guess you’re right.” Tom nodded in disappointment and looked at your door again. He could hear you laughing at something Peyton had said and let out a sigh.
“I don’t think she wants me to go back in there. Can you just tell her I’m sorry? And that I miss her?”
“Sure.” Sam said. “We’ll probably leave soon too. I’ll tell her what you said.”
Tom looked at your door again and felt that recurring pit of sadness in his stomach. More than anything, he wished things could go back to the way they used to be. He wanted to be able to walk into your room again and have you kiss him hello instead of avoiding eye contact.
“Could you tell her one more thing?” Tom asked his brothers. After listening to what Tom had to say, Sam and Harry went back into your room.
“Where’s Tom?” You asked when they came back alone. You tried not to sound as disappointed as you felt that he was no longer there.
“He left. He wanted us to tell you something though.” Sam said, piquing your interest.
“Tell me what?” You wondered, doing your best to sound uninterested.
“He said you were the coolest girl he’s ever met.” Harry repeated the words Tom said to him. Your jaw dropped a little in surprise when you heard those words out of Harry’s mouth. You thought about the night you met Tom a lot. You replayed the conversations you had with him and tried to remember if his deception ever surfaced. Instead, all you remembered was bonding over movies and wearing his weird little gray hat.
“I don’t get it.” Peyton frowned. “Does that mean something?”
You snapped out of your thoughts and looked around the room. Everyone was looking at you expectantly for an explanation, but you didn’t want to give them one.
“No.” You smiled tightly. “It means nothing.
The next day, you saw Tom waiting outside your class like he usually did. When he spotted you, he turned his head and pretended that he wasn’t waiting for you. You smiled a little to yourself as he pretended to take interest in a nearby tree. You would usually walk away from him when you saw him on campus. This time, you started walking towards him.
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lostinanothersmemories · 2 years ago
Alright I don't actually know if I've posted this already so hehe but @zozo-01 wanted this so blame her.
cw for general angst? feelings of being an outsider? idk the darlin kinnie really popped off when writing this
With the soft waves crashing on the beach the group could laugh themselves to tears. Ash still throwing the beach ball despite David’s warnings the wind is gonna send it flying. Angel and Babe comparing sea shells, holding them up to firelight. Milo stoking the fire and when necessary smacking the ball away so it doesn’t get close to the flames. Sam and Darlin taking up an entire log bench with how the wolf lounges.
“You act like I’m planning on finding a new apartment, my apartments fine. I like my apartment.”
Theres a pause before a brief laugh from the group, “Didn’t your neighbor throw a week long rager and cops literally wouldn’t come to stop it?” Asher points out, asking for an argument.
“Oh boo hoo you lose a bit of sleep.”
“Oh come on even me and David’s first apartment was better!”
Of course bringing him into bickering means he’ll side with neither, “That’s because I didn’t let you pick it.”
“Cold hearted man, I’ve got taste!”
“Says the one who wanted to paint his bedroom blue, the entire bedroom, in a rental.”
“Milo! I thought you’d be on my side!”
“And the one who thought our generation would live in a mansion all together.”
“Oh my god wait did we try to make a pack frat house?”
“You tried to make a pack frat house, I argued, Milo didn’t,” David points out.
“I ain’t going to be held accountable for what I said when I was ten, my memories barely go back that far I’m innocent.” Milo defends holding his hands up but distracted by Sweetheart stealing his stick to fix his fire.
“Ash was the one to suggest it anyways he’s at fault. You tried to get anyone to drive us around so we could househunt.”
“Right! I tried for weeks to convince them to let us bike around to find the best house.”
“Hey, wasn’t that when you biked into a wall and lost a tooth?” Milo peaks around to ask not listening to an answer. “Sweetheart no I swear to god the fire is fine!”
“Amanda found a wheelbarrow and we brought you to MIlo’s house cause you thought it was an adult tooth.” David explains, ever so slightly smiling at the memory.
“Shaw Pack Jr. my friends.” Milo jesters jabbing Ash with only a slightly charred fire stick.
Across the fire a weight sinks. Drops leaving a tsunami. No one notices. No one sees. Darlin sits up from where they had laid their head in Sam’s lap. They look to the waves, the sand, anywhere but the people around them.
It’s stupid of course, absolutely no reason for them to feel like this. Sure they popped up late but that doesn’t make them any less fami-pack. It doesn’t strip the fact they are apart of the pack. They don’t hear Sam at first, only notice when his hand cups their cheek. They see the question before his lips can even start forming syllables. “I’m fine. I’m gonna take a walk, need some air.”
They just hope only Sam can see, but they can tell it’s quieted, not completely. They try not to make it obvious.
Sam doesn’t hesitate to stand, slipping his fingers between theirs and leading them down the beach.
“I’m s-”
“Did I ever tell you I had to switch schools?” They shake their head at least glad they don’t have to explain yet. “I got into a fight sophomore year. Yes me, I got into a fight now set aside the shock for a moment. Someone was picking on someone and well, you know me. He got a concussion and a slap on the wrist for what he was doing. I got expelled. My parents supported me but I had to change schools. It was an hour away I think, but it was awful. Halfway through a school year everyone with friends. I found a group but, it was a group before me. There’s no way to get rid of that feeling, least far as I know. They’d talk about growing up together, or make plans on the weekend but it didn’t feel like I was apart of them, like I was just with them.”
“They don’t do it on purpose. They never did.” They immediately defend despite how obviously they just want to walk away again. ”Doesn’t matter the intent, point it they have memories together you don’t and it feels awful to remember that. It’s not selfish, it’s a shitty situation, don’t apologize. I can’t even begin to understand how that’s multiplied by the fact it’s your pack, by how big of a move it was for you. Washington ain’t far, but it’s far enough that you weren’t home anymore.”
“Thank you.” They glance back at the group, “I love them, and you. I’m just tired of being the other sometimes.”
“You aren’t an other to me, darlin’. You’re everything.” Despite the fond smile forcibly growing on their face tears still threaten to fall down their cheeks.
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emf005 · 4 years ago
Knock On Wood
Oliver Wood x Reader
Warnings: The Puns are real, fighting, fluff... (Let me know if I missed anything!)
Please Like and follow and let me know what you think!
What a lovely day to bother the Gryffindor quidditch captain, Oliver Wood. You swung your legs off Fred’s lap and ruffled George’s hair as you went to your dorm.
“Where are you off to?” George asked, tossing the pranking ball at you. You caught it and tossed it right back before it could release the gas from inside that smelt like a dead skunk bathed in vomit, a smell of your own invention you were proud to say.
“I overheard that Ollie was going down to the pitch for some extra practice. Think I need some work on my,” you flipped your hair dramatically. “Chasing.” The two scoffed at your horrible pun, considering you were the best Chaser in all of Hogwarts. Both figuratively and metaphorically. You ran up stairs and grabbed your gloves, threw on your riding boots and grabbed your broom. Everything you owned was pretty worn out, you were muggle born and your family wasn’t exactly the richest. Actually you were poorer than the Weasleys', and there were only four of you!
They looked back up at you as you jumped the last four stairs and walked out of the room to go bug the keeper. You loved bugging Wood. His name was meant for puns. It's just perfect! I mean, Oliver, obviously a good nickname for him was Ollie, which he pretended to hate. And then Wood. There were so many there. And then he was a Keeper. Like, he just made it too easy for you!
“Ollie!” You called happily from the bottom of the pitch. He glanced down and you could hear his eye roll. You flew up and met the Keeper in the air. “What a surprise meeting you up here, hun!” He rolled his eyes and turned his broom around so you wouldn't see the blush on his cheeks from the nickname you had given him. Well, one of the many nicknames you had given him.
“What do you want, Y/L/N. I’m practicing here.” You frowned and leaned forward on your broom.
“Maybe I wanted to practice with you, Ollie. I’m hurt you want me to leave so soon. I got all dressed up just to see you.” He glanced at your attire.
“Honored. You should really get new riding gloves and boots,” he mentioned.
“Yeah, they’re on my list right next to a cyclops.” He rolled his eyes at your sarcasm. “Come on Wood, I bet I can get a few past you,” you grinned, sitting back up on your broom.
“Ha! You wish, Y/L/N!”
“Then Wood you go get the ball and we can have a go at it!” He groaned at you pun.
“Stop it.
“Stop what? I just told you to go get the ball,” he flew down and started to walk away from you.
“You know what!” You smirked. He showed back up a few minutes later as you were speeding around the pitch. He watched you go in awe at how fast you were flying. How perfect your form was. And how good you looked doing it.
Stop it. He told himself as he called up to you. He tossed up the Quaffle and you zoomed over catching it in one fluid motion, going so fast you nearly knocked him off his feet.
“Lets go, Ollie!” You shouted down to him, tossing it up in the air and catching it. “I gotta beat you by four!” He mounted his broom and flew up to you.
“Why? What's at four.”
“Fred, George, and I have some… business to attend to.”
“Which hallway do I have to avoid this time?” He sighed, making his way to the posts.
“There's no fun in that, Olive oil! You might stop people like you did last time,” you pouted.
“Did you just call me Olive oil?”
“Your name is Oliver, did you not expect me to make an olive pun?”
“I was hoping.”
“I guess you could say you were-”
“Don’t do it.”
“Knocking on Wood.” You smiled.
“I hate you.”
“Nah. You love me,” you blew him a kiss making his cheeks heat.
The game was close the whole time, but you ended up winning by one point. Though, he did not accept his defeat.
“That wasn’t fair!”
“Just because you were too busy laughing at my joke, Ollie, doesn’t mean it wasn’t fair. You always tell me to be more focused. Maybe you should follow your own advice instead of gazing longingly at me,” you joked as the two of you headed to the locker room.
“I don’t gaze longingly,” he rolled his eyes.
“Yeah ya do, mate,” George said, coming over and putting an arm around your shoulders.
“Only at her though,” Fred clarified, doing the same thing on the other side of you. You laughed at the two trouble makers.
“I’m just flawless, he can’t help it. Right, Ollie?” You joked, but he just stalked off to the showers frustrated. You frowned and creased your eyebrows. You didn't take it too far, did you? “Did I say something offensive?”
“No.” they said together, smirks on their faces.
“Hey, Ollie!” You yelled to Oliver, running towards him in your Gryffindor uniform. It was the Slytherin v.s. Gryffindor match today, and you were ready to kick some serpent ass. Oliver just nodded to you and kept walking. You frowned and stopped watching him go. What was that? Fred and George came up behind you.
“What was that about?” George asked. You shook your head and looked after the boy you longed to talk to. It was a well known fact amongst the three of you that you liked him. They had tried to get you to tell him on multiple occasions, but every time you went to say something, a pun just came out because of your nerves.
Harry came over to the three of you and looked past you to see Wood walking away with his shoulders a bit slumped.
“He’s been like that all day.” Harry said, shaking his head. “Don't know what's gotten into him. Maybe throw him a pun or two today, Y/N. Looks like he needs one.” Harry left you three to stare after Wood as he made his way to where the majority of the team was, ready to walk out and begin the game against the Serpents’ house.
Brutal. That was the only way to describe how they played. Well, that was also how your team played. The rivalry between the houses fueling the urge to win. Skill increased, adrenaline flooded through everyone on the pitch. Rooms zoomed through the air, the wind combined with the cheers and boos from the crowd was deafening.
It was brilliant.
Y/N zoomed through the air perfectly, avoiding everyone as she threw the Quaffel into the top goal post. Gryffindor cheered and she smiled, flying her broom around in victory as the Slytherin’s booed her. Y/N watched the Quaffle get tossed around by a few Slytherin’s and zoomed over to them. As it was tossed in the air she intersected it and flew around towards the Slytherin side again, scoring yet another goal. The Slytherins sneered at you and, unbeknownst to you, had a plan up their sleeves.
The Quaffle was tossed to you again and then you were being chased, but this wasn't your normal chase. You had two Slytherin players in front and back and two on your sides.
You swore to yourself as they got closer. Suddenly they all just dispersed. You were far up in the clouds at this point and it was hard to see. You began to speed back down when something hit you in the head, knocking you off your broom.
You fell. You heard screaming, but you didn’t know if it was you or someone else. You felt yourself slow down but you were still going fast, the Quaffle still tightly in your grasp as you hit the ground. Everything went black.
Wood watched the Slytherin team surround you and take you up into the clouds. What were they planning? The team dispersed and flew back into view, but you weren’t anywhere to be seen. Then he saw your figure falling. His heart stopped. Dumbledore cast a spell to slow you down but you were still going too fast.
“Y/N!” him and the twins cried in unison, flying down to meet you on the ground. Your body bounced and you were out cold. The rest of the quidditch game was canceled and everyone made their way out onto the field to see what happened, Madam Hooch in front of them all. The three boys stared down at you unmoving body thinking that the fall killed you. The Slytherin’s walked off the field, not caring anymore. They had won. But that wasn’t the reason Oliver Wood’s blood was boiling. They had hurt you and that was not ok. Ever.
Madam Hooch took you to the hospital wing and Fred and George were about to follow when they noticed Oliver heading towards the Slytherin shower area with his fists clenched. They followed.
“Oi!” The boys clad in green turned around at his voice. “Was that really necessary? She could’ve died!” Marcus Flint scoffed.
“Not our problem.” Wood clenched his jaw.
“It is your problem.”
“Why, pissed off we hurt your mudblood girlfriend? Can’t even buy herself proper riding-” Flint didn't get to finish his statement thanks to Wood’s fist in his face. He stumbled back and Fred and George grabbed Wood’s arms pulling him away form the fight.
“Say that again. I fucking dare you!”
“Wood, shut up mate!” Fred hissed, struggling to pull him away.
“Lets go right now! I’ll fucking take you all down. Right here right now! Lets go!”
“Wood!” George hissed. “No. If you won’t come with us for your own sake, at least do it for her sake.” Wood growled, making the twins lean back. He just growled. They had never seen him get so defensive over something. So protective.
“Yeah! Go running to your mudblood girlfriend, Ollie.” The three froze. The twins dropped Wood’s arms and in three seconds he was on top of the Slytherin’s beating the lot of them to a pulp. They looked at each other and slowly backed away.
Wood could take care of himself. That much had always been clear. But this… This was just horrifying.
You started to stir a bit, everything in your body aching, you head pounding. You felt sticky, but not your normal sweaty sticky. You groaned and opened your eyes. The lights of the infirmary blinded you a bit.
“Y/N?” The twins? Your eyes adjusted and you saw two redheads staring at you from above. It all came back to you and your blood boiled. “How do you feel?”
“Can I please have a knife?”
“First off, no.”
“Second off, why?”
“I am going to stab each and everyone of those Slytherin pricks so they bleed and hurt and beg me for mercy.” You groaned.
“She’s up?” Your head snapped up at Wood’s voice, but you couldn't see him.
“But she’s in a killing mood again.” The twins patted your leg, silently telling you they’d be back later. Oliver came and sat by you, you turned your head so you could see him.
“You look good.” you smirked sarcastically.
“Yeah well, you don't look picture perfect either.” You cringed mockingly.
“That hurt Ollie. Almost as much as these broken bones.”
“You're lucky you're not dead.”
“I mean, there's still time for that. So…” you stabbed his shoulder three time with your fist. “Knock on wood.” He let out a laugh and you smiled.
“You laughed.” He looked at you.
“Yeah. Why do you sound so surprised?”
“Because you never laugh. Why do you think I always try? Who knew falling off my broom would get you to laugh.” “Yeah, well. Don’t go doing that again. You gave me quite the scare.” You laughed, cringing at the way you felt your ribs shift. He looked panicked. “What happened? Do I need to get Madam Pomfrey?”
“Relax, Ollie. It was just my ribs shifting. Nothing to over react about. So, what did happen to that pretty face of your? You look like a woodpecker attacked you.”
“You really can’t turn the puns off can you?”
“I just got to get Olive them out.”
“Wow. That's pathetic.”
“You never answered my question. Are you alright?”
“I just had a row with the Slytherin team. They called you a few… unsavory words.”
“Pour mudblood?” You asked without breaking. His eyes widened, surprised to hear you say the slur. You shrugged. “Yeah. They say that a lot.”
“And you’re just fine with that?”
“Well, I mean. No. But, what am I going to do about it? Take on all of Slytherin house?”
“I did.”
“Which was incredibly stupid. Why would you even do that?”
“Because they insulted you!”
“Ollie, why does that matter? I’m no one important!”
“Yes you are!”
“Really? To who?”
“The twins! The team! To me!” You fell silent and he heard what he said. He was about to cover it up.
“I’m important to you?” He swallowed.
“Yeah. Always have been.” He grabbed your hand and squeezed it. “Always will be. Y/N." He started to gain more confidence. "I have been in love with you since our first year when you made a Woody woodpecker joke at my expense. Whoever that is.” You laughed, remembering the cartoon.
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?”
“Because I was scared.”
“I scare the Oliver Wood? That's an accomplishment.”
“I’m trying to confess my feelings here!”
“If you just kiss me, I think I’ll get the hint!”
“Fine!” He grabbed your face and, as gently as his adrenalin allowed him, brought it to his, putting his lips on yours, finally. You two would have continued to make out if not for a clearing of someone’s throat. Oliver disconnected your lips and looked back to see Madam Pomfrey.
“Miss. Y/L/N needs her rest, Mr. Wood. I am well aware of you two strained and prolonged crushes and am glad to see you two have finally stopped acting like buffoons and gotten to it already. But she has just fallen from an extraordinary height so it is appreciated if you would keep it to a minimum until she is well enough to at least walk.” She turned on her heels and walked out. You started to laugh and Oliver placed a kiss on your cheek.
“When you finally get out of here, I’ll make sure you won’t be able to,” he whispered into your ear. He pulled back with a smirk on his face and you gaped at him.
“Ollie!” You laughed. “Didn’t know you had that side to you.”
“Lots of things you don’t know, love.” he kissed your head. “Get some rest.” You smiled, your eyes already closing.
“M’kay, Ollie.” You were on the verge of sleep when you muttered out a question. “Hey, Ollie?”
“Yes, love?”
“You’ll still kiss me when I wake up, right?” He chuckled.
“I don't think I can stop now.” You smiled, sleepily.
“Good. I don't want you to.” You fell asleep and he watched you for a moment.
“Neither do I.”
Let me know what you guys think! I love feed back!
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thewiscryptid · 4 years ago
SHE’S SO BROKEN INSIDE -- C - R - A - Z - Y !!
a reboot of my sentence starters for crazy ex girlfriend season 1 please change any pronouns/words to make it more applicable for your usage! some mature themes apply!
“This is what Happy feels like. This is what I’m supposed to feel like.”
“Why aren’t you happy?!”
“You didn’t even break skin and you inconvenienced a lot of people.”
“Remember you said that if I was in the neighborhood I should give you a buzz? Well… BUZZ!”
“I’m taking a few of these until my business cards come in, just so if anyone asks why I’m here, I can say ‘It’s for work! It’s legitimate!.”
“Because you’re pretty and you’re smart and you’re ignoring me so you’re obviously my type.”
“I’m not good for much but I do know it’s not right to hook up with a crying girl.”
“You half Italian? I can always tell.”
“He should be a search term on porn sites.”
“He made me feel warm inside— like glitter was exploding inside me.”
“I’m not in love. That would be stupid.”
“I’m crazy and I’m irrational and I’m everything my mother ever said I was.”
“If we play this right, it’s gonna hit him like a bag of nails to the balls.”
“Could we have a postmortem on the whole make out-crying situation?”
“Bras are in aisle one.”
“I’m going to gracefully exeunt and be chased….by a bear.”
“Maybe I will throw my saddle on that filly and take her for a ride around the paddock. ...Wow. Men are disgusting.”
“They spread a rumor that I slept with the English teacher! Which was totally a lie because we only did hand stuff!”
“Of course we’re friends because what other agenda could I possibly have?”
“I want to cut the silky hair right off your head and slurp it up like spaghetti.”
“We were just being cute! Cute kissing! For attention!”
“I can’t be friends with women. Everyone wants to have sex with me!”
“I’m going to go out on a limb and say that telling the truth from the beginning was probably the right option.”
“Luna bars are for women. I think they have menstrual blood in them or something.”
“A true friend loves you no matter what, even if your downward dog is horrible.”
“Now, if someone pulls a gun on me, I pull out my knife!”
“Come sit on my lap like I’m Santa and listen to me—”
“Put those things away, you’re going to poke a kid’s eye out.”
“I don’t leave when there’s whiskey left.”
“It was weird and sad and kinda beautiful in a pure and unironic way.”
“You’re really starting to fit in here. That’s not a compliment.”
“She’s seriously ‘bonker balls’.”
“The last thing you need right now is a conversation with a pathological narcissist!”
“How are you? UTIs under control?”
“Hey, don’t skate sad!”
“Let’s leave the children outta here for a sec.”
“Shut up, I love that fire! It’s my favorite fire!”
“How could a guy with a man bun know what’s authentic?!”
“You took some guy home from our date and SLEPT with him? What’s WRONG with you?!”
“I make no sense and you shouldn’t waste your time on me, can’t you see that?”
“I have an IQ of 164. On the entire SAT, I only got two questions wrong and in subsequent years, those questions were removed for being misleading.”
“You are a good person. He is a good person. …. We are good person.”
“What do you want me to say, people? That she doesn’t have the softest hair? And that I don’t watch her while she sleeps? Because I do! She’s an Angel.”
“She had flyaways! I can’t have her walking around like that.”
“You know I want to turn you in so much, because you’re an actual piece of human garbage.”
“Can I get a free beer? I’m down like $10,000.”
“My parents are alive. They’re just frigid and unloving.”
“Parents love brown nosers but men? Men love a woman who looks like me.”
“Chicken soup is just gross, hot, fat water.”
“I got a tongue scraper! Things are looking hhhhhhhexcellent.”
“Look at you, old man. You loooose! You have tubes in your face!”
“You promised me a drink and I got tired of waiting.”
“It was like Pearl Harbor meets the movie Pearl Harbor.”
“Why does Netflix always want me to watch Leaving Las Vegas? Is it trying to tell me something?”
“That basset hound could benefit from a juice cleanse.”
“Twilight is only the greatest love story since Shakespeare… in Love!”
“I needed that sage to cleanse the house of evil spirits. Ghosts are obsessed with me.”
“Do I really need to tell you to not take a pill from off the bathroom floor?!”
“I’m not going to listen to you. You talk silly.”
“I’m half of him so I am half of what you hate!”
“I’m glad you stood up to me because when the Cossack’s come, I know you’ll survive!”
“I want to melt into the chair like a butter lady.”
“Get realsies with me or I’m outskies.”
“Thanks for showing my boyfriend your cervix.”
“Charm and wit is a weird name for your boobs.”
“Where am I? Who am I? Am I in the Matrix? Am I Neo?”
“If you can’t even send me a whole word, then I’m not taking my clothes off for you. At least send an emoji. A chipmunk eating a block of cheese. I get that. I’m coming over.”
“Be the boat. Don’t be the hole. Nobody likes the hole.”
“Oh, you know what people say. One person’s blackmail is another person’s love story.”
“Okay, you can sleep at the foot of my bed tonight. Like a dog. …. Please don’t look so excited.”
“Oh, I don’t like her. She looks like she orders everything on the side.”
“He looks like a Kennedy. But a sober one.”
“What’s a pretty, showered girl like you doing here?”
“I think my life is a giant turd.”
“Why doesn’t he love me? Why doesn’t anyone love me? Why am I so alone?”
“I don’t want to say I don’t like anyone as much as you … but I just said it.”
“Love does not last in my life. I’m loveless.”
“I want to haunt Hitler and make him rethink a few things.”
“She’s not just a kid! She’s your daughter, you ass!”
“Oh, come on! Let’s make bad decisions together! We could run into traffic!”
“I’m not a sourpuss. I’m pensive and deep.”
“Are we being pleasant now? Sorry. I don’t know your rules.”
“He has the flat top of a Greek God.”
“If it were any other situation, I would take off my heels, my earrings and my extensions and curb stomp you.”
“Chasing someone who isn’t into you is a terrible move.”
“You have been Single White Female-ing me since you got here.”
“I have, like, the smartest face here.”
“Boo work and life and clothing.”
“You need to realize that ‘U up?’ is text speak for ‘are you horny?’.”
“You gotta force love, everyone knows that.”
“You weirdo face, put me down!”
“You just scooped me up like a basket of muffins…— PUT ME DOWN!”
“Why is he always talking about his theater major?! I know a lot of theater majors! They don’t talk about it! They just are!”
“I appreciate you Schwarzenegger-ing out back there.”
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parkersbliss · 4 years ago
Heyy I absolutely love the Gally imagine you wrote! I mean its so good and it feels so natural and his character fits so well and it was so cute😟 Idk if you have time but if you like the idea could you maybe write a gally×Reader where they are all in the safe haven and joking around, just having fun with the others? And they confess their feeelings and its just a lighthearted fluffy thing? Because I think Gally can be a happy person too🥰 And your writing is so amazing that I think you can totally rock this♥️ And idc if you don't do it, I still love your Blogs and everythikg you've written so far🥰
ahhh thank you so much!! that is so sweet of you <3
Charades | Gally
They say time heals all wounds, and at first, you didn’t want to believe that. How could a few years erase what happened to you in the maze?
But it wasn’t time that erases it; it is the people you surround yourself with. You find yourself creating new memories to overlap the bad ones, and the pain dulls because all you can feel is happiness.
“Do you guys remember when Thomas first came up and completely face-planted into the grass?” Gally asked as everyone howls with laughter.
“I missed that?” Minho shouts, looking to Thomas, who smiles bashfully.
“Not my greatest moment.”
Minho slaps him on the back, “I death glared you the first time I walked past.”
You laugh at that, “That is so true! You had murder in your eyes.”
Minho holds his hands up in surrender, “In my defense, he was looking at me weird.”
“Yeah, probably because you just ran out the wall Thomas was specifically told not to go in,” You snort.
The laughter dies down as the fire rages higher in the night, the flames dancing in the wind.
“Do you guys ever miss it?” Fry asked, a thoughtful look on his face.
“The maze?” Gally questions as Fry nods in response.
Thomas shakes his head, “No, not really, but I mean I wasn’t there as long as you guys.”
You hum in thought. “I think it was simpler, easier. We had Newt, Chuck, Winston, all of them, but then again, I think being here and not being chased by grievers is a lot better.”
“I can toast to that,” Gally said.
You all chuckle, raising your glasses and clicking them together, the drink spilling over the edge as you all eagerly drink up.
The maze was a while ago; it was years ago. Things were definitely better here, that was obvious, but the maze was a home.
And you couldn’t help but miss it sometimes.
You glance around at your friends, most here, some gone, new ones too, and some that returned.
Your eyes linger a bit longer on Gally. He was so much different from who he used to be. He was happier, to say the least.
“We should play charades,” Minho suggested.
“We should?” Thomas questioned as Minho grabbed his arm.
He whispers something in Thomas’s ear before sitting down with a smirk on his face. Thomas glares at him before sticking his hands out and walking with a limp. He sticks his tongue out, making a sort of groaning noise.
The answer is easy.
He claps his hands, pointing at Fry, the two boys exchanging seats as Thomas gives Fry his.
Fry laughs before standing in front of you guys and placing his hands on his hips. He purses his lips, staring off into the distance.
“A prince?”
Fry pretends to run a hand through his hair before returning to his original pose.
“Hair model?”
“Minho!” You shout out.
The said boy hits your arm playfully as Fry claps.
Minho scoffs, “Your pose was off. It’s more like this.” He demonstrates.
Gally rolls his eyes, throwing a piece of paper at him. “Boo!”
Everyone else joins in on booing Minho, who mumbles something under his breath and sits back down but not before running a hand through his hair.
Fry comes over to you, whispering in your ear the word “soccer.”
You give him a look with raised brows as he shrugs, patting your shoulder. You internally groan and begin kicking your feet, pretending there was a ball between them. You pretend to kick it hard, making a goal, and start cheering.
“Football?” Thomas shouts.
“No, it’s tennis, you idiot!”
“Frisbee doesn’t even have a ball, Minho, wait, does it?”
“No, it doesn’t!”
You laugh loudly at the boy's attempts to remember the name of the sport.
“Oh!” Minho exclaims loudly. “Soccer! Is it soccer?”
You clap loudly, exhausted from all the kicking and bickering. He jumps up, cheering, shouting about how he is the best guesser, and everyone loudly disagrees.
“Raccoon,” you whisper in his ear.
His entire face falls as you giggle, sitting down next to Gally.
“What did you tell him?” Gally asked an amused look on his face as Minho begins.
The poor boy kneels down, giving himself ears with his hands and widening his eyes.
“I can’t tell you, that is cheating,” You reply, raising your eyebrows at Gally.
He shrugs, “A little cheating never hurt anyone.”
Your conversation is interrupted when Minho runs up to Thomas, grabbing his drink and making a poor squeaking sound.
Thomas begins yelling at him as everyone doubles over in laughter.
“Give it back!” Thomas shouts as Minho replies with aggressive squeaking, holding it close to his chest.
Thomas groans, “someone guess it already!”
“No shit, Thomas.”
Minho shakes his head, eyes darting around and landing on a trashcan. He grabs the lid and places it on his head while he pretends to go through it.
“Trash Panda!” Gally shouts. “Raccoon!”
Minho jumps up, “Yes, thank you!”
Gally high-fives you. “Good one.”
You wink, “I try.”
Gally goes up, and Minho gives him a devilish smirk, whispering something in his ear that makes Gally blush. The boy stands there awkwardly as Minho sits down next to you. They seem to share a conversation with their eyes, and Gally sighs.
He walks over to you, extending his hand out, and you take it with minor suspicion.
“Gally?” You ask.
He shakes his head, making a zipping motion across his lips. He brings you to the middle of the circle, letting go of your hand as you both stare at each other.
Then, suddenly, his hands grab your face pulling you into a kiss. Your friends being cheering and clapping as you slowly get used to the feeling of his lips on yours.
You melt into it, letting your eyes flutter shut as you settle into the state of bliss.
Gally pulls back cheeks pink.
“Kissing?” Thomas guesses, and Gally nods. He gives Thomas his next charade and grabs your hand, sitting down next to you.
You cough, “so…”
“I like you, (Y/N),” Gally said. “Like a lot, I mean enough to kiss you in front of all of them.”
A grin spreads across your face, “I like you too, enough to do it again.”
Gally’s cut off as you kiss him again.
“I give him one thing to act out, and now they’re sucking faces!” Minho shouts.
You flip him off.
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dracosathenaeum · 4 years ago
Something Precious
Summary: You and Draco realise your feelings for each other when he ends up at the bottom of the Black Lake during the Triwizard tournament that you are a champion for.
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Slytherin!reader
Warnings: Some swear words
Word Count: 2,321
Requested by anon! I hope this meets your expectations 🥺 (I changed the wording slightly, so instead of Treasure, I used precious as it just fitted slightly better here, sorry if it bugs you :3)
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“Don’t touch me you filthy little mudblood.” You sighed, why was it always you that had to stand up for the first years. You’d think that by now Draco would’ve gotten used to your scolding and would get bored of picking on the helpless first years.
“Draco! I told you to stop calling the muggle-borns that, lay off the derogatory terms you shit.” You were pretty much the only person (other than the golden trio) that would stand up to Malfoy. But you were however the only one in the school who he would actually listen to. The two of you basically grew up together so you were used to putting up with each other. By now you wondered if Draco only kept picking on the younger years to wind you up.
“I’m just calling them what they are, don’t be upset love.” He said with a wink and his signature smirk. You don’t know when it had started but somewhere along the line, ironic flirting had started between the two of you. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy it though.
“I’m not upset Draco darling; I simply want you to take that stick on the floor and stick it up your arse.” Draco flushing a deep pink was worth having to call him these ridiculous pet names.
“Thank you, Y/N!” the little Gryffindor squeaked.
“You’re supposed to be courageous right? Malfoy isn’t even scary, he’s very… ferret like.” And with a wink thrown over your shoulder to Draco, you were on your way. You weren’t by any means popular or well-loved by the school, it was more like you had their respect. You were still a Slytherin after all, you just stood up for the ones Draco and other Slytherins were especially cruel to. Simple name calling you could turn a blind eye to but the hexes and use of “mudblood” was just unnecessary.
That was probably why instead of boos, you simply got applauded when your name was pulled from the goblet. You weren’t in it for the ‘eternal glory’ you were just bored at Hogwarts. These deadly tasks sounded like something to get your mind off of everything, besides now that ‘The Chosen One’ was also competing, you had extra motivation to win the whole thing.
That being said… Potter tipping you off about the first task was probably the single worst feeling you’ve ever had in your life. The feeling of owing someone, let alone Potter, a favour. But he had saved your life, without his tip off you don’t know if you could’ve won that task. I mean it was dragons, DRAGONS. But your victory meant firewhiskey parties in the Slytherin common room for a week straight so you wouldn’t complain too much. You definitely kept it to yourself though, the thought of the rest of your house finding out you were saved by Potter made you shudder.
“Surprised you’re still alive Y/L/N, though I suppose someone has to beat Potter. His head is big enough.”
“Don’t look so happy to see me Malfoy.” Sarcasm dripping from you voice.
5 seconds of eye contact was all it took for you to be pulled into his arms, a breathe you didn’t know you were holding finally being released. You allowed yourself a couple seconds to enjoy to be held, it wasn’t often that you and Draco hugged despite having grown up together.
“I’m glad you’re alive Y/N/N, I need someone other than mudbloods to make fun of.”
“Shut up Malfoy, don’t ruin this.”
“Don’t fall in love with me yeah? I know I’m hot but you’re not really my type, though being a pure blood does help.” Smacking his chest, you pulled away from his hold. “God you are insufferable, now help me figure out how to work this stupid egg so I can tell Potter and not have to owe him anymore.” Draco was your one exception to the ‘tell no one that you owe Potter rule’ you set yourself, besides, you couldn’t hide anything from him. He’d find out sooner or later.
You had spent weeks with that egg, trying to figure out how to open it without the deaf-curdling screams. It was only when you convinced Draco to sneak you into the prefect’s bath (nothing in that dingy castle could compare to the prefect’s bath), that you figured it out. Though it took an awful lot longer to decipher it but being even with Potter again made every blood-curdling screech worth it.
The yule ball was a whole other catastrophe. Watching couples slow dance for hours on end sounded like utter hell to you, which is why you practically threw a fit when you were told champions had to lead the first dance.
“Draco stop laughing at me, they want me to dance; they want me, me to hold some guy against me and dance in front of 3 schools. I was content to stand by the food and make fun of the Weasley’s tattered robes or Potter’s awkward dancing but now I actually have to join in? I should just quit now.”
“You fought dragons Y/N; a dance is nothing. Besides we’ve been going to  balls for years, you should be used to it by now.” He did have a point, maybe all those long boring parties your parents would throw would finally serve a purpose for you.
“Pansy’s been trying to corner me for weeks, honestly I’d rather slow dance with your flat arse than hers. Besides, then we could make fun of Weasley together.”
You thought it over but not for very long, you knew he’d be the only one you’d willingly go to the ball with, well the only one you could tolerate for so long that is. Besides, the two of you had made it through countless balls together, what’s one more.
“Fine, but you’re buying me a new dress.”
“What? That wasn’t an invitation? I was just joking. Hang on, you have just as much money as me! Pay for your own damn dress.” You turned and made your way to the girl’s dorms, blowing a kiss towards the flustered blonde on the sofa. “Make sure it’s velvet or silk, nothing cheap either, else I’m telling you mother.”
And that’s how the both of you went to the Yule Ball together. Waltzing like you had done for so many years in the Malfoy manor and stuffing your faces, as you made fun of Ron Weasley’s robes and Potter’s pathetically sad looking face. Though you had to admit, Hermione was the focus of the night, no matter how good you looked in the dress Draco got for you, there was no denying all eyes were on her and the Durmstrang champion. As you climbed into the bed that night, a soft smile stretched across your face, the Yule ball wasn’t so bad with Draco as company you supposed.
Which brought you to where you are now; stood in the freezing cold ready to dive into the equally freezing water. Calming yourself, you ran through your plan again. Cast the bubble-head charm, collect whatever ‘precious item’ Dumbledore was talking about and once you were out you would find Draco Malfoy and kill him. He had promised he would be there to help you prepare the night before; yet you spent the entire evening alone in the Slytherin common room waiting like some bloody girl being stood up.
You knew you weren’t traditional friends (if you could even call yourselves that) but you thought at the very least he’d be there for you when you really needed him. Swimming had never really been your strong point after watching your cousin drown during your childhood, but that was a story for another day. After all these years, you really thought despite everything he’d be with you when you needed him most.
The canon went off, startling you from your thoughts as you quickly cast you charm and dove into the water, taking a second to adjust to the freezing water and calm your nerves. You really should have learnt a body warming spell. You watched as the other 3 swam straight through the village and watched as Fleur was attacked by Grindylows. “Better her than me.” You thought.
You swam through the murky water and eerie village until you reached four figures afloat in the water. You swam toward them and recognised Weasley and Granger straight away, of course the golden trio would be making an appearance even here. Yet it was the mop of blonde hair that made your heart skip. ‘Something precious has been taken from you.’ Draco was your precious something!? You saw a young girl next to him, probably Fleur’s sister. Why was it Draco who was taken? Why wasn’t it your own sister who was just 3 years younger than you? God you were going to get an earful from the both of them after this.
Swimming closer you realised how gaunt he looked, you felt like you’d never truly looked at his face til this moment in time. Not even when slow dancing that night at the Yule Ball. He looked so different yet so similar to when you first met him at the age of 5. Both of your parents cooing as tubby little Malfoy held his tiny hand out to ask you for a dance.
For once he looked peaceful, rather than the sneer he always had at Hogwarts or his blank look at home around his parents and yours.
You slashed his bonds with a nearby rock, deciding to just get out of the water as soon as possible, you couldn’t bear to be in the water with your heart thumping this fast any longer. Turning to give one last look at Potter you could see the disgust on his face as he stared at the unconscious boy in your arms. You threw a glare and the rock at him before swimming away, feeling slightly sorry for the poor French girl left behind.
You were the first to break out of the water, Krum following shortly behind.
“What?? Where am I? Y/N?!” Draco spluttered, coughing the water from his lungs before wrapping an arm around you and keeping the both of you afloat.
“You can ask questions later, I’m exhausted, can you please just swim us back to the stands.” He didn’t need more instructions, knowing you hated the water, he pulled you against him as he swam straight for the closest stands.
Everyone cheered as the both of you were pulled from the water and wrapped in towels. You had won first place but that was the last thing you were thinking about.  
“Draco is your precious item? I always knew there was more going on between you two than you admitted!” You could kill Blaise then and there, you decided. Though you supposed the glare you received from Pansy was worth the humiliation, just a little.
“Y/N? What’s Blaise talking about? All I remember is Professor Snape asking to see me last night as I was walking to meet you in the common room and the next thing I know I’m freezing my ass off in the water with you. I mean is it even legal to do this to a student? My father will be hearing about this.” You could barely meet his eyes at this point, you were just as confused as he was, but you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at his last comment.
Did you have feelings for Draco? Sure, you grew up together and had a love-hate relationship the whole time but that was the extent of it. You didn’t like Draco, surely, you’d know right?
“Something precious was taken from each of us, Krum got Granger; Potter, Weasley; and Fleur got her sister. I guess Dumbledore thought your sorry arse was precious to me or something.”
“Oooo does my darling Y/L/N have a crush on me? I thought you- and I quote- hated the sight of my stupid face?”
“In your dreams Malfoy, now shut up I want to hear them announce me as the winner.” In reality you could care less about the announcement, just wanting to change the subject as fast as possible. Your eyes went to Potter, along with everyone elses, as he shot out the water like a bloody dolphin. You would give him credit where credit was due though, saving just Draco was hard enough, Potter had saved both Weasley and the Delacour girl.
“You know, if you wanted me all you had to do was ask? Obviously, I’m very attractive and my father is very important but don’t be intimidated-”
“Shut up you git.” God if he wasn’t going to shut his stupid mouth, you’d make him, one way or another. The ‘other way’ as it happened was you grabbing his face between your palms and pressing your lips to his.
Draco wrapped his arms around you to pull you closer, deepening the kiss. You giggled into the kiss as everyone around you cheered; you didn’t think you were a fan of PDA but after kissing Malfoy, you couldn’t care less. You pulled away and nuzzled yourself into him, the both of you still ice cold from the swim but hearts beating fast.
You never thought you’d get a boyfriend from this tournament but being there in his arms, despite freezing your ass off, you were happier in that moment than you had been in a long time. There was nowhere you’d rather be.
“Be my girlfriend?”
“Shut up and kiss me Malfoy.” You both smiled into the kiss, loving how natural it felt to be with him like this. Completely ignoring the winner’s announcements and instead focusing on how happy you felt. 
Life was looking more bearable by the second.
Well until you got killed by Voldemort that is.
I See The Light can be read as a loose sequel describing this moment
#A/N: I literally had the HP wiki page open the entire time, it’s my first time writing a changed story line, something with a proper plot. I hope it was okay, please let me know if I got anything wrong or if something should be improved! Also sorry for the crappy ending :33
Thank you for reading!
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Author's Note: Hi that isn't my GIF. But this is my fic and I would really appreciate it if you told me how you thought it was, and if you especially like it, my requests are open friends. :3 I have the spicy sad right now, and needed a little angst with a happy ending. Ok, be fed I guess.
This has 3,000+ words, are you proud of me or what!?
From the prompt: As teenagers, a boy and a girl agree to marry if neither have by their 35th birthday. Follow the boy as he attempts to sabotage every relationship the girl has until then.
"Hey Tommy? I was thinking."
"That's a shit idea, you should stop doing that"
You swiped at the back of his head.
"Shut up you ass, I'm serious."
"Hi serious I'm- OW fucking hurt is what I am it's a joke, learn to take a-AH." You hurdled a handful of playground pebbles at the 17 year old.
"Alright, alright gorgeous, hit me- No! I meant hit me with the question you little shit." It was getting hard to breathe when he got you to giggle so hard.
You're laughter died down. You looked down, unsure if you could look at his face when you said this.
"I don't have a boyfriend." He abruptly stopped laughing, hiding the obvious fact that he almost choked on his own spit. You breathed a laugh again.
"I don't have a boyfriend. And you don't have a girlfriend." Your smile slipped off.
Tell him. Tell him, you're almost there. I don't have anyone, and you don't either except we do we have each we have each other we have-
You looked to Tommy, his boyish presence fitting on the swing set made for much younger kids. You were much younger kids when you met for the first time, on this very swing set. You think about telling him you fell in love with him when he pushed Jackson Paloski down on the asphalt because Jackson said trailer-trash can't play on the nice swing set. You didn't know it was love though, you were in the fourth grade but your heart still beat a little faster and when you asked him if you could sit beside him during lunch he huffed and complained, showing off he was moody and tough and haughty, but he very obviously made Michael Welsh move from his spot beside Tommy so that the pretty new girl could take her place beside him. And you stayed there. For years. Right beside him.
You felt the breath leave your lungs as you thought about telling him you can't stop thinking about him lately.
Can't stop hoping your skin will touch when he asks you to pass him something.
Can't help feeling like punching every girl that makes a scene trying to gain his attention. You're usually so focused on glaring at the girl that you miss the way he shrinks in on himself, the way he actively turns his body to you.
You think about telling him. And how telling him could mean you could do more, be more.
You think about telling him. And you think about him pulling away from you, gently gathering his things as he stumbles over how to let you down easily, unaware that that's not an option any more. Tommy letting you down would mean shattering.
You clench your jaw. His eyes try to tell you something.
"So. So since. We don't have someone." You look toward the Shell gas station across the street. Tommy wets his lips with a quick swipe of his tongue.
Your throat twinges, the twinge you get when you're trying to hold back tears. You shrug to yourself and let out a breathy laugh.
"So since we don't have hot dates, we should make a deal." You make your voice upbeat. You know Tommy can call your bullshit but he doesn't, sit's quietly.
"If by the time we're 35, and we don't have a, someone, to, ya' know. We should get married." Your heart clenches. "If we don't have. Like if I don't have a husband, and you don't. Have a girl, or-" Tommy is quiet. White hot panic races up your spine. You look over at him.
Tommy looks-
He looks like he's frozen, like he's still a few sentences behind, and you're about to throw in the towel and swallow a few of these pebbles so you'll choke and die and won't have to hear his laughter tear apart your heart.
Then Tommy blinks and kind of hunkers in on himself, looks anywhere but you, eyes shifting and darting. His smile isn't his when he manages it.
"Oh, you're so on, sweetheart."
It's not quite right. The atmosphere is still tense and you feel like there's a conversation you're meant to be having, like there were supposed to be different words spoken and heard during that time.
But having Tommy, even if it's like this, even if he doesn't want you like you ache for him, is better than not having him at all.
Beside you, while you hurt quietly beside him, watching the sun set, rocking back and forth on the too low swing, Tommy swallows down self-hatred and overwhelming feelings. Instead, he schemes.
It's been five years since you've made your little deal with Tommy. Five years, and every single time you've tried to move on from the man, it's ended in catastrophe.
The time you two had just graduated high school and drove to Tommy's house so his older brother could congratulate you two. Brendan had had a buddy over that night, not much older than you, and you would be lying if you said you didn't flush appreciatingly at his sly smile toward you and the way he actively tried to add you in on the conversation.
The night ended rather abruptly when Tommy had spilled hot tea all over the guys front. Tommy was always collected, and it was rare moment when he was clumsy. Never mind the fact that Tommy never drank tea, and actively made fun of you drinking the stuff.
Or the time you two reluctantly went to Brendan's wedding. You loved Tess, and thought they were a great couple, but stomaching an entire ceremony of the two being gross and affectionate, all while you and Tommy couldn't boo and throw miscellaneous items at them? The entire evening was spent with Tommy snuggly against your side snarking quietly in your ear, so close you could feel his warm breath on the entire side of your face.
Yes, your plan of moving on was going swimmingly.
Then Tommy went to the bathroom, and a handsome man smiled at you across the room. You tentatively smiled back, and he moved as if to cross the distance. Then immediately stopped, his face dropping and his eyes widening slightly as he spotted something a little over your shoulder. You saw him clear his throat and veer toward a large group laughing.
Your felt your face slightly warm and your heart drop a little, self consciously looking over your shoulder.
And let out a noise of surprise.
Tommy stood behind you, so close for a second you thought a very well dressed wall had somehow appeared while you weren't looking. You had just enough time to see 'The Expression'.
Tommy was an amazing fighter. And all throughout high school, he made sure while he minded his own, he could also hold his own, and everyone knew it. He had developed an expression, one that scared every single boy in this town shitless. It was a mix between unbridled rage and open invitation. The message was pretty clear and universal.
Come get some.
You usually laughed and teased him about it, because to you it just looked like he stubbed his toe and he was trying not to yell.
You weren't expecting to see it at his brother's wedding, and you certainly weren't laughing now.
In a blink it was gone from his face, and he turned to you with his beautiful sweet smile, the smile that showed just a little peak of his slightly messed up front teeth. He usually reserved that smile for you. You had never seen anyone else on the receiving end.
"Tommy, why were you just-"
"This blows, I just passed Tess and Brendan flirting. They're already married, why would they keep doing that." He rolled his eyes, moving to your side as his hand disappeared behind your back.
"Tommy did you just square up to the guy checking me ou-"
"Brendan's friend is here, the one who can can do a Kick Up."
You stared at each other for a long moment. You felt his hand barely ghosting over the small of your back. His eyes where sharp, a little desperate.
"There's also a rumor he killed a guy with just a playing card."
You licked your lips. He raised his eyebrows, his lips getting distracting.
"Shit Conlon, why didn't you start with that, take me to him."
Or the time, more recently, when you went to a match to watch Tommy completely destroy his opponent. You loved going out to see him fight. Loved the adrenaline and the satisfaction when Tommy won, making him less timid, a little more rowdy and confident, a little more touchy and feely.
You've kind of given up on the whole moving on thing, even if it was driving you up a wall.
Tommy had just won, and you were eagerly waiting to congratulate him, excited to hug him freely, without him wondering why you were hugging him to begin with. And maybe to hold on a little tighter. Maybe to allow your hands to rove a little more freely.
Hey, was it not a night for celebration?
A man started to chat you up. You smiled patiently and gave some noncommittal grunts and affirmations as you continued to scan the crowd, looking for the familiar mass of Tommy, all hard edges and bulk. You were bouncing on the balls of your feet.
The guy moved closer, making a joke you didn't really hear. You laughed, your eyes darting and searching.
"You look beautiful by the way. I saw you watching the fight, crazy that you're into this stuff. Not a lot of women I know cheer like that."
You finally glance over to the man, but quickly get back to standing on your tip toes, looking above heads.
He doesn't even look that bad, and it's obvious he wants to get your number. He's just not the man you want chat with, and definitely not tonight. Not on a night that Tommy just won, and a night he'll want to come over to yours, joking and teasing, touching you much more confidently than he normally would. Falling asleep much more easier with his head on your lap.
You tamp down a smile. You wouldn't want this guy to get the wrong idea.
"You know, there's a really good Thai place down the road- Ah, fuck, watch it buddy. Can you not look where you're go-" You hear the man choke off the sentence, trying not to smile as you imagine the other guy. probably a lot bigger than he is. Wouldn't want to completely ruin his night by laughing at the guy.
"Fuuck me, buddy, sorry. I did not know who I was talking to." You could hear the man swallow. "Hey, I think you did great in the ring tonight, real good job of... Knocking that guy out. With one punch."
You whirled around, smiling so wide you felt the strain on your cheeks. There was only one guy who did that tonight.
Sure enough, Tommy was standing there. He had put on a shirt and took his gloves off, but he was still sweaty and breathing hard. He completely stanced up, like he is in the ring, and his expression was-
Well, you chalked it up to the testosterone flowing freely through the place. Probably just mad that he ran into another dude.
It still didn't stop you from running and jumping directly on him, arms coming up to wrap around his neck, legs completely circling his torso. You giggled into his neck, exclaiming how proud you were of him, how good he looked out there, completely stroking his ego, but not caring at the moment.
You felt his arms immediately span your back, feeling like his hands where trying to be everywhere at once. That was new. That was new and you couldn't say you hated it.
What you didn't see was the look on Tommy's face. The cold calm of someone who just threw a punch so hard at a man who was bigger and faster than him and shut his shit down. Directed at another man, much slower and smaller in comparison.
You didn't see the stranger's face pale, but you distantly heard the sound of chairs clatter to the ground as he turned tail.
Five years of pining (not so) quietly for Tommy, the man you had fallen in love with, but without a doubt did not love you back.
Tommy knew without a doubt that he loved you.
All those years back in fourth grade, when he let it slip that his favorite snack was those crackers with the cheese filling, and you showed up with a whole pack of them to share, smiling this big goofy grin with your beautiful eyes and warm presence.
God how could he not.
The problem was how he was supposed to convince you to like him back. Him, Tommy, who fought most of his way through high school, who didn't like to get too close to people, who didn't like eye contact or conversation that ran too long or too forced. Who loved you though.
And who was very annoyed at the boy flirting with his girl.
It never failed to make Tommy's blood boil. He knew he had no right, because for one, he spent five years doing his damned best to break up every chance at you leaving him.
Just until you guys turn 35, right Tommy boy? You can probably keep that up.
Tommy breathed in a shuttering breath.
He just wanted to buy you your favorite drink at your favorite café. That's all he wanted to do. And maybe find and excuse to hold your hand without burning up from the embarrassment of actually having feelings (can you imagine?).
But of course, some dick-head always noticed how beautiful or kind or warm you were, and had to take their shot.
Well, Tommy was fucking sick of it.
Tommy thought of all the times, and there were a lot of times, when he had to step in and derail the situation. He knew this would be the last time. He had to do this, get rid of the unrelenting ache he felt while going to sleep, looking at you, thinking about you.
Tommy moved toward the you and the man you were talking to like he was entering the ring. With the mindset that he could get totally and irreversibly hurt, but he was gonna fight to the bloody end beforehand.
"Do you need directions?" Tommy asked as he slid up behind you, closer than he would have ever before. He felt your confusion even if he couldn't see your face.
"What?" The man was just as quizzical.
"Oh, I was just asking if you needed directions or if you could get lost on your own." Tommy raised his eyebrows, setting his hand on your hip, trying not to think about the many, many questions you'd have about that.
The man thought about arguing, but then he really looked at Tommy. Looked at you, then back to Tommy. Decided he didn't want to bleed tonight, and huffed out an angry sound.
You at least waited until he was out of ear shot before whirling on him.
"What. What was that?"
"Ok, I know what your probably thinking-"
"That you're out of your mind Tommy?! Are you kidding me right now? 'Get lost?' Get outta here with that shit, what was that?"
The two of you were pretty far back in the shop, but he still lowered his voice to make sure no one was bothered.
"Ok, yes, you're mad, I can see that-"
"Oooooh well I'm glad you can see that Tommy." You felt your face start to turn red, feeling exhausted and confused. "Explain. Explain to me Tommy, that every time a guy wants to have a nice, civil, God forbid, flirtatious conversation with me, he high tails it out of there just as fast, Tommy, explain."
Tommy felt an expanding ache somewhere behind his left eye.
"Ok. Ok I'm gonna say something stupid-"
"You always say something stupid, stupid-"
"Can you just. Can you let me finish." Tommy felt exasperated and a little insane. He was about to confess in a coffee shop to the girl he loved and things would never be the same again because she was about to leave, but fuck it if he wasn't at a boiling point.
"Ok. You know how we made a deal?" You looked at him, raising your eyebrows.
"About who could spray the most whipped cream in their mouth? Yeah it's me, it'll always be me. So you got so mad you're trying to, what, make sure I die alone, I don't..."
"What? No can you not, can you focus right now?" Tommy's palms were starting to sweat and he clenched his eyes shut tight. He breathed in and let it back out in one harsh huff. "When we were seventeen-"
"When we were seventeen you said that if we weren't married by the time we were 35, that we should marry each other." He watched as your eyes widened and your face warmed a little. "Well, the deals off. I'm not doing it any more."
Tommy wasn't sure what to expect, but the flash of utter pain that tore across your face was not it. You stepped back, looked like you were about to bolt, your eyes wild. You tried to pull yourself together but it was really hard to breathe. No matter how many times you tried to prepare yourself for this day, you could have never imagined how it actually almost brought you know to your knees.
"So. Here's the new deal. If in like, five minutes, you're still single, and I'm still single..." Tommy swallowed hard, licking his lips. "We should just." His eyes darted to your lips.
You froze. Tommy caught his lush lower lip in between his teeth. He'd never been more nervous his entire life. So nervous for the inevitable laugh, the pity laced rejection, because really, it was one thing to be friends with a shy awkward boxer, but another to look at him and think, 'yeah, that'll do.'
Tommy had approximately five seconds to wallow in self deprecation and pure terror before he had a handful of you, and something that suspiciously felt like lips on his lips. But that's funny, because he's almost positive that that's not the case.
Then he felt your tongue swipe his lip and decided he cared fuck all and proceeded to get lost in you, your breaths, God he could feel, taste, your breath as you both got consumed by each other.
Someone coughed disapprovingly your way. The two of you broke apart, panting slightly.
"Ok, ok please don't. I really don't want you to hit me but I'm really fucking dense, right, and I just have to ask, you did that because you. You like like me- OW I said I didn't want you to hit me!"
You felt yourself laughing, felt your never ending ache subside and your love sky rocket.
"Oh, you're an idiot," You pecked his lips, he tried to catch your mouth fully but failed. "You are such and idiot- Oh my God we're both idiots holy- Hey. Hey, you, you've been. Have you been sabotaging-"
"Did you hear that?" Tommy tilted his head and looked toward the ceiling. "Ope- oh yeah. No. yeah, that's for sure the sound of-" He cut off, dropping his serious expression, grinning as he leaned down and kissed your mouth again, this time taking your words and any objections, affectively cutting off any questions that would leave him looking stupid.
You two would need to sit down, to talk about how you've felt all these years, how you were both so stupid that you both refused to confess to each other.
But for now, you lost yourself in the taste of Tommy, and the heady feeling of someone you've loved for seemingly forever, loving you back.
Real Quick: Would you be mad if in the next fics I write I called this man Tomithy? Asking for a friend.
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turning-dreams-into-chaos · 4 years ago
Fred Weasley x Reader
Word Count: 1.7K
A/N: Hope you like! Please like, reblog, comment, whatever! I need validation! 😂 I wrote this on a whim and okay, if anyone knows that like interview or whatever that Selena Gomez did where she was asked a song that reminded her of being in love, that’s what got me writing this at midnight because I caught inspiration. 
“Y/N will play with us! Won’t you, Y/N?” Ginny yelled out as she entered the common room, ruining the world you distracted yourself in with your book. Behind her was a group of people, a couple of them having the Weasley red hair, but all of them your friends. Ginny smiled at you, approaching the table you sat at and sliding into the seat.
You sighed deeply, putting a fake smile on your own face as you closed your book. “What are we playing?” A few people celebrated as you agreed, but right away your eyes flickered to a certain nervous face. It wasn’t that Fred didn’t want you to play, it was that since you both broke up 3 weeks ago, you’ve barely said a word to him. If you play this game, you’d be close, not walking out of rooms the moment the other walks in. You gulped, feeling Ginny pull you over to the couches where everyone began taking seats. You fell in between Hermione and Harry, both of them quickly noticing Fred taking the seat farthest from you.
There were 7 people playing with you. Ginny, Harry, Hermione and Ron, the twins, and Angelina. George pulled out a box from behind him as you quirked a brow. “What are we playing?” you asked again, letting a laugh as George made a big debacle of opening it.
“It’s a game Fred and George made.” Hermione said as leaned over to you, amused to see how this would turn out. “We’re the test subjects.”
Your eyes went wide. “What pranks weren’t enough, they moved onto games?” you laughed as Hermione smiled and shrugged, knocking her shoulder with yours.
“Tell us the rules.” Ginny told her brother causing George to roll his eyes as he removed the last two things from the box.
“It’s a simple game.” He began, sharing a smirk with Fred.
“Like Truth or Dare.”
“Only different.” They said together, having planned their pitch beforehand. You kept your eyes on George as they spoke, too afraid of sparing a glance to Fred as he carried on.
“We’re spilt into two teams and each team gets a vial and a card.” He held up each object to demonstrate, the vial was quite large, barely able to fit his hand as he placed it on the table and the card looked blank. Fred’s eyes met yours briefly as you looked at the objects, a hitch in his breathing letting you know he hadn’t seen it coming. George waited for his brother to say the next line before realizing he was looking at you, too busy staring at your now down casted face as George took over.
“The card will ask whoever’s holding it a question, and you have to answer truthfully, otherwise you have to do the dare that’s written on the back.” Fred seemed to snap out of his trance in the middle of George’s instructions, shifting in his seat as he kept his eyes off you for the time being. “Whenever you answer a question truthfully, part of the vial fills up. If you choose the dare instead, the vial doesn’t fill. The first team to answer enough questions to fill the vial completely, wins.”
Small sounds of intrigue went around the group and it seemed like everyone wanted to play the game. “How are we splitting us up?” Ron asked, glancing around the group. “Older versus younger?” He offered and you swallowed thickly. That would put you on a team with Fred, and you weren’t sure that’s what you wanted. Hermione, having seen your reaction to Ron’s suggestion, was the first to step in.
“How about girls versus boys, instead?” She offered. There were a few sounds of agreement, but when Hermione shot Ron and Harry a glare and flickered her eyes between you and Fred, Harry and Ron were suddenly more enthusiastic about the idea. Everyone moved, putting the girls together on one side of the table and the boys on the other.
“Thank you.” You whispered to Hermione and she squeezed your hand under the table. She might be 2 years younger than you, but Hermione has always been easy to talk to, especially in the last few weeks.
The twins got the game started, using Harry as the first person to answer a question. The question he had to answer was simple: What’s your favorite dessert?
“Treacle tarts.” Harry answered immediately and you had to hold back a chuckle, remembering all the times you’ve seen him stuff his face with them. The boy’s vial started to fill slowly from the bottom, a blue liquid inside that you all furrowed your brows at.
“What is that?” Angelina asked from next to you.
Fred and George shared a look and a smile as the they answered her together. “Magic.” Everyone chuckled at them, including you. You knew they wouldn’t say, gotta have their secrets. What you weren’t aware of, was Fred watching as you laughed, the slight tug of his heart when he heard the sound he’d grown to miss.
The questions kept coming, each group taking turns answering them as the vials slowly filled up. A few people had opted for taking dares as the questions became harder to answer. George, for one, was dared to change into girl clothes for the rest of the game and you took him upstairs, throwing him a few of your clothes to wear. Needless to say, it was quite entertaining for everyone as he came downstairs with you in tow and the whole group laughed, including the boy himself. Harry was dared to sprint down to the Slytherin Common room and back 3 times, and Angelina was dared to perform a song for the group, which George immediately complained about the unfairness of the dares in his own product. You had answered quite a few questions yourself, ones like: Your favorite place in the world or what’s the most illegal thing you’ve ever done. The girls’ vial was almost full as Hermione answered her most likely final question, leaving enough room for one last person, which much to your luck, was you. You sat with a smile, everyone laughing as Ron opted out of answering his question, deciding spilling who his crush was wasn’t something he was going to do, despite the fact that everyone knew it was Hermione, who blushed as you poked her leg.
“Alright Y/N, you just need one more question to win it for the girls.” George said with a smirk as Hermione passed you the card. You stuck your tongue out at him, earning a laugh from everyone as George put his hands up. “Or you could take the dare like a chicken and let us prove once and for all that we’re better.” The boys cheered in a friendly fashion as the girls booed, everyone sitting with a smile on their faces.
“Haven’t taken a dare yet, Weasley. Don’t plan on it now.” You shrugged with a cocky look before putting your hand to your chest. “Oh, I’ve been meaning to ask, how’s my jeans, chicken?” you asked, hearing Ginny clap as she laughed at her brother’s fallen face. Fred pulled your attention as he laughed at your question, seeing George shift awkwardly next to him. You quickly let your head drop again, wearing a fake smile as you tried not to look back up at him. It was harder to do than you thought.
“Read the card!” Ron laughed out, seeing the card had already scribbled a question on it.
“Okay!” Your grin turned real again as you started reading. “What is a song...” Everyone knew something was wrong the moment you stopped in the middle of the sentence and gulped, letting your smile fall off your face immediately. They all got quiet as they waited. “… that reminds you of being in love?”
Fred wasn’t sure he was breathing as you finished reading. You couldn’t spare him a glance, instead staring at the paper in front of you. Everyone was watching you, sharing looks with each other without any clue of what to do.
“You can do the dare, on the back.” Harry spoke up, pointing to the under side of the car. His words reminded you that you weren’t alone as you sucked in a breath, looking up to him and shook your head.
“No, it’s fine.” You didn’t know what fine meant, but you knew you were far from it. You tried to think, any song in the world that reminded you of being in love. The only problem was had only been in love with one person, and it ended with your heart broken. The only song you could think of was the one playing at the yule ball when Fred and you went together, the first time he ever told he loved you.
Does it remind of being in love if all it makes you feel is heartbroken?
“I don’t know.” You whispered, gently placing the card down on the table. Your eyes moved around everyone in the room before landing on Fred and neither of you looked away. “I don’t think I have one.”
Fred felt the sting behind his eyes as they met yours and he tried not to cry, not in front of everyone here during a game. A game that was supposed to be fun, a project he started 3 weeks ago to get his mind busy and off the breakup and here it was hurting him more.
The vial on the table slowly filled up as you turned to look, watching it change a light shade of purple as well, meaning your team won. No one celebrated. Instead you all sat there, frowns on your faces and you weren’t sure how long you could last before breaking down.
“Congratulations.” Fred said, keeping his voice low. “You guys win.” You knew he was speaking to your group, but if you had willed yourself to look at him one last time, you would’ve seen he was looking directly at you. He was gone the moment the words left his lips, running upstairs to his room. When you couldn’t hear his footsteps anymore, you felt Hermione putting an arm around you and pulling you into her arms. You allowed her to console you, letting the tears fall freely as Angelina grabbed your hand and Ginny moved behind you to rub your back.
You didn’t feel like you won anything.
Sorry if I forgot someone, my tags are a little messy. I really hope I got everyone?
Permanent: @literal-fand0m-trash @nathaliabakes @colored-confetti @wiseeggspickleslime @btsiguess-kpop @galacticstxrdust @independentgirl @hollymac79 @emcchi @rauwz @chewymoustachio @smilexcaptainx @faith-quake @clarkesplaylist @johnmurphyisbisexual @kettnerjanea @teenagereadersciencenerd @ladykxxx08 @birdie-writes @annasofiaearlobe @mytreec @ananad1 @agentnataliahofferson @unmanaged-mischief02
HP: @accio-rogers @songforhema @hahaboop @paigeyisme @missmulti @daddyloonglegss @ellie-emb @angelinathebook @marauderswhisperer @emmaloo21 @obsessedwithrandomthings @jackryanplz @dreamer821 @alexmarie29 @grierpilots @alittletoomanyobsessions @iamak20 @pregnant-piggy @the-moon-and-the-book @missrabbitart @marylimlp @blisfvll @leahstypewriter @masterofthedarkness @fishstick-knows @ananad1 @xfirstfemale-marauderx  @lozzybowe
Twins:  @siriuslysirius1107 @wolfiepirate @coffee-without-caffeine @rexorangecouny @spideyboipete @themusingsofmany
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kiwibirbs-library · 4 years ago
Before and After Rituals
a/n: hi I hope yall like Imma make this a series with the schools so      mauh <3
pairings: karasuno x reader
warning: I’m pretty sure this is all clean if not feel free to say something. 
summary: the boy’s before and after game things that they do with you
seijoh || nekoma || fukurodani || shiratorizawa
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Daichi Sawamura
the night before a game you always go over to his house with some meat buns and either stay for a while or spend the night
he always holds onto you in some way
it calms him down 
its not anything big but it gives him a good sense of peace and quiet before chaos
after his game you always wait for him outside the gym, win or lose
he goes with his team back to the school and you meet him there too
you either go to his house or yours and one of you spends the night just to calm down his head
you always get snacks and even if he tells you to not get to much junk you always get to much and he doesn’t stop you
if he won then you talk about the next match and his thoughts on the team
he’ll also spin you around when he sees you outside the gym
idk he loves doing it
if he lost than he’ll start on things he needs to do better on and you’ll try and cheer him up with some corny jokes and kithes.
Sugawara Koshi
all the morning before the game you two are attached at the hip. 
everyone is just used to you “sneaking” onto the bus to drive with them
in reality him trying and failing horribly to cover you with his jacket and coach just giving up on it
constant quiet giggles at first as you try and calm his nerves
then around the end its more quiet and serious as he focuses a little more
after the game he naps on you the whole way home
if he wins you get to listen to his rambling about some idea he had on signals he could use or a set up he wants to try
he could literally talk for hours on what he was thinking wall watching and playing its so adorable
if he loses then theres a aura of sadness in the bus and if its bad enough he’ll muffle his small sniffs into your shoulder
that hasn’t happen except for date tech and sejioh though and your happy for that
you always sleep over after the game
Asahi Azumane
before the game welcome to teddy bear time
noya constant teasing for a week straight since the big dork is constantly on you freaking out
normally its not to bad and a lot of it is just of how scare he is that his spikes will get blocked a lot and the comments he’s sure to receive about his looks when he gets there
when game day does come you always kiss his cheek and hold his face to tell him good luck
def earning gags from tssuki but you didn’t hear it from me
after the game its like teddy bear time x10
win or lose you get a new weighted blanket for a couple of days
if he wins its a more happy blanket yes but he’s so exhausted that he just falls asleep on you the minute you meet him at his house after they left for the bus
plus a bunch of random ‘holy crap wait i did that?!”’s to himself throughout the day
if he loses he cries a little, blaming himself for the entire thing
you always tell him that its not his fault and that he did his best
he’s honestly so pessimistic the night after and your one it telling him that he needs to remember how it feels but not let it bring him down
you bring him up with those comments and he’s so grateful for it
Nishinoya Yuu
every time the day before a game he likes to go somewhere with you
weather it be the park, the arcade, an ice cream shop
a freaking pet shop (yes you almost got a pet that day)
he finds it relaxing to see you having a nice time with him and every time he always makes sure its a place to make you smile
after the game he’s a koala on you, win or lose
the only real difference is happy koala or sad koala
happy koala is randomly kissing you and laughing, nuzzling into you while Tanaka either gags or whines about how single he feels
sad koala is sniffling into your shoulder and clinging to you even more if its possible, hes pretty quiet too so you know hes waiting until you get home to talk about everything
course after that mini pout session hes all fighting and ready to see that team again and win
either one also ends with a cuddle movie night until like 2am
also unrelated but like he’s so freaking hot when he receives so always tell him that
Tanaka Ryuunosuke
ok ok this boy omg 
so before the game its MAJOR sucking up to you
literally after a while you’ll get more used to it and get what kinds of attention he wants but like at first its just a lot of complements and stares and draping
literally ennoshita is stretched so thin the week before hand by it all
no one even understands why he’s sucking up to you other than him, you (after a little), and ennoshita
he just wants you to return the energy
after the game all depends on winning or loosing
if the win he will always, without fail, kiss you like a million times all over your face when he sees you next
does not matter if its outside the gym or if its when he gets back to the school or what
every time
if they lose, well you now have a very sad puppy on your hands
mentally during a game he’s like no one you’ve never met but when he gets home and has sometime to think its all a bunch of ‘i could have done better’ and ‘i should have done better’ s
you are constantly reassuring him thats he’ll do it next time and that its not his fault
but win or lose yall’s main thing is a movie and snack night
after that he’s really to go the next morning and beat up some volleyballs lol
Ennoshita Chikara
lol he’s the most chill i think
before the match he’s really calm
bb doesn’t think he’s gunna play but like he’s ready
honestly though the biggest switch is that he’s an even bigger cuddle bug than before
like he keeps it together at school but hangouts? coming over?
better have gone to the bathroom before cause you’re not moving for the next couple hours
it’s like it calms him down after practice enough to think over what he needs to work on
after the game is the same no matter win or lose
every.single.time. he will always have a sit down with you to talk about what happened during the game
like quick nap, the meeting, then off to your house to go over the pros and cons on the game
he always has the moments when he thinks he’s not worth it to be put in the game but you always just ruffle his hair and tell him thats the furtherest from truth he could get
Kageyama Tobio
sorry anyways
so before a game he gets kinda quiet
normally he likes to chat about stuff that went on in practice or how hinata pissed him off that day while yall are sprawled on his couch
but he gets quiet the week before and just has that look on his face
you know the look
the ‘grumble grumble’ one
you always poke between his eyebrows and poke at him to make sure he doesn’t go to far into his thoughts
the night before its like a switch flips and hes muttering to himself like crazy on something he might be able to do with his sets
after a game is another win or lose situation
winning means you get little kid mode kageyama
literally his eyes sparkle at everything he enjoys afterward
rewatching his match
anything you freaking do, all that
plus napping, a lot of napping
losing is sad to watch
he sort of goes back a few steps in the social department and goes robot mode
you both will camp out on his couch, his head buried in your lap or shoulder
if its bad enough he cries a little
you always sleep over no matter what
Hinata Shoyo
alright this boy before the game is normally fairly daily ngl
you get normal bouncy sunshine that will follow you anywhere and everywhere all the time
but the night before you get meditation mode where he sets out his game stuff and sits there for like half an hour
first time this happened you got scared for him cause he never sits still that long
now though you just sorta hang on his bed watching him cause its cute
after the game is the biggest depending there is out of the rest
if he wins he is bouncing of the walls after a little nap
when you finally get him home he’ll have you throw the ball back and forth for like an hour before you call it and make him lay down or eat or something
if he loses its like he lost all his energy for a little while
he tries to fall asleep but cant due to a replay of something he did wrong
you always run your hand through his hair and try to calm him down
calm down as in cheer up not energy
at least until someone says something (usually tanaka) that gets him on another energy high to beat them next time
you always sleep over though it just happens so often that it became normal
Tssukishima Kei
before is fairly normal im ngl
he doesn’t do to much out of the ordinary
I like to think he’s a heck tone more affectionate in private 
his before game time isn’t anything special though 
he does come with you to the store to get snacks with yamaguchi more often tho so
thats something
after a game is really calm and slow
once again I think he’s a lot more affectionate in private so you lay on him while hes on his phone to calm down
half the time its calming you down since you were freaking out more than him
but same difference
this is what happens win or lose though
like if they lose and he tried he might lay on you instead but its normally just like that
honestly thinking of him being more affectionate in private just makes me fall for him ahhhhhh hate this but anyways
Tadashi Yamaguchi
this boy good lord
so before a game he literally shaking 
like he was fine the whole week but the day before he’s slowly freaking out more and more
tssuki will laugh at him while your trying your best to talk him out of his up coming panic attack that might come
a good light smack on his back and a cheek kiss is good enough to get him distracted fro thinking to much though
after a game is always the same thing unless he screwed up a serve really bad
you two always go to the store and gets some snacks and them go to his house and just talk about anything ad everything
if he wins its normally about the game but when he loses you bring up random things to cheer him up
if he messed up he’ll get quiet and just lay on you for hours
but you know that if you can get something about his amazing improvement he’ll eventually brighten up
bb just wants some love (that doesn’t mean you don’t smack him upside the head when he makes fun of someone tho 
a/n: im sorry for not doing  kinoshita and narita i dont know them good enough since im not that far into season four to write for them. plus i think ennoshita is oc but thats ok i think
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gotnofucks · 4 years ago
Ball’s In Your Court
Paring: Steve Rogers x Reader, (platonic tony x reader)
Summary: Steve and Y/n have been playing games for years. But now that Rogers is acting like a little bitch, Y/n throws him a curve ball that will either make them or break them.
Words: 2.7k
Warning: None man. Its fluff and angst. Language (?)
A/N: I was experimenting with the third person P.O.V for reader. Hope it’s to your liking.
For as long as Steve could remember, their life together had been a game; bet after bet, challenge after challenge. He had met her when she was just entering her teens, a little girl with a lost wild look in her eyes. She was in all respects Tony’s daughter, rescued by him from the wreckage of his own weapons. He had almost done a double take when Tony had introduced her to the team.
“This is Y/n, she will stay with us from now”
The compound was not used to the pitter patter of little feet or their furniture appearing embellished overnight. She had lost everything, including it seemed herself. So, their first game ironically had been Hide and Seek. She was small and he lost count of how many times she had bested him by crawling under the cramped spaces of desks or vents (Thanks for teaching her that, Barton).
When Tony had complained about the hundredth time that she just wouldn’t eat, Steve would challenge her that whoever finished their breakfast first could choose the movie for tonight. When she refused to let them leave for missions, he would challenge her to a game of cards. She was too young to win against him but her stubborn streak never turned down a game.
Their every interaction had been a game. They could get each other to do anything by playing chess or softball or a game of Horse that drove everyone else up the wall. He got her to open up about school bullies by besting her at Pictionary and she had effectively gotten him to shut up about healthy food by kicking his ass at video games. They dealt with drama via games (Whoever tosses the least paper balls in the bin tells Bruce we fucked his experiment ), they dealt with humor via games (let’s see who can manage to steal Nat’s gun without getting caught), they dealt with grief via game (if you beat me at Heads Up I’ll let you choose the gravestone).
Growing up, she was Tony’s daughter and Steve’s best friend. While Tony raised her, Steve gossiped with her. They were pals and all was fun and games until she grew up from a little girl into a young woman. Steve didn’t know when things changed but the first he noticed it was when she had run into his arms bawling because some idiot boy broke her heart. It was when he found himself conflicted between anger at the boy and jealousy that this shit started.
He had tried, he had really tried to keep it in check. He had tried to keep up with their game’s night ritual, their silly bets and ridiculous challenges. He had tried his best to be a friend, but this was one challenge he lost. She was no more the 14-year-old girl asking him questions for her history project or the 16-year-old nightmare who would put cockroaches in his bed as revenge. This was a young woman in her 20s with curves for days and an attitude that raised hell. It was a classic falling for your best friend story (if only he weren’t old enough to be her dad or was her dad’s best friend).
He had of course been under the impression that he was being subtle about his change in feelings. He tried not to stare when they went out for a swim, he resisted the urge to lick her lips after a nacho eating contest. He was trying so fucking hard, but as anyone could have told him, “Steve, you don’t have a subtle bone in your body, you frisbee throwing maniac”. She was Tony Stark’s daughter; she was not raised to be stupid. She was smart and observant and almost as quick a study as her father. It was no surprise then that she figured out what had Steve so wound up around her.
Maybe it would have creeped her out had it been anyone else, but Steve was her person. He was her one constant, from kissing her boo-boos to getting her home after she drank herself silly, Steve was there. It shouldn’t have surprised Steve so much then when she cornered him one evening and planted a wet one smack on his mouth with a muttered, “This sexual tension it killing me, gotta do something about it because you won’t”.
He wished he could say he clutched her body to his and dragged her to his room for a wild night of passion. But in reality, he chickened out like a bitch and ran away. Not just from her, but he completely disappeared from the compound for two weeks. When he came back, it was with the intentions of telling her they couldn’t do it, it was wrong and a betrayal to Tony. But Steve needn’t have worried because he came back to the compound to find her introducing the team to her boyfriend.
As far as others know, Steve didn’t deliberately break those glasses that night or push the idiot boy in the pool. It was an accident, and if such accidents kept happening around men she dated then it was purely coincidental.
It was a new kind of game they played then, a more dangerous one and if one’s being honest, a very sensual game. She would date someone; he would scare them away. One of them will find the other, have a passionate make out session, probably end up straddling the other on a desk and then one of them will get up and leave with the same lie “This can’t happen again”. Repeat.
Gone were the days of challenges and competitions, in its place was a sexually charged game of Tag. A cat and mouse game where they always chased each other, touching fleetingly before retreating again. Neither would be the one to make a commitment, neither would concede to being the person who would put their hearts on the line. They were two bulls who were made to butt heads (who occasionally took time off to play a quick game of tonsil-hockey).
Steve had known there had to be an end to this. It had gone on for so long that he could bet other people suspected some shit. He had honestly expected for Tony to sucker punch him half a dozen times by now. Right now, he would have taken those punches to the news she had just given to the team.
“I am getting married!” She announced, offering her left hand so others can admire the gorgeous diamond ring that sat on her ring finger. She looked happy, absolutely radiant and it was all Steve could do to stop himself from dragging her out of here by her hair and throwing that offending ring into the garbage chute. What the fuck kind of game was she playing?
He waited until everyone was asleep before he broke into her room. Well, breaking into would suggest it was forced but truly only him and Tony had the authorization to enter. Their relationship may have changed from ‘you’re my best friend’ to ‘I want to be your best lay’, but they still knew each other the best and cared just as much as before, if not more.
She was under the covers in her bed, a small nightlamp on. It had been a while since Steve had been in her room and it was like taking a big gulp of nostalgia. Her room was her sanctuary, so it reflected her heart’s desires. Every surface of the room was littered with one of their memories together. Her pinboard was still holding the notes he would write to her in school, the birthday cards he made himself and the portraits he would sketch for her. On her desk stood the numerous gifts he had gotten her, each well taken care of despite the years between. Right beside her on the cabinet was a picture of them together, both of them holding hands and smiling at each other in what could only be called as “lovesick smitten idiots”.
He was cautious as he lowered himself next to her on the bed, her face so peaceful he felt like he would taint it by his touch and presence. He had looked at her for years, sketched her details hundreds of times and yet each time he beheld her, he felt his heart skip a beat. She was a memory that he tried to forget and yet it emerged every time he closed his eyes. She was in his skin, a part of him in a way that defied all laws of nature and social customs.
“Are you going to keep staring at me and be the creep from Twilight or do you plan on getting inside?”
Her voice made him jump because she hadn’t opened her eyes. She was smiling that lazy smile of hers when she would catch his bluff in poker. He chuckled and shifted the sheets, climbing under them and curling his body around her. It may as well have been cliché to say that they fit like a puzzle, but it was true. They were molded to fit against each other perfectly, like that lid you close over a box and the satisfying ‘tick’ sound it makes when it clicks into place. That’s what being with her felt like. Fitting in. Coming home.
“Why are you doing this Y/n?” Steve asked and she pushed her body into his so he could hug her tighter.
“Because you won’t do anything Steve. We’ve been running around in circles for so long now, and every time I think that finally we’ll be together, you abandon fort and run. I can’t do this anymore.”
Steve took her left hand and watched her ring twinkle in a taunt. It could have been him. It should be him.
“Don’t marry him. He will never give you what you want.”
“I know that Steve, no one can give me what they want because they aren’t you. But I can’t keep waiting for you in the sidelines hoping you’ll pull your head out of your ass. I want to be loved, preferably in this life.”
His arms were like tentacles around her, but she didn’t complain. Every embrace and moment between them was so fleeting, a stolen moment that she enjoyed what she could get. This was probably the longest in a few years that they had held each other without one running for the hills.
“I love you, you know that.” He whispered in her ear, longing evident in his voice.
“I know that, as much as I know that you won’t do shit about it. Loving someone is not always enough Steve. It’s just the beginning. I – I won’t keep my love a secret. I don’t want ten angry sensual minutes in the broom closet. I want walks in the park and two dogs and a cat. I want picnics with our family and pictures that are not restricted to my room. You can’t give me that. You won’t.”
She had run out of tears. Her fiancé may not be Steve Rogers but at least he was an honest man who tried his best to love her the way she deserved. She had met his family and they had met hers; they could post pictures on social media with cheesy captions and hold hands as they drank coffee from a cheap corner place.
“You can never love anyone like you love me” It was a sulky declaration by a hurt lover and she almost cooed to him like a mommy consoling her baby. Steve may have been older to her in years, but when it came to love he was an immature brat.
“That may be true, but I will try. I am not Penelope waiting in the balcony for Odysseus to return. I love you, and that love may never fade away. But my life will go on. It is your choice if you want to be a part of it.”
She faced him, her eyes open and clear. He didn’t know when the little girl who needed help to reach the jar on the shelf had grown up in this headstrong woman who could beat a sailor when it came to cursing. But he couldn’t bear the thought of her staying like this in someone else’s bed, looking at them the way she looked at him. Steve rarely coveted something in his life, but he didn’t realize until now how much he coveted her love. If he lost that, he feared he would lose himself.
“Your father is going to kill me” Steve groaned, and she laughed. Her head was on his chest and an arm around his torso.
“We can elope, you know. Run away and get married. It will be too late to do anything then. You’ll be stuck with me.”
“Did you just propose to me?” Steve questioned and she nodded, her eyes naughty.
“I’m always a step ahead of you Captain. I figured you would take another month at least to ask and I have wasted too much time already.” She whispered against his lips. He leaned up to kiss her deeply, unhurried for the first time. It was like their first kiss all over again, like two star-crossed lovers smashing through their final obstacle and uniting. Steve didn’t know how he had survived so long without having her like this, but as his hands found her soft curves, he swore he can’t go a day without it.
“Stop stop!” She said, pushing his chest and rolling away from him. “We’ve waited this long. You’re not getting your dick wet until you finally commit to me.”
Steve looked more dumbfounded than offended and responded by finally taking off the ring on her finger and throwing it away carelessly.
“I’ll steal the Quinjet, meet me in the hanger in half an hour. Don’t pack shit. We’ll make one stop for the rings and get the first officiant I can find to marry us. We’ll probably be back by breakfast. And then,” His arm wound around her waist “I will lay rest to the sexual tension of years by getting my dick wet. Repeatedly.”
It was to be expected that Tony’s daughter wouldn’t do anything halfway through. A flair for dramatics was her inheritance and she and Steve walked into the compound newly married in rumpled night clothes and shit eating grin. They found everyone eating in the kitchen, and greetings stopped halfway when the rest of the team noticed their clasped hands.
“What the fuck…” Bruce said, half eaten celery dangling from his open mouth.
Y/n flashed them her award-winning smile and showed the matching rings on her and Steve’s hand. It was a riot under a minute, chairs scraping as they crowded them, trying to see if it was a joke. Then just as suddenly everyone stopped and Tony stepped forward, a spatula in his hand that to Steve looked as threatening as a gun.
“You sick son of a bitch!” Tony shouted and Steve flinched. He looked at Y/n but all she did was wear a smug look on her face that should be illegal in about three continents. “You little bitch! You are supposed to be from the 90s! You were supposed to ask her hand from me like a gentleman you sick little fuck!”
Steve blinked in confusion while she laughed, hopping like a little girl to hug her father.
“Pay up, daddy! You owe me 500 bucks.” She said and Tony groaned, pulling out his wallet and handing her crisp five 100s.
“I – what? What happened?” Steve sputtered, still surprised he wasn’t being beaten by the Iron Legion.
“You weren’t supposed to elope you bastard. Always knew chivalry was dead!” Tony huffed then went back to cooking. “Congratulations by the way. Fucking finally. I’m not surprised my girl had to do everything anyway. She’s taken after me.”
This was a plot twist Steve never expected and he looked at his new wife with a look of horror on his face that could only be translated to as ‘what the fuck have I gotten myself into’.
“I told you baby, I’m always a step ahead of you.” She said, trying and failing to blush like a bride.
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usedtobe-angstyoikawa · 4 years ago
Found you
Oikawa Tooru x gn!reader
Summary: you fell in love with him at the wrong time, slight enemies to lovers trope
Warnings: angst (disappointed but not surprised)
Word count: 1909
a/n: sorry I’m a sucker for pain and I’ve been CRAVING unrequited-love-kinda-heartbreak for the past week so yeah sorry again. Also I just finished reading the song of Achilles and didn’t cry so I NEED this
You first thought he was an asshole. Always wanting to be the center of attention, being the teacher’s pet but talking shit about them as soon as they turned around to continue with the lesson. He was the typical perfect boy who everyone loved, so sweet, so polite, so talented. Or so they thought.
You changed school during your third year of high school and started going to the same one as your childhood friend, Aoba Jōsai High. Kyōtani (aka mad dog) wanted to join the volleyball team but didn’t want to go alone ‘cause he knew he’d screw it up and go back to training by himself. So, you offered yourself to go with him and apply for the manager position. Boy was that the worst choice you’d ever made. Not only did you have to spend lots of time (worth of studying) in that stupid gym but you also had to deal with their self centered captain. The first thing he said to you was “hey cutie where’s my hug at” (a/n: I’m so sorry but he would) you wanted so badly to punch him in the face, but you knew better so you just rolled your eyes and ignored him.
He kept flirting with you every now and then but he grew tired of your indifference pretty quick and started behaving like the spoiled child he was. He’d argue with you during practice over some stupid shit or blame you for having given him really cold water to drink during the last match on purpose just to make his throat sore and sabotage his performance. You were petty and didn’t let him off with this behavior so easily, you’d point out every wrong answer he gave during class just to piss him off or boo him every time he’d miss a serve.
The team seemed to find your relationship with Tooru entertaining. They’d make bets without the two of you knowing, wondering who’d win the next argument or how long it would take you to punch their captain in the face.
After a few months as the team manager you grew closer to the boys and started to listen to their personal problems, giving them the best advice you could think of in order to help them out. They became your friends. Even Oikawa came to you every once in a while to ask for your opinion on some ugly outfit he was thinking of wearing to some party, only to then clarify that he was asking you so he’d do the opposite of what you’d said.
Eventually the bickering ceased and you two started to get along, greeting each other when you crossed in the hallways and making small talk when you were the only ones left in the gym. That last one happened very often. Oikawa was known not only for his good looks and popularity but also for his hard work and volleyball skills. You’d seen him staying at the gym practicing until god knows what hours of the night, Iwaizumi always being the one trying to get him to stop but failing.
One night it was just the three of you, you were about to leave when the two boys started screaming at each other. You’d seen this exact same scene before, Iwa begging him to stop and Tooru yelling at him for not being a good friend and support him. But this time it was different, Iwa was tired of this and didn’t know how to help his stubborn best friend so he exploded.
“ You are a stupid, selfish asshole ” were the words that left the boy’s mouth “ You’re so blinded by your goals that you don’t realize how bad the people who love you are suffering. All because of you and your stupid need for perfection. And I’m tired of this shit”
After that he left the gym and headed home, leaving you alone with Oikawa. The boy seemed to ignore your presence as well as his friend’s words and continued with his practice. He served over and over again, running out of breath with every hit. You didn’t really understand what the big deal was, why he would overwork himself or why Iwa was so mad at him.
“Hey, shittykawa ” you called, expecting him to ignore you. He turned around, volley ball in hand and nodded his head at you.
“What? You gonna yell at me too?”
“No, actually I just wanted to ask you what is going on. I’m still new to this whole manager thing but I’m pretty sure part of my work is to make sure you guys’ heads are working all right, and yours seems to be a bit fucked up ” it wasn’t until the words left your mouth that you realized what you had said. You looked up at him and waited for the argument to start. Again, you were surprised.
“I know, I can act like an idiot when I’m hating myself” his answer was meant to be sarcastic but his face said otherwise.
That day something changed between you two. You sat in the middle of the court and Oikawa opened up to you. He told you about his dreams and goals and how close he had gotten to achieving them, only to have them snatched away because of some mistake he had made. Kyōtani had told you about the match against this Karasuno team and how the lost had affected them, but you felt there was something he wasn’t telling you. Now you understood. Oikawa blamed himself for it. And that wasn’t all, he also talked about the amount of stress and pressure he had put himself under and how tired he was of giving it all only to be beaten by more talented people. You watched him cry and throw balls at the wall, screaming about some first year student who was a better setter than him even though he had worked ten times harder. He was mad, furious but also exhausted. You didn’t really know what to say so all you did was listen to him. Once he had calmed down he apologized for his behavior and walked you home.
That night you couldn’t sleep. You hadn’t expected to see that side of him, you hadn’t even considered that maybe that annoying egotistical self was just his shield, a mask. Ever since that night you started being nicer to him, asking him how his day was going, if he had drank enough water, etc. You were becoming friends.
It wasn’t long until Oikawa’s fans started rumors about the two of you being a couple, the team would make fun of him but he’d just brush it off and deny it. He was Oikawa Tooru, the great king, he couldn’t date someone like you. That’s the lies he’d tell himself but the truth was that he had found a good friend in you and was scared to loose that.
Late night talks in the gym became a regular, he’d always walk you home after practice (along with mad dog ‘cause he was your neighbor) and every now and then you’d have lunch with him. At first it felt nice, you liked being friends with Tooru and being able to help him out with his problems, letting down his walls and showing you his true self. It was close to the end of school that you started to feel weird around him. Suddenly the gym seemed a bit smaller than it used to be, the air felt a little dense too specially after watching Oikawa train intensely, sweat running down his neck. It’d get harder to swallow and talking to him without going blank was a challenge, something was wrong with you but you couldn’t tell what.
You didn’t tell mad dog about it, knowing he wouldn’t really have an answer to give you, so you kept it to yourself and waited for it to go away. It didn’t. You started to think about him on a regular basis, wondering what it’d feel like to hold his hand in yours or to cup his face and give him a soft pe- wait what, oh shit. Could it be? Could you be in love with Tooru?
One night, while he was walking you home after practice you decided to put your feelings to the test. Without really thinking much about it you got your hand out of your pocket and grabbed his hand. It felt cold, harsh, it wasn’t soft at all like you had imagined but you still liked holding it.
“ What are you doing?” you looked up at him with a boring expression on your face, his cheeks were... red?
“ I’m holding your hand” god you were stupid.
“Yeah, I can see that. Why?”
“ I don’t know it just... looked cold, I’ve heard you have cold hands and so I thought I’d help you out” it sounded like a better excuse in your head.
“ Oh, eh okay, thanks I guess?” He gave you a small smile and squeezed your hand, holding it tight until you reached your home.
After that incident you decided you were definitely in love with him. That same night Oikawa realized his feelings towards you were purely platonic, he loved having a friend outside of the volleyball team who could see him for who he really was and would not be afraid to judge him, you cared about him and weren’t afraid to show it. He remembered the words you’d said to him that night at the gym after his fight with Iwa.
“You’re lucky to have someone who cares so much about you, I can really tell he loves you. I know you probably can’t see it right now, but all those things he said he only did cause he’s worried you’re gonna get yourself hurt. He loves you”
He loves you.
The graduation day came and you all cried, laughed and hugged each other. You had planned to confess your feelings to Tooru once the ceremony was over, but before you could get a change it all went to shit. It’s like it all happened in slow motion, him grabbing your hands and pulling you into his arms, making you feel so warm inside.
“ Thank you for giving me a second chance, you’re such a good friend” Ouch. “ I need your advice once more, please?” He looked at you with his puppy eyes and you couldn’t say no. He took you away from the crowd of students and guided you through the halls, finally sitting on the steps of the stairs.
“Okay, so, what is it?” A part of you hoped this was a love confession, the other part knew that it wasn’t.
“ I’ve been thinking about what you said to me that night at the gym” he started “ The night I had a fight with Iwaizumi” his checks were turning red, he was playing with the rings on his fingers, and suddenly you understood. This was a love confession, except he wasn’t confessing to you.
“ You love him” Tooru looked up at you and smiled, you’d never seen him smile so bright.
“ I think I do, but I’m scared. He’s my best friend you know, there’s a lot at risk. I couldn’t bare to loose his friendship over some crush.” He let out a frustrated sigh. “But I’m sure this isn’t it, it’s not just a crush” Ou-“ I love him” -ch.
Next part
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lostinanothersmemories · 3 years ago
Familial Strangers
cw: mentions of feeling othered, a bit of emotional angst i dont think much else
With the soft waves crashing on the beach the group could laugh themselves to tears. Ash still throwing the beach ball despite David’s warnings the wind is gonna send it flying. Angel and Babe comparing sea shells, holding them up to firelight. Milo stoking the fire and when necessary smacking the ball away so it doesn’t get close to the flames. Sam and Darlin taking up an entire log bench with how the wolf lounges.
Keep reading
“You act like I’m planning on finding a new apartment, my apartments fine. I like my apartment.”

Theres a pause before a brief laugh from the group, “Didn’t your neighbor throw a week long rager and cops literally wouldn’t come to stop it?” Asher points out, asking for an argument.

“Oh boo hoo you lose a bit of sleep.”

“Oh come on even me and David’s first apartment was better!”

Of course bringing him into bickering means he’ll side with neither, “That’s because I didn’t let you pick it.”

“Cold hearted man, I’ve got taste!”

“Says the one who wanted to paint his bedroom blue, the entire bedroom, in a rental.”

“Milo! I thought you’d be on my side!”

“And the one who thought our generation would live in a mansion all together.”

“Oh my god wait did we try to make a pack frat house?”

“You tried to make a pack frat house, I argued, Milo didn’t,” David points out.

“I ain’t going to be held accountable for what I said when I was ten, my memories barely go back that far I’m innocent.” Milo defends holding his hands up but distracted by Sweetheart stealing his stick to fix his fire.

“Ash was the one to suggest it anyways he’s at fault. You tried to get anyone to drive us around so we could househunt.”

“Right! I tried for weeks to convince them to let us bike around to find the best house.”

“Hey, wasn’t that when you biked into a wall and lost a tooth?” Milo peaks around to ask not listening to an answer. “Sweetheart no I swear to god the fire is fine!”

“Amanda found a wheelbarrow and we brought you to MIlo’s house cause you thought it was an adult tooth.” David explains, ever so slightly smiling at the memory.

“Shaw Pack Jr. my friends.” Milo jesters jabbing Ash with only a slightly charred fire stick.

Across the fire a weight sinks. Drops leaving a tsunami. No one notices. No one sees. Darlin sits up from where they had laid their head in Sam’s lap. They look to the waves, the sand, anywhere but the people around them.

It’s stupid of course, absolutely no reason for them to feel like this. Sure they popped up late but that doesn’t make them any less fami-pack. It doesn’t strip the fact they are apart of the pack. They don’t hear Sam at first, only notice when his hand cups their cheek. They see the question before his lips can even start forming syllables. “I’m fine. I’m gonna take a walk, need some air.”

They just hope only Sam can see, but they can tell it’s quieted, not completely. They try not to make it obvious.

Sam doesn’t hesitate to stand, slipping his fingers between theirs and leading them down the beach.

“I’m s-”

“Did I ever tell you I had to switch schools?” They shake their head at least glad they don’t have to explain yet. “I got into a fight sophomore year. Yes me, I got into a fight now set aside the shock for a moment. Someone was picking on someone and well, you know me. He got a concussion and a slap on the wrist for what he was doing. I got expelled. My parents supported me but I had to change schools. It was an hour away I think, but it was awful. Halfway through a school year everyone with friends. I found a group but, it was a group before me. There’s no way to get rid of that feeling, least far as I know. They’d talk about growing up together, or make plans on the weekend but it didn’t feel like I was apart of them, like I was just with them.”

“They don’t do it on purpose. They never did.” They immediately defend despite how obviously they just want to walk away again.
”Doesn’t matter the intent, point it they have memories together you don’t and it feels awful to remember that. It’s not selfish, it’s a shitty situation, don’t apologize. I can’t even begin to understand how that’s multiplied by the fact it’s your pack, by how big of a move it was for you. Washington ain’t far, but it’s far enough that you weren’t home anymore.”

“Thank you.” They glance back at the group, “I love them, and you. I’m just tired of being the other sometimes.”

“You aren’t an other to me, darlin’. You’re everything.” Despite the fond smile forcibly growing on their face tears still threaten to fall down their cheeks.
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15-dogs · 4 years ago
everything and anything |s.b.|
hello hello!! this is for @chudleycanons writing challenge!! everyone go check emmy out, she’s an amazing writer!! congrats again on 600 emmy :)
pairing: young!sirius black x reader
summary: sirius offers to take you to the ball but has other intentions in mind
warnings: the reader describes being insecure about their looks
prompts: fake dating, “Did I mean anything to you?”, “Dance with me”
guide: (Y/N) = your name, (Y/L/N) = your last name
word count: 3797
If anyone ever asked if you liked being the mom friend, you would instantly say yes. There was no doubt in your mind that you absolutely loved the position. You had this knack for taking care of everyone out of the pure goodness of your heart but you certainly weren’t afraid to throw a few punches if someone looked at your friend funny. That’s just who you were and you never wanted to change that.
However, as all things do, the title came with its downfalls. One being that you were always last in line to be picked from the group of eligible bachelorettes that were your friends. It usually would have never bothered you if it weren’t for a large, end of the year ball that Flitwick had decided to throw together. 
Alice had partnered up with Frank, Marlene was going with Dorcas, and Mary was going with Peter. Remus had the full moon the night before and Sirius had decided not to attend so there goes your two other options. Lily had promised that if you and her didn’t get dates by the time the ball rolled around, you two would go together. However, James had his way of working into her heart with very little effort. So there you were, stuck without a date.
It didn’t just make you embarrassed, it made you ashamed. And you shouldn’t have been! A few weeks prior, you thought that a Ravenclaw fancied you but you were quite mistaken, seeing as how they blew you off for dates. It wasn’t until you spotted him making out with the prefect opposite him during rounds did you realize he didn’t like you at all. You choked back the sobs that bubbled up in your chest and ran to your dorm to tell the girls all about it. When you got there, Lily was jumping up and down with excitement, claiming that James and her kissed. Decidedly, you did not tell the girls about what happened between you and that Ravenclaw, feeling like you were clouding Lily’s joy. 
Yet, the thought of you being the “less attractive” option than your friends still kept you up at night. Your friends were beautiful, they always were getting asked out on dates and you were always cheering them on, giving advice, whatnot. It was fun, or at least for a while. Sometimes it became tiring having to hear about how they were dating a new person each week while you sat, wondering what on Earth you did wrong.
You always pushed those thoughts to the back of your mind as you celebrated Marlene’s birthday in the common room. She squealed as she opened your present— a new jean jacket with patches of which you had hand picked and sewn on yourself— and immediately began to thank you. You felt awkward under her praise, opting to get the food ready instead.
You came back a moment later with snacks in your hand and some drinks, leading Dorcas to suggest you all play a drinking game. You teetered with anxieties as you remembered how everyone (and that meant everyone) acted when they were drunk. Maybe you should just stay sober. The group booed you but you merely shook your head, claiming that they’d thank you later when they were stumbling up to their dorms in their drunken stupor.
About an hour in, the drinking game turned into a group of drunk 7th years playing truth or dare. You decided to hop into the game, considering that you didn’t have to drink but instantly regretted your choice the second everyone started talking about the ball.
“Have you picked out a dress?” Mary asked Lily, leaning forward and biting her thumbnail. Lily nodded excitedly.
“Yes! I’m picking it up this weekend at the tailors from Hogsmeade.”
“You’re joking!” Marlene gasped. She looked between her and Dorcas before looking back at Lily. “We’re picking our dresses up this weekend at the same place! We should all go together! Mary? Alice? (Y/N)?”
You felt your heart sink and forced a smile on your face. Sirius, sitting beside you, nudged your knee with his. You looked up at him and he raised his brows.
“What?” you whispered.
“Are you okay?” Shockingly, his breath smelled the least like alcohol which was a rare occurrence for the party-crazed boy.
“I’m fine,” you shot out quickly. “Totally, perfectly fine.”
The truth was, you were not fine. Sirius knew it, too. Hearing that the girls were going to get their dresses felt like a slap in the face— you shouldn’t go to the dance at all. If you were going to mope around the whole time, what good would you be?
But it wasn’t because you were going alone, not really, anyway. It was because you were scared. To say that you didn’t like the way you looked was an understatement. You loved wearing dresses and skirts just as much as you loved wearing jeans and pants, but something about formalwear had your heart lurching in your chest. You wanted to be pretty, that was it, and you were afraid that people would laugh.
Someone of sound mind would have been able to reassure you that no one would have laughed at you, but no one knew of your insecurities and you didn’t plan on telling them. You constantly scolded yourself about those feelings but they kept resurfacing in every way possible.
When your attention shifted back to the group, you had realized they asked you a question. James let out a stifled giggle at your blank face and Lily swatted his arm.
“Huh?” you mumbled.
“We wanted to know how things are going with that Ravenclaw, Elliott,” Lily explained. “Did he ask you to the ball yet?”
Your lips parted and closed again, feeling that familiar sense of shame form deep in your stomach. “Oh,” you muttered lamely, “well, er, we aren’t...he’s not…”
“Oh, Godric. What did he do?”
“Oh, it’s— believe me— it’s nothing. I just, well, I think I misinterpreted a few signals here and there.”
“And how’s that?” Remus asked.
“I, um, walked in on him...snogging Jennifer, the other Ravenclaw prefect.”
A chorus of disgusted and shocked exclamations sounded around you. You looked away from their penetrating gazes, fiddling with your hands in your lap instead. One gaze struck you as particularly attention grabbing: Sirius’s. You looked up at the boy to the right of you on the couch, his gray eyes softened at your somber expression.
“He was leading you on, (Y/N). He’s a right git, easily. This wasn’t your fault.”
“I…” you trailed off, confused by his words. Yet, they comforted the part of you that was aching most. “Thanks, Sirius. I think I needed to hear that.”
“Don’t mention it.”
Your eyes locked with his and you felt a strange shift in the air. It was like an electrified silence. Although, it wasn’t silent. Marlene had been calling your name for the past minute now.
“Babes, hello!” Your eyes snapped up to Marlene’s at her words. “Who are you going with then?”
“About that, well, I don’t think I’m going to-”
You were cut off but groans and sighs from the girls around you. They immediately shot out protests, seemingly begging you to reconsider. You awkwardly shrugged when Sirius nudged you with his foot.
“Just because some bloke was an arse to you means you aren’t going to the ball? Come on, (Y/N), that’s not the you I know.”
“That’s not it,” you shot.
“Listen, I’ll go with you.”
Your eyes met Sirius’ with shock. You blinked a few times, then rubbed your eyes. “You can’t be serious.”
“Oh, please, love”— he leaned in towards you so that his breath was hot against your ear— “I’m always Sirius.”
You elbowed him with a smirk, feeling a sense of guilt creep up in your throat. You blushed and shook your head. “It’s fine, Sirius, you don’t have to do that-”
“No, I want to.” His words took you by surprise. “It’s not like I was going with anyone so why not you?”
You shifted awkwardly in your seat, trying not to think about the implications of his words. But you couldn’t help thinking about how he wasn’t even going in the first place. Your heart sped up in your chest but you were convinced it was from gratitude and surprise. So, as you were swept off your feet by your friend of 7 years, you said, “Okay, let’s go to the ball together.”
A decision you’d later come to regret.
You sat with your friends at the Gryffindor table, eating your breakfast before you left for Hogsmeade to pick up your dresses. You were rifling through your bag to see if you had some extra money to buy some chocolate for Remus when you heard excited gasps surrounding you. Your eyes snapped up just in time to see a single rose fall in front of your face. The owl that held it hooted and flew away, only for another owl to repeat its actions.
All eyes in the Great Hall were on you as the few roses soon turned into a bouquet. You held a careful hand over your mouth as you searched for the culprit. Fortunately, you didn’t need to look that hard. Unfortunately, it was because the sender— Sirius— had jumped onto the Gryffindor table as he called out your name. He walked towards you, students pulling their plates to their chests with each step. Finally, he stood in front of you, arms crossed and grin smug.
“Sirius!” you hissed. You glanced up at the professors’s table, where McGonagall eyed Sirius warily. “Would you get down from there?”
“Only if you go to the ball with me!”
Murmurs quickly filled the room.
“That’s what this is about? You’re mental! I said yes a few days ago!”
“Is it still a yes, then?” Although Sirius was acting with a confidence like no other person you’d seen, he still seemed nervous to hear your response.
“Yes, you git! Now get down!”
You stood up as you reached out your hands, tugging Sirius back to the ground as he cried, “She said yes!”
Glares from people without dates landed on you but you tried your best to ignore it. You chanced a look over your shoulder to meet the confused eyes of Elliott boring holes into your back.
You felt your cheeks heat up furiously but you couldn’t help but laugh at his behavior. Your laughter was suddenly silenced as Sirius stood inches apart from your face. You tried your best not to inhale his cologne that strangely had you weak in the knees but you simply couldn’t help it with your close proximity.
To make matters worse, Sirius reached up to tuck some hair behind your ear and you were positive that you felt something towards him that you hadn’t felt before. He winked at you and chuckled handsomely before pushing away to meet up with his friends.
Your friends quickly surrounded you as they asked repeated questions about what in the world just happened between you and Sirius. You couldn’t process, though. Not then. All you could do was hold your face in your hands with blank eyes as you feared the tiny, miniscule, barely there crush that you might have on Sirius Black.
In Transfiguration a few days later, you sat at your desk near the front, awaiting Lily’s arrival. When you heard a familiar, bubbly laughter, your head whipped around to the back to see James with his arm around Lily as she sat in Sirius’s seat. You were a little saddened that she had left you to sit with her boyfriend, but you didn’t let it show— after all, you were happy that they had finally gotten together.
You felt an arm snake around the back of your chair, causing you to jump. When you looked over, Sirius was in Lily’s seat, his arm wrapped around your shoulders, the dumbest grin on his face.
“Good morning, (Y/L/N).” You hated the way his deep, slightly raspy voice made you shiver.
“Morning, yourself, Black.” 
You studied him out of the corner of your eye as he relaxed into his chair. Merlin, he looked handsome with his sleeves rolled up and hair mussed. You sucked in a sharp breath with horror at your thoughts, butterflies occupying your stomach as his thumb stroked your shoulder. You thought that you might die when his hand slipped down the chair to rest on your waist, only for him to tug you closer.
“I asked Evans to sit with Prongs today; she didn’t seem to mind,” he whispered roughly against your ear.
You hummed. “Hm, I wonder why?”
He stifled a laugh as he tipped forward, looking at the blank piece of parchment on his desk.
“I meant to ask you, what color is your dress?”
You blinked in shock at the change in topic. “It’s blue.”
He rolled his eyes. “Shades of blue, love.”
“I didn’t know that the different shades mattered to you,” you said, pretending to be impressed by his prompt.
“Shockingly, I’m more than just a pretty face.”
He fought back a chuckle and shook his head. “Shade, love, go on.”
“It’s baby blue.”
His eyes roved over your body for a moment too long. You became self-conscious at his stare, angling away from him. His eyes softened at your actions. You felt his slightly calloused hand take yours, raising it to his lips as he kissed your knuckles. Your eyes darted around the room to see if anyone saw what was happening, if it was as out of the ordinary as you imagined. Your eyes landed on Elliott who watched with distaste as Sirius acted like he was much more than just a friend, a sense of satisfaction filling you.
“You’re going to be gorgeous, love. You are gorgeous.”
When you looked into Sirius’ captivating gray eyes, you knew you were done for. You didn’t know what game he was playing, but you were sure you didn’t want it to end.
You were rushing back from the library, just having noticed that you were late to meeting your friends. You had all decided to get ready for the ball together, mostly because you were no good at makeup but quite good at hair, Lily was no good at hair but quite good at accessorizing, Marlene was no good at accessorizing but quite good at makeup, and so on.
You made it to the portrait and were about to state the password when someone stopped you. “Hey, (Y/L/N)!”
You turned around to see Elliott bombing towards you. “Hey, what’s going on?”
He slowed to a stop in front of you, his lips twitching into a smile. “I was wondering if you wanted to go to the ball with me?”
You scoffed, but felt an immediate sense of guilt at your response. “Sorry, Elliott, but I’m going with Sirius-”
“I know.”
You looked around, seeing if Sirius was hiding somewhere to tell you he set this up, that it was all a joke. You clenched your eyes shut before eyeing the Ravenclaw in front of you.
“I don’t know what you want me to say, Elliott.”
“Say yes. Go with me, not Black.” He took a step forward, ducking to meet your gaze. “I fancy you.”
You shook your head hurriedly, whispering the password as you darted away from him, your head swarming with severe thoughts. He called after you but didn’t dare follow as you ran up the stairs to your dorm.
You slammed the door shut behind you, panting as you slid your back down it. Lily nudged your foot with hers, causing you to look up at her.
“What happened to you?”
You jumped to your feet, running your hands through your hair as you muttered, “It’s bad, quite bad.”
“Well, we have the time as long as you get ready.”
So as you got yourself ready for the ball, you explained the direness of the situation. A sinking feeling set into your stomach with each word as you realized that you might fancy Sirius a little more than you let on. Mary blinked with shock, studying you carefully.
“Aren’t you and Sirius going together?” she asked.
“To the ball, yes.”
“No, no.” Mary waved her mascara wand in the air as she shook her head. “I mean going together. Like, dating.”
“What?” you cried, causing Marlene to smack your arm in order for you to stay still while she did your eyeshadow. “What made you think that?”
Dorcas snorted. “What didn’t make us think that?”
You went pale. “All of you thought that?”
You heard grumbled agreements and your stomach flipped. Was it because you were too obvious about your little crush? Or was there something else that had caused them to think that? Either way, you desperately needed to talk to Sirius.
The six of you went downstairs to meet your dates, all waiting in the Gryffindor common room. Seeing Sirius standing there with a tiny, blue morning glory which matched your dress had your heart lurching. You didn’t even realize that he was talking to you until he took your hand in his.
“Are you alright, love?”
You sucked in a sharp breath, nodding at your friends that they should leave without you. Once the common room was empty (and Sirius was thoroughly puzzled) you said, “We need to talk.”
Sirius sighed knowingly, scuffing his food against the ground. “Take it Elliott asked you to the ball, then?”
“I-...y-yes, how did you know?” You fiddled with your hands to avoid meeting his eyes. Everything about this situation made you want to run away and hide forever.
“Because that was the plan, (Y/N). Did you say yes-”
“The plan?” Your eyes snapped up to his, a new feeling ruminating behind them. Sirius cowered under your glare. “What plan?”
“That’s what this was all about, wasn’t it?” he tested. You crossed your arms and huffed. “It was about getting Elliott to realize he was stupid, it was about me pretending to be your...something until he realized that he shouldn’t have turned you down.”
Your heart shattered. All of Marlene’s hard work on your makeup went completely to waste as traitorous tears slipped down your cheeks, streaks of mascara coating your face. You felt sick.
“That’s what this was about, then? You were my something.” You tried with all your might to control the shaking in your voice but there was nothing you could do; you were a mess.
Sirius, finally aware of how his words affected you, took a step towards you with the intent of taking your hands in his. You jerked your hands away from him with a strangled sob.
“No, listen, that’s not-”
“Did I mean anything to you?”
The words weren’t supposed to come out of your mouth, they weren’t. Yet, they did. And you meant them. That was the worst part.
Sirius was silent.
No, that was the worst part.
Your breaths became labored and you didn’t want to cry in front of Sirius, so you ran up to your dorm room. As you leapt onto the stairs, a strong voice stopped you.
“You mean everything to me!” Sirius shouted after you. You froze midstep. “You’re always going to mean everything to me!”
You slowly turned around on your heel. “I don’t understand-”
“It was supposed to be innocent, good natured fun. I was supposed to be helping you out with Elliott. But then you had to be yourself! You had to be funny, and beautiful, and gentle and I was not supposed to fall for you, but things never go according to plan. So, yes, you mean everything and anything to me.”
The room was silent save for the music that radiated from the Great Hall into the common room. You took a few sobering breaths as Sirius awaited a response.
“I said no, by the way. I couldn’t do it. Not when I knew how I felt about you.”
His eyes lit up and he took a step towards you. “And, er, how do you feel about me?”
You rolled your eyes as you made your way back down the stairs. “Don’t let it go to your head.”
He chuckled as he outstretched an arm to you, helping you walk down the last few steps. He pulled you close to his chest, searching your eyes for something that wasn’t present. He guided you to the portrait hole but your feet bolted to the ground.
“I can’t go out there looking like this!” you explained.
Sirius fought a snicker as he saw your panicked expression. He guided you back to the middle of the room, an intenseness in his gaze that you’d never seen before. He let go of your hand only to hold it out to you again.
“Dance with me.”
You tried to protest but your words died on your tongue. You reluctantly took him up on the offer, gasping when he pulled you flush against his chest.
Suddenly, things began to feel out of place. You didn’t deserve this. You didn’t deserve Sirius. You had never been “chosen” out of your friends because that wasn’t you, you weren’t the girl that people went after. Your heart panged with guilt as you looked away from his piercing stare.
“You’re doing that thing again.” Sirius tucked your head into his chest, his voice vibrating against your ear.
“What thing?”
“You get that little look on your face where your eyebrows knit together and you can’t look anyone in the eye because you’re scared.”
“Scared?” you asked incredulously.
“Scared of getting things that you deserve.”
You lifted your head from his chest to meet his eyes. “And what exactly do I deserve?”
You expected something smart from him, something that would make you roll your eyes and groan. Instead, a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips as Sirius said, “Happiness, complete happiness.”
In a moment of impulse, your hands wrapped around the back of his head to plant a kiss firmly against his lips. 
In a shocking turn of events, Sirius hesitated. His eyes went wide when you kissed him and it took him a moment to process your actions. However, once he did get hold of himself, he pulled you impossibly closer by the waist, kissing you passionately like there was nowhere else he’d want to be.
And that was true, of course. There was nowhere else he wanted to be besides with you. 
And seeing the way that Sirius looked at you made everything worth the wait.
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