#me while watching jill run from nemesis
possessionisamyth · 11 months
can’t read even 1/4 of the het ships in this tag because people put all the women into such tradwife roles it makes me want to vomit, so here are my headcanons when it comes to cooking abilities
Jill Valentine- Military rationing because it’s less time consuming. She cooks once and makes enough food to eat on for two weeks. She will eat that soup/beans&rice/chili for every other meal until she runs out. All her recipes are “throw everything in a pot and let it simmer overnight” style. Anything that has her sauteing, baking, or frying will get burned since she gets distracted doing other more important stuff.
Rebecca Chambers- Does not cook. Can not cook. Has not figured out how to cook. Take-out Queen. She can find a good restaurant or cafe in any area and this skill was honed on purpose. Hates long wait times for food though, so if she can she’ll send someone else to get her food/drinks.
Claire Redfield- Cooking level is tolerable as in she can follow easy recipes when there’s a video to watch, but may get an ingredient or measurement wrong and wonder why the dish tastes off. Anything more complicated than meatloaf or country fried steak is her nemesis.
Ada Wong- Fucking hates cooking. Can cook something decent with the littlest variety of ingredients, but hates it so much. She hates the mess during prep time, the mess during cooking, and the clean up afterwards. Hires a personal chef where she can or goes out to eat. (Before anyone disagrees saying she doesn’t trust strangers this much, consider she has a lot of money from her jobs and most people do not actually know who the fuck she is.)
Sherry Birkin- Substitution Queen. Loves to cook, and loves to experiment with food even more. If she starts cooking and finds she’s missing an ingredient, she’ll look at other recipes to see if she can replace it with something else. Will finish eating her food experiments or new recipe attempts even if they’re a little bland while constructing ideas on how to make it better next time.
Ashley Graham- Cooks college student food even into adulthood. Lactose intolerant but ignores it.  Her mom couldn’t cook, and no longer having a personal chef left her in the wild to figure things out. She will put together any strange combination of food for the taste and calories. She mixes cereals together. She mixes plain yogurt into her ramen. She will lovingly add a slice of cheese on top of the most white looking piece of baked chicken before adding hot sauce and sandwiching it between 9-grain wheat bread for the sake of getting some kind of fiber in her body.
Ingrid Hunnigan- The planner. She can follow almost any recipe without too much difficulty, and always makes sure she has all the ingredients before she starts. She cannot improv or substitute ingredients to save her life.
Sheva Alomar- Teaches herself how to cook a new recipe or better a current recipe when she has the time. Has 5 go-to recipes she’s mastered which everyone loves, but no consistent recipe book. Will default to military rationing where she’ll make a big pot of something and eat on it for a few days until she gets bored of it and goes out to eat. Forgets about ingredients she purchased and only used a little of, and they go bad making her feel guilty.
Helena Harper- Frozen meals or box meals where she adds a “secret ingredient” into whatever she cooks. The secret ingredient is always cayenne pepper or bouillon powder.
Mia Winters- Can cook only the most white american food possible, but thankfully is not afraid of spices or spicy food. Hamburgers, steak, casseroles, tuna salad, and so on, she can manage pretty well. Any “foreign” food is lost on her. The first time Ethan brought home an avocado with plans to make guacamole, he caught her using a potato peeler on it.
Let me know if you’d like a similar list with the men of RE.
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ivy-loves-chocolate · 2 years
Can you do a story or one shot about the reader and wesker ? where the reader is weskers wife and has been for a few year before he was in STARS and she had thouggt he hade died after the mansion insadint how would wesker react to her surviving racoon city? (Sorry im bad at spelling)
Note: it's ok anon I understood what you want. Hope you'll like it! Also, I know I barely posted lately and I’m sorry. I started a new job and I had to get used to the new schedule haha. I’ll upload more often no worries tho 😚🤗
Type: fluff
Pairing: Albert Wesker x GN!Reader.
Ko-fi: if you want to support or commision me, visit this link. Thank you 💖
You’ve been in a relationship with him before he was in STARS. You’ve met him while he was a scientist for Umbrella. It was because of his brilliant mind and confidence that made you fall in love with him. 
Being away in the military represented a tough step for your relationship, but not one that was hard to overcome. Every letter from him was hugged and held tight before being put in a special box filled with other letters and souvenirs. 
When it was time for him to return, you prayed that he wouldn’t come back to Umbrella. You worked there, saw what they were doing, and told him every little detail, yet he decided to come back. Of course, it was about money. He was about to run a special tactical unit inside the RPD. Nothing he couldn’t handle. 
That’s what you thought, of course, but then the mansion incident happened and it made you reconsider your choices. 
You were right in the heat of the moment. You and William were watching the surveillance cameras and observing every detail, taking notes rigorously. You were planning on backstabbing Umbrella too. As you watched the tyrant break out of the capsule, you could feel your heartbeat increasing. You were scared for Albert as he was dangerously close to the beast, and your worst fear came true when the monster impaled your lover. You couldn’t watch any longer and rushed to the nearest toilet. The whole scene made you sick. 
Everyone continued their lives as normal, except you. The company looked different; the people, the environment, everything seemed out of place. Or maybe it was you. The point is, you became paranoid and you constantly felt that someone was spying on you. Maybe it was true, maybe not. The truth is, you've had trouble sleeping since Albert was gone. Something inside you was hoping to get a sign, to assure you that he was fine, but that wasn’t going to happen. You focused all of your attention on your task, which was the Nemesis project. After the mansion incident, Jill and Brad, one of the few survivors, remained in the city, and that meant trouble for the company. Not only was the project a good distraction, but it was also a nice way of avenging Albert. 
You barely slept in the past 2 months, and as if it wasn’t enough, you got another outbreak, but this time on a larger scale. The whole town was infected. BOWs were everywhere, killing thousands of innocents. Luckily, you got out of the city on one of those subways. You didn’t know how you ended up there. Your first instinct was to hide and run. Nikolai took care of you. It felt like you had some sort of guarding angel. In fact, you had one, and it was a scheming blond who wore sunglasses at night. 
When Wesker awakened, he first thought of you. In the first minutes after waking up, his foggy mind was only worried about getting you out of the mansion, then he was relieved when he realized that you were far away from the contaminated zone. 
He struggled so much during these months because he wanted to contact you badly, yet he knew that his former teammates were looking for him, especially Chris, so he chose to lay low. Wesker did what he did best: working from the shadows. He hired Nikolai to protect you along the way. Because he was assigned to take out survivors from the city, it was easy to put you on a subway. You didn’t waste any time staying in line, and you left with the first ride. There was no coming back. Racoon City was about to become a ghost town. 
Some Umbrella vehicles waited for you once you were out. From there, they took you all to one of their hospitals to be tested and to receive proper care.
Some of the doctors and nurses had a cold attitude towards you, unlike the other survivors. They knew you were one of their own, and somehow they wanted you to remain there and help contain the outbreak. 
“If you weren’t so quick to run, maybe you could’ve done something.” One of the nurses said, under her breath, that every effort to reason with them failed. You were viewed as an outcast, and you knew you hadn’t much longer. You knew that you couldn’t refuse infections and IVs forever, so when the room was empty, you snuck out to your freedom. 
Having known about Umbrella’s shady business, you packed yourself some fake IDs and money. You were about to turn the corner and leave the hospital building when a car blocked your path. The driver told you to get in. There was something urgent, he said.
"I just want to enjoy some fresh air, sir," you told the man, hoping he'd give you some room so you could flee.However, you didn’t have a choice. The driver pointed a gun at you.
Maybe it was Spencer or Sergei. Who knows? But if they wanted to take you out, why not doing it in the hospital?
The strange man drove you to an abandoned warehouse. All this effort just to kill you? It made sense. 
"So", you turned to face him, “this is the part when I say my last words?”
“No, this is the part when you and I have a new start.” You heard a familiar voice behind you that gave you goosebumps. It was a firm, raspy voice that had a very familiar accent. It tingled your ears. 
You turned around and saw Wesker in his usual attire, standing there with a big smile on his face. He was so happy to see you. He wanted to hug you right away, but he wanted to see how you would react first. Albert wanted to give you some space. 
“You can go now.” He said something to the driver, and waited for a reaction. 
“You son of a bitch." You yelled as you ran towards him. You didn't know whether to be angry or happy. He hid himself from the world for very good reasons, yet you felt betrayed as he didn’t mention anything. Still, you knew that his intentions were pure and that he meant only good for the two of you.
Wesker hugged your back and burried his face in the crotch of your neck. He kept on squeezing your body until you told him to loosen up a bit. You knew he was strong, but you didn’t remember he was this strong. Something was weird, but you didn’t care at that moment because he was finally in your arms after such a long time. 
The warehouse turned out to be just some cover for a fancy facility underneath. It had a laboratory, an observation room (a.k.a. spy room), and a small area that was designed for day-to-day basics such as sleeping or cooking. 
Everything was new. It smelled like new furniture everywhere, and some things were still wrapped. He must’ve arrived here right after the mansion incident. 
After a few glasses of wine and while hugging each other, Wesker found the right moment to tell you about his powers. You found it odd that he kept wearing sunglasses, and what was weirder was the fact that he refused to take them off. You missed the fight with him. 
He eventually told you that the only reason he survived was because he injected himself with a prototype virus given by William. It brought him back to life with some perks, such as inhuman strength and speed. That could explain the force when he hugs you. 
“Pardon me, love, I’m still accommodating with my powers.” 
You both stayed there in each other’s arms, with your heads resting on Wesker’s chest. With every sound of his heartbeat, you were grateful that he was alive. You are worried a little about the viruses that he injected into himself, but you will be next to him no matter what. Wesker was grateful too for these moments, as he missed them a lot. The happy memories of the two of you helped him get through this mess. After finding that you were still alive, he spent every second trying to find you and bring you back to him safely. Having you now feels like one of his greatest achievements so far. 
Neither of you thought about the next move. For now, you just succumbed to each other’s embrace, being grateful for finding each other after this tragedy. Bigger plans were about to come, but now you need some rest. 
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damien-mlm · 2 years
Keeping Myself Alive
Tags and warnings!!! RE Gameverse, Carlos Oliveira/Transmasc!OC, Established Platonic Relationship with Jill, Childhood Friends, Carlos Oliveira, Jill Valentine, Nicholai Ginovaef | Nikolai Zinoviev, Tyrell Patrick, Mikhail Victor, Nemesis, OC, Angst, Hospitalization, C-PTSD, Injury Description, Gore, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Self-Harm, Character Death, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Smut (eventually), Explicit.
Chapter 5: Betrayal
Read on AO3
(4500 words approx.)
Previous Chapter - First Chapter
Nicholai watched, alone, from the security of the train car he had detached, as the rest of the subway continued onwards. He waited a few moments, then pressed the button of the detonator, sending all the survivors, along with Mikhail, straight into the fiery pits of hell.
He contemplated the mess of flames, twisted metal and debris in front of him for a long minute, like an artist contemplating a completed masterpiece, then turned around and walked along the tracks, back to the station. He strolled calmly in silence for a while, until his device beeped.
He took it out of his pocket and pressed a button, answering the call.
“Dr. Flint, I’ve gotten rid of most of the witnesses, just as you asked” – Nicholai said, casually.
“So, I take it that earthquake was the explosion, then? Good.” – Nathaniel started – “Is the rescue team on their way here? I’m having trouble keeping the infected out of reach.”
“Don’t worry, Doctor. They are on their way” – Nicholai answered.
“Good…” – Nathaniel said, pausing for a second – “What about the other arrangement?” – Nicholai smiled and held back a small chuckle.
“Well, he is alive, though that is of no surprise to anybody. He has managed to keep most of his abilities secret, either that or, he has forgotten how to use them.” – Nicholai explained, Nathaniel shook his head before answering.
“No, we made sure he had his condition present in mind, he must be hiding….” – he stated – “And his location?”
“He is on his way to you, actually. Along with your rescue team.” – Nicholai said with a wicked smile on his face.
“What?! No, that’s unacceptable! There’s no telling how he will react!” – Nathaniel panicked, his loud voice alerting the undead just outside the office he was hiding in – “Listen, you have to get me out of here safely! I’m the only one who-” – but Nicholai pressed a button to end the call, then silenced the device completely.
“I’m sorry, Doctor” – he said, mockingly – “A better deal has been arranged”.
Gentle sunlight streamed in through the window, shining on Liam’s face, forcing him to wake up. Jill wasn’t around, and this made his heart sink, as he remembered what happened the night before, he wanted to come clean about what was going on, but just didn’t know how. Or where to start, even.
He got distracted from his thoughts when he heard a low hum, making him look down, his sight surprising him.
At some point during the night, Carlos had fallen over onto him, and now had his head rested on Liam’s lap, sound asleep.
Liam felt a warmth in his chest as he looked at Carlos sleep so peacefully, he couldn’t help but to run his fingers through the other man’s hair gently.
‘It’s so soft…’
Carlos sucked in a breath as he awoke, quickly rising back up and away from Liam as he realized of his position. Liam lifted his hands up.
“I’m sorry-” – they both said simultaneously. After a second or of silence Liam continued to speak.
“I didn’t mean to wake you up, sorry about that…” – Carlos rubbed his eyes as he tried to shake off the grogginess, as well as the embarrassment.
“It’s okay. I’m sorry I used you as a pillow” – he said quietly. Liam smiled softly at him.
“Oh, don’t worry about it, you were asleep.” – he said, then tilted his head slightly, trying to hide the blush that crept up his face.
They sat in silence for a few moments, not knowing what to say or do with themselves. For a second, the both of them opened their mouths again, as if to say something, but were interrupted by the door opening.
“Morning, sleepyheads!” – Jill walked in, a backpack hanging from her left shoulder. Both men whipped their heads at her, as if they were caught doing something, making Jill raise an eyebrow at them. – “Did, uh… Did I interrupt something? I can leave for a while if you want-” – she said, pointing her thumb at the door behind her. But both men quickly interrupted her.
“No no no no!” – they said in unison. Jill raised her chin and made a face at them, clearly amused, then slowly walked up to them and sat on the floor near them, setting the backpack in front of her before opening it.
“Well, I went out to that big donut shop around to get breakfast, and I made a quick stop at the armory on my way back” – she said, taking a paper bag filled with greasy day-old donuts and placing it on the ground for them to dig into – “No coffee, though, sorry about that” – She said jokingly as she took a few small bottles of water out of the backpack then grabbed a donut out of the bag and bit into it.
The men followed her lead and started to show down on the slightly stale donuts, it wasn’t the tastiest, nor the most nutritious breakfast ever, but it was food, and they needed the sugar to give them energy for the day.
Liam saw a small glint of light shine from the backpack, then took a peek inside, Jill side-eyeing him quietly.
Liam’s brows arched up and his eyes widened as he pulled out a shiny metal bat out of the backpack, then looked at Jill with glee, like a child on Christmas. Jill laughed at his expression.
“Okay” – she started – “I may or may not have had a few other stops around town before coming back here” – she said with a smile – “You lost your axe last night, I figured you needed something to defend yourself out there, and since u don’t like guns…” – she gestured at the bat in Liam’s hands. – “I got you a new toy!”
Carlos laughed quietly at the exchange, then peeked in the backpack, noticing several boxes of ammo, enough for both the gun-wielders to shoot at the flesh-eaters at their hearts content.
The three of them relished on the sugar filled breakfast for a few silent minutes, before Jill started speaking again.
“So, is the subway still operational?” – she asked, Liam and Carlos side-eyed each other, then Liam looked down making a face, before Carlos started explaining.
“The subway left last night, shortly after you drove that freak away from us… Mikhail, Nicholai and the survivors should be safe by now.” –Jill whipped her hear at Liam.
“And you didn’t go with them? What were you thinking?!” – She said, Liam gave her a look before answering.
“You know damn well I wasn’t gonna leave the city without you, Bluebird” – Jill just scoff-laughed at the response. Then Carlos continued.
“Tyrell and I were tasked with rescuing a scientist from Umbrella’s Main Office Buildings, and Liam here” – he said, gesturing at the other man – “decided to tag along, in hopes of finding you along the way…” – he paused for a second – “We were caught up in the middle of a big swarm and… Well, Tyrell didn’t make it out.” – he said, looking down.
“We came across you, running away from that monster, almost immediately after” – Liam explained.
Jill put her hands behind her head and stretched for a minute, thinking, before slouching forward, letting out a sigh.
“Were you able to contact Mikhail since last night?” – she asked Carlos, his face gave away a sudden realization. He hadn’t even thought of trying to contact before they got to Dr. Flint.
“Let me check on them right now.” – he said, reaching to the radio attached to his left ear. – “Cap, it’s Carlos, do you copy?” – he waited for a few moments, static blaring in his ear as he made a face – “That’s strange… It’s not going though…” – he thought for a second, then tried again – “Nicholai, it’s Carlos? Do you copy?” – he repeated, more urgently this time. After waiting for a few more moments Carlos’ face lit up. – “Nicholai! Are the survivors safe and out of the city yet?” – he was shocked at the answer – “What? Derailed? How-?” – he seemed to be interrupted. Jill and Liam looked at each other for a second – “No, we haven’t been able to locate him yet…” – Carlos listened intently for a few more seconds – “Right, I’ll give you a call when we do.” – then the call ended. Carlos let his hand down in frustration, both Jill and Liam looking at him, waiting for an explanation.
“Carlos?... What’s going on?” – Liam pressed. Carlos rubbed the back of his neck and looked down, letting out a frustrated sigh.
“The sub crashed” – he said, Liam’s and Jill’s eyes widened – “Nicholai said something about debris blocking the rails… None of the survivors made it…”
“And Mikhail?” – Jill asked.
“He’s dead too.” – Carlos stated. Jill leaned back and looked to the side in exasperation, Liam covered his mouth and frowned at the implications of the situation.
‘I don’t trust it…’
“So, what now?” – Jill asked
“I still need to carry on with the mission” – Carlos stated – “Once we locate Dr. Flint, Nicholai will call for a rescue helicopter. That’s our ticket.” – Jill nodded.
“Alright…” – She started – “I never thought I’d save an Umbrella scientist of all people, but if that’s what gets us out of here…” – she looks at Liam, he gives her a nod – “We’ll do it.”
They prepped themselves for the job, Carlos geared back up, Liam practiced swinging his bat around, and Jill made sure to have her guns ready and loaded. She went to the bathroom for a minute, and Carlos peeped at Liam swinging his bat. He was so fast; the air made a whooshing sound with each swing. Liam realized Carlos was looking, and decided to put the bat down, approaching the other man.
“Hey, uh…” – he started – “Thank you… for listening. Last night, I mean.” – Carlos smiled in return, then Liam looked down for a second – “And also, I’m…” – It’s so hard to speak right now… - “I’m sorry for lashing out, on that first night.” – He looked up to see Carlos’ eyes – “You were just helping me and I said a bunch of shit… I didn’t even know if it was true-” – Carlos raised a hand in front of him, interrupting Liam.
“Don’t…” – he said softly – “Don’t apologize… I know it wasn’t that you had something against me…” – he inched closer to Liam, not knowing if it was okay for him to wrap his arms around him. Why is he doubting himself so much?  – “I…” – he started, struggling to look at Liam in the eyes – “I meant what I said last night… Now, I know it’s a lot to ask… but please…” – he held the other man’s arms and squeezed them gently, and looked at him in the eyes – “Please, don’t die on me.” – there was a sense of urgency in his speech, Liam frowned at the floor, tears welling up in his eyes.
“I… I can’t…” – he couldn’t finish his sentence, and Carlos’ eyes went slightly wider at the realization that maybe Liam had no plans of getting out of Raccoon alive.
“Listen, you don’t have to do it for me… do it for Jill, okay?” – he squeezed the other man’s arms a little more – “Just…” – and he finally had the courage to hold him in a tight, longing embrace – “I have no idea what’s going on in that head of yours. I have no idea what you went through. I don’t know you…” – he pulled away from the hug, holding Liam by the shoulders – “But I want to know you.  And as much as I appreciate what you did for me last night, and how you opened yourself to me. I would love to have a chance to see you well.”
Jill listened intently, hiding right on the bathroom doorway, she couldn’t help but smile softly at that last statement, she had her reservations about Carlos before, but maybe it was okay to trust him. With that thought, she decided to come out of her hiding spot, the two men quickly separating each other at her presence, which made her have to suppress a small chuckle.
“You guys ready to go get this guy?” – she asked, Carlos nodded.
“We’re all set, let’s go get Dr. Flint” – and Jill raised a brow, quickly whipping her head at Liam, who looked away from her just as fast. Carlos started heading outside to scout the immediate surroundings, and Liam tried to follow suit, but Jill grabbed his arm.
“Are we going to look for who I think we are?” – she said in a whisper, Liam tossed his head to a side and gave an exasperated sigh, and that was enough of an answer to confirm Jill’s suspicions, Liam shook off her arm and ran after Carlos before she could say anything else though.
‘This is bad…’
Their quest for food on the previous night had led them away from the Umbrella Main Building, so they had to backtrack for a fair while., and since Fall was starting, the sun had started to set pretty early. Again, they all noticed the population of infected kept increasing, washing away hope of finding any other survivors.
They passed through the street where they had defeated the damn monster… except…
“Guys…?” – Liam started, worry painted on his tone. – “Where is… its body…?”
The three of them looked at each other, just how did that damn thing survive… AGAIN? There seemed to be a lack of undead around, too, had they migrated along with the creature?
“We’ll have to keep our eyes peeled” – Carlos said – “Hopefully we won’t run into it again…” – he wished out loud before continuing onwards. Their destination was close and Jill felt the anxiety building in her stomach at the prospect of finding Nathaniel, she couldn’t even begin to imagine how Liam could be feeling. He was dead quiet, and Jill had no idea what had happened exactly, but something in her gut told her it was going to get ugly.
“Guys, I’m going to check if I can find more water… I’ll be right back!” – she sprouted out that last part before jogging away at a convenience store’s general direction. Liam and Carlos looked at each other, a bit weirded out by the sudden gesture, but waited patiently for her to come back.
Once she was out of sight, she took out her radio.
Carlos heard the device on his ear receive the call.
“Carlos? It’s me, pretend like you are talking to Nicholai, or something.” – Jill said to him. Carlos did his best to hide the face he made, turning his back on Liam before pressing the button on the device in order to answer.
“Alright… What’s up?” – he asked.
“I need to know something. Listen carefully, this is important…” – she started, Carlos just kept quiet and waited for her to continue – “Is this Dr. Flint called Nathaniel?” – Carlos’ face contorted into shock despite his best attempts to hide it, thank fucking god he had his back on Liam still.
“How do you know this?”  - He asked, as calm as he could, on the other end of the line, Jill gave a stressed sigh in response.
“Fuck… fuck! This isn’t good… Listen, Nate and Liam used to know each other… before he was… gone.” – Carlos raised an eyebrow.
“O-kay…?” – what did she mean by “gone” …?
“I know it’s unavoidable for them to see each other at this point, but I need your help to keep an eye on Liam, I still have no idea what happened 4 years ago but something tells me it wasn’t good… and I don’t want Liam to get hurt…” – the concern in her voice was so genuine, Carlos sucked in a deep breath before answering.
“You got it, man. I’ll get to it, the sooner we get out of here, the better.” – he said, then ended the call. He turned and saw that Liam had been looking at him the entire time, anxiety rose in him for a few moments, but he rationalized it was impossible for Liam to be able to hear Jill from his earbud… right?
“Liam, could you call Jill? Nicholai is pressing me to find Dr. Flint asap.” – he asked the other man, just to make sure he didn’t suspect anything.
Liam did just that, and as soon as Jill was back with them, they continued onwards towards the building, just a couple blocks away. The air was thick with tension as they got closer and closer.
“Alright…” – Carlos started – “The building should be around this corner…” – then shared a look with Jill. The sounds of the undead filled their ears the closer they got to said corner. Carlos raised his index finger to his lips, then gestured Jill and Liam to stay low as he walked slowly, back against the wall, to the edge of it.
He peeked his head around and sure enough, there was a big horde of the fuckers waddling around in front of the building, a lot of them looked like they were in uniform, several security staff, white collars and lab coats dressing the walking corpses. He retracted back and approached the pair waiting for him, crouched down.
“There’s a lot of them…” – he whispered to them – “We will need to look at each other’s backs if we want to get through.” – Jill nodded at him, then looked at Liam, he seemed out of it, looking out into nothingness as sweat built on his brow.
“You okay?” – Carlos’ voice broke him out of his state, Liam just kept quiet and nodded – “Alright… let’s do this.”
The three of them turned the corner and were greeted by a crowd of zombies. They all got ready and charged forward, each wielding their own weapon, ready to tear through the crowd and bring it down before they entered the building.
Thankfully, Jill’s trip on the early morning had them prepared for this, so the first few minutes went with no issue… That is, until Liam saw a familiar face from behind the broken glass doors of the building. A half-rotted, all too familiar face.
Liam froze, his eyes fixated on the one standing corpse as his breath started to get labored, unadulterated anger rushing through his body and filling his mind in an instant. The bat he had slipped off his hands, calling to Carlos’ attention as it hit the floor. He approached Liam as he saw the man about to mindlessly walk right into the horde, barely able to grab him by the arm.
Nothing could have ever prepared him for what he saw next.
His blood ran cold in fear as he saw Liam slowly turn his head to him, his eyes bright red, as if all the blood in his body had gone into his eyes and to his sclera, his face was twisted in animalistic rage, pale and riddled with bulging blue and yellowish veins. Liam opened his mouth, and a deep guttural voice sounded out.
“L̴̖̜̩̼̘̯̯͋Ẹ̵̹̯̻̞̻͆T̶͓̐̽̐̃͛͗͠ͅ ̵̱̜͚͓͂̐̀̉͂̕M̴̡̜̜͑̒̑̄̉̕͜E̴̯̠͚̹̺̲̩̍ ̶̩̻͇̞̜̲̈͑͌G̶̯̘̟̒̊̈́O̷̱̍̄͒̋.̶̦̟͙̻̲̒͂̈́̈͘͜”
Carlos’ hand went limp for a split second, allowing Liam to charge into the horde, grabbing his hunting knife, letting out a battle cry as he made a bee-line for that one corpse, that goddamn fucking corpse, right at the entrance of the building.
Jill heard Liam’s voice and turned to see him in the middle of the horde, fast approaching the door, and Carlos, frozen in place. She ran up to the man and snapped him out of it.
“What the fuck? I asked you to keep an eye on-” – she started to scold him, until he saw Carlos’ face white as a sheet, looking at her with wide beaded eyes.
The zombies clung onto Liam as he made his way through, his arms and torso scratched and bitten, but he just kept moving forwards as if there was nothing other than him and his target.
He gave a second scream as he launched himself to the corpse he had spotted, making it fall on the ground.
Jill and Carlos started to desperately clear out the horde, gunning the zombies down as fast as they could, they couldn’t see Liam anymore, but could still hear him, loud and clear.
Liam pinned the living corpse’s arms under his knees and stared at it for a second, rage building up in his blood. That face, that fucking face. He gritted his teeth and rose his knife, wielding it with both of his hands, and stabbed his target in the chest, over, and over, and over again.
“You piece of shit!” – and another stab – “After everything you’ve done to me!” – another stab – “You think you can just get out of it the easy way?” – another stab, the corpse’s chest started to lose shape, becoming a mess of mushy flesh and blood.
“Fuck you!” – a stab – “Fuck you, fuck you, FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU!” – he screamed repeatedly as he continued stabbing the chest of the creature that just barely moved underneath him at this point.
Jill and Carlos had finished cleaning out the rest of the zombies, and Liam could hear them fast approaching.
He sat up, his hands bathed in red up past the wrist, and looked down one more time, then let out a pained cry as he delivered a final blow into the undead’s head, killing it for good. Then he sat there, still holding his knife, his face buried in his hands as the other two finally caught up to him.
They looked in horror as they saw Liam heaving out breaths, still on top of the half-rotted, and now horribly mutilated, corpse.
Jill took a closer look and her breath got caught in her throat for a second – “Is that…?” – This is a far cry from what she expected, never in her wildest dreams could she imagine Liam reacting like this.
Liam just grabbed the ID card still attached to the corpse, and handed it to Carlos, never looking up as he wiped his hands on his shirt.
Carlos wiped the blood off the card to be able to read, then gave a defeated sigh – “Nathaniel Flint…” – he said quietly.
Liam’s sudden, pained and loud gasp for air broke the pair out of their shock, now noticing the state of Liam’s arms. Jill fell on her knees, defeated, there were so many bites on him, it was impossible for them to find the vaccine before it was too late, she thought. She buried her face in her hands, concealing the stream of tears that started to run down. Carlos rushed to Liam’s side, panic welding in his stomach, and a heavy knot growing in his throat at the prospect of being forced to see him turn.
He shook all of that off, and fumbled around his pockets to get gauze, his hands shaking.
“Let me… I’m gonna patch you up, and we’re looking for that vaccine, okay?” – he said, in complete denial, his eyes burned from the hot tears welding up in them – “Here, just-” – he reached to grab Liam’s arm and start bandaging it, only for Liam to pull away.
“It’s fine…” – he said quietly. Carlos reached for him again, not listening, which made Liam stand and step away from him – “I’m telling you, it’s fine!” – he yelled, Carlos stood and went for him instantly.
“Liam, please. We still got time!” – he said, holding the other man’s shoulders – “There’s still time, we can-” – but he was interrupted by a low, cynical laugh escaping Liam’s lips.
Jill looked up at them, and noticed Liam’s grip on his knife get stronger, his knuckles going white with pressure.
“How about I just show you?” – Liam said as he took a single step back from Carlos. Jill felt a deep primal fear at those words, and nothing, absolutely nothing could have prepared her, nor Carlos, to what they were about to witness.
Liam lifted his shirt, exposing his stomach, a long old scar dividing it in half, longwise. He proceeded to bite on the lower hem of his shirt, keeping his torso exposed, as he raised his knife in the air.
Then he swung it down into his own stomach.
Their eyes widened and their jaws dropped, their faces twisted in shock and hurt, unable to accept what was happening in front of them, as well as to move a single muscle as Liam rose his knife back up, and stabbed himself yet again, letting out a pained grunt.
Carlos snapped out of it and went closer to Liam, as he delivered a third stab into his gut.
“Stop! Liam-” – he screamed, tears streaming down his face as he grabbed Liam’s wrist before he could stab himself again. Liam struggled to free his wrist for a second, before Carlos wrapped his other arm around him in a tight hug. Grief washed over Liam, and he let the knife slip from his hand as the both of them fell on their knees.
“Why did you do this?” – Carlos sobbed quietly into Liam’s ear; the other man had his arms down on his sides.
“It’s fine…” – he said again.
“ITS NOT FINE!” – Carlos cried out loud, but Liam just calmly put one of his hands on Carlos’ nape, guiding him to look down.
“I’m telling you… it’s fine. Look…” – he said, quietly as he lifted his shirt again, and guided the other man’s hand to touch him. Carlos couldn’t believe his eyes as he wiped away the blood.
There were no wounds, just the scar he had seen a few moments ago, he decided to do the same on Liam’s arms, as he wiped away the blood, he saw none of the bites remained.
Liam finally unbandaged his hands, showing his palms, pristine and unwounded, as if nothing had ever happened to them. Jill crawled closer to them to see; words caught up in her throat as she grabbed one of Liam’s hands.
“What…? How...?” – Carlos breathed out, and Liam broke down.
“I can’t… I can’t die.” – he said as he started sobbing uncontrollably – “I can’t die, Carlos. I can’t die!” – he said as he hunched down, clinging onto Carlos’ shirt for dear life as he cried – “They… He did this to me…” – Carlos could only hold him close, looking into Jill’s eyes, their gazes mirroring their emotions. Liam wailed so loud, as if he was being tortured – “I’m so tired. I can’t take it anymore, I’m so tired… I just want to go…” – he confessed as he cried.
Guilt hung over Carlos as he remembered Liam’s reaction at the realization that he worked for Umbrella. A certain question echoing in the back of his mind over and over.
‘Do you have any idea of how many lives have been destroyed or ruined in the name of your company?’
‘I don’t… And I’m sorry…’
He held Liam closer as he cried with him.
‘I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…’
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shirtlessfelix · 3 years
i've been working on a killer idea where their main power is the ability to animate suits of armor in piles across the map that act as ai like the zombies but can be possessed and controlled like twins. but i got a cute idea from it, so i was hoping i could rq felix, jill, adam, and jake with a killer s/o with this power where one of the armors gives them a little gift mid trial? and when they tell their s/o they go 😳 bc they were thinking about them mid trial? ty if you do! - adam anon
:OOO I like this idea!! Hope you enjoy what I wrote <3 <3
Survivors Receiving Mid-Trial Gifts
~200 words each
Adam: The gift he receives is a book from his childhood, albeit covered in blight and dirt from the Entity. He's nearly moved to tears when he realizes, and a million questions run through his head, but he keeps himself calm so he can finish the trial and think more on it later. He brings it to his partner and asks how they did it, where they got the book, but they don't have any idea.
"I gave this to you? What do you mean?" they ask, and Adam explains that the suit of armor came to life like it did when they controlled it, and the book just appeared in its hands for him. "I thought of when you told me about it... it was so random, I guess... maybe She heard me."
Nevertheless, Adam is grateful and embraces his partner tightly to show his gratitude even though they're not sure they did anything. Still, it feels good that he's is happy about something while they're both deep down in this hellscape, and they're even happier to be a part of it somehow. Adam says he'll clean off the blight and the grime on the book and keep it somewhere no one will find it, so it's just for the two of them to share.
Felix: He's scared half to death when he hears the clanging of the broken down armor suddenly appear behind him, and he talks to his partner thinking that they're possessing it: "I know I should be used to it, honey, but—oh?" It gives him a pocket watch that looks like one his father owned; he doesn't know what to say, but he's confused when his partner doesn't respond. That's when he realizes his partner isn't in there.
Later, Felix gives them the dirty old charm and asks how they got it, but they don't know what he's talking about. "Didn't you give this to me?" he asks. "You did!" His partner explains that sometimes random bits of their conversations come to mind, and they wish they could just spend time with Felix instead of being pressured into killing him.
That still doesn't explain any part of it, though, and the two are left just as confused as they were at the start of their conversation. Felix decides that he'll keep the charm with him all the time, both as a reminder of his father and a keepsake from his partner. Maybe they'll find him again.
Jake: It doesn't startle him too much when his partner pops up behind him, and he's glad that they want to give him a visit in the middle of the trial. "Fancy seeing you here," he smiles, but the grin goes away when they hand him an old toolbox like the one he had at home in his cabin, filled with his old tools. "What? But how..." he starts, unable to find the energy to finish his question when he realizes that his partner has just slashed someone else to the ground. They aren't in the suit.
He thinks about using it, but decides he'll hide it somewhere he can grab it to leave since the tools are in horrible shape. After the trial, he shows his partner, and they get all hyper and freaked out since they were thinking about gifting Jake a toolbox soon, but it seems that their armor had a mind of its own and already did.
Jake and his partner spend a long time cleaning off the tools, revealing small details in them that he remembers clear as day. A chip in the hammer's head, or where he melted the handle of his screwdriver by accident. While the memories of his life weren't exactly grand, he's glad that he can share them.
Jill: She spent some time with her partner in the beginning of the trial, but eventually they went off to perform their duties for the Entity. She still never quite left their mind, and it showed when they hand her a broken, unloaded handgun much like her Beretta. It startles her that they had one in the first place, much less that they gave it to her instead. She asks them why, but there's no response. She decides to ask again later.
"That wasn't me," they tell her, "I don't know what happened." But she doesn't believe them, and she's only upset that she can't use it to kill that bastard bioweapon once and for all, and one or two of the other killers while she's at it. She becomes determined to fix it and to find something to use as ammunition, but her partner tells her that it's a bad idea to try. Maybe they're right.
Regardless, she tells her partner hours of stories that they'd never asked about but that they're drawn to anyway, and they also start to wish she could get rid of the Nemesis down here. Jill likes to imagine a world without him, and her partner likes to listen.
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schraubd · 3 years
Should I PlagueWatch It?: Series Finale!
In March 2020, I inaugurated on this blog what I said "may but hopefully won't(?) become an ongoing series": Should I PlagueWatch It? Basically, it took the thing Jill and I do best -- watch TV -- and offered our recommendations for what you should watch to get you through the pandemic.
Over a year later, Should I PlagueWatch It? did, indeed, become a series. In addition to the first entry -- HBO's Avenue 5 -- I also did entries on Gentleman Jack, Marvel's Runaways, Alpha House, Never Have I Ever, Jelle's Marble Runs, Making the Cut, and a "roundup" post that covered Billions, Insecure, Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Ultimate Tag, Titan Games, and Holey Moley.
But now, it feels we're finally closing the chapter on the pandemic. Jill and I are vaccinated, my parents came to visit this past weekend, we're seeing friends, the CDC says we can go unmasked. It seems, alas, that all good things must come to an end. And while the pandemic itself is certainly not a good thing, some of us may be feeling a bit bittersweet at the prospect of being expected to interact with other humans rather than sit around and watch Netflix all day.
So to wrap up the series, one more omnibus "quick hits" review of all the shows we PlagueWatched that haven't yet gotten their own entry.
* * * Mild spoilers * * *
Blown Away
Reality TV can be wonderful in its formulaicness. Take a random hobby, find ten people who are pretty good at it, dangle $50,000 in front of them, and bang, you've got a competition show. This one's about glass blowing. I know nothing about glass blowing, but the competitors seem pretty talented to me?
I was impressed at how versatile a medium glass is. I worried when I started the show that the challenges would end up being pretty one note (how many vases can one make?). But the competitors actually made a lot of really cool material!
There's a lot of running and swinging and flailing given that they're handling molten-hot material.  It stressed me out. Also, apparently "glory holes" are an essential part of glass blowing, and nobody made a joke about it.
This show is definitely more in the "everyone likes and supports one another" mold of reality TV compared to the "constant cat fights and 'I'm not here to make friends'" mold. No judgment, just letting you know what to expect.
A Netflix series about a young college student with no sexual experience who decides she needs to develop an app to optimize the female orgasm. It's not the most innovative concept, but it works well enough.
Of the core trio, my favorite character is Paulina -- the religious Catholic best-friend who is having (bad) sex with her fiancé and feels guilty about even that sin. She does a lot of great expressive work and has some superb character beats (her popcorn addiction -- just casually munching away while watching porn). 
Speaking of Paulina, at the outset I told Jill she looked like someone and Jill's first guess was "a plainer Emily Blunt" (that's not an insult -- who isn't plainer than Emily Blunt?). It wasn't who I was thinking of, and soon I realized the answer was like six women I've known over the years. So maybe "plainer Emily Blunt" is a more common face than I realized?
The show is in Polish (with subtitles), and I'm very proud that I managed to identify the language as Polish right away (I do not speak a word of Polish).
The musical motif for the show combines one of the catchiest guitar riffs I've ever heard with a sample loop of a woman's sex moans. It fits the show perfectly, but it's a bit awkward to listen to on its own.
You shouldn't need me to tell you about this show. It's good, but my hottest take -- and I stand by it -- is that as an exploration of grief Never Have I Ever does it better and it's not close.
Can we concede that Wanda is the unambiguous villain of the show? With only the barest shift in perspective, Wanda could be the nemesis with an admittedly sympathetic motive. To some extent, I think the show was far too forgiving of her. Motives aside, how different is she from Kilgrave on Jessica Jones?
Poor Emma Caulfield. So much build-up for her character, and it's only a head-fake.
Space Force
I liked it. It's not in the most elite of the elite comedies, and maybe that's the standard when Steve Carrell is the lead, but it was quite funny. That said, I keep on almost forgetting that I watched it, and have no substantive commentary to offer. So take from that what you will.
AOC lookalike alert (the character even gets the nickname AYC -- "Angry Young Congresswoman")!
Mythic Quest
I love that Ubisoft is actually involved in the show (which is set at a game studio producing a popular massively multiplayer online RPG).
Surprisingly, given my love affair with Community, Danny Pudi is one of the least interesting characters on the show.
The actress who plays Poppy isn't the very strongest (though she's improving), but Poppy herself may be my favorite character. Of course, everyone knows I'm a sucker for an Australian accent.
The show has some great characters in side parts who don't get enough attention, like Sue the community manager and Carol the HR director. Also, Aparna Nancherla has a small recurring role in the first season and apparently doesn't come back for season two? I don't get why she keeps getting sidelined like this -- she's funnier than the rest of the cast put together.
Ted Lasso
Good, sweet, endearing, fun. British soccer comedies with heart are a winner for me (Bend It Like Beckham, anyone?).
Ted's estranged wife is played by the same actress who plays Linda in Better Off Ted. This was very strange, though admittedly I'm probably the only person who cared enough about Better Off Ted to notice or care.
Dashing gentleman thief who's always a step ahead of his adversaries, except maybe the one nemesis who actually can match him step for step in a constant cat-and-mouse game? Look, it's a cliché for a reason. I'm not going to say Lupin breaks the mold, but it certainly is a well-crafted entry into the mold.
If there is anything innovative, it's how Lupin particularly leverages stereotypes about race and class to maneuver more freely in certain spaces (e.g., he can smuggle himself into prison because the guards can't tell him apart from another inmate -- sad commentary, but useful for Lupin!).
It did do something I hate, which is release "half a season" and just leave the audience hanging at the end. Maybe it was the pandemic's fault, but one could really feel its incompleteness.
Kim's Convenience
Of the Canadian shows I've been watching, I'd say Working Moms (not in this post because it is pre-pandemic) is the stronger of the two. But this is fun as well.
It just got cancelled, unfortunately depriving it of the chance to wrap up its single greatest storyline (that's been ongoing since season one). That's a real, real shame.
Simu Liu as Jung is the latest iteration of the Jason Mendoza trend of "dumb male Asian hottie leads". I guess it's a blow against stereotypes?
Pastor Nina also could be an AOC lookalike. I think the show struggled a bit to draw a bead on her character.
I actually mentioned this show in my post about Jelle's Marble Runs, but it is such a joy to watch. I can't wait for season two, which is dropping very soon. For pure, simple, uncomplicated happiness, Legomasters beats out everything on this list.
via The Debate Link https://ift.tt/3yamzYb
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code-verxnica · 3 years
Brad babysitting Claire
Despite the fact Claire isn’t even a kid anymore
akdkwjdje Brad just watches as Claire slides down the main hall stairs on some plaque that the Chief received from the Mayor
I actually had a similar idea I was working on with Chloe and was going to keep it as a surprise but yeehaw!
So it was a What If? scenario where Brad isn’t attacked by Nemesis and instead makes into the RPD but is split up from Jill (basing this off of the OG where Jill goes to the RPD not Carlos) So he ends up staying behind trying to help out Marvin who’s injured (not sure if I want him to be infected or just injured)
A day after he loses contact with Jill, Brad is wandering around the Station looking for a first aid kit that hasn’t been picked clean, when he hears someone crying for help. He runs back to the main hall and finds Marvin pulling a young girl away from a zombie that grabbed her leg
When he got closer to them, Brad recognized her almost immediately
“Please don’t call me that- wait...WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!”
So then we get the whole “I’m looking for Chris” part of the story and Brad decides that he’s going to help Claire get out of RC (Chris would kill him if something happened to her)
Time passes and the semi chaotic duo eventually makes it to the basement of the RPD, where the run into Sunshine Incarnate, Miss Sherry B.
Brad doesn’t care that he’s scared out of his mind, will do whatever he can to protect both girls
Goes after Irons when he punches Claire and takes Sherry, gives Sherry a piggy back while in the sewers, helps administer the vaccine to Sherry, hell he even snaps at Annette
Brad is walking out of RC with Claire, Sherry and Leon. He is determined to help in the fight against Umbrella. For them
PS: Brad taught Sherry everything he knows about computers and Sherry calls him Uncle Brad :>
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First time he...
So naughty headcanon. Carlos finally goes down on Jill, because the man loves her. Loved her since she drove off the fucking parking garage and into Nemesis. Anyways, it’s long. Tell me what you think--
So the first time that Carlos does go down on Jill, it’s emotional. Not for him in the sense, I mean he enjoys what he’s able to do for Jill and wants her to feel amazing!! More so for Jill. Jill isn’t one to have one night stands, she’s not one to hop into relationships easily. She’s a woman who is a military veteran, she’s former RPD, and member of S.T.A.R.S. All of that leaves her with a lot of emotional scars, and mental trauma from what she’s lived through and seen. She’s also very self reliant and independent. So when it comes to something like oral sex being performed on her, she’s resistant to the idea. She’s been through Hell and back, and is Supercop! As much as she is incredibly brave, and tough; these things never come without consequences. So, she’s self-conscious. 
Getting her to confess her attraction and feelings to Carlos was one thing! Letting him travel down her body with slow kisses, while making sure she is okay is a total different creature! 
(Small moment of appreciating our boy Carlos, and respecting Jill’s obvious lack of consent, and when she gives him consent. He is beautiful and I’ll fight Nemesis myself for him to be happy with Jill.)
Back on topic. When Jill finally lets Carlos go down on her, it’s when they are dating. Sex has been great, sure. But, Carlos is a smart man and he knows that she still has her guard up. She’s waiting for the world to implode, and for everything to come crashing down around them. He approaches that he’d like to satisfy her gently. He has seen it in her blue eyes how quickly she can shut herself down to the ideas of pleasure, and when she is not totally in control. It’s something that frightens her, and also means she’s vulnerable to someone else. Which let’s face it- Jill hates being vulnerable and feeling like she can’t immediately protect herself. It’s when it’s at night, and they are cuddled in bed that he asks her. He wants her to be when she’s most relaxed, and less likely to try and find a reason to deny herself anything that is meant to give her that pleasure. She deserves to feel beautiful, and to know he thinks she’s beautiful even if she doesn’t believe that she is worthy. Despite the fact she’s saved him, and she was the one to come crashing into his life (literally!) She deserves everything, and he wants to give her that. 
Our boy Carlos has planned this out! When she starts to say no, and become self-conscious to the whole idea he assures her. “Jill. It’s us. It’s only us. You can trust me. You tell me to stop, and I’ll stop,” He may or may not have used those big honey-ember colored eyes on her. 
She finally agrees to it, repeating his words, “You’ll stop if I tell you to stop?” There is fear in her words. It’s not over the fact that he’ll not stop, but there’s more to this than just the simple act of oral sex and pleasure. This is trust. This is allowing for him to do something for her with nothing expected in return. He simply wants for her to feel good, to disarm her thoughts of having to always keep herself guarded and protected. It’s a sense of vulnerability and allowing that to happen! 
He’s slow, he starts with kissing her. It’s sweet and gentle, granted he’s damn near shaking with anticipation and excitement. It’s a kiss that is slow, where he feels her sigh, and muscles relax beneath him. When he finally moves away from her lips, he’s along her jaw, her neck. He’s touching her body gently. Over each scar his fingertips travel, each hard corded muscle she’s earned through training. There is absolutely no rush in what he’s doing. Carlos KNOWS if he dares to go faster than what she anticipates, this will be last chance he gets to show her how absolutely much he loves her. He has an almost laziness when he removes her shirt, he doesn’t rip it off her as fast as he can. He helps to take it off her like it truly is no big deal, it’s just one of his shirts, nothing to be alarmed about seeing her naked skin and breasts. She’s beautiful, even when she is already ramping up to become defensive, and hide herself. 
He assures her with nuzzling her breast, rubbing his cheek and face along her skin that it’s okay. “Breathe. It’s just us. Dogs are asleep, neighborhood is safe, no one is coming. You and me. There you go,” he’s really calm, and he only goes further when he feels her release a shaking breath, fully. When she does, he’s gentle along her nipples. Fingertips brushing back and forth slow stimulation, again nothing rushed. He watches how she reacts to that alone; deep breaths adjusting against him, soft pink flush spreading across her chest, her face, and the rest of the body. When he sees that she’s responding without resistance to that, or showing that she’s not afraid he then gentle uses his tongue and lips along her nipples. 
Languid. Slow. He has all the time in the world, he wants her to be relaxed and ready. He doesn’t move from one breast till he feels her arching up against him, and feels the pressure of her breast being pushed towards his mouth. That’s when he slowly crawls over to the next one. Jill is ticklish, and fuck she hates it. But, he does like to watch the faint squirm when his dark prickly beard rubs against her skin, and hears her protesting moan. 
“That tickles...” she’s breathy, but she’s not pushing him off and she’s responding positively. 
Carlos always grins when he hears this. She knows. He finds it endearing when she reacts in such a way. He doesn’t continue it, he doesn’t need to irritate her, he simply wants her to enjoy it. Onto the next nipple he goes. When he’s through with that nipple, he earns a sighed moan. She’s not fully allowing herself to experience all the pleasures that he wants for her to have. But! He earned a moan, even though it was a sigh and not fully released as she’s trying to keep control over herself; it was something. 
Carlos moves down along her belly, it’s with soft kisses, never anything sloppy and wet. He’s not a dog, he’s not going to lap at her like some mongrel. She’s delicious, and beautiful! He’s going to enjoy himself like this is the last feast he shall ever have. When he is around her hips, he doesn’t remove her panties immediately. He’s waiting for the invitation, for her willingness of lifting her hips up to him. So, for the moment he simply spends time rubbing at her thighs, at her hips, running his fingers delicately up from her knees to the point of her pelvis. He’s watching her legs, and the way her belly rises and falls with each breath. Each breath she takes is a little deeper, little more ragged and she’s starting to squirm a bit impatiently. It’s good though; her face is flushed and eyes are becoming intoxicated with vulnerable pleasure. So again he goes, up and down from her knees to her hips, slowly inching his way along to her inner thigh. Even then along that soft flesh he doesn’t give her what she’s desperately wanting. This is not simply fucking, this is not having routine sex. This is so much more for him, this is so much more for her. She’s starting to show reluctant release of control, and he’s relishing in it! 
Oh Carlos, you’re hopeless! Because he really does make sure to drive her senses wild! Up along from mid thigh, to almost touching where she’s wet and ready for him. Building that anticipation, building that desire to be further touched, and building that irritation that he doesn’t quite give her what she wants. It’s delectable! It’s evil! God she’s so beautiful to him when he watches how she takes a breath, and is squirming under him. Good! She’s showing further willingness and he keeps going. He keeps teasing, he keeps building that anticipation that mounts higher and higher. Up and down again, along her hips he follows and repeats the slow circle, then to the next thigh that he had been ignoring.
Jill’s starting to find her mind a mess of emotions. She’s impatient, she’s enjoying herself, she’s pissed, oh God don’t stop, get to the point- it’s a cocktail mixture of everything building up in her mind and she can’t pick which one to stick with. She’s moaning a little easier now, little fuller and deeper. She’s almost bashful with opening her eyes, and turning her gaze down onto him. It’s that sense of vulnerability and allowing herself to trust his intentions and not find her broken. It’s allowing herself to be in that moment, and feel everything that is happening in that moment. Not the next moment, not the moment before that. Just at the present moment when it’s simply her and him. There’s something about that which truly disarms her, and is almost terrifying. She’s not in control of her body’s response, and that pisses her off! Maybe it’s the way he looks up at her, his cheek resting lazily along her thigh, eyes drunkenly in love and full of fiery desire. Maybe it’s because she doesn’t want him to stop, and that’s equally as scary. 
And again goes his fingers, guiding and brushing up along her inner thigh higher this time... but not quite the sweet spot! Jill is writhing and twitching. She’s moving her hips, trying to physically and non-verbally demand him to touch her. He won’t. He’s not going to yet, though he knows if he did, he’d find out how wet she is and yearning for him. That alone is so powerful and arousing for him. That he can cause this, that he makes her want him and only him. That she’s gifted him this moment and time where he can express his love on her, and damnit! This is the perfect time to take all the sweet ass time in the world. Finally though he does relent, and he brushes his fingers up along her. She’s wet through her panties, and she’s gasping and she mewls in delight. Fuck- that’s hot! He doesn’t take her panties off yet, nah, friction and that building again of intimate anticipation. He’s watching her, waiting for her to lift her hips and to hear a moan that tells him to please take off those soaked panties! 
Jill’s still fighting for mental control over herself. Never has she found herself to feel this good, not till she met and has been with Carlos. He’s pressing into her, fingers guiding over the texture of cotton panties, and always not quite there. She wants this to be over with, experience that high, then roll away and allow herself to feel guilty that she could enjoy herself so fully. But no, he won’t let her. Again there is the pressure of his index finger and middle finger, following up along her, pressing in at her clit and then moving away. Slow, and leisurely. God damnit! She’s so impatient, and she wants more. He won’t give it to her, yet. There’s something about feeling his breath hot across the inside of her thighs, and the scratching of his dark beard that almost undoes her. He’s so close, and she is so vulnerable and feels as if she’s on fire! So many damn emotions, so many thoughts that she finds them all muddled. She has her eyes closed, she can’t bear to open her eyes and look down at him. What’s more irritating for her, she feels her lashes are wet with tears. I promise you this! She’s not going to shed a god damn tear... so she keeps those eyes closed- for now! But when she feels him again blowing air gently along her thighs, and over where his fingers had been rubbing- she finally lifts up her hips. 
Carlos has to push her hands away from her panties; he wants to be the one to unwrap his present, to show himself what he’s been waiting for. He sits back on his knees and helps to slide her panties over her leg, and even helps guiding her feet through. She’s naked before him, flushed, and squirming. Beautiful. Perfect. She’s made for him, and fuck he couldn’t be any harder than he already is. He’s still in his sweats. He doesn’t sleep in a shirt since usually irritates him and at some point in the night he’d just end up taking it off. But there’s something primal, and raw with her being naked and allowing him to view her in a soft light. He sees her not as a survivor, broken, or a fighter. He sees only Her. All her flaws. All her perfections. He’s hungry. 
When I said earlier that he was shaking with excitement, Carlos is damn near an earthquake at this point! He’s so fucking excited, he’s so hard, he wants her to scream his name and pull his hair! But, he’s slow with his approach when he does begin to shoulder his way between her thighs. Correction he doesn’t “shoulder” himself between her thighs. He settles himself comfortably between, and drapes her calves over his broad shoulders. He’s watching her again, waiting for her to shut this shit down! He rubs the outside of her thighs, gently. 
“Is this okay?” He wants to make sure she’s comfortable. There’s something about it though that sets fire to his soul when he hears her say yes. It’s not yeah, it’s not sure- it’s yes! 
When he watches her laying back a little more heavily into the pillows, her head rolling back and forth and her body arching beneath him it does something to him. He wants her to feel this constantly. He wants her to know how he will think on this moment forever. She’s quivering, and her eyes are shut. She’s grasping onto the fitted sheet beneath her, and her legs are flexing against his shoulders. He’s doing this to her, and god damn, this was what he was meant for. 
Carlos doesn’t want to shock her yet, he doesn’t want to surprise her to a point where she reels back from him. First it’s his fingers testing her. It’s a god damn compliment that she’s so wet for him, that he made her this wet! He has to stop himself from beginning his feast to feed his soul. It takes so much control to keep him from diving forward into her. He uses his index finger to gently follow along her lips, up and down gentle, not yet pushing. He gets to feel her skin, he gets to feel how slick she is before he presses closer. How she moans? He’s never heard something so beautiful before. Raw, aching, and coming from her lips? He caused that, and he wants to hear that sound again! He pushes past her lips, and is against her clit, a slow circle that is soft and light along that sensitive nub. There’s that moan again! How the fire within him burns hotter when he hears it! 
He spends time there, slow circles that switch back and forth. Over his shoulders he feels her legs twitching, slightest pressure from her calves that urge him closer. He defies her from that, and wants to watch how she breathes, and how her head rolls back into the pillow. He leaves her clit alone, and again allows his fingers to run along her, gentle and exploring her far more than he ever has been able to. She’s beautiful, ever god damn inch. Every scar, every small bump of cellulite, every part of her that isn’t perfect with an even complexion. She’s a work of fucking art, god he’s lucky! So god damn lucky to be between her thighs, and have her trust. 
He teases at her entrance with his fingers, slight pressure as if he’s going to penetrate her. But, he never does. It’s there, and gone. Almost-almost! Then he draws away. She’s irritated, in a delicious way. That makes him grin watching her sighing impatiently. Her hands releasing and gripping the sheet again, and again. It’s a slow torture he wants her to have, and to be left shaking after. Again his fingers are there, pressure that almost pushes his index finger into her shaking core. Away he goes again. 
“Please,” she begs. That- fuck he thought the moans were beautiful, that could have had him undone himself! But, who is he to deny a lady?
He slips a finger inside her, slowly coaxing her with a bent motion. Come hither, my love. He wants it said through his fingers, and it’s heard. She does. She’s pushing her hips up towards him, her thighs are tightening on his shoulder. She’s soaking his finger that is bent inward to her, slowly moving, watching each emotion come undone on her face. Slowly he pushes two fingers into her, and the moans and gasps are truly heaven sent! He’s the maestro of this orchestra of sounds he causes from her. He conducts the symphony that has never sounded so sweet, and so beautiful before. He’s turning his wrist, his drawing art inside her soul. He’s creating something to be branded to his soul to follow him forever. He is the artist, and she’s the art that he watches come to life. God damn she’s beautiful. 
When he feels her muscles constricting around his fingers, beginning to quiver at hinted orgasm; he withdraws his fingers. There is a huff from Jill. She’s irritated! She was wanting that release, and he denies her that?! It’s cute to Carlos to watch her eyes open, and stare up at the ceiling ready to say something sarcastic to him. He doesn’t even want to allow her that to be had. Nah, he’s going to deny her that comment that is at the tip of her tongue. Because he’s going to rob her senses, and her mind with the tip of his tongue. Finally he gets to taste the decadent dessert that is waiting for him. It’s the tip of his tongue drawing from her core up to her clit. Jill was ready to say something, but it’s totally gone! Her mind has been erased, and she’s arching almost violently upward. 
On Carlos’s tongue she’s sweet, far sweeter than any honey or wine he’s ever had. Watching her body writhe, an her eyes fall shut is utterly insane. He’s causing this, he’s doing this to her, and he wants to watch her come undone. He wants her to release all frustrations against his mouth, and on his tongue. He wants for her to moan only his name. Again he delves into her with his tongue, and she’s gasping as if she finally broke the waters surface and can draw breath. It’s a violent delight to feel her beneath him, her legs clamping tighter to his shoulders, and able to taste what is his. He finally is upon her with his mouth. His beard irritates her skin, and his lips are speaking a foreign language that is only meant for her. 
It’s against her clit, it’s against her aching entrance to her soul, it’s along lips that are tormented with his cheeks that brush his facial hair against her. It’s his fingers coaxing her open, and helping to draw patterns along her. Further he explores, the further she’s lost. He’ll guide her from being lost. He growls in such appreciation when her hands are in his hair, finger tight in his dark lazy curls. She’s utterly helpless, and beautiful. She’s tensing against him, she’s pushing her hips to his face, and her legs are tight on his shoulders. He growls when she racks her nails across his scalp, and is panting. He teases her with his tongue penetrating into her, wanting more of a feast that is indescribable. He’s utterly lost to her. Jill Valentine claims his soul, his heart, his life. He can’t even begin to find rational thought to how she feels when she’s closer. He’s suckling at her, he’s teasing her with flicks of his tongue, he’s speaking to her in silence against her. He’s telling her how much he loves her, that she can do this, she can trust him. She’s replying with each moan, each shattering gasp that crashes through her. He wants this for her, and he wants for her to experience all of it. 
“C-Carlos!” There. That’s it. He hears his name from her lips, so desperate, and ready. So open and trusting, so vulnerable and broken. 
He guides her through it, his mouth is along her clit, and his fingers are inside her helping. He’s coaxing it out of her when he feels it. Had heaven and earth ever been moved, then it truly was thrown out of existence. She’s crying out! Her hands grasp tight to his hair, and her legs lock around the back of his shoulders. He feels her along his fingers, fluttering muscles that come in waves. He feels it with her hips pushed to him, and the throbbing pulse that runs through her. 
Jill, oh poor Jill. She sees white. Her whole body attacks her senses. She can’t fight the tears any longer, theys pill from between her lashes. She’s gasping, she’s moaning, she’s trying to keep the sob from erupting from her chest. She’s never felt herself crashing through existence, and writhing so deliciously. She’s never felt her body catch fire in a way that leaves her suddenly addicted. Fuck- she can’t even think, or form words besides Carlos’s name. She’s not sure what time, year, or moment it is. Only that she’s totally unraveled beneath him, and she’s shaking. She’s overstimulated, she’s hurting, and she feels amazing. Slowly she begins to climb down from the mountain peak that she reached. She can finally see through the white haze that had blinded her, and she finds herself trembling uncontrollably. 
Carlos slowly withdraws from being between her legs. He thought he had been ready for that, but god was he wrong. That was more than he ever thought of. He kisses her thigh, and slowly rises to be beside her, his hand on her belly. He draws their comforter over them both, holding her close. He sees the damp tears on her face, and waits for her to open her eyes to look at him. When she does, they are lost. They are searching, and he kisses her slowly. Still the taste of her is on his lips, and tongue. She’s flushed and she moves closer to him. 
He wants nothing in return, he wants for her to find her way back to earth, and in his arms. He holds her as she clings to him with her head on her chest. He’s silent. There’s nothing to say, though he wants to tell her in such detail how much he loves her, but for the moment, silence is all that they need. He could stay there like that forever, damn he’s tempted to. 
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sick-raven · 4 years
Flying Off - Jill/Nicholai fanfic
Jill finally has a chance to leave for Europe. However, she meets unexpected person on the plane.
This time it’s not dirty fanfic. Just Jill and Nicholai hate-talking each other.
You can also read on AO3
Flying Off
First months after Raccoon City Jill Valentine went through series of tests, interrogations and long period of sleepless nights. Carlos was good backup during these tiring times, but her plan stayed the same since day one. At the first possible time gather up all the evidence and run to Europe – it’s far enough from Umbrella’s influence and most importantly the place where Chris is already waiting working on taking the corporation down. She knew that together they can put an end to this chaos.
At the moments like this, when her memories jogged back to those late September days, she regretted a lot. Most of the evidence of Umbrella’s research burned together with her apartment. Anything else turned to ashes after the city was wiped out. The one viable source of information she left there to die. All that was left was broken vial from the antivirus she kept secret from the government.
The same vial now hidden as she sat down in the plane finally leaving this continent. Running to Chris. Undercover, with hope that nobody is following her. She didn’t trust anyone back there. Any scientist, lawyer, police officer, general, politician – they all could have been in Umbrella’s pocket. She will pick her own scientist to check if there are any traces of antivirus left. There was already a young rookie scientist on her mind.
The plane took off, once in the air she sighed in relief. The clouds outside seemed so peaceful and watching them just flow in the air was relaxing. It felt as if she left the hell behind and went towards something better now. Others were waiting. As if the all heaviness fell off her shoulders, she closed her eyes and let herself rest.
Heavy body falling next to her shook her awake. She felt a pressure down her ribs that forced her back to her seat. The tip of a knife was touching her side.
“It’s been long time, hasn’t it, Miss Valentine?”
She must have been dreaming. Nicholai was sitting next to her with all knowing smirk on his face. But he died. Raccoon City took him with a blast. She left him there on the airport to eat his sins. Fuck!
“I wouldn’t do that.” The pain in her side stopped her. She was ready to punch his neck. Attack first, ask questions later, but she recalculated. It looked like nobody has noticed this little theatre. Focus, Jill. Nicholai’s hand was hidden under a jacket he threw over it like a blanket. He was here alone; nobody knew about his little endeavour.
Plain clothes, like any other traveller. Just strong arms showing under the t-shirt gave away that he might be a soldier.
“Surprised to see me?” The shit-eating grin showed how much he enjoyed this situation.
“I am used to bastards not dying when you want them to,” she replied coldly. “It’s hard to kill cockroaches.”
Puff of air came of his mouth in short laughter. “Give me the vial, miss Valentine, and I will leave you unharmed.”
“Or what? You will kill me here in front of all those people?” she smirked. “I don’t think so.”
“I’m a patient man. I can sit for hours and wait for the plane to land. Everyone will leave and then in one fast stab you will be no more.” He wasn’t bluffing, he whispered to her with resolution as if taking someone’s life was everyday deal for him. Let’s face it, it probably was. He wasn’t afraid to sacrifice his co-workers for money. His hands were covered in blood. “Or you might think of asking for help, screaming. Do you know how far we are? Not enough, the closest airport is back there in States. In the case of emergency landing, they will have to turn it around and you will be back there, with Umbrella waiting for you.”
Jill tried to stay calm. Calculating this situation wasn’t in her favour. She needed to play it smart. The flight was long.
“Everything in order?”
Jill looked up at the flying attendant smiling at them.
“Yes, thank you,” Nicholai shunned her.
“Actually,” Jill said at the same time and leaned towards the flying attendant. The knife grazed her side. “I would love some coffee.”
“Milk or sugar?”
“Black, please.”
Carefully she took the coffee and brought it just so close in front of Nicholai’s face to her side of the seats. He stopped breathing for a short second and Jill took it as a little victory. Back in Raccoon City she showed him she can be ruthless just like him. The thought of spilling the hot liquid on him crossed her mind but causing fight on the flight wouldn’t be worth it.
However, she wasn’t finished with dismissing Nicholai’s threats.
“Thank you, you are a sweetheart,” she said to the flying attendant and shot her a smile. She smiled back and went to attend others. Jill took a sip of the coffee; hot liquid burned the tip of her tongue.
“I don’t think I caught what you want,” she finally turned her attention back to Nicholai.
“The vial with the antivirus.”
“You mean the antivirus you destroyed?” annoyance entered her voice. She gulped the coffee just to get hold of herself, but that scene kept coming back to her. They could have saved the city, they would have means to fight any other possible outbreak and this son-of-a-bitch took it away from them.
“Umbrella wants all the evidence gone.”
“I don’t have it.”
He smiled again – showing his teeth, looking like a wild animal ready to jump at her neck. Jill tried to find some information about this guy, all she got was hearsay and fantastic stories. And a nickname – Silver wolf. Just like a wolf he could sink his teeth into her flesh. Let him choke.
“Don’t lie to me, miss Valentine.”
“Check for yourself.” She nodded towards the overhead shelf with her bag.
“I already did when you were taking your little nap.”
“Then you know I don’t have it.”
He rested his elbow on the armrest between them and leaned closer. His breath smelled of coffee and mint, very different from back in Raccoon where everything smelled like blood and sweat. She felt it on her skin, she just kept drinking avoiding eye contact.
“You are not stupid; you are bringing it to Europe. You either have it on your person or in the luggage.”
“You are right, I am not stupid. I am not telling you shit. Now, if you’ll excuse me.” In one swift movement – and she deserved slight pinch in her side – she took out a book out of her handbag. Then she threw the bag into Nicholai’s lap. “Suit yourself.”
Nicholai watched her, baring his teeth. She just turned the pages focused on the text. As if he was nothing but a little annoyance. Not a wolf but a fly, buzzing but harming no-one. No threat, no pack.
After short check he threw the handbag under her feet. “Listen-“ he started but raised finger stopped him. Jill finished a paragraph and looked at him over the cover.
“Do you have something important to say?”
“The vial-“
“That conversation is over. Now, I want to finish this book before I am stabbed to death, thank you very much.”
There was a silence for maybe five pages. Tip of the knife scratched her ribs as she was breathing, she tried to not pay attention to it, but felt droplets of blood running on her side.
“I see you like to play games.” His voice sounded so close, she flinched. Nicholai was leaning right to her ear. “Just like you did in that train.”
The train. She almost forgot – it was heat of the moment, way to release stress from the situation they were in. Constantly followed, hurt, all she wanted was to forget for a second about Nemesis looking for her and the giant target on her back. She didn’t trust him then, but it was before he turned out to be greedy bastard.
The sex was good, but nothing to keep in memory.
She turned a page. Nicholai boasted about his patience, but her indifference apparently drove him mad. Maybe he was used to people bargaining or trying to talk their way out of this. Or maybe he was projecting because he sure loved to hear himself talk.
“I wonder why is Umbrella so afraid of you. You weren’t even brave enough to shoot me.”
With a sigh she closed the book. “You are right, I could’ve shot you back in Raccoon City. But seeing you beg for your life was much more entertaining.” She hit the spot. If the hatred had physical manifestation it would be Nicholai right now. Grinning, she continued to poke his nerve. “What a strong ruthless man you are, begging for your life like a baby. I will pay you anything, let me go with you, miss Valentine,” she mocked.
“Don’t play with me.”
“You said it yourself, I love to play games. Let’s play this one. You want the vial? Beg for it.”
Facing each other so close Nicholai became only thing in her field of vision. Jaw clenched in anger, his eyes spiking through her. His Adam’s apple rose as he swallowed.
“You forgot who has the knife,” Nicholai hissed.
“I see.” Back to the book it was. Even without looking at him the mood changed fast. The frustration hanged in the air with familiar smell of sweat, anger and cheap cologne. If felt like blood rushing on her side, ashes in her mouth from the Raccoon City and pain. The knife meant nothing, the memory meant nothing, the anger couldn’t get her to cooperate. She knew that and Nicholai knew that too.
“It seems I underestimated the situation again. You cooperate much better when someone your love is on the line.” Fear joined the emotional party in her, but she shunned it – Nicholai had nothing. He was just trying to get reaction out of her. “I guess I will have to use the old good methods.”
The knife moved. It didn’t cut, just slid on her skin, from her side towards centre of her chest. He rested it there for a while, she felt the blade against her heart. It stung her every time she breathed in. Jill clenched her teeth.
“Still nothing?”
“I still didn’t hear you say please.”
It took second. Nicholai pushed on the knife. Jill grabbed his wristed and yanked the hand away. She felt the blade cutting her slightly. She twisted his wrist, the knife fell on the ground. Nicholai attacked her, his elbow hit her temple. The force sent her to the window, where she hit her head again. Pain spiked through her skull, but it was nothing next to what Nemesis did to her in Raccoon City. She kicked the knife, it slid under next set of seats and disappeared from her sight.
At the same time Nicholai tried to grab for the knife. She caught his arm and forced him back to the seat. He pushed against her but stopped.
“Everything okay?” asked the flight attendant who walked to them.
Jill put on the most charming smile. “Yes, everything is perfect.”
“You have something on your shirt.”
Jill looked down. Where Nicholai cut her, the shirt got stuck to her skin and bloody. She grabbed his jacket and dressed herself to hide the blood. “Hot dog accident at the airport, I am clumsy.”
The flight attendant wasn’t very convinced of their play.
“I am sorry for disturbing the flight. It will never happen again, right, Nicholai?” Jill turned to her foe. He smiled too, more annoyed grimace than anything else.
“Right. Apologies.”
The flight attendant left them alone. Jill watched after her, she saw her talking to others and pointing their way. “If they turn the flight because of you, I will kill you,” she hissed at Nicholai.
“Suits me just fine.”
“So, are they paying you to get the vile or kill me too?”
“No, you are more worth alive. You can bring them to others to get rid of you one by one,” Nicholai answered.
“You’ve been stalking me. That’s how you know about the vile.”
“Of course. You took it out of Raccoon city. Then you never handed it in. I knew you had to have it.”
Jill raised her eyebrows. “You were the only one who knew about it. Nobody else knew anything about me bringing it along. You told Umbrella so they send you after me. You did this on purpose.”
“Every little detail means a lot more dollars.”
“And you got this job by accident,” she said mockingly.
“Oh no, I wanted to see you again.” The tone in what he said it bit morrow in her bones. So cold, but it missed the hatred she’d expect after everything. Nicholai was looking her over, she felt similar feeling she did back in the train. He was good looking, she had to give him that. And his strong arms…
She had to grin at herself for thinking like that. “To get revenge.”
“To get anything. And the vial.”
Jill shook her head. Why was she the type people will stalk? First the monster, now him. In a way, it felt great. When it didn’t steal her sleep, when it didn’t endanger her life, when it didn’t destroy chances of the whole city to live – then it felt great to be wanted. Negatives just outweighed the positives too much. And it made her feel guilty when she caught only positives for a brief moment.
No, she is not doing him any favours. But she still wanted to see him dumbfounded.
“The vial. Is that really only thing you will talk about? Okay, I will tell you where is the vile. My conditions haven’t changed. Say please.”
“You are ridiculous,” he scoffed.
She leaned to him again looking him straight in the eyes. “Maybe. I just really want to see you desperate again. Come on. It’s a lot of money for a simple word.”
Nicholas tilted his head on a side and looked somewhere behind her. He scoffed again, fighting with himself over a stupid word. Jill’s smile grew wider, soon she was grinning, teeth out, his struggle was entertaining to watch.
“Alright,” he finally looked at her. “Please, miss Valentine, will you tell me about the vial.” Poison was dripping from every word. Jill chuckled and leaned right next to his ear, her lips touched his skin for a brief second.
“It’s not here.”
“What?” he hissed.
“You said it yourself, you knew my every step. And I knew Umbrella was following me. I never boarder the plane with the vile.”
Nicholas frowned; Jill kept smiling.
“It’s already in Europe, I send it via post, undercover, long time ago. If Umbrella didn’t catch the package, you will never get your hands on the vial.”
Nicholas sighed and got up. “Then I have no business with you.”
“Oh, not gonna kill me?”
He shrugged. “You lost my knife. The jacket, please.”
Jill already had her book open again. “No, that’s mine now, you ruined my shirt.”
Nicholas shifted his weight. “I will be back for it.”
“I’ll be waiting.”
She watched him over the pages. He left to the front of the plane and she lost him. The smile stayed on her face, this interaction made her unexpectedly cheery. Yeah, hearing Nicholas humiliate himself again was great.
Like a ghost he disappeared. She didn’t see him for the rest of the flight, nor on the airport. Only thing left of him was faint smell of his cologne on the jacket.
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lunermagick-sims4 · 4 years
Huntress & Hunter (Part 3)
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  In life thing happen as they should. Zombies were meant to be here for a reason in this sim world. Was it meant to bring some sims together or tear them apart. Most hunters like to be by themselves but some need to have the company to make it more fun. But if it is with or without someone it is still the thrill of the hunt.
Blair’s POV
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  Blair been having a hard time holding zombies back and if she went up against someone bigger then her she would be taken out. She need to build her stamina and arm strength up. She turned her empty room she had into a work out place with a few different things. It has a yoga mat to stretch, weights to gain strength and a treadmill, well sometimes you never know when you just need to run. Even a vampire still needs to stay in shape. Blair worked hard till she was sweating like crazy.
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She got into the bathtub to soak her body after that harsh workout. When she sat in that nice hot water her muscles seem to relax. She thinks she pushed herself way to far. After the nice soak to her muscles she got out and put on her sexy leather outfit and put her hair up today. She usually does not like putting her hair up but it seem to make this outfit look more fierce. She smiled in the mirror at herself she felt very sexy. She been going to the realm a lot looking for tomes with spells. She wants to learn many spell to cause mischief. She smiled wickedly causing blood is always fun but pranks and stuff even funner. She went down the stairs and looks in the fridge to have a bite. She found some fruit salad and nibble on that when she heard a buzz at the gate. She check and it was Jill Valentine, she helped her a few times when zombies got way to out of hand. She has saved her a couple times a while back. Blair buzzes her in. Blair finished up her food and made sure the place was tidy. She has not had company over in a while. Blair ran around the house fast, thank goodness for super speed. She was almost finished when she heard a knock at the door. “Coming” she yelled. She hurried around and when she thought it looked the best she could make it she went to the wooden doors and open them. “Hey Blair! Been a while how you doing?” Blair invited her in. “Been doing well. What brings you by?” Jill looked around. “I like your place. It homie” Blair thanked her. And they decided to go to the living room to sit on the couch. “I just happen to be in the neighbourhood thought I check on you.” Blair smiled. “You did not have to do that. Very sweet of you.” Jill came closer to Blair before they got to the couch. “Been thinking of you lately actually.” Jill said seductively. Blair smiled at her. “Have you now. Probably how weak I am and how you always have to save me.” Jill laughed and they sat on the couch. Jill put her hand on Blair bare leg. “You know your strong. You just were overwhelmed. It happens.” Blair felt a ting go through her. She has not been touch in so long. Blair smiled. “I don’t know. I am working harder.” Jill left her hand there on Blair leg and move a little to give Blair chills. “You will surprise us all. You are the strongest women I have ever seen. And very beautiful too.” Blair blushed. Jill started to move her nails around on Blair’s leg. “Jill.. I” all Blair could get out till Jill squeeze Blair thigh. Blair let out a small moan. Jill lean in and kissed Blair on the lips. The kisses started to get heated. Blair stopped her for a moment. “Let move this upstairs.” Jill agreed. The kissing continued in the bed and Jill pleasured Blair very much and Blair thinks she did a good job to pleasure Jill.
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After a little bit of laying together talking away they decided to get dressed. “Jill that was amazing. It been a while.” Jill kissed Blair. “It has for me too” once they were dressed. They heard a roar that sounded like Nemesis, both the girls ran out with guns and weapons. Blair made the finally blow and got blood all over her. She felt satisfied having sex and making a kill made it feel amazing. Once everything was cleaned up she said goodbye to Jill. When she turns around Grim Reaper was standing there over Nemesis’s body. He looked at Blair “would you stop killing all these sims. I don’t have all day to reap souls.” Blair was pretty surprised by him. “Yea, sorry Grim but I will not be stopping anytime soon.” Grim growled. “You and Ragnar. Are such pains in my ass.” He took the soul and left. Blair thought “Ragnar? That a different name. He been killing as well. Interesting.” She went to the waterfall to clean herself off and headed to the realm after she was cleaned up.
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Ragnar’s POV
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It been quiet and Ragnar finally left the criminal career he was tired of being tide down but he made some good money while doing it. He is sitting fine and now he can do whatever his cold heart pleases. Ragnar got out of his coffin and figured it was time to get going. He looked at the clock it was passed noon. Sometimes sleeping helps pass the time. Ragnar got dressed into his work out clothes and went for a short jog. For it being winter it was still a bit hot out to jog to long. He loves this place the water was so beautiful and he loved this island. There was a house that had fences up past the water fall but he has never seen no one over there before and he probably get killed if he went over to greet them. No one can be trusted now and he needs not to play nice. Once he got his jog in he went out to the bathroom to get a quick shower once he was clean and got out he heard something a little ways from the house. A scream. Ragnar flew off to find what he heard. When he changed backed into human a women passed by saying zombies! Ragnar ran where the women came from and there was a few there. He saw a axe and grabbed it and killed the first sim zombie he saw and took her in the head. Another came toward him and he stabbed it a few times till it did not move and last but not least he grab the other zombie and stabbed it in the throat. He thought he was all done when he heard the roar of Nenemis. Ragnar growled. Hate this big guy. He got his gun and started to shoot. After a few rounds of  ammo he finally went down. A voice came behind Ragnar and made him jump. He turn to shot and Grim came into view. “I almost shot you!” Ragnar snapped. “Would of not done anything. But I have a bone to pick with you” Ragnar scoff “Would you stop fucking killing sims! I am tired of reaping all day. I just had a talk with another chick and she see no point in stopping maybe I can talk some sense into you!” Ragnar only heard chick in that big rant. “What chick?” Grim glared at Ragnar. “Seriously that is all you heard?” Ragnar shrugged. “Sorry but I am not planning to slow down either.” Grim took the souls and left saying no more.
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Ragnar has killed a few people and he noticed people talking about him and how he is a serial killer. They keep talking about him and the blue hair cat chick being crazy and how they feeling scared to see either of them. Ragnar rolled his eyes at the people talking on the beach. Most times if I killed it been zombies but everyone just sees killing most times. Oh well do not mind being feared either. I can feed off fear it is always nice. Ragnar laughed and started down to the bar for some drinks and fun. He finally made it and went in to get a drink. It was not as good as the ale at Del Sol Valley but it be best he stay away from there for a while after he killed that jerk the other day. So the Sulani bar is just as good. There was lots of people around and there was a fire going on over at the pits, people seem to be out and about tonight. He mocked at how human sims seem to try and forget about what’s really going on in the world. He had a couple of drinks and was heading out the door when he heard them, zombies had appeared and he was not surprised. People started to scream and Ragnar grabbed a weapon and there she was the blue hair chick. She was outside and a zombie went for her. She seem to be surprised by the sim who it used to be and she struggled for a moment and she pushed off the zombie. She seem to be in shock and not paying attention so Ragnar swooped in and killed the zombie. She gasp. Ragnar stabbed the zombie into the chest and it finally stopped moving. He got up and looked at her. “Are you okay?” She still was in shock. “Um yea. I could of done it.” Ragnar smiled. “I am sure you could but when you know the sim it a shock. It would knock me off guard too.” She looked at the dead sim and nodded. “I am Ragnar. What your name?” When he said his name she looked at him quickly. “You are Ragnar?” Ragnar nodded “I am Blair Nightwing” her last name was different. “Nice to finally meet you. I have heard many rumours of you” he winked. Blair laughed. “Grim not to crazy about us.” Ragnar bursted into laughter and Blair laughed too. Ragnar smiled at her and picked a rose and gave it to her. “I am sorry about your friend.” She looked at him and gave him a sweet smile and took the rose.
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Ragnar thought she was stunning. Their moment was ruined very quickly once the cops showed up. “Get out of her, I will distract them.” She nodded and took off very quickly. She was there,  then she was gone in a flash. He smiled watching her go. She is also a vampire as well, he thought to himself! He was in awe of her. He finally then remembered he needed to take off so he started toward the crowd of people who were watching the fire, hoping he could blend in the crowd.  It was not long and those damn cops caught up with him and cuffed him. They called for a helicopter to have him picked up and it was not long before it arrived.  “Damn it I guess you guys got me.” Ragnar mocked the cop.  The officer said nothing to Ragnar and once the rope come down from the helicopter, he was handcuffed to the rope and  lifted into the air.  As Ragnar was  being pulled into the helicopter he managed to head butt the officer who was controlling the rope. Ragnar managed to get his hands back in front of him so he went to the pilot and commanded him to land. The pilot refused so Ragnar broke his neck and he jumped out of the helicopter.  The helicopter crashed and caused a huge explosion. It was enough ruckus for Ragnar to turn into a bat and the cuffs fell to the ground. “Why did I not think of that before” as he took off for home.
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possessionisamyth · 8 months
internet arguement mode partially kicked in so responded to one of the many shitty comments on RE3R gaming wins video the moment i got a response from the person brain kicked in and went nope (blocked. on second reread of original comment and response i got the distinct vibe that this person wanted the story beat of Jill "well trained and has seen people have moments of stress works well in a team" Valentine would slap Carlos as he was having a moment of panic at the situation they are in- my most hated moment of the original glad to never see it unless i watch that playthrough again glad it wasn't in the remake because people are dumb enough about it as is... people thought Jill was being too mean to Carlos and Nemesis in the remake)
they mentioned the mercenaries Mad Jakal for Nemesis (continued on with dlc should have been released alongside the game blah blah and how the clock tower was important) and checking it (can't find gameplay as yet with no commentary so just reading) out you can play as Carlos, Nicholai and Mikhail. Nicholai is a interesting choice for a playable character. my current conclusion is it probably would have been released after getting worked on after the base game because it has a good concept and potential story beats (you encounter hostages that you can save but that in itself is a bit irritating as its Brad, Dario the guy we meet at the start locking himself in that safe, Marvin, poster girl and 2 UBCS guys which is yeah how rewarding is it to save this group) but its not a story dlc its run and gun mode (which is fine and there is some strategy involved) they're just fun (sometimes frustrating) but repitive even with different load outs (re7 dlc spoiled us honeslty because they're all so different you have to shift gears when going through them)
I got this when you sent it but I kept forgetting to reply! I've learned the hard way one too many times that the internet argument is never worth it. I think it's a lesson I will have to keep relearning here and there, but eventually!!! I'll just keep to my damn self all the time!
I will be controversial and say I did like the slap moment in the original RE3. I understand that Jill is supposed to be well-trained and put together, but she is like Chris where she'll let her emotions get ahead of her. Not to mention, the Racoon City incident was her experience in the Arklay Mansion on steroids. Jill and Carlos were in an extremely high stress situation over the span of several days and both were running on less than 8 hours of actual sleep the entire time.
To me this wasn't showing Jill as hysterical or mean but was a moment to show how they're both reaching a breaking point. Jill is acting as the older adult using the cliche "slap some sense into them" method, while Carlos is made to realize his own mental lapse isn't helpful, and they both take a moment away from each other after so they can to get their shit together. I like to think that Jill apologized to him in the helicopter ride and explains that she didn't know what else to do to get him back on track in the heat of the moment. I like to think Carlos meets her in the middle saying he understands, and he agrees that suggesting they off themselves was A LotTM, but he also gets her with the firm boundary of asking her not to do that again in the future with the hope they wouldn't come to that point a second time. But that's just me! I get it if other people don't see it that way.
Nikolai doesn't seem like a strange choice. My understanding of the Mercenaries content is having the ability to play main story line characters in melee rushes, so him being there makes sense in that context. And I know about all the RE7 DLC, but the only one I cared about was End of Zoe cause I did want to know if she was okay or not. The rest was meh in my opinion, but that also because I hate Lucas lol.
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ubcs-dump · 4 years
Hell yes, tell us abt Mikhail. I bet you have a lot to say!
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Short answer:
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Long answer:
Okay so I will get real with all you guys on this one. I’ll start with a bit of a backstory with this because there is a reason why I love Mikhail so much.
It was about 10 years ago. Imagine a 14 year old me, sitting alone in my dark room. My depression and various other mental illnesses are geting worse every day, they have been dragging me down for years now. I am living with abusive people who love to push me down even further, mocking me and bullying me even though they are considered my family. I was broken. I was in pain. The word ‘s//ui//ci//de’ has been clouding my mind for years now.I just picked up on Resident Evil through parodies of it on youtube. I watched someone play Resident Evil 3 Nemesis online because I remember that we owned that game but I was terrified of Nemesis on the box so I didn’t play it myself.Then I saw Mikhail, how he lay on the seats of the cable car. I could tell he was in pain and I felt deeply sorry for him. But it wasn’t a special feeling because I felt sorry for all the characters in the game. The person who played the game even mocked Mikhail for his looks. At first I laughed along but then there came a specific cutscene.And then Mikhail said something.Just one sentence.One line of dialoge.
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It may just be a line of dialoge for most people. Some tiny bit of character developement sprinkled in for good meassure.But boy.I felt that.Suddenly I felt a deeper connection. It felt like I could see myself in Mikhail. He’s been through hell. He watched his men die in front of him. He is bleeding like crazy. He is in pain. Both mentally and physically. He’s expressing survivors guilt and it’s eating him up on the inside. When he said that line I literally teared up.I felt understood.And when he sacrificed himself to save Carlos and Jill, I cried. Hard. I cried because I was touched by his bravery. I cried because he deserved to live. I cried. Because I looked up to him. Without even realizing it, he became my role model. Mikhail is a kind soul, he is brave, determined, always trying his best, righteous, proud, a real team player and a wonderful leader. He is the kind of person I’ve always wanted to be.He quickly became my favorite character. I still watch all of the cutscenes with him every now and again when I need to hear his voice. I also sometimes browse his REwiki page just because I feel like it. When playing the Mercenaries minigame I always pick him.After meeting him I decided to keep going too. I can’t stop, no matter how broken and in pain I am. These wounds can’t stop me from fighting. I’ll keep fighting because I believe that I can get better if I just keep going. Fighting those demons off. Ignoring everyone who tells me otherwise. After all, I can’t stop just because I’m wounded.Also he is probably my biggest fictional crush ever lol. It’s been almost 10 years and I still can’t forget him and I still love him as much as I did on day 1.
Ever since then Mikhail has been a sort of voice of reason. When I’m feeling lost I ask myself what he would do in my situation. When I notice I haven’t eaten all day again, I’d imagine him trying to give me a pep talk. He became a coping mechanism and comfort character. I’ve been looking up to him for almost 10 years now, which is pretty rare when you know that I have tons of favorite characters that come and go, but he has always been my favorite Resident Evil character ever since that day.
I love everything about him. His backstory is tragic and herioc. He used to be an excellent soldier in the Russian SFSR before the Soviet Union collapsed. His wife was part of a minority who he fought for, causing him to be concidered a terrorist in the Russian Federation. After getting arrested he was approached by Umbrella. He agreed to join them but only if Umbrella does everything they can to ensure amnesty for his men.This just shows how much he cares for his comerades and loved ones. Mikhail joined a guerrilla organization to fight for the independence of the minority group his wife was a part of. He joined Umbrella, not because he himself wanted to be free, but because his men would be free.
I also really really like his relationship with Jill in the game. I could perfectly imagine them as very good friends. The way they talk with each other and how Jill tries to calm Mikhail down and helps and encourages him while also perfectly understanding the state he is in and the feelings and worries that are clouding his mind. I just love it and I demand fanart and fanfiction of a cute platonic relationship between these two. They are cute and precious.I sadly can’t say a lot about his relationships between him and the other members of the Operation-Jackal-Trio.Mikhail and Nikolai don’t interact at all. Which is bullsh*t because Capcom actually wanted them to be brothers and interact. That would have been an amazing addition. I want it back. My fav AU, hands down.Carlos mentions Mikhails name a few times (and by a few I mean two times). Once when explaining what happened and once when Mikhail got attacked in the cable car. I’m a bit sad we didn’t see more of them together. Carlos is certainly worried about Mikhails safety but I really wish they had expanded on that a little. I just wanted to see more interaction in general.
Mikhail also influenced my art. My nickname/pen name is Uby Victor. The ‘Uby’ part comes from the way you say the first two letters of the UBCS. And Victor isn’t hard to guess haha. Some people call me Victor too and I love it!! :3I also own an olive green beret in addition to my UBCS uniform. It’s just a prop and I guess just something I’ve always wanted to own haha. Now I just need to find a way to get the patch.I tried drawing him a few times but I’m an idiot and get flustered when I do so I usually stop before it’s even finished. I will probably never be able to draw him well haha. At least not with that attitude.
He’s also the reason I realized I have a soft spot for Russian accents. Even though Ben Campbell isn’t Russian, his accent is okay and I like his performance.
I could probably rant even more about how much I love Mikhails personality. And his looks.
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Have you seen those eyes??? That is one awesome dark shade of blue. Unrealistic I know but damn. I love them. And his golden hair. I wanna run my hand through it. And those arms. Mmmh. He could throw me across a football field with those and I’d say “Thanks, daddy, please do it again!”. He looks like he gives great hugs too. He’s like a big teddy bear, hence why I call him Mischka all the time haha. Also he is top notch soft daddy material. I’m not the only one with this opinion. Also his crotch. The bulge is big. Just take my word for it. Or take a look for yourself. His full body picture is at the top of this post. You have been warned.
All of this is also why I do not like his R3MAKE version at all. The original RE3: Nemesis Mikhail means so so so much to me. I associate him with recovery. I look up to him and I basically owe him my life. So seeing him be changed that drastically in the R3MAKE just broke my heart. I will stick with the original because that’s the one I like the most.
I could tell more but this is already very long lmao
EDITED tl;dr: Thank you, Mikhail. You’ve helped me more than any living human being ever did. I owe you so much. You’re an angel and I love you.
~ Mod Uby
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smokeybrandreviews · 4 years
Jill Sandwich
So Resident Evil 3 Remake is out in the wild and i can finally talk about this thing in detail. I have an interesting relationship with the RE franchise. It’s kind of a love/hate situation. I love the first three titles and Veronica. I kind of hate everything that came after. IV through VI are just plain awful, particularly VI. Cats fight me about IV but i don’t care for it. Capcom stopped doing what they do best, desperate survival horror, and started emulating those action films starring Leeloo Dallas. That’s find but, i mean, watching Chris Redfield, jacked up on the super roids, punch out a whole ass boulder, while fighting a chimera virus infected Wesker, in the heart of a goddamn volcano, was way too much. And there was another entire game after that one with this campy, wacky, bullsh*t. I hated it. All of it. Then Resident Evil VII dropped and everything changed.
Revelations hinted at a return to form but it was REVII that showed the world what Resident Evil was really about. My goodness was that game good. I was on the edge of my seat playing through that coil of stress, atmosphere, and insidious violence. It was beautiful. That game was beautiful. I found my self longing for that engine, driving my favorite title of the entire franchise, Resident Evil II. To my surprise i got exactly what i wanted. Holy sh*t, when Resident Evils II Remake dropped, i sh*t myself. This was the Resident Evil game i always wanted. This is what survival horror should have been the entire time. Remake hit every note of nostalgia while building a brand new experience. Not only were the graphics updated, bu the entire story was streamline and, thanks to some excellent voice work, it was rather enthralling this go around. REII was already one of my favorite games but Remake found a spit right next to it on my all-time list. When i finished that motherf*cker for the first time, after experiencing that horror on two legs called Mr. X, i thought about how dope Nemesis would be in this engine. To my surprise, i wouldn’t have to wait long to find out.
First and foremost, R3make is goddamn gorgeous. It’s absolutely beautiful. Capcom’s RE Engine pulls all of it’s weight on this one. The lighting and particle effects are spectacular. I thought Remake II looked great but this game really stand out. There are a few little concessions made to push the hardware but that’s to be forgiven. I can deal with an exploding limb or disappearing body if it means i can get the detail and literally horde levels of zombies on my ass at all times. It’s insane just how many of theses things are packed on screen, in that level detail, while Nemesis is launching f*cking rockets at you.
I have to absolutely gush about the writing for a minute here. I remember the old REIII being kind of hokey, kind of campy. I chocked it up to the limitations of the OG PlayStation. Not this one. The PS4 gives the script writers a level of power to get really creative. The dialogue Jill has with everyone feels real, It feels organic. She acts like a person with training in the middle of a crisis and i adore every second of it. I mean, her banter with Carlos is more than enough for the price of admission.
Also, Jill is just a regular badass. It’s dope seeing her getting her proper due in this game. The last time we saw her, outside of one of those Revelation games, she was a muppet for Wesker. Bullsh*t, son! Not here. Here, she is in all her bad ass. Umbrella busting, glory and i love it. I also love her redesign. Function over fashion, ya dig?
The remix of levels caught me off guard at first. They took out a lot of set pieces i remember like the park and Jill’s run through the RPD. These aspects of her original playthrough make an appearance, just in completely different ways. Also worth mentioning, there are like, no puzzled in this game. I remember the original being very, frustratingly, puzzle heavy way back when. This game is not that. It is a narrative focused, action driven, murder fest. I am more than okay with that particular alteration.
The redesigned enemies in this game are spectacular. I kind of expected a few changed, mostly based on the Ivy from Remake II, but Capcom really found a way to be creative with these new enemies. There’s, like, Las Plagas zombies in this thing. You blow of their heads and a parasite pops out. It’s insane. I always though Nemesis was infected with a Plagas and this game kind of confirms that. I love the new take on the Hunters. The Alphas have kind of a predator face now but the Gammas? The Gammas have this massive parasite that pops out of their gaping maws. It looks just like the Gravedigger and since there isn’t really a park level to this game, imagine they serve the same purpose. Or, repurpose in this case. There’s even a couple of surprises in store for those who know their lore. Their horrifying Resident Evil lore.
F*cking Nemesis, man. Nemesis is nightmare fuel incarnate. Dude is outright horrifying, the entire time you play this game. He’s fast, agile, and f*cking terrifying. I had problems with Mr. X but this asshole? Dude literally sprints after you when you run away. I kind of hate it but, at the same time, i f*cking need it! Good ol’ Nemi’s redesign is amazing. I was a little iffy at first, but seeing it in action sold me. And then his second form happened. Bro. What? And then that third. Okay, Capcom, come on? Y’all were just showing off with that one.
The only thing holding this game back, in my opinion, is that it can get a little REVI at times. I mean that the action becomes just a hair too over-the-top. That entire end sequence with final form Nemesis was absolutely ridiculous. I mean, i loved it, don’t get me wrong, but, f*ck, coming off Remake II and several parts of this one, it just felt a little out of place. There’s a few times where this issue creeps up but, like i said, it’s more of a nitpick than anything. The grounded nature and character driven narrative distract from the more... zealous aspects of this game.
As far as gameplay, if you played Remake II or any of the RE titles after IV, you know what to expect. Over the shoulder, third person, all day! I hate shooters but i can play the f*ck out of these types. Tank controls have gone the way of the dodo it seems but i ‘m not bad with their replacement. This game feels right with this camera set up. Shooting feels right. Dodging feels rewarding. This game feels real good to play.
There aren’t anymore of those quick decision deals like in the original but that’s not a problem. They would have interfered with the narrative driven aspects of this game. You can still, you know, shoot Nemi in the face for dope sh*t but i wouldn’t. F*ck all of that. Maybe after a third of fourth playthrough. Maybe. There’s no Mercenaries mode or multiple endings but you can play a good portion as Carlos and there’s a brand new multiplayer component with it’s own narrative called Resident Evil Resistance so, i guess that’s dope? I dunno. I f*cks with that single player campaign all day, tho.
R3make is f*cking outstanding. I love this game. Absolutely adore the f*ck out of it. I still like Remake II better but that’s more because i just adore II overall. That said, R3make is the f*cking tits. This sh*t is fast paced, adrenaline pumping, stress inducing, action packed, zombie killing. It does justice to Jill, makes me care about Carlos, and even does some interesting things with Nemesis. I was thoroughly surprised by some narrative choices taken but they dded to the overall plot,giving life to a game that sorely needed it, while not compromising once on gameplay. While there are certain design aspects i would have liked seen skew closer to the earlier titles in the franchise rather than the later ones, that is a small gripe. Even in all of it’s Bayhem glory, and there is a lot of that toward th end, this game never loses the spirit of who it is. Resident Evil III Remake is a f*cking masterpiece and you should get into it the second this quarantine lifts if you haven’t already had an opportunity to grab a copy.
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sepublic · 4 years
You know how some dreams come in weird ‘phases’, where at one point it’s about this narrative, but then it inexplicably shifts into another story entirely? Well, this one dream I had last night initially focused on this one narrative regarding the Resident Evil 3 remake.
Basically, it was somehow released early and despite better judgement, I went ahead and began watching a full compilation of the game’s story cutscenes. Everything was different, so now the zombies were contained in Raccoon City, which Jill Valentine had already escaped from. There was a parking lot and a metal chain-link fence but the zombies couldn’t get through... Until Nemesis literally yeeted one of his targets into the fence, killing them but also breaking open the fence.
Zombies come pouring out but easily get gunned down by soldiers... But then for some reason, one of the soldiers tells the others to stop firing and wasting ammunition. Because lo and behold, there are POKEMON with them, wild ones specifically. Apparently the president ordered them to be rescued because he explained that they wouldn’t hurt anyone and just defend themselves. So the dumb soldier wanted to place the pokemon (including Bulbasaur, a lot of them were small, young, starters or whatever), believing the pokemon would defend themselves against the zombies for the humans.
Instead, the zombies just ignored the pokemon and vice-versa, going after the humans and overwhelming the soldiers. And as one group fled they got mad and blamed the idiot for the incident. Zombies broke out and began heading into the forest, and beyond that was a grassy field, and beyond that was ANOTHER city where Jill was at.
Cue a cutscene beforehand of Jill chilling during daytime at some outdoor market for used clothes, and she runs into Killer Croc...??? Because apparently in this game, Batman villains would appear as potential allies, because Jill was a Batman character once?! Croc reassures her he’s all good and they just chat. Whatever.
And THEN we cut to one of Barry Burton’s daughters, not Moira but another who looks pretty similar. She’s looking for dad, after Jill gave a ‘coded’ message after an interview on live television explaining where he went. It was an innocuous sentence that didn’t mean much at first-glance, but it used certain phrases and innuendos to indicate Barry was in the forest. So, Barry’s daughter goes there looking for him despite Jill calling to advise against that.
The daughter encounters zombie dogs with a friend who gets bitten, revealing to her that zombies are there to begin with. The daughter bolts for it, calling for help, sees a nearby backyard and runs towards it into the garage, and lo and behold Jill emerges. She pulls down the garage door but there’s a small opening for the daughter to jump through. Turns out, Jill’s decked out the whole house in case of zombie emergencies because she’s cool like that. Then Jill jumps through the opening to confront the zombies because she’s awesome like that, and she starts talking to them, calming them down. It turns out some of them are former STARS members, but none I recognize, and they’re still on the verge of turning. So with concentration and encouragement from Jill, they remember who they are and become sane again. Somewhat.
THEN the dream inexplicably shifts, but now I’m at an arcade. There’s an RE3 remake game, so I trade in money for a bunch of quarters. The game boots up and it’s a segment of the remake where Jill is fighting Nemesis in some lab with a huge, pit of a chamber. She’s jumping off the walls like an utter badass, pulling off stunts to avoid his attacks as she fires. Eventually she leaves the chamber and goes into a control room with Carlos and two other people I don’t recognize, and I’m also there as the player. Cue the actual gameplay segment as she hands me a gun to slow down Nemesis to keep him from entering the room while I close the door and activate a freezing mechanism to put him on ice. Of course, I keep failing as Nemesis is WAY too close to the door as the game starts, always placing his body in the doorframe to keep me from closing the door, and I always die. I keep retrying and dying.
I give up on the game, go around the arcade. I see a bunch of leftover tickets and money in the compartment of an arcade game, think about taking it, but for some reason I feel that’s ethically wrong and leave it there for the original owner to find. And then the dream shifts into something else... yadda-yadda.
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splatterchatter · 4 years
Resident Evil 3 Remake Review: Jill Valentine has a no good, very bad, couple of days
While a lot of games, horror and otherwise, have been put on hold due to the current state of the world, Resident Evil 3 Remake came out at either the best or worst time. While many people are home and can jump into the horrors that have befallen Racoon City once again, others are finding it a little too topical for the escape from everyday life that they were craving. The opening credits of the game is spliced together news footage of a pandemic sweeping the nation, leading to a lock down of the southern states, and chaos descending in the United States. However, this is a remake of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis and therefore the story line was already laid out, though some changes were made, maybe not for the best. Still, Capcom couldn’t have known what would be going on when they set the release date, even though the timing is a little scary. 
The first thing I have to say about the game is that it is beautiful, the engine they used and character models were fabulous. There is a lot of color and depth to Racoon City as Jill attempts to avoid Nemesis and helps Carlos, the one good guy in Umbrella apparently, in his attempts to save the city and the civilians trapped inside. That being said, the NPC characters between cut scenes move awkwardly and the lip syncing doesn’t always match up. This would be easier to overlook if the cut scenes weren’t so beautiful. Still, I have to hand it to the developers for the way that the environment really popped, no matter where in or under the city Jill happened to be fighting for her life. In terms of horror elements, Resident Evil 3 is much more of an action game than a horror game. Unlike Resident Evil 2, where Leon and Claire are moving through a pitch black police station for half of the game, unsure of what happened and what they would run into, there is not the same sense of dread around every corner in Resident Evil 3. Of course there are jump scares and really ugly monsters, but Jill already knows all about the T-Virus from the Arklay incident (Resident Evil) so she isn’t really surprised by the horror that she is confronting. In fact, she seems more thrown off by the human elements that she encounters, which could be a commentary itself. Even Nemesis, who is an imposing figure, doesn’t really get much out of Jill in terms of reaction. While I get Jill is a badass S.T.A.R.S. officer, if she isn’t scared there really isn’t a reason for the player to be either. The only time I became uncomfortable during the game was when Jill dealt with parasites being put inside her. I will not go into more detail because I don’t want to ruin it for those who haven’t yet watched or played the game, but the manner in which it was done was a little too...sexual I guess is the word I am looking for. Maybe I am a little more aware because it is a female lead character, but just the way it was framed and depicted made me squirm, which is the point. That is paralleled in the final battle, which maybe is the point, but it was very uncomfortable. 
Now, as this is a remake of Resident Evil: Nemesis, fans of the very imposing villain should be happy about the amount of screen time that he receives in the remake. His constant pursuit of Jill, due to the S.T.A.R.S. officers uncovering Umbrella Corporations work with biological weapons in Resident Evil, is an undercurrent throughout the game. You’re never sure when he will show up again or what form he will be in. While this keeps a constant threat throughout the game, I don’t think it was as effective as William Burkin or the Tyrant in Resident Evil 2. Instead of the Tyrant’s slow and imposing walk, rarely hustling, or William Burkin obviously being a man who was turned into a monster somehow, Nemesis is a figure that starts out larger than life and just continues to grow.  While in an action game it is what you expect, it’s a little bit of a let down in terms of horror aspects. The ending was also rather disappointing. Again, Nemesis no longer really felt threatening because you had seen him so many times that you were just kind of sick of him. The final battle, again, mirrored that of Resident Evil 2, even down to happening in a lab, so it felt as if it was reskinned. The pale heads in the lab were sufficiently gross and their regenerative abilities made them hard to kill, it wasn’t enough to make the end of the game feel satisfying. The ending with the human antagonist also didn’t feel earned and the human antagonist being so cliche that I don’t feel like going into his motivations all that much. You don’t even really get a heart to heart between Carlos and Jill, who have become so close. The original Resident Evil: Nemesis had the option for multiple endings, but that was removed for the remake, which is unfortunate. All of that, on top of a short game (about 6 hours) and it left a bad taste in the mouth when you finished. Overall, this is a fast paced Resident Evil game that is not all that different from Resident Evil 2 in terms of game play. However, while I feel that Resident Evil 2 had an atmosphere of horror while shooting zombies, Resident Evil 3 felt like an action game with elements of horror. There is nothing wrong with that, but if you are looking for a scare, you probably won’t get it here. I didn’t play Resident Evil: Nemesis so I can’t say how close this game tracks to the original, but I wouldn’t say it was a must buy game. I’d wait for the price to come down a bit. 
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noccalula-writes · 5 years
What are your favorite games and franchises? Top 5?
OH BOY have I got feelings on this subject. 
Please keep in mind - I’m a storyteller and a writer. I fucking /love/ a good story. I DM a DnD game and my biggest weakness is that I don’t often include enough combat because I am so much more interested in telling a story. So for me, there’s got to be an emotional investment for a game to really land. I also hyperfixate like a motherfucker so I often refuse to pick up new things purely because there’s not enough space in my head for them at the time, so I’m slow getting to things as they come out. 
So, I’m first and foremost a survival horror bitch. I cut my teeth on Parasite Eve before I played any others - my mother scrimped and saved and fought her way through Wal-mart back in like 1998 to get me the original Playstation gaming console and Tekken 2 (which was my first PS game, I played it in an arcade near her barber shop as a child - Tomb Raider 2 was my second). The old Playstation discs at that time came with demos for different games, including Metal Gear Solid, which I replayed until I could have done it in my sleep because poverty meant I wasn’t likely to get another game anytime soon. I mention this because the Parasite Eve trailer used to give me nightmares but I was super, super hooked. 
I am a huge Silent Hill fan. Huge. That is a tragedy I could write a whole ‘nother post about, because as excited as I am to finally get my hands on Death Stranding (again, poverty, so it’ll be another minute before we can get a PS4), we’ll never get another SH game again unless some major reconciliation happens with Kojima and Konami, which is unlikely (and also hard to hope for - I’m happy Kojima now has the creative freedom to go as balls to the wall as he wants). 
I am an equally huge Resident Evil fan. I’ve always maintained that my first fandom was The X Files, but my wife pointed out a few nights ago that my RE love started around the same time in the late 90′s, so now it’s a chicken and egg kind of thing. Point being, it’s either The or One Of my longest lasting fandoms/interests. RE and Silent Hill get compared to one another a lot - RE7 did nothing to help that - but they really are apples and oranges to me. Fruit, sure, but two totally different tones and experiences. 
I’ve been a huge Tomb Raider fan for forever - my first high school boyfriend was loaded and bought me Angel of Darkness to come play at his house and while it was def critically panned, I do recall enjoying it - so that’s been fun to get those games remade with updated graphics. I’ve only played the one but the others are def on The List. 
So now that I’ve talked for an hour, my Top 5 fave games ever - 
#1 - Resident Evil 3 I am beyond jazzed for this remake, and a lot of people in the 90′s complained about RE3′s lack of clear cut boss battles, but I don’t know what they’re talking about. The entire fucking game is a boss battle - Jill vs. Raccoon City, and of course, Nemesis, who used to give my mother nightmares and caused me to sleep with a leaf-stabber by my bed for years. Jill is far and away my favorite protagonist in RE; she’s got a resilience of the spirit that somehow isn’t conflated with naivety, which is uncommon in ‘nice’ female protags. She’s savvy but she’s still kind, and she’s committed as fuck to survival - not to mention, as zealotous a Chris and Jill shipper as I am, she and Carlos had hella chemistry and I’m excited to see where that goes (JD Pardo would have made a fuck of a Carlos Oliviera, btw). It was An Experience and it’s forever at my #1. 
#2 - The Last of Us 
There is no comparison for emotional weight in video games, as far as I’m concerned. SPOILERS if you don’t already know the ending (this game came out in what, 2014?) but to me one of the biggest thing in the game’s favor is that the protagonist made the wrong choice. He had an option to potentially eradicate the cordyceps fungus and maybe save the world, turn the tides back for humanity, and with the weight of the world in the balance, he chose to save Ellie instead. It was, on a global scale, the wrong choice - but it was the human choice. It was the thing that a dad who never properly grieved his dead daughter would do for the surrogate daughter he inherited by accident. As for Ellie, there is no other character quite like her in games, and she’s fucking quality LGBT representation, especially considering how little we see queer children in media. I still cry every time, we play this game twice a year like clockwork and every single time, I still cry. 
#3 - Silent Hill 3 
All of SH’s games will have a special place in my heart - and if you wanna talk shit about Downpour, I’ll meet you in the Denny’s parking lot at 11, you better square the fuck up because I will defend Murphy with fists - but 3 is the best, hands down. I felt like it did the best job of streamlining the series’ ... uhm... somewhat complicated lore into something more understandable. SPOILERS: The villains are horrific - the Missionaries strike fear into my heart every time I play, and Claudia eating a miscarried god fetus to become god herself? Fucked up on a level you rarely see. I suppose if you didn’t catch it in the last sentence - your protag Heather vomits up a fetal god late in the game. Yes, you read that right. The best thing about this game though? Heather. I could climb up my feminist soapbox and talk about Heather as a subversion to video game tropes all fucking day - she’s a nonsexualized teenage girl whose father is killed for her character development. She’s self-sufficient, tough but still vulnerable, and hard as nails in a fight. As I might have mentioned a time or six, she also voluntarily aborts a god because Fuck Your Plans, She’s Got Her Own. 
#4 - Final Fantasy X 
Listen. I don’t know how much of this is because of actually enjoying playing the game and how much of it is emotional attachment. As most of you who follow me know, my mother died when I was sixteen. When I was about fourteen, I dated a rich kid who used to bring his PS2 to our very not-rich house and play games for us to watch - the sort of neophyte version of Watching Guys Play Videogames, if you will, which is another rant for another time. He got a Gamecube specifically so I could play RE Zero and Hunter The Reckoning. He was a neckbeard but he was also desperate to keep me from ditching so he did the smart thing and plied my very poor ass with money and food. The #1 game in the watching roster, though, was FFX - and if you know anything about the game, you know how heavily spirituality features into the story. My mother, very caught up in a very Eastern Philosphy Meets Quantum Physics internal seeking about the nature of things, was hooked from the word Go. She used to sit and watch Trey play for hours - we all did, but having her join us and love it that much? Wonderful. Half my memories of this game are both of us crying - crying when Yuna dances to send the souls, crying when Yuna reveals she’s on a suicide mission, crying when she and Tidus fall in love anyway, crying when she sends her Aeons to die in the final fight, crying over ‘the fayts are waking up’, crying when the big reveal about Auron comes up, crying crying crying. My wife bought it in 2011 and I watched her play through it again and while it suffers from the same issue as all FF games - too much filler and weird battle scenarios - it was cathartic. I miss my mom. 
#5 - Resident Evil 6 
Eat my entire ass. You already knew this was coming. I will defend this game to my grave for the fact that we have complex, interesting narratives surrounding female characters who have actual personalities. Was it perfect? No. Did it take RE out of horror territory and move it more into action? Woefully, yes. Is this series deeply problematic for where it chooses to set down your mostly-white protags and have them kill their way through? Big time. Don’t gloss those facts. But it’s got emotional punch in spades and a few weird character breaks that ended up being kind of brilliant - Chris has been so resiliently relentless in his fight against bioterrorism that a major PTSD break was inevitable. Leon would of course risk life and limb to help Helena, even though she implicated herself in something terrible. The icing on the cake to me was a grown up Sherry Birkin, wide eyed and believing like hell in the fight she thought she was on the right side of and getting knocked down only to get back up. Ada’s entire side campaign was brilliant. I hate some of the control choices they made in this game - the running from the Haos scenes near the end of Chris and Piers’ campaign makes me want to eat my own fist - but so it goes with most RE games (until RE4, moving your protag was like driving a tank). Jake and Sherry are My Unsinkable Ship. There are at least six scenes across this game that never get easier to watch - when the bomb hits the city and the cut scene of the mass infections begin, I still get sick to my stomach - and that, to me, is the mark that this game struck a hell of a chord in terms of storytelling. 
This was long. 
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smokeybrand · 4 years
Jill Sandwich
So Resident Evil 3 Remake is out in the wild and i can finally talk about this thing in detail. I have an interesting relationship with the RE franchise. It’s kind of a love/hate situation. I love the first three titles and Veronica. I kind of hate everything that came after. IV through VI are just plain awful, particularly VI. Cats fight me about IV but i don’t care for it. Capcom stopped doing what they do best, desperate survival horror, and started emulating those action films starring Leeloo Dallas. That’s find but, i mean, watching Chris Redfield, jacked up on the super roids, punch out a whole ass boulder, while fighting a chimera virus infected Wesker, in the heart of a goddamn volcano, was way too much. And there was another entire game after that one with this campy, wacky, bullsh*t. I hated it. All of it. Then Resident Evil VII dropped and everything changed.
Revelations hinted at a return to form but it was REVII that showed the world what Resident Evil was really about. My goodness was that game good. I was on the edge of my seat playing through that coil of stress, atmosphere, and insidious violence. It was beautiful. That game was beautiful. I found my self longing for that engine, driving my favorite title of the entire franchise, Resident Evil II. To my surprise i got exactly what i wanted. Holy sh*t, when Resident Evils II Remake dropped, i sh*t myself. This was the Resident Evil game i always wanted. This is what survival horror should have been the entire time. Remake hit every note of nostalgia while building a brand new experience. Not only were the graphics updated, bu the entire story was streamline and, thanks to some excellent voice work, it was rather enthralling this go around. REII was already one of my favorite games but Remake found a spit right next to it on my all-time list. When i finished that motherf*cker for the first time, after experiencing that horror on two legs called Mr. X, i thought about how dope Nemesis would be in this engine. To my surprise, i wouldn’t have to wait long to find out.
First and foremost, R3make is goddamn gorgeous. It’s absolutely beautiful. Capcom’s RE Engine pulls all of it’s weight on this one. The lighting and particle effects are spectacular. I thought Remake II looked great but this game really stand out. There are a few little concessions made to push the hardware but that’s to be forgiven. I can deal with an exploding limb or disappearing body if it means i can get the detail and literally horde levels of zombies on my ass at all times. It’s insane just how many of theses things are packed on screen, in that level detail, while Nemesis is launching f*cking rockets at you.
I have to absolutely gush about the writing for a minute here. I remember the old REIII being kind of hokey, kind of campy. I chocked it up to the limitations of the OG PlayStation. Not this one. The PS4 gives the script writers a level of power to get really creative. The dialogue Jill has with everyone feels real, It feels organic. She acts like a person with training in the middle of a crisis and i adore every second of it. I mean, her banter with Carlos is more than enough for the price of admission.
Also, Jill is just a regular badass. It’s dope seeing her getting her proper due in this game. The last time we saw her, outside of one of those Revelation games, she was a muppet for Wesker. Bullsh*t, son! Not here. Here, she is in all her bad ass. Umbrella busting, glory and i love it. I also love her redesign. Function over fashion, ya dig?
The remix of levels caught me off guard at first. They took out a lot of set pieces i remember like the park and Jill’s run through the RPD. These aspects of her original playthrough make an appearance, just in completely different ways. Also worth mentioning, there are like, no puzzled in this game. I remember the original being very, frustratingly, puzzle heavy way back when. This game is not that. It is a narrative focused, action driven, murder fest. I am more than okay with that particular alteration.
The redesigned enemies in this game are spectacular. I kind of expected a few changed, mostly based on the Ivy from Remake II, but Capcom really found a way to be creative with these new enemies. There’s, like, Las Plagas zombies in this thing. You blow of their heads and a parasite pops out. It’s insane. I always though Nemesis was infected with a Plagas and this game kind of confirms that. I love the new take on the Hunters. The Alphas have kind of a predator face now but the Gammas? The Gammas have this massive parasite that pops out of their gaping maws. It looks just like the Gravedigger and since there isn’t really a park level to this game, imagine they serve the same purpose. Or, repurpose in this case. There’s even a couple of surprises in store for those who know their lore. Their horrifying Resident Evil lore.
F*cking Nemesis, man. Nemesis is nightmare fuel incarnate. Dude is outright horrifying, the entire time you play this game. He’s fast, agile, and f*cking terrifying. I had problems with Mr. X but this asshole? Dude literally sprints after you when you run away. I kind of hate it but, at the same time, i f*cking need it! Good ol’ Nemi’s redesign is amazing. I was a little iffy at first, but seeing it in action sold me. And then his second form happened. Bro. What? And then that third. Okay, Capcom, come on? Y’all were just showing off with that one.
The only thing holding this game back, in my opinion, is that it can get a little REVI at times. I mean that the action becomes just a hair too over-the-top. That entire end sequence with final form Nemesis was absolutely ridiculous. I mean, i loved it, don’t get me wrong, but, f*ck, coming off Remake II and several parts of this one, it just felt a little out of place. There’s a few times where this issue creeps up but, like i said, it’s more of a nitpick than anything. The grounded nature and character driven narrative distract from the more... zealous aspects of this game.
As far as gameplay, if you played Remake II or any of the RE titles after IV, you know what to expect. Over the shoulder, third person, all day! I hate shooters but i can play the f*ck out of these types. Tank controls have gone the way of the dodo it seems but i ‘m not bad with their replacement. This game feels right with this camera set up. Shooting feels right. Dodging feels rewarding. This game feels real good to play.
There aren’t anymore of those quick decision deals like in the original but that’s not a problem. They would have interfered with the narrative driven aspects of this game. You can still, you know, shoot Nemi in the face for dope sh*t but i wouldn’t. F*ck all of that. Maybe after a third of fourth playthrough. Maybe. There’s no Mercenaries mode or multiple endings but you can play a good portion as Carlos and there’s a brand new multiplayer component with it’s own narrative called Resident Evil Resistance so, i guess that’s dope? I dunno. I f*cks with that single player campaign all day, tho.
R3make is f*cking outstanding. I love this game. Absolutely adore the f*ck out of it. I still like Remake II better but that’s more because i just adore II overall. That said, R3make is the f*cking tits. This sh*t is fast paced, adrenaline pumping, stress inducing, action packed, zombie killing. It does justice to Jill, makes me care about Carlos, and even does some interesting things with Nemesis. I was thoroughly surprised by some narrative choices taken but they dded to the overall plot,giving life to a game that sorely needed it, while not compromising once on gameplay. While there are certain design aspects i would have liked seen skew closer to the earlier titles in the franchise rather than the later ones, that is a small gripe. Even in all of it’s Bayhem glory, and there is a lot of that toward th end, this game never loses the spirit of who it is. Resident Evil III Remake is a f*cking masterpiece and you should get into it the second this quarantine lifts if you haven’t already had an opportunity to grab a copy.
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