#me voice increasingly excited on call with my gf: I CAN PUT HER IN A VIRGIN KILLER SWEATER HOLY SHIT I LOVE IT HERE
elfcollector · 3 years
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i am now releasing the restraints on pennywort AGEs hound 1 and hound 2.  all right, you dogs — sic ‘em.
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peachi-puff · 6 years
Hiiiii! I was wondering if you could please do a sev snape X Hufflepuff wife where she gets in a bit of an accident and when she wakes up she has temporary memory loss and when she sees sev, she starts telling him how nice his face and voice is and starts playing with his hair and then asks if he's got a gf or something and then is completely amazed when he tells her that he's her husband and it's just all cute and silly and fluffyyyyyy. Thanks!!! Xxxx
Aaaaaa I love snape so much!!! This is such a cute scenario. I hope you enjoy, I’m just now getting back into the groove of writing! Also, as the two are married, both of you are called Professor snape hahahaha
Fall was fast approaching at Hogwarts, and you and your husband sat together in the staff lounge planning your lessons. You were the head of hufflepuff and took turns teaching charms with Professor flitwick, while Severus was the head of Slytherin. An unlikely pairing, some might say, but nethertheless there was nothing but love between the two.
“Hmmm.. darling, do you remember that one Professor? The one who lied about all the things he did.. lockhart, wasn’t it?” You asked your husband, looking down at the lesson planning sheet in front of you. Severus scoffed, shooting a sideways glance at you. “Don’t remind me. Why are you thinking about that idiot?” He questioned. “Well, he did use the Forgetfulness charm and the more I think about it, maybe I should teach my fourth years that! I mean, it’d make for great practice! But maybe I should tweak it a bit? So it just erases small memories?”
Severus looked at you, this time with concern. “Y/N, no. I love you and all of your ideas, but not that one. Fourth years with a memory charm? And not to mention, you’ve never even tweaked a charm!” He said, becoming increasingly worried by the second. “Actually, sev, I have tweaked a charm.” You said proudly, raising your nose in the air. “It was my 6th year and I tweaked the light charm to give off green light with little sparkles!” Of course, you left out the part where it exploded soon afterwards and gave you second degree burns that took madam pomfrey 4 hours to completely heal. You weren’t a kid anymore though, and you were convinced you’d be able to succeed this time.
Just before your husband could reply, Professor flitwick entered the room. “Oho! Well if it isn’t Professor snape and Professor snape!” You giggled, still getting excited over the fact that the two of you shared the same last name. “Hello, Filius! Is the classroom ready for me to use now?” You asked. “Yes, indeed!” You leaned over and gave your husband a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll see you soon, love!” You said, right before talking with flitwick about possibly taking over one more class for him as he was getting older.
It took you half a class period to attempt to tweak the charm before you realized that the students were still waiting for you to begin. You stood up and began to explain your charm, even though it still wasn’t finished. “Umm... you! Come to the front please!” You pointed at one of your students. “As an example, this boy here... what’s your name? Hootyhoo? Got it. Hootyhoo will perform this charm on me to show you the effects.” You sat down in front of him, trying to ignore a growing panic as he slowly lifted his arm, pointed it at your head, and said the magic words.
Everything went black.
“Uuugh...” you groaned, rubbing your head. You slowly sat up, taking in the sight around you. “Where am I..?” You asked, slightly nervous. Just then, a tall man with shoulder length black hair walked into the room. You felt heat rise to your cheeks. You had never seen such a handsome man before.
“Are you alright?” He asked. “I-I yeah” you stuttered. The man took a seat next to you. “What happened? Poppy told me you were in here. I told you it was a bad ide-“ you immediately cut him off. “I’m sorry, but can I please have your name??” You whispered, almost choking on air. “Y-you have a really nice voice...” this time it was severus’s turn to choke on air. He stood up and tried to find the nurse. “Why can’t she/he remember me?” He said sternly. Madame Pomfrey gave an agitated sigh. “Professor, it was the work of some terribly put together charm. Her/his memories will be restored in 12 hours as long as she/he drinks this tea.” She handed him a steaming cup filled with a strange teal colored liquid.
He returned, disappointment etched on his face. “Your name?” You asked again. “Severus.” He replied shorty, feeling a bit sorry for his wife/husband. “Handsome name for a handsome man,” you winked, becoming more flirty. Severus gave a small smile and tried to make you take a sip of your drink. As he bent over, you just couldn’t help it. You quickly ruffled his hair. “It’s soooooo softttt oh my goodness!” You gushed, not noticing he was slightly blushing. You did this in the privacy of your own home of course, but there was something really sweet about not remembering him at all and still falling for him.
“Also, Severus,” you turned slowly to him. “Tell me, do you have a... you know... significant other?” He saw the glint of hope in your eyes and almost let out a chuckle. “I’m afraid I do.” He said. “Oh.. that’s a shame..” you whispered, disappointment in your face. “But you do too.” He said. “Oh.. really? Now I feel terrible.. why can’t I remember?” You asked. “Well, you tried to change up the forgetfulness charm. Your husband tried to warn you but...” he crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, trying not to smirk. “Oh... well I suppose I better talk to him. Severus, can you do me a favor and fetch my husband?” Still pretty disappointed that this beautiful man wasn’t yours. “Sure thing.” He said, amused, not moving an inch. It took you about 3 minutes to realize. “Oh. OH!” You gasped, feeling overjoyed. “YOU!!! YOURE MY HUSBAND?? OH GOODNESS!!!!! I AM THE LUCKIEST PERSON ALIVE!!!”
Severus actually began to laugh now and gently hug you. “No, no. That would be me.”
(Sorry for naming a random kid hootyhoo lmao)
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marvellovegalore · 6 years
It’s okay.
Erik Stevens/Killmonger.
Requested imagine: 
1. I request a Killmongerx reader where Erik had a GF who dumped him because of his increasingly scary vengeance (one night she thought he was going to attack HER), but months later he shows up at her place, having been given another chance at life and now working with Tchalla... 
2. Love your stories they are so well written and vivid in description. Can I request a Erik x reader where Erik lives and has been redeeming himself with his family and he asks T’Challa to go to the US to take one person back to Wakanda—-the girl he loved but didn’t treat right die to his issues...
Note: This was one of the first requested imagines, Anon(s) I am so sorry for taking so long to get this imagine out, I do hope you like it but I could have done better. Love and Wakanda Forever x
Warning: Strong Language, Violence Themes
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The rays of sun above his head cause his eyes to flutter open. He exhales and rubs his eyes. He sits up and scratches his chest, the pads of his fingers rubbing through the ridges of his numerous scars. He yawns and swings his feet over the bed.
He stands, stark naked, and enters his bathroom. He gets himself ready with a mixture of anxiety and determination in his heart. He bites his lip as he looks at himself in the mirror, seeing the eyes of a man in the midst of a emotional and political deradicalisation. The fragments of his irises lay abandoned in his pupils. He’s slowly putting back the pieces of his view.
The last year of his change has come with unparalleled hardship for Erik Stevens, or as his family calls him - N’Jadaka. The things he’s done to this nation are irreversible. It only took him a couple of days to scar the once untouched land. He’s revealed an ugly in the world that many Wakandans couldn’t bear or accept. He was only accepted by a small number of people in the nation, but he is slowly being accepted into the society.
He is more than grateful. It’s the first time he’s been given a chance. The first time since her.
“Erik,” she questions quietly, the tired lilt to her voice floats through the quiet and brightly lit apartment.
He sighs and leans against the closed door. He lifts his head and walks into the living room. He walks past the couch and she gasps when her eyes register the blood stained clothes clinging to his body.
“Erik, babe, what happened?” She strikes up from the couch and goes to stand in front of him.
He huffs out and moves her aside with a slick movement of his arm. She crashes against the wall but the worry and curiosity compel her to follow him. Following him into the dark seems to be something she does quite a lot, the bedroom is black and the dim light from the corridor is barely any help to either of them.
“Erik? Erik?” She steps slowly and carefully on the floor, her bare feet making a slightly weird noise on the wood. “Just talk to me babe. I promise I won’t judge...” her voice is soft. “Baby, I just want to know. that you weren’t doing what we discussed you wouldn't do - anymore.”
Erik exhales, feeling a minuscule tug in his heart - wanting him to just rant and tell her the truth about his fears and needs. He just wants to give himself up to her, sometimes.
“Please Erik.” The lilt of her voice is soothing to him, and he almost lets her find him in the dark, but he moves away as her hands almost grasp him.
“Damn, Y/N, can’t a nigga just breathe?” He growls loudly, she squeals but bites her tongue - holding back her full blown scream.
She sighs, feeling the regular attitude and bad boy behaviour scent masking any clean particles on her room. “Erik,” she pauses and sighs, “Please baby, just talk to me calmly. I just want to understand what you’ve been doing until five in the morning.” She shrugs.
“Y/N,” a growl punctuates her name, this time taking five steps to her, she understands the direction he’s taking to her, hearing the ring around his necklace clashing against his dog tag violently.
“Erik, I just-“
“Nah, you just talk too much. You know exactly what I was doing until five in the damn morning. Stop trying to patronise me.” He breath beats against her face, her body shrinks as he talks down on her. “I ain’t your baby. And I ain’t your goddamn man, Y/N.”
Her back feels frozen against the wall of the bedroom. She swallows and her eyes focus on his clenched fists, each one poised tightly besides her face.
“Fuck that!” He slams both fists against the wall, almost shattering her eardrums.
She jumps, startled. Her heart pounds against her chest violently. She hyperventilates and her fingers cover her mouth, muffling her panicked breaths. She inhales. His eyes bore into her, not an ounce of compassion floats in his eyes.
He stalks off into the bathroom, the noise of the dog tag and the ring clashing against one another repeatedly drags her into a sunken place. A sly, tiny tears drops out of her eye. She wipes it quickly and forcefully pushes her body off of the wall.
“Erik!” She storms up to the closed door of the bathroom. “Open the fucking door.” She bangs on the door, any care for how much noise she is making goes out of the window. “Open up, Erik.” Her fingers wrap around the door handle and she pushes it down. The door doesn’t budge.
“You need to leave Erik.” She mumbles as her efforts don’t result in success. She lets her forehead fall against the door, her pants audible to both of them. “Just go Erik, go away from me. I don’t want you here.” She whispers.
The sadness in her voice makes him bite his lip as he watches himself in the mirror. Looking into the eyes of a man in the verge of breaking.
The process of personal reconstruction and social rehabilitation have been long and tedious for Erik. He’s had to learn that despite what his mother had said during his late childhood - he wasn’t always right.
He’s learnt from the elders of Wakanda as they have from him. He’s learning to adapt and cooperate with others.
“N’Jadaka.” T’Challa’s strong voice calls out from behind him.
At first he doesn’t respond, not entirely accustomed to the name, but as soon as T’Challa places his hand on his shoulder Erik almost jumps into a fight stance. His swift movement knocks his cousin’s hand off of his shoulder.
“N’Jadaka, calm down, it’s just me.” Erik’s shoulders slacken and he sighs. “How are you?” T’Challa looks at his cousin, his arms behind his back.
“I’m cool.” Erik nods, his own arms behind his back. “I’m cool.” He licks his bottom lip. He looks up at T’Challa.
Not much of the animosity was left between the two. T’Challa forgave Erik easily, understanding that as he had mentioned before - he was a monster of their own creation. Erik was unable to understand and accept why his cousin kept him alive. He would have rather died than face the consequences of his poor actions.
But he’s alive. That’s it.
“I’ve been thinking about the outreach program.” Erik straightens himself up, a serious tone washing his voice. T’Challa nods and puts his full attention on his cousin. “I’ve been thinking that I can extend my abilities back home.”
T’Challa’s eyes widen and he raises his head - his interest piqued. “Okay.” He nods.
“My abilities will be better suited back in the US. I can get across to the people there. I’m from there.” He purses his lips, and then sighs. “I got unfinished business there.” He bows his head for a split second and looks back at T’Challa, square in the eye.
“Of course,” T’Challa smiles tightly, trying not to show Erik his enthusiasm at his initiative. “I’m happy that you’re excited to do something with the outreach programme that you inspired.” He places a hand on Erik’s shoulder.
“Yeah, I have to contribute, don’t I?” Erik shrugs, a gleaming smirk stretching his lips as he and T’Challa walk to the council room.
The feeling of rain on his skin is not registering in his brain. He looks up at the windows of her home. The lights are on and it gives him a pang of nostalgia.
A sliver of a smile graces his lips. He watches for any movement in her windows, but nothing happens - no shadows go past her windows.
He tilts his head, his eyes glancing side to side, watching the cars drive on the road. As his foot hits the road as the flow of traffic slows - he sees her. His eyes widen and he glides across the road, she approaches her own home. He barely registers his travel to her.
She juggles her bags to her left hand and uses her right hand to fish out her keys. She struggles to balance the keys and drops them. He speeds up his walking and stops behind her.
She picks up her keys and in the process drops her bags. She growls and huffs out in frustration.
He picks up her bags from the ground, slowly to not startle her.
But she squeals, she bursts into a spin to look at her assailant. Her wide eyes are highlighted by the headlights of the incoming traffic.
A gasp escapes her lips.
She looks just the same as the day they met. Except for the fact that it was raining and she didn’t have the eyes of a heartbroken and scorned woman.
“Aye, you dropped something.” He yells to the girl with one earphone in.
She turns, a suspicious expression greeting him back. She narrows her eyes, stops and whips her dreads behind her back.
“You talking to me?” She quips, a manicured hand coming to her chest in question.
He nods, speechless at the beauty in front of him. But he shakes out of the trance. “Yeah, I’m talking to you. And since you stopped, I’d like to ask for your number.” He throws out his most charming smile, bearing his teeth out into the sunny day.
She chuckles, her teeth gleaming under the sun rays. “Ha, good one,” she backs away from him slowly, the chocolate of her eyes spreads over his body as she sizes him up and down. “But no-“
“Just let me get your number, and if you ain’t feeling me like that - just block my number and I’ll bounce.” The mischievous look on his face makes her giggle.
And Erik finds it one of the most sublime views ever seen. Not even the sights of the ocean, the snowy mountains or of tropical flora can beat the sight of this woman - whose skin shines under the spotlight of the sun.
“Hey baby girl.” He winks at her, gripping her bags tightly.
She blinks. She gulps, and she stares.
Erik fears she’s frozen, he takes one step closer to her. She wakes out of her reverie as she sees that he’s closer to her.
“Get away from me!” She yelps and turns like a bird going into flight. “Stay away from me Erik Stevens.” She fumbles to find the right key to open her door, she does just as Erik climbs the stairs to her door. She slips in rapidly and shuts the door in his face.
“You’re going to have to let me though, baby girl, I got your stuff.” He feels the raindrops roll into his clothes, they drip through his scars.
The response is absolute silence from the other side of the door. Not one floorboard creeks, and not one light is turned off or on. It’s as if she’s disappeared into thin air.
But the door slams open and she pokes her head out, “Give me my bags.” Her tone is blistered with anger and betrayal.
Her raises his eyebrows, “Well you gotta let me in to get your bags.” He shrugs.
She tries to snatch them off of him, but she can’t as he steps away from the door. “Give them,” her lips barely move as she crosses her arms over her closed coat.
He shakes his head and steps back to the door, “Talk to me and I will.” He feels his face setting like stone, trying to convey the seriousness of his reappearance in her life.
“No!” She yelps out. “No, no, no!” She almost screams. A frustrated glare etches her face, and she reminds him of the people of Wakanda when they realised he was still alive. Angry.
“Just go, Erik. Take that shit with you and disappear from my life. Again.” She shuts the door, but he traps it with his foot. She shakes her head and closes her eyes. “Why are you back?” She huffs out, keeping her body weight against the door.
“I need to talk to you about... us.” He inhales slowly as he finishes.
She raises her eyebrows and nods, “There is no us, but okay. Continue.” She flicks her wrist.
“I want you to come and live with me.” His voice bursts out of his mouth after a long pause.
She stares at him, assessing the sincerity of his statement. And she bursts out laughing. The laughter that he hears completely breaks him.
He never in his wildest dreams thought a woman could do this to him. Laugh at him. Make him feel stupid. The only one to blame is him.
“Stop it.” She chuckles dryly. “Where? Huh? In a maximum security mental facility? Where the likes of Ted Bundy and the Zodiac killer’s ghosts will haunt me?” She smiles mockingly at him, and he feels like waste. “Huh, Erik?”
“I’ve changed.” His whisper breaks into the noise of the pouring rain and her light laughter. “I’ve really changed.” His bottom lip begins to quiver.
“Oh have you?” She smiles mockingly at him, her nod is one of disbelief.
He nods, sincerely. “I have, I promise you.” He purses his lips and places her shopping bags on the floor of her entryway.
“Your promises mean nothing to me, Erik Stevens.” She hisses, going to close the door but he stops it with his hands this time.
He shakes his head and pushes the door open - as softly as he can. “N’Jadaka.” He sighs, raindrops rolling into his eyes, but he doesn’t remove his hands from the door. “That’s my name. N’Jadaka. And with this name, comes a lot of change. And a new me.” He closes his lips quickly as the rain gets heavier and the raindrops almost fall into his mouth.
She scoffs but doesn’t make a move to shut the door again. “A new you?” She raises her eyebrows and he nods. “That means nothing to me. You caused me pain, you hurt me Erik!” She points at her chest, her irises on fire. “The last time I saw you, you almost hurt me physically!” She yells, her eyes glistening with tears, but the tears don’t fall.
“Y/N,” he barely feels it but he sees his change in perspective suddenly change. One by one, his knees drop to the ground. He doesn’t know if it’s the weight of his guilt and the heartbreak he himself is feeling, or if it’s the notion that the woman he loves won’t take him back - but he’s on his knees. And that’s all he knows.
“I need you.” He doesn’t know which are his tears on his face and which are raindrops, “Baby, I need you so much. I can’t be without you, I’m so, so sorry.” he chokes out. Her eyes widen in raw shock, and he himself cries harder at the fact that he’s just given up his deepest feelings. “I love you.” He sobs.
She bites her lip, willing the tears back. She’s unwilling to succumb to the pity and want in her heart. She can’t. He’s a madman.
“Erik stand up.” She mumbles, her lip quivering. She wipes her wet face and crouches down to his level.
“No, I can’t. Not until, you tell me that you at least forgive me.” His hands are intertwined and his voice is almost inaudible as he shivers under the pouring rain. “I’m so sorry - for all that I did to you.” He buries his head into his chest in shame.
Her own tears fall this time. She sniffles and hugs him. “We need to get out of this rain.” She whispers into his ear.
He lets her pull him inside. She shuts the door and turns back to him, watching as he hiccups in the corner of the small entrance.
“I accept your apology.” She whispers softly, a tear that streams down her face is wiped away quickly by her.
She crawls over to him and takes him into her arms.
He sobs into her chest. “I know you don’t forgive me. But give me some time, and I swear, I’ll be a better man to you.” He sniffles, his hand clutches her bottom of her top in desperation.
“It’s okay,” she strokes his dreads slowly, “It’s okay.”
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