#me too but i lost all my screen caps so i have to start over
hotvintagepoll · 5 months
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Judy Garland (Meet Me In St. Louis, A Star is Born, Summer Stock)— Judy is the GOAT when it comes to classic movie musicals. The voice of an angel who deserved so much better than she got. She can sing she can dance she can act she's a triple threat. Though she had a turbulent personal life (her treatment as a child star by the studio system makes me mad as hell like Louis b Mayer fight me ((she was made to believe that she was physically unattractive by the constant criticism of film executives who made her feel ugly and who manipulated her onscreen appearance by capping her teeth and using discs in her nose to change its shape and Mayer called her "my little hunchback" like imagine hearing that as a child and not having damage)) she always goddamn delivered on screen and in any performance she gave. She began in vaudeville performing with her sisters and was signed to MGM at 13. Starting out in supporting parts especially paired with mickey Rooney in a bunch of films (she's the best part tbh) she eventually transferred to the lead role. She is best known for her starring role in movie musicals like the iconic Wizard of Oz (somewhere over the rainbow still hits hard and is ranked the top film song of all time), meet me in St. Louis (Judy singing have your self a merry little Christmas brings tears to the eyes she is that powerful), the Harvey girls (she looks like a technicolor dream and sings a catchy af song about trains), Easter parade ( dancing and singing with Fred Astaire), for me and my gal, the pirate, and summer stock ( with pal Gene Kelly who she helped when he was starting out and he helped her when she was struggling). But she also does non- singing just as well like the clock ( her first movie where she sings no songs and is an underrated ww2 era romance), her Oscar nominated a star is born ( like the man that got away she put her whole soul in that and I have beef with the fact she lost to grace kelly ((whom I love but like still not even her best work)), and judgement at Nuremberg (a courtroom drama about the nazi war criminal trials). Outside of film she made concert appearances to record-breaking audiences, released 8 studio albums, and had her own Emmy-nominated tv series. She was the youngest (39) and first female recipient of the Cecil B DeMille award for lifetime achievement in the film industry. Girl was a lifelong democrat and was a financial and moral supporter of many causes including the civil rights movement (she was at the March on Washington and held a press conference to protest the 16th street Baptist church bombings). She was a friend of the Kennedy family and would call jfk weekly often ending the calls by singing the first few lines of somewhere over the rainbow (she thought of them as Gemini twins).She was a member of the committee for the first amendment which was formed in response to the HUAC investigations. Though she died far too young and tragically she remains an icon for her work and her life. As a girl who didn't feel like i was as pretty as everyone else I have always felt a connection to Judy and I just really love her.
Natalie Wood (West Side Story, The Great Race)—She went through so much shit which I know can be said for all these women but Natalie really was a star and her death often overshadows her career and life. She could make you cry, but she also had the capacity to be incredibly funny which I think is lost on people.
This is round 4 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Natalie Wood:
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Judy Garland:
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Judy's voice alone qualifies her for at least top ten hottest HOT VINTAGE MOVIE WOMEN. She was a truly incredible swing singer, with a stunning voice on top of her technique. Her short dark hair looked incredible in just about any style. Have I mentioned her swagger? I can’t do it justice with words. She had swagger. She was funny as hell, and clever too. Incredibly charming and cool. I adore her.
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Her eyes, her voice have bewitched me
I mean how can you beat the one and only Judy? She's beautiful, her smile is contagious, the way she sings with her whole body. You can't help but love her.
Beautiful woman, love her singing voice. And she can do everything between happy or silly and angry or heartbroken
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itneverendshere · 5 days
wait you guys watching milo one night, and rafes like “when is it gonna be out baby”
this was ridiculously cute to write oh my god!!!!! love their dynamic 😭😭😭😭 thank you for the request ❤️
so blessed to be looking at you- r.c
pairing: rafe x pogue!reader (bartender!reader universe)
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Milo's little hand gripped the sleeve of your hoodie, his fingers sticky with remnants of the peanut butter crackers he’d demolished not twenty minutes ago. You’d just finished washing the kid’s sippy cup when you heard the familiar thud of Rafe’s feet on the floor behind you.
You were at his house, tucked into the living room, the glow from the huge fireplace casting shadows over everything. Milo was sitting cross-legged on the rug, eyes locked on some cartoon with way too many bright colors. Every once in a while, he'd giggle at something on the screen, and it made your heart swell.
Rafe slid up behind you as you walked into the living room, wrapping his arms around your waist. His chin rested on your shoulder, his lips brushing against your ear as he murmured, “You’re real good at that, y’know.”
You rolled your eyes, like always, but smiled anyway. “Yeah, well, someone has to be. My sister’s been running that graveyard shift all week. Milo’s practically my roommate at this point.”
He laughed softly, his chest vibrating against your back. He watched you twist the cap back onto the cup and set it down on the coffee table before turning you around in his arms. His eyes watched you closely, "You're so good with him," he said again.
You shrugged it off, though you warmed at the compliment. “I’ve had practice. Milo’s been around since I was seventeen, so I kinda had to figure it out.”
His hands lingered on your waist for a moment longer before he stepped away, glancing over at Milo, who was still oblivious to the conversation.
“Kid’s lucky he’s got you.”
You leaned back against the couch, watching Rafe watch Milo. It was something you’d noticed over the past few months — how he had softened around Milo, almost like he’d started to think of him as part of your little world. Whenever your sister needed help with him, Rafe was always down to hang out, no complaints.
If anything, he seemed to like it.
You’d only been dating for a year, but you’d already lost count of how many times he’d mentioned wanting kids. Not in a weird, pushy way, but just casually. Whenever you’d see a baby at the beach or out on the boat, he’d smile, and that sparkle would hit his eyes, and he’d say something like, “That’ll be us one day.”
You loved that he thought about it, thought about you like that, but you were always quick to keep him in check. You were still figuring out this whole relationship thing. Still, seeing him watching Milo like that, looking all soft and affectionate? Yeah, it did something to you.
“You good over there?” You asked, breaking him out of whatever trance he was in.
Rafe blinked and looked back at you, grinning in that way that made your stomach flip. “Yeah, just thinkin’.”
“About?” You raised an eyebrow.
He walked over, plopping down next to Milo on the floor, ruffling his messy curls. Milo laughed, swatting Rafe’s hand away, then promptly went back to his cartoon.
“When’s it gonna be our baby?” Rafe asked, so relaxed, you almost thought you misheard him.
He shrugged like it was nothing. “I mean, you and me — we’ve talked about it before. You’re so good with Milo, and I like having him around. Feels right, y’know?”
Your heart did that stupid flip-flop thing again, and you bit down on your bottom lip to stop you from smiling like an idiot. You knew he was serious, even though he was trying to make it sound light.
“Rafe, we’ve been dating for a year,” You reminded him, “Let’s not go putting the cart before the horse.”
He tilted his head, giving you that lopsided grin that always made me weak. “A year’s a long time, baby. I know what I want.”
You sighed, but there was no hiding the fact that you loved hearing him say stuff like that. He was so sure, so steady. It was one of the things that drew you to him in the first place — how Rafe could be chaotic, reckless even, but when it came to you, he was all in.
You walked over to the couch, dropping onto the cushion and grabbing the remote to turn down the volume on the TV. Milo let out a little whine but didn’t protest too much since you left the screen on.
“You don’t even know what it’s like yet,” You teased. “Babies aren’t all cartoons and snacks, Rafe. They cry. A lot. Not to mention toddlers.”
Rafe shot you a look, his lips curving into a smirk. “You’re acting like I didn’t grow up with two little sisters running around screaming their heads off all day. I know what I’m getting into.”
You raised an eyebrow, but couldn’t help the laugh that escaped. “Okay, but babysitting your sisters is different than being there 24/7. Especially when it’s your kid. There’s no off-switch.”
He just shrugged, “I don’t need one. I’ll figure it out with you.”
That comment alone hit harder than he probably even realized. With you. Like it was just a given that whatever future kids came into the picture, they were going to be both of yours. He didn’t treat the idea like some far-off possibility — for Rafe, it felt like he was already there, just waiting for you to catch up.
You leaned back against the couch, watching him with Milo. Your nephew had crawled into Rafe’s lap now, not really watching the TV anymore, just playing with one of his trucks while Rafe absentmindedly pushed his hair out of his eyes.
“Does it freak you out?” He asked suddenly, breaking the comfortable silence.
“Huh?” Your head snapped up, meeting his blue eyes.
“The baby thing,” he clarified, looking almost shy, which was weird for him. Rafe never did shy. “Like, when I bring it up. Does it freak you out?”
You bit the inside of your cheek, trying to figure out how to answer that without sounding like you were completely against the idea — because you weren’t. You did think about it, just like Rafe did, but maybe with a little more hesitation. It wasn’t that you didn’t see a future with him. If anything, you were more sure of it now than you’d ever been. But the whole baby thing? It was a lot. A lot of responsibility, a lot of life changes. You weren’t were ready for it yet, especially at twenty-one.
“I wouldn’t say freaked out…” you started, choosing your words carefully. “It’s more like—I just want to make sure we’re ready, you know? We’ve got time.”
He traced patterns on Milo’s back, the little boy already dozing off in his lap. “I get that,” Rafe nodded, “I’m not trying to rush you. Just— sometimes I think about what it’ll be like. Like, really picture it. You, me, and a little one.”
You smiled, feeling a blush rise to your cheeks.
The way he was talking, so openly, like this was his ultimate dream? It made your heart swell.
He wasn’t just saying it to sound cute —Rafe wanted this. Wanted you to be a part of it. You could tell that much by the look in his eyes, the sincerity there.
“Yeah,” you said softly, finally letting yourself imagine it, too. “I think about it sometimes.”
He grinned at that, like you’d just given him all the confirmation he needed. But then he tilted his head, studying you like he was reading every single thought racing through your mind.
“Don’t even think about it,” You warned him, scootching yourself away.
Rafe practically beamed, scooting closer to you on the couch like he hadn’t just been told off. “What? I’m not thinking about anything.”
You gave him a look, narrowing your eyes. “Oh, please. I know that look, Cameron.”
His grin widened like he was proud of himself for whatever scheme he had cooking up in his head.
“Okay, maybe I’m thinking a little. Can’t help it when you’re over here making me all soft and sentimental.”
It was so typical of Rafe to be half-joking, half-serious, always pushing just enough to get you thinking but not enough to freak you out. He had this way of getting under your skin and making you picture things.
Milo stirred in his lap, his body shifting. You both glanced down at him, expecting him to be waking up from his half-snooze. Instead, Milo blinked his big eyes open, looking groggy but alert.
“Where’s da baby?” Milo mumbled, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands, making the tiniest pout you’d ever seen.
You and Rafe exchanged confused looks. “What baby, buddy?” Rafe asked, ruffling his curls softly.
Milo sat up, his brows furrowed, like he was personally offended by the question. 
“The baby! Dere was a baby! Where it go?” He looked around the room like it was hiding behind the couch or something.
Rafe glanced at you, utterly baffled, his mouth twitching like he was trying not to laugh. “Uh, Milo? I think you were dreaming, dude. No baby here.”
But Milo was having none of it. He looked at you now, all wide-eyed and serious. “No, dere was a baby! You had it, Auntie!”
You blinked, totally caught off guard, as Milo scrambled out of Rafe’s lap and stood up on the couch, looking around the room with this stubborn determination like he’d misplaced his toy truck. “Auntie had a baby! Where is it?”
Rafe’s lips twitched, clearly holding back a laugh. You raised your hands in surrender. “Milo, I swear, there’s no baby. Just you.”
Milo gave you a look that said he did not believe you. He crossed his little arms, glaring at the both of you like you were in on some kind of conspiracy.
“You’re hiding it.”
Rafe finally lost it and let out a snort, leaning back on the couch, looking at you with amusement written all over his face. “You’ve been holding out on me? You got a secret baby I don’t know about?”
You rolled your eyes, nudging him playfully in the ribs. “Don’t start.”
But Milo was still adamant, his little voice growing more insistent. “Auntie, I saw it! You were holdin’ da baby, and it had little feet! And it was cryin’! Where it go?”
You knelt down so you were eye level with him, “I think you were dreaming. You must’ve been sleeping really deep.”
Milo’s face scrunched up in thought, his head tilting to the side as he tried to process it. After a few moments, he let out a dramatic sigh, clearly disappointed. “Oh. I wanted to baby again.”
Rafe laughed softly, shaking his head in disbelief. “This kid, man…”
You couldn’t help but smile at the whole thing, though there was something about the way Milo had said “Auntie had a baby” that sent a warm shiver down your spine. You caught Rafe’s eye, and he was already smirking, as if to say, See? Even Milo’s thinking about it.
Before you could answer, Milo yawned and plopped himself back down on the couch, clearly over his phantom baby drama, like it had never even happened.
Rafe leaned closer, whispering in your ear, “I mean, maybe Milo’s onto something.”
You gave him a playful shove, trying not to let the heat rise to your cheeks. “Shut up. He’s just dreaming, let’s get to bed.”
He chuckled under his breath as he got up from the couch, scooping a now sleepy Milo into his arms. Milo barely protested, his little head already resting against Rafe's shoulder, soft snores escaping his lips. You swore that kid slept like the dead. You grabbed his blanket from the armrest and followed them down the hallway. 
As Rafe tucked Milo into the small guest bed, you couldn’t help but stand in the doorway and watch the scene. He was so gentle, pulling the covers up to Milo’s chin and brushing a stray curl from his forehead. After making sure Milo was comfortable, he quietly shut the door behind him, and the two of you headed toward his bedroom. Sliding into bed, you were aware of Rafe’s eyes on you the entire time. He lay down beside you, resting on his side, propped up on his elbow. His other hand traced light patterns along your arm. Rafe’s arms tightened around you, pulling you closer leaving just the sound of your breaths syncing up in the quiet room. He rested his chin on top of your head, his thumb lazily tracing circles on your back, like he couldn’t stop touching you.
“Why’re you looking at me like that?” you asked, your voice muffled against his chest.
Rafe chuckled, his chest vibrating under you. “Like what?”
“Like you’re trying to memorize my face or something,” you teased, though you could feel his heart pounding steadily beneath your cheek.
He let out a soft sigh, his hand moving to tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ear as he looked down at you, it almost made you blush.
“Can’t help it,” he murmured. “Sometimes I can’t believe this is my life now. That you’re here with me.”
Your heart stuttered at the sincerity in his voice. You looked up at him, suddenly feeling a little breathless. “Rafe…”
“I’m serious,” he said, his voice still quiet. “I’ve had a lot of crazy moments in my life, but this? Right here? You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I still can’t wrap my head around it sometimes.”
You propped yourself up on your elbow, looking him square in the eyes. “You know you didn’t give me much of a choice right?”
Rafe smirked, clearly amused. “Oh, didn’t I?” 
You gave him a playful slap on the bicep. “Nope. You practically steamrolled your way into my life.”
He chuckled softly, his hand catching yours and pulling it against his chest, holding it there as his thumb rubbed soothing circles over your knuckles. “Yeah, well, look how that turned out. Can’t say I regret it.”
He was stupidly charming. “I’m still here, aren’t I?”
Rafe grinned wider, pulling you closer until your noses nearly brushed. “Exactly. So, no complaints from you.”
You huffed, feigning annoyance. “I don’t know. Sometimes I think maybe I should’ve played a little harder to get. You barely gave me time to breathe.”
His lips twitched as he leaned in, brushing them against yours in the softest kiss. 
“I just knew what I wanted.”
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kiyoramen · 1 year
buy me coffee?
pairing: hq!atsumu x reader
Atsumus's eyes widen as he spots you through the window of the cafe you were supposed to meet at hours ago.
Classic atsumu, he forgot, again.
He frantically enters through the glass doors and removes his cap with shaky hands. he stands still in front of your table as you type in your laptop.
As he expected, you refuse to acknowledge his overwhelming presence, your eyes glued to your screen and your focus on him through your peripheral vision. in reality, ever since you saw his big coat briefly, you've already started typing incoherent sentences full of nonsense.
Atsumu sighs, he feels bad he does, he takes the seat in front of you and fiddles with the lid of one of the cups on your table. he takes note of its weight and how you probably ordered it for him, expecting him to come.
He tries to grab your hand but you slap it away. he flinches. you don't feel bad. he stares at you. you stare at him and sigh.
"We agreed to meet at 3:00 PM, as it was the time most agreeable for both of us, I'd be finished with classes for the day and you'd be finished with training, and you promised that you wouldn't do extra."
"I know, let me explain-"
"Shut up."
You sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose and type whatever on your laptop again. The screen is full of words made up of words stuck together to make incorrigible sentences. Somehow, it perfectly encapsulates the state that you are in at the moment.
click clack click
It takes you about 30 seconds to start talking again, Atsumu waits patiently, taking the hint that you want to express your frustrations first before hearing him out.
"My original goal was to finish this paper last night," you sigh, hitting the delete key multiple times, "but I decided that I'll finish it tomorrow since I wanted to look nice for once and not look like a walking zombie for today's date."
"You look incredible every day."
You ignore his flattery that tries to deescalate your bad mood, "And I made time because I really fucking miss you and I was actually going insane because of this stupid essay, and I spent half of my allowance on overpriced coffee for two but it went to waste because you didn't fucking show up."
"I can pay-"
You start keyboard smashing, "That's really not the point, atsumu."
click clack click
"The point is you have thrown me off the loop," your lips start to wobble, "I was supposed to finish this tomorrow but now I'm almost done with it AND we were supposed to have a nice date and take cute pictures but you decide to show up 5 hours later."
Corcodile tears start forming on your waterline. Alarmed, Atsumu stands up and kneels beside you, wiping away your tears with his handkerchief.
kendjwja delete sksjsjjajs delete owpwnsjriw delete disodbjwwj delete
"You didn't even text or call," you sniff, "didn't even inform me about this change of plans."
"I'm sorry baby," he takes your hand in his and rubs circles against your skin, "I've been so tired of training and helping Samu out in his shop that I lost track of the date and time. I know that's a shit excuse but that's what happened and all I can do now is make it up to you."
"But I'm tired too," you say softly, and it breaks his heart to see you slowly blinking, "but I still make time for you every day, I still squeeze you into my schedule. Stem is literally kicking my ass every day but I still do everything to compromise for you. Asshole."
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he pulls you in for a hug and plants a kiss on the top of your head, "I'll do my best to make it up to you, I'm sorry for not being the best boyfriend ever."
"Well," you say through sniffles, "it's good that you're at least self-aware I guess."
Click clack click
"Mhm," Atsumu stops your hand, "Stop that you might delete something important."
"Will you stay with me until I finish this?" you aren't really asking.
"I'll stay with you until class tomorrow."
"You'll stay over?"
"If you'll have me."
You act like you're thinking about it for about five seconds. In reality, you can't help but forgive Atsumu way before he even arrived. Your brain came up with multiple excuses for him all the while you're heart was starting to hurt really badly. You just can't resist.
"Buy me a coffee?"
"Of course," he loosens his hold on you and kisses your cheek, "the usual?"
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landovilla · 10 months
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read your mind.
༉‧₊˚ reader gets a certain reply to her story.
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pairing: charles leclerc x poc!reader
fc: aeri from aespa!!
trope:situation opps!
warnings: suggested smut but no smut happens. semi-love bombing?? toxic umm.. time skips a lot.
content: reader kind of falls too fast. charles being a dickhead idk. lando 😂😂 shh.. texts & insta post (just once). maybe bad gammer sorryyy. low caps !!!!!!
words: 1.3k ??
🎐 speaking!: hi this is my first post im kind of nervous... mo encourage me to start posting on tumblr!! also might make a part two if it gets attention 🤗 hope you enjoy!!
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she wasn't a fan of him, she never was at first. It was just an accident that he followed her nothing else. But it wasn't accident that he replied to her story right?
charles_leclerc replied to your story!
ynusername's story
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erm.. I think you replied on accident!
that was no accident sweetheart
you're very pretty
tell me something I don't hear🤣 be original racer boy
haha racer boy?
isn't that what you are lolol
I mean yeah?
ok 👍
she didn't reply after that. she didn't felt the need to. yes, a famous man that hundreds of girls drooled over would kill to be in her position! but yn had heard questionable actions the man had gotten into. she thought he would get the damn hint by now but he didn't.
ouch delivered for 1 week :(?
I'm a busy girl..
not even time for me?
no who are you?
are you mark lee didn't think so
just wanna know the pretty girl
you literally don't even know who I am
NO. How did you find my instagram?
lily follows u
um ok but ??
she posted ur post once on her story and i just had to take my shot
erm congrats! 🎊🍾
are you always a cold bitch
and do u think every girl can just fall for you!! oh I'm so sorry !
I must admit ur funny
I know I am☺️
yn wasn't going to keep texting him that's what she said. she was wrong, she found herself clicking the Instagram app opening his messages. she found herself texting him everyday, as the time passed soon or later they exchanged numbers. the more they talked, the more she found out about him.
she knew he was three years older but it was fine! he didn't seem to have bad intentions. she loved the way he would give her pet names or responding quickly. yn just felt like she could fall in love again after her ex situation.
the two soon or later began calling after two months of charles begging, she finally gave in. "so.. are you gonna say something or just be staring at the screen?" yn spoke softly looking into her camera. his grin widened, "you have a hot voice too-" she stared at her screen for awhile before replying, "ok I'm hanging up now-"
hii pretty girl
yn 🤍
helloooo char:)
cant wait to see you after all of these months
it's literally been what?
5 months talking 😃
and? I promised you that confession in person didn't I?
shut ur mouth
only if it's ur lips
he was the sweetest once they met, he wrapped an arm around her waist instantly. charles pecked her cheek and looked at her with a wide smile.
she smiled back,
they were happy for awhile, why wouldn't they? charles would take her on the most expensive dates yet. he would have her by his side no matter what the occasion. when it was race day, she was there even when he lost terribly. she would always be there for him.
but they weren't official, she never thought he would take this long to ask her to his official girlfriend. when she confronted about it to him, he always said the same thing.
"I do want you to be my girlfriend. It's just I want to plan it out perfectly just for you, my girl"
she should've never believed him. she should've started getting suspicious when he suddenly stopped asking her to go to his races occasionally. but she didn't question it, just brushing it off thinking he was just busy that's all.
hey pretty, how are you?
good gooddd
you've been lagging on me tbh😞
Ik ik
it's just been busy lately
yk training and stuff
yeah I know
I just miss talking to you
you'll have me to yourself soon
right ☺️
yn just thought he was busy that's all. he's a celebrity and celebrities are always busy, right? it wasn't until a week later where he finally invited her to a dinner celebration with other f1 drivers. his hand resting on her lower back the majority of the time as he whispered sweet nothings in her ear.
"you should've not worn this dress. you look out of this world" he whispered in her ear before placing a peck on her cheek. she felt herself start forming a smile at his compliment. no matter how hard she tried not give him an reaction she always failed. the sweetness from him quickly ended when he left her alone in the table going to chat along with the other boys.
she was incredibly bored, one of her fingers tapping the table. she didn't know anyone in the celebration. the girlfriends of the other drivers were in their own world not even paying attention to her. yn was safe to say she felt excluded by everyone here. she would've been talking to lily but lily seemed to skip this dinner party this time.
20 minutes ended up passing by, she felt incredibly small at this point. she flinched slightly feeling someone tap her shoulder. her gaze shifted to the person next to her. he was smiling at her widely. "hey! did charles dumbass leave you here alone?" yn chuckled slightly. "I guess he got too caught up with the others" he hummed with her response.
"I'm lando" she hummed giving him a soft smile, "lando? alright im yn" he grinned this time showing off his pearly whites. "yn, what a pretty name for a pretty girl" she laughed shaking her head.
she placed her chin on her hand taking in his appearance, "I would compliment you back but I don't think I can" he leaned closer to her. "oh really? why? is charles your boyfriend now?" she was going to say yes but he wasn't her boyfriend. "well not yet. though I only have eyes on him" lando tilted his head and leaned back onto his chair. "if I was him I would've made you my girlfriend already by the third month" his words made her heart sting.
the ride back to the hotel was silent. when the two had step inside charles closed the door behind them leaning against the door. "didn't know you were all smiles with lando" yn sat on the edge of the bed looking at him. "what? he was just keeping me company" she frowned, why was he acting like this?
"stay away from him pretty, he just wants to steal you from me" he spoke softly as he walked in front of her. "you can do that for me right?" his hand brushed her strand of hairs away from her eyes. she was a weak women, "yeah I can" charles smiled satisfied he grip her chin up placing a kiss on her lips. he slowly pushed her down onto the bed. "so good to me, yeah?" he heavily breathed.
"god, let's get you out of this dress"
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yn felt stupid for waiting his notifications. she wonder what went wrong was it because she responded too quickly? she didn't know but she was tired. she was tired of his excuses for not asking her out officially. she was tired of him responding so late to her lately.
what position you got her in😂😐
oh now u reply lol
yn, you know im busy.
and im sick of you being so-called busy everyday.
you know that's what I mean though. It's not my fault I have training and stuff.
you know what charles, im tired of whatever we have going on. I don't wanna be just a stupid situation. Why won't you make me your girlfriend yet? it's been over 7 months of us talking, going on dates, literally fucking?? what else do you want from me?
im sorry yn. it's just im scared my fans will hurt you they aren't used to me dating girls with black hair and yk?
what the fuck.
im starting to think you don't actually like me
I do I swear
no you don't. you would've accepted me. sorry im not a blonde girl with blue eyes. have fun with your new bitch i can tell you've been texting someone new.
wait yn please just listen to me
he spammed her for almost a week but that quickly ended. she was heartbroken, who wouldn't be though? she hated the fact that he just was experimenting around with her. that same week he was spotted with a girl with blonde hair. it broke her, so she did what any girl would do after a situation.
she instantly went insane, crying to sad songs on blast. she clearly looked like a mess, it didn't help that after that her fall semester started. people stared at her like she was crazy. her hair was always in a messy hairstyle she didn't even bother wearing makeup or dressing up.
"you seriously need to get over him" her best friend said through the phone screen. yn looked at her with a frown, "i seriously cannot" the friend sighed shaking her head softly. "that's because you keep making it worse. I say dye your hair blonde and post just to show him you'll look good in any hair color" yn raised her eyebrows as she fixed the camera on the call.
"isn't that just making me seem desperate though?"
"well, if he texts you just ignore him. hey who knows maybe another driver will text you" she winked teasing.
"I don't think so... charles didn't let me talk to any of them" she sighed flopping down on her bed again.
"and? he isn't here now is he?"
ynusername posted!
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ynusername 🪩🍾
comments off
you have two new messages!
hey, I missed you, pretty girl.
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🎐: wowahhhh that was crazy 🤣😂(no it wasn't) I hope you enjoyed this short oneshot!! lmk if you want a part two fr😊
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gingerlurk · 9 months
Joel Miller x f!Reader x EzraProspect
Out of universe. Out of character. Out of my damn mind. 
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Rating: 18+ explicit MDNI – mfm, no-outbreak!Joel Miller, menace!EzraProspect, established relationship (with Joel), pair of consent kings, porn without plot, cuckholding (not really), ass slapping, tit grabbing, a touch of breath play, ass play, rimming, unprotected piv x 2 (be safe), self-pleasuring (reader & Joel), spitting x 2, a little hair pulling (only description of reader is having hair to be pulled and caressed), biting, cmnf (both men stay mostly clothed while you are naked), creampie, we’ve got a cock-drunk reader I think, maybe even a squinty breeding kink (I surprised myself there), aftercare, it’s implied Ezra is your ex (you’re cool though), he has both arms, he also has a variety of weird nicknames for you I dunno, Joel just calls you baby, Joel carries you but he’s just so strong, you know? Appearances from Frankie Morales, Javier Peña and Din Djarin. 
Look it’s just… look. Let me know if I should add any others, cheers!
Word count: 4.6k
AN: Interrupting my own Mandalorian-obsessed programming to share this self-indulgent, pure unadulterated filth. I don’t know what this is. It came to me as I was lost in an acute migraine haze and it just feels like it needs to be out of my head to bring me any kind of peace.
Honestly just a way to get me through the holiday sads at this point.
These are standalone characters, and I have thots for the other three PP boys mentioned at the start. So we’ll see how tortured I am by those/how this one goes and they may turn into follow-ups. Enjoy?!
He's not your first choice. He's not even your third.
But fuck, Joel wants this and you're seeing your options get shot down one after the other.
Frankie is an outright no – positive Joel is just gonna kill him the moment he lays hands on your body. Unwilling to listen to your assurances, your assertions that it wasn’t even your idea to begin with, he doesn’t relent from his refusal. 
Lifting his cap to run fidgety fingers through his hair, the gorgeous pilot turns you down with regret in his dark, sweet eyes.
Javier Peña, the sex siren incarnate, also shakes his head.
‘Don't get me wrong, hermosa,’ he croons, leaning in close. ‘I'd fuck you three different ways on three different days, no question.’ He lifts a brow, pouts. ‘But not with another man present.’
Tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, he says, ‘If I can have you all to myself, you call me.’
All breathy as he saunters away, you file that for later. Maybe once Joel has had his fill of this little venture, he'll be feeling generous to such a request.
And Din. Well, the mysterious perennial traveller is off overseas somewhere and no one knows when he'll show up next. Bust there. 
So it is with a little apprehension in your chest that you text the man that, as you know all too well from your wild days at uni, is up for just about anything.
The message has barely landed on read when he calls.
‘You crave defilement as your beasty man watches, do you?’ Ezra snarls into the line. ‘Want me to do it? Raw? Want him to bear witness to the things I know I can get you to do and scream?’ His voice buzzes in your ears and makes your belly thrum.
‘That's quite the prospect.’
With some brief explanations he barely even pretends to need, a date is set and you hang up with a shaky thumb to your screen.
It’s shaking again along with the rest of you as you tug the door open on the tap-tap-tap Ezra places to the glass. His half side smile turns to a lascivious grin as he sees you, eyes tracking over you – head to toe. They flick to Joel, who stands at the base of the stairs with arms crossed and jaw locked.
‘Evenin’,’ your guest greets as you wave him inside. ‘We ready for this arrangement of ours to commence?’
In answer, Joel turns and climbs the steps. Ezra looks at you with a smirk.
‘Not a talker, is he?’
‘You know he isn’t,’ you reply.
Nothin’ to say to that so you gesture and he follows. Up the stairs and into the bedroom, where Joel has already taken his position – seated in a dining chair dragged up from the kitchen, facing the far side of the bed.
Your heart flutters at the sight. At what you’re about to do.
Ezra steps up to stand beside you, where you’ve come to a stop on the opposite edge of the double-queen. 
He hisses in a breath. ‘Now, we discussed this on the phone but I am keen to confirm, with all parties here and present, that – in your words – no act, motion or gesture is strictly off the table tonight. Is that right? No glarin’ slips? In this moment, right here?’ 
‘There is the one rule,’ you say. ‘It’s a firm one.’
Ezra turns to you, raises his arms and skates a palm across each of your shoulders. It makes a sizzling path on your skin.
‘Now that small detail has not left my awareness, dear,’ he says, melty pools of want in his gaze. ‘Be most assured. Anything else?’
‘We have the safe word,’ you say, getting antsy. 
‘Mmhm, I remember that too, don’t worry,’ he replies. ‘But,’ a nod to Joel, face serious, ‘with those taken wholly and – may I add, justly – into account. To confirm?’
Joel’s jaw ticks. He looks to you for a moment. As you nod, so does he – shifting his gaze back to the man standing next to you.
‘Excellent,’ Ezra turns and gives you a thorough leer, a Cheshire grin. Eyes seizing your insides with the intent behind them. ‘Then, I would say that the next pertinent steps are for you to remove every single stitch of clothin’ adorned to your body and get on that there bed.’
You do as you’re told, shucking off top and skirt but pausing with a little trepidation at bra and panties. Ezra has to make a little ‘go on’ motion before you shed those too and – fighting the butterflies erupting in your belly – climb across the quilt.
On hands and knees, you look up and lock eyes with Joel. He’s bent forward, elbows on his own knees spread wide, gaze intent. You feel Ezra behind and a covetous grip on your thighs tugs you closer to his side of the bed.
‘So,’ Ezra murmurs. A hand lands on the small of your back, warm and large and calloused. ‘I admit I hold a curiosity that cannot be helped. And I must ask.’
The hand raises and lands with a firm smack on an ass cheek. You gasp a little and the momentum of the slap has you leaning toward Joel, whose teeth have bared just a little. He doesn’t move. The fingers behind you dig into your flesh, urge you back toward Ezra’s edge again.
‘It is a simple curiosity,’ he goes on. ‘It is only this: why?’
Another slap and, at your pained yelp, he carries on, ‘Why allow me this? This beauty who I imagine has known only your hands for the longest time? Why let me have her now…’ His palm soothes the burn of his flagellation. He waits.
Joel gives in to the slightest shrug.
‘Guess I’m curious too,’ he drawls. ‘I’ve explored every single part of this sweet thing. In’erested to see what another man’ll do with her.’
The low whistle over your shoulder is filled with relish. You hear Ezra suck in air between clenched teeth. Holding you firm, he rocks against your exposed rear, lets you feel the erection straining against his pants.
‘Every part of her, huh?’ he queries. Without warning, a huge arm wraps across your middle and slings you up. In a heartbeat, you find yourself pressed flush to his front, the rough fabric of his shirt no barrier to the heat radiating off his torso. He holds you so tight to himself, you can feel the thud thud thud of his heart between your shoulder blades.
The movement also causes your legs to twitch and you feel it. The start of your arousal leaking between your thighs. Another look at Joel, and his intense focus has you slippery and throbbing.
You breathe deep and wait, eyes now closed and listening only to two men breathing hard as well.
Ezra’s other arm moves onto you.
‘So I am given to be assured you’ve amply taken in these pretties,’ Ez growls. Both hands cup and massage your tits, bring the nipples to a standing attention. He waits. ‘Well?’
‘What d’ya think?’ Joel spits with a small head tilt.
‘Mm,’ Ez hums, nods into your shoulder. ‘Mmhm.’
Fingers move up, up, across a collarbone and to the base of your throat.
‘And here?’ he asks. ‘Have you known her here? Gifted her the dizzying sensations of restricted breath? Held her life, both gentle and savage, amidst the pressure of your digits?’
At that, he presses his middle and index fingers into the soft skin under your jaw and you feel it, just a little. Just the beginnings of light and airy pleasure pulsing in your head. His thumb strokes by your other ear.
Joel's own hands are clenched into tight fists, resting on his knees as he has straightened up. Almost primed. Like an animal ready to pounce.
‘Have you?’ The man with his hand around your neck presses.
With eyes growing hungrier, Joel nods.
That elicits a surprised little sound from Ezra.
‘Well,’ he turns his head and addresses you. The thumb engages and pushes down, in. Now you’re feeling it. Feeling it thrum from the crown of your head through your body and down to your cunt, which is decidedly dripping. ‘This bird may have flown my nest, but you took a little something learned with you, huh?’
You can’t move, can’t speak. Might just cum. Might just fucking cum and he hasn’t even touched you yet. So you just let your eyes roll back and hope Joel can see how much you love it. The choke stays light, your possessor seemingly interested only in taunting and testing. 
A tiny whine escapes your throat. Ezra lets go and you gasp a little, let your chest rise and fall as you suck in oxygen. 
Look to Joel again, feel an undeniable rush as you see he’s staring at the apex of your thighs. His shoulders rising and falling too, almost in sync with you. He can see it. You know he can.
Ezra is still holding you tight as your head lolls with abandon, falls onto his shoulder. 
Finally, finally, the hand that had been around your neck moves down. Down. 
God yes, please…
But he only barely cups your mound, doesn’t go anywhere near where you need it. 
‘And this?’ he questions unnecessarily. ‘And of course, you will have intimate carnal knowledge of this right here? Please assure me you know every single blessed millimetre of this holiest of shrines. I would be aggrieved were it not so.’ 
‘Yes,’ Joel rasps in a voice filled with fury and lust.
You can’t help yourself. You start to beg, ‘Pl- Please.’ Try to buck into his hand, for the contact, for just a little bit of friction to where you’re humming like a charged wire. But it backfires. He leaves your core and covers your mouth instead. Leans into your ear.
‘Ssh, my bird,’ he murmurs. ‘Ssh, do not fret. I’m going to take care of you.’
With a little shove, he lets you flop forwards, where you catch yourself on your forearms and bury your head between them, burning up.
With your ass still high, cool air only has a moment to make itself known before he’s drawn you close, presses himself against your thighs.
‘You impress me, Joel,’ he grits. ‘Joel, I have to say that you have indeed impressed me. And with now a… slight doubt in my conviction, I am keen to make the case there is a space within her you have yet to take solace.’
A large thumb lands between your shoulders and starts a path down your spine. It takes its time, feeling each vertebrae and letting you arch against the touch. Slipping over the sweat that beads on your skin. It comes to rest against the crease at the top of your ass cheeks. Oh god. He’s gonna--
‘So Joel, what of this?’ The snarl behind you is feral, frightening. ‘Have you made an expedition of—’
He doesn’t finish the sentence as his thumb swipes down and connects with your tight ring of muscle, presses firm there but doesn’t yet go further. 
‘Oh fuck,’ you twist your head to look back. He’s not looking down at you but up and over your head, staring at Joel.
‘Have you?’ he snarls again, making you clench.
You can’t hear or see Joel's response, but Ezra’s reaction is a look of pure delight.
‘Mmmm,’ he groans and moves his thumb just long enough to spit there before it’s back and massaging your entrance. Hot want coils in your belly as he teases and teases. God, you should have known he would really draw it out.
‘Please.’ Another plea escapes you, hitched and breathy. ‘Please.’
‘Who are you talking to, my pet?’ he asks, pressing just a little harder and leaning himself against you. You can feel his hard cock digging into your ass again. ‘To whom do you make this entreaty?’
‘You,’ you cry out. ‘You. Please, Ezra. Please, pl—’
He drops to his knees behind you and, without preamble, lays his open mouth over your asshole. Pressing hard before setting a furious pattern of licking and sucking – turning away only to bite and nip at the flesh on either side. 
The man works like he is trying to devour the universe. His tongue circles a few times before pushing inside you.
It’s unreal – a sublimity to get lost in. You let yourself sink into it. Keen and cry and buck back into him as he sets each and every nerve ending on fire.
He pushes your knees apart so you sink deeper and reach wider for him. Hands are gripping your ass to hold you open and it doesn’t seem like he’s planning to move on anytime soon, working lips and tongue and teeth across your seam and every inch he can reach.
You just can’t stand it anymore.
‘Can I touch myself?’ you gasp. ‘Can I—’
He withdraws his tongue from you with a chuckle. ‘Mmmm, what do you say?’
With a frustrated groan, ‘Please, Ezra.’
‘You do whatever it is your heart desires, sweet one,’ he grunts against you, going back to his ruminations. ‘I am quite content here.’
You’d had your face pressed into the linens of your bed, but you arch your head up to look at Joel while reaching between your thighs, stretching your shoulder to give yourself the space.
As you move, so does he. In time with desperate movement onto yourself, he leans back, undoes his belt and pulls his cock free, stroking its firm length as your fingers connect with your clit.
It’s an instant jolt of mind-numbing pleasure. The hungry bundle of nerves ready to blow. Your scream of ecstasy, echoing in the room, is responded to with a pair of deep, guttural groans. Ezra’s shoots through your body as it vibrates behind you. Joel’s rings in your ears.
The man in front of you nods, encouraging you on as you circle and work yourself. Watching his own pace, you match it and it’s not long before your mouth is locked open in an ‘O’ of bliss and you’re cumming. The wet suctioning sensation on your rear drives your orgasm along a straight and narrow rush that shoots through you so hard you’re screaming into the sheets.
As you start to be able to hear again, Joel is murmuring praises.
Huffing and heaving on the remnants of your comedown, you look up. He’s furiously fisting his cock, bent so far forward you could reach out and touch him. You don’t though, just stare with mouth-watering want, desperate to have him on your tongue and pressing down your throat.
With that thought, you rub and rub and rub. Push back, back, back on the mouth working you with a tireless appetite.
Reading your face, watching your every twitch and pulse – Joel waits for the perfect moment and-
‘Another,’ he grits out.
It comes for you with a ferocious force, taking over every muscle in your body and making you shudder with its savage intensity. Both men pause as you spasm and let a dozen tortured little ‘Ah’s escape you.
Barely able to lift your head, you twist it just enough to see the possessed demon that was once Joel – dark eyes ablaze and tendons taunt and straining on his neck. 
‘Fuck her,’ he commands. Pre-cum glistens on your view of the underside of his shaft. ‘Fuck her, now.’
Ezra pulls away from you with a slick gasp.
‘Okay, Joel,’ he says – his outer calm contrasted with Joel’s madness somehow the hottest thing happening right now. 
Ez stands, replacing his tongue with his thumb, which he pushes in to the first knuckle. At your pitched moan, he holds you there. Doesn’t seem at all bothered by your hand still working your clit as you feel the pressure of his cock’s head at your entrance. It slides through your folds and he uses his grip on your ass to guide you to back up onto him.
‘I’m going to fuck her now, Joel,’ he says, all hushed and lowly.
The motion of your hips moving back right as he – fierce and swift – bucks his cock hard into you punches the air from your lungs. The slap of his hips meeting your ass fills the room. 
So full and stretching. The emptiness replaced by shards of excruciating pleasure. It’s too much. It’s just enough.
The space is quiet for a moment and you look round, see Ezra through your blurry, tear-stained vision. He seems paralysed, head tilted a little and mouth locked open. The only movement is the hollow of his throat dipping and peaking fast – the man’s practically hyperventilating. Sweat at his temples and eyes glassy and staring at nothing.
On your knees, split open by his cock, you wait and watch. After a moment--
‘Ez?’ you question.
His eyes clench shut, as do his teeth, and he takes several deep, dragging breaths.
‘A queen’s…’ he rasps out. ‘A queen’s cunt. That is what you have. Fucking… queen of cunt.’
And at last, he fucks you. One single draw back almost to leave you, then he’s slamming into you, making sure you feel every single thrust hit your ass and thighs. Convulsing your clit every time. 
He reaches forward and grabs a fistful of your hair, using the purchase to lift your head so Joel sees your face twisted with bliss. Your tits bouncing with each smack of flesh behind you.
You can tell he’s enjoying the view, rewarding your efforts with a gaze so hot and crackling, the sight might just make you c—
The penetration in your ass leaves you and you gasp as you’re hauled up and locked against Ezra’s chest again. So that Joel has a perfect view of his cock disappearing into you. Over and over. A perfect view of your pussy being abused by him.
The man fucking you senseless grabs hold of your wrist, lifts the fingers that you’d been pleasuring yourself with and sucks on them. He moans at your taste, appreciative and reverent, like you’re a pure miracle. Pushes your hand deep so he can cram his tongue into the webbing.
‘Mm,’ he mumbles, letting your fingers go with a wet suck. He spits over your shoulder so it dribbles between your breasts. ‘But you are divine, do you know that? Does he tell you? Makes sure you know?’
All hissed into your ear as he pumps and pumps. Fucking up into you with a freakish stamina you hadn’t remembered before now but is coming back to your pleasure-buzzed mind. 
‘Allowing me to take this perfect body apart, as I see fit?’ he goes on. ‘You are divine.’
It’s just a little annoying. How coherent he still is. So – tightening your belly and bearing down – you clench your cunt around him as hard as you can and are rewarded with a pained gasp.
You don’t think he intends to, but he bolts forwards and collapses the two of you onto the bed, sprawling out over you. There’s just enough time for you to grab a pillow and shove it underneath, tipping your pelvis into him. And it doesn’t slow him at all. Flat out on your stomach, he adjusts and takes the new angle inside you with glee, hips rocking into you so hard you jolt and slide back and forth.
He ruts your pussy like the deranged animal that he is. His belly presses into the small of your back where he drives himself down into you. Teeth collect a chunk of flesh by your shoulder and bite down. Fingers tangle and lock into hair to hold your head still, so that you can’t move and can only take it.
He finds your sweet spot, connecting the huge head of his cock with it over and over. He fucks you so hard that your clit is forced down onto a run of stitching in the cushion, and it rubs the tight bundle in perfect sync with the stimulation being exacted deep within you.
It’s intoxicating. A rhythm of ecstasy. A crescendo that is near unendurable. You fight it for as long as you can, wanting the sensations to last, but your body has ideas of its own.
Ezra moans.
‘She’s clenching up, Joel,’ he says with desperation. Babbling. ‘I can feel it. Joel. Can feel. I can feel her. I’m going to feel her- cum on my cock, uhhhnnn.’
It’s so intense you just moan and whine into the bed, twitching and writhing as fireworks erupt inside you.
Joel literally growls. It’s echoed by the man on top of you, who’s draining the sound right into your ear. You twist your head to see Ez. He’s looking up, face to Joel with an ecstatic rictus of an expression locked on his features as you flutter and clench around him.
‘Oh, fuh- fuck,’ Ezra, finally incoherent. ‘Fuc- cum—gonna c—’
‘Rule,’ you gasp. ‘The rule, Ez!’
In a heartbeat he withdraws from you, pushes himself up and you feel the hot ropes of his spend land on your back, your shoulders – maybe a little in your hair.
‘Fuck,’ he repeats, panting. ‘Uhhh.’
From where you’re sprawled, limp and fucked out on the mattress, two strong hands loop around your upper arms and pull.
You give a yelp of surprise as you whole bodily slide out from under Ezra, across the bed, off of it entirely, and you’re manhandled into Joel’s lap. He’s so strong and you’re so boneless, you’ve got legs either side of him and are being guided onto his cock in a matter of moments.
‘My turn,’ he rumbles, so impossibly low and wrecked.
Your spent pussy lets him slide home in one swift thrust. Hands glide across the cum spread on your back, push it back and forth for a moment before he’s holding your hips and lifting and slamming you onto himself. You grip his shoulders for dear life, the place inside you that Ezra had just been abusing roaring back to set a blaze in your entire body.
Hands falling off his shoulders with his force, you fist the front of his flannel instead as he pumps his thick shaft with you, uses you on himself. 
Thinking he’s going to just go and go until he cums, he surprises you. Changing his thrust, he pulls you closer and starts to buck up his own hips into you. One arm holds you to his chest and the other reaches around.
Oh my g—
‘So you really like this, huh?’ A thick finger finds your puffy, messy hole – opened up by Ezra’s attentions – and pushes in. Joel’s eyes roll back at the resistance. ‘God, it’s so… tight,’ he drawls, huffing into your mouth. 
He works the finger in and out, specifically seeming to enjoy the sensation of that initial breach. It’s different, and physically heady. You’re not long for it, and with a groan from Ez, still behind you – a muttered, ‘you see, Joel? Do you see?’ – you’re screaming loud again as you anoint Joel’s cock with your climax. 
And now he’s getting close.
‘Whose cock do you want?’ he demands, not relenting his pace for a single moment.
‘Yours,’ you say.
‘Who else’s?’ 
‘His,’ you whine, tilting a bliss-filled head back over your shoulder.
‘Mmhm, good girl,’ he affirms. ‘Whose pussy is this though? Who is the only one who gets to cum in this pussy.’
The finger slips out as he grips you hard for purchase, driving himself to his release.
‘Who? Tell me.’
‘You!’ you cry. ‘Joel, you. The rule is– hah- uh- Only you can. Only y– Joel.’
With the tiniest bit of muscle control left in your body, you grind your hips deep into him. The sweat and release coating both your skin lets you slide and push. So that when he meets his cliff’s edge and falls over it, the head of his cock is firm against your cervix and his cum soaks your walls. Both strong arms lock around your back and his face is buried in your neck, mouthing and devouring as he groans and groans.
It settles into grunts and gasps as his high rides itself out.
With weak, sloppy movements, you grasp either side of his head and bring it up to yours so you can kiss him, slide your lips and tongue and teeth together for a moment while he comes back to himself. As you part, you’re greeted with the most beatific smile.
Ezra appears by your side, pants zipped up but a fresh erection clearly tightening them again. You take this in then tip your head back to him with a hazy smile.
‘Thanks, Ez,’ you slur. 
‘My unequivocal pleasure, dove,’ he says, lifting the thumb that had not been buried inside you and swiping it over your lower lip. ‘Know that I’d ask to kiss you right now, but well…’ A lopsided grin and a lick at his own lips.
‘Yeah, nah,’ you say, mumbling whatever nonsense slips into your mind. ‘Next time, maybe.’
‘Mm,’ he groans. He looks at Joel as you flop forwards into that broad chest and feel arms tighten round you again. ‘Indeed. If you do feel your compersion arise again and wish to seek out my participation once more, I will respond with an enthusiasm most prompt.’
‘Thanks,’ Joel murmurs. ‘Can ya let yer’self out? Got some lookin’ after t’do.’
His attentiveness has you feeling all warm as you listen to Ezra’s footsteps move out of the room, down the stairs, and the front door open and close.
Joel sifts fingers through your hair. Nuzzles your ear. ‘Did so well fer me, baby,’ he whispers. ‘So well. Looked s’fuckin’ good.’
All you manage is an affirmative ‘mmmmm’.
‘You want a shower?’ he asks. ‘Can ya stand?’
You nod to the first question and shake your head to the second, tucked into his neck. He sighs with content and braces your legs against his sides, stands up with you firmly locked in his embrace. Carries you to the bathroom where he only sets you down, cock slipping out, when you can lean against the cool tiles. Stumbling a little, you use the toilet as he gets the water up to temp and undresses.
In the warm cocoon of steam, he cleans you from head to toe, washing away Ezra’s spit on your chest and cum on your back. The sweat and the tears. The mess on your thighs. Hands soothe across bite marks and finger grazes. Each one he checks, ‘this okay?’, ‘this one?’, ‘okay, baby?’. You nod and hum and get lost in this unique feeling.
After, he guides you back to the bed where he’d watched another man take you to pieces, settles you under the covers.
‘Hungry?’ he asks. ‘Thirsty?’
‘Thirsty,’ you mumble. ‘And tired.’
‘Okay, one sec.’ His warmth and shadow vanish for a little bit, and you’re fighting sleep as he returns with two glasses of water. Makes you drink the first and sets the second by your bedside before climbing in and cradling you against his chest – by which point you are dead to the world.
Uh, so yeah. Go about your day…
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azurdlywisterious · 6 months
Okay okay okay I have a good feeling about this time!
0 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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📻 not-another-guy-podcasting reblogged thecoolerscrewdriver
👄 thecoolerscrewdriver
If ur getting stalked by a “legendary” scorchbeast, ur best bet at getting out of that alive is chugging some nukashine and praying that it’ll be kinder to u then whatever sick supernatural force sent u a literal dragon to slay while overwmcumbered
👄 thecoolerscrewdriver
Why the fuck did I go to Grafton???
#bestie it was the nukashine #also have u found new razorgrain plants for the base?
3 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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⭐️ therealprimmshady reblogged big-mt-head
🧠 big-mt-head
⭐️ therealprimmshady
Sir what is this?
🧠 big-mt-head
I’m conducting research
#a day in life of a science deputy
174,390 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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💸 mrhouseownsmysoul reblogged uh-ohthemisery-2
💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
Still running from your problems Dalcia?
🏃‍♀️ uh-ohthemisery-2
Still gatekeeping the strip, Suzie?
💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
The securitrons do that for me actually
🏃‍♀️ uh-ohthemisery-2
Really? Those things are so easy to hack
💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
Oh I know
#didn't have time to scrape up all those caps #there was revenge to be had 💅
73 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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🏃‍♀️ uh-ohthemisery-2 reblogged big-mt-head
⏳ start-startover
I hope Jason and the others are doing well…
💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
Wait, you knew Jason?
⏳ start-startover
You knew Jason???
💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
Mhm! Jason was one of the sweetest people I met out in the wastes. Helping his flock helped me find the strength I thought I had lost long ago
👄 thecoolerscrewdriver
⏳ start-startover
Shut the fuck up we're bonding over a saint over here
💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
What did Jason mean to you, Deja?
⏳ start-startover
He was the man that saw the good in my heart that I myself was too blinded by guilt to see
📻 not-another-guy-podcasting
💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
Who the fuck let you two in?!
🧠 big-mt-head
@.uh-ohthemisery-2 what does "cringe" mean here in this context?
🏃‍♀️ uh-ohthemisery-2
This post is a train wreck
#so queue better run run run
364 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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🍀 luckiestbastard
You guys are getting screen time?
0 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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📻 not-another-guy-podcasting reblogged thecoolerscrewdriver
💎 fleshnbloodnshelfh8
how to be a good person?
💥 mygenderis-c4
my brother in christ if u have to ask tumblr you're just doomed
🏃‍♀️ uh-ohthemisery-2
Have you tried hunting legionaries for sport?
💎 fleshnbloodnshelfh8
Killing the paradise falls slavers did nothing. Even freed the slaves too
💥 mygenderis-c4
Oof. Not even for freeing them? What did you even do?
💎 fleshnbloodnshelfh8
Blew up a town
💥 mygenderis-c4
🏃‍♀️ uh-ohthemisery-2
🍀 luckiestbastard
On accident, right?
💎 fleshnbloodnshelfh8
🍀 luckiestbastard
💎 fleshnbloodnshelfh8
About that.
📝 mrrocherwasmytather
If it isn't the kid that blew up the sweet little town of Megaton! Great story, by the way.
🏃‍♀️ uh-ohthemisery-2
What the fuck???
#wow this guy’s a piece of work #<prev the guy that blew up the town? #prev #nah the reporter
1,842 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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🌌 azurdlywisterious
Oh, there you are danny
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for-quill-with-love · 15 days
It was still dark.
I was cold. My cheek was pressed into rough stone. There was an empty pit in my stomach.
Every limb was stiff and cold and aching in odd places like I'd fallen down a ravine or raced an enderman and lost.
I was wearing armor, too. I hadn't been wearing my chestplate or leggings earlier, right?
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I slowly picked myself up, mindful of every scrape and bump. Everything seemed to be in hyperfocus, with the darkness stealing away my sight.
I searched my inventory for anything useful, and I came up with the remains of my planting expedition. I hadn't even realized how thirsty I was until I took a sip straight from my bucket. It took all my self control not to dump it out as I took a moment to gather myself.
When I reached for my comm, it wasn't on my belt. Which meant I was lost.
Well. First thing's first, I wanted to find my way out of the tiny hole I was in.
I was thankful that I wouldn't have to try and fight any monsters on an empty stomach.
And oh! I could see the faintest glow of light.
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It wasn't the warm glow of a torch, or even the faint glow of lichen. Which meant it had to be a way back to the surface.
And unless I'd run a thousand blocks, I should be able to recognize where I was.
Sure enough--
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It was a way out!
I climbed up into a forest, blinking in the sunlight. I stumbled in the grass. Everything felt numb, I wished I had my comm.
As it was, it took me a while to find my bearings, and a lot more climbing. The snow-capped mountain was to my right as I'd exited the cave, which meant I had to go the other way to get home, right?
I was still wondering if I was going the right way when I found a bee. Relief washed over me in a way that I didn't know I could still feel.
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I like bees.
If I had a pair of sheers and a handful of coal, I'd have followed it back to it's nest. I wanted beehives.
But as it was, hunger was nipping at my heels every step I took. I needed to make it home. Hopefully I would have bread still laying around, and even if I didn't I would be able to make some.
I had never been so happy to see cherry trees.
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I found my comm where it'd been thrown against the boulder--
The screen was cracked. It still worked-- mostly. But I would have to be more careful with it. The last thing I wanted was to be left without one.
Even if-- even if the comm wasn't my way out, it still let me talk to my new only friends.
I stumbled into my house right as I started to starve. I snatched a loaf of bread from my chest, tearing into it like a zombie tears into a villager.
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After eating my fill, I pulled off my chestplate. It didn't seem to be suffocating right now, but that might change.
And my shoulders were getting sore from the weight.
It was starting to get dark. I wandered outside watch the sunset, hoping in that vague way that it would look different.
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It didn't.
It felt like it should be different. I didn't quite know why.
I had lost so much time. My comm now said it was my eighth day in this world. I'd lost whatever had happened to end me in a hole like that.
I answered the messages I'd missed, hoping to all hope that they went through.
Afterwards, I decided to just go to bed. I was exhausted.
Tomorrow would surely be better.
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fangirlandtheories · 2 years
Awww the mutual jealousy, so precious! They love each other so much. 🧀 Some cheeses, to start your weekend off,hope its a good one:
Steve takes up crocheting as something to do with his hands when he feels anxious. In addition to adding to his own sweater collection, when he deems his work good enough, he starts making various things for others. He incorporates their interests, and personal details,into his work sometimes. Examples: he made Eddie a scarf with skulls on it,for Robin he made a beanie hat with little robins, and a sweater for Lucas with his jersey number. If he's not there with them at least he's still protecting them from the cold.
During a gathering Steve gets hurt doing something extremely mundane (maybe he trips or he bangs his head in the corner of a cabinet door?) and has a full breakdown that he hasn't ever allowed himself to. He just can't stop the hiccuping sobs and, embarrassed, he tries to hide away only to be stopped and held by Robin and Eddie.
My cheesy little darling, you've inspired me. This isn't my best work by any means, it was written in a haze tbh as I've been running on less than fumes all week, BUT this is just for you my love. Thank you for sending me so many sweet ideas and messages, taking time out of your day to shower me with love.
His mother had always loved those cabinets. Their dark stain with the little golden handles that matched the faucet. He remembered seeing her cleaning them obsessively as a child, crying while rubbing polish onto the handles just to see them shine. She never put that much effort into him, no one did.
It started over something so stupid, so small. He had barely knocked his forehead, especially in comparison to the previous assaults his brain had survived, there was a little cut from the corner that was hiding in the creases of his brows. It was nothing that a bandaid wouldn’t fix. Under the surface was a much different problem. 
He could barely hear the hushed voices around him, the placating hands of Eddie placed on his knees while he drew in practiced breaths. Nancy was on the phone with someone, face drawn in a sort of faux calm despite her eyes giving her away. Even Argyle seemed unnerved, eyes glued to the floor as he twisted and untwisted the cap of a bottle of water. Robin though, she was the kicker.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay…” She recited the mantra over and over while rocking him back and forth, he was held close to her chest, the way a mother cradles an upset child. Lying on the floor beside where his bruised and bloody knuckles were resting, was the door to his mother’s beloved cabinets.
“As I told you before ma’am, you can’t rent anything new if you have late fees remaining on your account. If you pay the $3.65 I can check you out, otherwise there’s nothing I can do.”  Steve winced from behind the counter. His head was killing him and he still had about 4 hours until his shift was over.
“Thanks for nothing, asshole.” The woman huffed before tossing the movie on the counter. “You’ve lost my business.”
“Sorry to hear that, have a good day.” He waved as she marched out of the store. Sighing, he put his head in his hands, exhausted. Every customer seemed to have a bee in their bonnet and his trusty sidekick had the day off. He’d spent the majority of the day squinting at the small computer screen, organizing shelves, and stacking boxes of candy. Essentially: busy work.
He could feel a slight tremor in his hands, a clear sign of too much caffeine to not enough food. He’d been sleeping a little less lately, constantly on edge and overthinking every emotion the kids seem to feel. He didn’t like to speak poorly of the dead, but he was a little bitter about the death of Hopper. He wasn’t jealous, per say, he was just very tired. Hopper seemed to have constant control, an answer to everything, and Steve felt like a poor substitute. He was spread too thin, between the missing support of Joyce and Jim, having to play both roles when necessary. The kids called him Mom for a reason.
It wasn’t until he pulled into his driveway that he realized he was driving home. It took another minute to process the cars parked on the street. He’d forgotten that he’d planned a ‘teenager’ night. He wasn’t a teenager, not anymore, technically Eddie wasn’t either. Nancy and Robin were, however, as were Jonathan and Argyle. Majority seemed to rule. He had given a key to Robin, trusting her with more than his life, so he knew they were all inside, likely laughing and telling stories, passing blunts and sipping beers. He let his head fall against the steering wheel, letting out a low whine as he cursed the past Steve who had invited everyone.
His mask was composed of nothing more than 28 teeth. A lazy smile that seemed to put everyone off his trail. He remembered learning about how different animals indicate that they’re venomous through color. Bright vibrant oranges and reds that drew in the eye but flashed as a warning to not get too close.
It had happened so quickly, the cabinet opened by Eddie in search of a snack. Steve happened to be passing at the wrong time, Eddie facing the wrong way, laughing at something Argyle had said. The cabinet, his mother’s favorite, had smacked Steve directly in the face, the corner catching on his forehead. 
It was one of those rare occasions when life felt so overwhelming, like it was throwing everything it had, that something as small as a loose thread on a sweater could throw someone into a panic. Like there were five too many straws on the camel’s back. 
Eddie’s eyes could only widen in shock as Steve swung at the cabinet, fists shaking, breaths gasping, until he managed to rip it off it’s hinges. He had made a low, animal-like growl as his eyes turned glassy. Everything moved around him as Nancy called Joyce and Robin pulled him into an embrace. Steve had been scratching at his knees as tears slipped down his cheeks, so Eddie put his hands on them to stop him from hurting himself. Robin met his eyes from behind Steve’s back, panic and uncertainty clear, and he knew he would be sitting there all night. 
“That’s it Sunshine, deep breaths.” Eddie took deep breaths with him, ignoring the tense argument going on behind him. Nancy and Jonathan were whispering about whether or not to drive over to the Byers family home. The idea was to get Jim, he’d know what to do, but he hadn’t answered the phone.
“Get out.” Robin’s voice was sharp as her head snapped to them. “You guys arguing isn’t fucking helping.” Nancy’s scowl softened as she took a hold of Jonathan’s arm, leading him out of the room, Argyle trailing behind them. “Steve, it would be really helpful to me if you could show me that you can hear us.”
“I can hear you.” His voice was a gentle whisper, a wheeze at most. His cheeks were red with embarrassment, his gaze not meeting either set of eyes. His shoulders were hitching as little sobs escaped his throat. “I-I don’t-”
“It’s okay.” Eddie grabbed his hands, rubbing the back of his hands with  his thumbs. “You just got a little upset, Pretty Boy, nothing to be ashamed of, happens to all of us.”
“No no no I’m sorry, Jesus fuck-” His hands pulled away from Eddie’s as he pressed them to his warm cheeks. “This is so stupid.”
“Hey, none of that.” Robin swatted at him gently. “Do you want to maybe walk us through it?”
“I don’t even know why…” He gasped, shivering gently. “It’s just been a long… few years I guess, but this week has been really bad. I just got overwhelmed, I guess.”
“That’s okay Sugar.” Eddie crooned, wiping a stray hair out of Steve's face. “You can ask the kids, sometimes I get real quiet during our campaigns and then 10 minutes later I come back to find Wayne shaking my shoulder and the kids looking at me like I just fucking keeled over in front of them. I can’t control it, neither can you.”
“Oh God the kids.” Steve sat forward suddenly.
“Hey they’re okay.” Robin rubbed a hand on his back. “They’re at home, probably getting ready for bed, eating dessert, and cramming for a history test most likely.”
“Yeah but…” Steve choked on a sob. “What if this happens again when I’m with them? What if one of them gets hurt?”
“Then they’ll be there for you like they are for Eddie.” She pressed a chaste kiss to his shoulder. “You worry more about them than you do yourself.”
“I have to!” Steve shot up suddenly, grasping at the counter. Eddie shot a look at Robin before slowly standing next to him. “I don’t have a fucking choice, okay?”
“No, don't tell me it’s okay.” Steve whipped around to face them, eyes filled with tears. “It’s not fucking fair because I had to be the one in charge, alright? Nancy was doing shit with Jonathan and Hopper was off with Joyce, so who was left to make sure everyone else was okay? Me. Then Hopper dies and Joyce moves away, no other adults know about this, so sue me if I had to take on a parental role, no one else was there to. I had to be the grown up, but no one ever gave a shit about the fact that I was only 17. Those kids are 15, they’re too young to be dealing with this on their own. I’m so goddamn tired and I don’t… I don’t know what to do.” He cut himself off with a wet sigh, Robin wrapping her arms around him tightly.
“That’s a lot to carry around, Stevie.” Eddie cradled Steve’s chin in his hand. “If you start feeling like that again, anytime and anywhere, you call me, okay?”
“I don’t want to just unload all of this onto you guys, that’s not your job, okay?” Steve turned his head away.
“No, it’s not okay.” Robin pouted. “ Not at all. You’re not ‘unloading’ you’re working through trauma. That’s nearly impossible to do alone. Like it or not, we’re with you. We’re a team right? You’re not the only adult, not anymore.”
“I don’t want you guys to think I can’t handle this, like I’m weak or something.” Eddie wiped the tears off his cheek.
“Steve, I need you to hear this, okay?” Eddie peered deeply into his hazel eyes. “We love you. The way you are. Even if you think you’re weak, we’d love you. We will never look down on you like that, okay?”
“Okay…” Steve gave into the shaky breaths, his rough cries muffled by the shoulders of Eddie while Robin stroked a hand through his hair.
To hell with his mother’s favorite cabinets.
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infernalmellifera · 1 year
it’s totally fine if not but would you ever consider posting some info on how you made your mirage head?id love to cosplay v2 but im lost on how to go about the construction of it lol
🩷Mirage Monday: Construction and Process!🩷
I dont have pics of the template, but if i ever remake it ill be sure to make one sorry ;; BUT before even constructing, ive found that making a small doll-sized prototype! (and fun bonus, if you dont lose yours like i did, you can use it with your monster high dolls!)
The line going straight across the horizontal center is a score line (not cut all the way through) to assist in shape! it helps to give it that little edge to it without having to glue it! i also scored it to make the rounded parts at the bottom of the neck and the inset of the eye :)
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each side is its own panel, except the front that is composed of 5 panels (left and right sides, center top, chin, and under chin( and the optional stem, that i ended up ditching because it dug into my neck.
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after hot gluing all the pieces together, i filled in the seams with clay foam, but that step is completely optional when working with sharp edges. after that, i spray painted it white (which i regret! it wont get the smell out of the cardboard!!!) as a base coat, but id suggest just using white gesso or white acrylic paint to help get that vibrant colors on. i used acrylic paints for the colors and a light shine finish on top! but if you wanna bypass that step, you can totally use glossy acrylics :)
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the face mesh!! mine is made from patio screen, but if you can afford it, there is a mesh made specifically for prop heads that would look better !! acrylic paint also works great here. shown above is my first draft for the face that i ended up ripping off and starting over for, so be prepared to either have two in case you mess up, or start by drafting it out on plain paper to see if you like it.
theres a piece of foam at the chin for stabilization too! i put a headband on the inside for the same purpose, but ive found my hair is too long to actually use that without a wig cap, so its a little obsolete and i push it to the back while wearing it. it kinda hugs the back of my head and stabilizes it decently….. but honestly you could get that same effect with just the foam.
lastly, the mechanics!! i am by no means an engineer by any means, i just happened to have extra LEDs. The Eye is made of LEDs set into two painted ribbon spools glued on top of the mesh screen with a painted fabric-like plastic sheet (from a wig bag) to diffuse the light (and that little extra circle is just a piece of paper) .
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in the back of it, i have a little switch! it comes from a pack of string lights from the dollar tree, but i had to dismantle the battery pack because the LEDs only work with 9v batteries (sad!) so i had to figure out how to make a 9v battery cover out of the AA battery pack. its a bit cheugy but its functional! if youre planning on wearing it for a long time, totally install a computer fan!!!! it gets super sweaty in there (ew!) even though the entire face is ventilated :p
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i am the worst person to ask about soldering, but im positive you could find a pretty good tutorial on youtube :,) my lights run from the back battery, to the left light, to the right light, and ends at the eye (mostly because the lights had input/output on both sides and the eye did Not).
if ive missed ANYTHING, feel free to ask me in comments, reblogs, asks, or DMs!!
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hotvintagepoll · 6 months
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Machiko Kyō (Rashomon, Floating Weeds, Older Brother Younger Sister)— Considered an early sex symbol in Japanese cinema. Also just an ethereal beauty who can also go feral/unhinged in a glorious way.
Judy Garland (Meet Me In St. Louis, A Star is Born, Summer Stock)— Judy is the GOAT when it comes to classic movie musicals. The voice of an angel who deserved so much better than she got. She can sing she can dance she can act she's a triple threat. Though she had a turbulent personal life (her treatment as a child star by the studio system makes me mad as hell like Louis b Mayer fight me ((she was made to believe that she was physically unattractive by the constant criticism of film executives who made her feel ugly and who manipulated her onscreen appearance by capping her teeth and using discs in her nose to change its shape and Mayer called her "my little hunchback" like imagine hearing that as a child and not having damage)) she always goddamn delivered on screen and in any performance she gave. She began in vaudeville performing with her sisters and was signed to MGM at 13. Starting out in supporting parts especially paired with mickey Rooney in a bunch of films (she's the best part tbh) she eventually transferred to the lead role. She is best known for her starring role in movie musicals like the iconic Wizard of Oz (somewhere over the rainbow still hits hard and is ranked the top film song of all time), meet me in St. Louis (Judy singing have your self a merry little Christmas brings tears to the eyes she is that powerful), the Harvey girls (she looks like a technicolor dream and sings a catchy af song about trains), Easter parade ( dancing and singing with Fred Astaire), for me and my gal, the pirate, and summer stock ( with pal Gene Kelly who she helped when he was starting out and he helped her when she was struggling). But she also does non- singing just as well like the clock ( her first movie where she sings no songs and is an underrated ww2 era romance), her Oscar nominated a star is born ( like the man that got away she put her whole soul in that and I have beef with the fact she lost to grace kelly ((whom I love but like still not even her best work)), and judgement at Nuremberg (a courtroom drama about the nazi war criminal trials). Outside of film she made concert appearances to record-breaking audiences, released 8 studio albums, and had her own Emmy-nominated tv series. She was the youngest (39) and first female recipient of the Cecil B DeMille award for lifetime achievement in the film industry. Girl was a lifelong democrat and was a financial and moral supporter of many causes including the civil rights movement (she was at the March on Washington and held a press conference to protest the 16th street Baptist church bombings). She was a friend of the Kennedy family and would call jfk weekly often ending the calls by singing the first few lines of somewhere over the rainbow (she thought of them as Gemini twins).She was a member of the committee for the first amendment which was formed in response to the HUAC investigations. Though she died far too young and tragically she remains an icon for her work and her life. As a girl who didn't feel like i was as pretty as everyone else I have always felt a connection to Judy and I just really love her.
This is round 3 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Machiko Kyō:
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Judy's voice alone qualifies her for at least top ten hottest HOT VINTAGE MOVIE WOMEN. She was a truly incredible swing singer, with a stunning voice on top of her technique. Her short dark hair looked incredible in just about any style. Have I mentioned her swagger? I can’t do it justice with words. She had swagger. She was funny as hell, and clever too. Incredibly charming and cool. I adore her.
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Her eyes, her voice have bewitched me
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I mean how can you beat the one and only Judy? She's beautiful, her smile is contagious, the way she sings with her whole body. You can't help but love her.
Beautiful woman, love her singing voice. And she can do everything between happy or silly and angry or heartbroken
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482 notes · View notes
echo-s-land · 8 months
Le chant des sirènes/The sirens' song
I hear the sirens' song¹
Look around me all those people who love me
I want to touch the sun before the rain comes
Don't worry, only the weak gets eaten by the system
[Verse 1]
Wrecked, in a Parisian nightclub
It’s the fourth time this week, and it’s not even the weekend yet.
All my new friends are close to the Star System²,
All my old friends suffer from the crap of daily life.
I dreamed of being famous when I [was still] playing with toy cars
Now, record labels and groupies want my signature
Yes I'm awesome, I'm the genius who wrote "Sale Pute"³
I didn't like my teenage years: let me enjoy my adulthood.
Kisses, handshakes, hypocritical smiles
Take another bottle: the first two were drunk too fast
Under [the influence of] champagne, nobody listens but people talk
Tell me who you know, I'll tell you if you're respectable
Far away from ordinary mortals, so far away
Off to success, I get sucked off in the train
I find fulfillment⁴, literally: completely full
On the other side of the small screen I leave my footprints ...
Among the Greats
I hear the sirens' song
Look around me all those people who love me
I want to touch the sun before the rain comes
Don't worry, only the weak gets eaten by the system
[Verse 2]
My friends say I’m changing, I say I’m developing⁵
This period where I was doomed to failure is over with
I don’t even bother to have opinions
I copy and paste discussions, create the illusion
I’m off to go touch the horizon, with the help of vodka-bison
But time passes, I stay still, and the sun changes position
A friend in jail is waiting for me to pay his bail
While I'm in a society dinner, paying the bill.
When I talk about my next album, my fans eyes light up
Problem is, I still haven't written one line of verse
I have the singer of the moment featuring
Two years ago, I would have surely insulted her in a rhyme
More and more vultures form circles around me, help !
It starting to feel like the end of the heyday
I didn’t even called for my sister's birthday
But I call my manager every three hours
My chick loses it, wants us to spend time together
But I am in Cap d'Agde, in the Devil's pussy⁶
A last drink and I touch heavens
Best wishes, I’m going on a trip, bags under my eyes
I hear the sirens' song
Look around me all those people who love me
I want to touch the sun before the rain comes
Don't worry, only the weak gets eaten by the system
[Verse 3]
Depressed in a Caen bar, drained
I look at my phone, dreaming it would start to vibrate again
Sometimes an old friend calls me, but it’s not the same anymore
Sometimes my ex calls me: I shouldn’t have lose her
Sharks with whom I worked, leeches who [used to] scratched me
Pushed me to produce a failed second disk
While I was drinking champagne to dehydrate myself
I was living in the past, new artists replaced me
My ex-fans, disappointed, look for the Orelsan of the beginning
But even I think I lost him
My bank adviser warned me: "The taxes are going to wipe you out!"
When did I think I was going to slip through?
Going from a mini-star's life to the asshole of History
In Caen, I'm nothing more than a big fish in a small pond
Celebrate every victory but there's a middle ground
Learn to get back on your feet before entering a vicious circle
Where did the sirens go ?
Look around me all these people filled with hatred
After the intoxication comes the migraine⁷
In the end I think I got eaten by the system
Where did the sirens go ?
Look around me all these people filled with hatred
After the intoxication comes the migraine
In the end I think I got eaten by the system
I hear the sirens' song
Look around me all those people who love me
I want to touch the sun before the rain comes
Don't worry, only the weak gets eaten by the system
I hear the sirens' song
Look around me all those people who love me
I want to touch the sun before the rain comes
Don't worry, only the weak gets eaten by the system
¹ : play of words. 'Sirens' here refers both to: temptation to something (that will eventually lead to ruination) and ambulances/police sirens
²: Star System = the World of celebrities (notably from Hollywood)
³: sarcasm. "Sale pute" is a song which created a lot of controversy. It also helped Orelsan's career
⁴: could also be 'plenitude'. The narrator is thriving. 'Completely full' means he has every he could ask for in great quantity
⁵: his friends are accusing or at least stating that he's becoming someone else. He corrects them saying he's becoming greater, better. I used 'developing' but 'evolving' works
⁶: he's being unfaithful
⁷: play of word. The French word for intoxication ('ivresse') is close to downpour ('averse') — a well-known idiom is 'after downpour comes good weather', after bad things good things happen; here, his bad decisions, which he enjoys for a short instant, lead to even worse consequences. To run away from the pain of consequences he would go back to drinking, which could refer to the previous verse where he talks about a 'vicious circle'. Could also refer to his previous life where he was drunk of praised and achievements and how his fall and miserable life is a metaphorical or not headache now
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cosmonaughty · 4 months
Here’s the full story of this post, aka the Great Discord Scam of ‘24
It began as I was just finishing my break at work and a user from one of my groups asked if I was available because they had an urgent issue. I wasn’t too familiar with this person, so I didn’t notice anything too unusual about their speech patterns, besides them being kinda terse.
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On second look, their refusal to send a copy of the email was a red flag.
So I contacted “Clint” from “support” and he told me I had 🚩 multiple accusations of fraud and that he would have to 🚩gain access to my account by having me change my email to one he provided.
I was being told that I had 🚩two hours to resolve the issue or my account would be banned. Adding to the stress was the fact that I was at work and just wanted to get the process over with. If I’d had time to think it through and read more carefully, it might not have worked at all.
So I gave “Clint” access to the account and continued the conversation with him on my alt. That’s when I truly started noticing the red flags. He said 🚩 I would have to screen share my banking app so he could view my recent transactions. I said no, I’m not comfortable with that and he became highly offended.
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At this point I still hadn’t fully clued in, I thought maybe he was just rude, so I sent some cropped images of recent transactions (with none of my info visible, just “$$ spent at place on date”. I shouldn’t have given even that much but it didn’t do him any good).
Perhaps sensing that he was losing me, “Clint” moved on from the bank statements to a process that made no sense, something about verifying my identity by having me transfer some money via PayPal or cash app, two apps I’ve never had connected to my discord. As soon as he mentioned sending money, I knew it.
I tried to play dumb in the hopes that he would let me back into my main account if I implied I’d send money after I did, but no such luck. We both knew we were done at that point.
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(That all caps NOPE is just: mask fully off)
So yeah, be alert to any “urgent” messages you get. Look out for: 🚩rushing you, telling you to do X in Y amount of time or there will be catastrophic consequences. 🚩wild accusations against you to make you think you’re in big trouble and this is the only way out. 🚩anyone asking you to reset your email or password 🚩anyone asking for your private information 🚩 anyone asking you to send money.
I lost six years’ worth of correspondence with my friends, but it could have been much worse.
At least I got “Don’t act suspicious sir” out of it, aka the funniest thing you could say to someone when you’re obviously scamming them.
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Finally saw the season premiere of The Mandalorian.
More first/gut/spoiler reaction thoughts under the cut. I might have more thoughtful thoughts tomorrow (or never) but these are just my initial impressions. My opinions only, don't @ me.
that cannot be how jon dave favloni decided to explain away din's Season 3 goal. YOU DIDN'T THINK PEOPLE WOULD HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT SCENES THEY KNOW NEVER HAPPENED IN SEASON 2?????????????
did no one vet this fucking planet or was the armored gator part of the ritual please someone fucking explain this shit to me like i'm five.
i see them gendered visors and i will never have peace (i understand from a design perspective but it's the 21st century, we should be moving away from this already)
how did the jawa get their hands on it anyway how did it get off mandalore who went to mandalore
i am weak for space whales i am weak for all whales but that's just about it because i never watched Rebels
Nevarro is Disnehyland. Nevarro is Space Renn Faire. Nevarro lost everything that made that city/world so fucking interesting. They fucking gentrified it.
i get genres and i saw a wonderful glimpse of it in the confrontation with the pirates... the pirates fucking ruined the vibes tho. how dare.
actual serious thought: the whole thing with IG-11 is actually fucking grotesque and disgusting and I can't believe Jon Dave Favloni thought this was a good fucking idea. it's so gross. i can't get over it, especially when IG reverted to default programming and went after Grogu like it's Season 1 all over again.
it's fucking gross. it's so gross. what the fuck.
pirate designs were cool. the dialogue was not. who voices that pirate king. i swear i know that VA
Jon Dave Favloni out here fitting 3 whole episodes into 30 fucking minutes by cramming in a short scene with Bo-Katan and explaining why she's sitting around all depressed and alone with a droid standing watch outside
this is not a good look for mandalorians in general. i'm not getting the best impression here. getting strong Monty Python english peasants vibes. they'll follow just about anyone with a crackling black sword.
3 whole episodes into 30 fucking minutes Jon Dave Favloni have you ever heard of pacing. talk to the ghibli people. they know when to let a story take a deep, deep breath.
Episode 2 better slow down a bit and fucking tell a fucking story I swear.
the Volume was really strong in this one. I actually never paid too much attention to what effect Volume was having on these shows but when I started studying the screen caps for my most recent art post, it because pretty obvious what was going on and now I can't fucking unsee this shit
Episode 2 had better be better because omigod I feel like I've been clowned on. how old am i. what the hell even was this episode. who was it made for. what even are the stakes here.
re comparisons to Andor: no, i don't want this show to be exactly like Andor. we don't need every star wars show to be so steeped in politics and social commentary and have such a tense grim tone. what i wish is that every star wars show is handled with the same care and respect Andor's people show both to the star wars and to the fans and watchers. maybe that's why Andor consistently had the smallest audiences but the majority of the tweets, comments, and posts i've seen really appreciated what the show was doing. you can have a fun space western and also have some thoughtful commentary on diaspora and post-war societies! you can eat your cake if you just try!
that's it, that's the first reactions post
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darklovecat · 1 year
other glow up tips?
My Experience with Lasik Eye Surgery (Trans-PRK).
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Investing in laser eye surgery was one of my most important parts of my physical glow up. My eyes are my best features, they're pretty, big round, dark brown, but didn't exactly work (5 dioptries). Either way, you couldn't tell because they were either hidden behind a frame of glasses, blodshot and half-closed due to lenses, or covered by extremely unnatural looking bright blue color contacts (God please forgive me). I ditched them all, got them lasered and look and feel 100% better.
I hate them. All the times I dropped and lost them, all the times my eyes would turn watery the moment I put them on, and the one time it got stuck in my eye and I couldn't find it and almost had a panic attack. This is my own experience, I'm not an ophthalmologist, so take this with a grain of salt (or two) and do your own research please. I'm here to share my own personal experience. My eyes used to start tearing like crazy just with soft breezes of wind and at times it was hard to keep my eyes open even though I followed all instructions. Lenses made my eyes look hooded as well and after getting my eyes lasered they don't have that droopy look, my eye area looks so much more open and awake now. I hated the discomfort, the redness, the sensitivity, having to put them on, having to put them out, having them. There could be a million explanations for these but it was just easier for me to get my eyes lasered and call it a day.
The surgery.
You put on your surgical gown and a hair cap, you lay down, they give you local anesthesia so you can't feel any pain in your eye. Laser beam for 10 seconds (felt more like 10 minutes). The surgery itself does not feel painful, just extremely uncomfortable, you can't close or move your eyes for 10 seconds, my surgeon counted back from 10 but I swear it felt like an eternity. I cried while they were lasering my eyes because I always do and I kept pinching myself and shaking my legs because I felt very nervous and was probably PMSing, but there is no actual pain, just intense discomfort and pressure, the actual pain only comes after the anesthesia wears off after a few hours, I would say it is a 7.5/10, you wear black goggles for 2 weeks, your eyes sting like crazy, it's like having dry eyes 24/7 for 2 weeks. And then 2 weeks later you wake up and your eyes actually work (miracle). I remember taking them off for the first time after weeks and being absolutely shocked about how well I could see (and at how terrible my eyebrows looked).
1 year later...
I wake up, I have 10/10 vision, and I love it. I feel like I can see better now than ever, I don't have to deal with eye sensitivities due to lenses, or worry about accidentally sitting on my glasses, I feel prettier too. There's another thing that feels very hard for me to describe, but I feel like I am directly living in the world, I feel more in touch with the world, my lenses and glasses always felt like a barrier. After your surgery, you need to wear sunglasses for 6 months. Not an issue, you should protect your eyes in any case and protecting them from the sun's UV rays has always been essential for me regardless. They need to be big especially on the sides so your eyes are protected.
To sum it up, here are my tips:
Go to a very reputable doctor at a specialized eye clinic. My doctor had 25 years of experience and over 50 000 cases.
Take all the medications that you are prescribed post-surgery and follow all instructions, focus on healing after your surgery.
Invest in a pair of high-quality UV blocking sunglasses. No, that chewed up pair from H&M you got 2 years ago won't cut it.
Reduce screen time, blue light blocking filters are your best friend. Make sure you have a support person.
You need to go to a highly reputable place obviously, you can't cheap out unless you have another pair of eyes, your doctor needs to be very experienced and good at what he does, use what resources you have to read up on your doc and his work, his ratings should be very high and of people who are happy with their results. My mom, my aunt, my grandpa all got LASIC eye surgery 20 years ago so naturally, I followed in their eye steps because they were all happy with their results. You need a support person, my parents were right with me during and after the surgery, my mom picked out the hospital and doctor for me and I could not go out of bed for 2 weeks so make sure you have some good podcasts ready and take at least 2 weeks off.
Feel free to message me or drop an ask if you have any questions.
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winters-hysteria · 2 years
basically tony gives reader something that takes away their control over their body and makes them follow orders (experiment, it was consensual and reader offered). then they see a package that says "so good it'll make you want to dance on the roof" so they do. on of one of the tallest buildings in the city. so basically they're up there dancing and everyone's below them freaking out
"here you go, kid." tony handed bruce and i the drink with the "control juice" mixed in. he was testing it to see if he could actually control someone. i took it from him and gulped it down, shivering at the cold. bruce sipped his cautiously, wondering if it really worked.
"yeesh, next time don't make it quite so icy, tin man."
"speak for yourself kid, ice is nice." he paused, thinking. "hey! ice, nice, that rhymes!" he earned a snort from thor at the stupid dad joke, and turned to me grinning. "how ya feel?"
i rolled my eyes at him, then looked at my arms. "i don't feel any different than i did two minutes ago." i sniffled, looking at him. "i'm gonna go to the store and grab some costanzo rolls since-- *AHEM* --BUCKY didn't get any even though it was written on his arm."
"(Y/N)! i'm sorry! jesus!" the ex-assassin gave me a playful half-lidded glare, licking his lips at me.
"iM sOrRy, JeSuS!!" i retorted, hiding the soft blush that dusted my cheeks. "i'll be right back. steve, rhodey, you got babysitting duty." i snorted, hearing tony's noise of distress and steve's noise of protest. "i'll be back in twenty."
"yeah yeah, just hurry." i grabbed my sweatshirt (it was really bucky's, but i steal everyone's stuff if it fits me.) i threw on my cons and opened the door, heading out into the brightly lit, bustling city. "how can a place be so busy at night?" i wondered to myself.
i found the grocery store pretty easily. it wasn't too far away from avengers tower, and it was a small store, comfortable and safe. i quickly made my way to the rolls, picking up two bags. i turned to browse the other aisles for perhaps some chips, or a different snack, when it hit me. and it hit me hard.
all the sudden, i was on the inside looking out. i couldn't control my own hands, dropping the bags of rolls i held in each. i mentally panicked, but it didn't seem to do anything to my body. i moved through the aisles, looking for my next command, when i saw a box with a slogan that said "so good it'll make you want to dance on the roof!"
that seemed like a good idea.
back at the compound, steve started to get worried. "why are they taking so long? it's been almost an hour."
"not sure cap, but i think they'll be okay. my kid after all. knows how to fight for themselves." tony was tinkering with a little robot he'd made to wake (Y/N) up in the morning because it was so hard to.
"you know, i think your 'control juice' works, tony. bruce has been sitting here for a while, right after i told him to. that's not normal." nat's voice floated in from the other room, striking anxiety into tony's heart. "rhodey! turn on the news! (Y/N) is apparently on it."
rhodey grabbed the remote and turned the living room tv on, then tossed the remote to nat. "there you go."
on the screen was a live feed of a person dancing on a roof. a roof of a really tall building, and they were dancing right at the edge of it. "tonight we bring you the avenger's (Y/N), who seems to have lost their mind." the news reporter's voice faded out as tony focused in on the way they were dancing. "...we are trying to bring them down. more at 11."
"holy shit." steve whispered.
every single person in the room except for bruce looked at him and said "language!"
"oh my god, you guys are never gonna let that go." tony shook his head in response, and looked around the room. "we gotta go get my kid."
(your pov)
i was panicking. my body moved like water, landing in all the right steps, but i held so much fear that i would fall. i could see red and blue lights flashing beneath me, their spotlight trained on me, but i couldn't stop moving. i wished that someone would come save me. i pulled myself into a backbend, feeling my spine pop every time i moved further. i cried out in mental pain, my body jolting. i immediately went limp, realising the effects of the juice were wearing off, but i could end up falling if i didn't just let it happen.
then something slammed into me a lot harder than i would've liked and i screamed. i heard sam's voice in my ear though, telling me it's just him, and felt relief flood through my veins. "holy shit sam, i can't move my legs."
"i know! the control juice works!" he yelled, finally landing on the ground outside the compound. i fell to my knees, right in front of bucky. he laughed.
"didn't know ya wanted it that bad, doll."
i groaned at him, rolling my eyes and taking sam's outstretched hand to help myself up. "uh-huh, you wish."
"i do, but we can all dream, huh."
"BUCKY!" i shrieked, laughing. "you can't just say that!"
"alright doll. but let's get you inside, your dad's having a coronary worrying about you."
"okay!" i replied. we went back inside. i was safe, and i could control my body again. now i just had to watch out for my dad's drinks.
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zatyrlucy · 2 years
This is Erin proof but many people says that it's just a miscommunication Wich I agree. What your opinion
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Damn...now I wanna see the conversation between Jane and Erin to see who did the fuck-up. If it was Jane for miss interpreting what Erin said, or if it was Erin for saying something that you never EVER say in a company unless you are 200% sure and it is "I'm not sure I can have this on time".
For the moment, I'm on Sam's side here. It's not something personal, a project must be finished on time. Why should she risk the entire episode's deadline by giving the task to someone who is showing doubts about meeting the deadline (even if it was a misunderstanding or not) when someone else could do it faster without issues.
I see this kind of decision anywhere, so is not a surprise to me. Also, my wild guess is that Erin is the one who did the mistake because of two things 1. She didn't correct Sam, and 2. Jane gave Sam a cap of the conversation and if Erin literally said "I'm not sure I can meet the deadline" then that's game over. If it was a misunderstanding why she didn't do anything? Girl If someone didn't understand you in a chain of production you must correct them ASAP or the rest of the chain is going to be fucked-up in a broken phone; send her a screen pic, say that that wasn't your point, anything! You can get in a lot of trouble in a big company if you say A but everybody else understood B, that's fatal.
How to prevent this? Something that pisses me a little is that I have noticed SpindleHorse always uses Discord for conversation between employees. Vivziepop, Ma'am, that's NOT a good business tool! xd I know discord is cool and all but it was created for gamers lol This and many things could be prevented if employees use emails instead of chat or at least Microsoft Teams or...idk...Skype Business.
Instead of fucking discord the conversation between Jane and Erin could have been a couple of emails with Cc to Viv and Sam and that's it. Plus if you get into legal issues is far way easier to find your arguments in an email than in ton and tons of text buried in a chat. Thanks to emails you have to be short, straight to the point and clear AF. Because is not a chat, the arguments don't get lost in long casual conversations, plus if Viv or Sam see something wrong they could interfere immediately.
You don't know how many times my life has been saved because I Cc my bosses whenever I speak with a client or a coworker about something important. If anyone said something compromising my bosses always appear because they are able to see the conversation too. But I don't know, it's just adult me being annoying I guess.
I know animation is a fun business, but it is still business, Vivziepop should start using serious tools to prevent mistakes in the future, instead of "lol discord!! because... yeah! young people like that!!! so cool!!"
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