#me thinking about getting some bomb ass anthro dick now: nice
weebsinstash · 4 years
Yeah! And I also think the beastar society would be interested in how humans are herbivores, not covered in fur, harmless/dangerous, and not overwhelmed by instincts (mostly). Kind of like when a regular human ends up in an ABO universe
Technically humans are omnivores but yeah I think if they existed humans would either have it pretty rough or completely made
Now for fun/entertainment reasons let's say humans are pretty rare and like 90% of society has never even seen one in person. While we don't exactly know how birth in the BS world works, if it varies from species to species or what, humans have long gestational periods for mammals and birth can be very risky, on top of only 1 baby being the average. Imagine being a human who lives in a rural area (let's say farming country) who covers up every single time you go out (a face mask, sunglasses, gloves, hats and hoodies) to protect your identity because you're essentially critically endangered and that attracts a lot of attention for many bad reasons. If anyone happens to see something that makes them suspicious you lie about being a kind of primate with alopecia that makes you hairless (which in universe is more believable to most than you being a human). Say a nosey neighbor stumbles onto your property without your knowledge or permission and discovers your secret. They're never found again; you can't risk them telling anyone you exist, its THAT dire. You've got a decent chunk of land and you bury them as deep as you can dig; at least the decomposition will be good for your crops.
Eventually the government catches wind and comes for you, probably even Yafya himself (also on another note have they ever implied there's multiple Beastars at once because it sounds almost like it's its own class of people but they also treat it like there is A Beastar. Whatever). You get dragged away from your home along with any family you're living with, put in a safe house in a secret location, only a select few knowing of your existence. Your kidnappers speak very calmly to you, telling you the new situation: you're being put in protective conservation to eliminate threats against your life. You're going to receive the best foods and the best medical care, the latter of which is going to involve many invasive examinations and tests without your consent. They have to make sure you're in perfect health and treat any potential problems they see, after all. Oh, and yes, being forced to have children "for the sake of your species" is not a voluntary process
On another less-dystopian note, imagine still being allowed out and to live your life, but with constant security hanging over your shoulder, like some real secret service shit. You're allowed to seek higher education at Cherryton because it's a prestigious academy with plenty of funding, but really, you're only going to be ALLOWED to work certain low-risk jobs, so your courses and school activities reflect that.
It's a pretty sheltered, unfufilling life. At least that new gray wolf classmate you've met is nice to you, even if you've been catching him staring a lot....
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