#me doing a tiny french tuck for an oversized shirt: is this fashion?
rosemarytrash · 3 months
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incredibly self indulgent little thing ft rosemary in my wife and i's pride parade fits ♡
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foxesandferrets · 7 years
Daisuga Week Day 3
Prompt: Shy/Bold
Summary: Daichi finally landed his dream date, but everything feels too perfect to be true.
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Ferris Wheel 
Maybe the single long-stemmed red rose is too much. And maybe the entire bouquet of them Daichi bought just in case is also too much. Maybe it’s all too much; the slicked back hair, the cologne, the tucked in dress shirt and thin black tie. He feels like a walking cliché, fresh out of a cheesy romance movie plot, except he’s the boring guy who comes along in the first act just to get thrown away when the cool bad boy ex boyfriend rides back into town on his shiny motorcycle with his sleeve tattoos and crooked smile.
God, what is he even thinking? Daichi shakes his head, trying to clear it both of his insecurity and the bad movie plot. This was going to be fine. Suga had seemed pretty excited about the date, after all, so that must count for something.
He had planned it for weeks, always losing courage just at the last moment and convincing himself that the time wasn’t right or the mood was off. When it finally happened nothing went according to plan. Suga had grabbed Daichi in the courtyard just after one of his boring math lectures, practically buzzing with excitement over a midterm grade and dragging him toward the food court for lunch. Daichi was in a daze the entire time, entranced with Suga’s smile and the light in his eyes and he rambled on animatedly about whatever popped into his mind, sunshine seeming to emanate from every part of him. It was in the middle of lunch, after Suga pointed at him with a noodle covered fork asking if he was going to eat his food or just keep staring at it, when the words slipped out of his mouth. Well, more like burst out of his mouth. He’s not even sure of exactly what he said, only knowing that the words ‘go’, ‘date’, and ‘with me’, were involved somewhere.
They’d been best friends for as long as Daichi could remember, Suga right by his side since grade school, and he’s still not sure exactly at what point he’d started looking at him differently. They had always been completely open with each other, and Daichi knew he could talk to Suga about anything, but his feelings for him were a completely different matter. Any time he thought about it, about being something more than Suga’s best friend, he clammed up, unable to speak and acting like a little boy with his first crush. Not too far off of an analogy, he thinks. It’s his first crush that matters.
Suga was nowhere near as reserved, no matter what people assumed when first meeting them. Daichi was always pegged at the loud commanding type, and Suga the sweet shy angel, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Suga is an angel, yes, but the kind that has shiny horns hidden beneath his halo and a spaded tail tucked under his robes. And Daichi definitely has some authoritative qualities to him, but when it comes to Suga it’s like his bones are made of jelly and his heart made of glass.
Suga’s horns definitely showed through in the look he gave Daichi over the aluminum lunch table between them after Daichi’s sudden attempt at courtship. He smirked, popping another bite of yakisoba in his mouth and chewing carefully, knowing how excruciating every passing second was for Daichi. He wiped his mouth carefully with a napkin, spreading it flat against the tabletop, the smirk never leaving his face, before finally looking back up.
“It’s about time, don’t you think?”
That’s all he said, six completely indecipherable words still ringing in Daichi’s head as he takes the porch steps in front of Suga’s house one at a time, stopping in front of the door and taking a deep breath. The roses are still in his hand, and he grips the plastic wrappings tighter as he reaches for the doorbell, a thorn slipping through and pricking his finger.
“Ah, shit,” he hisses, staring down at the tiny slit dewing with blood and bringing the finger to his mouth. He knew the roses were too much, and this is definitely a sign. Without thinking he tosses them into one of the bushes lining the walkway and turns back to ring the doorbell before he can find something else to distract him.
Suga practically throws the door open, stepping out on the porch and frowning as his eyes travel up and down Daichi, sending a colt feeling straight through his chest. “I thought we were going to a carnival.”
“We are,” Daichi answers, his cheeks heating up as his eyes travel over Suga, somehow looking even more beautiful than usual in his thin powder blue shirt underneath a casual brown leather jacket.
“You look like we’re on our way to that restaurant downtown that sells gold leaf flecked caviar,” he chuckles, reaching out to smooth a hand over Daichi’s tie. “I mean, you look great, but if we’re having a fashion show I’m going to need at least another half hour.”
“I guess I got a little...overzealous,” Daichi chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck and deciding that throwing the roses away was a good decision.
“Here, let me help you.” Suga tugs on Daichi’s tie, pulling his head forward so he can start to undo the knot. Daichi gulps as his slender fingers brush against his adam’s apple, trying to ignore how close their faces are. When the tie is off Suga goes for his belt, pulling his shirt out from beneath it and letting the ends lay flat over his jeans.
“Better?” Daichi asks, holding his arms out to the side as Suga steps back to examine his handiwork.
“One last touch,” he replies, taking Daichi’s arm in his hand and unbuttoning the cuff. He rolls the shirtsleeves up to his elbows, his folds quick and expertly smooth. He does the other the same, and when he lets Daichi’s arms fall back to his sides he misses the feeling of Suga’s hands against his skin. “There. All done.”
Suga opens the door behind him and tosses Daichi’s tie inside, shutting it and turning back to him with a smile. “Shall we?”
“Yeah,” Daichi says, smiling despite his nerves because he never could've imagined he’d be standing here. Never could’ve managed that after years of looking at Suga like he was the sun itself, he’d be standing on his front porch, picking him up for a date. It’s almost surreal, like he’s living a dream.
That is, until Suga pokes him in the ribs, popping his bubble and bringing him back to the present. “Hey, anyone home? Are we gonna go or are you just gonna keep staring at me all night? I mean, I know I look good, but maybe the drool is a little much.”
“I’m not drooling,” Daichi says, embarrassed.
“Nope, but now you’re blushing,” Suga winks, stepping forward and linking his arm with Daichi’s, spreading warmth against his side. “You’re so easy to mess with.”
“You really do, though.”
“Do what?”
“Look good.”
It’s Suga’s turn to blush, ducking his head so Daichi can’t see. “Shut up. So do you.”
Daichi’s chest swells, the feeling staying with him as they walk the short two blocks to the street carnival, chatting easily the entire way. They’d been to the carnival together countless times, waiting every year for fall to roll around and for the trucks to return to town toting unstable looking metal contraptions and brightly colored food booths, but never as a couple. Not that they are a couple, but the connotation has definitely changed, and suddenly the rows of giant teddy bears and tiny ferris wheel seats seem like a minefield of overused romance plots that Daichi can’t decide whether he wants to launch into or avoid at all costs.
Suga has no such reservations, quickly threading his fingers through Daichi’s and dragging him from attraction to attraction. They share an oversized platter of french fries and a milkshake with two straws, Daichi careful not to let his fingers awkwardly brush against Suga’s while reaching for fries; they ride the ferris wheel, so close on the seat that their thighs touch, and Daichi wonders if Suga has ever looked more beautiful than in that moment, staring excitedly over the edge with a backdrop of inky blue sky and pointing out various things around their town he can see form so high up. By the end of the night Suga even has a ridiculously overstuffed teddy bear tucked under one arm that Daichi spent more money than he’d care to admit on the ring toss game to win.
The night is practically perfect, better than anything Daichi could’ve imagined, but it’s permeated by a sense of worry. Every time they brush hands or shoulders, every time he gets lost in Suga’s smile or birdsong laugh, every time he blurts out a compliment or quickly swipes a lock of silver hair out of Suga’s face, Daichi is afraid that he’s pushing things. He’s lucky enough to have gotten Suga to accept the date, he doesn’t need to go around messing everything up by being too forward.
So he holds back, no matter how tempting it is to just reach out and kiss him every time Suga says something sweet or snarky, or smiles in that way only Suga can where he looks both cute and incredibly mischievous at the same time. Daichi feels like he might explode by the time they’re walking back up Suga’s street, feeling like the night was much too short.
“What do you think I should name him?” Suga asks, holding the bear out in front of him as the turn the corner onto his front walkway.
“I don’t know any good bear names,” Daichi answers, looking it over and shrugging. “Call him Kuma-chan.”
“Ugh. That’s so boring, he need’s a really cool name,” Suga says, sticking his tongue out to show how much he dislikes the suggestion. “What about Bearchi? He kind of looks like you.”
Daichi stops in the middle of the walkway, mouth falling open in mock offense. “He does not!”
“Yes he does,” Suga replies, stopping and turning to face Daichi while holding the bear up in front of his face. “Just look at those big pretty brown eyes and those thick thighs.”
Daichi’s face flares up so hot he’s sure Suga can probably feel it from where he’s standing. He opens his mouth to reply, but Suga saves him the trouble, dropping his arms back down and turning toward the bushes with a curious look.
“What’s that?”
Oh no.
Suga takes a step over to the bush, reaching and arm in and pulling out the bouquet of roses. He turns back with a surprised expression, one silver eyebrow arched as his eyes lock with Daichi’s.
“Uh, surprise,” Daichi mutters, looking down at his and anywhere else but Suga’s face.
“What did I do?” Suga asks, voice even and serious, and Daichi’s eyes fly to his face, finding it devoid of all of his previous cheer and sarcasm. It’s an expression Daichi has only seen a few times, one he promised himself he’d never cause.
“You didn’t do any-,” Daichi pauses, not sure how to respond. “What do you mean?”
“You’ve been acting like you couldn’t wait to get away from me or something,” Suga says, his voice thick and sad, making Daichi feel as if the ground was pulled out from under him. “You pull back every time I touch you, you look away when I make eye contact, I thought for sure you’d kiss me on the ferris wheel but you barely even held my hand! I just don’t get it, do you like me or not?”
“Of course I do,” Daichi blurts, wondering how things turned so bad so quickly. “I...wait. You wanted me to kiss you?”
“Of course I did, you idiot! I thought that you’d finally realized it,” he huffs, looking as if he can’t comprehend how Daichi could be so dumb.
“Realized what?” Daichi asks, stepping back as a fire lights in Suga’s eyes.
“Realized that I love you! That I’ve been in love with you since that day in fourth grade when you punched Terushima Yuuji in the nose for saying my drawing of a dog looked like a turtle! I thought maybe, just maybe, you’d finally caught up with me and realized you loved me too, and that you would kiss me on the dumb ferris wheel under the dumb stars and it would feel like a dumb romance movie!” He stops, eyes wide and panting. “I just thought that I could finally tell you all of this, not hide it, not yell it, and you’d say you felt the same.”
Daichi doesn’t speak, not sure if he remembers how, but as Suga gives one last sigh before turning to head the rest of the way up the walkway, words start to pour from his mouth.
“I do love you, Suga,” he says, almost a whisper as he reaches out to grab Suga’s wrist before he can get too far away. “I can’t tell you the exact day it started, or even when I realized it, but I think I sort of always knew. I think I’ve always loved you, since the day I met you, I’m just too dumb to do anything about it.
“I kept pulling away because I was afraid, I was afraid I had tricked you into this or something, or if I moved too fast I’d scare you away. I wanted to kiss you on that ferris wheel, more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my entire life, but just being there with you, your hair shining like spun silver and smiling, like my own personal angel, was good enough for me.”
“I wanted tonight to be perfect, because I wanted you to fall in love with me as much as I am with you.”
Suga looks on the brink of tears, crystal clear droplets clinging to long silver lashes, but instead of speaking he launches forward, toppling Daichi over into the bush. The branches are rough and jagged against his back, and his shirt may have ripped, but he doesn’t care. Suga’s lips are soft against his, still tasting of chocolate milkshake and cinnamon rolls, but his movements are rough, bear and roses abandoned on the ground as his hands cup Daichi’s face and tangle with his hair. Daichi kisses back ferociously, like if he doesn’t drink up every part of this right now he’ll lose it forever. His hands roam Suga’s back, trailing down to his waist and back up.
He frowns when Suga pulls away, trying to stand back up out of the bush, cheeks tinged a bright flustered pink. “ It’s not a ferris wheel, but I’ll take it.” He extends a hand to Daichi to help him stand up, but instead he just pulls him back down into the bush, nuzzling his nose into the nape of his neck and taking a moment to breathe because Suga loves him.
“Hey!” Suga protests, trying to get away but not trying too hard, resolving to collapse back on top of him.
“Just let me have this for a minute,” Daichi whispers, tightening his grip and trying to commit every sensation to memory. “Let me take it all in.”
“You’re such a dork,” Suga sighs, brushing his fingers absentmindedly through Daichi’s hair. “I love you, but you’re a dork.”
“I love you too,” Daichi smiles, testing how the words feel on his tongue and deciding that there’s no better feeling in the world.
He feels a bit sad, wondering how many years of this they could’ve he had realized his feelings earlier, if he hadn’t been so worried to throw everything away, but none of that matters. This is what matters now, Suga in his arms, peppering tiny kisses to his forehead and heart beating flush against his chest. The years lost weren’t truly years lost at all since they were together, and Daichi cherishes every moment spent with Suga, but he can’t wait for what the years ahead hold for them.
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