#me connecting tiff and cj without them asking me:
lingeringscars · 2 years
more little layla things: layla takes a break from her friendship with olivia ( @doomdays ) alter everything they’ve been through though after what happened with spencer becomes a breaking point for layla because it was another boyfriend who wasn’t faithful and she couldn’t handle olivia not telling her about it AGAIN. in interactions outside of cj i do keep the relationship between spencer and olivia because of how drastically it impacts layla. 
during the time where olivia was at rehab and post layla losing her mother, layla became close with carly ( @terrifyingstories ). very close. they, for varying reasons, stop being as close because of outside family problems. however, layla does come to see carly as her best friend ( and develops a very large crush on her ) and stops thinking of olivia as her best friend. 
after carrie, layla continues to push people away. this includes carly, who she also thinks abandoned her after everything, just like everyone else she calls a friend. in fact, carly doesn’t even know about carrie because layla didn’t tell her. then i godmod jordan a lot bc given s4 it feels v right by saying he’s the one who ended up telling carly about it bc he didn’t know what else to do w/ layla pushing everyone away. this leads to them reconnecting <3
what this all boils down to, if i ever mention carly in a thread, you now know who <3  
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