#me bringing marly divata back
scrunkalicious · 8 months
so sorry to hear abt your day, if you wanna talk abt it feel free to dm me!
sorta stupid, but i don't think i've ever seen ur s/i w Mordecai?! have u made art of them? cuz my main question is just what breed of cat they'd be lolzies
THANKJ YOU SILLY i love yiou so mcuh <333
DWDW ITZ NOT STUPID,,,, here lemme yap dump abt my lackasona!! OKOK meet Marly Jessica Divata, also more widely known as "The Cellist" !! a famous Filipino cellist. For cat breed, she's a Burmese cat, a new breed in the Philippines around the 1920's.
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aaawwhhhaaaatttttt marly divata reveal okok herez some old art ive made of them
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^ halloween art!! mordy was a vampire,,, marly was the bat,,,, marly dibata,,,,
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^ some lil experimental art i made a while back,,, this is when they were youngerrr,,,, before, the shit the incident the whatnow
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^ the first marloray art ive ever made!!! found some ship dynamic thing on pinterest and i was like "whhaaattt thatz so marloray coded" and i just. did this.
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Textbooks and Sketchbooks - CHAPTER TWO
Awesome Sauce Chapter Recap: Marly is tasked with touring a new student around the Academy. The Lorax (Heimerdinger) makes an appearance, and Viktor is here too!
Word Count: 3197
Warnings: None!
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Ah yes, the astounding  cello. With its wide range and powerful sound, it's often impossible to find the right words to describe it. Able to catch all emotions, it's a luxury to listen to. The cello was something Marly listened to everyday. Bach Cello Suite 1, to be precise. Every morning, to wake herself up. This morning was no different, and the music rang through her dorm, waking Marly from her slumber. Mumbling incoherently, Marly sat up throwing the blanket off her. She set her pink plush lamb, subsequently named Lambie, aside against the pillows gently. 
Attempting to get out of bed, Marly lazily rolled off with a small “Oof!” as she fell on the carpeted ground. She quickly got up, blindly grabbing her glasses and putting them on. She had set her alarm so she had about an hour to get ready. Since she was quick, she usually had extra time. With this, Marly quickly chugged a glass of chocolate milk, afterwards shoving cereal into her mouth. She was never one for a big breakfast, preferring to bring snacks to eat throughout the day. 
She’s about to go grab her uniform and head to the bathroom to change, but was stopped with a knock at her door. Marly turned her head sharply to the door, “Coming!” She exclaimed loudly, rushing to the bathroom to quickly brush her hair, before opening the door. 
Standing there is a student, most likely of a higher year. Marly has never seen her before, dark hair and large earrings. Looking her over, Marly spots a messenger bag, before looking back up at the student’s face.
“Marly Divata?” The messenger spoke, to which Marly nodded her head.
“Yes that’s me, good morning!” She smiled, tilting her head slightly. Marly hid the embarrassment of still being in her pajamas, but the other girl didn’t seem to mind, smiling back.
“Good morning to you, too,” The messenger replied, before holding out a metal cylinder, decorated with blue and gold details. Piltover’s symbol is carved out in the center. It’s a carrying container for important messages, usually the high ups. “A message, from Professor Heimerdinger,”
Marly tilted her head, “Oh! Thank you,” she said politely, taking the unnecessarily large letter container. She was just able to fully wrap her fingers around the whole thing awkwardly. What did the Professor, the dean of the Academy and head of the Council nonetheless, need in messaging her? Yes, she did have him for Advanced Biology, and they were well acquainted with one another, but it wasn’t like she was failing or did something wrong. Despite her energetic and loud demeanor, she tended to follow the majority of school rules by the book.
“You’re welcome,” The messenger smiled, adjusting her bag before walking away. 
“Thank you again, and have a good day!” Marly called out as she left, smiling as the wave she got before closing her door. Sitting on her bed, Marly decided to brush her teeth first, before opening the letter. When she finished that, she went back and gently opened the metal container. Professor Heimerdinger’s handwriting was made of small, slanted letters.
Dear Marly,
Hello! I hope you do not mind the letter so forward into the morning. What’s that saying you kids always mention? Ah, that’s right. ‘The early wolf gets the lamb.’ A bit harsh, but good to be early, yes? 
Now, as strange as this may be, me and the other Councilors have decided that you shall be chosen in quite a simple task. We will require you to meet a new student and tour him around the Academy. As much as I would like to do this myself, oh you know how things are! Always busy now! I’m aware that you’ve never formally done anything like this before, but it’s quite noticeable how open you are to new students.
Please meet me at my office as soon as possible, so we can discuss more. You’ve been exempted from your classes today, and will be filled in later, no worries. You also don’t have to wear the uniform today, but please dress decently, you want to get a good first impression!
Looking forward to seeing you soon, 
Professor Heimerdinger 
“Yes!” Marly grinned, throwing her arms into the air. This letter was the bearer of good news for her. No classes? She’s free! No uniform? She finally gets to show off her amazing style! Showing a new student around? She would get to talk a lot, and possibly get a new friend!
Dashing to her closet, Marly sifted through her clothing, past the Academy uniforms, and towards her personal stuff. She immediately knew what she was going to wear, no doubt. Marly grabbed a colorful short sleeve button up, consisting of mainly red, blue, orange, pink, and yellow. The design of those colors were fun little doodles. Dogs and creatures and other miscellaneous things, all flowing into each other. There was even one of a figure holding a book with the word ‘sketchbook’ on it, which always made her giggle as an artist. It was from her family’s native land, the Philippines. She had gotten it when she visited one time. Marly grabbed a pair of mahogany pants, which she had gotten on the same trip. She changed into her clothing, giddy with the look.
Making her way to a small table in her dorm, Marly grinned at the sight of it. She used this tiny table to display all her Kandi, colorful beaded bracelets. She made all of them herself, excluding a small few that had been gifted to her, or bought. With the lack of long sleeves in today’s outfit, she would be able to wear her bracelets to her heart’s desire, without them being hidden under fabric. She grabbed a bunch of Kandi, paired with a few rubber bracelets. Marly swiftly slipped them one by one at surprising speed. In total, they leveled out to sixteen bracelets on her left, and thirteen on her right. They almost reached all the way to her elbow, but she found it comforting. Her bracelets rattled whenever she moved her arms, plastic beads colliding with other plastic beads.
Moving to stare at herself in the mirror, Marly grinned. She would definitely stand out. With no uniform, she now looked like a walking crayon box. She would most certainly be the most colorful person into any room she entered. But Marly didn’t mind. When she dressed outside of her uniform, she wanted people to remember her. It didn’t matter if the people were thinking ‘Oh she’s so weird.’ or ‘Oh she’s so cool.’, any thoughts were the other person sticking her into their mind.
Marly then put on her shoes at her door, lacing them up. Her shoes themselves were also colorful, a splatter of red-orange, pink, golden yellow, white, and black. The lacing in the front had beads to match her arms, but only at the bottom. Beads near the top made it hard for Marly to slip her feet into. 
An accessorized bag awaited her on a chair, decorated in keychains and pins. Marly grabbed her purse, her essentials packed inside, those being a pencil case, pocket mirror, student I.D., a marble she found on the ground, and a small gift her best friend gave her. She slipped it on, before snatching the other things she always carried with her. The two notebooks, one for sketching, the other for writing things down. Her stoplight red water bottle she walk.d forget to drink if she didn’t have it on her. And she also grabbed Lambie, as she was a constant companion, and thankfully no one seemed to mind. 
Marly folded the letter into her writing notebook, and shoved the metal container into her purse. She locked her door as she went outside, walking quickly to Professor Heimerdinger’s office. It was quite a bit away, on the upper floors of the Academy. Thankfully, she had some time before class started. 
There were a few staff members who eyed Marly warily as she passed, confused as to why a student was rushing through empty halls outside of uniform. In response to this, Marly took out the metal cylinder container, shaking it slightly. If these professional message holders only came from people of high power, she hoped they would understand.
They all nodded their heads with a slightly confused expression, but didn’t question Marly further. She would smile, and give a quick “Have a good day!” as she passed. 
Besides these instances, Marly’s journey was unbothered, if not for the way the halls seemed too quiet was a bit unsettling, and how some areas were completely in the dark, not needing light as class hadn’t started yet. Marly shivered softly, not even daring to look into these dim hallways, dashing past instead. 
Her footsteps echoed as Marly made her way up the last staircase, carefully watching her feet as she climbed up. With the large metal doors in sight, Marly took a moment to catch her breath from all the floors, hallways, stairs, and wrong turns she went through. She adjusted the things she was holding, preventing anything from slipping out of her arms. Approaching the talk doors, the words ‘PR. HEIMERDINGER’ engraved in a metal plate above them, an enforcer standing guard walked up to her. 
“Halt,” he stated, “What are your intentions of being here?” He asked, staring down at Marly. She tilted her head, looking back. The menacing enforcer helmet lay on the ground, unneeded during school hours. Marly smiled politely, taking out the metal letter holder once more.
“Good morning,” Marly started, “I’ve got a letter from Professor Heimerdinger, saying he wants to meet with me about touring a new student around the campus,” she spoke professionally, anyone who only heard this side of her would never guess that she’s usually loud and bouncing off walls.
The enforcer nodded his head slowly. Professor Heimerdinger most likely told him about this beforehand. “Alright, go ahead,” he told her, offering a subtle smile as he returned back to his post. 
“Thank you!” Marly smiled back, nodding her head in return. She knocked firmly on the doors with bent index and middle fingers, an odd habit of hers. The sound of tiny feet scuffling along the hard floor could be heard, and with a few clicks, the doors swung open. 
“Marly! Come in, come in,” Heimerdinger said, ushering her inside with welcome arms. Marly smiled down at the Yordle, she was pretty sure he was one of the only people she was taller than at this Academy, before looking around. His office could also be definitely described as a lab, Marly just thought him calling it an office would be more professional. Metal trinkets and inventions lay about on high shelves, a chalkboard with equations and notes was pushed to a corner for more room, papers with words scrawled on laying about. 
Heimerdinger even had a mini library, mostly filled with science textbooks and older history books. Today, Marly spotted a student standing there, leaning against a cane. His face peeked out at her from the top of the book, brown hair and amber eyes studying her. Marly smiled kindly, perhaps this was the new student.
“Of course! Happy to help,” Marly chirped, smiling down at the fluffy orange professor. Heimerdinger smiled back, chuckling as he beckoned the person who was buried in a book with a wave of his small hand. 
“Here’s who you will be helping out,” Heimerdinger told her, nodding his head.
Putting the book down, the student walked to stand next to the professor, the clank clank clank of his cane against the floor echoing slightly. Upon closer inspection, he was around her age, though taller than her, but the second part wasn’t surprising. He wore the Academy uniform, which was well pressed and ironed. His hair was a deep brown, neatly combed and parted, trimmed above the ears, with soft small curls at the nape of his neck. He had sharp features and high cheekbones, and a sharp face. His skin was pale, with two moles dotting his face. He was lanky and a bit thin, leaning against a cane Marly could only describe as ‘elegant’. Slightly wide amber eyes stared at her, taking all of her in as he stared at her, mouth parted slightly. Marly would say he was well composed, and most likely spent a bit of time on his appearance.
“My name is Marly, nice to meet ya!” Marly exclaimed, smiling widely. 
Nodding his head, the student spoke, “Nice to meet you too,” he started, a soft accent to his voice that Marly hasn’t heard before, making her tilt her head, “I’m Viktor,” he introduced himself, still staring curiously. 
“Nice to meet you, Viktor!” Marly grinned, thinking before adding, “Is that with a ‘C’ or a ‘K’?” The last thing she wanted was to make a bad impression by misspelling his name. After all, she experienced enough people spelling her name as ‘Marley’ for her.
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“Uh, it’s with a ‘K’,” Viktor informed her, tilting his head. He hadn’t expected the question so forwardly, but appreciated it. The Professor spelled his name ‘Victor’ for the first time they met, so he was glad Marly wouldn’t spell it wrong.
With her question, he quickly inferred something, “Is ‘Marly’ without the ‘E’?” He inquired, looking down at her. There was most certainly a reason behind her thoughtfulness.
Marly blinked, clearly surprised, “Yes!” She exclaimed, loud as usual, “It’s Marly with no ‘E’, yes! You have no idea how often I have to remind people, it’s simple!” She told him, the words flowing out her mouth with insane speed. This earned an amused smile from Viktor. He watched as Professor Heimerdinder called Marly over, most likely handing her his schedule and rules for touring someone around. Marly set her items down on a desk to grab the papers Heimeridnger was handing her. Marly quickly read over the papers rather quickly. He stepped closer, glancing at Marly and her possessions. Everything seemed pretty colorful, with her two notebooks and bright red water bottle. Viktor looked back to her, listening as she spoke to the professor. 
Marly was quite the short woman, and dressed in such colorful clothing, she could be mistaken for a child from behind. Viktor, in all honesty, had expected Professor Heimgerdiner to choose someone who looked more professional for this job. But Marly seemed quite kind, so he didn’t think about complaining. As she discussed further inquiries with Heimerdinger, Viktor believed that her voice sounded quite familiar. He couldn’t name it just yet, but he squinted slightly continuing to listen. 
“Have your recent art projects been going well, Marly?” Professor Heimerdinger asked, looking up at Marly. She nodded her head excitedly, happy to discuss.
“Yeah!” Marly exclaimed loudly, throwing her arms into the air. When she did this, her bracelets rattled softly. Viktor stared at her bracelets, impressed with the wild abundance of them and all the colors. With her loud exclamation, and the rattling of her bracelets, Viktor’s eyes widened slightly. He stepped closer to her, looking down at her curiously. She seemed to be going off on a tangent giving Viktor a smile for acknowledgement. 
Gears were slowly turning in Viktor’s head, quick realization hitting him. This was the voice of the girl, the one from yesterday! The one that he would always see, that talked to him just a day ago. Flashing lights were going off in his mind when he figured this out. He continued to watch as Marly spoke, intrigued by her energy. 
When Marly finished, she inhaled deeply, “Sorry,” She grinned, “I believe class starts soon. Perhaps I should start the tour?”
“How lovely, glad to see you haven’t lost your spark since the last time I saw you,” Heimerdinger chuckled, and Marly laughed along, grabbing her things as the professor ushered her and Viktor to the doors. “Go along you two, explore the Academy!” He told them, “Marly I already notified the school staff that you should be excused, if anyone bothers you just let me know, have fun!”
Marly said her goodbye and thanks, quickly walking out with her things in hand. Viktor quickly followed, staring at her as she looked over his new official schedule. She muttered softly to herself, eyes narrowed as she took in all the classes. Viktor watched her from his side, eyes wide in fascination. He couldn’t believe that out of all the people in this huge Academy, his tour guide would be the only other person that seemed to know of the little abandoned place with the stream, making her a reoccurring face. Everything was happening at such fast speeds, many things happening at once. The day had barely started, and yet Viktor managed to get accepted into the Academy under the care of the literal dean of the school, and was getting a tour from the loud girl who seemed to be a bit more prominent to him than any student yet.
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Viktor was staring at her. Marly noticed this as she examined his schedule. There were mostly technical classes, in parts of the building she rarely went to. After a while, Marly lowered the paper, raising an eyebrow at Viktor. 
“You good?” She asked, unfazed with him observing her. Marly found it amusing, and he seemed nice, so she paid no mind to it. 
Viktor paused, eyes widening further when she spoke. He gave her a meek, quick nod. It was clear he hadn’t expected her to notice, despite how he hadn’t tried to hide it at all. Marly hummed softly, nodding her head. “Come along now, let's go!” She grinned, “The closest class you nave is thankfully nearby,” she smiled. By ‘closest’ she meant on the same floor as them. The rest seemed to be on different floors from the professor’s office. Marly waved her hand for him to follow her, walking slowly to make sure he went with her. Viktor followed quickly, seeming surprised she didn’t chastise him for staring. The majority of students at the Academy would have glared if he stared. 
Marly, if anything, was excited. She’s never given a tour of the school before, that was usually left for the student government, which she found too time consuming to be a part of. To her, Viktor seemed quite nice, and was very polite when seeing her for the first time. She found it interesting how he looked at her with fascination in every glance, no one had ever seemed so curious with her before. She looked forward to showing him around, her excitable nature showing through with a new person around. She hoped they could become friends, as that was something both she and new students often looked for. 
“There will be quite a bit of walking, this school is massive!” Marly told him, throwing her hands into the air as she grinned back at him.
Viktor smiled softly, “Eh, it’ll be both of us that have to endure the walk,” he told her, ready to endure this day full of walking and talking alongside one another.
(A/N: Academy uniform and Marly'z outfit!! Me reveal...)
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