#me and my shitty eyebrow pencil facial hair
Going in a jonny dville cosplay to a local con tomorrow. Do you think ill get hate crimed
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britswriting · 2 years
Unbroken (12)
*Leighton's POV*
"Did you get lost on your way to the bathroom?" I asked and Colby chuckled, shaking his head.
"I asked Kat if she knew where you were" He shrugged and I nodded, the room falling silent, and I heard him sigh "Can we have our talk now?"
I set down my iPad, scrunching my face a little. "Why now? I thought you were going to watch a movie downstairs?"
"I want to clear the air" he said, sitting down on the floor and I made a weird face. "You can sit in the chairs. I'm not going to force you to sit on the ground" I motioned towards the chairs in front of me, giggling a little and Colby smiled a little, nodding and then got up, taking a seat in the chair across from me.
I reached for my apple pencil again, ignoring his stare. I was sketching out some facial details when he cleared his throat and started apologizing. "I'm sorry for yelling at you. I was just worried. You left with someone we didn't know and came back the next morning" He fiddled with his own rings which I smiled softly at.
I couldn't help but wonder if he always had that tick, or if he was picking it up from me. 
"Were you worried for my wellbeing or that I was some morning after whore?" I muttered and Colby shifted in the chair as I erased a mistake I made in my sketch. I was working on drawing a couple cartoon characters interacting with each other and I was struggling with poses at the moment.
"Honestly?" He asked and I nodded. I winced when he let out a big sigh, his hand rubbing against his face making me narrow my eyes at him "You thought I slept with him?" I asked, giving him my full attention.
"You came home wearing his clothes Leighton" He spoke in a defensive tone, and I pursed my lips, setting my pencil down.
Why was he acting like a jealous boyfriend? Last time I checked, he hated me?
"Okay hold on, even if I DID sleep with him, why the fuck does that matter? You're not my boyfriend or even my friend for that matter!" I snapped, getting mad at his uncalled-for outburst about my whereabouts and social life.
"I know! I'm sorry! I can't help but feel protective over girls. I've had too many friends get hurt! Guys are dicks" Colby started and I scoffed, crossing my arms and I saw him look back at my tattoos.
Oh, so we're friends now?
Honestly, I was starting to get whiplash.
Did he like or hate me?
"You're the only dick I see" I cocked an eyebrow and I saw him smirk before letting out a cough and pulling his lips into a thin line
"Okay, I see why, and I'm sorry! I don't normally act like that and before you laugh in my face, I truly mean it. I never have girlfriends and I wanted to try going out with this person, and as you can see it wasn't my best choice. I wanted it to work out though. Which is why I figured if I got rid of everything to make it easier and I'm sorry you got the shitty end of the stick. Even Sam's yelled at me about this girl-"
"Colby, you have people over ALL the time. I'm honestly just glad I don't share a wall with you. You got to start making your one-night stands use your own bathroom"  I cut him off, tired of listening to the words that were falling out of his mouth so helplessly
"I haven't had that many people over lately!" He held his hand out towards my face, trying to prove a point.
"I've been living with you for like a month. It's noticeable. I'm not trying to control your life Colby, I'm just saying that you can't tell me this was a one-time thing, when you constantly have girls over in your room" I noted and it got silent for a moment before he shook his head, fixing his hair
"We're getting off topic" He chuckled, brushing off what I had said. I tilted my head, squinting my eyes and pursing my lips. "You were literally calling me a whore when I've only slept with one person the past three years, and you've slept with one person basically daily!" I exclaimed, my head starting to hurt from his constant back and forth.
"That isn't true!" He laughed and I bit my bottom lip, trying not to let a smile slip at the way he had laughed, letting him continue "I haven't even slept with them all, a lot of them are just friends" He defended, and my jaw dropped as I yelled "Wow!" my laugh finally slipped out in a playful disbelief.
"What!?" He shouted, laughing a little. I internally grinned at him trying to hold back his own laugh "I haven't slept with them all" I mocked.
"What!? I haven't!" His voice got higher and laughed again, biting my tongue.
"ANYWAY, I didn't sleep with my ex, it was 1am, I was tired, I went to bed. Sue me" I smirked, still basking in him trying to cover himself.
"Okay, I'm sorry for being a bitch about that. Look, I truly don't have a problem with you living with us, I'm sorry for acting out. It isn't because you're a girl, I've lived with girls before. Our old roommate's girlfriend used to live with us. I think I'm honestly just a little intimidated by you. Can you blame me? The two people I hang out with the most, really like you and like you've said, you've only lived with us for a month. I feel like they're both getting really close to you, and I'm just getting left out, which I know sounds stupid, I know! I also know I haven't been the most welcoming to you, but I truly have been busy filming and editing. It wasn't like, oh let me be a dick to the new roommate! That was never my intention, and I'm sorry if I came across like that. I'm honestly just tired from work, which I also know isn't a good excuse for my actions"
It felt like Colby was staring into my soul as he talked, his blue eyes keeping hold of my green ones, causing my heart to race.
I knew he was telling the truth, with how desperately he was trying to keep eye contact, which warmed my heart. If there was anything that pissed me off more, it was liars. But especially pathological liars.
I was still unsure of his intentions, and I felt like he was just as unsure of mine, even if he was full heartedly telling the truth.
 "I forgive you; do you still find me sketchy?" I asked, turning my iPad back on
"I mean, after watching you be with your family, not as much but you're still weird" His smirk turning into a full shit eating grin.
"What!? How am I weird!" I yelled, holding back a laugh.
"You do weird shit!" He declared, and my jaw dropped
"How!?" I was beyond flabbergasted
Me? Weird? Never!
I tried so hard to keep a straight face, but it only turned into full belly laughter making Colby's face fill with confusion as he replied "We literally never see you. Kat sees you the most and she doesn't even live with us!" He exclaimed, passion filling his died down laughter. His eyes still creased a little bit.
"Well, I didn't know being your roommate meant movie night was mandatory!" I spoke loudly, but not shouting back, a smile prominent on my face, feeling playful
'Well, it is!" He shot back, grinning yet again at me.
I couldn't help but want to savor this playful encounter, especially since it was so drastic to how I was treated before, Colby coming across as a whole new person in the past 10 minutes. It felt like I watched him change right in front of my eyes. Like I blinked and a whole new person was here.
"I'll try and hang out more. I'm really busy right now though. I know this sounds kind of bitchy but like, figure out with Sam when you want to hang, and I'll try and make it work. I have family stuff to deal with, plus I have a job now that I need to focus on, so I'm not just free tomorrow at 5pm because you guys are bored" I explained and Colby nodded, showing he understood.
Colby and I sat in silence for a little bit, myself focused back on my drawing. 
When I looked up at him after finishing my sketch, I found him staring at me.
"What?" I asked, confused why his eyes were locked on me.
"Nothing. It's just fun watching people do things they love. How long have you done art?" He pondered aloud causing me to smile softly
"Since I was in diapers. My dad still has stuff in a folder I colored when I was a baby" I chuckled, fond memories popping up in my head like a movie of my dad and I doing art together.
Colby asked me art questions whilst I started the coloring process of my character, and I found it touching how intrigued he seemed to be. No one ever really cared to ask me questions considering the only one who I did art with was my dad, and I learned from him, no one else took interest in our shared hobby. It was kind of fun to explain why I was using certain colors or why I was shading my character's face the way I was. I always was amazed at the way my dad used colors, and I desperately wanted him to teach me his secret, but he always told me it was all in the eye. Which translated that I was basically a loss cause, but I still tried.
"Do you only do cartoons?" He asked and I shook my head, setting my apple pencil down. "I love doing hyperrealist stuff, I actually very rarely draw cartoons" I let out a breathy laugh, glancing down towards my work. I suddenly felt extremely insecure of my work, now seeing how intently he had been watching me. Cartoons weren't my strong suit, and the idea of him thinking this was the best I had, felt like a slap in the face, even if he was impressed.
"Can I see some?" he asked, and I nodded, pulling out a desk draw and grabbing my purple folder with the label "Leigh's baby drawings" on it, and handing them over to him.
"I drew family and friends' photos from when they were a baby. The most recent is on the top, that's my little sister" I showed him an extremely realistic black and white portrait of Lexi lying flat on top of the stack.
I was a lot more confident in my realism drawings, but it was still scary showing off something to someone that you spent hours working on. What if they didn't like it?
I focused back on my drawing, starting to get bored of redrawing the same stroke ten times. Shading the hair sucked. At least that was my personal opinion. I always loved doing the clothes on my artwork. I always preferred doing the hair highlights over the shadows, whereas my dad preferred doing shadows because he loved how with one darker line the previous colors could just pop, and make the whole artwork look brand new.
"These are really good Leighton! I have a strange question" he said, making my ears perk up.
He complimented me?
"Okay?" I spoke hesitantly
"Would you want to draw Sam and I? For our house?" He asked and I glanced towards the door and back to him, feeling slightly confused.
Me? Draw him? Why?
"Like, to hang up?" I asked and Colby nodded.
"I think it would be really cool!" He spoke with a reassuring grin on his face.
I narrowed my eyes a little, feeling suspicious of the grin he was wearing. Was he trying to be polite? Convincing? Or did he have something up his sleeve that was going to make my life hell?
I asked Colby what he wanted me to do, and I couldn't help but laugh when he said he didn't know. Which if I was being honest, really eased my nerves on what his intentions were of asking such a daunting task.
"So, you had this grand idea, but no planning?" I asked and I swear I saw him blush slightly.
"It just came to me!" He defended himself and I chuckled, biting my bottom lip as I nodded. He pulled out his phone, focusing his attention elsewhere so I picked up my apple pencil again, finishing up my artwork. It was silent for a moment before Colby's voice bounced off the four walls, startling me slightly since I had gotten lost in my almost completed artwork. "I asked people on my Instagram Story what their favorite photos of Sam and I are, and hopefully we can pick from those," he grinned, setting his phone down. I nodded and turned my iPad around, showing him my finished project. "That looks so good Leighton!" He praised, and I felt my ears heat up before it spread to my cheeks.
"Thank you" I smiled shyly, turning the iPad off and putting it on its charger. I put the purple folder back in the drawer now that Colby was done looking for it. I stood up from my chair and pulled my hair up into a messy high ponytail which showed off a tattoo behind my ear. "Are you going to be transfixed on every tattoo I show?" I smirked, chuckling a little at how his eyes were scanning over the small inkwork behind my ear and down the side of my neck.
"I swear every time you do anything, there is something new to learn! I didn't know you had so many tattoos!" He said, his eyes scanning from my neck tattoo down to my arm where the sleeve was peeking out from my oversized t-shirt 
"I have loads" I giggled, opening the door and leaving him behind as I walked downstairs. I could hear big booms from whatever movie they were watching, the sound blaring from my dad's precious sound system. I plopped down next to Aaliyah and Logan, slightly confused why Logan was still here. Colby joined us pretty quickly, taking a seat on the floor next to Sam. I tried to stay awake for the rest of the movie, but when I woke up, I was in an empty dark room with a fuzzy blanket draped over my body. I moaned at how comfy the couch was when I rolled over, wanting to sink back into a deep slumber, and I did just that. When I woke up again, my alarm was blaring throughout the quiet making me grumble "fuck" and sit up, stretching as I grabbed it. I looked at the date and time and a pit formed in my stomach as realization of what was happening today started to hit. When I turned around, I couldn't help but squint at how bright the kitchen light was behind me. I heard some shuffling, so I knew someone was in there.
I walked in the kitchen after I used the bathroom because the second I woke up, I felt like my bladder was going to explode, which honestly was the first time I had felt like that during this pregnancy and I mentally groaned, knowing it was only downhill from here.
I was trying my best to keep notes of things that were happening in my phone, wanting to document them in my pregnancy journal. I walked into the kitchen, typing down this new "symptom" into my notes app when I saw my dad standing at the stove, cooking breakfast and I said a quiet good morning, sitting down at the table. He told me that my mom was getting ready upstairs so we could head out to the hospital. I had work from 12-8 today and my mom went into surgery at 11, so the stress I was feeling was beyond overwhelming.
"Did you plug your phone in?" He asked and I shook my head, thanking him for reminding me, getting up to grab a charger. When I came back I felt my mind spiral at the thought of my mom going under brain surgery and before I knew it, I was sobbing whilst my dad placed eggs in front of me. He didn't say anything to me, but he rubbed comforting circles on my back with the palm of his hand. I wasn't sure how long I sobbed for, but I eventually calmed down and started eating breakfast, knowing we had to leave soon.
I was honestly terrified of losing my mom in this surgery. I couldn't imagine not being able to call her during my pregnancy or having her meet my baby. The idea of her not being here for such an important moment in my life made my chest tighten. I couldn't help but start to self loathe at not having told her sooner. What if she died today? I should've told her sooner! She could've helped me loads!
"Where is everyone?" I asked him, drinking some of the tea he had handed me, wanting to turn off my brain. I smiled when I tasted the ginger, glancing over towards my dad. "How'd you know?" I asked quietly and my dad's back was still turned to me as he replied "Your mother had really bad morning sickness with all you guys. She said this helped the most, along with peppermint oils, but we don't have any of that" I nodded, going back to sipping my tea. I sighed with relief as the nausea went away, the soothing tea filling up my stomach and calming my thoughts.
I smiled at my mom when she entered, getting up to hug her and telling her a good morning.
"Everyone went home but Aaliyah and River, they stole your bed" My dad finally answered, laughing a little and I rolled my eyes.
"Of course, they did!" I snickered back, already planning my attack on them.
I climbed up the stairs, thrashing open my bedroom door and yelling "Morning losers!" Before jumping on them, making them groan.
"Leigh!" Aaliyah shouted and I laughed uncontrollably to where I started coughing from lack of oxygen. "Glad you're laughing at my pain!" She huffed
"Dad made eggs, I gotta go wake the other losers" I pushed off the bed and River groaned.
"Leigh, I have a girlfriend!" River jokingly called out and I was confused until I realized where my hand was placed. I gasped and quickly removed my hand which made me faceplant on the bed.
"I'm sorry!" I yelled, it coming out more muffled as I was laying against my comforter.
"Morning Leighton" River chuckled as I stood up, breathing hard.
"Good morning, dumbass. I'm going to wake up the rainbow child now. Hurry up before the devil spawns steal all of breakfast!" I said, leaving the room and I heard Aaliyah and River laugh.
I opened my brother's door, covering my eyes and yelling "Cover up I don't want to see your dick!" I squeaked, afraid for my life
"Oh my god!" Landon grumbled and I kept my hand over my eyes. "I'm not naked you idiot" He grumbled again, and I removed my hand from my eyes, thanking god he wasn't lying to me.
"Dad made breakfast, get up cause we gotta take mom to the hospital in an hour" I walked out of his room and opened Lexi's door and much to my surprise, she was already up, slipping on a hoodie.
"I like your hair!" I complimented, startling her.
"Morning, it's just braids" She spoke quietly, reaching for Chapstick.
I could tell with how quiet she was that the nerves were eating her up as well. I sighed and helped her get ready, making her bed for her. I hung out with my sister till we had to leave. We all reluctantly climbed into the car, the whole car ride to the hospital was silent.
When we got my mom checked in and met with her doctor, everything started to feel more real.
This morning I could psych myself out into thinking it was just another normal day, but the second the OR nurses came in to prep her for surgery, I felt like I was hit with a giant slap of reality.
This was really happening. We were really doing this again.
I hugged my sister against me as the doctor started explaining the surgery to us. I could hear my sisters' sniffles and felt her teardrops fall onto my hand.
It was now 10:30am and my mother was getting prepped for her surgery, meaning we all had about half an hour to talk to her before she had to go in.
I was starting to get insane flashbacks to the last time we did this, and I could only hope we'd get the same outcome. 
My sister went first, then my brother and by 10:50 it was my turn.
My brother kept the door open for me, then shut it as he left. I took a deep breath.
I sat down next to my mom, and she held her hand out towards me, smiling.
"Hi sunshine" She looked me in the eyes and that's when I lost it. "Oh baby girl, don't cry honey. You're mommy's ray of sunshine. Leighton Rae it'll be okay" She squeezed my hand and I audibly sobbed.
I can't believe I was doing this again.
They said the last time should've been it. That we would be all done, and yet here I was, sobbing in a hospital room whilst my dying mother was consoling me. 
"I love you mom" I cried, a thousand memories filling my head. 
We honestly thought we were in the clear after we passed the 5-year mark, but here life was, slapping us in the face that the rough waters never truly go away. 
I pulled out my phone and I took a photo of me and my mom holding hands and I turned my video recorder on, wanting to remember her voice. It was all these just in case moments that were truly making me lose my mind. "You have to come back to me, mom. I can't lose my mom. My baby needs their grandmother" I cried, and my mom smiled and held out her pinky, interlocking it with my own. I video recorded her kissing my pinky finger as the tears rolled down my face.
"I promise baby" She smiled, and I could tell she was hurting. I just couldn't tell if she was hurting more psychically, mentally or emotionally and that killed me.
"I love you mom" I repeated, still recording and I saw a tear fall down her own face. My chest tightened at the idea of how scared she must be.
"I love you too Leigh, you're my perfect daughter and I can't wait to meet my little grandbaby. You're going to have to calm down Leigh. We want that baby happy and healthy so when I kick cancers butt, I can hold my perfect precious grandbaby"
I stopped recording and I took a selfie with my mom, adding it to my folder of memories with her.
"Baby you're acting like I'm going to disappear in front of you. I've done this surgery before, I will be okay sunshine" she smiled at her fingers, and I glanced down, trying to see through my blurred vision. "I always have you kids with me and you'll always have me with you" she said, and she placed my fingers over the tattoos on the side of her ring finger. 
On Mother's Day when Lexi and Landon were toddlers, my mom got in small ink an infinity sign, moon crescents and a sun on the inside of her ring finger, and when Logan and I were old enough, we all got the same thing, except our tattoos filled in which one we were in the lineup. When I got married, I wanted to get a heart in front of the infinity sign, so I left space to do that.
"I understand you're the one going into brain surgery, and I don't have the right to be scared but I'm scared of losing you mom. If I'm being totally honest, my feelings this time around are so different than last time. Like not only are my hormones all out of whack, but I want my baby to meet you mom. I want them to grow up with their grandmother" I cried softly, my hand rested against my belly, and I felt my eyes widen.
A bump
I had a bump!
I felt my excitement get destroyed when I thought about it just being bloating again and I heard my mom ask what was wrong. I lifted my shirt and turned a little, trying to see if she could notice a bump too.
I couldn't believe I didn't check when I used the bathroom this morning like I always did!
"Do I have a bump?" I asked her and I heard the door open and my dad asking what we were doing. "Is there a bump?" I asked him, turning to show him.
"I think there is a tiny one" My mom said, and the excitement started to grow again.
"I'm scared it's just bloating! But what if it isn't? Google said the bump pops at 12 to 14 weeks! I'm only on week 9!" I spoke quickly, panicking at how I should feel.
"Leigh you can't listen to google about how your pregnancy should be. Each of mine were different. Logan, I didn't show till almost 20 weeks. I had a really small bump with him. With you, I woke up one morning at like 15 weeks, and the bump was just there, and it wasn't tiny, but you were a big ass baby so" She grinned, and I glared at her.
God what if my baby was huge?
My vagina would never recover.
"It was all a lost cause with the twins though, I showed right away. I was showing before I even knew I was pregnant. Those children wrecked my body" She grumbled then smiled and I could tell she was fondly reminiscing which made me smile. 
"Is my baby going to wreck my body?" I asked quietly, forgetting my dad was here.
"Honestly? Your body will never be the same. Your hips will be wider, you never completely lose the baby fat, no matter how many stupid LA diets there are. My boobs never went back to their pre-baby size. I don't know if that's common or not" She shrugged, and I glanced towards my dad who was sitting in a chair on his phone.
"Only the twins were a c-section, right?" I asked and she nodded.
My mom and I got into the topic of vaginal birth versus a cesarean birth and the things they do to your body.
The second she said stitches on my vagina I almost fainted.
Why the fuck did I get knocked up?
My mom mentioned how having a midwife for the twins was useful, and before we could get into the topic of conversation, the nurses came in to bring her to the OR. I made a mental note to check out what midwives were when I got home from work.
My siblings and I kissed my mom's cheek and wished her good luck before I had to head off to work.
I was trying insanely hard to detach my work life from my personal life today since I needed the money really badly and when I was on my last hour of my shift, my mind kept thinking about how my mom's surgery went. On lunch break I got a text that she was going to be moved to recovery soon, so I couldn't wait to get back.
I smiled when I recognized some familiar faces coming into my checkout line.
"Hey losers!" I grinned, Sam and Colby placing all sorts of weird stuff on the conveyor belt.
"Look at our working girl!" Sam praised and I laughed, grabbing the first item.
"Bathroom spray? This better be for your bathroom!" I raised an eyebrow, scanning the item.
Sam held back a laugh while Colby's cheeks reddened. "Just keep scanning" He muttered, and I giggled, placing it in the bag.
"Now I know I don't need these, and you guys don't have a uterus, so why do you have tampons?" I asked, holding up a yellow and blue box of Tampax .
I finally looked at the rest of the items and narrowed my eyes.
"Condoms? Alcohol? Okay I'm not coming home tonight" I said, scanning the items.
"The condoms are Colby's-" Sam spoke quickly and Colby smacked his arm as I raised an eyebrow, recalling our conversation from the night before. "Bathroom spray and condoms Colby?" I asked, placing the adult item into the bag with the bathroom spray.
"Katrina needed tampons, I matched the picture she sent me to the box" Sam informed me and I smiled at him, nodding. 
"Well, I figured one of you guys' female friends needed them. It's nice to see you guys buying them. It's nice to know some guys aren't grossed out by it" I placed the item in the bag, and I grabbed a box, turned it around and saw what it was. "MiraLax pills? This explains the bathroom spray" I muttered, and Colby groaned.
"I told you we should've gone to self-checkout!" Colby grumbled to Sam who I could tell was trying so hard not to laugh.
"I wanted to see Leighton! I haven't talked to her since before she passed out on the couch!" He exclaimed and Colby shook his head, crossing his arms.
I grabbed a bottle, and the apple of my cheeks were burning from trying so hard not to laugh.
"Erectile Dysfunction pills?" I asked Colby and I've never seen him turn so fast.
"SAMUAL!" He shouted, causing people's heads to turn as Sam belly laughed. "THOSE AREN'T MINE!" Colby yelled as I scanned the item.
"What the fuck! Remove that from my checkout list! What the hell Sam!?" He said, pointing to the computer behind me before turning to face Sam again and Sam was grinning like a Cheshire cat. "I slipped those in when Colby was grabbing condoms" Sam laughed and Colby rolled his eyes.
I removed the item and set it behind me. The rest of their basket was just drinks and food.
Thank God
"Well Colby, don't knock anyone up. I got to deal with enough babies in our house as it is" I said, and Sam's eyes widened. "What? Colby's a whiner" I muttered, and Colby glared at me.
"No Leighton, it's pronounced wiener" Sam said and I bit my bottom lip, trying to hold back a laugh as Colby glared at us.
"I'm never buying condoms with you two ever again" Colby grumbled and I laughed, biting my tongue as it stuck out a little bit.
Colby inserted his card, and typed in his pin, signing his signature and then took the receipt. He was silent the entire time, making me side glance at Sam who was also looking at Colby.
Did we upset him?
"Lexi shut up" I grumbled, shoving her off of me.
"You're being mean!" She whined and I rolled my eyes and Landon snickered.
"I don't give a flying monkey about your candy crush score" I rolled my eyes, opening up my text messages.
The group chat for Sam, Colby, Jake and I was going bananas, Aaliyah texted me a couple more times and so I replied to hers first. She told me to tell her how my mom was and let me know when we wanted to meet up.
I scrolled down and saw Gabe texted me asking what time the appointment was, making me roll my eyes.
You can only tell someone so many times
I opened the group chat and scanned the chat, feeling very confused.
Sam: Dude shut the fuck up some of us are trying to sleep
Jake: Yeah Colby!
Sam: I can't believe him
Jake: Believe what?
Sam: That he would do this! 
Jake: ???
Sam: Can she moan louder? God! I have to get up in a couple hours to go to Katrina's!
Jake: Maybe we should leave?
Sam: To where? Sam: I think she's the loudest one he's ever brought home
Jake: Just glad Leigh's gone. Jake: We could go to the hospital and hang with Leigh?
Sam: Why? Sam: Also why is Leighton at the hospital? Sam: When we bought condoms earlier, I didn't think they were going to be used the first hour we got home. 
I left the chat before Jake's text bubbles would go away, not needing to read more. I opened up my ex's and told him the time before turning off my phone. 
Why were they texting about Colby's sex life in our group chat? I hear enough as it is, I don't need to know more when I'm not at home. 
"Do you think she'll wake up soon?" Landon asked and I sighed, wishing my dad was back from the bathroom now.
"I hope so bud. That's the best I can do for you" 
While we were waiting for my mom to wake up, Lexi somehow got me to play candy crush with her and I have never felt happier to see the weirdo that is my best friend.
"Sup losers!" Aaliyah called out after opening the door.
I sprung up, shoving my sister off of me and wrapping my arms around her.
"You came!" I pulled away and Aaliyah smiled, nodding.
"Trust me Leigh, this is more for me than you. I much rather be here with your badass mom" Aaliyah smirked, sitting down next to my dad.
We were all sitting around talking, when the doctor and a nurse came in to check on my mom.
My hands rested on my stomach as I watched them check on the machines that I had no idea how to read.
All I really cared about was the lifeline. As long as that was still kicking, the rest of it didn't matter to me. I kind of tuned out the doctor, watching my mom's heart rate.
When the doctor left, leaving us to play the waiting game again, Aaliyah came and sat down next to me. "How are you doing?" She asked and I shrugged.
"I'm doing alright. Just really nervous. Thank you for coming. I'm sorry about what I said at the store" I told her sincerely and she nodded.
"I know you didn't mean it. Can we put this past us? I miss our late night Hells Kitchen slumber parties" She grinned and I laughed, nodding.
We were all kind of minding our own business whilst we waited for her to wake up, Aaliyah had brought Uno, which was one of Lexi and I's favorite games to play. I was touched at her sweet gesture, watching her set up the game.
Whilst we were really into our game of Uno, machines next to us started blaring in our ears making us all jump. Having no idea what was happening, and my emotions getting the best of me as I feared the worst, tears streamed down my face as my heart started racing.
Aaliyah pulled me into her chest and led me out of the room so the doctors could fix whatever was happening to my mother.
"She can't die on me Aaliyah! I can't lose her!" I sobbed, my voice cracking as my body shook.
I honestly lost all concept of time whilst trapped in these four white walls, that when I had stopped crying and saw it was now 1am, and finally could feel how exhausted my body was, I knew I needed to rest to not my hurt my baby, which only made me cry even more at the idea of me messing up my unborn child all because I was selfish and distracted.
"Leigh, you have to stop crying sweetie. This much stress on your body is horrible for the baby. Go home honey, we will be okay without you. I swear we will call you if something happens. Protect this family's legacy" My dad spoke with soft features, sympathy dripping off every word he spoke.
After about 10 minutes of everyone trying to force me home, I finally caved and drove home with Aaliyah.
When we walked into the household, I could hear some chick laughing in the kitchen as Colby spoke, making me groan.
Can't wait to stumble upon whatever the hell is happening in there.
Aaliyah led me to the stairs and I couldn't help but pick at the sleeves of my hoodie when I heard Colby say "I think we're energized for another round" followed by a squeal.
I was in for a long dreadful night, and it was moments like these where I wished everything would change.
* * * * 
Written on: December 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th 2022
Word Count: 6.3k
Part thirteen
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supernovafeather · 4 years
Professional Asshole
Nathan Bateman x F!Reader
Warnings: sexual content, sexual tension, swearing, mention of sexism in the workplace.
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This shouldn't be so hard to keep this smile on your face but this man is... infuriating. Not that you were not expecting this kind of behavior from a guy like him. Nathan Bateman isn't known for his... benevolent side. And even if he were you would be careful. In business and technology, no one is innocent. Add raw power, money and ego to that equation and this becomes something consuming souls in a matter of days. There are only sharks and bigger sharks in this world. You still have to decide whether he is a Megalodon or not.
Still, you keep your hands clasped in front of you as you stand in front of the rambling man. Painful feet due to your high heels shoes, a pencil skirt flirting too closely with your curves for your taste, a white shirt covered by a black jacket, and a tight bun. Perfect clothing to make you boil even more in the inside as you stare at the billionaire, his hands on his hips. He is handsome, that's for sure, sweating like this in his tank top. But this would be better without the smell so early in the morning.
"... but as you should know Investments are not what I am looking for right now," he says with a tone both confident and cocky. "I am almost sorry you had to come here. I guess I am especially efficient at disappointing women."
You raise an eyebrow at him, barely surprised by the joke pronounced with this proud grin. As if this is the first time you have to hear such bullshit from a man seeing himself superior to you.
"Mr.Bateman, the fact that you are unable to satisfy women, and even more important, to respect them, is none of my business. I am here to talk about opportunities that could give you access to new projects. You are a man taking part to changing our future and..." you say politely but firmly before stopping as he laughs sarcastically, rubbing the back of his shaved head with his hand, staring at you with these amused dark eyes.
"I know how it works with your corporation, I had to deal with your boss before. It's not because he decided to send a woman like you that I will change my position on this deal," he replies while crossing his arms, his eyebrows raised and tilting his head. "He could have sent me some boring and shitty email or something like that."
A few years before you would have reacted by the way he said "a woman like you", but you don't even try to open your mouth about it, you know what he implies by this. You are a woman who had to adopt a perfect appearance subtly sexualised to distract your target while hiding some important lines in contracts. You are a weapon for your corporation. Bateman knows it perfectly. Maybe this freak doesn't think only with his dick then. He remains a "genius" among hundreds other in technology after all.
"Yes, he could have done such a thing indeed," you say with a slight nod and in a calm voice. "But his choice is clear."
"I don't give a fuck about his choice."
At least he is still honest about his opinion. You don't know exactly what happened between your corporation and him but this seems pretty serious. However your mistake is made by hesitating for a tiny second, his little cocky smile coming back as he rubs his bearded cheek, his fingers scratching his dark facial hair.
"You know what ? I like my freedom of action. You see everything around us ? That's mine. Because I trusted my own guts and my genius. I can boxe, go hiking, create my own shit all day and all night if I want, I could even walk all around this place naked and touch my dick all the time without anyone to tell me not to do that. You, you have to obey your boss, smiling to me, dressing like some randomly hot business woman, no freedom at all even three hours away from your this asshole."
This time a silent and exasperated sigh escapes your lips when he turns his back to you, and you notice for the first time his hips and buttocks under his clothes. It's a scandal how this man can act literally like an arrogant drama queen sometimes. He even manages to make you jealous of his own curves. That's fucking absurd. Fortunately you raise your head just in time as he turns around, sitting on a table of his living room as he points his finger to you, resuming his speech.
"You may be randomly hot - at least I can admit you're hot - but I see you're a clever woman who wants to slap me in the face and probably bury me in my own garden with an evil laugh, I can see it in your eyes, please don't lie. You know you're a tool and..."
"I am here for a contract. Not to hear you rambling about how hot I am, I can't care less," you say with a neutral face as he rests his hands on the table under him, his muscles shifting under his skin as he squints at you behind his glasses.
"Please, I have been clear. You can tell your boss that this contract is bullshit."
Gritting your teeth, you come closer to him, your eyes locking with his as you notice the change in their brightness, turning to something more aggressive. He can feel this animosity in you as you are almost ready to explode. You woke up by 4 am this morning to talk to him. To sign this contract. Your boss had been putting so much pressure on your shoulders. Many sleepless nights with all these boring meetings. You won't fail.
"This contract may be bullshit according to you, but you don't have any argument against it. Are you a genius or a dumb arrogant bitch convinced he can dominate the world just because he wants to do so ?"
Still boiling, you have to bare the loud laugh of this asshole as he crosses his arms, shaking his head.
"Damn it, for a frustrated professional you seem even more impulsive than I thought. Keep calling me bitch with this tone and I may sign your crap right away, I could start to like it, who knows. Oh and by the way, yes, I could dominate this world one day."
Once his hilarity has passed the same aggressive look is back in his eyes, like taunting you to make you go further.
"I am not a frustrated professional, Bateman. I am just amazed that a guy like you can act like a child just because he refuses to sign some paper."
"Oh I'm not Mr.Bateman anymore for you? What a shame. As you seem to like changing my name, please call me God next time."
That's a joke. That must be a joke. Apparently not. This guy also has a God complex. Great. As if the world needed another man like that, especially this powerful and influent.
"You'll have to choose between God and bitch."
This makes him chuckle as he leaves the table, standing up to walk up to you, his cold face right in front of yours as he talks slowly, moving his lips excessively to annoy you. And his eyes... you don't know if you want to slap him or kiss him to make him shut his mouth.
"Please express your anger. Show me what's under this mask of yours, lady. I'm starting to think they can't be serious by sending me a woman so easy to upset. Finally something interesting in what you tell me."
"I can also tell you to bend over your own stupid table to let me stuff that contract into your fucking anus Bateman."
"Kinky. That's a new strategy they teach you ? I'm all in. Must be difficult to stuff so many pages into that space. Perhaps I should try with yours. Not sure it's more dilated than mine as I can tell by your attitude though."
Scoffing, you don't even move as he raises his eyebrows, waiting for your next answer. He is definitely a bitch.
"I have known many assholes in my life but you are one of the worst ones. And I am clearly not the one being frustrated here. The guy begging to be called God and to get sheets of paper stuffed into his own ass. You must feel sad here, I wouldn't wish anything like this to anyone."
He squints at you, humming gently in a way you find... kinda hot ? You can't deny his charisma, his nonchalance. He is clearly among those who can't care less about the world around them. He is purely centered on his own person. Nothing new.
"You are frustrated by a frustrating guy," he replies with a shit-eating grin. "You're a tigress who is used to get whatever she wants because people are too stupid, ready to obey her just because she is fricking hot and has this little smile. And now that you have a guy refusing to sign some of your shit, you hate me, because you hate yourself and your life. Am I right ?"
This time you are the one letting a sarcastic chuckle out, however your shaky angry voice only makes him bite his bottom lip as your heartbeat quickens.
"What the fuck is your problem Bateman," you say as you press your forefinger on his chest, his eyes lowering briefly to it before turning back to your face. "Just tell me you don't want to have anything to do with..."
"I have told you several times that I won't sign that crap," he whispers with a slight grin. "You are the one sticking to me like a leech."
"Tigress, leech... you don't seem to be able to stick to a precise nickname neither."
"This time you are the one deviating the conversation," he says as you let him get closer to you, some warmth spreading on your cheeks as he whispers. "Is there anything I can help you with ? I think you are looking for something."
Your silence lasts for a few silent seconds as your tolerance for his proximity turns more and more into appreciation. There is a strange shot of adrenaline traveling in your veins throughout your body. This man is... interesting. Insulting, infuriating, but interesting. It's not everyday that you can meet people like him. Is it a gift or a curse, you're not even sure.
The way he hums a question so close to your lips makes you give up any self control remaining. It's strange, like if you were being hypnotized with a guy snapping his fingers in front of you. But you don't even feel guilty of anything as you crash your lips against his so eagerly that he rests his hands firmly on your hips, his palms reaching your buttocks soon after as your tongues battle. Your own stubbornness gets even worse as his hands manage to drop your pencil skirt to the floor, and his moan echoing in your mouth as you deepen the kiss to take your revenge is totally satisfying.
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Thanks for reading, please comment and reblog if you liked it ! ☺️
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futurewriter2000 · 4 years
Girls play Games, Women don’t. - pt. 8
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A/N: I could have ended this extremely angsty but I didn’t.
WARNING: There is mention of death, grieving, loss and murder. It’s not severe or super bad or anything but if you are uncomfortable with any of those thing, I advise you not to read it but it’s up to you. 
Your father was a paranoid man. Family meant the world to him but to you that was just his excuse to do anything he wanted. 
You walked down the stairs of the large, quiet house. You felt the wooden flooring beneath you creak and you knew he had already heard you. Your hand touched the wall, staying there as you stopped at the doorframe, watching the man in the darkness. 
“Sit.” he said and gestured his hand to the armchair in front of you. 
Rolling your eyes, you made your way to your offered seat and crossed your leg over the other. “A bit dramatic, don’t you think?” you smiled, turning on the light next the two of you. 
You found his face scarred a bit, not too much but enough to let you know he was on one of his... “missions.” 
You weren’t affected by it. You only took a glass of potion and drank it whole. 
His lips curved into a pleased smile, the cigar between his fingers leaving his hand as he drank his own and leaned back. “It’s only fair.” he said, taking the rest. 
It was a tradition in your family to take a truth potion before your ascending. To you it has always been something to look forward to, being fully accepted to the family and finally becoming a big part in it but...
... that was long gone by now. You weren’t the same person anymore and all you could think about was him.
“Reckon you know how this goes?” 
“I do. Don’t be offended by the answers.” 
“You don’t know what I’ll ask.”
“Neither do you.” you smirked and he raised his eyebrows in surprise. 
“Then let’s start.” he cleared his throat. “Are you loyal?”
“Are you loyal to me?”
“Would you die for me?”
“No.” you spoke truthfully, his head glitching to the side as a pleased smile appeared on his lips.
“Why not?”
“You thought us to live for ourselves and die for ourselves.”
“That’s correct.” he nodded, pride entering his eyes , almost twinkling just as yours. “Will you solve the cypher?”
“I will.”
“Will you solve it for me?”
“I’ll solve it for us.”
“Those are nicely phrased answers.”
“Learned from the best.”
His smile spread wider across his cheeks, wrinkles showing at the corner of his mouth but covering them by the dark, dense beard. He already opened his mouth to continue his questionare but something in your eyes distracted him. He felt as if your mind wasn’t fully with him and if he was frank with himself, something about your energy, about your cold, short answers, without any enthusiasm as it was in the past, made him.... curious. 
“Was the boy who hugged you Sirius Orion Black, from House of Black?” 
Shocked by his question, you leaped back into your seat. “What does he have to do with this?”
“Answer the question, Princess.”
“Stop calling me that. I hate it.” 
“I do not care, now answer my question.”
“Yes. It was him.” 
“Are the rumors true?”
He chuckled, shaking his head and re-phrasing what he said. “Let me specify. Have you been involved with him in any sort of way?”
“We were friends.” you gritted your teeth and looked away. This wasn’t the part of the ascending. He had nothing to do with this. 
“Were you attracted to him?”
“I don’t want to answer this.”
“So you were?”
“Yes!” you screamed, wanting to shout ‘no’ instead but unable due to the truth poison in your veins. You looked away again, calming yourself and facing him again. It’s your turn to find out what you’ve been curious about. “Did you kill Devon?” 
“Do you know who Devon McKingley is?”
“He’s the little boy you used to run to when you were a child. You fancied him.” 
“You knew?” you asked, furrowing your eyebrows.
“Devon and you had always been close, I knew sooner or later that you and him will fall in love-”
“So you killed him?” you stood up, desperate for some answers.
“No.” he shook his head smiling. 
“But you know who did?” you felt your voice shake, thinking about the boy from your childhood.
“Yes but-”
“WHO!?” you demanded, tears falling down your cheeks. 
“You have to understand-”
“My dad.” 
“LIAR!” you shouted. “Pop would never kill-”
Your father rose up as well, this time gritting his teeth just like you as he grabbed you by the throat and squeezed. “You might have known him as a sweet, fragile old man but he himself had youth and strenght just like you and I. Don’t believe that just because he was old that he wasn’t capable of doing the things he did!” he threw you into the chair and ruffled his hair. “That boy was a Mudblood. He was black, he was poor, he was nothing but filth!” he turned around, screaming at you. “He would have corrupted you!”
“And so were you!” He stormed back to you, pushing you against the arm chair. “You are my child. “ he paused, scanning your facial expression. “Your mother and I have known each other similar since your age as you met that kid, I knew what boys are like! Especially his kind!”
“His kind?!” you pushed him away, standing up despite the fact how numb your legs were. “He was a sweet boy!”
“He was nothing but a gangbanger! Your pop did it to protect you!”
“He killed him!!” 
“ON MY ORDERS!” he shouted so loud you slapped your own hand against your mouth, tears falling down your cheeks.
“You ordered to kill a 12 year old child?” you voice quievered.
“We are purebloods.” he softened his voice, as if that was supposed to be an acceptable reason. “We are respectful, pureblood wizards. We aim high above-”
“-and kill whoever stands in the way, right?” 
“Sooner or later that 12 year old boy would grow up into a man and men like him go for women like you. He would have snatched you away, turned your against the family for the sake of love. LOVE!” he exclaimed as if that word was the most hilarious joke to him. “We will find you a suitable man.”
“Pureblood? Wealthy?”
“You will fall in love with him. You will. I will choose the best suitor for you.” he started to aproach you, his hand on your cheek as it brushed away the falling tears. “You’re my little girl. Girls like you have to be protected by men like me.” 
Blood rushed up your veins and your hand slapped away his hands, pushing yourself further away from him. “I can protect myself just fine.” and you stormed away, grabbing your coat and disapparating into thin air.
- thin air or so you thought. You apparated back in your room. Four walls and nothing but pencil and paper, a few arithmancy books by the side and a large album of your family tree. 
You stormed to the door but found yourself locked inside. You banged on it, twice as hard each time. 
The flooring let out a squeak, steps familiar as you heard them all your life. He put his hand on the door and whispered; “You’re safe here.” 
“YOU KILLED HIM! YOU BASTARD!!! YOU KILLED DEVON!!” you shouted, kicking the door as a picture of your childhood friend kept appearing in your head. His sweet smile, his generous heart bringing you candy every time the two of you met on the play ground. 
“You’re mad but fury doesn’t last forever, darling. You’ll understand that everything I did was for this family.” and he left. 
He left you alone, throwing all sorts of things at the door to break free yet not one piece of that door got a scratch. 
You shouted and screamed until your body ached so much, it numbed itself from any physical force. You collapsed on the ground, sniffing, crying, praying even for somebody to save you. 
Devon was two years older than you. He was a kindred spirit, always up to no good. He always told you he would marry you one day because you were the most beautiful girl in the world and he wouldn’t want any other. 
What was really beautiful about Devon was despite his dark skin and his curly dark hair, his eyes were a gorgeous shade of coral green. Like the one he kept telling you about. The sea isn’t blue like in England. It isn’t as dark. It’s the mirror of nature.
You held his letter against your chest. Just before you left for Hogwarts, you told him that he can write you letters if he wanted to. 
He did. Only one because after this one, he was murdered by nobody else but your family. You don’t even know where he’s buried, where his grave is... it’s as if he fell from the face of the Earth. 
A twelve year-old boy named Devon McKingley only existed in your memory and in that letter.
You haven’t moved from your bed the whole night and day. You haven’t had breakfast and you haven’t had lunch. You did not want to leave your room. As much as it felt like a prison, it was the only place you could feel safe and unbothered.
At the same time it brought you anxiety because sooner or later, he will come in and demand that code from you. 
You sat up with puffy eyes directed to the desk. Your head hurt, eyes hurt, heart...hurt. 
Eyes were soley focused on the desk and with your blanket wrapped around you, you made your way to the desk and sat down. 
Your head felt as if it was falling left and right. Like someone was pulling you by the ears, left and right. 
Though it was just a feeling. You grieved Devon’s death already, you’ve moved on from him a long time ago. It was just the sudden information. You grieved for the father you thought you knew and for the fragile, kind old man you used to call your grandfather, who turned out to be a cold-blooded killer. 
Sometimes you wonder how could, from all the lives you dreamed of, all the movies you wanted to live in, you ended up in a shitty mystery thriller. A comedy would be nice... maybe a romance movie where the boy you would least expect would come and save you. 
You burried your head in your hands and let out a groan. You don’t even know if they graduated... or not... or if he moved on. He probably moved on. 
There was a wobble in the door knob and slowly, you looked over, expecting a tall, dark man but instead getting a lanky, curly-haired boy with a giddy grin on his face. 
“Sirius?” you quirked an eyebrow, looking up at God, then back at him with narrowed and suspicious eyes. Standing up closely, you poked him a bit in the chest to see if he was real. You poked his cheeks as well, wondering.
He took your hand and rolled his eyes. “Pretty, I know but we have to go.” he tried to pull you away but you pulled back. He widened his eyes and groaned. “I did not just knock out the most famous dark wizards of all kind, (y/n). Now let’s get out of here.”
He pulled, you pulled back. “What’s on 3rd November?” 
He let out a laugh, cupping your face and looking at your eyes. “Easy. Sandwich day.” 
You didn’t even think twice to pull him into a tight- grip hug, wrapping your legs around his waist and knocking him on the ground. He laughed as he hugged you back, hearing you sob into his neck. He took you in; into his embrace, into his heart because you? You were worth it. 
“You make me happy too.” he whispered back. 
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stradanie · 7 years
tagged by @autofluorescent , thanks my dude, time to answer hygiene questions (I love hygiene lawrd)
Skin Care
What facial cleanser do you use?: cera ve... I guess that’s what it’s called. I use the wash thing and the moisturizer because my skin can be freakishly dry.
What toner do you use?: NOTHING! Well, sometimes I use a rose one, I dunno the brand...
What moisturizer do you use?: the cera ve one
How many times a day do you wash your face?: twice if I am motivated enough
Do you use eye makeup remover?: BABY OIL
If so, what kind?: BABY OIL
Is your skin oily, dry, or combination?: combination unfortunately
What is the best part about your skin?: it glows on occasion
What are your skin problems?: flushing, getting red SO EASILY, getting sunburned SO EASILY, peeling all the time, super oily... it’s a madhouse up in here
What foundation do you use?: some neutrogena thing in the shade light ivory. I used to use the revlon in porcelain, but that made my skin too dry
What powder do you use?: i coat myself in baby powder... is that bad?
What eyebrow pencil do you use?: the elf eyebrow kit and an angled brush... it’s phenomenol. 
What eyeliner do you use?: kat von d tattoo liner sample thing. it’s so good, when i get $20 i can finally get one for myself.
What is your favorite eyeshadow?: I tried a tarte thing from a friend and wow, is this what good makeup feels like? I use shitty kid’s makeup for eyeshadow... so I dunno I need some :(
What mascara do you use?: the spider one cuz im EDGY
What are five of your favorite lip balms/glosses/sticks?: nude liquid lipsticks look stunning, but black and other bright colors are always a good choice.
Do you color your hair?: I guess
At home or the salon?: salon (I’m too scared to put my life in my own hands)
What salon do you go to?: I dunno the name...
What is your natural hair color?: sad dirty blonde
What is your hair color now?: red
Do you have straight or curly hair?: super curly
Do you use a curling iron?: nope haha
A straightener?: uh-uh
What kinds?: what are you even talking about?
Do you use a blowdryer?: I don’t have that kind of money
Do you use a gel and if so, what kind?: No... they always look awful on me
Do you use mousse and if so, what kind?: Nooooo
Do you use serum and if so, what kind?: Ehhhh
What shampoo do you use?: baby shampoo lmao
What conditioner do you use?: a revlon color stay? I dunno
Scents: I use a perfume my mom forces on me since the age of 5, so I HOPE i smell like a sweet little flower most of the time. My favorite smells are rum, leather, whisky, and vanilla.
What deodorant do you use?: men’s super deodorant... it’s in blue and it industrial AF
What body wash do you use?: a dove smooth skin cocoa butter one haha
Do you use a loofah or washcloth?: neither???
What perfumes do you use or like?: I ALREADY SAID THIS
What is your jewelry essential?: an old gold family ring, a tiger’s eye ring, my 80s tiny hoop earrings, and a victorian necklace for special events.
Favorite magazine?: I don’t really read magazines... when I looked at vanity fair the other day I saw that it featured the probably fucked up daughter of michael jackson pretending to loiter around Paris (cause her name is paris??? or is this the... nvm) with men dressed like WWII soldiers, with bombers flying everywhere?? what the hell guys, why are you doing this?!?!?
Favorite nail polish brand?: anything black???
Favorite book?: At the moment, it’s the novella ‘Reflections in a Golden Eye’. It’s a book published in the late 40s early 50s about homosexuality in the south (amongst other things); it’s riveting.
Favorite band?: As of now, Japan? The Smiths? David Bowie??? This is a cruel question
How would you describe your personal style?: sad goth gave up on wearing all black and instead turns into a bejeweled tacky punk prince/sad heterosexuality
What is your favorite shirt?: a button up shirt with cool geometric patterns. I’m an 80s man.
What are your favorite pair of jeans?: black baggy jeans. and no, they are NOT BLUE!!!
I dunno who to tag, considering I’ve most likely harrassed dozens upon dozens of innocent victims, so if you see this and are interested, just say that I tagged ya! xx
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