#me and my friends love nerd dorks pregame saiouma
sappy-detective · 11 months
yah that saiouma au is cute.
but it would be cuter if it was pregame saiouma
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erroticaz · 2 years
personally i hate peoples perception of pregame kokichi. so i'll tell you about my own little headcanon!
•he's not as shy as people believe, just a little quieter then ingame.
•still a total asshole he just keeps his comments to himself. so it's more like “i fucking hate you but i'm never gonna tell you that because it would be too much of a hassle. so i'll just keep it to myself." (sorta like that? idk i have the idea perfectly planned out in my head i just can't translate that over to words kms) very hesitant and kinda polite when you first meet him, not so much polite- more like kinda distant? trying not to interact as much as possible, y'know? once you get to know him though he eventually opens up. he's very sarcastic, because ofc he is LMAO
•definitely an introvert. not a big fan of parties or other people in general lol. if he does have plans it's usually only with one or two people (probably shuichi or kiibo etc). he'd rather stay home and write then do anything else. i also have a little idea that when the announcement that danganronpa will be starting auditions for the next game he writes and designs what he wants his character to be like! (i started a little story about it a while back but never finished it- i'd love to finish it one day, i just can't seem to find the proper words to describe the ideas in my mind. if i could write it'd be fuckin over for you guys istg I HAVE SO MANY GOOD IDEAS) he's a big doodler and loves english class. huge dork for creative writing.
•he's into danganronpa and is a big fan of it, but not as much as shuichi is. shuichi is the one who originally got him into it. he's been into it since it first came out, so kokichi has a lot of catching up to do lol
•oh right! okay so kokichi and shuichis relationship. i don't see them as love interests even though i do love saiouma. but pregame? they're just awkward best friends. 100%. both just a bunch of fuckin nerds who have a special interest that no one else at their school has (if anyone else does they're not as vocal about it as them, or at least as shuichi is lol) they're not the most liked people in the world but it's okay, they honestly like it just being the two of them. they have sleepovers frequently and binge watch a bunch of the danganronpa seasons (shuichis already finished every season like twice but watches it with kokichi anyway, trust me he doesn't mind). but yeah, they're just two teenage boys! shuichi isn't a fuckin yandere or anything. fuck that. admittedly, i do fancy the idea but NOT as a headcanon. maybe as an AU but for that to be the way you see him?? bro. he has nerd energy RADIATING off of him. not a yandere, just a weeb who likes danganronpa.
[trigger warning for this one]
•kokichi is definitely a mamas boy. his dad used to be around but had some serious drug/alcohol issues. she worked hard to provide for her family as best she could, working hours and hours at a low paying 9-5 job. all the money she earned, his father would steal. take for his own to buy drugs and cigarettes. but because she was always working, she had no one to watch kokichi. she had to leave him there with his father throughout the day. she gave him a small phone and told him to call her if his father ever did anything bad or got too drunk. of course he would never do anything to harm him, intentionally, but as drunk as he was all the time he could never really be aware of his actions.. this went on for a while until it eventually just got too bad. she couldn't leave him with his father anymore. kokichi had been left crying to many times for her to allow. his father left when kokichi was around 6-7. his mother had enough of his behavior and told him to get out. plates were shattered, things were thrown, threats of murder were even brought upon him and his mother. but she did not stand down, she protected her son without fail. he eventually stood down and walked out. of course not without cursing and shouting profanities at the woman. swerving off drunkenly in her car. she felt awful for having her son witness his father like this, so she did anything to make it up to him. years went on and things got better, kokichi was a teenager now, his mother in her forties. money was less tight so she stopped working so many hours and spent more time with her son. they grew slightly apart, as most teenagers do with their parents but they would still be close. they'd watch movies on weekends and joke around with each other a lot, she truly was just a wonderful woman. she'd make lunches for him in brown paper bags because she knows he doesn't like the schools cafeteria food, he was always embarrassed by this though. (definitely not me projecting onto him whatt no pshh that's….. that's totally crazy)
that's all i can think of right now! maybe i'll add on more later hehe
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violettever · 2 years
personally i hate peoples perception of pregame kokichi.
so i’ll tell you about my own little headcanon!
•he’s not as shy as people believe, just a little quieter then ingame.
•still a total asshole he just keeps his comments to himself. so it’s more like “i fucking hate you but i’m never gonna tell you that because it would be too much of a hassle. so i’ll just keep it to myself.” (sorta like that? idk i have the idea perfectly planned out in my head i just can’t translate that over to words kms) very hesitant and kinda polite when you first meet him, not so much polite- more like kinda distant? trying not to interact as much as possible, y’know? once you get to know him though he eventually opens up. he’s very sarcastic, because ofc he is LMAO
•definitely an introvert. not a big fan of parties or other people in general lol. if he does have plans it’s usually only with one or two people (probably shuichi or kiibo etc). he’d rather stay home and write then do anything else. i also have a little idea that when the announcement that danganronpa will be starting auditions for the next game he writes and designs what he wants his character to be like! (i started a little story about it a while back but never finished it- i’d love to finish it one day, i just can’t seem to find the proper words to describe the ideas in my mind. if i could write it’d be fuckin over for you guys istg I HAVE SO MANY GOOD IDEAS) he’s a big doodler and loves english class. huge dork for creative writing.
•he’s into danganronpa and is a big fan of it, but not as much as shuichi is. shuichi is the one who originally got him into it. he’s been into it since it first came out, so kokichi has a lot of catching up to do lol
•oh right! okay so kokichi and shuichis relationship. i don’t see them as love interests even though i do love saiouma. but pregame? they’re just awkward best friends. 100%. both just a bunch of fuckin nerds who have a special interest that no one else at their school has (if anyone else does they’re not as vocal about it as them, or at least as shuichi is lol) they’re not the most liked people in the world but it’s okay, they honestly like it just being the two of them. they have sleepovers frequently and binge watch a bunch of the danganronpa seasons (shuichis already finished every season like twice but watches it with kokichi anyway, trust me he doesn’t mind). but yeah, they’re just two teenage boys! shuichi isn’t a fuckin yandere or anything. fuck that. admittedly, i do fancy the idea but NOT as a headcanon. maybe as an AU but for that to be the way you see him?? bro. he has nerd energy RADIATING off of him. not a yandere, just a weeb who likes danganronpa.
[trigger warning for this one]
•kokichi is definitely a mamas boy. his dad used to be around but had some serious drug/alcohol issues. she worked hard to provide for her family as best she could, working hours and hours at a low paying 9-5 job. all the money she earned, his father would steal. take for his own to buy drugs and cigarettes. but because she was always working, she had no one to watch kokichi. she had to leave him there with his father throughout the day. she gave him a small phone and told him to call her if his father ever did anything bad or got too drunk. of course he would never do anything to harm him, intentionally, but as drunk as he was all the time he could never really be aware of his actions.. this went on for a while until it eventually just got too bad. she couldn’t leave him with his father anymore. kokichi had been left crying to many times for her to allow. his father left when kokichi was around 6-7, his mother had enough of his behavior and told him to get out. plates were shattered, things were thrown, threats of murder were even brought upon him and his mother. but she did not stand down, she protected her son without fail. he eventually stood down and walked out. of course not without cursing and shouting profanities at the woman. swerving off drunkenly in her car. she felt awful for having her son witness his father like this, so she did anything to make it up to him. years went on and things got better, kokichi was a teenager now, his mother in her forties. money was less tight so she stopped working so many hours and spent more time with her son. they grew slightly apart, as most teenagers do with their parents but they would still be close. they’d watch movies on weekends and joke around with each other a lot, she truly was just a wonderful woman. she’d make lunches for him in brown paper bags because she knows he doesn’t like the schools cafeteria food, he was always embarrassed by this though. (definitely not me projecting onto him whatt noo pshh that’s… that’s totally crazy)
that’s all i can think of right now! maybe i’ll add on more later hehe
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