#me again: haha that's a nice thought gonna put a pin in it then rip it down and slam dunk it into the trashcan but it was nice
phantomrose96 · 3 years
oh don’t worry ABoT can definitely be a weekend read, i just read it start to chapter 39 from 2am to now (and still got a solid 8 hours of sleep somehow) ! couldn’t put it down honestly. amazing job at reconceptualizing the characters in this worst case scenario alternate universe in a way that feels believable and not contrived — not pulling any punches (ritsu and teru are … pretty awful, in particular) but not in a sensationalist dead-dove-dont-eat way at all which i really really appreciate. teru and ritsu are awful but ultimately sympathetic because they really do feel like natural extensions of their character arcs had canon played out differently. it would’ve been really easy to take this and make it into either an Everyone Is Evil I Am So Edgy story or a But They All Come Together Through The Power Of Friendship, so thank you for not doing that! while reigen is my favorite, i love ritsu & teru’s relationship — it’s so nuanced but well developed. cant wait to see what happens next!
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Oh you get it
Oh You Get It........
Literally when I saw the first ask before you sent the follow up, my first thought was like "!!!! you get it! gosh I wish that woulda applied to all those people from 2017-2018 who labeled ABoT torture p//or/n" but I wasn't gonna actually bring that up because like even talking about that time always feels like I'm putting myself on the defensive.
But.... god haha yeah..... I didn't write anything for almost 3 years after that. I thought about ABoT every damn day for that almost-3-year hiatus. It was already planned out! It had an ending! It just made me so sad because I believed I couldn't come back to it because I couldn't Do This Again.
It was just... utterly heart-breaking, utterly devastating, downright confusing how this fic which is so focused on the slow and messy and hard work of recovery was being branded "oh it's sadistic twisted fucked-up torture p//or//n of children and the author is a sick fuck".
I know it's dark!! It's dark and no one has to read it and I've tagged it for the things that are dark and I put content warnings in front of every chapter! But it's dark because I care about how much a tiny flicker of light can mean in the darkness.
I... care about media that doesn't just brush traumatic happenings under the rug and go "so that happened, anyway." I care about trauma that isn't ignored. I care about the characters who can't just brush it off - who come out worse because of it - I care about them and what the slow and ugly and sometimes backwards progress of recovery looks like. I care about characters who absolutely Fuck Up and face consequences for it. I care about characters who are messy and need time and cannot be fixed with a single nice word. I care about making the audience care about what the characters have lived through, and how it hurt them. I'm rooting for all the characters in ABoT. They're all trying to find their own flicker of light in the dark. I care so so so so so much about that.
And it absolutely destroyed me to see a whole group of friends in the fandom (who, mind you, were annoyed with ABoT for a while. I saw their posts show up when I searched 'ABoT', and who tried to pin a couple problematic labels on ABoT and couldn't get anything to stick until 'torture p//o//rn") rip apart ABoT's reputation because ALL they needed to say was "ABoT is an au where Mogami kidnaps and tortures Mob for 4 years. It's awful and gross and problematic and don't read it and if you do YOURE problematic."
And I saw it time and time again (again, in the ABoT tags! in MY tag, sometimes.) Someone would make a post like "if you're an ABoT stan don't follow me" and some clueless anon would be like "whats ABoT" and they'd answer the above and that was it. No one wanted to risk getting into "problematic" stuff so people just accepted it. Even more neutral people didn't have the time or reason to investigate that further and just accepted it, assuming whoever was speaking had read it, even if in reality none of them had.
I got death threats. They made hate-blogs of ABoT. They made memes shitting on ABoT. They spammed the ABoT tag and the phantomrose96 tag. They spammed sandflake's tag and drove them away same as me. They raided and spammed the ABoT discord. They made posts celebrating how long it had been since ABoT updated. They made posts trying to accuse me of pe//do//philia (for NO reason. NONE. NO REASON. NO EVIDENCE. It was just an effective word to get people run off the site. and luckily that accusation died because there was literally nothing to base it on.) ALL the while framing what they were doing as totally in the right because they were JUST calling out torturous child-abusing fic.
I really tried. When all this started, I stopped tagging anything ABoT related with m/p/100, so I wouldn't bother people. If I found ABoT art tagged with m/p/100, I'd wait a day to reblog it so it wouldn't accidentally rise high in the tag and bother people. Sometimes I WOULDN'T reblog art because I didn't want the artist to risk getting threatened. I mostly stopped talking about ABoT on tumblr, so I wouldn't bother people.
But it fucking gets to you after a while. I started believing they were right. My mental health was extreme garbage at this time (for reasons unrelated to this all) but that meant I couldn't brush any of it off. ABoT was kinda the one little spark of joy I had at this time and then I just. Didn't anymore. It got taken away.
I would write every sentence through the lens of my worst critic. I tried SO many times to start chapter 25 back in 2018. I could only get a page in at most. (Originally it was going to be the mall movie theater scene that ends up happening in chapter 27) and I'd balk at jokes I was trying to write. There was going to be a joke about the movie being a sort of in-universe Twilight, where the two love interests uncannily resembled Ritsu and Teru. And I froze up because. Was that problematic? If Teru was seeing the movie because Mei wanted to, was that sexist? If Teru himself wanted to see it, was that homophobic? Was the Twilight reference problematic? Was the joke about the love interest resemblance problematic? Would the irreverence of the joke be problematic? Would this be what they get me on? Would this be my undoing? Would this be the final nail in my coffin?
I found these old drafts somewhat recently and they are just. Lifeless. They are so barren of any kind of passion or heart. I re-read it and see just how painful it was to get from one sentence to another. I was burnt out and afraid of every word and those drafts would never ever have worked.
Hell, when I did write chapter 25 for real, in 2020, I gave up entirely on making it the movie scene. Trashed that. Started from scratch. That well was far far too tainted to draw from.
I just. aaa. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Sorry for the long post but ahhhhhhh. I gave up my favorite and most meaningful hobby for almost 3 years. This was still happening in 2019 when season 2 aired, when I hadnt been truly active on Tumblr for ages and hadn't touched ABoT in years. JUST so they could be sure to taint the well again and tell any new fandom comers to stay away from ABoT. I had no spoons and no spine for it so I just, let that happen, and unfollowed the ABoT tag. I still haven't seen season 2.
I'm so SO glad I figured out how to come back to it in 2020, and that people have been so supportive, and I mostly try not to talk about this stuff but. it fucks with you. it fucks with you a lot.
I'm just really happy to have been able to come back to it.
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gayfrenchtoast · 3 years
Okay fine we're doing this. I havent read the books and I'm probably not going to I've only seen the movies so I'm sorry if anything I say is contradictory or has already been stated.
So! Descendants 3 was kinda shit and I dont like it but especially because of the ending because everybody was like "oh yeah island is open and we're all happy with no worries or implications about free villains or people being spiteful about being imprisoned for years!" In fact if anything they joked about those things.
The island is basically its own culture, I can't say how long it's been around, long enough for some almost adult kids to be about and to develop a kind of community.
The Isle is a place of poverty, people are dirty and on the street, eveyone steals from each other and most people don't put much effort into appearance upkeep (personal or of the sourounding area) not because of laziness or being "evil" but because they clearly don't have time or luxury to do such things or possibly even the clean water. Does the Isle have clean water?? How to they get electricity??? Someone tell me!
Another thing that I've noticed is easy to see but is not much explicitly said is the unique style of those on the Isle. As previously stated they don't have much but those who have the most "power" and such on the Isle are the best example of this As they have the most colourful outfits. However these outfits are often made out of patches and ripped things put together, even salvaged things like nets and chains as we can see on thing like Uma and Harry's outfits in D3 they make the best of what they've got and they do fantastic because their outfits are intricate and detailed and just tell you everything you need to know about them. Which is why it's a damn s h a m e when the original VK's ajust their style to be more like Auradon's. That's not an improvement! Be proud of where you came from!! It's like they forgot what it was like being on the Isle in D3!
Moving on, here's something that was touched on in D2 but not enough. Equality. On the Isle there is basically equal opportunity as in saying everything is shit and nome cares what gender and presumably what sexuality you are as long as you can work. Sexism is shown to be almost casual in aurodon from the looks of it, Chad makes sexist comments and litterally none else says anything or seems to see anything wrong with it except Jay who caves to pressure from peers and expectations. He does redeem himself because he's from the isle and he knows you shouldn't give a shit about anyone's gender or anything. If they can do something and ask to be included you give them that opportunity. The sexism is also implied in the way that the rule book has men written specifically in the first place and that it has taken until then for anyone but boys to be allowed on any kind of sports team. We never see it! It seems to be the hetronormative veiw where the boys do sport and girls do cheerleeding and other genders? What other genders? Never heard of that? BAD AURADON!! I bet there's so many trans folk on the island just living their lives, thinking Aurodon is the better place and not knowing that it's a cis het filled nightmare.
Okay no I'm headcannoning now, if their are now a bunch of Isle kids at auradon prep they find it fucking aweful the way all these preppy royals are treating them and make the first LGBT club in Auradon. There is lots of pushback and they get bullied a fuck ton for making themselves the most prominent queer folk in the school until a fight breaks out and the club demand that they should be treated better, taking all the evidence to fairy godmother who is very hesitant because COME ON she's never been that great she is biased to Auradon kids and if putting away those in the Isle is brought up she is all on it, she is jelly spined about doing anything against the royal kids. So the kids are like "Fine, if you won't help us we'll take this to the King himself!" Well mainly the queer mom's of the group (you know the ones I'm talking about) who lead the others and protect the anxious queers as they storm to Ben at his fucking locker and demand an audience because they are being harassed and bullied and none is doing anything. Ben had no idea there was even a LGBT club (too busy ig) and is gassed there is one for a moment before he's like "wait people are harassing you?" So Bisexual King Ben gets his lovely Bi wife and they start coming to club meetings and investing in the pins and stuff the club makes. Most club members are pleased but the queer mom's are apprehensive that this will help until some assholes come to the club to do their usual bullying only to find King and Queen Beast themselves siting there with rainbow bracelets and bi pins and all trying to have a nice old time eating their fucking cupcakes what the fuck are yall doing? The bullying dies down quick once they realise it ain't gonna fly, the other OG VK's that hear about this become members and very protective over their queer children. Did I mention Dizzy and Ceila are a part of the club? They're girlfriend's. Celia is one of the queer moms. Harry becomes one of the biggest protectors over the group as the pan dad. He's been going around snogging everyone and anyone wholl snog him everyone already knew he was queer they just didn't have the balls to try and bully him over it as much as they bullied the lil club members. But now Harry can often be seen in jackets and shit with pan and general queer patches and pins and running around with his gay children yelling "MOVE WE'RE GAY!!" He totally calls them his queer crew. Anyway as a result lots of queer royals start coming out of the woodwork, obvs Lonnie is one of them, and the club eventually serves to bring members of Auradon and the Isle close together.
Where was I? Yada yada auradon expects girls to be pretty princesses and boys to be brave knights or dashing princes. It's shit and should stop being portrayed as good. Moving on!
Food! One of the things we'll established in all movies is that the food of the Isle is shit compared to food of Auradon. The Isle has no fresh fruit which likely means its almost impossible for things to grow there which is fair because again there doesn't seem to be much fresh water and there are always clouds overhead so no sun. Maybe there is some people trying really hard to grow stuff but the general attitude of the Isle seems to be "there is no time for that" and fruits are forgotten so much that the VK's litterally don't knownwhat they are when they come across them. That and anything containing sugar. Actually it's mention by Dizzy and Celia that they enjoy the fact that the cake dosent have dirt or flies so basically food there is terrible. We don't see much food on the Isle but what we do see seems to be beans, eggs, chips and shellfish. Basically protine and carbs that can be easily stored and produced. To be fair beans are kidna good for you but they're likely a sign that if they get any imports from the mainland it is canned stuff. Prison food. There's probably some chef villain that is trying their best to make good food out of the shit but honestly the Isle dwellers should be angry that they've been deprived of good food for so long not happy they're finally been given decency.
Moving on, music! Auradon dosent have nearly as many musical numbers it seems, the Isle songs have a distinct style, to them, the villains that basically "founded" the place were masters of the dramatic songs (with backup or solo) so banging music is basically ingrained in the music's culture, even for battle as we see with the fight between Mal and Uma in D3. Meanwhile Auradon seems to have mainly romance and "I want" songs. Even Audrey's villain song is basically an I want song.
Okay let's talk about the Villains. We've established that the VK's are not inherently bad. However not all of them can be totally good and there are legit OG Villains just kinda chillin on the Isle. They've obviously lost quite a bit of their power, motivation and sanity (isolation will do that to ya as they lost everything and the VKs know no different) but deadass? They were bad guys. You can try to rehabilitate them sure but you've basically just let them free roam, they could make a runner and you wouldn't get the chance. They were also shitty patents which is brushed over/joked about in the interaction between Carlos and...man I feel bad I forgot her name deadass their relationship seemed to come out of nowhere in the second film she didn't seem interested in them at all and friendzoned them multiple times I'm pretty sure Disney did that becaue queer kids were relating to Carlos and headcanoning them as queer (which they deffinatly are) but deadass their mom is an attempted animal murderer and has hurt her child as we can see from how they're afraid of her and her rhetoric and yet it's "haha I'm afraid to meet your ma!" "Me too cus im a dog! Lol!" Fuuuuck offfffff
I think I'm running out of thoughts so here's a last one for now; with the magical barrier down a bunch of magical Villains kids should be coming out for the woodwork. We know Mal has magic basically stored in her so it's is possible, she technically doesn't need the spellbook to do magic it is just inherent to her. So with the diverse range of people from the isle there are deffinatly magic folk in there. Actually if we're following Disney movie law I saw something mentioning Jay being half Genie and yeah! He should be half Genie! Jafar got turned into a Genie he's probably only human because of the barrier! Oh also Ben should be able to go beast on command as long as he had a better beast form than he did in the movies. And give him back the beard and fangs like fuck you he looked so much better
Okay I'm done for now
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infinitegalahad · 3 years
CARRIE!!!!! HELLO MY FRIEND 💜💜💜 hope you're having a lovely day (or night) haha. Can I get "dance with me?" and "i think i might love you" with Eugene Roe of course 🥺🥺🥺
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Prompts: "dance with me? & "i think i might love you"
Summary: You and Eugene are madly in love with each other but there’s one problem; the two of you don’t even realize it. Babe and Renee step in. 
Word-Count: 2.2k
Notes: KRYSTA!! I’m so sorry this is late ❣️ life has been crazy. I just got out of school and I’m bored as hell, so I’m doing some requests. I recommend listening to “Moonlight Serenade” By Frank Sinatra while reading. Hope you enjoy! 
Taglist: @tvserie-s-world @easy-company-tradition @liebgotttme @50svibes @ricksmorty @cvrrahees-deactivated20210330 @pennyllanne @capsparkyspeirs @snafus-peckuh @contrabandhothead
Masterlist | Taglist | Send A Prompt! 
The pretty things in life never fitted into your schedule. Growing up, you were a tomboy by heart. Your appearance and boys never phased you a bit. The older you got, the less you cared. You wore pants, were “unattractive” to most men, but it didn’t matter to you. Love was simply not for you. After all, no man would want you, and you accepted that fact, closing your heart off.
Enlisting in the war as a Radioman, there was no time for being pretty. Showers were non-existent and you would go days with blood stains on your clothes and grim under your nails. Still, you were just fine with that.
But your best (and only female) friend Renee was simply not okay with that, especially when it came hours before the military ball in Austria. The sun was setting when the two of you sat in your conjoined room. Both of you were dressed in nothing but your underwear as Renee attempted to comb through your messed hair. She was determined to make sure you were a whole new person within the next few hours.
“Ow-your pulling so hard!” You complained as Renee tightly rolled your bangs onto your forehead, securing the hair with bobby pins.
Renee patted your shoulder, “Shush, you are just fine. Look at you!” She forced you to look at the mirror with your face patted with eyeshadow and mascara and your hair in a half up half down. “You look magnifique, ma chérie!”
You cringed at the shit. Despite smelling nice, it was an alien feeling for you to feel pretty.”Yeah, I just don’t feel so magnifique let’s just say..”
Looking down at your hands, you can see the once bloodied and chipped nails now equally filed, coated with a bright red to match your lipstick and dress. Renee placed her manicured hands on your bare shoulders and gave them a tight squeeze,
“Get rid of that nonsense. You’re going to be la belle du bal!” She encouraged me, which earned a smile. Giving a freidney peck on your check, she leads you to the closest, “We haven’t even got to the best parts!”
“Parts. Two things? Renee, this is worrisome.”
Opening the closest, she revealed a beautiful ball gown. It was a bright shade of red that reached to the ground. It had short sleeves and a low breast line. Next to the dress was a small box. You didn’t even have time to question it as Renee grabbed the dress and put you in it. Eugene was right; that woman had magical hands. After putting the dress on, you tried to go to the mirror, but she stopped you.
“Renee!” You begged, “I think you’ve done enough for me.”
She laughed, “Hold on! Being around men has changed you. Let me add the finishing touches.” Grabbing you back, she clipped a necklace and earrings onto you, before letting you stand in front of the mirror. You didn’t even recognize the person in front of it. The makeup, the dress that displayed your curves, the beautiful golden earrings and necklace. The necklace had to have been the most stunning piece. It was a pearl choker with a golden pendant of Saint Maria Goretti.
“Wow…I…” You were at a total loss for words. For the first time in a year, you actually looked like a girl-or should you say a woman with your golden jewelry and red satin dress. “Renee, thank you. I…did you get these all for me?”
Renee waved her hands, moving her fingers back and forth, “See, magic hands! No, I did not. Your secret admirer did.”
You quirked an eyebrow. Who could that be. You saw the devious smirk on the Belgian nurse’s face, so you decided to interrogate her, “Who? Come on. Tell me!”
“A secret is a secret, ma chérie!” Renee nudged your shoulder. As you were about to question her more, a sudden knock at the door caused you too to spin over. The sounds of a thick Cajun and Philly accent could be heard for a mile away. You could recognize those from anywhere.
You knew Renee’s little plan. Your hearts ripped as your cheeks turned to the color of your dress, “Renee!” You gave her a slap, “You did not.”
“I did!” A spin of blue could be seen as Renee walked towards the door, forcefully dragging you so, “It’s about time for you two to make a move. Everybody has been talking about it.”
“Rumors are rumors. We both know Eugene well. He would never-”
Stepping on your foot, Renee opened the door with a wild smile and loudly. “Eugene! Babe! You’re just on time!”
Once you saw Eugene and made eye contact, you wanted to die. Not in a bad way, but with his dress blues on and sharp jaw, it would be the death of you. Eugene normally was one for not making eye contact, since he saw it was unformatting. But when he laid eyes upon, he could not look away as his pink skin grew redder by the second.
“You two look incredible! Holy moley!” Babe happily exclaimed, “We’re gonna be the luckiest guys in the whole wide world.”
Babe and Renee started up a whole conversation. Awkwardly standing there, you fidgeted with the necklace that had been given to you. It looked expensive, and it made your heart flutter. What man would give such a nice gift to you? As you thought of a list in your head, you felt a small tap on your shoulder. Looking up, it was Eugene. You flashed a smile and titled your head, “Doc. Pleasure to see you.”
Eugene observed you and nodded his head with his hands behind his back, “You as well, miss y/n.” He leaned in close to your ear, enough for you to inhale his smokey cologne, “You look absolutely stunnin’ tonight.”
“Thank you. You boys cleaned up well tonight,” You responded back as you felt your arms go numb. His cajun voice was so husky and as a whisper-good lord. “I’m gonna suppose Renee asked you to come.”
Eugene turned to see Babe and Renee smiling and laughing before turning back to see. His eyes made eye contact with the choker before he met with your eyes. “She did. I’m not complain’. I like you being’ my company.”
“Hey, lovebirds!” Babe called out. Renee looked back and gave you a quick wink as he held Babe’s arm. Eugene gave Babe a glare as he goofily smiled back, “Cmon-there servin’ beer. It’s a perk of civilization.”
“Last time you drank, it didn’t end well for you Babe. Guarno wants me to look out for you. Just to make sure you don’t end up with alcohol poisoning again,” You fired back with a little sass. Renee let out a laugh as Babe went red. Him and Renee walked forward, arm in arm. Babe looked flustered as he tried to defend himself to Renee, who simply was in a fit of giggles.
Eugene extended his arm out, nudging his head. “Shall we, miss y/n?”
You flashed a smile, melting your arm into his. One of your arms curved into his as your other rested in the center of his elbow, your fingernails gently tapping against me.
“Lead the way, Mister Roe.”
Placing the two drinks down, Babe let out a long sigh. Renee, with her chin resting in her palm, looked just as hopeless as Babe did.
“Nothing! Nada! Zilch.” Babe cried, running a hand over his forehead, “Did you tell y/n ‘bout the necklace?”
Renee slapped his shoulder, “I said a secret admirer. I mean, I thought she would know but...both of them are so stupid with love.”
Babe looked over at y/n and Roe. The two of you sat at the same table, awkwardly conversing with each other. The both of you were too shy to advance for something. Renee and Babe we're praying to their lucky stars for a miracle to happen.
“I mean-you see the way Gene looks at her. His eyes go all soft and he gets all smiley and shit. When we were in Paris, he just went on and on about her. After every beer, it was like...word vomit. Love vomit.”
Renee rolled her eyes, “Anything but that.”
“Hey! Let me tell my story. So, I gave him some advice. He saw that necklace and the pair of earrings, and told me that it would go well with Y/n’s skin. Told him to buy it. The poor man had nothing, but he’s willing to do anything for her. He’s just scared she’s too good for him.”
“That’s exactly what she thinks.” Renee saw y/n and Eugene smile at each other. Eugene stood up and gently brushed her shoulder and whispered in your ear. As he walked again, y/n turned over to look at him with awe in her eyes. It was obvious that y/n and Eugene were in love with each other, more than anything in the world. But even they, lovesick puppies, didn’t see their affection for each other.
As Eugene returned with his drinks, the lights in the room began to dim. Paratroopers and girls with pretty dresses began to pass him, hand in hand, into the middle of the ballroom floor. You looked up and saw them move. You looked down at your lap, unconfident. All these girls had a better chance then you with their natural femininity. You just never felt like a woman ever, and no matter what you did, you never were one. A true one, atleast.
Eugene saw your sadness and knew how to fix it. He tenderly tilted your chin up, moving a stray piece of hair behind your ear. You grew soft, your attention focused on him.
“Dance with me?” He quietly asked, holding out his calloused hands.
You took his hand with your manicured one as he closed your hand, tightly squeezing it.
“I’d loved too,” You replied kindly. Eugene nodded his head and led you to the dance floor. The familiar faces of men in the company struck you, with pretty girls in their arms. Stopping in the middle with the dimmed lights, Eugene snaked a hand onto the small of your back as you wrapped your arm around him, conjoining your free hands.
I stand at your gate and the song that I sing is of moonlight. I stand and I wait for the touch of your hand in the June night. The roses are sighing a moonlight serenade.
The first minute of the dance was quiet, but tranquil. You felt calmed by Roe’s mere presence. He was naturally such a kind person, and every time you saw him, your heart would grow a million sizes. He held you with such care and treated you like you were a sweet creature. You moved closer, leaning into his chest, feeling comfortable with the energy.
“Your nails-” Eugene blurted. You looked over and saw your hands. They were smaller than his, with smooth (y/s/c) skin and long red nails, “They look nice. Your hands are pretty.”
“Thank you, Eugene. You’ve been so nice to me all night. I’m sorry...I just haven’t even been with someone who’s so kind to me.” You explained, “Now tell me, are you the so-called secret admirer that Renee was talking about?”
The stars are aglow and tonight how their light sets me dreaming. My love, do you know that your eyes are like stars brightly beaming? I bring you and sing you a moonlight serenade.
Roe looked away for a second, like he was caught in the act, Biting his lip with rosy cheeks, he slowly nodded, “I do, ma’am.”
“Now, are you the southern gentleman who gifted me this fine necklace?”
Roe smiled and nodded, “Yes ma’am,” His hand moved lower on your body, playing with the fabric on the dress, “And the dress. I saw it and I didn’t care ‘about anything-I just’ thought you’d look prettier in it, ‘cause you already very pretty miss”
You froze and brought a hand to Eugene's face. You had a feeling in your gut it was him, but hearing his kind words made you melt. “Oh Gene, you’re too kind. Thank you for making me feel so pretty.”
“Of course, ma’am. I wanna see you happy and pretty.” Eugene bowed his head, “Can I also tell you somethin else?”
“Go on,” You advanced your head into his chest.
Let us stray till break of day In love's valley of dreams. Just you and I, a summer sky, A heavenly breeze kissing the trees
Pulling you close, he moved towards your cheek and once again whispered into your ear, “I think i might love you". He planted a trail of kisses from your ear to your cheek to your chin. Once he finished, you pulled away, holding his face in your hands.
“I think I love you,” You confessed as he leaned in your hold, which made you smile, “I wanna be with you for the rest of my days.”
“I do too, miss. Come home with me.” Eugene held your hands, with a begging look on your face, like a lovesick puppy.
Unable to say no, your lips curved into a faint smile.
“Of course, Eugene. Our home.”
So don't let me wait, come to me tenderly in the June night. I stand at your gate and I sing you a song in the moonlight, A love song, my darling, a moonlight serenade.
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twstarchives · 4 years
Ace Trappola・Voice Lines
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Additional Voice Lines: Dress-Up Groom Event Card
School Uniform - R
Unlock Card “Don’t drag in any kind of trouble again, alright? ‘Cause I’m not helping you out this time!”
Groovy “It’d get exhausting always being so serious about everything, wouldn’t it? You just gotta be efficient about things ♪”
Home Setting “Let’s take it nice and slow today!”
Home Transitions “Something’s always going on whenever I’m with you. Seriously, it doesn’t ever get boring.”
“Hm? I don’t really hate school. It’s not like I need it, though. Haha! If I didn’t go, I’d just have nothing to do.”
“Professor Crewel called me over when I ditched class duty today... He gets so intense when he’s scolding his students!”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Oh, you’re finally here. So what’re you doing right now? C’mon, pick something~”
Home Taps “It’s kinda nice that our outfits are already picked out for us everyday. If we got to wear casual clothes, we’d have to spend some time trying to put together an outfit.”
“My dreams for the future? Nope, don’t got any! Striving hard to achieve your dreams is so... bleurgh, I can’t do it. It’s just not my thing.”
“Yeah, yeah, what do you want with me this time? You’ve got some serious dedication to this whole prefect thing.”
“I’m glad our dorm color is red. I like red. It stands out, it’s stylish, and it fits me nicely, doesn’t it?”
“Alright, alright, stop pulling so hard; I can hear you just fine! ...So? What is it?”
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PE Uniform - R
Unlock Card “I’m pretty confident about my reflexes. Wanna take a look at my magift skills?”
Groovy “You can tell just by looking at me that I’m the type who hates losing. Come do some intensive training with me!”
Home Setting “It’s not good for you to just be standing still like that!”
Home Transitions “I seriously can’t handle Coach Vargas. He’s so intense and conceited... It’s tiring just being around him.”
“I have a lot of fun in the basketball club. I get along well with upperclassmen from the other dorms too.”
“I think sports and magic are kinda similar. I mean, you’ve gotta put all your effort into both of them everyday.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “PE class is about to start soon. You’ll get left behind if you keep moving so slow~”
Home Taps “Did you already eat yet? If not, let’s go pick up something from the store. It’s boring being cooped up inside all the time.”
“No way. I don’t even have to ask; I can tell just by that face that whatever you have to say is something real troublesome. Don’t tell me.”
“I don’t wanna turn into some macho guy who’s totally ripped, so I can take it easy with my training.”
“Cater actually has pretty good reflexes. I should ask him for some Flying tips later.”
“Ahaha!! What do you want~? You keep poking me in the side over and over again!”
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Lab Coat - SR
Unlock Card “Working together’s really important. ...So anyway, let’s do our best on this assignment!”
Groovy “It’s fine to slack off just a little. Just do your best not to get caught.”
Home Setting “What, you’ve got a question? Alright, you owe me one.”
Home Transitions “I saw Deuce in the library looking really serious about something. I guess he’s studying for our next test.”
“Hey, did you finish the homework? Let’s do it together if you haven’t yet. That way we can split the work and get it done faster.”
“Sometimes there are potions with effects that make you think ‘What would you even make that for?’ I’d never wanna drink one, though.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “They don’t call Night Raven a prestigious academy for nothing. I gotta study sometimes too or I’ll get behind.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Why do you have so much motivation for your classes? Don’t tell me you’re actually planning on making Grim a great mage, or something?”
Home Taps “The Headmaster really shows up and vanishes at the most unexpected times. Yesterday it almost gave me a heart attack when I noticed he was sitting behind me.”
“Be careful if you come across any talking flowers in the Botanical Garden. People say they’re really mean.”
“Potions are so nasty. And yet in the Queen of Hearts’ country, they were supposed to have tasted like things like pies and juice...”
“What do they even do at the science club? Trey invited me to stop by earlier but it seemed boring so I said no.”
“Ah, I seriously can’t deal with intense people. Go do that kinda stuff with Deuce, not me!”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Have you gotten everything ready for our next experiment? I’m kinda worried about how slow you are.”
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Ceremony Robes - SR
Unlock Card “Wearing these feels kinda... ah, don’t laugh at me! You’re not one to talk either!!”
Groovy “Hehe! I give off that prestigious Night Raven College! vibe, don’t I?”
Home Setting “Don’t cause any trouble today!”
Home Transitions “Hah... Why do the teachers have to talk for so long? It’s so boring. I wish they’d  wrap it up in three minutes flat.”
“What kinds of things do you guys have celebrations for where you come from? Do you celebrate Unbirthdays?”
“Before enrolling here, I thought these clothes looked so old-fashioned, but now I think they’re very fitting for a mage. Heheh.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Oi, Prefect. Grim starts causing all the mischief he wants whenever you’re not here!”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Tada! I pulled a hedgehog out of my hood...! Wait, I messed it up. Magic tricks using living creatures are really hard.”
Home Taps “If you’re free, how about we go to the lounge? Well, the only thing I usually do there is play cards though.”
“Doesn’t this school have a serious lacking of entertainment?! There’s absolutely nowhere to have fun! What about a café? Or some live shows?!”
“My shoulders feel kinda stiff... I’m really not good at formal things.”
“I think my brother was even happier than my parents when they found out I was accepted here. He’s an alumni from the same dorm as me.”
“No, you can’t sleep right now! You were dozing off in class the other day and even I could tell from sitting behind you!”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Oh, perfect timing. Could we have a card game tournament at Ramshackle tonight? ...It’s fine, no one’ll find out!”
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Dorm Uniform - SSR
Unlock Card “My winning trump card is the Ace of Hearts!”
“I’d rather not get all heated and serious about things. ...Hey, are you even listening?!”
Groovy “You want to come to Heartslabyul? Haha, we’ll always welcome you!”
Home Setting “Let’s hurry and get this done!”
Home Transitions “Wanna go to the Unbirthday Party together? I promise there’ll be a delicious tart. ...I can’t promise the Dorm Leader will be in a good mood, though.”
“I know a magic trick that can make multiple cards appear from just one. Wanna see?”
“Euegh... I ate too much pie and now I’m so full... Trey’s sweets are just so good; I couldn’t stop eating.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Prefect-! Come help me take care of the hedgehogs we use for croquet!”
Home Transition (Groovy) “So? How do I look in my dorm uniform? Handsome? ...Er, complimenting me that much would just sound like a lie.”
Home Taps “I showed the Dorm Leader a card trick and it actually surprised him. That felt nice ♪”
“If I was put in a different dorm... mm, I can’t even picture it. I guess Heartslabyul just fits me the best.”
“The freshmen have four people per room. It’s crowded, but it’s always full of energy so it’s a lot of fun. You should come hang out sometime.”
“Red vests are part of both our school and dorm uniforms, but the ones we wear with our dorm uniforms also have a traditional pattern associated with the Queen of Hearts on them.”
“Hey, now even you are acting just like Grim does; stop it! This keeps getting more and more out of hand.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “I wish you were part of Heartslabyul too. You don’t get the thrill of wondering when your head’ll get chopped off anywhere else.”
Duo Magic Ace: “Oi, Deuce! You better not just drag me down!” Deuce: “You’re so full of yourself! Who do you think you’re talking to, Ace?!”
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Birthday Celebration Outfit - SSR
This card was only obtainable during Ace’s birthday event (Sept 18 - Sept 25, 2020).
Login on Birthday “Hey Prefect, do you know what day it is today? It’s not an Unbirthday... It’s Ace’s birthday! Which means I’m the star of today. What should I do for it~?”
Unlock Card “Today I can have the first slice of cake without worrying about losing my head, right?”
“Hey, what’re you gonna get me for my birthday? Oh, if you’ve got no idea, a cherry pie would be nice~”
Groovy “Having a giant party isn’t as bad as I thought. Thanks for coming to celebrate too!”
Home Setting “This get-up’s so embarrassing! It’s screaming ‘Look at me!’ way too much.”
Home Transitions “This heart-shaped pin is reaaally sparkly. It’s kinda intense with how special! it looks.”
“When I was at my club earlier, the soles of my basketball shoes fell apart. Floyd has a good sense of style; maybe he’ll give some to me as a gift~”
“I don’t mind Cater posting pictures of me on Magicam... but I don’t know how to feel about him tagging it as ‘Acey’s Growth Record.’”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Sorry, but we can’t have an Unbirthday Party today. ‘Cause today’s my actual birthday!”
Home Transition (Groovy) “After the party, can I come over to Ramshackle? Let’s invite Jack and the others and play cards till it’s morning.”
Home Taps “When I was little, my older brother one time blew out the candles on my birthday cake. We got into huge fight after.”
“I’m only one year older now, but everyone’s making a huge celebration out of it... I’m not saying I hate it, though~”
“Deuce said he’d treat me to whatever pastry I want at the school store! Hahaha, let’s ask him for the most expensive one. You in?”
“My brother’s not the only one good at magic tricks in my family; my dad’s really good at them too. On our birthdays, he used to show us tricks using gift boxes.”
“Aghgh, I get it! We’re done saying ‘Yes, Happy Birthday!’ ...It’s kind of really embarrassing...”
Home Tap (Groovy) “I can ask you favors since it’s my special day today, can’t I? When you finish that assignment, come join the party!”
Duo Magic Ace: Ortho, wish me a big happy birthday! Ortho: Happy birthday, Ace Trappola!
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Lv Up “Oh, this feels kinda nice!”
“Yay! Level up!”
“I gotta get even further ahead of everyone else.”
Max Lv Up “This feels incredible. Now that I’ve got this, it’ll probably be a lot easier for me to back up a certain someone who can’t use magic.”
Episode Lv Up “Ahaha! So these kinds of things can happen too. I always thought people like you would be the ones I’d get along the worst with, but I guess not! ...Just messing with you.”
Magic Lv Up “I could win against the Dorm Leader now that I’ve got this power, right? ...Oh, what I said just now is a secret, ‘kay?”
Limit Break “Whaaat? Aren’t you expecting too much from me? Well, alright. Guess I just should just work a little harder!”
Groovy “I’ll keep showing you more and more of my cool side, so look forward to that!”
Lesson Select “What class are you doing? Hurry up and pick. I’ll be sleeping straight through any one you pick anyway.”
“You’re so enthusiastic about this... Okay, okay! Stop pulling on me so hard!”
“Make sure to keep a close eye on Grim during class, alright, Prefect? He tried ditching earlier and the teacher got mad at him.”
Lesson Start “Let’s get this over with!”
Lesson End “It’s done~! Ahh, I’m tired.”
Battle Start “Okay~ I’ll make you all hit rock bottom!”
Battle End “Nothing to say about it. I won!”
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Profile Quote “Man, the Queen of Hearts is so cool! Nobody would obey a queen who’s just kind all the time, right?”
January 2020 Trailer “Ya better not be late! Or the scaaary queen will chop off your head!”
Countdown Poster “Stop daydreaming. Don’t you know you can get lost in the rose maze?”
Take His Hand “Let's head on over there!”
Player Birthday Wish “Eh? Was there something going on today? ...I’m just messing with you! It’s your birthday, right? Of course I remembered. Happy birthday, Prefect.”
Valentine’s Day Gift Letter (2021)
These letters were originally in English. I didn’t translate or edit them in any way. They came with official merch from Aniplex, and are not present in-game.
Hey you, Thanks for the present. But what’s up with the sudden gesture? Are you trying to apologize for something here? …JUST KIDDING! I actually need to talk to you about something, too. See you in class later!
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origami10 · 4 years
Ajin ch 86 thoughts
Okay, it’s been a little bit! Thoughts and spoilers under the cut! (Warning, this is very long)
Writing this in a word doc because a) I don’t want to risk going on tumblr and b) I don’t want to risk the post getting deleted in the middle  [note from the end: this ended up being four pages long in a Word document, so I’m sorry]
Ahhhh, last time buying the digital magazine ><    Until... if... Sakurai starts publishing something new...
It seems kind of unfair not to have Ajin be the cover feature if it’s ending DX I guess they’re just starting with a new series, though. Is that how that works? (It has a main character with white hair so I might be interested...) It’s at the beginning of the mag.
Okay, yeah, pages 111-175.  Aggghhhh I’ve always put off reading the end of series, but I think this is the first one I’ve been up to date with when it actually ended. Promised Neverland was close.
ooh completely new characters...?????? whoops overshot the starting page by a few ughhhh it’s definitely the last one... I mean we knew that, but still..... OMG NO IT’S IZUMI AND TANAKA ISN’T IT??    jeez woah  I can’t wait to hear other readers’ reactions    [edit: yes this was about clover, and she recorded her reaction, which was beautiful ;u;] also omg they’re at least appearing together
omg Sakurai’s author’s note: “It’s very cold, isn’t it. Everyone, I hope you don’t catch a cold.”       YOU’RE NOT EVEN GOING TO ACKNOWLEDGE IT’S ENDING?
okay, so at least some time skip Tanaka: New identity, who dis Ooh, Izumi called Tanaka “anta” – the rude/familiar version of ‘you’, rather than the polite one. Honestly I don’t remember but it’s probably what she called him previously. And then turns around and called him anata the next page X’D  Okay, I’m glad that not being consistent is okay in Japanese, I always worry/wonder about that ooooh so Tanaka doesn’t have a new identity YET. I wonder how long it’s been?? omg Tosaki prepared it??    Was he thinking that far ahead? Or is he not dead....   ???  okay so he made it ahead of time     oh, and Izumi was the one who asked him for it??? Oh wow, Izumi has yet another change of identity. I wonder if she’s back to (omggg I forget D: her original name... Tainaka [hah]) Also another great shot emphasizing their height difference X’) lmaoooo I always love when there manages to be some humor oh, they’re only about three years apart! I wonder if that helps pin down the timeline at all??
Aw, Izumi still respects Tosaki lmao  “I’m going home.” “You really have places to be?”  Oh I guess that wasn’t quite it- she really was wondering if he was had a living location... so he has been kinda on the run ><    [Sakurai. Sakurai, happy ending. There is, right? Right?]
Oh dude I really didn’t think we’d get any resolution on that ship and like, idk if this counts as resolution but it sure looks like it does right now okay I’m really sorry but part of me is like ///we’re using so many of the remaining pages on this///  although oh I guess it’s only been 10 pages... it feels like so many since the chapters have been so short lately...
heyyyyy  I mean we kinda knew the U.S. ajin would be back or else what was the point of introducing them Ogura not being dead at the end of the series is extremely impressive (also hopefully Kai :prayer hands:  as in I think he survived) so Ogura didn’t tell them he was coming back huh ... with the crew??? :eyes emoji: lmao AND they thought he was dead, I’m cackling oh okay so they had heard he wasn’t dead the close up of Jim’s face reminds of Kai somehow I guess this manga isn’t so long (and the U.S. ajin left enough of an impression) that at least we’re not like WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE “I’ll kill you!!” “Go ahead!!”  HA Winnn I think the people in this series need to get their idea of ‘fun’ checked I don’t really understand what he says in the bubble after that... I’ll have to check the English did he like, metaphorically die because he’s out of FKs? I’m not up on my cigarette brands enough to know if that’s an FK or not... I think it’s what the brand turned into...? oh no what’s this omg    is it gonna be Kai? Are they all gonna be in there? Kotobuki??   also this is already super sad that not everyone got out of jail free... unless they did and I’ll see... but also it’s realistic so all for the best I guess?  i have no idea OH HA I thought it was the juvenile detention center but it’s Takahashi !  o_o not entirely sure I understand what Takahashi says to the guard either at least everyone’s having... fun??? KAI KAI KAI    gahhhh this looks exactly like how ch 69 started and agh they’re both in juvie but ahhhhh they’re together??         I’m already scared to read and actually find out –o- oh wait they have dates to get out!  and they said plural ‘we’ “That was fast”  I feel like that panel represents what this chapter means to me somehow lmao they just want them to be not their problem anymore... that really wraps it up nicely, hilariously, and realistically I’m glad I’m not translating this because there are really a couple lines where I don’t completely understand them “something happened that day”  um, yeah WOW I did NOT think we were going to get an answer to whether Kai was an ajin now or not, but I feel like that definitively answers that question?????     also that’s terribly funny HE DOESN’T EVEN KNOW KEI REVIVED HIM??       -punches a wall-  Kai’s whole personality is  ‘I don’t really remember that happening’  >_____________________________> Kei... gave Kai a reason to live... because he almost died...?      I still kinda have faith in this wrapping up well but GOD Kai is not a character to invest all your emotion into, laughs cryingly Kotobuki: “You literally never make any sense, man.” oh no “ano natsu” GAH
I just realized that this almost certainly means Kai and Kou never met. There isn’t enough keysmashing in the world to express my desire to throw my laptop at a wall right now
In no way shape or form did I ever expect to get closure on Akiyama, even on him getting out of the barrel
Manabe definitely stole whatever it is he’s holding but it was probably some kind of personal effects...?  [my powers of prediction suck most of the time] he really looks beat up now ;u; Izukyū-Shimoda... Win, that’s not where you traveled, is it?  Maybe I saw it on the Sunday NHK travel program... but it’s also the end of the train line and has ferries going out into the ocean islands.  Is he getting away, or going home.......? or to Hirasawa or something...?
well that was an extremely abrupt shift are they really shooting Satou up into space they’re not using him as a test subject are they that sounds like an even more awful idea than I ever could have come up with okay... oh jeez can we please please not have Satou be Captain America you just KNOW he’s going to make trouble again, ,, , , ,!!
oh jeez Eriko! I didn’t expect to see her but it’s nice! it’s really sinking in that that’s all the closure we’re going to get on Kai isn’t it Eriko tsundere as if that needed confirmed okay cool, so she’s out of the hospital (for now)
It does seem appropriate? Likely? That Kei didn’t go home. WE BETTER SEE KOU THIS CHAPTER oh, it’s fall   (or winter? Izumi said it was cold...) oh phew
Sakurai said RIP KeiKai shippers I guess....  but they still influenced each other so that’s still shippable even though they’re not together?  sigh not everything is so straightforward and I guess it’s good it reflects that
Kei looks happy enough was Kei working a blue collar job with Kou or something? That’s 100% unexpected Kou adorable omg what is his new name gonna be Also ;-; so they’ve giving ajin rights but everyone’s still staying undercover...? or Kou isn’t I guess, that’s sweet oh wow we admit Tosaki’s great     I guess last chapter’s statement that they found his remains must have settled whether he’s alive or not ‘iroiro atta na’  YOU THINK    also pretty sure that’s Kai’s line from the drama CD what’s with that Kei face??? OMG PERF       also that is scarily close to what I wrote in a fic, but also pretty much to be expected crap I guess at least Tanaka and Izumi are with each other? KAI’S MOON JACKET   WITH THE SMILIE       we really messed up characterizing Kai as the sun haha he’s out he’s out he’s out is he going to meet someone literally zooming out on everyone (like at the end of last chapter too) is kinda messing with me Like they’re still around and doing stuff but we aren’t (don’t get to) watch them anymore Kou saying ‘let’s all meet again’... my heart is warm ;0; LMAO
we can at least rest assured that everyone stayed in character
I can’t I can’t I can’t  [note, this was when I thought Kei saying ‘nah’ was the last page]
omg Sakurai you’ve done it again bwahahaah a coworker hit him and is like ‘oh cool fine nevermind’ this is WAY more hilarious than I was expecting for this chapter How do I always forget that Ajin has so much comedy not remembering what page number the chapter ends on is nice
Tankobon releases May 7th in Japan Elizaaaaaa Kei’s got a Shion coat
alright uh well I guess that’s good, in a way, we still get to imagine whatever we want
Finishing it hasn’t sunk in yet, I’ve have to get back to you on that one.
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barbedbetty · 4 years
Cable x OC
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WARNINGS: major daddy kink (no one should be shocked with that kink and this character though), rough, unprotected (wrap it up), anal, p in v
I hadn't been at the X-Person Mansion very long. My family had kicked me out once I couldnt hide my powers anymore. I had wandered from state to state for awhile before I had stumbled upon the X-Person team. Formally known as the X-Men as Wade says.
I was having a cup of coffee on my last dollar when a guy started waving a gun around and a few other goons were going around robbing people. I was bored and tired of men like this thinking they can hold a gun and be badass.
"Hey girl," one guy with a tacky hawaiian shirt said as he reached my table. "You can hand over your bag or give me ten minutes in the back."
"Thats cute you think you can last that long." I murmured as I sipped my coffee.
"Bitch!" He reared his hand back to hit me with his gun but I simply looked at him.
My mutation is telekinesis. I learned to control it when i was younger but sometimes it just happen out of reflex.
I stared at his gun and levitated it out of his hand.
He started shouting at the guys with him and they all shot at me. I managed to stop their bullets but then I felt my nose start to bleed, it was taking too much of my power.
Thats when the X-People showed up. I ducked as my powers depleted and the bullets hit the wall behind me.
Everything got blurry as I started to pass out. Flashes of a red suit fighting his way through the robbers. Then I saw a figure start walking towards me, he was just a silhouette except for a glowing red eye.
I woke up in some kind of high tech infirmary. A nurse came forward and explained that i was okay and offered for me to stay and train. Since I didnt have anywhere else to go, I decided to stay. She showed me to my room and said I was going to start training with Wade and to find him in the simulation chamber.
I wandered around the mansion for awhile, which was surprisingly empty. I finally found the training rooms.
There were two guys talking inside. One in a red suit and the other guy. Damn. I always had a thing for older men, and this guy was definitely top tier. He was tall and had a mechanical arm. His black tshirt was tight across his muscular chest. God, he seemed like pure muscle. And rugged. I bit my lip and leaned against the door frame.
Thats when he looked over at me and I noticed his glowing eye. He was the one who brought me here. I waved at him and he smirked a little. The other guy waved me in and I made my way towards them.
"Hello, I'm Mae." I said as I held my hand out.
"I'm Wade." He shook my hand. "And this is Daddy Cable."
I blushed and Cable glared at Wade and growled which honestly got me aroused. Cable looked back at me and smirked again.
"Nate." His voice was deep, like gravel. I smiled.
"Nice to meet you, Daddy." I smiled and giggled.
"Haha I like you!" Wade laughed as he turned for the door. "Have fun training!"
"I thought you were supposed to train me?" I asked facing him.
"I think someone else would prefer that. Don't worry I'll lock this door." Wade made finger guns at us and left as the door closed.
"Wade is quite the character." I smiled at Nate. He started walking around me.
"How old are you?" He asked quietly.
"I'm 26." I said.
"You're pretty short." He smiled as he faced me.
"I make up for it with enthusiasm." I said confidently. He took a deep breath and nodded.
"I'll set you up with a basic simulation. Then come see me in my room. Its across from yours." He winked as he turned and left.
The simulation was harder than I thought but I wasnt really paying attention. Just thinking of Cable pinning me to a wall and fucking me till I passed out.
When i finished I ran to the door but couldn't get it open.
"Fucking hell!" I growled as i punched the panel. I stepped back and used my power to force the door open. The metal peeled back so fast, it actually surprised me.
I walked confidently toward Nates room. I took a deep breath and knocked.
Nate smiled and stepped aside to let me in. He shut the door and opened his mouth to say something but I couldn't wait any more. I jumped up and kissed him deeply. He turned so he could hold me against the door and kissed me back. I groaned into his mouth and reached down to unzip his pants.
"Hold up, little girl." He growled as he put me down. I whimpered and pouted. Then quickly realized his 10 inches on me did in fact make him tower over me.
"Pouting?" He tsked and smiled at me. Then he reached forward and started to trace the hem of my tank top. "Don't worry, princess. Daddy will take care of you."
I moaned and leaned my head back as he leaned forward and sucked a dark mark on my neck. I moaned louder and he ripped my short open. I shoved my shorts and underwear down. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.
He carried me to a second room which was his bedroom. He dropped me on the bed and started undressing. I was so wet, my thighs were slick. He quickly climbed on top of me and grabbed his thick cock and rubbed it up and down my pussy.
"Fuck, this all for me?" He growled, his eye glowed brightly.
"Yes!" I whimpered. I bit my lip and he smirked as he thrusted inside me.
I cried out and panted, he was bigger than i thought and it took me a moment to adjust.
"Fuck, youre so tight baby." He growled as he started thrusting inside me. He went harder and deeper with each thrust, when he started hitting that sweet spot inside me I started shouting.
He put his metal hand over my mouth and smiled.
"You're a bit loud, honey." I groaned and whimpered as he slowed down. I sucked one of his metallic fingers in my mouth. He groaned and i saw his jaw clench.
"Get on your hands and knees. You're gonna get a face of pillow to keep you quiet." I turned quickly and he spread his metal hand over the top of my back and pushed my face into the pillow.
Thats when he really went to town. He started fucking me hard and fast and groaning curses every time. I came quickly and he kept thrusting through my orgasm.
"Come on, baby. Give me another one." He groaned and thrusted faster.
"Fuck my ass." I moaned from the pillow.
He yanked me up by my hair and pulled me so my back was against his chest.
"Say that again." He growled so deep it was practically a whisper.
"Take that lube from you stand and fuck my ass." He growled as he pushed me back down and reached forward to grab the bottle. He pulled out of me and stroked himself generously with lube before he lined up to my back entrance.
He thrusted slowly at first, till i could get comfortable with him. Then i started bouncing back on his thick cock.
"You're doing amazing." He groaned as he watched my ass bounced against him. Then he pinnede down and fucked me hard and fast.
"Im gonna come baby." He growled in my ear. He bit my shoulder as he cried out and came deep inside me.
He slowly pulled out and laid next to me, panting and covered in sweat.
"Baby," he panted and pulled me on top of him. "I think I'm in love." He winked at me.
"Same here Daddy." I whispered and kissed his chest.
"Give me five minutes and we can do that again in the shower."
I was gonna love life here.
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ichika27 · 3 years
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And we’re back! Here’s an overhead view of Shibuya for us.
As usual, the episode is rushed so some of my expectations got dashed again haha. I had to stop myself from taking lots of Joshua screenshots though. He’s my fave character so it was difficult but I can’t really use all of them here cause photo limit and everything.
Spoilers for the game ahead cause that’s how I roll. I’m calling Mr. Hanekoma “Mr. H” cause I’m used to that due to playing the DS game.
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Smug scheming Joshua... still cute lol.
They get a mission to go to CAT street. We all know the twist to this. This image of Joshua says it clear as day.
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They’re at WildKat!! Yeah, fake mission, Joshua did it, Neku is in a desperate position cause he wanted to save Shiki so he couldn’t tell it was fake... like the game but they got here fast cause they cut off their journey towards CAT street.
I’m happy Mr. H gets his moments here! He’s an important character and someone Neku trusted and looked up to in the game after all.
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While here they talk about Joshua and why he’s in the UG. Joshua mentions being able to see everything in the UG (the entire game with the noise and everything) and thought it as better so he came here meaning he uh, “commit not alive” but like in the game that’s all they mentioned of that and they never expanded on it (with Joshua even saying “That’s all” after Mr. Hanekoma added that Joshua visits his cafe to talk about the game).
I really was hoping for a bit more backstory. A little flashback even if it’s just a still image of little Joshua. His backstory is interesting but I guess Joshua will remain a mystery unless they give us extra material (or that prequel a lot of players have been wishing for).
Mr. H didn’t get to mention to Neku that Joshua had no friends and was alone when he was alive because of his ability to see the UG. It sucks that it was left out cause the anime is already shortening the time the watchers get to see the characters and they take away some more stuff that could tell us more about them. Joshua is an enigma and had the least amount of info given in the game so even small stuff like this is important (to me. Others may not feel the same way but I’m a Josh fan haha).
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Udagawa and the CAT mural! Very important part of the story and an important place to Neku. Neku talked about how he’s a fan of CAT (I hope someday CAT gives Neku an autograph or something cause you know... hehehe).
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The apps. They have it here, too! Still feels weird they’re not flip phones. Joshua isn’t even using them for attacks. I’ll say something more about that below.
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The anime telling everyone that these pins are very important. Some passerby even said this was CAT’s design and Neku notices the similarity between the red pin and the Player Pins. Neku and Joshua briefly talk about the composer as well.
I wonder if Neku would be told later about how Hanekoma is CAT. That was important cause it caused Neku some conflicting feelings about who he can trust and it’s a part of the game’s “twist”.
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Def March! I can’t type their actual band name cause I don’t have those letters on my keyboard, I’m sorry.
The missing microphone bit is here, too! Although only briefly. Joshua offers to help them find it in exchange for opening a wall. Joshua uses the app that could show the past. I’m glad they were able to show that off. The ordeal is dealt with quickly.
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One of the things I like about the anime is that they give a bit of scenes showing the other players. Like I mentioned before, if you played the game you know they’re there. You know there’s a ton of other pairs doing the mission but they’re not really shown unless they’re important in the story so seeing them being shown off like this even a little is a treat. And they’re in the middle of battle, too! They’re using pins while fighting the taboo noise.
They’re finally dealing with the taboo noise but I guess the explanation of them are in the next episode.
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Speaking of important players, here’s Sota and Nao again! RIP for the loss of Makoto’s screentime. The ramen shop plot got scrapped completely from the anime.
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Uzuki and Kariya dealing with the taboo noise themselves. They mention how noise shouldn’t attack reapers but these ones do. Kariya protects Uzuki and it’s nice to watch (I ship them, okay?).
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They finally got introduced to each other! They briefly talk about the game, Neku’s re-entry and what happened to Shiki. Sota and Nao escapes a bit after so there’s no extra talk. I really hope they didn’t cut off the pep talk they had given Neku and Joshua in the game. Will be looking forward to it next episode.
Anyways, Neku and Joshua fight the taboo noise with Neku nearly getting killed by two and Joshua saving him. The two immediately used their combo attack to beat them and Kariya notices and seems to have some suspicions.
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The flashback Neku sees in Udagawa. The guns man, they really did this lol. They’re really not allowed to show accurate guns in this series?
And with that, the anime-only watchers are gonna be confused and would hate Joshua. *sigh* oh boy. Then there’s next week’s episode which will also confuse them and... oh man.
Alright, additional commentary:
-Joshua tells Neku Mr. H helps players in the Reaper’s Game all the time and it’s one of the reasons he decided to hang out in the cafe to watch the game aside from the fact that Mr. H was the only other person he knows that can see the game other than himself. I don’t remember if the bit about Mr. H helping other players is in the game but it’s interesting. Does Mr. H actually do that or is that just a cover? I mean I thought Mr. H was helping out with this one only because of the stakes in this specific Reaper’s Game since he’s not allowed to interfere or anything.
-Speaking of which, Neku tells Mr. H about what happened to Shiki and Mr. H’s reaction made me think “Ah, he’ll write about this in his report after this, I bet.” lol
-Please don’t cut off the talk Neku and Joshua will have with Sota and Nao. I mean, they’re given screentime for a reason, right? Unlike Makoto... and the Tin Pin kids. The most shounen part of this series got cut off sadly. And here I was hoping for an “Another Day” ova someday.
-Joshua’s Jesus Beams next week??? Rhyme pin explanation when?? Beat didn’t even show up today.
-I like the fight scenes in the anime as I mentioned before but them having Neku and Joshua use their most powerful attack meant they’re doing battle scene less which I’m not that happy about. The battles were cool! Give us more Neku using psyches! There are so many psyches in the game...
-I’m scared of the discussions about Joshua after this. Who knows what people will think after the series ends. Would the anime be able to properly convey through this short series the bond between Joshua and Neku and how that affected the ending? Oh god... I’m already seeing some people complain about the NekuJosh ship and I wonder if that would now extend to even just their friendship being put into question at the end.
-I hope I have enough motivation to make a Joshua-centric post later on. I have stuff I wanna say about him. I would need to get Joshua screenshots though...
Well, that’s all there is I guess. Week 2 probably ends next episode. Too fast, dudes! It’s going way too fast. I’m okay mostly cause I played the game and know the stuff omitted. The anime watchers? Who knows what they got from this. All I can say is if they end up hating on Joshua, I’d still be a Joshua fan and there’s nothing anyone can do about it haha.
Next week again, I guess!
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mysweetgirl2-love · 4 years
Your Sweet Nothings~ (Asahi Azumane x Reader)
Day 2 was ‘Soft Talk’ for me! So I thought, who’s not softer than the living Jesus himself, haha. I don’t know Asahi’s character very well so this was more of a tough write for me... but I hope you all like it! It’s very sweet, comforting, and Asahi is beyond lovely... like what a man haha. Enjoy!!
Word Count: 2,801
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Day 2 - Soft Talk
It felt like your phone would never shut up. Another picture your boyfriend had recently posted, which you were a subject in, had you now scrolling through thousands of comments to see if anyone had anything negative to say. Any “constructive criticism” in which you could improve upon.
“Babe, put your phone down…” A voice spoke up from the doorway of your bedroom.
You groaned softly, turning away from the sound and continuing to swipe against your screen. You knew he was right, he usually was. With your nature, he fit you so perfectly and was such a rock when you could be blasting off the walls. This wasn’t one of those times, but it still made you anxious with every ding your phone made to signal someone was trying to notify you.
“I’m just trying to read all the sweet comments people have to say about you, Asahi…” you sighed, coming up with a quick lie as your eyes traveled over the comments and your mind racing.
They have to be calling me fat, or ugly… or must be pointing out everything wrong with me-
The phone was plucked from your hands as you yelped in protest, helplessly watching as it was taken away from you. You slightly glared up at the man who smirked back down in your direction. He knew exactly what he was doing, and you hated it.
“Hey! Yes, hey! Can I please have my phone back?” You whined, seemingly like a child. When he acted like this, you sure felt like one.
He looked beautiful this late at night, a built god right in front of you that so happened to be your love. He was always such a nervous wreck when you two first got together, though… over the years you encouraged him to have a little more confidence then what he had been possessing. Boy, how did that turn on you.
Asahi raised his brow skeptically, readjusting his grip against your phone to hold it tighter against his palm. His empty hand gently reached down towards your hair, gently ruffling it between his hands as you whined up in protest while avoiding eye contact.
“Don’t act like you’re not looking for the negative comments, pumpkin…” he hummed, lifting his hand to gently brush down the strands of hair that he had fluffed, “You know they’re only jealous…”
“Yeah, I-I know….” Your gaze softened, eyes drifting up to meet his once again. It was hard not to lose yourself in his pools of brown, “I’m very lucky to be with you…”
He blinked softly, registering what you had just said, before letting out a hardy chuckle. His hand fell from the top of your head to your cheek, gently pushing it upwards to face him.
“That’s not what I meant… I was implying that they’re only jealous because you’re so utterly beautiful…” he whispered, leaning further down to press his lips gently against your forehead as you watched, “Jealous of me for having you.”
He could be so cheesy at times. You had to roll your eyes in response to his sweet compliment. The man was soft, obviously,  something you found incredibly charming. Though, when stressing over social media, you became almost blind to his genuine kindness.
He didn’t blame you. People’s opinions can be scary, especially with a career such as his. Asahi Azumane was a popular designer in Japan, having been apart of a legendary Karasuno team with some of the biggest names in the sport during your time. He gained a following from high school, though now his fans were mostly from the fashion industry.
He met you in college, you were a model and studied fashion as well but mostly partook in the wearing of clothes more than the creating. He fell in love at first sight, but didn’t realize that until after your first date. You didn’t know how to feel about him, thinking that since you were a model for him your relationship should pertain strictly to his work. But, as shy as he was… he also knew what he had to have. At least try to have you.
That was at least four years ago, and you two have been happily living together ever sense.
Of course you two had your flaws, Asahi was unintentionally intimidating and you were just stubborn. But, you both worked so well together… and neither of you wanted to lose that. Even in moments of your insecurity getting the best of you… like this.
“No one is jealous of me because I’m beautiful… that’d be unrealistic,” I huffed, rolling onto my back as he straightened up from leaning over, “I’m nothing special.”
Asahi’s eyes hardened slightly, him briefly turning to place your phone onto the wireless charger laying against your bed stand before looking back down. He looked upset, sad at what you had just stated.
“Pumpkin, you are so unbelievably special… I-I don’t know why you would ever think otherwise…” He sighed sadly, reaching down towards your wrist resting on lightly on your chest. He picked it up, gently rubbing against your wrist with his thumb as he sighed, “…I want you to see what I see.”
“I know, Asahi… I wish I could too…” You hummed, turning your hand in his grasp and gently pressing the tips of your fingers against his skin. He was so warm…
Asahi smiled sadly from above you, his chocolate eyes swimming with admiration and love, giving your wrist a final squeeze before letting it fall gently back to the bed.
“One day, when I finally get to marry you… you’ll see. Now,” he placed his hands over your eyes, lightly applying pressure, “It’s bedtime, and you, pumpkin, need to go to sleep.”
Your eyes widened slightly before sending a childish glare up in his direction. You didn’t want to be put to bed, much less be told to.
“Hey… you need to sleep too, dummy,” You huffed, making him chuckle lightly.
“ Haha! I know, I know, let me just finish washing up, okay? I’ll be right back…” he hummed to you, beginning to head in the direction of the bathroom. He only stopped to pause in the doorway, “And if I catch you on your phone, missy… I will not hesitate to become the tickle monster..”
His deep chuckle filled the room, you stopping in your mid reach towards the said device on the table. You looked over your shoulder to find Asahi staring back. His eyes almost urging you to do it and see what the consequences would be.
Your hand shot back to your side, under the covers and away from sight. Your man sighed, shaking his head as his long hair swayed with the motions of his head.
“What am I going to do with you…” He sighed, laughing breathlessly as he didn’t wait for you to respond, heading onto the tiled floors of your bathroom.
“Uh- who does he think he is…” you grumbled to yourself, rolling on your side to face away from your phone. Yet, it was just so… close…
Nope, I do NOT want to be tickled right now. That sounds terrible, at this time of night? Yeah, nice try, brain…
You thought to yourself, repeating the scenario of what would happen if you were found with your phone. Over and over, you didn’t want to be tickled. But… what was one little peek gonna do?
Your eyes flashed open and you couldn’t stop your arm from flashing over and picking the phone off the charger, quickly have it recognize your face as you began scrolling through comment after comment, once again.
“… No… nope… I mean, sorta? No…” You mumbled to yourself, scrolling past the endless support that poured out of his comment section. Most of it for you, your beauty in the image and almost emphasized with Asahi’s taste, who wouldn’t want to compliment you?
“I mean, there has to be something… right?”
The toilet flushed, the sink turned on, your thumb kept gliding across your screen.
You had to swipe through the pictures once again to remind yourself how you looked during the shoot. Your hair was up in a bun, an Asahi signature move, but also pinned back with a few barrettes of your favorite flower. You wore a longer sweater, gossamer white and slightly see through as your curves filled out the blue ripped jeans almost perfectly. Your makeup was light, some eyeshadow and a lip color being the most accentuated parts of your face.
Yet, you… just couldn’t see that. For whatever reason, your thoughts kept denying that what people were saying was supposed to be nice at all. Your brain convinced you that they were lying to you, just trying to lure you into a vulnerable state where they could sweep everything out from under you.
Most importantly… take the only thing you ever could find comfort in. Asahi.
The sink kept running, a man cleared his throat, you kept scrolling.
It was endless, like time became an imaginary instance as you read through the digital text from people’s thoughts. You couldn’t help but recognize the fact that… maybe you are addicted.
Spit in the sink, the flicking of a light switch, you didn’t need to think twice about immediately throwing the phone back onto the plastic of the wireless charger as it lit up to indicate the damn thing still worked. You threw the covers over your shoulder, now facing away from Asahi’s side of the bed as the sound of the bathroom door finally closing made you tense.
You could only hope, pray more accurately, that he hadn’t witnessed your obvious disregard of instructions. The thought of his large hands running along your sides in order to get a rise out of you made you want to squirm.
“Ah, they listened… good…” His deep voice came from the end of the bed, footsteps following in his words to find their way behind you. You felt the covers lift on his side of the bed, the shifting of the mattress, and the very real presence of his body right behind yours.
His warm breath blew across the back of your neck, goosebumps rising in its place. You held back the urge to shiver.
“Hm… you’re so cute when you’re asleep, you know that?~” He whispered gently, your inner self growing beyond flustered in response. What was he doing?
“So peaceful… when you’re awake, it always seems like you’re worried about something. Whether it be big or small. Someday’s it’s about our world, others… about what outfit you’d look good in to go grocery shopping,” You almost wanted to feel offended, but couldn’t speak up… so he continued.
“Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with that. Sure, it can make our days longer but… it’s something I love about you. There’s so much that I love about you, pumpkin… and with Halloween right around the corner, aha… I just can’t wait to share those memories with you…”
You wanted to turn and question his antics in telling you this when you were “asleep”… Oh.
His hands followed your thoughts, gently grasping around your waist and pulling you in his direction. You limply fell on your back, praying to those above that he wouldn’t discover your pitiful acting. Instead, he brought you close, holding you in the side of his body as his opposite hand reaching up to gently pet against your hair.
“Remember last year? I had to make us costumes cause’ we thought the options in the stores were pretty shitty… I won’t ever forget you demanding that I be a werewolf. As cute as it was to have you as my vampire other… I will never live down those ears and teeth…”
The mental image of putting his teeth on fled to the forefront of your brain, you now having to suppress the urge to smile at what you could remember. He looked so hot that year… ripped flannel and jeans, some os his chest showing through the holes in his white crew neck… yeah, he really was never living that down.
“…Your stubbornness is honestly the best thing that could ever happen to me…” But this caught you off guard, “I never thought in a million years that I could end up with someone exactly like you…”
Holding your breath, you didn’t realize how anxious you were to hear what he had to say…
“Your everything is my inspiration, pumpkin…” his fingers tangled into your hair, his opposite thumb gently rubbing at the exposed skin of your waist from beneath your shirt, “Hah… you don’t even want to get me started on how beautiful I thought you were today… no one else could look as perfect as you do in any outfit you wear.”
His arm around your waist tightened, as if you would want to slip away with how sweet his words are. As cheesy as you may have found it, they were just so… genuine.
“College seems so long ago… as though I’ve known you my entire lifetime… I’m so thankful I got over my fears of talking to you. You weren’t even intimidated by my height!… Nothing about me intimidated you… thank god… a life without you? I just… can’t fathom that anymore…”
You felt his weight shift as his neck craned over the side of your face, pressing his lips against the side of your face.  He kept them there for a moment longer than you expected, only moving to press his cheek against the bare of your neck. He inhaled softly, pressing most of his weight comfortably against you.
“My precious pumpkin… you are so incredibly important to me… Your beauty has gone unmatched and I am so hopelessly in love with you… I just wished you knew how important your everything is to me. I want to protect you, I want to be there for you, I want to see you succeed, I want… I want to be with you til the end of our days, Pumpkin…”
You could feel him smiling against your skin, your heart pounding within your chest.
“Either way… thank you for everything… you’re everything I could ever want. I love you..”
You paused for a moment, the words settling in as you smiled happily, leaning further into him as you smiled.
“…I love you too.”
“Uh-… P-Pumpkin!?”
You let out a happy giggle, turning your body fully towards him and wrapping your arms snuggly around his waist now. Holding him close as he seemed to squirm nervously within your arms.
“W-Wait, you’re awake-… Y-You weren’t supposed to hear that!! I-I- uh…”
You immediately leaned your face up towards his, gently pressing your lips against his mouth and catching him even more off guard. Though, you held yourself against him, your arms reaching up to wrap around his neck and continue kissing him.
It took him a moment, muffled babbling coming from his mouth that vibrated against your lips, before he eventually melted into the tender moment. Tenderly reaching up to place his hands against your cheeks and gently hold your jaw. It was too perfect of a moment to be real, you must’ve been dreaming.
He parted, pressing his forehead against yours and smiling gently, “…God, I would do anything to be with you forever…”
“Well… you won’t have to do much, silly~” You reassured him, gently moving your face to press your lips against the tip of his nose before snuggling back against him, burying your head now in his chest.
“Really…?” His hand found your chin, slowly bringing your face to look up at him, “Y-You mean that?”
You enthusiastically nodded up to him, your hands following his and laying on his cheeks, gently stroking at his sideburns and enjoying how silky his hair felt.
“Of course I do, dum dum… you’re stuck with me forever…” You giggled, leaning up to peck your lips along his jawline and stubble.
Before you knew it, he suddenly tackled you into a bear hug, wrapping his arms and legs snuggly around your smaller form. He was basically pining you to the bed, but his face wouldn’t stop nuzzling against your neck.
You paused, looking down to his chocolate brown eyes peeked up over your your face, his lips still against your neck as you could feeling him grinning.
“… Thank you…”
He paused, pressing the most tenderest of kisses against your skin as he sighed.
“I will never stop loving you… ever,” He whispered against you, now preparing to settle in for the night. That warm feeling rising in your chest every time you were this close to him. Just… safe.
“…Me neither.”
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kaemulti · 4 years
(this is for the like five people who liked my post about me writing this 😤✊🏾and i have an AO3 account but i don’t want my kpop fan life and my non kpop fan life to clash right now so hopefully i can post the chapters for this fic here. i hope i’m doing this right, i literally got tumblr like a month or two ago so pls be nice 💀💀)
Story Summary: Korra Kuruk is an eighteen year old agent of The Air Temple Agency that has been tasked with bringing a rival company’s top teen agent to justice for her crimes. Korra, code name Water Tribe, must figure out what the true identity of the elusive Metal Bender is and what heinous acts her villainous agency is currently planning. How will Korra handle finding out her target is the one person she least expected and what will she do when that same person needs saving?
Deadly Dance : Chapter One : Little Miss Perfect
Kuvira shut her eyes tightly, taking a deep breath through her nose until it filled every inch of her lungs. She slowly let it out once she couldn’t take in any more oxygen and opened her eyes with new determination, deep breath centering her thoughts and calming any nerves that might be lingering. She could feel the whole room’s eyes on her, whole class practically on the edge of their seats as they watched her prepare for the final part of the combination. Kuvira smirked, an evil, sly smirk that would have easily given away her true personality if any of her peers were actually that observant. Fortunately, they were all far to enthralled with her movement, eyes widening as she extended her arms and raised her head. A beat, and she was off, turning and waltzing like she was floating through the air as the music rose in volume. She could feel the sweat running down the sides if her face, causing her skin to itch, but she couldn’t care less, she was electric right now, practically on fire as she completed all the steps without a hitch. Her face never broke from the innocent and vulnerable look of the character she was playing. Her limbs were long and free, passion practically seeping from every pore as the combination came to a close. She ended the fouetté sequence flawlessly, face refusing to show how increasingly uncomfortable her pointe shoes became pain an afterthought to the captivating performance she was seconds away from nailing. With one last turn, she took her ending position, chest slowly rising and falling as the music faded away to silence.
“Absolutely fantastic as always, Kuvira! Everyone please give her a round of applause.” The teacher said enthusiastically, smile wide as she praised her best student.
Kuvira smiled softly as she bowed for the applause from the class. The praise was cut short as the third period bell had rang, meaning they had spent their five minute time period for changing back into their normal clothes watching Kuvira complete the combination.
“Oh, spirits! That’s the bell, sorry I kept you everyone! Hurry and change, those of you headed to lunch should be fine but I’ll write slips for anyone who is going to a class period! Hurry, hurry! Great work today!” The teacher said as her students scrambled around the room.
Kuvira quickly dropped to the floor, hastily taking off her pointe shoes and shoving them into her dance bag. She jogged to the dressing room and begun to change, ripping off her constricting tights and deciding to exchange her bra for her leotard to save time. She finished pulling her skirt on and adjusted her turtle neck, haphazardly slipping on her sneakers as she rushed out of the door.
Luckily for her, the lunch room was only a couple doors down, unluckily for her however, she didn’t pack a lunch and waiting in the line is known to take half of their lunch period. She pushed passed some students in the hallway, raising the tone of her voice to give half hearted apologies as she did so, not that they knew that of course. When she finally made it to the lunch room she scanned the area for the table with her friends, smiling once she caught sight of them.
Being at this school was her least favorite thing ever so the fact she had actually found a couple people that cared enough to talk to her had been a blessing.
“Nice job today, Kuvira!”
“You totally owned that combo! I wish I could dance like that!”
“You should be proud of yourself.”
The praises weren’t new to her so Kuvira simply offered a smile and a couple thank you’s as she reached the table.
“Well if it isn’t the swan princess herself.” Wing teased as she sat down.
“Haha, very funny, Wing. I told you not to call me that when we’re not in practice, especially because we aren’t even doing that ballet this year.” Kuvira said light heartedly as she pulled out her makeup compact.
“My apologies, Great Uniter.” He said with a bow and smirk. The Avatar ballet had been widely requested by everyone in the dance department and Kuvira was beyond happy when she got picked to play the avatar’s ultimate rival, The Great Uniter.
“How was class?” Baatar asked shyly, barely making eye contact with her as he did so.
“It was fine, my feet are killing me but ballet is my second favorite dance class so I don’t mind.” She replied sweetly as she put on her eyeliner.
“I’ll never understand how you can do that so flawlessly, are you just perfect or something?” Wei asked as he practically inhaled one of his spring rolls.
“I wouldn’t say “perfect”, just skilled.” She lied, adding a sharp tail to the liner. She was playing a character right now and, sadly, acting cocky wasn’t in the script.
“I just don’t get how she got here so fast!” Korra panted, placing her backpack on the floor as she slumped on the table. She had gotten lost in the sea of people all trying to get to lunch on time from dance and had to race to avoid the hall monitor.
“Maybe you’re slower than you thought.” Mako joked, offering her part of his sandwich like he always does. He loved Korra to death but that girl was so frantic she basically forgot her lunch three times a week.
“Must you bully me after I almost got trampled in the hallway, again?! I’m hurting.” She pouted, taking her half of the sandwich from him and eating most of it in one go.
“Maybe if you actually started telling Mrs. Xiao when you have five minutes left of class you’d be here on time.” Asami smirked, not even looking up from her chemistry homework to tease the panting girl.
“I would have but she was too busy watching Kuvira prance around the room.” Korra said with her mouth full, rolling her eyes as she thought of the older dancer flawlessly completing that day’s combination.
“I’ll never understand why she gets under your skin so bad, Kor, she’s literally an angel. Honestly, I don’t even think she’d hurt a fly if she had the chance. Besides, you guys are rivals in the ballet, not real life.” Bolin said, blowing on his noodles to cool them down before sucking them up violently.
“And I don’t see why you don’t, just look at her! Being the center of attention every chance she gets.” Korra pouted, gesturing to the girl doing her makeup in her small hand held mirror a couple tables down.
“Are you gonna leave your hair like that the whole day?” Huan asked Kuvira, face contouring to a grimace.
“Shoot, (spirits, she wishes she could’ve cursed) I didnt even notice, thanks, Huan.” She said, placing the compact down so she could dig through her bag for a brush. She always forgot to take her hair out of her ballet bun and Huan, being the guy who was absolutely incapable of staying out of other people’s fashion choices, never let her forget. Kuvira still remembers how she had to force a smile and act like she didn’t want to bust his jaw that one time he said she looked like a snob when her hair was up.
He was right of course, but it still annoyed her.
Kuvira pulled out the brush she was looking for and set it on the table as she started removing the bobby pins from her hair. She smiled a bit to herself as she got the last one out, her favorite part was next, letting her hair down as she felt everyone watch.
She let the bun unravel as she gracefully shook her head, long, dark waves cascading down her back, almost reaching her butt. Honestly, she needed a trim, she’d have to remind Unalaq to make time in her schedule to get one.
Kuvira picked up the brush and ran it through her hair just enough to make it look neat but not enough to brush out the waves. She could feel several eyes on her, both male and female, as she did so. Kuvira wasn’t oblivious, despite how she acted as her character, she knew she was way above average in looks and she liked the eyes on her, craved them even. She opened her eyes and smiled as she caught Baatar looking at her.
Kuvira liked catching him watching her the most because she knew he’d never have a chance with her, no matter how much he wanted one.
“Looks like the line is shorter now, I’m gonna go grab lunch.” She said sweetly, quickly whipping her head around to eye how many people were still waiting in the line. She was fast enough to identify ten sets, five more than last time, of eyes on her before they frantically looked away as she searched for eye contact. She stood up and flipped her hair, strutting to the lunch line with an innocent smile.
“Ok, but it’s not her fault she’s gorgeous, Korra, that’s hardly a reason to hate her.” Bolin said, back at their table, pulling Korra out of her daze as she watched the older girl strut to the lunch line.
“I never said I hated her, she just...bugs me...” Korra replied, crossing her arms with a huff. Ever since the first day Kuvira had transferred to their school something about her seemed too good to be true, leaving a nasty taste in Korra’s mouth when interacting with the older girl.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you have a crush on her, Kor.” Asami said, finally looking up from her, now finished, homework to quirk her brow at the pouty girl.
“Wha-no. No! I do not have a crush on little miss perfect, sprits!” Korra said, annoyance clear in her voice as she furrowed her brow at her friend’s accusatory tone.
“Whatever you say, you should really just ask her to the formal in two months.” Mako said before he drank from his water bottle.
“I will not! I don’t even like her like that. Tui and La you guys are impossible!” Korra said, standing up from her seat and heading to the lunch line—because she was hungry! Not so she could stand next to Kuvira, she had more dignity than that thank you very much.
“Hey, Kuvira! How are you today?” Ms. Li, one of the lunch ladies said sweetly.
“I am great, Yuyan, thank you for asking. How about yourself?” Kuvira replied politely. That was one thing Unalaq could never shake from her, her manners for people less fortunate than she was. She had spent a lot of time talking to the school staff when she first got this assignment, she would tell her bosses it’s so she could find her target quicker but that was all a lie. To most, she might be considered to be on the wrong side of history, even if she thought that was nonsense, but that didn’t mean she was soulless. She only wanted the best for these people, why would she be cold if she didn’t have to be?
“Well, I could be better, these kids really don’t know how to say a simple please and thank you. It, um, it gets to you sometimes, you know? But, hey, I guess it could always be worse. Thank you so much for ask—Oh! That reminds me, me and a couple of the other lunch ladies made this for you, since you are such a big help around here.” Ms. Li said, reaching behind her to grab a small chocolate cupcake before handing it to Kuvira.
“Thank you so much, it looks delicious.” Kuvira said, accepting the sweet treat and placing it on her tray with the rest of her food.
“Of course! Anything for our favorite student. Congratulations on getting the part of The Great Uniter by the way, we look forward to seeing you shine!” Ms. Li smiled.
Kuvira smiled brightly as she punched in her lunch number, swiping her school card quickly. She appreciated the praise and she new she deserved it, but too much of it could make her uncomfortable. She said one more thank you to Ms. Li and headed back to her table.
As she was walking however, she almost ran right into someone who was clearly not watching where they were going. If she had been anyone else, her tray would’ve went flying, along with the items on it, and there’d be a huge mess, luckily she wasn’t anyone else. She was Kuvira, member of the Metal clan, the most highly trained spy organization in the world, and she’d be damned if she let her special cupcake get squashed. She easily spun around the person, gracefully hoping one of the railings to catch her airborne tray, every single item she had purchased returning to their places. Well, all except her juice box, which was still airborne, about to land on the ground behind her. She whipped her head back around and made a move to catch it but instead saw her onstage rival, The Avatar, played by Korra Kuruk, hopping the same railing to catch the juice box before it hit the ground, her own lunch items fully intact on her own tray despite the vigorous movement.
“I am so sorry about that! Here, wouldn’t want you to lose this.” Korra said apologetically as she held out the juice box to a wide eyed Kuvira.
As soon as they made eye contact Korra seemed to have picked up on what had actually happened, her own eyes going wide as Kuvira snatched the juice box from her hands.
Before either of them could say anything, the pieces finally falling into place and their initial shock quickly flipping to furry, the fire alarm went off, blaring loudly in everyone’s ears and causing several people, excluding Korra and Kuvira of course, to flinch in their seats. They had been trained better than to get startled by a sudden noise.
“Ok, ok, everyone please grab your phones, and I mean only your phones, and exit the building!” One of the lunch monitors said, ushering kids out of the back entrance so they could head to the field.
Both girls glared at each other, breath heavy in a rage as they did so, before going their separate ways to their respective tables. Kuvira grabbed her phone and followed Baatar out of the lunch room, not bothering to look back at Korra. Nobody at her table asked questions, not having been paying attention to Kuvira when she left the table.
Korra however, returned to a table full of wide eyes and slacked jaws, her friends having watched the whole ordeal after Korra bailed at the mention of a crush.
“That was some ninja shit, Korra! Wh- How- When! When did you even learn how to do that?!” Wu asked, most likely coming off of his hall monitor shift to eat lunch with them moments before the alarm sounded.
“Movies. Come on, we need to get outside.” She said, anger clouding her eyes and lowering her voice. Nobody asked any more questions and, even if they wanted to, Korra was already walking away, one foot out of the door
One thing’s for sure, Korra now had more reason than ever to hate Kuvira.
Kuvira was undoubtably the Metal Clan Protegé that Korra was tasked with arresting for crimes against the environment and the less fortunate.
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riskeith · 4 years
hi babe, hope you slept well.. ♥️
answering on the phone is just *takes screenshots* *opens tumblr app* *switch between screenshots and answering* do you also put on my messages on the laptop and answering with your phone usually, because that’s what i do lmao sjshdks. thank god for technology.
(I LOVE BEING CALLED BRO.. i believe that i would’ve been a dudebro in another life tbh..) there is? i’m not super immersed in the fandom actually so i had no idea, do you have any examples? ofc only if you wanna talk about it i know these topics can sometimes be annoying to think about. also you’re right! ‘don’t like don’t read’ is the law. follow it. i can’t believe how some people have the nerve to talk about what other people do creatively... yikes
you should if you ever find yourself not knowing what to read! i think their fics were some of my first in the fandom and they set the bar so high hehe. dude i love how oikawa just wants to see kageyama burn it’s so funny..... he’s so cocky about it while kageyama’s just his moody self. speaking of; one of my fave fics of yours is the swapping jerseys one!
WTF 😭 BABY POOLS AND POOL FLOATIES..... razor please come back to us please. sidenote but do you also think that his powers are 5 star level? hes soo powerful it’s so odd how he’s only 4 star haha... or maybe it’s just me being biased.
YEAH! THE SAVING SCENE IS SO AHHHHH. god especially if they have dialogue while person a is hurting and person b just spills all their feelings and becomes so erratic and scared and person a is like holy shit you love me.... and after everything is okay there’s still some awkwardness and tension and aaa.... 💢💔
OOO. sadly the ps5 is always out of stock it’s crazy how fast it sold out. but i mean it makes sense it’s arguably the most popular console so.. hopefully they restock soon. last of us is such a fun game! and the second part is ~gay~ which is always a plus. i’m not sure which memes you mean? tell me 👁 HAHA that makes sense actually omg... lumine and aether reunion won’t happen until like two years if the updates keep coming the way they are (STOP THAT WOULD ACTUALLY BE SO FUNNY.... like hello if you want to unlock the rest of the story you either gacha $pin for it or you imagine it yourself love ♥️😗) talking about this makes me wonder what the other worlds might look like....
your followers are just here to witness us planning our co-op date sjsjdkdjskz. speaking of,,, hehe. i have some fantastic news. i’m at ar level 11 right now and co-op unlocks at level 16... i might just reach that tomorrow (today for you) so i’m just saying hehehehehehehehehehehe.... 😏♥️
BOWL CUT. my cutie little baby. also mullet? sounds nice omg you will probably rock that look... 😳 i’m a non mullet supporter but if cluna has a mullet then call me a yeehaw mullet lover i suppose. can’t believe my wife is a cowboy. OMG YEAH IT MUST FEEL SO NICE your head went bzz bzz. how long did it take for them to accept it? and yeah god ikr some people take hair so seriously which is fair but also i’ve never understood it... like it grows out..? wow you really went from a ballet girl to punk rock style huh. i feel like you’re the both sides of the ‘she was a punk she did ballet’ meme.
memo fic is a jealous fic? mmm smells good. I FIGURED jshdjdkhsjs slow songs are just not your forte, huh? rip. langst is the best yet worst thing ever tbh. and YEAH I DO we’re truly 🤝 ok literally mood sometimes it’s just nice to talk about how much you love a character through another character in a fic yk? so what if this 2k fic contains 1k words about how beautiful oikawa looks? it’s what iwa feels <3 (YOU’RE LEARNING!!!!!!! THATS SO EXCITING!! i guess you just have to drive me around, huh?)
oh i’m in love i’m with that fic my girl. and i knew about that spoiler it’s kind of hard to miss it since it’s everywhere skdhdkdhdk... god, that sounds so good thank you for sharing it. pining iwaizumi hajime >>>>>>>> the air i need to exist 🥺 
THE DAY IS SO SOON CLUNA, it’s literally here soooo soon holy shit i just can’t wait. i played for almost 6 hours today in a row like an idiot and now i never wanna see hilichurls again in my life but hey, one step closer to my baby. prepare yourself.. 😏
AWWW i had a feeling you’d be a tea person. but omg tea effects your sleep? how late is too late for you to drink it? what’s your favorite flavors? 👁 and i’m addicted to both shdkdhsks. i say addicted bc i literally have 6 cups of tea per day easily and like.. 1 or 2 coffee cups per day. it’s really bad but i can’t stop so.. 🙇🏽‍♀️
COLLEGE BOYFIES CLUNA. COLLEGE BOYFIES WITH DIP DYE HAIR. imagine them doing each other’s make up and nails before going to concerts together. imagine xiao in euphoria kind of make up. holy shit. here’s something for your overwhelmed heart jsdhjshska. xiaoven soulmates girl, no doubt about it. THE EDIT THE EDIT THE EDIT!!!! they just look so beautiful. we need scenes with them like Asap. the edit is based on a fic... notes down.
can’t wait to see your screenshots. super excited!!
xo, m.a. (i almost wrote my name down in a haste shshskdjdk... although you’ll find it out soon...)
hiya!! i slept alright~ ahaha
:o that’s smart! but no i don’t LOL whether i’m on my phone or my laptop i just continuously scroll up and down fhdskjfkhsdf i think that’s why i come close to missing some paragraphs some times oops. yay for the ~wonders of technology~
(AIGHT NICE AHAHHA fhsdkjfsh does that mean you’re a bit of a tomboy?) actually coincidentally i came across this thread: https://twitter.com/maxatsuomi/status/1350145589296685057 which gives you an idea lmao (also some things on there i wasn’t even aware of wtf) EXACTLY??? it’s even worse when non content creators try to come for content creators like?????????/ um you’re getting all this food for FREE and yet?????? lmfao the nerve of some people
i def will!! FKJSHFDSKJ yeah that do be their dynamic lolol. and thank you!! i too think i snapped on that one 😩😩 glad others agree ahahah
i actually haven’t really seen him in combat... and when we could trial him i was too busy trying to pass the quests to focus on how he fought fhdkfhsdkfjshf but i do think his abilities are cool!! he have wolf above head 🥺
YEAHHH BOYEEEEEEEEEEE god that reminds me of a scene from a drarry fic (What We Pretend We Can't See wink wonk)
oh damn!! hope they restock soon for your sake~ yissss ive watched a playthrough and omg lev.... my Son. i don’t think i can find the memes again but it was just about the bugs like how if you throw a grenade on the highway everyone will run out of their cars like a flashmob or something hfskfhsdjfkds. (LMAOOOOO) there’s actually a trailer with the other worlds! https://youtu.be/TAlKhARUcoY (it has spoilers tho supposedly lol. none we understand rn at least)
hdsfkhjs. omg you absolute legend!!!! but i also hope that you’re taking care of yourself and prioritising the important things too fhsfhdksdhf. but i am excited hehehehehe
AHHAAHKFHDSKJFSD pls... once i saw someone with an actual proper mullet on the bus and i was like “ew... keith would look like this irl?” FJSDHKFSAHKDASHDFSDJFKJFDSHFKJS. but what can i say i got influenced by all the kpop bois 😔 and hmmm idk? i think my dad didn’t care too much but ik my mum did/does fhsfskfsdfhkf so who knows lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. IT REALLY DOES GROW OUT LMAO LIKE. fhkshkfsdkj my cousin called me a rockstar when she saw it LOL so you’re prob right 🤪
yeah slow songs really just. aren’t LMAO ‘behind this mask of mine’ was based on a slow bts song and i put it in the playlist i had for it (bc obviously) but i wanted to skip it every time hfksjdhfskjdfhskfdkfhkslfhadksfjsdjhfkashkfjsdh. EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!! you are so correct. (hehehe i was gonna say that too that you don’t need to drive bc it’ll take you around 😏 LMAO)
fhkdsj thank!! legit pining iwa.......... more like pining ME mayhaps i just be self projecting 🤪🤪
lolol dw i can fight the hilichurls for you 😩 also who’s your fave enemy to fight! i used to like fighting the treasure hoarders most but the hilichurls are cute.. FHSKJDHFSDFKJSD plus i need their fucking masks my god why are their drop rates so shit hfsdhjfks
i’m not too sure actually? i’ve never been up early enough to test it but i like drinking tea like after dinner... which is the problem AHAHA. hmm well i like matcha a lot LOL but also chai? and then like black tea.... all the other ones too... i used to drink some fruity ones which were nice but we have a lot of the like basic chinese ones at home too and i enjoy those as well lol. wbu?? omg.... m.a........... dfhksdfkjhfkjshfksjd that’s a lot!!!!!!! do you even need to drink water then HKDSJFHKSDFHDKDSHFJKSDH
omg............. ive never seen euphoria LOL but ............. omg ...................... i cannot process thoughts rn.....
xoxo!! c.r. (you mean bc we’ll be playing co-op? you don’t have to if you’re uncomfy fhdskjf my genshin name was literally ‘aether’ up until yesterday FHDFHSDKFSDFJSHFKSDF)
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madamsixx · 4 years
Beyond The Leather:
Chapter 8: Nikki Annoying Sixx
Tumblr media
February 20, 1985
Six New messages
Hey Mani its Nikki, sorry about yesterday I didnt mean to speak to you like that. You just get under my skin somtimes. Well call me back I'd like to see you.
Beep : Message Deleted
Sooooo I'm calling again to check up on you. You haven't called me back. Call me back.
Beep: Message Deleted
Mani your really fucking pissing me off ok call me back. By the way I'm learning how to cook for you. Well actually us. The things I do for you.
Beep: Message Deleted
Hey princess I'm sorry ok, just talk to me. Were having alot of fun in the studio. Tommy wants you to come by. Plus you should try the food I made.
Beep: Message Deleted
Princess please call me back. Stop fucking ignoring me. Your making me angry.
Beep: Message Deleted
Mani I miss you. Please call me.
Beep: Message Deleted
That was the last messege I listened to before ripping the phone cord out. I have been ignoring him since the last time I saw him. Nikki was into drugs and that wasn't my life. I'm a respectable girl who comes from a respectable family and my mom would throw a fit if she ever found out I was hanging out with someone like Nikki sixx. He will just have to get over us being friends. Anyways, Tamara came back scolding me on my outfit for the Joan Rivers interview. She said I looked awful that made me laugh actually. Theresa was fired right away because of what happened, but also because she was doing drugs. I was now on a very tight leash. Especially because I got the part for the movie. And after my birthday in September, I will no longer be doing teen magazines. I will be featured on the cover of the biggest magazines.
"Hey honey soooo theres two things, one in March you will be on the cover of Sports Illustrated Magazine and two you have an interview with Barbara Walter's." Tamara shouted and I jumped up screaming. "She is sooo excited to meet you." I ran and hugged her this was exciting. I couldn't wait to tell my mom. I was heading home for a couple of weeks. "Um why did you unplug the phone cord missy?" Tamara ask with one hand on her hip and the other holding the cord.
"Oh uh I tripped over the cord by accident sorry. Haha clumsy me." I lied. ______
I spent the evening until night shopping. I started to realize I was a shopaholic when I constantly kept going out to buy new clothes, jewellery, heels, and hand bags. I was really into fashion and mixing cloths together. I was also into cosmetics like really into it. Maybe down the line I'll venture into business, but for now its acting and modeling.
I was inside a shop and saw this really cute handbag. I mean I had several but why not get one more. I purchased it, and I'm not going to tell you the price. I headed out of the store and got into my limo. Can you beleive it, I'm in a limo.
When I reached back at the condo. My chauffeur helped me get my bags out and carry them upstairs. "Thank you Daniel." I say while giving him 100. "No problem Miss Darlington." He took it and left. I saw a note by the table.
Went to office be back later- Tammi.
Well I'll show her what I bought when she gets back. I was so excited to start trying on my new clothing. And everything else with it. This was the life that I never thought I could have. I bought some stuff for my sisters, my mom, and aunts and uncles. They will really love them. I sheded down into my bra and panties taking off cloths and trying new ones. I put on these nice thigh high boots that could be worn in the winter time. After all I am going home for a couple of weeks. And its snowing in Canada. With a cute black romper. I heard a knock on the door and ran to go and get it. "Coming!" I yelled. I opened it up with out even looking through the peek hole, stupid me.
And saw none other then Nikki annoying Sixx, and he did not look happy. I tried to shut it right away but he put his arm between the door and was pushing back.
"Mani please just let me in." He says while he's forcefully trying to get in.
"Nikki go away!" I say pushing back.
With a big push. Nikki forces the door open and the impact sends me flying and hitting the ground with a thud.
"Oh shit I'm sorry." He laughs.
"It's not funny my butt cheek is hurting you ass!" I yell at him.
"Tsk tsk tsk I thought you didn't swear princess." He smirks.
God he is truly annoying.
"C'mere doll let me help you up." He wobbles towards me almost loosing his footing. He was drunk and probably high.
"Your drunk Nikki, you need to leave Tamara is downstairs." I lied.
"I'm drunk and high." He smirks. "And no shes not."
"And how do you know?" I asked furrowing my brows.
"Because I saw her leave and shes going to be gone for a while." He smiles walking towards my shopping bags.
"So you camped outside the condo until she left?" I asked walking behind him.
"No I camped on the 5th floor in some random chicks place. She let me come in with her." He says while pulling cloths out of the bags.
What the hell is wrong with this guy. I mean really!
"Nikki why are you hear?" I demanded.
"Im here because your ignoring my fucking phone calls. I've left you several fucking messages and your not returning them!" He shouted as he got in my face. I could smell the alcohol on his breath.
"Well of course I'm ignoring your calls. And now that you know one hundred percent that I am, you can go back to the 5th girls place or get out!" I yelled motioning towards the door.
Nikki smiled then walked towards the couch and sat down he kicked his feet up on the table like he was at home and put his hands behind his head. "I drove here. Your not really gonna kick a drunk and high guy out of your home to go driving on the streets now will you?"
I can't believe this guy. I was seething with anger. How dare he use something that happened to Vince to stay over here. "Nikki that is a really awful thing to say, that's not a joke. I want you out right now." I say with a stern voice.
"No." He sneered. He kicked his shoes off then grabbed the TV remote turned it on then changed it to MTV.
I had enough of this guy. I decided to just call security and have them deal with him. I took off my boots then walked towards the phone picking it up to dial security. Next thing I know Nikki is charging at me grabbing the phone from my hand.
"Nikki stop it!" I yelled trying to grab the phone back.
"Just calm the fuck down Iman!" He shouted in my face. I then slapped him across the face. Something I wish I didnt do because at that point Nikki saw red. He then picked me up over his shoulders with me kicking and screaming. And walked towards my room.
"Put me down now you jerk!" I yelled.
He then threw me on the bed pinning my arms over my head. "Calm the fuck down!" He yelled
"No!" I yelled back struggling to get out of his grip. He then leaned closer to my face. Making me smell the whisky on his breath. His lips brushed against mine and he whispered with a very low voice. "Calm down princess." He bit his lips and I started breathing hard. He slowly used his legs to spread my legs open and settled in between them. I felt how hard he was through his pants.
"Your so fucking beautiful." He whispered and used his thumb to graze my bottom lip.
Nikki was dangerous. He was dangerous because he was good looking. He has a baby face, beautiful eyes, beautiful hair he's a bad boy, and he's in the biggest rock band there is. Girls love him and would fall for him so easily with out even realizing that he has a lot of problems. Drugs were his number one problem. And as long as he was doing drugs, he would always have problems.
"But I'm young Nik, and you do drugs." I say struggling to sit up and move him up off of me.
"I know princess." He moved to the side of my bed and sat with his back against the head board. He sat there in silence thinking for a bit.
"Iman I'm back, oh my God what is this mess in the living room?" I heard Tamara come in. My eyes nearly popped out of my head. "Nikki stay silent please or so help me God." I whispered to him. "Ok princess." He chuckled.
I ran out of the room with my heart eating ten time fast.
"Hey Tammi sorry I went shopping." I started picking up the bags off the ground.
"Yeah I can see that." Her eyes went wide.
"What is it with you and this phone." She picks the receiver up and puts it back.
"Sorry I was calling some of my friends." I turn over and notice Nikki's boots on the living room carpet. I slowly move towards the carpet to grab the boots.
"Honey can you grab me a drink please I'm very exhausted." Tamara asks as she walks towards the living room couch to sit down. My heart was racing u was praying that she wouldnt see those cowboy boots just lying there on the carpet. She would know for sure that someone was here. "Um sure." I walked to the kitchen and poured her some cranberry juice than brought it back to her. I grabbed one of the shopping bags and knelt down by the table and picked up the boots and put them in. "Alright I'm going to bed." I started running.
"Um hello excuse me take the rest of these bags to your room. Your making this place look like a garbage dump full of bags!" She yelled. I ran back and packed the rest of the things I bought including my boots that I kicked off. "Goodnight Tami." I hugged and kissed her. "Goodnight sweety." She kissed back. I got into the room and let out a long sigh. I looked over at Nikki who took off his blue and gold jacket and threw it on the floor and was comfortably sleeping on my bed. I crawled on my bed and shook him. "Nikki." I whispered "Nikki you have to go once Tamara goes to bed."
"Mmmm no." He says snuggling into my pillow. Well what more could I do I guess he's spending the night. I got up and turned the light off then grabbed shorts and a tank top and changed into them. I got into my bed and layed beside him and just stared at him. I starting to caress his cheek all the way to his jaw and he squirmed a bit. He then opened his beautiful green eyes and looked at me.
"Can you promise me something princess?" he whispered
"promise you what?" I whispered back.
"Promise me that when you come of age and I get my shit together that you'll be my girl. That you'll be mine and only mine?" I nodded with a smile. "No I need to hear you say it so I know there's hope." "I promise to be yours Nikki." I smiled. He leaned over and kissed the top of my head then pulled me closer to him. I snuggled tight agaisnt him and we went to sleep in each others arms.
The next day I woke up, and my eyes went wide when I realized Nikki was still in my bed. I dont know if he snores alot in his sleep when he's not drunk. But he certainly snored alot last night. I barely slept. I turned over to look at him. He looked like an angel. His messy hair was all over my pillows. I didn't want to wake him, but I know I had to. I nugded him to wake him up a bit. But he didn't even move. So then I decided after what he he did yesterday by making me hurt my butt cheek when I fell, payback seemed fair. I lifted myself into sitting position on the bed with my feet on his torso and my hands positioned behind me to give me a good balance. I pulled my legs towards me then gave him one big kick off the bed. He rolled off hitting his body on the ground and his head on the small dresser beside my bed. Woops!
"Ow you bitch, what the fuck!" He shouted on the ground. Where I couldn't see him.
"Hahahahahaha pay back hurts dosen't it."
"Fuck you."
"Now now Mr.Sixx no swearing." I chuckled.
He got up and climbed back onto the bed sitting and holding his head.
"You snore a lot."
"So I'm told." He looked at me with a smile.
"You have to go Nik."
"So your not even gonna make me breakfast. What kind of girl doesn't make breakfast for her man when he spends a night." He moves closer to me and I push away. "First off I would never make you breakfast especially when your capable of doing it your self. And second I'm not your girl." I say pointing to myself.
"Yet." Nikki says with a full on smile plastered on his face.
"I gotta use your washroom to piss. And where are my boots?" He asks getting off the bed scratching his untamed hair. I got off the bed and grabbed the plastic bag I put them in and gave them to him. He grabbed them and put them on.
"Look Nik pee in your pants or pee outside but you need to go now before Tammi catches you." I pleaded.
"Alright fine fine." He picks up his jacket and walks towards the door.
"Wait let me check first." I poke my head out to see if the coast is clear. And then signal him to come. I push him out the door fast, then run to the kitchen to grab the garbage.
"What's the garbage for, it's not even full?" He asks.
"I'm pretending like I'm throwing it away." I start giggling because he's looking at me like I'm a little devil.
"Oh babe you and me are gonna get along just fine." He says as he puts his arm around me to start walking. "So can I see you later on?"
"Sure, I'm heading back to Canada for a couple of weeks tomorrow. And I wont be back till March 11. Cause I have a photo shoot with Sports Illustrated Magazine on the 12 in the morning."
"Wow, so I need to take you somewhere special. That way you'll think of me while your away." We stopped by the elevator and he turned me to face him. Nikki could make a girls knees buckle in a second that's how good looking he was. But I kept trying to remind my self that he was no good. He could never be the man I would want him to be. But then again he did ask me to keep that promise. And he did say when he gets his "ish" together. So who knows.
"Um so I'll pick you up later?" He scratches his head and looks down at his shoes.
"Ok." I smile.
He pushes the elevator button and it comes up. We wave each other good bye. I'm not sure what this is between Nikki and I. But what ever it is, he's got me thinking about him more. A lot more. _________
I sat waiting for Nikki. He had called to say he was going to come at 3:30. It was now 4:26. I started pacing around my room. When ever I would hear the phone ring I would run to it hoping that it was him but then get disappointed when it wasn't. I started thinking about last night. What me and Nikki talked about, I did really like him. But I dont like the whole groupies, drugs, and bad boy stuff. If I was to have any future with him a lot would have to change. But also I'm still young so for me to even be thinking about these things is weird. I should be thinking about chilling with friends, sleepovers, and gossiping. But I wasn't, I didnt have any friends here in LA. Maybe that's why when ever Nikki would come around I would tag along with him. Cause the truth is I felt lonely. Nikki isn't good for me but he's the only one I have to talk to, besides Tamara. And shes always working. I had Theresa as well, but because she was fired I have no idea where she is and if she would even talk to me.
4:40 pm
I called Nikki's number again and there was no answer.
5:30 pm
Tamara called she said she would be coming back late. I hope Nikki calls.
6:15 pm
Nikki called and apologized. At least he did call. He said he'll be here by 6:30 so thats great. It means he didn't forget about me.
9:00 pm
I sat in front of the TV blankly staring at it. I couldn't tell you what was on cause I didn't really care. I just heard noises. Yelling, screaming, and someone saying please dont kill me. I sat there for another 10 minutes and then turned the TV off and went to bed. Nikki wasn't coming.
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hollywwav · 5 years
Climbing the Corporate Ladder (DiaDop fanfic)  Chapter 2
Summary: The new president and his young assitant come to change things for good on Passione Inc., a company dedicated to make up and female beauty.
The young boy is secretely in love with his boss, but thanks to an embarassing accident he will have the chance to get more closer to him! Or not…?
An AU where Doppio, the Bucci gang and other characters work for Diavolo, with the special participation of La Squadra!
Warnings: none.
Chapter 2:  [TOUCH ME] //ΛLLNITELONG//     
So Diavolo got closer again to kiss him passionately, with much more strenght that before. Doppio just closed his eyes and got carried away with the pleasure his boss was giving, but it scalated quickly for him when Diavolo rubbed his leg between his crotch and ripped off his white shirt, making some buttons pop out and revealing the young boy’s pale chest. The boss was hungry for Doppio’s body and started to kiss and suck on his delicate skin. Doppio was so impacted by Diavolo’s actions, the only thing he could think in that moment was that everything wasn’t happening and it was a wonderful dream, that it couldn’t be possible... then he looked at the office’s door, glanced at the tiny picture frame of Trish above the desk and realized the gravity of the situation, pushing the boss away quickly, trying to escape from what he thought was a fantasy ...
“N-No!! Ahh... we can’t!!”
“Uhh?!! What?” said his boss, concerned about the boy’s reaction.
 “Oh... was I too rough for him, right?”
“We can’t... do this!... anyone could enter... to the office...”
“I can’t do this!... you’re married!... and your daughter...” said the boy trying to catch his breath, with little drops of pleasure tears running down his cheeks.
Diavolo stood there with a blank face for a moment and then started laughing for Doppio’s surprise.
“Oh, my Doppio... hahaha... you get worried for such silly things!... hahahaha...!!”
Diavolo touched the boy’s face softly and looked at him with a tender smile.
“I’m happily divorced since a couple of years ago, Doppio. And well, about Trish... she still visits me from time to time. I live alone in this moment.”
“...oh...” said Doppio, feeling dumb about the whole situation, and a bit relieved at the same time.
“And you... are single too?”
“So... there’s nothing wrong about what we are doing...would you like me to continue?”
“Well, actually...” the boy looked aside shyly and thought about the correct words to say.
“I don’t know... I really liked it, boss... but I think there is something wrong. We shouldn’t do these kind of things here... and also... I’m a bit surprised, I thought you would get mad. I really didn’t expect you to like me... at all”
“I understand. And yes, you’re right... we can’t do this here...” Diavolo crossed his arms and looked down, thoughtful.
“...So... what now...?” said the young boy, afraid about the destiny of all this issue.
“Let me propose you something, my Doppio. If you’re still interested in this... would you like me to take you to my favorite hotel after work? I promise nobody will know about this, if you’re worried about it...”
“Oh...” Doppio just stood there with a astonished face.
“I will give you some time to think about it. If you accept, please let me know before 7:30pm. If you’re still unsure and need more time, you can also tell me.”
“O-ok, boss... thank you”
“Now please go and wash your face. We have so much to do in so little time...”
“Understood. I will go and-” the boy stopped on his tracks and came back to Diavolo.
“What’s wrong?”
“I-I’m sorry, but you teared down my shirt. Now I will have to use the vest and fix my tie so no one notices it...”
Doppio washed his face and slapped his right cheek in an intent to check if he was still in the real world. Then looked at himself in the mirror, trying to process all that happened.
 “The boss... he kissed me... he touched me... he... he was going to rip all my clothes off...!!”
   “What should I do now? My dream came true and I don’t feel prepared for it... this sounds like a joke!!”
   “N-no, no, no... Calm down, Doppio. Now you will focus on the work, we don’t want to get hard again in front of other people!”
  “Yes, you will go and take care of the job... and just after that, you will say your boss you accept his invitation. Nothing can go wrong, the guy is divorced and lives alone. You can fill the emptiness of his heart easily... you will drive him crazy with your cuteness”  The boy felt a sudden sense of self-confidence, and he was going to take advantage of it. Yes, he felt capable of doing anything right now. Nothing was impossible.
Narancia, the assistant from the accounting department, entered the bathroom when Doppio was drying his hands.
“Hey Doppio, how you doing- Woah! You look feverous today! You got the flu, too?”
“Uhh... yeah... I think I’m getting sick too... I’d have to take care about myself but, well...”
The hours passed in a blink, literally, and the long-awaited hour was approaching. Doppio finished managing the last calls and checked the clock. 7:00 PM. He was nervous, but decided to go to the boss’ office anyways. He was more excited than anything. The young assistant knocked on Diavolo’s office, and quietly entered when he received the permission to do so.
“Umm... boss... can we talk about the proposition you made to me this morning?”
Diavolo stopped typing on his laptop, smirked, and crossed his legs.
“Of course, my Doppio. Have you decided yet?”
“Y-yes... I... I accept...” said shyly, looking down and scratching his neck a bit.
“Perfect. Let me arrange these things so we can leave in a few minutes. Do you still have to finish anything yet?”
“No, my work is done. But if you need anything else, I can take care of it right now”
Diavolo packed all his things in the briefcase and Doppio did the same with his belongings, then put on their coats and scarfs to cope with the cold temperature. The boss guided him outside to his black car, glued to the phone and talking to god knows who in another languaje the young assistant didn’t understand.
“It must be italian... I can’t really understand anything but... ahh... it sounds so romantic”
Doppio sat down in the soft car seat and Diavolo drove directly to the hotel, one of the highest and fanciest buildings in the city. The young boy was so excited to be in the same car with his boss, and glanced at him every second, admiring his facial features and long hair. Now the boy realized that Diavolo’s hair had a really nice scent, like strawberries. Doppio thought about asking him what shampoo did he use, because he never saw a product with that kind of fragance. Oh, he was so nervous. They didn’t say a word in the entire ride, so Doppio started laughing a bit, because of the nervousness and expectations.
Before entering the hotel room, Diavolo broke the silence.
“Oh, do you want anything to eat before this? Are you hungry?”
“N-Not really. Giorno brought sandwiches this afternoon from that artisan bakery he loves, and I think I had too much... ugh, I got full by eating so fast...”
“Oh... haha”
They both entered and placed their heavy coats on an armchair. Doppio glanced at the interior of the room and was amazed by such luxury. It looked like those photos from an 80’s department and home decor magazine. Ceramic floor with a dark crimson color, a large sofa ubicated around a small glass table, a couple of more black armchairs, geometric dim lights, silky curtains matching the crimson scheme and several palm pots distributed throughout the place. The curtain was half opened and Doppio could observe a bit of the dreamy vision of the night and luminous city.
“Woah... this place is amazing, boss!”
“I know, right?. That’s why it’s my favorite hotel. Do you want to drink something?”
“M-maybe a glass of water?” Doppio’s throat was really dry.
Diavolo walked to the bedroom and stopped when he realized the boy was distracted with the external view, not following him.
“Doppio... you can come in already...”
“Oh- Ok!”
The boy entered and sat on the king size bed, and started bouncing his leg, looking aside. His nervousness did not dissapear. Oh no. He was starting to feel unsure about what he was going to do. He felt like he couldn’t get on the mood again like he did in the morning. He was thinking about dropping out of this.
“Should I tell him I don’t want to do this anymore? He will get mad!! Could I please him exactly like he is expecting to? Am I worthy?? Am I capable???... oh no, I think I’m going to cry again...”  
“My Doppio... you don’t have to be nervous right now. Everything is gonna be ok” said his boss caressing his cheek.
“Come here” Diavolo wrapped his arms around the boy’s waist and helped to sit on his lap.
“W-what are we going to do, exactly?” the boss chuckled a bit.
“My sweet Doppio... you’re so innocent... I love that...”
Diavolo kissed him directly, a hot and juicy kiss that made the young boy melt. Then started to push his tounge inside, making the boy taste him completely. It’s was his first time french-kissing. For some reason Doppio thought about an acid candy. Strange. After some seconds they broke the kiss to catch the breath, and then Diavolo started to unbutton the boy’s vest and undo his red tie.
“I’m really sorry for tearing down your clothes...”
“Well... I... I actually liked it... I think that was kinda hot...”
“Really? Then... can I rip it completely? I will buy you a new one”
“Yes, please!” said the boy eagerly, with a full flushed face and dilated eyes.
The older man smirked completely satisfied with the boy's attitude and ripped off slowly his shirt with a loud groan. Doppio felt like he was going to be eaten by an enormous fantasy creature, like a werewolf or something like that. He looked so vulnerable in comparison. Diavolo finished tearing the fabric and enjoyed how the buttons popped out everywhere, and now he was facing at the assistant’s bare chest, inhaling and exhaling agitated by the growing arousal. Doppio’s heart was beating like crazy.
“Mmm...ohhhh.. boss...!!”
“Oh... Doppio... what cute nipples you have...”
The boy was pinned down to the bed and Diavolo started rubbing his nipples gently, as well the rest of his abdomen. It was like he wanted to touch and memorize every aspect of his employee’s body. Doppio closed his eyes and remembered the daydream from that morning. He started to drool a bit.
“Ohh... boss... you’re... you’re so nice with me...!”
Diavolo didn’t reply, instead wrapped his mouth around one of the rosy nipples and sucked and licked it slowly, making the boy’s dick twitch in his pants. Doppio felt like he was going to explode.
“Ohhh... ahhh...!!!”
The boss kissed him everywhere, focusing on his neck, and then unbuttoned his pants and slipped them off, revealing his purple boxers. Doppio thought he was going to take it off in that exact moment,but his boss just got closer to his member and gave a little kiss through the fabric. It made the young employee shudder and moan loudly.
“My Doppio... my sweet little Doppio... I wanted to do this since the first time I saw you...”
“W-what? R-Really, boss?...”
“Yes. I didn’t really know how to declare myself. I’m so glad you accepted to be with me tonight...”
“...H-Honestly... I still think this is a dream... everything is so perfect... you took me in your car... and then allowed me to be in your favorite hotel room... you’re touching me like no one ever did... I think I’m dead and went to my own heaven...” Diavolo stopped what he was doing and looked at the boy, perplexed. He didn’t ever heard those kind of things from anybody... not even his ex-wife.
“Woah. I’m really impressed... you’re so full of surprises, my Doppio... I think you do a job more than excellent... you deserve a special reward... you deserve to fulfill your biggest fantasies with me...” said the older man taking off slowly his shirt, teasing the boy, making him open his eyes and mouth wide.
Diavolo finished unbuttoning his clothing and slowly revealed his chest and strong arms. For the boy’s surprise, a pattern of black lines appeared and Doppio discovered his boss always had floral patterns as tattoos, but no one had seen them before.
“You say I’m full of surprises, but I could never have imagined you had tattoos!”
“What do you think? Do you like them? You can touch this all you want” said the older man caressing his chest and arms teasingly.
“Well, I never liked tatoos, it’s not really my thing... but yours are so pretty!”
“Haha... you’re saying that just to get a raise, do you?” said the boss raising an eyebrow, half joking and half saying it seriously.
“Eh? Of course not, boss! I-I’m being honest...actually...” Doppio examined his boss’ arms, touched his broad abdomen and fondled his toned chest, blushing and with half-lidded eyes. Also sighed heavily.
“I don’t want to sound cheesy... but you look like a greek sculpture to me... you’re so perfect... you’re perfect with or without clothes... I adore you, boss... I desire you...I mean it...”
Diavolo’s eyes dilated at the boy’s speech. He took off the boxers and trowed them away, huffing uncontrollably. Then opened the cap of a lube bottle. Those words stimulated his ego fairly good, and he wanted more.
“Oooh... Doppio... I’m going to fuck you so good...”
Diavolo covered his fingers with a good amount of liquid, and brought them closer to the boy’s entrance. He rubbed them in that spot for a moment before entering the first finger, making the boy yelp at the touch.
“My Doppio... is this your first time?”
“Y-yeah...” the boy was a bit ashamed, he never was intimately with anyone and didn’t have any experience at all. He felt like a loser around other men, specially his boss. Diavolo acted like a pro in everything he did.
“That’s perfectly fine, my Doppio. I’m happy to be the first person for you. I feel really lucky...”
Doppio’s heart was pounding from all that praise. He never felt so loved like in this moment.
“And so... what do you exactly like about me? I mean, do you like me just because I’m hot?”
“I-I don’t like you just beacuse of your looks, boss! I really like being with you... at least for some hours everyday. I... I love how you treat me so well... so kindly... maybe I’m dumb for liking those things but it’s the truth... and how you do all the things you do... you’re a perfect leader... you’re so confident and intelligent... I admire you...”
Diavolo moaned in response, adding more fingers and moving them in and out.
“Ohh... I see... and... is there something you like the most about me?”
“You- your hair!!” said the boy instantly without hesitation and between moans, surprising him.
“Ahh...! Y-Yours is the most beautiful hair I have ever seen... it makes you look exotic...” Diavolo huffed, taking off his pants and opening a condom he had saved in the back pocket.
“...and your lipstick... it’s the cherry on top”
“Oh... fuck... you’re so good, Doppio...”
Diavolo finished putting on the condom down his 8 inches, and Doppio glanced at the length, a bit concerned and intimidated. His dick was so tiny in comparison. In the other hand, he was flattered the older man cared about safe sex.
“Umm... boss... it is... it’s huge... it won’t fit!”
“Don’t worry, my Doppio... I promise to be gentle, and you will love it.”
“Ohh... ohhh... I think it’s... too much for me...!!” said the boy when Diavolo pushed his member slowly, making him hold onto the bed sheets, trembling because of the filling sensation.
“Ahh... you’re so tight...”
Diavolo stopped moving so the boy could feel used to the older man’s cock, and distracted him lowering himself and placing small kisses on his cheeks, nose, and eyelids.
“You’re the most lovely thing whom I had the pleasure to have sex with, mio dolce Doppio...”  
“Oh! That’s italian? P-Please, boss! Keep talking...!! I love when you speak like that!”
Diavolo did what his assistant asked, happy to discover the boy’s special kink while moving in and out, thrusting his sweet spot.
 “Doppio...ooh, Doppio... mio bello Doppio... ti  desidero  tanto...”
  “Boss...!!” the boy closed his eyes and panted uncontrollably.
   “S  ei così adorabile  ... voi fa un lavoro fantastico... s  ei perfetto per me  ...”
“Ah-! Boss! I-It hurts! You’re going too fast!”
“I’m sorry, my dear... I just can’t help it... is it better?”
Diavolo adjusted to the perfect pace for the young boy and made him cry of pleasure, embracing his boss tighly and groaning loudly.
“Ooohh... so good, boss! So gooood...!!”
“I wanted to fuck you so much... since so long... I needed to be inside you, like you don’t imagine...” said the boss huffing between words and thrusting at a quicker pace.
“B-Boss... I... I love working for you...!!”
“I would love to know... what kind of things you dreamed to do with me... did you wish to have my huge cock deep inside you?”
“Yes, boss!”
“Did you wish for me... to rip all your clothes off and eat you up?”
“Did you wish to touch me... to make me whisper you romantic things... and satisfy other kinks I don’t know?”
“Yes...!! yes...!! Ah- I’m gonna...!”
“Come with me, my sweet Doppio!” groaned the older man, grabbing the boy’s member and giving it a few pumps, just enough to finally release his seed and wet their bodies. Doppio thought about yelling “I love you” but for some reason he didn’t, he couldn’t think straight.
“Booooosssss...!!!” moaned out loudly, arching his back and rolling his eyes back.
Diavolo followed, slamming his hips for a last time and coming a lot inside the condom. He stood there for a few moments trying to recover oxygen, as well his young assistant. Then pulled out and gave the boy a sweet kiss in the forehead, before falling by his side, and giving him a tender but tired look.
“Oh, Doppio. You were fantastic... did you like it? It was like you imagined?”  
“I loved it! But, no... it wasn’t like what I figured in my mind...” Diavolo opened his eyes, almost afraid at the boy’s statement.
“...It was thousands of times better, boss... you were amazing”
“Oh... haha... well... I don’t want to sound rude, but... I’m really tired from today’s work and... I really need to sleep. Is it ok?”
“Oh. Well... it’s fine. I’m tired, too”
“Thanks for understanding... have a good night, my Doppio” said the boss kissing his cheek.
“Sleep well, boss.. Oh! But- wait!”
“I just wanted to thank you... thank you so much for letting me be with you!”
“Aw. You’re welcome, my sweet Doppio. Thank you so much for being you...”
Diavolo instantly fell asleep, it looked like he released a good amount of retained tension. Doppio had to wait like twenty minutes to finally sleep, he was overwhelmed by everything that happened that crazy day, and couldn’t know how to organize his thoughts. What was going to do from now? His boss took away his virginity, but he didn’t say he loved him... He just kept calling him “boss”...would he get to live with a busy man like him? Oh, Doppio... now you’re feeling insecure again... but the sleepiness is winning... uhhh...
The next morning, they both had a quick breakfast and the older man took him to the office in his car, passing by a Christian Dior store and buying him a new long sleeve white shirt. No one noticed the young boy entering with the company's president, everyone was involved on their business.
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Multiverse is a Curse Word (8)
I’m pretty sure there’s going to be one more chapter after this. What a ride!
Addi, the Dimension Jumper AU, and the Drifting Dimensions AU belongs to @hntrgurl13. The Adrift AU belongs to @the-subpar-ghost, and the Addiford ship to @scipunk63. Kudos to these dudes and their cool-ass brains.
@deadpool-demon-diva and @thejesterlyfictionista, TAKE IT.
AO3  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11
Chapter 8: A Resistance of Butt-Faces
Adeline shook her head. Well, that was the best last-minute gift idea I’ve ever seen someone think of, she thought. Ford was so lucky she had an unreasonable amount of technology.
She decided to go see the results, the idea of watching Mabel’s face light up like Christmas enough of an incentive to get her out of bed. As she reached the girl’s room, however, both she and her uncle barged out excitedly and crashed into her. Barely pausing for long enough to give her a kiss, Ford’s words trailed behind him as they rushed past: “Backsoongonetotestgunout!”
Mabel gave her an equally quick, but bone-crushing, hug, and said, “Thanksomuchloveyou!” and then they were gone.
I guess it went well.
The door of the room that had just been so exuberantly vacated swung a little in the breeze. Addi glanced inside briefly, and then did a double take.
There was a locator lying on the floor. That was strange. Mabel or Ford must have accidentally pocketed one of hers . . . except that she had checked the sell-bag, and everything had been accounted for.
The locator wasn’t hers, and it had been in Mabel’s room. That was concerning. She had given Julian a locator when she met him, recognising that she might need his help in the future. So, it must be his then . . . but he wouldn’t leave something like this lying around in an infrequently-used guest room.
Locators were rare. Extremely rare. They came as a set with portal beacons. Portal beacons had only been invented in one dimension, where she had fixed up a fairly broken down one that no one else had needed. Otherwise, they were not given away lightly. She knew of hardly anyone who had visited that dimension . . . apart from the resisters she had been temporarily stranded there with.
She squatted down to pick up the piece. As she rose, she turned it over to examine the curved edge. Her stomach dropped as she saw the frequency number of the beacon it was tuned to: not hers. Not good.
Addi remembered being stuck on a planet overridden by technology with a friend. She remembered patching up a broken portal beacon, and laughing as her friend somehow acquired a fully functional one. Years later, she had told her friend about Stanford Pines, a genius who could do anything if he put his mind to it. Her friend had been intrigued, and had commented on how much of a valuable asset he would be. She remembered Ford being holed up in a briefing room with her friend for almost an entire day, where, hypothetically, a tracking device could have been planted on him at any time.
The device slipped through Addi’s fingers, making a crack on collision with the wooden surface and bringing her back to the present.
There was an active locator lying on the floor. That was alarming. It belonged Wesley. That was . . . great. Just great.
She sprinted towards her sword.
The rockslide was the most pleasant-looking disaster area Mabel had ever seen. It was towards the base of the volcano, where the ground just began to slope upwards, and all the sharp edges of broken boulders were softened by the leafy plants slowly but surely overwhelming them. As Mabel and Ford approached, the rocks started small – coming up to her uncle’s knees in height – and slowly increased until it was as if they were wandering through a canyon, and the wide sweeping fields around Julian’s house, as well as the volcano itself, were blocked from view by the monoliths.
“Mabel, I am sorry.” Ford said suddenly. She looked up at him, and they paused on top of a wide platform. “I should have been there for you last night.”
Mabel laughed, trying to brush off his seriousness. “Grunkle Ford, you worry too much. It wasn’t that bad, I was just a bit homesick this morning,”
Whoops. Well that did nothing. She could see his guilt resurfacing like a whale, it was so obvious.
“Okay mister, you need to hug it out.” she said decisively, opening her arms and advancing threateningly. “Stop feeling bad, and sad, and mad at yourself! And other things rhyming with ‘ad’!” She hugged him aggressively. “You have romance to deal with now, which is a good thing, so don’t go ignoring Addi for dumb, unnecessary reasons like me maybe having the occasional nightmare. You’re not dumb, Grunkle Ford! Don’t push away something good!”
“Well I don’t want to ignore you either, Mabel.” he replied in a muffled voice, his face buried in her hair. “A relationship is no excuse to place less importance on you. You come first. Always.”
Those words warmed Mabel from her heart all the way to her fingertips, firmly driving back any dark, lonely thoughts lightly prodding at her. “Thanks . . . but, like, don’t let the last few days fool you. I can handle myself, mostly. You don’t have to worry all the time. If I need you, I’ll come get you,” she reassured him.
Their moment was interrupted by the sound of a portal opening nearby.
“What the-” frowned Ford. A blue glow permeated the space behind a giant, jagged pillar ahead of them.
“I wonder if anyone came through,” said Mabel. She rounded the corner and moved towards it, Ford following more warily. “Huh, I guess not.” The portal flashed out of existence, leaving no one behind. “Well anyway, is here a good spot – AAAH!”
A person suddenly sprang from a crack in the rocks, stretching like an elastic band and squeezing out of the impossibly tight space. Other stealthily disguised figures revealed themselves all around them, some shifting colours like chameleons, some shifting shapes like, oh no, the shapeshifter back home, one even straight up flickering out of invisibility. It would have been awesome, if there hadn’t been weapons pointing at them from all directions.
Ford pulled her roughly back against his chest, drawing his own gun and spinning around. They were completely surrounded.
One enemy spoke into a transmitter, saying something she couldn’t understand. Ford could though, and Mabel heard him draw in a quick breath at the garbled response. After that there was a tense silence.
It was getting a bit awkward now, to be honest.
“Do you want something?” Ford snapped angrily.
“We’re waiting,” someone responded. She was purple, with antennae, and had multifaceted red eyes.
“For what?”
“To regroup.” Anticipating Ford’s next interrogation, she continued. “We don’t have orders to hurt you, Stanford Pines. As long as you don’t try to escape, you’re not a prisoner.”
“This reasoning is very questionable,” Mabel muttered.
The alien looked at her blearily, then addressed Ford again. “Honestly, I’d rather be in bed, I got about two hours sleep, but you know resistances. Workers on-call, and all that. And the boss didn’t say anything about a kid, so I’ll let her go if you want. We don’t need her. Anyway, you’re coming back with us, and welcome to your new job, I guess,”
Mabel’s mouth dropped open. Are you kidding?! she thought. No WAY are we going back to that place! And what the heck, hasn’t anyone figured it out yet? She narrowed her eyes. I am NEVER letting anyone take my grunkle away from me. With those words echoing around her head and building to a crescendo, a hard lump of a resolution formed in Mabel’s stomach, and an idea of her own particular brand came into being.
“Your resistance is filled with butt-faces!” she blurted out fiercely, dimly thinking that the words didn’t do her feelings justice.
“Sure, whatever, kid,”
A wicked grin appeared on Mabel’s face. Oh, these jerks were so gonna pay.
“In two seconds you’re gonna wish you hadn’t underestimated me,” she promised.
“Yeah. GRAPPLING HOOK!” she whipped the gun out from under her coat and aimed it at the top of the rock face behind the conversationalist. She hoped Ford’s arm was locked around her tight enough.
With her usual pin-point accuracy (that had never failed her no matter what Dipper said, don’t listen to him), she pulled the trigger, and the disc that had formed on the end of the gun when her uncle had originally cocked it made a clunking sound as it flew towards her mark, biting into the stone. The only problem was, no cord was attached to it.
Great. She’d just jettisoned a useless grappling hook and her only weapon.
“Um,” she said into the surprised quietness. She pulled the trigger again, just to make absolutely sure their situation was as dire as it seemed. The surprised quietness became even more surprised when an immense attractive force nearly ripped the gun out of her hands as it shot to its other half. Fortunately, she had an iron grip, and so did Ford.
Her uncle torqued around just as their feet left the ground, which probably saved Mabel from breaking her elbows and knees as they collided with the top of the pillar. As it was, all that happened was Ford getting winded.
“Haha! Yes!” crowed Mabel as they hauled themselves over the top and rolled over just as the resisters below came to their senses and starting firing. No shots were able hit them from this angle.
Ford sucked in a breath and clapped her on the back. “Nicely done,” he coughed, getting to his feet, “but do you think you could do it with a little more control next time?”
“Psssh, whatchoo you talking about? I did that perfectly,”
“Nothing is perfect, you can always do better,” Ford said immediately, then backtracked. “I mean, good, yes, but let’s see if we can get even more perfect. In fact, let’s do it now. We need to get back to Julian’s,”
“Why?” asked Mabel.
“They’re going after Addi,”
Mabel cocked the gun.
Thankfully, all the guests had left. This meant there was nothing stopping Julian from, say, backflipping off the bar and taking down two resisters at once with a glass bottle in each hand, or Clive from slamming into one who had been about to enter his son’s room so hard that he flew halfway across the pavilion holy shit. They had not gone soft in their retirement.
Addi thought that at this rate the fight would be over in under a minute. She really had expected more from Wesley – not that she was complaining.
Then Stanford and Mabel swung in on a grappling hook, bringing seven more assassins with them.
Adeline grabbed Ford’s sleeve and dragged both her companions behind an overturned table as a barrage of laser fire hit the metal on the other side.
“Wesley’s been tracking you!” she said to him.
“I figured!”
“I don’t think he likes you knowing his secrets!” said Mabel.
“Understatement,” snarled a soldier as she adjusted the intensity of her weapon and melted a hole straight through the table.
Addi sprang up and over it, Big Bertha swinging strongly to intercept the assailant. The gun disappeared incredibly quick and a baton came up to meet her, the resulting clash almost jarring Addi’s arm. She looked past the locked blades into her opponent’s face.
“Hi,” grunted the red-eyed woman. Adeline forced her back a step and broke the lock.
“I thought you left a long time ago,”
Netessa shrugged. “I came back,”
“Oh, well that answers all my questions.” Addi said, rolling her eyes and attempting a grin. “Come on, what have you been up to?” She noticed that the rest of the taskforce was in a shoot-out with Julian and Clive, and off to the side Ford was attempting to get Mabel to stay behind the bar.
“Do you really care? Anyway, I’m about to kill you. Why would I tell you?”
“So we could rekindle our friendship and you could help me instead?” Addi suggested hopefully.
As an answer, Netessa closed in impossibly fast and punched her.
Ford shot a man in the chest, grabbed his baton, and shoved him through a door.
“Take this and stay here,” he ordered Mabel, giving her the weapon.
“But-” she tried to argue.
“I said stay!” he turned to help Clive.
Heart in her mouth, she flinched as Julian was propelled into the front of the bar counter so hard it shook. He dodged several laser blasts before Clive tackled the shooter. Mabel heard Julian groan, then his hand appeared around the corner and he pulled himself to where he could see her.
“Mabel honey, could you please press that button? Yes that one right there, thank you,”
A sensation like a wave of static electricity passed over Mabel, the unfamiliarity fuelling the fear and uncertainty already coursing through her. Julian heaved himself up to his feet and went to rejoin the firefight . . . or what was now just a fight, actually. All the lasers had stopped working.
“Don’t worry honey, everyone’s going to be fine.” Julian smiled. Then he turned around. “ALRIGHT! TWO MINUTES WITHOUT GUNS! LET’S DO THIS!” he yelled, and decked an assassin. Now that Mabel could actually look at what was going on without being in danger of injury, she saw that there were only four of the original seven left. She kept her eyes on her friends and family. Addi was furiously battling sword-on-baton with the purple woman, and Clive and Ford were facing off barehanded against the other three. Julian wielded a broken glass bottle. Mabel wasn’t sure how long that would last against heavy-duty metal sticks, but okay.
She watched anxiously, wanting to help, but not knowing how to. Some of her dread was extinguished as Addi started calling out to her attacker between clashes. As always, when she was confident, she was fun. Best of all, it seemed to be getting on the other’s nerves.
“No really, what have you been doing?”
Ford planted a kick into an assassin’s midsection.
“Ugh, would you give it a rest already? We were never really friends!”
He dodged a swipe from a baton.
“I still want to know!”
He slid under another swing on his knees, coming up behind the person and grabbing their arm.
“I’m into sculpture now, are you happy?”
The arm was twisted but the alien did not have bones that broke like a human’s would have, and Ford lost his grip.
“Happier. How are the kids? WHOA!”
He kicked the person’s legs out before they could turn around.
“In high school – oof!”
Hoping that they had a windpipe, he pulled them into a headlock and crushed down on their throat.
“Doing okay?”
Julian was unconscious on the ground nearby, bleeding from a head wound, but it looked as though he had brought a shapeshifter down beforehand, so that was a win. Clive was being throttled against a wall. Ford would go there next.
“They hate it,”
The assassin’s struggles ceased. He dropped them and sprinted for Clive, pulling the next enemy around to face him and catching him off-guard with a swift right-hook. An uppercut took him out completely. Clive collapsed on the floor, retching.
“Fair enou-AUGH!”
Ford whipped around to the last fighting pair, and saw Addi stumbling from a blow to the head. She fell to her knees and the purple soldier knocked the sword out of her hand. She stomped on the hilt and a spark of electricity showed him that the portable E-field had just been broken. Then, the staticky feeling to the air vanished. Two minutes had passed.
Addi did not seem able to get up.
The assassin turned and looked him directly in the eyes.
“Weapons are up,” she said softly, drawing her gun, aiming at him, and flicking to stun setting, “and I win.”
Ford reached for his own gun, but the holster was empty. It had clattered out of his hand long ago. Shitshitshit, she’s going to kill Addi once you’re out, think of something, think of something NOW-
With a sickening plunging sound, the blade of a sword came through the left side of her chest. That species did not have any blood to lose, but it must have hurt regardless. She screamed and reached behind her to remove it, throwing it off to the side and glaring down at Adeline, whose reserves of strength were severely depleted after that throw.
The soldier hissed and shot her in a burst of light. Ford’s heart stopped, but the way she fell silently was obviously displeasing to the assassin.
“Goddamn stun setting,” she said murderously, flicking it off and re-aiming. In her pain she had forgotten him.
Ford slammed into her and drove her to the ground. They were both grappling for the gun, the only available weapon. Despite suffering severe bodily trauma, she was still among the best fighters Ford had ever encountered. Her red eyes burned hatefully into his as they trapped each other in a lock. An endurance test then. He poured all his strength into attempting to overpower her, favouring her injured side. She yelled through her teeth . . . then twisted, slid out of his grip, and flung an elbow into his solar plexus to wind him and knock him flat. She put the gun to his head, and did not seem to care that it was no longer on stun setting. In the split second before she fired, Ford thought –
- he saw something move behind her.
A blur of black metal, a clang, a shudder that went through the assassin’s entire body, and she slumped over. Ford looked up into his niece’s wide grin.
“HA! Yeah! Take that you – you mean lady who Addi still likes for some reason!” Mabel dropped the baton she was holding and offered a hand to help him up.
“Well done!” he said, taking in deep breaths and pushing his multitude of aches and pains to the back of his mind.
“Is Addi okay?” Mabel asked worriedly as they knelt down beside her.
“She should be fine, she’s just stunned,” Ford reassured her, checking her breathing and pulse. Addi jerked up, grabbed his wrist, and was about to headbutt him when he said, “Whoa, Adeline, it’s me, you’re safe!”
“It’s all over, Addi,” Mabel said comfortingly.
Addi untensed and allowed them to hug her, still looking disorientated. “Ouch.” she said as she lifted a hand to her head. “Netessa was never into ‘going easy’,”
Ford gently removed the hand and examined where she had been hit.
“That was really quick, by the way,” Mabel observed. “I thought it would be like half an hour before you were up,”
“The more you get stunned, the more you start to resist.” she said nonchalantly. “It’s like my secret weapon now.”
“Cool,” grinned Mabel.
Ford winced. That had been one nasty blow. He held up a hand. “How many fingers do you see?”
“If you were anyone else, I’d think six was wrong.” Addi said warmly. Then she frowned. “I don’t think they should be blurry, though.”
“Most likely a concussion. We’ll find somewhere to rest,”
“Not here.” Addi said urgently. “We need to leave. Wesley’s still going to be looking for us. I charged the portal beacon yesterday, so we should stay ahead of him for now.”
A groan behind them. They looked to see Clive lifting Julian onto a miraculously undamaged couch.
“Clive, I’m so sorry,” began Addi, also trying to get to her feet. She wobbled precariously, and latched onto Ford.
“Addi, we know you wouldn’t have come if you thought you were being followed,” said Clive weakly, “so don’t beat yourself up about it.” Then with a bloody-toothed grin, he added, “If you need any help, let us know. We’d be happy to pay Wesley back.”
Ford knelt on the floor with Addi and helped her ready the portal beacon for reception.
“Okay guys,” They looked around at Mabel. She held out a faintly glowing something in each hand. “I have made these with love, friendship, and string!” she handed them over. “You will not use them for science experiments,” she glared at Ford, “or for technology,” she glared at Addi, “you will love them, you will treasure them, and they will act as lucky charms. Most importantly, they are impossible to separate from each other. I know this because I made them, so they have to do what I want.” she finished brightly.
“I don’t think that’s how lucky charms wor-” began Addi.
“Hush! Yes it is,”
Ford looked down at the item. Many small endo-ergon quartz crystals had been threaded through a ragged and dirty piece of string. Mabel had tied both ends of her own around her wrist.
She had managed to make the friendship bracelets.
“I don’t wanna lose you guys,” a very small voice said, so softly he was not sure Mabel had meant to say it aloud at all.
Addi carefully reached over and tied the ends for him. He did the same for her. Then he looked up in time to see some imperceptible lines of concern disappear from his niece’s face, lines which he had not even noticed were there until they were gone.
He turned slightly so he could take in both her face and Addi’s, who was staring at the bracelet with a small smile. How the hell did I get so lucky? he thought, pulling them both close. Mabel refused to let go for a while, and Addi kissed both their foreheads. The stars on their hands shone.
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kpopboysimagines · 7 years
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Pairing: Ljoe/Byunghun x Reader
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 1756
Not Requested
A/N: I’m back! I fell out of the writing mood for a while, so sorry for the sudden leave! But then Teen Top came and ruined my life all of the sudden, so I guess I got my inspiration from that haha. Enjoy babes!
-Admin Kiwi
Byunghun had an infamous saying, “I’ll hold back three times”, and you were willing to test out its validity
Byunghun had an infamous saying, “I’ll hold back 3 times”, and you were willing to test out its validity.
You were aching for his touch, anything that would put you out of this deprivation. Byunghun had just returned home a few weeks ago after his world tour, and you had given him time to rest. However, you were growing impatient. Of course, he needs his time to settle in, but you’d been deprived of him, especially sexually, for so long. He had to understand.
You bolted up from bed when you heard the familiar sound of the door unlocking, and ran out to greet your boyfriend. You smiled at the sight of Byunghun in shorts and a muscle tank, that revealed his sturdy biceps. Judging by the thin layer of sweat that masked his skin, he probably just returned from practice. Being a kpop idol was hard, it required nonstop work.
“Hey babe” he brings his free arm around you, kissing the top of your head. Although he smelled a bit dank, you still enjoyed being wrapped into him.
“How was practice?” you murmured, still pressed against his chest.
“Hmm Andy’s already got a schedule planned for our next comeback. It’ll still be a while before we get extremely busy though,” He looks down, smiling, “Don’t worry, I’ll be able to spend lots of time with you before then.”
His career took a toll on your relationship, which was secret of course since fans would sometimes go delusional at the sight of their bias with another girl. Byunghun was also extremely busy, and his schedule would leave hardly any time for you. Nonetheless, you two still pushed through, knowing your love would prevail.
“I have to go shower, but I’ll join you in bed later okay?” he gives you another kiss, this time on the forehead, and promptly makes his way towards the bathroom.
You frowned a little, disappointed he didn’t invite you with him to shower like he used to. It’s been months since you guys did anything near sexual, and it was starting to drive you insane. While he was away on tour, nights grew lonely, and sometimes you could only think of the times you two showed love in other less innocent ways.
You missed how his long, but firm fingers would feel over your body, and the love bites he’d leave down your neck. Your cheeks flushed when you remembered those times he’d tease you, keeping you from pleasure, but still satisfying you in the end. And suddenly, you snapped
“Hey babe, can you hand me a tshirt?” Byunghun asks innocently from the bathroom. When he hears no response, he steps out, still towel-drying his bleached hair.
“Sure.” You emerge from the shadows, tossing him one of his black t-shirts, but keeping in mind that it’ll probably be thrown on the floor a while later.
“Woah, what’s with that get-up?” he eyes you, shocked at your outfit. You were wearing a skin-tight black dress, cropped right below your butt that hugged all your curves nicely. You were wearing the black stilettos that you had sworn to never wear because of the fear of breaking your ankles in them, but that’s not the point here.
“Oh I’m going out with the girls.” you said nonchalantly, starting to walk away slowly, leaving enough time for Byunghun to yank you back by the wrist.
“Dressed like that? Are you going to an exotic dance performance...as the dancer?!” he exclaims, eyes widening.
“No, I’m just going clubbing with friends. I don’t see what’s wrong Byunghun.” you crossed your arms, pretending to act ticked off.
“As your boyfriend, I don’t allow you to go out like that. Some other guys might think otherwise and try to hit on you! Do you know how many weirdos are out there at this time?” you could tell he was heating up to, and that encourages you to push him more.
“Well I’m still going out. I have friends, I’ll be fine.” you exasperate.
“Y/n, no. You’re staying home tonight.” Strike one.
“What if I don’t want to?” you sneered, leaning in as an attempt to create sexual tension. Byunghun looks down, with his tongue running over his molars, and you could tell he was trying to hold back. Strike two.
“Babe, you don’t want to know what’ll happen if you insist on going.” he smirks, and you knew you were going to get it tonight.
“Try me.” And with that, it was Strike three, and you were out.
Byunghun pushes you against a wall, pinning your hands up. Using his free hand, he strokes downwards from your cheek to your neck lightly, evoking a moan.
“You think I was going to let you out like that? You’re not allowed to show anyone what a pretty little slut you are except for me” his dirty talk turned you on even more, and you could feel yourself melting in front of him.
With that, he starts attacking your lips, hungrily sucking and exploring your mouth. His lips molded perfectly against yours, and you moaned contently against him. Still kissing you passionately, he pushes you down on the bed.
“Damn, do you know how many times I thought about fucking you these past few months?” he says while peppering kisses down your neck.
“And you go right out and disrespect me by dressing like that to go out? I don’t think so, Y/n. You’re not gonna be let off easy today.” he sucks on your neck hard, and you let out a stifling moan. He glances up and smirks, pleased at how much he was affecting you. Byunghun sits up and stares at the dress you have on with a disapproving look, reminded of your claims of going out.
“Well we aren’t going to need this anymore.” and Byunghun roughly flips you over, and tears the dress off you.
“Hey! That was expensive!” you exclaimed at the sound of torn fabric.
“I wasn’t gonna let you wear it anyways.” he cuts off any further complaints with a deep kiss. “I’ll buy you something else okay?”
His fingers trail down your heated torso, admiring your silky skin. He gets to your hip, and is stopped by your lace underwear. Seeing this, you immediately took off the panties yourself, in fear of Byunghun ripping this off as well.
“My baby knows me so well doesn’t she?” He gives you a glance before looking back down at your lower body, and his fingers start dancing around the area where you need him most.
“B-byunghun please” you moan, desperate for his touch. He merely smirks at you, and continues his torturous act.
“That’s what you get for disobeying me.” and he leans his head down, kissing the insides of your thighs, skipping over your throbbing hood.
“Please, I need you.” you moan again, throwing away what was left of your dignity.
“How much do you need me?” Byunghun ponders, fingers still tracing around your area.
“Byunghun just please me already!” you screamed out, the neediness finally getting to you. Byunghun, rather delightfully surprised by your assertiveness, dives his fingers into your dripping core.
“You’re already this wet for me huh you little slut?” you could only reply back in moans. He fingers you mercilessly, slowly adding 2, and then 3 fingers, but still keeping his fast pace. Your moans drive his stamina, and his pumps keep hitting deeper parts, until he finally hits your g-spot. Your mind goes white, overcome by pleasure.
“I-I’m coming!” you scream, ready to release, but then nothing. Confused, you open your eyes to see Byunghun examining his fingers, dripping in your essence.
“Why didn’t you let me come?” you exclaim, frustrated.
“Punishment,” and he gives you a cheeky wink. He cleans off his fingers in one lick, and starts taking off his own clothes. He takes off his boxers last, revealing a painfully erect member, pink and hard. He leans over to the bedside drawer and pulls out a condom, slipping it on smoothly.
Your mouth waters at the sight of him, and you lunge forward, taking his whole member into your mouth. Byunghun lets out a deep groan as your warm, wet mouth engulfs him completely. The noises of pleasure he made ranged from deep grunts, to elongated groans.
Using one free hand, you fondled his balls, over stimulating him. Lightly, you scraped your teeth against him as you bobbed up and down. At the hard contact of your teeth, Byunghun reaches out and grabs you roughly by your hair, and thrusts upward hitting the back of your throat.
“Shit Y/n, I’m close.” he groans, eyes shut, brimming with pleasure. Hearing those words, you stop, tearing yourself away from him, wiping the saliva that lined your lips.
“What the-”
“Payback’s a bitch,” you responded with a wink. Byunghun however, wasn’t up for any more games. He flips you over onto your hands and knees, and quickly lines himself up against your core. Slowly, he pushes himself in, careful not to hurt you.
“You’re so fucking tight,” he says, still trying to force more of himself into you. You wince at the stretch, but you knew the slight pain would be over soon.
When you felt ready, you nudge Byunghun to signal him to move. Taking no time, he starts off a steady pace, quickening into rough, hard thrusts. Every time he would snap his hips back, you felt him hit a different, deeper area. Your walls pulsated around his throbbing cock, and you were moaning uncontrollably.
You reached down with a hand, trying to add to the pleasure by rubbing your clit. However, Byunghun smacks it away, taking over that role himself. He glides over your soaked clit skillfully, turning you into a screaming mess.
“I-I’m close!” you manage to shout out, and you could tell by his spastic thrusts that he was near as well. You came first, with Byunghun kept up his pace, helping you ride out your high. Soon after, he comes as well, and you could feel the warmth of his seed through the thin condom.
After cleaning off, you both collapse onto the bed, exhausted.
“You know, I wasn’t gonna go out anyways.” you confessed, remembering your scheme.
“What?” Byunghun asks, clearly confused.
“Yeah I just wanted to get you in the mood,” you blushed, realizing how far you went just for sex.Whatever,  it was worth it.
“So, I got mad at you for nothing?” your boyfriend was still surprised, shocked that something so devious could come out of you.
“Hey, it got me much-needed action, so I don’t mind.”
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mallows-things-blog · 5 years
Don't stop by sunseoks
*ugh what a boring Sunday I didn't really have anything planned I wasn't busy with any work either it was just another boring weekend this sucks ass*
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*i stared at the ceiling as I laid flat on my bed My mind was completely blank I kept staring at nothing for a whole minute until I had enough*
I should do something today but what?
*I picked up my phone that was on my side and looked through my contacts**hmmm I really don't have a lot of close friends. Everyone was busy with their own life while I was here not accomplishing much* I kept scrolling until I saw a name that lifted up my spirits a bit*
Kim Namjoon one of my closest friends
maybe he's free to hangout today?
*so I called him*
Hey joonie I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out today I have nothing planned right now
yea yea sure but I'm actually with a friend right now
*my heart dropped a little bit from hearing that*
Oh I see that's fine t-
do you mind if he tags along? we can all hang out
*I exhaled relieved a little* haha won't that be a little awkward?
Nah! Get to know him we can all drink together later and have some fun
have some fun you say so wanna have a threesome later? *I laughed joking*
haha that's funny of you to say i was just about to ask too *he laughed in a sarcastic tone* any way where are you right now?
Just at home laying in bed
Ah alright we'll be there in a bit see you soon
*With that the the call ended*
*I set my phone down and forced myself off the bed I walked over to the living room I headed towards the kitchen to clean up my mess from last night*
When was the last time someone came over I really haven't cleaned up
*I cleaned up for a while until i heard a knock at my door*
Ah they must be here *I opened the door and I was greeted with an adorable smiling man holding a bag
Namjoon * I hugged him tightly wrapping my arms around his neck Ahhh I was so happy to see him and his tall 5'11 headass
It's good to see you again *he said with a big smile showing off his dimples*
well come on inside * I watched Namjoon as he hollered out for a name to come inside* A shorter man soon trailed behind Namjoon appearing in front of my door*
Ah this is Min Yoongi we're Co-workers he's one of the producers in the studio
*Namjoon was an underground rapper working to become an idol so he was busy most of the time*
* I looked at Namjoons friend he's cute*
Hello Yoongi I'm Y/n * I said smiling at him*
Nice to meet you
*Once we were all inside we sat down on the couch in the living room*
Ah I brought some beer * he said raising the bag he was holding*
Yes let's all get drunk * I said laughing*
*We all drank and put on a romantic comedy movie to watch* I noticed Namjoon didn't drink much though he only took a few shots *
*while on the other hand I looked at his friend yoongi he almost drank a whole 3 bottles of the Soju *
*he seemed nice he didn't talk much throughout the whole time though maybe he was shy aww how cute*
*During the movie I saw Yoongi whisper something into namjoons ear Namjoon then stood up and coughed*
I'm gonna go and pick up some stuff from the convenient store
Ah alright Sorry I ran out of food in the kitchen too haha
that's alright do you want me to pick up anything?
Just get all of us some spicy ramen and snacks wait- can you also pick up some banana milk?
My favorite of course I'll be back soon I also need to stop by the studio Yoongi wants me to bring him something
* I nodded and he left and then it was just me and yoongi it was a little awkward since he didn't talk much to me the entire time*
*We both watched the movie for a bit it was dead silent except for the sound of the movie that filled the emptiness of the room I decided to speak up*
so that's pretty cool you're a music producer
Uh yeah *he had spoken quietly*
*the conversation was quiet after that we were both watching the movie until a sexual scene came on* I gulped a little this was really awkward I turned a little to look at yoongi he was looking down averting his eyes from the screen*
*I watched as the guy had this girl pinned down on the kitchen counter unbuttoning his pants*
*it was painfully awkward being in a room with someone else hearing the moans of these two people in the movie I reached for the remote and paused the movie*
Haha uh so You've been quiet you seem pretty shy * he didn't turn to look at me he just kept looking down at his hands pouting his cheeks*
That's cute you being shy it's okay though I used to be s-
Cute? * I looked at him he raised his head and was staring at me dead in the eye I didn't say another word*
You think I'm cute?
Uhh well yeah you seemed pretty shy and quiet and I found that C- * My words faintly cut off when I watched as he got off the couch and started to approach me*
*he walked up right In front of me to where I was sitting and bent down to my height*
I'm not shy
I- sorry I just thought-
*he was inches away from my face Gosh this was really making me nervous he put his head close to my ear and whispered something*
I'm not who you think I am
* I gulped hearing his voice In that deep tone so close to my ear got me slightly excited I shut my eyes and exhaled*
* I opened them again to see yoongi staring at me his eyes looked so eager. I gathered all my confidence to respond to what he said*
Then show me
*I stared back at him while I said that he smirked showing his teeth almost grinning
before any one could say another word he grabbed the back of my head and began aggressively kissing me. I was slightly caught off guard but I soon gave into him. His lips hungrily kept working against my own*
*he had pushed his tongue through my teeth bristling his with mine it felt like he was gonna eat my face out . This is so unexpected he's such a great kisser*
*I pulled away gasping for air I didn't even look at him I don't know why but I was scared to make contact with him he was really something else*
*I felt something trickle down my thigh I looked down to see a clear trail of liquid that had ran down out from my shorts and onto my leg I looked up to see yoongi laughing at me*
*I didn't say a word he then got closer to me that the space between us became non existent the tips of our noses had touched*
*He then grabbed my inner upper thigh and began groping it slowly*
Is someone wet? * I gulped at his question*
What? Still nervous around me huh Do I need to prove it to you now * he said in a low tone*
Please *Okay I didn't say that Yet only I did? I couldn't control what I was saying I was so immersed into him then next thing I knew I was swept off my feet and being picked up bridal style*
Where is your room?
That way * I had pointed my finger*
* He carried me all the way towards my room and carefully threw me on to my bed I sat up on the bed looking at him taking off his pants*
Undress *he ordered in a stern voice*
Without waiting I did as he said until I was left In my bra and panties I looked at yoongi who was left half naked he kept his shirt on.
My eyes traveled down to his legs I couldn't help but stare at what was hidden beneath the thin black cloth*
* He then came over to the bed and grabbed my chin pulling it up he kissed me slightly soon getting on top of me I was pinned under his body feeling the warmth of his skin touching my own*
*He stretched out both of his hands gripping them on to the pillow my head was laying on trapping me *
*Yoongi was trailing kisses along my neck to my collar bone I stared up at the ceiling biting my bottom lip as I felt the wet spots he left on my skin *
*He then got off of me and placed his hands on the side on my waist i looked at him as he slid his hands slowly down to my hips then to my thighs his fingertips were playing with the hem of my panties*
Shit baby. Watch when i pull these off You'll show me how wet you are for me * he leaned over and placed a kiss on the thin fabric that was covering my dripping core His words had me in a trance I was eager for him he soon pulled them off slowly revealing what was hidden*
* I watched as he slightly bit the bottom of his lips soon bringing his hand to my core rubbing it I couldn't help but moan his movements along my clit had me wanting more of the pleasurable sensation*
Yoongi stop teasing
Hm? since when were you in charge baby * he began vigorously rubbing his hand quickly against me sticking his fingers inside of me ever so slightly
* he continued teasing for a while until he removed his hand I groaned at the feeling of losing his enticing fingers He got up and began to remove the the black briefs he was wearing that hid his hardened member*
* I watched him Fuck I really need him the sight was really overwhelming it was crazy how much i wanted him now at this very moment*
*He stroked himself along his length a few times before pulling out a condom from his wallet he ripped it open and slipped it on crouching down to me again he placed his tip closely to my entrance* I bit down on my lip anticipating the pleasure that would soon come* he slowly pushed the head in giving me time to ease away at his size the further he pushed*
Ah yoongi
*he pushed his entire length inside groaning having my walls become tighter around his length
Shit baby you're fucking ready for me aren't you * I gripped my hands on to the bed sheet as he began at a slow pace he kept going at a slow pace until I adjusted to his size*
Faster yoongi I- * he sped up immediately knowing that I was used to his length now each thrust brought me further into ecstasy*
* I held onto his arms digging my nails into his skin as he continued at a rapid pace it was too much I felt my stomach tightening after each thrust his groaning added onto the pleasure bringing me further to my high*
Don't..... Stop
Fuck baby does it look like I want to?
* With that said he kept going speeding up even faster his thrusts became messy and sloppier*
*it was hot and sweaty having both of our bodies hitting each other's skin* More groans escaped his mouth as I felt myself becoming tighter around him I felt a tingling sensation in my stomach my climax was slowly building up
Yoongi I'm close * A frustrated groan left his mouth in response he let go of my legs and put his arms back down to grab the bedsheets he continued thrusting this time shutting his eyes closed I looked up to see his sweat dripping down from his body*
* I was about to scream the pleasure was too much I couldn't take it anymore and let the wave of pleasure that accumulated inside me release*
*Yoongi let out a moan as I orgasmed tightening my walls around him I was pretty sure he came as well he stopped moving his hips and slowed down he was breathing heavily*
*he slowly used his last bit of energy into a few more thrust and pulled out he took off his condom and threw it into the trash can besides the bed*
*I got up and looked at him he smiled and smirked at me*
Still unsure baby?
*Yoongi chuckled and walked back up to the bed he gave me a peck on my lips and whispered something into my ear
That's right learn your place baby girl
*he pulled away and my face became flushed *
Now let's clean up the mess you've made Namjoon will be back soon * we both re-dressed into our clothes until we heard the door close from the living room*
Hey guys I'm back!! where did you guys go ?
*Shit he wasn't wrong he came back quicker than expected we both walked back into the living room*
Hey looks like you two both bonded well * he said chuckling* * I nervously looked at Yoongi*
Haha yea i got to know a bit more of him
That's great so where did you guys come from? You weren't in the living room when i came back
The bedroom * I glared at yoongi and he winked at me that little shit
Uhh Namjoon I-
Ohh really? Is that what you meant by fun earlier?
0 notes
jazmienblank-blog · 8 years
His toy 2p america x reader
     It was three in the morning  by the time you had left your best friends house, you turned and waved saying goodbye and walked down the street headed home, you had needed someone tonight not fully  knowing exactly why, you just felt...off. The need for assurance from anyone that everything was okay, nothing was wrong. Laughing at yourself, "you worry to much (y/n) everything's fine"
    The feeling of final peace and safety quickly was eliminated when you felt an unusual presence, it was like being watched, like someone was examining and remembering every detail about you, it made your skin crawl. frantically you looked all around, heart pounding, eyes scanning your surroundings, no one was to be found. Trying to calm any of your pounding nerves was impossible, instead you turned and bounded for home.
Time skip --------
     You woke up,stretching and yawning, it was a perfect day outside, sunny, warm and clear. smiling you got out of bed and went down stairs, in the kitchen you started a pot of coffee and some toast. "nothings gonna go wrong today, its beautiful out, and everything has just been my imagination, that's all" just as you finished your thought the doorbell rang.  you opened the door expecting it to be either the mail man or your best friend, however, it was neither,there was no one there, you stepped out just to double check when you kicked something on the ground, it was a small box, wrapped in (f/c) paper and a black bow, you picked it up and read the tag {from your best friend, don't open till midnight tonight} giggling you wondered what it could be, it wasn't your birthday, no where near your friendaversary, but you decided to let the mystery play out.
    After setting the box on the table in the living room, you finished your coffee ate your toast and started your day, and it was a long day; grocery shopping, clothes shopping, animal walking, visiting the seniors, the gym....who are you kidding oh you don't work out  though you didn't need to you were gorgeous, you visited your parental(s), by the time you got home it was about 8, the anticipation for the present was to much, so you cleaned EVERYTHING, made dinner, watched a couple movies, even a couple comedy's which kept causing you to choke on your own spit, and finally it was midnight.
    You shrieked with joy as you turned the tv off and grabbed the box that was left sitting on your table. you wasted no time in ripping every piece of paper off of the once (f/c) box,now left sitting in front of you was a box from a fancy pet store that was a few blocks away, you were confused at first and a little angry not to mention freaked out, but then thought maybe its just a left over box thing, from when your friend bought a collar for their dog, so you shook it off and opened the box, you stared at the object, inside was a black collar with a silver bone shaped tag that read (y/n). after a few minutes you shook your head and started laughing, it all made sense you were being pranked. "alright wheres the cameras? haha very funny" you picked up the collar at the same time you reached for the phone to dial your friend, "Hello? (y/n)? its past midnight what do you want?"
"Haha very funny, with the dog collar idea; what did I do to deserve this prank?" you twirled the collar in your hands.
"What the hell are you talking about? I didn't send you a collar. " You paused a second, if it had been your friend, they would have owned up to it. You decided to turned the tag around to find an engraving saying -Property of Al. - you gawked at the neckband, falling silent as your friend called for you, when you said nothing they hung up, it was silent, for a few minutes, but broken when a rough husky voice broke through you frightened concentration "How do you like your new jewelry babe?"  
   You jumped up off the couch and without thinking threw the box at the strange man in your house, it hit him in the chest before falling to the ground "really doll? a box? Yeah, cause that's gonna fuck'n hurt me right?" He chuckled as he took is sunglasses off and stared at you. he was shaggy but handsome and scary, he had brown eyes, that if you stared at them to long seemed to turn black and suck you into an abyss, auburn hair, and he was tan from the look of it slim or toned and muscular, it was hard to tell under his big airman jacket.
"w-who are you?" you gulped before straightening up and trying to put on a brave face "How'd you get in my house, a-and how do you know my name?"
He chuckled and smirk before replying, "Tisk tisk dollface so many questions." He slowly started walking towards you, naturally you stepped back but it didn't help, his strides were much larger, "Take that braveness off your face, it doesn't suit you, you're much cuter when scared, and even sexier when helpless." He pinned you to wall and continued to stare at you "I've been watching you babe, we don't have girls like you where I'm from, they're to strong, its hard to control them, but you, your small and frail, taking you should be no problem. You're just my type to (h/l) (h/c) hair,  (e/c) eyes full of fear, (s/c) skin, you're  almost perfect, I'm gonna change that, you'll have scars from me everywhere , how bout it dollface?"
    With a smirk the stranger whom you could only assumes name was Al.- due to the collar,- leaned in slowly, grabbing your chin to steal a kiss from you "Oh hell no!" out of no where you instincts kicked in, balling your hand into a fist you hit Al. Directly in his well....no no square "AH! you stupid bitch!" he fell to the floor both hands trying to sooth his man parts. you wasted no time in fleeing, running upstairs and into your room, locking the door behind you, you even took the desk chair and placed it under the knob,  gasping you realized you stupidly left your phone in the living room, so you grabbed a small dagger which always stayed under the bed and ran into your bathroom, shutting and locking that door behind you as well.
    You sat in your shower, trying to be the furthest away from the door as possible, everything was silent except for your breathing and beating  heart, you listened for the expected pounding on your door, but nothing... it felt like minutes then hours, just sitting and waiting for whatever was gonna happen, maybe he left? did he give up? your breath of relief came to soon, when you heard a soft knock on the door "Babe? come on don't hide from me, im not done with you yet, and your gonna pay for what you did doll." How did he get through the first door without making a noise!? You screamed as the bathroom door was knocked down with ease "There you are, you're gonna regret what you did bitch, but I know exactly how i'll get my revenge" freezing you almost forgot the knife in your hand, you stood up just as Al. reached you, closing your eyes you  thrust the knife straight at his chest, but it was stopped, you opened your eyes, and they filled with fear,he had grabbed your wrist just before impact.  Al. pulled you to him "Nice try, keep your eyes open next time dumb ass, ....and i'll take that"
    "Just let me go leave me alone!" You hit him and kicked him over and over but it was no use, "Ssshhhh, hush dollface." He flung you to the ground before grabbing your hair you winced in pain as he dragged you to your bed. Picking you up, only by your hair, you screamed slightly, it felt like your whole head of hair was gonna fall out, he  brought you close to his face, using his other hand to grab your chin to look at him, "Mm now all thats left is to find that pretty little stash of your's" He smirked as he threw you onto the bed and started searching your room - what could he possibly be looking for?....oh no!- just as you finished your thought Al. chuckled and pulled out a black box from inside your closet, he opened it to find exactly what he was looking for, ropes, cuffs, paddles, everything, Your body went cold with fear.
     Al. pulled out the ropes and cuffs from the box, "Lucky for you I'm not really to into everything else, however I do love these items, and how'd I know you had them? like I said I've been watching you babe." You had no idea how to feel, your only instinct was to run, and you did, you bolted from your bed, tears streaming down your eyes, you were so close, but sadly stopped just in front of the door, he grabbed your neck and pulled you, your back was to him, you could feel his hot breath on your neck as he spoke, "Where ya going doll? I'm just getting started." he growled before biting down hard on your neck and drawing blood, his teeth felt like dirty needles and  you couldn't help but scream. The pain was so distracting  you had no idea he had cuffed your hands behind your back, only noticing when he walked you to the bed and pushed you down face first.
     He stood above you, pleased with his catch, pulling a pocket knife out of his pocket he placed it on your skin, just underneath the bottom of your shirt,holding up your hands he ripped up, you gasped slightly, but bit your lip, tears forming in your eyes once again, your back was cold, then all a sudden warm, a gash in the middle of your spine started to bleed, " Don't worry dollface you won't die." He finished cutting the rest of your shirt exposing your breasts to cold air, Al. Smirked and got on the bed and leaned over you from behind, taking both breasts into his hands, toying with your nipples, twisting and pulling them between his fingers as he dipped down and licked the wound on your back, the warmth of your being in his mouth only made his growing erection hurt inside his pants, you shuddered but showed no emotion, you only felt disgusted with yourself, almost enjoying the feeling of what he was doing, but you made no sounds.
   One of his hands slipped down,caressing every one of your curves as he made his way to your womanhood. He slid his finger between your folds, teasing your clit the most, twirling his finger around it and softly pinching it, you groaned in your throat, fighting every urge to moan. You gasped/moaned when he slid his fingers inside you, it hurt at first but subsided after awhile, you tried to ignore it but he kept speeding up, curling his fingers and using his thumb to rub your clit, it was all to much,you felt a knot starting to form in your stomach - no no it can't be please no!- all of a sudden he stopped and sat up licking his lips and fingers clean "You taste so sweet babe." He looked down at your shorts in disappointment, "We can't have these on now can we? " Just as he reached for his knife you started kicking at him, you didn't want to give up, you knew all hope was probably lost, but not yet, not till he had you, and like hell you were gonna make that easy. He grit his teeth and hissed when you kicked his knees and made him drop his knife, "Alright bitch, looks like its gonna be the hard way!" Al. grabbed both your ankles, no doubt bruising them as he turned you around in on swift motion leaving you on your back. Having no time to react before he had ropes around your ankles and was tying your legs to the bed posts, you tried moving, flailing around on the bed, but you knew it was over.
    Al. stood up off the bed and started to undress himself, "You know doll this could have gone a lot smoother, you could have just let me take you, but no you had to fight didn't you? Well to bad babe, im gonna make you mine whether you like it or not." He spit in his hand and started stroking his long hard member as he crawled back onto the bed,grinning down at you, he wasted no time at taring your shorts off then placing himself at you entrance, seeing you like this, weak, vulnerable, pathetic it only made him want you more. He grabbed your thighs from underneath and slightly pulled you to him, before thrusting into you, your eyes shut anticipating pain but it never came, "Well well, looks like someones been enjoying themselves after all."
   You couldn't and didn't want to believe it, but your body was right, you hated him, but you  loved this kind of treatment to an extent. As you were lost in your thought Al. pulled out all the way and slammed back in, and you broke. Moaning loud as your back arched, he smirked and repeated the process slow at first, but faster and rougher with each thrust, "No! Stop it! Aah!" you groaned behind grit teeth. He leaned down and stuck one of your buds in his mouth, sucking first then biting, harder and harder till your moans turned into screams, it was exhilarating to him, it drove him to be animalistic to you, gripping your thighs as he thrust into you.
    You cried out in pain and pleasure as you felt a knot forming again, there was no stopping it. With one more thrust you came hard, shivering and panting as tears streamed down your eyes, "Now you're mine dollface." He chuckled as he pushed deep inside you and came, he pulled out and stood up, walking over to his pants he pulled out the collar from the pocket, grabbing your hair to keep you still he snapped it on, "Now everyone will know you're mine and not to touch you. Trust me, where we're going, be glad I found you first" he laughed and smirked as you lost consciousness.
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