#me @ victor: Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate you since I began to live. There are 387.44 million miles of printed circuits
spaceself · 1 year
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the resolution of this is AWFUL but artem is so soft and warm and so deserving of love. victor is the devil and should be treated as such (but i will continue play mlqc just for him and watch the anime just for him too)
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calisources · 1 year
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IN LOVE AND WAR, EVERYTHING GOES. a sentence meme based around the subject of allies, enemies, war and enemies to lovers and more of the same tropes we all love. change pronouns, names and locations as you see fit. these are all scrambled around.
“Friends ask you questions; enemies question you.”
“You can live safe and be protected by people just like you, or you can stand up and be a leader for what is right.”
“Where do we find allies?"
“War created bizarre allies, while peace itself could be divisive.”
“I promise you, nothing will happen to you.”
“I choose my allies carefully and my enemies more carefully still.”
“People fight wars over ideas.” 
“Wars begin when you will, but they do not end when you please.”
“I was raised in hatred, Roma. I could never be your lover, only your killer.”
“We were enemies, no matter the truths. No matter that I loved him.”
“He’d set fire to the world around him but never let a flame touch her.”
“She's not the type to swoon for pretty lies.”
“The feud keeps taking and hurting and killing and still I couldn't stop loving you even when I thought I hated you.”
“These violent delights have violent ends."
“Men without morals are dangerous beasts.”
“The spiteful, little stars.”
“Death is real. Death is inevitable. Death comes when you're not ready for it. Be ready.”
“I was alive, but I wasn’t living. You took things from me. My soul―my heart.”
“You’re supposed to keep your enemies close. Therefore, it stands to reason that your sworn enemy should be kept closest.”
“When will you see I'm not your enemy, but your weapon. Wield me.”
“Can’t even get out of my grasp? Or is it because you secretly don’t want to?”
“Why are you confessing all of your crimes?”Are you trying to get hit?”
“You're a hero and I'm a monster. There's only one way that story ever ends.”
"Tell me you came to find me. That you changed your mind."
"How--how can you even say such things,on an evening you are meant to choose another as your bride?"
"My sweet nemesis, how glad I am that you returned."
"I hate you so much that sometimes I can't think of anything else.”
“The road for hell for me is paved with everything I would do for you, and that list never ends.”
“You have consumed my thoughts since the moment I met you."
“You have no idea what I could give you."
“If you mean to take me captive, you need only ask. I would come willingly.”
“I see you truly for everything you are and everything you will be and I claim you as mine.”
“I don't think I've ever met anyone as vexing as you."
“Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.”
“A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends.”
"We're on opposite sides, you know."
"You're the one claiming we're all villains. There's no black or white, only gray area. We can coexist somewhere in the middle, can't we?”
“A man with no enemies is a man with no character.”
“I smile to myself knowing that they may be dead.”
“I like your savage brutality."
"That's a poetic observation, coming from such a savage creature.”
"And you are mine, Victor Nox. whether you agree is irrelevant.”
“Bitter people are not interested in what you say, but what you hide.”
“Enemies can't break your spirit, only friends can.”
“In order to know your enemy, you must become your enemy.”
“Such a pretty face, but so weak and emotional. Just a regular man, after all.”
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thesupernaturalhouse · 7 months
Damn yall are liking this Hazbins Fallen au- I'm glad!! Honestly I was hoping people would like it but like, still a shock you know-
Anywaysss, I am busy but figured I'd post some fact/headcanons of the au, aoke plot points, mostly surrounding Emily because she's the main change of the au
Emily has a pretty big sweet tooth, and when she does get sweets she always gets extra for Razzle and Dazzle
Again, I will say this, Vaggie, Charlie and Emily are wrangle and dazzles moms. Keekee is not counting as a child cause the seems more like. A ept while Razzle and Dazzle seem mroe sentient, at least to me
Charlie and Seviathans relationship, post break up ofc, is like Ron Swanson and Tammy 2s, no the uh- getting back together part but the '....she's here-' part, Charlie absolutely hates his guts and whenever he's near her more demon features come out as she looks around trying to spot him
Emily barely holds herself back from killing slaviathen, you'd think it'd be Vaggie, but no, it's Emily
Emily design resembles a succubus, it was by complete accident, she lieks the color of horns and didn't realize what it could resemble-
Emily absolutely hates Al but hides it ebhidn a cheerful smile, silent anger so to speak(she does end up snapping at Al and I am so excited to write that scene)
Husk is Emily's father figure I already have a whole chaoter planned surrounding how they bon, Emily calls him dad from that chaoter onwards
Angle constantly makes 'I fucked you dad' jokes, even if they aren't true, at Em cause he knows it pushes her buttons....she retaliated by buying water balloons and throwing them at him one day when he makes the same joke again
Husk just watches.
In the pilot, vaggie holds up her spear and Emily pushes it down like "...no, no..." the Katy says soemthing homophobic and she immediately moves her hand away and says "nevermind. Do what you want."
Emily hates waking up early, she's done it for YEARS in heaven she'll eb damned if she does it for more in hell (plus there's nobody on her about being on time to places)
You knwo that scene where Husk is calling everyone out? Well, he looks at Emily and goes "and SHES....well....I've got nothing on her, she's perfect" you can tell who his favorite is
Remember when angle brings them ti a bdsm club? Yeah, I've- I've got a FUN scene idea for that-
Screw shoes let charlie show her hooves- especially since I 70% sure that hoped animals have to walk on their hooves or else they risk a lot of different things so- yeah, I'm throwing away her shoes.
Also have her show sone more demon features, I love making designs so much- and of course their gonna be more animalistic, cause I love expanding on animal nosies and behaviors and stuff, it was always planned tho I didn't have a specfici bird in mind for vaggie until the hawk feather exorcists au, she also makes moth noises
I am going to have so much fun making their designs-
Also, Emily and Peter are best friends in this au, mlm and wlw solidarity when they go back up to heaven while Sera is tlaking Peter is jsut staring at her
'I know' she knows he knows....she silently promises to catch him up before the trial and he finally looks away satisfied
I feel liek while Emily would be very quick to accept husk is her father figure I think Husk would be a bit hesitant to accept that HE is a father figure
You know victor from lackadaisy? I dont knwo why but I kinda like to imagine husk as him- like I'm debating if I should make husk have had a daughter when he was alive who he didn't get to see cause of the divorce and turned to alcoholism slowly. And Em reminds him if her and that makes him SCARED
Fun little idea I had that I may or may not include, depends how I'm feeling honestly, I do wanna ta leats keep some things liek how 'gruff' he is and apply it to husk, idm I feel like their personalities are every similar, thoguh that might jsut be me-
Husk would teach Emily how to play Chess
Charlie knows Vaggie and Emily are angles and all that stuff, as I've said before. So I'm debating wether or not to keep Al's deal in, I think I will but tweak it a bit
I love Al, but he is an above avrage overlord at best, the only reason he was able to fight agaisnthe exrocists and Adam was due to them not being used to people attacking BACK and seeing it more as entertainment then actual hunting.
Anyways Em may or may not call him out casually on multiple occasions- 'he does realize if he fights Adam he'll die- oh, and there he goes called it!' She doesn't like him
Em was very much called 'lucifers replacement' by many angles, not Sera but even Sera soemtimes accidentally said lucis name instead of Ems at Keats a few times. Anyways she hates lucifer despite never meeting him and for soem reaosn never realized he was Charlie's father-
Al and Rosie are Charlie's uncle and aunt, foudn family my beloved
The reveal that Emily is Emily the seraphim....well, lets hsut say when revealing vaggie to be an exrocist doesn't work. lute notices how fimiliar Em looks..... it's gonna be a very interesting chaote rthats for certain
Speaking of the episode list- probably gonna alter them cut ep6 into 2 parts to, I'll make a diffeent post about it-
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SPOILERS ALERT! (Obviously!)
I haven't actually finished. Just one more chapter left. But its fine. I'm done with the major plot anyways. Let's start!
How do I feel about Elbert's route?
All in all, it was kinda....meh. I wasn't entirely bad nor it was good. It's just...I'm so dissatisfied.
How was the story?
It was half boring and half good. I chose the Madness route and let me just say, for how dark Elbert's story is, the ending is just so disappointing. Now this is just the Madness route, maybe in the Blind route is much better (I hope it is).
El's story mainly contains two stories - 1. Main story that reveals El's past and his curse and 2. Bernard&Co. I'll be honest... I don't care about Bernard and his company! Nor do I care about Gabriel and his kinky stuff nor Daisy and her blue poppies. It really has nothing to do with El's past. It's just boring side story that just keeps getting in the way of the main storyline and it cannot be avoided. I honestly didn't pay any attention to Bernard&Co story because I was bored and I'm more interested in getting to know El.
On the other hand, I was quite interested in El's past. Yes! It's one of the most tragic ones I've heard. I love how dark it is and the writers did a good job in making me actually hate EVERYONE related to El. I also loved how they showed the scene where Al tells Kate about El's past in a library where they first met and at the same time, El was having a dream where he sees his whole childhood. It's a nice transition. They keep switching between Kate's pov to El's pov from time to time. Good job! I liked that.
The writers did keep me interested in the story because to be honest, I was really looking forward on how El finally comes out from his tragic past and faces his true nemesis. But they went and ruined it in the end so much so that it WASN'T WORTH SPENDING 1500 DIAMONDS and 25 story tickets!!! Yes! I did use my diamonds, which I've been saving for Jude, on story tickets.....because I was so hooked! I couldn't wait 10 days and I couldn't sleep until I found out what's going to be Jeffery's ending.
What happens to Jeffery?
By this time, you must know that, Jeffery is the true main villain in El's route. Not Gabriel Bernard. If you don't know, Jeffery was the chief butler of the Greetia house. He and the other servants SA-ed El everyday since he was 9-year-old. Not only this, let me list out all the crimes he has committed:
SA-ed a minor everyday.
Brainwashed and manipulated that same child.
Bribed a guy to kidnapped Kate and also told him to sell her, because you know, she was preventing him from SA-ing El.
Tried to kill Kate.
And also being completely delusional in thinking that the reason why El was trying to kill him because Kate brainwashed him and not because...all of the above.
Yeah. So you'd think, a monster like that would get painful death, right? But no. El just shows up, says hi and stabs him with his sword. That's it.
I was really disappointed, because I thought, El was going to make him suffer for what he has done and killing him as painfully as possible, because he deserves it. For some reason, the writers just made it anticlimactic. If I compare this ending with William and Harrison, their ending is much more exciting. Especially William's...I'll translate that as soon as my exam is over...so please be patient, it's on Sep 8th. Okay?
But yeah, that's it. I don't how El kills him in the other ending. Someone told me that El poisons him. Poison apple I guess. I'll see that when I play the other ending, but not anytime soon.
What is El's tragic ending?
El's tragic ending according to Victor is to die while being unsatisfied. We see El trying to collect the most beautiful thing in the world, but El's tragic end is, he will die without getting that most beautiful thing.
What about Al?
I still don't understand why Al kissed Kate. It still confuses me and Yes! Kate does tell El that Al kissed her and El was like--
Kate: "Well....Mr. Alphonse.....kissed me on the lip--"
El kisses her before she could finish her sentence.
El: "Tell me Kate, who is your daddy?"
Kate: *blushes* "It's Lord Elbert...."
El: *smiling* "Good."
El: "If it's Al, I don't mind..."
Kate: "You're....n-not going to kill him, right?"
El: "If it was someone else, I would have.......I'd rather you not, but if you want to kiss someone else besides me, it should be only Al."
Kate: *jealous* "I don't want to kiss someone else. I only want to kiss you..."
Yeah, that's El's reaction. He was surprisingly calm about it. Al on the other hand is starting to grow on me. He's like the Mitsuhide of this game, so mysterious that you can't tell if he's on good side or bad side. El seems to trust Al very much. Yes, he is jealous about Kate spending time with another man, but he also trusts Al and knows that no matter what, Al will keep her safe. Al on the other hand dislikes the fact that both Kate and El trusts him so much. I don't know if Al even likes El as friend. Sometimes he acts like friend and sometimes he doesn't. It's so confusing, so I'm really looking forward for his route.
Kate and El
Honestly, these two are made for each other. Both are jealous possessive types that keeps asking each other if they were thinking about each other while they were apart. There are only some cute moments here and there, like El staring at Kate so he could get into her heart and also making sure that she only looks at him and only thinks about him and also grabs her face and makes it turn to look at him and also asking to look only at him lol. It's a funny scene I liked it. But most of his route is full of sadness and sadness and .....lots of sadness. You get my point.
Final thoughts
This post is really short but there is not much to talk about because I already spoiled you guys about El's past which is the major part of the story.
I wish the story was bit more exciting, at least the writers could have improved the ending of Jeffery after making me hate him so much. All in all it was a pretty meh experience. I still think Harry's route is the best one so far.
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aza-writes · 1 year
Revenge or Revolution
Chapter 1
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• District 2 • Six Years Before the Revolution •
My calloused, tough fingers work fast as I braid the feathers around the fishing hook. I tell myself to make the wire tighter in my head before my mom says out loud a minute later.
"Tighter, Ivory! Or, do you not care about winning?" my breath gets caught in my throat. I hate when she uses that tone, it means she's disappointed. I hate disappointing her.
"Yes, mom. I'm sorry." I know better than to reply with anything else. I pull tighter before one wire slips from my finger, unraveling the whole thing.
"It's fine." Her tone shifts as she lets out a sigh. She's still disappointed,  but more subtle in showing it while accepting the fact that I still have areas to improve in. I feel worse now. "Just take a break. Go work on your flashcards."
"Yes, mom." I go into my room away from our "future Victor workstation." My mother came up with the idea when I was very little and I gave it to me as a birthday present for my fifth birthday. That was ten years ago. Ever since I've been training.
My mother has been very controlling with all my training and preparation aspects. She wasn't abusive in any way, she wasn't even mean. I felt love from both my mom and dad. They told me they loved me, but only when it was deserved or earned. It makes sense for love to be conditional, you wouldn't want to love an idiot loser who can't even give you something in return. There are many ways to earn love in my family, but most of them come with being the best at something like getting the best grade in the class or winning one of the many stupid contests they hold at school, and there are a lot. It's one of the many ways competitiveness and drive are instilled in kids in District 2. Not that I mind the competitions, they're mostly fun. They're also a way for me to win another medal or trophy for the case in our dining room. I fill with pride when my mom smiles and announces to our family, basically the whole neighborhood since she insisted the windows had to be open to "let in the fresh air," that she was the mom of a winner. 
And it wasn't that my mom was mad if we didn't win or if we came short in one of the many events or training exercises in a career district, she just added another thing on the list of things my sister, Clove, and I need to improve on. She doesn't do it because of reputation or anything, she was just concerned for my sister's and my future. Mostly mine since I'm older. And her efforts aren't in vain. Even at fifteen, I hold the title for the female with the highest ranking in the district, in all aspects. 
Bow and Arrow: Perfect Spear: Perfect Swords: Perfect Axe: Perfect Knife Handling: Beyond Perfection
Most people specialize in one or two things, but my mom insists I'm a "well-rounded tribute" because you never know what the arena will be like or what weapons will be available. It's also why she has us practice specialties of other districts. Climbing trees like Seven, fishing like Four, simple engineering like Three, and stuff like that. It's what allowed me to beat out all of the older students. If there was one thing they weren't good at, I could capitalize on it. 
It's also why my mom pushed on survival skills just as much as combat. "The poor districts may not be able to fight as well, but they are scrappy as hell. They know how to survive on nothing because they have nothing. So you have to outsmart them." Followed by this speech was an extensive lecture about every victor ever, how they won, and why they won. I've sat through that lecture so many times I'm able to pick up on the patterns of each district. One and Two are similar in how they are the strongest in combat, but Two is better with a variety of weapons instead of just one or two. Three was brains, Four always had something to do with water, and Seven was best with close combat. The rest are a scramble of dumb luck since there weren't many victors from those districts. A lot of them only have one or two victors of each gender that are still alive. 
Even now as I study my flashcards I'm learning about the other districts. My flashcards include plants from every district and every region of Panem where the games could potentially happen. I look at the many plants, roots, and barks and name what it is, their identifying features, and how they can be utilized. Eat, poison, medicine. And if it's poison or medicine I have to then state how it would help or hurt someone. I got these flashcards on my fifth birthday along with the "victor station."
I don't know why my mom makes me go through these flashcards, it's been months since I got one wrong. And I only got it wrong because it was one of the new ones added. 
I toss the deck to the side of the bed as I look at the clock on my desk. 4:45. Clove should be finishing up her training soon. If my training is enough to get me in the games, then Clove won't have to go through all of this. Mom will have her victor, she might let Clove stay good enough to earn respect amongst the District, but not high enough to have her be chosen to volunteer. As much as it is an honor to be chosen to volunteer and win the games, in the end, you're still killing people. 
I go through some of my other decks of flashcards for another fifteen-ish minutes. Identifying soil, matching the bite to the bug then the treatment, and other simple survival trivia that I can't learn firsthand in District Two.
Tap... Tap Tap... Tap Tap Tap... Tap Tap... Tap
Right on time. 
Clove's signature knock echoes from my door, indicating mom gave her approval for her to be done with training for the day. She knocks this way to politely ask if I'm in training or not. Instead of walking into my room and risking interrupting me. I don't know why she started it or even when, but it's been our tradition as long as I can remember. A smile grows on my face, excited I finally get to spend more than a few minutes with her. 
"Come in, Clove." My door opens, Clove peaks in with a small smile on her face. 
"Has Mom dismissed you yet?" Her voice is in almost a whisper, worried she's interrupting me. Even though she did her knock and I gave her verbal confirmation to come in, she still asks. 
I nod my head, even though Mom hasn't come into my room and officially declared it yet, but it's the time she usually would come in. "Yes ma'am, I'm all done." In a millisecond she comes in and hops on my bed next to me. 
Fragments of her uniform are still on, just not as prestige as it was at the beginning of the day. Her shoes, tie, and jacket are off, and her school dress pants have been replaced with softer trousers. The only thing that remains the same from the morning is her hair up and her collared frilly tank top that the younger grades wear, reminding me of her short time between the end of the school day and training. Since I'm older and it's a more formal part of my day, I have designated time to train, but for her, she goes directly from school to a private trainer. Most kids don't start practicing until they turn ten, sometimes they wait until they're twelve. Like me, Clove started her training when she turned five and started weapon and then combat training two years ago when she turned eight. Our training has been almost identical, starting with practice weapons and survival skills starting at five, then combat training beginning when we turned eight. Although we were trained in all weapons, there was an emphasis on knife handling. It was a long and short-distance weapon that provided an extra level of protection. 
Clove sits right next to me on my bed, our shoulders touching. "How was your day?" Her voice is soft. Well, as soft as hers can be. She isn't annoyingly loud, but she isn't weak by any standards. She is confident in herself and her abilities. She's the smallest girl in her grade but she scores higher than them in every aspect. I hope this doesn't mean anything though, that my training is enough for me to gain the win for our family and she can slow down her training. Maybe she can even enjoy her childhood without thinking of how every second she isn't training, she is failing our parents. 
"My day was good. School is school. Training is training." She leans her head on my shoulder and I rest my head on hers. I'm not a fan of any kind of physical touch, but I like Clove's. Her's was comforting. "How was yours?"
Her hands reach for mine. "It was good. I got the highest grade on my history test." 
"Atta girl." 
She smiles softly, relishing in the praise. "Thanks." She sits up and looks at me. I can't make out her expression. It's worrying but also very matter-of-fact. "Mom was mumbling to herself at the victors station. What happened?"
I meet her gaze, a small smirk appears on my face. "I can't make a fishhook." I giggle a bit, trying to make her not nervous. Anytime I'm not doing something perfect, Clove worries. I get it. I have high expectations this year. Not just my family, but the whole district. If I won these games I would get the title of "Youngest Female Victor" ever, giving another "only," "ever," or "first" victor to add to their collection. It's still hard for my district to talk about the 65th Games. Saying it's not fair that the youngest victor is from District 4. They might be able to tolerate District 1, but 4 is unacceptable. Me winning might start a chain reaction of children training at the age of five, producing younger and younger victors. 
Clove's eyes search mine, trying to see if I'm worried or not and if she should be worried too. "But you'll get it, right?" She sounds like mom. So much like mom. 
"I'll get it. Besides, it's not something I 'need' to know."
"Don't say that. You need to know everything so you get in. So you win." Her voice is earnest, stressed. As many people come home to District 2, there are even more that don't.
"Trust me, I'll be okay. And if I need to fish I'll use a spear or something." I snuggle into her, trying to calm her nerves but she is as stiff as a board. Even my reassuring words aren't fixing her anxiety, but I know what will. "Clove?" a mischievous smile grows on my face, " Do you want to grab the nail polish?" 
Her eyes immediately light up and she runs into her room. I hate the feeling of nail polish, but Clove is still at the age where she likes to do girly things. Mom might also like it, an added bit of "flair" for the cameras when I get reaped. Making my stylist appreciate me more thinking "she'll be so easy to work with." 
My life has been planned around these stylist, stylists I don't even know. My mom crafted my appearance around them. She had me grow my hair out so if they want to cut it they can. I keep my skin as clean as possible so it will be easier for them to do makeup. My whole life revolves around the games. 
Clove comes back holding a large, dark red box. "Can I do yours first?" Her smile is wide, we finally have sister time that doesn't revolve around training. Time to relax. 
Series Masterlist
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"Enjoying the food. That is the essential ingredient for a fruitful harvest festival. I must make it a banquet to remember."
"My face is tense…? You must be watching me very closely to have noticed that."
Please do not misunderstand. The only reason we can talk like this is because you are my partner in this project. Others cannot."
"I don't want to get my costume dirty."
"I want to get rid of the "me" who only admires his older brothers and become as good as them."
"It's hard to come up with good ideas when you're all alone. Thank god I have someone who will listen to me… You."
"As a gastronomy sommelier, I will do my best to make you proud."
"Finally I can tell you…No…Wait a moment…I'm so nervous, I'm having heart palpitations…"
"What do you think? We're getting pretty close, aren't we? It seems I'm getting accustomed to you."
"You really like to make my heart race, don't you? I wonder, will I ever get used to this feeling?"
"The harvest festival is about to begin. Let me guide you to an enchanting banquet of delicious wine and gourmet food."
"With this Harvest Festival's success, I have taken another step forward as a sommelier. With you by my side."
"This wine is for you. It's a fine wine that deepens with time…Just like the feelings I have for you."
"I'm no good at tricks and games, but I have something to tell you. Will you please listen to me?"
"I will not tolerate pranks."
"For a long time all I wanted was to stay away from you, but now I'd rather…"
"Why are you looking at me like that? You enjoy teasing me… You're a naughty girl, aren't you?"
"I'm still struggling to convey my feelings to you."
"We should really head back soon. It is regrettable, but I want to properly fulfill my responsibility as the organizer of the festival."
"The other day Cuit made walnut and cheese canapes. It was an exquisite dish."
"Kuchen made chocolates in the shape of skulls…"
"Since it is a harvest festival the menu is eccentric."
"Considering how much time we've been spending together, I may be becoming unknowingly influenced by you."
"Victor and I are in a similar line of work. I have a lot I could learn from him."
"I was up late preparing for the harvest festival and Victor warned me that it was bad for my skin. I have to admit, I didn't see it from that angle."
"Victor asked me to name a new cocktail, but I don't think I'm the right person for the job…It's a big responsibility."
"Typically, I have a policy of never mixing anything with wine, but my way of thinking has changed. This must be Victor's influence."
"Unthinkable, is it? Well, it is true, people do change."
"I must admit I am a woman-hating person, but now…No, nothing. I shall tell you at a later date."
"Walter says that there are poisonous plants that go well with wine. I will have to sample one next time."
"Walter listens to me a lot. He doesn't say anything. Ever. I think that helps."
"Walter is a man of few words, but he is trusted by Oscar for his reliable work."
"When I became the host of this banquet, he encouraged me, saying that I would make it even better."
"I'm shocked…I never thought I could be this close to you."
"You say we're not even that close? Well, this is more than I ever imagined…I'm not ready to be closer yet."
"If you ever feel overwhelmed, don't hesitate to rely on me. During a festival like this, many people will be going wild."
"Thanks to you, I feel like I've loosened up a bit."
"As the organizer, I thought it would be best to dress a little more modestly…Surprisingly the costume has been well received."
"I wanted my brothers to wear costumes too, but it's difficult in the kitchen…So I'll have to wait to see them in costumes some other time."
"Wearing so much white makes me nervous…What if I get a red wine stain or something…?"
"In that costume, I think you are so beautiful that you cannot help but attract the attention of everyone around you."
"I looked up how to make a pumpkin lantern in a book, so if you have any questions feel free to ask."
"Can you use my face as your model? That's fine…I'll use you as my model."
"Can't cut a pumpkin properly? Then hand me the knife. I'll help."
"You want to hold hands so we don't get separated…? No… I need to be more prepared."
"You don't want to leave yet? N-No there is no problem…My chest is just getting a little tight."
"I was thinking about spending next year's harvest festival with you like this…
"I found a bag of candy in my jacket pocket…When did this happen?"
"I'm sorry, I'm just trying to regain my composure."
"If you're the one I'm holding hands with, I have no problem doing so."
"I know this isn't my place…But I would appreciate it if you didn't hold hands with anyone else."
"Oh, was my hair messy? Thank you very much. I try to be careful, but…"
"Do you by chance touch other people's hair like this…? No, nevermind, it's nothing."
"You touch is gentle. I don't want to run away anymore."
"When you touch me…It feels so good…It's hard to remember who I used to be."
"I can't stand it, yet I can't seem to stay away."
"Can I…Um…Can I touch you? I swear I won't play a prank on you."
"Not only as a guild keeper, but also as a woman, you are very important to me."
"If you have something to say, please do speak clearly."
(gift like) "Thank you. You seem to have the makings of a sommelier."
(gift like) "You are really good at making people happy. I admire that about you."
(gift normal) "If you have a gift for my brother don't leave it with me…What? A gift for me? Sorry, I misunderstood."
(gift normal) "Is this a thank you for the wine tasting the other day?
(gift dislike) "Are you drunk? This choice of gift is rather unprecedented."
(gift dislike) "As a sommelier I really try not to be picky, but…I expect more from you.
"You understand that I am not good with women, so please leave me alone."
"Can you stop touching me soon? No, I mean…It's not that I don't want to…I just…"
RICHE : This outfit is not terrible. But the wine is a bit difficult to pour in it, how do you manage? VICTOR : You must have fun with these things! Why don't you try pouring the wine while pretending to cast a spell like a magician?
RICHE : The more I attempt to be confident, the more I withdraw…I knew my brothers would be better at this than me. WALTER : Don't hold onto your insecurities, Riche. Let 'em out. We're all on your side. Let's have a drink and get ourselves together.
RICHE : Normally, I'd stop drinking so much, but this time I really need it. CHELL : I know what you mean, Riche. You've got a lot of work to do tonight. Let's try all the wine!
VICTOR : Riche, you are both strong and honorable. RICHE : That is very kind of you to say, but I am not quite there yet.
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multifandom-worlds · 2 years
Worthy of Love
Genre: Angst
WordCount: 2.3K
Warnings: breakups
Authors Note: This is a repost from 2020.
AO3 link HERE
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I sit at my desk, looking at my phone and the message my girlfriend sent me. I need to break up with her. Not because I don't love her, but it's because I do. I thought she would be a quick lay. Something fun to pass the time with until the next thing came along. I never intended to fall hopelessly in love with her.
But I did.
Fear and intimidation has always been second nature for me. It comes naturally. It's the language I've spoken for years. It's protected me and my company, until now. Until I laid eyes on her again. This nosey, impulsive, headstrong little thing with bright, curious eyes and an ability to push my buttons.
This woman that, no matter how many times I push her around or push her away, she comes right back, like a moth to a flame.
With every moment I spend with her, I find myself wanting more. Wanting to know more and in truth? That scares me. The closer I get to her the more power she holds over me. Power to leave me.
I love her way too much, which is why I have to do this. Why I have to be the bad guy and end things. She's going to be mad. She's going to be confused and heartbroken and she has every right to be.
"Brianna, this isn't working."
I hover over the send button. Am I really going to break up with her over a text message? Yes because I need her to hate me. I need her to think I am the worst person ever.
An answer comes back to me moments later.
"What do you mean this isn't working? What did I do wrong? I can do better, I promise. Victor please."
"My mind is made up, Brianna. I am bored with you and done with this relationship. Please go gather your belongings and leave your key on the table."
I put my phone down, not wanting to see what she has to say. I can feel my heart slowly break inside. The truth is, I could never be bored with her but I need to look after myself, even if that means pushing away the only person who dared to look past the suits.
Returning home that night, the spare key sits on the table and all her belongings are gone. Except for 1 shirt that still rests on the couch where she left it last night after one of our many passionate love-making sessions.
I pick it up, holding it close, breathing in her scent. Tears prick at my eyes as memories from the past year flood my memories. I need to keep reminding myself that this is for the best.
Who am I kidding. She's the best thing for me. She's the best thing to happen to me back then and she's the best thing to happen to me now.
I sit down on the couch. The couch that once held such passion now feels cold and lonely. How did I let myself get so infatuated with her? The couch is where I sleep that night, her shirt still clutched tightly in my arms. I can't bear the bed tonight.
Waking up the next morning, my eyes sting with tears long since dried up. I feel like I'm on autopilot as I ready myself for the day. Just yesterday I would be sneaking glances at Brianna getting ready while I make us both coffees.
She would kiss me good morning, her soft lips lingering or two longer. I would run my fingers through her feather soft red hair while she tries to do it up for work, earning myself a playful swat. There's so much about her I miss. I miss the way she would cling to me a little tighter Saturday mornings, her hand resting on my chest, the way her fingers felt when they're running through my hair. I miss her.
Tears brim my eyes once again but I blink them back. I just need to keep telling myself this is for the best, that I'm better off alone and that she's better off with someone that isn't me. Whether it's true or not is irrelevant.
When I get to work, Anna, Brianna's coworker is waiting for me. A small part of me hoped Brianna would come present their proposal but that was a dream of a love-struck fool. Of course she wouldn't come, not after I cruelly ripped her heart out.
"Why did you do it, Victor?" Anna asks, no warmth to her voice.
"That's none of your concern. It's between Miss Davis and I. Not you."
"You spent a year with her, almost to the exact day and yet you cannot even call her by her first name. You really are a piece of work."
How could I forget. Today would have been mine and Bri's 1 year anniversary. That's no concern of mine now. What's done is done. It's time to move forward.
Anna presents their proposal. It's quite well done this time around. Over the course of our relationship, Brianna's proposals have been getting progressively better and better. This was the best one yet. If only I could tell her. To see her face lights up one last time.
"Oh Victor. This is for you. Brianna wanted me to give it to you."
Anna's voice holds a deep set anger as she all but throws a gift wrapped box at me. Once Anna leaves I set to opening it. Inside is a watch, once that I mentioned in passing that I was interested in acquiring. Brianna must have remembered and it must have cost her a pretty penny because this watch is not cheap but any stretch of the imagination. Below the watch is a little card that reads: Happy Anniversary, Victor darling. I love you more than words could say.
I love you too, Bri. Please don't hate me forever. Removing the watch I wore today and placing it in my desk drawer, I carefully put on the one Brianna bought me, admiring it. I don't deserve someone as wonderful as her.
Clearing my mind of thoughts of her I return to my work. That night I return to my cold, dark apartment, forced to relive all the memories I have with her. This is my own personal Hell.
An hour later I find myself looking through her Moments, reliving all the times we spent together, all while polishing off a bottle of brandy. She posted a new photo just this afternoon of her in a new outfit that suits her body so perfectly.
It's only been a day and she already seems to have moved past our breakup. Maybe I really didn't mean that much to her after all. Unfortunately that does not make getting over her any easier.
Laying down on the couch, I grab her shirt once again and hold it close. This is the hardest break up I've yet to deal with. I miss her but I can't tell her. To her, she bored me. I want her to continue to believe that.
Tears slowly roll down my cheeks while I fall asleep.
My dreams are filled with her. Her bright, curious eyes. Her long red hair fluttering in the wind, her phenomenal piano playing. Waking up in a cold sweat, I made the decision then and there that I cannot live like this. Until I am over her I will distract myself with wine and women.
So that is precisely what I do. Each night I entertain another woman in my home. We wine and dine, finishing the night in the throes of passion. In a week I could bed at minimum, 6 women, all who sing my praises.
I've been doing this for the past 6 months but it hasn't helped. A pattern had emerged. I've only gone out with short redheads. Only ever drank the wine Brianna liked.
Tonight I had a dinner date with a young woman named Jessica. Jessica is a model who I've done shoots with in the past. She's a pleasant enough woman, not much of a conversationalist though.
Walking out of the restaurant, I have the misfortune of bumping into Brianna on the sidewalk. She smiles briefly before she bows her head slightly and walks off.
"Miss Davis, wait." My mouth forms the words before my mind could process. Brianna stops mid-stride but does not turn around. Her chest heaves softly, the same way it did when she was crying in my arms. My heart breaks all over again.
"Now is not a good time, Victor." Her voice was soft, breaking as it said my name.
"Who's that, Victor?" Jessica's hand rests on my bicep.
"An ex-girlfriend. No one you need to concern yourself with Jess."
"I must say, you certainly upgraded from her to me."
"You're right, as always Jess."
The words sounded wrong. She wasn't right at all. In fact she couldn't have been more wrong. Jessica was a downgrade from Brianna. She was a rebound and nothing more.
The sound of a soft sob makes its way to my ears as we walk past Brianna. Glancing over my shoulder, my precious, perfect girl is wiping the tears from her face before she looks up at me with eyes filled with an unmeasured sadness. She really did love me, didn't she. The fact I hurt her this bad makes me feel like a monster. That's what I wanted, right? I wanted her to hate me.
I sit in my car outside Brianna's apartment, looking up at her window. Her silhouette in the window joined by another.
My phone lights up, a text message from her.
"Come up Victor. We need to talk."
I sigh, blinking away tears before I drive away. I can't face her. Not after what I said today. I am not worthy of love. Especially not worthy of her love.
The next hour is spent driving around the city trying to clear my head from any and all thoughts of her. By the time I return her, my tiny redhead is sitting by my door, knees to her chest, tears slowly rolling down her cheeks.
"Bri, what are you doing here. It's late and it's dangerous outside." Looking up at me, Brianna wipes the tears from her cheeks before rising to her feet.
"We need to talk, Victor. Please"
I can't say no to her, her eyes plead with me, the pain in her voice drives a knife into my soul. I unlock my door before showing her in. She takes a seat on the couch, playing with a few strands of hair. Something she's always done when she's nervous.
"I forgive you."
Those 3 little words stop me in my tracks. Those 3 little words tear down the wall I've been building over the past 6 months. Those 3 little words is all it takes for me to come undone. Tears start rolling down my cheeks.
"Victor?" Brianna's voice is filled with concern as her hand cups my cheek. I rest my hand over hers, leaning into her touch. Yearning for it. Her thumbs wiped away the tears on my cheeks.
"I don't deserve your forgiveness, Bri."
"Yes Victor. Everyone deserves forgiveness. You're afraid to get close to people. I understand I was too close and you had to protect yourself. I forgive you"
Any and all control I had disappears and a moment later my arms are around her waist, pulling her close and holding her tight. Brianna hugs me back without missing a beat.
I finally let her go a few minutes later, wiping my face. How embarrassing. I turn to hide my face but she stops me.
"I'm not worthy of your love, Brianna. I pushed you away because I was afraid. At first you were a quick lay. A playtoy but something about you drew me in. Before I knew it, I was in too deep and it terrified me. I had to leave to prevent you from leaving me. I couldn't bear the thought of you leaving me so I left you first."
"Victor." Hearing my name, spoken with such love caused another wave of tears to flow from my eyes. I turn my back to her, walking over to the window letting the tears fall.
A pair of arms snake around my midsection, fingers interlocking on my stomach. Full body sobs rack my body but Brianna holds on. She rests her head against my back.
My body gives up in my and I fall to my knees, hands covering my eyes as I sob uncontrollably. I don't deserve her or her understanding but here she is, holding me as I sob.
"Victor. I love you. I loved you then and I still love you now. You have been the best thing to me. You challenged me to improve in every aspect of my life. You are the one I want, the only one I want"
Brianna lets go of me before crawling around to my front, her hands on my tear soaked cheeks.
"Brianna, will you take me back?"
"Yes Victor."
I lean in, kissing her several times, tears of a different kind rolling down my cheeks.
"Thank you, baby girl. Thank you. I'm so sorry for everything I put you through over the last 6 months. I thought I could get over you but I couldn't. It's you, Brianna. It's always been you and it can only ever be you."
On shaky legs I stand up, helping Brianna up with me.
"Let's go to bed, Bri."
"Let's go to bed, Victor." Brianna beams up at me, wrapping her arm around my waist.
Laying in bed for the first time in 6 months, looping long red hair around my fingers, holding her petite body as close to me as I can. It's going to be a challenge but I'm willing to try if she's by my side.
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ambrossart · 1 year
Hello, I just wanted to tell you that chapter 20 and 21 are one of my favorites, probably because they are a bit more focused on Victor (who has become my favorite character since those two chapters when he was Patrick at the beginning, although I still love him too) and seeing a bit of Vic's daily life makes you feel more attached to the character and all the little details about Evelyn and Victor childhood give me a kind of nostalgia and sadness, chapter 21 really felt like I was really in victor's room you are great at creating atmospheres and moods and reading vic's thoughts and feelings about his family and how he feels about it was great and made me feel a bit sad 😢 i feel like vic has a very low opinion of himself himself and as he himself is considered a disappointment, and another thing that I loved, these two talking about music and joking, small details like that Víctor uses shampoo, his space pajamas or the guitar his mother bought him, which by the way if Victor I learned to play the guitar I would fall even more in love and totally victor with an eyebrow piercing would really look great if he hadn't gotten infected of course, and the lotion victor had in that drawer I think I have an idea what it could be if he got so nervous 😂; Anyway, all those little facts and more things that I didn't want to comment because I feel like I'm rambling too much make me love these chapters, you don't know how many times I've read chapter 21 (I really plan to draw a picture about chapter 21 and Victor and all those little anecdotes)
Chapters 20 and 21 are some of my favorites too, and for all the reasons you've said.
These chapters are all about Evelyn learning about the "new Vic" and realizing that, although he's dyed his hair and developed new interests, he's still the same boy she knew as a kid. And I think that finally clicked for her when she discovered his natural roots coming back in. It's a small moment, but it's a really important one. Here Evelyn is, surrounded by change and almost mourning the loss of her childhood friend, and she suddenly sees a glimpse of the "old Vic" hiding beneath the surface. It's extremely comforting for her and it gives her a lot of hope for the future.
These chapters also let us see a side of Vic that he hides from everyone else. He might prefer to be seen as this moody, miserable asshole who hates everyone, but he's clearly using that as a mask. Vic isn't withdrawn because he hates people. He's withdrawn because he genuinely struggles with everyday socialization, and has struggled with this since he was a little kid. High school is an absolute nightmare for Vic. He's constantly surrounded by people. The hallways are loud and chaotic. All the competing sounds trigger his sensory issues. He gets overwhelmed, overstimulated, and he suffers with painful, throbbing headaches (I mean, the poor boy has to shove his head in his locker to get some relief 🥺). But of course he doesn't want people to see him struggle, so he just hides it as best as he can and tries to act normal. It's gotta be exhausting. No wonder the guy needs to smoke a bowl when he gets home from school. 😂
That's why it breaks my heart to see Vic being so unkind to himself. My favorite moment in Chapter 21 is when Evelyn is talking about how she used to daydream about what they would be like when they were older. Vic automatically assumes that Evelyn is disappointed by how he turned out, and that is just SO SAD to me. I think Vic is deeply disappointed by how he turned out. I think he hoped he would grow out of his issues and eventually become "normal," and that by being "normal" he would finally become the kind of person Evelyn would like. I think that's partially why he was so reluctant to return her feelings when they were younger (that and Evelyn came on really, really strong and likely freaked him out). He probably assumed that Evelyn had some superficial crush on him and that one day she would see the real him and not like him anymore.
I love Vic so much. Regardless of how this story ends, you better believe there’s a timeline where he and Evelyn end up together, and it’s the best timeline ever because those two are absolutely adorable. ❤️❤️❤️
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wattpadscapcons · 3 years
i actually listen to blackpink since they're like my second group to listen to. anyways thanks for answering my request!💖
if you don't mind, can i request some headcanons of leon from pokemon with an s/o from the real world? like they were travelling or something and feel asleep and then woke up to the pokemon with only their phone and bag and leon was the one who found them.
this is a very weird and specific request 💀 so im sorry for that. blame my hyperactive since they function differently when it's night lmao. also im nosey anon btw!
There's nothing really wrong with your ask, if anything the subject of jumping from your world and into a video game is something I thought about a lot.
I may just have to write this a little differently though? Because jumping through worlds is fine and all, but the establishment of a relationship is a little harder to establish with Leon's personality. He's helpful and compassionate sure, but most of his time is focused on securing his spot at the top as champion.
And the issue is where and how to explain the beginning of the story really. Do I start with the reader waking up in the game and just time skip like usual or do I have to go into detail of the establishment of a relationship with said character? Decisions decisions....
There could also be some kind of connection prior to the portal jumping that already has them in some kind of romantic relationship, like a dating sim dlc patch? I kinda like that idea....
ALSO THANK YOU FOR PICKING SOMEONE NEW! I love N to bits but the other characters deserve love too!
Edit: Hope you like ✨drama✨!
Leon w/ Real World S/O
- It's somewhat strange just how comfortable you've got being here, with him
- How are you not freaking out right now? You literally just jumped from the real world to a video game overnight
- The fact that him being the one to find you also seemed almost...planned out?
- Maybe downloading that Dating DLC wasn't a good idea after all, but you're still happy!
- "Y/N? Are you ok?" "Yeah." "You were spacing out again." "Just thinking." "About?" "How I actually got here..." "I've thought a little bit about that too.. Didn't come up with any good answers." "I'm just happy that you didn't let the fact that you're apart of a game bother you." "I mean if my presence is enjoyed by millions around the globe, then that just makes me happy."
"Do you think the dating dlc caused this?" "Y/N, I really...don't understand that part. You downloaded a dlc on a video game that was already out. Why?" "I plead the fifth for that answer." "You just wanted to be with me huh?" "Maybe..."
- He realized half way through you being here that everything he knows is just fabricated, and still seems to smile about it
- "Please don't tell Hop the truth. I'd rather see him continue on his journey happily instead of looking for a way to escape." "Leon, I would never want to cause harm to you or your family like that...I know that he's gone through way too much as is to get to where he is now." "You <played> as his rival. Throughout all of this... He really respects you."
"I....don't look like Gloria/Victor. I don't think he'll recognize me now." "It's ok if he doesn't. He can just get to know the real you, as Y/N L/N, instead of his programmed best friend." "Heh...the age gap is different too. I have no idea what to do as champion since "they" left. I'm so used to being in control of them." "I'm upset they're gone too, I have no idea what to tell Hop."
- You, your Pokémon, and Leon all end up trying to figure out how to explain some things to Hop without him getting upset for a little while, before going back to the beginning again
- "I feel asleep on a plane and woke up here. I didn't even have my Switch with me. I only had my bag and my phone when I woke up. Sort of like Gloria/Victor. Do you think that the code of the game is just having me replace them?" "I don't know. I'd hate to think we'd never see them again, even if they were just your placeholder. Have...you actually tried to call home?" "Yes. And I even looked through my contacts. They've all been altered."
"So, you're stuck here with me." "Is being champion as easy as it was out of the game?" "Huh?" "I'm the champion Leon. What am I supposed to be doing right now?" "Training I guess. You should probably take it easy for a while though, things do work differently here." "I remember the rules Leon, believe me."
- You actually checked to see whether or not that Gloria/Victor was at home by chance, their mom addressed you by name with a "Welcome home Y/N!" It's true, you really did end up replacing them
- Bede, Marnie, Hop and your pokémon all recognized you. Hop was the only one to notice that you were different now though.
"Y/N, you....look different now. I can't really tell what's changed...but somethings off. What did you do?" "Um... I changed my hair and eye contacts, as well as my clothes. I just felt like reinventing myself a little y'know?" "That's not what I meant...are you taller? You also...look older now.... What happened?" "Hop...I can't tell you. I'm sorry. But you're right, I have changed. I am older than you think I am." "I don't- I don't understand..." "It's ok, I didn't either when I woke up. It's just one more thing for all of us to get used to."
"I'm...I'm going to go talk to my brother...see you later Y/N." "....."
- Hop ended up going to Leon, very distraught, and asking about you. Leon did his best to explain (lie) and just told him he had no idea what happened to you. In the process, he told him that you two were an item now. To which Hop blew up on him, almost crying.
"YOU'RE WHAT?!?" "Hop please calm down." "Do you have any idea what I FEEL for them? DO YOU?!" "Hop, I'm sorry. I know I'm being selfish. I don't expect you to accept it either. Please believe me when I say I never meant to hurt you..." "I'm always going to be in your shadow Leon... When does the competitions stop...?"
"Guys!" "Y/N?" "What's with all the yelling? Hop?" "I'm...I'm fine. I'm just really upset right now....I need some air.... I- I can't stand being in this room right now... I'm sorry."
"Leon?" "He blew up on me. I lied about knowing you've changed, but told him the truth about our relationship. He apparently had feelings for you as well." "Leon you couldn't have known." "I know...I don't pay enough attention to one of the most important people in my life. I...need to work on being a better brother."
"I really hate to say it this way but, Hop will move on. Ok? Don't feel bad, if he really wanted to be with me he would've said something." "I know, I know. Let's just...try to rest for today alright babe? I'm already exhausted..."
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cheri-translates · 3 years
Headcanon - When you’re angry and say “Don’t touch me”
Original title: 当你生气地说 “你别碰我”
Original writer: 池离子 (chi li zi)
You’re seated on the sofa, staring at the hour hand of the clock as it points to “1″, trembling with anger. 
Victor! He promised that no matter how busy he was, he’d return by 11pm. Yet, even now, he hasn’t even called to give you an explanation. His phone is turned off, you couldn’t find him at the office, and all the employees had already knocked off.
Feeling upset, you think about heading to bed, but your immense worry causes your hands and feet to turn cold, and the blanket is unable to keep you warm. As such, you have no choice but to send message after message to Victor. 
Since you once made a promise with him not to head out at night, you wait for him to return home obediently. With this thought in mind, you climb into bed, covering yourself up before breaking into tears.
Although separated by the bedroom door, you can still hear the sound of the main door opening gently, followed by the soft sound of leather shoes stepping on the wooden floor. You know that he has finally returned, but you have no intention of forgiving him for breaking his promise and not returning your calls.
You hear the rustling of clothes being removed, followed closely after by the sound of the bedroom door opening gently, the familiar footsteps nearing you quietly. The space beside you on the bed dips slightly, and you can feel Victor pulling the blanket from your face.
"Dummy... why are you covering yourself up? It’s so stuffy.”
He speaks softly.
When Victor's hand is about to touch your face, you suddenly grab the blanket and turn over, your back facing him. He’s clearly stunned, and then realises that you weren't asleep, and are even a little angry with him. So he shakes your shoulder and says a soft “I'm sorry”.
"Don't touch me!" You shrug his hand away roughly. Curling yourself up, you begin to sob again.
Victor wants to pull you up, but you avoid him with equal determination, before dropping a cold “don't touch me.”
Victor sighs, then explains himself in a fatigued voice. “Sorry. I returned very late, and it’s my fault. When I drove past the park after work, I saw someone selling the taiyaki that you like, so I bought one. I didn’t have a firm grip on my phone and it fell into the water, so I couldn't turn it on.”
"I was going to buy a new phone along the way, but Goldman suddenly rushed over, saying that E Company requested to terminate our partnership due to contractual issues. Because we were pressed for time, I drove to E City with Goldman to hold a meeting, and only managed to rush back at this time... I’m sorry."
After listening to these simple words, you can’t help but feel an ache in your heart. You sit up with guilt. Despite how tired Victor was, he still had to deal with you being angry when he returned home. This... is really sad.
You turn over to look at him. Realising that your eyes are red, he reaches forward to hug you gently, leaning against your ear to say another “sorry”.
There’s a paper bag sitting at the corner of the bed, and you’re able to see half of a cold taiyaki.
"I'm so tired... let me hug you for a while..."
He embraces you tightly, and you reach out to pat his hair, as if touching a helpless child. 
"Sis-in-law, he really doesn’t take advice. I already told him not to rush ahead, but he did it anyway. Now, he doesn’t even dare to step into the house, and it’s really difficult for us...”
You’re listening to the voice message sent by Eli. Gavin was injured during a mission, and was caught red-handed by you. Eli is the spy you’ve arranged to be by Gavin’s side.
“Eli, tell Gavin that I’ve fallen sick, and that I haven’t told him about it because I don’t know what illness it is yet.”
"Sis-in-law... is this... a good idea?"
"Trust me. I can give your team a brilliant tomorrow.”
"Thank you, Sis-in-law!”
Turning your phone off, you lie down quietly. Thirty minutes later, you hear Gavin opening the door while shouting your name. You listen as his footsteps draw nearer, finally pausing at your bedside.
“Wake up, are you okay? What happened? Are you okay?” Gavin reaches out, wanting to pull you over to himself. Enraged, you slap his hands away and yell at him. “Don't touch me!”
Sure enough, he stops, and you hear him sitting down. What follows after is a protracted silence.
Your thoughts: I’m doomed. Does he find me annoying?
Gavin’s thoughts: Something’s wrong. I definitely did something wrong. What did I do wrong? Anyway, I should admit my mistake first.
"Sorry... I was wrong..."
You hear him saying this softly.
"Why were you in the wrong?”
Gavin is dumbfounded.
"I don’t know...”
Despite your anger, your heart aches. As you sit upright, you hear him asking with concern, “Are you sick? How are you feeling now?”
"I'm not sick. I asked Eli to call you home. He said that you were badly hurt and was afraid to see me. Am I that fierce?"
Gavin shakes his head.
"I'm not afraid of you being fierce. You can scold me however you like, but I'm afraid that you’d get tired after scolding me, and feel sad when you see my injuries, so I didn’t dare to return."
Pearl-like droplets of tears fall again, and he hurries forward urgently, wiping them away.
"Don't cry..."
"Where did you get hurt this time... don't be afraid to let me see. What I’m most afraid of is not knowing anything. Don’t refuse to come home..." You’re held in his arms, sobbing as you finish your sentence in bits and pieces.
He coaxes you while rubbing circles on your back.
“Okay, okay... next time, I’ll come straight home. I promise."
[ A few days later ]
"Sis-in-law, didn’t you say there wouldn’t be a problem? Us poor kids had to carry weights on our backs while climbing up a mountain...”
You dislike that bunch of female students! You! Really! Dislike! Them!
Under the pretext of the lecture, they’d look for Lucien. Once Lucien finishes his class, they would surround him, and Lucien would be in the middle, explaining the questions to them patiently.
It annoys you to death!
You’re nestled in the sofa watching a show. Having finished his shower, Lucien steps out of the bathroom, wiping his hair dry while walking towards you.
“MC, the bathroom is already warm and I've filled the tub with water. You can take a bath now.”
As if you couldn’t get angrier, you notice that the tone of voice he uses with you and the female students is obviously the same! So you purse your lips, ignoring him.
Thinking that your lack of response was because you couldn’t hear him over the sound of the TV, he sits beside you on the sofa, leaning in closer.
"Little Butterfly?”
You turn your head away, unwilling to give him any attention.
Assuming that you’re feeling shy, he reaches out to hug you, but is pushed away. He even hears this:
"Don't touch me!"
Lucien's hand stops in the air. For a long time, neither of you speak.
Just when you decide that you’re causing unnecessary trouble and turn to glance back at him, it’s as though you see the ears of a large canine drooping, its tail swinging slightly.
Why does he look wronged? Also, he's a fox, not a dog!
"MC... do you no longer like me?”
You watch as his handsome brows furrow. His movement of leaning over causes his bathrobe to reveal his neckline, and you’re cornered by him on the sofa.
"Don't touch..."
Before you manage to finish speaking, Lucien buries his face into the crook of your neck, his damp hair rubbing against your shoulder and earlobe gently. His hand reaches out to hug you tightly, and you can hear his muffled voice from the side. 
"Are you leaving me? Don't leave me..."
Huh? You heart aches instantly, and you pat his back. 
“Okay, okay... I’m not leaving you. I was just angry because those female students like you so much! I’m sorry for just now...”
"Next time... I’ll pay more attention... So MC, shall we take a bath together?”
Today has once again been part of Lucien’s plan.
[ KIRO ]
As you stare at the black circles underneath Kiro’s eyes, a certain thought drifts to your mind. 
He must have accepted too many job offers, then failed to get proper rest! 
You’ve already told him several times to reject work if he’s able to. After all, he should give himself a break. The last time, he was so tired that he fell asleep on the sofa in the makeup room and was caught red-handed by you. Now, the situation is not only worse, but he spends his free time accompanying you.
This is outrageous!
"Miss Chips! Let's watch a movie tonight! I starred in it! You’ve seen the trailer and poster, right?" Kiro picks up the cap which he uses as a disguise, then hops around you excitedly. But you just can’t ignore the blackish hue underneath his eyes.
Seeing that you’re ignoring him, he grins and steps forward, tugging on your hand. Fuming, you slap his hand away.
"Don’t touch me!”
Kiro’s hand pauses in mid-air. In just a few seconds, you hear the sound of sobbing. 
"Miss Chips..."
Turning your head to look at him, you see that tears are flowing down his cheeks. His eyes are red, and he’s wiping his teardrops with the back of his hand.
Is this the prowess of an actor? Being able to summon tears at will?
His sobbing turn even more aggrieved, and he carefully reaches out to tug on your hand again. Your heart aches, and you don’t fling it away this time.
"Miss Chips... do you hate me? Don't hate me... I work hard because I want you to lead a life which is worry-free, at least in terms of money... I love you so much..."
Ah! Stop talking! I’m a sinner!
You quickly give him a hug, patting him on the back.
“That will never happen! I like Kiro the most, but I’m very worried about your health. You’re still so young, but you’re this tired every day, so of course I’m distressed and angry. I don't hate you...”
He nods, planting his chin on your shoulder.
"I’m already very happy! I haven’t had to worry about money at all. You’ve worked so hard that I’ve got a surplus of wealth now! I want you to turn down a few projects and stay at home with me for a while, okay?”
You feel some movements on your shoulder. He’s nodding.
"Miss Chips... I like you so much..."
"I like you too!"
"Then you should kiss me now!"
He says with a grin.
(Did he follow Lucien’s study plan?)
[ SHAW ]
“Spring Thunder! Spring Thunder! You! Spit it out right now! Give it back to me!”
[Regarding the nickname] The CN version of MC’s “Mary Sue” alias is 刘春梅 - Liu Chun Mei (“Spring Plum”). Meanwhile, the CN community likes calling Shaw 刘春雷 - Liu Chun Lei (“Spring Thunder”)
Amid your blood-curdling screeches, Shaw dolidges your flailing hands and successfully chomps down your final strawberry cake.
With no intention of speaking to him anymore, you stagger a few steps, collapsing onto the sofa.
Shaw opens a bottle of Cola and a bottle of Pepsi in the kitchen, mixing his favourite, unique drink happily.
When Shaw returns with a large cup of mixed Cola and sees your current condition, he calls out to you twice. However, you have no intention of paying any attention to him considering your enraged and depressed state.
He sits beside you, patting your head. 
Your eyes are sharp, and you slap his hand away, saying the cruel words:
"Don’t touch me!”
In Shaw’s heart, he knows that something bad is about to happen. You didn’t call him “Stinky Brother” this time, which meant that you’re genuinely angry.
“No way, what’s up with you? You have such a reaction just because I ate your cake?”
You’re in no mood to argue with him. Your favourite strawberry cake no longer exists. Without it, you will crumble. 
"Spring Plum?”
He sets down the Cola, attempting to wrap an arm around your waist. But he’s slapped away once again.
"Don’t touch me!”
You watch as Shaw retracts his hand, gets up, grabs the keys, opens the door, then leaves. All in one swift movement.
Stinky Brother! He was obviously in the wrong, so why is he the one throwing a tantrum!
You close your eyes, missing that sweet and wonderful strawberry cake. Your mind has no room to think about Shaw.
After some time, you hear the sound of the door opening, followed by Shaw’s footsteps, then something being placed on the table. He sits beside you quietly.
Opening your eyes, you see that Shaw is seated, giving you a piteous look.
The scene before you resembles a world famous painting.
"Sister... I'm sorry... I went to buy a new cake..."
On the surface, you seem engrossed in your thoughts. However, your heart has long since been doing flips.
"Forgive me, okay...? Don’t give up on me just because of the cake...”
As though you’ve just survived a huge bloodbath, you sit up with a “hmph”, then pull the cake box over. Sure enough, there’s an entire cake, decorated with strawberries. 
Placated, you wrap Shaw in a hug and give him a kiss.
"What are you talking about, my beloved Shaw? Why would I not want you! I want you more than cake!”
Shaw's eyes darken.
"In that case... let me see just how much you want me..."
More translated and original works: here
[ Permission to translate ]
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池离子: OK! Just state that the source is LOFTER池离子. Also, if you’ve posted it, could you also take a screenshot for me? No need for the whole thing - just a little will do!
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darling-dummy-blogs · 3 years
A Dummy's Heartbreak- Victor Li (PT 2)
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Summary: Cassandra calls up Victor telling him that she misses him leaving Victor conflicted with his emotions. He decides to go over to her house to check on her. The two end up rekindling something as the night goes on…
Paring: Victor Li x Cassie (OC)
Genre: Angst (With a bit of Fluff)
Warnings: None!
Fandom: Mr. Love Queen's Choice
Word Count: 2.5k
Will be mainly focusing around Victor's perspective 
Will go into details about why and how they ended up breaking up. 
Possible Part 3…?
Massive thanks to @little-butterfly-writes for helping with brainstorming ideas for the break up 💜 (Go follow her, if you haven't already~)
So sorry for the delay with this part! With everything taking place, it's been hard to focus and write when I've been anxious and emotional over the situation within the MLQC fandom. Hope you enjoy <3
“I Miss You. I Miss Us..."
Hearing those words made Victor’s heart leap within his chest. He had hoped and dreamed of hearing these words almost everyday after the break up.
Victor remained silent for quite some time, unsure of how to reply to her words. His light breathing was the only thing that could be heard over the phone.
"...V-Victor? Are you still there?" She spoke out once again to him, the nervous tremor in her voice could be heard.
He swallowed, trying to process the words and managed to clear his rapid thoughts as he replied in a soft, yet quiet tone.
"I'm still here…" Before adding the words he wished to speak to her that day she left Loveland, "I miss you too… More than anything. But why are you suddenly telling me this now? It's been four months, Cassie."
"I-I know… I know it's been a while since I spoke to you… I just… Today… I-..." She trailed off, growing rather quiet.
His eyes trailed off from his desk to look at the calendar. His eyes landed on the day in question. His gaze softened. A deep frown appeared on his face.
"...Our third year anniversary…" He finished for her, his voice coming out rather hoarse, the sadness he felt at that moment made his heart ache.
He could faintly hear her sobbing on the other end of the line.
"I-I'm sorry… I shouldn't have called you. I just… I had such a rough day today, I-I couldn't focus.. I-I couldn't do anything right…"
She took a moment to catch her breath before continuing, "A-and then I realized what today was and it all made sense as to why I was acting like this, why I couldn't stop thinking about you.. Why I… miss you…"
"Cassie…" His voice came out soft once again, hearing her cry, utterly broke his heart. "Breathe… It's okay…" He tried to soothe her.
"I'm right here.." He spoke again. "I'm here for you. You know that."
Hearing those words from him, made her sob more, only louder this time. She knew that. Of course she did. But it still hurts that he isn't physically there with her.
"Cassandra." He spoke again, this time slightly firmer than before. "Listen to me… Breathe… I know it hurts. Trust me, I know more than anyone that it hurts."
He paused, as his eyes landed on a picture frame that laid upon his desk, one that he refused to put away since he had last seen her.
The frame contained an image of Cassie's bright smiling face. A photo Victor snuck in while she wasn't looking during one of their dates.
Staring at that photo, made his vision gloss over with tears. She looked so beautiful in that image.
She always did in his eyes. But he could never forget the look on her face, on the day of their break up.
He spoke again, "But you are strong. You can get through this. I know you can…"
"...Not without you by my side, Victor…" She spoke in a solemn tone as she had managed to calm down her sobs, sniffling.
"I-I've tried everything to get you out of my head, but nothing worked. I drank wine, just to try to forget about all the memories we made. But you still won't stubbornly go away…" She let out a sad chuckle at the end.
Victor grew silent again. A single tear slipped down his face as he stared blankly down at his desk. Taking in her words.
At that moment. He knew what he needed to do. He swallowed, as he wiped away his tears, speaking in a firm yet serious tone.
"Where are you right now?"
"I-I'm at home… Why?" Confusion clearly shown within her words.
"I'm coming to see you. Right now." He stood from his chair, gathering his suit jacket and left his office immediately.
The drive from Loveland to Cassandra's hometown felt long however, it wasn't too long as Victor pulled into the driveway of Cassie's home.
The anticipation of seeing her once again after such a long departure, made his heart flutter. He took a moment as he parked his car, looking at the house in front of him.
The sun barely began to set as he stared for what seemed like an eternity before unbuckling his seatbelt and stepped out of his car. Smoothening his jacket as he made his way to the door. Hesitating before ringing the doorbell.
A few moments passed by and the door flew open. The two made eye contact. Both stared at each other with wide eyes as though they had never met before.
Victor took in her appearance. He could tell she looked tired; the dark circles under her eyes, followed by how red and puffy her eyes were from crying. He could see the tears that stained her cheeks.
Gosh how he hated being the reason that she was upset. He mentally scolded himself for hurting such a loving girl such as herself. For fighting with her over a matter that she was feeling insecure about four months ago.
At that time, he didn't know what he had done to himself. But when she walked out that door, with that look on her face. He knew he regretted everything he had said to her in that argument.
He blamed himself for the longest time for saying such things to her.
Days if not weeks after the break up he did nothing but drink his sorrows away, threw himself into work to occupy and fill in the hole that she once held. Giving everyone at LFG hell to keep his mind from thoughts of her.
Sleepless nights filled with him crying over her, a side he refused to let anyone see. He wouldn't even want to let her see him like that.
His emotions got the better of him then. But now, seeing her within arms reach.. He wanted nothing more but to hold her and wipe away her tears. To take away her pain…
His eyes filled with tears, but he remained calm. She stared at him quietly with tears in her eyes as well, yet she refused to say anything. Fearing if she did, he'd disappear or she'd start bawling her eyes out once more.
She took a deep shaky breath, speaking out to him
"Come in…"
She opened the door wider for him. Waiting as he silently stepped inside. She shut the door quietly behind him as she wiped at her eyes hastily.
Cassie then gestured to the couch once they were in the living room, sitting down in the exact spot she was sitting before she called him.
He sat down next to her. However after realizing how close he was he slightly scooted away to give her some space.
Both of them remained silent for far too long.
Cassie proceeded to break the ice as she spoke, bringing her legs up to her chest while looking at him, "Why are you here, Victor..?"
"...I had to see you." He spoke as he kept his gaze low to the ground.
"I still don't understand… Why though?"
"Because Cassie… I missed you. Just as much as you missed me. I wanted to see you in person because I wanted to make sure you were okay."
"...Well.. I'm not okay…"
"..." He looked up from the ground to meet her gaze. A tear slid down his face. "...And I'm sorry for being the reason as to why you aren't okay…" He looked down at the ground once again
She frowned at that statement. "Victor…"
"No. I know that I'm the reason. That's why we broke up to begin with. I-I was too harsh with you.. I always have been."
She looked away. Shaking her head as tears filled her eyes. "That isn't the reason we broke up."
"Then what is it?"
"...The reason we broke up was because I was mad and upset with you for what you told me that day. It wasn't that you were harsh with me… because you were far from that."
She looked at him, moving closer to him, hesitating a second before cupping his face within her hands, making him look at her.
"Y-You were an amazing lover. And I loved you so much.. And if I'm being completely honest with myself. I still do love you. I believe that I always will…"
Her hands lightly caressed his skin, he brought his hand up, resting it on top of hers as he stared into her eyes.
Her lips trembled as she continued speaking. Her eyes filled with fresh tears. "But we broke up because of the awful rumors and ideas about my relationship with you that were being spread by numerous people online, especially by Chik. The argument we had that night took part of it but it wasn't the full reason."
"I didn't want to ruin your reputation. And I didn't want others to tear me down… I was insecure and I didn't want to be selfish by continuing to be with you… to have you to myself... that's why I told you that night if you wanted to end it. Then we would..."
He removed her hands from his face, holding her hands within his own, frowning. "Cassandra, you weren't being selfish nor were you going to ruin my reputation. I can now understand why you chose to break up with me."
"I didn't care about what those people were saying online about you, me or our relationship. I never cared about others' opinions but my own… It has always been like that. That was until you came into my life. Your opinion mattered most to me… That's why that day when you told me you were insecure about those rumors, I brushed it off."
"...Because I would never believe their words about you, because I know you. And I love you more than anything in this world. I just wanted to be with you…"
She stared at him in shock. Tears glided down her face as she listened to his every word.
"In hindsight… I should have cared a little more, knowing that you are more vulnerable and easily hurt by others words than I am… That was my error and for that I am sorry…" Tears slipped down his face as he added, "I-I never wanted to lose you, the way that I did."
He let go of her hands, moving to wipe at her tears, resting his forehead against hers. "I still… want to be with you. That's all I've wanted since you left."
He admitted, gazing deeply into her eyes. She stared into his eyes, nearly getting lost in them as she was unsure of how to respond to his words.
She swallowed as her breath hitched when she realized how much closer he was to her, which made her cheeks flush bright red.
Victor took in her expression, his eyes trailing down her face, taking in every feature. His eyes then landed on her slightly parted lips.
He missed everything about her, but in this moment, he missed the soft touch of her lips against his …
He leaned in closer, all self control he had at that moment seemingly lost as their faces were just mere centimeters apart.
She swallowed as her heart fluttered. As much as her heart wanted this, her mind wouldn't allow it.
She turned her head away just as their lips were about to touch
"...We shouldn't.. As much as I want to, it's still painful…"
He frowned, as he pulled away gaining control of himself once again, he looked down. "...I'm sorry, I shouldn't have.. I don't know what came over me..."
"It's okay, really… It's just… Hard…"
"I know…"
An awkward silence took over the two of them. Neither of them knew what more to say to one another.
"I should probably get back to Loveland.." He spoke, standing up after a moment in their awkward silence.
She looked at him, her hand reaching out to his. "No! Stay… Please…"
He looked down at her hand that held onto his. Moving his hand to softly lace his fingers with hers, looking at her.
"Are you sure you want me to stay?"
She nodded, giving him a small smile. "Y-yeah… I could really use the company… I was just about to put on a movie to watch…"
The corners of his mouth lifted upwards as he let go of her hand, sitting down once again beside her. "Alright, I'll stay. What movie are you thinking of watching?"
She smiled wider as she moved to grab the remote to the TV. "Mm.. I'm not sure honestly… Hmm… How does Beauty and The Beast sound?"
He let out a chuckle, knowing how much she adored that movie. She always loved watching it with him in the time that they were together, "Still love that movie? Even after watching it countless times? I guess some things never change."
Victor lightly teased her, smiling more as she rolled her eyes, pouting playfully at him.
"Of course I do! It's my favorite movie of all time, no matter how many times I watch it, it will always be my favorite. Now are you going to watch it will me or not?"
He looked at her as he laughed softly. "I'll watch it with you."
"Great." She giggled, as she then found the movie, pressing play as the movie began playing. Victor then made himself more comfortable, seeing as he'll be there for quite some time.
However, not even halfway through the movie, Victor feels Cassandra's head rest against his shoulder.
He didn't realize that she made herself comfortable and had curled up at his side. He looked down at her, his gaze softening as he realized she fell asleep.
He smiled, letting out a soft chuckle. "As usual… You always tend to fall asleep at any given time…"
Victor then shifted his hands to wrap around her, as he stood up. Being cautious as to not wake her. He lifted her up into his arms.
Taking her up the stairs and into her bedroom, he gently set her down on the bed, tugging the covers up and over her, making sure she was fully tucked in. He gazed down at her, moving a few strands of hair away from her face. He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.
"Goodnight Cassie… I love you."
He whispered before standing up straighter, turning to leave.
However a small tug to his shirt sleeve, stopped him in his tracks. He turned back to look at her, her eyes opened as she gazed at him sleepily.
"Stay… Please…"
How could he say no to that? His heart skipped a beat as he nodded. Moving to lay beside her, wrapping his arms around her as she moved to curl up close to him, her eyes fluttering close as her head rested against his chest.
He gently moved his hand to gently stroke her hair, as he often did many nights when they were together. He let out another chuckle as he leaned in to whisper into her ear...
"I'll always be here to stay...Dummy…"
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lia-jones · 3 years
hello again, lia! i hope your day has been wonderful so far! i'm so sad to hear about your recent diagnosis, but i know you will get better! i'm hoping for a speedy recovery for you, and by the mean time, please remember to get as much rest as possible! 💖 now for your questions! i'll answer yours below and put my questions for you below it: 1. What's your favorite trope? Or theme, in writing? With regards to romance, probably when one of the characters (most often the main character) is at risk of losing their love interest - who is someone they had always overlooked before and never really realized their feelings for them until it was too late. In the moment, I usually hate it when this happens, but I have a sort of appreciation for authors who write difficult topics and are not afraid to put their characters in tough positions.
2. What's your love language? What do you think screams I love you like nothing else? Funny you asked, because just the other day one of my close friends posed this question to me, so I've had quite some time to think on it. I would say probably words of affirmation! While it might seem somewhat meaningless (since really anyone could tell you pretty words, but not mean it), a simple "I appreciate you" from the people close to me really means a lot.
3. What makes you lose hope in the world? And what brings you hope? The thing that most makes me lose hope in the world is probably when I see other people not treating animals with the care and love that they deserve. Unfortunately, mistreatment of animals is more common than one might think, but hopefully I can change that one day. As you might expect, the thing that restores my hope in humanity is when I see people helping out dying strays and holding their pets in high regard!
4. Tell me about the happiest day/time in your life. I don't think I have a happiest day (yet), but I have lived through some wonderful moments, despite being stuck in lockdown for the past few years. A while ago, I had visited Mexico, and it still remains one of the best experiences I have ever had. I learnt so much in the week I spent there, and I would totally recommend you travel there whenever it's possible! I just know you'll enjoy it!
5. What's the most annoying thing you can think of? This might not come as a surprise to you, but the first thing that popped up in my mind when I read this question was MC 😪 But on a more serious note, I can think of a couple of annoying things off the top of my head, including: people walking too quickly behind you and accidentally smashing the back of your shoe, saying 'excuse me' to someone when you're trying to get pass and them not hearing you, and...group projects. All these things are making me sound like a crabby old lady (lol), but I promise this isn't the case.
6. And now, sorry, I can't help myself, but related to this story: is there anything you'd like to see happen (an emotion more explored, a scenario, an event) and I haven't written yet? I'm always open to ideas. I've been thinking about this question for a while, and I'm so glad you asked! Also I saw your most recent post about your list of questions regarding your story, and I just wanted to let you know that I would 10000% be willing to answer all of it! Anyways, I'm going to go into more detail about what I would like to see down below: I. Maybe Victor's relationship with his mother? You've already touched on his relationship with his (despicable) father, but I think it would also be nice to see how his mother impacted him when she was alive. Whether it be in a flashback or not, I'll leave it up to your own genius to decide. II. Diane and Andy's friendship!!!!! It doesn't have to be anything big, but I'm a sucker for friendship, especially in stories where the romance is more heavily focused. I think this is all I can call off the top of my head! Hopefully it's nothing too obtrusive to the plot that you've already planned. If you can't find anywhere to fit it in, feel free to leave them out!
here are my questions for you now:
1. what's your love language? (i hope you don't mind if i steal one of your questions, hehe) 2. describe yourself in 5 words. 3. do you watch documentaries? and if so, what's your favorite? 4. tea or coffee? and why? 5. do you believe that everyone you meet is random? or does everyone in your life serve a particular purpose? 6. what are three things that make you happy, and why?
ok, those are all the questions i can think of right now, and i absolutely loved answering yours! once again, i really hope you get better soon, and don't push yourself too hard while you're ill! i hope to hear from you soon! 😋
- 🌸 anon
Hey, so nice to hear from you! I'm sorry for not replying earlier, but if you see my latest post you'll know why *sigh*. Hopefully things will get back on track soon!
I loved your answers and you do not sound like a grumpy lady at all, those things are super annoying and I think it would be awesome if people learned to be more civic. So I'm with you! I thought about your suggestions and you are so right! I have bits and pieces already written about the subject (not posted) and it will be fun to explore both ideas a little more, and I think I have the perfect setting actually! Hold on to your proverbial hat!
Now to your questions:
1. what's your love language? (i hope you don't mind if i steal one of your questions, hehe)
Acts of service, mostly. That's how I naturally show love and how I like to receive it. A close second would be also words of appreciation. It feels good when people notice your hard work and how far you are willing to go for them. I'm not extremely verbal myself, but I try to be, because I know how meaningful it can be.
2. describe yourself in 5 words.
Ooo. Value-oriented. Pragmatic. Bluntly honest. Demanding (with others, but especially myself). Resilient.
3. do you watch documentaries? and if so, what's your favorite?
I don't watch as much TV or Netflix as I wanted, but I do watch some documentaries. The latest I can remember is the Octopus Teacher, and it made me cry in the end. Right now I'm watching bit by bit The Principles of Pleasure, and it's about sexuality, which I still think many people don't know much of and should be properly educated.
4. tea or coffee? and why?
Oh coffee, hands down! I absolutely love coffee and in Portugal it's very common to have coffee (espresso mostly) when socializing, or after a good meal. So I associate it with the things I love in life the most: friends, good food, an outing somewhere. And I also like to have a mug of good coffee when I'm working or when I'm writing, not because I need the caffeine, but because I find it extremely comforting.
5. do you believe that everyone you meet is random? or does everyone in your life serve a particular purpose?
I'm not sure if people come in randomly, although I like to believe in fate. In my experience, everyone has served a purpose and led me to something different from what I was before. Now, if it's like that by design or it's just my wishful thinking, I have no idea. But what I know for sure is that anyone can serve a purpose and leave you richer than you were before, even a negative experience, if one is smart enough to learn. There is always a lesson to be learned, I think.
6. what are three things that make you happy, and why?
Ok, one, my family and pets, for all their cute and sometimes annoying traits.
Two has to be writing. I will always write, even if I don't post. It allows me to explore things I wouldn't in real life and it surely helps me grow emotionally and deal with some demons. And it makes happy to know someone read it and related to it. God, you have no idea how happy it makes me when people reach out. I share a huge chunk of myself when I write. Being acknowledged feels like being accepted.
Three, working. It frustrates me, it makes me anxious sometimes, but mostly, it makes me happy, because fortunately I have a job that allows me to see the finished product of my labor, and the feeling of accomplishment is great. And I'm also lucky to work in a place where "Good job!" is not treated like a swear word. Everyone is extremely encouraging towards the other, from top to bottom. Thank you so much for your questions! I enjoyed answering them so much, and it's so nice to get to know you better! Lots of love!
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ambiguoslyambitious · 3 years
Chapter Three: (Overdue) Introductions PT. I
Author: ambiguoslyambitious (me!)
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 3,839
Summary: Today's the day that Bela will finally make her debut in Pelican Town and meet some of the townspeople. Will she be able to salvage her reputation or has her fresh start already began to expire?
“Wait, so you’re telling me that the townspeople have been trying to welcome me all week?” Bela lowered her eyes in shame, her face reddening once again. Yoba, they must think I’m some stuck up city bitch.
“Unfortunately, yes,” Victor answered reassuringly. “However, none of us knew that you were...hearing impaired.” Victor rubbed the back of his neck, a sheepish look sweeping across his face. Something Mayor Lewis failed to mention. Thanks a lot.
“Oh, Yoba,” Bela shook her head. “The whole town must think that I’m so rude.” So much for a fresh start. Maybe I should just become a hermit. No socialization. Just me and Mother Nature.
“Don’t worry! I’m sure we can clear this all up.” Suddenly, Victor’s dark eyes brightened. “Would you like to accompany me into town? I know that my mother wanted to invite you over to our residence for dinner. I-if you aren’t too busy, that is.” He quickly looked away, cheeks flooded with pink.
“Oh, uh,” Bela also averted her gaze briefly. “T-that would be lovely.” Shit, meeting the mom already.
Victor shot her a sheepish grin. “Splendid! Hopefully, we’ll be able to run into a few of the townspeople and try to salvage your reputation.”
The pair proceeded to exit the farmhouse.
“I must say, Bela,” Victor said, sweeping his gaze across the farm. “You’ve done a magnificent job so far.”
“Thank you,” Bela responded shyly. "I admit, I hadn't realized how much this old farm had gone into ruin." She stared out sadly out towards the other islands she hadn't reached yet, remembering when the farm was bustling with activity. And I still have so much work left to do.
Sensing her sadness, Victor tried to lighten the mood. "You used to visit this farm, right?"
"Yeah," Bela gave a sad smile. "When I was a kid, I used to spend the entire summer here, helping Grandfather tend to the chickens and cows, and watering the crops each morning."
"Sounds like you two were close."
"Not really," Bela admitted. "Summertime was the only time I got to see Grandfather. He and my father weren't very close. The last summer I spent here was ten years ago. Before he got sick and..." Her eyes welled up with tears.
"Oh, I'm sorry," Victor apologized, looking over at her worried. "I don't mean to remind you of such sorrowful things."
"It's fine," Bela offered a half-smile. She brought her gaze up to the bright afternoon sky, taking in the sweet scent of grass and the warm spring breeze. "Not all of my memories of him are sad. I know that there were really great times that are just easy to forget now that he's gone."
This time, Victor was the one to offer a half-smile. "I suppose it is easier to remember the bad times. Remembering the good times forces you to remember how much you miss the ones you've lost."
“HELLO, VICTOR!” called out a frantic, yet cheerful voice. “OH MY YOBA, IS THAT THE NEW FARMER? HI!” A bubbly young woman, adorn in bubblegum pink rushed over to meet them on the dirt path across from the defunct bus stop heading towards town.
“Tabitha, this is Bela.” Victor smiled, knowing that Tabitha was one of the friendliest people in town to meet. She had a habit of making even the grumpiest people smile. Thank Yoba, we've run into Tabitha. She can quickly turn around this somber conversation.
“Hi, Bela! It’s so nice to meet you!” Tabitha giggled, bouncing on the balls of her feet. “My twin brother Theo and I moved here a year ago and run The Stray Café across from the bus stop. Hopefully, you’ll be able to meet him soon, though he isn’t much of a socializer.”
“Hi, Tabitha.” Bela smiled unconsciously, the young woman’s happy energy was infectious.
“Those are cool headphones!” Tabitha said, taking notice of the devices in Bela’s ears. “Listening to any good music?”
Victor quickly glanced over at Bela before responding. “Um, Tabitha. Those aren’t headph-”
“These are actually hearing aids.” Bela interrupted.
Suddenly, Tabitha’s face fell. “I’m so sorry! I hope that I didn’t offend you!” The poor woman looked close to tears. Yoba, how can I be so stupid and insensitive?! Theo always tells me to never assume. I'm sure she hates me now.
“It’s ok!” Bela quickly reassured the young lady. “It’s an honest mistake.”
Tabitha visibly relaxed at Bela's words, letting out a sigh of relief. "Good, I'm glad that I didn't ruin our chances of becoming best friends."
"Hold on," Victor laughed. "Who says that I'm not already Bela's best friend?"
Tabitha rolled her eyes playfully. "I guess then we will all just have to be besties."
Bela let out a laugh, with the pair soon joining in. Maybe meeting the townspeople will go more smoothly than I thought. At least I 've managed to make friends with these two.
"So, besties," Tabitha glanced between Victor and Bela. "Where are you guys headed?"
"I was just bringing Bela into town to meet everyone." Victor responded. "My mother invited her over for dinner and I figured that I would take her to the saloon afterwards."
"That's a good idea. Why don't you guys come with me to Pierre's first?"
"Sure," Victor nodded. Then he looked over at Bela sheepishly. "That is, if it's ok with you."
Bela smiled at them. "Yeah, that's fine. You guys know the town better than me."
The trio continued their way into town, heading east towards Pierre’s General Store. As they entered the store, Pierre looked up from the catalogue he was reading at the register.
“It’s farmer Bela!” Pierre greets excitedly. “Welcome to Pierre’s! If you’re looking to buy seeds, my shop is the place to go.” Finally, a new customer.
Bela offered a small smile. “Thank you, I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.” Bela’s eyes swung around the small shop, taking note of the tall shelves filled with different kinds of seeds. Small containers held fresh produce with labels containing the names of all the local farms.
“I’ll also purchase whatever produce you make on your farm for a good price.” Pierre’s grin became slightly more forced as he continued making his sales pitch. Hopefully, this city kid will be able to produce crops worth selling. Can't be any worse than anything Andy brings.
“Hopefully, I’ll have something worthy to sell soon.” Bela awkwardly joked. “ Yoba, this guy is intense.
To the right of the counter, a door suddenly slammed open. Pierre rolled his eyes as a purple-headed figure stepped out looking annoyed.
“Really, Abigail?” Pierre glared at her.
Abigail shot back a similarly annoyed look. “What? You know the door gets stuck. It’s not a big deal.”
She dramatically rolled her eyes, walking towards the exit. She shot a quick glance at Victor and nodded, coming to a stop once she laid eyes on the new farmer, eyes narrowing in suspicion.
“Who are you?”
Victor smiled, seemingly unperturbed by the young woman’s rudeness. “Abigail, this is Bela, the new farmer.”
“Hi,” Bela waved awkwardly. Well, she definitely doesn’t like me.
“Oh, I heard someone was moving into that old farm,” Abigail said, looking Bela up and down without meeting her eyes. “A shame, I liked exploring around there.” Without another word, Abigail walked out of the store.
“Ms. Rivers?” called out a small, quiet voice from the right. Bela could barely hear the man even with her hearing aids turned on. She turned to look over and was surprised to see a tall man, with thick glasses and an even thicker moustache. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Harvey Hickey, the local doctor.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Hickey.”
“Please, call me Dr. Harvey.” He offered an awkward smile. “I work, well and live, in the clinic next door with Paul, the town’s optometrist.” Suddenly his ears burned red. “A-as roommates of course!”
Bela just smiled politely. And they were roommates.
“Uh,” Harvey rubbed the back of his head nervously. “Well, um, please, uh, make sure to, uh, schedule your annual check up at, uh, some point. It was, uh, nice to meet you.” He awkwardly made his way up the register, a simple protein bar in hand.
"Well, I've got to pick up some things for the café," Tabitha said with a smile. "I'll see you guys around!"
"You're not coming to the saloon?" Bela furrowed her eyebrows.
"Oh, uh," Tabitha started stammering nervously. "T-that's not, uh, really my scene." I hope Bela doesn't think I'm lame.
"That's fine," Bela replied reassuringly. "Since we're neighbors, I'm sure we'll be seeing each other often. I'll try and visit the café soon."
"Oh, you should! I can't wait to introduce you to my brother!" Tabitha's eyes lit up once again. “Bye. Bela! Bye, Victor!” Tabitha waved goodbye, as she proceeded to gather supplies for the café.
"Well," Victor said, a hint of nervousness creeping into his usually calm voice. "Now it's time to meet my mother."
Bela and Victor exited the store, making their way east to the Jenkins’ Residence, which happened to be located directly next to Pierre's General Store.
“I told you this would be a short walk.” Victor smiled as they approached the giant, two-story manor which was painted a beautiful shade of robin’s egg blue. Bela’s eyes widened at the vastness of the manor, whose front entrance was guarded by a set of beautiful bronze gates.
Victor pushed the gate open and gestured for Bela to head inside. She followed the ornate crystal path until she reached a set of giant oak doors.
“Allow me.” Victor again held open the door for Bela, who stood in the entryway desperately trying to take in all the grandeur. Directly across from her was a beautiful wooden staircase, hinting that more beauty was yet to be seen. To her left was the living room, adorned in rich red and gold curtains and rugs. To her right, a kitchen with a large mahogany table sat with matching chairs.
“Wow, it’s so beautiful in here.” Bela’s eyes glowed with wonder.
“Why, thank you.” called out a sultry, yet sophisticated voice. An elegantly dressed woman appeared to cascade down the stairs effortlessly. “You must be Ms. Bela Rivers.” The woman extended a hand in greeting, which Bela immediately took.
“Yes, it is nice to meet you, Mrs. Jenkins.” Bela smiled nervously. I can’t believe this is Victor’s mother.
“Please, call me Olivia.” She gave a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. Is this really the same girl who ignored Caroline and Jodi? She seems polite enough.
“Well, Olivia,” Bela said awkwardly. “Thank you for inviting me over. I appreciate your hospitality.”
“Don’t worry, Bela.” Victor chimed in. “My mother loves any opportunity to entertain guests.”
”Well, I wouldn’t want this manor to go to waste!” Olivia gives a dry laugh. “Let’s head over to the kitchen.” She quickly turned on her heels and elegantly strutted away. Victor offered a small smile to Bela before following his mother.
As the pair took their seats, Olivia brought a large platter with a covering on top of it.
“What fine dish have you prepared this time, Mother?”
“Well, since, I heard that our guest used to live in Zuzu City,” Olivia smiled coyly as she lifted the top. “ I decided to prepare pan-seared butterfish over a plate of assorted vegetables from the garden.”
Both Bela and Victor stared at the platter in absolute wonder. The butterfish was a brilliant shade of gold, contrasting the rich greens of the cabbage and lettuce underneath.
“This looks amazing!” Bela exclaimed, remembering the holidays when her mother would prepare this. Her heart tinged with sadness, as her eyes began burning with unshed tears. I need to think about something else.
“Is something troubling you dear?” Olivia asked inquisitively, eyes narrowing as she glanced over the newcomer. She noticed a faint glint emitting from Bela’s ear, eyes widening in realization. She's deaf! That's why no one's been able to get in contact with her. Can't wait to clear that up with the ladies.
“Oh, i-it’s nothing.” Bela offered a flicker of a smile before lowering her gaze.
Olivia shot her son a look, to which Victor responded by shrugging.
“Perhaps,” Victor looked between his mother and Bela. “I should pour us each a glass of wine.”
Olivia nodded, stealing another glance at Bela. “Why don’t you grab some pomegranate wine from the cellar? I’m sure the tartness will compliment the sweetness of the butterfish wonderfully.” The young woman also nodded in agreement. Oh, Victor, please don't leave me alone with your mom. There's just something scary about her.
Victor glanced over at Bela once more. “Of course. I’ll be just a moment.” He gracefully walked away from the table, disappearing down the stairs of the cellar.
“So, Bela,” Olivia clasped her hands together. “What brings you to Pelican Town?”
“Well,” Bela nervously met the older woman’s gaze. “I decided that I wanted a fresh start.” Bela purposely kept her answer vague. She wasn’t sure if she was ready to talk about her parents just yet.
“A fresh start?” Olivia’s gaze hardened. There must be something this girl is running from. Why else would she need a fresh start so young?
“Yes,” Bela responded, meeting her gaze. “I found that life in Zuzu City just wasn’t for me anymore.”
Olivia’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. “But, what about your career? If I’m not mistaken, I heard that you had a very promising job at Joja in their corporate office.”
“I did.” Bela responded. “However, I’ve found the work to be...unfulfilling.”
Olivia’s eyes widened and she leaned back in surprise, a hand raised up against her chest. “Unfulfilling? By Yoba, I spent thirty years working my way to become an accounting manager and accumulating all of this.” She gestured with her hand carelessly.
“Mother,” Victor chided, walking up the stairs from the cellar with a dark red bottle. “Not everyone wants to be a corporate monkey.”
“Didn’t this corporate monkey earn enough to give you a full-ride to one of the finest universities in the entirety of the Ferngill Republic?” Olivia shot back, her tone icy.
“Yes, Mother,” Victor’s tone softened considerably, as he began pouring the wine, “But, money shouldn’t be the only thing you work for.” Why can't she understand that money isn't everything?
“Oh, really?” Olivia retorted, condescendingly taking a sip. “But was it not money that afforded you this life of privilege?”
The room suddenly went silent. Well, this has gotten awkward, Bela thought to herself, her fork lazily moving some of the greens in front of her.
Victor's jaw clenched, struggling to maintain his composure. Why can't my mother just realize that I'm not trying to be ungrateful. I just want to be happy.
"I recently lost my parents," Bela said quietly, interrupting the momentary silence. "A-and I didn't know what to do with myself. One day, I just found this envelope from my grandfather that said that one day I'd be in need of change and that I had this farm for when I needed it."
Victor gently placed a hand on her shoulder, as she fought to keep tears from streaming down her face. "I'm sorry for your loss, Bela."
"I'm sorry." Olivia said, glassy-eyed as well. She quickly grabbed a napkin, dabbing her eyes delicately. "Part of the reason why Victor and I moved to Pelican Town was due to my husband's...passing." Yoba, I should've been more sympathetic instead of interrogating this poor girl. I should've recognized that she was also going through loss.
Victor exchanged a somber look with his mother before looking back over at Bela. He reached over and grabbed his glass, raising it up in a toast. "To new beginnings."
Bela and Olivia followed in suit, each taking a long gulp of wine to help assuage some of the emotional pain caused by their respective grief.
"Well, that could have gone more smoothly," Victor shook his head as he and Bela left the manor for the saloon.
"It certainly was an interesting dinner," Bela responded gently. The rest of the dinner had been eaten in an awkward silence. "Your mom is a really good cook." And an even better interrogator. Maybe she volunteered part-time at the Zuzu City PD?
"Yeah, well she's usually an even better host." His eyes looked apologetic as they met Bela's. "I'm really sorry for the way dinner turned out. My mother can be...a lot."
Bela gave him a smile, playfully pushing his arm, "Don't even worry about it. I'm already making memories in this town."
Victor pushed open the thick oak door of The Stardrop Saloon, a barrage of sounds and smells overwhelming the new farmer. Bela was hit with the warm, bitter scent of beer as a jaunty folk tune played in the background, accompanied by the sounds of glasses clinking and laughter.
“Why if it isn’t the new farmer, Ms. Bela Rivers,” a kind voice greeted. “Welcome to The Stardrop Saloon! What can I get for ya?”
“Hello, Gus,” Victor smiled, taking a seat at the bar and gesturing for Bela to join him. “Why don’t we just take two glasses of wine to start?” The mustached man glanced over at Bela.
“Uh, yes,” Bela smiled. “Thank you.”
Victor leaned closer and whispered in her ear, his breath warm and gentle, “I hope you don’t mind me ordering for you. I figured you’d want to still be coherent while meeting some more of the townspeople.” He let out a small chuckle as he pulled away.
“What,” Bela teased, as her cheeks turned pink. “You think I can’t handle more than a couple glasses of wine?”
Before he could respond, a perky blue-haired woman arrived back with the two glasses of wine in hand. “Here you go!” She gently placed them before the pair. As Victor reached for his wallet, Emily gently shook her head, “This one’s on the house.”
She turned to face Bela, her blue eyes glowing with kindness. “Hello, Bela, I’m Emily!” Ooh, she has a nice aura. I'm sure we'll be good friends.
Bela smiled. “Nice to meet you.”
“Well, if it isn’t the new farmer,” came a sultry voice from the right of the bar. A beautiful woman slid onto the barstool next to Bela, while Emily placed a glass of wine in front of her.
“Yeah, I’m Bela,” Bela responded, still taking in the woman’s striking appearance. Her face was like a porcelain doll’s, smooth and pale with only a single mole marking her otherwise unblemished skin. Something about her seems familiar, but I can’t put my finger on it.
The woman extended her hand, a mischievous glint in her dark eyes. “Pleasure to meet you. I’m Shiko.”
Bela’s eyes widened in partial recognition. “Shiko? Shiko Takahashi?”
Shiko smiled back dryly. “Ah, so you have heard of me. Makes sense since I heard you’re from the city.”
“What's a model doing here?” Bela’s jaw dropped.
“ Former model,” Shiko flipped her dark locks over her shoulder carelessly. “I decided to retire and live the simple life.” She smiled at Bela, a hint of sadness in her eyes. “Kind of like you, huh?”
Bela returned the smile. “Something like that.”
Victor raised his glass, taking a careful sip before looking over at Bela. “Well, it’s always a pleasure seeing you, Shiko. If you don’t mind, I’d like to introduce Bela to some of my friends.”
The pair got up from their stools, heading over to what appeared to be a game room. Two old school arcade games greeted them at the entrance, where the angsty, purple haired teen was violently shaking the joysticks and shooting out creative combos of curse words.
“Obviously, you’ve already met Abigail.”
The girl shot a dirty look at Bela. “Victor, you done showing the new girl around? I need your help. I can’t get past this damn level.”
Victor rolled his eyes. “I was just bringing BELA over to meet everyone.” Why does Abigail ALWAYS have to be so fucking rude?
Bela gave an awkward smile as Abigail turned her attention back to the game in front of her. What is this girl’s problem with me?
“Bela?” Suddenly, a messy-haired blonde was standing right in front of her, his eyes gleaming with recognition. “Yo, Sebby, it's really her!” His arms quickly enveloped Bela into a tight hug, lifting her off the ground. It took everything in her to not spill any wine as the young man gently rocked her.
When he finally put her down, Bela was overcome with memories of her young self playing at the beach with a pair of blonde and black-haired boys. “Sam?”
His green eyes glowed with happiness. “Wow, I can’t believe it’s been, what, like ten years?” He looked over to the pool table where the raven-haired fellow was still poised with a billiards stick. “Fuck the game, Seb, come over here, it’s our Bela!”
Sebastian flinched when Sam said “our Bela”. Abigail’s head whipped over, shooting a venomous glare at Bela. “What do you mean, ‘our Bela’? I thought she just got here.”
Sam shook his head. “Don’t you remember? Bela used to visit every summer when we were kids.” Suddenly, Sam burst out into laughter.
Abigail’s eyes narrowed defensively, “What’s so funny?”
“Of course you don’t remember,” Sam managed to choke out. “You were too busy being besties with Haley.”
Even Sebastian let out a small laugh as Abigail’s pale face turned beet red. “Whatever, that was a long time ago.”
“Well,” Victor smiled, breaking the awkward tension that was beginning to form. “I hadn’t realized that you already knew each other.”
“Oh, yeah,” Sam smirked mischievously. “Bela and Seb knew each other REALLY well.”
Both Bela and Sebastian flushed red, ears burning hot. Abigail looked over in curiosity, annoyance written all over her face. What the fuck does that mean?
Victor raised an eyebrow quizzically, glancing between the two. “Really?”
“Sam,” Sebastian rolled his eyes, the red refusing to leave his face. “Why do you have to be such an ass?” I bet she doesn't even remember.
Bela looked over at Victor sheepishly. “It was just a middle school fling. We were kids.” I doubt Seb even remembers.
Victor burst out into laughter, while Bela and Sebastian bore similar mortified expressions. Sam joined Victor in laughter, with Abigail continuing to shoot death glares at Bela.
"So," Bela said in an attempt to break the awkwardness. "How've you been, Seb?" Yoba, I don't know what to say to him.
Sebastian avoided Bela's gaze, preferring to maintain eye contact with the wooden floors. "Oh, you know, nothing's new." Dammit Sam! Why'd you have to bring THAT up?
"Seems like there's been quite a few changes since I've been here."
"Yeah," Sebastian nodded, stealing a glance at her. "But, most things are still the same." Like how much I've missed you.
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babieyangyang10 · 4 years
violent ends (chapter 4)
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(chapter 4)
series masterlist
genre: hunger games!au
pairing: huang renjun x oc, na jaemin x oc
warnings: mentions of prostitution, language, violent deaths, fighting, angst, fluff, + possible nsfw.
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"So, each of the districts get their own floors. Since you're from two, you get the second floor." Doyoung explains as we step out of the elevator.
As we walk into the apartment, I stare in awe at the glamorous quarters.  There are many giant glass columns and a random display of silver trees and rocks.
"Here is the living room and your rooms are over here. How about you freshen up for dinner?" suggests Doyoung. 
In my room, I am met by a bed with a silky, soft comforter. I make my way into the spacious bathroom and hop into the shower. Inside, there was a panel with hundreds of buttons that regulated water temperature, pressure, and even provided massaging sponges.
After finishing, a heater dried my hair and body completely. I pressed another button and a box began sending electrical currents through my scalp, instantly untangling my hair.
Returning the bedroom in comfortable clothes, I see a strange-looking remote on the bed-side table. Intrigued, I begin pressing random buttons. As a result, the window showcasing the lights and building of the Capitol changes into different sceneries.
First, there was a city street filled with cheerful families walking together. After pressing a different button, a dry and deserted desert appeared on the screen.
Switching it once again, a scene showing several mountains peaking through behind a forest of trees. I felt a pulling-feeling in my chest. My throat also feeling slightly choked-up.
During the holidays, every year Taeyong would take me into the mountains of our district. He would pretend to be my knight in shining armor, while I was the princess in distress.  He'd never tell anyone, but sometimes it was even the other way around.
It's also where he taught me how to hunt and find my own food. How to determine between what is the good food and what is the not so very good food.
It was the only time I remember us ever truly being kids. Not soldiers, just a thirteen and seven year old exploring the big, exciting world together.
Then everything went to shit after Taeyong went to the games.  That year, the Gamemakers had chosen a forest for the terrain. However, it was filled with dangerous wild dogs, wolves, and spiders. The spiders had enhanced speed and were extremely venomous. However, the wild dogs were capable of changing their form and copying the voices of the tributes.
Because of this, the entire Career pack was slaughtered alive. Taeyong was the only one who managed to escape. Wounded and without supplies, a twelve year old boy from District 11 named Dong Sicheng had found and formed a alliance with him. Sicheng had shared all of his supplies and even nursed him back to health.
On the last day, they were approached by the last remaining tribute. Taeyong, spotted him and fired an arrow straight into his heart. As he turned around to check on Sicheng, he was met with the boy clutching a harpoon, longed deep in his chest.
Dong Sicheng slowly died in Taeyong's arms.
After the cannon went off, the Captitol announced over the speakers that Lee Taeyong of District 2 was the winner of the 64th Hunger Games.
No longer did he take me to the mountains. Honestly, we never did anything together. Since then, the closest I ever got to be to him was the one time when the rest of my family stood by him during his stop in District 2 during his press tour.
I've always wondered how he felt. Wondered if  he blames himself for what happened. However, I never wanted to intrude. It's not like I ever got the opportunity to ask him, anyways.
However, since I'm going in the games soon. I hope to eventually work up the courage to sit down and have a real talk with him. The real Taeyong, not the victor or mentor he acts like in front of everyone else.
I opened the door to see Doyoung, Renjun, and Taeyong sitting at the dining room table.
Once I sat down in the acid-green chair, Taeyong began talking, "The plan for tomorrow is the same for the both of you. You go to group training. Spend time practicing something your weakest at. Swing a mace. Throw a spear. Tie a decent knot. It doesn't really matter, just save showing off for the private session with the Gamemakers. Are we clear?"
Renjun and I both nod our heads at him.
"Well, have the two of you gotten to know any of the other tributes yet?" pries an interested Doyoung.
"I haven't. Although, Athena seems to be checking out the competition, already."  Renjun answers, nonchalantly.
"Wonderful!" Doyoung innocently chimed, "It's never too early to start considering possible alliances. Are you going to ask anyone to join the two of you?"
"Oh, we're not-" Renjun and I said at the same time. We're laughing as if he's said the funniest joke in the world.
"We've always maintained our own completely different strategies. Renjun prefers to be the predator. There's no doubt in my mind that if he does want to work with others, it'll end up being an alliance with the other Careers. " Renjun just silently nods in agreement.
"And what about you?" asked Doyoung.
"Let's just say I prefer not to walk around with a huge target on my head. I want to team up with someone well-liked, so we can get resources through sponsors." I explained.
"Like Na Jaemin?" sneers Renjun.
"You know people have been calling him the Prince of Panem. He's made quite the impression, already." Doyoung chimes, "And he's not the only one. People have been raving about you, Athena. They've even started calling you, the Golden Girl."
"That's good." Taeyong quietly adds to the conversion, "If you keep this up you'll get lots of sponsors."
Doyoung suddenly blurts, "In fact, most people think Jaemin and you would make a good couple."
At this remark, Taeyong drops his knife loudly on the table, while Renjun chokes on his drink. My mouth begins opening and closing like a fish, struggling to come up with a reply.
"We're done for tonight. You two should go to bed now." Taeyong orders, not hiding his agitation.
Quickly, we all return to our rooms. I crash on my bed and stare up at ceiling.
Jaemin and I as a couple?
Where did they even dream up that possibility from? I mean, we only had one barely two-minute conversation. People really do amaze me sometimes.
My thoughts are broken by a barely-there knock at my door. I groan and force myself off the bed.
I roll my eyes, before opening the door and saying, "Renjun, would you kindly please fuck off?"
However, the person standing there was definitely not Renjun. I tilt my chin up to see no other than Lee Taeyong, towering over me.
"Oh, sorry." I frown, embarrassed.
"Can I come in?" He politely asks me.
I step to the side and allow him inside. Once he's fully in, I closed the door behind him.
"Finally decided to talk to me, huh?"
He just stays silent, just letting me say whatever I please.
"You know, I thought you'd at least be happy for me. I mean, you of all people should know that this is the best thing that could ever happen to me." The emotions I've been holding in for the past 10 years are finally coming to the surface.
Taeyong looks at me with pity, "Athena, there are some things you don't know. Things that the school or our parents never taught us."
"What are you even talking about?" I pressure.
"After the games, you couldn't see me for a reason." He took a heavy breath, "Sometimes, if a victor is considered desirable, the president gives them as a reward or allows people to buy them for money. It’s not just me either, the same thing happened to Finnick Odair a year later."
"What do you mean, 'buy'?" I swallow.
"For sex."
It’s quiet.
"I was given no choice. He said that he would kill both of our parents and even you if I didn't obey." His eyes begin tearing up, "Athena, you don't know how much I wanted to come see you and teach you things."
"Taeyong." I whimper.
I felt sick to my stomach. How could they do that to him? He was just a thirteen year old kid. Even worse, how could I let myself hate and be jealous of him, when all along he was the reason I was still even living?
"I know I'm a horrible brother, but please listen to me when I say the Capitol uses everyone, including you. You have been taught that this, the games, are normal and something to be proud of. You haven't even seen how horrible it is for the lower districts. They can barely make it through one day without starving. They have basically nothing, while the Capitol is feeding off them."
Anger rises up in me. I look around at all the expensive things in the room. Think about the large amount of fancy food I've consumed while in the Capitol. I'm furious, because I've been lied to and tricked. Furious for Taeyong and all the others the Capitol has taken advantage of.
I jump into my brothers arms and completely break down. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean what I said Taeyong. It was stupid. I'm stupid."
"It's okay. You didn’t know." He shushes, while holding me.
“Listen to me. If you-“ he corrects himself, “When you win this thing, I’m not going to let him do anything to you, okay?”
“Taeyong, can I tell you something? I’ve just never got the chance to.” I ask.
He nods.
“What happened to Sicheng wasn’t your fault. You understand that, right?”
He painfully looks down at the floor, before slowly nodding.
“I’m serious, Taeyong. It’s not your fault.”
By the time he looks up, I am able to clearly see him. Underneath the years of pain, hidden away was a vulnerable boy. The tears come falling down his cheeks.
We spend the rest of the night talking about our past, telling stories. Both laughing and crying together.
My brother and I.
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sunnyie-eve · 3 years
3 | Better than good
Series: Don’t Make It Personal  (American Assassin Mitch Rapp)
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: language, fighting
As we finish up with the rest of the group he tells us we're done for today's lesson. "Next time." I give Victor a wave as he walks away with Ray. "Didn't think I'd see you ever again... Especially here." Mitch walks up to me. "I can say the same thing for you. Remember that uncle that gave me tips, well Hurley is that uncle. My dad's brother to be exact. Originally I would have the same last name as him, but my mom made my last name her last name. She didn't like how Hurley sounded with Payton. So yeah, basically I've been here with him training me since getting back home 18 months ago." I explain as we walk.
"You're very good from what I saw." I chuckle, "Good? Now that's an insult to me because I'm great. Come on, try me." I motion for him to come at me. "As much as I would charge at you like anyone else... I don't want to. I mean, I sorta know you." He shakes his head. "I'm sorry for this." I say confusing him as I punch him right in the jaw. "The fuck? I said I didn't want to fight you, Payton." He holds his jaw making me kick but he blocks it. "You remembered my name too." I smile as I spin around going down, putting my leg out to knock him down before spinning back up.
"I just gotta prove I'm better than good. Come on, these guys punch, kick, and flip me all the time. So don't worry about hurting me because when I tell you I can push through the pain I do. So stop being scared to h-," I was cut off as he rushes at me flipping me back into the ground and he brings his fist down and I block each one. "Just thought I'd let you know, I was in gymnastics." I say bringing my leg up wrapping it around his neck rolling so I was on top of him. "So that means I'm flexible and can do this." I do a backflip around him giving him time to get back up and as he rushes at me I cartwheel forward using my legs to get up on his shoulder so I can throw us down. When he falls back I jump off him looking down at him. "Wanna stop now?" I smile and he rolls back tripping me so I quickly get up blocking his punches but one hits me right below the right eye.
"Okay, that one hurt." I grab his arm jumping up doing my signature move with my legs spinning around his neck before bringing him down. "The fuck was that?" He looks up at me as I put my hand out to help him. "Vovinam, it's part of Martial Arts." I help pull him up. "Something you do a lot?" He asks as we walk again. "One of my moves to really get the person shocked, giving me an advantage." I shrug my shoulders. "Sorry about your eye... it's already getting swollen." He looks at it. "It's good. Not the first time but your punch was the first one to actually hurt really bad." I say as we join the rest of the group.
"I'm sorry again. I felt bad as soon as my hand made contact with your face." He lightly moves his thumb across where he punched me. "Like I said, don't be. I'm good, okay." I step back from him, giving him a reassuring smile. "Trust her. I've given her two black eyes, a busted lip, and broken a finger in one day.... multiple times." Victor smiles, feeling proud of himself. "Yeah, but never once did I cry and tap out letting you win in the end. Still kicked your ass each time." I flip him off, turning back to Mitch. "Told you not to worry." I pat his back. "He's really done all that to you?" He glances over at Victor watching us as he walks away. "Yeah, I'm surprised he forgot the part about him stabbing me in the thigh on accident." I quote, accident, with my fingers.
"What made him hate you that much?" Mitch glances back over at Victor. "I have to say it's because he's lost to a girl a few times. There's literally no other reason I can think of. Then again he just hates everyone." I rolled my eyes not really caring how much Victor hated me. "Hey Mitch... It's okay if you don't wanna talk or stuff but... How do I say this? I get your pissed you didn't get to kill him because of everything that happened but-," He cuts me off. "Payton, I'm really not in the mood to talk about that with you or anyone else. No hard feelings." I just nod my head, "Yeah, I completely understand." He just nods his head too, "Why did you decide to join this lifestyle?" He asked me.
"Well unlike you... I didn't train this way for revenge, I did it because people like that need to be stopped. I don't want others to go through what we went through. Losing someone in a terrorist attack is the worst way to lose someone. People don't deserve to lose their life in that situation." I explained to him truthfully. "Kline! Let's get a move on!" My uncle yells for me in the distance. "Nice seeing you again Mitch... Even here." I tell him before running off to my uncle. "Was it a nice chat? Catching up on what's happened since the attack." He says annoyed. "Sorta..." I sigh. "You both are here to train, not chitchat." He glares at me. "I know Sir. Sorry." I apologize even though I shouldn’t for just talking to him. "It's a busy day tomorrow early in the morning so go eat and get some rest." He snaps his fingers so I rush back to the house.
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"LETS GO! GO! GO!" My door burst open and my uncle was amused. I was already up and dressed for today. "That's my girl! Let's go!" He continues to shout leaving and I pass him up to get there before him. Hell I even got there before all the guys because apparently they all were dead asleep. As I was putting on my equipment the group of guys came in and some of them you could tell were still trying to wake up. "No one was on watch?" I baby talk Victor, making him curse at me. "Shut the fuck up bitch. You have it easier up at the house." I laugh at him. "Not exactly, I still have drills to get up just like you guys. Just because I'm related to Stan doesn't mean I have it easy. Trust me." I explained to him putting the things on my arm.
He just rolls his eyes, turning away from me. "So you got woken up by gun shots this morning?" Mitch turns to me and I shake my head no, "Very loud shouting. Last time I had guns was when I slept in too late last week along with ice cold water. Since my mattress was wet and had to air out, I had to sleep outside with just a sleepy bag on the dirt for a few days. Oh did I mention it rained so I slept in mud." I finish with my equipment then mess with my gun. "I kicked her awake one morning." Victor added with a smile. Mitch just gives him a look, "Probably was just a small kick to her." I smile as we line up putting on our eyewear.
"These are your targets. Memorize them. It's your responsibility to be able to identify them. You shoot a combatant, you get a point. You miss, you get a shock. You shoot a noncombatant, you get a bigger shock. Combatant shoots you... Let's just say you're gonna feel it." Stan explains to us as we see our list of people we have to shoot. I was good with faces so I didn't think it was going to be that hard for me. "Ready? Go." They tell us and we start to move. I look around and find my first one not missing as I shoot them.
Soon I start to hear everyone else start to shoot and then a few groans from the shocks. I was doing pretty well not getting a shock until I got shot while reloading my gun. As I start to get good again I hear the guys groan and curse a lot more. "Fuck! Fucking AR bullshit." I hear Victor curse as I shoot a few more then get hit three times in a row. "Son of a bitch! That hurts three times in a row." I take my glasses off then the rest of my equipment. I see the rest of the guys walking away while Mitch kept shooting and getting shocked non stop.
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sienna-writes · 4 years
Butterfly Blood // update 1
woo! first writing update on this WIP so far! (Finally!!). Since I don't want to include huge spoilers on this book, as I might one day end up publishing (who knows), I will be splitting these posts into chatting about my process, character development, edits etc. and then include extracts that aren't too spoilery! I think it'll be okay for the first sections of the book, especially as alot of the first few chapters is character building and imagery to set the scene, tone and atmosphere.
Also, the working title of "Bleeding Out" that I HATED with a PASSION is finally gone! My novel is now called Butterfly Blood based on a excerpt way in the future of the story. (Which I'm very excited to share c: )
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I wrote the prologue after I’d finished the first chapter, to introduce the book and it’s mystery in a more captivating way than it had initially been introduced.
Frog finds himself underground in the middle of a forest with no knowledge of his surrounds, his past, or his identity. He clings to one certainty, that he is and was raised by frogs. (This book is a bit wack, just roll with it.)
As he crawls into the middle of the road, a truck starts hurtling toward him and careens off the road last minute. The driver drops down and searches for for Frog, but cannot find anyone.
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There is no blood, no screaming, no mangled man wailing on the ground. Reluctantly, the driver withdraws from the dark and locks himself in the enclosed cabin of his truck, steadying his breathing.
As the exhaust sputters to life again, and tires tug against the initial friction of the gravel, the disappearance twists the driver’s thoughts.
His passenger clings with sticky tree frog palms to the trucks stomach; well-oiled organs huffing heat and fumes onto his face.
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So this book actually began with a very horribly written chapter. The structure was a mess and for some reason I kept bombarding the reader with information about my main character Rowan and really pushing forward the idea that she’s an energetic person... Which was stiff and just poor writing, honestly. (Also, I've changed my ideas since about how I want to characterise her.) But out of the 3000 word (approx) start, there were salvageable aspects, and those went into the first chapter along with a lot more fleshing out of the scenes, setting and character. I also finally decided on a tense and perspective after being super inconsistent with it and unable to make my mind up.
But! We got there in the end, I just thought I’d share my struggle since writing is not a perfect process and there is a lot of rearranging, and sometimes it feels like pulling teeth.
The premise of this chapter is to set the scene of Blackerwick (a fictional, dreary british seaside town), introduce Rowan (our main character), and the complex relationship with her father, who has become insular over the past month before the story starts.
A little world building and set up!
Everything about the sleepy town Rowan’s family had moved to is soaked in a distinct achromatic despondency. Inland residents slumped and slogged in their routines, never caring to change them, almost afraid of living. It had confused Rowan at first when she’d come here from Ireland at fourteen, how much the dull town contrasted its landscape. It seemed undeserving of such beauty; a tall mountain range to the left of Blackerwick, and beyond it a city; wide stretches of moors headed toward the forests, and beyond the forests—the ocean. It was as if all the world’s natural beauties had congregated here millions of years ago as the earth slid into place, waiting for settlers to enjoy it. They didn’t even seem to notice.
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    Fading out of view behind her, a mangle of dark rooftops mesh amongst each other, a severe contrast to the pallidly painted house fronts, and chimneys slice into the sky, puffing endlessly on their pipes.
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Hot air is exhaled from the horizon, tugging striking, unruly orange hair from her heavy ponytail as it whistles past her face. She closes her eyes peacefully against the feverish winds, her clothes buffeting and pounding as if fighting it off. Grinning, she leans toward the sea, trusting its breath to hold her weight.
In the course of this chapter Rowan has had an altercation with her teacher and gotten a detention, pushed through the forests toward the beach, and now is returning home. She rouses her dad’s attention by feigning a headache, because he doesn’t bother with her unless he sees she is in pain etc. Now for some quality mild gore!
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    Turning, she leans in to hug him when she realises there’s blood gushing from her nose.
    “Oh shit! Shit, shit, shit! Not again!” Rowan scoops shaking hands to her nose, tacky blood spilling over her fingertips. “Dad, Dad!”
    He is already on it, tipping her head back into his cupped palm, holding tissues tightly to her nose. She wheezes and sputters, the world spinning as she lurches toward the sink, clinging to the draining board to keep her balance. Everything red, the four walls of the kitchen, red. Her blurring vision, red. Everything bleeding like her gums beneath grinding teeth as she bites down on the impulse to say something. She wants to scream, or throw up, head swimming as her world tilts upside down. Her skull rests in her father’s strong palm, a fleshy safety net.
Wash your mouth out with soap, ma’am. 
I was considering having Rowan not swear around her father, but her mother is pretty aggressive and her dad (Karmen) swears regularly, so it doesn’t seem too outrageous anymore. (I could never, my mum would flip).
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When the bleeding slows finally, and her chin closes in on her neck again she notices her father’s shirt is covered with dried, grubby gore. It looks like he is bleeding out from a deep gash notched into his chest. His heart clawed savagely from its dwelling. 
Karmen being a worried dad is best dad;
     “You said not again.” He says finally, as she gathers herself, filling glass after glass with water and gulping hungrily, throat tilted toward the sky.
    “I’ve been getting more than usual recently.” She replies nonchalantly.
    “That’s shouldn’t be normal.” He says.
     Rowan shrugs, “I’ve always been prone to bleeding and bruising.” As if to defend herself or prove her case, she pulls down her jeans slightly, revealing a black contusion on her hip. It fades into swarthy purple and blue; a gradient discolouring her pale freckled skin; a deep ink blot, as if the flesh had been punctured with a fountain pen.
    Her dad hisses sharply. “How did you do that? I told you not to go into those woods anymore!”
Ok! Enough blood! I really made nosebleeds overly dramatic lol.
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the first 2000 ish words of this chapter follow Frog (he's later named Mint), and let me tell you, his perspective came so naturally, and was such an interesting world view to write in. I'm not saying i like him, but I enjoy writing him for sure.
This chapter was initially 2100 words and I intended it to be a brief introduction of mint, but I merged it with the next one because I thought they joined together nicely. The other aspects of this chapter introduce more of the friend group (honestly the only relevent characters within this group are Damian and Jamie, the rest are low-key assholes) and set up later events.
Mint is wandering in the forest, and hunting.
He slinks into step with the deer as it rises, shaking his head as it shakes its placid mane. Serenity slices the air in two.
     Frog strikes.
    The blade almost glitters in the air as it shoots toward the limpid animal’s vulnerable throat, veins pulsing beneath frosty, translucent fur. Incorporeal beast. A surreptitious streak in the night, headfirst, embedding with a gurgle and a coarse, barbaric scream. Deer’s aren't meant to sound like this. Like a human, like something capable of feeling and hurting. Frog wriggles the blade out of its fleshy sheath and exhales into a whistle. He looks gleefully at the drowned grass damp with blood. Gushing over his squirming toes.
      Its crown tumbles to the soil, antlers embedding deep into the foliage at Frogs feet. He sits beside Stag on the floor laden with pine needles--wreathing its glazed face like christ’s crown-- and strokes the un-bloodied fur of its forehead, holding its unblinking, waxy glare. Frog is the victor.
Frog/Mint is hunting! He kills a stag! Then he brutally dissects it;
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      Peeling away at the thick membrane enshrouding Stag's skull, with tender interest, Frog carves muscle and fat from its head, pellucid and opaline, dropping the pale crumbs of carcass onto the ground. The deer’s dense ghost is not yet cold in his crimson tinted hands. 
Rowan feeling numb, because oh boy us writers like to see our characters in pain;
The water is scalding. Rowan breaks out in goose bumps. Catching her reflection in the rippling bathwater she almost doesn’t recognise herself. Flushed, pale cheeks. All sharp edges, cheekbones slicing beneath the eyes, graceful slanting nose scooping down into a slight point. Her lips protrude from her face, full and large, accommodating an easy smile. Rowan pulls her downturned lips into a small grin. The constructed happiness blurs in the water. Holding her breath, she leans into the baths hot grip, filling with her fiery hair.
    The silence smudges in her ears.
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I also wrote some banter-y dialogues but I think I'll share them another time... After they've been edited.... a heck ton... There's an over exaggerated smoking description in this chap too but I've shared that before heh :)
I hope you enjoyed this LONG overdue chapter update! So far there are 7 chapters, so I have a lot of updating to catch up on! :)
I don’t have a tag list at the moment, but if you’re interested in this wip and want to be on it, then please send me an ask or a comment and I’ll add you :)
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@alicewestwater @elaz-ivero @coffeeandcalligraphy @hanwatchingmovies @sirfitzroys @chloeswords @nev-953
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