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withered-tears · 5 months ago
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"Move it, moron!" J kicked her fellow minibot, trying to get the idiot back to work before the Senator (who they owned their sparks to) came back. Speak of the devil, J turns to welcome her owner when she takes notice of a small, crooked figure clinging to her leg.
"Another one, boss?"
Why did i put so much unnecessary detail on tessa jefdyhgvbfjkdh
Im thinking of giving her a more cybertonian name, Senator Tesseract, thoughts?
Senator Tessa, figurehead of The Senate. Alt mode: Cybertronian Carrier chopper.
CYN, monoformer disposable minibot. died due to neglicence of others, discarded in the trash. She got better :)
J, N, V
AU Lore
Doll and Lizzy (plus flashback NJV)
Nori and Yeva
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withered-tears · 5 months ago
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N threw the strange looking miner behind him, but right as he turned around he was distracted by.. a transformation sound? Were V and J back already? He turns to the miner and- target missing. The miner is nowhere to be seen. Instead, there's a weird looking railgun leaning on some broken crates, muzzle pointing in his general direction.
"Bite me."
Did that gun just spoke-BZZTTS-ERROR.
Here's some more from my Murder Drones Transformers AU! (gotta figure out a shorter name jhvfjdh)
Alt mode: Railgun
She modded herself via installing a knockoff T-cog she built herself from trash and spares.
Shes extremely salty that the T-cog didnt made her taller.
Decepticon Disassembly Division (J, N and V)
Lore/general worlbuilding so far
Tessa and Cyn
Doll and Lizzy (plus flashback NJV)
Nori and Yeva
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withered-tears · 5 months ago
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Decepticons are corrupted, N. That´s why the senate sent us.
The DDD.
Sky Commander and trine leader: SD-J, and her trinemates SD-N and SD-V.
SD-J flying alt mode: F-15 fighter jet. Ground alt mode: Bentley Continental.
SD-N flying alt mode: F-15 fighter jet. Ground alt mode: Anti riot heavy vehicle
SD-V flying alt mode: F-15 fighter jet. Ground alt mode: High speed snow assault vehicle.
would that make Uzi a decepticon in this AU?? guess. fuck it she is.
general Lore/ worldbuilding
Tessa and Cyn
Doll and Lizzy (plus flashback NJV)
Nori and Yeva
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withered-tears · 4 months ago
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Still working on the CORE EATER au pic, but meanwhile here, has this MDTFAU doodle I made le other day.
Kept picturing Uzi and N pulling out this combo so i tried to draw it skdfgbkfb
Links below for anyone interested in this AU!
N, J and V
Tessa and Cyn
Lizzy and Doll
Nori and Yeva
General Lore
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withered-tears · 5 months ago
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N lowers Uzi, her biolights flashing red, letting him know the 30:00 minutes cooldown had started.
It was a direct hit. But it wasn't enough to reach the spark. But it was enough to peel off the armor, enough to reveal what had burrowed inside his friend's corpse.
"Hello. Uzi."
Two mouths move in unison.
"Hi, N!"
Here she is! The AntiPrime, Daughter of Unicron, God eater. Cyn.
Altmode: Cyn uses her control over Tessa's body to twist and break her into forms she's not supposed to have, she turns Tessa's chopper altmode into an eldritch horrorterror sorta creature
Decepticon Disassembly Division (J, N and V)
Regular Tessa and Cyn
AU Lore
Doll and Lizzy (plus flashback NJV)
Nori and Yeva
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withered-tears · 5 months ago
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"Uzi.. You would really side with the Murderbots?"
Even behind the synthetic monotone shared by all empurata victims, Doll's rage was clear for everyone present.
"I'm not the only one who's lost Amica to them"
@inkyprince made sume more uwu
im so friking happy with how this one turned out jdshvjadhv
D-011 (doll to friend's) Empurata victim. Her Amica Endura was excecuted by the DDD over supposedly decepticon activity. Doll was left alive and Empurata'd as a warning to others. Most her armor was stripped from her, leaving her joints exposed (haha get it? like a balljointed doll) only reason she has any armor at all is cuz Lizzy's been slowly patching her up.
Lizzy. She and Doll were well on their way to becoming Conjuxs, but after Doll lost her Amicas, all she ever thinks about is getting revenge on the DDD that killed them, she hardly pays any attention to Lizzy nowadays.
Uzi for size comparision.
also, heres a lil more!
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N, J and V before Cyn upgraded them into the DDD. This is what they looked like while being owned by Senator Tesseract (think rewind and dominus similar situation)
Decepticon Disassembly Division
Senator Tesseract (Tessa) and Cyn
AU Lore
Nori and Yeva
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withered-tears · 5 months ago
Ok imma just make a new post so i can keep my MD Transformers AU ideas all tidy in one place itdkskgz
J, N and V
Tessa and Cyn
Doll and Lizzy (plus flashback NJV)
Nori and Yeva
AU Lore under the cut!
Just like MD takes place way in the future, this AU takes place waaaay into cybertron's future.
The Optimus and Megatron are long gone history figureheads, most cybertronians never even heard about them. The primes are also long gone, Optimus was the last bearer of the matrix, so no chosen one either.
Cybertron is ruled by The Senate (*lmao its not. But more on that later ahuhuhu) and "Decepticon" is literally just the official designation for any and all cybetronian who goes against the senate in any way (basically the senate took a name and insignia from the history books that mean "the bad guys" and slapped it into anyone who causes them trouble)
Copper 9 is actually, just like in MD, a small exoplanet with a mining operation going on. The vast majority of the miners are disposables/monoformers minibots (AKA worker drones)
Now, SOMETHING (haven't actually. Figured out what yet) happens on Copper 9, that makes the bots there pretty much uhhh whats the english word for when a colony wants to separate from the country, liberate themselves?
Basically Copper 9 tells cybertron to fuck off and wants to become its own government.
Senate is like uhhh no you fukin dont.
Marks the entire colony as Decepticons, and sents the DDD to wipe them out.
Now on to some more character concepts:
UZI: Uzi is a minibot (around rewind size or so, maybe sliiiightly bigger?) Shes an outcast for a number of reasons, but the main one if because she actually modded herself with an experimental T-cog she designed AND built herself out of trash.
Her altmode is the Railgun (her knockoff T-cog is the reason behind the 30 mins cool down, is she were to try and rapidfire, it would literally burnt out her spark)
Just like in cannon, she thinks that hiding from the DDD is dumb and they should fight them instead.
(Her altmode being a gun is also to emphasize her loneliness/solicitude from the rest of the colony. She has the means to fight but no one willing/she trusts to weild her)
I dont know what to do about khan tho, not huge into cybertronians having parents myself? so, dunno. I'll figure it out later.
NORI: i got two potential ideas for Nori, one, she was actually secretly a headmaster, and thats how she survived the DDD, by leaving her body behind.
Or two, (and the one il most likely go with) she, just like minimus and dominus, was secretly a loadbearing miniMINIbot, her irreducible form being a beastformer (an ant maybe? Some kind of bug most likely)
Dunno what to make of her relation with Uzi tho, maybe she was a beloved mentor/only friend who taught Uzi how to built stuff?
And Khan was her Conjux? And he took in Uzi cuz he promised Nori he would look after her if something happened to her?
Could be, could be.
Now, onto the JUICY stuff, ahuhuh.
The Senate, and the senate's public speaking figurehead, Senator Tessa (dunno if i should change her name to something more cybertronian sounding, Senator Tesseract maybe?)
Unknown to cybertron's population, and to N and V, the entire senate has been dead for millenia.
Senator Tessa's body has been hijacked and controlled by Cyn, who is pretty much the Anti-prime ouo
She was chosen and brought back to life by unicron himself, to spread chaos and gain control of cybertron, with the end goal of devouring primus himself.
Cyn was originally another disposable minibot, but she died with such contempt to the world around her that her spark called to Unicron himself, who saw great potential for chaos in her.
Unicron was right, too right in fact, because Cyn would eventually consume him ouo she eventually ate him.
Once her story is known, cybertron gives her the tittle Daughter of Unicron, God eater.
@inkyprince thats pretty much all i got so far?
Imma doodle Uzi, Cyn And Tessa (and cyntessa) later today uwu
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withered-tears · 4 months ago
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Nori could barely think straight through the pain. The smoke and fire and screaming all around didn't help. But she sees the clawed hand in front of her, reaching for her,
She took Yeva's hand, and they ran. They ran as far for as long as they could.
Even if they have to spend the rest of their life in hiding, they will never let them capture them again.
They will never set foot inside The Institute again.
Nori and Yeva, they were both loadbearer minibots captured by The Institute, used in a bunch of experiments.
Something happened in the institute they were in, that pretty much blowed up half the facility. Yeva and Nori took the chance to escape.
They eventually made their way to Copper 9, where Nori built them fake Miner bodies to live in hiding.
Nori and Yeva were conjux, but once in Copper 9, they decided to go their different ways for reasons.
Nori eventually became conjuxs with Khan, and Amica with Uzi. She taught her everything she knows about building. Nori was the one who gave Uzi schematics for a T-cog. Unknown to Uzi, those schematics where from Nori's very own cog, thats why Uzi new look ended up resembling Nori's original body.
Nori: Alt mode, Walking turret (google Nerf terradrone, basically a non toy version of that)
Yeva: Alt mode, Cybertronian bear.
N, J and V
Tessa and Cyn
Lizzy and Doll (plus flashback N J V)
General AU lore
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withered-tears · 5 months ago
Narrative wise it makes a lot more sense for Cyn to be a monoformer disposable, but now im kinda tempted to give her an altmode just for a jokes sake.
What if her altmode was a demon core
Tessa with a screwdriver: nothing wrong can come from this!
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withered-tears · 4 months ago
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MDTFAU gamermom coming along nicely
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withered-tears · 5 months ago
I think il draw Nori next. For my MDTFAU
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withered-tears · 5 months ago
Ohhh i got a few more ideas for my MDTFAU.
Ahuhuh gonna doodle some more after work.
I really do need a better name tho hkdkgsjtstkz
Murderformers? Meh, maybe.
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withered-tears · 5 months ago
Il probably finish the MDTFAU nori and yeva pic by tomorrow
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withered-tears · 4 months ago
Wait. What do you mean i made this post 6 days ago.
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Decepticons are corrupted, N. That´s why the senate sent us.
The DDD.
Sky Commander and trine leader: SD-J, and her trinemates SD-N and SD-V.
SD-J flying alt mode: F-15 fighter jet. Ground alt mode: Bentley Continental.
SD-N flying alt mode: F-15 fighter jet. Ground alt mode: Anti riot heavy vehicle
SD-V flying alt mode: F-15 fighter jet. Ground alt mode: High speed snow assault vehicle.
would that make Uzi a decepticon in this AU?? guess. fuck it she is.
general Lore/ worldbuilding
Tessa and Cyn
Doll and Lizzy (plus flashback NJV)
Nori and Yeva
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