#mclul 9
iampinksim · 1 year
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The fuck are you doing here?
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We've been "friends" since high school; did you not want to be my friend then?
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Go away. (We had a fight a little bit ago, guess I chose the wrong answer)
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Maybe you right. I guess from now on I'll pursue Rayan.
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I can see where this is going.
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itsyagirlrebelrose · 6 years
Finally a game that is centered on Rayan Zaidi and Hyun's love romance! (Lol)
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Er...i got an ad showing the same stuff after posting it on a different post I deleted. 🤔
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tetrakys · 5 years
If you like the threesome from the guys's perspective,please,please,let Candy be the queen. Dont wanna share my men between them, they have to be for myself(me) all the time. Hyun and Rayan threesome was a disappoitment because they seem having more fun between them than with MC
Ah anon 😏 I’m an only child, I don’t share, with anyone, be them male, female, or other. Animal, vegetable or mineral. Candy is queen full stop.
Hyun and Rayan’s threesome was hilarious though 😂 I can’t stop thinking at Rayan hiding under the bed. But yes, if I had found it even remotely sexy I’d have been jealous as hell.
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itsmymindspeaking · 4 years
HYUNS AND CANDYS ILLUSTRATION THOUGH 😬👀🤤 ughh how I wish it was cass and candy instead lol
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myfallenangel04 · 4 years
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Here is my edit of episode 9 of My Candy Love University Life, where you can see Nathaniel and Castiel with my main OC, Naiara.
❌ Do not remove my signature (”@”).
❌ Do not repost without giving credits.
✅ Reblog allowed.
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yabushko · 5 years
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alwaystheunluckyone · 5 years
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I wanna see it on my profile as well. One of my favorite episodes is HSL episode 9 (beach episode) and I love the reference
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mirror-alchemist · 5 years
Episode 8 Complete! (University Edition)
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I'm still in the vortex that is final fantasy xiv. Between that and school and work it took a while to get the feeling to work on this again.
This took me about 1.2k-1.3k ap
So this episode was good. I was looking forward to it when it first came out. I sympathize with Candy in this. With the stress, that's been me recently in my semesters. So I felt bad when she fainted from it all. But Cas is the motherfucking mvp here. I feel like he was damn near ready to fight someone for you and that's cool as shit.
Going into personal HC for a moment, I feel like Cas would do that for Ami, since they are friends. That and he promised to protect her since she does so much for everyone else and she confiding in him about Nathaniel’s situation in HSL so he saw first hand how much stress she takes on.
Raphael really reminded me of my Oc Eiri in a time skip. Tl;Dr version is that Eiri is my Oc Ami's love interest who was the sole deciding factor in me going for Nathaniel's route in HSL. I was kinda looking at Raphael like dang.
Welp let's get to the heart of the episode. The Rayan affinity drop. Tbh, I don't like it. I see why, but 100 felt like way too much. I was lucky enough that when the tank hit, I was at 100 with him so he's neutral standing. If I never have a chance to raise his affinity or talk to him in my play through, I can say I feel alright with where my affinity stands with him. What I would have liked (and I don't know how feasible it would have been to do) is to just move him from a romantic interest to a platonic section like with the other professors.
Tho it was sweet him confessing a bit and completely understanding your decision. He a good man, just not a love interest for my Ami.
I can't really say much about the Nathaniel bits since we still know very little (in the timeline of the episode) what exactly is going on. The moment at the end with him was alright.
I chose to confide in Priya so seeing her get so protective of your Candy and Nina was amazing. I really don't see Priya a whole lot in my playing, but it puts a smile on my face when she does. She's that level headed-ness this group needs.
So gonna be a while before I play the next episode, but I enjoyed myself.
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sugarxtwo · 6 years
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The real tragedy of this episode is that this didn’t actually happen
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murdererowl · 6 years
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“And you, Nathaniel, come back to see me when you really have things to tell me. I’m fed up with both of you. Tonight this party is important for me and for my studies and there’s no way you’re spoiling it. So shut up or carry on your little conversation somewhere other than here”
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dollibelle · 6 years
Amber and Castiel
So here are my thoughts on what went down with the whole Amber and Castiel situation. I didn’t get any sense that the two were flirtatious at all, but instead good friends? Having Candy react the way that she did when saw Castiel and Amber together was definitely a trigger of emotions- a convenient plot device for Candy to realize she still cares for Castiel. 
In my opinion, I can see Amber routing for Candy and Castiel to get back together. She’s grown from her mean girl crush and wants to actually help the two back together. I actually imagine Amber the entire time scolding Castiel all night at the gala for not swooping Candy off her feet xD 
Below the cut is my little excerpt on what I believe happened. For reference, Soleille is my MCL OC :) 
“What will it be, miss?”
Amber leaned against the makeshift bar sweetly as she stared on at the young bartender.
“A gin and tonic, handsome.” She asked, winking towards the man who immediately blushed and faltered before making the drink.
“You do realize drinks come with the ticket.” A familiar redhead joined her alongside the bar, “No need to flirt with the poor kid.”
Amber could only roll her eyes and scoff as she accepted the drink, taking a sip as she watched her friend wordlessly gesture for a beer.
“It’s all part of the fun, Castiel.” She sighed, “But I can see you surely came just for that.” She smirked as the two sipped their drinks, watching the gala from afar. It was all rather magnificent- the music, the ambience, the crowd. A whimsical throwback to a time full of luxury and extravagance. An era completely unlike their own.
Soleille really did pull it off.
And, speak of the devil, there she stood in the middle of the picture-perfect painting. Laughing. Smiling. Dancing. If Amber didn’t know any better, she would have thought her old classmate traveled in time just to be here tonight.
And that Castiel was really here for the food like he said.
“Did you see the look in her eyes when I touched your shoulder?” Amber began, not taking her eyes off Soleille as she mingled amongst the crowds. Castiel, however, remained indifferent as he focused on his drink.
“No.” A man of a few words. Amber sighed, before chuckling.
“How could you miss it?” She said, “The poor thing looked startled. Like she saw something she would regret seeing.”
Castiel remained silent. Amber couldn’t help but roll her eyes again, this was the typical ‘bout of their conversations. As popular as he was with the crowds, for a celebrity he really was dense!
“Well,” Amber continued as she looked back, “I’m surprised everything is going so smoothly. We have to give our little candy girl props, coming back into town and making everyone fall for her again.”
She smirked and turning knowingly towards Castiel. “I know that’s why you’re here. Why you’re not swooping her off her feet right now is another question.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.” Castiel said as he took another large gulp of his drink. Amber sighed as she turned towards her friend.
“So you’re just going to let the best thing of your life slip away again?” The tone in Amber’s voice was almost solemn.  In the distance, the pair saw Soleille as she mingled with the crowds. Dancing. Sipping on champagne. Leaning a little too close to that co-worker of hers. Amber watched as Castiel’s grip tightened on his bottle.
However, he quickly snapped back to his drinking partner and smirked. “Wasn’t there a time when I was the best thing in your life?”
And the blonde model could only scowl at her friend’s failed attempt at changing the subject.
“You were,” Amber said as she finished her drink before setting it down, “Until I saw how happy she made you. How happy you made her. And how devastated you were when she left.”
There was a pause between the two as the music continued its tune around them. Castiel did his best to hide it, but Amber knew her words hit him. He knew she was right.
She glanced over again at the dance floor and noticed Soleille was gone. Castiel noticed it too.
“Look,” Amber began, “I’m not going to tell you what to do. You have your own heart for that…but I just have to say one thing.”
Castiel looked at her, a serious look in his eyes. Amber returned the favor.
“Am I the one you really want to be drinking with tonight?” She smirked.
It was enough. Enough to push him away from the bar. Away from her.
And as she watched as her friend disappeared into the crowds to go find her, she smiled coyly. Because this time her heart didn’t break. She was over her crush, that she knew, and if she could just help push him in the right direction…well that would be all she needs.
But it wasn’t long before a large crash came over the gala as Soleille stormed out of the back-kitchen’s doors. Obscenities flying from her mouth as shortly after, Castiel and her brother of all people stormed out as well.
Amber scowled again as she ordered another drink. 
Hey, at least she tried right?
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mycandylavynder · 6 years
Honestly, Candy better slide into this party ready to take her babes like this kid taking this beer.
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tetrakys · 5 years
Castiel and Nath's one for me as the cringy and funny. Can you imagine if it happen in the story? I just imagine Candy naked in the bed while those two almost naked as well arguing about everything from past to future, how to save earth, why time exists etc . Someone needs to do a comedy fanfic please i need it so much 😂😂😂😂
Lol while you're completely right and this thing has zero chance of success in canon (I figured immediately it was a dream 😂) at least it showed a moment of positivity.
The other two I liked less because, as much as I'm straight and scenes with women-only do little for me, I also found a little off-putting the dialogue highlighting fact that Chani and Candy were not attracted to each other, but went along with it just to be with Priya.
And the one with Hyun and Rayan... 😂😂😂 it had me laughing the whole time, it was 5% sexy and 95% hilarious 😂😂😂 (also I don't share so that type of threesome is just no no for me).
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cashmire01 · 6 years
Episode 9 thoughts
Y'all I don't know what the fuck I just played but I liked it
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magic-belodie · 5 years
My Candy Love University Life Episode 9 Hyun + Rayan is online!
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elvishsuna · 6 years
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these new illustrations omg beemoov really said fuck it huh
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