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theperfectpints · 5 months ago
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Dopo aver visitato Trinity College, aver respirato aria buona al parco di St Stephen's Green e passeggiato per Grafton Street, perché non fermarsi per una sosta al 'Mc Grattan's'? Pub di lunga tradizione, le cui origini pare risalgano addirittura al 1798, offre ai propri affezionati clienti una buona selezione di birre alla spine, whiskey e liquori vari. All'esterno particolare e molto gradevole, l'interno non delude: arredamento tradizionale, ampie sale, tavoli, sgabelli, divani in pelle, caminetto e due biliardi. Classica piacevole atmosfera irlandese. In posizione assolutamente strategica ma lontano dal caos del centro città, 'McGrattan's' è una buona soluzione per tutte le esigenze. Per bere qualche pinta, per un pasto o per assistere ad un evento sportivo incollati alla tv. Insomma, per rilassarsi dalla frenesia quotidiana. 🇮🇪 🍻 🥃 🍔
© Irish tales from Rome
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lernen-in-dublin2024 · 4 months ago
Unterricht an der BCFE
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Melanie und Isabelle arbeiten im Typografiekurs am Projekt ("eigenes Branding") . Maeve ist währenddessen im Hauptgebäude und macht Composing/Layout. Fiona hat einen Tag Aktzeichnen. Der Unterricht ist sehr praktisch ausgerichtet und konzentriert sich einerseits auf Kreativität, anderseits wird intensiv am Aufbau Basis Zeichnung und Design Skills gearbeitet. Es wird einen breite Spektrum Medien verwendet von AdobeCC bis hin zum Modellieren mit Ton. Im einem Unterrichtseinheit wurden Origamiformen auf dem Tisch als Inspirationsquelle genutzt. In einer Übung zum schnellen Skizzieren haben wir innerhalb von maximal 20 Sekunden die Umrisse dieser Formen festgehalten. Diese kurzen Skizzen waren eine hervorragende Möglichkeit, unsere Beobachtungsgabe zu schärfen und spontane Ideen festzuhalten. Anschließend haben wir die Skizzen weiterentwickelt, indem wir mit verschiedenen Größen und Perspektiven experimentiert haben. Besonders spannend war es, Licht und Schatten einzufügen, um den Zeichnungen mehr Tiefe zu verleihen.
Konzert BCFE Musikstudierenden
Um 18 Uhr haben wir uns zum Essen getroffen. Im Anschluss dazu sind wir ins "Cobblestone" eingeladen und konnten uns dort Live eine Aufführung traditioneller, irischer Musik von eine Gruppe BFCE Musikstudierenden anhören.
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Irish traditional Musikauftritt der BCFE unter Leitung Paul McGrattan
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dublin2024 · 1 year ago
Tag 5: Abschluss
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Am heutigen Tag sind wir geschlossen zum BCFE gefahren. Dort traf Sepp Paul McGrattan. Paul ist der Dozent der Rockschool und leitet den Bereich Instrumentenbau. Hier befassen sich die Studierenden mit dem traditionellen Herstellung von Instrumenten. Dabei wird deutlich wie präzise gearbeitet werden muss.
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Paul McGrattan ist nicht nur ein professioneller Instrumentenbauer sondern auch begnadeter Musiker. Dies dürften wir Live bei einem Konzert erleben.
Währenddessen waren wir bei Caroline zum Abschlussgespräche eingeladen. Hierbei wurden Eckpunkte einer Kooperation ausgearbeitet.
Nach dem offiziellen Programm hat Sepp für uns einer Besichtigung der Google Europa Zentrale organisiert. Hier bekamen wir einen sehr interessante Einblick in die Arbeitswelt der Google-Mitarbeiter sowie einen wunderschönen Ausblick über Dublin.
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Auf Empfehlung machten wir noch eine Abstecher zum National Print Museum.
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goalhofer · 1 year ago
Ryan Reaves vs. Brian McGrattan February 4, 2012.
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puckoffhockey-blog · 5 years ago
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🥊Luke Gazdic (EDM) vs Brian McGrattan (CGY) – Nov 16, 2013. McGrattan holds the AHL record for most penalty minutes in one season with 551, set in 2004–05 with the Binghamton Senators 🥇 . . . #gazdic #mcgrattan #calgaryflames #oilers #hockeyfights #brawls #fightmemes #enforcers #hockeymemes #nhlmemes #puckoffhockey #hockeyhistory #ahlmemes #fightclub https://www.instagram.com/p/B2cBNzrg_0y/?igshid=1wjl8bkg0kp14
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soyouthinkyoucansleep · 5 years ago
Battle of the Blades Episode 1 Review
For those who saw my earlier post, I got to go to the live taping of BOTB in Hamilton...my tickets were the front row (excluding VIP) so I got a really really good view! Here is my review of the show. I’m gonna talk about all of the couples in the order they skated. I was also gonna talk about the judges and some comments on the show overall but I’ll save that for another post since this is getting long.
A quick intro into the format. So during the commercial break, which is about 3 minutes, the skaters on deck get to warm up. For most of it, everyone focused on stroking with a few timers for lifts in there. The skaters are scored in the 10.0 system rather than 6.0 in the past which was a little weird. For today’s show, Tessa and Scott counted as one judge (they gave one score together). I felt like I was watching NCAA gymnastics for a bit. In the past, eliminations were based solely on viewer votes; the scores were just guidelines. Now like DWTS, its a combination of viewer votes and the judge's scores. The bottom two based on that will be required to compete in a skate-off next week and the winner of the skate-off is selected by the judges. Winner stays, loser goes home.
I went with my younger sister who is a figure skater so the technical comments come from her. It was great sitting with her to get that insight. Scroll below the cut for all my comments.
Natalie Spooner and Andrew Poje
They were the first ones to go so they had the pressure of setting the bar for everyone. Nat was away at Hockey Canada’s national team camp for about 8 days and she only got back to figure skating Monday morning, leaving three full days of rehearsals before the show.
Naturally, Natalie seemed very very nervous in this warm-up, almost looking like she was about to throw up. She kept looking at the ground while skating (a big no-no, as per my sister) and I noticed a few times Andrew reminded her to look up.
While the warm-up may have been a recipe for a bad skate, the routine was anything but! Nat had a huge smile on her face and seemed to have fun the entire time once the program got started. There was one major lift, a knee slide in there, and some footwork. Andrew and the choreographers did a good job adding a little mix of everything and they highlighted that Natalie was a strong skater (compared to many of the others). Completely forgot the fact that she’s hopping back and forth between hockey and figure skates because of her national team commitments.
They ended with 27.9 (9.3′s across the board) for T-3rd overall.
Colton Orr and Amanda Evora
Amanda is the reigning BOTB champion so there’s a little bit of expectation for her there. She’s skating for Boys & Girls Clubs of Canada in honour of a friend of hers who recently passed away (I think he’s the father of one of her students, Grace Knoop?)
Overall, they weren’t terrible but there wasn’t anything exciting about them. They did two lifts and a death spiral but the remainder mostly felt like stroking. Colton was also very right and like Kurt said, didn’t allow his lower body to move freely and separately from the upper body. Time could help with this but they were in last place with 27.4 (9.2 from Colby Armstrong, 9.1 from VM and Kurt). They will need the votes and potentially a good skate-off next week to be safe for week 3. My sister thinks they’ll be the ones to go home first and I agree with her.
Sheldon Kennedy and Kaitlyn Weaver
tw: abuse, sexual abuse
Sheldon’s intro piece focused on the abuse he suffered at the hands of his hockey coach Graham James. CBC did not shy away from the topic. They stated that Graham kept trading for Sheldon in the junior leagues so he could keep abusing him. The intro piece then showed how Sheldon took this terrible thing that happened to him and made it his life’s mission to educate the world and have these discussions so it doesn’t happen again.
What was truly amazing was how the crowd erupted in cheers for Sheldon at that part. It felt like the entire country of Canada is proud of Sheldon for the person he has become. I could see Sheldon getting a little emotional by that response.
They skated to Wake Me Up by Avicii which kinda tells the story of Sheldon wanting to run away from hockey to escape his abuse but found himself again and found joy in his life. And this routine was the literal definition of fun and joy. Sheldon and Kaitlyn had the biggest smiles on their faces and were both having the time of their life.
Not to take away from the fun, but they also skated probably the most difficult routine technically out there. There was an overhead lift. This is especially amazing considering Sheldon is only 5′10″ and Kaitlyn is 5′7″. Kaitlyn was not going easy on him and threw in a bit of the Yankee Polka pattern dance. YANKEE POLKA. AND they made sure to get the crowd involved too.
They received a well deserved, unanimous standing ovation. Like everyone was standing up, even the women with canes in the rows behind me. And they finished the night with 28.3 (9.4, 9.4, 9.5 from Kurt) in first place.
Amanda Kessel and Eric Radford
In the intro piece, you could see how much Amanda really looks up to her older brother Phil Kessel (Stanley Cup winner with Pittsburgh) and I think that’s so precious. She even chose Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto as her charity after seeing Phil bring the Stanley Cup to the kids and seeing their reactions and subsequently the work Sick Kids does for these children and their families.
Amanda and Eric skated to “Juice” by Lizzo so I was already excited for that. In terms of training footage, both Amanda and Eric posted a lot of lifts so I was excited to see what they were planning. They did do a fair number of lifts and a death spiral in there which were well executed. However, beyond that, I felt Amanda was very similar to Colton as she was very tight and rigid. Because she was the one being lifted, it was less noticeable compared to Colton–the lifts and tricks in a sense “broke apart” the tight skating.  They ended in second last, with 27.7 (9.3 from Colby, 9.2 from the others)
Brian McGrattan and Vanessa James
Brian McGrattan is a Hamilton Native so this was a homecoming for him. He lives in Calgary now but a lot of family and friends were here supporting him. Brian discussed his struggles with anxiety and depression which lead to alcoholism. He then sought treatment through the NHL’s alcohol abuse program.
Side note: It’s amazing that CBC, and these hockey players, are not shying away from these difficult topics. Brian McGrattan is a 6′4″, big, tattooed, enforcer. If he can come out on national TV and say “hey I struggled with depression and anxiety and I sought help”, I hope that inspires other boys and men to not shy away from these problems. The stigma with mental health is stronger with men and boys and I think people like Brian can make a difference. So kudos to the players and CBC for having these topics.
The program overall was elegant and vulnerable which is a completely different side to what people are used to for Brian, but he pulled it off really well. Brian truly opened himself up and was committed to the program. Technically they had some amazing lifts and a good connection. Overall they scored 27.9 to tie for 3rd with Natalie and Andrew but the individual judges were all over the place a bit (9.4 from Colby, 9.3 from VM, 9.2 from Kurt)
Bruno Gervais and Ekaterina Gordeeva
I’m just gonna start off by saying Bruno Gervais is an amazing dude. Just out of the goodness of his heart essentially, he started a charity with his close friend Max Talbot (husband of former Canadian Ladies’ Champion Cynthia Phaneuf) which provides underprivileged children with opportunities, ranging from sports to funding hospitals. They started this charity together when both were just 23 years old!
Katia is a queen. That is all that needs to be said. She was referred to as the G.O.A.T. by Kurt and Ron MacLean many times throughout the night, and rightly so. Both of them worked with Elladj Balde a fair bit which was very helpful for them. Elladj is trilingual (English, Russian, and French)–Katia’s first language is Russian and Bruno’s is French so Elladj communicated with them in their respective mother tongues.
Elladj’s influence was seen at the beginning of the routine with Bruno busting out some [very good] dance moves. His skating was very fluid and relaxed and he was very comfortable with the lifts, even doing a “combination lift” per se which involved a lot of twists and turns. They got a partial standing ovation from the crowd, the only other team to do so. I forget their score off the top of my head but they were in second place, close to Sheldon and Kaitlyn.
So that’s my review of the skates...stay tuned tomorrow for comments on the judges and the show overall.
Also, my messages are open if you want to ask me about anything in particular!
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(via Wednesday Wisdom: Women Must Change the World for Women)
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sometimecynic · 7 years ago
Patrick Bordeleau vs Brian McGrattan  |  March 27th, 2013
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todaysdocument · 3 years ago
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Ronnie Potts, a 19-year-old scout with the First Marine Reconnaissance Battalion, rests while en route to a landing zone northwest of Chu Lai, Vietnam, 6/7/1967.
File Unit: Divider/Subject - 296 - Reconnaissance, 1962 - 1975
Series: Black and White Photographs of Marine Corps Activities in Vietnam, 1962 - 1975
Record Group 127: Records of the U.S. Marine Corps, 1775 - 
Image description: Potts cradles a firearm (a machine gun?) as he sits on with his forearms propped on his knees. He’s wearing a uniform, fingerless gloves, and what is probably camouflage paint on his exposed face and arms. He appears to be staring at nothing.
7Jun67 Photog: Sgt. H.G. McGrattan
PAUSE--Ronnie Potts, 19, Lexington, North Carolina, a scout with the First Reconnaissance Battalion, gets a brief respite from the war while enroute to a landing zone. The team was being heli-lifted into a zone northwest of Chu Lai by Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron-165.
dja A421857
127 GVB -296
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arturg09z2h · 5 years ago
Brian McGrattan Wife Photos Information and their life details Hockey Player
Brian McGrattan Wife Photos Information and their life details Hockey Player
Brian McGrattan Wife
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Is he married?
About Brian McGrattan :
Conservative authority who made his NHL debut in 2005 for the Ottawa Senators and joined the Phoenix Coyotes in 2008.
Prior to Fame
He played in the Ontario Hockey League for the Guelph Storm.
Random data
He joined the Nashville Predators in 2011.
Family Life
He was conceived in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
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thepinerider · 8 years ago
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Brian McGrattan: The Purge on Ice
The NHL playoffs will soon be upon us; the league will celebrate its most exciting phase of the season. But is there a widespread concern that the game's decline in enforcers could undermine the season’s greatest spectacle? In the 2013 American dystopian horror movie, The Purge, a...
Via: http://thehockeywriters.com/brian-mcgrattan-the-purge-on-ice/
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fairedelargentsurinternet · 8 years ago
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NHL's Mark Giordano: I've Never Seen Brian McGrattan Lose a Fight NHL's Mark GiordanoI've Never Seen Brian McGrattan Lose a Fight 7/13/2017 1:37 PM PDT EXCLUSIVE If you're gonna pick a fight with a hockey player, STAY AWAY FROM…
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danielstephanus · 2 years ago
Analisis Pengaruh Intellectual Capital dan Ukuran Perusahaan Terhadap Peningkatan Kinerja Perusahaan
Analisis Pengaruh Intellectual Capital dan Ukuran Perusahaan Terhadap Peningkatan Kinerja Perusahaan
No Name & Daniel Sugama Stephanus Perkuliahan Metodologi Penelitian Program Studi Akuntansi – Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis Universitas Ma Chung – Kabupaten Malang 2014 Pendahuluan Latar Belakang Penelitian Lahirnya era ekonomi baru yang disebut knowledge economic mengutamakan peranan teknologi, sistem, dan kecepatan informasi sebagai penggerak utama kinerja operasional organisasi (McGrattan…
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fumpkins · 3 years ago
How to calculate it and what it really means for your health
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If you’ve ever had a standard check-up with your physician or other healthcare provider, it’s likely they calculated your BMI. This is a simple formula using your height and your weight to work out whether you are carrying too much fat. 
It’s been a standard way of judging a person’s health since the early 20th century (with tweaks along the way) but although it gives a good outline of the condition that person is in, being such a simple test, it isn’t the complete picture and should be looked at alongside other considerations. 
To get the most accurate picture of how healthy an individual is, it’s important to look at what BMI doesn’t take into account. Although BMI is a good starting point, considering the age, sex, ethnicity and build of a person will help create a better outline of that person’s situation and whether they need to make changes to their lifestyle. There are also other ways to measure body fat (opens in new tab) that could be more accurate – but these are usually based on more complicated calculations.
Contributor: Dr Juliet McGrattan
Medical doctor and running coach
A practicing doctor for 16 years, UK-based Dr Juliet McGrattan is now an award-winning author and run coach. In addition to her years spent as a GP, she was also the lead clinical champion for physical activity in the North-West for Public Health England (opens in new tab).
What exactly is BMI?
BMI stands for ‘Body Mass Index’ and it is commonly used to ascertain whether a person is at risk of obesity or being underweight. BMI measurements correlate with many obesity-related health issues, so it is a valid starting point when looking at a person’s state of health. It’s also easy to understand since it’s based on a numerical scale.
Each entry on the scale relates to the number of kilograms per square-metre (so a BMI of 25 would be 25kg/m²).
According to the CDC (opens in new tab), a BMI of less than 18.4 on the scale is deemed to be ‘underweight’. For most individuals, a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9) is considered normal or acceptable, while people between 25 and 29.9 are categorized as being ‘overweight’. Anyone with a BMI of 30 or more is considered ‘obese’.
Yet since a person’s BMI isn’t focusing exclusively on fat and also includes muscle and other tissues, it is not a complete assessment on its own.
BMI Weight Status Below 18.5 Underweight 18.5 – 24.9 Normal 25.0 – 29.9 Overweight 30.0 and above Obese
How do I calculate my own BMI?
To work out your BMI, you need to know:
How much you weigh
How tall you are
This can be in metric or imperial measurements. There is a formula for both. 
For metric, you simply work out your height in centimetre-squared, then use this number to divide your weight in kilograms (weight ÷ height²). 
For imperial, work out your height (in inches) and use the number to divide your weight in pounds (weight (lbs) ÷ height (in)²). This time, also multiply by 703. 
For an easy way to work out your BMI, you could use one of the many online calculators available, where you input your weight and height and it figures it out for you.
What is BMI used for?
Health care professionals use BMI to help them assess their patients’ risk factors for certain weight-related health conditions. 
“Measuring your BMI can help to guide you and your nurse or doctor, as to whether you are a healthy weight.” says Dr Juliet McGrattan, former GP and author of Sorted: The Active Woman’s Guide to Health (opens in new tab). “There are health risks associated with being both overweight and underweight.” 
(Image credit: Getty)
Working out your BMI is not only useful on a personal level, though. “BMI can be used at an individual level to help you decide if you need to gain or lose weight but it is also used at a wider level where it indicates the health of populations,” Dr McGrattan adds.
So knowing the average BMI of a population, in collaboration with other health statistics, can give health professionals more information on how to target communities that may need additional help with their lifestyle and healthcare options. 
Should I worry about a high or low BMI?
If you’ve put your details into a calculator and the results aren’t within the ‘healthy’ margins, don’t panic. 
“It’s important to know that BMI is just a guide and can be misleading in some people. For example, if you are very muscular, your BMI may indicate that you are overweight when you are in fact very healthy,” says Dr McGrattan.
But it’s always worth checking if you’re not sure, as there are risks associated with being on either side of the ‘unhealthy’ parameters: 
“If your BMI is outside of the healthy range, then it’s a good idea to discuss it with your doctor,” Dr McGrattan adds. “A very low BMI could put you at an increased risk of medical conditions including osteoporosis where bones are thin and fracture easily. 
“There are also many known health risks associated with being overweight or obese, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and many types of cancer. Your doctor can help you work out what your BMI reading means for you personally and whether there are steps you need to take to correct it.”
Is BMI an accurate measure of my health?
BMI is a good starting point but some researchers would argue that BMI is not a good measure of healthy weight. As McGrattan explains, “Your BMI does not tell the whole story. Someone with a BMI in the normal range can be very unhealthy if they don’t do regular exercise, or they smoke or drink excess amounts of alcohol.
(Image credit: Getty)
“Similarly, someone with a high BMI can be fitter and healthier than someone with a low BMI. It’s all down to a question of their lifestyle and habits. BMI always needs to be interpreted alongside other factors such as lifestyle, ethnic group and other medical conditions a person might have.” 
As mentioned earlier, the main drawback of BMI is that it doesn’t measure fat exclusively, nor does it measure where that fat is distributed on the body. It is, therefore, important to look at a BMI score in conjunction with other tests such as waist measurement to quickly establish whether a person is healthy or needs further help. 
“Remember, too, that good overall health includes both physical and mental health and BMI does not measure your mental health,” says Dr McGrattan.
BMI remains a good way to quickly get a picture of a person’s health, but is not a one-size-fits-all solution and should be looked at alongside other considerations such as lifestyle, build, sex, age, ethnicity and overall health of the individual. 
If you are at all concerned about your health in relation to your BMI, ask your doctor or nurse for advice.
This article is not meant to offer medical advice and readers should consult their doctor or healthcare professional before adopting any diet or treatment. 
New post published on: https://livescience.tech/2022/07/31/how-to-calculate-it-and-what-it-really-means-for-your-health/
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goalhofer · 6 years ago
Top 10 NHL Fights Of The Month: February 2012.
10. Ryan Reaves vs. Brian McGrattan February 4, 2012.
9. Patrick Kaleta vs. Matt Martin February 4, 2012.
8. Ilya Kovalchuk vs. Brayden Schenn February 4, 2012.
7. Zack Kassian vs. Tom Sestito February 16, 2012.
6. Shawn Thornton vs. Matt Kassian February 19, 2012.
5. Adam McQuaid vs. B.J. Crombeen February 22, 2012.
4. Jim Vandermeer vs. Mike Brown February 23, 2012.
3. Jody Shelley vs. Darcy Hordichuk February 23, 2012.
2. Zdeno Chara vs. Chris Neil February 25, 2012.
1. Brad Staubitz vs. Pierre-Cedric Labrie February 28, 2012.
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soyouthinkyoucansleep · 5 years ago
BOTB Pairings!
Violetta Afanasieva and P.J. Stock  
Amanda Evora and Colton Orr
Ekaterina Gordeeva and Bruno Gervais
Vanessa James and Brian McGrattan
Amanda Kessel and Eric Radford
Natalie Spooner and Andrew Poje
Kaitlyn Weaver and Sheldon Kennedy
*Violetta’s original partner was Colby Armstrong, but he got injured last week, hence why PJ Stock is stepping in*
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