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bumpkin-bug · 1 month ago
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Axel wont stop eating the frosting <3
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crowleycringe · 2 months ago
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Annette doodles for tonight with some small changes
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lieskysblog · 7 months ago
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tippedarrows · 4 months ago
Oh, dunno if that's what people call a crack ship, but.. one dude is dead, other has like -20 popularity, so it makes sense why I've never seen this ship anywhere before.. I'm talking about Gabriel X Fred! Your honor, just look at them! Two "dad-friends", both have other chaotic freinds who almost destroyed the world, both are very caring and gentle and I'm pretty sure it'll be the most sweet relationship ever. Fred helping Gabriel during his "I lied about EnderDragon, I'm literally nothing now, I don't deserve any love yall give to me" and Fred then "No, you're still a good warrior, you help people, you're doing such a greate job, darling" while hugging him tightly. Or other way around when Fred worries that his "I know he can do better" led to Romeo almost destroing everything they ever created together, and Gabriel telling him it's not his fault and he shouldn't take resposibility for Romeo actoins. Can't stop thinking about all the times they'll help and take care of each other. I can speak about them all day, but I think you're already tired from reading it, srry! Just happy to tell someone about my lil ship<3
Wait... actually?
Wait wait hold on guys let them cook. You're telling me not only are they both cute, but they're also WHOLESOME????
Okay okay. I love hearing this so much please talk more!!! Omfg. Thinking about Gabriel and Fred travelling together or something and Gabriel keeps showing off and throwing himself in front of Fred to defend him and Fred stands there with his arms crossed like " does he have any idea I could level this town... but it's okay I'm a pacifist so I'll let him do it for me. " The Knight in shining dumbness, and his Admin boyfriend that is essentially the reason he's such a good warrior.
I'm sorry they're adorable.
Gabriel, over the top," You're not responsible for Romeo's actions, and you never were. It's called being a good friend, My Dear! Fear not, for each of your worries I'll pepper you in each of my divine kisses. "
Fred, smiling at Gabriel all soft with his eyebrows pinched together and sighing, " Oh, Gabe. Don't worry about yourself, either. I'm here if you need anything. "
Gabriel, who has never been the one to be GIVEN comfort, " Ha okay yyes. ges okayii loove yiew... ghhhg"
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keltherealone · 6 months ago
This is how I cope (artistic interpretation of the queen's death)
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sudden-stops-kill · 1 year ago
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mcams yamaha
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fighter232 · 5 months ago
Aku diambil sebagai anak angkat dan mak angkatku ada seorang anak perempuan iaitu kak zira namanya.
Pada satu hari aku stim melihat kakinya yang putih gebu dan teteknya yang besar.aku masuk kedalam biliknya smasa dia sedang tidur.
Aku lihat seluar dalamnya ada di tepi katil.aku berdebar-debar kerana takut dia tersedar.aku buka perlahan-lahan selimutnya dan mendapati dia tidur bogel.
Aku cium kakinya sepuas puas hatiku dan jilat kakinya.aku semakin stim dan terus menjilat lagi.
Tiba-tiba kak zira tersedar dan tersenyum melihatku.
Aku ketakutan dan merayu kepadanya jangan memberitahu sesiapa.
Setelah melihat aku merayu bersungguh2 maka dia bersetuju memaafkan ku tetapi dengan satu syarat.
Aku bersetuju dan syaratnya ialah aku mesti mengikut segala arahannya tanpa bantahan.
Aku bersetuju dan sebagai tanda persetujuan aku mesti menjunjung dan mencium kakinya.
Dia seterusya mengajak aku ke tandas dan dia suruh aku lihat dia kencing.
Tiba-tiba aku disuruh menjilat air kencingnya itu diatas lantai sambil dia memijak kepalaku.
Aku kene jilat sampai habis air kencing itu dan dia ketawa melihatku.
Dia tanya sedapke dan aku menjawab sedap rasanya.
Selapas itu dia nak sambung tidur dan aku mesti tidur disisi katilnya.
Dia mengambil underwarenya dan suruh aku cium.
”ambillah” katanya.
Dia sarungkan dikepala ku dan aku mesti tidur dalam keadaan begitu.
Pada keesokan paginya aku tersedar kerana Kak zira telah mengejutkanku dengan memijak mukaku.
”bangun la anjingku “katanya smbil tersenyum.
Dia suruh aku ikut die mandi.aku disuruh merangkak dan dia duduk atas belakangku.
Aku rasakan macam anjing je aku ni.
Semasa mandi aku stim melihatnya dan dia terus mengusap2 batangku...aku tak tahan dan terus terpancut.
Dia ketawa melihatku...tiba-tiba dia suruh aku melutut sambil menganga mulut.
Aku buat tanpa bantahan...dia tanya nak jilat pantat dia tak...aku mengangguk dan dia kata
”minum air kencing ni sampai habis.
Aku taknak setitik pun jatuh ke lantai...lepas tu
Jilatlah”katanya sambil meludah kedalam mulutku.
Aku jilat air ludahnya dan mendekatkan mulutku ke lubang kencingnya supaya dia tak marah aku jika jatuh setitik pun.
Psssssssss…penuh mulutku dengan air kotor tu.
Aku terus telan kerana tak sanggup dengan baunya.
Hancing,tapi aku sanggup telan...selepas itu dia mengajak kawan-kawannya menyaksikan persembahan unik itu.
Aku disuruh melutut dan mereka berempat kencing keatas mukaku...aku seperti mandi air kencing aritu.
Sambil ketawa mereka menyepak2 dan meludah mukaku...tiba-tiba kawannya,Kak Shira bertanya
’kalau kita suruh dia makan taik mcm mne?
Kak zira kata,ok.
Aku disuruh baring dan mulutku disuruh buka seluas-luasnya.
Kak Shira pun terus mengeluarkan taiknya dan terus masuk ke mulutku.
Setelah habis,aku disuruh kunyah dan telan.
Tanpa membantah aku melakukan aksi itu sambil dirakam.
Jika aku muntah,mereka akan pijak perutku...tak sedap langsung rasanya.
Setelah tu aku disuruh makan taik dalam pinggan pulak sambil kepalaku dipijak dan makan tanpa menngunakan tangan.
Serupa mcam anjing aku ni...mulai hari itu aku telah menjadi hamba kepada mereka kerana jika tidak,mereka akan mengedarkan rakaman itu.
Tamat ..
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Summary that was posted on social media:
1) Here it is, our overview of the most interesting ME/CFS studies of 2024. If you think we’re missing an important one, feel free to post it as a comment below
2) A recent preprint used data from the UK Biobank and showed that there are many differences in the blood between ME/CFS patients and controls. Their analysis suggests that these differences are not due to inactivity or deconditioning.
3) The Intramural NIH study did the most extensive set of biological measurements ever conducted in ME/CFS patients but because of the low sample size (n = 17) and focus on ‘effort preference’ it has mostly led to disappointment.
4) The MCAM study recruited patients from 7 ME/CFS specialty clinics and assessed cognitive functioning in more than 200 patients. Accuracy was relatively normal but information processing speed was significantly lower in patients versus controls.
5) This year, the largest study on repeated cardiopulmonary exercise testing in ME/CFS was published. Although there were small to moderate effects, there was a large overlap between patients and controls. It is unclear if this procedure can be used as a diagnostic test.
6) 2024 also saw two big rehabilitation trials for children with ME/CFS: MAGENTA and FITNET-NHS. Both had null results suggesting that GET and online CBT (FITNET) are unlikely to be cost-effective.
7) We also had a new prevalence estimate using statistics data for NHS Hospitals in England. Extrapolating the highest rates to the entire UK would mean that 390.000 people (0.585%) get ME/CFS in their lifetime.
A Norwegian study showed how wages dropped dramatically and sickness benefits increased before and after an ME/CFS diagnosis.
9) Honourable mention: following the tragic death of Maeve Boothby O’Neill, Prof. Emeritus Jonathan Edwards wrote a paper on managing nutritional failure in people with severe ME/CFS, including suggestions that can supplement the NICE Guideline.
====== comment: Another excellent blog from this account. Note that the social media summary only highlights a few of the many studies that are discussed in the post. Saying that, I didn’t find it overly long either. Highly recommended.
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bambi-marquez · 1 year ago
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meetheyes · 11 days ago
Selamat tahun baru. Nervous excited semua ada.
Nervous sebab nnti akan tukar department dah. Tak tahu nak expect apa melainkan mcam kena bnyak study balik je utk accounting.
Betul ke tak kte buat keputusan pindah masuk finance, kte sendiri tak sure. So tahun ni, nak kena bnyak2 berdoa semoga semuanya akan baik2 sahaja.
Tahun ni jugak kena jadi sihat. Kena jaga makan. Nak kena kurangkan beli zus, walaupun kte masih nak kejar point 😅 maybe sebulan 3 kali je boleh minum zus 😮‍💨 Kita cuba yee kita cuba.
Tahun ni jugak, harap dapat kenal dengan someone special, yang boleh buat jadi suami. Padahal duit and mental tk cukup ready pun lagii 🥲 (tkpe takpee, masuk wishlist dulu)
Pastu setiap bulan plan nak konsisten manabung dalam emas. Plus mcam plan nak beli takaful.
Banyak jugak nak belanja orang tahun ni, so semoga Allah kurniakan kecukupan dalam diri kte dan Allah mudahkan kita utk membagi pada keliling.
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soulfullionbunny · 1 month ago
i need my children to be smart. i need them to get A's. i need them to have a smart and competent parent. i have seen what closed minded people have done and will done. aku x nak diorang jadi mcam tu.
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fiq69xxx · 11 days ago
Bestt wow dpt kawan mcam ni
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mshawalie · 4 months ago
Michat ni mcam babi jgak ke?
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aisamosshi · 8 months ago
aku tak rasa masa aku lalui tu susah, tapi bila ingat balik. memang aku ni menyedihkan.
aku ingatlagi, masa aku pregnent. aku pegi sendiri buat buku pink. kena check, kena marah padahal tak tau ape benda masa tu.
sampai lah hari 2hari sebelum aku bersalin. aku ingat itulah kali terakhir aku ada kt dunia. entah aku akan selamat ke tak. entah aku dapat lahirkan normal atau czer, aku tak pikir.
aku drive sendiri pegi hospital. pastu aku kena paksa emercency czer.
aku pengsan, sedar2 dah malam. penat sangat. tapi kena marah dengan nurse sebab tak bangun2.
aku bangun tapi aku diam je. masa tu aku tak tanya pun mana anak aku, sebab nurse pun xcakap mana anak aku.
seharian aku diam, terpingga2.
pastu aku kena marah lagi, nurse cakap taknak tengok anak kt icu ke.
masa first time tengok dia dalam incubater. tak cukup oksigen nurse cakap.
nurse suruh aku susukan, tapi aku takpandai, anak aku pun. end up aku balik, anak aku nangis sepanjang malam. 8 pagi baru dia tidur. mcam 2 yg aku rasa masa tu, rasa nak bunuh je diri.
esok pun aku masih tak boleh nak susu kan. aku minta nurse bagi sikit je susu formula, nak bagi ank diam sebab dah lama sangat dia nangis.
nurse tak bagi. dia marah aku balik.
anak aku takde sape azankan. nasib baik adik maksu aku dtg melawat pagi tu, mintak tolong dia azankan.
pikiran aku blur masa tu. rasa mcm org bodoh.
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eksopolitiikka · 10 months ago
Avaruusolennon pääkallo Marsissa
Havaintopäivämäärä: lokakuu 2014 Havaintopaikka: Mars NASA-lähde: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00385/mcam/0385MR0015770000301891E01_DXXX.jpg Youtube-käyttäjä Martian Archeologist löysi tämän kallon. Siinä näkyy kallon yläosa, joka näyttää olevan muinainen fossiili. Kallo on kivettynyt vuosien mittaan. Sen värit sopivat sen ympäristöön.   Artikkelin julkaissut UFO Sightngs Daily https://eksopolitiikka.fi/tiede/avaruusolennon-paakallo-marsissa/
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takeoffprojectsvlsi · 11 months ago
10 Fun and Easy Electronic Circuit Projects for Beginners
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Check out the interesting electronics journey via these beginner projects! Learn about potentiometers, LED blinkers and simple amplifiers. Get hands on how mechanics of electronics work. Novices would definitely love doing these projects as they are both fun and medium to learn about circuitry
1. Low Power 3-Bit Encoder Design using Memristor
The design of an encoder in three distinct configurations—CMOS, Memristor, and Pseudo NMOS—is presented in this work. Three bits are used in the design of the encoder. Compared to cmos and pseudo-nmos logic, the suggested 3-bit encoder that uses memristor logic uses less power. With LTspice, the complete encoder schematic in all three configurations is simulated.
2. A Reliable Low Standby Power 10T SRAM Cell with Expanded Static Noise Margins
The low standby power 10T (LP10T) SRAM cell with strong read stability and write-ability (RSNM/WSNM/WM) is investigated in this work. The Schmitt-trigger inverter with a double-length pull-up transistor and the regular inverter with a stacking transistor make up the robust cross-coupled construction of the suggested LP10T SRAM cell. The read-disturbance is eliminated by this with the read path being isolated from real internal storage nodes. Additionally, it uses a write-assist approach to write in pseudo differential form using a write bit line and control signal. H-Spice/tanner 16mm CMOS Technology was used to simulate this entire design.
3. A Unified NVRAM and TRNG in Standard CMOS Technology
The various keys needed for cryptography and device authentication are provided by the True Random Number Generator (TRNG). The TRNG is usually integrated into the systems as a stand-alone module, which expands the scope and intricacy of the implementation. Furthermore, in order to support various applications, the system must store the key produced by the TRNG in non-volatile memory. However, in order to build a Non-Volatile Random Access Memory (NVRAM), further technological capabilities are needed, which are either costly or unavailable.
4. High-Speed Grouping and Decomposition Multiplier for Binary Multiplication
The study introduces a high-speed grouping and decomposition multiplier as a revolutionary method of binary multiplication. To lower the number of partial products and critical path time, the suggested multiplier combines the Wallace tree and Dadda multiplier with an innovative grouping and decomposition method. This adder's whole design is built on GDI logic. The suggested design is tested against the most recent binary multipliers utilizing 180mm CMOS technology.
5. Novel Memristor-based Nonvolatile D Latch and Flip-flop Designs
The basic components of practically all digital electrical systems with memory are sequential devices. Recent research and practice in integrating nonvolatile memristors into CMOS devices is motivated by the necessity of sequential devices having the nonvolatile property due to the critical nature of instantaneous data recovery following unforeseen data loss, such as an unplanned power outage.
6. Ultra-Efficient Nonvolatile Approximate Full-Adder with Spin-Hall-Assisted MTJ Cells for In-Memory Computing Applications
With a reasonable error rate, approximate computing seeks to lower digital systems' power usage and design complexity. Two extremely effective magnetic approximation full adders for computing-in-memory applications are shown in this project. To enable non-volatility, the suggested ultra-efficient full adder blocks are connected to a memory cell based on Magnetic Tunnel Junction (MTJ).
7. Improved High Speed or Low Complexity Memristor-based Content Addressable Memory (MCAM) Cell
This study proposes a novel method for nonvolatile Memristor-based Content Addressable Memory MCAM cells that combine CMOS processing technology with Memristor to provide low power dissipation, high packing density, and fast read/write operations. The suggested cell has CMOS controlling circuitry that uses latching to reduce writing time, and it only has two memristors for the memory cell.
8. Data Retention based Low Leakage Power TCAM for Network Packet Routing
To lessen the leakage power squandered in the TCAM memory, a new state-preserved technique called Data Retention based TCAM (DR-TCAM) is proposed in this study. Because of its excellent lookup performance, the Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM) is frequently employed in routing tables. On the other hand, a high number of transistors would result in a significant power consumption for TCAM. The DR-TCAM can dynamically adjust the mask cells' power supply to lower the TCAM leakage power based on the continuous characteristic of the mask data. In particular, the DR-TCAM would not erase the mask data. The outcomes of the simulation demonstrate that the DR-TCAM outperforms the most advanced systems. The DR-TCAM consumes less electricity than the conventional TCAM architecture.
9. One-Sided Schmitt-Trigger-Based 9T SRAM Cell for NearThreshold Operation
This study provides a bit-interleaving structure without write-back scheme for a one-sided Schmitt-trigger based 9T static random access memory cell with excellent read stability, write ability, and hold stability yields and low energy consumption. The suggested Schmitt-trigger-based 9T static random access memory cell uses a one-sided Schmitt-trigger inverter with a single bit-line topology to provide a high read stability yield. Furthermore, by utilizing selective power gating and a Schmitt-trigger inverter write aid technique that regulates the Schmitt-trigger inverter's trip voltage, the write ability yield is enhanced.
10. Effective Low Leakage 6T and 8T FinFET SRAMs: Using Cells With Reverse-Biased FinFETs, Near-Threshold Operation, and Power Gating In this project, power gating is frequently utilized to lower SRAM memory leakage current, which significantly affects SRAM energy usage. After reviewing power gating FinFET SRAMs, we assess three methods for lowering the energy-delay product (EDP) and leakage power of six- and eight-transistor (6T, 8T) FinFET SRAM cells. We examine the differences in EDP savings between (1) power gating FinFETs, (2) near threshold operation, and alternative SRAM cells with low power (LP) and shorted gate (SG) FinFET configurations; the LP configuration reverse-biases the back gate of a FinFET and can cut leakage current by as much as 97%. Higher leakage SRAM cells get the most from power gating since their leakage current is reduced to the greatest extent. Several SRAM cells can save more leakage current by sharing power gating transistors. MORE INFO
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