noharaaa · 5 months
Hobie x reader Zombie apocalypse series ??🥺
I've actually been debating a zombie or post apocalypse fic for a while now! Especially after finishing fallout I'm like "I've got so many ideas for a fic" lol maybe when I finish all my one shots or when someone requests for one, whichever comes first ❤️
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noharaaa · 5 months
Damn. I knew I rachi would get the most votes 😭
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noharaaa · 6 months
*gasp* you tagged meee! I feel so special ❤️
To Know Your Heart Is a Brave Thing
💜📱…Flowerbyte drabble (but also not a drabble cus I lack self-control) @vhstown @noharaaa anybody let me know if you wanna be tagged for flowerbyte fics or any other fics
“I feel like you being passive aggressive right now, listening to this song while you talking to me.”
🎶If you don’t want me then don’t talk to me…
“Go ahead and free yourself,” Margo sang to Miles, picking up the lyrics.
Miles shook his head with a grin and Margo matched it before lowering the volume of the music playing through her speakers.
She’d been blasting music all day from various different genres, though she did agree that maybe “Free Yourself” by Fantasia was a bad selection for the moment.
Plus that song was old even in Miles’ world, it was pretty much ancient in hers.
She flicked one of her hands in the air, shuffling her playlist and turning the volume back up simultaneously.
The beginning of “Let Me Love You” by Mario started playing and Margo grinned.
It was still an old song but she knew Miles had a soft spot for it.
He smacked his lips and gave her a wry look.
“Don’t try to butter me up now Ms. Kess.”
“Boy, nobody’s buttering you up, I put my playlist on shuffle.”
A cocky grin spread over his face and Margo rolled her eyes, but her stomach still flipped.
“Even your algorithms like me.”
Though she rolled her eyes again, she knew there was truth in his statement.
In the four months they’d been dating, Margo has noticed the way the world around seems to have changed. Both the physical world and the virtual-verse.
She’d started exploring the physicality of the world around her thanks to her many visits to E-1610.
She walked through the same park where she and Miles hung out for the first time.
She had walked it before maybe once or twice, but after visiting Miles it was like the whole place lit up. She felt drawn to the spots she’d recognized from Miles’ world.
It was like there was something pulling her to sit under a certain tree or rest her hands against a certain fence.
And when she did, her heart would fill with an inexplicable sort of warmth that she knew only came from Miles.
She knew she probably looked crazy to the rare onlooker as she stood in the middle of a nearly deserted park, all alone and with a dumb smile on her face. But she still made it a top priority to visit it at least once a week.
It had become her happy place, and before Miles she didn’t even think it was possible for her to find solace in reality.
She’d never expressed these thoughts to him, she didn’t even know how, but she was sure he knew.
Margo wasn’t completely confident in how her connection with technology worked but Miles’ comment about her algorithms wasn’t too far off.
“I’m so tired, this song might just put me to sleep.”
Margo is pulled back into the present by Miles’ voice.
He’s lying down on his stomach with his phone propped up in front of him. His eyes are low and he blinks them rapidly in effort to stay awake.
Margo feels that warmth in her heart spark up at the lazy smile that’s spread across his face.
"Why are you still up if you're so tired?"
He yawns and his eyes drop a little lower as he rests his chin on the pillow in front of him.
"We haven't talked in a while, this is worth staying up for."
A wide grin splits Margo's face and she ducks from the camera to try and tamp it down.
When she reappears it's still just as big and bright, but Miles is looking at her with eyes that are a little less tired and a soft small of his own, so she knows they're sharing the same feeling.
A physical connection being reciprocated across highly advanced technology and between two teens in different worlds.
"You still need to go to sleep," she says.
He hums and looks away for a second.
"Are you uh...busy tomorrow?"
Her grin widens again but she doesn't hide this time.
"Nope. I'm completely free all day, which is very rare so I should really take the opportunity to do something special."
"Well then a very special person might come to see you."
"Very special, huh?"
They both laugh softly and Margo finds herself lost in his boyish grin and soft eyes.
She's pleased that he seems to be equally as fond of the cheesy grin that has yet to leave her face.
"Goodnight, Miles."
"Goodnight Miss Kess."
There's another shared laugh and then the holo-screen in front of her goes black. Her reflection shows a girl charmed-sparkling eyes, a wide smile, and straining cheeks.
These are the only times her reflection truly matches her real feelings.
This was inspired by "Young Love" by Cleo Sol
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noharaaa · 6 months
HELP. I think Hobie needs glasses 😭
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the bear's just chill like that i guess? sup with you mate?
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noharaaa · 6 months
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the bear's just chill like that i guess? sup with you mate?
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noharaaa · 6 months
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오늘의 손그림 by isa_for_you
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noharaaa · 6 months
fic writers i need to you say one good thing about your writing or im going to explode QUIC
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noharaaa · 6 months
The fact Hobie knows how to make literal dimension jumping portal watches seriously messes me up bc like, this dude is so freaking smart while my OC is the dumbest person alive. She can't do jack.
Like seriously. The only thing this girl good at is drawing and sewing, and she barely even knows how to sew! Gurly be making the most cursed dolls and then calling them her children 😭 so sick of my bimbo OC sometimes ain't even gon front.
Hobie says the most intelligent sentence she ever heard, and she can understand him but not really bc what the freak does any of what he said mean? Of course y'know, context clues but also are her context clues even correct???
This be them for real:
"So, I was just wondering your views on love as a whole y'know? Because I mean yeah, it's a real emotion, but it's also just a means for big companies to sell us more shit innit? And it don't make it no better how some lads don't ever Adam and eve it when I tell em stuff like this yeah? Honestly, it' was real Barney when I was trying to convince people of all the propaganda that was going on around em. Hell, even some of my mates didn't believe me, had to do a lot of convincing because they just didn't believe any of the brass tacks ya feel me?"
And she looks at him like she had no idea what he said but she nods anyway, she knows what he said, but not really.
"Yeah... Sure Hobie." So she just sits there like this:
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All confused n shit 😭
And Hobie's all like: "you ain't understand a lick of what I just said did you curls?"
"no... I ain't but I'll pretend like I did. Like Naruto."
"who in the hell is that?"
Anyways that's it lol just me ramblin' n stuff
Real talk I almost didn't even understand the shit I wrote for Hobie my damn self 😭
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noharaaa · 6 months
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Miles and Hobie, listen to music 🎵 by lintushadow
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noharaaa · 6 months
Seems like this really hit home in the sibling fandom
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noharaaa · 7 months
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True gamers
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noharaaa · 7 months
Nooo this is too iconic!
Yeahhhh I totally wasn't staring at your OC for three hours straight thinking about how she could interact w my OC and daydreaming Abt them being found sisters or anything... Nah...
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"...Munchkin?" Ria asked, completely and utterly baffled by this woman's sentence and presence, who did she think she was? Diane. That's who.
Ria didn't even think that her presence was acknowledged, and you can imagine the surprise on her face when Diane suddenly approached her, going on and on about how her stressed fishnets reminded her of Hobie Brown. asking if she knew who he was and if she didn't, then she was certainly living under a rock.
This girl, who Ria barely even knew, was talking about Hobie, which made her assume she had one in her universe or something. And about... becoming her sister...? And they'd just met! Besides she already has a sister, what'd she need another one for?
Ria wasn't even able to let out a sentence because Diane could talk. Alot. Far more than Ria could.
"Hey ReeRee since we're sibs now and everything, don't you think it'd be totes groovy if we hang?"
"uhm, I've got someplace to be so-"
"girl, if it has anything to do with Miguel, I'd say just drop it! We both know he totally don't know what he talkin' about! And he got enough people to go around!"
Ria's eyes widened, taken aback that she actually knew what she was going to say beforehand, and also taken aback that this woman just slandered Miguel so easily.
She always thought that if someone said anything bad about him they'd probably get fired, combust or die. Well, all of them really.
"uhm...? I don't think I could just... Y'know... Not go there?"
Diane gasped dramatically before bending down to her level,
"girl! Sure you can! We all know nobody take that man seriously!"
"But Diane-"
And before she could even finish, Diane grabbed her hand and took her to earth-102024, in the year of 2024. Ria's earth.
How did she know which earth she was from? It's not like she told her or anything,
"I read your file! I seen't it in Miguel's office earlier and thought ya looked cool! And that maybe I could show ya the ropes!"
Or maybe she just read her file. Cool...
"Y'know... I've heard a lot of bad things about this earth..."
Oh great, another person to tell her how trashy her earth was. Ria rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, if Diane was going to say something bad about her earth-102024, she wouldn't be the first person to tell her that. All day, she's been getting looks at the people who worked at the spider society, and some of them would just come out and openly say just how bad her earth was, even Miguel.
And even Ria didn't think her world was all that great sometimes, but she did still love it, and hated any slander about because duh. She already knew how much her world sucked, that was a no brainer, but she hated it when no one cared to see just how great it was as well. It was frustrating.
"but it's so pretty."
Her ears perked, stance becoming more relaxed because what? Pretty? What in the world was this woman talking about? Someone other than her thought it was... Pretty?
"I've seen a sunset before but... I like yours too. It's really funky."
"Funky?" Her head tilted at the word, definitely not how she'd use it.
"Yeah! Funky! Y'know like cool?"
"Uh yeah... Thanks."
"no probs new sis!" She chuckled and winked at her as she bumped her elbow, placing her hands on her hips before staring at the sun again. Ria was happy, happy someone could see the beauty in her world, someone other than herself that is. It was refreshing.
"... You're still not my sister."
"Maybe not by blood I ain't!"
Yeahhhh and that's it! I just had this in my head for... An embarrassingly long time...
Honestly idek if they're gonna see this?? But if they do Hiiiii!!! I love your OC she's freaking epic and I really like the idea of Diane and Ria being found sisters!!! I dunno i just think it's cool lol
And then again, if you don't want your OC used this way I wouldn't mind taking this down or anything cuz I know that things like this can make people uncomfortable so just tellme if that's the case!! :P
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noharaaa · 7 months
First portrait of the year is dedicated to Bree Matthews from Legendborn by Tracy Deonn ⚔️
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noharaaa · 7 months
I think that’s a good sign 🫢
Miguel’s whammies on ur profile picture is so cute! I cackled 🤭
stop I literally just put a random ATSV pic when I first made this acc and now tumblr is glitching and won’t let me change it 😭
oh well
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noharaaa · 7 months
Metalhead Miguel 🔥
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WIP - what if Miguel were in a metal band? Obvi he looks like Nathan Explosion, and I’m not mad about it, because of the brain worms. Head cannon further is that Gabriel designed all their band merch.
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noharaaa · 7 months
Miss Goblin Queen, this was not some boring shit. This was, in fact, serotonin-inducing ❤️
Neon Requiem - Band Rivals Hobie x Guitarist! Reader
Based on @rexlroze and @the-kr8tor 's original ideas that just started to eat my brain.
NOTE: I don't write Hobie/Miguel--in fact--I don't write fanfiction at all. As the fandom's resident Chaos Goblin Queen!Spider-Mom writing characters half my age is a bit of a stretch for me. This has not been proofread/edited for foreign language used. All repetitive info, boring shit, and grammatical mistakes are 100% my own and brought to you by the letters ASD and the numbers 5 (as in year-old-child with aforementioned ASD) and 3 (as in hours of sleep that I get each night).
Also, written like a screenplay, so I could turn this into a proper comic coming up. Also also, get you a person who looks at you like Hobie looks at R.
ACT 1 SCENE 1 - FLASHBACK - EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT In a gritty, neon-lit alleyway, Young teen R is busy wheat-pasting posters for her band's upcoming gig. The posters feature a cybernetic skull (looking suspiciously like Spider-Man 2099 mask) with glowing eyes, the band's name "2099" emblazoned beneath it. As she works, Hobie appears from the shadows, a spray can in hand. He's tagging a nearby wall with a stylized anarchy symbol.
HOBIE (noticing R) Oi, what've we got 'ere? Another lost soul in the concrete jungle?
R (startled, then regaining composure) Hardly lost, mon ami. Just spreading the word about the revolution. Hobie steps closer, examining her posters.
HOBIE "2099," eh? Sounds like a proper cyberpunk outfit. You lot singing about the end of the world or sommat?
R (grinning) More like the rebirth of a new one, through science and technology. It is the brain-child of mon ami, his idea for a band... but he sings like...a cat in heat yowling from inside a Cookie Monster costume. Fun concept though. I'm going to take lead vocals.
HOBIE (intrigued) That sounds painful... but color me impressed, love... You can sing? Right? Not every day you meet a bird with brains, talent, and beauty. R rolls her eyes, but there is a hint of a blush on her cheeks, but before she can respond, the sound of police sirens fills the air.
HOBIE (grabbing R's hand) Bollocks, your dystopian future has arrived! They run through the winding alleyways, adrenaline pumping, until they finally come to a stop in a secluded courtyard.
READER (catching her breath) Merde, that was close!
HOBIE (grinning) Stick with me, love, and you'll never be bored. As they lean against the wall, laughing and trying to catch their breath, a spark of connection flickers between them.
READER (realizing) Wait, I never got your name.
HOBIE (extending his hand) Most just call me Dirty Punk, or Punk for short. He jokes, self-deprecating, he doesn’t want to tell her his name yet, it feels really personal now, like it's just Hobart, it's not that cool. It’s definitely not cool enough to tell her.
READER Punk, eh? Really? Fine, then call me R. Yeah, Punk, I can sing...
In a gritty, neon-lit alleyway, READER, a French metal chick with ever-changing hair color, is struggling to wheat-paste a large poster featuring her band "NEON REQUIEM" on a high, hard-to-reach wall.
Suddenly, SPIDER PUNK (aka HOBIE BROWN), a British punk rocker and vigilante, appears hanging upside down on a web behind her.
SPIDER PUNK Need a hand, love?
Reader spins around, eyes wide with fear and surprise.
READER (stammering) Spider-Man! Je suis désolée, It… yeah.. it's exactly what it looks like.
SPIDER PUNK (waving his hand dismissively) Nah, don't sweat it, mate. I'm all for stickin' it to the man. 'Sides, that's a wicked poster you got there.
Reader relaxes, a smile spreading across her face.
READER (relieved) Merci! I thought I was busted for sure.
SPIDER PUNK (flips down from the web and lands on his feet, like a cat) Not on my watch, love. 'Ere, let me give you a boost.
Spider Punk gently wraps an arm around Reader's waist and shoots a web to the top of the wall. They ascend together, Reader grinning as they reach the perfect spot to place the poster.
As they work together to smooth out the poster, Spider Punk notices the band details: Reader, Miguel, and Gabriel. Guitar, Bass, and Drums. Miguel is handsome, long-haired, massive band-mate. Miguel back up vocals and bass he is the epitome of a metal-head.
SPIDER PUNK (chuckling at Miguel's serious metal-head expression) This bloke looks like he could use a laugh.
With a mischievous grin beneath his mask, Spider Punk uses his web shooter to draw a silly mustache on Miguel's serious face.
READER (giggling) Oh, il va être furieux! But it's too funny! My poor brother.
SPIDER PUNK (admiring their handiwork) There, now that's a proper work of art.
As they descend back to the ground, Reader turns to Spider Punk, her eyes sparkling with amusement and gratitude.
READER (sincerely) Merci beaucoup, Spider-Man. You really saved my ass tonight. You should come cheer us on at Battle of the Bands.
SPIDER PUNK (bowing dramatically) All in a night's work for your friendly neighborhood Spider Punk, love. I might be there, afterall, the Spider Punks are playing-band like that is my namesake, innit?
With a wink beneath his mask, Spider Punk shoots a web and swings off into the night, leaving Reader grinning and shaking her head in amazement.
Later after dropping by her hostel room to change and wash up from paste, READER, aka, R is at a bar when she spots the only open spot at the bar. It's next to a 20-something nursing a pint. SPIDER PUNK, aka HOBIE BROWN aka PUNK, a British punk guitarist in his mid-20s, sits at the bar, nursing a pint. His lean, wiry frame is clad in a torn Sex Pistols shirt and tight jeans, held up by a studded belt slung low on his hips. Fishnet gloves adorn his hands, their black polished nails chipped from endless hours of guitar playing. Piercings glint in the dim light, catching the eye and hinting at his rebellious nature. He's in his civvy digs, a signature blend of 1980s anarcho-punk style that makes him look like the second-coming of Jean-Michel Basquiat, all raw talent and unfiltered edge. Lost in thought, an achingly familiar voice, something from a buried memory, suddenly catches his attention. It can't be...
READER, [loosely based on Gwen Stacy's Black Cat] a French metal chick with ever-changing hair color,  also in their mid-20s and equally skilled with a guitar, orders a drink next to him. Her effortlessly cool vibe is a result of her world travels. She is now in her full stage persona costume with all the eyeliner and leather that comes along with it.The two don't recognize each other at first.
READER (to the bartender, in a French accent) Un Jack Daniel's, s'il vous plaît.
Hobie glances at Reader, a flicker of recognition in his eyes... doesn't he know her? Battle of the Bands? Must be it, mate.
HOBIE (in a thick British accent) Blimey, that's a proper choice, innit? You 'ere for the battle of the bands, love?
READER (surprised) Oui, how did you know?
HOBIE (smirking) Just a... sense...Call it a punk's intuition, darling. I'm in the mix too, y'know.
MIGUEL O'HARA, Reader's handsome, *built* Hispanic bandmate, approaches. At 6'7" and 310lbs of pure muscle, he cuts an imposing figure. His younger brother GABRIEL, a softer, sweeter version of Miguel, follows close behind.
MIGUEL (Finds Reader and is by her side instantly, voice dripping with sarcasm and derision) R, you snuck out on practice...just to drink in this hellhole? Is that Jack? No puedo mas... Carnalita...This shit is bad for you.
READER (smiles to her bandmate, she has just arrived but she is hiding her wheat-pasting activities from the stern older band-mate) You worry too much, Miggy, mon ami. We've been practicing all week.
MIGUEL (softens) Gabri and I could have come out with you. You shouldn't go out in an unknown city alone. It's not safe for you, carnala.
HOBIE (puffs a bit, all charm, recognizing Miguel from the poster, he puts it together that R is the same girl from earlier. Hoping to impress this 'brother' of the cute girl, he offers Miguel his hand. Miguel looks him over and is unimpressed, he does not take Hobie's hand) Keeping the lady safe, mate. You can trust me. I'm one of the Spider-Punks.
GABRIEL (shoulders his brother to the side and takes Hobie's hand, gushing) We've heard of you guys, the local punk rock band, yeah? Your drummer is... gahh...Ah-Mazing! You think we could meet?
Someone's got a crush on Gwen Stacy.
MIGUEL (scoffing, stepping closer to R) You call that punk noise "rock"? Metal is where the real skill lies...Real talent is in the complexity, the technical skill. Metal pushes boundaries, takes you to new places. Punk's just three chords and an attitude.
HOBIE (visible shift in attitude, he eyes Miguel's massive frame) Never skip leg day, eh bruv?
R stifles a laugh as Miguel's face reddens with anger. Gabriel looks nervously between his brother and Hobie.
READER (trying to defuse the tension) Allez, let's save the competition for the stage, d'accord?
HOBIE (smirking, he stands, not as tall as Miguel, but nearly so) Tell you what, mate. Let's settle this on stage. We'll let the crowd decide who's got the real chops.
MIGUEL (grinning fiercely, are those...fangs?) You're on, punk. Prepare to be schooled.
READER (interjecting, her eyes sparkling with amusement) Ah, mais non, Miggy. There's art in simplicity too. Punk, metal, it's all about the energy, the message, non? Who is your drummer, she sounds enchanting.
GABRIEL (nodding) She is, she's go this...energy. Pero, R's right, Miguel.
There is a not so subtle look that passes between the brothers, an undertone of: DON'T RUIN THIS FOR ME MANO from Gabri, Miguel nearly rolls his eyes.
Music's music. Let's just focus on putting on a good show and maybe we can learn something from their band, eh?
HOBIE (winking at Reader) Aye, love. Can't wait to teach your wall of meat here a thing or two. Let's give 'em a show they won't forget...later?
READER (brightly, oblivious to the brothers' feelings) Later!
As Hobie saunters off, Miguel glares after him, his fists clenched. Gabriel places a calming hand on his brother's arm.
GABRIEL (softly) Easy, hermano. He's not worth it.
As Hobie leaves the bar, Reader shoots Miguel a disapproving look.
READER (oblivious to the brothers' feelings) Was that really necessary?
MIGUEL (shrugging) Just giving him a taste of what's to come. We're going to blow them away, R.
GABRIEL (sighing) I hope this doesn't get out of hand, their drummer is way better...I wanted to meet her.
READER (shrugs, trying to ease the tension) You will, I'll be yoru wingman, yeah? Gabri. You got this. And mano, Miguel... nothing wrong with being confident, but..just...save that aggro energy out on the stage. Come on, we're going to kick some ass!
MIGUEL (glaring at Hobie's retreating back) Don't tempt me. Let's go, carnalita, time for practice.
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noharaaa · 7 months
Reblog if you're black tumblr.
You don’t have to be black, it just means you support us, you stand by us and your for us.
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