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shikshaadvisor 3 years ago
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Applications are open for the MBA/PGDM 2022 intakes馃 Book your free counseling session with Shiksha Advisor and we will help you choose a course that fulfills your career goals. 馃憠Get in touch with us to get your all questions answered & queries resolved. 鈽嶤all/WhatsApp: 9540 979 469 鈿橵isit: www.shikshaadvisor.in/ #pgdmcourse #mbaadvisor #mbastudents #pgdmcareer #pgdm2022 #businessschools #mbacampus #mba #pgdm #mbaadmission #mbacolleges #mhcet2022 #mbaadmissions2022 #mbacareer #pgdmguidance #pgdmcolleges #snap2022 #nmat #CAT2021 #CMAT #XAT2022 #cmat #MAT #FebMAT #bschooladmission #careerguidance #shikshaadvisor #mbaguidance #aimsatma #mba2022 (at Shiksha Advisor) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYoBiwlBRPv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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shikshaadvisor 4 years ago
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Applications are open for the MBA/PGDM 2021 intakes馃 Book your free counselling session with Shiksha Advisor and we will help you choose a course that fulfills your career goals. 馃憠Get in touch with us to get your all questions answered & queries resolved. 鈽嶤all/WhatsApp: 9540 979 469 鈿橵isit: www.shikshaadvisor.in/ #pgdmcourse #mbaadvisor #mbastudents #pgdmcareer #pgdm2021 #businessschools #mbacampus #mhcetmba #mba #pgdm #mbaadmission #mbacolleges #mhcet2021 #mbaadmissions2021 #mbacareer #pgdmguidance #pgdmcolleges #snap2020 #nmat #CAT2020 #CMAT #XAT2021 #cmat #MAT #MayMAT #bschooladmission #careerguidance #shikshaadvisor #mbaguidance #aimsatma (at Shiksha Advisor) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ5DgJoseWj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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shikshaadvisor 4 years ago
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Applications are open for the MBA/PGDM 2021 intakes馃 Book your free counselling session with Shiksha Advisor and we will help you choose a course that fulfills your career goals. 馃憠Get in touch with us to get your all questions answered & queries resolved. 鈽嶤all/WhatsApp: 9540 979 469 鈿橵isit: www.shikshaadvisor.in/ #pgdmcourse #mbaadvisor #mbastudents #pgdmcareer #pgdm2021 #businessschools #mbacampus #mhcetmba #mba #pgdm #mbaadmission #mbacolleges #mbaadmissions2021 #mbacareer #pgdmguidance #iift #pgdmcolleges #snap2020 #nmat #CAT2020 #CMAT #XAT2021 #cmat #MAT #AIMAMAT #FebMAT #bschooladmission #careerguidance #shikshaadvisor #mbaguidance (at Shiksha Advisor) https://www.instagram.com/p/COopan9MtR0/?igshid=1e5xduao6484b
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shikshaadvisor 4 years ago
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Applications are open for the MBA/PGDM 2021 intakes馃 Book your free counselling session with Shiksha Advisor and we will help you choose a course that fulfills your career goals. 馃憠Get in touch with us to get your all questions answered & queries resolved. 鈽嶤all/WhatsApp: 9540 979 469 鈿橵isit: www.shikshaadvisor.in/ #pgdmcourse #mbaadvisor #mbastudents #pgdmcareer #pgdm2021 #businessschools #mbacampus #mhcetmba #mba #pgdm #mbaadmission #mbacolleges #mbaadmissions2021 #mbacareer #pgdmguidance #iift #pgdmcolleges #snap2020 #nmat #CAT2020 #CMAT #XAT2021 #cmat #MAT #AIMAMAT #FebMAT #bschooladmission #careerguidance #shikshaadvisor #mbaguidance (at Shiksha Advisor) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMd4o7Uswn9/?igshid=14e5mkqdyfzh4
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shikshaadvisor 4 years ago
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Applications are open for the MBA/PGDM 2021 intakes馃 Book your free counselling session with Shiksha Advisor and we will help you choose a course that fulfills your career goals. 馃憠Get in touch with us to get your all questions answered & queries resolved. 鈽嶤all/WhatsApp: 9540 979 469 鈿橵isit: www.shikshaadvisor.in/ #pgdmcourse #mbaadvisor #mbastudents #pgdmcareer #pgdm2021 #businessschools #mbacampus #mhcetmba #mba #pgdm #mbaadmission #mbacolleges #mbaadmissions2021 #mbacareer #pgdmguidance #iift #pgdmcolleges #snap2020 #nmat #CAT2020 #CMAT #XAT2021 #cmat #MAT #AIMAMAT #FebMAT #bschooladmission #careerguidance #shikshaadvisor #mbaguidance (at Shiksha Advisor) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMLy81Vszc2/?igshid=137ucffp6gqkq
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shikshaadvisor 4 years ago
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Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT) has announced the KIITEE MBA 2021 result in online mode on the official website- ksom.ac.in . The institute will now conduct group discussion (GD) and personal interview (PI) rounds for admission to MBA programmes. The final admission will be granted on the basis of the candidate's overall performance in academics, KIITEE MBA 2021 entrance test and GD/PI. #kalingauniversity #kiit #kiiteemba2021 #ksom #ksombaadmission #ksommbaexam #ksommbaresults #mba #odisha #cuttack #bhubaneswar #kolkata #guwahati #ranchi #mbaentrance #university #admission2021 #mbaadvisor #careerguidance #shikshaadvisor #kiitee #mbaadmission #mbacareer #mbaaspirants (at Shiksha Advisor) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKidkq8sq2v/?igshid=fl03fp86xp2s
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shikshaadvisor 4 years ago
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Applications are open for the MBA/PGDM 2021 intakes馃 Book your free counselling session with Shiksha Advisor and we will help you choose a course that fulfills your career goals. 馃憠Get in touch with us to get your all questions answered & queries resolved. 鈽嶤all/WhatsApp: 9540 979 469 鈿橵isit: www.shikshaadvisor.in/ #pgdmcourse #mbaadvisor #mbastudents #pgdmcareer #pgdm2021 #businessschools #mbacampus #mhcetmba #mba #pgdm #mbaadmission #mbacolleges #mbaadmissions2021 #mbacareer #pgdmguidance #pgdmcolleges #snap2020 #nmat #CAT2020 #CMAT #XAT2021 #cmat #MAT #AIMAMAT #MayMAT #bschooladmission #careerguidance #shikshaadvisor #mbaguidance #aimsatma (at Shiksha Advisor) https://www.instagram.com/p/CP1vqWWszaf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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shikshaadvisor 4 years ago
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Applications are open for the MBA/PGDM 2021 intakes馃 Book your free counselling session with Shiksha Advisor and we will help you choose a course that fulfills your career goals. 馃憠Get in touch with us to get your all questions answered & queries resolved. 鈽嶤all/WhatsApp: 9540 979 469 鈿橵isit: www.shikshaadvisor.in/ #pgdmcourse #mbaadvisor #mbastudents #pgdmcareer #pgdm2021 #businessschools #mbacampus #mhcetmba #mba #pgdm #mbaadmission #mbacolleges #mbaadmissions2021 #mbacareer #pgdmguidance #pgdmcolleges #snap2020 #nmat #CAT2020 #CMAT #XAT2021 #cmat #MAT #AIMAMAT #MayMAT #bschooladmission #careerguidance #shikshaadvisor #mbaguidance #aimsatma (at Shiksha Advisor) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPs-5Z9s1Xi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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shikshaadvisor 4 years ago
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Applications are open for the MBA/PGDM 2021 intakes馃 Book your free counselling session with Shiksha Advisor and we will help you choose a course that fulfills your career goals. 馃憠Get in touch with us to get your all questions answered & queries resolved. 鈽嶤all/WhatsApp: 9540 979 469 鈿橵isit: www.shikshaadvisor.in/ #pgdmcourse #mbaadvisor #mbastudents #pgdmcareer #pgdm2021 #businessschools #mbacampus #mhcetmba #mba #pgdm #mbaadmission #mbacolleges #mbaadmissions2021 #mbacareer #pgdmguidance #pgdmcolleges #snap2020 #nmat #CAT2020 #CMAT #XAT2021 #cmat #MAT #AIMAMAT #MayMAT #bschooladmission #careerguidance #shikshaadvisor #mbaguidance #aimsatma (at Shiksha Advisor) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPfMyl_MwTs/?utm_medium=tumblr
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shikshaadvisor 4 years ago
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Common Management Admission Test ( CMAT ) admit card 2021 has been released . CMAT held for admission to management courses across the nation will be conducted on March 31, 2021. The admit cards is available on the official website -- cmat.nta.nic.in and candidates can download it by logging in with the credentials. #cmat2021 #cmatadmitcard #cmatregistraion #ntacmat #cmatapplication #mbaentrance #mbastudents #mbacoachings #mbaguidance #pgdm2021 #pgdmcourse #pgdmadmission #businessschools #bschooladmission #colleges #universities #cmatstudents #mbacareer #mbacolleges #pgdmcolleges #cmat #careerguidance #shikshaadvisor #mbaexam #mbaadvisor (at Shiksha Advisor) https://www.instagram.com/p/CM1A5vislDG/?igshid=ys2q85ruv6rk
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shikshaadvisor 4 years ago
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The Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi University officially started the MBA Admission process to FMS Delhi. Candidates interested in DU FMS Admission 2021 must note that the application process is being conducted to fill a total of 251 unreserved seats on offer at the institute. The last date to submit applications for the same is on or before December 31, 2020. Candidates, who want to register for DU FMS Admissions 2021, can register themselves online by logging onto the official website of the management institute, i.e. fms.edu or fmsadmissions.com. #dufms2021 #fmsmbapplication #fmsdumba #mbaadmission #careerguidance #shikshaadvisor #admission2021 #mbacareer #cat2020 #mbastudents #mbaprogram #mbacolleges #mbaapplication #delhiuniversity #careeecoach #mbalife #mbacoachings #mbaaspirants #bestroimbacollege #mbadegree #mbaadmission2021 #mbaadvisor (at Shiksha Advisor) https://www.instagram.com/p/CI0YW7yMT6R/?igshid=rhotaey89qi8
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