#mayuri being a creepy boi
sixx-writes · 2 years
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Kurotsuchi Mayuri x Reader
Word Count: 4,143
cw: slight dubcon, biting, choking, voyeurism, bruising, rough sex, insults, bruises
AO3 Version | Masterlist
Summary: You become infatuated with your captain and it seems that he knows about it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Other Works In This Series: experimenting | experimenting alt ver.
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When you'd first joined the 12th squad it was because you had taken a keen interest in it's eccentric captain. You weren't sure why his strange antics had drawn you in so easily like a moth to the proverbial flame but you had made up your mind somewhere along the way that you needed to be closer to him. Kurotsuchi Mayuri was aloof and cruel most of the time towards you and many of your squad mates and that should have deterred you from where your path was inevitably headed.
It should have painted a very clear picture that you shouldn't take such an interest in someone with so little regard for others. However, what had first started as a curiosity of yours developed into something more. It was a tired but familiar story of wanting what you couldn't have which led to you developing more of a sickening secret infatuation with Mayuri the more he showed zero interest in you. You were just meat; there to complete tasks around the lab as needed so you found yourself buried in your work most of the time.
What was worse was how little you saw of him as time went on.
Mayuri was a very busy man as well as yourself and sometimes you would go for as long as a week without so much as a glimpse of him outside of his personal laboratory where you were forbidden to enter. It was funny in a way how many soul reapers went to great lengths to avoid Mayuri yet you couldn't seem to find yourself in his orbit more than a few minutes whenever he happened to be around.
In short, you were frustrated.
You were frustrated at your own frustration because you didn't even know what it was you wanted.
You didn't know until your hand found it's way into your panties one sleepless night of many and your mind wandered through a plethora of lecherous scenarios involving Mayuri, your subconscious giving you the answer at last. Shock ran like ice water down your spine at the revelation of just how fucked up you'd became. It was disrespectful to touch yourself like that imagining it was his slender fingers slipping between your puffy dampened folds instead of your own.
Even that made you feel overheated wondering just how Mayuri would discipline you for such behavior if he knew how you really felt about him.
You could picture his sneer perfectly as he degraded you for such absurd notions as one image melded into the next, Mayuri having his fist in your hair pulling it painfully hard from behind as he fucked you up the wall, not caring who heard your screams.
You couldn't fully stop the small desperate pleas of his name interspersed with your mewls of enjoyment as you came clenching around your thrusting fingers.
You fell asleep drenched in your shame knowing you'd do the same thing the next night and the night after.
After nearly five months of being a member of squad 12 you were allowed entry to more sensitive areas. Those sensitive areas being where Mayuri frequented most.
In fact you found yourself on duty for Mayuri's personal requests quite often bringing him various implements from around the lab directly. Somehow you managed to keep a professional air in his presence without blushing like an idiot any time his hand accidentally brushed yours when you handed him something. Another more troubling habit of his that you discovered fairly quickly was his lack of care for personal space when he visited you at your lab.
Now that you were allowed to work in the restricted area your workstation had moved as well and that had resulted in Mayuri coming to look over your shoulder to examine your notes making comments on what was and wasn't viable in your current hypothesis.You barely even heard him with the way he practically draped himself around you so close you could feel his body heat radiating through his clothes. It led to him being annoyed on more than one occasion, tapping at the paper and demanding if you were listening.
Mayuri smelled of chemicals and spicy undertones that you committed to memory for later use.
However, it just wasn't enough.
It should have been, you got to see him almost every day now, but you were getting greedy.
In turn it made you foolish and it led to you fucking up after only two and a half weeks of getting your promotion.
It was like any other day when Mayuri came to see what you were working on; your current assignment was something about exploding gigais that turned the users own spiritual pressure into a destructive force and their practical use in the event of a soul reaper turning traitor. You didn't really see the point in it other than Mayuri just liked blowing shit up and needed more creative ways of doing it.
You were painfully aware of how you and he were the only ones around, not even Nemu was present at his side as she usually was, so you accidentally leaned into him when he was leaning over you craving any extra contact with him you could get, enjoying the odd scent of him. It was supposed to be a subtle gesture that he wouldn't notice, but then you remembered, this was Kurotsuchi Mayuri and very little escaped his attention.
"What are you doing?" he asked, his voice dangerously soft in that way that made it difficult to gauge his emotions.
You jerked away from him as if you'd been electrified, your cheeks red hot. Mayuri was watching you sidelong as you gaped at him like a fish unable to answer, all the oxygen in your brain and lungs having evaporated in shock.
"N-Nothing, sir. I'm just a little tired is all. I'm not s-sleeping well," you trailed off when your answer made you even more embarrassed knowing the root cause behind your insomnia. You couldn't stop your stupid fucking nervous habit of toying with a strand of your hair under this much stress even though you hadn't done it in years.
He continued to stare for an uncomfortable period of time until you were screaming internally for him to speak or something and then he was gone without saying a word, his haori billowing behind him elegantly.
You wanted to sink into yourself and disappear.
What the hell was that reaction?
You didn't see Mayuri again that day and it left your brain to fester in over-analysis mode that night after you'd fingered yourself a couple of times to orgasm imagining a completely different ending to your encounter with involved you being bent over your desk and begging for mercy.
You were mentally and physically exhausted the next morning so much so that you considered making up an illness just to avoid going to work. The idea didn't sit well with you as you were no coward after all and you decided you would just have to deal with whatever came next. It didn't stop you from dragging your feet the whole way wondering if you hadn't just been a fool after all and overthought everything; your other stupid fucking habit you couldn't seem to get rid of.
Mayuri was nowhere in sight which wasn't that unusual as he sometimes had responsibilities in other parts of the Soul Society. You slumped in your chair staring at your notes through blurred eyes rubbing at them to dispel your fatigue.
Had you slept at all last night?
You genuinely didn't know.
Nothing made sense on the pages in front of you and you wanted to wad them all up and throw them away in your frustration. You were pathetic, you realized, pining after someone like Mayuri as if you were a teenager with a crush. It was becoming disruptive to your work now and that meant you would probably end up losing your rank and eventually your position serving under him. He'd get sick of your stupidity and you'd be stuck finding another squad to take you in if he didn't dissolve you in acid or some other awful method of killing you.
Your internal self derogatory monologue continued until Nemu spoke right next to you and you jolted out of your seat while she watched passively unaffected by your comical reaction.
"W-What?" you asked, so deep inside your own head you hadn't heard her.
"Mayuri-sama wishes to speak with you," Nemu repeated.
"A-Ah, I see."
Nemu waited expectantly indicating that you should follow her.
You tried to stay calm as she led you deeper into the facility than you'd ever been before, down several long corridors past many dark labs that gave off an ominous feeling that made you not want to know what was inside. The two of you continued until you reached your unknown final destination; a room with dim green light spilling across the floor from a source you couldn't see from the doorway. Nemu departed leaving you alone and your stomach going into knots.
This was it, you thought. Mayuri had finally had enough of you being a dumbass, you'd crossed the last line and he was going to turn you into goo or some incomprehensible experiment. No one to miss you or know you were gone.
You forced yourself to go inside taking in the room before you. A wall of screens flickered on the opposite side with varying levels of static and unsteady wavering images; the source of that ominous green light. A singular catwalk led to a row of consoles beneath them, all of which were currently abandoned only deepening that foreboding feeling in your gut that something was off.
"...sir?" you whispered, trying to peer into the bottomless shadows and not seeing or sensing anything.
Maybe Mayuri just wasn't here yet?
You dared to venture deeper inside, closer to the rows of monitors, trying to decipher any of the distorted images that weren't just pure white noise if only to distract yourself.
A singular monitor was clearer than the rest and when you squinted you could just make out what it was broadcasting.
What you saw turned your blood to ice.
It was your own face.
As if on some unknown queue all of the monitors changed at once, all of them reflecting back your own appearance.
All of them showed you in bed in varying states of arousal, lips parted, skin stained with sweat, eyes rolled back, your fingers frantically pumping your own cunt for that sweet release.
A silent collection of your shame reflected back at you over and over until a single word played over the audio system..
Your own voice condemned you, your own moans and pants echoed in the surveillance room, accusing you from every direction.
Because of course he's there when you whirl around, remote in hand, the green light making his face paint appear ghoulish in the darkness as he grins.
Of course he knows, he's probably known from the start and that's why he brought you closer, he wanted to observe you. Maybe he thinks your little crush on him is funny and the idea of that makes hot tears burn threatening to spill over. Killing you would have been far more merciful than this public display of humiliation.
You had known he was cruel that was part of the fucked up reason you were drawn to him in the first place.
So why did it hurt so much now that it was directed at you?
"What's wrong?" Mayuri asked and you almost want to laugh if you didn't think you'd cry instead.
You want to cover your ears to block out the sound of your own voice saying his name over and over but you fall to your knees on the floor unable to take the weight of everything anymore. You don't notice that he's moved closer until his feet are in your field of view in front of you where your gaze has settled unable to look him in the eye.
His fingers are cold when they meet your chin tipping it up so you're forced to face him. He is no longer smiling and stares down at you with the faint reflection of yourself barely visible on the glassy surface of his eyes. It felt like a dream or perhaps a nightmare depending on how things ended up as he stroked your jaw thoughtfully with his thumb.
Just being touched by him sent shivers down your spine and you wondered what would happen if you bit him, what it would be like to run your tongue across the pad of his thumb so near to your mouth. You settle for wetting your lips instead and don't miss how he follows the motion with his eyes.
"I've been thinking the past few days on what to do with you," he said in a musing way. "Usually I wouldn't indulge in such nonsense but it would be a shame to waste potential like yours."
 Was he.. complimenting you?
Your stomach did a small hopeful flip still not fully grasping what was going on just yet.
That was until his hand slipped down and around your throat, squeezing threateningly, "On the other hand I sympathize with you for recognizing greatness when you see it. It's only natural for you to be unable to resist me I suppose. However, it's became disruptive to your work and that's a problem."
It was more like Mayuri was talking to himself, running through his own internal notes and voicing his thought process out loud like some deity proclaiming your fate while you knelt at his feet in fearful adoration.
"What do you want me to do with you, hm?"
The question is sudden, unexpected, and you can't stop the small involuntary sound that slips out past your constricted airways. You had imagined this very moment so many times in your darkest fantasies yet the reality was somehow so much more perverse. Being confronted with it in such a way had disturbed you to the point that your brain wasn't working properly and Mayuri rolled his eyes at your inability to go along with whatever game he was playing with you.
"I guess that means I'll just have to do whatever I want.."
He squeezed harder and black spots popped at the edges of your vision, your hands instinctively flying to his wrist in a plea for air as he dragged you along half crawling across the floor. Mayuri flung you across the guardrail separating the observation area and your stomach exploded into pain, quickly forgotten when he grabbed a handful of your hair yanking your head back forcing you to look at yourself, fire spreading across your scalp.
"Filthy woman. Are you so desperate to be fucked?"
Your eyes watered and your cunt throbbed with every heartbeat as you grew wetter. In an act of defiance you slipped a hand behind you and onto his cock, already hard beneath his hakama, giving it a hard squeeze. He gasped in surprise and you continued giving him a few strokes over his pants before he stopped you, "You really are a bitch in heat aren't you? No self control whatsoever."
There was strain behind his words and you smiled knowingly. For all of his talk, cruelty, and arrogance there was something you were curious about.
How much experience did Mayuri actually have when faced with someone interested in him sexually?
Given his reputation around the Soul Society probably not much.
You ground your ass against him instead never more annoyed with a zanpakuto as you were in that moment as Ashizogi Jizo's handle poked you uncomfortably. A literal cock block. You forced yourself to speak, "Did you like watching me all this time?"
It was no more than a whisper but Mayuri froze against you having heard you just fine.
"What stupid nons-"
You cut him off before he can finish, "You say I don't have any self control but how many times have you watched this footage of me, sir? Just out of curiosity."
You can't believe how steady your voice is and how reckless you're being entirely off the assumption that Mayuri wasn't here to incinerate you.
His anger is a twisted mask as you're spun to face him, his features contorted and lips locked into a sneer, "Don't get too carried away. There's still room for one more specimen jar in my lab."
It's a bluff and you both know it.
You could see how worked up he was, his breathing coming a little harder than normal, dilated pupils, and of course the erection you now knew he had. Mayuri needed to have the advantage in every situation including sex it seemed.
If you were already caught in your degeneracy there was no need in holding back anymore, you rationalized.
Your hands were restrained but it didn't stop you from slipping your foot from your waraji as slyly as you could and pressing it against his groin, unrelenting in your pursuit at riling him up. Mayuri's grip on your arms tightened to the point of cutting off the circulation but you didn't stop, only pressing harder and feeling him twitch beneath the ball of your foot.
Ashizogi Jizo is thrown aside with a loud clatter as you're released, his grip suddenly at your ankle but not to stop you. He pulled you in harder for one final rough grind before he's between your legs invading your personal space with his hips. "Insatiable slut," he hissed. "If you want it so badly then beg me for it."
Your eyes widened. "Please.." you said hesitantly.
"Please what? If you don't say it clearly I won't understand."
"Please fuck me, sir. I need it. Please."
Mayuri grinned, "Guess it can't be helped then. Strip."
The surveillance room was fairly dark and provided you a little modesty as you worked at removing your obi. Mayuri became impatient halfway through when you fumbled with the knot a few too many times, slapping away your hands and easily untying it with deft fingers. Your hakama was peeled away from your upper body making your nipples harder in the cold air and raising gooseflesh where his fingertips ghosted over the skin between your breasts.
"Your nipples are already like this when I haven't done anything to you yet. I wonder how wet you are then, hm? Let's see."
He didn't wait for you to remove your pants, slipping a hand down the front and into slick throbbing flesh, stroking and testing your reactions. It was alarming how he seemed to know exactly how to touch you to bring you the most pleasure as if it were your own hand instead of his and you truly wondered how many times he'd watched you masturbating to the thought of him.
Before this you couldn't have even dreamed of Mayuri debasing himself with something as crude as masturbation but now you could see it clear as day; Mayuri alone in his lab, cock in hand furiously pumping in time with your own thrusting fingers as he watched you from the surveillance room. It made you nearly delirious that he'd been fantasizing about you as well maybe since the beginning. You were already close and you may have even been embarrassed for how quickly he brought you to your climax if you weren't in heaven already. Except that just as you were about to come he stopped and you couldn't suppress the whine of protest at having your orgasm edged away.
Mayuri's fingers were covered in strands of your arousal as he held them up in front of your face, "You've gotten my hand dirty. Clean it."
His skin was cold despite having been inside you and tasted salty on your tongue as you sucked yourself off of him swallowing every bit of your own juices.
You made a show of it, rolling your tongue around them in an imitation of what you would do if it was his cock instead, applying ample suction and hollowing your cheeks with a soft moan. The desire to fuck you was clearly starting to win out over the desire to shame you, Mayuri's expression darkened at your provocation into something that set your insides into a flutter.
He pulled his fingers from your lips with a pop and gripped your jaw forcing it open, smearing your spit across your face. That was when he kissed you and you were startled by the ferocity and hunger behind it. It felt more like you were being devoured as Mayuri's dexterous tongue swept across the inside of your mouth taking in the remnants of your taste and fighting for dominance against your own tongue.
He only broke away when you were gasping for air, breathing out the words against your lips, "I thought I told you to strip?"
You might have sliced off your pants with your zanpakuto if it wasn't already forgotten on the floor somewhere in your need to have them off as fast as possible. Your ass had long since gone numb from sitting on the bar but you no longer cared about that as you finished undressing and spread yourself open to him. You couldn't imagine how debauched you must look with both your upper and lower lips swollen and slick from Mayuri's assault on your body. You hadn't even noticed that Mayuri's cock was freed from his hakama at some point, loosely grasped in his other hand while he'd kissed you.
He positioned himself at your opening gathering copious amounts of your slick and coating himself in it before unceremoniously penetrating your cunt in one movement. There was no time to adjust to his size, and there was certainly alot of it, as he started to move burying himself again and again in your quivering flesh, his thrusts inspired by anger.
Mayuri was angry at his own weakness and yours, he'd wanted this game to last longer when he finally confronted you but it seemed you knew exactly how to incite him into giving you what you wanted. You were so very needy for him after all, your walls clenching around him, sucking him in, as if you didn't want his cock to leave your body for even an instant. Your head was thrown back with your moans joining the chorus that still played on the audio system and your vulnerable throat was a welcoming target for Mayuri's teeth.
He bit you there sucking his mark onto your flesh, leaving himself behind so you couldn't hide what had happened, causing you to clench down around him harder still in response, enjoying the pain. He continued marking you all over your breasts, leaving purplish bruises all over those perfect globes of fat, spoiling you all for himself. Your first orgasm hit when your nipple was between his teeth, his own rasping moans heating your skin, and you sobbed in pleasure gasping out his name.
Your cunt had turned sloppy with your cum and relaxing muscles as Mayuri kept fucking you harder than before. He was a mess by that point with the paint around his mouth smearing into grey with strands of his hair sticking to his sweaty forehead above hooded lust blown eyes. It made the coils in your belly tight knowing it was all because of you that he'd ended up this way.
"Filthy fucking.. bitch," he snarled when he saw you watching. "Beg me to come inside you. I want to hear you say it."
He changed the angle of his hips and started hitting the sweet spot inside you that had your eyes rolling back and speech became a forgotten memory. Mayuri slowed down once your body started to peak, moving in short unsatisfying thrusts.
"Say it."
"Please.. I want you to come inside me. Fill me up with your cum.. Mayuri."
His name was the magic word it seemed as he resumed fucking you with a vicious intensity as if he were trying to kill you with his cock and he practically had by the time you came again it felt as if you would evaporate. It was much stronger than the first accompanied by the feeling of Mayuri's cum splashing your walls as you milked him dry in time with your own orgasm made you scream.
Your body was ruined from Mayuri's abuse, covered in bruises and leaking his cum from your cunt you had never been more sexually gratified in your life. One glance down at his still hard cock told you that it was far from over as you met his eyes and saw his self-satisfied smirk.
You couldn't help your own smile in return as he slid himself back into you, continuing your game.
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bleachbleachbleach · 3 years
Do you ever stop and think "Mayuri has a (singular) really really long nail"?
lmao half this post was written before that Szayel ask and half was written after, so apologies is there’s any repetition or disjuncture across the two!!!
I'll be honest, anon, I often forget this detail! In the same way that I often forget that I have a giant full-color picture of Sunflower Mayuri set as one of my other desktop images, right up until I hit a rogue keyboard shortcut and am suddenly transported into his midst:
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He's been lurking there for a full year and I am always taken by complete surprise.
I was actually poking around these chapters the other day, and I think what honestly I DO stop and think about is Mayuri's moral compass? Like, the fact that it exists. And I don't mean this in a "he acts like a sick freak but secretly he really cares" kind of way, or even a "he revels in his being a sick freak and doesn't realize he cares until he does" kind of way. The definition of "moral compass" here is absolutely a Mayuri Original Definition. He's totally invested in his various experiments to satiate his own personal agendas, but he actually does more "for the sake of Soul Society" than possibly anyone else, and... does a pretty good job of it? I imagine Soul Society would be less inclined to handwave whatever other shit he's got going on if he weren't, but my point is a weird amount of his time is honestly spent on things that benefit others, offer protection, etc. And again: Mayuri. Not a secret cinnamon roll. But he also can't be flatly read.
He's one of the few captains who seems willing to go toe-to-toe with Yamamoto about some of Yamamoto's leadership decisions--notably because he thought Yamamoto's Quincy genocide wasn't genocidal enough, er, but he also later insinuates that he disagrees with Yamamoto's conception of honor/patriotism--that the Gotei 13 serve 'til death, and that if you can't, then you should kill yourself. (Makes sense, given that Urahara drags him out of the Den of Maggots, so Mayuri's seen the fruits of this particular domestic policy first-hand.) He and Yamamoto are both dudes with often shitty opinions, but I think it makes them both more interesting that they are different shitty opinions.
I don't think his disagreement on that count is purely out of self-preservation/valuing self over others, either. Weirdly enough, I think he actually likes Soul Society and its observable phenomena (e.g. his colleagues), as long as it's not touching or interfering with whatever else he's got going on. He probably could have just killed dead Kensei/dead Rose/Matsumoto (and Hitsugaya, too), and that would have been a lot easier, but he went through the trouble of incapacitating/podding them. I mean, the man reads the SC cover to cover for fun. Sure, that's data, but let's be real--70% of those articles have got to be pure drivel.
And also like--I find Mayuri's fight with zombie!Hitsugaya extremely upsetting. I do not enjoy it at all. It feels horrible. But Mayuri doesn't even seem to enjoy it either? In the lead-up to it, he makes like three separate references to his own kind heart that are definitely not to be taken at face value, and talks a lot about the thrill of victims writhing against you, and how pleased he is to be able to test a bunch of new drugs on Hitsugaya, but then you get this face:
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And it's not like he particularly likes Hitsugaya. (In fact, for reasons unknown, in the Bount arc Mayuri very specifically singles Hitsugaya out to be someone he Does Not Like! I imagine that as the Gotei 13 interacts with each other more often post-ryoka/Aizen, Hitsugaya is just more annoying to him. "Yes, we re-grew Hinamori's organs. Of course we did a good job! Get out of here, stop helicopter-captaining, ffs go micromanage your own division--")
I'm not saying that face is indicative of compassion. But he's not having all the fun he said he was going to.
I enjoy that a character like Mayuri can be humanized--here meaning “made complex” I guess--without that act suggesting that it should be attended with an assumption of goodness, or mercy, or redemption.
@ippoddity here, jumping onto this post~
I too, have Sunflower Mayuri as my desktop background (but my desktop is much more cluttered than @whipplefilter’s, so I won’t be showing a picture of it).
I didn’t really give much thought to Mayuri’s long fingernail either, except to think “Boy, that’s kind weird, but this guy’s whole vibe is creepy so it fits.” But then you got me to thinking about it more, and I started doing some digging. My first thought was “maybe this long fingernail is like the one that all those old Asian men have??” But it turns out that’s usually the pinky nail. Mayuri’s long fingernail is the middle finger of his right hand, and from what I can tell after looking at hundreds of panels of him, is that this is consistent throughout the series (someone please correct me if I’m wrong). I think you can see his nails pretty well in these shots:
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What’s really standing out to me here isn’t just his long nail, but the fact that all his others are so short?? My initial impression was just that he had painted his nails half black/half white (kinda going along with his face), but on close-up here, it seems like his nails are actually cut really short. That just seems incredibly painful to me, and the only people I know that have nails this short are habitual nail-biters. So maybe he’s a nail biter? Which leads me to wonder why he leaves that middle nail on his right hand so long…
This is just a speculation, but you know those reset buttons on certain electronics that can only be reached with a needle or unfolded paperclip? I feel like a lot of older electronics were like this. ANYWAY, given all the modifications that Mayuri has given himself, I think this long nail is probably his version of a reset button tool. There’s no way he doesn’t have one somewhere on him, which he needs to hit for a hard reset when he messes something up. It’s gotta be a long and thin tool that can hit a reset button, and a fingernail is the perfect choice! It’s easily accessible, in fact, it’s already on his hand!
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that Mayuri canonically takes off his makeup every night and reapplies it every day. We know that underneath it all, he’s a (somewhat) normal looking shinigami. And it seems like it would be kinda inconvenient to have that long nail all the time… So I think it might also be a stick-on nail??
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enixamyram · 3 years
Full Thoughts On The Bleach Chapter
I made a brief comment before but these are all my thoughts while reading the chapter. Putting them under a read more for spoilers sake.
- That opening is very creepy and obviously foreshadowing something but I have no idea what and I am very worried...
- Part of why I got excited for this chapter is because I wanted to see how familiar characters interact with Kazui and Ichika and it does not disappoint. I love seeing Kon have to look/chase after Kazui!
- I love that Ikkaku helped train Renji all those years ago and now he's helping to train his daughter. The relationship between Ikkaku and Ichika (and Yumichika and Ichika as well) is so damn fun!
- Ikkaku and Yumichika are as married as always.
- Love Rukia's hair! She looks so cute with it like that!
- I feel like the idea of the Soul Society having phones and TV's so easily is just a lil too corny... I could get behind the phones, but the TV's is what makes it a bit much I think. At the very least couldn't it be stuff filmed in the Soul Society as opposed to human shows?
- I still hate Mayuri.
- I said in a lil post before, I'll say it again: I am living for the Renji-Ichika-father-daughter relationship right now! Ichika clinging on to Reni because she was scared and Renji protecting her has given me everything I ever wanted from this series in the very first chapter!
- I mean seriously, Ichika hiding behind her dad and Renji keeping a protective hand on her is somehow sweet, cute and sad all at once! I just love them!
- I originally thought the ritual was going to be about keeping them from hell. Boy was I wrong. It's really messed up but then that's the Soul Society in a nut shell and I guess this is one of those 'Lesser of two evils' type of thing but it's still so bizarre how often the Soul Society is teetering on the edge of being downright evil.
- Very much looking forward to more chapters!
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unohanadaydreams · 3 years
Okay, so I dunno if this is improper or not, but I'm a cis female that thirsts over Charlotte Chuhlhourne...I just love everything about Charlotte, though honestly Kubo didn't have to make such a joke out of my beautiful baby :(
I mean, definitely throw it out of your mind that it’s improper to be attracted to someone just because you’re such and such identity. You aren’t limited to liking gender conforming and/or other cis ppl and that’s not wrong.
And, Charlotte isn’t an unattractive character at all IMO.
The entire “joke” of him being unattractive stems from him being muscular with broad features and dark skin, which is an absolutely unacceptable form of femininity not just in Japan but a lot of places. He’s portrayed as ugly and ridiculous because he doesn’t attempt to look like the ideal of feminine beauty and further, literally could not without bleaching his skin and undergoing copious amounts of surgery.
He isn’t small or delicate looking and staunchly refuses to feel shame for not conforming and is therefore ~worthy of ridicule~.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with liking him or admiring his looks and personality because although the text desperately wants you to point and laugh, I think it’s great that you, instead, are attracted to him for those very qualities that popular society deems embarrassing.
Like, Giselle Gewelle is one of the only Quincy I give a fuck about and she is certainly not treated well by the text due to her being trans. But I’m not going to let the text stop me from enjoying her character because she is the exact sort of mad scientist archetype I love and is no more fucked up than Mayuri Kurotsuchi or Senjumaru Shutara IMO no matter how much the text would like me to think she’s more creepy or whatever for being trans. Sorry to Kubo, but I’m different.
So yeah, love and lust for Charlotte all you want and feel no sense of impropriety about it because he is hot and beautiful and has enough confidence for the both of you. Although, I’m sure he probably gets insecure about fashion since I can’t imagine he has a lot of resources in Hueco Mundo to use for new outfits. Desert boys make do.
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jorlith · 4 years
About the Bleach anime returning.
I am BEYOND ecstatic about the Bleach anime coming back in 2021. The Thousand Year Blood War, with the exception of the last few chapters, was hands down my favorite arc. All I'm asking, I'm pleading is that the rumor that, Tite Kubo will be revising the ending for the anime, is true. As much as I'd love to see an Ichiruki ending or way more so an Ishihime, I would actually be content with an Ichihime/Renruki ending. If the ending is done right. First off, I will never accept Ichigo giving up on being a soul reaper and living a human life. The boy who cried his heart out because he thought he would never be a soul reaper, someone who had a Captain's Kimono start to form on him on it's own. He could/should become the new Captain of 8th Squad. Here's why, Ichigo and Rukia, whether being a canon couple or just best friends, would completely have a Shunsui and Ukitake dynamic, and I could definitely see Shunsui seeing/acknowledging this. Keep the 8th and 13th dynamic. Orihime could stay in SS as well, not as a soul reaper, but still as part of 4th squad. With Unohana dead they'd definitely need a healer as amazing as Orihime (who is one of my favorite characters, the one thing I don't like about her is her crush on Ichigo is creepy/obsessive. It wasn't right away when she first acknowledged her crush to Rukia before Rukia was taken back to SS and I think it would've been fine if it stayed that way). That way Orihime could keep her dream of helping as many people as she can, instead of being a stay at home housewife. Also that way Ichihime could still be canon even with Ichigo staying a Soul Reaper (remember I'm saying this AS a huge Ichiruki shipper). Chad should NOT become a boxer and should either become a martial arts teacher, or stay in the soul society as well, working at the academy, teaching people how to harness their soul energy (not spirit pressure, can't remember how to spell the actual term) and how to fight against different and unique enemies. Uryu should DEFINITELY NOT become a doctor, and could either work with Mayuri in research, or, become a figure head for the remaining Quincy, living in the Soul Society and doing what they can to right the wrongs the Quincy have done. *cough* Aizen should become the new soul king *cough*.
No matter what, I'm happy that Bleach is returning, but please DON'T give it the mangas ending. (There were more characters and events I wanted to add to this, but it was already too long).
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saythename-kpopaus · 6 years
Cosmic Showdown ~ Chapter 1
[summary] [ch.2]
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This series was inspired by my Seventeen high school AU. 
A/N: i’m sorry to everyone on mobile who can’t see the ‘keep reading’ link!
Word Count: 1k 
Genre/warnings: sci-fi, apocalyptic, humor, angst, death 
Click here for my masterlist!
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I was convinced that the world was ending. 
See, I had woken up at least an hour late on a gloomy Monday morning. I basically sprinted halfway to school before realizing that I left my bag, lunch, and field trip form at home, so I had to go back to get it. 
And it was just my luck, that as soon as I left home again, the dark clouds that had been gathering for some time decided to piss an ocean of icy tears. To top off my perfect morning, I stood at the front of a full math class, completely soaked and an hour late. 
My dramatic entrance was met with an amused smirk from my teacher—Mr. Abbott—and quiet giggles from my classmates. A searing heat of embarrassment shot up my neck and painted my cheeks a bright pink. I kept my head down to avoid the dozens of piercing gazes as I made my way to Mr. Abbott’s messy desk. Water droplets from my untamed hair and wrinkled clothes fell to the ground with each step I took, marking my legacy down on the floor. 
“Here,” I muttered, digging a hand into my damp backpack to reveal a thankfully dry field trip form. 
Mr. Abbott frowned and said, “This was due last week,” but took it anyways. 
“I know,” I nodded sheepishly. “I, um...I forgot. Can I come today on the field trip or is it too late?” 
He sighed, taking out a list of the students going and adding my name at the bottom in neat handwriting. 
Elise Mayuri. 
“This is the last time I’m ever doing this for you,” Mr. Abbott said as he waved his pen in my face. “If you ever hand in a form late again, you’re not going. Mark my words.” 
He then waved his pen towards the desks. “Take a seat. We’re just working on some textbook problems.”
Just as a weight lifted off my shoulders, another one immediately took its place. 
There was nowhere to sit. 
My usual seat at the back of the class had been taken by the school’s bad boy, Wen Junhui. Judging by the way he had thrown his feet up on the desk, he probably made a permanent home there. 
I didn’t like Junhui in the slightest. He had a terrible attitude; he was rude and unhealthily arrogant. 
Now, I won’t lie—he was quite handsome. With sharp facial features, mischievous dark brown eyes and a muscular body, he really did seem like everybody’s dream boyfriend. But in the way that his personality reeked, his physical scent was much, much worse. The smell of designer cologne and car oil was so pungent on him that even when I was five meters away from him, I still managed to gag. 
I kept on scanning the room until my eyes landed on the only empty seat. It was the desk beside Sung...Sung something. That guy I really liked. The one who was definitely cuter than Wen Junhui. 
That’s also another thing worth nothing. Not that I liked him or thought that he was cute, but how I forgot his name. 
I had a habit of forgetting. 
I always forgot everything: names, dates, what I was going to say, passwords, phone numbers, where I parked, and the list goes on, and on, and on. I’ve tried making myself remember things by putting constant reminders on my phone or by writing it down, but I can’t write down my crush’s name on my hands or notebook. That would just be creepy. 
“What are you doing?” Mr. Abbott. asked, clearly agitated. “You’re already late and the class is almost over. Hurry up and take a seat. There’s one beside Sungcheol.” 
At the mention of his name, Sungcheol’s eyes flickered from his phone to me, then to Mr. Abbott, and then back to his phone. The hood of his football sweatshirt was pulled over his forehead, making his overgrown bangs look messy and wild. He rested his cheek in one calloused hand as he lazily scrolled down on his phone, the screen painting his face an eerie shade of blue. 
Why does he look so good? I thought to myself. Even when he doesn’t try to look good, he always fails. Every time. 
I scurried like a mouse towards the desk, shooting daggers from my eyes at Junhui. His response was a cheeky smirk followed by a wink. 
Taking a seat in the broken plastic chair, I took out my notebook, pencil, and heavy math textbook before throwing my bag underneath the desk. 
Anyone who knew me knew that I had a huge crush on Choi Sungcheol, the school’s number one jock. Being near Sungcheol sent violent waves of adrenaline coursing through my veins; it made my heartbeat erratic and my hands tremble. He was a literal prince charming, and an all-around ladies man. 
I really liked him. Like, really, really liked him. The only problem is that I could never remember his name. Sometimes I would ask to borrow a pencil from him or run into him in the hallways, and I would always get his name wrong. 
The first time I asked him for a pencil, I called him Trevor. The second time I asked him, I called him Henry. When I ran into him in the hallways in March— and this was after we had been in the same class for seven months—I called him Norbert. 
I gave up trying to talk to him after that. 
The sound of Sungcheol’s honeyed chuckles pulled me from my thoughts. I turned to look at him, thinking that he was laughing at me—thinking that he was humored by how quickly I had prepared myself or was just trying to start a conversation, but I was wrong. 
He was laughing at a stupid meme on his phone. 
And just like that, my Monday went from bad to terrible in a matter of six words. 
“Hey Hansol,” Sungcheol whispered and leaned across the aisle, “check out this meme.” 
~  Admin Calypso {。^◕‿◕^。}
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mistressarachnia · 7 years
OK so.....  I’m always amused by how same voice actors show up again and again in anime.  I recently learned that the same seiyuu who plays Akira in Togainu no Chi also plays Szayel in Bleach.
However, it seems like most folks I’ve talked to in the N+C fandom has seen Bleach so far (!), so to save you the trouble of watching nearly 200 episodes before you’d meet Szayel and see him in action, lemme explain to you why it’s is so funny that a N+C protagonist wound up typecast in this role.  Alas, I couldn’t find much on Youtube with his Japanese seiyuu actually speaking in Japanese, but he does say a bit at the beginning of this AMV.  It’s enough that you can say, “Yup, that’s definitely Akira!”  And then... oh dear, it’s amazing.  If you’re not familiar with the character, I’d recommend reading my summary below before watching the video - you’ll notice more.
Szayel is a villainous mad scientist, and also the most messed up, awesomely creepy uke bishi character I’ve ever seen. Bleach is a shonen series mostly aimed at adolescent boys, so it’s pretty focused on het and lesbian stuff in canon, whenever they aren’t just running around comparing awesome new swords and fighting moves. And then there is Szayel.  Even if you’re one of those people who claims that most innuendo goes right over your head, you’d have to be trying preeeeety hard to miss this. First off, Szayel’s sword is named Fornicas (”You will fornicate”) and he swallows it to change into his battle form.  His command to activate it is “Sip, Fornicas!”  He speaks very seductively (moreso than Akira, funnily enough).  After creating clones of the heros he’s fighting he announces that he just wanted more sexy men - though he changed their appearance slightly to better suit his tastes.  Everyone attacking him always winds up using the most phallic imagery possible, but he typically... likes that sort of thing, and has no problems with it.  At one point while he’s being attacked with giant extendable swords and penetrated with arrows from all sides, most of his clothes are ripped off. Szayel’s abilities and powers are basically... reproduction themed.  To change forms he impregnates himself with said sword after swallowing it and gives birth to his “true form.” I was showing old episodes to a friend the other day, and as soon as she saw Szayel’s “true form” she asked, “What the hell... is he some kind of tentacle monster?”  Oh no... he’s more like a REVERSE tentacle monster.  He forces you inside of him, not the other way around.  Part of his true form includes flowers that grab his enemies and pull them inside.  This causes one of his spore-like appendages to swell as if pregnant and birth a tiny copy of that person that he can use more or less like a voodoo doll.  They do a good job of playing up his fear as the various characters send increasingly phallic attacks his way, but that fearful expression quickly melts to excitement.  They even call forth some giant purple phallic-looking monster to attack him, to no avail.  Nothing’s too big for him to handle.  In case you somehow hadn’t gotten the message already, one of the heros reaches down the front of his loincloth to pull out his sword during an attack on Szayel... which they pixel censor... then switch to a black screen with a mock “Sorry, we can’t show this on daytime public TV” message.  Eventually they have to call in Mayuri, another mad scientist character who is already very well known for using a ton of not-so-subtle phallic imagery (he wears his sword between his legs, for starters) to defeat Szayel. But even after Mayuri’s giant crying caterpillar/baby EATS Szayel (reproduction is deadly, yo, especially if it results in babies like Mayuri’s tearing Ashisogi Jizo), he manages to rebirth himself through Mayuri’s sexy female robotic minion/slave.  You get to watch all the cells dividing and hear Szayel’s orgasmic  victory laughter, it’s fantastic. Szayel Aporro Granz shows up in Bleach episodes 152-167 (cameos) and 180-205, if you feel the urge to check him out.  ;-)  I’d recommend reading the episode guides - he’s in some episodes much more than others, as Bleach is notorious for dragging out fight scenes over a ridiculous number of episodes.  There are compilations of Szayel’s battle scenes in ENGLISH on Youtube, but if you wanna hear him as Akira, you’ll have to track down the original Japanese version of the show.
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