narcissuhblack-blog · 9 years
Pounds of blonde hair weighed against her scalp, her real golden locks slick and drenched with sweat were piled underneath the masterpiece. Pink threads had been sewn together for weeks in advance, elves working nimble fingers to bloody nubs in order to satisfy the princess. 
Their work had paid off-- -- -- -- she appeared as a goddess, transcending through centuries agelessly to make a grand appearance on this specific evening. 
Tonight was when she’d make her grasp for fame again. Positive light had been robbed from her, stolen right from her grasp without her knowledge. Her unwavering chin raised with an elegant stature, no longer manufactured as it had been throughout the week. She was rising by her own will, confidence blinding as others looked to her. 
Lucius wasn’t far, they’d hung beside one another’s arms upon the arrival to the first floor. Grand entrance and all that. The pair had definitely succeeded. 
He’d sped ahead to get them drinks, a flask tucked away inside the jacket of his costume. Kind eyes lingered on him as he eased away. Maybe they could make this work. An arranged marriage could possibly change into a blissful ending. 
Careful steps carried her across the first floor of the party, small greetings being uttered. People had accepted her again. Gossip had run dry quickly once Amycus returned. She was thankful for such an intrusion on her life. 
“I’d so hope,” a theatrical impersonation rang out, feet from Narcissa. 
The line hadn’t been directed towards her, a group of confused Gryffindor’s were huddled around Potter, familiar eyes ignited with intensity as he carried forth with a speech.
One that she’d read before. 
Fascination twinkled in the blonde’s eyes as she pieced together the makings of Potter’s costume. The magic man. Narcissa had gotten through two books before her mother had burned them: viciously slapping her for becoming prey to such propagandic literature. 
       Of course Potter would be in favor of something that                      so blatantly fought against the ideals purebloods had            instilled upon their society. Always the bloody idealist. 
Lucius wold soon grow to wonder where she was. Sight of him across the room quickened her pace momentarily. It only slowed when she neared the lionheart, whiskey hues glimmering mischievously in her passing. 
“Only an idiot hopes, presumes, and denies.”
She didn’t stay to converse further, fake blonde curls bouncing as she sauntered down the metaphorical isle to her fiance. A few lingering eyes caught her interaction with Potter, inquisition prevalent in their gaze. What did it matter? It wasn’t as if she’d been friendly to him. 
A smile still tickled across her lips though, encouraging them to pull forth.
It remained present until she looked to her left, her betrothed holding two drinks in his hands as the weight of ocean blues threatened to drown her. Bliss dripped from her painted features, puddling to the floor around her feet. 
Lucius had seen everything, and he wasn’t happy.
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mayhemrpg · 9 years
Nearly an hour goes by of their being no power, the students growing a tad restless. This kind of thing hardly ever happens at Hogwarts and it’s a bit odd to witness. Some try to put some life back into the party, Emmeline Vance being the first. The girl is waiting line for the Haunted House when she pulls a flask from her robes, nudging those around her line as she passes it from student to student. At least someone is still trying to have a good time.
Finally, the lights come back on and sighs of relief can be heard from every floor, everyone thankful that their Halloween isn’t ruined. Though something is different now. There are increasing amounts of students missing, ones that most people wouldn’t want to run into in a blackout - or anywhere really. A student on the second floor can’t help but point out that a few choice Slytherin’s are no longer grouped up on the dance floor. Amycus Carrow, Evan Rosier, and Bellatrix Black have all disappeared from the spot they’d been planted in all evening as well. 
On the second floor, Lucius Malfoy and Regulus Black are nowhere to be found. 
“Oh bloody hell, that can’t be a good.” A slightly terrified Mary Macdonald mutters to herself, more than on edge now that her enemies are lurking about the castle unsupervised. 
Meanwhile in the basement, the frantic pleas of the three trapped students are heard by a wondering Finn Peakes and Remus Lupin who pushes aside several barrels that had been placed in front of the painting to the kitchen, swinging it open to find Ted, Andromeda, and Sybill leaning against the other side.
“What the hell?” They question as they take in the odd sight before them. “What you guys doing in there?” 
“We were looking to see why the power went out when we ran into Sybill. Then someone trapped us in there.” A flushed Andromeda spat in way of an explanation, frazzled at their recent turn of events.
“Ah well, we were looking for a way to turn on the lights, but it looks as if someone already has.” Finn says, explaining the obvious. 
“Come on,” Teddy urges, grabbing Andromeda with one hand and Sybill with the other, “Let’s return the party.”
Though the partying doesn’t start up on a good note, people just starting to dance and mingle again when blood curling screams are released through the castle. The sound is terrible, piercing the ears of everyone on each floor, drinks flying to the ground as people’s hands fly to their ears to cover them from the awful noise. 
Mixed within the screams comes the same warning message from before, this time played for everyone and much louder than it had been before. 
“Beware, there are a lot scarier things lurking in this castle tonight than the costumes.” 
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ffstedward · 9 years
"Alright there's no reason to panic...Sure we're stuck and there's no visible way to get out and there's a creepy voice whispering threatening things into the darkness but hey, I've got my wand here and there is comfort food to last for days. We'll be fine."
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prongism · 9 years
                            “ the answer to your question is ... not really — i’ve placed a charm on the lens, but ... honestly, seeing right now is bloody murder. ”
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finnpeakes-blog · 9 years
“Did you know,” Finn started, gesturing to the unfortunate person person next to him without tearing his glance from the center of the dance floor, “that turnips or mangel wurzels were originally used in Ireland as the first jack-o’-lanterns? Yeah, gourds are the earliest plant species to be completely domesticated by humans, and the carving of vegetables themselves was a common practice among the earliest of the human ancestors. These ones, though, were variously said to represent the spirits or supernatural beings, or were used to ward off evil spirits.”
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skeetersx · 9 years
       cherry red stiletto heels met the floor with soft clicks as rita strutted her way across the great hall, wild emerald hues searching every corner of the hallowed room for any source of gossip that she could get her perfectly manicured, yet greedy fingers on. it was a party, after all - there was bound to be some kind of secrets spilled that she could repeat with curled lips and a petulant smirk. 
     ❝       you’d think they’d serve better food at these things. ❞ the fair haired raven scoffed in annoyance as she batted around a limp pastry with her pressed on painted claws. she had no appetite anyway, but that wasn’t going to stop her from criticizing the buffet of snack food grandly laid out before her. maybe the horrid quality of the bread they’d been stuffing in their faces would be something she could whisper about the next few days, claiming some kind of rumor about the house elves that was deliciously untrue.
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munduhngus · 9 years
                       he was more comparable to the sundance kid than butch cassidy, if he was really honest with himself. butch was the outlaw leader, brilliant in strategy and stature. 
                       -- -- -- -- -- -- sundance kid had wit and a gun.  -- -- -- -- -- --
                         it was halloween though, no need to dress up as yourself. mundungus was playing the part well, a loose hand hanging from his belt as he slowly sauntered around the first floor of the party. he’d make his way to the second floor soon. hell, he’d make it all the way through if forces permitted. 
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                        excited eyes were starting to blur, red haze tainting the pure white that once resided alongside his ocean hues. a flask hung idly inside his jacket pocket, contents already half-washed away as he made his way towards some punch. he drank the cheap stuff, and its dour taste still congested the scent of his breath. a loose hand poured the watermelon colored drink, over-pouring in the process. 
                                                            ❝ aw-- dammit. ❞
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Herself with a fake moustache obviously one of the Beatles
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                                           REGULUS BLACK                                                 YOUR FRIENDLY                                                NEIGHBORHOOD                                                      G H O U L
                                                          “I dress to kill, but tastefully.”
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dorckus · 9 years
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                            DORCAS MEADOWES AS                                      sᏆᎬᏉᎥᎬ ᏁᎥᏟᏦs
           “ and wouldn’t you love to love her? ”                              only a few will realize who she is                                               dressed as, the rest of her classmates                        probably assuming she was too lazy              to think up an actual costume. 
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narcissuhblack-blog · 9 years
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                                                                     (( .... )) 
                                                       “Could you pick that up for me, please? This                                                                          wig is restricting me beyond belief.”
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ffstedward · 9 years
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Teddy Tonks as 
                             Han Solo
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finnpeakes-blog · 9 years
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                          ❝ I don't want to be at the m e r c y of my emotions. 
                             I want to use them, to enjoy them, 
                             and to dominate them. ❞
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skeetersx · 9 years
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                                               rita skeeter as
                                              marilyn monroe 
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munduhngus · 9 years
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              butch cassidy, sans the sundance kid.
              -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --   do you know what you’re doing?   -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
                                              t h e o r e t i c a l l y.
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andieblxck-blog · 9 years
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                           Andromeda Black as Princess Leia 
Teddy has mentioned Star Wars to Andromeda a few times and it is no secret that he loves it by the way his eyes light up when he talks about it. So Andromeda being the secret little minx she is, decided to go as Princess Leia in the gold binki from Star Wars to surprise him.
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