#maybe you find some goth songs you like giggles
teafromthemicrowave · 1 month
I don't know how to say it without going even more apeshit than I already did in the tags of my reblog but your New York Polycule band AU is the most beautiful thing I've seen in my entire life and I could probably write an entire essay about it if I were more coherent (redhead/auburn Noel my beloved, romantic goth Oscar my beloved, Jarthur matching earrings my beloveds, Arthur's funky little glasses my beloveds, the comour scheme my beloved, the album/tour name my beloved, the composition my beloved, casual hanging out doodles my beloveds, everything about this entire concept my beloved) but I'm not so just rest assured that if you ever find yourself in peril, I will come to your aid with a sword in hand ready to fight in your name because you've singlehandedly mashed together so many of my favourite things and made the result so beautiful that my serotonin receptors have been making me run up and down the stairs for the past while to walk off the happy zoomies. They a look perfect. They all look so perfect and also exactly how I imagine them (long black hair John, curly hair Oscar, blond Arthur, redhead/auburn Noel. I love your brain so much. And you made them GOTH. And you made them GENDER. and you made Noel LIKE METAL. I know I already said they all look perfect but they literally look so perfect - god, that hat you gave Oscar is so good, it's so him, I love it so much.
I'm not actually a goth in the traditional sense (I don't listen to goth music unless you count Aurelio Voltaire and apparently some early Nightwish - im more of a folk-rock-punk-metal girlie) but I like to wear a lot of black and yeah I'm still some flavour of alt (the ideal gender presentation is an androgynous renfaire attendee dipped in a bucket of black paint) so seeing my blorbos like this just. Made me so ridiculously happy you have no idea. Your brain was so smart and sexy and correct for coming up with this idea. It's what they deserve. They deserve to look good and play music and straddle each other while they do each other's eyeliner and all the good stuff. I cannot wait for that playlist you mentioned.
FIRST OF ALL thank you SO much for that ask I am grinning so hard rn OHHH
I literally have so much lore to share and a fic to write, this will be a lot but I NEED TO DO THIS FOR GODS SAKE
And yeah, next to goth I also love the metal punk emo rock stuff, so BESTIE YEHAWW
projecting onto characters is my fav thing to do, that's why this au exists :D AND ITS AWESOME I CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY WITH IT
And funfact! The tour name "alternate ending" is based on the same-named song by Woods of Ypres!! REALLY RECOMMED IT (the singer sounds like John too giggles cutely)
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 3 months
Im back I choose Headcanons for yuuri boys with goth listeners
Goth Listener HC's
Since there's like eight boys to write for and I already did Charlie a while ago I'm gonna do this in sections. So if you want a pt 2 please request it! Alphonse, Seth, and Finn are in this one!
Also Auron was requested! So that leaves: Faust, Lucien, and Jack!
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He was shocked seeing a goth in this town bc there's no one with style here. It was only him sadly
Loves your makeup and outfits please dress him up, but I feel like he'd get a War flashback to Dark mode Alphonse era.
Finds it cute that new goths are called baby bat's!
He kinda doesn't know how to feel about the songs ngl but there's a few he likes!
There is so many sub genre's of goth he might try one of them.
He'd def rock Pastel goth since he likes his pink and bright colors! The couple pics yall get are couple goals.
Basically Morticia and Gomez Addams. He knows your aesthetic is looked down on in town so shopping is done every so often in the city.
Personally I think he doesn't see the appeal of dressing in all black. Bc black holds heat and he runs hot </3
But loves it ok you and will help you find goth things in the little town. Will snap at someone in town if they say some shit.
Look at this bad ass goth I pulled being a cowboy. But he fr loves how you dress how you want too, not caring about others opinions on it.
Might try out western goth. But be warned the black clothing might cause him a heat stroke.
But the pics you get out of it are kinda worth it-
Doesn't get the songs but listens to then bc he wants to know more about your aesthetic!
Lowkey getting flashbacks to Al, but like that was kinda more emo than goth he thinks???
Why are you so hot- but fr he folded so quickly seeing a goth baddie coming into the store.
Completing your outfits is a must for him, the makeup, clothing, jewlery, and hair he loves. Mf got heart eyes.
Def tries and makes a black flower bouquet for you! That and maybe with some roses too.
If you collect anything goth related he might try and get trinkets for you! (He's like a crow ngl)
Floral aesthetic x goth aesthetic goes hard ngl. Giggling when someone asks if he's w anyone and you see him point to the goth in the corner doing something.
Likes the soft spoken songs more than anything else ngl. Honestly serenade him with them. (He'd fall in love again ngl)
I can see him being like faerie goth or like a floral one. I think it'd be pretty cute getting pics of him like that!
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danielfuckingricciardo · 10 months
Let’s go with 99 and Lando 💜
Hi bestie!!! Thank you so much for the request! 💚
Song 99 - Sweet Child O Mine // Guns N Roses
I’ve never written Lando before, so I hope I do him justice and you enjoy this little fic written from his POV featuring a goth reader!
Lando didn’t realise he had dragged his mates into a rock club until it was too late. He suggested that they leave, go find somewhere a little more mainstream, but George, as always, thought it’d be a laugh to do something different for once.
And so, he found himself stood on the edge of the dance floor, a half-empty pint of watered-down lager in hand, as he watched George and Alex successfully chatting up some emo girls.
“This isn’t really your scene, is it?” He hears a voice say, and he turns to face you for the first time, a chuckle escaping his lips.
“How could you tell?” He asks, and you laugh, shaking your head at him.
“You stick out like a sore thumb in that shirt and those awful shorts,” You chuckle, and Lando looks down at his outfit, jokingly outraged.
“What do you mean awful? I just bought these!” He says with a laugh as he places his hands in the pockets.
“Well, I hope you kept the receipt,” You laugh, and Lando can’t help but laugh along with you.
“You always this mean to guys you just met?” He asks, and you bite your lip to suppress a smile.
“Usually, yeah, I am,” you reply, and it’s Lando’s turn to laugh.
It was refreshing to talk to someone like you. To have a conversation with a girl who isn’t worried about what he thinks of her. He liked it.
“I’m guessing the two guys who look like they just strolled out of the country club are your mates then, yeah?” You ask, pointing to Alex and George who were really getting into the metal song playing that Lando was sure he’d never heard before.
Lando laughs, “Yeah. They’re idiots.”
“They look like they’re having fun! Unlike you!” You say with a smile as you jab him playfully in the shoulder.
“I guess I’m not used to being this far out of my comfort zone,” Lando says, before taking another sip of his disgusting lager.
“Let me help you have some fun then, yeah?” You say as you grab his hand and pull him onto the dance floor.
Lando didn’t even have time to protest as you dragged him towards the centre of the dancefloor. He could feel the bass from the music vibrating through the ground and up into his body.
His eyes return to you once again, and he watches as you dance along to the beat, shaking your hair back and forth to the sound of guitars and drumming.
Lando wonders exactly how he was meant to dance to this kind of music, and, almost as if you could hear his thoughts, you take his hands in your own and begin to guide him.
You can’t help but giggle as you gaze upon his slightly shocked expression, and just like that, he throws his hang ups out of the window, and just goes for it.
For the rest of the evening, you spend your time with Lando, George and Alex, teaching them your best gothic dance moves and showing them how to pogo to pop-punk tunes like a pro. When you were finally kicked out at 4am, you felt sad to see your new friends go.
“So, will I see you here again sometime?” You ask as the four of you emerge into the cold morning air.
“Maybe. I think George especially has got a taste for it now,” Lando laughs as he looks over at George who was still humming the tune of some song you told him was by Guns N Roses.
“Well, it’d be cool to see you again. Just… don’t wear those awful shorts next time.” You tease, and Lando smiles.
“Yeah, don’t want to cramp your style again,” he chuckles, as he watches you scrunch your nose as you smile. It was cute.
“Well, I gotta go. It’s been super sick! See ya!” You say as you turn on your heels to walk away.
Lando takes a deep breath, before doing something he never expected to be doing after wandering into a rock club.
“Wait!” He calls out, and you turn again.
He takes a few hurried steps towards you, takes another breath, before kissing you.
It only lasts a moment, but for Lando, it was like eternity. He’d never felt so much in something as simple as a quick kiss.
As he pulls away, you chuckle slightly, and your cheeks burn red in the cold of the morning air.
“Whooo! Lando pulled!” You hear a drunken George exclaim from behind Lando, and you watch as Alex slaps him on the arm, clearly not wanting him to ruin the moment for the two of you.
Lando whips around and flips the bird at George as you chuckle at them. He then turns back to face you with a small smile on his lips.
“Hey, you got a little… uh…” you say as you reach out to gently touch his lips, wiping away the remnants of black lipstick you had marked him with when he had kissed you.
“Thanks,” he says, and it’s Lando’s turn to blush.
“Let me give you my number, no pressure or anything, just… I’d love to hear from you, and maybe party with you and your crazy country club friends again?” You say as you take Lando’s phone from his hand and add yourself as a contact.
“Yeah, sounds good. Maybe I can take you to one of my favourite clubs sometime?” He says, and you laugh.
“Maybe I’d subject myself to that for you. Maybe,” you say, and Lando laughs.
“Okay, I really gotta go now,” you say, before kissing his cheek and running for the one taxi remaining in the taxi rank.
When Lando finally returns to the hotel, he steps into his bathroom to do the bare minimum of self care before collapsing into bed.
It was almost 6am, practically time to get up anyway, but his energy was still high after his encounter with you.
He rests his hands on the sink and looks up at himself in the mirror. The room seemed to spin, and yet one feature of his face was unmistakeable.
His left hand raises to touch his cheek gently, running his fingers over the black lipstick mark you had left behind before running away like some kind of gothic Cinderella.
He laughs to himself as he trudges over to his bed, sliding in between the sheets, and making a mental note to text you in the morning when he could once again see clearly.
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babybatgrimm · 2 years
Patchwork and Platforms | Simon 'Ghost' Riley X Medic!Reader {Chapter 1, Page 2}
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Summery: Ghost finally realises the name of what he feels for Stitches. But can he come to terms with it before he pushes her too far away?
Warnings: fem!reader, goth!reader, medic!reader, Soft!Ghost, dislocated shoulder, use of she/her/hers
AN: I really enjoyed writing the first chapter, and so many people liked it, so here's more!
Below is the song I mentioned in the end segment, for those who don't know it, one of my personal favourites 😚
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The warm light of dawn peeks through Stitch's curtains, causing her to stir and wake, yawning softly as she looks around. The memory of the previous night, and what Ghost, Simon, had said to her pulling her lips into a soft smile as she climbs out of bed to start the day, making her way to the bathroom.
The same can't be said for Ghost. He hasn't slept. He's been staring up at the roof, laying in bed. He can't get the image of Stitches at the bar out of his head. His mind drifting to how snug her jeans had fit, the way the outfit flattered her. He'd never expected that aesthetic from the delicate medic he grew to care for, but now that he's seen it, he can't imagine another style fitting her so well.
The day passes by, Stitches having spent her time doing paperwork, and Ghost sparring with Konig and Johnny. It was a mistake on his part really. Johnny had managed to get hold of his arm, to which Ghost promptly tossed Soap across the mats, dislocating his shoulder.
With a curt apology, Ghost hoists Soap to his feet, walking with him to the infirmary, telling himself that it's for Soap's sake, to keep an eye on him on his way. But part of his mind was telling him it's because he wanted to see Stitch again.
As she hears the shuffling of footsteps outside her door, she turns in her chair to see Ghost and Soap walking in, Soap clutching his incorrectly placed arm in his good hand. With a soft sigh she gestures to the bed, making her way over as Ghost helps Soap onto it, stepping to the side, out of the way of Stitches as she walks up and examines Soap's shoulder.
Even through his mask, Ghost can smell something coming off her. 'vanilla?' he asks himself, leaning slightly closer to see if it's coming off her. Realising that it is, he leans back again, smiling to himself under his balaclava. 'it is vanilla.'
Stitches gently grips Soap's shoulder and elbow, looking at him with a somewhat apologetic look. "This'll hurt." She says simply, as Soap nods, she snaps his shoulder back into place, Soap letting out a pained cry.
"some warnin' woulda been nice!" He shouted, pouting and rubbing his shoulder as stitches lets go of him. As he starts to stretch his shoulder, Stitch giggles.
"I did say it was gonna hurt, did I not?" She smirks at him, walking back to her desk. "You'll be fine, just try not to strain it too much." With a nod, Soap hops up off the bed "thanks doc" he grins before leaving the room.
Ghost stays put, off to the side as he observes Stitches. Watching her clean up the room, he tenses slightly as she speaks. "I can feel you watching me, if you have something to say, just say it." She states, flicking him an expectant look as he struggles to find his words.
Simon 'Ghost' Riley was many things. A soldier, a lieutenant, a comrade, a killer. But what he isn't, is good with words. As he stutters on his breath, he watches her turn to look at him, taking a deep breath seeing the calm, caring look in her eyes.
"I was just wondering if you could show me. How you put Soap's shoulder back. The right way. In case it happens while on the field." He says, feeling an unfamiliar hesitation in his chest. She smiles, a gentle kindness in her eyes.
"sure, maybe later, okay? I have an appointment soon." She explains, he nods in response, turning and leaving her office, closing the door behind him before anything else can be said.
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It was late evening before Ghost had found the time to seek out Stitches again. Almost everyone on base had gone to bed, or were out for the night. He knew Stitch would be awake. She's a night owl like him, and so as he wonders the halls, searching for her, he comes across a glow coming from under the doors of the base gym.
He thought to himself as he stepped towards the door 'couldn' hurt to check' he quietly pushes one door open, peering inside to find whoever was inside. His eyes quickly lock onto Stitch, wearing long workout leggings and shirt, with a upper mid thigh skirt. Her hair up in a ponytail which sways with each step she takes, jogging on a treadmill in the corner.
Ghost is mesmerized for a moment, not realising he's stepped into the room, tracing his eyes over the earphones in her ears, wire pinned to the hair tie of her ponytail to keep them in place (Bluetooth earphones, wire connecting the earbuds not to the phone.) 'good idea' he thought, noting the way it was pinned.
After a moment, he slowly made his way over to her, doing his best not to spook her. She smiles as she noticed him, turning down the speed of her treadmill to a stop, pulling out one earphone "hey" she says with a soft pant, taking a sip of her water bottle.
He smiles beneath his mask. "Hey." He gestures to her earphones. "What'cha listenin' to?" He asks, watching her step off the treadmill.
"uhh it's called Sharp Dressed Man by Leo" she says, somewhat awkwardly. He raises a brow at it.
"ya seem like it hurt to tell me" he says with mild amusement. She smiles and waves her hand, as if to wave it off.
"it's fine, don't worry"
"can I hear it?"
"the song. Can I listen?" He asks quietly, peering down at her. She smiles up at him, gesturing for him to lean down, which he obliges. She holds the earphone she took out near his ear, letting him listen to the song. Ghost can't help feeling his face heat up under the mask at how close she now was to him. He looks a little surprised before smirking and standing back up straight.
"is that so?"
"'every girls crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man'?" He quotes with curiosity and a soft chuckle. She giggles, laughing a little at the question.
"well it certainly doesn't hurt" she smirks slightly, still giggling as she sits on a nearby bench. "I'll happily judge if you need pointers" she teases, sipping her water again.
"noted" he replies. Soon deciding to join her in her workout, he moves to a bench press set as she climbs back onto the treadmill, turning up the speed again, continuing her jogging.
The evening passes in a comfortable silence, Stitch being the first to head to bed, Ghost staying behind, processing his thoughts.
'why do I act like that around her? Why does she make me nervous?' but it doesn't take long for a thought to cross his mind.
'do I.. no.. I can't love her. I can't do that.' he tells himself, forcing denial.
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Days pass since that night. Ghost has made an effort not to see Stitch outside of necessary, especially not being alone with her. Telling himself it's for her own good. For his own good.
He feels his chest tighten with guilt as he sees Stitch's usual smile twist into a small frown whenever he avoids her.
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seanbeansimp59 · 3 years
I am fully convinced that the entirety of Hozier’s music is written solely as a sex soundtrack. Allow me to explain.
Take Me To Church? Angsty, emotional sex, maybe angry make-up sex, probably queer in nature
Work Song? Hot, passionate sex, definitely has some femdom, very dynamic
Like Real People Do? Tender, sweet sex, probably on a blanket in the meadows somewhere, sun warming your bare bodies
Almost (Sweet Music)? Playful, comfortable sex, lots of breaks to laugh at pets or intrusive thoughts, definitely ends with laughs and cuddles
Movement? Slow, sensual lovemaking, low mood lighting, probably starts with a striptease or a bottle of wine
Sunlight? Dom/sub worship sex, full of praise and adoration, probably slower and more in-depth, also 100% femdom
Would That I? Teenage lesbians having their first time after a long night of driving around the town, full of laughter, giggles, and lots of tender moments
Cherry Wine? Sad, emotional sex, lots of comforting and reassurance, the kind of sex that involves a post-coital trauma dump and snuggles
Someone New? One-night stand, no holding back or hesitance, just appreciating a warm body and finding a new person to experience
Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene? Passion, kink, definitely goth couple vibes, very, very not vanilla, definitely bed-shaking
In conclusion, Hozier said “Need a sex playlist? I got you.” There will be no further questions at this time thank you.
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mammons-tax-returns · 4 years
The brothers with an MC that's obsessed with their hips HCs please! Like constantly touching their waist and cant help but looking if they're wearing a tight shirt
sheeeesh, id be too :).
this post is just “the brothers getting the appreciation they deserve and forgetting about their self hatred for a sec”
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Unsurprisingly, he catches on pretty quickly.
At first, it kind of catches him off guard. His waist/hips aren’t normally the thing people tend to flatter him for. But it’s not like he hates it. He actually loves it.
He’s literally a goth mom that stays wearin his corset vests. MC deffo has a field day when he wears his fancy getup.
If MC is too scared to put their hands on him but wants to, he’ll most definitely notice, and encourage it when they’re alone.
He’s not one to dress FOR someone else, but it’s worth wearing a tight-fitted shirt if that means he gets a reaction out of MC.
Every time he catches their stare, he smirks and pushes his massive coat aside oh-so-casually. Just enough to give them what they want.
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He notices the staring, but thinks nothing of it. After all, he’s not a model for nothing, right?
One day, MC lets a comment about it slip, intentionally or not.
Mammon is reduced to ash. That is the end of him. RIP.
He’s never the same.
Before, the attention from modeling was just a side effect of being naturally handsome. A downside of it, even.
But now, his favorite human EVER has a FAVORITE part of him that they love? Because they pay attention to him that much?
And to him, that’s the best feeling in the world. If they like that part of him, he feels proud of having it. And proud that he wears a thin shirt and cropped jacket everyday.
One time, he brought them to one of his shirtless photoshoots.
Bad idea. The entire time, he was slightly flushed and shaky from their adorable reaction to seeing him.
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It all started with that damned photo of him in a towel. We know the one.
Levi is very aware of everyone’s eyes on him.
So he gets super flustered when MC watches him for a prolonged amount of time.
But because of that big jacket of his, they have to eventually ask, “Have you ever considered just wearing a t-shirt? Maybe a long sleeved shirt?”
He’s confused, but changes into a slim fit long sleeve.
When MC continues to stare at him intently, he can feel himself shrink a little in embarrassment.
“Y-You’re silently judging me, aren’t you? Ahhh, forget it! This is exactly why Iive in the comfort of my jacket...”
It takes lots of encouragement, but he finally understands that MC does NOT feel revolted just by looking at him.
While he won’t give up wearing his jacket, he takes it off when the two are alone and playing video games.
His favorite thing in the world is allowing them to wrap their arms around his waist while he plays his video games.
Just like Mammon, it gives him butterflies thinking that someone loves his body when he can’t do it himself.
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Satan also notices the stares, but writes it off as nothing important similarly to Mammon.
He’s a bookworm. He could care less about his appearance when he’s immersed in the tragic downfall of history’s greatest knights.
But he finds it a bit... Cute? Endearing? Just the thought that something so irrelevant to himself is so captivating to this human nowhere near his power level.
In his mind chock-full of thousands of years of book reading, he envisions it as a rabbit falling in love with a wolf for its triangular ears.
He’s a little off put by the idea of them touching them in such a place, but in the moment, he understands it completely.
MC’s touch is gentle but firm— loving, is what it is.
Being the avatar of wrath has many downsides. Including being avoided at all costs by so many people, even by his own brothers at some points.
So it feels great to just feel absolutely adored by someone.
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We been knew.
He’s the embodiment of want. So he knows all about it. ‘It’ being the way MC discreetly sneaks glances at him from across the room.
And he goes wild for it.
He brings it up casually. Almost too casually.
“Look at how close we’re sitting MC~ I’m practically on top of you. But be careful, who knows what I’d do if you kept staring like that...”
Asmo is just waiting for the moment MC makes a move. He wants to see what it looks like for them to finally stop holding back. The mere thought of it gets his adrenaline pumping.
And as the two are posing for a selfie together, their hands instinctively go to his sides.
MC doesn’t even realize that they haven’t moved their hands even after the photo. They only realize when Asmo puts his hands over their own, smiling innocently.
“You’re too cute, MC...”
One thing that Asmo starts suggesting is slow dancing. Just the two of them, in his room swaying to the sound of his slow song playlist.
Simply enjoying each other to the tune of vintage ballroom rythms never seemed so beautiful.
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Beel has a body that many would go great lengths for. It doesn’t quite resonate with him, because eating well and exercising is just his thing. They’re hobbies.
While he gets lots of compliments about it (particularly from Asmo), he doesn’t think about the curves and edges of his frame very much. He only thinks about what muscles require what stretches and workouts.
And unfortunately, he doesn’t notice any of MC’s affection for his hips.
The prolonged hugs, the staring and flushed complexion. To him, it’s all part of their friendship.
Even if they outright say, “Beel. Ur thiccness is very good.”
It doesn’t hit him very hard. He’s like yea? And? 😌🤚
However, he does have a bit of internalized insecurities about his looks. It’s not necessarily his body, but how others react to... Him.
How many times has he met someone and they didn’t look the slightest bit intimidated? Exactly. He has a resting bitch face on an athlete’s body when he’s one of the sweetest demons alive.
So yes. He is insecure. But when MC finds even the most insignificant things about him to be endearing, it reminds him that, even for a second, he can be loved in his own skin.
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Just like his twin, he doesn’t particularly care for the way his body looks. Especially to others.
He couldn’t care less of what negative things anyone had to say about him, anyways. Been there, done that.
But he can’t help but notice the electricity buzzing through his tired limbs when MC keeps a lingering hand around his sides.
It’s a little odd, he notes. That such a small gesture causes his body to react like that. But it’s pleasant, he’ll admit.
And then he notices just how often it happens. Even when they’re not cuddling. MC will have a hand on his waist, for even a moment.
“MC, do you like touching me there? You don’t do it to anyone else, I’ve noticed.”
They are embarrassed— mostly because they never really realized they were doing it. As soon as they go to apologize, Belphie lets out his sweet giggle.
“It’s okay. I actually like it... It’s cute that you do it so absentmindedly.”
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mandoalorian · 4 years
Din djarin is a insecure man so what do you think about din being insecure and following reader when she is in the streets and she already knows it and try to play with his jealous and Fluff at the end. I love you and thanks 🥰
Are You An Angel? [Din Djarin x F!Reader]
Rating: 13+
Word count: 1.7k
Permanent taglist - let me know if you want to be added: @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @luvzoria @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal @wonderfulfluff @kiwi-the-first @pedroepascal @castiel-barnes @honeymandos @rocketqueen @ladycumberbatchofcamelot @dybalalover10 @girl-obsessed-with-things @elena-myth
Din Djarin taglist: @alecdamndario0
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When Din was younger, he'd lay in the lap of his mother and at night, and she'd sing sweet songs to lull him to sleep. His father always made an effort to spend time with Din during the later hours of the evening, sitting on the edge of Din's small bed and holding his son's hand. He couldn't sing like his wife could, and Din didn't really have the privilege of owning any books— but there was one bedtime story that only Din's father could tell, and Din had in fact become particularly fond of it.
"When I met your mother, I believed she was an angel from the moon of Iego. The angels were reputed for their beauty, and she was certainly the most beautiful woman I had ever seen." Din's father would tell, smiling as he reminisced.
Din became enamoured with the story and the concept of angels. But after the death of his parents the idea of love and beauty and peace became so foreign. When he was sworn to the Creed, his priority became to fight and defend, but the story his father told all those years ago still lived deep within Din's heart. It was something he always held onto.
Finding a long term lover was just never in the cards for Din, no matter how much he dreamed of it. It just wasn't plausible, considering his creed and career, and that gave him some kind of insecurity. He'd never had a serious relationship. He understood and came to accept that no one would really want a man who was part of a culture that forbade the removal of his helmet, or even a bounty hunter who was always constantly travelling and couldn't settle down.
But things had been changing. Din had a child now, and he hadn't claimed a bounty from the Guild in months. Din had never stayed in one place for too long— he couldn't without running the risk of getting into trouble with thugs or crime syndicates. But when he returned to Nevarro one sunny afternoon, he walked through the market and saw you.
You were hidden by a cloak, intriguing the attention from Din almost immediately. You picked up an apple and handed it to one of the children with a generous smile. The child snatched it from you promptly and ran off. You were unlike anyone or anything Din had seen before… you beamed and glowed and your beauty was incomparable. When he first saw you, he was reminded of his father's story about the angels on Iego.
Once upon a time, Din would've said that 'love at first sight' was nonsense. Ridiculous. But he hadn't met you. He learned that you attended the farmers market on Nevarro everyday at approximately the same time— and every day, without fail, you'd purchase an item of fruit; be it sourberries or sweetplums, and you'd give it to a child in need. Din would watch you from the hull of the Razor Crest, staring intently, baffled by your continued selfless acts of kindness and generosity.
He wanted to approach you. He wanted to say hello, maybe ask you for a drink— although that would be absurd considering he couldn't remove the beskar that contained his face. He just wished he'd have enough confidence to say something; anything to you. But whenever he got close to saying something, his mouth would get dry and his throat would close up.
He couldn't believe it, he'd never experienced anything like this before. Din was always able to talk himself out of tricky situations but this… was something else. It was your aura that stunned him. It was everything his father had described to him when he was younger, but now Din could finally understand what exactly he meant.
He was going to say something. Just a simple 'hello'. He had to. He spent some time in the fresher before, he planned out how exactly he was going to approach you. He'd talk it through with Grogu. "Listen kid," he told the green bean. "She seems to like to give kids fruit from the market stall so… maybe ask for some sourberries or something, yeah? And then I'll come up to you and uh…" Din trailed off, trying to make his elaborate plan clear to his son who almost definitely had no idea what Din was talking about.
Din was sure you hadn't seen him, but he was wrong. Only once in a blue moon would the Nevarro locals see a Mandalorian dressed head to toe in silver Beskar. Din was pretty memorable. You noticed him the first day he saw you. You were aware you were being watched, and quite frankly, you didn't care.
If it was any other man… any other dirty scoundrel watching you from his ship quarters, you'd feel violated and disgusted. But Din Djarin wasn't just any man. Having a Mandalorian warrior watch over you, knowing that he had an armoury full of weapons and the impeccable skillset of a true fighter made you feel protected. You hadn't spoken a word to him— what were you to say to a Mandalorian? But you wanted to. His presence initiated a primal urge within you. You needed him.
When the time came, he couldn't do it. He froze up, seeing a man caress your arm and lean into you. The man was strange. Din had been watching you for weeks now and he had never seen this man at all. Could it be a friend from another planet? A boyfriend? No… not a boyfriend. The pit of Din's stomach filled with envy. Had he waited too long to make his move? He cursed himself under his breath for letting himself get so attached to a woman he had never even met before.
Din watched closer, his eyes narrowing when he saw the strange man press his chest into yours, pushing you into the fruit & veg stall you stood beside everyday. You looked uncomfortable but your good heart stopped you from pushing him away. Din's fingers graced the blaster in his holster as he watched the man press a finger into your chest, drunkenly slurring his speech. Your fingers curled around the market stall table, defensively creating fists that were so tight your knuckles turned white.
Noticing the man had a dagger in his pocket, Din decided he had to act fast. It wasn't the way he intended meeting you, but no one else was watching over you. He couldn't bear to see you get hurt.
Din whipped out his vibroblade and held it to the man's neck, your eyes widening in horror as he approached the stranger from behind. "Step away from the lady," Din hissed, his voice laced with venom and the knife only inches away from the man's throat. "Make one wrong move and you're dead, you understand?" Din asked.
The man removed his hands from you, placing them above his head and surrendering. He slowly took a few steps away before quickly running off without saying a word. With a flick of a switch, Din shut down his vibroblade and slid it back into his holster.
"Th-thank you," you bit your lip nervously, looking up at the Mandalorian. "You're my hero."
"It's uh, it's nothing," Din replied, feeling the awkwardness consume him. "Are you new around here?"
"Fairly," you answered quickly with a nod.
"Because there's a lot of men like him, here on Nevarro. Bad men. So uh, you should really be careful." Din explained and you didn't reply, instead shyly looking down at the ground. Din felt like he had royally messed up. Grogu padded over towards the both of you, blinking his big black eyes innocently. You couldn't help but grin when you saw him.
"Is this your child?" you quizzed, eventually breaking the silence.
"Something like that." Din muttered as his gaze flicked between you and Grogu.
"Oh, I've never seen a child like him before. He's wonderful." you beamed merrily, pulling out a bunch of sourberries and handing them to Grogu.
"He's certainly special," Din grumbled through a genuine smile. "So, what brings you to Nevarro?"
"It's… complicated," you huffed out a sigh. "Actually, I may not be able to stay here much longer."
"On the run?" Din asked with a chuckle, but it was only a half joke. His heart shattered when he saw you nod sadly.
"Yeah. Like I said, complicated." You shrugged, folding your arms over your chest.
"I know how it feels," Din revealed and you looked up at him with curiousity. "My uh… my ship. It has room for you, if you wanted to come with me." He suggested, pointing aimlessly to the Razor Crest which was stationed a few yards back. Grogu gargled quizzically.
"Where are you going?" you asked the Mandalorian.
"I- anywhere? Nowhere? Everywhere? There's really no place off limits." Din responded.
"You'd really let me accompany you?" you asked again. For some reason, you weren't completely opposed to the idea. In fact, you trusted this man who you didn't even know the name of.
"Yeah," Din shrugged casually. "But I do have one question," you nodded, urging him to continue. "Are you an angel?" he asked, immediately hating the way the words left his lips.
"A what?" you scrunched up your nose in bewilderment, unsure if you had heard him right.
"An angel," he repeated. "From the moons of Iego."
You felt your cheeks heat up at his sentiment. "I could be asking you the same thing," you giggled, pursing your lips together into a thin line. "You've been watching me for weeks. Like my guardian angel." Din felt embarrassed that you had noticed him, but his feeling immediately softened when you placed a hand gently on his shoulder. "I would like to come with you." you said quietly, subconsciously fluttering your eyelashes.
"Where would you like to go?" Din questioned, his voice low through the modulator.
"Take me to the moons of Iego," you smiled, before interlocking your fingers with his and letting him direct you back to the ship. "I want to see these angels."
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yami-writes · 4 years
if your asks are open & my request isn't too much. could you write a secret relationship one shot with mina & a skater fem! reader? so like the bakusquad wants to have a movie night, but like mina declines since girly had a date with her cute skatergirl planned on that day already & like she snitches out to the date & like both of them snitch into minas room later & cuddle & kiss, reader on her lap clinging like a fucking koala on her & how her classmates would find out, react. please my bisexual ass needs more girlxgirl content here, espacially with the mha girls 😔✊
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(✨) paring(s) — Ashido x fem!skater!reader  (⚠️) warning(s) — none! (🔖) word count — 2.3k (💌) yami's note — yuhh fr tho 🤧 we need more mha girls but dw i gotchu 😌✨ 
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“What? Why?” Kirishima questioned, poking his head out from behind Bakugo, “We’ve been planning this for weeks! You can't just flunk on us like this!!” Kaminari exclaimed, causing Mina to rethink the amount of time that went into tonight's now somewhat ruined plans “Aha~ yeah... sorry about that guys. Maybe another time.” she scratched the back of her head. 
Mina was about to leave before being stopped by a hard grip on her wrist “Oi, raccoon eyes. You better have a good excuse for this.” Bakugo glared, his crimson eyes almost seemed as if they could pierce holes in her soul. ‘Why does Bakugo of all people care!?’ She fumbled on her words, trying to find a reasonable excuse that would reward her the get-out-of-jail-free card without spilling the beans on anything private. “Uh- well- I uhm…” 
“Bakugo, leave her alone. Forcing yourself into her business isn’t very manly of you.” Kirishima chimed, ‘Right before I was about to get blown to bits! Thanks, Kirishima!’ Mina sighed in her head, before checking the time. 2:54pm. She promised to meet her date at 3pm.
Before anyone knew it, Mina was dashing down to the common room and out the door, almost appearing as a pink blur to everyone around her.
“Wha-what was that??” “I think that was Mina~” “Where is she going that fast!?” “I don't know,,”  “Mina’s fast but I didn't think she would be able to pull off those kinds of speeds.” the class-A girls conversed, wondering in concern what's got Mina in such a rush.
“Shit! I'm gonna be late! This isn't even the first time!!” Mina panicked, still racing over to the park the two of you had planned to meet at. 
Mina recalled the time she came almost 20 minutes late to a date because she didn't know what to wear, digging through her closet to find something she thought you would like. Dresses, skirts, sweaters, shorts, jeans, you name it, she probably tried it. 
To say the least, Mina was nervous. 
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Mina continued to race towards the park she had agreed to meet at. Her pace began to slow as her stamina got closer to reaching its limit. “Hey, Mina!!” she heard a familiar voice call out. “Y/n!! Hi!” huffed out as she came to a stop. Mina took a moment to gather her breath, her hands on her knees as she pants. “Did you seriously run all the way here from your dorm?” y/n questioned after a minute of silence.
“Of course I did! I didn’t want to be late,,, again.” 
“You’re a riot.” 
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The weather outside was nice and the view the park offered was wonderful. Flowers of all sorts bloomed on the flowerbeds. Mina could see daffodils, tulips, alliums, sunflowers, all of different colours. The clouds created gorgeous patterns in the sky, larger ones blocking out the sun and giving the area a slightly darker atmosphere, nobody seemed to mind though. Trees shaded parts of the park, most of the adults seemed to linger around there, watching the children play together. 
Mina and y/n took a seat at one of the benches that was shaded by a tall and broad tree, the smell of nature flowing around it, their hands intertwined. Mina wasn’t the best in some compartments, but one thing she is good at is conversation. It's hard to find a dull moment with her, maybe that’s why people like being around her so much. y/n definitely wasn’t at her level when it came to social skills but the conversations between them flowed so effortlessly, the two of them just seemed to click in the best way possible. Two puzzle pieces that were meant to be together, created to be together. 
“Hey! Mina, look!!” y/n pointed to an ice cream parlor across the park, a small line of children with their parent’s 5 dollar bills in their hands  “Let’s get popsicles!” 
“Sure! Last one there has to pay!!” Mina ran off towards the parler.
“Hey-! No fair!!” y/n ran after her, taking an extra moment to pick up her skateboard, the thought of riding it to pass Mina not crossing her mind. Mina was a fast runner, most of the men in her class not able to compete without their quirks, same thing goes for y/n. It was possible her skateboard wouldn’t even be able to put up a rewarding fight. 
Mina waited by the parler, almost mockingly stretching her arms as she waited for her date to catch up. “Took you long enough~!” Mina giggled
“Yeah yeah, whatever,” y/n got out a $15 bill from her pocket before immediately having it taken from her hands. “I was joking! Let me pay instead!” Mina pleaded “I wanna make it up to you for coming late,”
“Babes, you were a minute late..” 
“I made you wait an extra minute!! And what about all those other times I-” Mina was cut off by the Parler man clearing his throat to get their attention. She shoved her money onto the counter before ordering y/n’s favourite flavor and a strawberry popsicle for herself. The Parler man took the money before opening  his parler and handing them the requested flavoured popsicles. 
“Thanks, sir!” Mina chirps before taking y/n’s hand, bringing her back to the bench the two of them were sitting at before. The two of them unwrapped their cold treats, enjoying and sharing them with each other. 
Conversation continued to flow between the two, time quickly passing by. Parents began taking their children home, young adults began walking home from their jobs, the city seemed alive. 
Wind blew on the three branches of the park, a chill starting to coat the air. 
“It’s probably gonna get cold soon, maybe we should get inside.” y/n proposed
“Yeah... Hey! You should come to the dorms!” Mina was quick to suggest, she’s always wanted to bring y/n to her room. The idea of having y/n close to her body, sharing snacks and watching funny videos on instagram always brought warmth to her heart. The idea of getting caught never really crossed her mind. 
“Are you sure? Your classmates are definitely gonna find out.” 
“No they won’t, I promise!”
“Mina, they’re heroes-in-training…” 
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When mina was set on a decision, it was hard to get her to settle for something else, that’s something y/n’s learned many times. Mina dragged her partner to the UA dorm buildings, planning out loud what they could do together. Face masks, tiktoks, nails, and dancing are only a few of the activities that came into question. 
“I like the sound of face masks, I've been needing one for a while, my acne’s been acting up.” y/n groaned. “Dancing also sounds pretty fun, do you have any new playlists?” 
“I always have new playlists! Plus, Jirou recommended me some new songs the other day, her music taste actually isn’t that bad,” Mina giggled, “For a goth, that is.” y/n laughed at her comment. 
Mina talked about her classmates often, sometimes even gossiping about them. She never said anything hurtful, though, it was usually just a few mentions after finding something that reminded her of them. She once found a icyhot packet in the store and went on about this hot and talented guy in her class, a frog jumping around near a pond caused her to ramble on about her friend Tsu, and the taste of a tea served to her at a cafe reminded her of the tea her friend Momo would serve at the tutor sessions she hosted. 
Soon enough, the couple was standing in front of Heights Alliance, preparing a plan to get inside without being noticed. “Everyone’s usually elsewhere at this time, probably in their rooms or off training or something~” Mina opens the door to the building, “We should be good.” 
Mina peeps her head inside, making sure no one was in the common room before she proceeded. She motioned for y/n to come inside, before walking further inside the building. “C’mon, my room is this way!” Mina took y/n’s hand, passing by the common room and to the elevator. y/n couldn’t help but look around, she had never been in the Dormitories until this point, it was much nicer, and bigger, than she expected. The elevator ride was quiet, the fear of having classmates hear them while they continued their loud conversation through the halls on their minds. 
The elevator stopped at the selected floor, Mina took y/n’s hand again before leading her to their destination just around the corner. “Here is it! Come on in!” Mina smiled before unlocking and opening her room door. 
“Oh wow, so… pink.” y/n gasped “Yeah!! Do you like it?” 
“Of course I do! Your whole room just reminds me of you, I love it!” y/n wrapped her hands around her date “And I love you too!”
“I love you more!!” Mina giggled, returning the hug. Her embrace was warm, warmer than one might expect, that might be the result of such a pure heart. 
“Whatcha wanna do? I have a bunch of stuff here,” Mina pulls out a box from under her bed and begins to dig through it, “I have face masks and beauty supplies here, snacks and candy hidden around my room, we could also watch some movies or find a show to binge!” 
“Face masks are a good idea, and I’m down to watch a movie while we wait for them to dry.” y/n gets down beside her on the ground, watching her sift through her box of stuff.
“Awesome! What movie should we watch? I have a bunch of DVD’s on my shelf but we could always find something on Netflix. Oh and pick your favourite face mask!” Mina presented about 12 different face masks for y/n to choose from. 
“Oh~ I like that one! It’s my favourite colour, and it has a nice scent.” y/n picked up the f/c bottle, reading the labels on the back and admiring the smell emitting from it. “Nice choice! I’ll go with this one!” Mina holds up a pink, sparkly bottle with grapefruits and strawberries on the front. “This one’s my favourite, I use it all the time!” 
“I can see why,” y/n laughs, Mina joining in. 
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
The two of them sat comfortably on Mina’s bed, y/n on her lap and arms wrapped around her. A movie the couple had agreed on plays in front of them on Mina’s laptop as they wait for their face masks to dry, sharing candy she had hid around her room. Mina occasionally placed soft kisses on y/n’s cheeks, jaw and neck, it was her favourite thing to do in this position. While Mina enjoyed receiving affection, she seemed to love giving affection even more.
Soon enough, the movie ended and credits began to roll, giving y/n and Mina a moment to stretch after sitting in one position for over an hour. “That was a good movie.” y/n said between stretches. “Yeah, I’m gonna recommend it to Hagakure, she’s been looking for good movies to watch lately.” Mina got out her phone to check the time, “We still have a few hours, wanna watch another one while we wait for our nails to dry?”
“We’re gonna do nails too?”
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Uhm i’m not sure how to continue and end this so i’ll do HCs for this part LMAOO
I gotta get better at writing smh 
Anyways, after Mina took you to her dorm for the first time you started coming over more often
The two of you always have a shitton of fun when you do
Not like you ever not have fun with Mina 
Although this one time was different~ 
Your skateboard had dirt and mud on it from riding after a storm, so you had left it by the door to avoid tracking any of it in Mina’s room 
But it so happened Denki was walking by and found it in the hallway floor 
And seeing it was outside Mina’s door he decided to not knock and ask if it was hers
He caught yall cuddling while binging your favourite anime 
“Yo, Mina, is this skateboard you-”
He went 👁️👄👁️
After an eternity a few seconds of pure silence Denki’s like BHJNBHJVHJ WHO’S THAT???? AND WHY ARE YOU SO CLOSE TO THEM-??/?????
Mina sighs and explains the whole thing about how yall have been dating in secret and going on dates and stuff
The look on the boy’s face was literally surprised pikachu 
Mina asked him to keep a secret but c'mon now we all know Mr. Kaminari cannot keep a secret for the life of him👩🏾‍🦯 big mouth headass
He told everyone. 
the look on Mina’s face when Sero brought up her secret girlfriend the next day was priceless
“Denki told me.” 
Denki: *choke* 
He knows he’s ‘bouta get his ass beat.
As for reactions, they’re mainly looking pretty positive ✨
Denki, kirishima, bakugou and sero are the first people to find out, and probably one of the only people Mina talks about you to besides the other class a girls
They’re happy for her (although bakuhoe wouldn’t admit it- he pretends he don’t care but c'mon we know better than that), and definitely wanna meet you sometime soon 
All the class A girls and basically screaming 
Cuz like- wHAT
How could Mina keep such a big secret grrrrr >:((
She ends up bringing you and the rest of the girls to her room to meet you
Expect expect like 30 questions from each of them about various different topics that may or may not matter
Remember the boys who didn't care about seeing the girl’s rooms in that one episode? Yea this squad is still on their shit🧘🏾‍♀️
Okay well they do care, just not as much dnjskbjdkn
Sato would bake you a yummy cupcake! 
You ain’t neva eating something that delicious ever again just sayin~ 
Everyone else would silently wish to meet you one day 
Tenya is probably the only person you should look out for
if you don’t have Aizawa’s permission to be on campus he probably won’t let you inside🖐🏾
aizawa don’t care tho so getting permission isn’t a problem 
Overall, 1-A’s reaction to Mina’s girlfriend is pretty positive! 😗✌🏾
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fanfics-with-coffee · 4 years
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Dabi and Bakugou rarely got along but when they do, it's to double team you. You had been riling them up every time you entered the bar but never let them get any satisfaction, until you agreed on Dabi's dumb challenge. Drink the Blowjob shot the way it's suppose to be had, from between their legs and using no hands.
(This is a re-post from my AO3 work)
Genre: Smut, just smut, Bar!au Characters: Bakugou x reader x Dabi
The neon sign glared down at the people on the street, illuminating everyone in a bright red light. You basked in the light, surrounded by your giggling friends as you made your ways through the crowd of people. This wasn’t your first time in the light and you knew it wouldn’t be your last either. Best bar in the whole district, the whole city even if you asked any lady leaving the place. But you did agree, if you were going to have a drink anywhere then Valor would be it. If you could be so bold then you’d even call yourself a bit of a celebrity at the place. Everyone there knew who you were and knew how you took your drinks. So you often brought your friends along so both brag and give the place some extra income.
After some shuffling of bodies and holding your friends hands you made it to the front of the people, right up to the entrance. You smiled at the bouncer and he smiled right back, showing off his sharp teeth. He was suited up like usual, the suit pants and white button up fitting well around his crossed arms and muscular chest. His bright red hair was spiked as usual and his face was now highlighted red from the neon sign.
“Good evening, ladies! What can I do for ya?” Kirishima asked as if he didn’t know what you wanted, looking behind you to see the awed looks of your friends as they obviously checked out the cutie in front of you. You placed a hand on your hip, pulling the coat you were wearing a little closer to you to keep the cold out.
“Oh you know, just wanted to show my friends this really nice bar i’ve been visiting.” You said with a coy tone, looking around you as if you didn’t know the layout. You made eye contact with the blondie guarding the other door, the black streak in his hair reflecting the red light. He winked at you with a grin before looking over your friends, clearly curious. But he quickly needed to go back to his queue and checking ID’s so the line wouldn’t be held up for too long. Kirishima followed your eyes while nodding, humming in fake curiosity.
“Is that so… Well why don’t you ladies head in then and order something then? Show them why you like it so much, eh?” The redhead looked past you and at your friends, giving them a charming grin and wink before looking at you again. He took a step to the side, making way so your whole group could enter. You gave him a pat on the arm and mouthed a ‘Thank you’ while you walked past him. He just nodded and watched the rest of your friends also walk past him. As you enter the bar you’re met by the warmth first of all. The bodies filling the place was heating up the whole room but you didn’t mind, it was actually very welcoming compared to the cold outside. The second thing that hit you was the music playing through the speakers. While it was soft the music was obviously from the weeks top lists, the beat of the songs being felt through the air. You started peeling your jacket off of you, eyes scanning over the environment. The whole place was dimly lit, the only bright lights shining being the ones under the bar and behind the shelves filled with alcohol. There were the occasional lamp used to set the mood in the place but they were never at full power. The interior was mostly black with details in gold and the dark wood surfaces. Fancy.
You walked confidently to the wardrobe section, smiling at Momo as she took your coat and handed you a number plate that you placed in your handbag. Your friends did the same but you stopped paying too much mind to them, they could handle themselves and you knew the place took care of their customers so you had nothing to worry about. You had something more important in mind. Eyes locking onto the bar you quickly found a spot you could sit down at, miraculously.
You searched the space between the bar and quickly found one out of the two people you were looking for. The tall young man was pouring a beer from the tap while having eye contact with a girl leaning on the counter, smiling at him. He looked mildly amused, raising an eyebrow as she kept talking. He responded to her, his bright red eyes illuminated by the bar lights but you don’t know what he said. You didn’t particularly care either, most of the girls kept repeating the same conversation subjects. He dragged a hand through his blonde hair but it didn’t do much to deter the spikes from forming again while he handed the girl the glass with a smile. You noticed he had shaved the undercut shorter since last time, it looked much neater and clean cut tonight. He was as always dressed in the bartender outfit, the bright red button up and black vest. You could see from your seat that the top buttons of his shirt was unbuttoned, obviously revealing parts of his collarbone and chest. He had yet to notice you but that was about to change.
While you were staring at one of your favorite subjects the other had found you before you had the time to find him.
“Back again, huh, dollface?” The hoarse voice welcomed you back to the bar and you already knew who it was. You smiled and turned your face to notice you were mere inches from the owner of the voice. He was giving you lazy grin, the movement of his mouth extenuating the port wine stain birthmarks around his mouth and going down his neck, the thick tattooed on stitches between his normal skin and the birthmarks still in view. You two stayed like that for a moment, daring each other to move away first. His warm breath hit your lips when he huffed and leaned back, shifting his weight from one leg to another. Placing his hands on the counter he made you feel trapped in his presence. You looked at the tattoos covering his arms, full on sleeves creeping up under his rolled up shirt. Finally you met his eyes again, those bright blue eyes staring down at you. You could see the fading scars on the birthmarks under his eyes, a probably long story you had only heard bits and pieces of. Apparently he had gotten in some trouble and the guys had threatened to cut his eyes out and almost did too. He always jokes about how lucky he is to still have sight or he would never have been able say he’s seen an angel. And if you were the angel then it was no doubt he'd be the devil. With the multiple piercings you've seen glimpses of in the light and the jet black hair playfully sticking up everywhere, you wouldn't be surprised if he revealed himself as an incubi.
“Indeed. I mean, I know I can’t be gone for too long without your ego getting too big, Dabi” You smirked back at his lazy grin, watching his hands move to make you a mojito. He chuckled and looked down to measure the content of your glass, nodding in joking agreement.
“You’re not wrong, the girls around here are easy when you look as good as me, you know? Gets boring after a while. But you… You’re fun Y/N.” He points a black straw at you before putting it in your drink and placing it in front of you. You keep the eye contact going as you pick up your glass and take a sip from it, the refreshing sweetness filling your mouth. The tension was palpable and it had been like this every time you hang out here for a long while now. Everytime you were there you’d tease him and play hard to get, only giving him enough to hold onto the hope that maybe one day you'll be another notch in his belt. Never accepting his dumb bets yet never saying no. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Oi, if you two are finished eye fucking each other then maybe emo boy here can get back to work?” The tension was broken by the voice of dear blondie who had left the conversation with the girl and come to join you and Dabi. Bakugou didn’t look pleased as he glared at the taller man and defensively placed a hand on the counter to the right of you, making Dabi lift his own hand from the spot and releasing you from his almost hypnotic hold.
“It’s called goth, hot shot. And I was working, can't you see I provided angel here with a drink?" he motioned to the drink in your hand which you helpfully raised to show the truth of his statement, smiling sweetly towards Bakugou the whole time just to annoy him. He looked at the drink for a short moment before giving it a look of disgust and making eye contact with you again, raising a questioning eyebrow.
"You should keep yourself to your simple fucking shots, you can at least make those right. Leave the actual drinks to the actual…" Bakugou looked Dabi up and down before staring him in the face. "Bartenders. We don't need to pretend we know what we're doing unlike you extra." The two had started to attract a small crowd, some girls because they thought the two men were attractive and some because they actually wanted to know what was going on. You just sat there calmly, this wasn't their first dispute in front of a crowd nor your first time having a front row seat. Dabi didn't move a visible muscle and instead just stood there with a deadpan glare, watching as Bakugou prepared another mojito. All you could see was his chest rising and falling in an even pace.
When Bakugou finished the drink, with some flare of course, he placed it in front of you. It was neater than your first one, a lime slice delicately placed on the rim of the glass together with a mint leaf as garnish. During the time it took to make the drink Dabi had already sighed and poured himself a shot, downing it when your glass had hit the table. He knew he wasn't supposed to drink on the job but he also knew there wasn't anyone that was gonna stop him. Bakugou ignored him and instead took to watching you, impatiently waiting for you to try his obviously superior drink. And so you did, taking an equally big sip as you took from the first one, you knew how picky he was.
"Well… While I appreciate the thought and concern you have, Bakugou, and it's true that your drink was served better… They taste the same. And I'm pretty sure I'll get just as drunk from either." you place your final verdict, eliciting a laugh from Dabi and a look of something akin to horror from Bakugou. Dabi slung his arm over Bakugou's shoulders, leaning heavily on him as a smug grin crept onto his face.
"What was that now again, hot stuff? Didn't need to pretend huh? Sure, sure… Well if I'm better at shots then I am at drinks then I must be a master at them, so how about we have one?" The tattooed man asked, standing up again and pulling up his shirt sleeves again. As he started on those, pulling out three shot glasses for each and every one of you presumably, you looked towards your favorite blonde who had crossed his arms and was bitterly staring at your two drinks.
"Do you want me to pay for both, or do I get one for free?" You smiled at him, sipping on the drink made by him just to appease him a little. While you didn't have as obvious of a sexual tension with him there had been countless moments where you were sure he'd been so riled up he would've taken you on the bar itself you allowed it. The hot headed man might be smooth in front of the ladies coming and going, it's part of the job, but you liked to get just a little too close. A little too on the edge for him to truly be in his element. And it frustrated him to no end. Yet now he just shook his head in vague defeat.
"No, obviously not, why the fuck would you pay for both? And since we made a crowd take both, just don't you fucking dare tell Iida we're drinking shots while working." he gave you a serious glare while you just laughed and nodded, obviously promising to not rat them out.
In the next moment you had three glasses put before you and Dabi once again joined the conversation. You examined the shots and realize what was going through the blue eyed man's head. The whipped cream at the top was the biggest clue but the shit eating grin he was wearing didn't help his case either. You leaned back in your seat and crossed your arms, watching Dabi closely, waiting for his excuse this time.
"Well since you're getting drinks on the house then maybe you owe us a little something. You always decline my challenge with a smug fucking smirk on your pretty face but now I find that you have few excuses, princess. C'mon, for poor Bakugou whose ego you crushed." Dabi patted Bakugou's chest while staring at you, ignoring Bakugou's futile protests. You watched them, glanced at the shots and then looked back up to them.
The light shone from behind them, illuminating them and reflecting off the glasses you were drinking from. Both their shirts had unbuttoned buttons and you had a clear view of parts of their chest, further enticing you to accept Dabi's challenge and maybe show them who's got who wrapped around their finger. You soak in the view for a second before unraveling your arms.
"Well you still haven't issued the challenge, Dabi, or what's in it for me if I win."
"Or lose, Angel. I want you to drink the blowjob shots the way they're supposed to be taken. From between our legs without using your hands. If you don't spill anything then I'll pay for your drinks for the rest of the evening. If you do spill… Well I'm sure we can agree to a fitting punishment when we get there. And you can't spill anything from either of them, deal?" This wasn't the first time Dabi had challenged you, nor were you the first person he'd used this tactic on. You'd usually hear Bakugou complaining that he'd found the two making out in the backroom afterwards, even if the other participant had won. But this time he involved someone else too and well, the look you're imagining Bakugou having during it might just be worth it.
"Pay for my friends drinks too and we have a deal." you informed him on your condition as you stood up, knowing that you'd have to move to find a better fitting spot to do this, away from too many peering eyes. Dabi didn't respond and instead just grinned and grabbed two of the shots, following you out from behind the bar. Bakugou took a second to debate if this was a good idea or not but watching you walk away, your hips swaying enticingly managed to convince him. "Fuck it…"
You knew exactly where you all could get out of the spotlight and moved over to a corner with a booth. You sat down on the end of one of the couches, watching the two men arrive after you. Bakugou had grabbed the last shot and was cautiously looking around for anyone watching you, or a co-worker noticing their absence. Dabi on the other hand had his eyes on you, placing one of the shots he was holding besides you on the table, towering over you. You just looked up at him and smiled. He grinned back before grabbing a random chair from one of the other tables, dragging it so it faced you.
Dabi didn’t hesitate to sit down, spreading his legs apart so you could see the pants straining against his crotch. With one hand he placed the cream topped glass between his legs on the seat, the other arm he leaned the elbow on the back of the chair. His muscles were tensing up under the red shirt as to keep the position and you could just imagine what was hiding underneath. He cocked his head to the side and gave you a shit eating grin, lifting an expectant eyebrow at you.
“Well, dollface?” You made eye contact with him and an involuntary shiver went down your spine going straight to between your legs. You didn’t expect it to affect you this much this quickly. Free drinks sounded really good at the time but now you’re not even sure you’ll be able to stay long enough to enjoy them. Yet you couldn’t give up before you’d even started.
You didn’t dare respond to him and instead hid the rush of blood to your face with a smug smile, straightening your back. You dragged your hand through your hair to pull it back before you bent down, keeping eye contact with those blue eyes. If he was going to try and mess you up then you could at least try and do the same. He had moved his hand from the glass and had instead placed it on his thigh besides your head. You opened your mouth and glanced at the glass to make sure you got it. Before you took it into your mouth you made sure to lick the cream off the top, looking up at him through your lashes.
That got a reaction out of him. The grin he was so proudly wearing dropped and instead he stared down at you with his mouth slightly agape. It looked like he was already breathing heavy and you could see him clench his hand in the corner of your eye. Proud of your work you grabbed the shot glass with your mouth and threw your head back, downing the shot in one go. You gracefully grabbed the now empty glass and then slammed it on the table. You removed some of the cream that had gotten on the corner of your mouth with the knuckle of your finger.
“Next.” You said, confidence dripping from your voice. If the music wasn’t blaring through the speakers then you swear you could’ve heard Bakugou swallow nervously. Dabi just chuckled and stood up but before he had fully turned around you could see the outline of something in his pants, pushing against the fabric. You ego only grew at the sight.
“Your turn, hot stuff.” Dabi patted Bakugou's shoulder, pulling him from his hypnotised staring at your lips. He quickly realized what he had been doing and looked away, not ready to admit to his actions. Despite that he still walked over and sat on the chair.
He mimicked Dabi and spread his legs as well, his pants also straining on his crotch. Even in the dim light you could see that something was pushing against the fabric in his pants as well. Your gaze fell to it and your mind was about to start wandering if Bakugou's hand hadn’t gotten in the way when he placed the shot. Unlike Dabi, Bakugou wasn’t as confident and had a difficult time knowing where to place his hands, deciding in the end to just cross his arms. The action just made the muscles on his arms even more visible. He didn’t dare make any eye contact Once again you could feel your body react, your breathing slowing and becoming heavier but you were hoping they didn’t notice. But with your luck, Dabi must’ve. But you didn’t let him say anything as you just smiled again and leaned down. Bakugou was still not looking though and you just couldn’t have that. So you took your hands and placed them on his inner thighs, grabbing onto the surprisingly muscular meat.
You felt him jump slightly and snap his head to look at you. You just looked back up and smiled, giving him a wink. Bakugou would argue that it was just the red lights but you knew he was blushing mad. You decided to cut his suffering short, afraid that if you turned him on any more it’d start to be painful in those tight pants of his. So you opened your mouth, ignoring the obvious hard on right in front of your face and took the glass into your mouth. But as you pulled back up you heard Bakugou mutter something under his breath.
“Fuck, babygirl…”
His voice had been strained and quiet but you caught it in the middle of all the noise surrounding you despite him trying to cover his mouth with his clenched hand. And you lost it. You choked on the shot and had to grab the glass from mouth before your could down the whole thing. You coughed and placed a hand on your chest, trying to regain your breath. You placed the half empty glass on the table beside the other two. Bakugou shot out of his chair to make sure you were alright but didn’t quite know what to do.
“Shit…” You mumbled, realizing what had just happened. You lost. You looked up at Bakugou who was still worried about you choking while Dabi was closing in from the side. His grin was already giving away what he was thinking.
“Well well well, angel. You talked so big yet couldn’t take a little dirty talking. Cute. But what should we do with you now? Bakugou?” Dabi had snaked an arm around Bakugous shoulders once again, caging you in between the two men. Bakugou just looked at him confused and disturbed before it clicked in his head what he was talking about. He just grunted and looked back down at you, something had shifted in his eyes and they weren’t as innocent as they had been before.
“Let’s get out of here.”
You weren’t prepared for the tone of voice from the blonde. Your heart began beating quicker as you started to form an understanding of what you had gotten yourself into. Dabi just grinned and took a step back, motioning for us to “go ahead”. You looked to the table and saw the last shot and decided to down it too before standing up. Bakugou didn’t take a step back though and you hit his chest with your own, looking up at him surprised. You felt his hot breath against your face and his stare made you weak in the knees. His hands grabbed your waist and without a second thought he picked you up, throwing you over his shoulders.
You yelped at the sudden motion and saw the whole world start to move as Bakugou turned to head out the backdoor. Dabi soon joined your view, casually strolling behind you two, chuckling at the sight.
“Your place is close to here, right?” Bakugou asked, glancing back at the taller male who just nodded.
“Yup, third floor in the building just across from here.” Dabi took the lead and Bakugou followed. You just clinged to the back of Bakugou's vest, trying to see what was happening in the front and hoping not too many people saw you in such an embarrassing situation. But you couldn’t help but feel that maybe it didn’t matter, maybe what was about to happen was worth the embarrassment.
“I swear to god if the apartment is filthy or you haven’t changed the bed sheets since your last fuck buddy I’m taking her and leaving.” You watched the stairs as Bakugou went up them, still carrying you. One hand firmly planted on your ass, either to keep your dress from riding up or just because he wanted to cop a feel. As he finished his sentence you two stopped and you could hear a key turning in a lock and a door opening just after.
You weren’t put down until the door had once again been closed and you were all in Dabi��s apartment. And even then you didn’t have a moment to take in your surroundings as Bakugou blocked your view, grabbing your chin gently. You looked up into his eyes once again, meeting his deep red ones with your wide ones.
“I’ve been wanting to do this since you opened those pretty lips of yours.” He muttered, eyes glancing down at your lips and then up again. Wasting no more time he pressed his to yours and you almost couldn’t believe it. He was pressing firmly, almost as he was afraid it was a dream he’d wake from, tilting his head to the side as his hands found your neck. You closed your eyes, enjoying the moment and moving your hands over the shaved part of his head. That’s when a third pair of hands joined in.
“Don’t forget that this is a punishment, angel, not a prize.” Dabi whispered in your ear, his hands going down your front, finding the hem of your dress and pulling it up, exposing your panties. You gasped at the sudden movement only to have Bakugou use it to his advantage, slipping his tongue into your mouth and brushing it against your own. Your sounds were muffled as Dabi used one hand to cup your boob, the other sneaking down to feel you through your underwear. You knew he could feel your wetness through the fabric.
“Shit, so cute, you’re already wet… At this rate you’ll have to problem taking both of us.” You heard him muse as he looked at you from over your shoulder. You couldn’t respond thanks to Bakugou's invasion of your mouth and only whimpered. Dabi chuckled at your predicament and instead of trying to help you just made it worse by slipping his hands underneath the hem of your panties instead. Sliding two fingers between your nether lips he found the bundle of nerves placed between them. He didn’t even hesitate to start drawing slow circles around your clit.
You had to pull away from bakugou, putting your hands on his chest to keep him from going back for round two too quickly. You were panting and letting out small whimpers, unable to look at his face. He stared at you confused before realizing what the other man was doing and how it was affecting you. The two made eye contact with you in between them, Dabi never relenting on his assault on your bud.
“Oi, don’t you have a better place to do this then your hallway?” You heard Bakugou speak above you. His hands moved to your waist and then your back, pulling you closer to him defensively.
“You’re the one who couldn’t keep it in your pants long enough to move to the bedroom so don’t blame me, hot shot” Dabi finally pulled his hands out of your underwear and you took a deep breath of relief from the constant stimulus. You legs were quivering from the assault on your senses and the sudden lack of it. But before you could truly calm down you were pulled from Bakugou's warm embrace and into Dabi’s arms instead as he started to lead you away. You could hear Bakugou’s hurried steps behind and the rustling of clothes.
You moved through the small apartment and to a bedroom. The double bed was made and you were about to go sit down, give yourself a break. But as soon as you moved towards it a hand grabbed your arm, looking back at the owner of the hand you saw Dabi shaking his head.
“Remember what I said before? Punishment, not reward, babygirl.” You felt your stomach sink but ironically also fill with butterflies.
“Help her out of that dress and underwear, will ya, hot stuff?” You were handed over to Bakugou who looked about as confused as you. Dabi went and opened a cupboard and you heard the clinking of metal from it as he searched it’s content. He hummed in satisfaction as he placed a bottle on top of the cupboard and then something that glimmered in the light coming from the window. At the same time Bakugou had done as he was told, pulling the dress higher and higher and with your help it had slipped right off. The bra was quickly unclasped and thrown to the side as well just like the panties had been. You could feel his red eyes look you up and down, watching the newly exposed skin as if it were gold.
“Here we go… Hands in front, dollface.” Dabi sauntered back to you two and without thinking you obeyed, holding out your hands in front of you. He grabbed your wrists and soon the sound of something clicking shut filled the room. You looked at your wrists and saw handcuffs now hanging from them. The black fur was kind to your skin though and they weren’t too tight so you couldn’t complain. But you still stared in awe at them, as did Bakugou.
“Ain’t too tight? No? Good. Then get on your knees.” A simple hand on your shoulder had you falling to your knees without second thoughts. You began to wonder what these men had done to you.
As you were down there you watched Dabi unzip the black pants which had been getting tighter and tighter the further the three of you had gone. He dropped them to the ground and you watched as if hypnotised by the tent formed in his underwear. You could hear him chuckle above you, amused at your wide eyes stare. He did quick work of his underwear as well, fishing himself out of them with practiced skill. He was semi hard already, a tuft of hair at the base of his slim cock. He lazily started to work himself to full mast while watching you.
“Liking what you see, I take it. Good. I can see your mouth salivating already, why don’t you taste it?” You looked up at him for a split second before looking at his cock again which he’s let go already. You almost timidly pull on it, opening your mouth to take him in. You swirl your tongue over the tip before taking more and more into your mouth. You close your eyes to focus, letting him slip further down your throat. A hand carefully grabs the back of your head and grabs a handful of your hair. He’s impatient, probably from the build up at the bar and start to set a slow pace which you follow. You feel the tip of his dick drag across your tongue and the back again as the pace speeds up. Soon he’s set a reasonable pace and you open your eyes again to look up at him.
He’s panting and watching you closely, his eyes half lidded by now aroused he is. The sight makes you even hornier and you feel that you need some release yourself and move your hands down to your own crotch. But nothing slips past Dabi's watchful eyes and he speaks up before you can do anything about your own arousal.
“Hey, we didn’t tell you you could touch yourself. Why don’t you do something productive and jack Bakugou off instead? He’s been drooling all over you since you started bobbing your head like a good girl.” You looked to the side and saw Bakugou, he had pulled down his pants and underwear without you even noticing, even his vest was gone and shirt unbuttoned as he worked his own manhood. You two made eye contact and you reached out with your handcuffed hands. The blonde sucked in breath from between clenched teeth and took a step closer, letting you take over for him.
The three of you kept this up for a bit, you bobbing your head on Dabi's dick while he controlled your pace with his hands while your own hands were jacking off a panting and cursing Bakugou. You had lost track of time until Dabi pulled out of your mouth, your spit covering his shaft and your own chin. The lack of fullness had you desperately looking up at Dabi who was visibly trying to restrain himself. At the same time you slowed your hands movements, bewildered by the sudden pull out.
“Shit, don’t look at me like that, dollface, or I might just finish in your mou-” He was cut off by Bakugou grabbing your head and pulling you to him instead, taking full advantage of your open and confused mouth. He was much rougher than Dabi, instead of pacing you he was face fucking you, keeping your head still as he pounded your throat. But the moment only lasted so long as even Bakugou had to pull out as to not cum down your throat and cut his playtime short. You sputtered and coughed after the sudden invasion but was ultimately sad he had stopped.
“Sorry, babygirl but I had to know how your mouth felt wrapped around my cock.. It just looked so inviting and I couldn’t stand you looking at juts him like that.” Bakugou confessed, looking down at you, panting after the sudden burst of energy.
“I was wondering when that explosive personality was gonna play part in this. But enough foreplay, get her on her feet..” Bakugou helped you up, holding onto you so you wouldn’t fall. He pulled you up to his chest and slipped a hand between your legs. Now it was his turn with you and his fingers were much thicker than Dabi’s had been. He didn’t dwell too long on your clit, only playing with it a second before traveling deeper. By now your juices had stained your thighs and he had no problem slipping two fingers into you. Despite the roughing up he had done to your face before he was now slow and calculated in fingering you, pushing in and pulling out in deliberate movements. You were desperately needing something more and ground your hips into his hand. He paid you no mind as his mouth latched onto your neck, sucking on it so he knew it would leave marks. There was nothing you could do but moan and sigh, letting your head fall back on his shoulder.
You two were soon pulled out of your little bubble by the sound of chains falling. You opened your eyes and saw Dabi pulling on a chain from his ceiling. He noticed your staring and just smiled lazily, giving you a come hither motion with his hand. You could feel Bakugous hesitation but you were soon let go, his fingers slipping out of you. You stumbled forward to follow Dabi’s instructions. When you got close enough he pulled you to him by your handcuffs and raised them. Another click and your handcuffs were stuck to the chain, your arms raised above your head. Dabi took a step back and examined you, seemingly proud of his work.
“There we go, angel… Now the fun can really begin.” He stepped in close again and kissed your lips briefly. Then he left you standing there in the otherwise cold room. He went back to the cupboard and grabbed the bottle he placed there before. While he was gone Bakugou had once again snuck back to you, figuring out just what he had planned. He stood in front of you without saying a word, just watching your chest heave. Then he bent down and grabbed the back of your thigh. And then the other. Standing back up he pulled you with, lifting you up into the air and keeping you there, spread legs presenting everything to him. He looked down and then back up, grinning and leaning in close to you.
“Pretty little thing, aren’t you, babygirl? I’m gonna pound into you until you can’t think of anything but my cock in your pussy. How many times I’ve imagined pushing your face down on the counter at the bar and taking you right then and there, letting everyone see what a good fucking looks like. And I bet you would’ve taken it, wouldn’t you? Like a good girl you would’ve begged me to make you cum. Let’s see if you beg like my mind thinks you do.”
You were speechless. The words coming from Bakugou were something you wouldn’t have expected yet he was growling them to you as if he’d practiced it before hand. You swear you would’ve come right then and there if you didn’t know you’d be punished for it. He didn’t make it any easier when he pushed his thick dick inside of you, slowly but surely pushing himself to the hilt.
You were pulling yourself up on the chain involuntarily from the pleasure entering your system. Arching your back you felt your back hit something warm. Another hand joined on your body, one holding onto the underside of your thigh. Then something cold hit the small of your back and running down your ass making you gasp and clench on Bakugou’s cock.
“I see you two started the fun without me… That isn’t fair but I guess it wasn’t your fault, was it (Y/N)?” Dabi’s voice was behind you and you tried to look at him but your arm was blocking you from turning your head. His other hand suddenly appeared, clearly lubed up and pushing at your other hole. You naturally clenched up more and hear Bakugou curse in front of you.
“Shh no no babygirl, relax… You trust us right? We’ll make it feel good, I promise you’ll be cumming and screaming our names in minutes if you just… relax..” Dabi’s soothing voice calms you down and with some effort you managed to calm your muscles enough to let Dabi’s fingers enter. He praised you as he starts to pump one finger in and out of your whole, then two. It’s clear he’s done this before and knows exactly how to work your buttons. Bakugou wasn’t patient enough to wait for that long and was slowly pulling in and out of you himself, one hand having moved to have his thumb rub circles on your clit. Not enough to make you cum but enough to make you relax more.
Soon enough Dabi was able to scissor his fingers in your ass without you wincing in pain. He pulled out and used his now free hand to help hold you up after having lubed up his own dick. He started to push slowly, the head of his cock slipping into you and you gasp and arch your back again. He stops for a second, looking to make sure you’re still alright before he starts pushing again. Soon he’s pushed himself to the hilt together with Bakugou filling up your pussy. You’ve never felt this full and it did feel amazing, both men pushing at your most sensitive spots.
“See? I told you. Now let’s show you what it means to take two men at the same time, dollface. You’re gonna love it.” He whispered the last part in your ear and your eyes widened as they started to move. What started out in synchronised thrusts soon derailed as they picked up pace. Both of them pushing in and pulling out of you at whatever pace worked for them. Bakugou made sure his thrusts were deep and made you feel full as he sheathed inside you while Dabi was much more erratic and quick, stimulating and pounding the sweet spots of your inside. And their moaning, sighing and groaning was mixed together with your own noises as you all chased your releases. And they came quick
“D-dabi… Bakugou…. I’m about… to.. to cum... “ You managed to get out between moans and you hoped the two men heard you. Luckily they did as they both slowed down much to your own dismay.
“Is that so, angel? You’re gonna cum on our cocks as we pound into you, huh?” Dabi asked teasingly from behind you but Bakugou had other plans.
“Beg for it, babygirl. Beg. for. it.” Every word was emphasised with a thrust of his hips and you whimpered. You couldn’t help but hesitate as you looked into his eyes and saw that he was completely serious, his eyes glazed over and primal. But your need for release was greater and won over your own embarrassment rather quickly.
“Please… Please let me cum. I need to cum, I’ve been needing it since t-the beginning. Since I sucked your big cock, I’ve never been so horny. Fuck, please? Please pound i-into me until I can’t think of anything else, I wan’t you two to fill me and fuck me and and fuck shit, please.” You rambled on and on, trying to convince the two men to let you cum while your head felt fuzzy and you couldn’t think straight. You could see Bakugou’s grin grow on his face and he sped up his pace.
“Good fucking girl, begging like that…. shit… Alright, we’re counting down from 10. You can’t cum… until we reach 0.” You felt them both ready themselves to destroy you in those last 10 seconds and yet you didn’t care, nodding your head desperately.
“Good. 10”
They started, with a newly regained energy they went back to their quickest pace, no mercy this time. But you didn’t mind, you head went all fuzzy again and you got a far away look in your eyes.
One of Dabi's hands moved from your thigh and started to rub your clit again. You felt his grin against your shoulder and you cried out.
“Little more, babygirl. 4”
You felt the orgasm approach you like an oncoming train.
It wasn’t fair, none of this, you realized. But why did it turn you on so fucking much?
“Come on, (Y/N), cum.”
You didn’t need any more encouragement then that as you let the tidal wave hit you. It washed over you and made you spazz out, closing your eyes tightly as the two men didn’t stop. They became even more erratic in their movement and even quicker to pound in and out of you. As the white light flashed before your eyes you felt them cum too, filling you up yet they still moved. They both went quiet, trying to keep themselves from buckling under their own orgasms. Dabi’s fingers never stopped rubbing your clit.
Your orgasm had come and gone yet they didn't’t. Fucking. Stop. You were desperately whimpering and trying to pull away from the two but there was no way you could from your position. So you took it. Dabi’s fingers were rubbing your over sensitive clit and the two were like wild animals in heat as they kept fucking you. You didn’t know how but you didn’t care either, another orgasm was on its way way quicker than you had anticipated.
It hit you again and tears spotted your eyes, the electricity going through your body and making you shake once again. Only then did the two seem satisfied, slowing themselves down to a halt yet not pulling out. There’s was a moment of just silence apart from all of you panting and catching your breath from the whole ordeal. Then you started laughing
It was quiet but you laughed, exhausted. Soon the two joined in with their own quiet chuckled.
“Shit… That was really fucking good. Didn’t expect to have this good of a fucking time with this loser” Bakugou looked around you to give Dabi a look before looking back to you. He paused for a moment before he leaned up again, giving you a gentle kiss. You felt Dabi take his turn to leave a hickey on your neck as you kissed Bakugou but you couldn’t care less at that moment.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, hot stuff. Thought you knew I was the best fuck in this whole damn place. Apart from angel here, of course” Dabi responded after he let go of your neck, happy with his work.
“So… Whose up for another shot?”
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daydream-believin · 4 years
A Nice Rock For You, My Love (Please Accept)
Summary: Douxie would like to give the reader a special present.
Warnings: Swearing, stabbing, blood, swords and a knife.
Word Count: 3092 -ten pages 12 point times new roman, baby!
A/N: even i couldn’t predict where the hell this was headed. have fun with this. i sure did ;)
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Douxie placed his newest rock onto the window ceil in his bedroom. He’d display it for a while, but add it to the collection jar with the others once it was replaced. Every morning he’s wake up, see the shiny stone on his window ceil, and think of his wonderful significant other.
Y/n was an odd duck, but an endearing one at that. They spent most of their time out in the local forest. Douxie wasn’t sure what they did out there for so long each day, but that didn’t matter as long as they’d come back to see him in the evenings. They’d return to civilization every night scruffy, smelly, and with twigs stuck in their hair, but he thought they looked lovely. Enchanting even. A little dirt never did hurt anyone.
He was going to have to get a new jar soon. Every week or so, Y/n would present him with a new one. A token of their affection for the wizard. He kept every single one. He kept one in the pocket of his favourite jacket. Y/n had found that particular one in the flat of a creek bed. They were drawn in by the bright blue color, reminding them of their beloved wizard’s most recent dye job. After fishing it out, it turned out to be a piece of beach glass, but it was very smooth and rounded. Douxie was using it as a worry stone.
Of course, rocks weren’t the only thing Y/n had brought him. Any small thing not tied down the forest could offer was up for grabs to the local cryptid. Sometimes they’d leave him feathers from a bird they swore they got permission from to take. Sometimes they’d give him sticks they carved intricate designs into. Sometimes bones. A lot of times bones. Not enough bones for visitors in his home to question though. They just assumed he was really goth. One time, Y/n even straight up gifted him a jar of mud. Well, it supposed to be soil from the picnicking spot they often spent their dates, some water from the nearby stream, with a few hand-plucked flower heads added to the top. Romantic, right? Unfortunately, it was accidentally shaken up between the time Y/N made it and the time they presented it to Doux. Still, it was proudly displayed on his shelf.
As tokens of affection began to collect, Doux decided he should return the favor. He’d find the perfect gift for his dear Y/n. One to show them just how much he cared, just how far his affection for them reached. Something to make that toothy smile light up their pretty face. Something to seal a promise to them, that he’d be by their side until the end of time.
So here he was, in this jewelry store, trying to find that perfect shiny rock for his significant other. It wasn’t going too well, to be honest. Everything was too fancy, and quite frankly, too expensive. It was like the whole store was polished and perfect. All those rings were beautiful, yes, but they looked like they belonged on the finger of a middle-class suburban spouse, not his wonderfully scruffy partner. His darling sasquatch. Too impersonal for his taste.
He’d decided that the only way to match Y/n’s energy was to find the stone himself. Luckily, he did live in Arcadia. Right below his feet were a system of caves that spanned at least a hundred miles. Surely the local trolls wouldn’t mind. Okay, so they did, but that wasn’t going to stop him.
After some exploring some of the tunnels for a while and getting a wee bit lost in the maze, he eventually came across a patch of purpley clusters growing from the cave wall. Amethysts, he guessed? Maybe fluorite. Either way, it was marvelous. The color was even close to that of Y/n’s magic. They put off a nice good energy too. This would be perfect. He just needed to find a small enough piece, or chip off a bit, and his quest would be complete. He magicked himself up a knife and set to work. It took him several tries, but eventually he wound up with a nice rock. It wasn’t perfect, even kind of lopsided for a ring, but it was a really good purple rock. Raw too. Uncut and unpolished, like them.
He brought it over to his work buddy Annie’s place. She had been really into jewelry making this year. Douxie had seen some of her work. It was top notch. She’d make him a nice personalized ring and set the stone into it. And he’d have the peace of mind knowing that this gift would be an excellent piece of craftsmanship. Hopefully Y/n wouldn’t lose it in the river. Thankfully, he had measured their ring size during their nap yesterday. So it would be nice and snug. Not drop-in-the-riverable at all… He’d enchant it.
Now all there was to do was wait. He had to give it to them at just the right moment for maximum romantic impact here. He’d watched a thousand proposal videos on youtube to get some semblance of an idea of what he was supposed to be doing. To be honest, a lot of them seemed kind of over the top and forced. While Doux was a showman, he didn’t want to go that route. This moment was going to be special. Intimate. Full of love.
He’d set up a lovely date for the occasion. A moonlight picnic in their favourite spot. Romantic, with candles. And roses. And champagne. He’d bring his acoustic too, to play for them. A classic serenade for his love. He also dressed up the trees around with some twinkly magical lights. He was thinking of making them a little show with magic lights too, to narrate their love story. After it was all over, they’d head over to the clearing to go star gazing. And they’d fall asleep under the stars in each other’s arms as a betrothed couple. Okay, so maybe he was going over the top after all. Just a tad. He couldn’t help it.
Once he got it all set up, he asked Archie to watch over it while he went to go get his darling. He even acquired a blindfold so he could get that maximum surprise effect. But he didn’t take into account the fact that nature isn’t exactly flat, and he had to help them carefully navigate the forest floor. At a certain point, he just decided to just pick Y/n up bridal style and carry them, eliciting a giggle from them. It was faster and easier for both parties. Also more romantic. A win-win. Y/n noticed his heart was beating pretty fast as they leaned against his chest. He was getting antsy as the spot came into view.
He was pleased and relieved to see that nothing had gone amiss so far. Everything was intact. Archie was just lazily snoozing on the blanket. Douxie cleared his throat to catch Arch’s attention and silently shooed him away with a head jerk. The dragon-cat nodded and took off towards town. Douxie placed Y/n down onto the blanket, oh so gently, taking their blindfold off to reveal everything. Y/n was, to Douxie’s dismay, immediately aware that something was up. This was quite the set up before them. They reacted nervously, which disheartened him slightly, but he couldn’t back out now. He wouldn’t back out now. He won’t.
He handed Y/n the bouquet of roses, and they flushed. That wonderful pink color of their cheeks somehow gave him enough courage to help him make it through his entire prepared speech without stuttering. What a feat. Despite their earlier wariness, Y/n was captivated. They hung off his every word. Douxie came to the conclusion that he must be using every drop of luck he had right now. Now for the best part, or the part that could embarrass him the most, depending on whether or not his luck continued. Time to woo his beloved with a special song he wrote just for them. Time to bear his soul. His fingers danced over the strings with practiced skill. The most beautiful melody Y/n had ever heard. They had stars in their eyes. He was halfway through his serenade when the heavens opened up.
Douxie almost instantly cast a magic shield over them. It was beautiful, in a way. The raindrops bucketing down, hitting the transparent glowing shield. It made a private percussion symphony just for them. Rain. Douxie saving the day. It was so cliché, they laughed together. Those freckles on his face danced adorably as he shook with laughter. So, in the spirit of clichés, Y/n decided to repay him for all his chivalry with a kiss. It caught him off guard at first, eyes wide, but he quickly melted into it.
As the kiss deepened, he pulled his fingers through their hair. They let out a moan into his mouth. He couldn’t help the lovesick grin that spread across his face. He turned his attention towards their neck. They tipped their head to give him better access, letting their hands travel down his back. He smelled smokey, he must have had some spell backfire on him today. How endearing. As Doux kissed right under their jaw, they opened their eyes just a half-lid. And then promptly snapped them open all the way. They briskly pulled back, eliciting a whine from Douxie.
“Uhhh, Doux,” He turned around to see what had frightened them.
“Oh fuzzbuckets,” he blinked at the sight, “is that a wolf?” Douxie exclaimed in disbelief.
“No, no, not a wolf. It can’t be a wolf. There’s exactly one singular wolf pack in Cali and its definitely not in fucking Arcadia Oaks.”
The wolf stepped forward. It was smaller than a normal wolf. A wolf-dog maybe. It snarled at them, spit dripping from its sharp teeth. They dared not move, and risk provoking it. Still as statues, Y/n and Douxie watched as it howled a warning to them. Or at least they thought it was a warning.
Suddenly, a very tall figure appeared through the trees. Black cloak billowing in the dark storm, it was if cooked up from some horror novel. Well, a children’s horror novel. It probably could have been much, much scarier. Especially to a couple of wizards that also frequently wore black and walked through the dark with their own less-than-domestic pets. But nevertheless, the sight raised the hackles on the backs of their necks. The wolf-dog ran to its master’s side. The figure patted his familiar’s scruffy head, then strode towards the picnic.
Douxie and Y/n swiftly sprang to their feet. Doux stepped in front of Y/n, to their annoyance. They could hold their own and Douxie knew it, but he couldn’t help those protective instincts. As the figure came closer, he dramatically tossed back his hood. Lightning struck at the very moment his bearded face was revealed to them. Completely by coincidence, honest.
“Eoin?” Douxie exclaimed in surprise. That expression of surprise then twisted into one of disgust. “Oh bleeding balroths, it’s fucking Eoin.” He half-shouted, half-grumbled.
“Aye, Hisirdoux! My old pal! How’ve you been, bruv?” Eoin flourished his cloak and smirked at the two. He eyed up Y/n. “And what a lovely partner you’ve got here, might I add.” Y/n shifted to be a bit more behind Doux.
“What do you want, my friend?” Douxie frustratedly asked. Y/n was getting the impression that, despite the terms of endearment here, these two were not friends.
“Why, don’t you already know, little Douxie? I’m here to settle something I should have long ago.” He said in a now less-than-friendly tone of voice.
“Don’t you have anything better to do?” Douxie was exasperated. Eoin just started coming closer. “Alright, mate,” Douxie raised his hands, flicking through his cuff, getting ready for what he knew was about to transpire without any more delay. His adversary shot up his hands to stop him.
“Oh! No, no, no! Friend, we’ll settle this like men. The old-fashioned way.”
Eoin summoned two rapiers out of thin air. Both some sort of gleaming black metal and glowing jewels. He kept the one with the red gems in his right hand, and tossed Douxie the one with the blue gems with his left. Color coordination, one supposes. Douxie tested the blade with a few swings and parries. His eyes looked down at the rapier and then to Eoin. They sort of bowed to each other.
They fenced back and forth deftly. It was like a dance. A tango. Y/n was impressed at how light footed Douxie actually was. Maybe he planned this? Was this a part of the show or something? It would be an excellent way to prove how capable he was of defending them from evil or whatever. But they got the feeling that this was undeniably real and not planned by, if not for the rancid aura hanging in the air, the absolutely murderous looks in the two men’s eyes.
The wolf-dog came towards Y/n. They readied a spell for defense, but the dog just, sort of sat next to them? It looked like it was also watching the fight intently. It would woof at the two whenever its master got the upper hand, almost as if cheering him on. Strange. A good boy, Y/n supposed. They’d reach down to pet it but they didn’t fancy losing their hand.
Eventually, Douxie came out on top. The duel had been nasty, but it now looked as if it was all but through. Douxie had Eoin knocked onto his back in the mud at the base of one of the massive old oak trees Arcadia was known for. He held his blade to Eoin’s throat, and they locked eyes. Douxie was huffing for air. But to Eoin’s surprise, He started apologizing. An entire speech. Confusion flashed on Eoin’s face. Hisirdoux had always felt guilty about his transgressions as a lad, about the people he trampled in order to survive before Merlin gave him a home. So he’d spare his old enemy. He was terribly sorry he’d begun this feud in the first place.
“And what say you, old buddy,” Douxie grinned hopefully with a glimmer in his hazel eyes. Douxie held out his hand in an offer of actual friendship. He stared into Eoin’s eyes. Eoin stared into his. Eoin’s shaky hand began to reach up to take Douxie’s. They clasped their hands together. Brothers. And for a moment, Douxie had really thought they had made up this time, looking into Eoin’s feeble smile. That is, until Eoin yanked Douxie down towards himself on the ground. Right into his ready, hungry blade.
To the soundtrack of Y/n’s screams, Eoin stood up, casually tossing Douxie’s limp body off his sword. The wind whipped his cloak as he stormed off, into the storm. The wolf-dog followed his master, howling in victory. Y/n was crossing the woods to cling to Doux in an instant.
He coughed up some blood, and intensely stared into Y/n’s eyes. He weakly took their hand, and caressed their cheek. Then remembered to reach into his pocket and pull out that special ring. He slipped it onto their slick, wet finger. Oh, it appeared that their hands were covered in blood. His blood. Neat.
“I- I wanted to a-” he coughed up some more blood, “to ask you if-”
“Yes! Yes, of course,” they sounded panicked, “please, save your breath, my love.” They pleaded. He feebly leaned in to kiss them, but then his world went black. His body fell like a ragdoll into Y/n’s arms.
Try as they might, they weren’t a healer. Purple light shone like a beacon in the black stormy night. They performed as many healing, even vaguely healing-ish fixit spells as they knew. Unfortunately, this was a stab wound from a magic blade. They couldn’t take him to the hospital, even if they had any trust in modern medicine. Hot tears streamed down their face. But the word hopeless is not devoid of hope. Hope sparked in their heart as they remembered something, somewhere, important.
They had to get him out of here, and fast. He was bleeding out. There was so, so much blood. It had positively soaked through Y/n’s already wet clothes before they were even half way to their destination. The smell of the rain mixing with all the blood was sickening. It was hard to find their way in this darkness. They slipped on the mud and tripped over rocks. Y/n was starting to slip into a panic attack. They couldn’t even go very fast, he was so heavy in their arms. And Y/n was frightened of hurting him even more by accident. Y/n was very, very frightened in general.
Time moved like molasses. In what could have been years for Y/n, the cave they were carrying Douxie to finally came within sight. Their heart was threatening to pound right out of their chest. They mustered up the last of their strength and broke out into a sprint. Bolting through the curtain doors of the cave and knocking around the strings of bones that hung with them, Y/n dropped to their knees.
“Please! Save him! I beg of thee.” They pleaded to the three old women sitting around the hearth.
Douxie was awoke to the sound of shuffling and unintelligible whispers. He could smell a strong mix of herbs in the air. He felt the soft back of a cold hand rest on his forehead, so he slowly opened his eyes. He was met with the red tear-streaked face of his beloved. Y/n gasped. they excitedly called to whoever else was in the room with them that he was now awake. He did not recognize these women. He did not recognize where he was. He supposed that didn’t matter.
Y/n pulled him into a gentle hug, as if he were made of glass. A handsome glass sculpture that would shatter if they let go of him. They just lied there, holding onto each other for dear life, for what must have been an hour. Breathing in each other’s scents, they had still refused to let go, but Douxie started to cough again. They reluctantly pulled apart, and y/n started their interrogation about any pain he might be experiencing. He was alright, a little sore, but fine. Nothing time won’t fix. And time he was glad to still have with them.
bonus A/N: i swear this was supposed to be normal, just a sappy proposal fic. but once i set everything up i was overcome with the urge to stab him. so i created a character specifically to stab him. idk im not sorry. at first i had eoin like, cheat the duel with magic, but i figured doux would be his own downfall with that bleeding heart of his we all love so much. happy november y’all.
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Those Shoes (Ch.1)
Notes: The title is referenced to a song by The Eagles, it’s a classic song about exotic dancers, as well as a popular song to play in the clubs. Rita, or @youtubequeens and I brainstormed this piece, and I was so excited to finally write it :3
Warnings: Language, Exotic Dancers and their life, talk about sex, Trigger Warnings!!!: Mentions of and non-consensual acts such as groping and touching, and other horrors.  
Notice: Dancers should be treated with respect, and this is not a fic to downgrade them, nor to spread false truths. It sheds light on what can and does happen in real life, and how that it can be a dangerous job. The warnings are here for a reason. Thank You.
 “Honey, I neeeeed your help!” Your mother whined through the phone. You sighed loudly as you sat on the bed. You’ve just finished with a hefty amount of homework, two tests, and you had another coming up, soon. Not only were your friends squealing that they need to celebrate your upcoming graduation, but your mother had called you, needing something. Again.
“Before you hang up!” She started as your thumb hovered over the red button. “I know that you’ll be graduating college, soon, and you’re needing a job, asap, sooooo, I was wondering if I could hire you, soon?” She baited, and you felt a chill of dread down your spine.
“No way in hell.”
“Oh, Come on! You know that you’ll need a job! I can’t find decent hire, anywhere. How about I hire you until you find a better job? Please? These outfits need to be patched up, and I need makeup expertise! Other than my own!” She added.
You felt your stubborn nature wilt as common sense pile drove in. Your mother was a crafty, sneaky, snake, and she knew that you were needing money to make end’s meet, especially when you were about to move to a better apartment. There were good businesses waiting to hire, and some even were willing to sponsor you, but of course it could take months until you could officially land a good job.
Unfortunately, your mother knew this.
“Above minimum wage, and I get to wear what I want.”
“Deal.” She didn’t even hesitate.
“Fine. I’ve got tests…and the girls are throwing me a surprise party, of all things at the end of the month, so I’ll see you when I see you.” You breathed out, and your mom giggled.
“Oh, a surprise party? Maybe I could send-”
“Mom, no.” You blurted out, and she laughed.
“Oh, my baby girl!” She cooed. “You don’t need physical experience to enjoy-”
You clicked the red dial, ending the call as you sighed with defeat. How did your life turn out like this?  More than likely, she’ll gather your small group of friends and convince them to try to get you to loosen up. It was not only your graduation day, but also your birthday, coming up.
 Your mind froze with fear at the memories of past birthdays. After you’ve turned eighteen, she tried multiple times to send out one of the male dancers, scantily dressed in an ice cream sundae uniform, holding a card that basically said “to pop your cherry”.    
Yeah, you didn’t really had any contact with her, really.
“Surprise! Happy Graduation and Birthday, Girl!” Your friends screamed with joy as you entered your apartment. Finally. After years of hard work and several job offers that will get back to you within a month, you were a certified beautician with a knack to patch and design clothes. Sure, it wasn’t your first idea of a job, but it grew on you. Dying hair, painting nails, mastering different techniques of applying makeup, and seeing the sparkly eyes of your patients as they admired your hard work, had won you over.
Of course, your mother had a major influence over you. Although you weren’t into dancing, you were happy to practice makeup and help patch up certain outfits. As you grew older, you went with what you knew, and soon, your school had paid for your college due to your good grades, and you made your way up, ever since.
“Oh hey, girls! Where’s the cake?” You wondered, and they wasted no time with mischievous giggles. You stilled.
“Don’t worry, Babe! It’ll be here, soon. Try this cucumber Sake!” Rumi grinned as she held out the small cup. The white-haired woman had been your friend since late high school, the only one knowing about your mother’s business back then. She and your other friend, Keigo, had now opened up a pet store. Said man who had bird-like perception wasn’t here, right now, but your more…flirtatious friend, Nemuri, was here with her girlfriend and your attention-seeking friend, Yu. Both girls had worked for your mother, and although you were close, you were weary of their similar antics.
“You’re hiding something.” Your eyebrows furrowed. Nemuri smiled coyly as she slung an arm around a giggling Yu.
“It wouldn’t be called a surprise if we weren’t.”  
The four of you had cut up and were laid back, enjoying small talk and stories that you all missed out on. Nemuri and Yu were doing great with the future wedding funds, Rumi had admitted that Keigo was trying his best to win over some goth from Hot Topic, and you, well, you were still doing the things that you loved to do, despite a busy schedule. Rumi smiled, knowing fully well that your more secretive hobbies had leaned towards being more humanitarian, despite your busy schedule.
You wanted to do things that you wanted to do, not gain attention from them, yet your close group of friends had known of your little skits: Feeding not only stray cats, but taking time to volunteer to help with the homeless and the orphanage. The conversation had quickly turned to about working at the strip club, and you were relieved that the subject had changed.
“Ugh. I hate it when they get up. They’re suppose to sit, and be obedient.” Nemuri huffed.
“Isn’t that against the regulations?” You wondered, and Yu nodded.
“Yeah. I heard that one girl in the private room was far into her dancing, she didn’t notice the guy standing up. Luckily there’s cameras, and so when the staff noticed that he pulled his dick out, they broke into the room and threw him out. Hah, he didn’t get his cash back or anything.” She finished, and you couldn’t help but feel sympathy.
You weren’t raised in the club, but your mother had told you plenty of stories, and dropped off the outfits or brought home a “dummy” to practice makeup on while she told you to never let your guard down. It wasn’t until you were nineteen when you fully knew what she had meant as you were working as a hostess at her building.
Although you were dressed in bartender clothes, it didn’t stop anybody from trying to make a grab at you. You were lucky that your mother had hired good bouncers, and she herself was like a tiger who prowled upon those who didn’t belong there.  
“That’s awful.” You admitted, and Nemuri nodded in agreement.
“Yeah. It’s especially gross when you’re giving them a lap dance, and you feel something gross and sticky on the back of your thigh.”
“Or when they kept saying that ‘you’re too pretty to work here’. I know I’m pretty, and I want the attention and attraction to work here. Just because I dance, doesn’t mean that I’m easy. I’m in a committed relationship for six years, thank you.” Yu bantered back while Rumi and you listened quietly.
“You girls go through a lot. Damn. Poor birthday girl had to wear a miniskirt while handing out food and drinks.” Rumi piped up, offering to say what she knew about the subject. Nemuri sighed.
“I remember that when Yu and I first started. Her mom’s not too picky when it comes to help, especially when it’s low pay and her own kid. Like a lamb in a den full of lions, I tell you. Luckily our ladies and gents knew how to swoop in to the rescue.” She finished, and you felt yourself blushing.
Everyone jumped as the doorbell rang, and you watched the Grinch-like grins spread on Nemuri and Yu’s faces, as Rumi let out one that was almost feral.
“Cake’s here.” They said, and you couldn’t help but feel a case of dread as Nemuri didn’t hesitate to waltz over there, and sling the door open, and you couldn’t help but to swallow thickly.
“You did not.” It was a whisper that died on your throat.
Of course you should have known. Of all things-
 He stood in the middle of the door, holding a prettily frosted cake, but it wasn’t the cake that caught your attention.
 Tall, blond, muscles, was sporting thin square glasses that were about to fall off of his nose, a sleeveless white vest with a loosened tie and one button undone. His pants were no better, the zipper and buttons were undone as it snagged nicely on his hips, leaving a blond treasure trail for the world to see, and of course, sleek black and orange high heels that looked as if they cost more than your rent.  
“I’m here to teach our Birthday Girl a lil’ lesson.” Came out the smooth purr as he twirled a red sucker in his mouth, and damn it did that not help you. You hated to admit it, but he was the handsomest ones that you’ve ever seen, and of course you knew who sent him. Pretty amber irises stared at you, drinking you thoroughly as if he was silently contemplating something.  
“Name’s Fatigue, Sugar.” He grinned, lolling the sucker within his mouth as Nemuri took the cake from his hands and set it down on your living room table.  
“Don’t work our girl too hard, Tai. Poor thing gets a little flustered, easily.” She giggled, pinching your cheek rather playfully. You gave her a small glare despite that your ears were burning, now. Tai, or “Fatigue”, let a slow, lazy smile stretch his face as he looked down at you with a cocky look mixed with hunger.
“Jus’ sit back an’ relax, ‘nd enjoy the show. You deserve it for workin’ so hard.”  He cooed with what seemed to be affection, and you swallowed thickly and nodded. Sure, you could do this. Giving an affirmative, he didn’t give you much time before he took out his phone and pressed some button, instantly music had started playing as he started.
He was like a magnet, snapping your attention to him in awe as he spread his legs wide, letting himself sink low to the floor, heels perfectly grounded into your carpet as his glasses stayed neatly perched on the crook of his nose. He grinned at your amazed stare, as if eating it up. Of course he had a bag full of tricks, and you couldn’t believe that you were finding yourself eager to know each one.
He didn’t fail to deliver, hopping back up with a dive of his hips, sliding a hand down to the side of his pants, palming his thigh as he bent low, ass in the air. Each movement was in sync with the beats, and was absolutely filthy as he used his body to curve and twist into movements that oddly made you feel hot and your throat dry. Who was he? Where did your mom even find somebody this good?
Your friends were no better. Rumi had sported a look of stupor, and to your own surprise, Nemuri and Yu looked impressed, a rare sight for you knew that their technique was high dollar and quality, too.
He was all over you, not touching, but close, not letting you take your attention away from him as he ran his hands close to his hips and inner thighs, his sharp focus was only on you as he gauged your reactions, seeing which little movements brought a spark to your eyes or a flush to your face.
Then, like his routine, he did another unexpected move. Taking your cake, he set it neatly on your lap. Not giving you time to really question anything, he gingerly took your hand, dipping your fingers into the frosting, and brought it to his mouth.
Hot. You couldn’t help but feel hot all over as your lips burned on how he licked and sucked at the frosted digits, lolling his tongue over each one as he gave you such a dirty, heated look, and you swore that you heard him groan. Or was it you? You couldn’t tell as he gave your digits one final suck, letting go with a wet pop as the last song ended.
“Delicious.” He purred, and you couldn’t help but bite your bottom lip at how he sounded it.
“Holy shit.” Nemuri broke the silence.
“Language, young Missy.” Fatigue tutted, waving his finger at her, laughing lightly as she gave him one of her own, before turning his attention back to you.
“Didja enjoy the dance, Sweetling?”
“Yeah.” You admitted in  choked voice, and he gave a small laugh of affection as he walked towards the door.
“You have a Happy Birthday. I do hope that I can see ya, again.” He gave one last final look at you that you couldn’t decipher, as he headed out.
Silence enveloped you girls, before Yu started laughing.
“You were so blushing! He looked as if he wanted to eat you up!” She noticed, and you could feel your lip starting to hurt from biting it constantly.
“Woah, did he even know that you’re the boss’s kid?” Rumi asked, and Nemuri shook her head.
“Nah. We hired him yesterday, and her mom didn’t say anything, other than that she had a very special job for him. Heh, I didn’t know that the new meat was this good.” Nemuri explained, staring at her nails.
“’I do hope that I can see ya, again’.” Yu mimicked before giggling with glee. “Somebody’s has taken a shine to our homebody.” She grinned and your face flushed with realization.
“I gotta go see my mom.” You blurted out, instead, and was rewarded with grins and knowing smirks.
“It’s so cute how you’ve finally began to open up, my little touch-starved Chickadee. A stripper, of all things, huh?” Nemuri laughed at the irony, and you couldn’t help but join.
“I guess that it’s time to admit that I don’t have to live my life as the Lone Wolf, anymore.”
“And finally get laid, right?” Yu said it ever so casually, and you rolled your eyes.
“Ah, leave her alone. It’s nice that those brick walls are falling down.” Rumi grinned, slinging an arm around you and you smiled.
“It’s getting late, ladies. I got to see my mom early, tomorrow. Before you leave, take some cake with you.” You admitted.
“Will do! I’ll tell her that the new guy had done the impossible, by gaining your heated stare.” Yu giggled as she wrapped an arm around Nemuri’s waist.
“Hah, Kei’s gonna have a laugh at this.” Rumi smiled as she got up, leaving for your kitchen to grab the plates and forks.
After cake was cut and eaten, and the girls hugged you and kissed your cheeks before heading out, you were now laying on your bed, face flushing furiously as your heartbeat quickened. A stripper of all things shouldn’t have done that to you. You grew up with your mom’s flirty attitude towards strangers, and from an older teen, had been working in the club in a vest, shirt, and miniskirt with low heels, being constantly flirted with.
You didn’t know what made him to be so different, but like a magnetic connection, you were pulled, and despite you loner, homebody attitude, you kind of did wanted to see more of him.
He sighed, slipping off the expensive shoes as his feet and body ached for a hot shower. She didn’t know him, but he knew somewhat about her. Although the two of them shared the same college, he’d never shared a class with her, and she had lived in the apartments that was near, but not the dorms. Yet, he seen her almost everyday while either to or from his way to classes, work, or in general.
She tried to hide it, but he knew of the little empty cans of tuna near the dumpster that kept the stray mother cat and her kittens fed, was from her. He could hear her cooing to this day, smile rivaling the sun, as she looked down at the bunch with a touch of softness, not noticing the world around her as he took the same route past the alley every day.
 Of course, he was a little intrigued. He had a sweet tooth, and despite his refusal in ever taking a bite, he wanted to drink in on what this strange woman was doing. He knew that she was busy, if the bags underneath her eyes indicated anything, and yet she still took time to do small and big things. Picking up littered cans and tossing them in the recycling bin, helping struggling students study, and he’d even seen her face at the soup kitchens, pouring generous amounts of soup into the bowls which were held in the hands of the hungry.  
All around. She was all around and yet tried to make herself small and trivial. Others didn’t really notice, but he did. He couldn’t help it. Like a little magnet, she pulled him in, and she was unaware of it. Honestly, he felt like a stalker, yet he knew that he wasn’t. She was just…all around. Existing, helping, laughing, and smiling. It cut through a crack in his dark little world.
Of course, then she graduated, and he was surprised on how much he had missed her laughter, the softness in her eyes as she handled the kittens or gave out food. He didn’t know her. Didn’t speak to her, never went to the same classes, and yet, he felt a little empty when she was gone. It boggled and irritated him.
The literal icing on top was when he had finally gotten hired, the smirking woman telling him that he had a special job, and he couldn’t help but look in surprise at the address. The same door number that he seen her excitedly rush out from while he was on his way to class, was written on the address sheet with instructions. He had already met her friends, who were surprising her on her birthday. To be honest, he was surprised that the woman had friends such as Nemuri and Yu, but he didn’t question it further, as he felt the excitement build up.
Then, he couldn’t help himself when the two of them had finally met. He suppressed a shiver. He had a no touching rule. He didn’t want to touch, and he didn’t want to be touched, but something broke in him. He wanted to be touched by those shy inquisitive fingers, wanted to be stared at so innocently, and yet so dirty, and he couldn’t help himself. She was so sweet, and he didn’t mind letting himself having a taste, for once.
He really did hope to see her again
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dickwheelie · 4 years
Oooh 4, 14, and 20 for the ship ask!!
thank you Anna! Imma do jmart because this is my house and I make the rules lmao
4. What was their relationship like before they got together?
Well I think unfortunately we all know the answer to that, lmao. For real though, I think that by s3 Jon was really starting to develop a crush on Martin, even though he wasn’t 100% aware of it yet. I think the time he spent in America before returning to the institute kind of solidified it.
At one point Jon calls Martin up while overseas to ask him to help look something up, and they end up talking about non work related stuff for like, a few hours. And even though it’s the middle of the day for Jon in the US, for Martin it gets to be pretty late. Still, Martin doesn’t want to hang up, even though he’s still kind of stuck at his desk at work. (I’m thinking of that One Scene from the Office where Jim and Pam are on the phone till late while Jim’s at the other branch.) At one point Jon hears Martin say hi to like, a janitor or someone, and he realizes the time difference. Oh god, Jon thinks, it’s like 10pm there and I’ve just been talking his ear off. And he gets all apologetic, thinking he’s being annoying and a terrible boss, but Martin says it’s fine, he’s just glad they were able to chat about something that wasn’t evil fear entities for a couple of hours. “I’ve been rambling, though,” Jon says. “Yeah,” Martin admits. “But it’s nice hearing you ramble. You sound less . . . tired. I dunno. Every time you call you sound a bit down, but today you actually sounded sort of happy.” “I--I guess I was,” Jon says, realizing that talking to Martin had made him feel better. Not in a statement way, but in a normal way. Like talking to Georgie had felt after a long day of classes and writing papers back in uni. Jon’s not quite ready to examine that feeling yet, but he can feel that there’s something there.
(Did this even answer the question? Eh who cares. My house baybee)
14. Are there any love rivals?
Can I just say love rivals is the most buck wild way to say like, romantic competition, lmao.
The best thing about jmart is that during the timeline of the show, there is absolutely no one else Jon is interested in, and absolutely no one else who is interested in Jon, and yet Martin is so jealous for absolutely no reason at all. We’ve seen it with Oliver and to some extent Georgie (she and Martin didn’t exactly get off on the best foot), but I imagine that if the apocalypse hadn’t happened and Jon and Martin got to go on normal outings and dates, Martin would make a lot of unfounded assumptions. Like anyone he thinks might be Jon’s type (which he assumes is just very attractive goths, again based on a sample size of two), he gets all suspicious of them and keeps checking in with Jon about them. Like, “Do you think that waiter meant to wink at you? Or did they just have something in their eye?” and Jon’s like “I don’t think they winked at me at all.” Of course I don’t think Martin would be like possessive or gross or anything, just worried that Jon would be charmed away from him at some point by someone more attractive, or more academically-minded, or possibly just more goth than he is. Meanwhile Jon is vaguely confused and extremely flattered that anyone’s jealous on his behalf at all.
They’d of course have to have a nice sit-down about it after a little while, but not before Jon catches on to what’s happening, and at one point makes a big show of holding Martin’s hand or kissing his cheek or something like that in front of one of Martin’s targets. Which definitely helps to assuage Martin’s concerns.
20. What does a typical date look like for them?
This is presuming a non-safehouse, non-apocalypse environment
I think the two of them are pretty traditional when it comes to dates. A nice dinner out, maybe a movie or a concert afterwards (Martin doesn’t like theater, but maybe Jon convinces him to go see something on the West End at one point), and then maybe a nice late-night walk around the city. Maybe they find a nice cozy bar and get a little drunk, and hey it’s karaoke night, why not, and Jon isn’t a bad singer, Martin realizes, especially when he’s letting himself have a little fun with it. At one point, quite a few drinks in, Jon picks a really corny, slow love song (I’m thinking Fernando by ABBA, but feel free to imagine whatever song you like, so long as it’s corny and old), and he sings it to Martin where he’s sitting across the bar. It’s definitely the booze that’s making Martin’s cheeks heat up. No other reason. And when Jon finishes the song he shouts into the microphone, “That’s my boyfriend!” loud enough to cause some audio feedback, and rushes back to join Martin at their table to the scattered, confused clapping of the other patrons.
They’re still a little tipsy by the time they get home, and they collapse messily on the sofa for a while, kissing a bit, mostly cuddling and laughing over a bit of drunken conversation. “You should sing for me more often,” Martin says, feeling bold, and Jon says, “Okay, but you have to sing to me too.” “No, no, I can’t sing.” “Nonsense,” Jon says, and he leans close into Martin’s face, “everyone can sing, ‘less they have amusia.” “A-what-a?” “A-mus-i-a,” Jon says, carefully enunciating through the alcohol. “Tone deafness. Are you tone deaf, Martin?” “No,” Martin says, giggling at Jon’s utter seriousness. “Alright then, so you can sing,” Jon says, nodding decisively. “Not really, though,” says Martin. He pokes Jon’s nose. “Not like you can.” “Don’t be ridiculous, Martin. You’re being very ridiculous right now. Stop laughing! This isn’t a laughing matter--”
They go on like that for a while. You get the idea.
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kidofthekat · 4 years
Salty Outcasts chapter 4 - Juleka
(link to masterpost).
“Hi Kagami!” Marinette called as she jogged up to the other girl and pulled out a seat next to her.
“I have already ordered your juice.”
“Thank you.” They lapsed into a comfortable silence as they waited for someone to bring them their drinks. They were sitting in a small juice bar close to the Eiffel Tower that the two had discovered a couple weeks ago. The interior was a cool relief to the burning heat outside, and although not that large, it had a selection of juices that satisfied even their very different tastes. A dark haired server brought them their juices as the girls began to talk.
“I know we normally have juice only once a week, but this is super fun. Thank you for inviting me Kagami!”
“It is my plea-”
“And you know I’ve had quite the week,” Kagami settled into her chair, awaiting the rambled rant that was coming, “Did you know that all the stores within a one mile radius from my house get delivered bananas early Saturday, today, which means they are all out on Friday’s? And that dried fruit is super expensive and only sold in whole food stores near me? Like why don’t normal supermarkets sell dried fruit?”
“They normally do, it must just be your area.” Mari-chan really went to a lot of effort for on banana.
“I know! It’s like the world is out to get me. Honestly I blame Plagg, his bad luck seems to transfer to me for no good reason, like excuse me Tikki, aren’t I meant to have good lu-ow” A harsh pinch on Marinette’s thigh snapped her out of her rant. She immediately went wide eyed at what she had said, realisation having come a little too late.
“Are you okay Mari-chan?”
Staring at Kagami for a second Marinette nodded and reached for her orange juice, hoping with her whole heart that she wouldn’t be questioned about her rant. Don’t know whether it was lucky I stopped when I did , or unlucky I started talking in the first place.
Kagami was at a loss, nothing Marinette had said made sense, but none of it had been about school either. Marinette usually wore her heart on her sleeves so why wasn’t she upset about this? She ended up deciding that for some reason or another Marinette must be too distracted to have noticed the world falling apart around her, but she wasn’t going to question what was distracting her friend as it made her job of keeping Marinette’s spirits up much easier.
“So… how is fencing recently? You have that big competition that Adrien is helping you with right?”
“Yes, it is in a months’ time from now in London, I must admit that the extra time with - ” Kagami was cut off by the ringing of Marinette’s phone playing a tune she was unfamiliar with. Apologising, Marinette picked it up and answered.
“Juleka?” Kagami put down her juice, Juleka was fake bluenette’s sister, right? “Woah, slow down. Okay. Hold on, we’ll be there in 10. Oh yeah, I’m with Kagami, she’s Adrien’s girlfriend,” oof that kinda hurt to say, Marinette shook her head and resumed speaking, “can she come? Thank you, take care!”
“That was Luka’s sister, no?”
“Yeah it was,” Marinette was already walking to the counter to pay, “She recently went through a break up, yesterday actually.” Paying the server, she pulled Kagami out of the café, “She is currently really hurt by it, and she has a right to be, so I’m gonna go and cheer her up, oh!”
Marinette suddenly stopped, causing Kagami to bump into her, “I’m sorry, I forgot to even ask if you wanted to come!”
“I will help Mari-chan, girl code and all that.” Kagami’s dead serious tone caused her friend to burst into laughter confusing her deeply. Though she shrugged it off in favour of enjoying the designers change in mood from the past few weeks, maybe their statement had been freeing to her? Those sheep definitely held Mari-chan back.
Juleka lay in her room on The Liberty feeling more alone than she could remember. Her mum had gone on the mundane task of grocery shopping and Luka had gone to find a song ‘in need’ that he had heard earlier that day.
The houseboat being unusually quiet had freaked her out a little, recently, more often than not, she had friends or kitty section over, livening the whole place up. But now, they were gone, and she didn’t think they were coming back, no matter how thought out the plan could be.
Pulling herself off the floor, Juleka trudged up from the lower deck to be greeted with the morning sun and a light breeze blowing her fringe into her eyes. Huffing, she made her way to the edge and sat on the low wall surrounding the deck with her feet dangling above the water.
Tuning out from the city noises, Juleka focused on the steady rhythm of the water below her and the swirling patterns created by passing boats. She took a deep breath and finally let herself cry, no longer holding in her hurt, knowing her friends were nearby.
Each sob was more heart-wrenching than the last to Marinette, she and Kagami had just reached the Liberty and climbed on board, their conversation drowned out by the broken goth. Kagami held back as Marinette sat beside Juleka, pulling her into a tight hug and whispering soothing words.
After a few minutes, Juleka’s sobs became small sniffles and Kagami had joined them by the boats edge.
“Thank you Marinette.”
“Please don’t thank me, just know I’ll be here whenever you need me, as will your brother and many others.”
“I don’t know, since we had the same friendship group, everyone would be torn on who to comfort anyway, and this whole Lila thing…” Juleka trailed off, her head hung low as she leaned into Marinette, looking over the river she had always called home.
Marinette had long ago realised that being Ladybug changed her ‘aura’, or, as Pollen had once put it, ‘you’re like a silent walking lullaby, everyone calms down in your presence whether or not they want to’. She also figured out that she could direct her ‘aura’, so that’s exactly what she did, focusing on the invisible mist that surrounded her and navigating it towards Juleka, though it seemed to have been a bit too strong as a yawn broke the silence.
“It’s gonna be okay, you just gotta push through and we will help you, you did nothing wrong.” As Marinette continued to encourage Juleka, Kagami got increasingly confused until she decided to speak her mind.
“I do not understand.”
“Why are you upset? Surely this is a good thing.”
“Uh, Kagami? Her girlfriend just broke up with her.”
“Yes, but her girlfriend did so because she believed a liar over her. Juleka, I believe she has done you a favour as she clearly didn’t trust you enough and trust, or so I have been told, is very important in a relationship. She saved you from wasting more ti- oh I see, you are upset that you didn’t see who she truly was earlier on.” Kagami nodded her head as if to show understanding, oblivious to the other two girls silent giggles.
“I don’t think that’s quite it.” Marinette ventured.
“But thank you Kagami.” She released herself from Marinette’s hold and gave the fencer a quick yet fierce hug.
Smiling, Marinette stood up, “come on, lets go somewhere and do something to cheer you up.”
“Juleka I’m assuming you skipped breakfast, typical of your blood type when going through a break-up, and since Marinette and I haven’t eaten either, brunch at the bakery seems good.” Kagami led them off the boat as Juleka looked to Marinette curiously.
“Blood type?”
She giggled a little as she answered, “Yeah, it’s kinda like a horoscope in Japanese culture.”
“How does she know my blood type though?”
“Maybe, another time though, your parents’ macarons sound like heaven right about now.”
Thanks for reading. Sorry it took a while but in the bright side I have finally figured out how I’m gonna write the rest of the story! Also thanks @flufflepuffle296 for proof reading, don’t know what I would do without you! Masterpost.
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millennialfangirl · 4 years
Wherever You Will Go (post AoS Dousy Fic)
Fandom: Agents of Shield Pairing: Daisy x Daniel Rating: Teen and up Word Count: 1,717
What kind of present time is the team returning to after their hard fought battle against the Chronicoms? Will Daisy get her happy ending? If Daniel has anything to say about it, he'll always find his way back to her. Is there someone out there who can bring him back to her?
(entirely inspired by the song "Wherever You Will Go," by The Calling.
Whooo boy yall. I heard this song the other day and was just struck with inspiration for Dousy.
It's also my attempt at an endgame fix-it fic of sorts regarding plotholes and the lack of Phil Coulson and Daisy Johnson in the MCU, and aos/endgame fusion if you will.
This is a multi-chap with it all plotted out, and several chapters drafted. Non-beta-ed, we die as men.
I hope you'll join me for the ride!
Ao3 Link
Chapter 1:
For a moment, silence rings throughout the Zephyr.
Daisy slumps against the wall, exhausted. The adrenaline from the final fight against Malick and the Chronicoms is starting to dissipate. 
“The Zephyr is stable. Anyone still standing, make your way to the bridge for a headcount,” Mack’s voice booms through the stillness. 
Somehow she finds the strength to make it through the corridors, the desire to see her team and make sure Daniel is safe, the only thing keeping her going. Finally, she turns the last corner and sees Coulson first. 
He turns in time to see her as she half hugs, half collapses in his arms. 
“Whoa, whoa, I got you.” 
“Did we win?”
“Yea, we won. You can rest now,” he says leading her to one of the bench seats. 
Then she’s pushing against him, fighting against his hold. 
“No, where’s Sousa? Did he make it?”
“I’m right here,” he affirms from behind her. 
Daisy feels a wave of relief at hearing his voice. She turns and finds him looking at her with a similar look of relief. 
Without thinking about the consequences or who is watching, they step toward each other, and Daisy immediately pulls him down for a kiss. He wraps his arms around her without thinking, supporting as much of her weight as he can. The kiss is life affirming and celebratory, but there’s a desperation underneath, both of them scared that the fight’s not really over, that any minute now one of them will disappear. 
“Ay Dios Mio,” Yo-yo grumbles as she passes them. 
They pull apart, faint blushes covering their cheeks. It only lasts a minute before Daisy’s putting nearly all of her weight on Daniel. In an instant, he lifts her into his arms and carries her over to the seats. He carefully sits down with her, and her head immediately finds his chest. 
“I told you so,” Mack rubs in Yo-yo’s face. 
One by one, the rest of the team filters in. Injuries are assessed and hugs are shared. 
Coulson and Mack quietly discuss their next steps.
“Everyone needs a break, and a really good night of sleep,” Mack suggests. 
“Agreed. Fortunately for us, we have all the time we need here in the temporal zone. Let them rest, eat. We can regroup in 12 hours,” Coulson tells him. 
Mack gives the order to everyone, and the team scatters. 
Daniel carefully settles Daisy onto the bed of her bunk. Methodically, he takes off her boots, and then her gauntlets. He gently sits next to her on the bed, and softly moves hair out of her bruised face. Even with the dark purple spots and cuts, she’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. 
“Heyya, Danny-boy,” she says sleepily with a half smile.
He laughs out loud and brings her hand to his lips, kissing it softly. 
“Back atcha, Quake.” 
She turns her head into her pillow and groans in embarrassment. She’s never going to forgive Mack.  
“You need to get some rest,” he prods. 
“You know, I’d normally fight you on that, but I kind of feel like I was hit by a truck.”
“You never have to pretend you’re okay with me,” he tells her earnestly, rubbing his hands up and down her arm soothingly.
“Then can I ask you to stay? I don’t want to be alone.” 
“Thank God. I don’t want to leave your side,” he answers, already sliding his shoes off and propping himself up against the headboard beside her. 
“You should lay down and get some sleep too,” she insists.
“I will. I just want to watch over you for a little while.” 
Daisy blushes, but curls herself around him and lays her head on his lap. He automatically starts running his fingers through her hair. 
“I thought you would have had enough of that by now,” she mumbles.
“Never enough,” he says softly. “Now get some sleep.” 
His gentle touch and comforting embrace lulls her to sleep within minutes. 
Daisy wakes to the smell of eggs and bacon wafting through the Zephyr. She also can’t help but notice a warm body wrapped around her. Her suspicions are confirmed when she opens her eyes and all she can see is the blue of Daniel’s shirt. That damn shirt. 
Her head is tucked under his chin, and her arms are curled up between them. She’s using one of his arms as a pillow, while his other one is holding her close. She recognizes the intimacy of the moment, how they somehow jumped a million steps, but it feels right. 
“Good morning,” she hears his deep voice mumble against her hair. 
“Possibly the best one since 1931.” 
She nuzzles further into him, and wraps an arm around his waist, pulling him closer. 
“Definitely the best,” he confirms.
“As much as I would like to stay here and fall right back to sleep, I’m starving, and I can smell Coulson cooking breakfast.” 
“Oh no, I better get out of your way before you quake me,” he mocks. 
“The square has jokes, huh?”
“A few.”
He’s blushing when he leans over to kiss her softly. Her hand finds a home in his hair, and she kisses him back. His hand starts gliding up and down her spine, and without thinking, she gives more over to the kiss. She nibbles his lip, and he moans, causing her to stop, but he follows her quickly with his tongue, surprising her. From there, it’s a blur, both of them becoming heated. His fingertips are just grazing her stomach under her tank top when a loud knocking interrupts them. 
“Daisy...Coulson has food ready. C’mon before it gets cold,” Jemma informs her from behind the door. She’s quiet for a moment before continuing. “And bring Sousa with you.” 
Both of them are catching their breaths as they stare at each other, not flushed with embarrassment, but longing. 
“That wasn’t funny,” Daisy says staring up at him with emotion.
“No. It wasn’t funny at all,” he replies, voice thick with the same emotion. He caresses her cheek softly. “Let’s get you some food.”
Daisy agrees and lets him pull her out of bed. They decide to part ways to freshen up and change clothes before facing the new day. 
Everyone is gathered around the common area near the small kitchen galley. Daisy can hear the laughter as she comes down the hall from her bunk. It looks like she’s the last to arrive as she spots Daniel sitting at the table. On the opposite side, she catches the tail end of Mack’s story that has them all giggling.    
“And then she did a full on superhero landing, right in front of hundreds of people, live on t.v.”
“She totally outed herself as Quake,” Jemma says, leaning over to show Daniel a picture on her phone. 
He’s laughing along with everyone else when she clears her throat and makes her presence known. 
“I see how it’s gonna be. Should I bring up the Jasper Sitwell incident?” she threatens while leaning against the cabinets. 
Jemma jerks her phone away. “Oh, don’t be a spoil sport.”
“If it makes you feel any better, Tremors, we started off by telling him about how you saved our lives that day.”
Daisy grumbles as she starts to pour some coffee. “So what other dirty laundry have you aired, Mack Hammer?”
“Well, I have seen the,” Daniel pauses and looks to Jemma, “what did you call it? The goth phase?”
“Jemma!” Daisy shrieks.
“I’m sorry! We got carried away telling stories.”
“I think my favorite hair is the purple streak,” Daniel adds. 
Daisy just face-palms.
 “Okay, okay. Sousa, I’ve been dying to ask you for some SSR stories,” Coulson intervenes. 
Daniel dives into a hilarious anecdote about Howard Stark and one of his inventions. As Daisy prepares her plate and sits down next to Daniel, she soaks in the peacefulness. From there, the conversation flows from one war story to another, some hilarious, some sad. 
Long after their plates are emptied, they’re still going at it. 
“Wait a minute, wait a minute...Thor’s real?” Daniel asks, shocked. 
All of the girls nod and sigh, and Jemma pipes up, “I think I’ve got a picture!”
Jemma immediately pulls up a photo to show Daniel.
“You sure did find that awfully fast,” Fitz grumbles. 
Daniel looks and his eyebrows raise. “That's...impressive.” 
Daisy nearly chokes on her cold coffee, Daniel’s word choice reminding her of their conversation in the time loop. Yo-yo and May try to lean over and catch a glimpse too.
“Oh, jeez. C’mon guys. He’s not that dreamy,” Coulson whines. 
“As much as I would love this particular conversation to continue, we do have some difficult things to talk about, like when we’re going home?” Jemma suggests as she puts her phone away. Everyone chimes in as they all start discussing problems back home.
“Hold on, hold on,” Coulson butts in. “Maybe we shouldn’t rush. You all deserve to have a break, and we have plenty of food. We all need to heal. We don’t know what we’ll be going home to.” 
“I suppose it wouldn’t hurt. We really have all the time in the world here,” Fitz responds. 
The conversation drifts from there, everyone sharing the various things they’re looking forward to doing when they get home. Discreetly, Daniel takes Daisy's hand under the table. 
Not discreetly enough that May and Coulson both don’t notice. Coulson leans into May as they continue to watch their friends, family really, talk about happier things. 
“He’s good for her,” he says with a hint of remorse.
“He is. I can feel his affection for her. It’s genuine,” May observes. 
Coulson goes silent as he watches on. 
“It’s more than you just wanting the team to have a break, isn’t it, Phil. What aren’t you saying?” May asks looking at him stoically. 
Coulson sighs and rubs his hand down his face. 
“You know how I had to go into the time stream to destroy it...well I saw a lot of future timelines. They all had one thing in common,” he says before pausing and looking at Sousa grinning from ear to ear at Daisy. 
“Daniel Sousa has to go back to 1955, or else he’ll cease to exist.” 
Thanks for reading! Comments are treasured!!!
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nodesiretogrowup · 4 years
“I have numerous science-based questions” I mean, same. It also sets up that Huey is gonna be out of his element this episode
“I AM THAT CHAMPION.” A bit full of yourself there. I couldn’t hear this line without saying “I’M. THAT. HERO.” Oh VeggieTales, you’ll always be with me
I like that Louie does a finger gun when Scrooge gets to him
Like I said earlier, I DO NOT care Scrooge already putting pressure on these kids
Poor Dewey seems like he’s the unfavorite, which is probably how Donald felt as well
Huey makes a good point and I do NOT like how dismissive Scrooge is of the twins
That being said...they totally killed someone in battle
Why didn’t Launchpad crash? I know he can land w/o crashing but it’s usually when he lands in water. THIS FEELS IMPORTANT SOMEHOW though it probably isn’t
Birds with beards look odd
“Yeah, sure. Of course.” Poor Huey, magic and mythology aren’t his strong point
I love that it says Odin’s Closet over the shirts. It’s the little details
“Guess Louie knows what Louie’s doing today.” And then he disappears into the shirts. I can appreciate someone who knows what they’re about
I want ALL the shirts from this episode!
“WHOA, IT’S WRESTLING!” He looks so dang happy, it’s ADORABLE
“THIS IS AWESOME!” Chanting is fun
“So these guys just copied professional wrestling?” Huey, you’re form of logic is not welcome here
Does that mean Scrooge told someone about his battles and inspired them to create pro wrestling? I’m gonna go with that
“And they will love me for it!” Dewey, sweetie, that’s only how it works half the time
I loved all the man-snake stuff. Made me giggle
Man snake be THICC. HOT DAMN
I love the little pig ref. HE’S SO CUTE
Jormungandr knows how to pump up a crowd
So, like, is everyone in the audience technically DEAD?! That makes this episode slightly darker. I dig it
 I wonder if Jormungandr sees Earth’s destruction as a good thing for Earth. Like if he genuinely thinks they’d be better off in Valhalla. Or if he’s just a bastard who wants to watch the world burn
Scrooge is a bit too into playing the heel
The way Scrooge moves and the faces he makes as the Millionaire Miser remind me of Glomgold
“I watch a lot of wrestling while I fly.” “Wait, while?” This exchange always cracks me up
“Uncle Scrooge is the greatest hero of all time.” “Huh, I guess not everyone thinks so.” I feel like this is foreshadowing later events
RIP Announcer Puffin
“DIBS ON ANNOUNCING!” A dude just got KO’d bro! Have a bit of respect
And the return of the dynamic sports announcer duo. Glad Huey got his badge
Strongbeard is DOPE
“How did you know that?” “Just calling it like I see it. WRESTLING!” The real reason Launchpad knows is because he’s actually Thor but doesn’t remember. I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL
“What matters is I’m doing the right thing.” I don’t know, you really seem to enjoy being a heel
This whole match is great
Dewey, there ARE NO RULES IN WRESTLING. Plus you aren’t the ref, so you can’t make that call
I have very inappropriate jokes go through my head when only one arm absorbs the beard energy
“I am so confused.” CONSTANT MOOD
I like that Scrooge dives onto him the same way he dives into his bin
LP is so excited he pushes Huey out of the way for NO REASON
All the bone cracking in this episode made me uncomfortable, as in my bones hurt during it
“He is such a good guy.” I’d say he’s a fair guy, not necessarily a good guy
“Which two of you will fight for me?” Webby has been waiting for this moment her WHOLE LIFE
Louie, always taking time to make that money
Who gave him a shirt cannon?!
I love that the dude comes up wearing the shirt
Dewey just slaps Scrooge in the face
Champ POPular! Too cute! I love his hair and outfit. Though I don’t think Champ POPular’s “too popular to hate.” If anything he might annoy people due to his popularity
I thought he was gonna pull out yo-yos as his “finishing touch” and I was sad when it was lollipops even though that makes more sense. BRING BACK THE YO-YOS!
“Do all the fighting and make sure he doesn’t die.” That is a valid concern
Huey taking notes is adorable
“Just in time for the tag-team round.” “Wait, they’re playing tag now?! MAN!” I love how Danny says MAN
How does Huey not know what a tag-team is? It’s a pretty common term
I love Launchpad’s reading face
Dewey has red, blue, and green lollipops. Cute
“HE’S THROWING LOLLIPOPS BECAUSE HE THINKS WE’RE SUCKERS!” That took me off guard and I laughed so hard
“I’ve known you my whole life, I kinda knew how this would play out.” Louie is genre savvy. Perhaps too savvy. He’s gonna figure out he’s in a tv show
“More like Champ POP..ulation zero because he has no friends...in Friendtown.” I fail to see how that was any worse than LP’s “more like Champ UN-POPular.”
“WE HATE YOU NOW!” Tough crowd
Huey’s face after that. I just want to pinch his lil cheeks
It TOTALLY went over my head that they censored Hela with Hecka (at least they used her better than the MCU did. WE COULD HAVE HAD SO MUCH BETTER)
I would let her pin me to the mat and crush my skull in
“Oh, COME ON, THIS is what you like?! A creepy goth and her pet dog!” SHUT UP, DEWEY, THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I WANT! I’m surprised Webby didn’t slap him for the “creepy goth” comment seeing as Lena is goth and misunderstood
Poor Huey, he’s doing his best. Hope he takes a shower later because he got pretty sweaty
Why did Huey have all those corn puns?
“YOU’RE THE WORST! YOU’RE THE WORST!” It’s just not Huey’s day
“You don’t have to try to make it sound great, it already is.” Did this remind anyone else of Dewey’s “don’t overthink it” advice to Launchpad from Double-O Duck? He’s doing his best to help Huey
Poor Dewey
“EMBRACE YOUR INNER HEEL!” Cuz being a heel is fun!
I like that Fenny has knee pads on
“A classic ‘who’s a good boy?’ gambit!” AND I’D FALL FOR IT TOO! SUCH A GOOD BOI
“Wait, am I the Launchpad here?” Bitch, you WISH
“YOU CAN’T GIVE CANDY TO A DOG!” This is why you don’t have a pet, Dewey
“WHOA, back from THE DEAD for the QUEEN of the DEAD!”
Kind of a dick move, Louie
Jormungandr looks like a Masters of the Universe knock-off toy
“With a toxic personality” I think you’re projecting a bit, Jormungandr 
How does Huey not know what a battle royale is? That is a very common term! Hell, there is a well known book and movie with that title!
“I’m just a humble, noble snake man of the people.” Why does the term snake man make me laugh so much?  
Dewey needs a hug! And some therapy would probably be a good idea
Scrooge’s speech started on a good note then went downhill FAST
“And lastly, I’ll use the dust of your bones as sweetener in my tea.” DAMN
SHE GAVE HIM THE CHAIR! I think this CONFIRMS Beakley as a wrestling fan
“I know we’re supposed to take over for Scrooge one day, but do you ever wonder if maybe we’re not cut out for it?” YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE TO WONDER THOSE THINGS AT ALL! 
“Be LP” My new mantra
Aw, Louie sees Dewey as a hero. Like how LP saw Drake as a hero. I think @drakepad is onto something, this scene and the fight scene seem WAAAAY too much like Drake’s intro to be just a coincidence
I keep saying this, but Louie should consider a career in motivational speaking. He knows what people need to hear
“Let’s do this!” “I don’t know.” “Let’s Dewey this?” “I’m in.”
“I’LL SHED YOUR SKIN FOR YOU!” If he hadn’t of had an old man back moment that would have been a BRUTAL CUT
OMG WAS LAUNCHPAD WEARING THAT THE WHOLE TIME? You see his clothes fly off when he jumps in the ring
“Whoa. In a COMPLETELY UNEXPECTED TWIST, the announcer was Captain Crash THIS WHOLE TIME!” LP does underground wrestling matches in his spare time, TELL ME I’M WRONG
“YOUR CATCHPHRASES ARE FORCED!” I agree, Dewey could have done WAY BETTER
I like Louie just GLARING at the dude who insulted Dewey’s catchphrase
LP looks so proud of Huey
“I don’t care at all, why should I?” Methinks the snake man doth protest too much
I like how Jormungandr’s pupils are thinner during the climax. It shows off his true nature
Dewey should have been the one to do a spin attack, ya know, cuz he’s Sonic? I’ll go now
“The Pop never Stops.” That was better
I LEGIT thought Strongbeard was gonna throw Dewey his axe and I was like Dewey wouldn’t be able to lift that
I like the ice pack on Launchpad’s head. Just because he can take a lot of damage doesn’t mean that LP is immune to pain
I like that the crowd CHANGED THEIR BANNERS! Nice
LP tearing up
“A true people’s hero” I feel like that phrase will come back in relation to other characters (cough DW cough)
Scrooge is such a little shit, it’s kind of adorable
This was a SUPER FUN EPISODE! I couldn’t really tell where they were going and I LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT! I wish we had gotten Huey in some wrestling gear but maybe next time. I like the message that doing the right thing isn’t always popular but I kind of feel like Dewey getting the crowd on his side muddled the message somewhat. Poor Dewey needs therapy or something so he doesn’t feel like he needs CONSTANT approval. Again, he’s 11 YEARS OLD and shouldn’t be put into such a serious position. LP was VIP this episode. I’m bummed we’re on hiatus again, but WHAT an episode to end on!
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sweet-royalty · 4 years
I Don’t Want to Make You Feel Uncomfortable
Summary: Roman wanted to dedicate a song to Virgil on a karaoke night but is afraid his Social Anxiety will make him not enjoy this so much
Genre: Songfic
Word Count: 1,467
Pairing: Romantic Prinxiety
Content: Karaoke; Tooth-Rotting Fluff; No Angst; Just Pure Fluff; Genderqueer Roman (They/Them); Brazilian Roman and Remus; Morally Neutral Remus; POC Sides; Song: Still Into You (Paramore); Portuguese written with no translation
Trigger Warning:  Implied/Referenced Drug Use and Addiction; Cocaine; Juul;
Ao3 Link
Wattpad Link
The lights on the club were blindly bright and Virgil was not comfortable with this at all. He tried to sit as far from the crowd as possible so he wouldn’t deal with all those self-absorbed people staring at the weird black goth there, more than they were already.
- Urgh, of all places why the fuck did you brought me here, Roman? - he mumbled with himself wondering where his partner could be.
They went to get some drinks and Virgil asked to stay waiting but he was starting to get anxious. What if they never come back!? What if they got lost!? What if some weirdo spiked their drink and they fainted on their way and Roman was kidnapped!? What if-
- Helloooo – Roman’s voice gladly interrupted his thoughts with an angel voice and a kiss on the cheek. Virgil immediately sighed in relief and snatched the drink from their hands taking a long sip from the straw
Roman giggled.
- I’m sorry, this place isn’t as good as I thought it would be. I saw some good reviews on it but this place is full of snob people.
- It sure is… - Virgil grunted.
- We can go home if you want-
- No way! You spent your money on it – Virgil laid his head on the latine’s shoulder and took another sip - I’m not letting it be on waste. Let’s stay for a while.
Roman smiled as they also laid their head on him. Feeling those soft hair locks on their cheeks and his shampoo smell was so relaxing that they almost forgot about where they were… Well, both of them.
Virgil’s hand slowly reached Roman’s as he closed his eyes just feeling their warmth on him. If it wasn’t for the crowded space, this would be a perfect relaxing time. Why didn’t they just stayed home watching some random Disney movies until falling asleep like they always do? It would be so good… Just the two of them.
- Well… There’s another reason why I brought you here, actually – Roman said scratching their neck nervously.
- Oh, yeah? – Virgil arched his eyebrow with a small smile – What is it, Ro?
- Well... I know how nervous you are with crowds but there’s something I’ve always wanted to do for you and I didn’t know how because I know how anxious you get around other people… - they took a deep breath that filled the goth with curiosity – It’s karaoke night and I wanted to dedicate a song to you BUT don’t worry, I’m not announcing it or anything! – Roman started to avoid Virgil’s eye contact at this point, too scared that their boyfriend would be mad at him or even disappointed. Their green eyes staring their own lap – I know you’d feel desperate if everyone started to look at you or if I announced your name in front of them but… I’ve always wanted to sing something for you just to say how much I love you so-
- Hey, your majesty… - Virgil smiled at them, turning their head to look at him while rubbing his thumb on their cheek – You are the loveliest dumbass I’ve ever met, you know that? You didn’t have to plan all of this for me, I’m not even worth all this effort-
- Yes, you are! – Roman frowned at him - Out of all people you’re the most worthy of any effort I can make and I’ll not accept you saying otherwise!
He scoffed, sealing his lips on Roman’s gently. That hopeless Disney royalty would never fail to try and make something big and elaborate to that embodied nightmare, and he’d never complain about it.
- You’ll never learn, huh?
- You should know that brazilians never give up, my love – they winked mischievously, making him smile
- Pff, yeah I can totally see that. Well, go there then, make this night worth it
- Glad you said it, because I’m the next one to sing and I need to get ready! – They kissed Virgil’s forehead before rushing off – I’ll be right back!
Virgil waited anxiously until he heard his partner’s name being called.
That beautiful human coming up the stage with the spotlight illuminating their light brown hair, Roman’s eyes landing on him followed by that heart-melting smile. He wished he could be mad at Roman for dragging him to this stupid place just to sing a song for him… But he couldn’t… He could never.
"It's not a walk in the park to love each other But when our fingers interlock Can't deny, can't deny you're worth it ‘Cause after all this time I'm still into you"
He smiled. Virgil would never guess this type of song for Roman but his voice somehow fitted wonderfully with this song. And the goth boy found the lyrics perfect for them.
"I should be over all the butterflies But I'm into you (I'm into you) And, baby, even on our worst nights I'm into you (I'm into you) Let 'em wonder how we got this far ‘Cause I don't really need to wonder at all Yeah, after all this time I'm still into you"
Well, he could reciprocate with this part a lot. The butterflies he was feeling at that exact moment were the best proof to it. If they were a Disney character they should be the one with the best and most powerful song and he was sure that Roman would ace on it like literally everything they do. He would never admit it but Virgil could stand there and listen to Roman sing all night long, no matter what.
That voice, that dedication, that love they give to their own work like a blacksmith forging a sword to a god… He was in love with it. He was in love with every single aspect of that proud, stubborn and perfect human.
They were both SO into each other.
Roman came back to Virgil cuping his face into their hands and kissing him, while feeling the embrace of his arms around their waist. They touched each other's foreheads, Roman was gliding their thumb on the black shiny skin looking deeply in his eyes.
- So… What did you think?
- You tried to find an emo music, right?
Roman laughed, now putting their arms around Virgil’s neck.
- Yeah, I did
- Well, you failed miserably because Paramore is not emo anymore but it was a lovely song and I could see the meaning you gave to it so... – he kissed them again – I loved it, baby
- Haha, well at least I tried
They were about to kiss each other again when Roman’s cellphone started to ring making them sulk in frustration
They answered it and sat beside Virgil
– Hello? – Roman sulked after hearing the answer – Que foi, rato de esgoto!?
“Oh, they’re speaking portuguese” Virgil thought “It’s probably, Remus”
- E quem disse que eu sei onde tá essa porra!? REMUS, EU TÔ COM VIRGIL PARA DE LIGAR PRA FALAR MERDA!
- Uhhh... Is everything ok? – Virgil didn’t know portuguese but all this time with the twins were enough for him to learn that hearing “porra” and “merda” meant that someone is cursing, and that someone was Roman
After a few seconds of silence Roman put their phone back on their pocket mumbling furiously about how Remus is a “puto nojento” which means double angry, not in portuguese, but in Roman language.
- He hung up in my face, that stupid asshole!
- What’s wrong, Ro?
- Urgh, Remus is doing drugs again in our apartment and asked me if I knew where his... – Roman stopped looking around as if searching for something - Uhhhhhh… His… - they started to snap their fingers, nervously - Caralho, qual o nome desta merda em inglês? … Uhhhhh you know that thing people use to smoke but is not really a cigarette!? Like an… e…letric thing? Eletronic? I don’t know…
- … A juul?
- YEAH, THIS THING! He asked me if I knew where it was and when I said I didn’t know, because I don’t mess with this stuff, he said he was going look for it in my bedroom! BUT IT'S NOT IN MY BEDROOM, DAMNIT!
- Oh… I see…
They sulked really hard throwing their back behind to lay in the wall.
- I don’t know what to do with him at this point
- Well, maybe we should go home then. We have our own things to take care of – He said, fixing on his jacket and getting up.
- Yeah… Sorry about it, little nightshade
- Eh, it’s fine, your majesty – he kissed them quickly, holding their hand – Next time we’ll go to my place and binge something on Netflix, deal?
Roman smiled and rubbed their noses together before getting up.
- Deal.
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