#maybe you can tell (ex: nova)
eiseryn · 8 months
Soul colour quiz
My friend and mutual @tomatoderby was doing this and tagged me so I did my best here. It seemed interesting XD
I unfortunately don't have anyone to tag but if you stumble on this then feel free to do so :) I tag you, the person viewing it, if you haven't done it yet.
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"Fluffy clouds. Gentle breezes. Greek islands. Your soul is sky: a symbol of freedom, hope, and limitless possibilities. You move through life with a lightness and joy, your spirit open and expansive. Your presence brings a breath of fresh air, refreshing and invigorating those around you. You embody optimism and dreams, encouraging others to look beyond their horizons and believe in the boundless potential within them. Your approach to life is carefree yet thoughtful, finding beauty in the vast and the infinite. In your eyes, the world is a canvas of opportunities, ready to be painted with the colors of your imagination."
I'm pleasantly surprised because sky blue is probably my favourite colour of blue! :) You can tell I like it lot based on the theme colours of lots of my main OCs... I really like blue in general. But I've always been particularly drawn to the sky and I really like watching it/ taking pictures of it. When I go to places I often look at the sky and see the colour. Sometimes my mood is instantly uplifted just by seeing a blue sky and fluffy white clouds! Although the blurb seems a bit more hopeful and ethereal than I've been feeling as of late, I imagine this is my soul colour if my head wasn't full of thoughts 😅
Credit for the images (shout out to tomatoderby for helping me find some haha 🤣) I tried but some of them might not the original owners :/
Blue door from Ren on pinterest
Sky picture with clouds from siz on pinterest
Popsicle from Tamara Groj on pinterest
Nemophila by chuck b. on flickr
crater lake by Shutterbug Fotos on flickr
snowy desert drive by Grand canyon national park on flickr
Aquamarine by Orbital Joe on flickr
Blue oranges from this tumblr post
I spent too long on this 🤡🤡🤡 gotta get back to work now. It was too fun orz
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sparklemotiongalaxy · 2 months
A Vague Reason
Another Eriverse fic I thought was a good idea to write. Very short. Featuring Yinu with Kento Nanami (note: I have not read Jujutsu Kaisen, so I got Kento's personality from the wiki. Sorry if I messed him up in any capacity.)
Yes, the title is a reference to the soundtrack I found.
As always, the Eriverse AU is by @erigold13261!
"PLEEEASE!" "…I don't play the piano." "I know. But Mama told me you can."
With the Whitebloom Piano right in front of him, the person in front of Yinu sighed. He fixates his gaze on the piano, then back towards Yinu. Kento was here, and it felt strange for Yinu. Kento was someone she couldn't get. Even though he was supposed to be the half cousin of Dodo, she still didn't have the chance to properly talk to him. Dodo didn't even tell her that he had a cool half cousin! Well, until today. Kento was in the Spinose home because Yinu wanted a playmate who was not Peni. Sure, Yinu liked Peni. Kit was a great person to hang around with. But kit liked robots, and Yinu liked music. So Yinu wanted a friend who liked music, her type of music. So Mama brought in Kento. Maybe she thought he was better than someone who accidentally made Yinu smoke, hanged out with Ex-Jay, or stole ice cream from Professor Nova. At least Kento was really nice to Catherine. But this was awkward.
Yinu had no idea just who Kento was. But she can have him play the piano! It's a quick and great way to bond! Mama said she heard one of his friends say that he can! Yinu decides to use her ultimate move, her puppy eyes. "Please?" Kento sighed, even heavier this time. He now has a scowl on his face. "I have not gotten my hands on playing the piano for years. I have zero idea what Haibara told your mother, but I assure that my skill in the piano is nothing compared to yours." As Yinu thought about changing the topic to something else, he softens up. No more scowls. "However, it would be a shame to let you down. I'm going to play a song I was made to compose." "Hooray! You can sit here, and play." Yinu takes his hand, and guides him to the stool. "I already understand."
He sits down. Takes a deep breath, and puts his hands on the keys.
Yinu finds herself closing her eyes. He starts to play. Just pressing the same keys. In the same manner. An addition of repeating four sounds, rising. Soft and calming. Crescendo. A blossom.
For some reason, Yinu felt like a large hand cupping hers. Papa?
More rising, but more keys. He was using both his hands to the fullest extent. Up and away. Rising and falling. Like the lapping waves. Then. Quiet. Less sounds. Just pressing sounds. More of the sounds. The same chords, but in different ways.
Back to the same four notes. But with more background chords. Ending with a high note.
She swore she smelt the ocean.
Yinu opens her eyes. Kento looks back, and is… startled. At least, he looks at you with his eyes fairly widened. "Was my piano sound that foul?" It was then that Yinu found herself with her cheeks wet. Yinu takes out a handkerchief from her pocket, and dabs it around her face. When was the last time she even cried like this?
"No! It was… like the ocean. Quiet, but suddenly loud. Simple like the waves, but always changing. I liked it. Papa and Mama would like it very much too." Kento once again is back looking at the piano's keys. His fingers touch the keys, but not making sound. "Strange you think it feels like the ocean. I was thinking about all the things that got me to this point. All the choices I did not make, all the things I wish I did. The reasons, the excuses I made up." One thing she knew about Kento, was that he managed to get himself to Neuva York along with his friend Yu, but managed to get out with Peni and nyan friends. He probably had sure lot of regrets. "… does any of that have to do with the ocean?" Kento does not sigh. Yinu is unable to read his expressions with his entire body facing the piano like that. "Maybe. After all, my surname Nanami means 'Seven Ocean' if you take the kanji's meaning literally." "And you like the ocean?" "You seem to be fixated on that topic, but yes. I do." "Cool! Let's go someday!" It would be nice to make an album with beach themed songs. Then she could find some time to go. "Honestly Peni would be a better candidate." "But you're cool, I guess." "… thank you. And let's get your face cleaned before I get suspected of abuse." Yinu decides to ask her Mama to have more playdates with Kento.
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quetzalpapalotl · 1 year
maybe a weird ask but do you happen to have a reading list for arcee in idw1? my friend loves arcee but i dont want to make her go through all of idw1 to see her akshdjbdjx
Hi! Sorry for the delay! Not weird at all! I love these kind of questions. And I was thinking of making one anyway bc Squiggle suggested it, so this is the push I needed to get to that. And this is my girl we're talking about, I need to get everyone to read about her.
A few things of note, I write this guide assuming the reader has not read any IDW1. I will focus only on things that feature Arcee, so by following this you will be lacking a lot of context for the continuity, I will try to provide context for the bigger picture, but if there's something that doesn't make much sense just push through it (or ask!)
Unlike the IDW Optimus reading guide, I'm actually going to list every issue with Arcee in it (hopefully I don't forget any), because even doing so, you still end up with less reading material. Tho, you don't have to read every single one.
However, I will be asking you to read all of Ex-Robots in Disguise and its sequel Optimus Prime. While Arcee was a very minor character previous to this, she is a main character in those series, in fact she's the one who most consistently shows up from beggining to end. As such, I cannot tell you to just read the issues Arcee is in, it would be like skipping episodes of a tv series, you need the whole context. Besides, these comics are very thematic and mostly everything that's brought up is meant to feed the larger picture. And Arcee ends up being the thesis statement character of the whole thing. Being the best character in all of IDW1 (I'm serious), I think she's worth reading it all.
Spotlight: Arcee by Simon Furman
Well... okay, you may have heard that this issue which introduces Arcee's character is very transmisogynistic, that would be correct. I'm not comfortable telling anyone to read with without at least a warning. In the story Arcee's unique gender is said to be the result of mad scientist Jhiaxus experimenting on her, which makes everyone instinctually refer to her as "she" and made her an unstable, crazy murdered. Unfortunatelly, this will be the basis for Arcee's character. Later Barber will tackle the issues with this story and recontextualize it with the help of Jenevieve Frank, a trans woman. The retconned story will be that gender previously existed on Cybertron but was forgotten (tho, it's still present in the colonies) and Arcee is a trans woman who voluntary had Jhiaxus perform gender reassignment on her, but she ended up being the victim of malpractice. Barber will also expand on Arcee's character, her backstory, wants and motivations, so she's not just reduced to a bad surgery. However, Spotlight: Arcee can still be an uncomfortabel read. So if you don't wanna read it just read the wiki summary for it.
Spotlight: Cyclonus Spotlight: Hardhead Spotlight: Doubledealer Spotlight: Sideswipe (or all published together as Revelation) by Simon Furman
These 4 spotlights work as a miniseries, but Arcee only shows up in one page in Cyclonus and one page in Hardhead, which show her tracking down Jhiaxus, and in like 4 pages in Sideswipe, where she finally gets her hands on the guy. You may just want to skim to those pages. Althought it may be worth readin the whole thing just because the Dark Universe stuff will keep showing up. If you don't want to read it the whole thing (fair), this story is about uncovering what's up with Nova Prime and his crew (Jhiaxus, Cyclonus, Galvatron, etc), who dissappeared 6.2 million years ago when they left on an expansionist mission. Turns out they ended in a dimension called The Dark Universe which made them more or less zombies and unable to survive in this dimension for long periods if they don't return to the Dark Universe and empowered Nova-now-Nemesis with "The Heart of Darkness". They want to bring the "Darkness" to this Universe and rule it with Cybertron at the center. The Autobots fight to stop them and succed. Arcee gets to kill Jhiaxus over and over again thanks to the immortality he gets from being in the space between dimensions. Hardhead is there.
Heart of Darkness #1 and 2 by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning
In this 4 issue mini-series, Galvatron turns out to have survived previous events thanks to the Heart of Darkness, finds out that D-Void, the embodiment of the Dark Universe, is planning to kill everything in this universe and uses the powers of the Heart of Darkness to raise an army from corpses to stop it. I don't reccomend it and the art can get uncanny, but Arcee shows up in the first two issues.
The Transformers (2009 ongoing) #28 and 30 by Mike Costa (and James Roberts)
This is the Chaos event that follows up on Heart of Darkness. It runs though issues #24 26, 28, 30, but Arcee only shows up in the last two and it'll probably be very confusing since we skipped the entire Costa ongoing. The rundown is that Galvatron attacks Cybertron in order to get to the Vector Sigma at the core and fuse it with the Heart of Darkness to stop D-Void. To no-one's surprise, The Heart of Darkness is part of D-Void and Galvatron was being manipulated by it so that it can come into thi universe and kill everything. It creates an amalgamation of the Decepticons and Galvatron's sweeps to fight, but Megatron keept that occupied while Optimus and co. get to the core of the planet. In the end, Optimus uses the Matrix to purify Vector Sigma, which breaks the Matrix in half.
The Death of Optimus Prime by James Robers and John Barber
Optimus wakes up to a rejuvenated Cybetron after the events of Chaos. Arcee doesn't show up in this, but it will establish certain things important to understand what's next, so I recommend reading it. Also, IMO the quality goes way up from everything listed before.
Robots in Disguise #1-9 (volumes 1 and 2) by John Barber
Finally we get to the good stuff (unless you skipped everything until now). With the war over and Optimus and Rodimus gone, Bee tries create a functioning society among the tensions between the Autobots, Decepticons and newly-arrived neutrals. It's not going great. After the therapeutic experience that was getting to kill Jhiaxus over and over again, Arcee comes to work for Prowl in the shadows. Her character finally displays some interiority. She also sort of gets retconned to never having been an official Autobot.
Robots in Disguise annual by John Barber
Arcee doesn't show up in this, but the coming events will probably be confusing if you don't read this. We also get flashbacks to the Cybetronian past which will come in handy later.
Robots in Disguise #10-22 (volumes 3, 4 and 5) by John Barber
Megatron, who hasn't been seen since his fight with the amalgamation in Costa's ongoing, returns, which isn't good news for the fragile peace. Things get set up for the Dark Cybertron event. Arcee gets lot of cool moments here and her motivations become more clear. I want to highligh issue #18 as it featured her in the narration and we get to learn a lot about her point of view.
Dark Cybertron (volumes 1 and 2) by John Barber and James Roberts
A crossover betwen RID and MTMTE. It comprises a first issue released on its own, 10 issues that alternate betwen being published as MTMTE and EXRID and a final issue also published on its own. Rather than switching between ongoing, it's easier to read it all in the 2 compiled volumes. Shockwave sets up a very comvoluted plan for nefarious purposes. If you haven't read Mtmte you may wonder who half these people are, but having read RID (and even more if you read the Revelation spotlights listed at the beginning) you'll be far less confused than someone who has only read Mtmte trying to read this. Arcee gets some baddass moments.
Robots in Disguise #28-34 (volume 6) by John Barber
The Earthfall arc where, after the events of Dark Cybertron, Optimus gets a team to return to Earth following a message from Alpha Trion. Arcee asks Optimus to let her tag along. Tensions rise between Optimus and Prowl and Earth may not be so happy to see them.
The Transformers #35-#38 (volume 7) by Jonh Barber
Due to the coming release of the Robots in Disguide 2015 cartoon, Barber's ongoing had its subtitle dropped, becoming just The Transformers, hence why the fandom calls the entire ongoing ex-RID. It inherited the numberation of RID despite the new name, but you may not find its issues listed under the previous name in some sites, look for The Transformers (2014) in that case. We check back on Cybertron, learn more about Cybertron's past and then get to the Onyx Interface arc. Optimus returns to Cybertron and leaves Prowl in charge, but not without asking Arcee to keep an eye on him. Prowl doesn't seem to be all that reasonable and Arcee has her own ideas.
Combiner Wars by John Barber and Mairghread Scott
A crossover similar to Dark Cybertron but with the Windblade series instead of Mtmte and it takes one volume. Arcee doesn't show up, but I wouldn't recommend skipping it as some important stuff happens which I think is better to read for oneself than rely on other's people's opinion. But either way, have a summary: Metroplex's spacebridge is now operational, which means they can open a portal to Caminus, Windblade's reason for coming to Cybertron since her planet is in dire need of resources. Starscream is eager to help them out as it will mean the planet will be in debt to him and is more people to have influence over. Windblade and Optimus are worried about Starscream getting and empire, but since they don't want to stage a coup, they decide to use Optimus status as Prime (figures religiously venerated in Caminus) to combat Starscream's plot (I'm sure this won't get to OP's head later). Prowl thinks they're cowards, he thinks Starscream spreading his hands on Caminus will lead to him doing the same with the other colony words, establishing a new Cybertronian Empire and then expanding it to the rest of the galaxy. Prowl thinks Starscream should be stopped at all costs even if it means destroying the spacebridge and leaving all Camiens to starve to death. A bunch of stuff happens, including: Starscream sending Swindle and Menasor to attack Caminus so he can save it and get more clout. Prowl using Devastator to destroy the spacebridge and being stopped by Superion and Defensor, losing an eye in the process and getting arrested. Starscream using the enigma to replace Prowl in Devastator with Scoop. Rattrap setting Menasor on Caminus again and freeing Prowl. Four combiners fighting on Caminus' ground to which Prowl adds another one by using the enigma to combine himself with Optimus and others in other to have him see his way. And ultimately Prowl is arrested again (and it doesn't stick, again).
The Transformers #42-#44 (volume 8 minus the last issue) by John Barber
Optimus and Prowl have a chat, it doesn't go well. But while they are busy on Cybertron, Arcee is now the de-facto leader of the Autobots on Earth and deals with Galvatron, but just like her predecessors, she makes a quick trip back to Cybertron. Issue #44 is once again narrated by her and lets us see her perspective on Cybertron's current situation.
Combiner Hunters by Mairghread Scott
And one-shot where Arcee tries to steal the enigma of combination, putting her at odds with Windblade and Chromia. We get to see some nice interactions between them and some very nice art of Arcee in her dark deco.
Sins of the Wreckers by Nick Roche
A mini series that's a sequel of sorts to Last Stand of the Wreckers from phase one. It will make much more sense if you have read that one and LSotW it's considered one of best things to come out of phase 1, is not the best, but if you don't want to bother I think you can get the gist of what's going on. Prowl has been kidnapped and unfortunately, he's too important to not try to rescue him. Arcee is dealing with her dissapointment in him and the fact that he never actually trusted her, so she's not too happy about it, but goes along anyway. Truth be told, you won't get lost in the plot if you skip this one and Arcee shares the screentime with a lot of characters, but it's pretty good and you get another writer's take on Arcee.
For context: On the Windblade series, Starscream and Winblade have been contacting the remaining colonies and trying to get them to join the Council of Worlds, which is like the United Nations for the Cybertronian Colonies.
The Transformers #45-#55 (last issue of volume 8, volumes 9 and 10) by John Barber
Things aren't looking so good for the Autobots on Earth, Galvatron makes his move leading to the Conqueros arc. Following Optimus on Cybertron, we get to meet best girl Aileron! Whom you may recognize as Arcee's eventual love interest. Optimus wonders what he should do about the problems on Earth and arrives to a very unpopular decision leading to the All Hail Optimus arc.
Titans Return
A mini crossover, it opens with a one-shot, followed by exRID #56-57, and then MTMTE #56-57, but you can skip the MTMTE issues. Garrison Blackrock's original Cybertronian personality, Sovereign, a servant of Onyx Prime, awakens and causes trouble. Somehow, Sentinel Prime has returned.
Revolution by John Barber and Cullen Bunn (+others)
This is where the infamous Hasbroverse crossovers start. I wouldn't blame you for wanting to skip it, but Arcee is there (tho nothing is about her in particular) and it will be referenced later. Baron Karza, a guy from a place created thanks to Micronus Prime called Microspace wants Earth's ore-13 to save his dimension from entropy, but the dimensional transporting of the ore makes it unstable and explode, this means bad news it it keeps happening. The explosion blamed on the Cybertronians who are still not very well-received on Earth. G.I. Joe is sent to deal with the Cybertronians, but while Optimus wants to make peace with them, things are further complicated when Rom the space knight shoots some G.I. Joe members. As it turns out Rom's enemies, the shapeshifting Dire-Wraiths have infiltrated the Joe ranks because they too want the ore-13 because it enhances their magic. A guy that's secretly allied with Karza leads a project to develop tech against Cybertronians which result in the M.A.S.K organization Rom wants all the ore out of this dimension, Optimus is more concerned with protecting Earth than the microspace, G.I. Joe and M.A.S.K. still hate Cybertronians and then the Micronauts show up following Karza. Eventually they all sort things out between themselves and solve the crisis and the ore is stabilized. Optimus learns that Earth is not so defenseless after all
Optimus Prime #1-6 (volume 1) by John Barber
Because of editorial reasons, exRID get's a relaunch under the name Optimus Prime and the numeration resets, but it's following the same story, so don't worry about it. Starting with the new Cybertron arc, Optimus is dead set on Earth joining the Council of Worlds and will play a risky game for it to happen. Arcee is practically his right hand woman at this point, but that doesn't mean she's happy with how he goes about things. On top of it, Sideswipe has been in critical state since Conquerors and Arcee is not doing great.
Wrath of Karza by Cullen Bunn and Jimmy Johnston
Another crossover that closes the Microspace plot. Honestly, you don't need to read this, I don't even personaly recommend it. But if you have read everything else up to this point, might as well read this so you can say you've read every comic with Arcee in it.
Optimus Prime #7-10 (volume 2) by Jonh Barber
We follow how things are going after the events of New Cybertron. Arcee finally gets some sympathy from another person. Issue #9 focuses on Sideswipe but is also a very important moment for Arcee's arc and in issue #10 we learn about Arcee's past.
Transformers Annual 2017 by Jonh Barber
The conversation between Optimus and Pyra Magna after issue #8, comes included in Optimus Prime vol 2. No Arcee here, we just learn about how Optimus met Bee and Pyra's omnious encounter with Onyx Prime. This will be referenced later, but you can skip it if you're tired.
For context: In the Revolutionary series, assorted characters from different IPs follow the track of a mysterious thing called The Talisman that seems to be linked to Onyx Prime. This includes Blackrock, who wants to learn more about his past, Kup and his new bestie Action Man, Anaya Jones, now working for G.I. Joe under the name Mayday. This leads them to a G.I. Joe villian called Kreiger who has a Transformer working under him.
Said Transformer is named Centurion, who used to think he was Bumblebee because Shcokwave brainswashed him and his crew in order to study a simulation of the Cybertronian war. At the end of it all the Talisman fuses Centurion's consciousness with that of a guy names Mike Powell, aka Atomic Man. Also Transformers are allergic to the Talisman.
First Strike by Mairghread Scott and David A. Rodriguez
Another crossover. This one is better handled than Revolution IMO by mainline focusing on two main IPs and leaving everyone else for the side stories, so you get a more centered narrative. Personally I think there's some really good stuff in here, but also some really stupid stuff. Either way it'll be important, but Arcee only has a role in the last two issues, so here's the rundown: Earth has agreed to join the Council of Worlds, but during the celebration, Joe Colton, ex-G.I. Joe, and Kreiger attack Cybertron with the objective of getting the Talisman to the core of the planet and get rid of Cybertronians while they're distracted. Colton is motivated by a mistrust of Cybetronians, thinking he has to get rid of them before they take over Earth. Scarlett, the current G.I. Joe leader and Colton's daughter-figure, gathers her team and gets to Cybertron in order to stop Colton. But when she gets to Cybertron, the Council of Worlds is feeling very wary of humans and arrests them all. Scarlett convinces Optimus they need her help to stop Colton, so OP breaks out G.I. Joe. Everyone rushes to stop Colton and Kreiger before they get to the core. Kreiger reveals himself to actually be a Visionaries villian and activates the Talisman to summon the city of New Prysmos, because his plan was always to take the planet and make it a new world for his people. Colton is arrested, but the Talisman has poisoned Cybertron's energon reserves. It also has the efefct of waking up Unicron, oops.
Optimus Prime: First Strike (Unification Day: Dawn) Transformers: First Strike (Unification Day: Dusk) by John Barber
First Strike side-stories, collected in Optimus Prime vol 2. Show what Arcee was doing before showing up in First Strike #5. She joing the Revolutionaries characters in rescuing Blackrock. Way less plot relevant than First Strike, but it has some very fun character interactions, so I do recommend it.
Optimus Prime #11-14 (volume 3) by John Barber
Two mini arcs: Primeless and The Dead Come Home. In the first one, Aileron tries to keep things in order on Earth while Arcee and Optimus are busy on Cybertron, my girl is trying her best. In the second one, Optimus learns about the newsparks growing in Trypticon that the Dinobots are protecting (how this came to be happens in the Redemption of the Dinobots trilogy) so he and Arcee deal with that. Good stuff all around IMO.
For context: On the Till All Are One series, Windblade and Bumblebee get through to Starscream, who confesses all of his crimes and is then arrested. Windblade is elected president of Cybertron.
Also, Kreiger's actions caused a bunch of people from his decaying world, the Visionaries, to come end up on Cybertron. They're divided in two camps, one who wants to take over the planet from themselves and one who doesn't want to do that because that's immoral. They fight it out. The Visionaries and Cybertronians come to an understanding. The important thing is that there are now wizard dudes living in their own city on Cybertron and we are reminded Transformers are allergic to magic.
Optimus Prime #15-21 (volume 4) by John Barber
The Falling arc. Things finally seem promising until Onyx Prime shows up and ruins everything. This is one of my favorite parts (yes, including the plot twist). Lots of characters get great moments including, of course, Arcee. On top of getting to show off, this is when she and Aileron share the first explicit romantic kiss between two Transformers.
Unicron #0 Optimus Prime #22 Unicron #1-4 Optimus Prime #23-24 Unicron #5-#6 Optimus Prime #25 by John Barber
Unicron is here, Transformers have to face the weight of their history. A history Arcee is all to familiar with. And with this we read the end. Please read it in the order stated above. Optimus Prime #25 serves as an epilogue. Arcee confirms what has been suggested this whole time, that she is without a doubt a trans woman. She gets to close the book on the continuity showing how far she has come. It's a very rewarding ending after everything, I think.
An Arcee Sort of Day by Peri Mercer
An one-shot included in Synergy: A Hasbro Creators Showcase released to celebrate women's day. It's set on its own vague continuity, but Arcee's characterization is based on IDW's, so you may enjoy it!
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thedevilrisen · 4 months
I always want to talk about Nova! Tad obsessed.
So I remember you saying maybe to 🦆 anon about Nova and Luke taking a while to date, 8 months I think. Anyways reasons for that one you mentioned was her Dad...
When Nova realises that there is something there more then friendship with Luke, wants to date him and be all freaken cute together she sorts Sid's advice?!? What do you think he says? I mean it's his baby girl telling him about a boy and her past experiences have been less then steller. Soooooo I'd think he'd be one thing to her, but does he like have a little vent to Kris or Gino about this Hughes kid wanting to date his little girl
Ps. Gosh I bloody love we can use some aussie slang! Can I mention that I have a mad craving for chicken twisties rn 😫
Ps again . Without sounding super cliche I totes want to change my 🎀 to a 🐨
Aren’t we both!
Oh my god, that’s such a good idea. Tbh I have the worst headache atm so I won’t write it out now. (My writing gets shitty)
but Sid’s advice would to wait cause novas anxiety go really bad and her trust issues did too, and she’s terrified of Luke leaving her because ‘she’s too much’.
but yeah, there is a pow wow involved. Also I feel like Novas ex doesn’t get enough recognition for being an absolute dick.
CHICKEN TWISTIES SLAP! Have you had them slathered in Vegemite?
yes! My Koala anon!
P.S: you want to know any short stuff, preferably something low brain power? Sorry 😭 I’m positively dying. Like question about Nova or to me. I’m happy to answer!
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hungrydolphin91 · 1 year
[Insert some kind of Xillia 2 catchy tagline here about how my sister and I are playing this game]. I don't even remember what chapter we're on at this point, but we did all the fun Victor stuff
Victor only took as three tries: we got very close the first time, the second one doesn't count because he confused the whole party and we all murdered each other, but by the third we had grinded a little and bought some better weapons and armor
Since we had to rewatch the cutscenes she picked different dialogue choices just to see what changed, except for the one about Ludger's cooking vs. Victor's. Sis: "I won't concede, mine's still better."
Sorry I don't have much to report about the reactions, since my sister pretty much already knew what was about to happen. She wasn't thrilled about being Elle's father, but she did feel bad for Elle finding out her father was using her, and watching him get killed, too. It's a lot for a kid to go through 😭
There's a bonus scene with Jude helping Ludger make a new pot of soup after Elle spills the first, but he mostly just stands there. Me: "YOU SHOULD BE HELPING, NOT HURTING."
My sister slapped a pair of goofy glasses on Alvin right before his character chapter so we got to enjoy all the emotional close ups with his 😏 expression. I'm surprised Presa didn't return the ring just from that 😂
Leia: "Agria, watch over me." Me: "Agria is probably flipping you off from Hell."
Why is it that Alvin's chapters are much more interesting to me than the others. I mean I'm probably super biased cause I like him but still I like how they explore more of his struggles at improving himself and what could have been based on his past, compared to, I don't know, buying a bunny doll or reading Muzet's thoughts. Maybe I'm just an angst fan.
We started prime Milla's chapter in a new session, and the second the cutscene started my sister left to go get snacks. We have a fundamentally different way of playing these games 😅
Hilariously, the cutscene was halted so Ludger can make a dialogue choice, one of them being "Sounds like I missed something." 😂
I forgot this was a Milla chapter and not a Jude one, with the iconic gay bird spirit that's acting like a clingy ex 😂
While hunting elite monsters, Milla died right at the end of a battle and didn't get the exp, but characters who weren't in the party still did. Sis: "Alvin's probably waking up from a nap like 'Guess who just got stronger?'"
We made paid the bank 150,000 with Ludger's reward money, and all we got was kitty krisps and a skill for Alvin, who again, wasn't there. Cue both of us saying "Guess who just got stronger?" and laughing.
I forgot proceeding with the plot in Marksburg triggers a boss battle with Chronos. Oops, we weren't fully healed.
Julius shows up and defends Ludger, aww. Sis: "When do we tell him he's technically an uncle now?"
I couldn't remember how many times the Chronos fight looped but it wasn't too bad really, the game's going easy on you at this point since it's scripted.
Bisley shows up to interrupt the fight. Sis: "Who are you?" Me, with utter exasperation: "...Do you seriously not know who he is?" 😩 (She did, she just didn't know why he was helping)
My sister was a lot more worried about Julius taking Ludger's place to fight Chronos one on one over the appearance of Bisley or the disappearance of Elle. I can't blame her, Julius's love for his brother is so sweet and he's frankly more compelling than most of the other original characters
Elle runs away because she suddenly doesn't want to go to Canaan anymore (it IS pretty creepy I'll give her that), and the rest of the party is somehow fine with letting this child run around unsupervised except by Spirius agents?? Even my sister who hates Elle pointed out that Ludger is kinda her closest living relative in this dimension so he should probably not let her wander off??
The SECOND that cutscene ended, Nova called. "Ludger, I know you just fought the god of time, but he gave you money, didn't he? You can't pull a fast one over the bank!"
Next time is... whatever happens next. My memories are a little fuzzy but I think we're gonna do that stuff in Spirius's basement soon, and then... oof. Hoping for a bad end, ngl 😅
[Masterpost link here, eventually.]
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thetwstwildcard · 2 years
•Terrible Oc Summaries•
Catherine: Why face your problems when you can just disassociate?
Lovette: A hoe never gets sad the hoe is in fact sad
Kiara: Don't burn your sister
Veil: If she loves you, you might die
Galatea: Demigods sure aren't stronger than real gods
Nasira: Don't use strange lamps
Emery: Maybe ballet classes were better?
Lyss: Don't summon a demon when you can just get therapy
Ephraim: You can have a pet bird without losing your vision
Lavi: Tsundere goes nyoom
Lorelei: Glub glub
Idris: Woah your voice was way deeper than I thought
Loxias: Your girlfriend became an android? That's rough buddy.
Odette: Damn, Pome really likes ballet people
Des: How's it like being the youngest and most sane in your family?
Amias: Oh no... Not the yandere
Nereus: Idia's cooler cousin
Isidoros: Pretty boy and his robot dog
Kyrie: The prettiest girl at the party (but male)
Briar: Damn you're a pretty nerd
Erasmus: Maybe avoid the pretty boy with the weak heel
Averett: Shy monster
Cordelia: Monster Fucker
Naia: Just keep floating, just keep floating-
Ezra: Do not associate me with my father
Yuuto: Skater boy who likes cats
Pyxis: You didn't have to talk, I could tell you were a theater kid instantly.
Nova: You're hot when you're mad-
Lacie: Lollipop lollipop-
Leveret: Bunny boy will kick your ass-
Aspen: You're lucky you're pretty
Kagero: You sure you're only 19 and not 90???
Yua: You have to get over your ex
Makaio: Head empty, just vibes
Doll: Please don't look at me...
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mehqgossipgirl · 2 years
eblast #2.
SPOTTED: The return of a true Upper East Side Titan, and the beginning of an unexpected romance.
I, for one, gave up hope long ago that Kami Kaplan would return to the states. I can only assumed her move back to the city was brought on by the arrival of yours truly, of course. Our once favorite Firestarter has exchanged her matches for political allies, truly turning a new leaf. You all saw the Instagram post -- Nalin Renaud and Kami Kaplan are in a relationship. Maybe it's love, maybe it's a large paycheck; Either way, Kami must have turned a new leaf to gain the trust of the Renaud family -- They don't give their Cash Cow to just anyone.
Not everyone has been bit by the relationship bug -- While he may have been seen leaving with Brie Barlow after the Kiss on the Lips party, my sources confirm that Gabe Miller was seen looking particularly disheveled leaving a dive bar bathroom with a random. I've always preferred members only clubs -- But I suppose that isn't quite everyone's scene. Spotted in the same evening was none other than Colette Arsine, as beautiful and blaise as ever. It seems she's wasted no time after her return from the Maldives, seen with Gabe Miller, Brie Barlow, and Nova Watson all within the same week. Getting your drama directly from the source does have it's benefits. She's got a bit of catching up to do, after all.
Speaking of directly going to the source, I received a tip from a certain Q Magazine receptionist that Elliott Jonsson was seen arriving at the office after hours. Something tells me this was all pleasure, not business. Careful, Brie -- You of all people know Elliott will happily make a run for it wherever you're involved. He didn't go far, though -- He was spotted in the midst of something of a power struggle with Gabe Miller while at brunch at the Aubrey. Noticeably, sans a certain blonde. My sources say the tension was palpable between the two, but I don't understand why -- They have so much in common these days! Social circles, stomping grounds, who they take to bed.
However, the two pale in comparison to the stand off seen at La Bernardin between Indiya Du Pont and Brie Barlow. I've missed the team up's between these two, but I think I like to watch them fight even more. One nosy patron let me know the two were feuding over yours truly, spilling a few secrets before their bestie even knew. It's always such a shame to see two Queen Bees in a cold war, but I certainly love being the cause of it. Want more to discuss, ladies? Indiya was seen with Nova Watson, notable Outsider and Ex of Gabe Miller, hoping to get the two to rekindle their love. Something tells me this will end as well as Stevie Nicks and Mick Fleetwood.
Vienna Miller, ever elusive and calculated, was seen arriving at the Plaza hotel this last week -- Acting as if she owns the place, of course. While most wouldn't bat an eye to see the brunette among the sea of hotel guests, I heard something quite interesting: Elliott has been staying at the Plaza, ever since he touched down at JFK. An interesting coincidence, no? These two just can't stop these secret rendezvous. I wonder what Brie has to say about that.
You know you love me.
XOXO, Gossip Girl.
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nachotrash · 2 years
Adjective; pertaining to memory
A Childe x Nova fic, angst to comfort i guess?
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy, Nova has a meltdown, crying, kids, uhhh slight spoilers for Childe's lore?
A/N: It took me a while, but it's finally finished! Hope you enjoy this emotional mess with my OC Nova!
“Do you know what this means?” Nova’s lips trembled. She knew all too well what this meant, but she doesn’t want to. “Hiro, I’m not ready for this. I-I’m not ready to raise a kid! Not now!” She buried her face into her hands. This can’t be real. Only a few days ago, Nova’s boyfriend —no, ex -- departed towards Snezhnaya for a mission that could very well cost him his life.
Hinari wrapped her arms around her little sister as Nova let out soft sobs. “Do you want to keep the kid?” She asked, rubbing circles on Nova’s back.
“I do, I do, but… I don’t know if I can” Nova returned the embrace as her tears stained Hinari’s shirt. “I’m scared. We don’t even know if he’s going to come back alive, and if he does, what am I gonna tell him?!” She looked up at her sister with red eyes. “We’re not even together anymore.”
Hinari could feel her heart shatter. As a psychiatrist, her job is to help people lose the mental burden on their shoulders. She has seen and heard a bit of any traumatic story before. So it shouldn’t faze her. But seeing her little sister so distraught like this… to say it hurt her would be an understatement.
“Hey, hey hey. Look at me.” She crouched down to Nova's height and cupped her cheek. “Everything is going to be just fine. It’s gonna work out, so don’t stress okay? We’re here to help you. Don’t forget that.”
“Yeah. Whether you want to keep it or not, isn’t important. We will be here for you no matter what.” Hiroshi stood up and walked over to the two women, wrapping his arms around both of them.
“Nova?” Childe opened the door to the kitchen and leaned against the doorframe. Nova was making some coffee and hummed in response. “Yeah, babe? What’s up?” 
Childe frowned. “Can we talk?” Nova turned around and walked up to him. “Of course, is everything okay?” She grabbed his hand and led him to the couch. As she sat down, Childe started to tense up, the feeling of regret already pooling in his stomach. 
“Nova. I think we should break up.” 
Nova froze. 
Before Childe could repeat his words, the young woman set down her mug, hard. “Let’s not do anything rash. Why do you want to break up with me? Did I do something or..?” She didn’t dare to look the other one in the eyes, staring at the floor instead.
The redhead's eyes widened. “Nononono! It has nothing to do with you! Please listen to me first. Okay?” He sat down next to her on the couch and held her hand. 
“Her Majesty assigned a new mission for me, which requires me to go back to Sneznhaya. It’s very dangerous, and can take a lot of time.”
“Aren’t all of your missions dangerous? What makes this one different?” Nova snapped. She couldn’t believe they were about to break up for a small reason. 
Childe sighed. “Nova, listen to me. There is a likely chance that we won’t be seeing each other for years, maybe decades. The chance that I won’t return alive is really high. Are you willing to wait until the end of your life only to find out I’ve been dead all along?” 
She young woman turned her head away, taking a deep breath to stop the tears from forming. She turned back after a few seconds to show that she had failed to hold back her tears. She chuckled at herself. Why is she crying already? He’s still here. Pathetic. 
She knew that there was no way to avoid the mission. If they were to go into hiding, they would only hunt him down and well… get rid of him in their own way. Nova wiped her eyes and turned around to hug her boyfriend, which caused Childe to fall over on his back. He held her tightly as she buried her face in his chest. “When is it?” She asked, sniffling. Childe patted her back softly. “It’s okay. We still have two weeks” he whispered as he pressed a kiss onto her hair. Nova hugged her boyfriend even tighter. “I don’t want you to leave…” 
The ginger propped his arm under his head as he stared blankly at the ceiling. “Me neither, love. I’m sorry.”
Winter in Mondstadt was one of the most magical times of the year. Once the temperature drops, everyone takes out their fluffy coats, gloves or mittens, and scarves. The Cat’s Tail and Angel’s Share have discounts on warm beverages and Good Hunter brings out their seasonal special again, the aromatic scent lingering in the air attracting many customers. The moment the first snowflake falls, kids are running out of their homes bouncing with excitement. 
It’s been a little over seven years since Childe had last stepped into the city of Mondstadt. Although the cold was nothing compared to the icy lands of Sneznhaya, he still wrapped his thick coat tightly around him. Childe had spent the past seven years of his life in the spiral abyss, sent by Her Majesty the Tsaritsa to seek the truth of this world. He had to leave his beloved behind in Mondstadt and regretted his decision for a long time. According to the Fatui, he was getting too distracted and needed to be reminded of what he actually was: a killing machine.
Although he wasn’t born nor raised in Mondstadt, the ginger could feel a wave of nostalgia hit him in the face. It reminded him of the moments he’d spent with his ex-lover Nova. 
Talking about Nova, he was kind of hoping to see her again. All communication had been cut off, so he had no idea how she was doing. He subconsciously searched through the streets for any signs of his past lover but was disappointed when he couldn’t find anything. Has she moved on? Maybe she’s found someone new and is on a date with them? The fatuus sighed as he made his way up the stairs to the statue of Barbatos, the Anemo Archon. 
Just as he turned at the top of the stairs, something bumped into him. He looked down and it seemed to be a small, dark-haired girl with a lighter strand in her bangs. The little girl falls back on her butt and immediately stands up. She quickly yelled, “Sorry mister!” And ran away. 
Childe was just processing this when a silver-haired man walked over with an apologetic expression. “Hey man, sorry about that. She’s just a kid and-“ the man’s eyes widened for a second when he took a better look. “Childe? You’re alive?” 
It was Hiroshi. Childe didn’t expect to see him here actually, he didn’t know how he should react to seeing the brother of his ex seven years after they broke up. He could only smile awkwardly. “Uh, hi..” 
Neither of the two men knew what to do or to say, so the next minute or so is spent in awkward silence. “So um, who was that girl just now?” The ginger asked. Hiroshi smiled proudly and said “That’s my favorite and only niece. She’s cute right?” Childe nodded absentmindedly. Wait, niece? Nova is the only one with dark hair… So she has already moved on. His heart broke a little, but then again, it is to be expected. Who would wait 7 years for an ex-lover? She must’ve already found someone else. The little bit of hope he had faded away quickly.
“Do you want to see her? I’m sure she’ll be glad to have you back.” Hiroshi pointed with his thumb to a group of people, among which Childe could recognize the silhouette of his past lover. He nodded, maybe a little too eager, but he was trying so hard to not run over to hug her and never let go. 
“I’ve told you, you need to be more careful! Have you apologized to the man?” Children are so cute and so precious, but dang are they a pain sometimes. Nova sighed as she checked her child for any injuries. The kid grinned brightly. “Yep! Uncle Hiro also went to talk to him! Look! He’s over there!” Nova smiled. “That’s great, now off you go! Watch out this time okay?” The little girl hurriedly ran over to her friends as her mother watched her with tenderness in her eyes. She took a glance in the direction of her brother and—
Nova froze. Her smile faltered as she turned back to stare at the two men approaching. One was her brother, while the other one was someone whom she assumed was dead. 
It seems that Hinari, who was standing next to her, also noticed. “Nova? Is that Childe?” She whispered. Nova shook her head in disbelief. Wasn’t he dead? She just assumed that he died because well… it’s been seven years since she last even heard of him. It was impossible to move her body or to say anything at all. She could only stare in shock as the two men approached.
Childe saw the shocked expression and felt a wave of pity wash over him. It was all his fault for not at least letting her know that he was alive. He assumed that he would never be able to see her again, so he had no idea how to react or what to do. Maybe he shouldn’t have gone back to Mondstadt. Maybe it would have been better for both him and Nova to never see each other again. It would only hurt her more than she already was. Not to mention that it might stir up some unnecessary trouble for the couple and possibly their kid… Childe felt his chest tighten. He recognized this feeling but… he couldn’t possibly be jealous. He shouldn’t be. That’s just unreasonable and unfair. It’s been seven years. He should be over this already, not holding onto it like he’s a little kid. The ginger waved with a polite smile on his face. He didn’t want to overwhelm the woman in front of him. “Hello there Nova. I hope you’ve been doing well.” He held his hand out front for a handshake, but instead of shaking his hand, the woman just stood there, still staring at him as if he was a ghost. The expression on her face was a mix of fear, sadness, a little anger, and most importantly, disbelief. 
She snapped out of her trance when her sister, who was standing next to her, nudged her with her elbow. "Woa, Uhm, hello to you too?" What was she supposed to say? "I'm doing well", "Where the fuck have you been?" or "You're alive?"  What ARE you supposed to say when your presumably dead ex shows up out of nowhere? She finally shook his hand. Tears started forming at the corners of her eyes, but she successfully stopped them from falling. 
"Welcome back? Aah, I'm sorry. I'm not quite sure how to react." She laughed softly, blinking the tears away. Now that she sees Childe up close, she starts to notice little changes in his appearance. His skin didn't look at delicate as before anymore, and his hair had gotten paler. His eyes though stayed the same as she remembered. Maybe it's just the way that it feels like they can pierce through anything, but Nova could swear that nothing had changed if she saw only the eyes. 
Childe smiled, although it didn't quite reach his eyes. "It's okay. I can't blame you. I wouldn't know what to do either. Is there anything I've missed these years? For example..." He gestured to the dark-haired kid, who was playing in the snow further away. 
"Oh, yes! That's Natasha, my daughter." Nova's face lights up, showing just how much she adored her lovely little girl. "She's turning seven in two months. She's cute, right?" She smiled tenderly, her eyes full of love. 
She’s turning seven? Childe quickly did the math. If she’s six now, then she was born less than a year after he’d left… Huh. 
He felt his stomach twist, but couldn’t quite describe what he was feeling. It was not pleasant, was it some variation of anger? He shook his head mentally. She wouldn’t do that to him.. would she? 
Before he could fully process his thoughts and say something, the little girl ran up to her mother. “Mama, do you know that man?” 
Nova smiled. “Yes, sweetie. He’s an.. old friend of mine. Why don’t you go say hi to him?” Natasha nodded and turned to run up to the ginger man. “Hello, mister! Who are you?” She asked, eyes sparkling with curiosity. It reminded Childe of when he first met Nova. The same eyes and excited expression. It made him smile.
“Hey there, kid. As your mom said, we’re old friends. What’s your name?” He crouched down to her height and reached out to pat her head, but hesitated and retracted his hand. “My name is Natasha. What’s your name mister?” the kid asked. “You can call me Tartaglia. Say, do you like the snow?” Natasha nodded. “Yup! It looks so pretty! Mama says that it’s too cold for her, but she says that my dad likes the snow too!” 
There it is. The mention of the unknown father. Childe's smile stiffened but since he didn’t want to come off as an asshole, he refrained from asking who he was. “Really? Your dad likes the snow too?  That’s nice,” The kid grinned in excitement from talking about her father. “He’s so cool! You know what my mom told me?” She shifted to whisper in his ear. “My mom said that he was so strong, he could take out 5 ruin guards at the same time! Isn’t that just awesome?” At this point, Natasha is already jumping up and down from the hype.  “I wanna be just like him when I grow up!”
Childe smiled again, patting her softly on the shoulder. “I’m sure you’ll be girlie” 
Natasha grinned when a blonde boy ran over and told her to “Come quick! The snowman is almost done!” The girl nodded and followed him to another group of kids.
The ginger stood up and looked at Nova, who looked at the ground blankly. “So ah, if I may ask… Just who is Natasha's father?” 
Nova chuckled awkwardly, while Hiroshi, who was standing at the side the entire time, crossed his arms and finally spoke up. “Well, if it wasn’t obvious already, it’s you.”
The anemo user sighed. “It’s you. Childe Tartaglia whatever you use as your name, you are the father.” 
Whoa whoa whoa. Wait. Pause. “What- What do you mean I’m the father?!” The man took a step back in shock. Hiroshi shrugged. “I said what I said,” Childe turned to look at Nova, only to see her slowly nodding her head. He didn’t know what to say. How to react, how to feel. He’s got a kid? And he didn’t know about her? He can’t do anything properly, can he? Childe chuckled internally at his patheticness. Of course he has to get distracted, be forced to leave the love of his life, hurt her in the process, and fail to be a proper brother AND father. What a piece of shit. “I… Archons.”
Before he could say anything acceptable, a man with brown hair walked over and whispered something to him.
“Well! I think I’ve got to get going. People are waiting for me.” He looks at Nova. “You wanna, uh, catch up in the tavern after I’m done with my work? Only if you have time, of course.” Nova smiled at him and nodded, which he returned before leaving the group. 
Nova sat down at a table in the dimly lit tavern, waiting nervously for the ginger to show up. She felt like a weight had just been lifted off of her shoulders. He knows now. There isn’t really a reason to hide anything from him anymore. There wasn’t even a reason in the first place. She kept looking at the door every time someone would enter, silently hoping that it was the person she’d been waiting for. 
When Childe finally arrived, she automatically stood up but didn’t know how to greet him. “Hey… Glad you’re here” 
The ginger took off his coat and sat down across from her. The question he’d been aching to ask all day was finally going to get its answer. “I’m happy to see you as well. I don’t know how to say this without sounding like an asshole, but… Are you dating anyone else right now?” Nova looked away, which Childe took as a sign that she did in fact, move on. He swallowed thickly as he felt whatever hope he had left disappear. It was naive to think that she would wait for him. What was he even thinking?
“Would you be mad if I say that I’m not?” Nova suddenly spoke up. It was actually more like mumbling, but clear enough for him to hear. He wanted to smile but held himself back. “Oh no, of course not! I was just wondering if Natasha had a father figure or something since… well, I was obviously not there.” She took a sip of the coffee she’d ordered. “The closest person to a father figure to her would probably be Hiro or Tobias since they helped me out the most after I gave birth to her.” the hydro user folded her arms together. It wasn’t the happiest memory she had, but it was important to her. “The first few weeks were the hardest for me. Mentally. To say that I was terrified was an understatement.” Childe felt his heart break. He had no idea that she went through such a horrific experience on her own and he wasn’t even there to support her. “I-I’m so sorry Nova. I’m so sorry you had to go through that—”
He was cut off by a tight embrace. Nova had stood up and hugged him close. “I’m just glad you’re alive. You don’t know how many times I’ve prayed for you to be safe.” Her voice cracked as she tried to whisper. It’s a good thing that the tavern is quite busy at this time of day. Childe returned the embrace with a heavy heart. He missed her so much, it was unreal.  He held her close and they stayed like that for a while. Just them in each other's arms and the calming background noise of the tavern. 
After a little bit, she pulled away and sat down in the chair next to him. “So, about Natasha…” The ginger spoke up.
“Was it difficult? Financially, I mean” He asked. Although he wasn’t present in his daughter’s life, he feels like he should do something. 
“It was a little difficult at first. I had to quit my job as a knight because it was too physically demanding and wore me out.” She glanced at her coat hanging from the chair behind her. “So now I make custom outfits and clothing for commissions. It’s also kind of been my childhood dream, so I’m pretty content for now.” She said with a smile.
Out of nowhere, Childe grabbed a pouch of mora and slid it over to Nova, who stared at it in confusion. 
“And what is that supposed to be?”
“Child support for those past seven years.” He chuckled at his own words.
Nova looked at him, unimpressed but still cracking a smile. “Your first dad joke? Seriously?” 
The woman closed the door after waving her sister goodbye. Hinari had been babysitting Natasha while Nova was in the tavern catching up with the Fatuus. 
She walked upstairs into her bedroom and changed into a pair of pyjamas before sitting down on her bed. This is when the realization hits her. 
Childe is alive. He’s safe. He made it. All those nights of begging the archons paid off. It wasn’t a dream. He is alive and he’s safe and sound. 
Nova didn’t realize she was crying until a teardrop fell onto her lap.
“Mama?” A small voice rang in the hall. Then, the head of a child peeks out from behind the door. Nova quickly wiped her tears and watched her kid walking up to her with a stuffed animal. “Yes, sweetheart? What’s wrong?” 
Natasha climbed onto her mother's lap and looked up at her face. “Why are you crying? Are you sad?”
Nova shook her head with a smile. “I’m not sad baby. I’m just really happy all of a sudden.” The kid nodded and leaned on her chest. “Okay then, can I sleep with you tonight?” Nova hummed a ‘yes’ and planted a small kiss on her daughter's forehead. 
“Nothing is going to hurt you. Everything is going to be okay.”
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erigold13261 · 10 months
Some thoughts on the Family Tree Saga (I adore these):
To Celine, Joey and Gigi's Parent 1: What. The. Fuck./lh (Seriously, what was the inspo to make these three half siblings?/genq)
I wonder how Nova feels about their older sibling. Did they ever ask Nuru and Sarabi?
Uhh what happened to Tila's family tree? Where are her grandparents? Ancles?
Holy shit Noa are you okay????/lh
Hmm... if Miles has baby sister Billie, would he want to go to a college/uni in Vinyl City?
I like the idea that Maize (Ham's aunt) goes by Corn or Cereal in day to day life (That is why Ham calls herself Ham, food connections)
Have a feeling that that tree is Satoru's "official" family tree, bc I imagine the AMAB folk of blues family having non official concubines to have more children (so Satoru may have a bunch of half siblings or relatives who are not included in this tree)
Not to be nitpicky but I think the comics say that Shoko's powers are rare, and (I think) only Shoko can perform healing on other people as of now (Though I do like that its parents kept on trying for girls until they had a healer that can heal others too, only for that one to go rogue)
-Celin/Joey/Gigi: It's either a poly relationship with their mom being the center, or a singular parent was just a whore/jiggalo lol
The inspo actually comes from my own family. My nana had 4 kids, only 2 are full siblings, then my mom had 3 kids and only me and my brother are full siblings. That's probably the main reason I love the relationship of half siblings so much lol
-Nova: He most likely knows by now. Honestly he probably knew as a kid because his parents spoiled him rotten because they were just so happy to still have a child.
-Tila: Okay, my bad, I forgot about the grandparents in Tila's family tree lol. But both her parents were only kids, so no auncles. Grandparents aren't really in the picture so that's the main reason I forgot them (might change her tree honestly. I kinda blanked out when making hers tbh).
-Noa: No. No he's not. He got an extreme version of parentification and that was the major driving force for him to join Ex-Jay as a way to gain any sort of freedom (though his upbringing did kinda make him the mom friend of the group)
-Miles: Possibly not, but I think by the time he gets to college his sister will be about 3 years old (maybe 2) if he doesn't take a break from school to do so. I think at that point he'd be a bit more okay leaving to be with Gwen at school since Billie could go to daycare and stuff at that point (he'd be hesitant to, but his mom would want him to get the best education and music/art degree he can if that is truly what he wants to do with his life)
-Ham: Hey you saw my food joke/pun thing! Benny is also one! (Eggs Benny is another way to say Eggs Benedict lol). Love the idea that they will tell Maize to stop being corny or for Ham to stop hamming it up, just food puns like that as a cute close family!
-Satoru: Oh yeah, I can see that. Though if I thought of that I would have made it look like they had concubines/side pieces because I didn't even think of what an "official" family tree would look like. Like an official one from Neon J or Tatiana would probably look different from what I gave as the REAL one, but we can totally have this version of Satoru's as the "official" one the fam shows off.
-Shoko: See, I didn't know that! That is good information to know. But that also goes into the idea of "rare" as in the world, or "rare" as in anyone? Because in the world, possibly ONLY Shoko's family has that specific kind of healing power, which means it is still a rare power. But if you mean rare as in for anyone to have, then most likely Shoko is the only (or one of the only) people with that specific healing power (while other users are not related to it at all).
So personally I like the idea of a family power (similar to Eve and Pav), but we can always have it so that Shoko's family can only heal plant elementals or something like that. Perhaps only people connected by blood (so only family members) and Shoko is the only one to be able to heal outside of the family.
Definitely want to keep the idea that afab people in this family have more power than amab people, because I just like that idea for this family for some reason. Whatever the reasoning is (whether it's powers or something else), I think I'm keeping the family tree as is.
OH! Maybe it's like a power that skips generations! Shoko's parents knew their kids were most likely supposed to have this amazing and absolutely OP healing power. But each new kid just failed to produce it (even though they were girls which this power is more likely to show up in) so they kept trying (making SURE they were giving birth to a girl) until they got Shoko (and then, like you said, it defected from the family and "ruined" everything)
I actually like that version quite a bit! Gives a reason as to why the Auncle with no kid and no marriage was disowned since they weren't "participating" in keeping that generations healer alive.
0 notes
mariamariquinha · 2 years
Bossa Nova (Benny ‘Borracho’ Magalon x f!reader) - Prologue
Tumblr media
Summary: You got divorced. Happy New Year. 
Word count: 1087 (almost a teaser)
Warnings: This piece has a lot of talks about male genitalia (you’ll get it), divorce talks, everyone here have a dirty mouth (which can be self indulgent, I’m trying to not curse that much) and Nick O’Brien. 
Author’s Note: I opened my Google Docs, stared at it for like five minutes and then I’ve wrote this. This story will have a masterlist, don’t worry. This will also have discussions about a lot of adult things so... Yeah, if you’re looking for a fluffy thing, sorry. 
Join my taglist! Don’t forget to reblog, comment and like! As always, I would love to know what you’re all thinking! ❤
The table was neat – the most clean table you’ve ever seen, you could tell. Theodore sat there with nothing more than a numb expression, and maybe (just maybe) you’ve spent enough time crying over the end of the relationship by yourself for him to give you any other reaction than indifference.
It was over, you thought, not daring to shake hands with him after the judge officially defined the divorce. There was a tap on your shoulder, you could tell for sure, from your brother (because it was the closest he would get to show you any affection).
“Where are you going now?” Your brother asked, watching you pull your sunglasses on nonchalantly as soon as you left the building. That made you sigh.
“I've had my chance to burn the things he gave me, I've drunk every bottle of wine in my house... I still need to test the options."
You shared a smile.
“You should try going out, you know, enjoying what youth you have left.”
“Navel piercing or butt tattoo?”
“Sounds like a very well thought out answer.”
“Oh, it was,” You adjusted the strap of the bag on your shoulder. “I did a list. These two are the first ones, closer to skinny dipping on Spring Break with some hot people from Florida.”
“Did you only think about doing the things your ex husband likes after the divorce?”
He looked at you with raised eyebrows when you turned to face him, as if he was sure he had caught you. Well, it was a fair question, but before you could answer him with another defensive comment, you saw Theodore leaving the building with his lawyer, all stiff and serious. He gave you a look, then glared at your brother, probably thinking to himself that he should work on an investigation about someone’s family before starting a relationship, especially a marriage.
"Yeah, I really don't see the appeal," Your brother murmured while watching Theodore get in his car. "And he wasn't even rich when you two got married."
"Don't tell me..." You sighed in defeat.
"At least you got the house."
"The house I don't like, yep."
Your brother was quiet, but you knew he was observing you as you watched your ex drive down the street in that Mercedes (one of his few demands). Maybe, deep down, he knew that you were sad, disappointed even, but trying to rationalize everything in a more thoughtful way. And no, you didn't like the house, even though it was worth a lot, and having it at the end of the process gave you the impression that Theodore did you a favor.
"Are you okay? We could grab lunch," He offered.
To think it was the closer you’ve got from having a better relationship with him was kinda depressing, too. That glimpse of protection, naturally reflected from the way he fought for a fair arrangement, the way he wanted to search for an honest answer about what really happened with you, would be just a distant memory – one he would likely count as a professional win and nothing more.
Still, you gave yourself the small pleasure to feel welcome, even if for a moment, or the illusion of thinking that your brother really decided to do something really nice for more than the family’s reputation during Thanksgiving. It was like a plot hatched to avenge Theodore, who 'betrayed not only you, but the whole family.'
Your phone buzzed in your pocket. Looking at the name on the screen, you groaned, and your brother peeked without discretion to the device screen.
“Now I understand why you like working with these guys,” He sarcastically mentioned, making you elbow him near the stomach in retaliation. “Big Nick really does look like a drunk detective with a small dick from the 80s.”
“I never stopped to think about the dick size of the guys I work with,” You mumbled back.
“And apparently none of your love partners either,” You stared at him with a frown, confused between answering the call and asking why the hell he would even know this type of thing about Theodore. He shrugged. “I just know.”
“Good to know you have a sixth sense for the male anatomy. Put it on your resume,” And then you answered, sighing a small ‘hello’ to show your annoyance at the way he simply smiled.
“That's the kind of thing you could use now that you’re single. Start documenting California's male resources and do a doctoral thesis.”
“I wouldn't try to compete with your cock-sucking experience.”
“Am I interrupting something?”
Nick had a mocking concern on his voice when you listened to him talk on the other end of the line. Fuck, you closed your eyes for a second, just imagining how he would never let that die for quite some time.
“No, I… I was talking to my brother.”
“I can call later. It sounded important.”
“Oh yeah, it was. You would get along so well with my brother,” Nick laughed at you.
“It's only surprising that you have such extravagant words in your repertoire.”
“And I'm sure you don't want to be the target of most of them.”
“Well, now that you’re officially single and all, maybe we could work on dinner just to help up with your research on dicks.”
“Did you really call me just to make a shit-up call like that?” Your brother raised his eyebrows by your side, to which you retributed with a grimace.
“I didn't even need to make the invitation formally, how interesting.”
“Nick,” You groaned in impatience, rubbing your forehead while eyeing the floor. "Spill it out."
“It’s work, okay? Important one.” A pause. “Think you can get to a crime scene in... Fifteen?"
The time on your phone said rush hour wouldn't start for another hour, if you were a little lucky.
“Gimme twenty. If I know you well, you'll take me across town."
“I’ll text the address.”
The call ended up like that, and your brother was looking at you with a puzzled expression when you waited for the text.
“Is it serious?”
“Kinda of,” You huffed, hiding from him the eggplant emoji with a question mark accompanying the address. “Maybe there’s a lot of men in my life, though. Should think about joining a feminist club or something."
"Or become a lesbian."
"And who would make the lives of emerging men miserable?"
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awanderingdeal · 2 years
O'Knutzy Week - Day 5
Prompt: Harvard || NOLA
Rating: M (for general themes - no sexual content)
CW: Homophobic slurs, past emotionally abusive relationship.
Credits: O'Knutzy belong to @lumosinlove and thank you to @oknutzyweek for organising all this.
“Uncle Leo!”
“Hey pumpkin,” Leo said, bending down so Nova could clamber into his arms. Her father, Mikey, was Leo’s childhood best friend, having lived two doors down until he’d moved out his parent’s house.  
She wriggled around, making herself comfortable as Leo rose back to full height. Her grin revealed that she’d lost another tooth since Leo had last seen her. “Daddy said I’m too big to be up now.”
“Never!” Stop growing so fast, kid.
"I came to tell you Finn is going to take me to the science museum tomorrow ‘cus Daddy has to work -' Nova took a hulking breath. “- And I would have to stay with Mawmaw and I don’t want to because it’s boring, Leo.”
“Oh, Finn said that, did he?” So much for a lazy morning. Leo looked over Nova’s head, finding his boyfriend sitting around the large iron table in the 'finished' area of the yard with Mikey. Finn looked up, meeting his gaze and gave a sheepish smile. “Well, it wouldn’t do to have you bored, would it?”
Leo couldn’t be angry at Finn for wanting to make Nova happy. With the spring sun warming him to the bone and the chaos of his big family surrounding him, nothing could ruin his mood. He searched for Logan too; the last he'd seen of him he'd been charming Leo's grandparents, which was when he saw.
"Nova, pumpkin, go and tell your Dad that Finn is too soft, and you may as well stay here tonight. I'm sure I have a old shirt you can sleep in."
Nova pumped her fist in victory and scurried off to deliver the message. Leo waited just long enough to make sure she was on her way before he stormed towards the lone man.
“Heck, you scared me." His ex stumbled back from the vegetable patched he'd peering in, eyes widening as he took Leo in. "Leo," he said. "What are you doing here?”
“What am I doing here?” Leo scoffed. ”It’s my mom’s birthday. What are you doing here?”
Kyle took a step back. Leo had always tried to seem less intimidating than his 6 foot 3 frame naturally made him. He worked hard to earn the moniker of a gentle giant, but right now he was glad of the presence. 
“I…I was invited to come with…” Kyle stumbled over his words. “I thought you’d be y’know…out of town.”
“Hmm, it’s almost like I prioritize the things that are important to me,” Leo huffed a laugh. Then it dawned on him. “Are you dating Rylee?” 
“Not Rylee." 
Leo thought he saw a grimace flicker on Kyle's face. If not Rylee, then who? He started to run through the list of guests, not getting very far before Kyle's stare gave him the answer. "Elliot?" 
Kyle gave the tiniest of nods. 
Leo pulled at his collar, sure that the t-shirt hadn't been this tight this morning, and Logan was right, it was too hot. 
"Leo, look, I'm sorry…" Kyle said. 
There was more. Leo could see Kyle's mouth, but all he heard was a low mumble, his own thoughts drowning out the words. 
It was worse that it was a boy. God, that was horrible, wasn't it? It's not like you didn't know he was attracted to them. Kyle had just been so repulsed by the idea of people knowing about them. He'd threatened to tell everybody Leo was obsessed with him. That Leo had got him drunk and then kissed him. Maybe it had Leo he'd been disgusted by. 
"You called me a fag," Leo spat. "You let me fall in love with you, had sex with me and then you called me a fucking fag."
“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry,” Kyle winced. It almost made Leo feel a tiny bit of sympathy for him. “I was just a kid, I was scared.”
There went that sympathy. “You were a coward.” Leo cocked his head, assessing Kyle. His sandy blonde hair was cut short now, rather than the longer slicked back look he used to sport. He was softer now. Even now, Leo hoped that meant he’d gotten a handle on what, in hindsight, had been an unhealthy relationship with food and exercise. Perhaps he had changed, perhaps he was better to Elliot. “Does he even know? Elliot? Do you even sign?” 
Kyle blinked at him “Yeah. I’m pretty good now. Not perfect at all. I’ve been learning for a little over two years.” He scratched the back of his neck, chewing on his lip. “No..No, he doesn’t know. I didn’t want to -”
Leo snorted a laugh. “You’re still a coward.” He jumped at the weight of a hand on his shoulder, relaxing as he recognised the familiar knead of Logan’s fingers. 
“Le? Ça va?” 
Leo tried to smile as he looked at Logan. “This is Kyle,” he said.
“More cousins?” Logan laughed. “ I thought -” The pieces of understanding snapping together like a jigsaw was almost visibible. “What is he doing here?” He said it with such ferocity, Leo knew the only reason Logan hadn't punched Kyle was because he respected Leo's ability to fight for himself.
"He was invited," Leo sneered. He was being an asshole. He didn't care. "Dating Elliot now."
"Oh." Logan said.
"It's alright though, because Kyle here is going to go tell Elliot everything and then he's going to leave."
"No, Leo, come on," Kyle argued. "E's been looking forward to this."
E. God, Leo really didn't need to hear their nicknames for one another. He sought out Logan's hand and squeezed it. "I said you were going to leave. Elliot can do whatever he wants."
Kyle opened his mouth, as if to speak, and then closed it again. His pinched the bridge of his nose, grinning his back teeth. "Fine. I'll go."
"Tell him Kyle, or I will," Leo said. "If you want to run away from your past then don't date my family." What Elliot did with the information was his business, but he deserved to know.
"Hey, loves of my life. What's happening," Finn sang as he barrelled over. The tip of his nose and his cheeks were a little pink. "So, next time we're down here Mikey is going to -" His gaze moved rapidly between Leo and Logan. "Pea?"
"You can tell him," Leo muttered, letting himself be pulled into Finn arms. Logan, still holding firmly onto his hand, followed until Leo found himself enveloped between the two.
It felt like both two seconds and two hours later when Finn was stepping back. He cupped Leo's face. "Are you okay?" He whispered.
Leo nodded once, then again, because he realised he was. "Am I horrible if I don't forgive him?"
"Absolutely not," Finn added.
"He was young though. Maybe he's changed?"
"And if he has changed then he'll carry on being changed whether you forgive him or not. You don't owe him anything."
Finn quirked a smile and Leo found himself matching it. He'd once given Finn same advice, almost verbatim about his own ex.
"Somebody wise must have told you that," Leo said.
"Very wise indeed," Finn laughed, pressing his lips to Leo's gently.
Logan hummed. "More people are coming. Do you want to go upstairs? Until you feel better."
"No," Leo shook his head. He was okay. He'd been okay for a long time. No matter what Kyle had told him or what that college recruitment office had said, he could have it all. He had it all. A family that loved him. Not one, but two boyfriends who were more than proud to be seen with him. A team that had his back. He wished he could go back and tell his 16 year old self it'd be alright.
"Leo, honey, here you are." His mom sounded frazzled. He'd tried to take over managing the food, but nothing stood between Eloise Knut and the potluck table. "Sorry to pull you away but I need you to tend to the grill. Your father is burning the shrimp."
"On my way, Mama."
"Wait right there, young man."
Leo groaned. "Mom?"
His mom looked him dead in the eye, smiled and patted his cheek. "You can tell me all about it later, honey. We'll have a kitchen chat."
There was no point telling her she was fine. Besides, it had been forever since they'd sat in the kitchen, nursing cups of sweet tea, just talking.
"Okay, Mama."
Yeah, Leo was going to be okay.
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miserable-sarah · 3 years
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For The First Time
Pairings: Sam x reader
Warnings: Drinking, language
Summary: Y/n and Sam meet through Donna who is trying to set them up
A/n: Requests are open!
Donna and Y/N are good friends, Y/N saved her life when she was captured by werewolves. Donna went on and on about these two boys she knows who do the exact same thing. Y/N thought it was funny being how Donna is always so bright and bubbly, it was interesting to see how knows about the creepy monster shit but still manages to live her life the way she wants to. Truly inspiring.
Donna called up Y/N for some ghost activity, she also called up Sam Winchester. She told Sam it’s just a one person job so Dean can stay back or enjoy the bar scene, whatever he prefers. Sam agreed told her he’d be there in like an hour or two, saying they were close by because of a different hunt. Y/N said about 3 hours she’d be there.
Y/n hunting outfit choice was a little fitting, she wore a black tank top (a tight one) with either an old denim jacket or leather, hug your ass tight skinny jeans, with her boots, oh can’t forget about her knife and pistol holster that rest on her upper thighs. One on each side, and can never forget her fingerless black gloves. She was a total hot bad ass. Sam’s outfit choice simple comfy Tee, flannel, jeans, boots. Simple.
I walk up to Donna’s house, Donna always makes me happy. She’s just so happy. It’s crazy. I knock on the door and wait for her to answer. I look around and notice another car in the driveway maybe she finally met someone better than Doug. Scummy ex husband.
“Hi Y/n!” She gives me a big smile before pulling me into a hug “come in, come in” she says waving her hand around excited.
I notice a man sitting at the counter, I give him a look and then back to her like ‘ooohh he’s cute okay Donna’ I’m just happy she’s back in the game
“Y/N this Sam, Sam this Y/N” she Introduced us, I shake his hand and give him a little smile he does the same. Ugh those dimples! To die for. I look at Donna waiting for her to explain
“Sam is a hunter” she says smiling at me I give her a nod “he’s one of the brothers I was telling you about”
“Oh wow! Nice to meet you Donna told me a lot about you” I say it sounds like he helped Donna out a lot
“Yeah you too, she was just telling me about the werewolves” Sam says giving another one of his dashing smiles. Damn he’s fine.
“Donna what about this case?” I ask wanting to get a head start on it
“Oh, I was thinking you and Sam could do it together” she smiles putting some dishes in the sink
“Donna I thought you said an easy one person job, I left Dean back” he says, slowly I start realizing they aren’t together. She wants us to work together
“Well, you know can never be to careful” she lets out a little laugh.
“Well I don’t mind teaming up” I say trying to make everything less awkward.
“Great! So it’s at the old mill, oh just a few miles up the road.” Donna says with very noticeable excitement
“Okay, cool you in?” I ask Sam he nods shyly. Donna is practically doing a happy dance over there. We outside and he notices my car a 1966 Chevy Nova.
“Wow, this is your car?” He asks surprised
“Yeah, well it was my dads, I just keep it and look after it. I’m not a car girl, I just know he basics” I chuckle getting in
“My brother would love this” he also gets in
“He’s into cars?” I ask just trying to make small talk
“Oh. Yeah” he laughs
“What about you? You into cars?” I ask looking over the wind blowing our hair around, and that smile. Ugh.
“Eh, not really.” He shrugs
“Yeah I feel that” I chuckle.
Sam and Y/N arrive at the haunted mill. Donna sent Y/N a text saying he is buried in the back there should be a wooden cross somewhere and dig there, Y/N and Sam work together digging up the bones. It’s simple salt and burn, bye bye ghost. They take a look around the mill making sure there isn’t any activity, it looks like there isn’t anything going on.
Sam and Y/n had a great time, I know kinda weird under the circumstances but they really hit it off and talked the entire time, smiling and laughing. They can’t remember the last time they felt happy.
Sams POV:
Y/N and I got back to Donna’s place, I was kind of upset. I didn’t want the night to end. She was so funny and smart. I was just enjoying our time together. Donna let’s us in, she asks about the hunt. Y/N takes over the conversation telling her what happened, she’s so bossy and incharge I really like that about her, and her smile, her face lights up when she smiles, her hair smells good, her outfit showing off her ridiculous body. She’s hot.
“You guys want a drink?” Donna asks holding up some liquor.
“Uh” Y/N says looking back at me before giving me a smile “sure” she shrugs looking back at Donna
“Yeah I’ll have one” I say sitting next to Y/N, Donna pours us a drink and I can’t help but notice Y/N staring at me “what?” I say giving her smile
“Your dimples are really cute” she smiles
I laugh in response “well thank you” I smile even more. Y/N, Donna, and I spent the night talking about hunts and just life pretty much.
As Y/N and I were leaving we got to her car “Have you ever been to Kansas?” I ask not really sure why it just slipped out
“Uh, once or twice” she says with a smirk
“If you’re ever in the area I have something really cool to show you” I say writing down my number “just let me know”
“Okay” she says taking it “I’ll text you soon” she says with a wink before getting in her car
Sam and Y/n call and text all the time, they really hit off that night. Donna was right they were perfect for each other.
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nocturnal-dreams · 3 years
Pairing: Karl Jacobs x F! Reader (although I guess also GN neutral works, maybe just an AFAB reader)
Warnings: mentions of abuse
Note: Drug dealer Karl pog?
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'Be there at 10'
You rolled your eyes reading over the text from Garrett, of course, he couldn't risk his perfect reputation to do his own dirty work. Feeling the eyes roaming across your body made your skin squirm, you knew your outfit was rather revealing, your shirt making your cleavage pop out making multiple drunk men keep their eyes on you or rather your cleavage. You knew you'd have a word with Garrett later about it although you know he most likely wouldn't have cared.
You weren't sure why you were still dating Garrett, I mean he was a dick. You guessed you just stayed with him for this long because of his money, he had a house and a stable income that allowed you to live very comfortably, or at least as comfortable as you could get.
This wasn't your first time buying drugs for Garrett, he always gave you the money and a small description of the dealer's looks and location. He couldn't risk his perfect rep being ruined by someone finding out about his drug usage so he decided to risk yours. Garrett was waiting just outside in the car for you to finish the deal, the only problem was you were having a hard time finding the dealer.
Your eyes scanned the room of drunk individuals till they landed on someone. A guy was walking down the stairs as your eyes followed the handsome stranger. He was wearing a black turtleneck sweater with yellow plodded jeans, multiple rings on his fingers which had the nails painted black. His hair was a light brown, almost like a mop on his head but it suited him, unlike most men you had seen with the style. As you stared longer, you saw him turn towards you, catching your gaze in his steel-grey eyes. He was coming near you as you tried to look away, trying to lose yourself in the crowd but you already felt his hand around your arm.
"Excuse me, I'm looking for someone; average height, kind of greyish black hair, round glasses, might be wearing some kind of ugly button-up shirt," the handsome stranger had said as you stared at him, he had to be referring to Garrett. This stranger did match Garrett's description of the dealer, he looked too nice to be a drug dealer though.
"Do you happen to be Jacobs?" you questioned, you just wanted to make sure that this was the right guy before you went and spilled your reason for being here on a complete stranger.
“Just call me Karl, so you know Garrett?” Karl had said, you didn’t want to stay around him much longer than you needed too. Not that you were scared of him, actually the opposite, he made you feel safe, it's just you didn’t want Garrett to get impatient.
“Garrett sent me, do you have my stuff?” you tried to hold yourself, you didn’t want to seem vulnerable, that was the biggest thing that Garrett was annoyed about. He didn’t want you to seem weak when he would send you on his drug pick-ups.
“Garrett couldn’t even come to his own deal,” Karl laughed, it was a cute laugh, a lot better than Garrett’s rare rough chuckle that you disliked, if you had to be honest, everything about Garrett you disliked. If it wasn’t for his bank account and house, you would have left a long time ago. Karl looked you over, his eyes roaming over your body wasn’t very different from the crowd but it also felt different, “so what’s someone like you buying stuff like this?”
“And who are you to ask what I buy? Aren’t you just doing this to get paid?” you were growing tired of Karl since he was wasting your time, it wouldn’t be long until Garrett would be coming into the party yelling at you for taking too long.
“Well I could always just refuse to sell it to you,” Karl asked again, “so why are you buying this stuff? You’re wearing only what I can describe as little miss sunshine to a party, you don’t buy drugs.”
“It’s for my boyfriend, now gimme!” you groaned and rolled your eyes.
“I’m not giving this to you, Garrett can come out here and buy it himself. You know my friend Chris mentioned someone being here instead of Garrett, just didn’t think it’d be someone as beautiful as you,” Karl looked away from you towards the crowd, leaning on the rail looking down at the party, “but till Mr Dogwater gets here, I’m not leaving you, I can’t tell how many guys I’ve seen just eyeing you like meat since you got here. It’s honking disgusting. Perves.”
You hide the smile on your face from his own censorship, “it’s how it always is. It’s how I live.”
“That shouldn’t be how life is, it's sad. Guys should learn to keep crap to themselves,” Karl sighed.
You glanced at him, his eyes looking at the crowd of people dancing and drunkenly talking to themselves. You were disappointed in yourself for feeling so safe around someone you just met, this was what exactly Garrett was bitching to you about two hours ago.
“I’m Y/N,” you finally decided to introduce yourself, it was only fair.
“Do you always pick up for Garrett?” you nodded in response to Karl’s question then realized he wasn’t looking at you.
“Yeah. He says that he can’t be seen around people like-well-like you.” You gestured towards Karl, him looking at you out the corner of his eye.
“Drug dealers? He can’t be seen with drug dealers but is willing to risk your safety and reputation to be around me? Put you in danger? You know drug dealers are dangerous right?” he looked at you.
“So you’re saying you’re dangerous?” you laughed through the pain his question brought, you knew at this point the relationship between you and Garrett, you were just his drug camel and something for him to stick his dick in when he got bored.
“I’m not dangerous,” Karl shook his head.
You were about to reply when Garrett came up behind you, his arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you into his chest, his eyes narrowing on Karl as Garrett’s grasp on you tightened, almost bruising. “Hey babe,” you had been too wrapped up in your conversation with Karl to even notice Garrett enter the party, “who’s this twink?”
You tried to hide how uncomfortable you had grown when Garrett’s hands left your waist and grabbed your ass, “uh Karl… he has your uh- you know?”
You heard Garrett sigh before he leaned into your ear, making it hard for Karl to hear with the music as Garrett whispered angrily, “why couldn’t you fucking get it? You know I can’t be seen around people like him, let alone his twink ass.”
Karl glared, able to read Garrett’s lips. Karl pushed himself off of the rail, his arms being crossed across his chest, “I wouldn’t allow them. If its not for them then I can’t give it to them.” Karl said loudly as Garrett told him to shut up, “listen if you want the stuff then you gotta get it yourself, Jimmy’s rules.”
A few people started to stare at the scene, Garrett’s jaw clenching as his grip on your arm tightened, “come on, I can get it from somewhere else.”
“Can’t we just go home, I don’t want to go anywhere else, I’m tired,” you spoke quietly, trying to hold back your protests to tell Garrett to lighten his hold on your arm which was starting to hurt from his painful grip.
“Y/N we can go home when I find someone else to get my supply from,” Garrett’s grip only tightened.
“Dude she wants to go home, take her home,” Karl chimed in, his voice no longer the cheering tone but rather low and pissed off, “they have a fucking say and you’re being hella rude. They want to go home. Take them home now.”
“Dude whatever. I’m leaving. Are you coming with me or no?” Garrett looked down at you. You couldn’t form any kind of words on your tongue as you started to back away towards Karl, shaking your head. Garrett’s jaw clenched as he rolled his eyes, “whatever, we’re done, bitch!”
Your boyfriend or rather now ex-boyfriend started to walk away down the stairs. Karl’s jaw clenched and and turned Garrett around on the stairs and clocked him right in the jaw, sending Garrett stumbling down the last few steps. You put your hand over your mouth holding back the slightest laugh. Garrett had stood up and went to punch Karl but Karl pulled up his shirt slightly over his belt and flashed something that sent Garrett running out.
You furrowed your eyebrows confused on what just happened as Karl came back up the stairs to where you were standing as you thanked him. Karl shrugged, “no problem, here let me take you home with me.” He said as you bit your lip.
Sure you didn’t know Karl well but you trusted him better than you ever did Garrett. “Alright, let’s go,” you smiled as Karl smiled back. You walked out with Karl behind you leading you over to his car. People would look at the two of you cause of what happened but one glance from Karl made them turn away. You felt safe with Karl, something you never felt with Garrett.
Karl drove you to his home, allowing you to borrow some of his clothes and sleep on his bed after you asked him for number allowing you two to keep in contact. You told him goodnight as you got into his bed, him leaving to his living room as you fell asleep happy for once.
Thanks for reading, don’t forget to like and maybe reblog as it really does help me out
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yume-x-hanabi · 2 years
I believe you ship Luke/Tear, so that for 001! Then Leia for 002~
001 | Luke/Tear | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when I started shipping it if I did: When playing the game. It was there, it was cute, thus ship I did.
my thoughts: I love how they both support each other and help the other grow in their own way. It started rocky but then they made it work--they worked to make it work. It's a nice dynamic.
What makes me happy about them: ^the above. Also I really love the pendant sidequest. Like, it really shows how much Luke has grown, and it was such a nice gesture. I bet she treasured her pendant all the more after it.
What makes me sad about them: Luke taking so long to come back. That time must have been excruciating.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: I haven't read enough Abyss fics to know. Oh wait, I remember one I read way in the past where Tear was cursing a lot. That was so jarring.
things I look for in fanfic: Again, don't really know.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Natalia or Guy? (For both lol)
My happily ever after for them: They get married and have a peaceful life.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Tear is the big spoon.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: They'd probably like to travel. See the world as leisure not because something is at stake.
002 | Leia | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character: Initial impression before playing: "ugh not another childhood friend with a crush who's gonna be jealous of the MC and just annoying". Two seconds after meeting her: "NEVERMIND SHE'S AMAZING". I love her, and I love her partly because she kicked all my expectations
All the people I ship romantically with this character: oh boy there's so many Leia ships I can see... Milla, Agria, Nova, Alvin, Ivar... I'm probably missing an NPC or two.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Jude, Milla, and if not shipped romantically, Agria.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Whoever claims she's useless has completely missed the point of her character :<
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: A proper discussion with Alvin about what happened. They really needed one.
my OTP: Oof that's hard to choose because I was quite into Alvin/Leia back in the days, but I also really like the chaotic concept of Ivar/Leia, and also Agria/Leia is great, but some Nova/Leia fics have really shown me the potential of that ship?? Can I say all at some point???? (Leia sounds like the type to be friendly with all her exes, too XD)
my cross over ship: Oh I've never thought about it but you could probably add toooons of characters. Leia's very likeable and compatible with all sorts of characters.
a headcanon fact: I like the idea of her jumping from job to job for a while to find herself/what she wants to do. Otoh journalism really fits her, so I can't see her quitting. Hmm maybe she gets a couple of occasional/part-time jobs here and there. Also she totes opens a detective agency, of which all party members are unwitting members from time to time.
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Happy blorbo blurbsday! Which blorbo is currently living rent free in your mind? What are they doing up there? Go off!
Hi! Thanks for the ask!
I'm gonna ramble about Giacomo, with the excuse that I've gotten some new followers since the last time I rambled about Giacomo.
Writing his arc has been going through my head for days.
Giacomo is whatever the opposite of a twist villain is. The way I set the story up, he's the main face of the villains. Basilio is referenced a lot, but we don't really see him. I did that on purpose, to get the audience into the same headspace as Novellia. In universe, Basilio's kind of the abstract evil, while Giacomo is the "boots on the ground", actually doing things.
I do drop some hints early on about what's really going on with him, but since Nova brushes it all off as jokes/exaggeration, I'm hoping the readers will too. And then, of course, Enrico shows up and the Giacomo hate train gains more steam.
I'm really hoping people will be shocked by what's actually going on.
The first hint we get that maybe he's not as bad as he seems is when we meet Martino. He doesn't tell us a lot, but it becomes clear that, for whatever reason, he gets upset if anyone insults Giacomo in front of him.
And then, at some point (haven't decided where it goes in the story yet), Giacomo drinks a little too much and ends up telling Vincenzo what really goes on with Basilio. And it's really bad. He's horribly injured, Basilio forces him to do the dirty work so he can use him to prove magic is evil.
He wakes up the next morning, and is like, "Can you please not tell anyone about that?", and Vincenzo says absolutely not come with me.
To Giacomo's mortification, Vincenzo goes and gets Martino (who at this point we find out is Giacomo's ex). After they stop Martino from killing Basilio with his bare hands (listen, he's a trained warrior and this is the man he loves. If it fit the plot I'd let him do it ngl), they realize that to get him a pardon/get him away from Basilio, they have to go to Enrico.
Giacomo's reaction is "Not doing it, send me back!! Tantalum burns are better than that!!" but Martino makes him have a little self-preservation.
Enrico's a bit of an asshole, and he hates Giacomo, but he isn't heartless (also, Niccolo hears this story and says 'listen, I get why you're mad, but seriously, you gotta help him.'), so he agrees to help but is snarky about it.
Giacomo's chill with that. Enrico being nice to him would imply pity, and that would truly be a fate worse than death.
So he's forcibly dragged into the found family.
(Bonus Fun Fact: Giacomo and Enrico are far more similar than either of them will ever acknowledge. Martino and Niccolo are like two guys with the same species of exotic pet, they meet up and trade care and keeping tips, except in this scenario the pets hate each other and would be furious about this. One of them comes home complaining about the other, and the reaction is usually 'but...I've seen you do that exact thing.')
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holidaywishes · 3 years
It’s Just Sex
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  Requested: 👍
  Summary/Request: So I was hoping for maybe a bi reader and her and Fred have kind of like a sugar daddy/dom kind of relationship but not very intense more of a soft caring dom with real feelings there as well. anyway, before the reader met Fred she was in a kind of friends with benefits relationship with a woman and that relationship was also very dom/sub centred and maybe her old lover comes to Toronto for maybe a business trip or something (I’m imagining powerful businesswoman vibes here) and asks the reader to meet her for drinks and when she tells Fred and explains their relationship to him somehow Fred ends up joining them for drinks and maybe her ex lover suggests something and it goes from there 👀
  Warning: smut as requested, drug use, maybe some fluff, maybe some angst or jealousy?
  Author’s Note: Gonna be honest, my experience is limited in, like, all aspects so I don’t know how this will turn out or if it will really be what you’re looking for, anon, but I’m taking my best shot. I hope you still enjoy it! I also want to apologize if I took any missteps in the way I talked about bisexuality — my intention is never to offend and this was my first time writing a bi reader so please feel free to let me know if/where I went wrong. Stay Golden loves <3!
  the other masterlist
  You grew up in Antigonish, a small town in Nova Scotia, so you were used to more of a slow paced life. You got good grades, never broke the law and the only form of rebelling you did came in the form of stealing a five cent candy from the convenience store on the corner of Main Street. So when you moved to Boston for University, you expected to be overwhelmed but you didn’t expect to meet anyone -- but then she showed up
  “Hi there” a voice said confidently behind you, leading you to turn around slowly to see who she was talking to
  “Me?” you asked, surprised when she nodded with a smile, “oh, hi”
  “I saw you order a Manhattan and I thought to myself, ‘now that’s my type of girl’” she joked
  “Honestly, I hate it,” you admitted, playing with the base of the glass, “I thought I was ordering a Cosmopolitan but Manhattan sounded more familiar so I ordered that but now...”
  “You’re cute,” the woman said, taking the empty seat next to you, “I love Manhattan’s so I’ll happily take yours but let me get you your Cosmo”
  “You don’t have to...” you blushed
  “I know” she replied confidently, earning a shy smile from you
  “I’m (Y/N) by the way”
  “Adrianne,” she smiled, “but all my friends call me Roxy”
  “Why Roxy?” you chuckled and she gave some wrap around answer about it being an inside joke from middle school. You were mesmerized with her the entire night. The way she spoke. The way she took small sips from her drink and licked her lips. The way her dark hair would brush across her exposed skin of her back as her smile hypnotized you. The way her hand grazed your knee when she made a joke or the sound of her laugh when you didn’t know she was flirting with you. She gave you her number at the end of the night and you spent the next week trying to think of exactly what to say, “she’s way too good for me” you sighed, pushing your phone across the counter
  “Why?” Your best friend, Nicole, asked. You two went to high school together so she had a habit of hyping you up when she thought you needed it most
  “If you had seen her, you would agree with me, Nic. She just has this way about her,” you gushed, “she’s just cool and charming and way too good for me”
  “You are amazing. Who cares if this girl is ‘cool,’ we’re not in high school anymore so you just need someone who is going to see how amazing you are”
  “Nic, I don’t even know if she wants to start something...”
  “You said she gave you her number right?”
  “So she obviously wants something”
  “Yeah but is all she wants sex? Because I don’t know if I’m the hook up type”
  “Text her. Call her. Find out what she’s looking for” she smirked, filling up a glass of water from the faucet to drown out any argument you tried to make. You scoffed at her ability to brush you off before you grabbed your phone and sent Adrianne a text
  “Wanna go to dinner?” you asked simply
  “I could eat” she replied. Later that night, you found yourself standing outside the restaurant, taking a deep breath before stepping inside, knowing she was waiting for you. It was an effortless night; you laughed, you told her some of your weirdest childhood stories, she told you about her family and what she was doing in Boston. The night was rounded out by following her back to her apartment and letting your bodies take over. You thought that the date went well but you didn’t see her for a few months when she randomly texted you, an occurrence that would happen every two weeks or so from that point on, and it became very clear to you that she was looking for a ‘friend with benefits.’ You weren’t a huge fan of it but you couldn’t get Adrianne out of your head so you went along with it but she didn’t seem to take it well when you said you had gotten a job in Toronto
  “We’ve been doing this for years, Roxy,” you whined, finally able to call her by her nickname, “I’ve graduated, we’ve graduated. I have a chance to start my life with a really successful company and I don’t know why you wouldn’t want me to take it. It’s not like you need me to stick around for anything. You're the one who didn’t want to have any commitments so this shouldn’t cause any problems for you”
  “I just don’t get why you wanna go back to Canada” she said with a tinge of disgust on her words and you felt a rush of rage roll through you
  “Because it’s home” you said plainly, scoffing before turning on your heels
  “(Y/N)” she sighed
  “Adrianne,” you replied softly, “I really hope we can see each other again someday. You will always be such an important part of my life but I need to take this step”
  “I understand,” she smiled, “I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean anything about--”
  “I know,” you interrupted with a smile, “I’ll see you.. when I see you.” As soon as you landed in Toronto, a giant grin spread across your face because it finally felt like home. You walked into e=mc2 on your first day anxious to get started and they did not waste any time putting you to work
  “Alright, (Y/N), so we’ve got a wedding on Friday, a conference on Wednesday, a sweet sixteen next month that we have to settle all the details for next week, a gala in about 3 months -- give or take -- that is going to take a lot of work and a lot of time,” your boss explained, rambling slightly as the two of you rushed around the office, “and then there’s all the smaller events that we do. You’ll be very busy. Are you okay with all of this?”
  “Of course!” you exclaimed, struggling to keep up with her footsteps
  “We know it can be a bit jarring at first, because it all happens so quickly, which is why we put a clause in your contract that states you have a 30 day trial period. Like a subscription to Netflix,” she laughed, “to see if you can handle it or if you want to drop it”
  “Smart,” you smirked, taking a breath when your boss finally stopped in the break room and got himself a glass of water, “but I don’t think I’ll need it. I love the fast paced environment”
  “Good,” she smiled in return, “I think you’ll fit in really well here.”
Freddie’s P.O.V
  You had noticed her once before. She was running through the building, clearly stressed about something, when you were walking back to your apartment with Auston. You saw her again a few weeks later, having lunch in the café across the street; you found yourself waiting for the next time you’d see her would be.
  “Shit shit shit” you heard someone whisper from down the hall, finding her rushing down the corridor with an arm full of papers. You tried to move out of her way, not wanting to cause her undue stress when her shoulder connected with your arm sharply
  “Oomph” the two of you said in tandem as her papers went flying
  “Ow,” she groaned as she rubbed her shoulder, her eyes still not looking up at yours while she tried to collect everything that you’d made her drop, “I’m sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going. I’m just in a bit of a rush...”
  “That’s alright” you said softly and she finally looked up at you
  “I... I really am sorry. I’ve been told I need to be more careful” she smiled
  “Really, it’s fine. No harm done,” you replied, “do you have time for a drink?”
  “Uhm,” she hesitated, fixing the bag on her shoulder, “I can’t... I have a lot of work to do. I’m sorry”
  “How about tomorrow?” you called when she hastened down the hall and she looked back at you, not saying anything, “I’m Freddie by the way!” she stopped where she stood before turning around and letting a smile grow on her face
  “(Y/N)!” she returned. The two of you eventually met up for lunch and, after that, couldn’t stop talking to each other; you couldn’t stop thinking about her. “I want to be very clear...” she started one day, after months of day dates, midnight snacks and weekly hookups. You furrowed your brow at her words, “I don’t want to just mess around. I did that once, with my ex, and it wasn’t right for me. If you don’t want a relationship, that’s fine, but tell me now because I don’t wanna waste my time.” Her bluntness was a breath of fresh air and you couldn’t help but be more attracted to with every word she spoke
  “I wouldn’t want to waste your time...” you smirked, wanting to keep her on her toes just a little longer. “I don’t want to mess around either. I’ve done that before and I don’t want to do it anymore either. I want to be with you” she jumped into your arms and crashed her lips onto yours. From then on, the two of you were almost inseparable, learning new things at every turn, “I’ve never heard of Antigonish” you said when she told you about her hometown
  “It’s small but it’s cute. It’s a good place to raise a family...”
  “What about that?” you asked, “a family? You want one?”
  “Are you asking if I want kids?” she teased
  “Do you want kids?”
  “Yeah,” you laughed, “I want a big family. Lots of kids”
  “How many is lots?” she asked seriously
  “As many as you’ll give me”
  “Aww aren’t you cute”
  “I know” you joked and she pushed your shoulder playfully. After nearly two years, she had never really opened up her exes, no matter how many times you asked, and it was starting to really get on your nerves
  “Why are you getting so mad?” she yelled
  “Why won’t you be honest with me?”
  “I really don’t have any ‘exes’ so there’s nothing to talk about”
  “You said that your ex just wanted to mess around, so obviously you had at least one ex” you argued
  “I.. I called her my ex because it was easier to explain than we were ‘friends with benefits’ because it was more than that to me but it wasn’t to her but I hate the term ‘complicated’ even if it’s what it was,” she countered, still trying to argue her point but you were caught up on the fact that her ex was a girl that you couldn’t focus. “Freddie?”
  “Sorry,” you shook your head, “you said her. Your ex is a girl?”
  “Yeah...” was all she said, earning a scoff from you
  “That’s it?”
  “What’s the problem?”
  “Was it like an experiment?”
  “An exper-- no it wasn’t an experiment,” she scoffed, “I’m bisexual”
  “And you never thought to tell me?!”
  “It’s not a big deal so I.. didn’t think to mention it”
  “It is a big deal!” you shouted
  “Why? Why is it a big deal?”
  “You dated a woman!”
  “And I’ve dated men... plus, I told you, I didn’t date her. We just hooked up”
  “Look, I don’t care the bisexual thing. I just don’t get why you didn’t tell me about it?” you asked, sitting down on the couch
  “I don’t know... I guess I wasn’t sure how you’d react. Not everyone accepts it, my grandparents sure as hell didn’t” she sighed
  “I love you,” you said, “I’m not your grandparents. You love who you love and that shouldn’t be helped. I’m just happy that I’m the one you love this time”
  “I do love you,” she smiled, wrapping her arms around your neck, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner but thank you for not... overreacting.”
  “Let’s just make this the last secret for a while okay?” you chuckled
  “I can make that work.”
  “I’m in town” a number you didn’t recognize texted you and you racked your brain about who it could be
  “Sorry... who is this?”
  “Ha ha very funny”
  “Nicole?” you sent, thinking that your best friend changed her number
  “Seriously (Y/N)?”
  “I’m sorry. I really don’t know who this is. I don’t recognize this number...”
  “It’s Roxy” your cursor blinked in the empty space of your text box while you tried to think of something to say. It had been almost five years since you last saw her but seeing her name on the screen still made your heart race. Without even trying, she’d begun messing with your head all over again
  “Oh. Hi”
  “Oh. Hi?” she repeated your message before quickly sending another, “really that’s all I get?”
  “I wasn’t expecting to hear from you...”
  “We said we’d keep in touch. That didn’t happen, clearly”
  “You’re a busy woman. Last I heard, you were well on your way to being a CEO at some Fortune 500 company”
  “Ah yes. That planned changed”
  “It did?” you replied quickly, intrigued about what she could be in town for
  “It did. It was fun while it lasted but I’m still busy, I like it that way”
  “What are you up to then?”
  “Well... I think we should meet up and talk about it. I would love to see you” You could picture her lips speaking those words. The way her tongue lingered on the back of her teeth as if she didn’t want the ‘L’ to escape her mouth before her breath could reach it. The way her grin would shape the sound of ‘you’ to make it sound more like an invitation than a word. You saw it all in your head and your fingers responded before you could stop them
  “Sure! What about Friday?”
  “Sounds good. I heard of a bar called The Cloak Bar that has a great vibe. I’m excited to try it”
  “Yeah I’ve heard of it. Do you mind if I bring someone along?” you asked, biting the inside of your cheek nervously
  “Not at all”
  “Great! See you Friday!”
  “(Y/N)?” Freddie said when he saw you staring you at your phone screen in silence, “babe?”
  “Huh?” you said, still frazzled by the conversation you’d just had
  “Everything okay? You look a little distracted...”
  “Wanna go to a bar on Friday?” you blurted out
  “Sure..” he scoffed
  “Good. Great. Good,” you stammered, “that’s good. You’ll get to meet an old friend of mine.. from Boston...”
  “An old friend?” he asked before you finally met his gaze, “an old friend.. your ex...”
  “She’s in town and wants to... catch up”
  “I’m sure she does” he teased, sitting down beside you
  “Don’t be like that. She texted me... I could’ve not invited you, she knows you’re coming”
  “She knows your boyfriend is coming?”
  “She knows you’re coming...”
  “(Y/N)...” he scoffed with a smile, dropping his head, “you didn’t say ‘my boyfriend is coming’ did you?” your silence said everything it needed to and Freddie fell back into the couch
  “I’m sorry!” you tried, embarrassed about what happened, “everything happened so fast! I didn’t know what to say. I don’t know why I didn’t say something about you, why I didn’t mention your name, I’m so sorry! But I do want you there!”
  “Relax,” he smirked, wrapping his arm around your waist and kissing your cheek, “It’s fine. I get it and you know what? I’m excited to meet this ‘Roxy’“
  “Good. You’ll like her!” you exclaimed, “but don’t call her Roxy... it’s an inside thing. I just wouldn’t want her to like hate you before getting to know you”
  “Okay,” he chuckled, “I promise, I’ll behave.” When Friday came along, you had changed your outfit countless times and you couldn’t calm your breathing; Freddie was finally able to calm you down enough that you could pick an outfit but your nerves were still getting the best of you. You showed up early and found a booth near the back and waited for Adrianne to walk through the door, watching your boyfriend’s reaction whenever you took your eyes off the entrance. “Babe... stop. You’re gonna be fine,” you laughed as he pressed a kiss to your lips, “I’m here for you.”
  “I’m just so nervous... I know I shouldn’t be but I am” you said before taking a deep breath and training your eyes back on the door
  “Is that her?” Freddie asked, nodding to the crowd of people who just walked in and you searched to see if she was among them. When you finally saw her, your first thought was she hasn’t changed a bit
  “Yeah... that’s her” you sighed, watching as her smile went wide when she found you. She was wearing, what looked like, a pin striped suit -- tapered legs with the highest stilettos you’d ever seen topped with a one button blazer, low enough that both you and Freddie could tell she was only wearing a bra underneath
  “Holy shit” you heard him gasp and you hit his chest before Adrianne got to the table
  “(Y/N),” she said in a sultry voice, the same one she’d used that night you first met, “it’s so good to see you again. You look great”
  “Me?” you blushed, “look at you! You look.. wow, just... wow”
  “Thank you” she smiled, her eyes moving to Freddie slowly
  “Sorry, this is my boyfriend. This is Freddie, Freddie this is Adrianne”
  “Nice to meet you” Freddie greeted politely, outstretching his hand to shake hers but Adrianne only smirked in return before taking a seat beside you, tucking herself quite close to you
  “It’s nice to meet you as well, Freddie...”
  “So.. tell me. What’s new? What brings you to the City?” you asked, moving closer to Freddie and his arm draped over your shoulder
  “I’m working on something. A merger, more or less, with the company I’m working for in Boston and one based out of Toronto. It appears the Canadians are not too keen to share with us Bostonian's” she laughed and you felt her hand land on your knee
  “Let’s get some drinks!” you said, clearing your throat, “they have great cocktails here!”
  “Don’t mind if I do” she said in the same sultry tone as before, peering over at Freddie, her hand still stationed on your knee and you could tell she was planning something; what that something was, remained to be seen.
Adrianne’s P.O.V
  You weren’t expecting her to be in a relationship. Not that she wasn’t the type, just that she didn’t give you the impress she was dating but you could see why she was with him. He was big and he looked strong, she probably loved his hands on her body, his fingers inside her; god you missed having your fingers inside her. The way that she sunk into him told you that she felt safe with him and the way that he looked at her told you that he loved her and would likely do anything for her. You bit your lip as you watched the two of them interact, asking questions when you felt like it, keeping that ere of mystery about yourself that you’d always liked to. After two rounds of specialty cocktails and an extra old fashioned you ordered for (Y/N), the group was starting to loosen up a little
  “Babe, I need to get out,” she whispered to Freddie, leaning against his chest as she spoke, “can you move a little?”
  “Where’re you going?” he smirked
  “I have to pee” she giggled
  “Why don’t you just crawl over him?” you teased, half-expecting her to challenge you but wanting to see what she’d choose, when she squinted her eyes in mild annoyance before straddling her boyfriend, pecking his lips gently and shifting her body to the open space beside him.
  “You really bring out a different side of her, don’t you?” he smirked
  “I guess I just know a different version of her” you replied
  “So.. what kind of person handles mergers? What’s your job title?” he pried
  “Technically, I’m an Investment Advisor. That’s what it says on my business card but if you ask my bosses they’ll tell you I’m the badass who manages their portfolios so they don’t get fired or arrested for fraud” you replied proudly
  “Shit,” he scoffed, “sounds important”
  “What do you do?”
  “Nothing nearly as important,” he laughed, “I’m a goaltender. In the NHL”
  “For Toronto?” you asked, genuinely intrigued and he nodded, “well damn. That’s pretty cool. I’m starting to get a better idea why (Y/N) likes you”
  “I mean.. she’s not with me because of my job” he clarified but you could tell you had shaken him
  “Are you sure?” you teased, the situation moving more and more in your favour
  “I’m back!” she interrupted, a grin wide across her face as she slipped back into the booth, reaching across Freddie to grab her drink
  “So..” you continued, ending the conversation between you and Freddie, “what are the plans for the rest of the night, you two?”
  “Fred’s got practice tomorrow afternoon so we probably shouldn’t be out too late” she admitted, draping her arm over his shoulder before kissing his cheek
  “We could go somewhere,” you added, noticing Freddie’s head snap back to you as a glare pierced through you, “just us girls. Catch up some more, dance a little? Like old times?”
  “Rox..” she laughed, climbing onto her boyfriends lap, “I’m not really up for dancing tonight. I kinda miss our bed. All this alcohol is hitting me at once and I just wanna lay down”
  “Hold on,” you mocked, “are we not young? Are we not healthy? Are we not vivacious?”
  “Vivacious?” she chuckled
  “Are we not sexy?” you added
  “I don’t wanna dance tonight, Roxy” she countered
  “I have something for you,” you smiled, glancing at Freddie, “for us”
  “What’s that?” he asked
  “Ecstasy” you said plainly, laughing as (Y/N) choked on her drink
  “Hey!” she squirmed, “that’s illegal!”
  “Relax,” you teased, “we’re not gonna get caught. I only have two tablets, so you each can have half”
  “I don’t think it’s a good idea...” (Y/N) hesitated and you shrugged, swallowing the small pill quickly
  “What?” you asked, “I’m not gonna waste a perfectly good pill, a perfectly good night, just because you’re not going to or because your boyfriend here as to stand around on ice tomorrow afternoon”
  “Roxy, don’t be rude!” she yelled before Freddie threw the pill in his palm down his throat, taking a swig of (Y/N)’s old fashioned to chase it down, “FREDDIE?!”
  “Babe, come on. It’ll be fine. Nothing bad will happen, I promise” he assured her
  “We’re here for you” you added
  “It’ll be fun” he said, nuzzling her neck with his nose and kissing her collarbone. She looked at the pill in her hand then back at you and Freddie, “why don’t we try something?”
  “I don’t know what else you guys want me to try?” she whined, earning a small laugh from the two of you, “what?”
  “No babe,” Freddie whispered, taking the pill from her palm, “let me take this and you just...” he leaned in, placing his fingers under her chin to bring her close to him, kissing her slowly and you watched as their tongues danced together, exchanging the pill. You noticed her hands tug at the fabric on his shoulders and you suddenly wondered how fast he could make her cum and if you could do better.
  “Maybe should we get out of here...” you leaned in between them, catching (Y/N)’s stare while her puffy lips pouted and her breath began to build. She looked back at Freddie, biting her lip as she tried to gauge his reaction. When he looked over at you, you raised your eyebrows as if to say ‘come on’ and he nodded in return; the three of you took a car back to Freddie’s apartment, you and Freddie unable to keep your hands off of (Y/N). You sat behind her, hands on her hips, before you pushed her hair away from her neck, planting kisses along the side up to her ear while Freddie messaged her thighs and kissed her shoulder and her hand snaked to the back of his neck. Her moans filling the car let you know that the Ecstasy was kicking in, her hand falling from Freddie’s neck to your leg told you that tonight was going to be exactly what you hoped for.
  You didn’t know how it happened but when the three of you stumbled into Freddie’s apartment, you were hypnotized by the sensations covering your body. Roxy kept her hands firmly on your waist as her lips continued to softly kiss your neck while Freddie directed the two of you to his bedroom, the windows covering the room in an amber hue.
  “Lay down” Roxy whispered. You looked at Freddie before sitting down on the bed, not losing eye contact with him. Roxy was the first to take off any clothing, unbuttoning her blazer to expose the lacy bra she had underneath; you forgot how amazing her body was and you couldn’t control your hands reaching out to touch her. She smiled before leaning in to nip at your lips, placing her hands on either side of you as she hovered over you, making sure you were laying flat on the bed. You noticed her and Freddie exchange a look as if they could read each other’s minds; Roxy moved behind you while Freddie took her place in front of you. They started peeling of your clothes before their hands roamed your body, Roxy pulling you up gently to rest you in her lap before she leaned down to press a soft kiss to your lips. Freddie was taking his time with you, slowly kissing your thighs and teasing your core as he traded his lips from one thigh to the next, his breath cascading over your skin and driving you mad the more time that went by
  “Oh god” you whined at the lack of connection you were getting, catching Freddie’s smirk as he pulled back to pull off his shirt and Roxy began massaging your scalp. You saw the two of them glare at each other before your eyes fluttered shut at the feeling of Roxy’s fingers tangling in your hair
  “You wanna fuck her?” you heard Freddie say, feeling his body hover over yours, “huh? Is that what you came here for?”
  “That’s why we’re here, isn’t it?” Roxy returned
  “This was your plan wasn’t it? When you texted her, you just didn’t think I’d be here” Freddie grumbled
  “I had no idea you existed” she challenged, forcing your eyes to open
  “What the hell is going on?” you yelled to them, sitting up so you were between them. Neither of them answered you, they only glared at each other before continuing to kiss either side of your neck, Roxy’s hand trailing down your body until she found your clit; circling it until you let out a raspy moan, “fuck!” Freddie continued kissing down your body, stopping to kiss your nipples for moment before he stood up to take off his jeans
  “Sit up” Roxy whispered in your ear and you obliged, wrapping your arms around Freddie’s neck to pull him close to you, pushing your breasts to his chest while his hands grabbed your hips and Roxy removed her pants before taking her place behind you once more. “You’re so wet, baby” she smirked as your back began to arch at her touch
  “You look so sexy” Freddie added lowly and you dropped your head against Roxy’s lap until she moved back to lay your head onto the mattress, placing her legs on either side of your head, encouraging you to begin working at her orgasm. You felt Freddie push your legs apart before he guided himself into you, eliciting a loud moan that rippled through Roxy, forcing her to curse into the open space. You pressed your tongue flat against Roxy’s folds as Freddie rocked into your hips, allowing your ministrations to reach Roxy without you trying too much but when she ground her hips down a little, you brought your fingers up, curling them inside her as Freddie’s hands gripped your waist and ground himself into you, harder and harder, you had to stop what you were doing
  “Fuck!” you screamed, reaching out for him with one hand while your other remained where it was, your fingers pumping in and out of Roxy until she reached her climax. She sat back against the pillows as Freddie continued to fuck you, eventually swinging her legs to the side and making her way behind Freddie. You watched as she traced her fingers up his arms, kissing his shoulders while he crashed his hips against yours
  “How tight does she feel?” you heard Roxy whisper to Freddie
  “So tight” he moaned, Roxy continuing to glide her fingers across his body
  “Such a beautiful pussy isn’t it?” she smirked, kissing his neck in the process
  “God yes” he growled, wrapping his arms around your waist to bring you up
  “Make her cum” Roxy whispered once more, her hands moving to push his hips into yours. Their breathing synced with each other as they brought you to a mindless state of bliss
  “Fuck” you breathed, the two of them crashing on the bed beside you, your chests rising and falling in sync.
  “Well shit” Roxy laughed
  “That was great” you smiled
  “We’re not done yet...” she said before your hand fell into Freddie’s chest. He brought it to his lips and you felt him smile against your skin before they moved you up against the pillows. You were exhausted, and you couldn’t say you were surprised; a threesome seemed like a lot of work without the drugs and alcohol and just as much with them. You lazily danced your finger across Freddie’s arm as you caught your breath, letting your free hand glide up Roxy’s leg before she smiled at you. She cupped your face with her hand and pressed her lips to yours, parting your lips with her tongue, allowing you to melt into her body; you felt Freddie’s erection push into your ass before his lips connected with your earlobe. His hands pulled your hips into him while you continued to kiss Roxy, your fingers now tangling in her hair, before you felt Freddie thrust into you from behind. You hummed at the sensation but couldn’t break the kiss you were sharing with Roxy, letting Freddie fuck you as hard as he could.
  “Fuck baby, you feel so good” he moaned
  “Fuck” you moaned in return, catching Roxy’s eyes before she kissed down your body until she reached your centre. Circling your clit with her tongue as Freddie fucked you from behind, your body becoming overwhelmed by sensation. It wasn’t long before you reached your second high, letting out a squeal as both Freddie and Roxy found the exact right spot at the same time, Freddie biting your shoulder as he kept himself inside you until he came. You fell back into his chest, panting as you calmed down, smirking when Roxy didn’t come back up from where she was. “What are you doing down there?” you laughed
  “I’m just catching my breath” she replied
  “I’ll be right back” Freddie said, kissing your temple before getting up and heading into the en suite bathroom. He came back with a damp face cloth and began cleaning you up, turning your body gently to make sure he didn’t miss anything. Roxy scoffed when he left without doing the same for her, “I thought I’d get a clean cloth for you” he said as soon as he came back in the room, doing the same for her as he did for you.
  “Well aren’t you just... perfect” she said, “prince of aftercare”
  “He’s pretty great” you smiled
  “Thanks,” he chuckled, “can I get anyone anything from the kitchen? Water?”
  “No I’m good, thanks babe”
  “I’ll take some wine if you got it. Wine always helps level me out after E” Roxy said
  “You got it, Adrianne” he smirked, making his way downstairs quickly, leaving the two of you to giggle and gossip about him
  “You really love him don’t you?” she said, pushing herself up onto the pillows where you were
  “I do” you confessed
  “You guys are good together” she replied and you could tell there was something she wasn’t saying
  “Thanks...” you furrowed your brow, “what’s wrong, Rox?”
  “Nothing,” she scoffed and you tilted your head, “no really. I just.. didn’t think I’d find you so domesticated”
  “Domesticated?” you laughed, “what about this night says ‘domesticated?’”
  “Not this night,” she smiled, “just how you are with him. It’s sweet. It’s just not what I expected”
  “What did you expect?” you questioned
  “I guess I thought you’d be independent. Being a boss ass bitch, like me,” she laughed, “and not wanting to settle down so you’d be f—”
  “Filling my time with random hookups?” you interrupted and she shrugged like it was obvious, “you know I’m not like that. I’ve never been like that.”
  “I’m happy for you” she added just as Freddie came in with her wine, nearly filled to the brim, “he’s a keeper” she whispered. She made quick work of the wine, finishing it almost immediately after she got it, and decided it was time she head out, “this was fun. Like really fun, but I think it’s time for me to go”
  “Adrianne...” you sighed, using her full name to try to convince her to stay
  “No really. I’ve got an early morning, you’ve got a busy day,” she replied, gesturing to a still-shirtless Freddie, “I had a great time but let’s just let it be that. It was nice to see you again, (Y/N), and it was nice to meet you, Freddie”
  “You too, Adrianne” he smiled sweetly
  “Oh please,” she laughed, “you’ve seen me naked. You can call me Roxy”
  “Why is it Roxy? You never really told me...” you asked with a smile
  “I went as Roxanne, or what I thought Roxanne would look like, for Halloween one year. You know like the Police song?” she explained while you and Freddie nodded, “well anyway, everyone got tired of singing the song to me, real quick, and Roxy was born”
  “I like that story” you smiled, noticing the shyest smile creep over Adrianne’s face; it was the first time she’d really been truly vulnerable with you
  “Take care of her, okay?” she said to Freddie
  “I will” he replied
  “Take care of yourself, Adrianne” you said softly
  “I will” and just like that, she was gone. You tucked yourself into your boyfriends chest and fell asleep; mumbling that you loved him before everything went dark. You weren’t sure if or when you’d ever hear from her again but, if one thing came from this night, you were pretty sure nothing was just sex anymore for Roxy.
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