#maybe the sport would get somewhere lol
unbecomingsposting · 2 years
I really forgot she was cancelled lmaooo that feels like forever ago
Same with Lindsey and Kelley tbh. I went away from woso for a bit, came back and people hated their guts I was like "wtf happened?!" Made sure I stayed off of Twitter that's for sure
locked twitter 4 lyfe i have all the clowns blocked!!! my fav was when they canceled sonnett for calling herself a dyke in 2011 when she’s. she’s. i mean that’s her slur. it was also 12 years ago and digging 12 years back to cancel someone for stupid shit they tweeted at 17 is insane behavior that discredits everything you say…but also that’s her slur to reclaim. she gets to say it..about herself…cuz she’s….like…what’s not clicking
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cryobabyy · 2 months
cooper adams has a mommy kink. take this where you please
what is it finna play.........WOAH
NSFW UNDER THE CUT (lowkey a whole ass fic)
Okay so obviously, the man has some serious rules. He's meticulous, well-organized, and a master at compartmentalizing each section of his various lifes; Work!Cooper, Dad!Cooper, Husband!Cooper, and ofc 'The Butcher' (He rolls his eyes when the media starts calling him that. He thinks it's corny and tasteless lol.). It's all neatly organized into little sections that never touch.
HOWEVER, he has an urge that doesn't fit in with any of the tidy little pockets of his life he's curated. He's in control. Everything has a time and a place. So he would have to carve out time to explore the urge.
ENTER YOU; a broke college kid who has a weird little escorting side hustle. Every weekend you let some well-to-do older guy take you out to dinner, and buy you something expensive in exchange for your time and attention. Sometimes they ask you to do weird shit, like send a video of you stepping on a cake, or spitting in their mouth. Textbooks are expensive, so you usually agree for a price.
You get a Tinder message from a dude named Cooper. He has two pictures. Cropped pictures from the neck down. One with his shirt on, one with his shirt off. He's got this fit dad bod thing going on. Nice.
At his request, you meet at a sports bar.
Oh shit??? He's tall? and attractive??? You're a professional though (kinda), so you remind yourself that it's strictly business.
Cooper is extremely charming, he makes you laugh, and he tells you he's divorced and never had kids. He's a police officer, nearly retired. He shows you his badge because he doesn't want you to feel unsafe. Seems legit. He tells you he's just looking for some company, but not anything more.
You tell him about yourself, that you're a sophomore in college, you're supporting yourself, and doing stuff like this was more enjoyable than signing up for Uber.
Cooper is having a blast listening to you prattle on about your cute little life. He thinks you're adorable and pathetically naive. You believed his song and dance, and for that he respected you. He liked that, in a way, you're a hustler just like him. In another life, he would have liked to keep you in a cage like a pet bird. But he likes you, so you get to live.
You're having fun..... like maybe too much fun. If this were a normal date and not a mutually consensual transaction, you would have wanted him to throw you over his shoulder and take you home.
You share buffalo wings and a couple drinks. It's so casual, you forget you're technically working. He's a gentleman, he walks you to your car. You're kinda disappointed the night is coming to an end, so you perk up at his request.
"I'm having a great time with you, and I don't want to be too forward, but do you think we can take the party somewhere else? I can make it worth your time."
You're at a crossroads. Prostitution is illegal, but is it still prostitution if you really, really want to fuck this 6'3 silver fox? You don't even want his money at this point, you just want him.
"What is this, a sting operation?" You're only half joking. He laughs.
"I wouldn't have told you I'm a cop if it was."
You tell him you don't want his money, that you're in the back of his black SUV, straddling his lap making out and undoing his belt buckle because you want to.
He looks up at you and nods. "Yes, m'am."
It clicks right then and there.
this man wants to be dominated.
you experimentally put a hand to his throat and squeeze.
He groans in response, bucking his hip upwards. You can feel him straining against his pants underneath you.
Holy shit, this 6'3 cop wants you to make him your bitch. The plot twist of the century. You thought you were going to be the one tied up.
"You gonna be a good boy for me, Cooper?" You use your free hand to push a silvery strand of brown hair behind his ear. You've done some weird shit before, but nothing like this. You didn't exactly hate it either.
He nods eagerly, his breathing labored. "I'll do whatever you fucking tell me."
You decide to test some boundaries and give him a sharp slap across the face, and he keens like a little slut. Holy shit this is really happening.
"Watch your fucking mouth."
He's a mess, cheeks red, hair in his face. He looks up at you, and you see something that looks like equal parts hate and admiration in his eyes. It's low-key scary, but you're also soaking fucking wet.
"I'm sorry." He grits out, rutting his constrained cock against your thigh.
You move your leg away, he groans at the loss. You hold his jaw between your index finger and your thumb.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"I'm sorry, mommy."
Whaaaatttt???? Okay be cool, be cool, you got this
"Good boy."
In the dark recesses of Cooper's mind, he observes the situation he's put you in as a third party. He came here to get an itch scratched, and what a fucking relief it was; to be safely out of control in a controlled environment.
He asks for permission to eat you out.
You make him beg for it. Tell him he doesn't deserve it.
"Show me how bad you want it." You tell him to touch himself.
He pulls himself out, you look down in between your mostly clothed bodies and it takes every ounce of self-control to keep your cool.
He's becoming incoherent, a breathless mess. He's begging you to let him touch you. Your resolve crumbles at the sight of him, wet lipped, dark-eyed, and heaving.
"Don't disappoint me, Cooper."
He wastes no time getting your back against the backseat door and your legs spread and your panties pushed to the side. You nearly forgot he was twice your size and could throw you around like a doll if he wanted.
He's ravenous. Like he was starving.
The man has talent for eating pussy, clearly.
You have a hard time keeping up your end of this dynamic because this motherfucker (lol) is making your legs SHAKE. You have to bite your lips to stop yourself from begging him to just fuck you.
You come in like 60 seconds obviously, the sound that rips from your chest makes you sound like a preening little bitch.
You grab a fist full of his hair to regain some control, and he groans into you.
You quite literally have to pull him off you lol
You're completely lost in the sauce at this point
You don't even know who's really in charge here??
Doesn't matter because you're already half hazardously pulling his jeans down his thighs and he's pushing your leg over his shoulder.
You use one hand to dig your nails into his ass, and the other to hold him by the throat.
Despite you being in control, Cooper sets a punishing pace, and you can't find it in you to reprimand him or whatever you were supposed to do. Instead, you just grit praises through your teeth.
"You're such a good fucking boy, Cooper. Such a- fuck. Say it. Whose mommy's good boy?"
He doesn't say anything for a second, so you plant a sharp little slap across his face. He groans.
"Answer me."
"I am."
"That's fucking right, baby." You croon.
That seems to send him right over the fucking edge.
When he comes inside you, he puts his full weight on you, wraps his hand around your neck, and makes the most intense eye contact you've ever had in your life. It startles the fuck out of you.
His final thrusts are punctuated by hissing swear words. "Fuck. Yes. Fuck."
And then??? it's just??? Over???
He pulls off of you, tucks himself back in his pants, and smooths his hair back into place.
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paradiseprincesss · 4 months
please we need more Jim the delinquent season!!! please I beg idc if it's smut or fluff or both... Lol btw I am invested in your fics... Wait ngl smut sounds lovely...
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perfect for you - jim (the delinquent season) x reader
notes: hello lovely anon, i can definitely do that for you! fluffy and smutty jim content is a need. ugh, what i would do to call him mine.
summary: you've always found your best friends dad attractive. unbeknownst to you, the feeling was mutual on his end, especially after his divorce. one night, your best friend goes somewhere, leaving you and her dad alone together.
word count: 2.9k
warnings: 18+ mdni, smut, kissing, age gap (everyone is legal), reader is implied to be around 20 and jim is in his 40's, bestfriends dad! trope, p in v, aftercare <3
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cassie had been your best friend for as long as you could remember. the two of you had met in elementary school, and your friendship lasted a lifetime. now, both you and her were attending college together; all grown up. purposefully, the two of you aimed to get into the same college as neither of you wanted to spend time apart from each other, even when it came to school.
you'd known her for ages, and you were super close with her family. likewise, she was close with yours, as you'd basically grown up together. however, cassie's parents divorced just over a year ago, so much to your dismay, you didn't get to see her mom as frequently anymore. she'd moved out even before her divorce was finalized, and you'd only see her occasionally now.
cassie decided to live her with her dad, jim, as he owned a lovely house quite close to campus, and you also lived just down the road. it was convenient for the both of you. jim was never very talkative, definitely more reserved than his ex-wife ever was, and you'd only really gotten to know him more after the divorce.
even though you'd known him for a majority of your life, you clicked with cassie's mom much more - isn't that how it always is, though? regardless, you would still come over frequently to cassie's place, as the two of you always worked on assignments together. even though she majored in something completely different than you, that didn't stop either of you from bonding over the college experience together.
for the first couple months after the divorce, jim was quiet. he would make small talk with the two of you, maybe ask how your lectures went but otherwise he would keep to himself.
during one particularly hot summer day, jim was having a few of his friends over to watch some sort of sports game, while you and cassie were upstairs working on homework. that same night, cassie got a text from a guy she was interested in from her class who'd asked her out, and you encouraged her to go out with him.
jim and you had talked a bit more frequently at this point in time, since he was finally coming out of his shell more. you didn't blame him after the whole thing with his marriage ending and all. that being said, you felt comfortable just chilling at her place as you'd most likely end up going home pretty soon after she'd left anyway.
plus, this wasn't out of the ordinary for you nor her. she'd often stay at your place for a few days at a time sometimes; the two of you were close like that. you'd do the same, staying over at hers for a few days as well, neither of your parents minded. it had always been this way, even when the two of you were growing up.
"are you sure? i can always tell him i'm busy." she asked you, touching up her makeup.
"oh my god, cass. just go, you've liked this guy for so long!" you insisted, giggling.
"yeah, i know," she laughed, "my dad has his buddies over to watch the stupid game, though. you can go home if you want, but if you get tired feel free to crash at mine tonight."
"i live down the road, but i will definitely keep that in mind." you say with a laugh, shaking your head.
"yeah but your basically my sister, so i don't care if you sleep here or whatever." she says, applying some lipgloss as she fixed her hair.
"go have fun tonight," you say to her, "and text me all the details."
"obviously," she says, turning to face you, "do i look good?"
"duh, like always." you say, glancing at her but returning to your notes as you scribble more stuff down from your textbook.
"if all goes well...i'll text you in the morning." she laughs, and you shake your head laughing along with your best friend.
that night, cassie did in fact have a great night - so great, in fact, that she ended up staying over at that guys house. however, she wasn't the only one who ended up sleeping in someone else's bed that night.
one thing led to another while cassie was gone for the night, and somehow you ended up in jims bed, tangled in the sheets and wrapped up in his arms. sleeping with your best friends dad was not something you planned on doing, but it sort of just...happened.
his buddies has gone home for the night, and you wandered downstairs so that you could quietly leave and return back to your house; but you noticed everyone had left already.
"you didn't go out with cassie?" jim's voice called out from behind you, and you turned around to see him leaning against the doorframe of the kitchen.
"no," you shake your head, "i have a final next week, i needed to study for it."
"ah, smart girl." he said softly in that accent that made your knees weak. for a moment, he was quiet. just staring at you while you stared back, unsure of what else to say.
"do you need help cleaning up?" you ask politely, since it wasn't too late. it was only quarter past eight, and he looked a little tired.
"don't worry about it." he smiled, and you shook your head.
"least i could do, i'm always over here anyways." you insisted, making your way to the kitchen.
there were only a few dishes scattered around, along with some empty beer cans and a few cups. you helped him put the food on the counter away and cleaned some of the dishes. after the two of you were done, he looked at you with a soft smile.
"you've always been so helpful," he smiled, "i appreciate it."
"it's no problem." you say back, watching him lean against the counter.
he doesn't respond, but instead just looks at you under the dim kitchen lighting, and his baby blue eyes pierce right through you.
"do you have a boyfriend? remind me, i forgot." he asked suddenly, and you felt your cheeks heating up at his rather...innocent question.
"n-no, i don't." you say with a nervous laugh.
"c'mere." he said and for a second, you thought you'd misheard him.
"what?" you asked quietly.
"come here." he repeated.
hesitantly, you make your way closer to him and look up at his blue eyes. he glances down at you, still leaning against the counter with his hands gripping the edge.
okay - if you were being totally honest right now, you had always found your best friends dad to be really attractive. but he was married for the longest time and he was also the father of your lifelong best friend! it was wrong on so many levels, but it appeared that neither of you seemed to cared.
suddenly, his hand was making it's way onto your waist, and you almost felt the need to pinch yourself in case this was all just a very vivid dream you were having.
"the walls are thin, you know," he said softly, rubbing circles into your waist with his thumb, "i heard you last week, on the phone to your friend or whoever while cassie was picking milo up from the vet."
your heart dropped. last week, cassie had to pick her dog up from the vet, and you were home alone with jim for around half an hour. within that half hour, another friend of yours called and somehow, the topic landed on jim. well, more like you'd told your friend you were staying at cassie's for the evening, which led to the friend asking about her parents divorce, which then led you to say some interesting things about jim.
"if he wasn't cassie's dad, i'd be all over that." you said to your friend as the both of you giggled over the phone.
"yeah, i've seen him. like, damn." your friend said, making you laugh once more.
"you have no idea what it's like when i come over, i literally have to force myself to focus on something - anything else." you tell her, but then you heard the front door open. "mhm, yeah. okay, i gotta go. bye."
with that, you ended your phone call - not realizing jim had been grabbing the laundry from the washer out in the hall. he heard everything, and he couldn't lie; it really turned him on. he always knew it was wrong, but he was definitely attracted to you. it started out innocent, like for example, it started when you had turned nineteen. he would think you looked really pretty when you wore a certain outfit, or when you did your hair a certain way.
then, as the next year or two went by, he found himself noticing other things about you. like how perky your tits looked in a certain shirt, or how badly he wanted to see you bend over when you wore a specific skirt. he tried to shake the thoughts of out his head - but it was no use.
"i-i didn't-" you stammered.
"shh," he assured you, "it's nothing to be embarrassed about. honestly, i wish you'd said something sooner."
"...you do?" you asked, a little taken aback by his words.
"i do," he said softly, "so why don't we both stop pretending like this isn't bound to happen."
his hands trailed along your waist and your hips, before his grip on them became tighter. pulling you close, he brushed a strand of your hair out of your face. the both of you leaned in - but you placed your hands on his chest, stopping him.
"jim, wait," you say, looking up at the older man in front of you, "i-i can't- i don't do casual hookups. their just not-"
"your thing, i know. i wasn't trying to imply that this was just going to be that," he assures you once more, "i want you in more than just that way."
"o-okay," you almost whisper, "me too."
he doesn't offer a verbal response, but rather gives your ass a tight squeeze whilst his lips came crashing down on yours. instinctively, you wrap your arms around his neck as he backs you up into the kitchen counter. recklessly, his lips still locked with yours, he hoisted you up onto the kitchen island. for a moment, both of you break away from the kiss with pink-tinted cheeks.
the thrill of kissing a man so much older than you (who also happened to be your best friends dad) was getting you worked up, and judging by the tent in his pants; it was getting him worked up, too. gently, he helped you out of your hoodie and sweats. you felt a shiver go up your spine as your ass rested on the cold granite of the counter, and he bit down on his lip at sight. with all your clothes discarded, you sat pretty for his taking on the counter with your pink, lacy bra and matching pink thong.
"look at you," he groaned, "so pretty, princess."
clearly, neither of you could even wait to take it to the bedroom. so, with adrenaline running through your veins, you help him out of his sweater and he reaches for his belt buckle. he pulls you into another heated kiss, this time one of his hands coming up to your throat to give it a soft squeeze. as he choked you gently, you moaned into his mouth, the action driving him insane.
he pulled away from the kiss and you felt his tip poke at your folds. you look down for a moment, and you could see him stroking himself with one hand as he lined his cock up with your entrance while the other hand rested gently around your throat.
before he put it in, he looked at you to make sure that this was okay, though he didn't say a word. you gave him a small, affirming nod and he rubbed the head of his cock against your wetness before plunging his cock in, taking you on the kitchen counter.
you let out a gasp as his veiny cock filled you, and he groaned at the feeling of your warm walls sucking him in. his hand quickly came off of your neck and down to your waist, his other hand doing the same. as his hands found purchase on your waist, he started to move in and out slowly, letting you adjust.
"j-jim," you moaned, throwing your head back, "ugh, feels so good."
"yeah?" he groaned, thrusting in and out much faster now, "d'you hear how wet you are, princess?"
when he mentioned it, your cheeks burned as your eyes rolled to the back of your head from his cock pounding your cunt. you could hear it - your pussy was dripping, and it was evident by the squelching sounds in the quiet kitchen.
"s-so wet, just for you- fuuuuck-" you whimper as his cock hit all the right spots inside of you.
one of jim's hands snaked up to your breasts, roughly kneading it and making you moan. you drooling hole started to squeeze down onto his fat cock, making him lose his breath. the both of you were chasing your highs and getting closer by the second.
"f-fuck, you're so tight, m'gonna fill this tight little pussy up." he decided, fucking into you deeply as he took you on his kitchen countertop.
"so close, jim, s-so mmph, close!" you cry out, squeezing your eyes shut as the pleasure consumed you and the coil inside of your stomach snapped.
"thaaaats it," he praised, "keep squeezing me like that, princess."
you bit your lip and moaned at the way he was talking, and he felt himself tip over the edge as he spilled into you with a groan. his hips continued to buck into you for a few more moments, fucking his cum deeper and deeper into your aching cunt.
after you both came down from your highs, he pulled his softening cock out of you. he watched with a sigh at the sight your pretty pussy which was now dripping with his cum. swiftly, he got a towel and started to wipe it up for you. he was taking his time and making sure you were taken care of afterwards, of course.
"how are you feeling?" he asked softly, wiping his seed that was dripping out from your cunt.
"a little sleepy," you admitted with a half-lidded smile, "and a little hungry."
"how about i run you a bath?" he suggested, laughing softly, "and then i'll order us some takeout from that italian place you like down on 47th and main."
"you know my favourite takeout place?" you giggle.
"obviously i do," he admits with a chuckle, "you told me a few months ago, remember?"
"well, yeah. i just didn't expect you to actually remember." you say with a sigh, and he pulls you into a chaste kiss.
"of course i remember, how could i forget?" he smiles after giving you a small peck, "so, does that sound good? a bath and your favourite takeout? then you can sleep in my bed tonight with me."
"first of all, that sounds wonderful, baby," you say, casually throwing the pet name in, "and secondly, can you join me in the bath, pretty please?"
he smiled as you called him baby, "i can't say no to that, princess."
"good." you say, beaming up at him.
true to his word, he did run you two a hot bath which you both enjoyed. after your steamy bath, he ordered your favourite food and the two of you laughed and cuddled on the couch whilst sharing a bottle of your favourite wine. after the two of you finished, you were both sleepy. as you and jim slipped into bed, he wrapped his arms tightly around you, giving you a kiss on the head before you both fell asleep.
the next morning, the two of you were still tangled in the sheets together, cuddled up in the blankets all cozy. cassie had returned sometime in the early hours just before sunrise, and as she made her way up the stairs, she noticed her dads bedroom door was cracked open slightly. she paid no mind to it - until she caught a glimpse of you in his bed with him.
doing a double take, she poked her head into his bedroom to find the both of you peacefully asleep. your head was resting on his chest as his arms were draped over you, the both of you looking so content.
cassie smiled and shook her head, laughing quietly to herself as she made her way back to her own room. contrary to what most peoples reactions would be; she wasn't mad. in fact, she kind of saw it coming in hindsight and hey, if you made him happy and he was good to you, then so be it.
though the both of you seemed oblivious to it, everyone else could see that you were perfect for him, and he was perfect for you.
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my taglist (join here!): @seaamonster @nocturnest @bloodandglitter207 @humbuginmybones @oceanstem
@futurefamousdeadmusician @jonathancraneslittlepet @abigailinterrupted @kpopgirlbtssvt @ll4n4
@ilovetoxicfictionalmen @the-buddy-things @ellebelleshelby @aprilsfrog05 @wiseyouthinfluencer
@minedofmoria @strangeobsessed
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rosemary03 · 1 year
I would like nothing more than to have her here!
—Warnings: +18 nsfw | sexual fantasies | male masturbation | perversion | a lot of semen | vaginal fingering | use of necklaces | face fuck | vaginal penetration
— synopsis: the bleach boys having sexual fantasies about you while masturbating
— Note: don't check it a second time, there may be spelling mistakes, still enjoy, you can read gin ichimaru's part here (I didn't want to include it because I already wrote it lol)
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— Ichigo Kurosaki
After a long day at the University Ichigo can finally get home, he was stressed and tired, he needed to relieve that, so he thought about taking a shower, no one was home, apparently his father and sisters went shopping somewhere in the city, it's the perfect environment to relax, he told himself, so he went into the bathroom, took off his clothes and got in the shower, his hair quickly got wet from the almost hot water that fell from the faucet, it moistens his body relieving his tense muscles from today's physical training, the soap makes his abs and big chest shine, everything was going so well, but he couldn't help but think of you, your face flushed and wet from the drops of sweat that fell from your forehead this afternoon, they were both training in their sports class, Ichigo would be lying if he said that your body and curves didn't have an effect on him, the way your body flexed or you tried to hold on to the exercises.
"Shit" he whispers in a low voice, Ichigo was losing control, lately he was thinking so much about you, and that's not bad, he really likes you and he knows it, but having these kinds of obscene thoughts about your body bothered him, you were his friend and you deserved all the respect in the world but he can't help it, he just gets euphoric thinking about you.
Unconsciously his hands slide down his chest to his very well worked abs, wet from the water that falls from the faucet, his cock was already hard and he tried to ignore it, but he couldn't, his hands were already caressing his cock, imagining that it is you who is touching him, his head thrown back by the feeling of relief and pleasure, his lips are parted, whispering curses as his hand slides up and down his cock, he is sensitive especially the head of his penis , every time his hand brushes and squeezes that part he lets out a loud moan, maybe he doesn't realize this since Ichigo is so lost in his thoughts about you, he imagines how good your wet body would feel hugging him tight while your breasts are crushed against his chest, he would have you with your legs around his waist, your head would be buried in his neck, leaving noticeable kisses and bites with your full lips.
Ichigo's face was flushed and obviously wet from the water, you could hear the splash of it as he increased speed, he would like nothing more than to have you here with him, Ichigo swallows hard and runs his hand over his face, his breath catching. it becomes more irregular and he lets out breathy moans with each drag of his fist fucking his cock, he clenches and his muscles contract as his pace increases even more, he was close and he knew that soon the knot he felt in his belly was going to loosen Ichigo grunts as he pumps his swollen tip, his hips shake as his orgasm shoots through him, he cums on his hands and the hot cum that spurted out of him is quickly washed away by the still-dripping water, the boy gasping, embarrassed as he remember what he did thinking of you, but at the same time he is curious and wonders what the next position will be and what your face would look like when you train together again.
— Hichigo Shirosaki (hollow ichigo)
He was always bored in his lonely world, he only had the old zangetsu, he didn't really complain, but he couldn't help but look at you every time he took control of ichigo's body. o Every time you went to visit ichigo, he could see how you spoke to him so sweetly, how you showed him affection with your hugs, he was delighted, Hichigo quickly realized that he was amazed at you, he realized the affection he had for you, even though you had only seen him a few times that he invited you into his inverted world, was nothing more than the "hollow".
Right now he was sitting in one of the skyscrapers in his world, he was alone and he had all the time in the world, so he let his imagination guide him, he wonders how you are dressed right now, if you are wearing the same long skirt with the who saw you a few days ago, remember how well it highlighted your curves and the way it clings to your legs, also imagine how your skin will feel to the touch, he would give you a hug from behind letting his hips collide intensely with your butt , caressing your abdomen with his big hands, he would kiss your ear and then nibble your neck, his warm breath would give you chills in the sensitive part of it.
Hichigo's hands find their way to his pants stroking his still clothed hard penis, he moans from the sudden friction, pressing his hands through the white fabric of his pants, he lets out a laugh at the effect you have on him. hichigo had already masturbated before but it's the first time he thinks of a specific person, and that's you.
He would put you on top of his legs with your hands tied behind your back without any mobility. He wonders how you'd react if he grabbed your ass out of nowhere, letting his hands explore your flesh, squeezing and occasionally spanking. he would pull up your skirt exposing your underwear, he would love to see how your wet panties would stick to your pussy lips, his penis tenses in his pants and he lets out a moan at the thought, Hichigo pulls his penis out of his pants pants, it's hard and wet pre-cum drips from the tip of his penis to the base lubricating a little, one hand gripping his balls and the other caressing his pink head, a growl leaves his lips as his hand slides to up and down his cock, he licks his lips when his horny thoughts return, imagine the way his fingers would pull down your panties, he would use his fingers to play with your folds and your crit, his double digits would bury themselves deep in your pussy shaking his knuckles, Hichigo's hips shake unconsciously, squeezing his cock even more, he feels his orgasm getting closer, his face flushes red and the drool falls from his lips, his rhythm accelerates even more, from the the same way his fingers would fuck your pussy in his thoughts, grunts and loud moans come from his throat, he feels his testicles contract in his hand, while bubbles of cum form on the tip of his cock, wetting to the base and dirtying his pale hands, his body is wet with sweat, his chest rises and falls regulating his breathing, his usual smile returns to his face when he thinks again about what he would do the next time he saw you, would he fuck you with his fingers or use his cock? Hichigo is looking forward to the answer
— Urahara Kisuke
It was already late and of all the boxes they had to organize there were only a few left, Kisuke was grateful that you helped him in the store, apart from the fact that almost everything looked more orderly with you here, he also enjoyed your presence, but today maybe it was too much, he wondered if you were always this close every time you got to work, Kisuke takes a deep breath and his nose fills with your sweet aroma, even though his chest was bare it was too hot in his little shop, maybe it was just him who was he more tired than usual or was it your heat that was slowly killing him.
He can't help but look at you and although he only looks sideways, he feels how his cheeks heat up when he sees you leaning over and appreciating how your butt tightens with the pants he lent you, Kisuke resists the urge to hug you from behind and crush his hips against your ass. His penis tenses in his pants as he realizes how cheeky he's being for thinking dirty things with you next to him.
And as if you've caught him, you turn to catch him looking at you, he quickly looks away and continues with his work, ignoring his heavy cock begging to be released.
"Are you OK? You look a little tired ”you ask, his face was hot and red, most likely you are worried about him.
"If it's nothing, don't worry" he replies a little nervously, he's fucking aware of your presence and he couldn't let you see him like that, not yet.
Urahara is too hot today, luckily the fan helps him a lot by relieving his heat, he tries to concentrate on his work, for a few minutes it works until you touch his shoulder to ask what else you could help him with, it was just a light touch, but that was enough to break his sanity.
"You can go home you helped me a lot today" his voice sounds agitated
"Are you sure? Are you feeling alright?
"Yeah, don't worry about me, you can go" Kisuke gets up quickly and grabs you by the waist, guiding you towards the exit "uh ok, bye!" You say to which he responds with a smile and says goodbye with a hug, as soon as you leave, Urahara runs to his room and locks himself in, the bed sinks when he lies on it, Kisuke tries to calm down but can't, he sighs at his mental defeat by pulling the dick out of his pants, slowly dragging his hand up his hard penis, his ragged breathing is evident and he is grateful for everything that exists that is alone in the store, he can imagine you right now: your cheeks and crotch hot from the hard jumps on his dick you would do, he would love it if you put a collar on him, pulling him by the neck when he's being mean saying "Be nice to me, don't you want a treat Kisuke? Want me to make you cum?" he growls imagining you like this, the obscene way he is imagining you makes his cock throb in his hands, his pants feel heavy every time he pumps the swollen tip of his cock, Kisuke notices the drop of pre-cum dripping from his head facilitating his movements, urahara also imagines the way your breasts bounce off his face, he would be mesmerized, he would love to see how you force him to suck your nipples by grabbing his hair. Using him as a toy, Kisuke moans as he feels his orgasm coming closer and though he thinks it's too early to cum, he remembers the way his cock was begging to be released a few minutes ago, the way you say his name makes his legs tremble. hips stretch and thighs contract, oh no, what were you doing here, you were supposed to be gone, but he's so close she can't stop, his semen shoots out staining her hand and sheets, he stops him movements letting his dick fall on his thigh, Kisuke thinks about how to hide as he feels your footsteps down the hall, even if he covered his dick with the sheets you would know exactly what he did, too bad! I'd better think of something quick before you open the door and see him in a mess.
— Aizen Sosuke
It is one of those afternoons in which Aizen is happy to stay working late with you and although there is very little left until his shift ends, he is grateful that you accompany him so late, your warmth and aroma is something that he enjoys as if it were the first time. Once he saw you, his eyes occasionally turn to look at you, Aizen likes the way your eyelashes light up with the small rays of sunlight that fall through the window, the man recoils from the need to place the lock Loosening your hair behind your ear, that's where His eyes meet, Aizen smiles sweetly in your direction at the way your cheeks heat up, you look away quickly and say "I'll be right back!" and then go out, probably to the bathroom. Aizen continues with his work, ordering some papers that he still has to sign, the fatigue shows in his eyes, but it is not stressful, Aizen takes off his glasses, passing his hand over his face giving a long sigh, he is not a man who is carried away by his carnal desires but how beautiful you are with him, he is spending it. Aizen fixes his hair a bit when he hears you come back, and when his eyes find you, he can't believe what he's seeing, even if it was his imagination, it can't be that obvious, he can tell you took off your bra, clearly he must That may be what has bothered you most of the day working, but he can't help but think that maybe you did it on purpose. Aizen tries not to look, but the way your nipples stick out from your see-through shirt makes his eyes drift only to your breasts. He looks up to meet your sweet gaze again, you give him a shy smile as you arrange your things, everything was ready in the office for you to leave, Aizen would love to take you home but in his current state he's sure he could control himself, at least not completely. They both say goodbye, you kiss him on the cheek, the heat of your lips makes him stiff, when he gets out he goes back to his car, it's almost dark.
And he really doesn't want his thoughts to be guided by what he saw this afternoon, he can even feel your breasts crushing the fabric of your blouse.
Sitting in the driver's seat he makes sure there is no one around him and unbuckles his seat belt, he has to be quick since he's in a public place, so he drops his pants and boxers releasing his cock hard. His eyes are wide just in case as his hand rests on the underside of his cock then gently moves up and down he can almost see you sitting in the passenger seat imagine you would lean down to receive his cock in your mouth, you would spit it out to lubricate it before taking it to your mouth, he would grab your hair forcing you to put its entire circumference in your mouth "do it like this baby..." he mutters to himself, Aizen increases his pace using his pre-cum to relieve the sudden movements he makes on his penis, imagine how hot your throat would be every time he lifts his hips to enter your mouth, he lets out a low breath when he squeezes and mimics the movements he would make to fuck your mouth Aizen feels him getting closer his orgasm, stroking the flushed head of his cock even more, imagine the obscene noises you would make trying not to choke on his penis, your name slipping from his lips as his thighs quiver with pleasure from the pleasure coursing through him, he cums from the blushing tip to his testicles, it takes him a second to catch his breath, this is the first time he has been carried away by his carnal thoughts, he realizes the strong control you have over him, maybe he should enjoy his fantasies more often, though It won't be necessary because he's determined to have you.
— Hirako Shinji
You say goodbye to Shinji with a hug and return home, you had stayed the night because they went on a trip and since it was very late he offered you to sleep at his house.
Shinji closes the door, his steps are slow on the ceramic tiles of his apartment, he lets his body collapse on the sofa, hugging his shirt that he lent you to sleep in, he sighs and smiles remembering how cute you looked in his shirt , he barely realizes how often you appear in his mind, maybe he thinks he's in love with you... But that's impossible, they're friends and he shouldn't, right? At least that's what he tells himself, the way he can remember the sweet smell of your perfume doesn't help him, he knows he shouldn't do what he's doing right now; moving his clothed penis up and down with his hands, he feels embarrassed for thinking like that about his friend but even knowing that, he can't stop this time, his eyes return to the shirt I lent you, he remembers that you were only wearing your panties underneath, he could see your nipples squashed against the fabric of his shirt, his cheeks burning with embarrassment as he pressed the material to his face, inhaling the faint scent of you that was garnished on it. So he drops his pants and starts touching himself.
He curses under his breath as his hand makes slow motions on his penis, watching his hard cock, Shinji pumps the swollen head of his penis to collect the pre-cum that forms at the tip. He imagines you in the same baggy shirt I'm lending you, you'd be sitting on your back on his cock while he guides the movements of your hips, his big hands hugging the curve of your hips, Shinji bites his lip imagining your pussy squeezing his penis, he he would say how wet you are and how good you feel inside, he would make you lie down, pressing your back with his chest, he would move his hips against your ass fucking you slowly, imagine also the way your full lips are pressed against his, he plunges his tongue into your mouth savoring yours, he would only get excited if you bite the part where his piercing is.
Shinji moans from his throat as his hand picks up the pace. "Your lips taste so good..." he says as if you were really there with him, in your fantasies you beg for his attention, asking him to please fuck you harder, screaming and moaning his name with your sweet voice, I want to leave marks on your body, a proof that you are his and his alone, his Adam's apple bobs every time he swallows, beads of sweat fall from his forehead and his blond hair is messy, he chokes on a groan when his hand rests on him. he fucks the sensitive part of his penis, his semen shoots out but it doesn't stop, he continues to overstimulate his lubricated cock with his semen, carrying his euphoria still imagining that it's you he's fucking, his jaw clenches and when he feels it's He stops your movements too much, he regulates his breathing thinking about what he did, he feels embarrassed for doing this, he looks totally messy, his hair and body are sweaty, he wonders what you would think when he saw him like this. he probably should stop thinking about you like that, but he knows he can't stop.
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shuenkio · 5 months
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Pov: you're the 𓇢𓆸 Maknae in ENHYPEN
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Genre: Fluff, crack
Paring: Enha X m!reader
Pov: you're the Maknae, and a foreigner!
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{ᡣ𐭩-🐹} Despite being the oldest in the group, he has to look over and take care of his members, the person who can vent and talk about feelings, ask for opinions etc. since you're the make, he'd likely take good care of you very well, he always asks you to play game with him whenever you're bored. Always use formal words to communicate with you because you're a foreigner in the group and know less Korean than ni-ki. When going out for dinner together, he is willing to treat you most of the time. He loves giving you a buddy hug and sometimes even kisses you on your hand too when he can't resist you. His nickname for you would be "sweetheart" in Korean "ae-in 애인". "Aein-ha~, wanna play LOL?"
{ᡣ𐭩-🐈‍⬛} The second oldest hyung in the group, like a mother of 7 kids, definitely he'd take good care of you but extra care ×2 since you're the youngest. Would give you a free Korean lesson when you asked him to, and even tell you about everything you need to know basically. Love to spoil you with gifts and free food, and even more, than you could imagine. Always cook your favorite meal for you when you're back from an intense schedule or extra class. "Come and take a sit, M/n, I made you your favorite food!"
{ᡣ𐭩-🦮} As the third hyung, and as a sports person, he always takes you to play football with him, even when you're not good at sports that much. Take you shopping at an American clothes store, buy you
perfume and always bring snacks for you when he's back from grocery shopping or somewhere. At free time, or during a break from practice he'd cling to you and give you back a hug, snuggle his face buried in your neck. When communicating he's often speaks in English so that both of you, can talk more comfortably. "Bud Bud! I brought you some perfume, hope you like it yoi"
{ᡣ𐭩-🐧} Fourth hyung here, the first encounter between him and you was awkward and felt so tight but after you were added to the group and got to know each other better he's slowly getting comfortable with you and showing his true self, the loudest introvert just for you maybe~ he likes to call you when you have no schedule and stay at the dorm. He likes to tell you everything about his day, and mostly vent his feelings to you. His phone is probably full of your ugly pics already since he loves taking members in their awkward poses. "Your face... Looks like a doll"
{ᡣ𐭩-🦊} The fifth hyung, before they were seven he's still in a maknae line but after your presence here, he suddenly became a member of hyung line. Again, he like spoiled you with beautiful gifts. He's your bestie member who knows what's best for you or not. Always nagging you to take care of your skin, to keep moisture whenever you're going out or have a film schedule. Gave you free lip-gloss whenever he felt like it because the boy had too many to use. Late-night tteokbeoki buddies would suit you and him the best. "Yaaa, eat this spicy rice cake M/N it's delicious oh don't forget to add kimchi too, best combo""
{ᡣ𐭩-🐈} Being in a maknae line and a leader, he has to look and take care of every member, especially you. When the group comeback and does the promotion, he tends to stand beside you in case you have any trouble interacting with the MC, the fans and on a variety show. Whenever he goes out he always calls you if you want something or a snack when he's back home. He's like a second mother to you and a reliable member of the group. "Tell me what's on your mind alright? Don't be shy"
{ᡣ𐭩-🐆} Dancer and gaming buddy. He's the second maknae in a maknae line. Whenever you're struggling with some move, he always teaches you without hesitate, showing you every move flawlessly. He's more like a bestie to you and uses informal words to talk to you just like a friend. Love teasing you when you can't pronounce some Korean word but later he will give you a snack as a sorry. When preparing for a debut, he always crawled into your bed at night and cuddled you. The first thing you see is his face on your bed every single morning during those times. His actions said more "I love you" than his words. Secretly taking care of you as always. "It pronoun as "yeobo" not "yuubo" okay? *Wink"
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🗣️ please mind my English! ><
🗣️ Reblog and like is much appreciated ♥
In case y'all dk or forgot:
🐹: Hee
🐈‍⬛: Jay
🦮: Jake
🐧: SH
🦊: SN
🐈: JW
🐆: NK
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vixensbrainrotts · 8 months
hiii i just discovered ur blog and I love it and was thinking if you could write for smiley/Baji and reader that plays sports(volleyball maybe) and maybe they meet when she hits them accidentally... Feel free to ignore my request💝
Lovestruck — Nahoya <Smiley> Katawa
Content: ask-based
Tropes: Volleyball player! Reader, (kind of) loser! Nahoya (he is a loser you cant tell me otherwise)
Warnings: brief mention of fainting, cursing, (slight disrespect towards the end but idk?)
Summary: Nahoya isn’t an easy match, especially not easy to take down, but against your mighty float-serve he stands no chance.
Vixen‘s two cents: Hello! I got a new keyboard so writing feels like butter right now :) smooth. Yeah anyway sorry this took forever to write but i LOVE this request, i love playing Volleyball so im so happy that i could write about it as one of my passions. Anyway, i hope you enjoy this cause i enjoyed writing this! (Also tell me why whenever i write for Smiley he‘s always getting beat the fuck up? Lol)
Bouncing the ball on the court a few times, you smiled, hearing your teammates cheer for you, calls of „Float serve!“ and „Serve it up Girl!“ echoing through the hall. Fulfilling your little pre-serve ritual you bent your knees and crouched a little, batting the ball towards the floor with one hand three times before chucking the ball upwards. Overcome in a rush of confidence thanks to your mates, you took a short run-up, jumping and stretching in the air, swinging your arm in one powerful motion to reel up for a nearly perfect serve.
The ball cut through the air, soaring over the net. The opposing Libero sizes up, readying herself for a receive but at the last moment she decided that it must be falling into the out, leaving it be as she hears her teammates suspicion. Shouts of „Out!“ and „Leave it“ made you falter a little as all eyes were on your ball, watching it meet the ground, right inside the upper right corner of the court.
The whistle blows and the Referee gestured to your half of the court. „In!“ He gestured with his hands sticking up and you and your team, along with a few onlookers erupted into cheers. „ACE!!!“ your teammates chanted shortly, celebrating the point before returning to positions. The ball gets tossed back to you, and the whistle counting eight seconds in which you have to serve blew.
Pounding the ball on the floor, you completed your ritual again, your teammates calling „Again!“ and „Get‘em!“, and you threw the ball into the air again, winding up for another powerful blow. You hit the ball, sure that this would be another point when the referee blew the whistle unexpectedly, mid-serve. Confusion hit you, afraid you had served a foul ball, or waited too long, but when you looked towards where the ball was flying, you noticed why the whistle sounded.
There was someone on the court. Seemingly in his own world he cut the corner of the court, unaware of his surroundings, most of it shrouded by his hair. The ball was barreling towards him at top speeds, and despite the collective calls of „Watch out!“ and „Ball!“, he barely had enough time to respond when your ball hit him, violently smashing against his head and ricocheting off, rolling towards somewhere in the distance as he‘s knocked off his feet.
Guilty, you stood still in shock for a second, the hall quiet as nobody makes a sound as people looked between you, him and the ball. In a haste moment you jolted alight and broke into a quick jog over to him to see if he was alive.
Nahoya had simply been tasked to grab a mop from the storage room in the gym to clean up some of the mess one of his pranks had caused. Nothing more nothing less. When he entered the gym hall , his mission was clear: in, mop, out. Glancing into the hall he noticed that there was a game of volleyball going on, but decided that he could just quickly cross the court to reach his destination.
He regretted that decision now, lying on the floor, clutching the side of his head where he fell. His world was spinning, and not in the way it did when he got hit during fights. This was a wider surface area, and he felt himself get queasy as he swore that his brain was rattling from the impact.
„A— ou—o- ay??“ a voice faded in and out of his ears, eyes cracking open to look at a pair of gym shoes. „Huh?“ he grunted, trying to figure out speech again. „Oh—- od—- he— as- a—con- usion!“ his ears picked up, but the cut off words dont register fully. Instead, his eyes traced up the legs that stood before him, a pair of kneepads catching his gaze shortly before it moved further up. Entranced, he let his eyes map out a pair of (rather wonderful) thighs before the angle he was lying in forced him to look at the face of his saving grace.
„Wow..“ he whispered as he studied your features, the world behind your face blurry as you leaned down towards him, kneeling as a hand came up to his neck to check his pulse. You wove your free hand towards something, somewhere, and then he felt the world slip from underneath him, his hearing muffling as a vignette closed in around the corners of his vision. From one second to another, he went slack on the floor, everything turning black.
Completely panicked, you wove over some of the bystanders, asking for assistance to get him over to the sidelines for some immediate attention. In a rush, his body was lifted onto one of the spare equipment room at the side, the referee calling for your team to get back onto the field and play on, trusting you to treat the fallen boy. You were team captain after all.
His pulse was stable, you decided after a minute or two of counting and feeling the thumping on the side of his neck. Slightly relieved that you didn’t just commit murder you rolled him onto his side, shifting into stable position that aimed for him not to choke on his own tongue. You kneeled beside him, holding a damp wash cloth in one hand, a waterbottle clutched in the other.. Slowly and carefully you got closer to his face and whispered “please don’t flinch” as a quiet warning before pushing his hair out of his face to drape the cloth over his forehead.
Once the task was done, you remained sitting beside him, monitoring him for any movement or potential issues. There were a few moments of pure silence between you two which you spent just kind of observing him. You didnt think that you’d seen him before, not recognizing a haircolor as bold as orange to be very familiar to you. Your eyes traced his neat curls as they laid over his head, the coils shining slightly. The slope of his nose was oddly pretty, and you found yourself envious of the little gem that sat precious on his left nostril. His lips were full and lush, the same flushed shade as his cheeks, and judging by the twitch of his eyebrow he might be waking up soon.
His shallow breathing picked up, his nose twitching as his eyelids started to flutter, a soft noise falling from his lips. You readied yourself with the bottle of water you had picked up earlier and shuffled closer to him to ensure that he doesn’t panic too hard when waking up in the foreign space of the storage room.
„Hi…“ you carefully called out to him, hoping that your voice would serve as a smooth transition between conscious and unconscious. „please don’t scare, you’re alright…“ you continued, tapping the bottle nervously as he groaned again, eyelids fluttering open but screwing shut again due to the bright lights.
„Mmmh, what?“ He mumbled, voice gravely as he spoke. „Hi there, you’re currently in the open storage room connected to the gym so dont be confused.“ you said softly and watched his eyelids slowly crack open, now receptive to the bright overhead lights.
„Why am I on the floor though?“ The boy mumbled, raising one of his arms to swipe a hand across his face, pulling the washcloth off his forehead as he regained his bodily sensations. You cringed a little before you answered, a tad embarrassed. „Youre laying on the floor because you briefly lost consciousness-“ you were about to elaborate, but his confused grunt cut you off.
„What? Who did I lose to? Lemme- lemme rematch!“ he sounded distressed, now moving to get up- something he clearly shouldn’t do- so you stopped him before he could sit up fully. Planting a palm on his chest you pushed him back down, to which there was little to no resistance. „You lost to my serve, no rematching to be made.“ you clarified, leaning over him with the water bottle in your free hand.
„What? To you?“ he opened his eyes all the way, having adjusted somewhat well to the bright lights as he got a good look at you for the first time. His eyes widened, albeit still a little drowsy „Oh… damn Mama…no wonder I lost to ya, you could lay me down any day..“ You both gasped in synchronization as you flinched back from him, hand retreating from his chest as you stared down at him. He, likewise just as bewildered as you stared back up at you, a hand slapped over his mouth as his face transitioned into a darker, redder shade.
„Oh my god. I didnt mean- it‘s- Im so sorry.“ He stuttered out as he tried to scoot away from you to give you both some space to breathe. „Yeah, its ok, I mean its my fault really, I knocked you out, its clear that you have a little bit of a hazy mind…“ You utter down at him bashfully, a small smile wavering on your lips as you think about the absurdity of the situation.
„No no no I mean thats really inappropriate and I really shouldn’t have said that at all, I promise I don’t mean to be disrespectful but you’re so… you know? And maybe I should just shut up actually cause I think the more im talking the worse im making this all..“ He trails off as he comes to sit up fully, eyes filled with guilt as his focus darts around the room.
„Hey, hey, its alright! I mean, yeah ok maybe that was not what I was expecting but uh… you know… maybe take me out beforehand?“ you giggle as you scoot closer, taking the wet washcloth from where it lay forgotten beside him. Chuckling, you fold the cloth and set it, along with the water bottle, down next to him. „You‘re kinda cute, you know?“ you smile down at him as you stand up completely, boldly winking at him before turning on your heel to leave.
„Wait you serious? Hold on-“ he called out after snapping out of his daze, and you felt your smile widen across your face, cheeks tingling in a warming sensation. „Rest. Stay there until you feel better, they need me on the court, I’m the captain after all.“ you walk out of the open storage room, briefly throwing the boy a look over your shoulders.
„Im Nahoya by the way!“ he called out to you when he noticed your attention, and in smooth response you pulled your hair over your shoulder, revealing the lettering of your name on your jersey as you took your spot on the field. Your teammates noticed, immediately, and started giggling and whispering, teasing you about Nahoya who was now setting down at the side of the court, next to a line-judge he seemed semi-familiar with.
„Dang…“ Baji muttered and shook his head. „Knocked out clean with a Proxi-slap…“ he pondered, a hand on his chin as his eyebrows furrowed. „Baji-San i dint think that that‘s-„ Chifuyu was going to correct him, but Baji kept talking „That chick must have one hell of a punch then...“. Nahoya nodded, almost proud as he recounted it. „Yeah! It was so forceful i thought i was being hit by a train! You know what, it‘s sorta comparable to one of Hanma‘s hooks…“ the crowd of captains and vice captains ah-d and ooh-ed at the comparison.
„And you stayed there? Watching? They allowed you?“ Souya questioned, in slight disbelief. „Yeah! Oh my goodness you wish you could have seen…“ Nahoya swooned, fanning himself with one hand at the very thought. The surrounding members of Toman grumbled and snickered, some giving encouraging whoops to the twin.
„So a Volleyball-player…“ Pah-chin coughed, „She got—?“ „Thighs! Thighs for days oh my lord you wont believe it! And her smile! The way her hair falls, when she cheers and celebrates…“ Nahoya cut him off, a dreamy smile streatching across his face as he started to recount every thought he had when watching you.
The others shared a knowing glance and Mitsuya snickered „Damn, she‘s got you bad, huh?“ Nahoya stopped and looked at him, eyes blank as he thought for a second. „Yeahn… I guess…“ he trailed off to which Draken burst out into a loud laugh.
„She done ‘nd tamed one of the wildest guys I know, damn! You said she knocked you clean out? With a serve? You know damn well that shawty could beat ya ass!“ Draken went on, leaning onto Mistuya for support who joined the laughter.
„Hey listen! You‘ll shut ya mouths once you see all she brings! Full package I tell ya!“ Nahoya scrambles to defend his dignity (or yours, he wasnt quite sure).
„Right Romeo. You‘ve got her number then?“ Mitsuya quizzed, to which Nahoya fell silent.
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lainiespicewrites · 4 months
Electric Summer pt 5
A/N: I'm sorry this took so long but please let me know what you think! and Enjoy!!
Plot: Sy and Lainie lead the kids in a scavenger hunt, spend some time at the beach and catch up finally spending some quality time together.
Warnings: Cursing, explicit language, fingering, orgasm
Not Beta'd, I claim my mistakes and will die on that hill lol
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“Lainie come on, the boys are catching up!” Emma called from the front of our group. I laughed and shook my head. 
“The boys,” I said, “are still one clue behind us, and they’re going the wrong way.” The girls laughed. 
“Okay but we still don’t know where we’re going!” Emma groaned. The girls stopped and turned to me. “Will you look at the clue again?” She asked, holding the card out. I nodded and took it from her. I read over the words on the page. ‘Frisbee, No! Football! Softball? Maybe flashlight tag! Just don’t wander too far from the pack when its dark or you’ll get lost in the woods.’ I thought for a moment while the girls continued to bicker. 
“It’s gotta be the softball field by the lake!” Nikki argued. 
“They said there won’t be two clues in one area, we already found our clue there under home plate!” Emma said. I stared at the card for a little longer and it clicked. I knew exactly where we were going. And if the boys had caught up then Logan would too. 
“Girls follow me! There’s no more time for arguing, come on!” I spun on my heels and we took off in the other direction. 
“Where are we going?” One of them squealed from behind me. 
“We’re going for  a hike!” I said. They didn’t argue but the puzzled look on their faces was priceless. I lead them to the opening of the path in the forest. 
“What does this have to do with a sports field?” Nikki asked. 
“You’ll see,” I said. “Hurry I think I hear the boys!” We took off in the woods. I tried to remember the path but it had been years since I’d been on this path. And it hadn’t been in the daylight. 
“You’re gonna let the girls beat us?” I heard Sy say somewhere behind us. They were catching up. The twigs snapped under our feet as I started to run quickly down the path trying to remember. 
“They’re catching up!” Emma called. 
“We can’t out run Sy have you seen that guy?” Nikki panted.  I looked back at the girls and laughed. 
“Come on, don't quit on me now! We’re almost there! I think..” I snickered. 
“You think?” One of them questioned from behind me. Instead of answering I lead them on a sharp left off the path through a small space in the trees. The boys were right behind us. Logan knew exactly where he was going. We had to find the last clue first. The counselors had a cheat sheet to help lead to the clue but we were only allowed to lead our campers to the right area not help them find the clue. The girls had to do this by  themselves. 
“Where do we even look? It’s all grass and trees!” Emma was extremely competitive and her brother was in Sy’s cabin. She was hellbent on not letting the boys win. 
“Read the clue again,” I suggested. 
“I’ve read it like 10 times! You’re the one that got us here!!” she cried. It took everything in me to hold back my laughter. I forgot how dramatic teenagers were. It wasn’t so long ago that I was one. 
“Okay, calm down,” I said softly. 
“Lainie this is no time for calm!” she said. Just then Ethan and the rest of the boys came running through the trees. “See!!” she said. 
“They haven’t found it yet!” one of the boys said. And they started running around the field flipping over rocks and shaking tree limbs. 
Sy stood leaning against a tree with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. I walked over and watched our kids all searching in a panic. It was chaos. 
“That …is your strategy?” I asked. Watching one of the boys attempt to climb up a tree. 
“Got us this far.” he said tearing his eyes away from the group and looking over at me. “You worried we’re gonna beat you?” He raised an eyebrow. I laughed so hard I snorted. I blushed covering my face. 
“Not a chance, pretty boy.” I smiled and bit my lip. Sy smiled and inched closer. 
“You remember this spot?” He asked his voice just above a whisper. I nodded. My cheeks felt even hotter. 
“I do. You got us in trouble.” I said. 
“That’s not how I remember it,” He chuckled. We heard a loud gasp from one of the girls. 
“I found something!” immediately the boys groaned. 
“You cheated!” Ethan yelled. Nikki rolled her eyes. 
“We did not cheat, if you guys didn’t search like cavemen maybe you’d have found something! Whatcha got Em?” She asked her. 
Emma stared at the little charm in her hand confused. 
“It’s not a card like the others but it has our cabin letter on it like it's supposed to.” she said. I walked over and looked at it Trying to hide the smile on my face. Logan and I of course knew what the twist at the end was. “What is it?” she asked gesturing to the charm. 
“It looks like it’s incomplete. Look on the side, that’s a tiny magnet. Like it’s supposed to connect to something, and on the back where our let is… it started to spell and …but it’s cut off.”
“So we have to help the boys find their piece?” Nikkie asked. 
“Yup,” Sy nodded leaning in over my shoulder. “We have to return back to campfire site with our complete charm as a family before everyone else to win the scavenger hunt.” He said. Without another word the kids scattered. They broke off into teams of two each boy and girl. Searching together. 
“Where did you find your piece?” Chase asked Emma frantically.  
Nikki yelled at Ethan as he tried to climb another tree. They were all workign hard searching to find the other piece.
 All except one. 
Beckett still lagged behind, I followed Sy as he approached him. 
“Hey man, How was Ryleigh, when you she left?” he asked him. He was startled not expecting us to be there. I watched as he tried to put on a face for us. Trying to mask his anxiety. I was a pro at that, or I thought I was. Logan always managed to see throught it when we were kids. I’m sure he could now too. 
“She was okay, her ankel was really hurting, though. I just feel bad.” Sy nodded and put a hand on his shoulder. 
“That’s not your fault Beck. Stuff like this happens all the times. Lainie and I had a friend that sprained her ankle during a game of kick ball while we we’re here. Accidents happen. Don’t beat yourself up bud.” Beckket nodded sadly.
“Yeah,” He mumbled softly. “Uh her parents said if her ankles not broken and if she can take it easy she can come back to camp. And the nurse told Ryleigh while we were waiting she doesn’t think it’s broken.” He said. I gave him a soft smile. 
“Thats great. I’m sure she’ll be just fine and we’ll be seeing her in no time. You guys were becoming good friends huh?” I asked. I looked over at Sy and he was already looking in my direction trying to hide a smirk. Beckett ran his hand through his hand nervously and face got red. 
“Yeah. She’s just really cool and um…”
“WE FOUND IT!” Ethan yelled from across the field. 
“That’s our Que,” Logan smiled and nodded toward the others. We quickly joined them and found that they had in fact found the other piece connecting the two into one charm.  
“What did we find exactly?” Nikki asked. 
I observed the charm in Emma’s hand. It was round. Almost spiraled with little square pieces etched into it. 
“It looked like an old film reel. But we’ll have to find out!” 
“She’s right! We better head back to the campfire circle before we lose first place let’s go!” Sy called. He managed to get them all amped up again. Even Beckett. It was cute how competitive he was still. I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped me. 
“What’s that all about?” He smiled as we jogged behind the kids following them back to camp. 
“Nothing,”I said, “you're just, still you.” I blushed softly. Logan chuckled. 
“I’d hope so.”  He raised an eyebrow and I laughed 
“No, I mean, you really haven’t changed since we were here, it’s …cute” I smiled. He smiled big, pulling me in and stopping to kiss my head. 
  “You’re still that same beautiful girl I never stopped thinking about.” He said. I looked up at him for a moment. I was lost in the way he was looking at me. Like I was the only thing that existed in that moment.  
“Lainie! Sy! Come on! Carrie and Andrew’s Cabins are catching up we have to go!” Emma called. Our trance broke and we both looked at each other wide eyed before we started running again. An awkward giggle escaped my lips but the moment had passed, we didn’t have time to discuss it anymore. We quickly caught up to our campers and we jogged the rest of the way to the campfire, which was about as far away as a football field. We just beat the other cabin there by about 20 seconds. 
Emma and Nikki and Ethan all ran to the center where the camp director Becca was waiting  for them. 
“Alright! Our first place scavenger hunt Winners!  Cabin C and Cabin H. Let’s see your charm!” She said enthusiastically. Emma handed it to her. “Great! So since you’ve one first place you get the first choice to either Make a trade or keep your charm. Your charm tells us what  your activity is for tonight. And this one!” she paused looking at the piece in her hand. “Is a drive in movie night ont he lawn! Grab your blankets. We’ll have plenty of snacks and if your counselors are nice enough you may just get a double feature!” She looked over at us and winked. “You’ll get an opportunity to do all of the activities in the scavenger hunt. This just means you get first pick. Its up to you.” She handed back the charm and greeted her next group, turning them loose back to us. 
Sy was the first to speak when they headed back our way. 
“Well what do you think? Should we hold on to it and wait to see what everyone else has? Or should we keep it and plan our movie night?” The kids thought for a minute. Some of them were obviously exhausted from all the running. Then Beckett spoke.
“I think we should keep it! We’ve done a lot of running around today already. It’s supposed to be nice out tonight and if Ryleigh comes back it’ll be super chill and it’ll be something she can handle with her bad ankle and she won’t have to feel left out right when she gets back… uh.. If everyones cool with that?” Sy silently put a hand on his shoulder and I smiled. 
“I think that’s a great idea Beckett. I certainly don’t want anyone left out. It’s nice of you to think of her.” One of the boys snickered but Ethan turned and smacked him on the back of the head. 
“Dude shut up,” He said. 
“I didn’t say anything!” Chase argued. 
“You were gonna! If homeboy wants to be in love, let him.” 
“Boys!” Sy Barked quickly stopping their argument and saving Beckett from further embarrassment. “Knock it off, you’re both pretty.” he smirked. “But we’ve got other things to settle.” The girls fell into a fit of giggles. Before finally answer the matter at hand. 
“I don’t mind,” Nikki said. “I’m tired already and we still have half the day left. We should just chill tonight! And I want our friend to be included!” she said. 
“Yeah me too! I really like Ryleigh, I feel so bad that she got hurt! I want to help her feel better when she gets back. I think that’s a good idea Beckett!” Emma said. The other girls in our cabin agreed. The all seemed to have bonded quickly that first night. Ryleigh was quiet but I guess I wasn’t the only one keeping an eye on her. That made me feel good. 
The boys agreed. Ethan saying something about ‘bro code’. If looks could kill Beckett would have knocked him out.
We headed back to the campfire and the kidslet Becca know that we were staying with our movie night. I checked my watch and saw we still had like 3 hours to kill before dinner. We were going so hard for the scavenger hunt we literally almost missed lunch. 
“Okay, Well you guys have free time now. If you're gonna swim or go Boating give yourself enough time to get back here and dry off for dinner! If you need either one of us I think I’m gonna head down to the beach myself and Sy…?” I asked, looking over. Again his eyes were already on me. My throat immediately went dry. 
“I’m gonna head down to the beach too, you know where to find us or you can find anyone with a radio and they can get ahold of us for you! Be safe, don't do anything stupid! Go have fun! We’ll meet you at the dining hall at 5:45!” He told them. They were running off in different directions before he could finish his sentence. “And then there were two,” He chuckled.
“Yeah,” I chuckled, “and here I thought they liked us,” I said. Sy let out a soft laugh his shoulder brushing against mine. “I should, go get ready,” I blushed. “I’ll… meet you at the lake?” I asked.”
“Uh, Yeah,” He cleared his throat, “I’ll see you there,” He said quickly. And we headed off in separate directions. 
This was turning out to be much harder than I thought. It’s clear that we both want each other. But its not like we can be reckless and flirty and be all over each other when the kids are around. And I’m not sure thats what I want. I can’t get over the way he kissed me in the woods this morning. I can still taste him on my tongue. Being near him. Lights something up in me. But I’m terrified. I’ve never really done this before. Everything he’s done for me. Even without touching me, makes me feel better and makes me feel good. What if I can’t do that for him. What if I’m bad at it. I clearly don’t have nearly as much experience as he does. I don’t have any at all. What if we when I am ready… I suck at it. And When would we even have time for something like that? Does he want that? Am I not doing enough for him now? No, he would say something, and we literally just saw each other for the first time in 7 years 2 days ago! but… What does he expect from me? I felt my heart racing.
When I got back to the cabin it was empty. All of the girls were running around elsewhere. I flopped down onto my bunk and took a deep breath. Breathe Lainie. You're not a child anymore. You’re the adult here. I took one more deep inhale before I sat up and started to sift through my bag. My best friend had talked me into bringing a couple of two pieces I'm not so sure I'm comfortable with. As I was pulling the bathing suits out there was a knock on the door. Surely that couldn’t be Logan. 
I stood quickly and opened the door. Ryleigh was there with her Dad. She was on crutches but her ankle was only wrapped tightly in a bandage. “Hey, sweetheart!” I said quickly trying to keep the surprise off my face. I looked at her dad and gave him a gentle smile, “what did we find out?” I asked him? He returned my sympathetic look and patted Ryleigh on the shoulder.
“It’s sprained but not too bad. Dr just wants her to take it easy a couple of days, try to stay off of it best she can. But he okayed her to come back. And she begged us. I couldn’t say no.” He chuckled. 
“Dad,” she blushed.
“Alright, you just be careful, watch out for any flying footballs” he winked teasing her.
“Ugh,” she groaned. I chuckled softly. 
“We’ll take good care of her and keep her in one piece. Thank you for bringing her back! The kids were worried about her!” I told him. We said our goodbyes and I let Ryleigh get settled in.  “Are you doing okay, How are you feeling?”  I asked her. She sat on her bunk and let out a deep exhale that resonated with me  more than it should have. 
“My ankle hurts,”She said flatly. “But it’s really not too bad. I think I’m just overwhelmed. That was a lot happening at once.” I nodded and walked over  to sit with her on her bunk. 
“I understand. We were all really concerned about you, I’m glad you came back!” I told her. She smiled shyly. 
“I was having fun, I wasn’t gonna let this stop me,” She said. 
“I’m really glad to hear that!” I smiled. She looked over at my bunk, her eyes landing on the swim suits. 
“Were you about to go to the beach?” she asked. 
“I was, I was going to meet Sy down there, but If you wanna chill out and relax for a while I can hang out here with you!” I offered. 
“Actually… Can I come with you? I’ll have to just sit in the sand but I wanna get out in the sun and not just mope around.” she said. 
“Of course you can! Do you think you can get down there okay?” I asked, gesturing to her ankle. She nodded. 
“I’ll figure it out.”  she said. We both changed into more beach appropriate attire. I went back and forth for a moment about which swimsuit to wear, it was Ryleigh that helped me decide. 
“He already likes you, ya know.” she said. “Sy, I noticed the way he looks at you. But if you want his attention… The blue two piece is really cute.” she said. I wanted to protest. Or to retort with literally anything. But I couldn’t. I wasn’t naive enough to believe that the kids wouldn’t see it or not notice at some point. And Ryleigh was incredibly observant. I did end up wearing the blue two piece. After throwing on some shorts to walk down to the beach  and grabbing a towel, Ryleigh and I left the cabin. 
She did really well with her crutches until we hit the sand. Sy saw us immediately and stepped over to help. 
“Hey, you made it back!” He greeted her with a smile. He took her crutches and I let her lean on me 
“Yeah, it’s just a sprain!” She answered, with a shy smile. 
“You need some help?” He asked her. She shook her head and I walked with her as she slowly hopped along the sand. 
“She’s got!” I assured him. She found a spot to settle in, refusing to let me help her lay down her towel. She was stubborn. “You want us to hang out here without?” I offered. Again she shook her head. 
“I brought a book with me in my bag. I’m just gonna chill here!” She smiled. I nodded and Sy gave her a gentle smile. 
“Alright darlin’ we won’t be far. Let us know if you need anything!” he said. Ryleigh nodded. We left her alone walking off a little further down the beach. 
Now that we were alone and I had the chance to look at him, I suddenly felt shy. He looked so good. We stopped and set my towel up next to his and I had to stop myself from staring. He was shirtless. Of course he was, we were spending the afternoon by the water. His chest was strong and covered in hair that trailed down his toned stomach. I quickly flicked my eyes back to his. By the smirk on his face it was clear I’d been caught. Neither of us said anything. I sat down on my towel taking in the sun. I closed my eyes and stretched my legs out in front of me leaning back on my hands. 
“I needed this” I finally spoke. “It’s beautiful out here today.” Logan hummed softly in response. When I looked up his eyes were still on me before he finally sat down next to me. 
“It sure is.” He said. “Does this feel crazy to you too? Sittin here together again after all this time?” he asked. I nodded.
“It does, It’s weird. I never thought I would see you again. But now we’re here repeating the past. It’s like deja vu.” I laughed softly. 
“Or fate, bringing us back together again.” He smiled. He looked over at me brushing a strand of hair out of my eyes. 
“Logan,” I blushed. “I-I’m gonna go swim. Do you wanna join me?” I asked standing up quickly trying to avoid the moment. I quickly took my shorts off leaving me in just my bathing suit and ran toward the water. I figured he would follow. When I turned back Logan was still standing there with a sultry look in his eye, staring at me. And suddenly I felt naked. A shiver made its way down my spine before I finally found my voice to speak. “Are you coming or are you just gonna stand there staring all day?” I joked. 
Logan let out a chuckle before he ran toward me. I squealed, running into the water but he was faster than I was. He knelt down scooping me up in his arms carrying me further into the water. Instinctually I wrapped my arms around his neck holding on tight. 
“Put me down!” I kicked at the water in protest. He adjusted me in his arms, holding me close and letting his hand slide up to my hip. 
“Nope, You’re right where you should be.” I blushed. “You look so damn good,” He licked his lips, his eyes trailing up my body. I bit my lip feeling a bit self conscious in this position. 
“Logan there are so many people around right now.” I reminded him. He groaned, dropping his head to my shoulder. He set me down in the water. But he grabbed my hips underwater pulling me close. His lips brushed against my ear as he spoke. 
“Do you have any idea how hard it is to keep my hands off of you?” he whispered. I swallowed hard as he pulled away looking me in the eyes with a mischievous smile. I felt his thumbs graze against my hips making it difficult to stay upright, let alone string together a sentence. 
“Sy, I -I can’t. I mean. I…don’t know how. I’ve never….” I couldn’t say it. But the way his eyes suddenly soften told me he knew what I was trying to say. I was afraid I couldn’t keep up with him. I couldn’t please him. I’ve touched myself…I’d have got bat shit crazy by now if I hadn’t found some kind of release. I’ve never gone any further. My breath caught in my throat when he spoke again.  
“I’d be happy to show you darlin, we’ll go slow.” He said softly. The moment was ruined quickly by a group of campers that had gotten ahold of some super soakers. We had become collateral in their water war. 
“Sorry Lainie!” Ethan yelled as he aimed his gun at Chase.
“It’s my bad bud, The middle of the lake is fair game for a water fight. But watch out for the little ones okay?” He gave me a nod and quick thumbs up before dodging getting sprayed by Zach who was a few feet away.  “Do you encourage this behavior?” I looked up at Logan with a smirk, I watched him chuckle softly. “I don’t discourage it.” I laughed 
“That checks out.” I said. He looked at me with a raised brow. 
“Really, and whats that supposed to mean?” He challenged. I smirked as he watched me carefully. 
“Just that you always liked to start trouble.” I giggled splashing him playfully.
“Oh is that right?” He grinned as a slowly started to back away, looking over my shoulder to make sure I wasn’t going to run into anyone. “Because I don’t remember ever getting caught for anything, unless… you were there.” I took off running in the water as quickly as I could. Which, arguably, was pretty slow. Logan ran behind me and we continued splashing each other. 
“I was a good kid until I met you Syverson!” I squealed trying to get away from him. “We only got in trouble because it was your idea!” He caught up to me by the dock and caught me around my waist. 
“You didn’t have to go along with it,” He smiled. I pouted turning around.
“I did. Because you’re so cool and so cute and I had a crush on you and… I just wanted to hang out with you. And you knew that!” I swatted at his chest playfully, “and you still did things that got us into trouble knowing I would go with you!” I watched as he took a moment to look around and then he chuckled. 
“You know we’re still in the middle of everybody,” He said, reluctantly letting go of my waist.
“I know, we suck at this.” I laughed. Logan paused, thinking for a moment. 
“You still wanna hang out with me?” I raised an eyebrow curiously and nodded. 
“Of couse I do!” I smiled. 
“Well, if you aren’t doing anything later, me and bunch of really cool kids are seeing a movie on the lawn, if you wanna be my date?”  I soft giggle escaped me. He made it feel like we were still the campers. Of course it’s not like we were old. But it felt like we could be carefree and wild again. 
“I’ll think about it.” I answered. 
Later that night after dinner and the end of the evening campfire, we set up for our movie. Logan and I set up the Projector Screen and set up the projector while the kids were off in the cabin getting lawn chairs and blankets. We discussed Movie options at dinner. Somehow they all ended up agreeing on the new Top Gun. I don’t know how but That was Logan’s fault. 
“You know, you didn’t tell me I’d be working during this date,” I teased as we finished tying the screen up to the pavilion. 
“So it is a date then?” he smirked. He walked over turning on the projector to make sure it was working. 
“Yeah, it is.” I stated. He walked over quickly taking a look around before pulling me against him and placing a soft kiss on my lips. I breathed him in kissing him back slowly. It was only a short soft kiss. But it had my head spinning, and my heart racing. I held onto his shoulder as we pulled away and he smiled.
“I wish it wouldn’t have wasted so much time not kissing you. I can’t get enough.” He murmured softly. I blushed. I heard chatter in the distance and I was sure it was some of our campers. 
“We should, get this set up and get settled in,” I stuttered. Sy finished setting up the movie waiting to play until all of the campers set up their chairs and blankets to lounge on the lawn. I watched them all get settled for a while. Beckett helped Ryleigh get settled. He was so excited when he saw she had made it back to camp. The two of them were sat on a blanket together. They probably would watch much of the movie. They'll likely just talk. They're so sweet.
Logan and I sat together on a blanket at the very back behind all of them so we could keep an eye on them. At least that was his excuse. But after the movie started to play and the kids were distracted Logan started making his move. 
“You warm enough?” He asked, noticing me tug my hoodie sleeves down over my hands. 
“Yeah, Just a little cold.” I stated. He grabbed the extra blanket and scooted closer. 
“C’mere,” He spoke and stretched his legs out leaving space for me to sit between them. I bit my lip and hesitated for a moment. Before settling between his legs and leaning back against his chest. He laid the blanket over our laps and wrapped his arms around me. “Better?” his breath was hot against my ear. 
“Mhmm,” I hummed biting my lip. We stayed just like that for a while. Logan ran his hands up and down my arms to keep me warm. He started to press a few kisses to my shoulder. And then soft kisses to my neck. 
“You looked so good today in that little two piece. You were driving me crazy.” He mumbled, still lazily pressing kisses to my neck. 
“Logan, we.. I… can’t,” I stuttered. Trying to find my words. I held in a moan as he started to softly suck on my neck. “Please, we shouldn’t,” I said, trying to make sense. 
“Shhh, relax Darlin,” he cooed in my ear, “I’m not gonna do anything you don’t want me too. I just wanna right my wrong, shouldn’t have left each other like we did back then. I wanna make you feel good, show you how you should be treated. Will you let me?” He whispered.  I swallowed hard. He had slipped his hands under my hoodie and his thumb was brushing against the skin of my lower belly. The soft touch made me want more. I turned my head meeting his eyes. Although they were filled with lust and desired and want, they were sincere. I knew he’d never do anything I wasn’t okay with. I knew he’d never hurt me. I knew I was safe here in his arms. I nodded. 
“Please,” I whispered. Logan kissed me softly and reluctantly pulled away. 
“Good girl. Now you just watch the movie and let me take care of you baby.” I kept my eyes on the screen as I felt him slip his hand past the waistband of my shorts. “Gonna go slow baby, just gonna make you feel good.” He whispered in my ear. 
I bit my lip holding in a gasp as his fingers grazed my clit. He brushed them down my folds circling my entrance letting out a deep groan. “So wet darlin, can’t wait to feel you.” he spoke softly. He moved his fingers back up pressing them against my clit teasing me in small circles. I clutched his arm holding in a moan. “Easy baby, you like that?” he asked. I nodded. He kept toying with my clit for moment before slowly pushing a finger inside me. 
I let my head fall back against his shoulder as he started pumping in in out. I let out a soft whimper trying to stay quiet. “You need more baby?” he asked. Again I nodded. He added a second finger pumping them faster. I felt a pressure build in my stomach and I started to grind on his fingers. 
“Thats it baby, you’re doing so good for me. You’re close aren’t ya,” He smirked kissing my neck.  I continued to chase my high and Logan pressed his thumb to my clit as he kept fucking me with is fingers. I couldn’t take anymore, I let head fall back against his shoulder. Logan used his other hand to cover my mouth to stifle my moan while I came on his hand. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful.” He whispered in my ear as he held me. He slid his fingers out and I watches as he brought them to his lips sucking my juices off his fingers. “So good,” he groaned. He held me in his arms until the movie was over. We sent the kids back to get ready for bed as we packed every thing up. 
“You alright?” he asked, when we closed the pavilion for the night. I blushed nodding. 
“I’m great.” I giggled softly. He let out a laugh and pulled me in for a passionate kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him back. 
“Easy baby, we’re taking slow, I don’t wanna push you too fast,” He smiled as we pulled away. 
“You’re an amazing guy Logan,” I smiled. He lifted my chin giving me one last soft kiss.
“Goodnight sweet girl. See you tomorrow. He smiled. 
“Good night Logan, I’ll see you in the morning.” I said, before we both reluctantly went our separate ways to check on our campers and settle in for the night. This summer was just getting started. 
Like, comment, reblog and let me know what you think! we are far from done with this one!!
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acesandocs · 3 months
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The gang indulges in some unrestrained summer fun!
This has been a wip for gosh knows how long, but I managed to get it done. It started with just Maire but then everyone got to join in.
The gang mostly belongs to @libras-interactives Lottie belongs to @maryannsstrawberry i belive. So sorry for misattributing her to Libra. Who has custody of Little Lottie I'm still unsure of tho.
Individual pngs below (theyre suposed to be transparent, but i guess tumblr can just decide not to do that sometimes. free website and all that), as well as art thoughts.
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We’ll go from left to right
Jack: I feel like if Jack is going to the beach he need some protection from the sun. So along with a early 1920s style mens swimsuit, he’s also got a sun hat and a housecoat. I based it of a womans house coat as they look very light and breathable which probably helps with the heat while keeping him safe from sun. House coats were also generally not uncomon to wear on the beach. I also just like messing around with gender presentation in my art. I’m sure Marius approves.
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Marius: Marius is sporting a mens bathing suit from the late 1920s. As he is very fashion forward I felt it fit him to wear something a bit more up to date. His fur pattern does make it look like he was wearing shorts and a t shirt and got sunburned lol. I based his fur on Eveline’s and the photos of the cat he was based on. Maybe a gradient would make it look a bit less silly idk. Feel free to weigh in if you have any ideas.
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Eveline: I know Eveline prefers clothing from the late 1900-1910s more but I really loved how she looked with her hair up. I based her bathing suit on a 1920s version but added a few flairs to give it a bit more of a retro vibe for the time.
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The Lotties: I gave Lottie a bathing suit with a belt and a cap. As per the laws of the Lackadaisy-verse her ears are tucked safely into her cap. No ear holes here. I wanted to give her a beach bag but I couldn't find any type of purse specifically for that so she’s got a shopping bag instead. I felt she needed somewhere to keep little Lottie's beach toys and sun screen, speaking of: She is wearing a very normal child's bathing suit. Not much to say on it. I focused more on her posing than her fashion.
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Máire: the original name for this drawing when I was just planning on drawing her was bathing beauties… Anyway, she strikes me as someone who uses her time at the beach to relax and look good while doing it. Her swimsuit is based on something I saw on Pinterest. It had flowers painted on it which strikes me more as being ornamental. Shes also a pair of fashionable heals and a parasol.
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And last but not least Malwina: Malvina’s bathing suit is technically from 1926, so maybe she is just way ahead of the trends. Her shoes are laced beach shoes. I feel like shed take the opertunity to enjoy the fresh air, and swim in the cooling water. Maybe check out some cute boys. I think shed enjoy having a day where she can just be a normal teenager.
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Mc is probably around. Maybe off buying soda pops for everyone.
My main source for most of this was vintage dancer
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svtdarlingbby · 2 years
Seventeen with a gym rat s/o
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Svt x gym rat s/o. aka with an s/o who loves the gym as much as these buff babes. also low-key an excuse to post seventeen gym selcas 🫣💪
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I think Cheol said somewhere that he prefers playing sports vs going to the gym
but since he's with you and wants to spend more time with you he finds himself at the gym
he's pretty impressed by all your knowledge of various workout machines
wanted to impress you though so he suggested lifting weights
he's surprisingly able to lift a lot
but not as effortlessly at you
you found yourself gently correcting his form so he won't get hurt
tbh it was so endearing for Cheol
you babying him was so sweet
after weights you guys decided to have a friendly competition on the stair master
Cheol thought it would be easy, I mean it's just climbing stairs right?
he was huffing and puffing meanwhile you were still climbing the infinite stairs effortlessly
it was at that point he considered you a fitness god and told himself that he'd always go to the gym with you
the next day he was soooo sore lol he couldn't get out of bed rip
you couldn't help but laugh
still tho you were nice and rewarded his efforts with some cuddles
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Jeonghan finds himself going to the gym occasionally but the gym def isn't a huge priority in his life
however since dating you he noticed how much you love going to the gym
so he figured he might as well try it out too
but omg
he's trying sooooo hard to focus on lifting AND THEN THERES YOU
looking hella hot in your gym clothes lifting weights effortlessly
is totally checking you out
and you def notice
ah right-
but he low-key uses this as an excuse to get your attention
"Y/N? is my form right?" he says as he purposely holds the weights weirdly
"Nope, you've gotta hold it like this" you say as you adjust his grasp and form
lol this menace found the perfect way to get you close to him
of course he still actually listens to you and works out
but occasionally he'll try to purposely mess up his form to get you to help if he's extra needy
doesn't care if he's sore the next day
will use this as an excuse to cuddle with you
until you use your muscles to break free of his grasp and haul his ass out of bed
this reminds him that maybe he should continue going to the gym
one day he'll have enough muscles to cuddle you all day
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I feel like Joshua goes to the gym more often then he makes it out to be
have you seen this guy's veiny arms??
he's gotta be lifting
he's super happy about having an s/o who also prioritizes the gym
arm day with you is always his fave
just seeing your strong muscles and physique lift the heavy weights just make his heart go crazy
like ughhh mommy/daddy
so he also wants to return the favor by impressing you
puts a lot of effort into lifting, making sure his form is just right
tbh you really do serve as motivation for him
he's been getting buffer since he started dating you
he has the cutest shyest smile when you compliment him
"Wow Josh, you've got arms of steel" you say as you squeeze his bicep
if he could he would melt right there
it means a lot coming from you since you're an expert with all things fitness
def reciprocates too
like you guys would just be chilling and he'd squeeze your arm
"Damn Y/N, you're armed and dangerous"
oh lord he's such a cheeseball
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y'all did you see limbo? 👀
it's so obvious Jun has worked hard for that body
and it was so convenient that you came into his life at that point
just as he was incorporating the gym more into his routine is when you and him began to date
tbh it was so convenient and Jun really appreciates having you around
Jun doesn't know if his form is correct? don't worry he's got you to fix it
Jun needs someone to spot him when he's bench pressing? you're already there by his side
Jun is experiencing a plateau? you've already got suggestions of different new exercises to try
basically it's because of you and your support he's even more motivated to go to the gym!
also my man Jun also appreciates the view if you know what I'm saying
having you by his side makes him feel even more stronger and powerful
like "yes my s/o is a fitness buff and is helping ME while looking like a snack"
these are just his thoughts tho
in reality he's just snaking his toned arms around your just as toned form, smiling to himself
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ohhh you know he's gonna make you his gym buddy
I meannnnnn have you seen this mans body???
boi loves to workout
will always spot you during arm day
is your biggest cheerleader when you move up in weights!!
will literally hug you all sweaty in the middle of the gym lol its a little embarrassing but sooo endearing
the fact that you love to work out? you're prob building quite the muscles
Soonyoung isn't shy when it comes to wanting to feel your toned arms
"Whoaaaa since when did you become so buff?" he says infatuated with your arms lol
of course you feel flustered cuz this man does this even in public!!
but low-key his reactions are your motivation to keep up your progress
also he lovesss to take gym selfies
you think his gym selfies are hot? they get even better with you right next to him flexing your hard work
he feels so luckyy
overall he loves that he gets to work out at the gym with a hottie like you
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I feel like Wonwoo is a subtle guy when it comes to the gym
like yeah it's so obvious he goes to the gym but the gym isn't a huge facet of his life
when he realizes that its quite the opposite for you, he sees this as an opportunity to make more of an effort to make the gym routine
tbh he's amazed at how locked in you are with a routine at the gym
so for the first few days he kinda just copies you lol
he does the same exercises and kinda lets you be
its comfortable silence really
you guys both have your earbuds in doing your own thing while being near each other
of course he'll steal a few glances at you
but he always says its to match your form lolll sure
in private though he's always teasing you in a good way about your muscles
like he'll just randomly approach you, squeeze your muscular bicep, and say something like "close the gyms" in a really deadpan voice
it's soooo cheesy lmaooo but that line never fails to make you feel flustered hehe
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have you seen Jihoon lately?
this mans getting b u f f
and having an s/o who's a gym rat like him?
whenever you're getting ready to go to the gym Jihoon always wants to tag along
"Don't you have to produce a song tonight?"
"Nah I can squeeze in a gym session"
he's mainly going because you're going lol
he's def impressed with how fit you are, knowing all the machines and having effortless form
he's like damn I wanna be like that too
ALWAYS brags about this fact to the boys when he works out with them
"What kinda machine is that?" asked one of the guys
"That's a hip abductor, Y/N is a master of that"
also whenever you two are at the gym together
he feels so much more motivated
will def wanna do exercises that involve the both of you
is always down to hold down your feet during sit ups
cardio day you guys are on treadmills side by side
Jihoon won't admit this but when you guys are taking it easy a walking on the treadmills he treats it as if you guys were on a peaceful stroll together
he also won't admit he turns into a blushing puddle whenever you notice his progress
"Dang Jihoon, you're looking buff today" you say as you squeeze his toned biceps
that's it. brb Jihoon is gonna go to the gym to keep up the progress
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I know this man is gonna be obsessed with the fact that you love the gym
he def will use the gym as an opportunity to spend time with you
while also getting buff himself
Seokmin is a total goofball
I can see him asking you for "motivation" during pushups
aka him asking you to lie under him for a kiss for each successful push up
like just look at him in that pic god damn
I meannnn lets just say you both benefited from that
he's also your biggest cheerleader
like when you're lifting weights omg he got the whole gym staring at you with his cheering
after you lift the weights he's still gonna be a goofball about it
"now lift me pls" he says holding out his arms to you
you can only roll your eyes but lift him up nonetheless
he's giggling like an idiot and you can only roll your eyes
low-key motivates you to get stronger and vice versa
he wants to pick you up too hehe
he really does make gym sessions so much more enjoyable aww
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man Mingyu really does work out for that hot bod of his
while he love to play sports he also finds himself working out often too
when you came into his life though he thought having you around would motivate him more to go to the gym
because you were already sporting quite the hot body yourself
while you were typically very focused at the gym, once Mingyu came along that changed
of course you always thought Mingyu was hot, but when he's working out
oh my
you feel your face somehow get even hotter despite being all sweaty from working out when you see Mingyu doing all this
while you're over here flustered over him Mingyu gets kinda cocky lol
like when he's spotting you while you're lifting
"Whoa there Y/N, I know I'm making your heart race but you gotta take it easy" he says as he fixes your form
mannn does he make working out hard
or when you're stretching he'll purposely flaunt stretch his arms while you glare as you're trying to hold your stretch
he'll also flex and try to lift the heaviest weights ever to get your attention
thankfully his antics catch up to him as he's superrr sore the next day
but he'd happily use this as a reason for you to take the lead if you know what I mean ;)
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Minghao has become quite the fitness buff within the past few years
I mean look at those guns!!
I remember Minghao once said that it is super hard for him to gain muscle and look at him now ughhh
and seeing you succeed with your fitness goals makes Minghao even more proud
going to the gym is like breathing for you guys
you two always go to the gym together
and since you're with Minghao, every occasion has to be a fashion statement
you two are always wearing the coolest, trendiest, gym clothes that still manage to be uniquely your styles
it makes Minghao's heart flutter every time he seeing you wearing the gym shoes he bought you
especially when you're wearing one of his old gym shirts omg this man can barely even focus on working out LMAO and he's like the biggest gym rat out of all these dudes
gym selfies are a priority
his fav ones being the ones where both of you are goofily flexing your muscles
he's always so impressed by how much you can lift too
is soooooo flustered when you lift him up in the middle of the gym
but he secretly loves it so much awww like on the inside he's giggling and kicking his feet in the air haha
but as unserious as you guys act
once it comes to working out, you guys are fitness gods
you two are so focused when you're in the zone lifting or running on the treadmill
it's impressive really
and Minghao is so thankful that you're here to make the gym more fun
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Seungkwan has found himself going to the gym more often since you came into his life
you would think it's because he wants to live a healthy lifestyle
it's because you two are so damn competitive
ever since you told him how many minutes it took for you to run a mile on the elliptical Boo was impressed but decided to challenge you
"Oh yeah? That's pretty impressive, but I can easily do that in less time"
"Oh really?"
so you guys go to the gym
and for you the elliptical is nothing
you look over and see Seungkwan starting to break a sweat in the first five minutes
"Getting tired Boo?"
"Stay in your lane"
god he was so sassy lol
but beating each other in a friendly competition was how you two rolled
of course you ended up winning while Seungkwan was a huffing puffing mess, all red
"Ok I admit it Y/N, you are a fitness god"
that compliment fueled your ego lol but you weren't mean about it
"Here's the prize for second place" you said before you kissed him
"Maybe losing isn't so bad after all" he laughed and hugged you, not minding either of you being sweaty
"Haha loser, let's play some badminton?" you ask
"Always! Now we'll see whose the loser" he smirks
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okay first of all why is he wearing denim on denim TO THE GYM??
ANYWAYS kinda like Jeonghan I don't see Vernon prioritizing the gym all that much
but once he starts dating you, he notices that the gym ends up taking a lot of your time
so he's like "heck why not go with Y/N to the gym?"
is ill prepared as you can see in the pic
"Hansol. WHY are you not in your gym clothes?"
"Hm? Oh. Right. Let me snap a pic of my fit before I change"
once he's changed he's ready to go!
feels kinda lost tho with all the machines
you're about to start lifting when you see Vernon looking confused as he's trying to distinguish a dumbbell from a kettlebell
you think its kinda cute watching his eyes go back and forth between the different types of weights
but you also don't wanna patronize him or anything
"Hansol, why don't you start with a dumbbell?" you say handing an appropriately weighted dumbbell to him
at this point you kind of become like his personal trainer
at first he was just watching you to see what you did with your dumbbell and tried to do the same
once you began to guide him you could tell he was a lot more secure
and he really did look like he was enjoying the workout!
tbh the gym really strengthens your bond this way
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our boy Lee Chan is obsessed with the gym
I mean look at that body ughhhh 😮‍💨
so when he starts dating you the gym becomes practically your second homes
he's hella impressed with your strength for sure
"Whoa Y/N, how are you able to lift that much?"
he's also kinda cheeky when it comes to stealing glances at you working out
it's leg day and you're doing squats? 👀
he's super subtle about it tho cause he actually takes the gym seriously *ahem Jeonghan*
he also def tries to show off for you
when he's doing arm curls he'll def put extra effort in flexing his biceps when he sees you watching
will also act like the heaviest weights are nothing for him
pays for his cockiness the next day in the form of soreness
this becomes the perfect opportunity for you to cuddle with his muscular self
maybe the gym can wait a few more minutes hehe
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blues824 · 10 months
(also, Lowkey so flattered that you consider me a ✨mutual✨ because you are an INCREDIBLE fanfic writer~)
Okay, so, Hear 👏 Me 👏 Out 👏! The Scarabia Boys and maybe Ruggie (or one of the other boys from the savannah) for prompt 28..... But what if it was reversed???? Because I'm someone that's from an area that has really cold and long winters, so I'm pretty good at spotting or catching myself on black ice..... But these guys from hot desert areas??? I just /know/ they haven't gotten used to the ice and snow yet-
But I'm just spit balling! Feel free to stick to the original, cuz it's still pretty cute!! Can't wait to read all the beautiful, adorable, amazing fics that come from this event!!!! Make sure not to overwhelm yourself or get burnt out. Take plenty of breaks and remember we can always wait an extra day or two lol 💋✨💋💕💖💘❤️🥰😍🥳🌹🫶🫰🌹🥴
Of course!!! You’ve commented on a few of my works, so I figured you might like to be included in the event lol. Also, I would be in their shoes, because I am from a hot desert area lol.
You requested: Being Caught Slipping on Ice [Reversed]
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Ruggie Bucchi
He had absolutely no idea what he was thinking, being on the ice. This man has a vice grip on your arms as you both go to Sam’s Shop. The sidewalk and grass have become icy because it has been raining for the past few days, and the temperature has dropped significantly. Savanaclaw isn’t this cold, and he’s bundled up pretty well.
There was one spot that was a tad wet, still frozen in ice, and he wasn’t paying attention. You felt him let go of your arm, and you turned to see that he was falling backwards. Worried about him hitting his head, you quickly slid on your knees so that his head would land in your lap.
“Is it just me, or did an angel come down and save me?”
Real smooth, bro. You rolled your eyes and smiled, making sure that he was alright and helping him back up, going to place a kiss on his cheek which made him smile. He reciprocates by moving just in time for you to accidentally land it on his lips, and he snickered as you rolled your eyes once again.
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Kalim Al-Asim
His homeland is literally the Scalding Sands. If you think he knows how to handle snow, you would be mistaken. However, he has a very positive outlook on it. It’s a free Slip-n’-Slide, or he gets to be a penguin sliding on his stomach. When it comes to having to walk, however, he is at a loss. One step and he’s already fallen. He needs one of those walkers that people use when skating.
Watching you walk across the black ice so easily made him feel so amazed, and he thought that if he copied you exactly, he would be fine. He was wrong, and he fell back almost immediately. Before he hit the ground, however, he felt an arm wrap around his waist. He looked up to find you, with a worried look on your face.
“Thank you, Y/N! You saved me!”
The smile on his face made any memory of scolding him dissipate as you made sure that he was steady. You then taught him how to properly walk on the black ice, as there was a particular method to it. Making sure your body was straight and stepping down so that the sole of your foot was flat against the ground, and it was weird to get used to, but at least he didn’t fall more than he did.
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Jamil Viper
His homeland is the Scalding Sands as well. However, he knows how to handle snow more than Kalim does. He was prepared when he got accepted into NRC. But, nothing could prepare him for the ice that forms on the grass and on the sidewalks. After all, his sports training takes place in a gymnasium, so the temperature is warm and controlled by a thermostat. 
So, when he invited you to come play on an outside basketball court, you laughed when he realized that it had a bit of ice on the ground. Because you used to live somewhere with a cold climate, you were familiar with playing a certain way so that you wouldn’t slip and fall. He was not, and after a few moments, he slipped. Luckily, you slid behind him so that you could hold him up.
“Thank you, Y/N. I guess I have not acclimated quite yet to the ice…” He said, a bit embarrassed.
You shrugged and said it was all alright, and that you could do it because you lived somewhere cold. You taught him how to walk and run on the ice, and that he needed to have his hands out of his pockets at all times so he could catch himself. It was good advice even if it wasn’t freezing outside, as you never knew when you would fall.
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ninyard · 5 months
Came here from your in universe tweets posts and have just realised you're also Irish.
What are your thoughts on Kevin Day seeming so American through and through? I personally wish Nora had given him an accent or something seeing as he was raised by his Irish single mam. Like I kinda wish there had been some cultural differences there even if it was done badly.
However I think Nora was very on point with the fact that if somebody was going to make a very violent stickball sport it would be an Irish person.
I don't know anybody IRL who's read aftg and I would love to hear somebody else's thoughts on Kevin's Irish heritage lol
I wrote these silly little hcs about Kevin’s childhood in Ireland but a lot of that is kind of dependent on Kevin having had more of a childhood in Ireland (which I don’t think happened but I haven’t got a clue what the timeline of Kayleigh being in Ireland to Kevin being born is tbh)
Personally I wish Kev was a little more Irish and I also think the Irish mammy thing would’ve had a HUGE influence on him (again depending how old he was when she died). She would’ve been his best friend if he’d grown up with her. Also the internalising of his problems is VERY typical of an Irish man but I’d like to imagine Kayleigh tried to break the cycle of that mentality in sons/first born sons and it was destroyed by the Moriyama’s.
Things I would maybe like Kevin to have/do:
- just a little bit of an accent. On certain words, or if he’s drunk or tired, or if he’s speaking with an Irish person, his accent QUADRUPLES in intensity.
- burns in the sun SO EASILY but also wears shorts when it’s barely even hot at all
- he drinks tea when it’s cold because it’s comforting and it reminds him of his mam. It’s the one indulgence he allows himself because she took her tea sweet so he heaps two teaspoons in when he feels like he needs a hug
- I’ve mentioned it before somewhere but I believe that Kayleigh was from the west, from a gaeltacht area and spoke fluent Irish, and raised Kevin to be bilingual until she passed, and he never continued and honestly probably forgot it. He remembers little words here and there but really not much at all.
- right after he graduates he spends an entire summer in Ireland before he starts with his pro team. It’s a silly decision for his exy career really because he could use all of the professional practice he can get, but he needs it. He goes back to Ireland and visits all of these places he doesn’t remember, the places where Kayleigh grew up and took kev when he was a baby. Maybe his grandparents are still alive, and his grandfather plays hurling with him, and they speak to him in Irish, and he spends the summer learning and just relaxing and reconnecting with his roots. Maybe his grandmother has a box of Kayleigh’s old things and for the first time in his life he holds something belonging to his mam other than his letter. Her jersey with her original IRE National Court number on it from the Olympics just a few years before she died, and some photos he’d never seen before. I’d really love for him to just be able to know his mam better somehow. I feel like he deserves it!!!
(He comes back with the most obnoxious Irish American accent after that summer and he gets ROASTED for it. But he doesn’t care, because he feels so much closer to his mam having spent that much time at home)
I am CERTAIN that Kayleigh was inspired to create Exy by watching hurling. There’s no way she wasn’t. Exy is the bastard sport of lacrosse, hockey AND hurling.
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metalmusingmoments · 1 year
@lonelycupcakelol bare with me lol
Bayverse Optimus prime x Human reader.
Takes place during the forth movie where reader and Optimus reunite after each of them went into hiding.
The aftermath of Chicago had left a bitter taste on the human race. The Autobots had defeated the Decepticons but at the cost of thousands of lives and a city. That’s how the world saw it anyway.
The government was quick to react and NEST was disbanded. Only a select few would remain to act as liaisons. Any known human collaborators would be put on house arrest and Autobots would be restricted to a remote base in Nevada.
A year and a half after the battle, the Whitwicky family broke probation and couldn’t be found. Sam, his wife and new born son had escaped. The government was quick to pin it on Bumblebee but he and every other bot had been confined to the base. Y/N never saw Sam again.
When Lennox started to become distant Y/N began to worry. Acting as one of the liaisons between the Autobots and the government constant contact was a necessity, and above that they were friends. Or so Y/N thought.
The last conversation Y/N had with Lennox he had told them he “had to put his family first”. His last attempt to give them all a warning. An hour later the President declared all Cybertronians a threat to the world and the base descended into chaos.
Optimus had given orders to just get out and to keep contact to a minimum. Y/N had refused to leave his side and so you left together. That was two years ago.
At a truck stop somewhere in Tennessee you hastily stuffed your bag back full of your belongings. Grateful for the shower but wary of the time, you made your way back to Optimus. He was sporting a simple red and blue paint job without his traditional flames.
As you climbed back into the cab you stuffed your bag into the back and pulled out a map.
“We’ll have to get off 75 soon. We can’t go through Knoxville… I’m worried they’ll have sensors outside the city that could break through the shields.”
He didn’t respond as he watched you flip your map over and then back over again in frustration.
“Maybe we should backtrack and get on 27 then 40. Should we go south or north again?” You asked more to yourself.
“Y/N you cannot ignore this conversation” his deep voice filled the cabin.
“I heard you the first time and the answer is still no. I’m not leaving.” You refused to look into rear view mirror as you tried to figure out the next move. “Alright. We back track and hit 27 then we can figure out if we want to take 40” folding up the map you placed it back in your bag and reached for the seatbelt. It didn’t budge.
“Optimus” you pleaded as you tried pulling the seatbelt again.
“No.” The finality of that one word made you feel hollow. “The attack we suffered on the road last week was the end of this. I can not keep you safe…” he whispered
“And you think I‘ll be safer without you!” you snapped “I’ll end up just like Sam and-“
“We don’t know what happened to him and his family. They could be-“
“He’s dead Optimus!” you screeched “Cemetery Wind wants all of us dead and you want me to just fuck off to some remote cabin!? They’ll find me there and us separating will have been for nothing! Why are you doing this!?” You sobbed.
“Because I do not know what else to do!” His angered shout had you sinking into the seat. In all the time you had been together you had never once seen him raise his voice, and now it was at you. “They are more concerned with finding me. You will go to this location and you will stay there. If you believe it’s been compromised you will go to the next location I’ve chosen” he threw himself into reverse and started heading south. “They will not think to look for you on city outskirts.”
“I’m not your soldier” you hissed back through your tears.
“No…no you are not” he said quietly as they drove.
You rode in silence as the sky began to darken. Optimus soon pulled over onto the shoulder and parked.
“You need to head west into these woods for about a mile. You will find the location marked on this map.” The glove box popped open with a manila envelope. “They keys are in there as well as an Identification card and currency.”
“You’ve had this planned” you breathed taking the envelope in a shaky hand.
“…Yes” the admission sounded like he was in physical pain as he opened the door.
“I don’t want to leave you. I love you” the tears were now streaming down your face again as grabbed your bags.
“I know… I know as I love you, but this is not forever” he soothed. “Once it is safe I will come back for you and if your are not here I will find you. I promise you that.”
You slid out of the seat onto the ground and closed the door softly pressing your head against the door.
“Please” you tried in one last vain attempt.
“My spark… you must go.”
You pushed away from the door letting your hand rest there for a second longer as you stared at Optimus for what could be the last time.
With a sharp inhale you hiked your bags further up onto your shoulders and turned to hike up the steep incline into the woods.
When you could no longer see the road you heard the roar of his engine take off.
Optimus would send status updates to you and the other bots as often as he could through the secure channels.
Three months after arriving at your new home they had stopped.
3 years and 5 impromptu make shift homes later you found yourself in Wyoming of all places.
You had to ditch the planned route of homes Optimus had given you after you had shown up to the second one already turned upside down in a search. Destroying the small radio you had used to keep tabs on the other Autobots had been one of the most difficult decisions you had had to make over the past 3 years.
You had secluded yourself in a tiny off grid cabin with no internet or tv on a lake in the hopes that Optimus would indeed find you like he promised.
Working in your small garden you heard the sound of car engine. Not impossible for someone to be driving by but also highly unusual. You darted back into your house to grab your rifle and hid along the wall.
You couldn’t see where the car was but someone was getting out and skipping up the stairs onto your porch.
Clicking off the safety you waited.
A knock followed by a man’s voice.
“Hello? Uh�� is there a Y/N L/N here? Hello!?” He pounded on the door this time.
Slowly you slid your way over to the front door placing your hand on the door knob and quickly throwing it open. You pointed the rifle into the man’s face.
“Hey! Hey! Hey! What the hell man!?” The guy shouted as he stumbled back on the porch. You only advanced.
“Who the hell are you?” Voice hoarse from disuse.
“Cade! My names Cade Yeager! Bee said you would be friendly! Get that gun outta my face!” He said swatting aimlessly.
Moving your eyes behind the man you saw the the yellow camaro begin to shift as you let out a strangled gasp dropping your gun.
You pushed past Cade as you ran down the steps to Bumblebee’s kneeling form arms outstretched.
A/N/ - part 2 tomorrow it’s 2am 😭 I do head cannon that at-least Sam got whacked between 3-4. Cemetery wind was out for blood… also I’m making the reunion movie 5 cause Optimus had no time for nothing in 4 and you’ll see why in part 2😘
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jasntodds · 7 months
Petrichor [18]
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Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!Powered!Reader (little bit of fwb)
Words: 9,775
Chapter Warnings: Swearing, angst, canon character death, blood, canon violence, mention of previous abuse, mention of drug use, mention of drug addiction, mention of canon gore, kind of a mention of alcoholism
Summary: ❝Pylades: I’ll take care of you. Orestes: It’s rotten work. Pylades: Not to me. Not if it’s you.❞
Gotham is home, not just for Jason but for you, too. And now that you’re both finally back home, together, you’re ready to see where this next chapter brings the two of you. He’s your best friend and you’re his. And you both might want a little something more with being back home, the place you both feel most comfortable. Surely, nothing could possibly go wrong now.
A/N: I can't believe I've had to type out canon character death 4 times for this series lol You can add yourself to the tag list below, ask me to be tagged, or you can follow my library blog @jasntoddslibrary  and turn on notifications if you prefer that!! I love feedback, I swear it keeps me posting on a weekly basis 😭
series masterlist | masterlist | tag list
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You and Gar are seated on the floor facing each other while Rachel went out to get you some supplies. You're trying to wrap your head around how you're supposed to function around the city and take down Crane when the entire city wants your heads on spikes. The GCPD has always been weird about Batman but now they actually want all of the Titans taken down and with Crane behind it, that can't mean just throwing you all in cells and tossing away the key. You can't just go out and fight every civilian that hates you now. They're brainwashed because that's what Crane does and fighting people who have no clue what they're doing isn't going to help your situation. It feels more like you're all sitting ducks at this point.
"Doesn't it bother you?" Gar asks, breaking the silence between you, earning an eyebrow raise from you. "How Jason came back."
Your eyes narrow slightly, unsure how or why it would bother you. Him being alive is a good thing. "Why would it bother me?"
"I mean the Lazarus Pit." Gar states as he leans forward. "Like, he came back and that's just it? Some water somewhere is magic and can bring people back from the dead. That doesn't make sense."
You nod your head slowly, this is the same thing he told you at the manor when he showed you some of the books Bruce had on it. "Yeah, we went over that. It's because of Ra's which I think makes a lot of sense, honestly. It's still bothering you that much?"
"Yeah, like why doesn't anyone know where it is? Or what if they do but it's a secret. Bruce knew, right? Why didn't Bruce close it off like the others? Why did he keep the one in Gotham open?" Gar rambles off his questions.
Of all topics that's going to pick at Gar, this is it? The Lazarus Pit? You're bothered by it, too but not enough to be sitting here thinking about it when you're worried the Titans are going to be hunted for sport now. You've been separated and you're going to need each other but Gar doesn't seem bothered by it at all. Just the Lazarus Pit.
You blink at him a few times. "I've been trying to rationalize the decisions Bruce makes but I think that's more of a dead end than anything else. If anyone is going to have that answer outside of Bruce, it'd probably be Jason or Dick. But, they don't really get him either. I don't know." You shrug your shoulders. "Bruce is paranoid, maybe that's all there is to it. Couldn't explain why no one else knows..."
"Yeah, he's paranoid!" Gar groans. "So why leave it open?"
"No, I mean that's probably why. Or research." You let out a breath. "Maybe he's worried something will happen if he closes all of them off. Or he needs it to do more research. I don't know." You scoff. "I don't know how he feels about resurrection so maybe he wants to use it to help people or something I have no fucking idea, Gar. I think you'll drive yourself insane if you try to rationalize Bruce Wayne." You lean back on your hands, stretching out your legs.
"Maybe more people know about it." Gar says quietly. "If Crane knew..." Gar trails off as his eyes grow worried.
Without him finishing, you know exactly what he's thinking.
"Yeah, thought of that." You nod your head, your heart skipping a beat.
If Crane knew and his guy knew, more people know. They have to. Gotham is a big city so anyone can stumble upon it. People talk, it's what they do. It can't be that big of a secret. The question is who knows about it. If Crane knows, more Arkham inmates might know. More people who are crooked might know. There have been some really bad people who've been killed. If Jason can come back, so can they.
"We have to find it." Gar states.
"Why?" You ask flatly, tired of the circles you've been running.
"So we can do something about it." Gar says sternly.
"Like what?" Your voice raises.
Considering Crane is literally taking over the city, poisoning the water, and still might be wanting to distribute his drug, you think your hands a little bit full at the moment. Why go messing with something like a Lazarus Pit? That just sounds like a bad idea. Doing research into it is fine but the way you see it, it's probably best to leave well enough alone. Maybe you all should tackle one problem at a time and the Lazarus Pit doesn't seem to be a problem right now.
"I don't know! But maybe we can understand more about it and...use it for good. Or close it off so people like..." Gar's voice trails off as his eyes dodge yours. "The Joker don't get brought back."
"We should leave it alone." You urge, not missing a beat. "That's...that's Bruce and Ra's' business and Jason filled me in on the whole League Of Assassins and the Al Ghuls and I don't want to fuck with them."
"Since when are you on Bruce's side?" Gar scoffs in disbelief. The you he knows would love to do anything to get one over on Bruce, to show him up, prove he's wrong. Or just spite him in general. "He left. He left Dick to clean up his mess."
"I'm not on Buce's side." You grit your teeth. "I don't know why I have to be on anyone's side besides my own, by the way. Look, he's been doing the Batman shit a long fucking time and his methods don't always work but there has to be a reason the pit was left open." You pause for a few seconds before you shake your head. "It brought Jason back. It's not up to us to close it or do something with it."
The room falls silent with your final words. A lot of really bad people can be brought back and that is obviously a big concern. And you disagree with Bruce like you get paid for it but you know if that, of all things, was left open there is a reason for it. It brought Jason back. The way you see it, it can't be up to you and Gar to do anything about it. The Lazarus Pit isn't a battle and it's not up for Gar and you to make it into one. That's Bruce, Ra's' and Jason's business now.
"I got everything." Rachel states as she walks into the room, gaining Gar's and yours attention. The two of you get to your feet as Gar takes the bag from Rachel. "So, this happened last night? With the GCPD?" Rachel asks as Gar looks through the bag and pulls out a box of Cheeze Its.
"Yeah." You nod. "We, uh, we were set up. Dick and Babs had a plan to get the public off our backs but uh, Crane has basically the rest of the department on his payroll now so, uh, yeah." You nod your head as you look to the ground. Gar nudges you softly, offering you the bag. You look inside, seeing clothes. "Thank you." Your eyes widen at Rachel as you nod your head but before you can go to change, all of your phones start blaring an alarm.
The three of you pull out your phones, hoping this means cell towers are back up and running but you can never get so lucky. Instead, Jason wearing the Red Hood suit appears on your screens. Sam's heart falls to her feet. This is never good.
"Hello Gotham!" Jason cheers. "It's Red Hood coming to you live from the most exclusive spot in town: The Batcave. For too long, this city has been at the mercy of criminals and I'm not just talking about the Penguin and the Riddler and The Joker. I'm talking about the ones who pretend to help but only make things worse. First Batman and now the Titans. Hypocrites who feed off of your terror and pursuit of glory and they turn Gotham into a city of carnage. But it all comes to an end today. There's a new savior in town. First thing I'm going to do is burn the trash. You hear me, Nightwing? You're public enemy numero uno. But not for long, meet me at midnight. You know the place. It's time for us to finish this." Jason finishes before the screens go black.
You can feel the headache coming back. What the fuck?
"Okay, what the hell was that about?" Gar asks, looking to you.
Just last night Jason got you both to safety, took out the snipers. Gar might have been a bit out of it but he remembers that pretty vividly. Now, Jason is back with Crane?
"I literally have no fucking idea." You let out a groan, stuffing your phone back into the pocket of your suit.
"I thought he was on our side?" Rachel asks.
"Yeah." Gar raises his brows. "Isn't he supposed to be?"
"He is!" You immediately defend, desperately grabbing for an ounce of faith and reason Jason might have. "I don't know what he's doing. Maybe..." You pull in a breath, trying to figure out why he'd be acting like he's trying to target the Titans. If it were you, it'd be an act, a ploy to play both sides. "Maybe it's to meet up with Dick? I don't know. I mean, he has to make the public think he's with them and not us. He has to play along with Crane or he's dead again. And Crane clearly has access to the towers so it's not like Jason can just...call Dick. Crane might know." You nod your head, mostly just blurting out whatever bullshit you could come with on the spot.
"That's not reassuring." Gar remarks. "How do we know he's not working with Crane again?" Gar asks and he wants to hold onto hope that's not the case but after everything, even he's starting to be chiseled down into a calloused version of himself.
"We don't." You state, holding your head steady, careful not to waver. "We don't know. I don't think he would but it's always possible Crane drugged him again, I guess." You roll your eyes before you roll your shoulders. "Okay, I'm gonna go find Dick."
"No!" Gar protests. "They're going to try to kill you if you go out there. We need to stay hidden until we think of a plan."
"Yeah, I'm with Gar on this one." Rachel states, glancing between the two of you.
"I know this city like the back of my hand. I can find him and be fine." You argue back casually.
At this point, you aren't too afraid of what's out there. It can't possibly be any worse than anything you've experienced lately. You can change, go out as a civilian until you find them. It shouldn't take too long and if it does, you know where they'll be at midnight and you can go there. Someone has to find Dick before any of this gets any worse. And someone needs to find Jason to make sure he's not actually going to try and kill Dick again. You're volunteering, again.
"How are we supposed to find you again then?" Gar asks.
"I don't know." You shrug. "Rache's ESP or whatever?" Rachel offers a slight glare to you as you shrug and give her a grin. "That's kind of what it is." You mutter under your breath. "Whatever Rachel just used, use that. I'm gonna find Dick and if I can't, I know where they're gonna meet."
"Why do you know that?" Rachel asks.
"Because I know Jason and so does Dick. So I'm gonna go there if I have to." The casualness of your voice is not reassuring to Gar or Rachel.
"We're gonna try to find the Lazarus Pit then." Gar states, holding his head high as he crosses his arms.
"You're not gonna stop about that are you?" You ask slowly, giving Gar a slight glare.
"Nope." Gar offers you a smile right back which gets your rather cold exterior to crack just a little.
"Fine but can you promise not to mess with it...like don't take any water...liquid? From it, okay? Or have Rachel try to destroy it." You raise your brows at Rachel and then at Gar who starts to beam.
"Of course not." Gar nods his head once. "I just want to find it, learn more."
"Alright." You let out a sigh. "I'll change and head out. If we don't meet up and you don't hear from me before somehow, we'll meet back here at noon tomorrow, okay?"
"Sounds good." Rachel offers a soft smile. "Don't do anything stupid."
You let out a soft laugh. "Yeah, too late." You look back to Gar. "You guys don't do anything stupid." You smile cheekily at Gar before you turn on your heels. "Be careful!" You wave a hand as you leave the room.
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You start your search near the tunnel system, hoping Jason will be there at least but he's not. The reality is that if Jason doesn't want to be found, he won't be. That little bit of information about him has you starting to really worry. It's probably nothing. Jason is probably just with Crane, getting information and saving his own ass. But, there's this small part of you that does wonder if he's preparing to go after Dick again. As much as you don't want it to be true, a part of your trust in him is gone. It's been ripped and torn to unrecognizable shreds. It's as if he took that trust and ripped it apart, baring his teeth with anger like a rabid bear and it can't be mended from that. It's not how it works. There is no fixing it. Just gaining something new and you are not there yet. That leaves you questioning his motives even if the beating between your ribs is telling you his intentions are only pure.
Finding Dick is of no use either. You don't even know where he would go. At least with Jason, you know he likes the school around the block from the library but he doesn't care for that library. He prefers the one near the shelter that houses mostly kids. He has his favorite gargoyle. Finding Jason, when he wants to be found, is easy but Dick? You have no clue where he would even go. He probably has places to go but you aren't sure of any of them which leaves you mostly wandering around until it gets closer to midnight.
By then, it's time to change and meet them at the spot. If nothing else, Dick will be there and you'll be able to tell him where Gar and Rachel are.
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This is not how Jason wanted this to go. He wanted to meet up with Dick but with Crane having control of the entire city, he couldn't risk it. Too bad for Jason because Dick does not trust him. Dick has offered him no benefit of the doubt of this not turning into a fight and no part of Jason actually blames him even if he's mad. Of course, Dick doesn't trust him. Why would he? But Jason doesn't stop fighting him to try to explain anything and neither does Dick. Instead, the two of them fight, throwing punches and kicks. Dick uses the enigma sticks and Jason shoots at Dick a few times. It's turned into chaos.
Somehow the roles have flipped. Jason doesn't want to kill Dick but by the way Dick is fighting, Jason is scared Dick will fight him till the death and Jason doesn't want to die again...not yet. It leaves him with no choice. Fight harder, faster, better. Be better.
But Jason and Dick's attention is pulled away from each other.
"What the fuck are you idiots doing?!" You yell, fully suited up again and just walking up to see the chaos they're creating.
This does not look good. They shouldn't be fighting. If all Jason wanted to do was meet up with Dick, they shouldn't be fighting. Something went wrong and at this point, you aren't even sure who caused it this time. But by the way Dick snaps his attention back to Jason and smacks him with the stick, you almost wonder if it were Dick that started this.
Jason doesn't take it lightly, immediately stepping back into combat mode and firing a shot at him. You roll your eyes, pulling out your grappling hook and a knife. You aim the hook at Jason's feet and the knife at Dick before you fire and throw. The hook smacks Jason's feet, throwing his aim off while the knife's end hits Dick's arm with enough force to get him to drop his stick.
"Hello? What the fuck are you two morons doing?" You snap again.
"He started it!" Jason yells as he points at Dick like a child.
Dick snaps his attention back to Jason. "Me?!"
"You threatened to kill him again, Jason!" You yell at him. "Seriously, what the fuck is going on?!"
Jason spins to look over at you. You cannot believe he wanted to fight Dick again. Of all people, you have to know this is not what he came here to do tonight.
"I just wanted to fucking talk and he attacked me!" Jason points at Dick again.
"Gee, I wonder why Dick would attack someone who just threatened to kill him. It's a real brain teaser, Jay." You quip back but you roll your eyes and look over to Dick. "So...you gonna kill him now?"
"I saw him!" Dick defends as he points the stick at Jason once he picks it up. Are they both five? "At the PD." Dick clarifies. "He was on the roof when we came out. He was in on it!" Dick closes the distance between them and smacks him with the stick again.
Jason doesn't miss a beat in fighting back, not even bothering to explain that he was at GCPD to help. Of course, Jason isn't going to try to explain that now. You're just exhausted with these two. At some point, they need to learn how to communicate with words and you figure, maybe they can just fight it out for once. Maybe they need to just fight until they get tired. So, you cross your arms and decide you'll watch and try to intervene if it looks like they might actually kill each other.
Dick ends up disarming Jason entirely, sending him to the ground just as a crowd of civilians gather around to watch the show and that's when your stomach starts to sink. Jason will be fine but these people hate Dick. The fight turns into a violent hand-to-hand fight, the two of them throwing punches and kicks as hard as they can and going for the neck. Jason grabs Dick's neck, pushing him back but Dick grabs Jasn, throwing him over Dick's head and slamming him on his back onto the hard pavement. You wince at the sight and sound. Dick walks over and picks up one of Jason's guns before he goes back to Jason and stands right over him. Dick points the gun at Jason's head.
You're quick to run and stand over Jason. You look up at Dick. "Dude, put the gun down." You put your hands out in surrender, the gun aimed at your stomach. "You're not gonna kill him." Your voice doesn't waver even if you're not entirely sure if that's true anymore.
Would Dick kill him?
Jason doens't want to die. It feels wrong to be back. It feels wrong. Like he's stretching the universe too far and it's all going to snap back, straighten itself out and toss him back into the grave where he belongs. But today, at the hands of Dick Grayson? No. He is not dying tonight so he decides to taunt Dick. Even if Dick wants to kill him, he'll never do it. He'd never give Jason the satisfaction even if Dick were able to toss his morals to the side.
"I did this to you." Jason mutters.
"Shut the fuck up, so fucking help me." You look to the sky in annoyance.
"You did this to yourself." Dick points the gun past you, aiming at Jason again. You move to stand in front of the gun again.
You were just shot two days ago. As badly as it hurt and as bad as it still sucks now, you'll take the bullet if you need to. No one is dying tonight. You've all lost too many people already and this is over a miscommunication.
"Come on. Give me the fucking gun." You mutter. "You're not like us." You plead, locking eyes with Dick.
There's something about the way you say it that gains even Jason's attention. It's not pained or sympathetic, it's just honest. It's not remorseful even, just honest and candid. But it's sad with the smallest touch of desperation. It says everything Dick and Jason need to know about how you really feel about people killing other people.
Dick looks at the gun and back to you. He hands you the gun and you take it, removing the bullets immediately and tossing them before you bend down beside Jason to make sure he's okay. For a second, you really thought Dick just might pull the trigger.
"You okay?" You ask softly as Jason leans up on his forearms, his head and back throbbing from the impact.
Jason looks back at you, brows pinched tightly together but then he sees movement from the corner of his eye, grabbing his attention behind Dick. "Nightwing." Jason's voice is rough but stern, harsh. A warning. Jason's eyes widen with the slight nod of his head.
You follow his stare, seeing an innocent civilian aiming a gun at Dick. Dick's brows pull together but before he can turn around, the kid starts shooting. Lucky for Dick, the suit is bulletproof. The bullets bounce right off as Dick turns around. The gunfire comes to a stop as you and Jason watch from your spot behind him. The both of you start to worry, just a little because the suit might be bulletproof but the kid just needs one lucky shot for this to be catastrophic.
"Woah, easy. I'm not here to hurt you." Dick says, putting his hand out as he walks towards the kid.
You get to your feet first, offering Jason a hand up. Jason takes it but the two of you keep your eyes on the kid. Scared kid, a gun, a guy painted to be the enemy fighting the guy painted to be the hero. The air fills with dread, suffocating Jason with its bare hands tattooed with guilt and regret. It's his fault Dick is here. It's his fault he didn't just say what happened and what he wanted. None of these people should even be here. What is he supposed to do?
"Careful, put the gun down." Dick states.
Jason pulls out another gun, switching to new bullets. He's definitely not going to shoot a scared kid who thinks he's doing the right thing. But, he can shoot in that general direction, he can just use it as a threat if he needs to. He doesn't want to threaten the kid but if he has to he will. He did not come here to kill Dick, get Dick killed, or watch him die. Not tonight.
"What the hell are you doing?" You whisper to him.
"Being prepared." Jason mutters back.
Dick hears Jason and turns around to face him before he starts walking back toward you and Jason. Dick is on guard, feeling as if he can't trust Jason. The second his back is turned, Jason is reloading a gun. From Dick's perspective, Jason isn't done fighting and Jason poses more of a threat than the kid. So, he pulls out the enigma stick again.
Before Dick can reach you and Jason, the kid starts shooting again. Dick is blocking them but Jason pulls you behind him, blocking you from the few shots not even putting any thought into it. But, by the time the third shot rings across the stale air, it finally makes proper contact with Dick. The kid got lucky. The kid got lucky, sending the bullet into Dick's neck right above where his armor stops.
It's as if the entire scene falls into slow motion as you and Jason watch in horror as the blood spurt from Dick's neck. Jason's heart stops beating entirely as Dick's hand goes to his neck, trying to put pressure on the wound. Jason eyes the kid who doesn't even look surprised or sorry or fucking scared. He doesn't look scared. He should look scared.
Jason didn't feel scared killing all those people but if he weren't high, he would have at least felt something. There would have been some part of him that would have felt some sort of fear or remorse or pity or he would have had a thought questioning if it were the right thing to do. Is this really the last resort? He would have felt fucking something other than pride for a job well done. This kid does not look like any of those things. He looks like he just did something on a random Tuesday night. No remorse, no consequences. Just a thing he did.
What is the city turning into?
What has Jason turned this city into?
"I did it for you." The kid's wavered voice breaks the silence, shattering the slowed illusion.
Jason glances to Dick as he falls to the ground and then he looks back to the kid. This is not what he wanted. Crane, Jason, they convinced the public of this. That this was the right way. Jason may not have had a part in that video but it never would have been made if it weren't for him. The public is gonna get blood on their hands. This will clear up, somehow, someway, it will and now this innocent kid, has to deal with the death of someone on his own hands for someone who was masquerading around like a hero, like a savior.
"Red Hood." The kid states, this time the unsteadiness of his voice is gone. And then he starts chanting Jason's vigilante name, over and over and over again as the rest of the civilians join in.
You look at him with heartbreak before you run over to Dick, pushing him onto his back where you put your hand over the neck wound. How could this happen? Another person? Another fucking person? Dick was always right about Gotham. Maybe Bruce was right about Gotham.
Jason went into more detail about what Bruce said to him the day he took Robin away. Bruce had said something about how people lose themselves to the city. Maybe he was right. Maybe they go mad, maybe they turn into murderers, and maybe they die. But eventually, maybe everyone gets lost in the city of damaged hopes. And maybe Dick was right, too. This city takes and it changes people. It's as if this city needs the chaos of destruction in order to stay afloat and it waits in the shadows, just waiting for the perfect victim at the right time before it sinks its teeth into them. It bleeds them of all their good parts until there's nothing left. A perfect sacrifice for the city.
Maybe that's all Gotham is because Dick is bleeding out because some kid got fucking lucky with a gun.
Jason watches in horror and having everyone chant his name does not sound as good as he once thought it would. At one point, he thought having everyone cheer for him would feel good. He would be important but he just got his brother shot. Someone who has almost always just tried to help him. Jason has been out here trying to kill him and thanks to you, Dick was willing to trust Jason and give him a second chance but now he's just been shot and it's his fault. And he's going to die because of him.
Jason knows what it's like to die and it's fucking terrifying and painful. Tears brim his eyes and the crowd is still chanting and he sees your cheeks glistening in the low streetlights around you. He wanted to talk but when Dick attacked first, rightfully so, he just couldn't help it. He thought that it was over for him and maybe it didn't have to be. How the fuck did he get here again? He should have just surrendered. That's all he had to do but his ego and pride get in the fucking way. All he ever does is get in the way. Dick's gonna die and it's all his fault.
He wants to run, get out of here because it's all too much. Too loud, too heavy. Too much pressure. Everyone is cheering as if Jason pulled the trigger and killed the worst of the worst. They're brainwashed and Jason knows that better than anyone. Someone has to snap them out of it. It's too much but running and pushing has never done him much good.
"Get out here!" Jason yells over the crowd as the chanting slows down. Your attention, like the rest of the crowd, lands on him. "Go! Before I start fucking shooting." Jason aims the gun into the air, his arm steady and his eyes threatening.
"We're on your side!" One of the citizens announces.
"So do what I fucking say." Jason snips back. "Didn't ask for you fucking help here. Get out of here." Jason takes steps toward the crowd as they start to back away.
They grumble and mutter amongst themselves before they eventually disburse. Jason takes that as his cue to run up beside you, leaning over Dick. There's blood pooling out of his mouth as he gasps for air.
"I can't stop the bleeding." You state. "Think he hit the fucking artery."
"I got it." Jason mutters, slightly nudging you out of the way where he can replace your hands with his. You have had enough blood on your hands lately, this is on Jason.
Neither of you have ever seen Dick look scared or panicked. Surely, he feels it. He is human and normal, mostly. But, he's really good at hiding it. With Deathstroke, you didn't see the look of pure terror on his face when you were standing outside the window. You didn't see the look of horror and agony on his face as Jason was falling to his death. You didn't see it because Dick has always been good at making sure no one sees those emotions from him. He has to be strong, sturdy, and a little calloused in order for everyone else not to panic. If the leader looks panicked and scared, so will everyone else. If everyone is scared and panicked, mistakes are made and more people die. So, he hides it. Until now.
Dick can feel the blood loss taking over, making him light-headed. The blood loss and bullet wounds alone are making it harder to breathe. He knows how long he has, maybe minutes but nothing more. Not unless you or Jason can get some sort of help in the next few seconds. He's going to die and it is fucking terrifying. He isn't ready. He has too much left. Who is going to look after the Titans if he dies? Who's going to stop Crane? He has too much life to live, outside of the Titans to die tonight but he is helpless. There is no help and there is no hope. It's just him bleeding out in the middle of downtown Gotham.
"Get." Dick tries to pull in a breath. "Help."
You look around and you don't see a single person around. Your heart starts to break as the lump comes back to your throat. It destroyed you when Jason died and it destroyed you when your mom died. You're actually pretending like Tim survived just in case he didn't. You can't deal with it if he died, too. But, you look back at Dick and you're really scared he'll die.
You might fight with him all the time and disagree with him usually, but you have a lot of respect for him. He saved your life more than once. You might not like his morals but you think he is a good person and he tries a lot harder than anyone else ever would. To help innocent people. To help you, no obligation, no transaction, no contingencies. He helps you because he just does. Just like with Rachel and Gar, and despite what Jason thinks, you think that's why he tried to help Jason, too. Just because. It shouldn't be Dick to die. The Titans need him. He's a really good leader, usually. It's almost shocking but he is. And everyone trusts him. The Titans will fall apart if he dies. They practically fell apart when Donna died but Dick would kill them. The Titans need him. You need him.
Jason glances over to you, knowing this is going to be bad. He's not going to make it and by the look of devastation in your eyes, he knows you feel it, too. And then the throbbing under Jason's hands comes to a slow halt.
"Dick?" Jason questions, looking back at him. "Hey, man, stay awake." Jason holds his voice steady, careful not to let it slip how much this is ripping him to shreds. "I can't feel his pulse." Jason says quietly, glancing back to you before he pulls his hand away, trying a different spot but he still feels nothing.
"Keep your hands on the wound." You mutter, moving to the opposite side before you place your hands on his chest and start chest compressions.
Jason watches you, trying to keep his hands steady on the wound but with every ump, Jason can feel blood coming from the wound, warming his hands. The tip of Jason's nose starts to feel like it's on fire while his eyes feel like someone's just thrown sand into them. This cannot be happening. Dick is otherwise dead and he's got you doing CPR, just as you did the night Jason died. And Jason can't peel his eyes away from you as some sort of self-torture because he thinks this is probably similar to how you looked that night.
The hood of your suit falling off of your head, resting lazily on your shoulders and moving with every compression. The way your hair is a complete mess. Tear-stained cheeks shining against any light that they catch. And blood soaking your skin. Jason wonders if this is the exact sight Babs walked in on. You must have felt so alone.
"Dick!" You and Jason hear Gar's voice from across the pavement, wet footsteps picking up their pace. "What happened?" Gar yells as him and Rachel get closer to the two of you.
"He was shot." Jason states as you don't miss a single beat.
"He's not breathing." You rush with heaving breath.
"Are you sure?" Gar asks with glossy eyes.
You stop, feeling for a pulse and there's still nothing. "Positive." You continue chest compressions, looking to Rachel who falls to her knees beside you.
"Is there anything you can do?" Gar asks, looking at Rachel.
You stop, sitting back on your toes, to see if Rachel can use her powers somehow to save him. It might not have worked on Donna but maybe it could work on Dick. He hasn't been dead long. Maybe that matters and Jason and Gar seem to have the same hope. Jason pulls away while Gar keeps his stance steady, almost holding his breath as Rachel tries her powers, a purple glow coming from her hands over Dick's neck. But nothing comes from it. Instead, the purple fades as Rachel lets out a cry.
"It's too late." Rachel sniffles, looking to Gar.
Gar lets out a scream as tears start to fall from your eyes. Jason's eyes stay trained on Dick, almost distant as he thinks the pain of it all has just chewed him to pieces. What are you gonna do?
You look to Rachel who looks like she might break into a million pieces right in front of you. Gar yells again as bats crowd the space above all of you. The four of you look up, watching the bats circle around all of you. Gar starts to have problems with his eyes as he rubs them only for his face to start turning green and then his hands start to change until his body follows. Suddenly, Gar is a bat, flying with the others above you.
"Gar?" Rachel asks.
You, Jason, and Rachel get to your feet as the bats circle closer and closer to Dick, Gar right in the mix of them. You all back away as the bats fly down to Dick and start to pick him up, all of them working together. They fly Dick high into the air before they start moving.
"What...the....fuck?" You look to Rachel as she'll have some sort of answer.
"That's new, right?" Jason looks to you who just nods.
"Come on." Rachel says, without missing a beat, grabbing some of Gar's clothes before she starts following the bats and Gar.
You and Jason exchanged a confused look before deciding to follow. You both have absolutely nothing left to lose at this point.
"I thought he couldn't turn into anything else?" You ask as the three of you run to keep up with the bats.
"He turned ito a snake once." Jason answers, not even thinking.
He was possessed at the time and the reason Gar turned into a snake in the first place but Gar talked about it a lot at first. Jason tried to help him transform again, several times with different methods. Getting him mad, scaring him, sparring harder with him, they tried everything but nothing ever worked. And then Gar stopped talking about it.
"Yeah, once but now he's a bat?" You question. "What the fuck?"
"Is that really what you're concerned about right now?" Rachel asks, her voice torn between amusement and worry.
"I mean..." You suck in a breath. "It's better than the alternative. I would prefer to focus on the weird shit than the sad shit."
Rachel gives you a subtle glare as you keep up your fast walk. It's not a long walk before you all reach the entrance of a building and Rachel is the only one who understands what's happening.
"They're taking him to the Lazarus Pit." Rachel says as Gar and the bats take Dick into the building.
"What?" Jason almost demands as his steps come to a hard stop. "You found it?"
"Yeah." Rachel mutters softly, turning around to see Jason not walking and you standing a few feet in front of him.
He can't go in there. It feels wrong. How do you know Dick would want that? Would he want it? If someone were to have asked Dick before he died if this is what he wanted, would he say yes? Would he agree to it without knowing the consequences of being brought back? Would he be okay with the constant feeling of being pulled back to the dark where the Grim Reaper waits with a smile?
But Jason looks at you and Rachel, the two who Dick has saved. It's not his place to argue it. Dick hasn't been dead long. Maybe he won't feel the way Jason does. Jason was dead a few days. Maybe it's different. Maybe the Pit has different effects the longer someone is dead so it's not his place. Jason hasn't been on good terms with Dick in a few weeks, he doesn't get a say. But, he can't go in. The pull is too strong and his bones feel like they might vibrate and shatter right through his skin. He can't do it.
"You coming, Jay?" You ask softly as you close the distance between you. You thought maybe he'd want to see the thing that brought him back. It is fascinating. And maybe he could be there if it works for Dick. Maybe help.
"No." Jason shakes his head. "I'm going to Crane." Jason spits it out without thinking as he watches the shock consume your face.
"Do you think that's really a good idea?" Rachel asks as a wince almost consumes her entire expression.
Jason takes a step towards you and nods his head at Rachel before looking back at you. "I gotta try to fucking help. Maybe I can get Crane to spill with Dick dead. He won't know about the Pit."
He has to do this. Maybe he can convince Crane to give up some form of information. If the Pit can bring Jason back, it can bring Dick back. He's going to wake up in a few hours and now it's Jason's job to get him some answers so they finally put this whole thing out of its misery. He owes Dick that much.
"Are you sure?" You ask, eyes scanning his face as if fully convinced this is just him avoiding something.
Jason nods softly. "Yeah, go with them. We'll meet later." Jason offers something that's not quite a smile.
You don't like the idea but...maybe Crane will think Nightwing's death is on Jason's hands. Maybe that'll be enough for Crane to actually trust Jason just enough to offer some sort of information to him. It's the right thing to do.
"Okay." You nod reluctantly. "Be careful, yeah?"
"Always." Jason gives you the subtle smirk he always does before he nods and runs off in the opposite direction.
The two of you go into the building, following the way Gar and the other bats took as you run to catch up. You get to an open room where a glowing pool of blue liquid sits right in the middle of the room. Gar and the other bats hover above it, holding Dick's lifeless body.
"Gar, now!" Rachel yells as the bats start to lower Dick into the water.
Once Dick is lowered, the bats fly around until Dick is completely submerged and then they disburse. Besides Gar. You and Rachel sit at the edge of Lazarus Pit, just watching as it starts to bubble. This whole thing is weird but you can't help but feel just a little bit of hope. If it worked for Jason, it should work for Dick.
"You're not allowed to leave anymore." You mutter, keeping your eyes on the Pit.
"What?" Rachel shakes her head in confusion.
"You're not allowed to leave. Everything went to shit and you show up, find me and Gar and then the damn pit. You can't leave, Titans need you." You nod your head quickly as Rachel smiles softly, looking back to the pit.
Gar transforms back to himself and starts getting dressed. Once he has his pants on, he walks to the edge of the pit, standing opposite you and Rachel. He's blinking dramatically, having a subtle sway to stance as he tries to get his equilibrium back to normal.
"He's gonna make it, right?" Gar asks, looking at you.
Gar isn't sure how you would know but you're the one who's had more conversations with Jason than anyone. Jason might not know a lot but something about asking you gives Gar hope. Maybe you do know the Pit works every single time. Gar hopes it works like that.
"I don't know." You shrug. "Uh...J-Jason just said, uh, that someone put him in it and then he was alive. So..." You nod your head. "I-I guess if that's all there is...yeah. Jason was dead for a few days so..." You pull in a shaky breath.
"I can't believe he actually died." Rachel states, her eyes on the pit. She says it mostly out of hope that whatever happened with Jason to bring him back, will bring Dick back.
You glance to her before you pull your knees to your chest. You know it's because Rachel is finding all of this out for the first time while everyone else has had a few weeks to digest the news and fumble their way through the aftermath. But, no one can believe Jason not only died but then came back. It's the way it's talked about, how it's said in passing and so casually that you almost wonder if they're all just...fine with it. At the end of the day, Jason died. He died. That was something that happened and he remembers it. As someone who was nearly beaten to death, you know that was haunting. Is haunting. You can't imagine what dying is actually like. And how terrified he probably still feels. But, everyone else is...it's as if that aspect of it, doesn't matter. To some extent, you get it. You understand because he became Red Hood and decided to kill Dick. You understand because they didn't see it. But, it irks you anyway.
"Sorry." Rachel says quietly. "I didn't mean anything by it. I just meant that it's kind of crazy. Jason was reckless but I didn't think he'd actually get killed." Rachel explains calmly.
"No, it's okay." You shake your head. "You're just getting the news of everything and then Dick is killed. I get it, don't worry about it."
"Are you okay?" Gar asks, his brows knitted together in their usual state of worry.
"I'm fine." You look up to him with one stern nod. "Been here a few times, right?" You quip bitterly.
"That's why I asked." Gar nods his head.
"Yeah, I'm good." You sniffle. "Are you guys okay? I mean...it's Dick." You look between Rachel and Gar as if feeling you have no right to grieve him as much as them.
You've been at odds with Dick most of the time over the last few weeks. It doesn't seem fair for you to absorb any space for grief. It should be given to Rachel and Gar.
"No." Gar answers. "What're we supposed to do without him?" Gar's voice nearly shatters.
"We don't have to think about that because if it worked for Jason, it'll work for Dick." Rachel states with ease and you're not sure who she's trying to convince.
"Yeah." Gar says shortly.
"I think we need to force the batboys into therapy after this. Group and individual until they learn how to have a conversation." You groan, trying not to focus on Dick actually dying and not coming back from this.
"We all need therapy." Gar mutters as he comes to sit on the other side of you.
The three of you fall silent, just watching the pit with no idea how long this is supposed to take or if you'll even know if it works or not. This is definitely the pit but none of you know the logistics of it. For all you know, this isn't going to work or it could take hours or days. So, you just fall into silence, mostly thinking of everything that's happened.
It's haunting and sets reality into stone of the work you all do. Of couse, it was real the day Donna died. Wonder Girl was killed. It was real then, too. But, it was an accident. And then it was real when Jason died. But, it was Jason who was killed by The Joker. That was different. This is Dick though. He's the leader and even when he's wrong, he still knows what to do. He was Robin. He's Nightwing. He's not supposed to die and he did anyway. And it was by some kid with a gun. It wasn't The Joker or Two Face or Deathstroke. It was just some kid. A kid Dick would have protected but everyone turned their backs on the Titans over Crane. And Dick was killed for it.
What are you all supposed to do if this doesn't work? Just go back to San Francisco like nothing happened? That doesn't seem possible. It'll just feel cold and lonely.
Between the three of you sitting here, he's saved your lives more times than you can count. He is the older and annoying brother none of you really asked for. It's losing another family member. But...it hits a little different this time. So, the air around you feels like it's carrying bricks and the guilt of the entire world.
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Jason, he's also still processing everything that's just happened. When he left to meet Dick, he knew he'd have to start talking immediately, given his own broadcast and conversation with Dick. But, then the flashbang went off and it's like it...triggered something in him where he just had to fight. He just had to. Something deep inside of him told him Dick would never let him explain why he did what he did. It's the immediate defensive mechanism and he knows it. But, he's on the way back to the manor and he's thinking that was just dumb. It was not giving Dick any bit of credit which Jason doesn't like to do on most days but he deserved this time. And now he's dead. He's dead and that's Jason's fault because that kid was defending him. Everything is his fault even when he is desperately clawing his way away from all of this. It follows him.
He told you that, months ago, it follows him like a curse and he has never been so sure of that. First it was his mom. He is not mad at her and he holds no resentment towards her but he wasn't enough for her. She chose those drugs every single day over him and he knows part of that was so she could function. That's how it started. It started so she could take care of him. If it weren't for him in the first place, his mom wouldn't have gotten addicted and then she'd still be here.
His dad was angry and desperate because he was just trying to provide for them. He was down and out and he was an ass and abusive but there was a point, before the alcohol, where he was trying. He was trying and if it weren't for Jason being an extra mouth to feed who needed other things, maybe his dad wouldn't have been so angry and desperate.
Had he never gone after Deathstroke, you wouldn't have been there. Had he never gone after Deathstroke, the Titans wouldn't have left and the tower wouldn't have been attacked or the Titans would have fought together. Gar wouldn't have been kidnapped and turned into a killer. Donna wouldn't have died.
You wouldn't been traumatized had he never went after the Joker. You wouldn't have been shot. Dick wouldn't have been shot and killed. Hank wouldn't have been killed. Everything that's happened has been following right on his heels like a rabid dog chasing him down a dead end alley. There is no escape. He is just stuck in this constant spiral of agony and causing everyone else around him the worst pain they will ever experience.
This is all his fault and there's nothing he can do anymore.
Even if the Pit works, will Dick remain the same? Or will he be as terrified and traumatized and stuck as Jason? Whatever side effects Dick gets from the Pit, that has to fall on Jason, too.
Jason reaches the Batcave, the cuts from Dick's punches still bleeding over his face. Crane is dragging his scythe on the floor, his face covered in fresh cuts. He's got this evil and eerie smile while there's a body on a table, cut open with his organs sticking out. This is the first time he's ever felt terrified of Crane. At the hospital, it wasn't Crane Jason was worried about it. It was who would call in. But this? This is Crane losing his damn mind on some, likely, innocent person and Jason thinks his days are definitely numbered with him. Everyone's days are numbered with him.
"Nightwing's dead." Jason states, his words flat and pained.
"Batman saved my toy." Crane says but it's only slightly enthusiastic, almost childlike as he holds up the scythe by the chain. Crane lets out a light chuckle as Jason just watches him closely, ready to move if Crane tries to pull anything. "A trinket of our courtship together. Who would have thought he was so...sentimental."
Jason's eyes narrow as he watches Crane. All of this...over his scythe? Jason knew he was insane but he's really pushing the envelope tonight.
"Did you hear me?" Jason questions but with no venom or snark. His chest is in so much agony, he doesn't think he can muster it at this second. "I said Nightwing is dead!" Jason gets himself to yell, growing frustrated.
"So?" Crane states. "Wasn't my monster." Crane states plainly but not in the way where his words feel light. This time there's something heavy and dark in his tone, running a chill up Jason's spine. The scythe drops to the floor, Crane still holding it by the chain. "He's your monster. What do you want? A cookie?" Crane offers a half-assed chuckle, mostly to himself.
A fire starts erupting through Jason's blood like an overdue volcano. He can't be serious. Getting clean, Jason realizes that so much of the shit Crane was spilling was just him manipulating him, making sure Jason had no one to run to besides Crane. But, there's some part of him that is still hurt and disgusted by the reaction. It was Crane's idea.
"You said that's what you wanted." Jason argues softly, taking just a few steps toward Crane. "When it was done, we would save Gotham my way." Jason's voice is small as the sense of betrayal kicks in.
He is only here to find out what Crane has planned and then he's gone. But, he can't help how badly it hurts. It would hurt anyway because he was manipulated into it. Turned against someone who has been looking out for him. But, Jason, as far as he knows, felt like Crane figured they were still on the same side. This doesn't feel that way. That's when Jason is realizing that's the point. Jason does the dirty work so Crane can be up at the top, hands clean and filled with the power Jason served him on a silver platter.
He knew that's all it was but maybe a part of him still believed otherwise and for the life of him, he has no idea why.
"Gotham will be saved." Crane starts his walk towards Jason, holding his scythe so it doesn't drag on the floor. "But first, it must be destroyed. As clever hopes expire, waves of fear and anger circulate over the bright and darken the lands of the earth." Crane explains as he uses the chain to sway the scythe back and forth while he paces in front of Jason.
"What the fuck kind of gibberish is that?" Jason quips back not even entirely sure if Crane is actually coherent.
"No," Crane says quickly, turning to face Jason. "No, not gibberish. No, it's the past come to life in the present." Crane pauses and Jason realizes how completely fucked he is. "An ode to the bat and his wee bird. When they stopped me, but they can't stop me now. No." Crane is looking away from Jason and Jason is starting to wonder if Crane is talking to him or just talking to himself or some third person Jason isn't aware of. "They can't stop me now...because." Crane shakes his head. "Because we will walk among them. The dead." Crane looks back at Jason and Jason hangs his head, something about him basically being the dead. "And the fallen city will be like...it'll be like a beacon. Very soon, very soon, Jason, very very soon they will die. Yes, they will die."
What the hell is this maniac even talking about?
"Who will die?" Jason asks cautiously.
"All of them!" Crane faces Jaosn as he screams, his entire face turning red. "All of them! Everybody." Crane looks to the floor and this is not how Jason wanted to fix Gotham. The answer isn't gutting the fucking the city. "You still stink of fear. After all that I've given you."
Jason's growing tired of Crane's babbling. It's not making any sense and he wants to get the fuck away from him before Crane tries to slice him in two like the other guy.
"You said I was gonna be a savior." Jason nods his head at him, a hint of disgust in his voice. "Is that your whole plan? Destroy the fucking city?"
"Is that not what it's been about?" Crane states almost whimsically.
"And how the fuck do you plan to do that?" Jason lets out a scoff but Crane just offers him a harsh glare as Jason sees his grip tighten on the chain.
Crane isn't going to tell him anything and even if he does, it'll likely be an incoherent mess like it has been the last few minutes. It was a waste of time, mostly. What Jason does know now is that he wants to destroy the entire city. There are a lot of ways to do that though and that's where he finds himself stuck. But, he can't stick around here. Not when there's no chance of getting a good answer.
"I won't help you destroy the city." Jason holds his stance, firm but calm.
"Well," Crane says with disappointment. "Perhaps you won't." Crane says before there's a pause and then he turns around quickly, throwing a scythe at Jason, still holding onto it by the chain.
Jason dodges just in time, moving quickly away from Crane. Crane follows right after him, swinging his scythe at him and just missing by a few inches. Jason keeps moving away and running, avoiding the blows each time. He does not want his head taken off tonight. That is not the plan. So, he dodges and once he sees the opportunity, he runs out of the Batcave as quickly as he can.
Crane has officially lost it which was only a matter of time before that happened. Jason was hoping they had a little bit more time but, if Crane is losing it, that means he'll be easier to take down. Once Crane starts losing his mind, he gets distracted, starts losing some of the quick thinking he's so proud of. But, Crane has something in place. It's the way he talked about it that tells Jason Crane won't need to do anything else. It's already in motion. So, now he needs to find at least you, Rachel, and Gar and maybe the four of you can figure it out. Maybe you've had some luck with the Lazarus Pit.
Jason hopes you've had luck with the Lazarus Pit.
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toomuchracket · 1 month
office nerd working out 🥵 somehow I imagine him being like a proper gym/ jiujitsu and somehow climbing rat. all that adhd energy has to go somewhere
oh yeah he likes exercising a lot! i like to think that once matty has a) pulled you and b) learnt what a thirst trap is and c) become VERY aware of how much you like his arms/chest, he's a fiend for sending you selfies every time he works out, or facetiming you all sweaty and shirtless "casually" once he gets home - either way, you're Alert looking at him and thinking about his muscles flexing and the little noises he would make as he worked out and ok yeah maybe calling him to come over and work YOU out is the move. you did go to the gym together once, but it was a bad idea; the sights and sounds of him working out were FAR better than you imagined, and it was game over for him as soon as he turned and saw you on the stairmaster with the nike pro shorts CLINGING to your ass and thighs, and so the workout actually ended up being, um, a cardio sesh in the back of matty's car like ten minutes later lol. you've not gone to jiu-jitsu with him, but when he wants to try a new sport he'll rope you into trying it with him, all kissy kissy and "pleeeeeeeeeeease, babe? come on. just for an hour?", and you've realised you don't LOVE climbing but you like watching him do it (arms arms arms) and you're quite enjoying tennis but that's maybe just the aftereffects of challengers and also because you think the fit is cunty (matty agrees with this. the swishy ponytail is Doing Things to him) lol. but yeah! him working out... delish <3
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fluffydice · 6 months
Kubosai little baby ficlet,,,only around 600 words lol
The bell rings. Kusuo breaks from his comfortable stupor with a blink, glaring at the intercom on the wall as though it alone was the source of all his problems.
Aren follows his gaze, then looks back down at him. "Damn."
Yeah. Damn. Kusuo lets out a quiet, growling groan, and Aren lets out a little puff of amused air. "Don't want me to leave?"
"I never want you to leave," Kusuo replies thoughtlessly. Then his brain clicks back on and he feels himself grimace as embarrassment cramps sharply in him, somewhere between his stomach and his chest.
"Good grief," he huffs, hunching in on himself slightly. When he peeks over at his boyfriend, he's sporting a tiny smile. Kusuo already knows that Aren is keeping it small in an effort not to scare him off—but there's no disguising the delighted shine in his eye. "I didn't mean to say that," Kusuo admits, which is another embarrassing honesty in of itself.
"I like it," Aren replies easily, voice even and soothing.
"I know," Kusuo grits out. "You like hearing sappy things."
He thinks about calling them stupid to soothe the ache in him, but he doesn't want to hurt Aren's feelings. Doesn't want to make him stop saying them.
"I'm. Trying. For you," he instead says quietly. "...It's hard," he adds on, even quieter.
"I know. But I'm glad you try," Aren says, his thumb rubbing up and down Kusuo's wrist. Part of him wants to swat it away, but he knows his boy is a fidgeter. He does his best to ignore it instead, and also ignore the very fact that his first instincts no longer center around himself. It's all just become about Aren.
Kusuo wants to make up for the way he gets taken care of, so easily that it must be second nature to the other. This doesn't feel like enough—it never does—but if Aren's words are to be trusted, then Kusuo himself is enough to make the boy happy.
How...odd. Kusuo isn't sure if he can trust that.
"It makes me feel warm," Aren continues. "I know you care. But hearing it..."
'Knowing I'm one of the few to get to hear it,' Kusuo hears him think. He would have known even without his telepathy, he's pretty sure. Aren is prideful in way different to Kusuo's own. They don't clash over it as much as they maybe should.
Hearing those words is enough to soothe the worst of his embarrassment. Kusuo closes his eyes for a beat, relishing the first relaxed, manageable thoughts he's had all day. Everything has been just too much, grating on his ears and his mind, making him tense. But sitting here, fed, outside, and with his boyfriend—he can't even find it in himself to be ashamed at how much better he feels.
"What a pain," he answers instead of any of the sappy thoughts running through his mind, because he can't make it too easy for Aren. One or two thoughtless slips, maybe three or four in private, are fine. Something would have to be wrong for anything more than that, though.
Aren laughs. Of course he does. Kusuo looks away, feeling shy but not enough to fuss about.
"Do you feel better, at least?" Aren asks.
Kusuo waits a beat, considering. Then: "Yes," he says.
What a pain. The truth of his answer isn't even surprising anymore—he does feel better. Relying on someone like this is nearly humiliating, yes. But it's worth it to see the soft curve of Aren's lips, and, even better, the warmth of them against his own. The pleased grin is soft against Kusuo's lips, and they mold against the other's until he's smiling too.
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lesbian-octoling · 2 years
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Alright guys, it's time for what you've all been waiting for... Salmonid adopts! They’ll all be $30 base, but I’m also offering a few different discounts!
Availability, rules, and other information below the cut!
What is an adoptable?
An adopt is a pre-designed character that I create, and you can ‘buy’ to be able be able to use and claim as your own character. Of course, since these are splatoon based I’m not selling the concepts of splatoon, just the idea and design of the character itself.
Once you buy the adopts, they’re yours. You’re welcome to redesign, alter, give away and/or trade as you see fit. The only thing I don’t allow is reselling for a higher price (same or below is fine).
Though these are meant to be splatoon adopts, you’re welcome to use them for any setting that you please! They’re not inherently limited to splatoon; especially the more unique characters.
The placeholder names, personality, and info are just.. placeholder/concepts! You can name them whatever you want, give them any pronouns, personality, lore, whatever! I won’t feel bad lol
Once I receive payment, I’ll send you a full size, transparent, unwatermarked image of your adopt!
I can hold them for up to a week!
If one is on hold, you can still message and ask to be next in line if whatever they’re being held for doesn’t work out.
Base price for each adopt is currently $30 USD, however, you can check out some discounts at the bottom!
“STING” - SOLD A stinger who's bark is as nasty as their bite... but maybe there's something sweet under all that venom?
“LOVER” - SOLD A maws who's growth was stunted... though that doesn't seem to bother them. They're more of a lover than a fighter anyway.
“ORCA” - SOLD A flipper flopper who idolizes not dolphins, but a different type of cetacean.
“BUTTER” - SOLD An albino maws who might be dense as a brick, but they're nothing if not a survivor to last this long.
“BIG MAMA (and little shot)” - SOLD ( Come as a pair, you don't have to pay for two ) A big shot and a small package, seemingly on a journey somewhere... though where they're going, I'm not sure.
“HATTY” - SOLD A small Fish Stick flyer with dreams of making it big on stage, through song and dance! Though... perhaps when they get a little more practice in.
“TRAINEE” - SOLD A smallfry currently in training to become a Fish Stick flyer... which would be fine, if they weren't terrified of heights.
“MECHANIC” - SOLD A rough and tumble Steel Eel mechanic who might not take any shit, but does her job well... as well as her secret passion: making sweets.
“KEY LIME” - SOLD A Steel Eel driver who doesn't know the definition of "serious". Sickeningly sweet, when they're not hunting you for sport with a smile under their mask.
“GRILLED” - SOLD One of the few salmonids who ever lived through being deployed inside of a Griller... and are now trying to find their purpose, after becoming too injured to fight and constantly leaking slime.
“COPPERHEAD” - SOLD A retired Steelhead, they've taken up more of a passion with linguistics than fighting in their older age.
Yeah, we know this is what you’re here for!  I’m going to offer several discounts and deals, which are subject to change, and may or may not pop in and out! This is my first time trying some of this.
COMMISSION BUNDLE If you buy a character from me, you can also get a get a commission of that character for 25% off to come with it! This only applies once, and has to be worked out around the time of purchasing the character. You choose the type of commission you’d like! Commission info is here.
PASSION DISCOUNT If you do a piece of fanwork for one of these characters- come up with extensive lore, a piece of art, a piece of writing, etc- and I can tell you actually put some effort and passion into it, then you can get them for 30% off... making them $20! It doesn’t have to be anything fancy and I’m not going to judge you by how ‘good’ your work is- again, it’s only judged by passion for the character. If I can tell you genuinely enjoyed it and had fun and will love the character you get (instead of having them simply sit on a dusty shelf or resold, etc), you get the discount! If you’re worried about the work taking a while but you want to wait until it’s done to buy them, no worries! I can hold a character for up to a week for you.
BONUS LORE If you wanna shell out an extra $5, I can fully flesh out the placeholder lore for you and come up with something much more fleshed out! Names, backstory, personality, all the bells and whistles. I can also work with you to fit it into any preexisting lore or characters you might want them to be worked with! Once again, you’re welcome to change any of this- but I’ll work with ya on it to make sure it’s something you like!
TRADES I’m a bit iffy on art trades or character trades, but I’m not going to say they’re out of the question. You’re welcome to ask!
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