#maybe the game gets good enough later that it somehow cancels out the child murder?
infimace-blog · 8 months
Okay I have to say it. I have to say it because it passes my mind every single time I see anything remotely related to Baldur's Gate 3.
So there's the first quest, right? There's an idyllic druid glen and you have to rescue the head druid Halsin because the vice head druid is racist against tieflings. And he got captured by goblins so you go to the goblin camp in the ancient ruins, where the goblins are all completely and utterly unsympathetic. And that's racial essentialist horsefeathers but it's a DnD game and you can't rely on Wizards to actually commit to being less racist rather than just saying they will. We knew what we were getting into when we bought the game.
And then you find the head druid and he's stuck in bear form and getting tormented by three kids and their babysitter, and to free him you have to murder every single goblin in the room?? Including the children??? Who are not combatants?????? You can go out of your way to not kill the children, which makes the fight harder because they inevitably call more goblins who can actually fight, but then the noble and progressive head druid you came to save will just murder the children himself.
I'm not trying to turn this into 'every person who's fantasized about a Shadowheart/Astarion three-way thinks goblin children deserve to die'. Disco Elysium is one of my favorite games and I love talking about Tequila Sunset and Kim, the World's Most Perfect Man, but also Measurehead exists and I hate him and everything about his writing. But also I bring up Measurehead more than I normally would when I talk about Disco Elysium because the weird way his race is handled in the game compels me, and no one does that with the goblin children murder? It's not an obscure part that no one sees. Rescuing Halsim is one of the easier routes in the first major story quest, he can become a recruitable companion, and the first I heard about the game was 'hey, there's a druid companion and you can bang them while they're turned into a bear'. The game pointedly glosses over the fact that you murdered three children for the crime of being jerks to an animal, and I guess that means the playerbase did too? Even I had to do a double-take because I initially assumed that I screwed up the encounter and that the correct way would have let the goblin children live (and probably give me an easier fight to boot). But no, unless you're handling the quest in some really unintuitive way (maybe you can knock them out?????), you gotta kill the kids to get the bear sex.
I guess some players just agree that there's nothing wrong with killing children as long as they're goblins and categorically evil. But I feel like the overlap between that kind of DnD player and the kind I occasionally see posting shipping art of BG3 isn't that large. Hopefully.
And it bugs the hell out of me because the biggest game of the year, based on one of the most popular TRPGs of all time, just goes 'yeah, we're going to put child murder in one of the good routes to complete this quest, but it's fine because they're the wrong race and they're kind of dicks' and it's not news. Wizards has spent years trying to do a soft rollback on all the racial essentialism in its worldbuilding, up to and including retroactively making a type of good drow so they can get off the hook about making an entire race of dark-skinned fantasy creatures evil. Sure, Wizards cares about fixing the obsession DnD has about race performatively half the time, but it does try. And now Wizards knows that it doesn't even need to care performatively anymore. If the product's good enough and the racism is subtle enough, it just goes forgotten.
I don't even, like. Need this to be universally condemned by the fanbase. But at least talked about more? I'd have preferred it if I knew about the goblin children murder *before* I bought the game and played enough of it that Steam won't refund me.
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mythsofmodern · 4 years
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           Katherine “Katie” Bell     
“You never know what you can expect from life until it almost shoots you out.”
Katie was born in London and lived there for the first few years of her lives. She was only five years old when they moved to Banbury. She has no siblings and is therefor an only child. Her father works at the Ministry and her mother at St. Mungo’s. The first few years her mother stayed at home with her, but when she was old enough she went back to work and the young girl was sent to the kindergarten. Her parents had doubts, then they knew their daughter, she barely could keep a secret for herself and they were worried she could tell the muggles about the Wizard Word and their secrets. Against the worries she got along with the muggle children very well and got a few friends, even if she preferred to spend her time with her cousins. Especially because she could play quidditch with them. Katie got her first broom when they moved to Banbury, gifted to her by her favorite cousin was Timothy. Although he is much older than her, he always took the time for the girl, he taught her to play quidditch. In the holidays Katie often visits him at his shop at the Diagon Alley. The girl was very excited to get her letter from Hogwarts, even though it was not a question for her family that she would get one, and immediately dragged her parents to Diagon Alley to get everything from the list. 
Soon she was sitting on the train that brought her to Hogwarts. She was, of course, very excited, then she already heard so many stories from her parents and her cousin, Timothy - he graduated a year before Katie started the school. And not to forget, there was the big question, in which house she would be sorted. The Sorting Hat sent her to Gryffindor and she was happy. Katie got accepted quickly and the only thing that made her sad was, that she was not yet allowed to apply for the quidditch team and that she wasn’t allowed to bring her own broom. Katie found friends in Angelina Jones and Alicia Spinnet and they even went out to the quidditch pitch with her sometimes to play. 
About the second year she was even more excited, then now she was allowed to try out for the quidditch team - and got accepted. But that was not the only exciting thing about that year, then it was the year when Harry Potter - yes, the famous Harry Potter - started his first year at Hogwarts. And he was even in the same house AND same quidditch team! She became friends with the rest of the teams too. 
Katie’s third year at the school for wizards and witches was way more eventful, although not exactly in good ways. The Chamber of Secrets was opened. The students were scared - at least most of them - especially when Mrs Norris was no longer the only victim anymore. Lots of people accused Harry, but Katie had a hard time believing he could be able to do anything like that. However, she did become more careful. What happened, didn’t leave her unaffected, she felt bad for the victims, she was scared and often when she thought no one was looking, she even cried. Katie was in a bad shape. And with every victim it just got worse. When the little girl who happened to be Fred’s and George’s little sister, got kidnapped it seemed the school would close forever. It was terrible to see her friends so hurt and in pain, everything scared and confused. What were they supposed to do without Hogwarts? Fortunately at the beginning of the summers the students could go home knowing in September they would be able to come back. 
Katie’s fourth year was just a little less crazy. It didn’t involve a hidden chamber and a murderous basilisk, but a murderous Death Eater - or so the whole wizarding world thought. Sirius Black escaped and it seemed he was on his way to Hogwarts. At least that explained the dementors at the school. The fact they were there for the student’s safety didn’t make Katie feel any better about them though. They were terrible and made her feel terrible. As she learned later from rumors - and these were always popular at Hogwarts - Black wanted Harry. And obviously he wanted him so bad, that even the dementors couldn’t stop him. The best thing about that year was to win the Quidditch Cup! At the end of the year Katie was glad she could leave, no more dementors! And that was not the only reason why she was excited… 
… then it was the summer of the Quidditch World Cup! And of course Katie couldn’t miss that! It was very exciting and she enjoyed the celebration after the game - or at least until suddenly everything changed. Death Eaters appeared, panic raised in camp and -the worst - the Dark Mark appeared on the sky. Katie was too young, she never had to experience the feeling to come home and find the Dark Mark above your house, but even she knew what it meant. Going back to the school, Katie was excited to play quidditch again, maybe even try a few things she saw at the world cup. However soon enough she had to learn quidditch was cancelled this year. Then this year Hogwarts was about to host the Triwizard Tournament! It was very exciting that Cedric Diggory became the champion, but even more exciting that Harry became one too. Many students - especially the Slytherins - were against Harry as a champion, but Katie supported him. Besides, this was a great way to get back at the Hufflepuffs for the game they lost last year against them. The fun turned into serious matter, when Harry returned from the maze with Cedric’s dead body and the words that Voldemort was back. Katie got reminded on last summer and the Dark Mark above the camp. It was hard to believe was Harry and Dumbledore were saying, and the Daily Prophet didn’t, then they kept publishing articles about how the two were liars, but the girl knew they had no reason to lie… Not about this. 
The first few days of the summer holiday, Katie’s parents were in panic - as everyone else who believed Dumbledore - and Katie often heard them whispering and then stopping when she entered the room. After that they kept disappearing, for hours, sometimes even days. Later the girl found out, this was, because her parents joined the Order of the Phoenix. Getting back to Hogwarts it seemed things were normal… As normal as they could get at the school. But then things got worse and worse and the source of it was Umbridge. At some point the Gryffindor wished the dementors and Sirius Black back. When Fred, George and Harry got expelled from quidditch, she even thought the basilisk was better, than the pink dressed professor. It felt her with joy to go against the woman and didn’t hesitate to join the group Harry and his friends founded. Dumbledore’s Army became the best thing about that year, Katie learned a lot and gained a few new friends too. Somehow they managed to get through the year and by the end of it Katie wasn’t even that surprised, that they got rid of Umbridge. The curse worked once again. 
Finally! It was Katie’s last year at Hogwarts. She was excited, but also a bit sad, than most of her friends graduated - or just took their brooms and flew away - last year. But she still had friends at Hogwarts, she had quidditch and she had to make sure she would pass her exams. All seemed to go quiet well, until that afternoon at Hogsmeade. Katie couldn’t remember what happened, but later she got told, that someone placed the Imperius Curse on her and she touched a cursed necklace. It was all pure luck she didn’t die. What she could remember, however was the terrible pain. She spent six months at St. Mungo’s before she could return to Hogwarts. Katie studied even harder so she could finish school this year, even though everyone told her not to put the extra pressure on herself and she could come back next year. In the end she exceled at her exams and graduated, leaving Hogwarts behind her. The blonde girl is a kind person, her friends are very important for her and she always stands up for them. She is honest, sometimes too honest, then Katie always says what’s on her mind without to take the time and think about her words first. That can end up very badly if she talks to the wrong person. Everyone who know her would confirm, that she is one of the most clumsiest person on earth. That’s the reason why no one would believe what a good quidditch player she is until they see her on her broom. As soon she flies her movements become graceful and she is full in her element. It was her second year when she got part of Gryffindor’s house team, but she already get to know them in her first year. Angelina and Alicia often went to the pitch with her and played quidditch, when they didn’t have practice. It was them who told Oliver Wood, that he should let her try out. Despite the fact, that she was cursed in her seventh year and spent a long time at St. Mungo’s, she was still able to graduate at the end of the year. The summer after her graduation she joined the Order of Phoenix. Among a lot of other members and her friends, she too became known as a blood traitor and was hunted by Death Eaters. She participated in the Battle of Hogwarts, she fought with her friends.
After the war Katie became a curse breaker and works for Gringotts.
Nicknames: Katie, Katie-Kate, Kit-Kat, Kat, Bell Date of Birth: 27. November 1978 N.E.W.T.s: Charms: E (Exceeds Expectations) Transfiguration: O (Outstanding) Potions: A (Acceptable) Defense Against the Dark Arts: E (Exceeds Expectations) Herbology: E (Exceeds Expectations) History of Magic: A (Acceptable) Astronomy: O (Outstanding) Arithmancy: E (Exceeds Expectations) Care of Magical Creatures: O (Outstanding) Ancient Runes: E (Exceeds Expectations)
Wand: Willow, phoenix feather, 10 ½ “ Pet: an owl named Brownie Special Position: Chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch Team, Member of Dumbledore’s Army, Member of the Duelling Club // Member of the Order of Phoenix Partonus: Wild Rabbit Boggart: Darkness Amortentia: the grass at the Quidditch pitch, chocolate frogs & Gryffindor common room Family:
Eleanor Bell (nee White), former Ravenclaw, works at St. Mungo’s at the reception [mother]
Edward Bell, former Gryffindor, works at the Ministry of Magic at the Centaur Liaison Office [father]
Timothy Bell, former Gryffindor, has his own antique shop at Diagon Alley
            from Harry Potter Wiki  [canon & source]
Student Verse: Katie after being sorted into Gryffindor, could barely wait to be part of the quidditch team and explore the castle with friends. She ended up having an even more amazing friends group than she could have ever imagined. And adventures that could last for more than a lifetime. After Harry Potter became a student, life at Hogwarts was never the same again - and certainly never boring. ( sirius black stole my homework // 𝓚.𝓑. student verse. )
Pre-Battle Verse: Once she graduated, Katie joined the Order of Phoenix, just like her parents and her cousin did. She also applied at Gringotts, then it was her dream to become a curse breaker. However, soon things got more complicated, Katie got on the list of blood traitors and it was time to go into hiding. However that didn’t mean she stopped her activities for the Order. She still did everything she could. However, being chased and the upcoming war weighed heavy on the blonde’s shoulders. Katie still didn’t recover fully from the curse last year, almost every night she woke up screaming or crying, she had nightmares about the pain and was reliving that day over and over. The fear of her and her friend’s and family’s life didn’t make her situation any better. When Neville called the former DA members through their coins, Katie didn’t hesitate to go back to Hogwarts and to join in the battle. ( wanted blood traitor // 𝓚.𝓑. pre battle verse. )
Post-War Verse: It was terrible. They lost so many people - so many great people. Friends. Families. Yet those who survived had to keep going. And that’s what Katie did too. Or at least tried to do. The memories faded, but returned as soon she closed her eyes and added to the nightmares she already had. To the world Katie shows herself as the brave and cheerful girl she always have been, but inside she is breaking and she doesn’t know how to stop it. ( we are survivors // 𝓚.𝓑. post war verse. )
Modern Verse: Katie was always good at getting herself into trouble, but she always had her friends to count on to get her through it. Never afraid of a little adventure, Katie grew up admiring the Indiana Jones movies. So much so that she ends up studying archaeology herself. ( a magically normal life // 𝓚.𝓑. modern verse. )
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