#maybe someday i will script this and turn it into a video lololol
digirainebow · 3 years
What is your favorite rhythm game?
omg you do not know the floodgate you have just opened
first of all, thank you for asking!! <3 second of all, i'm gonna do that thing i always do and give a very very longwinded answer where i don't pick just one 🙈
currently i'm very VERY into beat saber. my family an oculus for my brother's birthday and i've been playing every day for the past week because it's the first exercise i've been able to get in like 2 years and god is it an absolute BLAST. my love of rhythm games got really strong as a kid once i discovered ones that involved physically moving around, like i would always play ddr whenever i went to an arcade (even though to this day i suck at it), and someone had just dance at a new years party one year and i dragged my cousin into playing it with me basically the entire night. i got both the ddr wii game and a copy of a just dance game because i liked those games so much. i just like being able to actually dance to songs, but i'm literally a dancer so i guess that's not surprising adfsgdgdgs
beat saber is. first of all vr is suuch and experience so its the most immersive of all the fullbody rhythm games i have played and because if gives you fucking swords you feel just like so very badass. its kind of the perfect combination of ddr and just dance. it has the very simple, straightforward interface design that ddr and most handheld rhythm games have with basic directional hitboxes, paired with just dance's more movement based gameplay because girl, it sure makes you do more than just swing your arms around. the walls and crouch mechanics have had me sweating myself to drenched lol. it just makes me so happy, i've really missed dancing and this has been a great way to get back into it. we could barely afford the oculus's we got so its hard for me to recommend this to folks because vr is difficult to get your hands on but if you ever get the chance. its so fun. the learning curve is steep because its such a new type of experience for your brain, i thought it would just be another ddr for me where i can never go past normal/medium difficulty, but ive managed to get myself all the way up to being able to play at least one expert level, which is the first time that has ever happened to me with a physical dancing game and its exhilarating lmao please look up the song they have on the base game called spin eternally by camellia. im trying to get 100% in that one on hard difficulty rn and its. well. just see for yourself (and trust me, it is always faster and more difficult irl than it looks in recordings).
now for the handheld rhythm games >:)
i would be straight up lying if i said the idolish7 mobile game wasn't. significant to me. like i'm sorry if you hate gacha games, i'm sorry if you hate mobile games, i'm sorry if you hate idol anime, i'm sorry if you hate anime in general, i also hate all of those things and i understand. but this one is different i swear to you i swear i am on my hands and knees please take this seriously. i doubt the idolish7 app is going to hit unless you're also into the anime so like be prepared to get invested in some boys if you really want to get the most out of that as a rhythm game but the music is. so good actually please listen as hard as you can (with headphones!!) to any TRIGGER or zool track and pick up on all the little instrument and synth details and tell me that's not the tightest shit you've ever heard. not to mention it is the best balance i have seen in a basic mobile rhythm game like that! again, i am not into and refuse to get into any other idol thing, i tried with love live when it first came out and believe me snow halatian is still my bop, but the story and song layout was too boring for me and my metronome settings kept resetting and it just got to be too much for me. also, idk anything about prince-sama or whatever but someone i knew was really into it and they had me attempt one of the levels and i canNOT get down for that kind of torture. 6 cabochons is...why would you do that to someone. idolish7 also suffers a bit from metronome issues but i have found the exact perfect settings to make it actually on beat (who tf came up with rhythm games making you hit a note BEFORE the beat btw i have a bone to pick). it also has a very nice and normal amount of cabochons to tap. and ya'll, idolish7 was the first rhythm game i have ever been able to get a perfect on in expert on MULTIPLE SONGS. its easy enough to get a grip on, but still hard enough that it feels rewarding to learn the songs on the hardest difficulties! it is the perfect storm of good story and characters, good music, good interface, and mostly good gacha. do you know how long i have waited for that...man
i also--dude--fucking love parappa the rapper so much. and i would love it so much more if the rhythm interface wasn't COMPLETE AND UTTER GARBAGE i know it was 1997 and i was just being born then but holy shit. apparently the remastered is better but i wouldn't know, all i know is on ps vita it is ridiculously both so out of rhythm and so hair-pin specific in random places that its insane. i cant even tell you how many tries it took me to pass taste of teriyaki in um jammer lammy. btw idk if this is controversial yet brave but ujl is my favorite ive played in the series so far. original parappa songs are iconic but the sound, gameplay, and songs are all better in ujl imo. the entire milkcan discography fucking SLAPS and i mean like every song in the game. all of them unironically slap
finally, i also wanna mention the first rhythm game i ever fell in love with: everyone's favorite rhythm game, rhythm heaven! not only is rhythm heaven the most creative rhythm game i've ever played, but it TEACHES YOU!! so much!! about rhythm and song formating! perhaps even music theory! without feeling like one of those educational ds games for kids they had back in the day. you fully learn so much about off-beats and syncopation and stuff simply by playing, it doesn't have to explain shit. the repetition creates wonderful muscle memory, to the point i still find myself singing "stretch out your neck, *caws like a bird*" quietly under my breath throughout my days even now. the remixes are genius, and my favorite games built to scale and glee club are some of the most simple visually, but very valuable and at times difficult. its also just so cute and colorful. god i miss rhythm heaven, wish the megamix was real. i played rhythm heaven so much and so hard my ds lite is in shambles. 10/10
that was. even longer than i thought it would be, i should've made a youtube video! thanks so much again for being curious and i hope my answer was not only satisfying but something actually readable LMAO 😊
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tippitv · 6 years
TippiTV liveblog: Supernatural 14.05 “Nightmare Logic”
The part that takes the longest in doing my traditional recaps is coming up with images, captions, and making all that stuff with my very old and slow computer. So, since I'm behind on those, I decided to just do this one as a liveblog, sort of. I typed all this in while watching the recorded episode and didn't go back to edit, in order to preserve the "live" part of liveblogging as much as possible.
Okay the THEN! makes it seem like there’s something wrong about Maggie, the girl from the apocalypse dimension whose name I can never remember. Also apparently Michael went around dressed like James Bond at a baccarat tournament and made a deal with werewolves. I just realized there’s still that episode I haven’t seen yet.
Maggie’s in a cemetery in Oklahoma. She pauses outside a mausoleum to vlog for a moment. I knew there was something wrong w/ her! She’s a YouTuber!
Oh she’s off hunting a possible ghoul by herself. That seems unwise.
So she’s in this mausoleum and as soon as the camera frames her on the left side of the screen I’m pretty sure a monster is gonna pop up on the right. Oh no it’s Peter Boyle! Peter, no!
Sam’s at the bunker talking to some of the apoca-hunters like he’s their professor. He’s like [insert THE MORE YOU KNOW gif here]
Dean lightly teases him about it. Sam says there are currently SIXTEEN HUNDRED OPEN CASES
Oh wait no he said sixteen hunters on cases. Lol. Oh also Maggie wasn’t vlogging. Hunters are using bodycams now. That was not a bodycam but whatever.
Wtf why was Maggie out officially hunting a ghoul by herself? Don’t they remember a ghoul killed their half brother?
Lol no they don’t. Dean’s trying to convince Sam they don’t know for sure that Maggie’s dead. “Ghouls don’t usually feed on the living.” Lololol.
The bros go to Oklahoma and check out the mausoleum. “Check it out,” Dean says, pointing out some drag marks on the floor. “Drag marks,” Sam says as if he knows in a tv show where people might not know what Dean was talking about.
They get found out by the groundskeeper but manage to bs something about being from the historical preservation blah blah and they’d like to talk to the owner. The owner’s thrilled to hear from them but har har, Mary and Bobby are already there having used the same bs story.
All that tech Sam has to keep track of the hunters and this still happened? Oh the guy I thought was the owner is actually the owner’s nurse. He has that Blatantly Comedic Facade that bad guys on this show frequently have so I’m calling him as a ghoul now.
The owner, hooked up to life support machines and getting a blood transfusion looks just like the guy from Maggie’s video. This alarms the Winchesters. I mean, maybe it’s just family resemblance or the fact that ghouls can imitate people. Like their half-brother.
Poor Maggie’s chained up somewhere, getting the blood drained out of her.
The guy’s daughter shoos them all away. As they confab outside, they decide he’s not a ghoul because Bobby “checked him for bite marks.” Like… even his ass? You can’t have possibly checked him everywhere.
Bobby’s mad at Sam for letting Maggie go on a hunt like this alone. Everyone splits up to look for Maggie. Oh no I think Sam and Mary are about to have an awkward talk about how she and Bobby aren’t boning like she’d expected.
“Bobby’s got balls, big ones,” she says. Oh shit.
Oh thank fuck I think she actually said he's got big walls. He's closed off and not wanting to talk about what's bothering him. Blah blah stuff about emotions and caring about stuff. Mary and Sam find a pile of old clothes and fake IDs in the woods at the same time Bobby and Dean find a serial killer shack. I mean, it's full of like pelts and bones and I've seen enough Hannibal episodes to know that means nothing good. Oh look there's a guy on the floor and he's the one in the fake IDs. Is he dead?
Bobby runs off to chase someone he sees in the woods. As soon as Dean turns around, the dead guy from the tomb attacks him. He looks less like Peter Boyle now that I see him in the light. Dean stabs him and he explodes into a cloud of dust.
The dead guy's daughter hears some creaking around in the house and goes to investigate. Some Nosferatu lookin' dude jumps out at her, but disappears after she trips.
"It looked like a vampire," she tells Sam and Mary after the commercial break. How did they know to go back to the house? The daughter's just as confused as I am. I should have paid attention to these people's names but oh well. Sam and Mary confess they hunt monsters. They should have like a little laminated fact sheet they can hand out to people.
They decide that something is hunting hunters on the property. Sam and Dean talk over some old episodes while they try to figure out what they're dealing with and come up with some kind of psychic manifestations from the dad in the coma.
Oh now Bobby's gone missing. Mary runs outside to look for him.
Sam and Dean were gonna go upstairs to the attic but for some reason Dean took a detour to have a Talk About Emotionally Distant Fathers with the daughter. Oh Sam's gone upstairs by himself and finds Maggie still clinging to life. The Nosferatu dude attacks while he's trying to unchain her, but a quick li'l stabbity and he poofs away into dust.
Meanwhile, Bobby's just meandering through the dark woods all by himself. A young guy with no eyes walks up to him. Bobby's like, "Daniel?!" and ostensibly Daniel's like, "Hey Dad!" Daniel's got no eyes but he's got a mean right hook! Down Bobby goes. That'll teach ya to go wandering off alone just because the script calls for it.
Ostensibly Daniel pins Bobby to a tree with... an angel blade? I think? Okay that looks like it's going right through his heart or at least his lung but I don't think he's scheduled to die again yet. Mary shows up and shoots Ostensibly Daniel but he does not poof into dust. Bobby unskewers himself to go save Mary. This time Ostensibly Daniel does poof, so I guess stabbing's the key.
Dean notices that old coma guy is getting a transfusion. His nurse makes some bullshit excuse about it but Dean's figured out the the guy is a djinn. Is that how they spell it on this show? Anyway, he knows because the same thing happened to him many seasons ago, and kudos to the show that for once it did not give away the monster of the week in the THEN! portion of the episode.
Ok so I was wrong about the guy being a ghoul but I was right about him being the baddie. That blatantly comedic facade gives it away every time.
Lol the djinn thinks Dean is still Michael. He thought this was all about Michael "testing" him, blah blah. He was supposed to kill as many hunters as he could. He tries to suck out Dean's nightmares but whatever he sees gives him the asshole sweats and Dean handily beats him to a pulp.
Wait so why was he taking blood from them? Ah fuck it, I don't care.
The Winchesters et al return to the bunker. Dean gives Sam props for bringing Maggie home. Mary bandages up Bobby's wounds. They waited until they got home for that? He opens up a little bit about how Daniel died in the angel wars.
Sam and Dean make some calls to off-screen hunters and to Garth who it took me a minute to remember is a werewolf now. Dean says to Sam that he's been trying to move on from all the things that happened with Michael all turduckened up inside him, my phrasing but you get the point, Wouldn't it be useful to try to remember more of what Michael did, though?
Sad acoustic guitar plucks sad notes while the Winchesters make sad statements about killing Michael somehow, someday.
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