#maybe someday!
lady-of-snails · 6 months
sometimes as i go about my day im struck with the realization that i have become the very thing i swore to destroy (the author of an abandoned fic that hasn't updated in years)
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lullabile · 8 months
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didn't wanna draw his bottom half so you get big empty space! yippee!
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stewyonmolly · 9 months
i think allll the time about writing a what if kendall does kill himself post finale thing from stewy’s pov but every time i think of it i start feeling so incredibly physically nauseous and full of grief i can’t move to do it
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onepieceof-stardust · 9 months
Made the mistake of looking @ a mycology PhD program a while back and now I gotta constantly remind myself I couldn’t handle more academia
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firein-thesky · 2 months
i dont even have any ideas, but with how amazing your writing is i think you'd kill it writing Neuvillette💕
anon thank you 🥺🥺💗💗
i would love to write him someday….him and zhongli really do something strange to my brain………………
i did write a lil fae au drabble w him somewhere……
Send me a fic idea you’d like to see me write!
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theelvishscribbler · 7 months
Hello! I absolutely love your art, it makes me so happy. Do you mayhaps have any speedpaints or time-lapse of your art? I like looking at how my faves draw bcs it kinda helps me learn and develop. Watching cool art people draw is like baby sensory videos for me but I get actual information out of it and it's not gonna rot my brain
Ah, thank you! I absolutely understand that, I love watching that kind of thing too. I think this is the one question I get asked the most often. Alas, I don't record any of my work, sorry!
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shewantsitall · 1 year
Thinking about Bradley Bradshaw's birthdays over the years...
I think he would remember one birthday before Goose died... idk if one really remembers their second birthday, but I think he would have something. Maybe not the whole party, but something. A flash of his Momma and Daddy and Uncle Mav singing him happy birthday, wearing giant sparkly top hats to go with the magician theme.
After Goose died, Carole and Mav would have started going All Out. Every year there's a huge party with whatever theme Bradley chooses. They invite his whole class from day care, and then Pre-K, and the kids in his class once he starts school. There's a dinosaur party where Uncle Mav and Co. bury "fossils" in the yard for him and his friends to find, and a cowboy party where they do pony rides. There's a jungle themed party held after hours at the zoo. They're Extra Extra.
Bradley wants a plane themed birthday when he turns 10. He's already made up his mind that he wants to be a pilot "like Dad and Uncle Mav and Uncle Ice and Uncle Slider and Uncle....." and Carole is already not a fan of this idea, but she's been subtle about it, with both Bradley and Mav. When he tells Carole and Mav the theme of the year, it all comes out. Before Carole and Mav talk, he's ready to throw His Baby Goose the best darn plane themed birthday party there's ever been. He's already scheming and thinking about where to get decorations, wondering what he could "borrow" from the base or the other guys... wondering what it would take to convince his CO to let him drive Bradley around in circles on the ground in his tomcat. Then they talk. He doesn't agree, but he understands. Carole tries to dissuade Bradley from his party theme of choice- the career of choice talk comes a few years later- and steer him towards something, anything else... it doesn't work. She has to have a Grown Up Conversation with Mav, which is always difficult, and convinces him to help convince Bradley that motorcycle birthday party is an equally good theme...like liers.
When he turns thirteen, an Important Milestone Year, Mav is stationed overseas and can't get any leave. He's managed to swing it for the last eleven years, but he pissed someone off and there's nothing he can do to get home, even though he's managed some way or another for the last twelve years. His birthday is set to be uneventful. It's not the same without Uncle Mav, but Mom said she'd order pizza and they make a plan to have a movie night. He's dreading it, a little bit. It doesn't feel special, and it's just wrong to have a birthday without Uncle Mav around. But when the night comes, it's not just him and Mom. The Uncles ALL show up, sans Mav, and Uncle Ice comes bearing a Very Special gift from Mav, along with Bradley's favorite part of his own gift, the fact that he pulled strings (already) and managed to arrange for at least a call.
Family Birthday Pizza Night becomes the tradition after that. It continues with as many of them as possible, missing an Uncle here and there, but never again without Mav. Birthdays fourteen, fifteen, and sixteen are Pizza Birthdays. By Bradley's sixteenth birthday Carole is too sick to eat pizza with them, and by his seventeenth, Family Birthday Pizza Night is no longer an option.
Bradley's seventeenth birthday is a sad one. He's recently orphaned and facing his senior year of high school. Uncle Mav managed to get a post near Home so that he could take care of him and stop him from ending up in the system but somehow it makes Bradley feel worse because he's there and stuck with him, something than Mav refutes every time he hears the kid say it because he wants to be there with him more than anything else in the world including in the cockpit of an F-14 grounded for the time being. It's the year that Mav gives him ✨Misty✨, his dad's old Bronco. She's a mess, but the other part of the gift is a promise to help him fix her up. They spend the day working and it's the perfect distraction. Bradley loses track of just how wrong it all is until they slow down for the day. But, luckily, Mav is just as ready for the inevitable tears as he was for starting the process of restoring Bradley's New Car.
Birthdays 18-21 are especially lonely. He's in college because Mav pulled his papers. He doesn't want to be there and it's obvious to everyone around him. UVA is far from home (and far from Mav and all of his childhood friends) and he isn't keen on meeting anyone new either. He's angry at Mav and at the world and at his situation and he isolates himself, even though it doesn't help anything at all. He stays in and broods... he doesn't even watch movies and eat Pizza. He does his best to keep anyone from finding out. He gets cards from Mav each year but he doesn't open them. He stops opening the ones from Ice after 19, when he includes a note that suggests he should call Mav and mentions how much he misses him. Bradley doesn't throw them away, though. Just tucks them safely at the bottom of a box. Just in case he ever gets up the nerve to open them.
Mav sends him a birthday card every year until he turns 36. So does Ice. They never get opened, but they join the others in the bottom of the box. Those birthdays are better... mostly. He eventually lands in the Navy, makes it to flight school, and starts meeting His People. There are birthdays spent doing what he loves and spending time with people he loves. Some of them, however, namely 22 and 29 (which is my current random guess for Goose's Last Birthday) are especially difficult. 22 is the loneliest he's ever been. His new friends have taken him Out for the night and he's surrounded by people but it feels so wrong that he can't enjoy it. Maybe he and Jake who's not yet Hangman??? are together for that one... but Bradley's in such a funk and refuses to talk about it that it starts to drive them apart...the beginning of the end.
He turns 37 after the uranium mission. His life has changed so so much. He doesn't feel so alone anymore. He's mending things with Mav, he's finally in some much needed therapy, and thanks to how close it falls to the mission, the whole gang is still together at Miramar. Mav gets back to his birthday Shenanigans and enlists the help of both The Uncles and The Friends to help him transform The Hard Deck into a Rooster Themed extravaganza, complete with more balloons and confetti than should ever be allowed anywhere. This confuses most everyone who's there that night that isn't with them buuuut that's alright. The crew indulges him in a birthday sing-along at the piano with full participation. They play all the games and he wins a number of turns that starts to feel suspicious "Come ON Hangman, we all know you can do better than that" "You can't lose at everything on your birthday, Sunshine". There's a rooster shaped birthday cake. Everything is beautiful and nothing hurts too much. There's also birthday card from Ice. One last one, and it's so so bittersweet. It has a sweet sweet note about how much he's loved and how Ice has kept track of him over the years. An apology that he isn't there to give it to him himself, and an apology that they didn't let him know what was going on, that he didn't want it to interfere with the mission. That Mav tried to convince him otherwise. A plea that he resolves things with Maverick and a reminder that they need each other, maybe now more than ever. Mav wisely doesn't give him the card during the party and waits until the night has wound down and they're back at the hangar???? The next day Bradley opens the cards from Ice and pours over the notes. It's a less happy day. The cards do nothing to help his guilt and, in fact, only make him feel worse because he realizes what he missed out on for so many years. That he'll never have the chance to have again. BUT. That's not Birthday Content so we won't go into that here.
Things only go up from there. Every birthday after is better than the last. Always spent with family, one way or another.
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ozimul-reacts · 1 year
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guess who is thinking about Tomba again
made these a while ago but never uploaded them anywhere, here, look at my boy
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starakex · 1 year
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Happy 413! I haven't honestly thought about Homestuck in years. Heck, I eventually dropped out after like the 15th super-omega-duodecim-hiatus and only caught up on the big anime ending. I haven't even seen the post-Homestuck content (but I've been told it's better this way.) I was getting nostalgic, lately, and thinking back on all the wild shit I was doing on this hellsite during my big homestuck phase. It's fun looking back on it, seeing these characters grow as I did and then doing my own growing on my own afterwards. What a time capsule! According to my folders, this Dave photo is from 2013. 10 years ago man, how cool is that! I barely knew how to sew properly at the time. I think this cape is my first proper cosplay sewing project! Time flies! So despite the decline, happy birthday to a series near and dear to my heart!
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ot3 · 1 year
i've gotta know if you've ever played the world ends with you? you have excellent taste in DS games so i've been curious for awhile about your thoughts on it, if you have any. if you haven't played it... definitely recommend, i think it would be right up your alley, esp as an ORV fan
i have not played twewy but my friend @kageyama-ritsu is a big fan and she also got us all into orv so that tracks....
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purgaytorysupremacy · 2 years
It's alright, it's okay. It's alright, it's okay. You just made a few mistakes.
🎶 It's Alright by Mother Mother
Spotify fed me this song right when a podcast I like was wrapping up their rewatch of season four and it gave me a brain worm to do a season four recap.
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itspileofgoodthings · 2 years
I would love to one day learn the guitar actually
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The Conjuring: If you could learn any new skill, what would you learn? 
Ohhhh I’d learn how to play the piano! I’m so impressed and envious of pianists, I wish I had the time money and resources to become good enough to compose!
thanks for the ask ☠️
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roughentumble · 2 years
🍦 🦅👐
hmmmm i dont see those patty-cake type hands on the list, so im going to answer this hand emoji 🤲 :3
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
HMMMmmm either "key to my heart" or "geralt and roachie"! everyone says geralt and roachie made them cry, but i always thought it was the sweetest, sappiest thing haha.
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
100% fly by the seat of my pants. occasionally i'll have an idea of something i definitely want to include(i wanted two big fight scenes for petals and pining, and roughly knew where i wanted them to go, but had no real concept of the story as a whole, so it was just like. We'll Get There When We Get There!)
it's the adhd haha, i've never written outlines, even for things everyone said Needed outlines. it's a skill that needs practice just like anything else, and i never have. my work would maybe be better if i ever put in the time to get better at it, but it's not what i enjoy doing, so i dont bother.
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
this isn’t a wip, as it’s at this point abandoned. there was one part i just...... couldn’t get to work in my head, and then my interest waned, you know how it goes. i may get back to it again one day, who knows! i have a bunch of abandoned projects on the cutting room floor that aren’t actually bad, i just couldnt get them off the ground. but anyway, since it may never see the light of day, here’s a rather long snippet of unnamed work(jaskier does not realize they’re dating), under a cut for the sake of everyone’s dashboards:
Being friends with Geralt of Rivia required something of a gentle touch.
Which isn't to say that he was some sort of wilting flower, or that he couldn't handle a blunt talking to, or jokes at his own expense, things of that nature. Just that he can be rather... reticent with his own feelings, and with overt familiarity. It takes a while for him to truly open up, and if you aren't careful when he does, he snaps back shut like a clam, takes forever and a day to get him to trust you enough to try again. A natural result, Jaskier laments, of his rather rough life. It makes sense, of course, but it still makes Jaskier's heart break when he sees Geralt pull away from a kind hand, or hesitate to return a friendly smile.
[something also about him being a man of action, so expressing his affections thru words is rare. he's not inept, its just an extra little bit he has to extend himself, and its not his natural reaction]
He also seems, on occasion, mystified by certain facets of human interaction. No one understands every intricacy of society, of course, there will always be some rule that doesn't make sense, or maybe something that's common in the region your grew up in and only there, so traveling leaves one floundering on how to interact. But Geralt, especially, Jaskier notes, seems to come up short on what's expected of him in what should be simple situations. Again, Jaskier attributes this to the rough life he's led, to his unorthodox childhood up on a mountain, surrounded by men who cared more about his capacity for violence than his ability to navigate social moors.
More's the pity.
All this to say, Jaskier is disinclined to push too much in any particular direction when it's obvious that Geralt is extending himself, emotionally. [all this to say, jaskier is generally inclined to let geralt get away with things??? idk, work on phrasing maybe.]
So when Geralt turns to him one night, tearing his eyes away from their little campfire to stare at him with a depth of intensity that leaves him feeling warm and nervous all at once, and says "Jaskier... you matter very much to me," as though he had to pry each syllable from his throat, [????idk i lost the thread of this sentence]
"Well, of course I feel the same, as you know you're very dear to--" he starts, but Geralt reaches over to grab his hand, cutting him off.
"No. I... you're /very/ important to me." He says insistently, eyes boring into Jaskier. It's clear he's trying to convey something very big, and very important, and Jaskier has no idea what it could be, other than what it sounds like on the surface-- Geralt and he are rather close friends.
But he looks very hopeful, and very sweet, and very vulnerable the way he clutches at Jaskier's hand, and Jaskier doesn't want to spook him off by questioning it too deeply, so he just accepts the little confession. Hopes the lump in his throat isn't too obvious when he responds in kind. Geralt's expression changes into something soft, obviously relieved that his friendship was reciprocated, and he gives Jaskier's hand a squeeze. Bumps their shoulders together affectionately. And then the subject is promptly dropped for the rest of the night, vulnerability over.
Geralt had been doing that, even before the night around the campfire. Holding Jaskier's hand, being a little more loose with physical affection. Testing the waters, it seems, trying to find where the line it, but after that night he gets even handsier. And Jaskier can't complain, of course, Geralt must be touch-starved with the life he leads, and it's so sweet the way a hand finds it's way to the small of his back in a dense crowd, or the press of Geralt's leg against his when they sit near each other in a tavern, or rarely enough the weight of an affectionate, friendly kiss along his brow.
Geralt doesn't understand what is and isn't taken in a platonic manner, is all, Jaskier's sure. And this little olive branch of affection after so many years of trying to be his friend, trying to get him to open up and relax, isn't one Jaskier intends on throwing aside anytime soon. He's always been pretty liberal with affection himself, so really, it's fine. It makes something ache in his chest, to be so close to what he wants and yet so far-- but he wouldn't trade it for anything, when he sees that tentative little smile tugging at the corners of Geralt's lips.
He is fairly thrown for a loop, though, the first time Geralt kisses him.
It's a small thing. Just a press of lips to his in the wee hours of the morning. Geralt's hand comes up, strokes a thumb along his cheekbone, and then he just... kisses him. pecks him right on the lips. Then he straightens, and goes back to sorting out his pack like he didn't just entirely topple Jaskier's world before the sun had fully risen.
Jaskier's entire face is red, and his mind races, because Geralt-- Geralt /kissed/ him, like it was nothing, like it was the most obvious thing in the world, gentle and affectionate and wonderful, and Jaskier must make some noise or something, because Geralt glances over his shoulder. "Is-- is that alright?" He asks, in reference to the kiss. He sounds a bit confused, maybe a bit nervous, and Jaskier sucks in a shaky breath, feeling infinitely frazzled. Geralt looks so innocent, kneeling there on the floor, like there was nothing out of the ordinary about what he just did.
And Jaskier can picture it, in his head, allowing Geralt to see his internal freak out, and explaining the differences in what sorts of affection you're supposed to show to different people, and what sort of signal he'd just sent, and the way Geralt-- poor, sweet Geralt-- would be so confused, and then disheartened, and then wouldn't try at all to be affectionate anymore, and Jaskier would lose the sudden closeness he'd gained, so instead he just... he says "Fine. It's-- I just didn't expect-- it's fine." Then he thinks 'fine' sounds judgemental, maybe, and amends it to "Nice."
His face is still burning red, must be, but Geralt relaxes at his reassurance. "Good." He says, smiles one of those smiles he's been showing more of recently, and gets back to packing like absolutely nothing is amiss.
Slowly, Jaskier gets used to it. The first kiss was shocking, yes, but once he knows to expect it-- and now he's steeled himself against the emotional weight of it-- he rolls with it fairly easily, and it just becomes another part of their routine. Since Geralt started displaying his affection, it's been a slow but steady build
[something about how jaskier likes it, and doesnt want to scare him away, but also feels guilty taking advantage. since he rather enjoys it for a different reason he thinks, and for geralt /obviously/ its innocent.]
[no fucking clue on how to broach the morning wood thing.
idk how to, like, build the heat to make it plausible.
but i guess maybe put it here?]
The worst-- best-- no, worst, part is
it just keeps happening.
And so it becomes routine. They wake up hard, and it's only natural to help each other. Of course. And Geralt doesn't mean anything by it, so...
Jaskier compartmentalizes. Enjoys what he has.
This is completely fine.
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hazardsoflove · 2 years
i’m starting evil bc i’ve been wanting to watch it and the woman is a forensic psychologist. she’s just like me
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lylahammar · 9 days
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My take on unicorns! I'd really love to make a mythical creature field guide someday, since the Spiderwick Field Guide is what inspired me to start drawing in the first place 🥰
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