#maybe one day I'll write this as a proper fanfic lmao
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y1ling-laozu · 3 months ago
Trollhunter Claire except there is a misunderstanding and the antagonists still think Jim is the trollhunter
Strickler, after seeing the amulet on Jim’s bag: 😨
Jim who retrieved the amulet from the teacher's office after coach Lawrence took it from Claire during P.E. because he wants an excuse to talk to his crush: Bye Mr. Strickler 😊
Bular, seeing Claire in armor and being confused for 0.2 seconds because he was told that the trollhunter was a boy and that looks like a girl but also humans are weird and he can't bring himself to care about them and their gender:
Claire being so confused about this BEAST suddenly yelling what she's pretty sure is the name of one of her classmates that she forgets to keep running for her life: Huh??
Blinky: young lady Claire, if you care about your life even one bit, PLEASE KEEP RUNNING
Claire being smart and hiding her face while breaking into the museum so that nobody is able to see her, so no one knows that she's the trollhunter yet.
Nomura, finally getting away from the goblins and immediately seeing Jim and Toby walking on the street: THIEVES!!!!!
Jim and Toby: Where? 😮
Jim and Toby:
Jim and Toby: US???
(They still get the police called on them and Jim gets grounded because Barbara thinks that not only did he break the law, he is also lying to her face)
Claire after confirming for 13735468656th time that Jim isn’t a changeling: Why does Bular know his name???
NotEnrique, seeing Claire with the amulet, knowing damn well that's not fucking Jim Lake jr: Well, that’s going to be a problem.
NotEnrique: Not mine to deal with though, I wonder how long it will take them to realize that she is the trollhunter.
Jim: *sigh* another dull birthday.
-15 minutes later-
The Stalkling:
Claire after Bular called her young Atlas, knowing that Strickler calls Jim that, and now realizing that A. Strickler is a changeling and B. They think Jim is the trollhunter: 😧
Bular, who still thinks this is Jim Lake jr, assuming that her reaction was only the realization of Strickler being a changeling: nailed it.
Strickler: I know.
Jim: You know what...?
Strickler: I know you know.
Jim: What??
Strickler: You didn't know I knew, but now you know. I know.
Jim: ???
Jim: Mom I don't like him, you should stop seeing him, he freaks me out.
Barbara turning and walking away: Jim I really expected better from you, I'm disappointed.
Jim: Mom he was mean to me every time you left the table 🙁
Barbara immediately turning back to Jim: he was WHAT
Strickler, after Barbara almost fought him, threatened to take his spleen?? And made him apologize to Jim for making him feel threatened: Well played trollhunter, well played...
Jim: Hm?
Strickler: Nothing, Young Atlas, nothing at all...
Jim: Okay...
I just think it would be really funny (read: devastating) if Jim always suffered because of the trollhunter mantle even when he has NOTHING to do with it 😭
Also Claire is a very protective character, so realizing that someone else has been getting hurt because of something related to her would be devastating for her
I think it would actually break her heart with guilt, especially after realizing she has feelings for him
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decaflondonfog · 4 months ago
18. What trope have you not written yet, but want to?
hiiiiii!!! i can't for the life of me remember if i saw the notif for this ask come through and then fell asleep and forgot or if maybe the notif didn't come through at all but either way....... sorry i'm late by like 3 days kdhfjkghg <3 ty for asking
18. What trope have you not written yet, but want to?
HMMMM this is such a good question. i think because i've written so many microfics and drabbles in the past that's given me a really good excuse to write a ton of tropes! but of course, writing stuff in 50 or 100 words doesn't really give me the room to properly explore (read: sink my teeth into) certain tropes and themes!
i think one i've definitely written in micro form before but i'm itching to write in a longer format (much...... much longer based on the idea i already have brewing in the back of my brain) is a soulmate trope!! i just love them! whether it is soul bonds, or red string of fate, or tattoos, dream sharing, countdown until you meet, goose of enforcement lmao I JUST LOVE THEM ALL they really tickle the hopeless romantic in me :') maybe one day i'll give it a proper crack, who knows
question from Yet another fanfic writer ask game!
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year ago
okay guys, i have been dead for a while, but I wanted to come on here and let you know that lol
I am on hiatus from fanfic rn. I'll put it in my pinned post and all that, but yeah.
I just don't have the motivation anymore. Fanfic was a comfort thing for me, and still kind of is? but I just don't feel like writing it right now. The last time you guys saw a proper fic from me was probably in the summer, I think.
It's not that I hate doing it, it's just that now when I'm in uni, I have so much stuff to do that I am currently loving more! I'm writing a book, trying to get published, trying to get my degree, it's a lot.
For those who submitted matchups, they'll be done one day lmao. I just haven't found myself on Tumblr as much these days.
I do want you all to know that I will be back to write the rare fic - maybe.
I really love all of my followers and can't believe I'm almost at 2,000, but those who followed me for my constant posting, just know it's not as available lol. I feel like my fanfic writing was getting repetitive and it just wasn't my cup of tea while I was also writing a book.
I love you all so so so so much, and just wanted to let you know that.
Feel free to ask my anything in my inbox though, I miss interacting with you all! Lots of love <3 - Tonberry <3
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sssammich · 1 year ago
fanfic writer questions
Thanks for the tag, @foibles-fables
1- How many works do you have on AO3?
i'm at 122 right now (wahoo!)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
794,634 (i am on a mission to 1 million in the next couple of years)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
well i've been around many a fandom block, but i'd say for current brainrot:
supergirl (mostly supercorp, but i have a smattering of rare pairs because women, amirite?)
swan queen
bumbleby (i also still have so many rosebird dreams i'll get there someday)
makayuro (with a smattering of rare pairs also because women, amirite?)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
well unsurprisingly, ever since plopping down on supercorp fandom, the numbers have been from there. but shoutout to my victorious fic from 2012 holding strong lol
evergreen, closest i get, not for nothing, you've got mail, and one way or another
5. Do you respond to comments?
yes yes absolutely!! sometimes i am late and sometimes i just leave it in there so i can have it stay unread but anyway i try to respond and i appreciate everyone who sends them to me. i have historically been a oneshot writer so it's been nice also to get comments on wips!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh shoot angstiest ending?? well i think i would say my supercorptober ficlet about memory loss of sorts might tick that (it ends kinda idk open but not bad, i will say)
but then there's also this one old soccer RPF i wrote that's more, idk, poetry than any real fic about one of them leaving lmao
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
the happiest ending? i mean all of them, i reckon. if they end up together or have a promise of together then they count lmao
8. Do you get hate on fics?
uhhh none that i've seen? i mean if it's in the comments, no? but if it's elsewhere, then also no? i have been fortunate in that way
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
uh i reckon comedy smut for now (read DickFic here) but the day is young and my doc is empty so who's to say
but i have dreams for some sad smut because i'd like to develop the range LMAO
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
surprisingly, i do not. what i instead do is just little spin through five fandoms at any given time and just confuse myself that way
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
unfortunately yes. twice now. once was for my victorious fic that was used for a 5th harmony RPF lmaooo
and then on thanksgiving weekend, the first chapter of Crepe AU was posted by an anonymous for a The Wilds ship (but my friends rallied to get it taken down so i didn't have to send a takedown form to ao3 while i was traveling home)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
nope but that would be totally rad
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i love fic writing group work so yes! i have a series of sad angsty women that i have with my best friend in my revue starlight fandom, and then, of course, @sideguitars and i have 'humans in the storeroom' (that reminds me it's my turn to write the next part smh)
i also like jumping into writing sprints or writing exercises with folks (like a round robin)
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
let's not do this, i shan't pick amongst my children
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
so far all my wips are things i wanna finish and will do my best to finish. i have a couple of retired wips that will just sit in my ao3 forever and i have made peace with them, though.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i wanna say characterization, pacing, emotional resonance, and a simple and natural writing style maybe
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
action?? plot??? proper AUs lmao
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i do not because i find i butcher it and also then i cringe lmao
19. First fandom you wrote for?
oh written for but never posted? hermione/ginny
posted for? god probably All My Children (bianca and maggie) when i was like a teenager hahahahaha
20. Favorite fic you've written?
sorry no can do i love them all because i wrote them and there are so many things i enjoy about them. but i will say that the writing events circuit i've done this past year (supercorp bigbang, bumbleby big bang, and swan queen winter solstice) are born out of a lot of labor of love and i'm really proud of the work i've done for them.
and not for a writing event, but i am also extremely proud of re:live for mayakuro fandom-- that one makes me think that if i never wrote for that fandom again, that that's a really good fic to end on)
No-pressure tags, of course: @sideguitars, @eqt-95, @fazedlight, @luthordamnvers, @vox-ex, and @waytooinvested
(yall have probably done this before but here it just in case!)
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punishedcrow · 1 year ago
UHHH I HAD A DREAM (maybe future fanfic? idk)
so uhhh i had a dream i was a guest at the Dimitrescu manor. first of all Lady D was letting me sleep on her big ass bed while she slept on he guest room and i didn't notice it until, well...
i had just recovered from a wound or sickness, something like that. and she decided to like personally bring me fancy wine and cheese to my bed. peak creepy "i took care of you when sick" kinda fanfiction shit.
ok so whatever, got drunk, started making out sloppy (for a very long time like i could one day write an actual fic of the entire thing) and she went to grab her strap. my brain is just fucking genius bc it collected my favorite parts of distinct fics and mashed them together. Alcina went "could you give me a hand, love?" and i went bonkers. my arms are short and her ass was fat, so she noticed my commitment there. then she goes "i got this adjusted for my size" and i almost died. when she was ready and got up to grab the strap, something cockblocked us.
it didn't even make any sense bc we were suddenly in a car in Romania, wearing robes like clearly got outta there in a hurry, driving up a parking lot building to go save someone? but then this someone betrayed us and went like "i actually cursed this whole place so now youre stuck here forever".
because we were so horny we were like "oh no we're stuck in this pitch black parking lot by some evil magic, guess we'll make out in the car!" so we started doing that. HOWEVER we left the strap home and i was like "no way im waking up before i get strapped".
to explain this next segment i gotta explain the magic curse or whatever was happening there with dream logic.
first: the curse this mystery person put on the parking lot was specifically at some gates that were blocking the ramps leading us out of the top of the building, to the bottom. you know parking lot buildings have ramps and all and if theres any gate on these ramps, they're gonna be at the top of the ramp because they wouldn't function otherwise. BUT, in this case, those gates were AT THE BOTTOM of the ramps. so basically my big ass brain was like "the curse was placed ON THE GATE but not on THE HINGES of this said gate" and bc the brain dictates the rules of that world unconsciously it was like yeah of course thats what it is.
so what i did was just drive the fuck through the gates, gaining momentum from going down the ramp and breaking the shit out of the gates' hinges. when we got out of there the car was barely working and i STILL HAD TO PARK. so you can imagine my horny ass REALISTICALLY DRIVING A CAR (context is that i haven't driven in like a year irl) and having a hard time doing it BECAUSE I WANTED TO GET RAILED. also i wanted to do it before sunlight/waking up because of her vampirism and me already knowing it was a dream at this point, SO I HAD LIMITED TIME.
in the end, i woke up right after parking and spent a hot minute feeling really frustraded lmao. oh and by the way, in the bedroom part, Donna Beneviento was watching it all happen through a doll's eyes because Alcina had asked me to basically "baby monitor" me when i was sick. Oh and we knew it. However, we also knew she wasn't behing the parking lot curse thing, so she didn't cockblock us. I have a slight memory that Alcina was aware that Donna was enjoying herself (?)
this dream was somehow a mix of the regular RE8 lore and Resident Lover's lore, so there's that. maybe if i ever muster the sanity to do so, i'll write a proper fic of this dream
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simplylove101 · 1 year ago
I got tagged by my lovely bestie @backtothestart02. Thanks for thinking of me, hun. <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3? - 11 (and at least 4 on ff.net, though I had a few I deleted as well, including my longest story on there out of embarrassment lol)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
168, 530 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
On Ao3, it was strictly Gertchase from Runaways (Marvel) but I've also written for Gossip Girl & Harry Potter as well.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Most of them are my earlier stuff but there's one that was more recent that people seemed to like my take on a scene. 1. A Place Isn't Home - it's my baby, my first dip into writing fic in YEARS & for a ship that I'd only just gotten into. I put a lot prep & care into it beforehand so I'll always be proud of it considering it's centered around one trope - sharing a bed. lol 2. Lost Moments - doesn't surprise me now since there were lots of missed opportunities for good Gertchase content in S2 so I just had to do a missing moments fic for them 3. Over & Over Again - inspired by the Runaways promo team releasing the first few minutes of S3 before the season dropped & gave me the opportunity to write in Chase's pov which I love since it's easy for me. 4. Maybe I'm Falling - based on the teased bed talk with Gertchase before S2 dropped (which is still a cute scene) but I kinda prefer my version lol And 5. It's Your Call - my two different takes on Gertchase's S2 kiss scene written right after the trailer had been released. And guess what? Neither one was at all like what we got. lmao
5. Do you respond to comments?
Most of the time. Considering kudos are usually the only way I know if people are liking a fic by me, getting any comments on one is kinda a big deal to me cuz I love getting them. lmao
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Angstiest ending... Well, even when I write angst, there's generally some kinda hope since I like to write angst with a purpose even if it cuts hard. But since you were my home but now i'm (so) lost is about Future Chase reflecting on Gert's death & deciding to save her, I guess that's the automatic answer. But also, Lost Moments technically since it ends with Gert deciding to get over Chase after his betrayal (I was proud of that chapter tbh)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Ummm, basically the majority of them are happy like I said. lol Maybe I'm Falling is the purest tho since the whole thing is fluffy. hell was the journey but it brought me heaven was pretty cute too imo.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not on Ao3 since like I said, I hardly get comments as it is. But on ff.net... Trust me, I got some flames. It wasn't pretty. lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Before I wrote love doesn't know what distance is, the answer would have been a hard no. Mostly because I would always chicken out before I even got started. lol Somehow I convinced myself to get it a proper try on that fic and I didn't hate it??? Do I think I'm the best at it? Still no. But I'm not as scared now. It's pretty basic but at least I did it. lol
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not with my Gertchase fics cuz I suck at that kinda thing but during my Harry Potter days I used to experiment with AU ideas that never went too far before I deleted them. I remember I was gonna use a Real World (yes, the reality show lol) concept for a Harry/Ginny fic that never made it passed Chap 1. lmao
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of...
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Oh, this is so hard these days because younger me would always say Chuck/Blair and they are still up there.... I think Cole/Cassie from 12 Monkeys might be my most epic ship tho, despite me never having written for them before (I wouldn't know where to start tbh) And my heart will always belong to Ron/Hermione too. I love Gertchase but at the end of the day they might actually be more of a top 10 ship for me, I just am able to be inspired to write for them.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The ultimate WIP for Gertchase for me is a post-canon fic that initially was gonna be just a simple proposal but then I wanted to include other stuff like Gert getting pregnant, etc. so it could be a mini fic. But I've just never written it because of lost inspiration (the real life drama of the cast did kinda taint the show a bit at one point but also, the fandom's pretty dead too) That said, never say never. Maybe one day I'll do it. There's scenes I had written for it that I still have somewhere so it's possible. We'll see. lol
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue. lol I know it is because that's how I start writing my fics. I tend to write scenes out like a script first because it's how I'm able to start visualizing the rest of it. Rarely does a fic of mine not start with a quote or at least a train thought by a character. I also like to think that when I do write angst I'm not afraid to go for the jugular so to speak because it's meant to hurt BUT I do always want it to have a purpose and move the story along. Also, apparently when I'm really feeling a chapter I'm not afraid to have a big word count. I can't help it. lol
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
The actual writing process. lol It doesn't always come naturally to me. I don't usually write anything all in one go unless I'm truly feeling it. Also, descriptive stuff. There's a reason why dialogue is my strength. It's writing around all that I struggle with a lot.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Um, it's intimidating. lol I did consider doing it a few times because Gert is fluent in Spanish & she was supposed to tutor Chase for it so I always thought it would be fun to tease that in a fic or two but never did. I don't want to get the translation wrong.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter. Because I was obsessed with Ron/Hermione. And yet if you looked at my old ff.net account you'd assume it was Harry/Ginny because I deleted all my RHr related fics. lol
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Omg, the hardest question. lol Most of them are all my bbs for different reasons. I do think my mini The College Woes trilogy is some of my strongest work to date tho because all of that is pure me going for it since it's all post-canon. I did research and had fun with the process.
Anyway, I don't really have anyone to tag myself because I don't know who follows me and wants to answer these questions but hey, if you write fic and see this, consider yourself tagged! Also, even tho I haven't written in a while & might never again in the foreseeable future, if you like Gertchase, my A03 account is When_the_Day_Met_Night21 :)
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starlit-bawka · 1 year ago
20 Questions For Fanfic Writers!
No way I got tagged by the really awesome @h4mm132l1c3, and ill tag a couple of other people too probably
1: How many works do you have on Ao3?
Currently I've got 59 things on AO3!! There are a couple more on my long-defunct wattpad though, and I've got a bunch of December whump I need to catch up on too so there will be more
2: What's your total Ao3 word count?
72,774!! Wow!!! And like...90% of that is oneshots! Go me!
3: What fandoms do you write for?
Currently writing for DSMP and QSMP the most atm :O I also write for the PJO fandom, Homestuck, and DR on occasion, too. I get very tempted to write for Stardew Valley and Scott Pilgrim, and I have been. More than tempted to write CareBears stuff too. I'm in deep chat
4: Top five fics by kudos?
(Un)Lifetime Achievement Award, Take Your Secret Son to Work Day, Las Nevadas and the Frozen Fox, Alone I Began, and Of Lost Gods!
5: Do you respond to comments? Why/Why not?
For the most part yeah! I don't get too too much interaction and I just get!! So excited when I get comments! I love seeing what people say and I love to respond! But sometimes I don't, often cause I don't know what to say lol
6: What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmmm,,,good question! Probably Why Do I Cry? or maybe Famous Last Words? Gone are the Joys I Knew? I don't really know! I write a lot of sort of mopey sad fics ig LMAO
7: What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
mmmmmmm,,,,not sure for this, either! My Fundy Fluff Week stuff is all supposed to be sorta fluffy which is probably happy
8: Do you get hate on fics?
Not hate, per say, but comments on the accuracy of my characters, which kinda stabbed my ego a bit lol. It was a nice comment! But the way it was worded was so ouchie!
9: Do you write smut?
I've. Been tempted. As of right now I haven't, though!
10: Do you write crossovers?
Another one of me being tempted!! I haven't yet but I LOOOOVE to read them and so I'd love to write one sometime. (We aren't counting my old VLD Steven Universe au.)
11: Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so! Fingers crossed it hasn't happened lol I doubt it would
12: Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope! But if someone were to want to, I would say go ahead! Just send it to me so I can see :D sounds so cool!
13: Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Very recently was my first time doing a proper co-write/collab, which I did with my lovely friend Seven! I would love to do more they're so fun (and probably one of the only ways I'll easily end up writing a multichap KEKW)
14: What's your all-time favorite ship?
ouuuuu ive got a lot of pairings I really really cherish. Jercy my beloved, uhhh Valgrace is so silly, I like to consider myself one of The Kamuegi writers ever, and Pumpkinduo kind of holds an insanely special place in my heart
15: What's the WIP you hope to finish but doubt you ever will?
(Un)Lifetime Achievement Award as sad as it sounds. I love it so much and I'm so insanely proud of it and I love the story but there's soooo much planned and the person I was planning it with hasn't spoken to me in a while. I have hope that I'll finish it someday! Or at least get another two chapters out!
16: What are your writing strengths?
Uhhhhhhh,,,,I don't. actually know! I do a lot of flowery sentences ig? and I think I'm pretty good at angst and similar things
17: What are your writing weaknesses?
Making (and completing) multichap fics, getting ideas to write, finding the motivation to write, and I am definitely bad at planning things out in advance
18: Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've done it pretty sparingly in the past, because I want to incorporate other languages and loooove language, but don't know any of them very well aside from English. But I try to do a lot of research before I add something in, and am 100% open and insistent that someone correct me if I messed up, or if there's another way to go about saying what I'm trying to say, or just to tell me more!
19: First fandom you wrote for?
Never published because I was a kid and it was. So Bad but !!! It was actually for the Minecraft Roleplay series Mary and Dad's Minecraft Adventure (MADMA) back around 2011-2013. I've been in mcrp hell for. a LONG time jesus christ
20: Favorite fic you've ever written?
ohhhh good question. Fullbury Records is very special to me and I'm ALWAYS thinking of what to add to that series, and (Un)Lifetime Achievement Award ofc is also very special to me. I think Heart to Heart is going places once I get back to writing the next chapter, too But I'm also veeeerrry proud of Famous Last Words, and it's very special to me as a projection piece LMAO
Tag time!!
@dyke420-69 @sparrowsong07 and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it lolol be sure to tag me so I can see :D
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stitchcanwrite · 2 years ago
Hello, everyone! My name is Stitch! Well, not really haha, but you can me call that ;)
I made this blog so I can start practicing my writing in English (I'm not a native speaker, so my writing is really bad lol) and share my stories with whoever would like to read them and maybe receive some feedback and tips on how to improve.
I'm mainly going to write "x reader" fanfics and imagines, but there's also going to be some "character x character" for sure (and maybe some random prompts for fun).
The fandoms I'm going to write for right now wil be:
Alice in Borderland
Beastars (Anime only)
Days Gone
Genshin Impact
Kingdom (2020)
One Punch Man (Anime only)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Sweet Home
The Umbrella Academy
Uncharted (Movie)
Requests are OPEN! You can request any pairing for these fandoms and I'll try my best to do it justice :)
I can write headcanons, imagines, one-shots, drabbles, etc. I will not write longer stories for now, since I'm still practicing.
You can also suggest prompts for me, and other fandoms to write for that I can check out later.
Things I WON'T WRITE: NSFW (mainly because I don't really know how and I struggle writing in English lmao), incest, pedophilia, etc.
(I'll be making a proper introduction and possibly a masterlist later when I have the time, but, for now, this will do lol)
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silvmoonsky · 3 years ago
🖊 😈 🌝 🧠 🍰 (lmao sorry for all the questions ily)
please also ignore that i am months late HI ELLI ily too uwu ty for the ask <33
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
i finally have something to answer for this question lol so!! yeets
“Don’t the stars look pretty?” Adrien looks up at the sky, and almost wants to laugh. “You can barely see the stars, my lady. They’re not visible with the city lights.” “Still! Even if you can’t see them, you know they’re there. And… they always will be.” Oh. It suddenly occurs to Adrien that they’re no longer talking about the stars.
star metaphors my beloved <33
😈 Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?
uhhh, not particularly? maybe like. the fact that i overdo repetition a lot in my writing sometimes to bring emphasis XD i also write a lot of fics with the same premise that are just,,, different situations (aka all my post-hm fics where adrien has a breakdown). but overall i don't really think i have a proper answer to this question lol
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
answered here :D
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
my aspik and ladybug enemies au that's been leaving rent-free in my mind for over a year asdfdfghjk it has. so much potential but it requires more energy to write than i currently have XD maybe one day though!!
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
i'm not sure if this is for my own fics or for other fics, so i'll just answer for both!! my favorite comfort fic to read that i wrote would be way up in the clouds, and my favorite comfort series is hotel suite/apartment superhero shenanigans by maketea :D
from the fanfic asks! <3
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the-house-wins · 3 years ago
1. Worst driver - crowley (can't see or read /hj)
although ig i have to make the obligatory mention if The Vase, who would absolutely be the worst driver if it could actually drive instead of going limp as soon as it fronts
2. Best driver - chris, coming in hot with Confidence and Competence
3. “What da dog doin” - probably me tbh, or maybe danny
4. Polite arsonist - aziraphale. i do not accept criticism on that take.
5. Bookworm that never reads - DANNY. kid's got a whole library in our room and literally only reads fanfic
6. Obsessed with candles, wax melters, etc. - danny yet again, kind of a fragrance freak /lh though jude and aziraphale really like collecting candles too
7. Handles any bugs in the house - chris and i lmao
8. Refuses to eat their vegetables - danny ("but they taste bad") and mallory (thinks he can thrive off of caffeine alone)
9. “Aubrey I’m sensitive” - i can practically hear aziraphale saying that
10. Three raccoons in a trench coat - sun and moon when they front as a team
11. Short king (energy) - mallory, he's 5'10" but he's essentially a garden gnome on crack
12. Grabs leaves from bushes when passing by - jude. try going on a walk with him and you'll spend most of your time waiting for him to collect new plant children /aff
oh and danny too, except he'll just stuff the leaves into his mouth /derog
13. Most bonk-able - by height? danny. by funniest reaction? crowley. the irritated hissing is HILARIOUS
14. Cishet that’s on thin ice - THATS PROBABLY ME LMAO
15. Plushie hoarder - danny and sun 100%, but i'll admit that i am an enabler
16. Only listens to anime openings - none of us really watch anime anymore, but danny listens to cartoon theme songs on loop if that counts
17. Lives off of caffeine and spite alone - yeah that's mal and crowley
18. Avid pants hater - ME! i hate wearing wearing pants, gimme shorts any day. i'd take the kilt over pants
19. Won’t stop quoting vines & tiktoks - me, danny, and mal
20. Boneless - crowley and moondrop. how and why do you sit like that
21. A stray animal coaxed inside with treats - crowley, and herb if the stars have aligned
22. Nicest handwriting, grammar, etc. - oh jeez that's. a weirdly high amount of us. aziraphale, jaskier, and jude are all very Proper when they write or talk. best grammar goes to aziraphale though, and best handwriting. is probably mallory? he just writes in blocky, all caps print and somehow that's the cleanest writing we can pull off
23. Is making picrews constantly - danny and chris
24. Acts so tough but would instantly cry in any altercation - crowley i'm sorry but you're soft /aff
25. Loves the color purple - surprisingly, no one! but we do have a few who are obsessed with yellow or blue lmao
Endo, non-traumagenics, & OC blogs please DNI!
I wanted to make a funny alter trope post like @relatable-system-things’s post! mostly because I was afraid of making their post too long
Feel free to tag or reblog with your headmates >:)
1. Worst driver
2. Best driver
3. “What da dog doin’”
4. Polite arsonist
5. Bookworm that never reads
6. Obsessed with candles, wax melters, etc.
7. Handles any bugs in the house
8. Refuses to eat their vegetables
9. “Aubrey I’m sensitive”
10. Three raccoons in a trench coat
11. Short king (energy)
12. Grabs leaves from bushes when passing by
13. Most bonk-able
14. Cishet that’s on thin ice
15. Plushie hoarder
16. Only listens to anime openings
17. Lives off of caffeine and spite alone
18. Avid pants hater
19. Won’t stop quoting vines & tiktoks
20. Boneless
21. A stray animal coaxed inside with treats
22. Nicest handwriting, grammar, etc.
23. Is making picrews constantly
24. Acts so tough but would instantly cry in any altercation
25. Loves the color purple
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