#maybe one day I'll share my silly AU idea about them
dividedsingularity · 12 days
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That phrase came into my mind and it sounds like the title of a children's novel so here's Hat Kid & the Soul Snatcher! I miss him.
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airyravenmaid · 5 months
SAGAU: My Style
Back at it again with sharing my personal ideas with the Self-Aware Genshin AU. I don't see myself writing a full-on fanfic about it because I do NOT trust myself with characterizing everybody properly, and some of the ideas I have in mind wouldn't make for a good universal experience for all, if that makes sense. So, instead, I'll just stick to pitching like I'm at a silly ol' business meeting and providing a simple layout. Now, keep in mind, this is going to focus more on my rendition of an Imposter AU specifically, which means I'm also going to do a little nitpicking of some common tropes in it that I find could be done better or even differently. It won't be me saying that anybody who writes them in the traditional sense is bad or doing a bad job, just what I'd do differently. So, without further ado, check out my mish-mushed ideas below the cut:
It all starts with the Creator Themsleves, aka, us. Or, rather, us before we became us. Not making sense? That's fine, but lemme delve into that a little better. Game lore-wise for this AU, there actually was a fully existing, fully breathing Creator that's been around since even before the Archons (but not by too much; Zhongli's still no spring chicken in spite of this). Yes, they did create Teyvat and all that's good in it like the flora, the fauna, and the creatures, and they had a close bond with said Archons not just as people serving, advising, and worshipping their God/ruler, but also in a legitimate friendship (so, no, they're not 100% subservient or gutless ass-kissers-- it's more of an equal dynamic). Maybe one Archon of your choice (within reason) being close enough to the point of being (secret) lovers, if you'd like. Such explains the Archons' deep attachment to the Creator, and their eagerness to see them again after tragedy-- like, say, the Cataclysm that razed Khaenri'ah-- renders them comatose and not to awaken again until present day. Until then, the Creator's body lies safely in sleep like Princess Aurora within their main temple/palace, occasionally visited by their old companions (minus Ei, who's in her hidey-hole until the Inazuma AQ's, but that goes without saying).
But, just before they do wake up, here comes a little (presumably Celestia-sent) POS known as the Imposter, who worms their way into the temple where the Creator lies, steals their garbs and replaces them with normal, less divine attire before sending their body far away apparently never to be seen again and lying on that resting spot acting as the Creator on the verge of waking up. And since no one knows what really happened, it looks like the promised day has come without issues, and the Imposter is welcomed by nearly all back to a throne that never actually belonged to them. As for the actual Creator... they're in good hands, because Teyvat would never mistake another for the All-Parent that breathed life into it and acts to protect their body hidden amidst nature in whatever region they landed in (your choice) until they really do wake up.
And when our in-game body does wake up, our real-life consciousness is transferred into it and overwrites our old, godly memories with our normal ones. Since I can't stand isekais that require us dying an early death IRL (like, at all, actually), we're either magically transported to Teyvat the old-fashioned magic way, or part of our consciousness goes into our in-universe body and leaves our physical forms in reality alone, thereby creating two versions of us going around two separate worlds. For better wording, that is, but that's the gist of it. Either way, we're the real deal Creator, but one without our old memories (apart from short visions we get of our old divine life that come up every now and again) as far as everyone else in Teyvat is concerned. They're not totally wrong, anyway. I was thinking this could be justified to everyone by our "past self" saying pre-slumber that they will reawaken without the knowledge of this world (aka, the Genshin one), but it will still very much be them/us.
By the way, when we stumble into the main town or city of whatever region we wound up in, the locals don't just immediately attack us for looking like the Imposter. While sometimes, I do enjoy kicking back and enjoying pure angst, I otherwise found that aspect of Villain/Imposter!SAGAU to be, comment dit-on... absurd, especially with nobody in Mondstadt (outside of that one nun not buying it and simply scolding him) giving two honks about Venti despite him looking like (being) Barbatos, and nobody in Liyue even noticing the resemblance between Zhongli and Rex Lapis/Morax. And given how much those nations revere their god, the argument of us being a higher deity cannot be made. So, instead, at absolute worst, people are just really unnerved by the uncanny resemblance we have to the Creator, but otherwise don't get alarmed... until the Imposter catches wind of us and changes that. The reason people start attacking us at all is because the Imposter weaves a forewarning of the Creator's antithesis equal to them in power known as the "Destroyer" will descend on Teyvat, attempt to steal the throne using the Creator's face, and do worse to the world than the Abyss Order ever could try to if not stopped. And, this may sound like something they just made up to get us killed, but in a way... it's true, only issue is that the acolytes + citizens have the wrong idea of who's who, of course. Plus, the actual, all-powerful Creator, if pushed too far by say... an incredibly lengthy and traumatic manhunt after being mistaken for the Destroyer, is capable of tearing the world limb from limb, because those who create can as easily destroy, but those who destroy can never create.
Speaking of "all-powerful"... why are we always completely powerless in these SAGAU works apart from crying and/or getting really angry (which ARE realistic and valid reactions to the shit we're going through, but it's not mutually exclusive to getting cool abilities)? Because we're not actually from Teyvat? Even Aether and Lumine have the power to wield the elements despite coming from somewhere else, and for us to not get that same honor is frankly dull as dishwater. That's a lot of missed potential to dip into the fantasy aspect of a fantasy game like Genshin Impact. It's here I'd like to take some inspiration from a show I've enjoyed for years known as none other than "Avatar: The Last Airbender". Not to mention, the term "avatar" generally refers to a "divine incarnation in human form", hello??? Ahem! In other words, instead of being completely incapable of defending ourselves, we-- being the almighty Creator-- are able to wield all seven elements at once, but we have to gradually learn how to effectively use and master them. We do start with one element (any of your choice), then work our way up in order of the loading screen. IE: say your element is Cryo, you'd have to go Geo -> Pyro -> Hydro -> Anemo -> Electro -> Dendro. Such was the same in our past life, but we had the Archons to teach us and help us master those abilities through time.
Which means now, we need other people to help us do it again in our new "incarnation", and that's in the form of 5-star Vision holders since they fit the bill of "master" a bit better, being the rarer, stronger characters and junk. Of course, this is likely with discretion, because some might not be wise to learn from (such as Klee, funny as that'd be). I'm also discounting learning from the Archons because not only has our time with them from the previous life passed, but I don't find it fair to learn from a powerful god of that element, even if we're a god ourselves. It's more balanced learning from someone beneath that level (so, yes, an adeptus would still qualify). Also, important note here: not every single playable character is going to try and kill us for the Creator-Destroyer thing. NPCs are one thing because, let's be real, they're sheep, but it isn't realistic or in-character for everybody playable to want us dead. While a fair chunk would probably be on board for the sake of not letting the world blow to smithereens (and not because, you know, Same Face Syndrome, because that's completely insane), some might not outright believe the alleged prophecy for one reason or another, such as not being fond/trusting enough of the apparent "Creator" to just listen to them right off the bat, or getting to already find out who the real Creator is and knowing we're not the enemy. Whatever the reason is, we're going to have allies, including ones that join us in our quest to defeat the Imposter and take back the throne to restore balance to Teyvat. This can also include those who initially sided with the Imposter, but for one reason or another such as seeing our gold blood, they have a change of heart and tag along for the ride. For us to just go about Teyvat on the lam with nobody having our back is just... depressing, and not even in the fun way, either. I understand this faction of SAGAU tends to be purely angst-based, but come on, it doesn't have to all be a total bummer all the time. There's no rule that says we can't go through the angsty, heartwrenching stuff with traveling companions to call our own there for us through it all.
Now, of course, whoever those traveling companions are is really up to you because not all of us are gonna wanna tag up with and learn from the same bitches as the next guy. So, it's anybody's game with anybody's reasoning and circumstances (such as which region we wake up in, who our first companion(s) would be there, then which region we move onto, and even what element we have to learn next). Also, fitting the max. number of characters you can have on one team, it'd just be four actively traveling alongside us through Teyvat with other allies remaining where they are, whether they helped us master an element or not. But, no matter anybody's personal tastes and choices, I really wish there was more of a thrilling "fantastical group adventure" kind of element to this genre of SAGAU, because the potential is there, just-- seldom reached, from what I've seen, personally. I'd be more than happy adding onto this with anything I might have missed, but that's basically the gist of my view of this AU.
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nardos-primetime · 6 months
I got the Donnie 'tism and the Leo 'DHD.
Asks are always open (I love asks they're so silly)
Requests are currently closed. (Just be aware I might not always finish them </3)
Call me Rain/Rainy, LED, Leon/Leo/Nardo or Don/Donnie/Tello.
I go by He/Him/His/Himself.
I may or may not be a kinnie of both Leonardo and Donatello. (Mainly Leo though.)
Mainly makes horror and angst aus, but I happily dabble in sillier things as well, there's some lighter things even within my dark aus normally.
(These can contain GORE AND INJURY (MENTAL AND PHYSICAL), PLEASE be warned and take care of yourself first and foremost!)
I normally don't do a ton of romance with the turtles unless it's for lore reasons within a story or something (other than leosagi, possibly donsagi and jasonnie). I do ship some of the adults on occasion for fun Mainly Barsonjitsu? (I Think thats the name I forgot) I absolutely don't do nsfw with the turtles. I might make something like a dick/sex joke here and there or a reference to sex within a story but nothing greater than that.
Feel free to message/ask me about shit, I need to get better with being social and love hearing shit about things I like/make! Just don't be a weirdo, y'know?
(Aka tc*st dni)
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#nardo's primetime.txt - Thoughts and Rambles mostly
#nardo's asks.txt - asks answered
#Writings - More concise rambles. Like minifics or mini fic ideas of some kind. Or story stuff in general. Normally not full works.
#practice makes perfect! - Specifically my adventures practicing drawing turtles
#writers wips - Clips and stuff from my fics what aren't done or whatever
#rottmnt fanart - most of my art is under this :]
#not turtles - other fandom stuff (mainly Gregory Horror Show rn)
#Scary Turtles - Physicalogical or Direct horror
Au Tags: (I don't have them all here but maybe one day I'll make a masterpost)
#Natural Disasters AU - WIP WIP WIP the turtles are all natural disasters/elements and such
#League of Single Fathers AU - Leo is raised by Hypno, Mikey is raised by Meatsweats, Raph is raised by Ghostbear, and Donnie is raised by Repo Mantis. Shit happens.
#Villain Mikey AU/#Broke a Million Dollar Box AU - Wow this bitch has FAMILY ISSUES surely he deals with it in a HEALTHY WAY and does NOT kill people and go crazy!
#Villain Donnie AU/#Viral Donnie AU - Local boy causes apocalypse and then runs the apocalypse more at 10
#Four More Villains AU - Tied in w Villain Mikey & Villain Donnie, shared with @midwesternvibes
#Identical Identities AU - Who am I Anymore?
#Nonsense Apocalypse AU - A Rise au focusing on a robot turtle and zombie turtle trying to find their brothers in a weird apocalypse, and vice-versa.
#Draxum's Side of The Family AU - AU that focuses on Clones of the turtles that have a lot of problems. Don't worry, the original turtles have more problems too! Equal opportunity angst! [Semi hiatus]
#Teenage Mutant Magical Boys AU - Local mutants are used to save the world and are idols on the side. Aware that they're related. All struggling soso hard.
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tehrogueva · 1 year
Happy Birthday, Ink Sans (Audio Script)
So i was trying to get this recorded by today, but cant find the time so im gonna share what i wrote on the day and record it later just to have something to show for it!
Props to @0nem0retime and @celestial-scrapyard for the Prompt ideas
Ink sans - @comyet/@myebi
Error Sans - @loverofpiggies
Swap Sans - PopcornPrince/ AU Community
Dream Sans - @jokublog
Prompt: Methods, besides his scarf, Ink uses to remember things. Bonus points if he writes on a smearable surface and has to decode what he originally wrote. He’s having art block, and he forgets his birthday, but seeing his friends inspires him again?
Script below the cut
Ink: Oh, darn it. Why can't I think of what to draw. I hate when this happens. There has to be something, I just need an idea… hmm… Oh! My scarf! I'm sure something on here can give me some inspiration! Hmm, no, no, no idea what that says, hmm oh, what's this… birth… birthday? Wait, am I forgetting someone's birthday? What month is it? IS it Error's birthday! Oh, geese, I hope I didn't miss it. I should make him something! Yeah, that's it! Hmm, what would glitchy like? Hmm… He like undernovella… and chocolate… hmmmmm
Uhh, I got nothing… maybe I could just swing by underfell and steal him some chocolate. No, that's hard enough without getting caught. No, I should really make something. Hmm…. 
Dream: Hey Ink! There you are! Come on, you're going to be late for the party!
Ink: crap already! Ok, one sec, let me just doodle something real quick. And there, ok, let's go!
Error: I can't believe you convinced me to do this.
Blue: Oh come on, it's only one day, he’ll appreciate it.
Error: and why should I care again?
Blue: because you're my friend and I asked nicely. Plus you promised.
Error: *sigh,* ok, fine. I'll be nice to him. But only for today!
*Dream and Ink arrive*
Dream: where here! Now we can get started!
Ink: Error hey!
Error: hello, Ink
Ink: here, I made you this. I know it's just a dumb drawing, but it was really last minute. Hehe, Happy Birthday~
Error: Ink…
Ink: yeah…
Error: You idiot! My birthday was last week. Today is your birthday!
Ink: it is???
Blue: yeah! Of course, it is! 
Dream: this party is for you, silly.
Ink: awwww guys….
Error: *sigh* here… happy birthday or what ever…
Ink: whats this… *gasp* new pens!!! Awww Glitchy you shouldn't have!
Error: dont say i never did anything nice for ya, and its only for today, got it!
Ink: thank you so much! I just wanna hug you!
Error: no… 
Ink: aww come on just a little one.
Error: NO! You know how i am about physical contact!
Ink: just for a second, please. It is my birthday after all!
Error: uygh! Uhhh! Fine!
Ink: heheh!
Error: ok… seconds up… you can get off now…
Ink: just one more second…
Error:... get…. Offf…… NOW!
Ink: almost done….
Ink: ahahahha! Worth it!
Error: thats it! Your dead!
Ink: haha only if you can catcth me first glitchy!!
Error: oh you… GET BACK HERE!
Ink: uh oh…. Ahh~
Dream: should we do something?
Blue: no, just let them ware themselves out. Besides its fun to watch.
Dream: Blue…
Blue: what?
Dream: *sigh* lets just not let it get out of hand. 
Blue: oh ok. But where is the fun in that.
Dream: Blue!
Blue: ok ok! Dont want to dust him on his birthday.
Ink: haha! So close! Almost got me! Woah! Little help here, guys!!
Error: oh no you dont!
Ink: ahhh!
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storyofmychoices · 8 months
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The beginning of 2024 had definitely already brought it's share of challenges for me, but I'm hoping that maybe things will still be improving from here! Thinking positive!
Writing Goals
Where to even begin? I have probably 100+ WIP ranging from a scribbled idea on a post it to an outline that needs to be typed. I'd like to put a dent in that? So far each year, that list keeps growing instead of shrinking. I find that I'm more of the in the moment writer. It's all or nothing. Either I finish a piece in one sitting or it never gets done. I'd like to try to find more of a balance in 2024.
In a perfect world, here are some stories I'd like to complete:
Mal's proposal: I started this fic last February, and would really like to actually write it. I have art for it. I don't know what I'm waiting for, especially now that I have their Blades 2 AU proposal done 🙈
Laser Tag with Brylivia: This is just a short little drabble that I think is like 75% written. It's from 2 years ago. I really have NO excuses lol
Love and Scotch: This series fell away when I stoped writing Ethan (for a number of reasons). I'd love to finish this series. I had several more chapters planned but I might just skip some and at least get to what I envisioned as "the end" aka Thomas and Alex's HWU AU wedding and a big turning point for Ethan and Ellie.
#HollywoodHacks: Does anyone even care about this series? Anyone even remember it? I feel like no. I was really only writing it for 1 person, but they're not in the fandom anymore...It might not be the ending I'd planned or wanted, but I think I could wrap the series in 1 or 2 (tops) more chapters. I had hoped that the story would lead to me writing more for Ben Parks and my #LoveHacks MC but that never happened
Tipsy Nia x Daenarya: an anon requested tipsy Nia hitting on Daenarya and I started it but then never finished it. It's such a small drabble it seems silly to even include it here, but here we are!
Blades 2 AU: At the start of Blades 2 I was doing a great job keeping up with the book and rewriting the chapters to fit my vision for the characters. That kinda fell apart around Chapter 5. I'd like to finish that rewrite and see how Iliana fits into how the rest of the book happened. Last I wrote, Daenarya didn't even know she was pregnant.
Rayden and Lydo's Adoption: Mal and Daenarya have already decided to adopt them. I've also written them as a family. But, I've never written the actual story of Mal and Daenarya telling the boys they were adopting them and they'd be a family forever, so I'd love to do that!
Pairings I'd like to write more of in 2024:
Thomas and Alex: I used to publish 1 new story a day when I first started writing them. It lasted over a year, then it gradually decreased. Last year, I only wrote them 10 times! I know the lack of interactions with their stories, has definitely made me want to share less and just enjoy daydreaming for them, but still, I'd like to keep their story going, regardless of interactions, because they are so special to me. Plus, if I could wrap those two series above that they're in, that would definitely lift my RCD/HWU fic count for the year!
Nyx x Aerin: I LOVE NYX! NYX is incredible and I love love love them. Aerin is kinda fun too. I would love to develop these two more this year.
Trystan and Lilah: I've only written them a few times and I'd like to get to know them better
Beckett and Emma: I haven't written them in a long time and when I did write them it was for 1 particular series (them in Detention). With the Book Club replaying TE, I'm hoping I might be inspired to see what they're like outside of the library.
Troy and Astraea: I love these two but I haven't had time to explore them more. I don't think I'll have time to participate in the group reread right now, but I would still like to reread WTD at some point this year and keep developing them.
Daenarya x Maiele (@lilyoffandoms) + Mal x Tyril: In 2023, Lily and I started to develop these relationships more. I loved every second of that and I hope 2024 will bring us more of these four lovely characters.
Mal's Orphanage: Blades 2 destroyed the orphanage storyline. If PB wanted to steal it they should have done a better job of it. Like there was literally no point in them having that storyline since they abandoned it the first chance they got. I'd like to fix the Blades 2 orphanage storyline but then go back to focusing on my original orphanage because those children are my favorite.
Other Goals
Catch up on reading and be a more active reader
Follow and support new Choices accounts
Continue with the book club and other events I host but find a balance with hosting that I still have time to create and read/support others
Try my hand at drawing again. I had been drawing chibi's a while back and I haven't had time/the courage to try again, but @lilyoffandoms's incredible art journey this month has inspired me to add it to my list this year
Keep editing Aerin in the sluttiest Choices outfits I can find
Flesh out more of Olivia's pediatric practice and how she transitions from Edenbrook to Sunshine Pediatrics
Be kind to myself and let myself rest when I need it. I am my biggest critic and if you ask me what I'm good at, I'd say nothing and I would tell you everything wrong with anything I've ever done, including all of my pairings. I see the mistakes and I want to let myself see the good and focus on only that this year.
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rando-lesbo210 · 9 months
Sorry to be dead yet again but I'm planning to somepoint be alive and write again but brain has been blurry
ANYWAYS I have been drawing though and fucked around with another au I know there's always Hyperion angel aus but I have this one a little silly and mildly different maybe I'll share or make a fic some day maybe I'll share it only in drawings who knows I just wanted to throw out some content
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First few are from an au with my friend about katagawa Jr being alive and hiding as a worker for Frans frogurt and them being there with as well as gaige and ava for the events of ntftbl because I think silly
And random doodled older gaige ideas
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alonelystargazer · 2 months
hi winnie :3 can you talk a bit abt your fic w yuuji and choso? hope youre well <3
Hi rin! I've been doing pretty well today, and hopefully you are too! Thanks for the ask! :)
So for the Choso and Yuuji fic, that's tentatively titled There's a Place for You, it takes place post-canon. I came up with this idea way before what happened in canon with Choso, so I might have to change some things around. Well, I guess I can just make it canon divergent or an AU where Choso lives. (yap session incoming lol)
Anyway, the general idea for this fic is that some time has passed after the battle against Sukuna, and Tokyo is being repaired, Choso and Yuuji have the opportunity to bond as a family. Every chapter would be a stand-alone scene, but they're all connected in the way of family bonding as the central idea.
I originally had something more lighthearted and silly in mind, like maybe Yuuji would teach Choso about modern-day technology, but I thought, wait, NO, Choso does have some basic knowledge about the modern world because of his vessel (according to the official guide book).
I think that's something that gets overlooked by much of the fandom, that not only does Choso have a vessel of a 20-something year old man because of Mahito and Kenjaku, but he has also retained some of the knowledge from his vessel. So, he probably would know what a cell phone is and how to use it, etc. Personally, I find the characterization of a Choso who has no knowledge of the modern world and acts all dumb to be infantilizing and just plain wrong.
And with that in mind, I shifted the whole premise of the fic to something where Choso would need to contend with the reality of Mahito having taken his soul and putting it inside the body of an innocent man and made him his vessel. So, him and Yuuji would have a conversation about what it's like for one of them to be a vessel and the other to have a vessel, like being on opposite sides of the same coin or something. I also wanted to include a scene where someone refers to Choso as "Kamo" and it's my headcanon that Choso would despise using that name for himself because of the negative association it has with his father and everything he did to his mother and his brothers. Like, he hates that man and wants nothing to do with him. (Yeah I know it was technically Kenjaku in old Kamo's body, but still.)
But, I still wanted to include a few fluff moments, too, like there's a scene where they're watching a Human Earthworm movie, and Choso says that Yuuji acts kinda like the protagonist of the movie because he also has a crush on his friend. (just my way of inserting a little ItaFushi hehe)
There's a Choso Week event on twt next month that I wanted to participate in, so I could write one chapter of this fic as my entry, but I don't know if I'll be able to write it in time for the event, so I'm sharing my idea for the fic here!
Choso is one of my most beloved characters in all of fiction, and I just wanted to maybe have a chance to show my appreciation for him.
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sharedink · 10 months
RODNEY THE RELIABLE ┊how are toons created?
Nothing will ever make sense here I'm sorry - a small info dump for in-universe things in my au!! :)
Long text post under the cut!
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posts that are labeled as 'RODNEY THE RELIABLE' will include posts depicting Rodney as well as written by him. This is all just silly toon lore for the universe Shared Ink is in!
[RODNEY] Lets see...something something 1908.....something Fantasmagorie...Professor Knox Knoch - this is all BORING stuff. Where's the action?! The drama?! Can we talk about the fallout instead? No?! You don't pay me enough for this. You don't pay me at all.
[RODNEY] Fine. I'll read your dumb lore.
[RODNEY] In the near past of 1908 an artist named Émile Cohl created what film historians believe to be the first animated film named Fantasmagorie. Blah Blah Blah - all toons know this.
[RODNEY] Well forget about him because it was actually an art professor named Knox Knoch that is coined the father of toons - was that his actual name. What? Why.
[RODNEY] Anyway, since you're reading this I assume you know about DIP. The turpentine-acetone-deadly-stuff? In case you don't know: it kills toons. What the professor made is the opposite, it's got all sorts of paint hardeners in it! Allegedly.
[RODNEY] Legally it's named Animink.
[RODNEY] You know....animated...ink...ahah....yeah. Well, good old professor Knoch wanted to test his new pen, and being inspired by Fantasmagorie he decided to draw that weird little stick character. Supposedly, the ink dried incredibly fast and pointy hands pulled itself out of the paper like some horror movie.
[RODNEY] The original formula for Animink is kept under wraps by this old company named Inkwell inc. but OF COURSE that didn't stop people from creating their own homemade life givers - we're talking about humans here.
[RODNEY] Eventually, it became illegal to just pop out toons without official licensing somewhere around the 50's - maybe 40's? Geez, why didn't I study more in Toon history before taking this role. I do know the law was one of the first involving toons, as they started to become recognized as an entity that was alive. People still do it anyway because. They're people??? No idea.
[RODNEY] Now-a-days, it's law to have a team of at least 4 Animink specialist when creating a toon, though there is usually only one artist drawing the toon. It was found that an artists intent while drawing a toon has large control over how a toon acts. If there were multiple drawing the same toon with different intent the toon would become blank out of confusion.
[RODNEY] When it was decided that Mickey Mouse would be brought to life, the intent that Ub Iwerks had while drawing him brought out the personality that Mickey Mouse has.
[RODNEY] After the character is drawn and the pen has stayed off the paper for an extended period of time, the ink hardens. The toon won't immediately get off the page - give them some time man! Being granted consciousness is weird and frankly scary. Not a cool time.
[RODNEY] So that's it! That's how toons are created - happy now?
[RODNEY] No? You're not happy with that?! But I read the thing -- there's more? Right. Right of course, the whole section under this one. Of course. Yeah....that might be important...ugh.
[RODNEY] To recap before we get into more stuff, toons are largely created through the method of using Animink. It's now a very lengthy procedure and requires at least 4 Animink Specialist to be present. There are other ways but they're either not recognized by the government or are not used as much. Blah blah blah.
[RODNEY] Here's the tricky part - you get separated into two categories upon creation. At least you should, if you're created legally it'll be on your Creation Sheet.
[RODNEY] These two slots are medically known as ORIGINAL INK VAT DEPENDANT (OIVD) and ORIGINAL INK VAT INDEPENDANT (OIVI) - these basically tell you if you can repair yourself with other ink besides your original ink or not.
[RODNEY] Toons are tested for one of the two upon 'waking up' (coming off the page) by an INK COMPATIBILITY TEST, which involves a small drop of their ink being taken while its still wet and dropped in with positive-OIVI ink to see if it will mix or slide off.
[RODNEY] Lets see....lets see....what's a good example....oh! The Warner siblings - perfect! We'll be talking about those guys more so lets introduce them now.
[RODNEY] The Warner siblings are OIVD, not very ideal if you like living without holes in your body. A lot of toons created in the 30's and 40's are the same way because a specific brand of ink was used to create them that was discontinued after it was found out it couldn't meld with other ink, or pure Animink.
[RODNEY] If the Warner siblings sustain damage to their ink they can't just ask for a donation from other toons, it has to come from their original source. This is particularly sucky because the Warner siblings were created before the Ink Preservation Act (IPA) that became law in the 60's requiring studios to keep large ink vats of toons original ink in case of emergencies.
[RODNEY] The Warner siblings have a small reserve...somewhere. Part of the IPA is that ink vat location is kept secret so I can't disclose that. I don't want to go to jail. Not again.
[RODNEY] Toons with OIVI are in way less dramatic situations - they can use: other OIVI toon's ink, pure Animink, and in rare cases even regular ink to repair themselves.
[RODNEY] Ahem. Let's see...what else. Ah yes - most toons do not have parents. Well, at least a parent that is another toon. These are called ENTERTAINMENT BOUND TOONS (EBT), made by studios and used to preform in your Sunday morning cartoons.
[RODNEY] However, there has been a serge of non-EBT being created during the past decade. These are toons that typically have a parent/guardian that is another toon. They are still drawn by ink but they are created to be free as a child with rarely any copyright attached - really living the life. These little guys are called OFF-SPRUNG TOONS (OST), and they are usually drawn with some of their parent(s) ink mixed with their own.
[RODNEY] Speaking of which - toons don't have to have a partner to create a child. You know, since all toons are created via drawing. Most with partners combine characteristics of themselves to create what is essentially a fan-child.
[RODNEY] Finally the light at the end of the tunnel. Take me.
[RODNEY] That's all folks!
This was just some silly lore that I wanted to write out -- I think about this universe all the time and I was so curious about how toons could be created that my mind wandered and here we are!
I really hope you enjoyed <3 heres Yakko and Oliver - I feel that Yakko would be very happy to answer all questions that Oliver has. He gets to teach again and Oliver is amazed by everything!!
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purble-gaymer · 8 months
mmm just wanted to say that i really love your writing and i'm really excited to see what you make in the future! your gsa stuff is so pleasant and angsty and i've really been enjoying wwtmk <3 that's not even getting into how much i liked the cannibalism fic.... now you'll be a part of me forever !! i'm such a sucker for that kind of thing.
actually, i was kind of wondering what you were plotting for the future so i could look forward to it! i've loved following your work so farrrr
waa hello thank you!! yknow i don't hear much about the beast in the walls but i really love that one so good to know! i can share some of my prospective calendar (though everything i say is subject to change)
once wwtmk is done, i probably won't be posting much for a bit. i might do something sword/blade/mk related for valentine's day if i can think of an idea before then. after that though, i have another little project focused on the knights at the time they first met. it's a continuation of a fateful encounter. at the moment it's sitting at about 23k, and i think i'm a little past halfway through it. ideally i'll start publishing it sometime in late february or march, but winter is usually the busiest and most stressful term so it'll be later rather than sooner. plus i'd like to have a majority of it written out first. i don't exactly have a surplus of time or energy this time of year so it'll be a while still.
most ship content will probably end up on my other pseud for the foreseeable future (excluding the potential valentine's thing) to avoid like...cluttering things, i guess? so for that there's always more knights, maybe metamorpho in a normal context, maybe arthur/nonsurat for the two people who care because i love them a lot. oh and also falspar and dragato doing whatever the hell they're doing because i would die for them.
absolutely there will be more gsa one-shots. i've had some ideas floating around but no energy to really get into them. plus my usual strategy for the gsa is to sit down and write for three straight hours because they sort of automatically put me in a flow state, and i can't do that at school cause i have other things to do. there might be some stuff about their history. i don't really know where to begin with all that, plus there's ocs i'd have to deal with, so we'll see. galacta knight related stuff is also a possibility, especially more about him and mk when they were working for nme. check out how much galactadad angst i can make
overall this year i wanna write more out of my comfort zone honestly. writing things like the beast in the walls or know your place was weird but it was also really really fun. so if i ever jump on any out-there ideas, i might actually do something with them. OH THIS INCLUDES AN ARTHUR AND MK BEING FAMILY THING I'VE BEEN SITTING ON. i completely forgot about that. i should polish it up and publish it for my birthday because it is so self-indulgent and silly. so that is now happening next week. metamorphosed one-shot is also happening later this week (tomorrow or thursday) because i'm normal about that au.
so that's a lot, and most of it is very up in the air because i'm always doing things...but you can 100% expect more knights content in the near future. wwtmk is like standing on the edge of a canyon peeking into my kirby interpretations. i have to write or i will explode
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shirokuart · 1 year
HELLOOO im a huge fan of your merleo au (and of your art in general!) and im having huge izuleo brainrots over it so i wanted to share a little scenario i imagined,,
Izumi is out in the sea in his little boat to do some fishing but Leo sees him and goes to greet him, they start to have some small talk until Leo suddenly lift himself with the boats help (like, he puts his hands on the edge, and lift himself) to give Izumi a little kiss on the cheek,,but before Izumi could react he falls into the water due to the boat losing its balance because of Leo's weight put on it when he lifted himself
Fortunately Leo catches Izumi in his arms and helps him get back on the boat, but not without Izumi complaining that he's all wet now, and Leo simply laughing at it
And thats it!! Hope you have a good day/night/whatever time it is for you!!
I like your vision, is exactly that what I wanted to get with my silly ideas
WHAT IF ALREADY AFTER THAT LEO INSTEAD OF A KISS TRIES TO HUG HIM OR TAKE HIS HAND FOR NOT SURPRISE HIM AGAIN THIS TIME AND and prevent izumi from getting more angry and AND Izumi begins to think that his reaction maybe was exaggerated and a bit rude? Idk so he could return the action of the kiss on the cheek since they're alone in the middle of the sea, no one will see them but perhaps they're just my fantasies (?)
Sorry I'm excited w the merleo
I'll draw soon something about it I'll be back here
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bepoets · 10 months
odd numbers (In Dreams (I'll Meet You In Warm Conversation) )
Unwritten/Unpublished Fic Asks
Thank you, Trish!!🫶
Okay first of all, for those who don’t know, “In Dreams (I Meet You in Warm Conversation)” is my very lengthy title for a tedbecca soulmate au I’m writing where Ted and Rebecca meet each other in their dreams long before they meet in person! Everyone cross your fingers that eventually I finish it because it is one of my favorite things I’ve ever written!!
1. What are you most excited about when you start to write it/publish it?
Are y’all gonna think I sound a little conceited if I say getting comments,,, I’m Sorry!! It’s true!! I love validation!!! There is no cooler feeling than getting comments from my friends being excited about something I made!!! That’s so fun to me!!!
3. If unwritten, when do you think you will start writing it?
Technically Some of it is written!! But I’m going to try and work on it this month, like hardcore sit-down-and-focus-and-write-time type work on it.
5. Is there any scene you're excited about writing?
Honestly every single dream sequence!! They’re so fun, and so full of little references to their future in ways that I just think are really cool!! Also writing Ted and Rebecca at a variety of ages is both nerve wracking and exciting and I cannot get enough of it. There is one dream sequence in particular that I cannot wait to write, it’s a little heavy but I’ve got it pretty well planned out so I can’t wait to tackle it!!
7. What are your plans for -Rebecca-?
My plans follow pretty closely to canon for s1 so far. Seeing as Ted and Rebecca don’t realize they’re dreaming with each other even after they’ve met in person because of … reasons !!!
Anyway!!! It sticks pretty close to the canon of s1 but I do have plans for Rebecca having a silly little tizzy when she realizes the person she’s been dreaming of for decades is Ted. Very much Rebecca dancing and yelling “top of the pops!” in s1e9 vibes but like … More. I really love when that woman is a little insane🥰
9. Is there anything in the fic you're not so excited about writing?
I’m pretty excited to write all of it!! I’ve been in love with this idea for so long I just want it to meet my little daydream expectations!! However, there are some parts where I have multiple options for how things could go and I’m not looking forward to choosing one because I love them all so much
11. Is there any scene you can't wait for people to react to when reading? Why?
A couple different ones!! I think their first dream meeting is very sweet and soft, and I’m really hopeful people that people will enjoy that!! As well as the big emotional dream sequence. Also I just love seeing the different things that people end up loving that I didn’t anticipate so like…all of them, all the scenes
13. Is there any unwritten/unpublished fics you haven't mentioned you're gonna do?
Considering I haven’t mentioned any of my unwritten/unpublished fics on tumblr the answer is so fucking many❤️ my brain won’t slow down it’s so many ideas and so little words!!! But there are a select few that I’m really really trying to push through and finish soon!!
15. Do you have any unwritten scene that you think about a lot?
For “In Dreams” I am literally always thinking about Rebecca’s inner monologue for when she meets Ted in person for the first time. It’s always there. Rattling around in my brain. It’s not written down but I have replayed it - at minimum - seven million times while folding laundry.
17. When publishing it, will you have a posting schedule or will you just update whenever?
I don’t intend to post it until it’s all written, but who knows!! If I do wait until it’s complete and it’s long enough for chapters like I’m planning it to be then I’ll post them 1 day at a time most likely! Or maybe once every other day.
19. Is there any scene that you feel is really planned out/going to be really planned out?
I have every dream they share before meeting in person very planned out!! In detail!!! Some of them are only planned out in my head but they are Planned!!! What I absolutely need to make very planned out is the reveal but that is a problem for future Brooklyn 😌
21. Is there any unwritten fic that you don't know if you ever will write?
For like a year and a half I’ve had a notes app page in my tedbecca fic plans folder that literally just says a lyric from the song “Marbles” by The Amazing Devil. (For those curious the lyric is “All the bastards applaud when I show that I’m flawed / You’re not flawed, darling, you’re just a little underrehearsed”) And I have tried so hard to figure out how I want to incorporate that or turn it into a fic and I really don’t think I’ll be able to!!! But damn do I love it!! So even if a fic never comes out of it, it’s still a nice lyric to think about and cry over!!
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andiloveyoutooangel · 10 months
playing a new file of the star'd dew, this time with my younger sibling!! my name is Larsenie Theft and i look so cool and also so gay. maybe i'll draw a picture sometime. ive decided that although my appearance, name, and prospective spouse will change with each file, my silly fisherman father will always somehow be able to recognize me. i'll always be his kid <3
im trying to make designs for the medieval-fantasy-royalty au ive been kickin around for months hkjhf i am not good at outfits (and gotdamb where can a guy find the time to draw suits of armor lmao) but i love thinking about it, i'm excited to share details soon!! its with me, agent and alexandria <3
i have comic ideas (just two, for agent. he's my silly guy) and the concepts make me laugh kjghfkj
prjsk updates below the cut because the images would be too long otherwise hkfjh
my daughter my daughter my daughter my daughter m
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my son my son my son my son m
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still thinking about emu and ryuji sibling momence <333 i wanna draw them eating ramen and taiyaki together <3
im nearly at 90,000 crystals (all without paying, ive just been saving up for a while hkjgh) the goal is to get to 100,000 crystals by the Amidst a Dream event next year lmao <3 EMU WILL COME HOME!!! <33
looking at the events list for upcoming en server and AWWWWWWWWW LIL BABY HARUKA,,, <33
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LOOK AT HER SMILE!!! SHE IS JUST A LITTLE GUY!!! LIFTS HER IN MY ARMS <33 i will be on team "online livestream" for this event <3 maybe i'll pull once on this one once, mm j events are always a temptation for me hgkjh but i'll get my daughter from the shop!! <333
i keep thinking the 'kito in Find a Way Out is 'kasa with weird lighting lmaooo <33 look at this guy doesnt he look like 'kasa hkjh??
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AND THEN THE CARDS IN "DRAW YOUR BOW" WOW WOW WOW I WOULD GET THESE FOR THE ART ALONE??? literally SOOOO pretty, i will not be pulling on that but holy fcking sht hkfjh whoever was the artist for these ones are KILLING IT MAN, the fcking lighting in shi's card is immaculate <3
also duality of this guy hkjhg <333 one day i'll do a ranking of ka!tos from this game, but reliable stage manager guy is PRETTY FCKING UP THERE, he's probably second place let's be honest, hes so sweet, i love a guy who works tirelessly and selflessly backstage crew <33
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and then the new years event! wont be pulling on this one either though i'll definitely get the ne ne in the shop, the card is so silly and then the trained is gorgeous <33 not sure which team i'll go for here!!
AND THEN ITS AMIDST!!! I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS EVENT FOR FCKIGN MONTHS!!!! YALL!!!! emu coming homeeee~!!! <333 happy happy <3
that's about it hkgjhg gotta draw the daily eca and get more things in queue <33 bye bye!! <33
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mysterygreentea · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @bixxelated, thank you so much! Sorry for the late response too lol ;v;
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently Osomatsu-San and my AUs related to the series, but maybe one day I'll expand that list.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
"Everything Changes When We're Apart" > "I Want to Be Okay" > "We Love Karamatsu" > "Matsu Writevember 2018" > "I'm Fine!"
5. Do you respond to comments?
Oh absolutely, I love and appreciate every comment I receive and will always try to express it ;v;
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Despite all the angst I write, most of my fics at least end on a positive, hopeful note...but I'd say "Best Friends" had a pretty sad ending given the nature of the rest of the fic leading up to it. I had a few people upset by it lol. "Nightmare" is another one with a pretty bleak ending.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmm I think "I Want to Be Okay" got a pretty happy ending considering the emotional ride that was the rest of the fic...I like to think it's a hopeful conclusion, one that shows the progress of Choromatsu's ongoing journey with recovery and his determination to create a brighter future for himself.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
So far I haven't, fortunately ;;
9. Do you write smut?
Sometimes...it's not my forte but it can still be fun and I try to practice with writing it so I'll be more confident in it.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Not true crossovers...I've written silly things like Oso and Choro playing Bendy and things like that, but not an actual crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of ;v;
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, but maybe one day!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not, but while I'm somewhat particular about my writing process I wouldn't be against the idea either.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
The majority of my fics aren't ship-centric but I love HappiChoro, DayToge, TotoNyaa, and JyushiHomu.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
I don't currently have any WIPs that I don't intend to finish, I plan to get to them all eventually...mostly it's just half-baked ideas rolling around in my head that I may or may not ever end up doing anything with.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I feel like one of my strongest points in writing is with inner dialogue--describing in depth what the character is thinking and feeling, their perspective. It's something I've always enjoyed describing so I feel I've honed that skill well.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I still sometimes struggle with writing dialogue that feels natural, especially when it's a character whose voice I feel like I haven't nailed down.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I've really not done this aside from incorporating a few Japanese terms and phrases that don't have much of an English equivalent/sound better when retaining their original context, so I'd say this is non-applicable.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Oso-San is actually the first fandom I've fully written and shared fics for.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Gosh I have a few...probably at the top of my list would be "I Want to Be Okay," "Unwell," "Everything Changes When We're Apart" and "Don't Worry About Me." No surprise that all of them feature a heavy dose of Choro angst.
Tagging @stormoftara @sakuranights1 and anyone else who'd like to try this!!
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rebelspy · 2 years
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I posted 572 times in 2022
29 posts created (5%)
543 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 331 of my posts in 2022
Only 42% of my posts had no tags
#hahaha - 20 posts
#cori rambles - 14 posts
#this is cute - 9 posts
#my lixie - 9 posts
#cori talks - 9 posts
#this is adorable - 7 posts
#haha - 6 posts
#my ⛰️ - 6 posts
#send me anons - 6 posts
#i laughed so hard - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#so i recently had foot surgery. and its taking me such a long time to do simple things because i barely have been cleared to stand again
My Top Posts in 2022:
The amount of adorable in this photo!
I haven't wanted a pillow/squish so bad in a long time. I want a bbokari pillow. It would match my RJ bighead plushie.
Also as much as I LOVE blonde Felix. Look at this man! He is stunning!
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1 note - Posted May 31, 2022
The other day my friends and I were discussing what kind of drunk I would be. **note none of us drink**
We all decided I would be like Hoshi if I was drunk. That is all
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2 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you’ve written/fics you’re most proud of, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love.
I was tagged by the lovely @flurrys-creativity 💕
I've been a little MIA lately with my own medical stuff happening but I really am happy to share my top 5 favorite fics I've written!
I have written for a few different kpop groups. However 4 of my top 5 fav fics I've written have been for Stray Kids
Park Guell - This Jacob fic is actually based on my time at Park Guell in Barcelona. I don't have the cute relationship I wrote about. However I did have a cute little boy who I chatted with for about twenty minutes. So this fic was based on that interaction, and how I wish someone would look at me in that situation. This fic makes me happy and fit Jacob so well.
Hoplessly Devoted - this Han fic was such a silly one to write. I felt like crap when I wrote it. I started writing it because I needed a distraction. I'm glad I did write it, a lot of people enjoyed it.
Masquerade - I had never written a soul mate au before. I am very proud of this work. The world I created in this fic made me happy. I like the concept of it being your eyes that change, so i wrote it. Hyunjin worked so well to lead into this world, I'm excited for the next one (which is in the works).
Invisible - This Lee Know story actually started off as a Bang Chan story. However the characters quickly made that change for me. I really love this story how it played out. I also LOVE Halloween so I took lore from D&D, Supernatural, and many other 'creepy' things and combined them in this story.
Knights Tale: The Nature worker - This is the fic I believe I am most proud of. I put in a lot of effort into this one, sadly it has gotten very little love. Maybe it's the length? Anyways this story was always meant for Changbin. I always have pictured him to be a wonderful knight. In fact this is a world I hope to expand in as well. The other stories will follow the other skz Knights and nobles. I just haven't gotten to writing them yet.
Now to tag some of my favorite authors! Feel free to do this or not. 💕 @missskzbiased @mxxndreams @ateez-angel @blossom-hwa @thepixelelf
2 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
I found more stairs while on my trip.
It was amazing "unplugging" for a week. (I still had my phone though it was just a fancy camera for that week).
I'll be honest I didn't write, none of the docs nor music worked on my phone like they said they would.
So I colored, and I read so many books! I read 4/5books (one of which was 5 stories in one). All of which had 300+ books except for one about Felix the dancing spider that was a children's book yet it was entertaining nonetheless.
I have ideas for stories. I have found I need to reorder some of my WIPs because they needed some changes.
Anyways I have returned.
I hope your all well!
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4 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Kpop anatomy diagram. Featuring Minhyuk from BtoB
Part 2. My favorite back muscles 😅
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@silvfeather being as you asked for a back one lol
18 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kate-m-art · 2 years
Okay sooooooo what if I just rambled for a while about Siren AU because it's been in my drafts forever?
ajsjsjdjd okay okay this is stupid but hear my out, sirens lament au for the Hero of Legend. If you don't know, Sirens Lament was a webtoon I used to love and ajskd gosh I still adore the lore ajsjd
Basically the sirens are cursed, they were people who had a broken heart and were lured into the ocean by a siren song. The siren sings, kisses the person who has a broken heart and the curse is transferred, with the siren becoming human again and starting a new life and the broken hearted person losing their memories and becoming a siren themselves. They're left to roam the oceans until they can find someone to pass the curse onto themselves for a chance at a new life. Idk, with just how badly Koholint affected this guy I've always thought the vibe fit.
Arin let me ramble about this for a while a couple months ago and we thought up a couple ideas, so mainly the AU would go:
-Link grew up on Koholint Island as a normal resident. He lived a pretty happy life and and was sweet on his friend Marin
-one day tradegy strikes (I'm thinking it's because Link wasn't able to stop it, probably by monsters) and Marin passes. I don't know if it was just Marin or if the village was destroyed as well during the attack
-Link is absolutely heartbroken and feels like it was his fault, the pains too much and he ends up taking a sirens deal
-Then he's just wandering the ocean, having no idea where he came from or even what his name is. Sirens are effectively immortal, so who knows how many years he wandered for. He has no intention of passing on his curse though, he doesn't want anyone else to have to go through what hes had to.
-not all sad though, Link likes to learn stories and observe people. He loves singing as well, and has an angelic voice (I'll link a vid at the bottom of this post lol) He messes with ships and has a passtime of scaring sailors or those who come too close curious about his singing.
-For main storyline we jump to a coastal town where there's rumors about a monster that lurks in the nearby sea caves. There's one girl however who isn't afraid (Malon, the farmers daughter.) She often goes near there to listen to the otherworldly, melancholy melodies. They'll even sing together at times.
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-Then you know, they eventually meet and,, Link has a friend again for the first time in who knows how long and Malon realizes the "monster" maybe isn't so otherworldly as everyone thought
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There's more thoughts, like "Link" being the name he's chosen for himself (he saw it on some sunken items ones that should have been familiar and decided he liked it,,) Legend sharing his stories with Malon (ones he's picked up and,,, maybe ones about his own travels eventually as well), them loving to sing together (cave acoustics pretty) Malon giving him the first gentle physical contact he's had in years, feelings starting to grow but,,, things can only develop so far when he's determined not to pass his curse on to anyone TvT,,, someone he cares about losing their memories and basically their life would be a nightmare to him.
I think there were still a few more thoughts somewhere Arin and I had but ill stop there for now. Anyways yeah! If you read this far thanks for listening to me ramble lol. I care this au a lot as silly as it is TvT
(Also links voice HC for this au:)
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howdoesagrapewrites · 3 years
All yours, Babooshka.
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Tags: Yelena x fem!reader, soulmate!au, fluff with a bit of angts, historically completely incorrect, happy ending.
TW: depiction of war, brief mention of sex, homophobic slur a few times, suicide.
Synopsis: War is no place for loving, it never was, but maybe you could love her again in the 21 Century, i mean, only if you could stop feeling so overwhelmed by her only existence, but no matter what, you can't stop something that's meant to be.
Notes: one, i don't like the part 4, it just feels lazy to me, and two, i'm not a native, so please tell me if i made a mistake <3
Part one: When she was beautiful.
Yelena Armanovna, as strong as ten soldiers, the jewel of the battlefield, once was just a kid, her land was destroyed by the war, and as the only child of the house, she was forced to join the army, or else die there, she became a soldier, and she desired that the war wasn't real, that she hadn't being born into this world, that no one had. 
Everyone knew that she didn't talk a lot, most of their fellow soldiers didn't even knew where she came from, or if she was even from Russia, the only one she talked to was a nurse, her name was y/n y/ln, and like Yelena, no one knew about her origin, the nurse was way more talkative than Yelena, but she was assigned to other areas, staying with older soldiers, child soldiers, or severely injured soldiers, she was called by the child soldiers "angel", because of her comforting aura in hard times like those. 
These women wouldn't be able to meet eachother if it wasn't for the near-death experience Yelena faced one time. She got shot by a hidden enemy, fainted from the blood loss and was taken to the nursery right away, they couldn't afford to lose her. That's when you saw the look in her eyes, that look, and you knew that death was upon the jewel of the battlefield, and you knew that if she died, everyone else will die, you tried as hard as you could to stay cool during the surgery, but you were breaking, because of all the hope that was layed on her shoulders, she was the hope of everyone else in that place to return home someday, even if Russia didn't won the war, her strenght will keep a few alive. So there you were, assisting the surgery of the one that could do something to keep everybody safe and triying to act like it didn't meant a thing. At the end, she survived, and with her, the dreams of returning to your home, you were the one assigned to take care of her, and you were  going to make sure Yelena survived.
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Part two: Uncanny how she remind her of her little lady. 
—"¿Yelena Armanovna?" You asked to the blonde girl laying on the bed. 
"Yes" she answered without taking her deep eyes out of the book. 
You told her that it was your bed she was in, pointing at your last name on the post-it next to the bed, then showing her the same mark on the bed across the room where it said: "J. Armanovna". 
"Ah, i hate when they misspeal it, it's Yelena with a "Y". Well, sorry, but this is the only bed i can sleep in, i'm kinda tall, you can use mine, i will give you a cookie for your kindness." She concluded with a little smile, you notices how her voice was way sweeter than you could think considering how menacing her looks were. 
At the end you decided to let her keep the bed, thinking it wouldn't mean anything, how wrong you were, now you could look at her sleeping without moving from the bed, and you did it, you thought it was so creepy and you wanted to stop, but you couldn't, why? Why were you obsessed with the sight of her closed eyes and dry lips at night? Why did she gave you this insane feeling of comfort and loss at the same time? It was so uncanny. 
No matter how weird It felt, you couldn't escape from Yelena, she was your roommate, and your classmate in some of your classes, on top of that, she was quite nice, a very smart lady with a pleasent personality, so you had no excuse to be mean or distant whenever she asked about your day, or started a small talk when the professor was late. Along with that sort-of friendship, you also knew Yelena's group; a beautiful girl with raven hair named Pieck, a blonde sarcastic man named Zeke, sometimes his brother Eren, and Hanji, a very excentric and funny person. These people were good friends to you, more than you expected, and that confirmed you: there was nothing wrong about Yelena, and you had no reason to be disturbed by her… Well, to be honest, there it was a little thing that made you upset, Pieck said that Yelena liked Zeke, again, you had no reason to be mad, but you were anyway. Why did you felt so attached to this lady? Why did you did what you did? 
It was 2:00 am, you couldn't sleep and you were so ashamed of being doing what that thing, what thing? Writing a love letter, a love letter to Yelena, with a pseudonym, with the first word that popped into your head: "Babooshka". You put perfume on the paper, and you signed it under that name, a scented letter, when you were finished, you let the envelope under your bed, and let it on Yelena's locker. 
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Part three: How she was before the tears.
She woke up, feeling dazed and almost disappointed for being alive, when Yelena saw you, she recognized you for the stories of her colleagues, "Angel?" She guessed. 
"Hello", you smiled and giggle a bit for that nickname, "My name is y/n y/ln, and i will take care of you until you are better"
"If i'm with you means i'm already dead, you only take care of the ones that are almost there." Yelena asserted with a careless attitude. 
You wanted to protest, but it was meaningless, you wouldn't make her upset in her state, "May i ask how is your wound feeling? Are you in pain?" You kept that polite and sweet smile on your face. 
You kept taking care of Yelena, she healed way too soon, her body wanted to stay alive, but you couldn't say the same thing about her. You got to meet the real jewel of the battlefield, she told you her story, and you told her yours, you two knew everything about eachother, likes, dislikes, and sad pasts. You noticed how Yelena cried softly whenever she thought about her life before, her life before the tears, before the war, when she felt happy. And you also noticed that you could erase that tears, the touch between your soft hands and her ser face, was something magical, something that nobody could understand in that moment, but you two? You knew everything about it, about that love touch, those secret beautiful instants you shared. 
You were the one crying when Yelena got better, you were joyful for her recovery, but you knew that she had to go, and after that, you were going to lose her forever, or so you thought. "We can send eachother letters, and we can meet at night." She reassured you while you were laying on her chest, skin to skin, she kissed your forehead and caressed your cheeks with her strong and graceful hands, you purred at her cuddled your body in hers, you liked to kiss her scars, she had so many, it showed how determined she was on the battle and you liked that, the eyes and body of a soldier, and the heart of a suave lover, Yelena was always elegant, her movements could been rough and beastily, but she was soft and neat, whether i'll be fighting, talking, or embracing you. You could say with pride that only you knew this side of Yelena Armanovna, the subtle dominance she always established on her manner mixed with the chivalry and dulcet, that made the blonde woman truly enticing and amusing to anyone with enough luck to discover it.  
You knew that your letters to Yelena couldn't be too suspicious, so you took advantage of the fact that no one knew a thing about her, "Babooshka", was the pseudonym you choose, because everyone was going to think that it was from Yelena's grandmother. 
Your first letter to her, was this one: 
"My dearest Yelena, even though i promised that i wouldn't miss you too much, you have been away for three days and i'm already feeling the lack of your touch, and missing your dark eyes that make me shiver every time. I always thought that i would die without having loved, but you prove me wrong, i love you, i love every part of you, if i could picture perfection, it would be you, your laugh, your hair, the way you talk about home, everything about you would fit the word "perfect".
I swear to God and every star on the sky, that someday i will marry you, someday i will call you my wife, and you will be fully mine, and i will be fully yours. I know that you may think i'm silly because of this wish, but i know in my guts that i will become your wife, no matter how many years or Centuries i have to wait to do it.
All yours, Babooshka." 
When Yelena read the letter, she felt nothing but joy, she couldn't use words to describe how in love she was with everyone of your words, and giggled at the idea of marriage, of course she would marry you, she would marry you all the times that she could, she will make you hers every time, and she would submit herself to you every time. 
The two lovers kept sending and receiving love letters, and meeting at the comfort and hacen of the night, with only starts and the moon herself as a witness, sharing the intimacy of loving, not always touching two bodies, but the touch of two souls, two tormented souls who found love in a hopeless place.
It has been almost a year since the letters and secret meetings started to happen, Yelena and y/n couldn't be more in love, but tragedy was upon them. A soldier named Floch, started to notice the letters, and one day, he intercepted one, the love words were obviously not from Yelena's grandmother, and with fear of the jewel of the battlefield getting courted by a man who could get her pregnant and useless, this soldier tried to trace the letters, he spend days getting up triying to catch the mailman, and when he did it, he noticed that there wasn't an adress, so it must have been another soldier. After waiting for the guilty one to put the letter on the mail box, he saw y/n y/ln, the nurse, the angel, being a witness of how Satán corrupted the two women into a sapphic relationship, he ran into his superior's arms, showing him the evidence and warning him that given the nature of the letters, he may be grossed out by the devil's pervertion in the two women. 
The superior gave orders of keeping Armanovna here, and taking the nurse away, into a convertion field. 
Yelena was lucky to hear it, and she ran the fastest that she could into the critical patients nursery, where Y/N was. "Babooshka", she whispered at your ear while grabbing your arm yo take you away, you followed her into the woods. "What happened?" You asked with confution, you saw the look of pure fear un Yelena's eyes.
"They are going to tear us apart, they are are going to take you away, they will torture you there", she was ay the edge of crying, and so did you. 
"What can we do?" You couldn't think anything, you were all feelings
"Die, that's our only option, if we run away they will find anyway." The tall one tried to stay calm, failing
"You can't die, you mean hope for everyone!" Your conscience was heavy, you couldn't let Yelena die for you
"Y/n… You are the love of my life, if they take you away, i will kill myself anyway, i can't live without you, i can't just survive anymore, i need to live, when i'm with you i'm alive." Yelena wrapped you in a hug and you felt the tears falling on her face.
At the end, you agreed, Yelena already had a little bottle hidden in her uniform, you both took  sips until the bottle was empty, and you kissed and felt eachother like never before, because it was the last time, those were your last hours of life. You passed away after two hours, you were sleeping in Yelena's arms, while she was singing a lullaby from her hometown. 
She started with a cracked voice; "I know i do not have silver or gold like many others,
but i promise that i will wrap my bride in silk"  she stopped to cry a little.
"and i will love her with such depht,
that all my lacks she will forget, 
and she will love until the end… "
Yelena cried louder, and before falling asleep, and looked at your corpse with adoration.
I'm all yours, Babooshka. 
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Part four: Babooshka
She woke up, ready for the exams, dressed with her usual suit, and put a lucky charm on her pocket. 
She was getting to class when she remembered, "my lucky pen is in my locker", so she went to get it, and saw a letter that fell sloppylly on her perfectly organized locker. She looked at the envelope and read "Babooshka", It clearly wasn't from her grandmother, one, because she would have written in "the tongue of mother Russia", two, because she was a bitter old woman that didn't write her, never, not even on her birthday, and three, because it was on her locker, not the mailbox. She opened it go find a love letter that has essence of a known perfume, she received the letter with a strange delight, smelling it and making a place on her locker for the piece of paper. 
These letters came one by one every week, and she knew they were from y/n, but Yelena couldn't help to love the letters, and she wanted to keep collecting more and more. 
She decided to shoot her shot after two months, when you two were studying together, she kissed your lips out of nowhere, leaving you completely confused and flustered.
"I- i thought you liked Zeke…" 
"Oh, i did" Yelena acted so shamelessly "But then you came."
"Do you say that a lot?" You asked annoying trying to shield from your notorious blush
"No, just you, Babooshka. I don't know why, but you make me fee… alive? I feel so close to you since i saw you." 
You didn't know what to do, you felt the same way, and you were way too nervous to think a witty reprise. 
"Why did you choose the pseudonym Babooshka?" Yelena have been wanting to ask you for a long time. 
"For real? I don't know, it just, familiar? I guess" 
"Ok, then" she smiled and pulled you closer
"I'm all yours, Babooshka."
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