#maybe next weekend
glubidi · 2 months
I created a youtube channel with all stream videos unedited here :
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Because of the lack of new interviews i decided to finally give translating some old ones a go...so i scanned a couple from a 'progressive' dutch 1music magazine and am working on it..
but man! do i understand why the Rammstein guys stopped explaining their stuff to journalists, the things these people ask under the guise of 'cutting edge journalism'...😤
so i'm not getting it done today, but i will post them eventually, because well, rammstein interviews usually have something interesting in them anyway.. and to show the prejudice Rammstein had to deal with from early on..
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woundedheartwithin · 1 year
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Off to take pics in the bluebonnets!
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fenharael · 11 months
aahh... I need to buy new clothes 😔
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ribbon-road · 26 days
Pokemon B&W posting today it seems
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baekk-hhyun · 27 days
i was going to the museum today but today is no water day in my area so nope
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degrees-of-lili · 5 months
woo successfully infiltrated the docks but did not get the catsuit alas u_u
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cynical-things · 1 year
Can you cook? What is your favourite thing to cook?
I can and probs bibimbap or katsu curry
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cranity · 1 year
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idk anything about him
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hardyhibiscusboy · 1 year
Also worked on my driving anxiety by doing some practice parking. I can parallel park, which is supposed to be harder, but perpendicular parking is still difficult. So I went to a local beauty salon's lot near my house and after doing some research, started trying to park. I managed to figure out parking on the driver's side and almost how to reverse into a passenger side space, but the theory is still going over my head a bit. I actually did line up properly a few times, but I'm not sure how... 😅
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cayliecoltrane · 3 months
quick lil ETHOwO redraw
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I’m so sad the renn faire trip didn’t happen this weekend
I need more excuses to wear a flowy cotton shirt, a kilt, and/or unreasonable makeup
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chalkrub · 8 months
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return of my funniest fella
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browngirl-inthering · 7 months
decade accurate marauders era wardrobes - sirius black
hair: black, wavy, and shoulder length.
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while long hair for both women and men was popular in the 70s, the trend carried over from the later years of the 60s.
the 1960s was a decade characterized by youth rebellion and societal revolution. the decade was rife with countercultural movements such as racial equality, women's liberation, and queer rights. pushed largely by baby boomers, the young people of the 60s rejected the conservative values of their parents and the generations before them and instead valued equality, individuality, and self-expression. these values inspired the fashion of the 60s, which is why later 60s fashion trends consist of brighter colors, shorter hemlines, non-western influences, and long hair on men.
i'm not sure if sirius having long hair while he was younger is canon, but even if not it makes sense for his character. sirius practically embodies the larger societal reckonings of the time as he struggles with separating himself from his long, bigoted family history and subverts the expectations for him by actively fighting against it and carving out his own self image free from his familial legacy.
clothes: consist mainly of blacks, purples, reds, and silvers. leather, velvet, furs, and fishnets. ripped tops, colored pants, slogan tees, and a copious amount of band t-shirts.
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glam rock is a british fashion subculture that emerged in the early 70s and was pioneered by various musicians such as marc bolan and david bowie. glam rock fashion allowed participants to play with gender norms with the men wearing typically "flamboyant" feminine clothing made with velvets, silks, furs, and glitter.
punk rock is also a british fashion subculture that came about in the mid 70. although having its roots in glam rock, punk rock visually seems like the exact opposite with its fashion pieces consisting of leather pants and jackets, combat boots, altered t-shirts, and body modifications such as tattoos and piercings.
for the longest time i haven't been able to choose between whether i think sirius would dress glam or punk. i think he'd like certain elements of both so i tried my best to combine them together.
he'd love t-shirts. they seem common today but before the 60s they were worn as underwear. during this decade t-shirt printing became easier and more accessible, and thus began the trend that was the slogan tee. you could get t-shirts with almost anything printed on them, short phrases, crude jokes, and band logos.
shoes: platform shoes, combat boots, and converse.
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platforms platforms platforms
combat boots, specifically doc martens, were a staple in punk fashion
the converse are for casual wear
accessories: motorcycle gloves, star shaped belt buckle, buttons, patches, and sunglasses.
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i couldn't find any good pictures or an actual belt that i liked but i feel sirius would love statement belts with a big buckle that has some sort of design on it
the patches and pins are for his infamous leather jacket™ i'm pretty sure his leather jacket isn't canon but it might as well be anyways 🤷🏿‍♀️
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gentil-minou · 9 months
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Wei Wuxian licks his lips and leans forward slightly, walking his fingers across the countertop aimlessly toward Lan Zhan. “You know, Lan Zhan,” he drawls, “A-Yuan says we’re both in the book.”
“Mn,” Lan Zhan responds, tracking the path of his fingers intently, “I am apparently Hanguang-jun, the moral upstanding hero.”
“And I’m the devious Yiling Loazu, who led you astray,” he smirks, peering at Lan Zhan through his lashes.
Lan Zhan meets his stare, head-on, lit from within like molten sunshine. “No,” he corrects, “not astray, Wei Ying.”
Wei Wuxian tilts his head, waiting for him to continue. His fingers stop their dancing, resting just inches away from Lan Zhan.
Lan Zhan shifts his own hand, bringing them even closer, their fingertips almost brushing.  
“The Yiling Loazu did not lead Hanguang-jun astray,” he says, eyes piercing as they flicker between Wei Wuxian’s. “They were partners, and…”
“Ah,” Wei Wuxian breathes, “the decent romance?”
Lan Zhan doesn’t answer, watching him closely. The pupils of his eyes have grown so large there’s only the tiniest ring of gold around the edge. He can see himself reflected in the black. He thinks he likes the version of himself that lives in Lan Zhan’s eyes.
They’re standing on the edge of a cliff, waiting for the other to take a step forward, bracing for a fall.
It should be terrifying, this sudden drop into something completely new, something entirely unknown yet so familiar. But Wei Wuxian is filled with conviction that no matter what, Lan Zhan will catch him.
It's as electrifying as it is calming, this certainty that here, with Lan Zhan, he is safe.
Wei Wuxian tilts his head to the side in a way he knows sets the unmarked skin of his neck on display. “I’m sure it was more than just decent, with a handsome hero like Hanguang-jun.”
Lan Zhan quirks an eyebrow, his gaze resting on the curve of Wei Wuxian’s neck, just as he’d hoped. "Handsome?"
“Well,” Wei Wuxian responds, tapping his index finger so it brushes against Lan Zhan’s fingertips. His skin is soft and perfect, just like the rest of him. “He isn’t wrong. You’re very handsome, Lan Zhan.”
“Really, Wei Ying?” Lan Zhan says, voice quiet and deep.
“Yep, definitely worthy of being compared to the beautiful Second Jade of Lan.”
“Is that so?” Lan Zhan shifts closer, the smell of him filling up Wei Wuxian. He smells so familiar, like something he knows intimately. Sandalwood, Wei Wuxian realizes, with sudden clarity.
Lan Zhan continues, “I would love to hear more about your opinion on my beauty and prestige, Wei Ying.”
“You don’t know anything about me, Lan Zhan. Why would you care what I think?”
Lan Zhan tilts his head, only just. “Do I need to? To want to know how your brain works?”
I commissioned this lovely artwork by the wonderful @lotuslate of a scene from my fic, once upon a time, 很久很久以前 where the entire cultivation world is cursed to live in the modern world without their memories and abilities, but of course wangxian find a way to fall in love all over again.
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sugajimin · 1 year
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yoongi playing piano/keyboard
bonus(handmade piano from jimin)
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(cr: wings tour in seoul:namuspromised, prom party/seasons greetings 2018/bts countdown/comeback show/KBS 명견만리 :@/0613data)
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