#maybe it's an anthology?
thequimmqueen · 2 years
It's weird how you are the exception to each and every one of my principles.
My principles. One of the most important pillars of my career.
You.. you just have to be above them! Do you, Mr. 70s Star?
I had always known you to be a wild card, but this takes the prize. Finding you in this place, which I represent..
I could have expected so, these franchise is always hiring, but to actually find you here had me so stunned I couldn't even talk.
...and neither did you.
Naturally, I would have interrogated you, cornered you and ask you a million questions. Rightfully mad too.
But like I said, you are often an exception to my principles, and I had to let it slide.
Not only did I not want to let out my anger on you in a public space for all to see, I am better than that, but work gave me no more time to investigate further.
But god knows how much of a mess my mind became for the rest of the day.
I'd go back every time I could, sometimes at an odd timing. But work has taken me to interesting places.
This place was relatively new, of course I would go supervise the management.. but you were there.
The last thing I needed, at this point in my life, was to find you.
You, who i held close to heart. You, who betrayed said heart Trust. Your presence alone made my mind not work coherently.
It was certainly difficult for me not to look at you for longer than I should've, as I came to order each day.
You had defenitely changed in appearence. New hair, accesories, fashion sense.. however, I could see some things remained the same.
Despite you wearing the mandatory uniform, you personalized your look. You wore your iconic orange shirt and jeans. And those golden Aviators I recognized the very first time I walked in.
Those golden, flashy.. tacky.. aviators..
You've never had shame of your taste. I'll give you that.
But well, I guess it also means you are confident on you passions. And I respected that.
In retrospective, you were the only one I ever.. let in so many aspects of my life. Even those more unknown facets.
The embarassing ones, like how I am after hours.
Silly things.. silly things like the names of my cats, and my favorite shows to watch. Stupid things i wouldn't want anyone to see.
I'm just. I'm upset I opened up so much to you, and began lik- Respecting. Respecting you, in a whole new way...
Only for you to drop everything.
Drop the lawfirm, drop the career you had built for many years. Drop this whole.. thing, we were doing.
Was being a lawyer not good enough?
Was Tacodale not good enough?
Was I- No.
Was our association, not good enough to you?
Even when it was completely unnecessary, I gave a lot of me to you. A lot of my time, even more of my patience..
But admittedly, you also had my trust.
And I'm sure you know, but that's not something I give to people, as wholeheartedly, as I did to you. Sure I may give orders and work with others, but I struggled to be as clos.. permissive. Permissive as I let myself be to you.
But even then, I know the people around me can do a decent job. And surprisingly, you do decently at making pies.
I'm frustrated. What is it that you're thinking? What was it you were thinking to get a job in a bakery? Was this what you wanted?
I don't get it. I don't get what -or better- why any of this is happening.
I can't even understand why i'm angry anymore.
Angry because you left me to do double the work.. or because you left me, alone in the dark.
No contact, and no warning.
You are so selfish. But i'm no better.
I'm no better.
It's of no use to be this upset anymore. Not over something of so long ago.
You've made a new life for yourself, and you seem a lot less stressed than you would be after hours back then.
I guess i've got a thing or two going for me in the lawfirm. So that's good, right?
I confirmed that you aren't dead or anything, so that's another check off the list.
Yeah. Let me end this childish feud right now. I'll come back to this establishment, since I have to do quality checks some days this month, and it will be normal.
Not awkward at all.
Simple enough, right?
...yeah, I will come back.
I like the red velvet here.
I have to say, you've made the place cozy. Those white walls from before were kinda "meh"
And the Jukebox.. lord, the craftmanship.. did you buy it with your own money?
That's impressive. Really impressive.
It feels almost as if you're giving this place a little part of yourself.
And it feels.. warm, and welcoming.
You are doing.. a decent job, admittedly.
Your management on both money and advertisement of the place is quite efficient. and I don't think I want to buy Cherry Fudge pies from anywhere else but here now.
I don't know what it is you do when you bake. but your cooking is so good.
But of course, I will never tell you.
Oh no no no, if i had to tell you i'd die. I'd literally die.
But it's so.. nice. And even more with my favorite coffee with it.
I guess you had some hidden talents, huh?
Well, do let me stay to see if you got more tricks up your sleeve.
It's only for work, of course.. only work..
I guess i've come to be fine with you more recently... and that's a relief.
It was exhausting to be so distant all the time, when honestly, I just wanted to know how you were doing.
But.. but even if I do small talk, I sense you often behave anxiously, and I notice when you try to avoid upsetting me.
You don't look at me right in the eye, you hide your hands or move them less. It's easy to tell, despite the period of time I had not seen you.
I guess you remain the same inside too.. which is a relief..?
But.. I'm not.. I'm not angry with you anymore, you know?
Perhaps i'm being too cold..?
...Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I don't hate you. I really don't.
I.. like respect you. Actually.
If you're too hesitant to break my walls like you used to, I can be the one to finally break yours.
It's only fair, right?
Did I smile?
Oh hey! I smiled. Haven't done that in a long time huh..
I guess with all the stuff I need to do i don't often indulge myself. It's just so difficult to hold everything together and in order..
The balance of work and leisure..
...is your face red?
Crap crap crap
5 minutes left. I'm not gonna make it.
The mall, the mall, It's gonna close.
Oh thank god the lights are still on.
I just really need a pie. From here.
Or maybe it's something else? Oh great, It's open!
I don't know why i feel like apologizing. It's not like this was a scheduled meeting..? And they can still attend me despite minutes away of closing,no..?
Ah. There you are.
Hi Timm.
"It's getting cold outside", so says the song.
I'm enjoying your company even more, I think to myself. Going out after work again seems to be a good idea after all.
You hold my hand, I think you were about to fall from some ice in the floor?
I don't mind much, I wonder if it's the same for you..?
I hope we can have times to do this again, and maybe a few times after that. I don't know why, I just really like having you around.
It's so.. nice.
..I really did miss you, huh?
-Thoughts of an Unsuspectingly Smitten Quinn.
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sharpmouth · 2 years
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midnightsslut · 5 months
the more I listen to this album, the more impressed I get by the concept of writing an entire record about an intense romance when everyone was expecting a devastating narrative of the breakup that preceded it, except in reality, you pepper enough hints to paint a thorough, unforgiving picture of the mental state that made you believe that rebound was worth it in the first place. she tells us she would spend forever pining for him if they didn’t try to be together, that they would kill themselves if the other person ever left, but she refutes those claims herself a few songs later. she makes it clear that she’s too broken to be trusted, and then she gets mad at you for not trusting her. underneath it all, the story of what broke her in the first place simmers, and you’re ultimately left with sixteen songs about the rashest decisions she’s ever made. figuring out what got her there is up to you. it’s all in the text. she hates being analyzed, but she wants you to analyze her. she talks about being manipulated like a doll, and she does the same to you.
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javelinbk · 5 months
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Paul McCartney winks to someone off camera, the Beatles Anthology (1995)
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Yooo this blog is sweet. Recently discovered this series and it's SO good. If you're still taking requests, can I see BB just enjoying a nice cup of coffee and relaxing?
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day 21 - coffee n zines
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vivy-nx · 30 days
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a non-standard drawing of BB from Anthology Of The Killer primarily inspired by holly hollowtones saying "she's like a mouse to me" or something of the sort during one of her recent Anthology Of The Killer streams.
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kyouka-supremacy · 3 months
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Since the first Anthology is now officially available in English, Anthology cover illustrations by Harukawa appreciation post
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psychomusic · 22 days
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oc time again! + her town & culture (heavily inspired by pre-roman italic populations)
she is suri sauthon (later suri laran, after her marriage). her story is linked to my swtor imperial agent, but most of her life for like. the one year away where she meets him, is spent in a town in the mountains of mirial.
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despite mirial being cold and desert, and many cities developing underground, her town flourishes thanks to a force nexus, venerated in the form of an ancient, sacred, alive crystal. the ecosystem of that mountain depended on what "the horned crystal" was capable of giving them, but mirialans couldn't live off of that alone, so they developed trade and some rudimental technology, even if oftentimes it was bought thanks to the highly profitable trade of a plant used to make medicines that slowed down aging and had overall healing properties.
note: everything that's generated by this nexus has these healing properties BUT they have to be processed, except for those who bathed in the waters of the cavity under the crystal - the "real" nexus, but not the worshipped one. the waters were sacred but they were not thought to be miraculous, unlike the crystal, who instead was thought of as the keystone of the ecosystem: without it, everything would fall apart (and that is partially true: the cavity was the "real" nexus but thanks to the crystal, also strong in the force, the properties were spread all over the mountains). those who bathed in the cavity's waters - so, all of the town, who had a sort of baptism there - could eat the plant, make whatever food with it, and not only that plant, but everything generated by the nexus, that, again, had similar properties. this allowed people to live up to normal life-spans without advanced medicines or, much, really. to those who didn't live there, though, after the processing, had incredible effects, slowing down aging - for those who took it regularly - and making people able to live up to half a century more than the average]
originally, there were four tribes of nomads that lived thanks to horned farm animals that decided to settle down into one bigger town and other smaller settlements, to live off of transhumance. this division of the tribes stayed into the political and social organization: every person belonged to one tribe specifically, and had slightly different rituals and culture. for examples, each tribe had their own priests and healers, with different techniques and traditions. the town, tho, was guided by a group of people in the high priesthood, a position you could reach only by having earned the trust of all tribes. those high priests had many roles: they guided the people into sacred processions common to all the tribes, they managed the trading with outsiders, they did the maintenance of the temple of the summit (the one that functioned as casket to the crystal) and created a special liquid to offer the crystal that helps it grow.
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this particular temple was important because 1. it was very visible, from every angle of the town, and it became an important identity symbol; 2. it stored the venerated horned crystal; 3. it had the altar where sacrifices were made for the crystals. that altar had a hole connected to the cavity, that allowed the liquids to reach the underground; 4. it had various symbols: statues representing each tribe + the high priesthood, and typical mirialan tattoos carved into the wood of the trees that served as columns for the temple, symbolizing 8 values that who dared to enter HAD to have; 5. it was on the way to an important lake (called "mother lake" because the lake the town was built around to depended on the waters of that other lake) where they traveled to in important processions; 6. it was said that a the wizard who unified the tribes made it with its magic, making the plant grow to hold the temple's roof. this wizard was, actually, a force user, obv.
BACK TO HER THOUGH: she's daughter of one of the high priests, who was in charge of managing the trades with outsiders, and lives in a house on the mountains with her mother and him. her parents are from different tribes (that's one of the things that earned him trust from the 4 tribes): when a child is born from two different tribes, they don't pick one to allign to, but they're usually linked automatically to the one with more relatives in it (in her case, the father's tribe: she had many uncles and aunts on his side while her mom only had one sister).
later, though, she got quite tied to her mother's tribe due to a mysterious illness that only her mother's tribe healer was able to cure. she spent 4 years (from 10 to 14 years old) living with the healer and learned her secrets. to better study, she wrote them down. when she returned home, she studied to become a priestess with her father. at 22 (the average age: you can't become priest before your 20s), she was supposed to take a test and become a priestess, but the healer of her mother's tribe died and the tribe asked her to take her place. she couldn't technically do that, but both tribes estimated both her and her parents and she was allowed to become both. she then decided to try to become a high priestess, and became one at 25 (a quite young age). being part of the council, she tried to convince the various tribe healers to unite their knowledges and write them down, and eventually made it. healers still remained tribe based but they now had an "upper, inter-tribe level" similar to high priesthood.
years later, the sacred horned crystal is stolen from the temple by some Hutt mercenaries looking for a profit. given the trust she has earned from all the tribes and the fact that her father is the high priest that deals with outsiders (and she's been hearing stories and advice about it since she was little), she is the one tasked with getting it back. without the growing crystal, the keystone to their ecosystem, the village would have lasted only a few years. in hrr quest, she meets imperial intelligence agent tar'x laran and, as they "solve the mystery" and fight to have it back, they get closer. they'll get married and have a daughter, Vegoia (who's the only one who actually will get to the plot of my story. this was all background)
#i overdeveloped this part of the background. IT'S QUITE LITERALLY USELESS. like. Vegoia will have so few memories of it (she'll become jedi)#i will make a post about her too when I'll finish designing her and outlining her story BUT that may be difficult cuz the frame for the mai#story is quite difficult to match with how developed the other stories are getting and i have to figure it Much Stuff yet#so I'm using these post to like. fix a certain part lf the lore because even my own notes are getting older and messy. better to start over#ANYWAY for those curious & who are still reading (if u exist. WTF THANK U!!); my main story is actually a research file in the jedi archive#BASICALLY i was trying to write my own story for years but then i watched a video (tcw doesn't hold up by sheev talks i think) and i finall#understood how to frame all of these stories together in a way that i feel can add to the star wars lore (because. the others were just#like. okay but who cares unless me? and i did want to have a cool frame that maybe some nerd would be interested in looking into)#so: when ahsoka anakin and obi return from mortis; they tell the council about it (yoda knows about it in s6). sheev talks complained that#it was incredibly full of stuff that was done so poorly it could ruin a big part of the original sw story itself and it was never brought u#again. and honestly i agree. SO my story is about a jedi that is tasked with research on the celestials & by having him figure out stuff i#can minimize/limit/reframe some of the controversial things in there (i love mortis arc so bad but i also agree with his critic. I'll Fix™)#so. many stories will be about people who have previously seen the celestials or have been to mortis one way or another (pre-tcw obv) & hav#had experience & knowledge that the researcher is looking for. so i get to have an anthology with many stories#and have a cool frame I'm intrested in developing + i can experiment with different storytelling styles depending on how he finds out stuff#+ there was another sw story with a similar frame i think? so if i decide to write the story as if it was the file itself and not the searc#i can have even a REFERENCE of what a file like that is supposed to be. LIKE. IT ALL FITS!!!#sw#star wars#swtor#the old republic#star wars oc#imperial agent#star wars fanart#mirialan oc#mirialan#star wars story#star wars the old republic#oc: suri sauthon
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laracrofted · 1 year
❝ down comes the night
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synopsis: billionaire bob floyd has a reputation for partying and womanizing, but bob has a secret. and when her work in the district attorney's office puts her in the crosshairs of the mob, fran find herself right in the middle of his double life.
pairing: batman!bob floyd x fran douglas (oc)
general warnings: minors and ageless accounts dni (18+), batman au, explicit smut, explicit language, alcohol, see individual posts for specific warnings.
down comes the night make your own luck (district attorney jake)
drabbles and blurbs
playlist mood board batman bob edit work song edit search the tag
anything marked with ⊹ contains smut | requests are open for blurbs. send in a prompt or an idea!
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jakeperalta · 5 months
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batbabydamian · 8 months
DC April 2024 Solicitations - Comics Featuring Damian! 🦇
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Written by Joshua Williamson
Art and Cover by Simone Di Meo
Variant Covers: Kael Ngu, Ejikure, Jim Lee, Nikola Čižmešija (1:25)
As Batman finds himself in the clutches of a new cult that worships Man-Bat, Robin continues his own investigation into his High School's connections to Shush! Can the father and son dynamic duo uncover Man-Bat and Shush's master plans before Gotham pays the price?!
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Written by Tom King
Art by Daniel Sampere and Belén Ortega
Variant Covers: Julian Totino Tedesco, Pablo Villalobos, Joshua “Sway” Swaby (1:25)
Wonder Woman vs. The Sovereign! After being captured by a team of villains, Diana finds herself at the mercy of the scariest of them all. Unbeknownst to our hero, the Sovereign has been pulling her strings since the very beginning of our tale, and now it's time for her to see the world his way as she falls under the influence of the Lasso of Lies! Plus, Trinity visits the past and unexpectedly changes the future!
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NIGHTWING #113/Legacy #300
Written by Tom Taylor
Art by Various
Variant Covers: Bruno Redondo (original cover+1:25), Dan Mora, Jim Lee (Artist Spotlight), Jamal Campbell, Serg Acuna
Since the 1940's, you've seen him go from acrobat to orphan; from Dick Grayson to Robin; from Robin to Nightwing. You've seen him work alongside the universe's most powerful heroes, against existence's most sinister villains. You have seen Dick Grayson do so many things, but now, in his 300th issue, you will see him.. well, you'll just have to pick up the issue and find out. Join us for this legacy 300 milestone!
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*Cover feature - Damian hang gliding in the bg :)
Written by Meghan Fitzmartin, Cameron Chittok, Joey Esposito, Morgan Hampton, Patrick R. Young, Tom Krajewski, Mike Barr, and more!
Art by Kenya Danino, Vasco Georgiev, Paul Pellietier, Nico Bascuñan, and more!
Cover by John Timms
Variant Covers by Dan Mora
Spring has sprung! Flowers are blooming, bees are buzzing, Harley is breaking King Shark out of Belle Reve prison. all is right in the DCU as both heroes and villains face all sorts of different spring breaks. Breaking out of a coffin? Lex Luthor has that covered. Spring break training? Send in Superman! Breaking out of your shell? Batman and Mr. Freeze explore that possibility through a connection in their shared past. Breaking down a worthy adversary? Katana and her sword of souls might just be able to tackle that. And it wouldn't be a spring break without a Teen Titans beach trip! All these and more in DC's Spring Breakout! -eight breakout stories to put a spring in your step (is there a zit breakout story? You'll have to read to find out!)
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Written by Kami Garcia
Art by Gabriel Picolo
Kori Anders' summer job at a ritzy Santa Monica beach club is fun, but she doesn't care about keeping up with the current trends, and she's not interested in rushing around to all the parties. She'd rather explore her inexplicable draw to the stars or hang out with her new friend, Victor Stone. Her sister, Kira, on the other hand, is the most popular girl around. With the hottest clothes, an even hotter boyfriend (the Tate Fairweather), and a take-no-prisoners attitude, she's Kori's opposite in every way. Their summer heats up when Tate's uncle asks the girls to participate in an EDS study his pharmaceutical company is running. During treatment, Kori develops some strange powers she never had before...and she might not be the only one. Can Kori persuade her sister to trust her before it's too late? And when a carload of teens with their own powers come looking for her to warn her about a creepy stalker, she'll learn that trust is a two-way street!
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erial-c · 24 days
sometimes i remember how active i was in april and i am baffled . like wow how did i post every fucking day
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javelinbk · 3 months
“It was very strange, and err… you know, because I wasn’t well and they’d taken Jimmie Nicols and I thought they didn’t love me anymore, you know all that stuff went through my head”
Ringo Starr talks about missing the beginning of the Beatles 1964 world tour due to suffering from tonsillitis and pharyngitis. The Beatles Anthology (1995). Part 2 (part 1).
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hws-lceland · 8 months
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It's been a long year but i am happy to finally be able to post my Polaroid for the @hws-anthology ! This was my first ever zine and I'm honored to have been part of it since Hetalia has been part of my life for 10 years now. And I've made some incredible friends due to it
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secretdazedragon · 2 years
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hiding 100
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northern-passage · 9 months
all of the book recommendations i got for stand alone fantasy:
piranesi, jonathan strange & mr. norrell by susanna clarke
babel by R.F. kuang
the sword of kaigen, blood over bright haven by M.L. wang
house of hunger by alexis henderson
dark lord of derkholm by diana wynne jones
the raven tower by ann leckie
starless by jacqueline carey
the goblin emperor by katherine addison
spinning silver by naomi novik
dreamsnake by vonda mcintyre
juniper & thorn (and other books) by ava reid
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