#maybe it’s because I’m learning welsh on Duolingo
ladyearlgreen · 2 years
That post about learning Welsh that I reblogged earlier inspired me to go order some like actual books like for Welsh grammar and what not because I have not really seriously worked on the language since I came back from my study abroad and, to me, Duolingo is like good to practice a language (it’s how I got back up to speed for Italian my senior year of college when I hadn’t seriously studied it since high school) but not really great for like learning one, if that makes sense (though, to be fair, I had studied both Italian and Welsh in a classroom before starting them on Duolingo so it could just be weird from that perspective).
Anyway, I’m more inspired to work on my Welsh so maybe I can read a book or possibly hold a conversation even though my pronunciation is not great lol
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its-spooky-bitch · 2 years
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flawedamythyst · 3 years
Random question time!
If you had the power to learn any one language instantly, which one would it be? =)
Oh shit, that’s hard. Part of me wants to say German, because I did an A Level in it, and have done so many Duolingo lessons, and spent time trying to read Harry Potter in it, and then time passed and it’s mostly gone again and it would just be nice to have put all that effort in and then be able to say ‘and now I’m completely fluent’ rather than ‘Uh, can you say that again slower? And with shorter words? Harry, du bist ein Zauberer.’
But then on the other hand, I go to France more often than Germany because it’s closer and I ended up with Francophile friends so that would make more sense? But, and no offence to the French people, I just really didn’t get on with the French language. Not sure that’s the one I want nestled in next to my English.
But do I really want to choose based on practicalities? BSL would be cool, although I’d have to look around for places to use it, or Latin or Ancient Greek so I could really own the pretentious middle class white person thing. Irish so I could own the ginger thing. Italian because it seems like a good language to be passionate in and I have a lot of passionate fangirl feelings. Sindarin, because I can picture the look on my mum’s face if I told her I could have learnt any language and I learnt a geek one. Welsh to randomly break into with my cousins and confuse the crap out of them.
Yeah, I’ve got no solid answer for you, I’m sorry. Can I maybe have ten languages?
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fistfulofgammarays · 4 years
yellow: name of an artist you think is underappreciated, grey: how many languages do you speak? do you want to learn any more?, emerald: if you had the option, would you choose to move and live in another country? which one?, amethyst: do you collect anything?
yellow: name of an artist you think is underappreciated
Listen, I think Aether Realm are the best thing to happen to melodic death metal for literal years.
grey: how many languages do you speak? do you want to learn any more?
(I’m sorry, this is extremely long-winded because languages are one of my favorite things.)
Anyways, I learn languages for fun, so this looks like a lot, but I am definitely not good at most of these!
I’d only call myself fluent in English and Spanish. I’m pretty decent at Mandarin Chinese (I’ve got a roughly middle-to-high school level character vocabulary and I can stumble my way through a spoken conversation on everyday topics) but I’ve never really been in a sink-or-swim situation with it. 
I’ve put serious time into formal study of ancient Greek and classical Chinese and I can very slowly translate texts with heavy use of a dictionary, but I’m definitely not proficient. 
I’ve been using Duolingo for less-serious study of Swedish, German, Welsh, Vietnamese, Finnish and Danish. It’s definitely not the same as classroom study or actual practice, but I think I’m starting to hit reading proficiency with German and Swedish (and by extension Danish) at least!
I would love to learn more languages! (Ideally, someday when I have infinite free time.) I keep wanting to try Hungarian and Thai, and I’d like to take a shot at Korean too one of these days. 
emerald: if you had the option, would you choose to move and live in another country? which one?
Not to get serious, but this is something that is, uh, currently on the table for me when it becomes feasible. Canada and Denmark are possibilities. Spain’s also on the list, though I think I’d have a much harder time with culture shock as an adult there than I did as a kid.
amethyst: do you collect anything?
I collected shells as a kid, and I kind of low-key collect rocks and fossils now, but I’m not super-serious about it. Also carnivorous plants maybe? I dunno if five of a thing counts as a collection, but it’s probably more than the average number of carnivorous plants per apartment.
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faunusrights · 5 years
I've seen mention of a Menagerie language a few times now in the Frapp fics and other ones, you got any actual info on it? :3c I'm a language nerd and wanted to maybe make use of it >3> (Also I foUND THE FICS!! And a few shrike faunus!Neo ideas I had too! Buff buns and murder birbs shall be seen soon)
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WELL OKAY im the total opposite in that languages are Wild and Bizarre to me and frankly the fact i can even handle english as my one and only language is a miracle (duolingo please let me have my dog back im learning welsh i swear) BUT... i do have like. an origin??? of the language-- well okay lets just go all in cause tbh i think abt it a lot
SO the language spoken on Menagerie is called Menagerie Common (sometimes shortened to Menag Common or just Common) and it’s a direct advancement from the tribal creole, Tribal Common. Tribal Common was born from the merging of all 11/12+ core tribal tongues, such as Bonyornic, Akadyan, Jarran, Vandric, Yurriq, Riqran, Xuyrian, Nyrni, Soccorocoan, and Zverna. This was primarily because of Suunmord, the annual gathering in Jarro, originally born from a peace agreement between the tribes of Forever Fall.
The language has a few specific pointers: there’s no gender, for a start! Neither of people nor objects, because gender is Very Much a human thing and thus, was never incorporated even into its modern forms. That does mean it’s a very context-based language -- similar to how, in Japanese, you’ll use specific terms to denote a person’s status in relation to you, Common does the same (word choice is important. pick the wrong word and people might think you married yr mother. bad times). The other is that the language is... well... it’s not really, uh, regulated? Standardised? Different people from different tribes have different ways of speaking!
An example of this irl would probably be Esperanto, a constructed language I’m currently taking a glance at for this executive purpose! Esperanto tries to bridge the gaps between countries and is more a huge amalgamation of most European languages. Similar to that, most words are understandable from tribe to tribe, and some may even be very familiar, but stuff like syntax can change depending on the speaker, and even the spelling often switches depending on a person’s tribal heritage. Often, Faunus will argue over whether there is or is not an ‘R’ in a word, and often the only reason they’re arguing is because one tribe does and the other doesn’t.
As such, Common is best learned with a foundation in one tribal tongue, so that if you don’t know a word, or a phrase, or a way of spelling something, you have your mother tongue to fill in the gaps! Out of all the languages, though, Jarran has the advantage of having the most contribution towards Common given Suunmord, so if you know Jarran you’re, like, maybe 70% of the way there, haha.
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dramallamadingdang · 6 years
Feeling still a bit better today *fingers crossed* Still not near ALL better, but...better. :) So have some replies. :) These are for @jennamaxon, @taylors-simblr, @dunne-ias, @hugelunatic, @twofingerswhiskey, @maksplaygroundsims2, @deedee-sims, @unicornfatty, @rioa, @esotheria-sims, @penig, @thewynd, annnnnnnnd @sparkstark...
jennamaxon replied to your post “A question, before it’s back to bed with me...”
If I were doing it, I'd provide the needed CC as a bundle alongside the neighbourhood files.
The only thing about bundling it is...what if someone doesn’t want all of it? Or what if they already have a lot of it? I mean, from what I understand, once CC is bundled, it’s not an easy process to un-bundle, and the Uni, especially, has a LOT of CC in the form of hood deco.
taylors-simblr replied to your photoset “Just dropping in to sing You Light Up My Life @honeywell-mts. <3...”
Is this your university hood? It’s fantastic!! <3
That it is! And thank you. :) It kind of got out of hand. I didn’t intend for it to be that big, but then I tend to go overboard, so.... I think I’d share it as a main hood, though. Unless people would prefer it as a uni template? Or maybe I’ll do both? Either way it’ll need to be finished with lots. I guess I’ll put out a general ask when the time comes that it’s ready for sharing.
dunne-ias replied to your post “A question, before it’s back to bed with me...”
ooh that'd be a fun thing to play around in! I love decorated hoods, because I'm lazy
Me, too! :D But I’m also picky and something of a perfectionist, which is a sort of bad and self-conflicting combination. *laugh*
hugelunatic replied to your post “A question, before it’s back to bed with me...”
It's just like a full hood. The hood folder and either include necessary cc or link to it.
Yeah, before I came over here to Tumblr, it dawned on me that there are predecorated-but-lotless terrains up for download at MTS. So, I downloaded one of those and, yep, the whole neighborhood folder. I’ll be including the CC, though, mostly because I have no clue where I got most of the stuff I have or who made it, so finding links would be problematic and time-consuming. :)
twofingerswhiskey replied to your photoset “Just dropping in to sing You Light Up My Life @honeywell-mts. <3...”
It all looks so lovely! ��
maksplaygroundsims2 replied to your photoset “Just dropping in to sing You Light Up My Life @honeywell-mts. <3...”
Oh my god, your hood tho. It's beautiful!! :O
Thank you to both of you. <3 I’m having waaaaay too much fun decorating it.
dunne-ias replied to your link “Online English Vocabulary Size Test”
I hope you feel better soon! I got top 5.5% on that quiz, in English. Did a similar one in my actual native language and got top 0.1%, so I'm pretty happy with 5.5% in a foreign language :9
Considering English isn’t your mother tongue, I’d say being in the top 5.5% is pretty damn good! I’d wager you did better than most Americans would. Which is embarrassing, but there it is... If only we had a government that properly funded education instead of trying to fund private “Christian” schools via ridiculous “vouchers” in the name of “freedom of choice.” :P Buuuuuut that’s a rant for another time and place. *sigh*
deedee-sims replied to your link “Online English Vocabulary Size Test”
Get better! (btw you can use tumblr from a mobile browser, I haven't used the app since 2 years or so)
Not on a Kindle, apparently. :( Or at least not on mine. I tried that and it just redirected to the mostly-broken app. It’s got an Amazon-proprietary operating system, so it has its weirdnesses that way. Although maybe if I deleted the mostly-useless app it’d work....Hmmm. 
unicornfatty replied to your photoset “Household #3: Anette McConnell and Saeyoung “Seven” Choi Their house....”
If they have a daughter, consider calling her Summer in my honour, please XD
I’d already planned that, dear. :) Not sure if they’ll ever get married, though, because I’m going to wait for mutual wants in this neighborhood, and if they do I’m not sure which surname they’ll keep. (And hyphenating is just weird, IMO. I mean, what happens when two people with hyphenated last names get married? Do you keep all four names and then the next generation there’s eight names, then sixteen, then....?) *ahem* Anyway, she might not be a “Choi.” :) If she ever exists. :)
rioa replied to your photoset “Household #2: Josie Ahn, Carmine Fortuna, and Sydney Carmichael Their...”
The RNG strikes again O_O It'll be interesting to see how they get along though since I've never had them in the same hood X)
So far? Well, I have played their household for a season now, and I don’t think it’s too much of a spoiler to say they mostly ignore each other. *laugh* Carmine and Sydney get along like a house on fire, though. Just platonically, because they’re both gay, but...Yeah, they’re buddies. Josie’s just kind of off in her own world, so far.
esotheria-sims replied to your photoset “Household #1: Georgia Eton and Dr. Oliver Little. Their house....”
A doctor who became a witch... so in other words, a Witch Doctor? :D *ba dum tss*
Well, *I* wasn’t going to say it, but....YEAH, EXACTLY! :D (Voodoo, I tell you, vooooooooodoooooooooo. :) )
penig replied to your photo “This is the “big reveal” of the queer hood’s real name. :) Its name is...”
I saw the logo and thought: Fire Island, how old school!
Yeah, that was actually kind of why I liked the name in Esperanto. Because speakers of English and the Romance languages are going to see “fire” in the name, and it’s kind of appropriate since I plopped a volcano on it. OR there’s the connotation of “flaming” gay men. All this even though the word has nothing to do with fire in Esperanto, except maybe in a figurative sense. Pride in being who you are could be seen as a sort of internal fire that can either make you warm and confident and glowing from the inside or burn you up if there’s too much of it, I suppose. So it works all around, I guess.
thewynd replied to your photoset “Household #1: Georgia Eton and Dr. Oliver Little. Their house....”
That is a first! Get abducted and become a witch...very clever!
Yeah, that’s the “alien experiments” mod. They can be turned into supernaturals or another kind of outcome instead of always knocked up. As much as I adore alien babies, I also like the variety the mod brings.
sparkstark replied to your photo “This is the “big reveal” of the queer hood’s real name. :) Its name is...”
That's so cool! What a good name, I've always named all my hoods in Latin and they sound.. old. Might switch them to Esperanto!
It’s a pretty cool language. It sounds familiar, yet it’s different and, yes, it doesn’t sound “old.” It was created to be an international standard language, so it pulls from most of the world’s major languages, making it easier for more people to learn. Duolingo offers a course, and I’ve put it on my list to learn, after I finish the Russian course. And then the Welsh course.
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marsipaanigekko · 5 years
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flowers !!
i’ve officially moved back to my parents’ place for summer. it feels a bit odd to be back here after being gone for almost a year, but it’s nice to be closer to my friends. yesterday i saw one of my friends for a first time in months and we ended up visiting a local cemetery just,,, just because ?? it’s a huge cemetery and some of finland’s past presidents are buried there so. there are sometimes tourists and other people there just visiting and looking at the graves and the place was really pretty and peaceful so we had a walk around the whole place. it was nice, even though my knees hurt a lot when i got back home.
one thing i like to do when i’m not out adventuring is practicing german and welsh in duolingo. i just downloaded the app, so i’m not very good yet, but i’ll get there! i can already say good morning in welsh. bore da! german is a lot easier for me since i’ve actually studied it before, but i’ve forgotten pretty much everything so it’s nice to start from the beginning again and learn the basics. i’ll try to find some notebooks so i can start writing down some words that i’ve learned and keep track of my process. maybe next time i post here i’ll know some new words!
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Tagged in by @femmeshep, why the hell not.
nickname: A hypocoristic version of my legal first name that I won’t be putting here so plainly. Though it’s pretty much only my relatives who call me that, and the only one I talk to these days is my mother.
zodiac: Sagittarius. Or Ophiuchus, if I feel like pissing certain people off.
height: 5′4″/163 cm.
last movie i saw: ...I genuinely don’t remember. Was it that time I watched Thor: Ragnarok over some knitting? That was so long ago.
last thing googled: “Kim Addonizio “but those creatures on TV I wanted to see them annihilated””. I was looking for the text of her poem “Stop”, which I remember really enjoying but have since lost the book I read it in, so I figured I’d see if I could find the text online. I could not. The Internet seems to have no record of such a poem existing.
favorite musician: Judging by whose songs I’m likely to sing in the shower if there’s no one else in the apartment, either Savina Yannatou, Marina Rossell, or Alkinoos Ioannidis. CMX and Mari Boine are never far from the top of the list, either, but their songs are much more work to memorize due to the languages they’re in.
song stuck in my head: To be completely honest, the “llama llama duck” song for most of today, after I referenced it in a post. But more broadly, Savina Yannatou’s version of “Salonika” (link goes to Jimmy Crowley’s version, which hers is based on), and “Sobrevolant la ciutat” by Marina Rossell.
other blogs: Nope. I let it all hang out on this one.
do I get asks: On rare occasion.
following: 1411, apparently. Unless you mean how big my following is, in which case 131, some of which are probably inactive or spam accounts.
amount of sleep: I remember the halcyon days of 8-10. Those days are long gone. I spend so much time lying awake that I genuinely couldn’t tell you, but as far as time in bed, I try for at least 7 hours. Though that regularly becomes 6 when I get engrossed in something and lose track of time.
lucky number: 7, picked when I was 7 years old and my 9-year-old cousin was insisting that 9 was a better number because it was her age. Yeah, that cousin is one of the relatives I don’t talk to these days.
what i’m wearing: Fallen London T-shirt and fleece leggings. The rest of today’s work clothes are now in the hamper or hung up to wear again.
dream job: My dream is to not need to have a job. Like, I genuinely planned to commit suicide by the time I graduated college because I couldn’t think of anything I actually wanted to do. (Obviously this didn’t happen; college was a long time ago.) But, well, this is the world we live in.
dream trip: Nope. I’m done with traveling. Did enough for three people by the time I was 20. I don’t even go outside these days unless it’s for work, errands, or therapy/doctor appointments.
favorite food: A whole lot of them, to be honest. But there’s something very special about the mofongo and rice and beans we get at the Dominican place every Election Day.
play any instruments: Used to, used to, used to. I took piano lessons when I was young, took a swing at guitar in my teens, took singing lessons in my early 20s. Took flamenco dance classes, too, and with all the stomping and clapping and castanet-playing, that ought to count as part of the percussion section, if you ask me. Used to. I couldn’t do any of those things anymore.
languages: Primary: English. Chronologically first: Greek, though I’m not sure I’d trust myself to string a sentence together these days. Studied, could have a very basic conversation if pressed: Spanish, Portuguese. Studied, can enjoy poetry if I have a translation on the facing page to use as an aid: Latin, German, Classical Greek. Playing with on Duolingo: Welsh, Portuguese, Spanish, Greek, Catalan. Bought some books and gave it an honest go but gave up before learning much: Finnish, Hebrew, Arabic, Basque. I designed a couple of conlangs as a child/teenager, but I haven’t touched those since.
random fact: There’s a scar still faintly visible on the inside of my right forearm where I was ironing a costume piece to set the paint on it and reached across the ironing board, forgetting that irons are very hot and maybe I shouldn’t place my arm in a position where it’ll be coming into contact with one. This was in 2012 or 2013.
describe yourself as aesthetic things: A rock formation that looks like a frowning face. A cup of strong tea. A book of poetry, with facing-page translations. Fingers carefully held in graceful positions. Dark red.
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constantvigilante · 3 years
R1’s sister’s boyfriend (Italian) doesn’t want to teach their kids Italian because he thinks it’s a dying language
I reacted in horror, R1 said “well maybe it is? What percentage of the world’s population?”
Fully appreciate that this is a Topic for me, I took Welsh and I’m doing Norwegian on Duolingo and those are unlikely to be super useful languages but utility does not determine a language’s value?? It’s a part of a culture that is unique and beautiful, it has inherent value (also Italian is. A ROMANCE LANGUAGE okay, that is useful. Get those kids bilingual, it’ll be easier for them to learn Spanish and french and…. Not just Global Superpower languages are important)
But also the population of Italy is like 60 million so I’m going wild
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survivor-ingary · 3 years
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At the tribal, Ping was voted out of the Pendragon Tribe nearly unamimously. Tribal immunity for this round is Pictionary.
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I bet all these bitches know i voted for Keith and now they are going to come kill me in my sleep if i die i blame dylan
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yass round 2 i either think im in the best position on this tribe or theyre all secretly coming for me thats all
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Tribal went as well as I expected it to go. No major drama. It seems like Keith is in real trouble if we do go to tribal again though which would put me in a very tricky spot. For now, though, I will be trying my best in the upcoming challenge. The problem is, however, timezones and schedules. Jon is going to be our drawer, but he can only do it tonight or in the early afternoon tomorrow which I will not be there for. Additionally, Keith is asleep so we have no idea what his schedule is going to be so we basically had to schedule the challenge without him. And Nya could only do right before the deadline tomorrow which Jon cannot do. I hate this for us, truly. I just hope that Moth and I can rub our brain cells together for this one so that we can pull out a win. OR somehow the other tribes fail horribly. On the bright side, I am finally starting to catch up on Duolingo exercises. They're a lot easier than I thought, but it is still going to be tedious af to save up enough coins for some of the higher end products at the shop. As a final note, I am going to work with Nya in the long term as we promised each other to. Hopefully that actually works out. Time to actually be loyal and be a hero this time around. Need to try something different.
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If we lose this challenge, I will be very upset. We went so hard on this challenge!!! I believe that we can at least get second place, but I don't know how crazy the other tribes are. So, let's see what goes on
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Ayyyyy soooooooo looks like the four, Colin, me, Ava, and Brayden are officially in an alliance!? I’m really hyped to be working with everybody and already have sights on who should go if we have to go to tribal 👀 but like I’m gonna feel so bad if we go to tribal and I orchestrate a whole plan to take someone out I gotta do it when I’m not in my feels and the planets aren’t fucking with my emotions too heavy. But go alliance ! This means I’ll be able to stay safe until hopefully a merge and hopefully we can avoid a tribe swap till then which I get those vibe from it !! But I’ll be here to survive two more tribals just in case which is pretty rad. Other then that hopefully me offering to draw doesn’t end us up in the bottom and we can keep killing ! But anyways that is it as off know hopefully I have a lot more coins tomorrow morning and I get hit the hat shop bright and motherfucking early.
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Just got asked to be apart of an alliance <33333 the besties in the group trust me which maybe ain't the right move but for now we gotta love the bonding. exciting!!!
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YAY FOR ROUND 2! Okay, so I meet once again with the Hat Shop and... third times the charm! Except,,, the charm is getting nothing AGAIN lmao I'm not complaining though, still got that extra vote :P I stayed up at 1 AM for this challenge, and I honestly think our team popped off. Anastasia was guessing a ton, and Riley was amazing at drawing real quick! I have a relatively good feeling about our performance, so I hope I wake up to the news of our tribe being immune :D
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so yesterday I set myself on a mission to get an alliance. I wanted Ava + Brayden + Toph + me as a majority alliance. it was our day off from tribal so I thought it was the perfect day to do it!! I talked to Brayden about it first because he's the person I feel the most comfortable with, and then after a lot of coordination and careful communication I was able to pull it together!! I think the most important thing when making alliances is making everyone feel like they're a big part in it. So I was careful to ask each person how they feel about the others, about the game, and made a point to say that I wanted to work with them specifically. Some may call that a little manipulative, but I wanna make sure that I'm an essential part of the alliance!! i need everyone to feel like they need/want me there.
all of this happening so soon into the game is a testament to how aggressive I'm playing this time around. I usually like to lay low and just rely solely on my social game in the start, but I'm trying this out to establish myself early on! I wanted to play the tribe leader and I think I'm doing that in a smart and subtle way!!
so yes now we have a 4 person majority alliance named "duolingo owl hate club" because fuck that guy. I think we're the 4 most active and present people on the tribe so it's only natural for us to work together, but I think it's definitely worth noting that I was the one that was pulling the strings here.
We just did the pictionary challenge, I have a good feeling about it!! Toph was an amazing artist, and if we win, all credit rightfully goes to him!! I think the guessers also did great of course, but like come on, the artist has to be the mvp. I'm really hoping we pull through!! I don't mind going to tribal, but I genuinely don't wanna vote anyone out yet. I'm fine just playing the game in a precautionary way. I know I'm in a great position if we do go to tribal, but it's always preferred that we don't go.
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Everyone else on my tribe: doing the challenge and kicking ass
Me: I’m sleep
Riley (Tumblr has once again chosen violence so only the first 10 get banners 🥲)
I think our challenge went pretty well! My team were good guessers. Feeling like I've established some Integrity now. Hope it keeps me safe later!
Toph Soooooo we finished the challenge with 32 points and like wig !! I was a quick as drawer for 32pts expect when my internet lagged, but still ! I think we whooped some ass and if we do go to tribal I know it won’t be me going, thanks to Duolingo owl hate club but I’m also worried same could have and advantage because they seem pretty kean on learning a lot in like 3 hours and then tried to cover that statement to not seem so threatening but like babs s a huge threat too apparently they love Duolingo and know 5 laugnes ? This is from brayden but If so go babs ! That’s absolutely iconic for real Life but fucking scary in this game ! I gotta be buddy buddy with them so hopefully if they do have something it won’t be them going home first and it will be Ava. But I’m thinking we might get second place again unless someone is a fucking wizard at this.
Dennis hmm i think we did well enough in the challenge to not see tribal tomorrow but who knows i guess we shall find out tn
the way ellie was so on top of stuff yesterday only to oversleep the challenge makes me giggle maybe shes freaking out about it which makes me also giggle but i dont think its really a big deal
anastasia asked me to call yesterday and i was like sure lets talk but it is damn near impossible to hold a conversation with her idk i tried BUT she did tell me “yeah i just got off a call with ellie” im like i see. she says shes down to work with ellie but that quickly switched from ellie being ~experienced~ but good to know ellie is also playing hard. anastasia also mentioned that she talks to riley a fair amount who i still have yet to connect to well. but dat makes me think ellie is def talking to riley too miss debate team is definitely a talker. but good on her for the social game i guess
kenneth keeps being like haha we’re the same person and im like yeah👁 i bet we are👁
i just wanna win and not think about tribal just keep it slow and chill for now keep learnin my welsh i guess
Ava Second challenge was Pictionary and I had a ton of fun playing. The tea is: toph did a great job. He was pretty vocal about not being a great artist but really I think he did great. However, Babs was super inactive yesterday and ~too late~ said they were a great artist and should've been picked to draw. It was kind of like.... k babs thanks for the belated "help". They did do great guessing which scored a point in my book. Brayden was supposed to play but last minute logged off without saying anything so we did the challenge without him :/ sorta a bummer. Anyway the lack of participation from Sam is kind of popping off so we'll see where that leads them... Overall a fun game and fingers crossed we did well!
Moth I think we did okay at the challenge. Today I am dying from the heatwave so I’m not thinking too straight! Stay cool everyone
Ellie So yesterday Anastasia and I called for about an hour!!! I’d say we’re definitely way closer, she’s someone I really wanna work with although the idea of her and Brayden eventually being on the same tribe is kinda scary cause I know how close they are. Still she’s so fun to talk to and I just love her energy so much!
Pictionary challenge results: Jenkins Tribe wins with Penadragon second, Hatter Tribe has to go to tribal council on the following day.
Ava Well well well seems our bob ross, toph, didn't pull through (y'all think babs would've pulled it out for us or slept through our challenge like they said they almost did?) I can't wait for tribal. I'm in it for the drama. I'm hashtag voting Sam off - didn't even bother to be apart of our challenge and not too sure they've even been online for a full 24 hours. Weed out the weak.....
Brayden https://imgur.com/n60Lz0c
guys i dont know what to do someone help me out
Dennis i hope damn brayden gets the boot
Raffy Woo! We don't have to go to tribal again! We stan!
Ellie So I figured I’d go idol hunting today cause the shop was about to close and I just wanted to see what had been bought and what possible hats there were, I see that there’s a hat I have enough for that hasn’t been bought and I decide fuck it let’s get it
Sam Well you see. I like all my tribe people. And I think we did real good on that music video! So, I think rather than voting anyone else off, I think I should just vote myself off if that is possible! Ahhh
Babs So sad to see Sam not only go but go through what they're going through :( same w Toph :( they all seem so lovely
Keith Not sure if i submitted a confession after the last tribal. But if I didnt here it is.
Happy I made it out of that tribal. I had raffy backing me with whom I played. Last time we played. We were at odds. We didnt work together but whats worse that we were against each other. It was either him or me goin out. Hopefully thats the past n we can work together. I jus need to keep things calm n show that Im not here itching to make big moves. So they dont feel threatened by me. N its easy cause right now. I havnt made that kind og bond with anyone on my tribe. To even think of such moves. Lets see what round two holds for me.
Colin so uh
we lost! :(
I was really bummed tbh. Like I thought we did well but circumstances with the challenge were just really unfortunate, from conflict about who wanted to be the artist to people disappearing the moment the challenge started, I think we did well despite all of that. Except we did kinda get stomped anyway. Oh well!! The game moves on. Tribal has to happen.
Initially I was gonna push for Babs, just because I feel like I don't wanna attach myself to them too early on. I've seen how much of a bitter player they can be, and lets just say I'm not the most loyal ally to have. however! 9 minutes after we lost, Ava announces to our alliance that she's voting Sam. I wasn't surprised, Sam has been the one not really pulling their weight. But I had some good connections with her!! we both did colorguard and shes so sweet and easy to talk to. I was really conflicted for a little bit, debating on whether or not to actually push for Babs. I think brayden sensed my hesitance but we both knew there was nothing really I could do to stop Sam from being the vote. At first tribal, the initial name always spreads like wildfire.
However, my mess was stopped abruptly by Sam asking to be voted out. welp!! okay then!! babs stays i guess!! i'm not too bothered. I'll never turn down an easy vote hehe.
Pretty sure there's a swap tonight. I'm kinda scared of that
i almost forgot to upload this but dont worry i just remembered
Colin screams
Toph So we’re going to tribal in 20 and all I have to say right now is if there is a tribe swap after I’m gonna so scared but I ducking called I had a vibe and it was right that’s what is gonna win me this game trusting my intuition. I’m holding on now and gonna be the biggest comp beast next challenge in case I get fucked on this swap !!!! Or at least if it is a swap 🤔
Riley I don't know what this announcement's gonna be I'm worriedddd... Ginny said it probably means we're swapping teams but I don't wannaaaa I like our team.
Toph Sam self sacrificing made this the easiest vote ever and me being safe is a plus I guess 😎
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Why Learn a new language and how i am learning!
Salut!/ Oye!/ Dia dhuit!/ Salaam ‘alaykum/ Salam!/ Bonjourno!/ Priyvet!/ Hello! <3
Now being a Linguistic anthropology major you can tell right away that i love to learn new languages, but when i tell people how many languages i am learning i get questions like “How do you keep them straight in your head?” “Why do you need to know so many languages?” and my favorite “You are a blonde, white girl, why do you want to learn Persian and Arabic?” well, my friend, ill tell you why!!!!
Being an American, you can verify that there are only two languages that most people speak, being English, and Spanish. America has a long history of being a melting pot of different culture and languages, some of which stay alive in the family of those former immigrants that wanted to find a new and better life for their family due to the growing opportunities and the famous “American Dream” complex arising. However, there’s a lot of dark history in these Immigrants stories; due to the pushing of assimilation as well as American nationalism of the time, and still happening in modern day, some families lost their culture and diverse language to fully become an English speaking, Anglocentric American. For instance, my family are descendants of Irish, Scottish, German and English immigrants (everyone in America, except Native Americans, are descendants of immigrants) and yes, we speak English, being that it is the official language of the USA, but that’s as far as I am connected to my English history; you don’t see me whipping up English tea and blood pudding for breakfast. As far as my German side, we celebrate Christmas with a Christmas tree just like everyone else; but HEYYYYYYYY bonus fact, the tradition of the Christmas tree was started in Germany ---> (https://www.history.com/topics/christmas/history-of-christmas-trees). But as far as connection to my heritage, when you look at me you can pick out what I am based on my features and that is pretty much it. 
Now how does America compare to the rest of the world based on Language education? Well simply, America is very America centric with most of its citizens only speaking English fluently, and some can speak at a beginner to intermediate level of another language, most popular being French and Spanish because those are provided in the public-school system. As for Europe and Africa, most of my European/African friends speak many language; for example, my French buddy can obviously speak French, and English, I also have English speaking, as well as regional native speaking, friends that are Persian, Italian, Ivorian (Cote d’ivore), Egyptian, Swedish, German, Irish (yes, Irish people have their own language), Welsh (yes, they do as well), Romanian, and Russian. All of them speak their native language, as well as English, but also speak other languages on top of that! For instance, my Ivorian friend speaks English and French as well as many native tribal languages. So why is America so unilingual while a lot of the world is polylingual? I believe it’s geography. Going back to my Ivorian friend, she comes from Cote d’ivore where their Official language is French, but the common people still hold on to their tribal roots and have continued the native tribal languages, so when she goes to the market she needs to know these languages so that she can communicate with individuals that speak another tribal language, as well as for English, she moved to America when we were in high school, so for her to communicate she learned English. In America, our neighbors to the north speak majority English, so in North America unless you are going to Mexico or Quebec, Canada, there is no real need to learn a different language; even if you do go to Quebec or Mexico you don’t need to know the respective languages because chances are there will be English speakers in these areas, or at least understand enough to help you. So, Why learn a new language even if you are not traveling to a different country, or even thinking about traveling to a different country? My answer is quite simple; Understanding. In America everyone can pretty much agree that the news platforms are biased towards the news that they think either will or won’t boost their views and rating. Which is a smart strategy when you’re just looking at the success of the news group, but when it comes to understanding different cultures an ocean’s away from our own, it can create prejudices, and stereotypes. Why I chose to learn new languages, I did it to understand more about the Iranian Nuclear conflict, as well as the Israel/Palestine conflict; I’m a huge history and politics buff if you couldn’t tell. So, since I was only getting the American side of what I was learning, I decided if I truly wanted to see both sides I would have to understand the language of the other side of the argument, because I was always taught, history is written by Victor. So, I took to the internet to find a way to learn languages, and found websites books and apps, while they are great for practicing and learning the written language, but they don’t help you KNOW the language in the sense of being able to speak to a native speaker. So, I went to find Pen pals, what is a pen pal? They are people just like you from all over the world that wish to see what life is like for citizens of different parts of the world from their own, also they are perfect for language exchange. I came across this great website called interpals.net and set my status as “Trying to learn Persian, would someone like to help?” and I got a message not too long after saying [Hello, my name is {Persian friend} and I am from Tehran and now live in Azerbaijan for university. I saw you wanted to learn Persian, I would be honored to be your Persian friend.” That was my first pen pal and now we have been talking for almost 2 years. We talk about visiting each other and truly seeing what our respective countries look like. But I learned how to say Salam Sobh bekheir, chetori chakhabar? (Hello good morning, how are you?) sorry if the spelling is wrong I speak it not write it xD.
But since learning these languages I have found out what they see as important in their society, for example in Arabic there are manyyyyyyyyyyyyyy words for the word “love,” as well as the history of the nation because language is an adaptive thing, it changes from nation to nation and you can see where the people came from based on language families, as well as seeing the history of the conquered nations based on the official languages of the country, for example in Ukraine they speak Russian but they also speak Ukrainian, which is another Slavic language, this shows that not only did Ukrainians and Russian hailed from similar ancestors, but at one point Russian had political power over Ukraine.
So, now the question you all been asking (maybe…). How do you even learn a language? I don’t want to pay 100s of dollars to sit in a classroom confused? Well you don’t have to! Go online or travel and find a friend that speaks the language you wish to learn! That’s how I learned! Get them to teach you as many phrases as you think you can handle a day by just throwing them into conversation and provide a translation, from there you can try and throw those words into similar context in your part of the conversation. I also find it really helps to learn how the language is spoken as well as accents of the language by watching foreign movies, television shows and by listening to music from a different country. But the one thing that is the biggest help in practice is language apps, like Duolingo, which I use. Duolingo uses pictures, sentence translations, matching and speaking exercises to help you study, and the app does talk to you if you are an auditory language learner like myself!
Language learning is practice but if you want to connect with another culture through their language, the work is well worth it!
“if you talk to a man in his second language, you’re talking to his brain, if you talk to him in his mother language you're talking to his heart.”   --Nelson Mandela
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what language should i try to learn on duolingo?
spanish? very useful for someone living in america
french? i have an early childhood foundation in spare vocab, tried to learn it briefly freshman year of high school, and took 2 semesters of latin. love the french lyrics in certain regina spektor songs.
german? my german accent sucked when i was playing dr einstein in arenic & old lace, so maybe this will help me understand the music of soap&skin.
russian? i’ve always thought it was a beautiful language. i’m an aspiring alexandra udinov who can phonetically sing the russian part of “apres moi” by regina spektor without knowing what it means. might be useful to communicate with our overlords
japanese? i learned a lot of random vocab and phrases because my mom lived in japan for 4 years so we grew up tossing words about.
irish? as someone who took two semesters in a dead language, i’d very much like to preserve a live one.
hebrew? i just like the idea of being able to speak this one.
greek? i love the mythology and the philosophy.
welsh? again, i want to preserve a live language.
arabic? i live in an area with a high muslim population so it’s equally useful to learn this as it would be to learn spanish.
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purpleyin · 6 years
I was tagged by @toomanyfangirlcrushes for this get to know you meme and thought I’d give it a whirl. :)
1-Nicknames Hans.
2-Gender non-binary/genderqueer.
3-Zodiac Don’t personally take any stock in star signs.
4-Height average.
5-Age 30 something.
6-Time 19.35.
7-Favorite groups/solo artists Garbage, Radiohead, NIN, Digital Daggers. Sort of grungy I guess but my music tastes are pretty eclectic overall.
8-Song stuck in my head Videotape by Radiohead.
9-Last movie I saw We Need To Talk About Kevin, which I’ve wanted to see for ages. A heavy film but well done, creepy and intense. Also some interesting cinematography. I might be tempted to do a fanvid if I can think of a suitable song for it.
10-Last thing I googled a GoT fanfic I was looking for.
11-Other blogs I have two Fringe side blogs, a gardening one and a langlr one for German but honestly none of them get updated at the moment due to lack of spoons so not sure it’s worth linking them.
12-Do I get asks rarely.
13-Why I chose my username it was a poison in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and I thought it sounded cool. 
14-Following 517.
15-Amount of sleep usually not enough. I tend to have insomnia and unrestful sleep. Could be anywhere from 4-12 hours.
16-Lucky number I tend to like odd numbers, 3, 7, 13, 21.
17-What I am wearing just an old faded tshirt and shorts because it’s been hot here lately, well, hot for the UK.
18-Dream job probably a writer but I always thought being a buyer of props to set dress films/tv could be nifty.
19-Dream trip Japan.
20-Favorite food I’m not sure I can pick easily but I do like eggs a lot.
21-Play instruments In theory I can play the guitar but never very well. I did learn soprano steel drum too and that I loved.
22-Played sports not really. I can’t really do any now because of my health, though I get tempted by badminton. I used to like volleyball and netball at school.
23-Hair and eye color light purple right now, and brown.
24-Most iconic song I’m not sure how to interpret this...
25-Languages I can speak English. A little French, a little more German but not that much. I also did Latin for a bit but that’s probably dried up in my brain by now. I have a habit of starting Duolingo courses so I also know tiny amounts of Japanese, Welsh, Russian, Spanish and Esperanto.
26-Random fact Joe Flanigan once touched my hair, it was bright blue at the time.
27-Describe yourself as aesthetic things zippers, asymmetrical clothing, piles of books, too many tabs open, to do lists.
28-Biggest fear I think probably not being believed.
29-Tattoos not so far but I would love to get some. I lack money and need to find out if I even can get any with my health issues.
30-If you could be the combination of two animals, what would they be? Wow, this is a weird one. Probably part cat, for the fluff, and maybe monkey for dexterity and a tail.
Tagging - I feel weird tagging people so basically if you see this and want to do it consider yourself tagged by me.
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fluentlanguage · 6 years
#clearthelist March2018: Update On My Welsh Language Progress
Welcome to a new kind of blog post here on Fluent - I’ve long been aware that my last personal language update was about a year ago and this blog should include more of that good stuff. So this month, I am joining Clear The List, a monthly language strategies update.
You may have heard me talk to Lindsay about it on the Fluent Show - Clear The List is open to everyone and gives us support and accountability by sharing regular language learning goals and stories.
Every month, I set my goals using the Language Habit Toolkit worksheets and I put them up behind my computer screen to keep them in mind. And this month, I had a LOT of them in Welsh. The mindset was not to expect too much from myself, but to remember the direction I was aiming for.
What Happened in March 2018?
Up to the 11th of March, my working life was dominated by sharing and co-running the absolutely wonderful Women in Language conference. If you were there, you’ll know that we had a great time.
Click here to read my full debrief of Women in Language, which includes
the 5 most important lessons I learnt at the conference
some behind the scenes details
tips for you on what to do if you also want to be a speaker
lessons learnt on what we’ll do differently next time.
Special Guests
Right after the conference I experienced another unusual week with lots of spoken German as my parents came to visit me in Canterbury. We had a great time pottering around and I did my usual interpreting job and listened to my husband’s German.
If you are visiting Canterbury and want to practice your German on a city tour, do give me a shout through the contact page.
Highlight: A visit to an English winery, showing me that I know more winemaking vocab than I expected. My parents are winemakers, so this always seems to happen when they’re around.
One more unusual event was the news that my favourite ever English teacher had passed away. He was one of a few English teachers who influenced and inspired me as a teenager, spoke lots of English in class, and shared the literature he loved. What a reminder to appreciate those who inspire us.
The Fluent Show
March marked one month since the Creative Language Learning Podcast became the Fluent Show. Thank you so much for listening!
Here’s my favourite episode from this month: In Language, Are Apps All Amazing? Are All Apps Amazing?
My Welsh Goals For March 2018
With so much going on, did I even get ANY language study done?
Contact Goal
On an everyday basis, I have one important goal: Have contact with my target language. So I have a lot of mini-sessions on Duolingo, Clozemaster, with flashcards, with vocab lists. I read tweets in Welsh, look out for books, anything. All these different strategies add up to consistent slow progress, but they are the basis for all other goals.
I track my contact with Welsh using the Streaks app on my iPhone. In March, I logged 22 days of contact.
Here are the Path Goals I set, and how it went:
Watch S4C every other day for 10 minutes: Did this about three times. I’m not sure my devices have S4C set up to be accessible as easily as possible. Also, 10 minutes is an awkward length for a TV show. I did watch some YouTube clips, so I’ll take that into account as a goal format.
Listen more when I’m having real conversations Listening is the conversation habit I always need to bear in mind. I had one tutor conversation in Welsh this month, and I did shut up and listen to her a little more than usual. A good job with room for improvement.
Transcribe 1 Song from Listening What was I thinking? Not really a goal I’ll go back to.
This month, I resubscribed to the Pigion podcast and listened to the weekly episodes. I discovered that they provide a vocab list with each episode and reviewed the vocab before I start the episode.
I wanted to work through the Sylfaen (Foundation Level) exam questions to practice speaking at a higher level, but found the exam paper so boring that I never went back to it. But on the positive side, I feel confident that I could tackle all of the questions on it, so I’m now definitely on that level or even further ahead.
My other goal was to get to 30 minutes all-Welsh conversation, so my tutor session was a 60 minute time slot, and we had nearly a full hour of Welsh conversation. Very exciting! ✅ I also got to the halfway point on Say Something in Welsh level 2.
Read articles or 1/2 book page in Welsh every 2 days. The goal here was to acquire new vocabulary, and build up my reading capacity to “more than a tweet”. I don’t think I read enough, partly because I don’t know where to find easy Welsh articles online.
My goal was to write 1/2 a page and share it with my tutor 3 times. This is where the MAGIC happened. Inspired by one of the talks at Women in Language, my writing practice evolved to include poetry in my target language. It’s really fun - one of the best ways I’ve found to use Welsh creatively.
I haven’t shared with my tutor yet, but I did post the poetry on Instagram with #languagpoems and I’ll keep going.
My other goal was to complete Chapters 7-9 in my Grammar exercise book - I’m halfway through chapter 8, so that one’s trucking along.
Goals For April 2018
In Welsh: My listening skills are a little behind and I don’t understand as much as I would like to, so the focus will again be on this core skill so I can get into a routine.
My goals in Welsh are:
Have 3 natural conversations with my tutor/exchange partner and listen carefully: My next tutor session is already booked so I reckon I can smash this one and I’ll continue aiming for 45-60
Practice Welsh listening by playing with no-subtitle TV, and reviewing the Pigion podcast vocab before I listen: These are about listening comprehension, the area I need to improve right now.
Write a longer Welsh poem and continue playing around with different poetry formats: Last month I tried a Haiku. Maybe this month I’ll attempt poetry that rhymes. I’m loving my poetry focus this month and am also reading more of it in English and German.
Finish my easy reader novel and read all of the latest Lingo Newdyy magazine - these are all offline, can anyone recommend easy Welsh websites?
Book a day in Wales: I keep looking at this list of courses and not booking, even though they’re so cheap. Time to dive in!
One Last Thing: Other Languages
A post shared by Kerstin Cable (@kerstin_fluent) on Mar 2, 2018 at 9:15am PST
This month, I also dabbled in Swedish and spoke a lot of French. I’m still on the hunt for my new language to play with.
Swedish was the first language in which I've tried an official Memrise course and I'm so impressed. WAY better than the usual.
So now we’re caught up, let me assure you that future Clear The List articles will be a little shorter. I will continue setting goals using the framework of 4 core skills, and I always use the Language Habit Toolkit to set and track quality goals that will challenge me without driving me crazy.
Is there anything you’re curious about?
How was your month?
If you want to join the linkup and share your own goals for the month, hop on to Clear The List with Lindsay Williams and Shannon Kennedy. Would love to see what you’re up to!
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Another three weeks of lockdown, many Brits (just like lots of other people all around the world) are moaning right now – well, time then for making our life behind closed doors a little more different, a little more exciting, a little… crazier even, if we haven’t done so yet!
Remember when you used to talk to your dolls or teddy bears or even balls or building blocks when you were kids, dear friends? And why did you stop – because you grew up and wanted to be serious? And has life since maybe got a bit TOO serious, a bit dull sometimes? So why not start again now, in these very serious and depressing days – there are few things we need more right now than a bit of sunshine in our lives that we can produce ourselves at home.
I’ve told you before about our little Celtic friends, Ben Dragon from Wales, Lep Re Chaun from Ireland and Nessie McNess from Scotland (and you probably thought me and my darling Ian were completely bonkers); we brought them back from our Celtic holidays over the last two years, and they’ve become our constant companions.
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Their place is right here on our living room table, where they eat, drink and watch TV with us; we talk to them and they talk to each other – really! Well, when my darling husband and me make them, of course… All it takes is a bit of imagination, and you’ve got some company in the loneliness and dullness of lockdown.
Being genuine Celts, they love their drink, of course – especially the two Gaels, Lep and Nessie. But Brythonic Ben likes a drop or two as well, like on Saint Patrick’s Day last month!
They’ve been trying to help me learn their languages, too, in addition to my lessons on Duolingo; but I must confess that while I’m making reasonable progress in Welsh, Irish and Scottish Gaelic are just fiendishly difficult…
(Check out Duolingo if you’re interested in learning a new language – it’s a great way of passing the time and doing something useful!)
And they love their rugby, too, just like me: every year when the Six Nations Cup is on (which never finished this year due to the pandemic…), we gather in front of the TV set and cheer for Wales, Ireland and Scotland!
They’ve got other company their size in the flat as well; Ian and me love collecting cute little cuddly toys! There’s Paddington, of course, from faraway Peru, who’s become their pal, and Paddy and Dolly who came with Lep from Ireland – Ben has got to keep an eye on their drinking, though, because sometimes their drinking and dancing sessions get a bit out of hand…
Our three little mascots travel with us wherever we go (or rather used to go before Coronavirus); they felt at home in Piraeus immediately when we went back there to visit my parents and Marianna, even though there was a little accident with Jimmy the Panther who mistook Lep for a snack… And, of course, ouzo will do just as well for Lep as whisky!
Now that we have to stay in, they go about their hobbies; Nessie loves swimming, for example, and Ben and Lep love watching her from above! They’ve also got into the good old board games, like Scrabble, to pass the time…
So, don’t be afraid of being a little crazy these days, friends – strangely enough, it helps us a lot in keeping our sanity while being bombarded with all those dreadful Coronavirus news! Imagination is a wonderful thing, it can make us feel like children again and look at the world in a different way. I’m sure you’ll find some old teddy bear or doll in a long forgotten chest, or you can start talking to your Victorian porcelain figures, or even your coffee pot, imagining there was a dormouse living in it…
Have fun, dear friends, and keep safe and sane – but with a healthy touch of insanity!
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Ben, Lep and Nessie: How to add some fantasy to your lives! Another three weeks of lockdown, many Brits (just like lots of other people all around the world) are moaning right now – well, time then for making our life behind closed doors a little more different, a little more exciting, a little… crazier even, if we haven’t done so yet!
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dramallamadingdang · 6 years
Mostly about DuoLingo, for @maryhilton, @immerso-sims, @taylors-simblr, @ajaysims, @simmeringshores, @davinaojeda, @skyburned, and @kayleigh-83 
I didn't know you could speak Russian!
Только немного! :D I used to be able to speak a lot more than I can now. I taught piano (and was also a student) for a little bit at the Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory in St. Petersburg (when it was still Leningrad; it was a sort of exchange thing between the music school I attended and the conservatory, as relations were softening between the US and the USSR), so I learned enough of the language to have a basic conversation (plus specific musical stuff) before going and then picked up more while I was there. But I have forgotten 90% of it, since I haven’t used it since the early 90s. I love the language, though, and would like to read some books in the original Russian, and I also sometimes chat with some Russian folks on here, so I thought it might be fun to re-learn the language, at least enough to read and write fairly competently in it. I’m afraid I was never very good at pronouncing it. *laugh* I never quite mastered щ and the ь sound, and I’m physically incapable of rolling “r”s, which makes me sound lame in many non-English languages, including Russian.
immerso-sims replied to your post “Amusement from DuoLingo”
I think the reason they're using weird sentences is because when something makes you laugh or looks weird it's more memorable. If you remember the weird phrase, you essentially remember the structure of it and can swap out words for something else. Duolingo is good at teaching you random words, but it's better at teaching you a sentence/phrase structure. For words I recommend Memrise. :)
You might be right. It seems to me that Duolingo is more interested in teaching grammar/construction than vocabulary. Which makes sense to me; vocab can be learned as you go along or looked up in a dictionary if necessary, but if you don’t understand the grammar -- conjugations and cases and all that -- then you’re kind of stuck, and knowing a lot of vocab isn’t going to help you. And maybe there is method behind the weird sentences/phrases; I certainly haven’t forgotten that “the X has my/your/his/her/its/our/their Y” construction demonstrated by “The cat has my butter.” :)
And thanks for the Memrise mention; I’ll check it out.
taylors-simblr replied to your post “Amusement from DuoLingo”
I love the weird sentences in Duolingo, when I was brushing up on my (still abysmal) French, it kept telling me to ‘check for dolphins in the pool’ >_> it made me laugh, but I was also thinking about how learning that combination of words was never going to help me out on our trip to Morocco
What, the pool at your hotel didn’t have dolphins? SHAME ON THEM! :) Then again, there probably aren’t that many swimming pools in Morocco, maybe not even at hotels...
ajaysims replied to your post “Amusement from DuoLingo”
yeah the German is equally weird. That and you get stuck in a loop of the same 4 sentences on repeat 'the tea is sweet' 'this is sweet' 'fruit is sweet' 'the tea is sweet' ...ok I get it. What is this, anti-sugar propoganda??
Yeah, it seems the weirdness crosses all language boundaries. :) Makes me wonder what weirdness there is for people using it to learn English... :)
And I think if/when I finish Russian, I’m going to brush up my German, too. I remember more of that since I spent more time learning it, but, again, I haven’t used it much in decades, so... And then I want to do Welsh. And then maybe we’ll brush up Italian. And I see that Arabic is in beta.... That would be interesting.
simmeringshores replied to your post “Amusement from DuoLingo”
Funnily enough, one of my friends has a cat who eats butter, although technically at that point I think it's "the cat has his own butter and does not plan to share."
HAH! Yeah, I have a cat who adores tofu, of all things, and I have a dog who will eat a stick of butter if you leave it on the counter because she’s big enough to reach anything on a counter, so...Yeah, animals are weird. :)
davinaojeda replied to your post “Amusement from DuoLingo”
I feel this struggle. I get weird sentences too when I'm on there brushing up on my Spanish and Catalan.
OK, so that’s weirdness in Russian, French, German, Spanish, and Catalan... Now I’m really curious about the silly things they make people read/write/learn in English...
skyburned replied to your post “Music Meme!”
I love your list. Pat Benatar for heaven's sake. I haven't thought about her in years but yes!
She’s amazing. Tiny little person, big, big voice. Also a very nice, down-to-Earth person. You should hear her sing opera. :)
kayleigh-83 replied to your post “I signed up for Duolingo to see if I can refresh the Russian language...”
I love Duolingo! I’ve been more or less casually trying to learn German for... well, years. Haven’t made massive progress but progress nonetheless! I have the German keyboard on my phone too and I do like it but luckily it’s so similar to English anyways, Russian would be a real adjustment!
Yeah, adapting to the Russian keyboard layout is...interesting and still messes with my mind since you have to constantly switch back and forth. *laugh* But I can touch-type a basic sentence now with only a few mistyped letters, especially if there aren’t any seldom-used letters in it, so hopefully in a few weeks I’ll be able to type pretty quickly.
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