#maybe in fall I'll have more body clipping appointments and can designate some of that money for a new laptop
ivymarquis · 9 months
the dinosaur is doing weird shit again and I need to get the extra money for a newer laptop jfc
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katsukikitten · 4 years
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A/N Hello all and welcome to the seven day event! I have a few more slots open if you all would like to leave a request! I've decided to start off with Daddy aizawa from a request from @jordan102791 that has been long neglected! So please leave a like reblog or comment if you've enjoyed!
Bodies flood the busy streets, shoulders slumped in attempt to shield themselves from the howling wind, all the while reminding Aizawa why he hates coming into the city.
The biting winter wind picks up, carrying with it the sounds of a cry for help.
Aizawa's ears perk at the pitiful sound that barely echoes in the alley he's passed.
"I don't need a cat." He grumbles to himself and as if on cue another meow rings out. This time much more desperate than the last.
He pushes on, heart beating in his chest as his head thinks up all sorts of terrible scenarios, all the while the weak little meow echos in his head.
He sighs turning on his heel as he backtracks towards the small cries. The meow getting weaker and weaker as he gets closer. The small space quiets as he stands in the mouth of the alley as if all the sound were swallowed. He let's deft eyes roam over the piles of stinking trash and buzzing flies.
His ears twitch, straining to hear the tiny creature until finally he spies a box moving. He approaches hand picking up the damp cardboard box to reveal something similar to his horrific thoughts.
Despite being a hero things that are sad and hard on the heart never get easier. Cold eyes dull themselves to the sight of the momma cat and the siblings lying still slightly frosted over as they lie on top of one another.
The kitten's small eyes are blurred from hunger and cold, barely opened as it desperately tries to nuzzle its mother for milk.
"Hey there little one." He soothes as the baby cries more just fitting in the palm of his hand. Giant moon jade eyes stare into Aizawa's soul begging for help.
He swallows thickly, gently sticking the kitten into his warm inner chest pocket, feeling the little being vibrate in the new fur lined oasis. Aizawa carefully wraps the other cat and kittens in his linen restraints heading straight to a park for a proper good bye.
He stands over the mound of dirt, vision threatening to blurr over the small tragedy. It's ironic, he has seen plenty of deaths, witness some people's twice in a sense, he could hardly shed tears then but over cats he barely knew they threaten to fall. Just as the snow does overhead. Suddenly his chest brings vibrating again serving as a reminder as to why he set down this heart hardening path.
No matter how big or small, he wanted to save lives. Was going to save lives.
It's just hard to bear witness to the fact that he cannot save everyone.
His gloved fingers slip into his chest pocket to give the little kitten a few scratches as he speaks.
"Let's get you checked out little one." His eyes flash to the time on his wrist. He bows to the mound before trudging through the frozen earth with burning muscles back towards the city.
Shouta finds himself in front of a small old brick building sandwiched between towering skyscrapers. The building looks warm, inviting as the picture window illuminates the darkening sidewalk with soft yellow light. A skinny man with a dog much too large for his frame stands at the counter. Smiling even as he fights with his overly excited dog.
Then he spies you, his heart skips a beat in his chest, he thinks to turn around. Not ready to deal with the ghost who stands behind the counter. A face he almost forgot.
But how could he ever forget you.
"Like an endless night sky..."
Shouta stares in for another moment, a small mew encourages him to step inside what was the closest veterinary hospital at the time. The old wooden door chimes over head as the long dark haired man makes his way in while the large dog barrels past him.
"Ah I'm sorry Brutus is just so excited about the snow!" The skinny man smiles warmly, straining as he's pulled along by the choking dog. Shouta tries harder than ever to keep the sneer off of his face. It's not as if he *hated* dogs, they just weren't his cup of tea.
As he steps up to the counter he sees you standing there. Smiling warmly in a set of black scrubs with little pink paw prints littered across the fabric for design.
"Hello and welcome!" Your smile becomes impossibly bright as you handle a blue clip board, "Are you here to make an appointment? I don't believe I've seen you here before."
You fight to keep the blush off of your cheeks as he is by far the most handsome man you've seen. Not to mention the way your stomach twists when you look at his scar, pulling an inkling feeling from the depths of your mind.
Did he look familiar to you?
Maybe? But only because you see thousands of faces a month since moving your office to the city.
Aizawa says nothing, feigning disinterest as he pulls the kitten from his pocket and sets it on the counter. The tiny thing shakes a little, meowing for warmth, staring at Shouta as if he betrayed it.
He swallows thickly almost choking on the guilt. Your small hands scoop up the shaking ball of black fur, tilting it this way and that as your eyes glow all before cuddling it to your chest with one hand. Your other has a pen scribbling across an exam sheet before it is poised near the top.
"Name for you, love?" You ask softly, blinking away what must be your quirk as the brilliant color fades. He wonders if your personality is always this flirty.
"Aizawa Shouta." He watches with cold eyes as his name takes form in your swirling script.
"And for her?" You prompt, the kitten meows but you rock it gently. His eyes weigh heavy on the little kitten. He is quiet for a long moment as you give him time to think.
"I really don't need a cat..." You laugh at his response, your eyes flicker to his now agitated ones.
"I'm not asking you to raise her. I'm asking you to name her.
"Nozomi." His voice comes out breathy and something about his scruffy cold face melting just a bit encourages a wide smile to play on your lips.
"I like it. We will have to care for her for a few weeks since her condition is so severe." You turn the clipboard towards him to sign, "You found little Nozomi just in time."
Starless night eyes flicker up towards you in slight confusion.
"How did you know?" He remembers you blinking away your quirk. He had only guess that it could tell conditions of something living. Could you see the past too?
Suddenly he feels a bit vulnerable, biting back the urge to suppress your quick with his own.
"Lucky guess." You shrug, pulling back the clipboard, "Now I'll need your number."
You slide a post it note and a pen to him that he eyes suspiciously.
"For? She won't be my cat." He voice comes out icy but you press on anyway, looking up at a handsome and clearly caring man through long lashes.
"Oh, for me silly. How else will I be able to send you cute pictures of 'not your cat'." You smile devilishly to which his eyes seem to ice over more causing the feeling of rejection to settle in your stomach. Although you take it in stride as you offer, now, a more professional smile, eyes sliding to the clock.
"Well you can visit as often as you'd like if you even choose to. But now it is closing time. Mr. Aizawa."
You escort him to the door, his gloved hand slides over fur that matches his eyes before he sighs out turning his back determined to leave the little kitten behind.
He truly doesn't need a pet.
Tonight he dreams of two sets of eyes. Wide jade moons and your own vibrant color swim in his dreams.
Weeks pass as every Sunday Aizawa finds himself in front of the small brick building. Each time debating if he should go in. Why was he here? Just for Nozomi? Or was an overly flirty Veterinarian the cause for his return? Should he really be here? I mean he seriously DOES NOT WANT A CAT.
Or a significant other for that matter.
Yet he finds himself getting out of bed on his only day off only to be pulled back here stating in the picture window at Nozomoi lying on the counter and at you talking so sweetly to her. He feels tethered to this place and he cannot fathom why.
This isn't the first kitten or cat he's ever saved. You aren't the first person he's ever been secretly attracted too.
But you may be the first to keep feeling him in.
His hand finds the old brass knob on it's own, giving it a twist as the bell over head chimes. Bright eyes flash his way before your signature dazzling smile settles across kissable lips, delicate hands lifting the soft black fur to you.
He allows his signature blank almost exhausted expression to settle across his features as he speaks to you, hands ever stretched out for Nozomi.
Just as in life, hands always reaching out for hope.
He cradles this kitten that is so suddenly turning cat close to him. Settling in his now favorite oversized leather chair that basks in the sun by the picture window. He reminds you so much of a cat himself. His cold expression that can meld into content or even a hint of happy when his eyes settle over something he likes. You wonder if this is what keeps attracting you to him.
Every now and again you get a look of approving content that makes your heart soar. You let your nails bite into the palm of your hand as you push down such trivial feelings, especially when he had made it so clear that he is uninterested.
Customers come and go, passing by what is becoming the new normal. A strong yet lanky male in a black cable knit sweater, long hair pulled back in a messy manner, his scruff somehow effortlessly perfect. His long legs concealed in well fitted black jeans, Nozomi lazing atop his thighs. One hand rests on purring black fur while the other holds either a book or the days paper.
Your eyes find his scar winking in the sunlight often, in fact your eyes catch his content form more often than not.
You grit your teeth, setting down a file as you remind yourself over and over that he is just a patients owner.
He seems to be the loner type so why bother?
Well you bother because of the way his skin feels agaisnt yours even if it is a brush of your fingers as you hand over "not his cat" Nozomi.
You bother because you enjoy his smile that causes your stomach to knot and you want to bother because he just looks so calm and zen sitting in the over sized leather chair lapping up the sun as well as any cat would. Dark summer night eyes glance towards you causing you to turn on your heel. Heading to the back for coffee only to be disappointed to see the pot missing.
"Ah I forgot Brutus jumped up on the table...." You stare at the deeply grooved wood as the scene plays line a movie in your head. You sigh deeply as you gather your jacket for some much needed air and caffeine.
"Yumi I'm going to try to get some coffee since I don't have any appointments. Did you want any...." Your voice dies down as you push through the door to find a lobby full of waiting people. The jacket is shed from your overworked shoulders as you begin to assist the sudden burst of walk ins. You do not see Aizawa in his normal chair, only Nozomi whose turned into the standard office cat as she lounges in the fading sun.
You huff as your day gets seemingly longer.
Eyes crossing as the rush seems never ending before you come across the final familar face.
The slim man with his muscular dog Brutus barreling into the counter.
"Ah Dr. Y/LN. I'm so sorry to come, yet again to ask for help..." He seems shy, blushing even as Brutus slams heavy paws onto your scrubs. Attempting and failing to lick at your face as you scratch his ears.
"Ah Mr. Takahashi, it is no worry at all. What seems to be the problem?" The giant grey dog presses more weight agaisnt your strong frame threatening to topple you over.
"I...I..." His cheeks flush further as you look over the man who must be two years your senior. He never trips over his words when he speaks to Yumi. You watch his facial expression change as if he suddenly remembered why he was at your practice.
"I think he may have swallowed part of his bone. He just ch..chews on it so quickly I cannot turn my back for a second. I saw part of it was missing and got worried." You activate your quirk, watching the dog play with the tire toys you recommended two weeks ago before watching Mr. Takahashi pat Brutus on his boxy head.
*"Let's go for a walk boy!"* You watch him walk and he accidentally ends up here before you blink switching from the past to the present so you can see what truly is.
Only the best dog food digests in his stomach as his intestines work normally, nothing lodging in them nor his throat.
He barks for a treat and you oblige giving him a biscuit before you turn to your accident, worrisome customer.
"Worry not as he hasn't eaten anything he shouldn't have! You may want to get going. He's going to have to make a pit stop on the way home." You wink as Takahashi blushes furiously signing away at the clip board before the giant grey dog catches sight of something outside. Rushing for the bustling city dragging his owner along.
The bell chimes over head at his departure as you sink onto the counter pressing the heels of your palms into your eyes until you see stars.
"I'm about to clock out. Is there anything else you need from me?" Yumi asks as she locks up the filing cabinet. You shake your head no while her soft hands collect her jacket to fight against the biting cold.
Still pressing the heels of your palms into your eyes you groan loudly into your empty office.
"Rough day huh?" A smooth voice asks causing you to jump out of your skin. Vision still blurred from the abusive pressure. As you blink away the fuzzy galaxy you have created a fine creature stands before you.
Tall and brooding as he always is, Nozomi hops from his shoulder onto the counter. Your eyes follow the movement and spy two cups of coffee.
"Ah you didn't..." You blush furiously as you stare down at what has to be a cell phone number. "Wh...what's this?"
"Its my number *silly*. How else am I supposed to send you cute pictures of Nozomi?" He mocks your usually playful tonewith a cat smile plastered on his lips before he leans closer pressing a small kiss to your forehead. He leaves you stunned as you rack your brain for memories or signs that he likes you.
"Well you can visit as often as you'd like." He scoops up Nozomi with one hand and his coffee cup with the other before he gives you a toned back.
It's only after the bell has chimed overhead, leaving his retreating silhouette does it all come back to you.
His scar.
The taste of smothering smoke pushes down your throat as your mind dredges up memories long lost to trauma.
Of strong cloth pulling you out before strong arms wrap around your waist as you faded in and out.
A shaking hand pressing up to a handsome soot covered face as you caress softly.
*"Like an endless night sky..."*
Your breathing hitches as you claw at your throat, the burns on your shoulders screaming from the memory of your 21st birthday five whole years ago.
Of the night you died in his arms.
And then came rushing back clawing through the zipper of a black bag with no recollection of the night before.
Only the distant memory of smoke and endlessly stunning starless nights.
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