#maybe ill one day post about his lore but for now everyone gets the funny stuff
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just give him a chance soundwave :/
#this is my oc peacemaker#he is an empath which cancels out soundwaves telepath ability and vice versa#as a result soundwave hates him bc he cant read his mind and know what hes plotting#but peacemaker is only plotting friendship#soundwave is very intelligent but when it comes to social stuff hes rubbish#PM is good with the social stuff but everything else? YIKES#my goal is to post so much about peacemaker that people start recognizing him in the wild#maybe ill one day post about his lore but for now everyone gets the funny stuff#transformers#transformers oc#tf oc#tf oc art#maccadams#maccadam#soundwave#decepticons#transformers art#art#artists on tumblr#digital art
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y ' a l l . it took me multiple weeks to start working on a pony town skin <- real <- i made SIXTEEN other ones before the one i wanted
so now you're gonna look at them :D
behold! i bring you: disheveled TCO & rehabilitated TCO
it was a long journey to get here and every freaking detail has some personal lore about it- so if you want to see some progress shots ive chronicled them below X3
ok so 💕✨\o_🎉
the original plan was to: 0. go for a cho post-Showdown and pre-Box 1. use my existing spacescug colors (so i wouldn't get overwhelmed and stop) to create interesting gradients with the black, 2. dress them in.......... WHATEVER seemed cool at the time, and 3. have fun.
SO! i did. ~
(fun facts: the spacescug is one of the 16 skins i crafted while anxiety-ing over ava/m (sometimes ill use it to SNEAK AROUND and admire people (pls say hi lol <3 )))
features. i went with the fluffiest hair i could find, a starry mask for privacy, a comfy sweater, and my two pride and joys: firetail and transparency-skirt.
see look look it's supposed to be showing the legs on the other side of the fabric :D :D :D !!! and, if you look close, it's discreetly distracting from the big shackle i added to the left hind leg. (if you look REALLY close, you'll see i drew some grass in the "hole" of the head. this is why im so excited about this i went ALL IN ;v;;;;) (transparency-skirt ruled as a concept, but in the end it didn't make it any further through my TCOs)
okay so then i spot this character.
i instantly fell in love with the way they did their head (never before seen by me), and was inspired to refine my own work a little,,, so i would fit in more with them when we hung out.
i tore the sleeves off of the cozy sweater, added a Rocket-Brand™-lookin collar, and retired transparency-skirt.
i enjoyed this version so much i didn't change it until fall rolled around....
in which, while re-doing my whole catalog of fav skins to match the new ground color, i changed like 7 entire pixels of the design which i am not going to waste your scroll bar with. <3
now it's getting real.
one day, i needed a break from a thing and decided to dev some more accessories. i had an idea to strap down the wings with one of the feather outline colors and a Waist item, and that quickly spiraled into changing several many, many, more things.
speed round! extra features include:
firetail upgrade! ++shiny
+detail on right hind leg: scars? a tracking device maybe?
aforementioned wing restraint
right cozy sleeve ripped further to install the
Rocket™ wristband: that can't be good
hair accents match accessories and each other better
Back Mane changed for ++disheveled points
Ear accessory added for ++disheveled points
Ear type changed for more fluff back there
and as you can see i bit the bullet and tried to make an homage to my new friend's head style, and i found that these closed eyes (left) look like frowny cho-eyes. :3
AND THAT WAS AWESOME. i felt great. stylish, even. i sat there with an extra 10% deduction to needless social anxiety in my new threads.
and i thought, huh. i've made this little guy suffer, mentally and physically, for fifteen outfits now. what changes if they escape The Situation? and heal?
i pondered this for a while, but i didn't get the boost to act on it until i met this MVP.
they taught everyone on that day cool and funny pony-making tricks! and they're sweet.
from them i was inspired yet again ☝
and this time, i mixed in EVERYTHING. slowly untying the ropes, healing the scars, repairing the hair. the glasses trick that TDL taught me to get the more expressive eyes. the colors and patterning i learned from making a troodon skin (another of the 16) to re-dye the hair and add a new layer of striped pattern to the clothes. yellow with the red so it nods to TDL AND represents more fire. thE SLEEVES ripped ALL THE WAY OFF!!! YEAAAH SHUCK THAT ANGST I MADE THE MARKS BASED ON HOW YOUR CURSOR INVERTS IN WORD
WHAT IF INSTEAD OF RETURNING TO GREYS THEY START DRESSING IN LITTLE EXPLOSIONS OF COLOR •-|,=-||-•|-',=•-|"/, |'['-•-|_|<,['- [,-|'"/,/_',= '////////
that's it.
except for ofcourse the :V s :3333333
WOW, haha, thank you for coming on this journey with me. if you know more about pony town than me i am so taking suggestions- i am still learning and having a great time doing it!
#ava the chosen one#pony town#pony town cosplay#my touys <- /EXTREME ENERGY AND JOY ;v;;;;;#--/ art#alan becker#animator vs animation
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Edward Cullen: That Boy Ain’t Right
So I was doing a reread of @therealvinelle 's collection of Twilight metas, as one does, and in "Edward, Denial, and a Human Girlfriend" she mentions that she doesn't believe Edward is sane. I thought, "ha, yeah, he's definitely not," and also, "but wait, what does that mean exactly, please say more about that." But since she's already inundated with asks, I've decided to use my own head-muscle and explore this idea. (TL;DR: I start out more or less organized, synthesize some points Vinelle has made across several posts (and have hopefully linked to them all where relevant but please tell me if not), touch a little on narcissism, then take a hard left into the negative effects of being a telepath.)
Just a couple things to note at the outset, though. Theses have been written already (probably) about Edward as an abuser. Edward being insane doesn't negate that at all; he's definitely an asshole and just...a disaster of a human being. (I find it more funny than anything, but YMMV.) I'm also going to try to avoid talking specifically about mental illness and how it relates (or doesn't relate) to abusive behavior -- that's territory I'm not really equipped to discuss, like at all. My starting point is "Edward has a deeply warped perception of reality," not "Edward has X disorder."
So: deeply warped perception of reality. The evidence? Goes behind a cut, because my one character trait is Verbose.
Vinelle provides a great example of it in the post linked above, which I'll just quote because she does words good: "[Edward] keeps acting like his romance with Bella is a romantic tragedy, and all the cast of Twilight are actors on a stage making it as sublime as possible." Edward's the one to pursue Bella, but he does so with the full belief, from the very beginning, that it will never last; Bella will "outgrow" him, go on her human way, and he can spend the rest of eternity brooding magnificently over his too-short romantic bliss. [Insert premature ejaculation joke.] Turning her is never an option, even though Alice, Noted Psychic, says that romancing Bella will either end with her dead (exsanguinated) or dead (vampire).
This framing, where he's a dark anti-hero in love with -- but never tainting! -- the pure maiden and eventually leaving her in a grand, tragic sacrifice to preserve her soul? It's fucking bonkers. Bella isn't a person to him in this scenario. As Vinelle points out, Bella's never really a person to him at all; he falls in love with his own mental construct, cherry-picking from what he observes of her behavior and her responses to his 20 (thousand) Questions to convince himself that she is the ideal woman.
Bella's not the only one who gets the projection/cardboard-cutout treatment. Edward sees everything and everyone through a highly particular, personalized lens. He filters his entire reality, which we all do to an extent, but the thing with Edward is that he starts with his conclusions and then only pays attention to the evidence that supports those conclusions. Often that evidence consists of what he admits in New Moon are only "surface" thoughts -- but recognizing that limitation doesn't keep him from taking those thoughts as representative of what people are. Edward then becomes absolutely convinced by his own "reasoning" and won't be swayed from what he has decided is Objectively True. It's obvious with Bella; it's also painfully obvious with Rosalie. (Vinelle explains this and brings up Edward's raging Madonna/Whore complex in the same post, so refer to that again -- she's right.)
He also catastrophizes. Everything. Bella's just vibing in her room, rereading Wuthering Heights for the 87th time? She's gonna be hit by a meteor, better sneak into her room while she sleeps. Bella's going to the beach with the filthy mundanes their human classmates? She's gonna fall in the ocean. Jasper's cannibal pals are stopping by for a visit, but know not to hunt in the area? DISASTER, DEFCON 1, ALSO FUCK YOU JASPER FOR EVEN EXISTING IN MY AND BELLA'S SPHERE YOU UNSPEAKABLE BURDEN. Edward must believe that Bella is vulnerable and in near-constant peril, to support the reality he has created in which he is the villain turned protector and maybe?? hero??? (!!!) for his beloved. So when the actual, James-shaped danger arrives, he goes berserk, snarling and flipping his shit and generally not helping the situation. His fantasy demands that Bella remain human, so instead of doing the very thing Alice, Noted Psychic, assures him will neutralize the threat (and not just a threat to Bella, either, but to Bella's family and any other human James might decide to include in the "game"), he vetoes it immediately, no discussion. Bella Must Not Turn, and he sticks to those guns despite James nearly reducing her to ground beef, despite leaving Bella catatonic with depression (but human! success!) in New Moon, despite Aro's order and his family's vote and, let's not forget, Bella's clearly and repeatedly stated desire to be a vampire. It's going to happen. But he doesn't accept it until Renesmee busts out of Bella like the Kool-Aid man and the poor girl's heart finally, unequivocally stops.
Sane people don't behave this way. I don't want to slap labels on Edward, but I can't help but note that he comes across as highly narcissistic. He's the only real person in his universe, the lone player among us NPCs. That probably has a lot to do with him being frozen in the mindset and maturity of a seventeen-year-old boy, but I think it's also just...him, on some fundamental level. His failure to connect with others and recognize them as full, independent beings with their own wants and priorities isn't like Bella's failure -- she's badly depressed. Edward is...something else, and I get the sense that his sanity has been steadily deteriorating over time. And a cursory google of narcissistic traits turns up some familiar-looking stuff. He's self-loathing, yes, but also grandiose; he hates himself for the monster he is (and hates most vampires besides Esme and Carlisle for their monstrosity, too) but still feels superior to humans, to the extent that he felt entitled to human blood and resented Carlisle for depriving him of his "proper" diet. He eventually returns to Carlisle, but he's far from content -- the beginning of Midnight Sun finds him in a state of ennui, bored and dismissive of (if not outright disgusted by) everyone around him, that has apparently persisted for years and years. He doesn't play the piano, he doesn't compose, he doesn't enjoy anything...at least until Bella comes along and then he becomes obsessed to a disturbing degree with her and his new, romantic tragedy spin on reality.
[Next-day edit: I’m not sure where else to fit this in, but the way Edward casually contemplates violence against people who have, at best, mildly annoyed him is...chilling. I have a hard time writing off his strategizing how to murder the entire Biology class as a result of bloodlust -- it’s so calculated, nothing like the blackout state of thirst Emmett describes when he encountered his own “singer,” and that is probably the default for when a vampire is extremely thirsty. But even ignoring the Biology class incident, Edward still does things like consider, with disturbing frequency, how he might grievously injure or kill Mike Newton, all because...Edward considers him his romantic rival (despite Bella barely giving the kid the time of day). He thinks about slapping Mike through a wall, which might be an amusing slapstick image, except as a vampire Edward’s actually capable of turning this boy’s skeleton to a fine powder. So it’s, y’know, kind of sick when you think about it.
But even worse than that, when Bella tells Edward about how she flirted with Jacob to get at that sweet, sweet vampire lore, Edward chuckles and then, after dropping Bella home, flippantly observes that now that the treaty’s broken, why not genocide? I’m not even kidding, it’s right there in Midnight Sun; he seriously thinks about the fact that he’d be technically justified now in wiping out the entire tribe because a teenager tried to impress a girl with a spooky story. That is fucked. Remember, Edward was there with Carlisle when the treaty was first established. He knows how remarkable it is that they even came to a truce in the first place, that it was only ever possible because Carlisle is...well, Carlisle, and that it marks a pretty significant moment in supernatural history. He doesn’t care; he doesn’t respect it, or he’d never think something like “Ha ha, if I went and killed them all, I wouldn’t even be wrong. I mean, I won’t do it, but I’m just saying, I wouldn’t be wrong.”
Again: not the thought process or behavior of a sane person. (Or a person that respects life in general -- sorry Carlisle, big L.)]
Finally, whether he's a narcissist or not, I think the fact that Edward has constant, unavoidable access to everyone's thoughts is a powerful contributing factor to his instability. He can tune out the mental noise to an extent, but he can't stop it -- so he comes to rely on it like another sense. This causes issues with disconnect and lack of empathy, of course, but there's another facet to this shit diamond: he's basically experiencing a ceaseless flow of intrusive thoughts. His narration in Midnight Sun suggests that he "hears" the words people think, can "see" what they visualize in their mind's eye, and can sense the emotional "tone" and intensity of their thoughts. Therefore, perceiving Jasper's thirst through his thoughts makes Edward more aware of his own, "doubling" the discomfort. This would be a lot to deal with even from just his immediate coven members, but Edward gets all of this pouring into his head like a firehose on a day-to-day basis because the Cullens live right alongside humans. I know Meyerpires have galaxy brains or whatever, but that's a ton to process.
Besides the compounding effect on his own thirst when he "feels" the thirst of others, Meyer never suggests that Edward has difficulty separating his own thoughts from other people's; even when he was newly turned, he recognized Carlisle's "voice" in his head as Carlisle's. That would create a whole different host of issues around identity, but it looks like Edward's escaped that particular torment. However, I can easily imagine that what he does experience is just shy of unbearable nonetheless, with an eroding effect on his sanity over decades. He can't sleep to escape it; he's on a dishwater diet and probably (like the rest of his family) experiencing a perpetual, low-grade physical discomfort due to his thirst never being fully satisfied; and he's around far more people than is the norm for vampires -- even discounting all the humans, his own coven is unusually large -- meaning more noise.
Honestly, it would be weirder if he were all there, considering.
And even though I feel like I lost a sense of structure around where I started ranting about telepathy, I've written like 1.5k words about Edward fucking Cullen and I think that's enough for one post.
#twilight#twilight renaissance#twilight meta#edward cullen#i stared too long and the twilight abyss gazed back#long post#major credit due to therealvinelle for having basically all the ideas already#theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin too since they agree and build off each other's metas a lot#idk how people who write meta can just crank these posts out i've been here for two hours#edited to add stuff i forgot to mention about edward's disproportionately violent fantasies
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Rambling about my Hellsing ship
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So, this is just some sort an explanation why I ship Vanity (my OC/self-insert) with Enrico Maxwell, and how their relationship can even work. I really wanted to write something like this for a while, yet I have been putting it aside till now. But hey, at least I finally did it, right?
Anyways! If you are interested in Vanity or if you want to know more about the lore around her - feel free to ask me! Because there is A LOT stuff, and I feel like it can be pretty confusing sometimes.
Also, this post is kinda based on my headcanons of Enrico and how I see him, and portrait him, okay? So please keep that in mind.
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How did they even get closer to each other?
Well, this will be a little bit harder to explain since it all started with my Hellsing parody I have been publishing on Wattpad in Czech. (One day I would really like to come up with translation, but that will be a real challenge. Especially because many puns are based on the language so the punch lines wouldn't be funny anymore.)
Long story short: The parody (which's humour is - unintentionally - kinda similar to Abridged version of Hellsing) revolves around "Exchange project" (during the year 1997) between Hellsing and Iscariot, where each organisation sends one member to the other organisation for a month. And meanwhile Iscariot sends Anderson so he could sabotage Hellsing/find out some secret information, Integra decides to punish "dear Catholics" by sending them Vanity.
Yup, yup, there is no worse punishment than an annoying, sadomasochistic, horny, and vulgar vampire that has problem with listening to authorities.
You can definitely imagine the disaster that Vanity caused; but she also helped with catching members of some sort of "Italian vampire mafia" and actually saved Enrico's life. (Yeah, yeah, kinda overused trope... Yet I think not many times author used vampire smashing another vampire with a fire poker, and accidentally hitting bishop as well in their stories, right?)
And Maxwell could deny it as much as he wanted but he got interested in this little vampire disaster, not only because of her looks, but also because of her personality. And he slowly fell for her.
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We are the opposites, and yet we're both same
Maybe it's not visible on the first sight but more you look into their backstories, you will realise there have more things in common than you'd thought. We could definitely start with being mentally ill; yet the funny thing is that they can recognise that the other one is fucked up, but aren't able to recognise it on themselves. (And they really don't talk about this so they just think it. - Personally, I find it hilarious.)
Both of them had awful childhood which kinda formed them, yet the difference is that Vanity wasn't mentally alright from the start. (Which kinda helped her to get through all this in one piece, and she just calls her her early years as "shitty era".) - And funnily enough since they both lack emphaty, it's easier for them to talk about this - no empty apologies, no feeling sorry, no blunt sentences... They just talk about this sometimes, letting the words to slowly disappear in the air.
Which gets us to the silence they often share. There is no need for them to talk because no-one of them will ask stupid questions, and none of them will try to bring out the emotions and memories.
Unless Enrico breaks down and reveals a bit about his early years. (I headcanon Enrico with lots of mental issues, don't mind me.) But even then Vanity doesn't ask any more questions and doesn't pity him. She is just here, and Maxwell really appreciates because he wouldn't like to be pitied and addressed as "weak". (And even though Vanity enjoys making fun of him, she would never cross the line, bringing this stuff up.)
Both of them also think about themselves that they are better than everyone and anyone; and they tend to act like that. Which is kinda funny - bishop despising vampires, seeing them as a scum, and vampire who considers people as something fragile and weak...
You can definitely image, how they saw each other as a selfish, prideful jerk, when their worlds "collided". But in quite short time they both realised how similar they are, and how each of them basically built a barricade around themselves to prevent outer world to get closer.
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Just let me to give you the freedom to dream
Yes, I used "The other side" from The Greatest Showman as a title here, let me be.
Everyone can see how Enrico is devoted to Catholic church and how he cares about his reputation here... But is he really such a faithful believer? - Well, not really...
I feel like the Church is the last resort for him. The only place where he got accepted, and where he could build a career, get power, and possibility to show everyone around he is more than a mere bastard. That's why he is kinda scared to step out of his "cage", because he could lose things most precious to him - power and respect.
But Vanity is one of few people who don't see bishop/archbishop when she looks at him. - She actually sees "Enrico", and she really doesn't care about the status or such meaningless things. That's why, when this vampire is around, Maxwell can actually be who he truly is, without any fear of being judged nor abandoned.
And this also applies on NSFW activities which I won't mention now, but let's say that you may expect some post about it later. - Let me just mention, that I see Enrico as someone who would be able to break the promise of celibacy, if he really wanted and if it stayed as a secret...
Even though in this case it's more like an open secret. - And that's another reason why Anderson dislikes Vanity so much, not only she's “a protestant vampire” but she also seduced Maxwell, and (in Anderson's eyes) she forced him into these unholy activities. - Little did he know that dear Enrico was always kinda kinky, and he simply pretended not to be.
#hellsing#hellsing ultimate#hellsing headcanons#hellsing oc#enrico maxwell#enrico maxwell x oc#enrico maxwell/oc#hellsing self-insert#hellsing vampire oc
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list of people that made this year pretty neat :)
Hi all
Ok so 2020's almost ending (it just ended i started writing this post like....5 days ago??) and i just wanted to do this thing where i have a message towards everyone who supported me/who i think are just very cool and very epic, i only really got into the twst fandom just at the beginning of the year and im just gonna get straight to the point now messages are under the cut :)
@permanentlyexhaustedowl - AYAAAA ;;;;; bro you're literally one of my first long time friends here in the twst community and i just want to thank you for everything, our convos in either public servers or in pms, your love and support for my content,,or whenever i vent to you,,,,,just- your love and support man i appreciate it so much and i cannot thank you enough, you're just so sweet and caring and supportive and friendly just aghhhhhh ;;;;; even your reblogs make me smile uncontrollably and i explode, also all the brainrots i have about my interests ;;; thanks for listening to all of them,,even tho you really didnt have to ;;;;;; I love how we make our twst ocs interact and the little brainrots we have with them ;;; You've helped me so so so much and in so many ways, I am beyond glad that we're bestfriends, you're one of the nicest most caring people ive ever met and i love you so so so much, beyond belief ;; 💕 pls never stop being you?????? You quacking amazing person??????? 😎🤙💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕
@shoujoqueensstuff - AYYYY SHOUJOOOO!!! 😎🤙🤙 hhhh you're also one of the first people ive ever had a long time friendship with here in the twst community, and seriously bitch i love you so much ;;; so so much..i cant go a day without talking to you about literally anything and just vibing, the support and love you've given me over these months is insane i cannot thank you enough for that, all of our rps, convos or just pure brainrot have been so much fun, and i fucking love it that we built our own little world outside of canon,,all the aus we built with our ocs???? I love them. I love them all to death, including your amazing ocs, and even tho we live on literally opposite sides of the world you're always there for me whenever i vent or when im feeling extremely down or insecure ;; ,,im just so so so happy and glad that i met you and that we're bestfriends, i care about you so so so so so much- hhhh i cant put it into words my brain is dying i just- i LOVE YOU BIITCH, I AINT NEVER GONNA STOP LOVING YOU, BITCH.😎💖💕💖🤙🤙💕💕💖💕 TAKE MY LOVE BITCH 💕💕💕💕💕 thank you so much for sticking around ;; i love you and support you in everything you do so much I could never ever thank you enough for the friendship you've given me..
I can literally go forever on how much i love and appreciate the both of you, i can just scream into the void for all eternity,,but i cant put it into words anymore. You both made my year so great and so epic ;;; i love you guys so much
Now the chaddams 😌
@thetwstwildcard - hi ma :D you're just so cool and so epic lizz ;;; i cant- all of our conversations and brainrots have been super fun and i enjoy your company very much;;; you are just so nice and friendly,, and your ocs (especially staff ocs) are god tier amazing, i will love the nrc mom squad to death. I am honored to be ur child and i love you and father claude (and my four (?) other dads you married) very much 💕💕💕
@alpyssketch - bringer of father claude,,,,i owe you my life alpy,,,,,,but no seriously you're also a very epic person and you're honestly so nice and sweet!!! You never fail to make me feel welcome in any conversation and you're just so damn friendly!!! We may not talk that often but I very much enjoy your company ;;; ily!!! 💖💖💖
@multi-ankin - another very cool and epic person!!!! you're very fun to talk to and you're also pretty funny in the vc fjfjfj, your ocs are all so amazing too! (djdjjd although my staff oc bias makes me go for kas) we should totally talk and make our ocs interact more in the future tho!!!!!! 💖💖
@just-patchy - pATCHYYY!!!! :D hi!!!! you're also a very cool person!! our interactions have been so much fun and i hope we can have more in the future ;;; the ideas you have for your ocs and how you put them into writing is so good!!! like really good!!! And your art has been greatly improving too!!! Never ever think that i dont see you as a friend because i do!! 😤😤💖💖 i care about you bro!! Never forget that!!
@bakujho - :D hi jho!! you're a lot of fun! And I THINK YOU ARE SO DAMN COOL AND BADASS it's unbelievable,,i look up to you jho i wish i could be almost as cool as you when i grow up ;;; the things you've done for this fandom are also very admirable! like the whole gravedigging (jellyfish) situation! But we're not gonna talk about it now- hhhhh you're just so epic jho ;;; seriously 💗💗
@Kurui - hhhhh you're probably not gonna see this ;;; and i cant find your tumblr (if any of the other chaddams could possibly show this to her thatd be so great ;;;) but nonetheless i still think you're just so fun and cursed ;;; and you give so many amazing ideas!!! Your ocs are all also so cool too! Your art is just so detailed you clearly put a lot of thought into them i just admire that sm ;; (also your edits are extremely cursed and epic i love them dearly-)
@twst-the-royals - JULIE :))) HELLO,,,you were actually the first ever person i spoke/interacted with in the fandom! And you were just so nice and friendly and patient with me ;;; im glad that i got to talk to you,,and we dont really talk that much now but pls pls PLEASE know that i care about you so much and that i support you in everything you do ;;; 💖💖💗💖 ill do my best to make you proud!!
@girl-in-the-tower - hey Az!!! ;;;; you're so epic and cool,,honestly i admire you so much, the lore/writing you have for your ocs/fanschools are just so well thought out and so well written ;;; i hope to become a better writer like you in the future, but for now ill just take notes and learn from you ;; you're super encouraging and supportive too!!! I know we dont talk much but i could never thank you enough for all those little yet meaningful moments ;;; 💖💖
@rikanoctrix and @mirrored-pomefiore - hi!!! i know we arent that close but just know that you two are huge inspirations for me when it comes to art, the both of you draw your styles so incredibly well and i admire that so so so much ;;; 💖
@ocean-water-tea - FATHER TEAAAAA QAQ okay so first of all,,,,how can you draw so well using ibispaint, i ask for tips, specifically on how to draw hair and tits 🤲 but seriously though you are so fun to talk to!!! So cursed!!! So ☊⊑⏃⍜⏁⟟☊!!! You encourage me to my true cryptid self (despite aya's protests 👀) and i thank you kindly,,,you are also very funny 😌 a funny little clown simp, and you're super friendly and cheerful too! I almost never feel nervous when reaching out to you ;;; I hope we can have more wacky adventures in the future 💖💖
@zonamemoryverse - HEYYY ZONAAA!!! you're a fairly new person and you've already come so far ;;; you're a very chaotic person to talk to and i enjoy all of our conversations!!! Also our interactions with our ocs were super fun too, and i love hearing any shred of content i can get from ur epic ocs,,,dont stop being epic!!! 💖💖
@namelessfish - Hi fish!!! :DD you've been a very supportive friend to me over these past few months,,and im happy i have someone i can relate my not-so-great experiences with ;;; please know that i care about you dearly and that ily ;; 💖💖💖💖
@wondersbeyondcompare - JFFJJF BRO DONT THINK I DONT SEE YOU WHENEVER YOU REBLOG MY CRINGY ASS POSTS 👁👁 I SEE THEM AND I CHERISH THEM ALL I REREAD THEM ON SAD DAYS. All the little tags and comments you put on them always make me smile so hard ;;; im just very happy to know that you like whatever the hell im doing and it pushes me to do more!! You're incredibly sweet, dont worry!!! Ill be sure to make you proud!!!! 😭💖💖💖
@circuscarnage - Anna!!!! We dont talk that often but whenever we do it's always so much fun ;;; you're so sweet and i appreciate you so much ;; all the stuff you drew for my ocs are all so incredibly cute and i really have to give back- jUST YOU WAIT ANNA. IM GONNA MAKE FANART OF YOUR LOVELY OCS AND YOU CANT STOP ME- 💖💖💖💖
@twistedapple - hi crow!! :DD again we dont really talk that much but i support you greatly in everything you do!!! You're another epic and cool writer ;;; your writings for your ocs are just sooooo well written and are just so good!! You're also super good at art too!! And i hope to see more from you in the future!!! ;;; 💖💖💖💖
@not-twst-enough - Ellie!!!! ;;; bro you've been supporting me from the very start, from lillet's old ass bio to now, and i very much appreciate it!!!! You're also super friendly in the twst server too ;;; and all the content you have for your ocs is just so exciting! Good luck with the fandorm and all future stuff ;;; ily!!!! 💖💖💖
@fumikomiyasaki - FUMI. DONT THINK I DIDNT FORGET YOU DKDKDK,,,Another cool and amazing person!!! All our brainrots and conversations have been really fun ;;;; thank u for that,, You are very fun person to interact ocs with tho!!! Especially with ships!! MadScientist² will forever hold a place in my heart.,,,💖💖💖
@oiseaunoir11 - hey Al!! :) you were one of the many people i admired and looked up to when i first joined the fandom, your art is something im deeply inspired by and your shitposts at like...4 am in the morning always give me the big funny,,one thing i really admire about ur art tho is how you'd draw backgrounds :0 you've gotten so good at them!! And your poses look super natural and effortless, i hope to be almost of a better artist like you 🙇♀️🙇♂️ also i cant wait to see ur animatics 👀 they look dope- hope we can talk or maybe even interact ocs more! 💖💖
@leonasbitties - luuuu :))) hiiii,,,we dont usually talk on servers that often but that doesnt mean that i dont consider you as a friend! You have a lot of super cool ideas for ocs and your art is just getting better and better and better with each piece!!!! i look forward to seeing more from you ;;; 💖💖💖
@peteza-mozzarella - PETEEE :DDD another very cool and friendly person, you're literally the sweetest person ive ever talked to and i love our little chats!!! Hhhh you're just super nice and your ocs are super cute,,please never stop being you you epic bean ;;;; 💖💖💖💖
@the27th - Hi Andhra!!!!! You've been quite the long time mutual,,and your reblogs always make my day ;;; you're just so sweet and kind and i always feel at ease when talking to you, the hunger games sessions you host are always super fun even though im often asleep to even participate 😂 thank you sm for the love and support ;;; ill be sure to give them all back to you 💖💖 starting now 💗💗💗💗💗
@mamushroomoracorn - MAMUSH :DD we've only really started talking recently but you're just so nice and friendly ;;;; all of our talks have been so wholesome and great and im so happy about that, and your art is really really really good!! Ur art style is just so unique and so cool!!! ;;;; and dw mamush,, ill show the froggies like i promised soon 😔💖💖💖
@rookvonhunt - HEYYYY 👉😎👉 hi hello i would die for your ocs. If theyd ask me to perish then i will 200%,,ur so epic and cool and all of your ocs are just god-tier, i cant wait for what else you have to offer!!!! 💖💖
@lawlessofdusk - lawless ;;;; aaaaa honestly you're just so kind and sweet, i couldnt thank you enough for all the love and support you've given me!!! And i desperately need more content of ur ocs bc they're all so cool and interesting 😤😤😤💖💖💖 i hope to talk to you more soon!!!!
Fkfjfjfj i think that's all!! Id like to thank you all for sticking around with me with my first year in the fandom ;;; you guys make all the bullshit and drama here worth it 💖💖💖
If i forgot to include you in here then PLEASE DM ME I AM SO SORRY-!!!! I dont want to leave anyone behind!!! So please feel free to confront me about it ;;; happy new year everyone!!!!
#admin post#oooo also feel free to tag any of ur mutuals in ur reblog too!!! make them feel loved yeah?
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just finished writing this and realized how long it got oh jeez i am so sorry. i promise it is just me rambling about nothing and does not require a lot of thought.
i made a playlist of r5's entire discography and am listening to it (in order) because there is something wrong with me. if only it had their very first ever ep on it (ready set rock ep you may have been slight garbage but i don't love you any less for it). oh god i realized i fucked up and didn't add the songs by "ross lynch and r5" from the austin & ally soundtrack. i'm already three songs into louder and they would have been between louder and say you'll stay. what do i have to do is actually one of r5's best songs and i'm pretty sure i remember ross calling it one of his favs fairly recently?? which was so valid of him. anyways. this is now an r5 song ranking. i'm bored and avoiding doing assignments. i'm going to name my top 10 r5 songs off the top of my head. source: me trying to remember every song they've ever released.
no. 1: easy love. nothing comes close. my fav song they ever made. they haven't made anything that even compares since (this is /hj. tde has some valid songs).
no. 2: wishing i was 23. what do you mean i only love this song because of my nostalgia bias no i don't.
no. 3: what do i have to do? i will not elaborate i do not know why i adore this song as much as i do it's just a cute song.
no. 4: repeating days. THE END. THE FUCKING END AFTER THE SONG ENDS THE "all i've got is cheap wine" PART ross sounds so vulnerable and him with just the guitar makes me so :(((((( it's so gorgeous that part makes the whole song and that makes it top 3 for me.
no. 5: i want u bad. THAT SONG FUCKS LIVE. I DO NOT WANT TO THINK ABOUT THE FACT THAT I WILL PROBABLY NEVER SEE IT LIVE AGAIN. (speaking of concerts i can't believe you bought concert tix and fucking forgot??? that is actually so fucking funny bella it made me laugh i will not lie)
no. 6: dark side. so so valid of them. it just fucks. it's so good. it makes u want to dance. u named a fic after a lyric from it which was so valid.
no. 7: did you have your fun? i love this song. no i will not elaborate. it is a sexy song. what's that one lyric from it that's hot. "love me, leave me, left me numb" some lyrics you love for no particular reason and for me that's one of those lyrics.
no. 8: f.e.e.l.g.o.o.d. this has alwayysss been one of my favs by them. since it dropped. some lore about it: the like crowd yelling that's in it they recorded live at a festival they played and i remember there being hype about this being an unreleased song when they had the crowd chanting "f-e-e-l-g-o-o-d" with no explanation. also another fun fact is that the final version of this is just a demo?? source: my slightly faulty memory remembering ross saying something about some demos being so good that you keep them as they are and it later being revealed this was the song he was talking about.
no. 9: i know you got away. sexy song. they released a vocals only version of it (that has apparently since been deleted?? i went to look for it on youtube and couldn't find it?? wtf r5) that has stuck with me ever since.
no. 10: loud. but more specifically the acoustic or live version. this was their encore song that they played to end every show. i MISS IT. it holds a special place in my heart.
honorable mentions: hurts good (a good song and THEIR LAST THEY EVER RELEASED VV SAD), wild hearts (fun fact almost picked a lyric from this song as my senior quote till i found out they didn't write this song), fallin' for you (YOU LIKE MISMATCHED SOCKS WITH POLKA DOTS YOU LIKE YOUR PIZZA COLD I THINK THATS HOT i never saw this song live and i'm still fucking pissed about it ok), do it again (it's such a sweet song :(((( "listen to the airplanes as we count the stars" gives me the same vibes as six feet under the stars), things are looking up (generally just a cute song!! this whole ep is just very good and very cute!! when i saw it live one time during the bridge ross was like "everyone shut up this is my favorite part >:(" and that was so valid of him) i can't say i'm in love (it's just a fun song!! it was a bonus track on sln from another country), trading time (this is the only song from the new addictions ep that i listed and u know what i'm Not sorry)
ok. i will spare you and stop rambling. other honorable mentions: if you have never listened to cool girl (feat. the driver era) by new beat fund i highly recommend. it's an okay song but it was one of the first songs released after they rebranded as tde and includes ross saying motherfucker with his whole chest. i will never again feel what i felt the first time i heard that song having listened exclusively to them as r5 whose songs they couldn't curse in because they were on a disney label.
in conclusion. i miss r5. ross saying fuck is kinda hot. i listened to the entirety of louder while writing this. i am sorry to dump this in your askbox. i still have multiple assignments to do and should probably go to sleep at a decent time. it feels fitting to finally stop writing while easy love is on. when i was 12 and this ep came out i thought "dirtbags" was a curse word and was scared to sing it. they changed it to "douchebags" live.
that's all. goodbye. have a lovely night. listen to r5's discography for clear skin thriving crops etc etc. sorry to lovepost about them in your askbox i only have (1) former r5 mutual that i still talk to (a very interesting but long story. she's the gemini bestie) and she will only lovepost about r5 once in a while. feel free to ignore my ask calling cody bellinger hot i was a different person when i wrote it i am now a changed woman. LOVE YOU MWAH - bella but she misses r5
hi hi im going to answer this with minimal thought because im tired but i dont wanna leave this sitting in my inbox forever but for the record all your r5 opinions are valid. ok lets go
1. easy love slaps ive heard it a couple times over the last few days (it played in the car today while i was driving sam n meghna to the airport) and it does fuck i can see why it's your fave
2. i do not know this song
4. oh i do love repeating days great choice i would have to hear it a few more times to get it in my head but i remember really liking it when i listened to the album it's on
5. also a banger and i'm glad my concert tickets situation made you laugh it made me laugh too imagine being this useless gldskfjgs
7. ANOTHER FUCKING BANGER this one is probably among my favorite r5 songs maybe top 5 LOVE ME LEAVE ME LEFT ME NUMB (guitar moment) DID YOU HAVE YOUR FUUUuuuuUUUUUNNNNN i feel the same way about this lyric as you
8. oh shit thats pretty cool i dont know this song tbh i cant remember how it goes i know ive heard it once or twice but. id have to listen to it again so i will keep you posted on that
9. i do not know this one either
10. interesting choice for top ten but i support you, this song fucks and ever since you mentioned it it's been in my subconscious and randomly getting stuck in my head i think i need to listen to it to get it out. it does hit ur right
11. i don't know hurts good or wild hearts or things are looking up or i can't say i'm in love or trading time well enough to say anything about them. but i really like fallin for you it's one of those cheap fun songs but emphasis on fun, and also really like do it again one day ill write a fic based on that song
i have not listened to cool girl i put it on my to listen playlist so hopefully i remember to listen to it soon ill be honest though i dont think im prepared for ross lynch saying motherfucker w his whole chest like i think itll take me out. so. anyway. i hope you got your assignments done. thank you for the r5 lovedump feel free to drop in anytime with more
#this is a love-positive zone#we love love#here on clumsyclifford we support insane obsessions because we also have insane obsessions#ask#cubs anon#anonymous#lol i was telling my dad that i talked to rian and zack but said the most generic things ever#and i was like. i mean there were things that i would have wanted to ask but if i had then they would have known that--#-- im like super obsessed with them in a kind of creepy way. like i wanted to ask rian what time alex was born#...so we can figure out his rising sign so we can make his star chart#and my dad was like . why would you need that#and i said. you know for funsies#he was like do you think he would even know that#and i said well in our collective opinions we think alex wouldnt know what time he was born but rian and/or jack probably would#and my dad was like its a good thing you didnt ask him that. it would have been creepy.#and i was like I KNOW THATS WHY I DIDNT ASK BECAUSE I KNEW IT WOULD HAVE BEEN CREEPY BRO#so anyway#i dont remember why i started telling this story#its 1am im so tired ive had the longest two days ever#i need sleep im going to die#i cant believe classes in two days#end me
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May 3rd, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on May 3rd, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PDT. The chat focused on Suriska by Claire Burn.
Featured Comment:
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
Good day everyone~! This week’s Comic Tea Party is now officially beginning~! Today we are discussing Suriska by Claire Burn~! (http://suriskacomic.com/) For those new or in need of a reminder, discussions about the comic are freeform, so please feel free to bring up whatever you wish. However, every 30 minutes I will be dropping in a discussion question to help those who would like a prompt. These questions are totally OPTIONAL to answer, and you can pay them no mind if you wish. If you miss out on any though, they’ll be pinned for the duration of the chat once they’re posted~! Remember, constructive criticism is allowed, but the primary focus here is to have fun and appreciate the amazing comics that the community makes~! As a bonus, each chat a top comment will be picked and featured in the archives and on an ad for CTP! All that being said, let’s get started and have a great discussion!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I really liked Freyja checking the stove multiple times, I laughed out loud since it's something I've always done when leaving the house.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yes that was a moment i connected with too. not that ive really checked the stove but ive had to deal with other similar issues of checking things a dozen times. im glad for the timing of that too cause it really helped explained why corin going missing got to her so much
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Hello there! I’ll be there in a bit, currently AFK for the time being!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I've really enjoyed learning more about Freya as a character too, I feel like there's a lot of depth beneath her that we're just starting to uncover
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah. there are a lot of interesting elements to her character. mostly because i hmm why shes in the town. like corin is understandable because corin's anxiety is a bit more debilitating. whereas freya seems completely functional and yet somehow stuck
i think my favorite scene is less a scene is the one where freya busts into johann's place and just doesnt say anything. shows him the picture and hes like "well shit ive been found out."
🌟Draco Plato🌟
OH! I liked that too, it also added more layers to the story. And yeah, overall I find Corin a simpler character since it's pretty clear why he is the way he is and his debilitating anxiety, etc
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
another scene i like for its effect on the story itself is the story about the origin of the snow. i really liked that it gave the town a sort of history, even if it might be a fictional and fantastical one XD
🌟Draco Plato🌟
Yeah I did think that was really good for expanding the lore of the story~!
I have a really strong love/hate relationship with the scene where the old man at the train station recognizes Corin and asks about his parents. It's really funny in the most painful way imaginable
And I like Freya a lot!! I'm interested to see where her character goes-- I think there are a lot of hints that she's not as functional as she appears at first, and I'm interested to see where that goes haha
🌟Draco Plato🌟
Oh same!!
Omg that scene at the train station, that old man was ridiculously awful in his questions, from bad to worse
felt so bad for Corin
Like the oven thing was funny, but weirdly drawn out compared to a lot of other jokes, and she also has that scene in the bathroom where she has this weird, disjointed cause-and-effect logic that because she left the soap out, it caused something totally unrelated and bad to happen. I've wondered if those things have some deeper meaning to her character or world lol
Me too, I was dyyyyiiiiiing for that whole scene
🌟Draco Plato🌟
same, same, I feel like there's something to delve into there behind her little ticks
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
that is true. the stove thing i get, but the soap out did throw me for a loop. so its a good point that her problems may go a bit deeper. albeit shes at least not so tormented shes staying home all day. i imagine it takes her like an hour to actually leave her house though
that old man scene though, man, i erased that from my memory
it just made me so uncomfortable
like old man where is your human decency O_O
🌟Draco Plato🌟
yeeeeah, like geezus 0 sympathy for the poor kid
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah. i mean youd think corin just told him the weather was not so great, not that his parents died tragically O_O
🌟Draco Plato🌟
altho there was a part of me that thought as a writing choice that was low hanging fruit for showing his anxiety heightened and why he has it and I thought that maybe it could have been added in more strategically than so forced
but that was more my thought on a writing analysis viewpoint
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
tbf i actually wondered if that was the true dialogue and if we were getting an unreliable narrator effect going. like the old man was actually being nicer but corin's anxiety translated the words to something else.
especially after that scene it makes me feel that inclination stronger
oh, that's a very interesting thought!!
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I did wonder that too Rebel!
Honestly I took the scene at face value bc I straight up am that old man. and thaaaaaaaaaaaat's why I have no friends XD
🌟Draco Plato🌟
there tends to be a really strong "unreliable narrator" feeling in general-- beyond Corin's anxiety rewriting speech bubbles, Freya's narration is just snarky enough that I'm not quite sure exactly how biased she is in her representation of her town and etc
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
hmm im not sure i got that representation from freya. her items i took more at face value. that being said, i do think shes suffers from a sort of complex in how she sees herself? like she got super pissed about johann not trusting her and thinking she couldnt handle the secret and what not, and something about it struck me as kind of odd. tho i couldnt put a finger on what
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I was surprised how agreeable she was to covering up for an affair
and how nonchalant she was about it, since that's a rather big deal
it made me wonder where she lies on a morality line
which i thought was intriguing
cause my first assumption is she'd be very anti it so it went against my expectations which i like
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
that is also true. not to mention its a very risky secret to keep. the about page says this towns population is 150. and small towns of that size generally make it hard to keep secrets of that level
🌟Draco Plato🌟
right! So I'm interested where that story route will go
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
QUESTION 2. Throughout the comic we see the portrayal of mental illnesses, from Corin’s anxiety to Freya’s OCD tendencies. Was there any aspect of their portrayal you particularly connected with? Why? Do you think Corin and Freya will be able to learn to cope with their illnesses better? If so, what do you think has to happen for them to be able to get a better handle on life? Particularly in the case of Corin, what do you foresee as potential conflicts he’ll have to face in regards to his anxiety, and do you think he’ll triumph over them?
as for the first question
once again http://suriskacomic.com/62.html
that page
ive been there. where no matter what people are actually telling you all you hear is how worthless you are. not fun times. and i thought that was really a lovely way to illustrate it. the sudden change in color schemes really sets the mood. and the messy handwriting for corin's added thoughts really i think emphasis the volitile nature of them
🌟Draco Plato🌟
yeah I felt that was relatable as well(edited)
to a much smaller degree than what Corin has though, but I've been there with crippling anxiety before
My hope is that by the end of the story he'll have learned to cope with it but I could see the creator not taking that direction as well
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
itd be a shame if corin didnt learn better coping mechanisms though. :< like, what a horrid life to live with such anxiety. not to mention from the sounds of it corin moved there to change himself, so hes not gonna be changing himself if that happens. granted i dont expect him to ever be fully "cured" (for lack of a better word). just still, itd be nice if he could go outside or open the door without thinking about how people secretly all hate him or something.
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I do think he needs to change for it to be a compelling story arc for him
cause a lack of progression in his condition would just be overly sad especially with the background he came there to change
but if the change character is Freya and not Corin I could see the story not helping Corin in his condition
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yeah thats true. and tbh im not sure corin is in the right place to change as far as his anxiety goes. im really torn about that. cause on the one hand being able to go to a remote location could be a good mental break. but on the otherhand it can also worsen the anxiety. however corin progresses.
im interested to see how corin handles being on a train
cause thats not really a place where you can actively avoid people in super close proximity
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I think there's also a small chance Corin could be the "antagonist" of the story
if he flips out to such a degree
that it hurts those around him
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
alrighty, I'm here at last
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
hi super~!
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Hi Rebel! Thanks again for doing the CTP
Before I jump in I want to say I like the winter aesthetics of this comic.
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
corin is kind of the antagonist. he did hide that letter. which is...like i get he doesnt want to go but he didnt need to deprive freya of the reunion. hes an adult so she technically cant tell him what to do.
yeah its really nice to see a winter setting, especially one where ppl are actively dressed for it
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
🌟Draco Plato🌟
yeah i like the winter aesthetic too, and yeah that really made me question Corin on the morality line, that he hid the letter from her just because he wasn't sure if he wanted to go or not. It made me feel he was super self absorbed and doesn't consider his actions and their affect on other people
also who was he mailing the letter to in the most recent page?
it had a sinister feel to it the way it was portrayed
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
considering he was looking at a magazine catalogue thing that had a thing that looked like a radio for 19.99, i assume he was mailing a letter that said "plz give me this product"
🌟Draco Plato🌟
oh! was that it, i didn't notice, I wonder why it was made to feel like such a big deal then panel and tone wise
I guess it could have been done that way because of him over hearing the conversation too
I just didn't think it was that relevant to him since he wouldn't have known the tickets were for him and Freya
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
well to be fair the next page may directly say "these are for the farthas so they can go to their reunion" and then corin may be all gasp
i kind of thought the tone was sinister too although i assumed that was an artistic choice to express corin's anxiety. cause when you arent a fan of people, going out where there are people is probably gonna be a sinister undertaking
🌟Draco Plato🌟
yeah, maybe the next page will piece it together better, that could change a lot. I think if his anxiety was the focus there'd have been more focus panel wise on his expressions and less on the letter and mail box
I was actually surprised it didn't focus on his anxiety more
since it seemed like him going there would be a big deal
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
thats true. on a side note and kind of off topic, i like the pattern on corin's hat. like i think its just a really nice detail.
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
>On Page 59 >Chills at around -20 Is that in F or C
🌟Draco Plato🌟
probably F since the creator is from the US
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Holy Christ
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
QUESTION 3. Suriska may be a small town, but plenty trouble seems to be afoot even so. Do you think Corin will ever hear the end of the whole town going out to look for him? Do you think Corin will be able to maintain employment, or will his employer eventually let him go? In regards to Freya who discovered Johann’s affair, do you think she’ll actually be able to keep the secret? If so, do you think she might take advantage of knowing it since she already got free train tickets out of it? Do you think there are any other shadowy things happening within the town? Regardless, do you think being in the town will help Freya or Corin change perspectives on their life? If so, how can this particular town help? Alternatively, do you think the town is actually making their individual ruts worse?
well it is a winter town. those temps are expected
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
A part of me feels sorry for Corin.
also yea
He just looks like the guy that goes through a lot
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I bet something spooky happens because it's a small town, small town stories generally like to focus on the spooky
someone will die or something supernatural will happen
also it seems like the witches will be proven to be real or something since it had such a long introduction of importance
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
twist: the winter story was true and corin is gonna run into a fox and corin will bring more winter
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
omg Page 68 tho
🌟Draco Plato🌟
yeah, omg yeah that's probably it rebel
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
and the stuff about an affair
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I feel like the fox/witch story had such a long focus was because it's going to become a big part of the story
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Now that you mention it, maybe(edited)
🌟Draco Plato🌟
also the guy in the story looked a bit like Corin
so i feel there's a connection there
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I smell foreshadowing
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i actually got the opposite impression. i cannot see the fox/witch story becoming part of this story in its current course. cause that was the only moment where anything remotely supernatural was even mentioned. and since the rest of this comic is so ingrained in real life issues, it would just be too out of the blue to me to bring it up again
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
what if that was only part of the story
and there's a continuation
of sorts later on(edited)
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I do think the supernatural turn would actually be unwelcomed since that's very common and I prefer it being rooted in reality for what it has been so far. Buuuut small town stories, they love to go into the supernatural and that was a long focus on the fox story
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
still would doubt that. cause again, its delving into the supernatural where 90% of the rest of the comic has nothing supernatural about it.
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Maybe the story could have some kind of greater meaning
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I've read a lot of comics before that have turned supernatural though in the middle
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
rather than just connecting Corin to it
🌟Draco Plato🌟
so it wouldn't be that strange
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
also yea
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i did think the focus was long, but it can come up in other ways. like maybe corin will use the story as an inspiration to go on a journey. thats more realistic
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
🌟Draco Plato🌟
yeah it definitely could be used in other ways
I'd rather see the story be an emotional journey for the characters without the use of a supernatural trope
but again I don't think it'd be uncommon for it to go there
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I'll say I'm for the emotional journey part(edited)
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I mean Corin could also just flip out and start murdering people saying he is the fox or something
the story is pretty wide open atm
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
true. i mean maybe the supernatural will come up. i cant really even say this is the middle of the story cause who knows how long its going to be. for all i know were still technically in the beginning.
🌟Draco Plato🌟
Maybe Corin doesn't want to go on the train so he runs away into the woods and he meets the fox
and then he goes on a journey with the fox
and freya has to find him
and then he gets over his anxiety by realizing he still has freya left or something
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
yes that could be a possibility. the story couldve just been there to be there. add to that winter lore
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Maybe the fox could be Corin hallucinating or imagining it(edited)
and it speaks with him
🌟Draco Plato🌟
Fox could be the manifestation of his anxiety
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✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i do think the story is going to go the route where corin has to leave the town. imho i dont think the town is helping him at all atm. especially freya cause shes kind of an enabler of just letting him laze about the home. like....hes 21 and she treats him like hes a teen or younger. and i personally think those conditions make it hard for him to grow.
🌟Draco Plato🌟
yeah I agree, Freya is an enabler since she doesn't require him to do anything to help around the house or anything
so it breeds stagnation
He needs to make an emotional journey alone most likely
cause the demons are first and foremost inside himself
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
at the very least if he stays in town everyone will constantly remind him about how he ran away and the whole town searched
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✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
cause man did that town look excited about it XD
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I'm thinking he migrates to someplace a bit warmer
if I had anything to say
🌟Draco Plato🌟
yeah, omg Like geezus this town(edited)
he'd be lucky to go somewhere warmer, lolol
oh you asked about if he'd lose his job or not, I actually thought it was amazing he even had a job with his level anxiety. Was legit shocked by that XD(edited)
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✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
im confused a bit by the geography of this town. in the sense is this town just experiencing winter atm or is it like eternal winter.
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I couldn't tell if the curse made it an all year thing or just seasonal
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
which is what i thought the point of the fox/witch story was more. to create something about the seasons
🌟Draco Plato🌟
yeah if there was a concrete answer regarding it i missed it
but it makes a huge difference
cause if there really is a curse and it's an all year thing than that already puts the supernatural in
if it's related to the curse that is, and not just hey we're winter all year cause of geography, etc
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
for some reason the town really reminds me of alaska
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Me too
I thought it would be someplace in Canada
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I was thinking more of sweden or switzerland
based on their haircuts and clothes
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but Alaska was what came into my mind first
the clothes looked more Russian to me
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
was skimming the beginning for clues, theres a magical thumb that covers the location
so im gonna assume it doesnt matter
maybe its symbolic
suriska the town is a state of mind
🌟Draco Plato🌟
i'mma assume it's fictional until otherwise stated
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Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
(It might be estonian, based on the fact that they mention Kalavinski which... is a giant rubber boot in estonian apparently)
🌟Draco Plato🌟
a wild Kabo appears
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
Only briefly!
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
eey Kabo! o/
also lol, is that really a thing?
🌟Draco Plato🌟
okay yeah that adds up with their clothes
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
But yeah, I was figuring northwest Europe somewhere. Originally I'd thought Nordic, but Estonia makes sense too.
erm, northeast.
🌟Draco Plato🌟
norway would make sense too cause of her name
Kabocha, Marquess of ✨Sparkle✨
............ directions, man, what are they even
🌟Draco Plato🌟
like duuur why didn't i connect that even thought it earlier
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
My mind will forever think
some kind of cross between Alaska and Russia(edited)
🌟Draco Plato🌟
so the name Corin is Irish
that doesn't help
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
fartha is also an irish name?
well assume europe
thats good enough
🌟Draco Plato🌟
somewhere in europe, yus
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Yea Europe sounds good
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
in regards to corin's job, it does sound like its a pity job so his performance may not matter
🌟Draco Plato🌟
yeah i like when that was brought up cause it made it make more sense to me
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
tho i wonder if he's 1) getting paid and 2) contributing to household utilities and such
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✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
QUESTION 4. At the beginning of the comic, Freya forcefully declares that she and Corin will be going to a family reunion, whether Corin actually wants to go or not. Do you think Freya will actually get Corin to go, or will Corin magically vanish come time to leave? If Corin doesn’t go, will Freya go alone? If they do both manage to go, do you think the reunion will go well? What do you think in general will happen at the reunion? Speaking of which, what do you think the other members of the family will think of Corin? Do you think something at the reunion will make Corin have a new perspective on his parents’ death? If there is no reunion, how do you think this will affect Freya and Corin’s relationship with their family?
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I think Corin would make some excuse to go and just
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I bet we don't see the reunion, lolol
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
stay on the side
🌟Draco Plato🌟
and corin will run off and freya will have to find him
cause I think it's unlikely the story will shift away from the small town
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
idk i feel like the reunion is a potential future still. albeit i consider the liklihood of corin actually going to be slim
i could see freya just going "fine whatever stay here by yourself"
and then she goes to the reunion
🌟Draco Plato🌟
since the small town is mentioned so predominately in the about Is why i think they're going to stay there
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unless his personality takes a full 180 by then
🌟Draco Plato🌟
cause the town is itself a character
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Is that so?
🌟Draco Plato🌟
"Suriska: population 150. It's neither Freya nor Corin's definition of paradise, but it is their home... if you could call it that. Apparently it's where you end up if you try to change your life for the better. What does it take to get out of this rut? It might take spite, it might take snowstorms, or it might just take a reevaluation of your morals."
"A slice-of-life comic about trains, bad weather, and insecurities."
that's the tagline
which makes me think they'll get on the train and get in a bad snowstorm and get stranded, lolol
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Why do i keep thinking Corin should just do photos of the snow and mountains for a living
with a camera
and store all the photos somewhare
like to give people a taste of what life looks like up north(edited)
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i dont forsee that working. it doesnt look like the town really has many electronics of any sort. like theyre still using landlines
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
also yea
you do have a point
🌟Draco Plato🌟
plus making a living as an artist isn't the easiest thing, lol
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
double-point taken
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
just cause they go to a reunion doesnt mean they cant come back. and you can still make the town predominant if the characters talk about it. like i imagine freya's family has lots to ask about it. so in that context it still makes the story part of it. but man, i bet you if freya did go to the reunion she would tell her sister with the foot thing all about johann's affair. make it even thinking nobody will ever meet
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I wonder what time era this takes place in, or if the residents deliberately don't use much electricity in case the power goes out or something and it'd be hard to repair
🌟Draco Plato🌟
Personally I'd like them to go to the reunion, i think it'd be interesting,
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i assume its modern times but that their town is super remote. cause if you have a remote enough town you dont get a lot of stuff we consider common
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
🌟Draco Plato🌟
that's what i assumed too
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
ya know
theres a way for the reunion to happen and them to not leave
freya's family comes to them instead
and everyone has to cram into freya's tiny house
🌟Draco Plato🌟
hahah that's true
altho trains being in the tagline makes me think that's going to be a huge thing
so one way or another they're getting on a train
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✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
maybe. i mean the trains are already kind of a thing
cause it was part of corin's job
🌟Draco Plato🌟
yeah but then you'd say train stations
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
not necessarily? its a tagline. its supposed to entice not be 100% to the letter accurate
🌟Draco Plato🌟
yeah, I know
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i do think someone is getting on a train
cause now these tickets are a big deal too
🌟Draco Plato🌟
yeah that did increase the importance of the journey
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I always liked when stories go on trains IMO
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i wonder what freya would even do if corin just stayed in bed when theyre supposed to leave and said "nope not going"
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
I'd be curious about that too
🌟Draco Plato🌟
I wondered that too, if she'd make him go forcibly, but there is a point I don't think she could physically make him go
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✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i actually kind of hope freya goes and corin doesnt to a degree. cause i think him having to be alone and take care of himself might be good for him. or more id just be interested to see how he copes for a weekend. cause im slightly worried about his eating habits XD
🌟Draco Plato🌟
oh you know what
corin could stay and freya goes but the train gets in an accident due to the storm and he'd have to deal with the loss of freya too potentially
but freya doesn't die, just has to deal with being stranded
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
although ya know, being so far from home might be hard for freya. cause she cant exactly check the stove while shes hundreds of miles away
tho led my mind to comedic routes. imagining her trek across the snow for miles to get home. corin is like "omg youre okay" and first thing freya does is check the stove and sighs in relief
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That would be cool for a scene or two
Also I wonder what kind of foods they eat
prolly all warm stuff
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
well corin had a muffin. i assume its normal stuff that they eat. tho i imagine they do stick away from cold stuff just for matters of practicality
on a side note
im really impressed corin dresses so lightly
cause corin does not have any heat insulating body fat going on really O_O;;;
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MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I made it home before 10pm. ^_^;; Just wanted to say, I didn't have much free time this week, and so I didn't get far into the narrative, but that's partly because after I read the bit at the start with the kid and the teacher I thought if I don't stop now and do some marking, I'll read too far and be even more behind at work.
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Oh hey Math! o/
Welcome to the final six minutes
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Enjoyed the start though! Curious to see what others have to say about it.
Better late than never?
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
Also yea the beginning was cute
especially with the kids
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
hey math~!
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Apparently it goes to trains passing in the night.
🌟Draco Plato🌟
Hi Math~!
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
i did like the part where freya gave the kid coffee and then tricked her completely away from wanting to grow up so soon
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
That part got me especially
🌟Draco Plato🌟
hahah i liked that too, but didn't think it'd work in real life XD
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
We teachers can be tricky.
🌟Draco Plato🌟
also took offense since i don't drink coffee, gosh
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
aside from loading the kid up in caffeine
I don't drink it either
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
I also don't drink coffee, wooo.
🌟Draco Plato🌟
i drank more coffee as a kid than an adult freya, gosh
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I loved cappuchino growing up
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
Anyway, I'll let you get final thoughts out.
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
(I don't like warm drinks)
Great comic overall, hope to see it continue.
Everything about it was really pleasant to read
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
my last thoughts are that i really like the patterns on all the clothing. its that little bit of extra detail that adds some character to the setting and people existing within it
Superjusting of ✨Time🕑&Space☄✨
MathTans the Pun 👑Prince👑
✨🐱 RebelVampire 🐱✨
Unfortunately, the scheduled Comic Tea Party time is now up~! Thank you everyone so much for reading and joining this week’s chat~! We want to give a special thank you to Claire Burn, as well, for making Suriska and volunteering it for our reading queue. If you liked the comic, please be sure to support Claire Burn’s efforts however you’re able to. All that being said, if you would like to continue discussing this week’s comic, we highly encourage you to do so~!
For next week, Comic Tea Party will focus on Linked by Kabocha. As always, please use the next several days to read as much of the comic as you would like. We hope to see you next Thursday on May 10th from 5PM to 7PM PDT for the chat~! Until then, happy reading~! Comic: http://linkedcomic.com/
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