#maybe ill make the reader a yaksha too hmm
mrpenguinpants · 4 years
not really a rq but do u think xiao has any scars? is he like a seasoned fighter with lots of scars or is he so godly he never got them? it’s...... for science🧐
TLDR: He either has none due to his adepti status/powers or he has one major scar somewhere on him. I’d imagine he’s a extremely good fighter so he doesn’t get hurt often but he’s not invincible. If he can die in game he can die in real life [is what I’m going to be saying if he scams me and my primogems] 
Oh hi :D I recognize your username. Tyty I’m glad you’re enjoying the Xiao content aha. Your reblogs give me life 💕 For science you say 👀 Lemme just break open the 20-page research paper I have. 
Apart of me wants to believe in adepti magic and he can just poof away scars but I also feel like he’ll pull a Siegfried and have one major scar on his chest perhaps. I think it’d be pretty interesting to think that the green mark/tattoo on his right arm is/was a scar but it’s probably related to his anemo element. 
Since he hasn’t been released yet and there aren’t any character stories for him I can only speculate but the game says that:
“The Yakshas were 5 Adepti that were summoned by the Geo Archon, Rex Lapis, to fight the demons that were spawned from the remains of defeated gods after the Archon War.”
So either he was brought into existence or he was human and made into an adepti/Yaksha. I think he was brought into existence since I doubt humans would be around during an Archon War but who knows. It might explain why he looks human while the rest are animals but we’ll just have to wait and see. The Yaksha in general could be human-like while the adepti side is more related to animals. He does mention something along the lines of “For personal reasons, I don’t want to be tainted by the mortal realm” or something like that which makes me think he’s either talking from a physical or/and emotional experience [I'm heavily leaning on emotional experience which caused physical pain [hence a scar] because that’s just how these games go]. Or he just doesn’t want to associate with people, what a mood. 
They did mention that Xiao fought demons that could swallow Liyue and 5 Yaksha’s were summon (I believe only two are still “alive” in the game). Whether those adepti died from the war or other causes I’m not sure but I’m going to assume at least one of them died during the war, so I think Xiao would have probably gotten hurt somewhere or another.
I think it’d be kinda interesting writing Xiao as a human turned Yaksha, having to adapt from his normal life to fighting against demons everyday, possibly getting hurt and protecting whatever remaining humans are still left. Or the opposite, where he was a Yaksha turned human. But just a thought. 
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