#maybe i should take comms for these 👀
lordrandreaming · 24 days
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When you go manic at 12am and start making a small plush (by 4:00am he was done)
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the-kipsabian · 2 months
i got so excited about getting an email that my stamps have shipped
is this what being an adult is like?
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midnightdevotion · 1 year
Hang in There
Request: Hi I saw you opened and requests and I can’t stop thinking about Rooster finding fem reader passed out somewhere after training because she’s pregnant with Hangman’s baby 👀 Maybe she’s been off a while and hangman is still ✈️
a/n: hi guys! it's been forever since i posted something- i will update all my fics soon just needed some inspo from requests to get my mojo back. Thanks for understanding loves.
Pairing: Jake Seresin x female reader(Callsign Daisy)
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Life has a way of kicking your ass in unexpected ways. After waking up sick for two weeks in a row you went to the doctors, only to find out you were pregnant. 8 weeks pregnant no less.
Now your approaching 10 weeks and you still don't know how to process that your pregnant, let alone tell your boyfriend. You know you want kids, but this is definitely not how you envisioned it happening.
The fear of telling Jake and losing him for this is something that has you up all night, every night. You can't help but thank you're lucky stars he's been on a mission for the last month because after waking up sick every day and hardly sleeping from the stress of it all, he would've figured you out. He should be getting home later today and you don't know what to do.
Logically, you know that while he plays the part of jackass cocky pilot, he worships you, and he would never be so low to leave you and your baby. His Texas roots would never let him. However, you're pregnant so your hormones don't let you settle the anxiety with logic.
Flinching as a door slams it knocks you out of the anxious spiral that has been your mind for the last few weeks.
"hey daisy you ready to kick some ass today?"
"when am I not" you send what you hope is a convincing smile towards rooster. You move around him grimacing as you walk into the sweltering southern California heat.
If there's one thing you can count on, flying is the one thing that gets you out of your head. It takes away all your fear and keeps you exactly in this moment. Nothing outside of being in the pilot seat matters. Not being pregnant, not every stress that comes with it being unplanned, and certainly no anxieties about what comes next.
There's no space for any of that. The second you climb that ladder, your life and everything about it falls away.
Today you are just running team trainings, and they are always your favorite. You have no upcoming mission scheduled so it's just to keep your skills refined and ready for when there is a mission.
"hey daisy, you know it's not fair when they team you up with Rooster, you should just let us win" coyote's voice crackles over the comms.
"Coyote how will you ever get better if I don't humble your ass every time i can?" your sarcastic reply echos back.
"C'mon just once! I've got a date tonight and I want to brag about being the winner"
"Tsk tsk you should know women don't want to hear you brag on the first date coyote. Maybe this is why you never get a second date."
"You can't seriously tell me the girl dating hangman told me not to brag right now."
Laughter crackles through from everyone, and you shake your head. Rooster gives you a signal and you move to his left ready to attack.
If there's one thing the dagger squad knows it's that when you and rooster fly together there is ultimately little to no chance for survival. Nobody expected the duo with callsigns rooster, and daisy to be such a lethal pair but you guys can read each others minds.
This is true on the ground too, which is why you've been avoiding rooster for two weeks. You know he can tell something is up, but if you avoid him, he can't figure out what.
"how quick do you think we can get them out today?" Roosters voice rasps.
"I reckon we will have them grounded in t-5 minutes"
"god not you too with the Texas talk" he groans.
"What you don't think it's charming?" he flips you off and you laugh.
Before you can respond you see coyote and payback flying. Dropping back to cover rooster you grin under the face mask. This is your favorite part of everyday.
Being up in the air with your best friends you feel invincible. Which is ironic considering this is actually a dangerous job.
"rooster, plan c"
"roger that" He goes shooting forward and you fall back. You laugh as you watch them chase rooster, it's symbolic in a way kids chase chickens and then get pecked.
You stay behind them until you move to get a shot. The sweet sound of missile lock rings out and payback drops off. Now that Coyote is onto you, the plan changes, and you become the bait.
You and Rooster know that he wants to air 'kill' you the most, which is why this plan will work. The temptation of you being right there will be too much for him to think about where rooster disappeared too.
So when rooster swoops in and gets the missile lock on coyote, you can't help but laugh. You and rooster devised this plan specifically for Coyote because he always complains when you two are teamed up together. So seeing it come to fruition and even better hearing Coyotes swearing, is the highlight of your day.
Grinning as you climb down from your jet, you search out rooster. You see him hopping onto the tarmac and walking over your way.
"roos we killed that!" you shout out at him. When you feet hit the tarmac, a rush swoops over you. Shaking it off you go to take a step and suddenly the world spins incredibly fast. Yet it feels like everything is going in slow motion, your vision goes spotty and you hear Rooster shout after you. The last thing you register before the world goes black is the sound of boots hitting the ground.
Rooster has never felt more scared to make a phone call in his life. How does he call Hangman and tell him that his girlfriend passed out, and is in the hospital bay when he has no idea why.
It's been four hours already, you haven't woken up and they won't give him any answers. His hair is a mess from stressing about his best friend not being okay while simultaneously worrying about how to tell the guy he knows would move heaven and earth for you.
His leg is bouncing up and down as he stares at the number dialed on his phone screen.
The fact of the matter is Hangman is probably still flying and won't be able to be contacted for a few more hours. The mission was a success, and then it was extended to have them run drills while at sea.
Bradley knows he has to make the call, but he's terrified that once he does it all feels more real. He's terrified to lose his best friend, He's lost enough already.
Sighing he rubs his hands down his face, picks back up his phone and hits the green call button. The ringing feels like the worst anticipation of his life. When it goes to voicemail his hands are shaking, and he doesn't know what to say so he just hangs up.
Next resort is to call the ship. A commander on board will contact hangman and deliver the bad news, and oh how he wanted to avoid it coming from anyone but him.
He feels a hand land on his shoulder, looking up and glancing at Mav he sighs.
"It's going to be okay Bradley"
"How could you possibly know that" Maverick sighs, and sits next to him.
"let me make the call." maverick opens his hand for him to hand him the phone.
"no- no I need to be the one.. just what do I say mav"
"you tell him the truth, you don't know yet what happened, she's stable but the doctors are finding out what happened and he needs to get back as soon as he can"
He swallows and it feels like steal is coating his throat. Nodding as he stands up he paces in front of mav.
"she's gonna be okay, she has to be okay. We take risks every day all day up in those jets, this can't be how she goes mav. She has to be okay."
"and she will be, but take a deep breathe and find yourself because when you get ahold of Seresin he needs you to be his rock, he doesn't need to hear you panic" Rooster sighs because Maverick is right. He grabs his phone and dials the ships emergency contact number.
It takes a few minutes, jumping through hoops, getting in contact with one person to be transferred to another. Rooster curses Jake for being so hard to get ahold of.
"This is warlock"
"Admiral, sir, this is Lieutenant Bradshaw. There's been an accident with Lieutenant y/l/n today and we need to get contact with Lieutenant Seresin."
"Jesus- is everything okay?"
"We're not really sure yet sir but Jake- he needs to know."
"He's in the air at the moment let me see if i can get him back on ship."
"thank you sir"
The minutes feel like hours as rooster is waiting. He hears chatter from his phone and he knows they are trying to get hangman back on the ship and available for the phone call but roosters not sure if he isn't ready to deliver the news or ready to get it over with.
What feels like an eternity later but is actually only twenty minutes he finally hears hangman in the background. He swallows hard.
"Rooster whats going on?" if there's one thing pilots know, they are never called down unless something bad happened.
"Jake. Something happened with daisy... she... she just passed out.."
"in the Air?!! Rooster tell me shes okay!"
"No no! not in the air.. we had just landed and i was walking over to her and she passed out. She's in the med bay now but we haven't heard anything about her condition yet."
"Fuck!..... Fuck!" in the background he hears jake asking how far from land they are. Ultimately needed to be there for you, needing to see you for himself. Bradley hears jake curse when the answer is still 3 hours out.
He hears a slam and then yelling before the line clicks dead. Rooster looks at maverick worried.
"what do you think he's gonna do"
"one way or another? getting a jet and flying here faster." is mavericks reply. Rooster can't help but agree, if he was 150 miles away from land on a boat that moves about 50 mph holding jets that move at 1,000 mph then he knows what option he would choose too.
It takes about 30 minutes for hangman to come rushing into the hospital bay.
"How is she, have we heard anything, what happened" He rapid fires off questions.
"the doctor came out and told us she passed out because she's sleep deprived and is showing signs of dehydration and that she hasn't eaten anything today."
"why- why hasn't, she knows she needs to eat- she's so good with drinking water... I don't understand." confusion crosses his fingers because none of that sounds like his girlfriend.
"when can i see her?"
"the doctor is going to come out soon and let us know what room she is in, they had to finish the tests to see if everything is okay."
Hangman nods and paces the floor where rooster paced about calling him. It only takes a couple minutes for a doctor to come out and call your name and everyone shoots up.
"Okay, well, I'm glad she has a support system but only one visitor at a time please, she does still need to rest and recover. She is in room 302"
Hangman takes off in a dead sprint towards the room.
Beeping is the next thing your mind registers, and it takes you a minute to open your eyes. Yawning you try to bring your hands up to rub your face but one is being held by something.
Looking over you see Jake studying your left hand.
"you know you scared the shit out of me today"
"Jake I-"
"why weren't you taking care of yourself?" this has you confused and furrowing your brows.
"I have been-"
"You were dehydrated, hadn't eaten and sleep deprived. It's why you passed out!"
"jake you've been gone! You don't know what I've been doing! I did eat breakfast and drink water this morning but I threw it up!"
"god darling daisy if your sick don't come to work!"
"I'm not sick!"
"some would say puking means your sick!"
"not when your pregnant!"
"you- you're pregnant?"
"Yes Jake! I've been throwing up for weeks because of stupid morning sickness and I haven't been sleeping well because oh my god I'm pregnant and that is the scariest thing, and I was worried to talk to you about it but I guess that's out now isn't it." Theres a silence that lingers on after your words, and it feels like ice pumping into your heart the longer it stretches on.
"oh- oh my god" your throat feels thick at his words, he's looking down at your still clasped hands and you watch him to gauge his reaction.
"we're having a baby?" he finally looks up at you and his eyes are welling with tears.
"yes- we're having a-" and your cut off by his lips crashing against yours. His laughter peels out of him as he pulls away.
"were having a baby!"
"wait... you're happy about it?"
"Of course I'm happy about it! You're the love of my life! I want everything with you. The house, the kids the marriage, the dogs the fights, and the stress"
His words make your eyes tear up.
"honey I hate that you were so stressed about telling me you weren't sleeping. I was sitting here, looking at your left hand thinking about how wrong it is that something happened and the doctors didn't immediately call me, that if something were to happen to one of us I never got the chance to put my ring on your finger." His words left you speechless.
"jake... what are you saying"
"I'm saying marry me."
"isn't that supposed to be a question?"
"No. Its a demand, marry me, make me the happiest man, have my babies and marry me and call me out on my shit and shoot me down in the sky I want it all. I know this is so not how i planned to ask you, but please, marry me." You laugh a wet laugh, because this makes sense, you two would get engaged in the weirdest way, and do it all out of order, but you love this man with your whole heart so you embrace the chaos.
"Of course I will marry you" and he kisses you with every emotion he's felt in the last few hours, but you both wouldn't change it. Even if he already has the ring at home in his sock drawer waiting for the perfect moment.
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vodika-vibes · 9 months
continuing the love for the skiratas….Kom‘rk? Maybe he and the reader are on a mission together and due to circumstances (a storm or heavy snow) they have to wait it out for a few days and while they are waiting they realize they have a crush on each other and find an….alternative way to pass time if you know what I mean 👀
Stormy Days
Summary: After a sudden storm causes you and Kom'rk to get trapped in a cabin, you find an interesting way to pass the time.
Pairing: Kom'rk Skirata x Reader
Word Count: 886
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: I probably could have kept going with the smut, but I wasn't feeling it today, so I stopped here. If you want Kom'rk smut, you can send another ask and I'll do it properly.
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“Well, this is cheerful,” You say brightly as you wring out the sleeve of your robe, “Was this storm supposed to happen?” You ask, flickering your gaze over to Kom’rk, who’s steadfastly avoiding looking at you.
“This planet is known for massive storms,” He admits, his gaze darting over to you, and then away again, “Though the next storm wasn’t meant to start for another few days.”
“Well, weather does as weather does, I suppose.” You peel off the outermost layer of your robes and wring it out, “At least we found a dry play to hang out until the storm blows over.” You cast your gaze around the clean cabin.
“It was probably built for people like us.” Kom’rk says thoughtfully, “People who got caught in a sudden storm.”
“So long as the fresher works and the bed doesn’t have bugs, I think we’ll be okay. I’ve slept in worse places…as have you.” You grin at him, and he flashes you a small smile.
“You aren’t wrong about that,” He agrees good-naturedly, “Though I’m sure you’ve been to more planets than me, little miss jedi.” Kom’rk teases.
“My master once forced me to sleep in a tree. It was awful,” You hang your robe near the door and pull your boots and then your socks off, laying them out to dry. And then you move around the small cabin, “It looks like the fresher is fully stocked.”
“Only one bed though.” Kom’rk points out, nodding towards the bed in the corner of the room, “You can have that, I’ll sleep on the couch-”
“Don’t be silly, the bed is big enough to share.” You reply as you twist your soaked hair off the back of your neck with a grimace, “I promise I don’t bite.”
He exhales sharply, as if he’s biting back a comment, and then he flashes a crooked grin, “Alright. If that’s what you want.”
You shoot him an odd look, “It just makes sense. Besides, if either of us is going to sleep on the couch, it should be me, since I’m shorter than you.”
“We already said that we’re going to share the bed,” Kom’rk replies, “So don’t worry about it. Anyway, you can go and shower if you like. I’ll see if I can get a fire started.”
You grin at him, “Thanks, I’ll do that.”
You shower quickly, and change into what dry clothes you have, a tank top and some shorts that you normally sleep in. Not ideal, but it’s all you have.
You card your fingers through your hair, and step out of the fresher into the main room, a happy sigh leaving you as you notice the fire crackling in the fireplace.
“Fresher’s yours if you want it.” You say cheerfully.
Kom’rk turns to look at you, and very nearly drops his comm, “Kriff,” He mutters under his breath as he catches it and shoves it away, “Sorry. I was giving an update.”
“It’s fine. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you fumble with anything before.”
“Yeah, well…” his gaze flickers over you, “I’ve never seen you wear so little before.”
You frown at him, “Is that a problem?” You ask.
“Only for my sanity,”
You blink at him, startled. “I beg your pardon?”
“I…no…don’t worry about it. You said the shower is open, right?”
“Great, I’ll do that then.” He smiles at you, “The bed is clean, if you want to get yourself settled, the couch isn’t terribly comfortable, really.”
“Alright, thanks.” As Kom’rk moves into the fresher, you climb into the bed, and curl up on a pillow.
He takes a startlingly quick shower, and then sits on the edge of the bed, “You know, you don’t have to share a bed with me. I don’t mind sleeping on the couch.”
You roll your eyes, and sit up. You wrap your arms around him and pull him back onto the bed, and then snuggle against his side, “Huh…you’re warm.”
Kom’rk twists slightly so that he’s laying on the bed properly, and he laughs softly, “So are you.” Slowly, hesitantly almost, one of his hands slides up your side, and settles on the side of your neck. His rough fingers trace a shape against the base of your throat, and he just stares at you.
“Kom-,” you inch closer to him, and you’re not able to finish his name as his lips are pressed against yours and his tongue is sliding against your lips.
“Kriff,” He murmurs once he breaks the kiss, his lips hovering just over yours, “Wanted to do that for ages.”
“Why didn’t you?” you ask softly.
“Didn’t want to ruin our friendship,” He replies, he rolls so that you’re pinned under him, “Still don’t want to ruin our friendship, but, fuck cyare, I only have so much self control.”
You laugh softly, “What if I want you to lose control?”
Kom’rk groans and drops his head to your shoulder to release a shuddering breath, “Fuck, cyare.”
You smile at him innocently and thread your fingers through his hair, “I’m not made of glass,” You whisper to him, “You won’t break me.”
“Oh, cyare.” Kom’rk pulls back and crashes his lips against yours, “I’m going to ruin you.” He breathes out.
You grin at him, “Promise?”
“Cyar’ika, I guarantee it.”
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 months
But, out of all the people in the room, the one who looks most surprised is David. He blinks at Max rapidly, as if Max didn’t speak French, but grew two heads instead
I was waiting for David's heart attack when Max first spoke French and he did not disappoint
We should do a collab,” Kitty grins. “People will lose their shit.”
Max doesn’t say yes or no. All he knows is that he can’t say anything without the Comms team approving it first. “Sounds good. I just need to-”
“Perhaps we should start?” David clears his throat. “We do need to catch a flight to Marseille after this.”
The jealous David in this fic is off the charts and they haven't even slept together, this is the best jealous David has a special place in my heart
“I think it really depends on the genre we’re talking about,” David shrugs. “Max quite likes 80’s rock bands. You know, Metallica, AC/DC, The Smiths and the sorts. But if we’re talking more modern singers, he quite likes Kendrick Lamar, Frank Ocean, The Weeknd. He’s quite obsessed with Doja Cat these days.”
Max blinks.
Did…Did Anjali put all of that into his fact sheet? She must have. Otherwise, how would David know all of that? Anjali must’ve done it. She is very thorough after all.
I first read this and I though Anjali didn't put all of these in the spread sheet did she? And then I read about David's obsession with Max and oh I can't wait for Max to find out about it, I just know I'll love it!
He points at David who looks like a little murderous for no reason. Maybe he doesn’t want to attend Coachella either. Good.
Did I save and cherish every bit of jealous David I could find? Yes, what of it?
Why do you look pissed?” Max demands.
“You’re the one who sounds like it,” David replies.
“Yeah, because you’re pissed at me for no reason,” Max argues. “I didn’t even do-”
“Cameras,” Uncle Jace says from behind them just as the elevator door opens.
Max smiles. David does too.
Okay that was kinda sad, how they have to put on a mask immediately. But also kinda funny
Max takes off his hoodie and throws it away. “Go on. Take a picture. Actually, take several. I need to pick the best one.”
“Um,” David blinks at him.
Pour David is out there fighting for his life and Max has no idea😂 The way Max is so oblivious here is so hilarious, I just love their interactions so much
Maybe he can help his family win the Devlins to their side.
Nooo, trauma reaction was big here.Max, babe run. Run the other way. Run fast and hard and never look back
He will never be enough, and he will always be a little wrong
Nooooo Max nooooo, David come here and make your man feel better!
Random thoughts:
Okay, Max talking about the woman Rafael is gonna end up with when he is in Coachella only to get a text from Anjali immediately after? Amazing✨️
Also, Madeleine saying she loves Sabrina and Sabrina being her daughters cast? I see you👀
And of course, David never having someone to try and do things for him and Max never having someone willing to hear his thoughts. Them giving each other what no one else gave them. I am love them🥹
This "getting to know you" chapters was my favourite and I was sooo tempted to keep writing more scenes of it lol.
Also not Max learning all kinds of things about David and David be like 'I could write a book about you' lol. My stalker king 😇
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kyomon0 · 5 months
Hi ! By any chance do you happen to have a commission sheet of some kind ? 👀
I don't take commissions! they stress me out lol, but you can still just send requests in asks or dms for fandom content, or if you ask rly nicely i can also do oc content.
Just no muscular people or non-human characters lol. And it could take a while,, I have horrible time management.
,,maybe i should make comm/req sheet anyway LOL, anyway, fell free to just ask!o(^▽^)o
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innytoes · 2 years
Sleepy prompts 👀 10 for Reggie/Carrie?
Set in the Nuclear Apocalypse Bunker AU.
After Reggie got better, things with Carrie got better too. Tía Victoria kept him under observation for another week, but she visited every day, bringing him food and talking to him. When it was just the two of them, she was different. Less tightly wound.
Reggie came back to the rest of the bunker and immediately got pulled into a Molina family group hug, and then another one with Luke and Alex (his parents frowning in the background). Even Trevor gave him a part on the back, smiling. Things were kind of weird between them, seeing as how Trevor kind of saved his life but also kind of broke the rules to do so.
So things settled down again. Reggie returned to his chores, returned to cracking jokes with Willie over the comms, returned to doing whatever he could to make himself useful around the bunker. But now, he got to joke and hang out with Carrie as well. And maybe even, you know, hold hands. They were taking things slow, since they literally had all the time in what was left in the world, but it was pretty awesome.
Which was why he was the one who was pulled aside by Julie. "Hey, have you noticed something off about Carrie?" she asked. For a second, he was offended, like 'she's suddenly likes you now' was something weird and off. But now that he thought about it, she had been more and more tired lately. And snappy, but not like before, not just to him. More like she was having trouble keeping it together with everyone.
"She's been kind of tired," he agreed.
"I'm worried about her," Julie said. "And I think someone should talk to her. Someone like her boyfriend."
He flushed. "Oh we... we haven't... it's not... We haven't labeled it yet." Julie gave him a knowing look. She was like the sister he always wanted, he loved her so much. "But yeah, I'll talk to her."
So, after dinner, that's what he did. Trevor was out... schmoozing, or something. He was usually over at the Mercers or the Pattersons or even the Molinas, or holed up in the comms room talking to people in other bunkers. So he could manage to slip into their pod pretty easily without anyone noticing.
Carrie was in her room. He'd never actually been in Carrie's room yet, and he smiled at how she made the sterile place her own, just like she'd made the pretty standard uniform her own. There were sparkly stars made from food packaging stuck to the walls and ceiling, and little paper origami flowers strung up, and all the sad metal railings had been draped with fabric.
Carrie herself was hunched over her desk in a posture Reggie was very familiar with. It was the same one she used to get in math class, before he started tutoring her. Frustrated but trying not to show it.
"Hey babe," he said quietly, and she whirled around, clutching... a science book to her chest? "Whatcha doing?"
"What are you doing here?" she snapped. But Reggie knew better than to be intimidated by that now.
"Just wanted to check in with you," he said, flopping on her bed. She looked like she wanted to say something about him messing up her bedding, but he just smiled at her. "Missed you. You've been holed up in your room after dinner these past few..." Now that he thought about it, almost as long as he'd been better. "Weeks."
"I've been busy," she said.
"Doing science homework?" he asked. They did get lessons, sometimes. A lot of it was improvised, between the adults here and adults from other bunkers when they had time. Music class from The Trevor Wilson kind of was the coolest thing ever. Ray taught them Spanish, Mr and Mrs Patterson taught them all kinds of stuff about history, modern history, politics... basically what lead up to them being stuck here. Like if the understood, they weren't doomed to repeat it.
The Mercers, when they could be torn away from their Top Secret Whatever in the Bunker taught them science-y stuff like chemistry and physics, and Tía Victoria taught them biology and medicine. But this book was way beyond what Victoria was teaching them. "You aiming for an internship with the Mercers?" he asked. If anyone could talk her way into that top secret lab, it was Carrie.
"Oh very funny, Reginald," Carrie snapped, throwing the book at his head. He dodged, flinching. "We both know I'm not fucking smart enough for that." Part of him wanted to run, but then he saw the unshed tears in Carrie's eyes.
"Babe, you're plenty smart," he soothed.
"No I'm not!" Carrie shouted. "When you got sick I didn't understand a word of Victoria's explanation, and I can't do math, and I heard Mrs Mercer tell Mr Mercer that it was a good thing I was pretty and healthy, so I could be a good wife to Alex and have plenty of babies to keep civilization going, because I was never going to be a scientist." She burst into tears, and Reggie gathered her up in a hug.
"I'm just so tired," she sobbed as he stroked her back. "I don't understand it and I keep rereading the same things and I'm just so tired."
"Okay first of all, fuck what the Mercers think," he said. "They've been stuck in here for years and they still haven't realised their son is gay as fuck." Okay maybe they'd all been helping cover up Alex' conversations with Willie, but it wasn't like he was that subtle. "Also, just like, ew. To all of that." Carrie sniffled her face buried against his chest.
"And second of all, who cares if you're not gonna be a scientist? There's more to rebuilding civilization than scientists." Carrie opened her mouth, probably to say something about being a... a broodmare or whatever creepy philosophy the Mercers had. "You know how to talk to any of the adults here, like an equal. You're literally the only one who understands Mr Patterson when he forgets he's not giving a university Philosophy class, or when figuring out what Mrs Patterson means when we're dissecting what went wrong with the world and politics and stuff."
"But that stuff is easy," she said.
"Yeah, to you!" Reggie hugged her close. "Babe, you're not a future scientist. You're like, the future President. You know how to talk to people, and get them to like you, and you know how they tick." He didn't mention that when she used her powers for evil, like when she'd been mad at him, she was pretty devastating as well. He was pretty sure she knew that. "The world doesn't just need scientists. We also need leaders."
Carrie swallowed hard, rubbing at her eyes. "You mean it?"
"Of course," he said. He leaned down and nuzzled his nose against hers. "Besides, I have my hopes set on being First Husband." She laughed, before looking at him. He flushed when he realised the implications of what he just said.
"I think I can work with that," Carrie said, smiling at him. She sat up. "I should... I should make a list. Talk to Emily. See about connecting with all the other bunkers, start forming relationships with..."
"Okay, POTUS," he said, reeling her in and pulling her back onto the bed. "First, you are going to take a nap. You look exhausted, Carebear. The world, or what's left of it, will still be there for you to conquer tomorrow."
For a moment, he thought Carrie was going to argue with him. "Will you stay?" she asked instead.
"For as long as you want me too," he agreed.
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dells-bells · 2 years
delllllllllllzzzz! any chance of a wip snippet? we're on tenterhooks for you to grace us with your lovely, brilliant content!!
babes! 🥺😭💙 this is so sweet to find in my inbox, thank you so much!
I do not have anything recently written—life kind of derailed about September-ish, in extremely good ways and some not-so-great ways too. BUT. I have ventured into the archives of my Google drive for you and found you this and I am hoping I have not shared this before
(for context, young!padawan Anakin is having trouble sleeping and comm’d Obi-Wan for help, who directed him to wake up Master):
“Whatever, Obi-Wan.” Anakin dragged himself out of bed and left his bedroom, padding across his quarters to Qui-Gon’s door. It was open as it always was, and the only sound inside was Qui-Gon softly breathing. Anakin hesitated at the doorway, reluctant to disturb him. “Do I have to?” he whispered into the comm.
Obi-Wan’s voice through the comm seemed especially loud in the quiet of Qui-Gon’s room than it had in Anakin’s, and Anakin panicked and shut the link down before it could wake Qui-Gon. It was difficult to tell, but Qui-Gon’s eyes didn’t seem like they’d opened, and his breathing was still slow and even. Coming here had been a poor idea; there was no need to bother his master. Anakin turned to leave, but before he could make a single step away, he heard Qui-Gon say, “Ani.”
Anakin stopped and turned back, feeling sheepish. “Sorry, Master.”
Qui-Gon stretched his arm out towards Anakin. “Come.”
It was a hard gesture to resist. Anakin stepped forward into the room and came to sit on Qui-Gon’s bed. He attempted to try the mature thing of just sitting there, but Qui-Gon reached out and pulled him into his arms, allowing no choice in the matter. Anakin snuggled against his chest like he was ten years old again, just a small thing in need of a good cuddle. He was far too old for it now, but Qui-Gon didn’t seem to be willing to negotiate the matter.
“Trouble sleeping still?”
“Obi-Wan won’t take me for sweet ice,” Anakin explained sulkily.
Qui-Gon chuckled. “At this hour? Did you truly expect him to?”
“He should.”
“It’s too late for sweet ice.”
“You sound just like him,” Anakin complained. “It’s never too late for sweet ice, and ten is too early for bed.”
“Ten is a perfectly reasonable time for bed, especially for padawans who disobeyed their bedtimes the night before.”
Anakin pulled a face. “I’m not disobeying tonight, Master. Really. I just can’t sleep.”
“Would you like to talk about why?”
Anakin shook his head. He knew that question was coming, but he still didn’t want to answer it. “No.”
“All right. What would help?”
“Besides sweet ice,” Qui-Gon added, his tone mild and amused. “Tea?”
Anakin made the same repulsed noise as he has on the comm with Obi-Wan when he had suggested the same thing.
“You may find it helps more than you’d expected,” Qui-Gon offered. “You won’t know unless you give it a try.”
“Tea is disgusting. No thanks.”
“All right.” Qui-Gon hugged him. “Then close your eyes and rest here.”
“Master, I’ve tried. I think I’m just not meant to go to sleep this early. I should sleep in the day and be awake at night.”
“That will not be happening, little one. You need your rest, and as you have many activities and lessons and training during the day, you will have to sleep at night in order to be rested for all of your commitments.”
I am also writing a little fic for a winter exchange that I will hopefully finish! 🤞 It’s not Star Wars though (although 👀 I’m having Thoughts™️ 👀 so if we’re lucky maybe I’ll write a SW thing before Christmas🤞)
Thank you so much babes 🥺 I hope to get my life together enough to have time to write again—I miss it!
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ageless-aislynn · 2 years
WIP ask game for the following: the blue lady ships it, au the war crime part out, and …or possibly like this on the condition 'heat' is something like Pon Farr and not omegaverse
boops gently
*rubs hands together gleefully* Thank you so much!
1. The blue lady ships it (Halo) aka "Untitled Cortana (and the marines) totally ship John/Kai" 😁 Sadly, this one ended up having large parts of itself "donated" to other fics and so would have to be redone if I ever decide to finish it but here's the original opening, for your reading pleasure, lol!
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Cortana made sure to manifest her holographic self down at the bottom of the hill, well away from where John and Kai had just finished mopping up the last of the Covenant infantry. She'd learned the hard way that, if they felt like she was watching them, then they'd scurry away from each other.
And yet they're standing on a hill with a bunch of marines looking up at them and somehow that's not "being watched?" Maybe it's simply the distance, the false sense of privacy?
Or maybe it was because once, just once she’d appeared right next to them, practically with digital popcorn in hand, wanting a front row seat for The Big Moment?
Come on, Chief, take your helmet off. Show her those adoring eyes… she thought but was careful not to project herself into his auditory cortex. He hadn't responded well to that, either.
Kai took off her helmet.
Also acceptable. He can't resist when she's all battle-flushed. He removed his helmet as well, both of them going off comms. Not that it mattered because being literally housed in his head meant he couldn't actually shut her out; she had to choose to give him privacy. Which she was doing, thank you very much.
Watching from a distance didn't count. Ask anybody. Ask the group of marines next to her, none-too-covertly studying the Spartans and taking bets on who'd make the first move.
False sense of privacy was her favorite new thing.
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2. I wasn't sure if I should make a funny scene out of a war crime 👀 Guess I'll have to AU the war crime part out, yep *nodnod* (Halo series)
Aka the completely awkward John/Makee sexytiems scene we all REALLY deserved. 😇😂 I totally, completely AU'd the war crime out of it, though, so now we can chuckle at all of the awkward, 10,000% guilt free! *nodnods* 😁👍 Still in progress, may even be completed and posted one day, who knows? Would also be my first posted John/Makee fic. 😁
3. Yeah so if Spartans went into heat, I’d probably write it like this... (Halo gameverse)...or like this (Halo gameverse, different game)...or possibly like this (Halo series) 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Technically, they're all variations on the same idea, which is why I probably won't ever write them. But they each have at least one distinct scene that lives rent free in my head, what can I say? Okay, so, with a wave of my hand, I've just given the gameverse Spartans the hormone pellets of the TV series Spartans. And with another wave of my hand and a little flourish of my fingers, I've added a condition to the pellets where, at certain times, to keep the pellets and the Spartans operating at peak efficiency, they have to go off of them.
And y'all know what I think would go on at that time. *coughcoughs in "Side Effect" NSFW* But imagine it as being more controlled than that, something scheduled, maybe a nice, out of the way place for Spartans on similar cycles to go and ahem, take care of each other, just an accepted part of being a Spartan and all that.
Annnnnnd in each of those 3 ideas, we get a pellet malfunction where game!Chief, Noble Team and TV!Chief ends up Trapped Alone With The Reader™. Not at the same time, not at the same place and not with the same Reader, I should mention. I mean, that would be one very tired Reader and quite a swingin’ Spartan party, woah, lol! 😳😂
I have a surprisingly well-defined, really more of an OC character for game!Chief, with a whole developed backstory and everything. And it's not ALL of Noble Team, just 2 of 'em. (That one actually came from a dream where the Reader was giving a report to Carter who is getting more and more flummoxed at how calm she is considering what all she's telling him. "And you're saying that you... handled them both. One at a time, right?" "Well, there might've been a one at a time in there but, honestly, it was just more expedient to double up." 😂) Then TV!Chief has a Reader no one has met before, someone who gives off this shy, reserved demeanor but who is an absolute wildcat underneath, who can give a malfunctioning-hormone-pellet Spartan a run for his money. I don’t know why but I want to see a scene where the rest of Silver Team finds them and they’re kinda running in like, “Okay, we’ve got to see if the non-enhanced human is all right. She might need medical aid!” and she’s all composed and walking out of the room like, yeah, he’s in there. And there’s John just totally worn out, asleep and snoring, lol! 😂 However, since John and Kai went through "Side Effect" together, I doubt this one would ever be written just because it's a rather close idea. I dunno. We’ll see! 😉
And *drum roll* there we have it! Thanks so much for asking! 😎👍
WIP folder ask game
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georgegraphys · 6 months
“He sounds like someone who fully knew that he is no longer the right person but is not willing to let go of the power”
Yeah Ari I have the same feeling.
I mean, I am no genius and far from being an expert, but I’ve been following f1 my whole life and I have seen something like this happen before.
Toto could let go of his TP position quite easily and be busy enough with the rest of his business work, but he doesn’t want to do it because he enjoys the power and benefits that come with it.
So he wants to remain TP for the wrong reasons (for the team), and if he really cared about bringing the team forwards, he would’ve already stepped down by now -or the board would’ve made him.
I don’t think the board is also sleeping on the team being on a back step again, right now. Big money is involved in the team’s performance discourse, so the less they bring home in a weekend, the shakier Toto’s position becomes.
Funny how Toto dodged the “do you still feel like you are the right person for this job” question. He didn’t openly say: yes of course I am!
He knows he is not, and probably the board does as well (and I hope they’ll finally act on it)
Sorry for ranting lol
TW // Christian Horner in the video ahead
If you watch the DTS S4E1, there is an interesting take made by Christian Horner (i am of no support for him but what he says here 👀)
But then i question his motivation. Money is out of the question since he'll still get $$$ from his shares even as a CEO only. But why still go for the Team Principal position? That is my biggest question.
But if I am allowed to speculate... From each generation of junior drivers, Toto seems to have his favorite or golden child. There is no doubt that from the first gen (Wehrlein/Ocon/Russell), George is his pick since he gets pretty much the whole attention. From the second gen (Vesti/Aron/Antonelli), it's even more obvious who's the favorite 🤣🤣 My guess is I think he wants to produce a world champion? George did mention Toto can't treat Lewis like he treats George because Lewis came established and is already a world champion. My guess is he wants to build someone from 0. A world champion. But at the end of the day, it's all speculative guesses from me.
He could've just wanted the position because he loved some power. Or he could've just enjoyed Formula One world and its intricate politics 🤷‍♀️ But back again anon, since Kallenius is promoted as CEO, there are always talks about the TP replacement somehow. I've searched on infos regarding other Mercedes' side of board members and no info at all about their stance (maybe i should try searching in Deutsch instead of english since they got a lot of tea 👀) but yeah it's obvious with the current result, he's on a hot seat. But one thing I admit as someone studying comms is that this man is VERY good at speaking and is very charming.
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thefact0rygirl · 3 years
Vet!reader is away for a.few days to look after some ranches to keep the kettle there up to date on shots. And because whatever it is that's blossoming ever so slowly between them and Boba, they didn't told him that they will be away. It dosnt go over to well 👀
ahhhhh the vet!reader, my beloved! 💕boba and vet!reader are so precious, i couldn't give them an unhappy ending 🥺 but we do get their first kiss, i hope that’s okay!
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missed you a little, missed you a lot
Pairing: Boba Fett x Veterinarian!GN!Reader
Rating: T (one or two curse words)
Word Count: 1.5k 
read part one and part two!
“There’s no sign of them?”
It’s hard to hide the irritation in Boba’s voice. It’s been five days. Five, long days of your clinic remaining closed and without a single sighting of you in Mos Espa. 
“No, boss. Looks the same as it did yesterday. Mail’s pilled up and everything,” Skad says, his image slighted distorted in the grainy, blue video transmission.
“What about neighbors? Maybe they saw something?”
Skad knew better than to scoff in his boss’s face, but he couldn’t control the exasperated look as he replies, “There are only cats and dogs around here.”
Pressing his lips together in a grim line, Boba looks down, his foot bouncing more than ever, “Thank you, Skad. Keep patrol and — ”
“Notify you the second anything changes. Will do.”
As the transmission ends, Boba lets out a breath he doesn’t realize he was holding in. Sitting back in his throne, he replays your last meeting again. Over and over, he combs through every word you said for a clue, something to tell him where you are, but there is nothing. You hadn’t mentioned a vacation or planned off-world trip. 
Where the hell are you?
Caught up in his thoughts, he doesn’t hear Fennec approaching until she is standing to his left. “Still nothing?”
Boba shakes his head, eyes darting around the empty throne room. “They wouldn’t leave without saying something.”
Fennec scoffs, tilting her head to the side as she challenges Boba, “Why? It’s not like you two are dating or anything.”
Boba’s head whips around to look at her, eyes narrowing at what she is implying. It’s been week of Boba and you tip-toeing around each other. Spontaneous visits to the palace to drop off more supplements than the rancor needs. Boba making unnecessary trips to Mos Espa just to bring you your favorite drink from the local cantina. It’s enough to make Fennec’s breakfast come back up. She can’t help but make a couple quips at his expense. 
“Something isn’t right,” Boba continues, ignoring Fennec’s sly smirk. “The Pykes are coming in every day and now people are going missing.”
“I hardly see how one person equates to multiple people.”
“This is my city,” Boba continues, trying to rationalize the nervous rock sitting in his stomach. “I have a duty to protect its people.”
“Agreed. Which means no showing favoritism towards the local vet.”
That earns Fennec a sour scowl from Boba. “It’s not favoritism. I’m…trying to do better than my predecessors.”
His reply is weak, even he can admit that. Not wanting to start a squabble, especially with the Pykes moving in, Fennec puts her hands up in defeat.
“Whatever you say. But when you’re done trying to convince yourself, the Gamorreans are back from patrol.”
The call came in the next night.
It was Drash this time, reporting that the clinic’s lights were on and there was a speeder parked in the back alley. Boba doesn’t bother drying off from the bacta tank. Tugging on his black shirt, he grunts out a quick reply, “I’m on my way.”
“Should we check —?”
“No!” He exclaims, struggling to pull his pants over his damp legs. “No. I’ll be there. Thank you. You did good, kid.”
He doesn’t wait for Drash to hang up, placing his comm in his belt before strapping on his armor. He’s almost out the door when he pauses, turning back to grab his jetpack. 
The speeder bike would take too long.
Using the night’s darkness to his benefit, Boba lands about a block away from the clinic. Drash mentioned a speeder parked out back. Making his way forward, he keeps his blaster drawn and close. 
War is coming. He doesn’t know what to expect, but he’s preparing for the worst. He only hopes you didn’t get caught in the middle of it. He signed up for this when he gunned down Bib Fortuna, but you didn’t. You didn’t sign up for anything other than caring for the animals of Tatooine. 
He moves swiftly and silently, mimicking Fennec’s light steps as he approaches the back alley. There aren’t any signs of the Pykes around. Or anything really. Everything is peaceful. The strays who have made the East Gates their home are fast asleep and a gentle breeze is coming in from the san dunes just outside the city walls.
Making a turn down the alley, he immediately spots that speeder bike Drash mentioned — parked right behind your clinic with a dusty cargo hatch attached to it. The backdoor of your clinic is wide open and soon enough, a figure emerges from inside, walking towards the cargo hatch and picking up a box.
Boba breathes a sigh of relief, dropping his blaster to his side.
It’s you. Just you.
The infrared in his helmet only picks up your warmth signature. You’re alone by all accounts. He moves quicker now, eager to see you and once he’s close enough, he calls your name. 
“Maker, Boba!” You exclaim, almost dropping the box you were holding. Whipping around, you watch him with watching him with wide eyes. “You shouldn’t sneak up on people.”
You’re okay, you’re fine. No obvious wounds or injuries on you. No blood soaked bandages. Nothing. Just a light layer of dust covering your clothes.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you,” His nerves had soaked up all the saliva in his mouth. “Are you okay?”
“Other than the heart attack you almost gave me, I’m fine.” There is no malice behind your words. A smile breaks out on your lips, pulling your cheeks up to accentuate the bags under your eyes. It looks like you haven’t slept in days.
“Where, uhh, where were you? You never close your clinic on a weekday.” 
He tries to keep his tone casual. You don’t owe him an explanation. Like Fennec said, you aren’t together. You don’t have to tell him anything, just like Boba doesn’t have to tell you he actually stopped by five days ago with a lame excuse as to why he was in the city for the third time that week.
“I got an emergency call about a new calf needing shots,” You explain, adjusting your grip on the box. 
Your movement puts Boba in action. Setting his blaster down, he opens his arms and gestures towards the box, “Here, let me help you.”
“Thank you,” You nod in appreciation before transferring the box to him. Leading him into your clinic, you show him where to set down the box, as you continue on. “But yeah, a ranch outside of town needed to get their calves vaccinated. And you know, being the only vet nearby, I went out.”
“So…five days to vaccinate a calf?” Boba asks, sweat dripping down his neck as he tries to remain neutral. He doesn’t want you to hear the worry in his voice.
You laugh, leaning against the stack of dusty boxes you and Boba just brought in. “Well, it started with a shot, and then into a check-up for one ranch, and then another, and five days later, here I am!”
“Good. That’s...good.” He doesn’t really know what to say. 
He takes off his helmet to buy him time as every horrible scenario he had fades away. Out of every possible reason for your disappearance, the last one he suspected was the most practical. You were gone because of your job. You’re the only veterinarian on this side of Tattooine, of course it would take you away from him Mos Espa.
Setting his helmet on a stack of boxes, he turns back to you, meeting your curious eyes. You move forward, getting closer to him as you tilt your head to the side.
“What are you doing here, Boba?”
It’s like you already know the answer, but it doesn’t stop him from trying. “Oh, Skad noticed your office was closed. He tried stopping by earlier, you know how much he likes to visit the animals.”
He’s rambling. Again. With so much intensity in your gaze, he can’t seem to shut up, spewing whatever words form on his tongue. Whatever sticks and doesn’t reveal the truth. The truth that he’s been worried sick since he was met with your red “Closed” sign out front. The truth that he instructed the Mods to watch over your clinic day and night while he looked for any clues about where you were. The truth he went to Madam Garsa, the eyes and ears of Mos Espa, to see if she heard a whisper about you.
Besides, what he is telling you isn’t a complete lie. Skad does like to visit, or at least he prefers it to jotting down the number of Pykes exiting the arriving shuttles.
“Oh, that’s a shame,” You smile as you look down at your hands. “I was hoping you missed me.”
“I did.”
The words leave his mouth before he knows it, thrown into the small space between you two and left to marinate. He can’t take it back, so all he can think to do is awkwardly cough. Maybe he can claim it was a slip of the tongue, his throat spasming, and that’s what made you hear that. Or something like that.
But as he coughs into his elbow, you reach forward, grabbing his hands to hold in your own. Maker, he will never get over how soft you are. How even covered in a layer of dust, you’re still the most beautiful person he has ever seen. 
“Really? You missed me a little?” You ask, looking up at him as you intertwine your fingers with his.
Following your lead, he leans towards you until you can feel each other’s breaths on your mouths. 
“Try a lot.”
And it’s his confession that makes you close the gap, pressing your lips firmly against his so you can taste the sweet remnants of bacta. It’s a brief kiss, only lasting a second, before you pull away to let him know the thing he was hoping for the most, “Good. Me too. 
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howl-fantasies · 2 years
A/N - A glimpse of Y/N past and Jim learning a few new things here. 🤔
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------------ 1 New Message --------
Jim Gordon
I found your old record. The one Oswald ordered to burn when he became mayor.
What are you? A stalker? Already have one. Two in fact with Scarecrow.
Jim Gordon
I was just curious.
Like what you saw?
Jim Gordon
Were you really arrested first at 10?
If it's in my record I suppose, detective. I don't remember it though. What was the reason?
Jim Gordon
... You stole a cop car, and drove it full speed straight into another one. You killed two agents that day.
Ah! I just remember the hospital, a concussion and the money I won. Should have been one hell of a show!
Jim Gordon
You were also arrested at 12 when you cheated in a clandestine casino in the Narrows.
Oh I remember that one quite well. I was counting the cards while playing blackjack with some wanna be mafiosi. They caught me but I had the time to contact the GCPD to make them rush and close the establishment. Also called Carmine, he was faster than cops and his second in command threw me at GCPD to buy time and allow them to flee. I think I shot him in the knees a bit after that. Not sure when.
Jim Gordon
You shot someone at 12?!
Well a few actually, even before I was 12 dude. Had to practice and start somewhere you know.
Jim Gordon
You were supposed to be at school!
Mommy was sick and daddy a drunkard, had to bring bread on the table at a young age 🥺
Jim Gordon
Is it true?
Well it's always the true reason in movies. Makes the villain look humain and the protagonist has some sympathy for them. Did it work?
Jim Gordon
... Not anymore. But now I'm curious about your parents.
Ask the Waynes then.
Jim Gordon
The Waynes? Like in Thomas and Martha? They are dead.
Jim Gordon
... Ok. No other family?
Dude, you're annoying. If you wanna chat about my personal life and try to understand what happened to me to become some sicko assassin just arrest me, or do your own research or ask Harvey.
Jim Gordon
Harvey? He knew you when you were a child?
Well since he was already a cop, yes. Ask him why the tables in interrogation rooms are sealed to the floor. Pretty sure he's still ashamed about how I table flipped it right in his face. Poor thing kept a bruise for weeks.
Jim Gordon
He never told me about knowing you though.
He tried to bring me back to the good side so many times, a bit like you actually. It was funny to see him so frustrated.
Jim Gordon
Sounds more sad than funny in my opinion...
Because you weren't here to see his livid then red angry face. Always made me think of a human traffic light.
Jim Gordon
It's also terrifying to learn you were already a sadist.
You can also ask Butch.
Jim Gordon
What about him?
We know each other for a long time.
Jim Gordon
Would he talk since Victor tortured him?
That's what I'm curious about. Please arrest me and let me witness it I want to laugh.
Jim Gordon
You're insane. How could have you let Zsasz torture him when you knew him for such a long time?!
It was business, nothing too personal.
Plus, and I am so disappointed I still have to tell you this but : it's Gotham, Jimbo. That's how it works here.
Jim Gordon
Can't belive it makes sense.
You wanted to be here, now you have to play by the rules and accept them. Like French people say : à Rome fais comme les Romains.
Who knows maybe one day you'll have to arrest you boss or your partner. Since it's Gotham you're never too sure so don't get too attached.
Jim Gordon
Thanks for the advice I suppose?
You're welcome.
Gotta go Jimbo. Take care and always be ready to be stabbed in the back 👋
Jim Gordon
Don't do anything illegal!
Sure, nothing you can ever prove, detective. Bye bye 👀
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marley-manson · 3 years
If you're still doing the ships meme: Count D/Leon (because I've been reading fic of them lately lol) and/or Fraser/Ray (because I'm curious 👀)
Thank you!! Especially for giving me an opening to talk about Fraser/Ray lol.
Send me a ship and I’ll answer three questions based on if I ship it or not.
Ship It
What made you ship it?
I read Pet Shop of Horrors because I knew I'd be into it, but what made me shift from 'they have a fun vibe' to 'oh they're in love in love' was D running away because he doesn't know how to love a human and Leon running after him.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
Bickering frenemies who get really attached and fall in love. Leon coparenting his kid brother with D while still regularly accusing him of every felony under the sun lol. Going on a family vacation together. The hilarious "...him?" factor of mysterious supernatural being D falling in love with Leon of all possible people. The epilogue with Chris' drawing of them as a family as the thing Leon wanted to find D to return to him 😭
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Idk I vibe with the fic pretty well. Mmmaybe my semi unpopular opinion is that D's the one who needs to change to make a relationship possible, not Leon. I'm not really into fic concepts where Leon has to like, spend his time tracking D down bettering himself to be worthy or whatever. And I also got the vibe from the sequel (mediocre as it is lol) that part of the point is D changing and coming to like humanity more at least on an individual scale, and I dig that.
Fraser/Ray V (lmaooo okay so you didn't specify which Ray, because obviously you don't know that Ray was replaced by a character with the same fucking name, so I'm doing them both.)
Ship It
What made you ship it?
SO I'd heard about Due South because back in like 2005/6 when file sharing comms got popular on LJ there was a burst of fandom activity in a lot of old fandoms as people shared the episodes around and they got easy to get into. Due South was one of these because it was very homoerotic and had an ending that involved Fraser and Ray riding off into the sunrise together. I was like, sounds fun, I should check it out!
It was playing in reruns on tv so when I checked it out to give it a shot the first thing I ever saw was the last five minutes of the second episode of season 1. The scene was Ray V handing Fraser a wolf license, and Fraser being shocked and overjoyed. "I only mentioned it once, and you got it for me?" "Well yeah, you asked for it right?"
And I was like, okay, I'm on board, let's go.
I only realized about halfway into season one that there were two Rays and the ship everyone talked about and hyped up was a completely different ship lmao, but it was too late, I was already sold.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
I absolutely love their mildly fucked up dynamic and the show's self-awareness about it. Fraser's central character trait is his devotion to duty at the expense of himself and his personal relationships, and Ray's is his devotion to Fraser at the expense of himself, and there are multiple episodes that exist to examine it - a little imperfectly, maybe, and without full resolution, but very intriguingly.
Ray took an explosion for Fraser in the first episode and then crawled out of the hospital and flew to the NWT just to tell Fraser something he realized about his father's death. He mortages his house for him, he takes a bullet for him - twice - he carries him on his back through a forest, and nearly every time Fraser fucks him over in return, and Ray knows it, and he keeps sacrificing himself anyway.
I also think there's some deliberate classic gay subtext there, from certain lines and relationship parallels to the overarching themes. The first season is about Fraser being on a pedestal and Ray like, looking up at him in awe, and getting real, real weird about the possibility that his sister slept with him towards the end of the season, which reads as jealousy but also a sort of rejection of the idea of Fraser being touchable. And then he confronts his sister about it, and her response is to tell Ray that he's afraid to dream and reach for what he really wants. Which, I mean, come the fuck on, there's literally only one thing that could possibly apply to. And then the finale happens and that's all about Fraser falling off his pedestal and turning out to be human after all.
I also like that season 2 puts them on a bit more of an equal footing. They hash a lot of this out in the first chunk of season 2 after the season 1 finale shitshow, and Ray sees Fraser's flaws more clearly and Fraser starts to appreciate Ray more. By the end of the season they're pointedly very in sync. But their issues are never completely resolved either, which makes it like, perfect for fic imo - you can see how their relationship would develop further and how those flaws could be fully resolved with Fraser's continuing growth as a person.
Oh also I love Ray's constant constant bitching in contrast to his extreme loyalty. He will do uncountable amounts petty dumb annoying shit for Fraser and whine about it the entire time, but also if it's serious, he'll do it without ever saying a word about it. I love that Ray will bitch Fraser's ear off about having to drive him around the city during a basketball game he wants to watch, but he'll sing duets with him while carrying him around the Canadian wilderness.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Hmm. Idk, I think most people who ship it have a similar take on their relationship to some extent. Well, I don't think this is unpopular (but it's maybe not the most popular interpretation), but I really like the idea of Ray's stupid intense loyalty to Fraser easily overcoming the internalized homophobia he'd have from his roman catholic upbringing and abusive father. Like flipping a switch - oh Fraser is dtf, well then no problem, not even an issue, what's a sexuality crisis after nearly dying for this guy fifty times?
Fraser/Ray K
Don’t Ship It
Why don’t you ship it?
I tried, I genuinely really did lol. I really wanted to like it so I'd be able to enjoy all the fic, and I knew I might have a loyalty issue wrt Fraser/RayV so I specifically started watching the RayK seasons while I was still going through season 2 the first time to try to combat that.
Didn't work. My problem isn't the ship, really, it's the whole show. I don't like how it changed after Paul Gross took over - even mid season 2 has some of these problems tbh, though not quite as bad. But yeah I don't like season 3/4's tone, the themes completely shifted to basically the exact opposite (let's just say Fraser returning to the Canadian north would not be a happy ending according to season 1), the scope got way too big, the magical part of magical realism got too excessive, and, frankly, the writing got kind of shitty lol. I legitimately consider Due South season 1 to be the best piece of episodic storytelling I've seen. Season 2 is mostly fine. Seasons 3+4 just get purposelessly wacky and weird.
There's one episode I legitimately thought had to be a fucking dream sequence when I first watched it because it was so nonsensical and weird, and that's about when I knew I wasn't gonna be able to get into it.
What would have made you like it?
Better writing probably lol.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
Facilitates Ray/Ray which can be pretty good.
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