#maybe i should do a part two but im not shure it would be interesting
coldinpants · 1 year
MY COLDFLASH HEADCANONS appearance/body features
Leonard is not as tall as everyone thinks he is
He uses special insoles and high-heeled shoes to make himself appear taller (he'll never admit it).
The first time Barry saw Leonard without shoes, he was like, "I can put my chin on his head, wow!"
Lisa and Mick call him all the names of the dwarves from Snow White in a chaotic order.
(and I'm aware that in real life Wentworth is taller than Grant, but that still doesn't explain why Len looks so small next to Barry)
Barry is actually blond (an homage to the comic book Flash)
He started dyeing his hair in high school because he thought he looked older with dark hair.
After the lightning strike, Barry had to dye him hair much more often than before. Almost all the dye washes off his head after one wash.
Leonard had gotten used to dating a brown-haired guy during the day and falling asleep with a blond guy.
Leonard is missing a pinky toe
A long time ago in prison, they cut off his pinky toe because he didn't want to work with the local mob (yes, that's a Prison Break reference).
Losing his toe didn't make him less agile, but instead gave him the opportunity to refine his body control.
When Top (Rosa Dillon) joined the fight between Flash and the Rogues, Leonard was the only one who didn't fall to the ground. Barry was very impressed with that.
Barry has a lightning scar
It's the only scar he has left after gaining superpowers.
The skin on the affected area is very sensitive (why do you need this info? lol idk).
Sometimes Leonard grows stubble
He often works for days on some project and forgets to shave, but he usually shaves it off almost as soon as he notices the stubble.
Barry really likes that three-day stubble of Len's because it makes him look very homely and it tickles his face when Barry kisses his boyfriend.
Also, Barry likes the red marks that appear on the inside of his thighs...
Barry electrocutes other people all the time
He can't control it. Sometimes sparks just fly off his body like the effects of a cramp.
Leonard crosses his fingers for luck every time he wants to kiss or hug his boyfriend, but he's one hundred percent willing to take a risk.
In addition to tattoos and scars from fights, Leonard's body has old piercing marks.
Only Barry knows the piercings of what Len did when he was young ;)
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