#maybe for hanwool?
imamxdel · 2 years
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“You’re talking to me?”
Sorom glanced over her shoulder to make sure there wasn’t anyone behind her. Surprisingly, the area behind her was empty other than the bench. She hadn’t even realized they were talking until she caught on to their look and heard their voice, but not the words. 
“I’m sorry. What did you say?” she asked.
@dencesin​ // starter
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https-immotmari · 9 months
❝ I had really sweet dreams yesterday ❞ ─── rules!
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this blog will be only for fluff, angst with comfort/happy ending, maybe a bit of yandere and for fun since, for me, I don't want to mix up the two sides of ying and yang. or those who wants the opposite of it, I've already made a side blog, although, it needs some final touches.
please mention/say the gender of the reader in your request, either female or gender neutral! (apologies to those who wanted a male!reader, I'm still not yet ready, hopefully in the future I will)
I can only take up to 3-4 characters per request, there's honestly a lot of characters in the fandoms.
please don't request anything lewd, I'm still a minor.
with your request, you guys can detail it as much as you want since sometimes my brain just needs a head start to come up with a scenario/story.
please be respectful and patient with me, and anymore writers, since I also have a personal life out of social media.
your request can be either romantic or platonic.
also, don't forget to mention if you want headcannons, short scenarios, etc, etc. I don't write/tolerate anything disgusting or uncomfortable like incest, pedophilia, racism, etc.
If I may feel uncomfortable with any request, which is gonna be rare, I can always decline it.
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fandoms that mari is in and writes for:
reminder: that the names with the color purple on it are indicating that they are strictly platonic
study group - gamin yoon, hanwool phi, minhwan ma, jiwoo lee, heewon choi, sehyun kim, jun lee, hankyeon lee, geonyeob park, minhee jang, siwon cheon, sunchul kim, hyeonu lee, (may possibly add more)
blood of the butterfly - maehwa baek, jaeyon shing, sara lopez, hajin seo, (may possibly add more)
akuneko (devil butler with [a] black cat) - all of the devil butlers + muu, (may probably add more)
i became the male lead's adopted daughter - phileo, leonia, (may possibly add more)
zomgan - mirae on, (may possibly add more)
becoming the dark hero's daughter - lea/leticia, jade de lewelton, duke kallen de lewelton, marianne de lewelton, (might add more)
project sekai - vivid bad squad, wonderlands x showtime, (may add more since I've still have to read the other bands stories)
twisted wonderland - possibly all + grim and ortho (except for the adults and event characters)
surviving as a maid in a horror game - adrian caiser von der paltzgraf, hilda (might add more)
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xhxnne · 2 years
SEND ME ♡ + A SHIP AND I’LL TELL YOU… [ ship of your choice? ]
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Sungmin - Hanwool
Who is the most affectionate?
➤ Sungmin. He is very affectionate.~
Who initiates the handholding?
➤ Maybe Hanwool?
Who worries more for the other?
➤ Both but Sungmin tends to be more protective.~
Who is more likely to ask for help?
➤ I think it will be hard for both. haha
Who is the one always losing the keys?
➤ Sungmin- Hanwool has everything in his bag. lol
Who leaves little love notes for the other?
➤ Maybe Hanwool? I feel like he’d do it.
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there?
➤ Probably Sungmin.~
Who is more likely to propose to the other?
➤ I’ll give this one to Hanwool. ~
Who introduced the other to their family first?
➤ I’m sure it would be Sungmin. He is always with his daughter and his parents live really close.
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair?
➤ Sungmin probably!
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated?
➤ Sungmin. He’d check on him often.
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other?
➤ I don't think there'd be the need but Sungmin would.~
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other?
➤ Hanwool, I think he would!
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things?
➤ I’ll give this one to Hanwool too. lol
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
➤ Sungmin for sure.~
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Ren - Daehyun
Who is the most affectionate?
➤ Ren. No doubt. lol
Who initiates the handholding?
➤ Ren. lol
Who worries more for the other?
➤ Daehyun, mainly because of Ren's condition.~
Who is more likely to ask for help?
➤ Ren. He is used to it. ~
Who is the one always losing the keys?
➤ Neither of them. ~
Who leaves little love notes for the other?
➤ I don’t think they’d do that. Not even texts tho lol mostly calls.
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there?
➤ Probably Ren. ~
Who is more likely to propose to the other?
➤ This one is hard but I feel like Daehyun might actually do it.~
Who introduced the other to their family first?
➤ Ren. He is close to his parents but they live in Japan so they can vacation there too. lol
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair?
➤ Maybe Daehyun? Since Ren has longer hair.
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated?
➤ Daehyun. I KNOW IT!
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other?
➤ Both but leaning more towards Daehyun.
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other?
➤ Simple surprises... Ren.
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things?
➤ Neither of them.~
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
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I went for two but picking them was so hard ;; so here's my solution lol using a tool for random numbers! haha
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levantcrs · 1 year
"That's a good idea, at least there's more space for them to run around. Maybe in one of those ball pits!" Oh the thought had Hanwool excited already, jumping into a large ballpit and playing in it. "You're not innocent! Sora! It's dinner buddy!" He shouted out as he placed all the plates and chopsticks on the table along with some bowls of rice. "Let's eat!"
"we can see if we can rent out like a play center for the party" chris giggles. he manages to come back with sora walking in front of him, "ha'woo appa~!" the toddler greets, running to him happily, "ready to eat? hanwool appa cooked for us."
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okay okay this time I have funny dialogue(?) it's like reader saying they love ..... but saying wrong name and they're like bruh you must be drunk that's not my name (it can be reader actually drunk or just saying wrong name accidentally) for study group minhwan, hanwool and geonyeob pls(you can add characters!) please be fluff/good endings pls not too serious lol, thank you!! and love your work xx
Thank you for your request!
[ Minwhan Ma, Hanwool Phi, Geonyeob Park x Gn! Reader ] - Saying someone else's name while drunk.
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Maybe drinking wasn't the best thing to do when you have just finished reading the novel you've been dying hard over, tears fell from your eyes, and your boyfriend watches on with a neutral expression on his face. The bottle of soju that was on the table was now in your hand as you took another swig of the bottle.
A sigh was heard from the man beside you before taking the bottle away from your hand and putting it far, far, away from your reach. Seeing the bottle of soju getting farther and farther away, a whine left your lips. "What are you even sad about?" He asks.
"It's just, you know the feeling when you're too attached to a novel and now you're crying your insides out because it just ended? LIKE." Another sob escapes you and your boyfriend watch on with a dumb look on his handsome features. "Sober up." He handed you a glass of water.
You peered over the glass of water, the crystal liquid reflects the light of the moon that was peering over the window. Another sob escapes you as it reminds you of your favorite character from the novel that you have just finished reading. "Huhuhu, Moondae-ah. I love you… Moondae-ah."
If it weren't for the alcohol flooding your veins and brain controls you would have noticed how the room's temperature lowered down and how your boyfriend seems too willing to kill someone right now.
Minwhan Ma:
Man's shock, who is this Moondae-ah? Hmm? Care to tell him? He's so shocked that he stared at your drunken mess of a figure for a minute before taking away the glass of water that he obediently and worriedly handed over to you.
How dare you drink the water that he oh so lovingly gave you when you're just going to spout nonsense? Especially a man's name. He'll smile at you so intimidatingly from the side and because of the alcohol blocking your brain censors you thought that it was his usual lovesick smile. Not.
"Care to tell me who this person is?" He stares at you menacingly before getting his phone out of his pocket and taking a picture of you, even though this situation was shitty and all, with the prospect that you MIGHT have been cheating on him. You still look cute and he needs another addition to his [y/n] folders.
He clicks on the voice record button to record this for future purposes (like finding the dude who has the guts to flirt with you when you're taken and for blackmailing purposes if you didn't cheat on him.)
"Why do you ask?" You hiccuped and tried to get to the water that was beside Minwhan with great difficulty, your limbs were heavy and the painful migraine coursing through your head was another one of your problems. Minwhan continued to smile before pulling the cup of water away from your reach causing another whine to leave your lips.
"I'm just interested." And lo and behold, Minwhan watches on as you animatedly talk about this 'Moondae' person with the most gleeful expression he had ever seen on your face, the glass of water forgotten as it cracks from under the force of his grip. The glass shards hurt his palm causing him to bleed.
"What's wrong with you, huh? Moondae this, Moondae that, then when the fuck will it be about me? Are you leaving me now? You? Don't think so. Because I will keep you here beside me, till death do us part."
You'll have to explain to him that the dude was a fictional character and you'll never replace Minwhan even if you wanted to live, that joke of yours gets him laughing but the deadly grip on your waist leaves you gulping.
Hanwool Phi:
Man's trying to calm himself down because what the fuck did you mean about that? Are you replacing him right now? You're cheating and he didn't even figure it out? Was he too blinded by love to not even notice even a little thing about it? Sure, he had his fair share of girls but he all dropped them in an instant when he found his relationship with you.
To think that you can't even commit yourself to a relationship with him has him feeling all iffy and disgusted all over, Hanwool's already calling his personnel to find information about this person. He still has hope that this person might have been a relative of yours and not the boyfriend you have been cheating him off.
He breathes in and out before shoving the contents of the glass of water down your throat, though he still tries to be gentle with him, wiping off the excess liquid that escapes the confines of your mouth or making sure to not drown or make you choke. Even though there's a possibility that you may be cheating, he still loves you and will still care for you with all of his darkened and rotten heart.
And as soon as his phone's notification was heard he whipped it out so fast to read the message that his personnel had given him and only to find nothing. No existing records were found. He raised a brow before peeking at your figure that was slumped on the wooden table.
If his personnel can't find anything, he's taking it into his own hands. He searched every social media outlet just to find out that this 'Moondae' person you were talking about was a fictional character. He peered up at you as he saw you trying hard to cover up your laughter.
"Ahem, you know that out of the thirty guys in line you're the one I love the most, Hanwool."
"Are you joking or are you saying you have thirty guys in mind?" The glare on his face shuts you up and encourages you to pull the man close and kiss him on the lips, lest you want to get out of the house safe and sound.
Geonyeob Park:
He looks at you as if you plucked the stars out of the sky and gave them to him personally, this man has put up with you for years. And he knows that you aren't that type of person right? Right?
He double-checked his notes about you inside of his head before nodding to himself and coming to a hypothesis that this person that you muttered about that you 'love' him was a fictional character in the novel that you have been reading.
Now, since he has come to a hypothesis. He's browsing through his mind on what novel it was, "was it Lookism? No, if it was that they would have been raving on and on about DG, Wmmap? If it is then they should be talking about Athanasia non-stop." He knows all of the novels that you have read with how many times you have sat him down and talked about them for hours.
Safe to say that he has a mental note about all of the novels that you have read and your favorite characters, and since he hasn't heard of that name before, he had concluded that this person was from a new novel that you have just read.
This person might have just been a fictional character but hearing you say you love him? Now, that's a big no, no. He sighs fondly and shakes his head to get rid of thoughts that dared bother him before putting his palms on each of your cheeks and pulling you closer towards him.
"Hey now, I thought I was the only one you love?" He asks you gently, though his tone may seem affectionate and loving, he was asking for reassurance. You only love me right? Was what you heard from his question.
You tilted your head to the side before giggling and pushing your hands in front of his face, your left hand was far above your right hand. "My left hand is you and he's the right hand, see? He's very low." Geonyeob shakes his head fondly.
"But I want to be the only one." You look at your right hand thoughtfully before showing an act of throwing your right hand away, "see, gone! Poof! Geonyeob's the only one left." A laugh escapes from Geonyeob's lips before pulling you closer to kiss you.
"You're lucky, I love you."
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d10nsaint · 2 years
hanwool phi headcannons!!
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he'll spoil you rotten:Gifting you whatever you want, from luxury perfumes to the most expensive brands of clothes: just for you!!
he loves seeing you play with his little sister! It warms his (non-existent) heart whenever he sees his favorite people in the world talk and play with eachother.
dates with him and having Minwhan third wheeling bcs yes.
during lunch, you two go on the rooftop and share earbuds and eat together (Remember when Ms.Oh caught him listening to the beatles? and gave him the album?? )
probably didnt introduce you to his father, but maybe hansol said something to him and then he told hanwool to bring u out to eat with them and it was so tense...
I headcannon him as the type to not fall in love easily, due to how dangerous his goal is and how distant he is, so if ur dating him get ready to get married to him.
When his little subordinate people ( Their really unimportant to me but the group that got suspended when Ms.Oh was around) come around, they usally like to go out to eat together and the would probs take u and question you but there like a big,happy, family <3
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sikimi · 3 years
Study group characters with a Mikey! Reader
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Characters: Geonyeob, Hanwool Phi, Minhwan Ma, Gamin Yoon
A/n: I'm so tired after I gotten out of the hospital~ ANOTHER REQUEST FROM @ventiaoo Then I'mma do the others!
He's kinda pissed at your laziness
Like, you sleep EVERYWHERE.
He loves you but sometimes he just wanna 🪓 you.
Ofc he adores you
But you're lazy, Sometimes he asks himself why is he with such an adorable yet lazy sleepyhead
He loves the way you fight, it's so unique
If you buy him food then he'll literally melt inside
Knows you love eating desserts, and how you love flags and shit, So he bought some for you just Incase.
He loves how fluffy your hair looks, it's so pretty! Sometimes you might find him unconsciously playing with your hair
He's also worried about you being in a gang
If you come home with bruises and shit then he'll be like-
Overall, the relationship between you both are funny and cute, However if anyone were to try and go in between then it'll turn Manipulative and powerful real quick :0
Hanwool Phi
" Tell me what you want and I'll give it to you" Said Hanwool, "food." Y/n replies back
GAH- you just gotten yourself a sugar daddy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Knows you sleep alot so he'll let you eat at home instead but if you wanna eat in a restaurant then alright 👍
Spoils you alot, and you spoil him back
He's the type of person to send small love gifts to you, then you're the type of person to kick the classroom door open and walk in without hesitation (you only do that sometimes bc you know how he needs studies too)
He would never admit it but he's kinda scared of your serious face when you're fighting
Loves it when you're focus on something, will sit beside you and admire you
Hansol would LOVE to design your hair!
If you need someone to help dye your hair then Hanwool and Hansol will help <3
Minhwan will maybe help too since you're his bestie- you both are lazy asf.
Hanwool WILL play with your hair, it makes him happy
Interested in your gang you have, But wants you to try and be Abit more careful during your fights
" going out to your gang again?" Hanwool asked, you sighed "yes..-" Hanwool then glaced at you and looks back into his phone, "Don't do anything stupid" Hanwool said, "Have fun Y/n~" Minhwan waved bye bye at you, "Yeah sure, and thanks Minhwan you too~"
The relationship between you both is .. interesting. I don't know what to say 🤡
Minhwan Ma
Sleeps in the restaurant with you, Hanwool will have to take you both home
Also another mf that's interested in your gang
Would fight with you by your side
"Y/nnnn why didn't you take me with youuuuu? Now look at you! You're hurt!"
Talks and flex to Hanwool about how amazing, strong and pretty you are
Also spoils you
After a long day of school, he'll come home and then cuddle you
"You look scary when you're fighting Y/n"
Remembers your nickname you gave him and he likes it
Would buy many desserts for you and you both eat together
Who knew the all mighty murderer Minhwan could be so soft for you?
Gamin Yoon
Gamin when he sees you sleeping on the table: "this is normal 🗿"
This man is a gentleman and would carry you home
Gamin's reaction when he heard your in a gang: "😱 WHAT? THAT'S WHY YOU ALWAYS COME HOME HURT! OH NO—"
Poor boi.. He's concerned for you but respects that your in a gang
Would love to watch you fight but you're scary-
He wouldn't admit it but he's scared of your serious face when fighting-
If you see him stressing out with his exams then you're going to help him with some and then help him calm down
Gamin would make desserts for you instead of fighting you
He loves to play with your fluffy hair, so soft and it also smells good too <3
Would cuddle you all day
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squishyneet · 2 years
Sooo...I am not satisfied with what the author is doing with Minhee and Gamin. If this manhwa had romance, what kind of devolament would satisfy you? What kind of FL or ML would be suitable for this manhwa and Gamin?
I would probably only like it if the romance came after Gamin got into college, if Gamin even got a love interest. I honestly think he's fine on his own. He's got his passion and his drive, he's not in need of someone affecting his life like that.
I hope Minhee gets taught a lesson or smth cus I just don't like her. Like something makes her realize her feelings are superficial. I really hope Study Group doesn't turn into a romance thing because that's not why we read it, we read it for Gamin achieving his dreams 😤
If there was real romantic development, I would like if Geonyeob were to have a love interest. It can be anyone, really. He just needs to learn to understand other people than himself. However, I think Gamin is the best candidate.
It would also be a big twist if Minhwan started to fall in love with someone, just because he's sort of a playboy lol. Preferably, Hanwool, but it's not likely.
I think Sehyun and Jiwoo could be a possibility. Or maybe Jiwoo and Heewon.
I don't know if you noticed but there has been a blonde girl around Hanwool acting like his girlfriend. I have no idea who she is, but I don't like her and their relationship feels fake.
I hope Aseong and Mingyu get married lol.
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deadthlly · 4 years
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𝐀 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐅𝐅 𝐀𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐏𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐒 his lips when he REGARDS the man lurking about the shop. there was SOMETHING about that him hanwool could not place       ,       but KNEW that he was of magic from what he sensed       ,       maybe something just a little MORE than that.
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some sort of GOD       ,       maybe       ,       he thought. it wouldn’t be his first encounter with deity's that ROAMED the land       ,       but it had been years since then       ,       and he only ever DEALS with now are demons and lucifer himself. he couldn’t be so sure without PROPERLY investigating.         ❛          is there SOMETHING that i can help you with         ?         ❜         he calls out rather tentatively       ,       keeping his guard up and MAGIC at bay. 
                                     @sailorrmood​ liked
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dreamslaunched-blog · 6 years
tdl; 10/28
finish the promo for my new url
post opens for some of my muses
haru, hanwool, asuna, insoo, chul
figure out how to finish my muse page. 
maybe find someone to help me make the bio box scroll 
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vitashq · 6 years
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— ( o n e ) : han-wool is the administrator of the korean metereological association — a bigshot politico whose future is clear in the way he moves and talks and carries himself around as if he is a king. the steps are simple, concrete, so near that han-wool could feel himself ache for that feeling of power and control that he once wielded: first, administrator for the kma; then, the national assembly or minister for environment or both at different times; and, finally, the president of south korea. big dreams, some might say, but han-wool always knew what he wanted out of life.
— ( t w o ) : han-wool came from a traditional and enterprising family, expectations heavy on his shoulders, a father’s expectation quickly becoming a father’s resentment when the man realised how his son, his first-born and his heir, quickly came to outclass him. even when he was an undergrad, han-wool fraternised with the people on the opposite end of the spectrum, defying his father’s wishes — not for any actual political leanings he carried but because it went against his father and that was that.
— ( t h r e e ) : a double-major in astronomy and political science was what han-wool studied in seoul national university. after getting his undergraduate degree, he immediately applied to some of the best meteorology programs in the world before getting accepted into princeton, where he studied for all of four years before moving back to korea. it was not so much hard work or dedication that put him on a fast-track life, getting promotion after promotion until he finally landed the administratorship of the kma. 
— ( f o u r ) : his time at the university was already a showing of who he’ll be, unchanging as he was, a fixed point that others had to revolve themselves around. when other people are asked about their recollections of han-wool, they will give stories of a driven, passionate, charming young man with a rather forceful personality. they will recount a narrative of a youth who made his mark everywhere he went, charmed everybody and gained followers, led a larger-than-life lifestyle that involved large parties and even larger conclusions, often ending the night with someone (or two) by his arms and a promise of a night well-spent. “that han-wool,” they will say when you ask, “he was always like that, always meant to do great things.”
— ( f i v e ) : for all his flaws (of which there are many, although han-wool will never acknowledge this, will probably not even realise this), han-wool is protective of that which is his own — and protective, here, sometimes dips into feelings of ownership, a strange and devastating mix of possessiveness, goodwill, force of will, and rage. what han-wool owns is his and his alone, his to possess and his to destroy and his to mould according to what he wills them to be. as such, whenever the hold on something he owns (or something he considers he owns) is threatened, his anger is sure to follow.
trigger warning for adultery, a brief description of a stabbing, unhealthy dynamics.
— ( charming ) : han-wool has no need, really, for deception and subterfuge; he possess the unique and rather striking ability to talk his way out of whatever trouble he landed himself in and into getting whatever it is that he wants. given enough time, he can even convince you to stab yourself in the chest and he’ll have you thank him for giving you the opportunity to do something that pleases him, to have that rare smile be focused on you, to be treasured and valued by him even if for one moment alone. 
— ( obsessive ) : there is a certain privilege in catching han-wool’s attentions. he is the type to lavish grandiose and extravagant gifts to the people he’s interested in — not because he holds them close to his heart, but because it pleases him, in a way, to mould their images according to what he thinks would suit them best. in a way, his obsession declares his passion but there is a danger to the way han-wool throws the entirety of his being behind something. he is dedicated, inspired, and he will do almost anything and everything to achieve his goals.
— ( confident ) : when all this was said and done, han-wool has and always considered himself the best of the best. once, he had been the best of all the gods; now, he would have to content himself (and how it angers him, that he would have to settle for being content) for being the best of men — a daunting task for some, but one which han-wool believes he will succeed in. he has grandiose plans, writing out a fitting future for one that would best serve his talents and his calibre and his worth. he wants the world, really; his ego would want nothing less than that.
— ( quick to anger ) : han-wool’s rage is scalding and white-hot, lightning striking down from the heavens in a flash of pure energy. once someone crosses him, han-wool is quick to react, all his careful plans and machinations disappearing in a flash due to the way that the volatile mix of his ego and his rage makes him unable to ignore any slight — no matter how small. han-wool has been known to be rather frightful, his anger a beast that one would be foolish to unleash, and it makes him, in a sense, monstrous too.
— ( adulterous ) : there’s so much to discover, han-wool realises, so many quirks and oddities to uncover in the mortal realm. as a god, zeus’ interest in humans always ran a bit more than simple curiosity, dipping into obsession, possession, (love?) and sometimes maybe even the tiniest bit of affection. now that he walks among them as their equal, han-wool both chafes at this burden of petty morality and is excited at the vast and endless opportunities equal to him. why should he bother, then, with a wife he’s known for all eternity? why bother with certainty, with security, with blandness, when he could taste all the world’s delights?
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imamxdel · 1 year
kissing the top of their head as you hold them . [ Hanwool -> Harper ]
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She felt tiny next to him. Had he grown in the last week? Because she was sure that the last time they stood next to each other, she was near his shoulder. Now it felt like she was barely reaching his middle chest.
"Are you wearing your tall shoes?" she asked, looking down at his feet and frowning. "How are we supposed to walk around looking like this? I have small legs, you walk too quick!" Always quick to whine, she had her arm around his middle as they tried to walk, appreciating that he slowed his pace for her to keep up with. It didn't last too long before she stumbled against his feet, but Hanwool caught her before she could go all the way on her face.
"Be careful. I can't hold you all the time," he joked around, kissing her on the only part of her head he could reach without having to break his neck. Harper's eyes closed at the little bit of affection and jokingly smacked his chest.
"Maybe if you weren't such a giant, we could be a cuter couple. Wait! Height difference is cute!" she said, quickly behind him and jumping so he had no choice but to carry her on his back for the rest of the way. "Now you don't have to slow down for me!"
kiss meme \\ @dencesin
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imamxdel · 6 months
[ APPROACH ]  our muses haven’t been intimate yet and receiver finally broaches the subject to sender.  [ Hanwool -> Harper ]
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Harper loved Hanwool. He treated her kindly and took care of her just the way she needed, but not entirely the way she wanted.
After their shy first kiss, Harper wasn't as nervous anymore. She cuddled with him all the time, hugged him, sat in his lap. There wasn't such thing as personal space anymore, and she thought after about six months of dating that maybe she could try to take their relationship to another level. Hanwool might have been the only man in the world that didn't seem to care about physical intimacy, and it scared her just a little.
"Can I have a kiss?" she asked sweetly, smiling when Hanwool gave her a peck. Harper leaned in to kiss him again, matching his pleased expression, then again, and let it last a few seconds longer. No resistance. Then longer, and started moving her mouth across his jaw and neck, hinting that she wanted to move things further. Harper slid to straddle his lap, though didn't feel his arms go around her waist and his head seemingly turned so she couldn't kiss him anymore.
Not wanting to put him in to feeling uncomfortable, since he'd made it clear early in their relationship he wasn't used to physical touches with a girl, she pulled away, though still stayed sitting on his lap.
"Do you...not want to?" she asked, hiding the hurt in her voice because this couldn't be about her and her selfish desires. "It's okay, oppa. If you're not ready, it's okay. We can keep waiting until you are ready." Harper took both his hands in each of hers, pulling them up to kiss his palms.
"But what if I'm not ready, Harper? What if I don't know how to make you happy?"
Harper frowned. He'd made her happy already in the last six months without it. Though she was still a woman, contrary to what others believed, did have needs and desires. She wanted to feel wanted and satisfied; she'd already known Hanwool wouldn't be the type to fulfill every desire, but maybe he'd surprise her.
"Then we keep waiting for as long as you need," she assured him, bending down to kiss his cheek with nothing but love for her boyfriend. "If you want, I could...teach you how. Show you, if you wanted. We could practice...
fun bedroom times // @dencesin
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imamxdel · 9 months
To : Sorom From : Hanwool
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Noona, thank you for the family, for everything. I can't thank you enough. I hope you can have some time to relax after the stressful holidays.
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"You even got the good quality ones." Had he been paying attention to what brands she'd used? Hanwool really outdid himself this year, Sorom leaning across the wrapping paper on the floor to kiss her husband.
"We should use this together. The bath bomb would be lovely to share. I'll massage the oils and lotions in your face. I promise it will feel amazing!" She was only partly joking. "Maybe a date night at the spa for the two of us. I can call my parents to watch the twins for a night."
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imamxdel · 1 year
“Who are you?” [ Hanwool -> Sorom ]
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"My name is Sorom. I'm your wife..." It wasn't supposed to happen this way. Hanwool was sweet, kind...to see that hurt expression on his face because he must feel guilty for not recognizing her broke everything inside the woman. It was never supposed to happen like this.
"It's ok...I'm going to help you through this," she promised, putting on a strong face to not make him feel any worse. "You were in an accident. You're ok, physically, but the doctors said you'll have some memory loss...and that's fine. We'll get through this together." She wasn't able to stop herself from pulling on his hand and kissing it, momentarily forgetting she was a stranger to him in that moment.
Smoothing back his soft hair, smiling. They'd fallen in love quick. Sorom was confident it could happen again, and that maybe this time she wouldn't take their love for granted. She'd been spending too much time at work. She'd quit her job for him. Hanwool would always be first to her.
"...I'm going to call your parents and brother and tell them you're awake. They've been worried about you."
Send "Who are you?" and my muse will re-introduce themselves to your muse after yours has been in an accident and is suffering from amnesia // @dencesin
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imamxdel · 1 year
[ itch ] [ Hanwool -> Sorom ]
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Sorom would be the worst mother ever right now if she moved. The book still lay open in her lap, now untouched and still on the last page she'd read about six times over now because there wasn't anything else for her to look at. She was scared if she moved the slightest inch the twins would wake up; it's not like they'd start fussing, they were well behaved toddlers and would just coo to go back to sleep again.
It's that Sorom didn't want to move. They looked so adorable how they fell asleep during their evening story time, each child on the side of her and both of them out within the same minute of each other, heads against the crook of both elbows and snoozing too adorably. Sorom was sure any dreams they were having were precious and just as sweet as them.
"Hanwool!" It was a hushed, yet loud whisper. She'd repeated it a few times before her clueless looking husband turned the corner, toothbrush in his mouth and suds escaping the sides of his lips, and dressed in his pajamas.
The sight might've been more precious if Sorom wasn't twitching her face so much.
"My nose itches."
Another face twitch, as if that would relieve the itch that was bothering her. She silently pleaded with her husband who just chuckled and ever so gently leaned over and scratched her nose for her. Sorom sighed in relief, looking down at both of their children again.
"I think we'll start moving story time to bedtime now. I can't keep getting stuck like this," she sighed as Hanwool bent down to scoop up Hana in his arms, toothbrush still sticking out of his mouth. "I'll take Minjun to bed...maybe you should finish brushing your teeth before taking Hana," she laughed.
@dencesin // comfortable intimacy
[ itch ] sender assists receiver with an itch they can't reach
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