#maybe everyone already noticed tjis and i’m saying nothing but come on man doesn’t this make you ill
bizlybebo · 2 months
hi no come here actually i’m trying to sleep but
so i’ve been very slowly getting through the rolleds for pd lately cause i never actually listened to them and in the rolled for s1 ep24 they say that yakko couldn’t come to jrwiweek, which was why things ended the way they did for ashe. yakko and bizly talked about spending the night before adding a bunch of cool shit to the tricksters character sheet and just having fun with it.
come here. come here i’m grabbing you oh so gently by the face. do you see where i’m going with this when i bring this up.
ashe was forever doomed from the start by something so arbitrary (player scheduling/location), but it created such a compelling narrative. ashe was never going to make it, even if yakko rolled higher than a 2 on that final will save. because ashe wasn’t meant to.
and ashe’s entire thing is having a life that is already written for you— a story about losing control of your own body, of destroying that which cannot be fixed, of becoming a shut in to escape the tale that aches to follow you, only playing further into the plot of having external powers decide your life for you. when you finally take the reins and take agency of your own life you fall to that same doom, but this time at least you can pretend you had a choice in it. maybe you always knew it was gonna happen but this time it felt worth it in a sense. can’t you hear me
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