#maybe even about the EC where it was said kevin used to talk a lot about history but he stopped because the peoppe around him got annoyed
kevinsdsy · 3 months
I'm genuinely so in love with Kevin like.... conceptually??? as in, I find myself thinking about him so often and so constantly but it isn't in a "i wish he was real so we can date" it's more like "i wish you were real because you're great." if that makes sense?
I'm aware he's lowkey not ideal as a friend (he IS getting better, I'm his lawyer trust.) but I just notice these things that make me love him like how he takes what's given with gratitude, his subtle shows of worry, the trust he has in Jeremy and Jean both, the reliance on Andrew. I love the way that he gained confidence in himself and now is much more comfortable with his life, the way he embraces the title of "Queen" because he knows he's better than R*ko and AUGH I love he's a history nerd, it makes sense for him to enjoy looking at the past and learning from it... even the other day i went shopping for clothes and thought about what he'd look like in them 🧍 I sound crazy as fuck uhm.
oh PLEASE anon if you’re crazy we can be crazy together because i genuinely think about kevin ALL THE TIME!! i surprisingly dont talk as much about him on this blog as i expected i would if i ever became active but TRUST i’m always thinking about him.
like that man has gone through SO MUCH and i feel like people just forget to talk about it— but after all he’s gone through he remains soft (although it’s more hidden in his actions, because his words do not showcase it)
just in general i think he’s so very lovely and i’m quite literally SO obsessed with him it’s insane. like yk how we joke about the everlasting impact kevin has on the people around him?? YEAH I FEEL THAT TOO!!
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wellimaginethat · 4 years
Pairing: Adam Ruzek x (female) Reader
Word Count: 3207
Author’s Note: Another Request! Thank you! Also I love Adam so much. I’m super nervous about this one because I had no idea where to go with it. I loved the request, but I wasn’t sure how to go about it.
Trigger Warning(s): Shooting, non-fatal injury, drinking
Disclaimer: I don’t owe nor am I affiliated with any of the Chicago shows, I just like to play with the characters
Summary: Adam is head over heels for Y/N, but she’s worried because she knows his reputation
Y/N = Your Name
Y/LN = Your Last Name
Y/EC = Your Eye Color
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You had been working with Intelligence for a while now, not as long as the rest of them but long enough to have formed friendships and bonds with your coworkers. And long enough to know of a certain someone’s reputation with women.
You had to admit, he was good looking and you could understand what they saw in him, but you were determined not to fall for his good looks and charms.
However, Adam didn’t seem to get the memo.
He flirted with you, a lot. At first, you didn’t notice, not until Kevin pointed it out to you.
“He is not.” You laughed it off, shaking your head.
Kevin gave you a look before scoffing. “Yes, he is.”
“Whatever.” You rolled your eyes, still laughing a bit.
“He’s totally into you, Y/N.” Kevin persisted. “Anyone can see it.”
“I think you’re reading too much into it.” You told him, waving it off.
“He’s been flirting with you nonstop all week.”
“He’s Adam, he flirts with all the women.” You countered.
Kevin shook his head. “Alright, believe what you want, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
You rolled your eyes again, turning back to your paperwork.
You really wish you would have headed Kevin’s warning, because when Adam asked you to join him for drinks that night, you thought nothing of it. That is, until you showed up at Molly’s and it ended up being just you and him. You had assumed that there would be someone else from the team there.
You approached him. “Hey, where’s everyone else?”
Adam gave you a strange look. “What do you mean?”
“Well when you asked if I wanted to grab drinks, I thought that meant with the team.” You told him, suddenly realizing that he had meant just the two of you.
He shook his head. “No, I meant just you and me.”
“Oh, okay.” You nodded, still telling yourself it didn’t mean anything, as you took a seat on the bar stool next to him.
“You wanna grab a table?” Adam asked, standing up as you were taking a seat. “It’s a bit more private.”
And intimate, you thought but didn’t say. You nodded. “Yeah, let me just get a drink and then we can move to a table.” You were still trying to tell yourself it didn’t mean anything.
After you got your drink, the two of you moved over to a table. You took a seat and he sat across from you, flashing you a grin after a moment.
You looked at him and raised a brow. “What’s up?” You asked, wondering just what was going on.
He shook his head slightly and gave you a halfhearted shrug. “Nothing, why?”
You paused, trying to think of a good response. “Well I was just wondering, you know, since it’s just us here…”
Your comment didn’t seem to faze him. “So what do you like to do outside of work?” He asked. “I feel like we never talk about that.”
“Because we’re always at work whenever we really talk.” You told him, it wasn’t because you didn’t like each other, you just never seemed to hang out outside of work unless it was everyone. Out of everyone on the team he was probably the only one you hadn’t hung out with alone, you had even drank with Voight a few times, not on purpose, but still.
“Yeah, I’m thinking we should change that.” Adam told you, leaning on the table as he watched you.
You paused again, trying to piece together just what was happening and getting the feeling that you were his newest romantic target. “I don’t think so.” You shook your head, making a move to stand.
Adam’s expression twisted into a confused one as he watched you get up. “What? Why?”
You gave him a polite smile. “Because I just...don’t think it’s a good idea.”
Adam frowned slightly. “Why not?” He asked again. “You hang out with everyone else?”
You stopped, feeling embarrassed because you’d misread the situation, but you somehow managed to hide it as you looked at him again. “I-.” You stopped and laughed some, shaking your head and taking a seat again. “I’m such an idiot, I thought you…”
“What?” Adam asked, tilting his head.
“I thought you were implying something else.” You shook your head, still laughing a bit as you felt your cheeks finally start to heat up. “Kevin was saying something about you flirting with me earlier, I told him that he was nuts but I guess it had me on guard.”
“Well I have been.” Adam stated as plainly as one would say the sky was blue.
You stopped and looked at him for a moment. “What?” You asked after a moment, confused.
“I have been flirting with you.” Adam told you in the same simple tone.
You frowned. “Now I’m confused.”
“What’s there to be confused about? I like you, that’s why I’ve been flirting with you and why I asked you out tonight.” Adam explained, watching you.
You faltered, trying to collect your thoughts.
“And I thought maybe that’s why you and I haven’t hung out, why you hang out with everyone else but me.” Adam told you, leaning on the table again, waiting for you to say something.
You shook your head. “That’s...that’s not why.” You told him, getting up again and heading towards the door.
“Y/N!” Adam called after you, but you ignored him as you walked out. He was quick to follow you. “Y/N! Hey, wait up!” He jogged to catch up to you.
You just shook your head, continuing to walk until he grabbed your hand, causing you to finally look at him. “No, Adam.” You told him, pulling your hand away.
He looked at you, confused. “Why?”
“Because I know your reputation.” You stated simply. “And I’m not going to be just another name in your little black book.” And with that, you turned and left him standing there as you walked to your car. 
You got home and you didn’t know if you wanted to scream or cry, you were confused and a bit angry, at what, you didn’t really know. You felt stupid for not noticing it, and for letting his flirting continue like it had been. If you had any idea that he was getting the idea that you’d be another one of his flings, you wouldn’t have let it go on for so long. You would have made it clear from the beginning. But in all honesty, his flirting hadn’t bothered you and you kinda liked it. And maybe if you didn’t know his reputation with women, maybe, just maybe, you’d give it a chance, despite Voight’s rule about dating within the team.
The next few days had gone by and it was only slightly awkward. You and Adam didn’t talk to each other because you made a point to avoid him, which actually wasn’t that hard to do. However, you could feel his eyes on you every time he would look at you.
It was on the third day that he cornered you when you were taking a break to get yourself a soda.
“You’ve been avoiding me.” He commented.
You didn’t look at him. “No I haven’t.”
He laughed a bit and shook his head. “Yes, you have.” He sighed. “I’m sorry for putting you on the spot like that.” He told you, even though he didn’t really think he had put you on the spot.
You finally looked at him after you got your soda, you took a sip while you thought of what to say. You ended up shrugging. “It’s okay.”
Adam shook his head. “I was trying to be straightforward and clear with you.” He told you. “I like you, a lot, and I want-”
You held up a hand to cut him off. “Don’t.” You told him. “Not here, or anywhere for that matter.”
“Why?” Adam asked you, still trying to figure out what he was doing wrong.
“Because one, we’re at work. And two, I told you the other night that I wasn’t interested in being another one of your flings.” You told him simply, keeping your voice low so no one else could hear you.
Adam shook his head. “That’s not what I want.”
“Oh really? Look at your track record, Adam.” “I know I have a shitty track record, Y/N.” Adam told you firmly, stopping you. “I know, but this is different.”
You scoffed. “How many times have you said that before?”
Adam shook his head. “I’m serious.”
You shook your head and went to walk around him but he stepped in your path, causing you to nearly collide with him.
“Just hear me out.” Adam said softly, eyes meeting yours. “Please.”
You sighed and took a step back, looking at him and nodding. “Go on.”
“This is different.” Adam told you. “And I know that sounds cliche, and I know this will sound cliche too. But since you started working here, I’ve been drawn to you. Everything about you is alluring to me; your personality, your smile, your laugh.” He reached out to take your hand. “Give me a chance, Y/N. Please.”
You hesitated, looking down at your hand in his. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t like him, but you had been hurt in the past and didn’t want to take a chance on someone who just seemed destined to hurt you. You shook your head as you slowly pulled your hand out of his. “I-I can’t. I’m sorry.” You couldn’t even look at him as you walked away, heading back to your desk.
Over the next few days, the team had gotten a new case and you tried to focus on that. But you couldn’t get Adam out of your head. You avoided Adam as much as you could, but every time you looked at him he looked sad. You tried to tell yourself that it wasn’t because of you, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that it was. Your rejection had really hurt him.
“You and Ruzek go question him.” Voight’s voice brought you out of your thoughts and you nodded, heading out. You didn’t even question why he would pair you with Adam, because you were still somewhat lost in your own world as you went outside.
The two of you weren’t expecting it, but one minute you were knocking on the door, and the next you were chasing after the guy that you were just supposed to be questioning. Halfway up the street, after the two of you had called for backup, he stopped and pulled out a gun.
“Gun!” You shouted, grabbing Adam’s arm and pulling him towards a parked car for cover as the man shot at the two of you. Adam pulled out his gun and you did the same, looking around the car for the gunman. You didn’t see him.
“We’ve lost sight of him.” You spoke into your radio when you noticed blood dripping on the pavement next to you. You looked at Adam. “You’ve been shot.” You stated, your heart dropping into your stomach.
He grimaced. “Yeah, I know.” He told you, still looking for the gunman. “It’s not that bad.”
You frowned. “Not that bad? Adam, you’re bleeding pretty badly.” You said as you started to apply pressure on his wound one one hand, grabbing your radio again with the other. “We need a bus, we got an officer down.” You said, pulling Adam down to a sitting position, pushing him to lean against the car as you kept pressure on his lower abdomen.
Adam grunted slightly at the pressure and looked at you. “I’m gonna be fine.”
“I know.” You nodded, although your eyes were glued to your hands, which were turning crimson with his blood.
“Voight’s gonna have our heads.” He forced a laugh.
You rolled your eyes. “I’ll deal with Voight.” You told him. “He likes me more than you.” You teased.
This time he didn’t have to force the laugh, but it was cut short because of the pain he felt. “Don’t do that.”
“Don’t do what?” You asked, looking at him.
“Be all cute like that.” Adam told you, shaking his head. “It makes it hard not to flirt with you.”
You shook your head, a small smile finding its way onto your face. “You’re really something, you know that? You just got shot and all you do is joke around.”
“I’m not joking.” Adam told you.
“That makes it worse.” You informed him with a laugh, shaking your head.
Soon enough backup was there and Adam was being loaded into the ambulance. Once he got to the hospital, he was treated. It ended up not being as bad as what it seemed, and he was released the same day with orders to take it easy.
He walked out and saw you there.
“I’m driving you home.” You informed him with a smile.
He nodded and followed you out of the hospital.
“You feel up to grabbing a drink?” You asked him, looking over at him.
Adam nodded. “Yeah, I think after today I could use a beer.”
You chuckled and nodded. “Sounds good.” You head over to your car, you drove the two of you to the bar and were greeted by the rest of the team when you walked in.
About an hour passed before Adam walked over to you and nudged your arm. “Can you drive me home now? I’m starting to get sore.” He spoke quietly, trying to keep attention away from him because he didn’t want to get ridiculed.
You nodded and stood up. “Yeah, no problem.” You smiled gently at him and walked out.
“Thank you.” Adam spoke after the two of you were in your car.
“It’s really no problem, Adam.” You told him honestly.
He fell silent for a minute. “Y/N I still really like you. I know I said I’d stop flirting with you, and I have.” He paused for a moment, expecting you to stop him, and he was surprised when you didn’t, so he continued, turning to you. “If you give me a chance, I can guarantee you won’t regret it.”
You were quiet as you drove a little bit, staring ahead at the road in front of you, but you could feel his eyes on you and see him out of your peripheral vision. You remained quiet until you got to his apartment building and put your car in park.
He let out a slow sigh and nodded. “I’m sorry-” He started as he reached for the door handle. “I’ll see you at work tomorrow.”
You laughed and shook your head. “Adam, you’re in no shape to be working tomorrow.” You told him, looking over at him. “How much have you had to drink? Do you remember that you were shot?”
“I can still do paperwork.” Adam countered you.
“Yeah, but why would you want to?” You asked, confused.
“Well if I go to work, I’ll at least get to see you, even if you stop talking to me.” He told you before sighing. “I’m sorry, I did have some to drink and I can’t stop thinking about how good you and I could be together.” He added. “I can’t just give up, not when I feel like this about you. I tried and I can’t.”
You sat there, facing him. You didn’t know what to say.
“Say something.” Adam said quietly, brown eyes meeting your Y/EC eyes. “Please.”
You reached over and took his hand in yours. “Adam.” You spoke softly, and you could see the sadness wash over him, causing you to pause.
He nodded, swallowing hard. “Sorry, I just needed to get it off my chest.” He said quietly, not looking at you anymore. He reached for the door handle again, only stopping when your grip tightened on his hand.
“What makes you think this is going to be any different?” You asked quietly, looking at your hands together.
He was quiet for a moment, adjusting in the seat to look at you again. “Because I’ve never felt like this before.” He told you softly. “Everyday I fall in love with you more and more.” He sighed softly and squeezed your hand gently. “I love you, and I’ll walk away if that’s what you really want, but not before I at least try to show that I mean it.”
Your eyes snapped up to meet his eyes when he said that. “What?”
He ran his free hand over his face. “Yeah, I just said that.” He spoke, but not directed towards you, as he looked forward and leaned back in the seat.
You knew he’d had some to drink, which caused you to question what he was saying. You patted his hand gently with your other hand. “Adam, let’s talk about this when you’re sober.” You said softly.
He looked over at you for what felt like a long time, it felt like he was looking into your soul honestly. “I meant it.” He told you honestly. “I love you, but if you tell me that you really don’t want me, then I’ll stop, but I need to hear you say it. I need you to tell me that there’s no chance for us.”
“Adam, you’re drunk.” You whispered.
Adam shook his head. “I’m not that drunk that I don’t know what I’m saying.”
You looked at him for a moment. “I’m scared.” You said quietly. “You have a reputation-” You stopped and shook your head some.
“I know I do.” Adam told you quietly. “But I swear this is different and I’ll wait as long as it takes.”
“You’d actually wait?” You asked quietly.
“For however long it takes.” Adam answered you honestly. “I’d do anything to prove to you that this is different, Y/N.”
You watched him for a moment before leaning over and kissing him, he was taken off guard but was quick to kiss you back.
He was the one to pull back and lean his forehead against yours, but he didn’t say anything, his eyes remained closed.
You remained quiet for a moment before sitting back in your seat, putting distance between the two of you. “I want to take this slow.” You said quietly, getting his attention.
He watched you for a moment before smiling and nodding. “I have no problem with that.” He replied softly, still watching you. “We can take it as slow as you want, I’m willing to put in the effort.”
You smiled softly and leaned over to kiss him again. “You should get inside and get some sleep if you really intend on going in to work tomorrow.” You whispered softly.
He hummed. “I will in a minute.” He told you softly before kissing you once. “I’m not ready to say goodnight yet.”
You laughed softly. “Go. You need rest, Adam.” You told him softly. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He grinned at you as he got out and walked into his building, stopping at the door to wave at you.
You waved back and waited until he was inside to drive home.
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antiagingninjas · 6 years
Does CBD Oil Work For Spine Pain Relief?
As the interest in the medicinal use of marijuana continues to grow, so does the body of evidence that points to the use of CBD oil as a therapy for chronic pain conditions like spine pain. Back problems like slipped disc, sciatica, and spinal stenosis are usually symptomized by persistent and sometimes excruciating pain.
And the problem is prevalent, affecting millions of people across various age ranges. A significant part of the treatment of these back problems involves the relief and management of the associated pain.
The marijuana plant contains many different compounds, with the most important ones being the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is responsible for the “high” effect of marijuana and cannabidiol (CBD), which is the compound associated with the therapeutic effects.
CBD is not psychoactive, and hence less controversial. Marijuana strains can be cultivated to contain no trace of THC. But CBD can be easily extracted, usually in the form of oil and are available in areas where medical marijuana is in use.
In these areas, an increasing number of back pain patients claim they obtained relief from their pain with CDB usage. A good number of patients, seeking alternative therapy for their pain due to the adverse effect their existing medication resorted to CBD oil. While their experiences were overwhelmingly positive, the reports are largely anecdotal and will require further rigorous scientific inquiry.
So, What Makes CBD Capable Of Tackling Spine Pain?
CBD acts directly on the cannabinoid system – the part of the brain responsible for controlling many bodily functions. This compound stimulates the cannabinoid system to reduce inflammation in the body and help reduce pain. Unlike typical pain drugs which are opioids, CBD is neither habit-forming nor does it have adverse side effects. Instead, CBD reduces central nervous effects, according to this research
But can CBD oil help relieve your back pain? Yes, if the reports of dozens of scientific research studies are anything to go by. Here are the summaries of some key research findings:
In a study published in the journal, Current Neuropharmacology, researchers outlined the mechanism by which the cannabinoid system helps in chronic and acute pain management. They observed that the use of CBD may offer some pain relief and suggest it can be an alternative to the use of opioids to prevent central nervous system side effects. They also concluded that the anti-inflammatory actions of CBD are beneficial.
Dr. Kevin P. Hill and others, in a more recent review of the existing literature, agree that although more research is needed, CBD has some pain managing effects. In their report, published in the journal Cannabis And Cannabinoid Research2, they concluded, just like in the report above, that CBD is most promising as an alternative to potentially dangerous opioids used in managing pain conditions.
In yet another study, mice with degenerative disc disease responded favorably to high doses of CBD.  The researchers discovered reduced damage to spine areas in their test subject. However, they weren't able to determine the exact mechanism.
While further research is being carried out, it’s certain that the evidence is mounting in favor of the use of CBD for relieving spine pain.
So, how much CBD do you need to see results? This is a problem for those in favor of treatment with CBD oil. Because for now, it’s difficult to figure out the right dosage for optimal results. It’s not yet approved by the regulatory bodies. Hence, caution should be taken when taking CBD. Make sure to discuss with your doctor before trying out CBD oil.
Emerging Trends In Migraine Treatment: CBD Oil?
Migraines are complex disorders with many triggers and different ways of manifesting. A migraine can show up as a pulsing sensation or severe throbbing pain, usually on one side of the head. It usually comes with vomiting, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound. A migraine attack is often painful and can last for several hours or even days. The pain can be so severe sometimes as to be disabling.
Therefore, sufferers are always on the lookout for new ways to manage the pain. A lot of migraine sufferers have praised CBD oil for its ability to alleviate and in some cases prevent migraine pain. While such success with a new form of treatment is exciting, are there scientific evidence to back up these claims? Or are they just internet hype?
Although the research on the effect of CBD oil on migraine is positive, more research is required as the existing research is limited due to reliance on self-reports, small sample sizes and little or no research on CBD-specific treatments. Hopefully, as the legal status of cannabis improves, more detailed studies will be undertaken.
So, what does existing research say?
A study published in Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research observed some positive effects of oral cannabis. Over a period of six months, 26 subjects who suffered headaches took either ibuprofen or nabilone with oral cannabis as treatment. At the end of the study, participants taking the cannabis-nabilone formula reported more improvements in their conditions and better quality of life. However, it’s noteworthy that the researchers studied a combination therapy and not cannabis alone.
In yet another study published in, Pharmacotherapy, researchers reported that out of 48 participants, about 40 percent said they had fewer migraines. The most common side effect noted was drowsiness.
The two studies examined the effect of cannabis – and not pure CBD oil – on migraine pain. More research, as well as clinical trials with human participants, are required to assess the impact of CBD oil on migraines and potential benefits.
Before you seek relief for your migraine with CBD, make sure to contact your primary healthcare provider. They can help advice you on the right dosage and the legal requirements if any.
Does Cannabis Do Anything For ADHD?
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder common in children but may persist until adulthood. Millions of people are diagnosed with the condition every year, and its symptoms include squirming, excessive talking, fidgeting, difficulties in getting along with others, daydreaming, etc.
No one knows the exact cause of ADHD, although genetics has been observed to be a major contributory factor. The current treatment for ADHD consists of the use of medication – classified as stimulants and non-stimulants and behavioral therapy. The drugs are believed to work by altering the level of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain. However, they may have some rather unpleasant side effects.
But, Can CBD Oil Treat ADHD?
A basic understanding of how cannabis affects the body through the “Endocannabinoid System” (ECS) is necessary to see how CBD might help relieve ADHD symptoms. The ECS plays a critical role in the regulation of bodily functions such as pain, appetite, inflammation and many others.
Cannabis has over 100 compounds, with the most prominent being THC and CBD. These two compounds along with other cannabinoids interact with the ECS through its receptors known as CB1 and CB2 and alter its functions. For example, CBD can activate serotonin receptors in the body to create an anti-anxiety effect. And THC has been in use as a therapy for side effects of chemotherapy like loss of appetite and vomiting.
Several studies have indicated the possibility of using cannabis to relieve some of the symptoms of ADHD. A study published in the journal Substance Use & Misuse in 2014, analyzed subtypes of ADHD and cannabis use among 2,811 people. Majority of the participants responded positively to cannabis use showing that cannabis might be useful in alleviating at least some presentations of ADHD.
In yet another study presented at the Cannabinoid Conference in 2015, researchers found that cannabis was an effective and well-tolerated treatment for adults with ADHD especially those who do not benefit or suffer adverse effects from standard treatments.
Results of a 2012 animal study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology observed that CBD reduced hyperactivity and regularised “social investigative behavior.” Lab rats were administered with a substance that induces symptoms of ADHD such as shortened attention span; reduced social investigative behavior; and hyperactivity.
After ingesting 3mg per kg dose of CBD, the rats showed significantly reduced hyperactivity and at the same time not only normalized social investigated behavior, but also increased it. However, the rats showed no change in attention span.
In conclusion, Cannabis or CBD oil doesn’t cure ADHD, but it has been found to certainly help alleviate some of the symptoms associated with the condition.
How Long Does CBD Stay In Your System?
How long CBD stays in your body depends on several factors like weight, diet and usage. But usually, it shouldn’t linger more than a week in your system.
Are you worried about how long CBD stays in your body? Maybe you are facing a drug screening at your workplace, and you feel they might test for both CBD and THC?. Whatever your concerns, here is the existing information on the subject.
A study found that patients who took extremely high doses of 700 mg of CBD/day for 6 weeks, didn’t have any trace of CBD in their blood after a week of not dosing. Even at this rare extreme case of dosing, the CBD was entirely out of their system within a week.
So, if you’re a light to moderate user, the time CDB will stay in your system is around 3 – 5 days. This is also applicable to various forms of CBD like topical cream, tinctures, and vapes.
However, these are estimates, and further research is needed to take into consideration other factors and individual differences that might affect the lifespan of CBD in your body.
How Can Cannabis Oil Be Used For Diabetes Treatment?
CBD has been known to help relieve various symptoms of many diseases and disorders. And for diabetes, CBD can help with treating symptoms associated with the disease in lots of amazing ways.
Diabetes is a debilitating disease which affects millions of people worldwide. It is due to the body’s inability to sufficiently produce or regulate the hormone insulin.
Diabetes may cause complications such as
cardiovascular disease,
oral disease,
kidney disease and more.
If you have been diagnosed with diabetes or a family member has been living with diabetes, you ‘re likely to be conversant with the traditional treatment options available such as diet changes and insulin. While these two are essential in keeping the disease in check, many people are turning to cannabis to help manage diabetes.
CBD has shown great promise in helping people living with diabetes cope. Some of the ways which it assists include:
Helps stabilize blood sugars
Reduce arterial inflammation due to diabetes by acting as an anti-inflammatory.
Reduces pain often associated with diabetes due to nerve inflammation or neuropathy.
Helps improve blood circulation by keeping the blood vessels open.
Helps to reduce blood pressure slowly.
Helps calm restless leg syndrome which is common with diabetics.
Helps to ease muscle cramping and gastrointestinal disorders by acting as an anti-spasmodic agent
Are these mere bar stool talk or are there some scientific basis to the assertions.?
Insulin resistance which leads to diabetes is known to be caused by chronic inflammation. Researchers from Israel believe that the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD could reduce this inflammation and improve the body’s metabolism.
Additionally, CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties were found to benefit a whole lot of bodily functions which include the immune system, heart function, cell growth, and sugar metabolism.
According to the Israeli researchers, CBD may reverse and possibly cure the disease, unlike insulin and other therapies that just manage diabetes.
The American Journal of Medicine agrees that cannabis helps control diabetes blood sugar and that users are less likely to be obese.
If you suffer from diabetes or are at high risk of developing the disease, you may want to try CBD as an alternative therapy. But make sure to carry your doctor along.
Will You Fail A Drug Test From Using CBD Oil?
Most drug tests often do not detect CBD. This is because only trace amounts of THC are found in CBD-rich hemp oil, and these will usually not be detected in a blood test when consumed at recommended quantities.
CBD is a non-psychoactive compound of cannabis. It doesn’t cause a high unlike THC. Luckily, the urine drug test for THC and its derivatives do not cross-react to CBD and other non-psychoactive cannabis compounds.
However, some studies have found that eating hemp foods and ingesting hemp oils can cause a positive result in urine and blood tests in a few cases. Again, regularly consuming large amounts of CBD may increase the possibility of testing positive due to cross-reactivity.
In summary, if you are concerned about a positive drug test or you are in the military, a competitive athlete or a first responder that has to undergo strict drug testing, it’s recommended you avoid taking any form of CBD before your test.
CBD Oil And Depression: Can Weed Make A Positive Change?
Depression is a complex mental health disorder which causes feelings of extended sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness. According to the World Health Organization, depression leads to about 800,000 suicides annually.
Genetic preposition and temperament are some of the many factors that could trigger depression. Some medications can also cause changes in mood in patients.
Depression manifests in several ways individually or in combination:
Inability to concentrate and remember details
Insomnia, or excessive sleep
Experiencing negative emotions:  guilt, restlessness, irritability, hopelessness, pessimism or anxiety.
Loss of interest in everyday activities.
Loss of appetite or excessive eating.
Digestive problems and pains and aches
Suicidal thoughts
Thus, depression negatively impacts many aspects of the patient's life; productivity, social interactions, and general well being.
Treatment for depression is typically a combination of antidepressant drugs with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Treatment often requires some trial and error to find the right medication. Also, some antidepressant medicine may have quite unpleasant side effects such as weight gain, suicidal tendencies, headaches, nausea, sleep disturbances and more.
It is not surprising then that people are searching for alternative treatments for depression; and going by the results of dozens of studies, CBD could be the real deal.
Throughout history, marijuana has been used as an antidepressant. But how do cannabis and its compounds relieve depression? Scientists believe that the root cause of depression is an imbalance in the endocannabinoid system. And that is how cannabis and its compounds come in.
The human body has a network of cellular receptors called the endocannabinoid system or ECS. This system is responsible for many bodily functions and consist of cellular receptors and activators
There are two types of receptors – CB1 and CB2. The CB1 receptors are spread throughout the body and are part of the central nervous system, while CB2 receptors are located in the white blood cells, stomach, and peripheral nervous system. The activators are the endocannabinoids which are created by the body but also can be supplemented from outside sources such as cannabis.
The activators and receptors work together to ensure our body runs smoothly. For instance, when your body needs to regulate its temperature, it sends cannabinoids to the CB1 receptors in the hypothalamus with precise instructions on what to do.
So, this is how CBD links with depression: according to researchers at the University of Buffalo, when the body is constantly stressed, it tends to make less of these regulating compounds in our brain which leads to depression.
Cannabinoids which are found in marijuana are a very similar compound to the body’s cannabinoids and can supplement them to increase healing and growth of tissues. Theoretically, cannabinoids should balance and align the endocannabinoid system, to alleviate the symptoms of depression in several ways.
Not only does CBD restore healthy cellular homeostasis, but it also lightens the mood and reduces other symptoms of depression like anxiety, loss of appetite and insomnia.
A variety of experiments performed on animal subjects confirmed that CBD had an anti-anxiety and antidepressant effect. The CBD interacted well with the 5-HT1A neurotransmitter. The 5-HT1A neurotransmitter is a receptor that normally binds to and reuptakes serotonin into the neurons in the brain reducing amounts of free serotonin in the extracellular space. And Serotonin is a neurotransmitter known to play a significant role in the treatment of depression. Therefore compounds which increase serotonin levels like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI’s) or Cannabidiol, are believed to be useful in the treatment of depression with little or no side effects.
There is still a whole lot of research to be done, and extensive human trials have not yet been done on CBD treatment for depression. But a lot of users swear by it and if finally, CBD treatment gets the appropriate approvals, it will be a welcome relief for patients who won't have to continue with addictive and expensive anti-depressants.
All in all the legalization of CBD Oil in the United States has now opened  the flood gates to full scientific testing of CBD oil’s effectiveness to help alleviate many aliments.
The post CBD Oil FAQ appeared first on Anti Aging Ninjas.
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rlubradly94309-blog · 7 years
American Terror Account Intro Is Trick To Roanoke Spin.
When creating for females's magazines it's important to understand the styles that operate - and also those that do not. This popular culture began along with an unfamiliar by Charles Child phoned Oliver Spin in which the Artful Cheat is one of its major roles. Infinite Spin Streamer Stands: This variation includes virtually endless size and also supplies maximum influence when room permits. The tale is told as if the reader discovers himself/herself feeling it holds true. Her heart ended up being cool, all the affection that the moment made use of to become in her auburn eys had actually dissappeared. Students hang out in the very first fifty percent from the day breaking down an existing involved story as well as creating numerous alterations to it. Once they come to be familiar with the suggestion of shows accounts, pupils are promoted to create their own ideas for their own tale in pairs or even small teams. On top of that, carefully carried out had actually been actually the portion of the artful cheat, Mr Brownlowe as well as certainly Oliver Spin. Your purpose, should you choose to approve it, is to take these personalities as well as make your own unpleasant surprise finishing. Whether he's a skilled phony or even just innocent, the undependable storyteller doesn't tell the total story. If you have any type of concerns concerning where and the best ways to make use of yellow pages uk (mouse click the next internet page), you can contact us at our own website. In each circle compose your characters (or even ideas) about the plot (or even central motif). If you are actually not eliminating illustrated short stories, EC Comics coming from the 1950s were actually widely known for their spin ends. The next opportunity you are actually feeling down and blue, as well as away from love, just bear in mind the tale of Mary as well as George. Even when an entire new exhibition is certainly not needed to have, nimble implementation of spin Streamer stands up could boost any type of trade convention presence. Daphne Du Maurier's unfamiliar Our home on the Hair is just one of the most ideal examples from an 'open' finishing I have ever before read. If the concept is actually as well, like the movie Passion Aaj Kal, our experts could state that the motion picture is actually influenced or the motion picture is an accidental resemblance from a various movie. It's fully unanticipated as well as extra adventurous than any other motion picture prior to; Split a shock part two and nobody possessed a hint (the closest pre-release chatter arises from ScreenCrush phoning it a particular sequel"). I am actually simply advising that the a lot more in touch you are actually along with your instinct, the most likely you are actually to be able to distinguish between the Harry Potter" tips and also the lifeless horses" that Bryce Courtney explains having actually experienced, when he felt in one's bones that a tip had actually burnt out for him. I will really suggest the message The Difference In between a sub-par twist and also a great twist" (click on this link ). The account was located in two significant European hubs of the amount of time which still bring in substantial attention today; London and also Paris. Amongst various other works he is remembered additionally for four of his other major contributions to literature: The Pickwick Documents, The Lifestyle and Journeys from Nicolas Nickleby, The Old Curiosity Shop and also Oliver Spin. This could be performed through incorporating a video recording display in to one's ensign show design along with Media Twist. The Hallucinator still benefits story twists due to the fact that you cannot feel just what she points out. He feels he loves her, but he is actually likewise distressed to learn what she appears like. Let's keep our fingers crucifixed as well as really hope Love Aaj Kal delivers redemption to the Bollywood movie society. As in films, this selection of finishing for a work from fiction gives a feel-good finishing for the viewers. But this story possesses a twist to that. You find, as dedicated as Mary was actually to Ned and as high as she adored him, her lifestyle with Ned for all those years left her with an unaddressed beef regarding him. Typically the styles cope with love and also forgiveness, bad versus great as well as the outcomes of both, success against all possibilities, market values (Beauty as well as the Beast takes care of appearing past the exterior to what is actually truly vital), et. al. A lot of classics present the value from withstanding urge to weaken in order to reach the objective. This additionally implies that you typically aren't going to be modifying your tale as you discharge the installments. For even more great party concepts and recipes, Sandee Lembke from Style Gathering invites you to see her website. The songs tells a story, this outlines the climate, concerning a poor or rich guy, regarding wild passion that is actually now perishing. Place all of it with each other as well as you do not get much room to inform the really fascinating component of the tale. At that point maintain twisting the story right into new paths that both surprise and delight them. Pour into a liqueur glass, best with blueberry juice as well as garnish with a lemon twist and also an umbrella. Once believed, creepy ghosts seem quite straightforward until a large spin discloses that our protagonists could certainly not be as energetic as. JK Rowling said that it was her view in the account of Harry Potter that maintained her looking at 5 years from intending the whole entire set then the creating from the initial story. If it wasn't for the characters in the accounts our experts enjoy, our team would have fully various accounts. Benting the ending didn't occur to me for several years, when I ultimately did this, that was by collision. This is a terrific method from placing a favorable twist on one thing that some moms and dads view as damaging to children and discovering. Eucatastrophe is a twist in the end where a hero which seemed doomed is actually spared. In, maybe, a cumbersome means of explaining it, the last variation must not be actually illogically birthed from the early plot, character characteristics, as well as incentive, yet neither has to that be in any type of means telegramed before its own discussion. Policymakers have taken a routine story line as well as offered the movie in a ruined the formula of death. Nonetheless, there is actually something that I ought to allow the audience understand, prior to I wrap up the story. The fine art of a twisted closing is in deceiving the visitor to think one thing other compared to just what is actually heading to be actually sprung on all of them. The motion picture is a charming one where two GI's home off WW2 fall in love with a pair of siblings as well as aid all of them with their falling short Lodge in Vermont. The episodes from affection that come in the course of this time period and defining Kranthi is a significant property. Thus let us go a measure further and also look into the various manner ins which you can craft your finishing so regarding stamp an enduring impact on your viewers's thoughts. The story resolves on its own along with Casey ultimately discovering the energy to talk about her expertises, a selection in plain contrast to Kevin; as opposed to permitting a troubled previous show, she chooses to cope with the complication, which matches directly into the film's primary theme. Love Aaj Kal is actually probably to follow the game of flicks fresh York, Kambakkht Ishq etc If they do not strongly believe the characters are actually that you mean all of them to be actually, your viewers merely will not be capable to associate to your story or obtain fascinated. This is why you must invest an excellent quantity of time cultivating your personalities as carefully as feasible. 2 or three characters, or even, at times, even one personality, appears adequate good enough for a short story. This is an outdated one, which is why individuals that were actually properly read in the genre found the variation extremely early in M Evening Shyamalan's film. This session takes into consideration why you have to raise hints in your story so as to satisfy your viewers. To make a brand-new twist on an aged video game attempt affixing mermaid airfoils on a mermaid instead of a tale on a donkey. As an example, when I was actually a publisher at a huge business-to-business bulletin releasing company, I typically had a number of posts, pulled out the main ideas as well as combined the information to develop one short, systematic write-up. The whole story builds up a feeling of superordinary nuisance, only to reveal a human organization responsible for everything.
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i-did · 3 years
Maybe an odd question sorry! Bi Kevin is extremely popular, however canonically he is straight and personally I like to keep him that way but I'm concerned that that counts as bi-erasure? Even thou it's not canon? I dont actually know and I wondered if you had some insight?
He’s canonly straight, canon as in everything that happens within the three books themselves and not EC or previous drafts. You’re definitely allowed to have your straight Kevin HC/canon compliant idea's haha. And TBH it’s not like bi Kevin gets actively engaged with in the fandom outside… there for sex reasons or just with a guy but never explored. 
(although this fic does: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26733517 by @buriedinbaltimore but besides this one, I haven’t really seen any others that do.)
But back to your question, I think you asking shows an awareness and a concern, which lets me know you probably don’t need to be concerned. Especially considering he is canonically straight, and you’re not trying to stop people from having their own HC–you just have your own ideas, and that’s okay. If it makes you feel better, I am a bi* man,  and in my opinion it’s not erasure so i wouldn’t let yourself stress about it.
I wouldn’t worry about it or overthink it tbh. The fandom does have a problem with erasure, however. Specifically ace/aro spec erasure of Neil, and while he never uses the words in canon “I'm ace/demi” he does say “I don't swing (or that's close enough to the truth)” and “only Andrew”–paraphrased of course. 
*I refer to myself as gay a lot for a few reasons: community and cultural influence, how I'm perceived in society, a blanket term, and as a stand-in term for mlm occasionally because it doesn’t get autocorrected. I identify as both bi and gay. When I came out to my friends at 15 I said bi then, and it’s a comfortable term I'm going to likely stick with even if I say gay/queer instead sometimes. I’m explaining this for clarity’s sake, if you’ve read other posts where I talk about my experiences as X label.
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