#maybe even Scott after a while 🤔
Liam: what are your hobbies?
*Also adding larceny, threatening, intimidation, and forgery. The only crime my boy can’t commit is tax evasion because that would require him to have money and a job and his living situation begs to differ 😭😭😭
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lightofthemoonglow · 11 months
I heard Scott Patterson got a pat on the head and a cookie after the water cube trap; would you like to write some Peter Strahm x reader based off of that? Maybe he's injured and his s/o baked cookies and hugged him? 🤔
Note: just imagine a world where he slowed his fine ass down after Saw IV. Because he should have!!!!
“I don’t need to babied. I’m fine.”
She just stares at him, her expression flat for a moment before she goes back to fluffing his pillows. It’s clear that she’s not going anywhere. Not that Strahm would blame her if she did. They’re not exactly serious, but not because they don’t want to be. But with everything that’s going on, he can’t promise much of a future. But she’s sticking around, and he would go to her if she hadn’t, which they both know deep down.
They had sent him home, despite Strahm saying over and over that he’s fine and can handle himself. She had picked him up from the hospital, her hands death gripping the wheel even after it’s clear he’s as okay as he can be. Not being some form of legally recognized family meant that when she had called to ask about him, they hadn’t been able to tell her anything.
She’ll eventually tell him that after he had called, she had collapsed against the wall, clutching the phone until it hurt, sobbing out of sheer relief.
But right now, she pastes a smile on her face and gestures to the plate on his nightstand. “I made them this morning. I had the time.” Chocolate chip, made from one of those rolls sold at the grocery store. She had baked them while getting everything ready, nearly dropping the tray after taking it out of the oven because her hands had refused to stop shaking.
“Maybe I want to. I was…very worried about you.” She reaches out, stroking his hair gently for a few moments, which he leans into unconsciously. “To say the least.” Strahm feels something in the pit of his gut as he looks up at her, the corners of his mouth tugging up despite himself. She reaches out to him, arms wrapping around him as she presses him to her chest. He can hear the beating of her heart, that beautiful heart that belongs to someone that seems to care about him beyond all logic.
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halfagone · 1 year
Since you liked my worthy! Danny! AU so much, I figured I’d continue it. This next prompt is basically the avengers reaction to Danny kicking ass using the hammer (while still in his civilian form). What do you think?
Hmmm 🤔 now there are a number of ways one could go about this. Most of which stems to: how does civilian Danny get wrapped up in a situation like this where he'd have access to the hammer again?
I don't have normal prose for this right now (class will be the half-death of me TAT) but I do like the idea that maybe Danny is still in town after visiting the Avengers for the PR stunt. I doubt he would have gone that far only to come right back to Amity Park.
So maybe during this time there's an attack on New York, because apparently New York is like villain central (there are SO MANY heroes living there in Marvel comics) and the Avengers come out to play because it's that high level of a threat. It works as a pretty standard fight, blast the bad guy, save the civilian. Except, one time that Thor threw his hammer, he doesn't get it back.
So where did it go?
They can't go look for it right away exactly, not unless Thor would really need it right this moment, but eventually they come across the wayward hammer anyways. Maybe Danny had accidentally summoned the hammer without realizing it and doesn't know how to send it back? Who knows! All we know is that he is kicking names and taking ass.
Most of the Avengers would probably be reasonably concerned at this point. Not only is this kid getting wrapped up in a fight when he should be evacuating, he's trying to fight back? With a weapon he's only sorta familiar with? Say what you will about how competent he is, that is still concerning.
But then that also makes them wonder: How is he so good with the hammer? Danny might not have all the physics of it down, but he's obviously not half bad at harnessing the power of it. Except how is there lightning at all, Thor gives it lightning, Mjöllnir doesn't have lightning of its own? As far as most of the Avengers are aware???
They are so confused right now, bless them.
Meanwhile Thor is like: oh wow new friend is kinda badass, I dig it.
Even when he gets his hammer back (Danny would hand it over no problem, he meant to give it back forever ago), I like to imagine that Thor just picks Danny up like a bag of rice and keeps him tucked under one arm. That way he's out of harm's way!
Everyone else is trying to convince Thor to drop off his smol human friend somewhere safe. Danny is just kinda going along for the ride.
Tony promises Danny shawarma at the end. He is now an unofficial Avenger, because if you get food with the Avengers, you are automatically one with them. Scott made the rule, you're our now kid.
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sunskate · 5 months
Tessa and Scott: episode 2
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episode 1 made a thing of Marina going to Champs Camp with Meryl and Charlie - is she giving equal time to both teams? episode 2 makes it clear she shows up for VM's High Performance Camp assessments, so while it turns out to be true that she didn't support VM equally, this isn't an example of it, producers🙃
ep. 2 focuses on HPC - how nervous Tessa is is painful to see. this is where she calls Kate with tears and throws up after their FD
"i really internalize things, just assume that i'm a terrible skater, a bad person" - on the one hand 🥺 but also, huh? i know feelings like this aren't logical, but i'm curious what being a bad person means to her? sometimes ppl think "i'm a perfectionist" "i'm so hard on myself" are a badge of honor and a way to drive yourself, but it feels like a harsh way to do it and seems to lead her to spiral
then there's the cringe moment when Ryan Pyette, the London Free Press reporter who's been covering VM since they were little kids, asks Scott, "did you get lean? you look less bulky" it's not really better seeing a guy get asked questions about his body and appearance in an intrusive way
then Tessa, plaintively - "i wish people would ask me that. all i hear is did you put on muscle? are you bulking up? no!" thankfully Scott answers, "idiots. let's eat"
but in the next scene - he's having a cheeseburger, salad, ginger ale, orange juice. she's having a skinless grilled chicken breast, a couple tomato slices and some pasta shells with not much on them in small portions 😢
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then after HPC, she goes to TIFF with Chiddy (and has a moment exchanging numbers and talking about hanging out with Jian Ghomeshi, who went on trial for sexual assault the next year - god i hope this was the last time she saw him💀)
Scott goes home rather than staying, and Tessa says, "i think it was just one of those nights where he needed to get home and relax and get away from the whole skating world and maybe even me" - whyy does she think this way 😭 after the pressure of HPC and media day, instead of walking a red carpet at a film festival, getting his picture taken and socializing, he went home for the weekend. sounds normal and understandable. he says see you Monday in Canton, so they’re back on the ice bright and early, probs - i mean, doesn't she want in part to go home and recover? TIFF is more her scene than his, and they'd been to it together before:
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YSL after party at TIFF in 2010 (someone pls fix his shirt 😅)
but oof, producers, not subtle - Tessa: "hopefully when we're done skating competitively i'll have more time to devote to a real relationship" - cut to:
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i wonder how they pitched this to him - look out the window pensively and drink your coffee 💀this show was pretty rude to his gf
again, i’d take more footage of actual skating and feedback at HPC. i think these producers were just kind of bad at this lol VM gave them plenty of 🤔moments without resorting to this 🫠
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kitchenisking · 2 years
my live take on teen wolf movie!
I think it's fitting that Dereks the first one to mention stiles, but was it so hard to day that stiles was working on a case or busy at the fbi. that does ‘has his own fires to put out even mean’?
Jackson’s entrance was everything!🤣
Ok so I love Jackson now! also I love that's its confirmed that Ethan an Jackson are still a thing! they deserve that!
So lyida meets Eli, I kinda got a vibe. Lydia took one look and Eli and kinda dismissed him. but I think it was more than that. and maybe im seeing this through sterek colored glasses, but it was like she saw him as the thing that got between her and stiles. anyone else get a vibe like that? like she knew more about Eli then everyone else?
Coach is everything!
Melissa a doctor! Go her!!!!! she's such a badass, and I love her!
Also the sheriff speech to Eli in the school… I’m a 100 percent certain that he gave the same sort of speech to stiles at one point🤭😂
So malia knows about Eli, they must have spent sometime together
I think it’s disgusting that they had Scott boost Eli to heal😤🤬 but of course is has to be Scott cuz go forbid it’s anyone else😤😤Like Derek is  his dad😒😒
So they had lyida play stiles 😒
And Derek’s not even mad that’s Scott helped him! He’s just a proud papa! 😍
Jackson ‘ supposed to be dead, is starting to be a recurring theme around here’ 🤣🤣🤣
I thought wolfsbane had to be brunes out with the ash of the same strand that infected the wolf?🤨🤔
You’re telling me that the nougistune didn’t go after Derek and eli cuz their stiles family? Sure ok😐Also it’s fitting that the first persons to mention stiles is Derek!
So they put Scott on the fleid! That’s just😒😒😒😒😒😒😒
When the oni took Eli, maila was really upset. Which just shows that she’s spent engorge time with him to love him. And I love that for her and Eli. also you see how upset she is when Derek dies. I truly believe that they sent time together as a family and im sad that we didn't get to see them together. (also I feel like it would be more fitting it she and Parrish took Eli. (thought I would prefer if he went with the sheriff) also mail and Parrish were weird)
Thé face that Derek hasn’t fully shifted in year cuz he was scared to scare Eli just goes to show how much control he has an show much he loves his son! He didn’t hide the wolf away, but he didn’t let it all out also and I think that’s just incredible!
And then Eli scores the winning goal just like stiles 🥰
Derek becomes a true alpha. he was always an alpha and I really don't think he's dead.🤨
Derek dies, because Scott can't make the hard choices. someone else always has to make it fro him and then he gets all the credit! it's stills all over again! Scotts misses something, stiles fixes it 98% if the way and then Scott gets all the glory. again.😒😒
So the sheriff speech about Derek is the only one I recognize! he took one look at Eli and knew that Scott was spurting bullshit and went and talked to him about his dad that it should have been done! and I truly believe that Derek and noah are friends and noah just laughs at Derek every time Eli doesn't something. like ‘now its your turn’ while he drinks a beer and watches. 
God Scott🫣😒 so your future is with Alison and Eli, yeah I don't think so!
also sterek is basically canon, sheriff is Eli grandad, and Eli takes after stiles cuz he thinks he's awesome!
my all over review
ok, so this movie was the dumpster fire we all knew it was going to be! I didn't even watch it all the way through. I skipped to watch the scene with the people I like in It and I still didn't miss anything. this movie was a love letter to Scott and Alison and fuck anyone who got in the way. everyone is this move was an extra to hold their story up and nothing made snese like it should have. between the plot holes and the characters who didn't interact with one another when it would have made sense was just not good. you're telling me the Lydia never said even hi to the sheriff when she supposedly was something with his son? or mason and liam not saying one world to each other even though they were kidnapped together? or Peter who just showed up out of no where for no good reason just to be there? look I love Peter and I love watching him but unless he was just leaking and esdropping (which would make perfect snese) how would he know where and what was going on? or how nobody was together in one room all at once but for Dereks funeral? like I get it but it just didn't make a lot of snese, they didn't even talk to on another properly. also what I don't get was scott their alpha even though everyone was spread all over the place? how does that even work?
I came in knowing that Derek was going to die. it wasn't a shock to me and that is why I think I saw the foreshadowing for what it was. he thinks he's dying twice in the movie. if I didn't know that he dies at the end I would have thought he dies by Alisons arrow in the school. it was blatant foreshadowing and I hate it. I also hate watching him thinking he's dissing and being ok with it. liege truly believes that this was how it was going to die. and in the school when he days that him and Eli have a getaway plan broke my heart!😔😞😔😞 this poor man had to be ready at a moments notice cuz he wasn't going to lose his only family he had left. and it breaks my heart😣
and here's my biggest plot hole; lyida said she hasn't walked in a really long time but she does know when there was a death. she can feel it. but she wails for alison to hear her but not for Derek? and there's no body? she and Jackson are not of the fight not seeing what the others are seeing, and of all of a sudden their on the field all together, how to they know that he's dead? she doesn't turn to Jackson and say ‘someone dies’ or ‘Derek gone’ they just hug Alison right away. its like something is missing! 
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lady-corrine · 10 months
This is a rant abt the black and how people defend them so easily, you don’t have to read if you don’t want to,
Btw I’m teamless, I don’t support either side but I really don’t like how everyone depicts the blacks as the beacon of light (the heroes) especially in the Aemond situation
The fight between the kids was started by Daemon’s daughters and they all literally got Aemond to the floor and were ganging up on him until he picked up the rock (Which he wasn’t even gonna use because it was a scare tactic, he literally put it down until Jace pulled out the knife) and then when he starts to defend himself again luke takes his eye. I know people like to say “Well Aemond deserves it because he stole Vhagar” or “Well he shouldn’t have done it on the night of the funeral” but we are constantly told that dragons aren’t possessions and that the dragon has to bond and choose their rider, if vhagar hadn’t accepted Aemond then he’d be dead (Dragons aren’t family heirlooms passed down either) and while I do agree that it was wrong to bond with Vhagar at the night of Laena’s Funeral, I feel like people tend to block the fact that Rhaenyra sleeps with Daemon (He’s also to blame but I’m just pointing out a character flaw of Rhaenyra’s that people tend to ignore), Laena’s Widow, the exact same night also. Also Aegon, Jace and Luke bullied Aemond for not having a dragon so you can understand Aemond’s desperation because he was tired of being made fun of. Then in the next scene Rhaenyra sees that her brothers eye has been taken and still demands that he be tortured as to find out where he heard that her children were bastards, as if it wasn’t blatantly in your face that they are. Instead of Luke getting punishment (I’m not saying take his eye but this does also have something to do with a further point of mine, maybe taking his titles would have been better) the blacks get off Scott free even after starting this mess and taking a family members eye.
All that lead me onto my second point, Rhaenyra is spoiled. I know not many black fans like to see the truth but she is (I mean I saw that even her dragon is known as spoiled or smth). She’s constantly let off with a slap on the wrist because her father loves her so much he’s willing to look past everything she does, I think the perfect scene that shows this is when Viserys is telling her that Jahaerys would have disinherited her but he won’t because he holds too much love for her to do that. She acts as if she didn’t know what she did was wrong and blames everyone but herself for the outcome. Yet again when Aemond’s eye is taken by her son she gets away with it because Visery’s loves her a lot, his sons eye was just taken by her son and there’s no punishment for it 🤔. I do blame Visery’s for this because he raised her this way but it’s just a flaw of her character. She leaves Visery’s by himself for 6 years, even knowing he was ill and only came back to ask him to secure her son’s position. What kind of daughter abandons their dying father, who has shown nothing but love, and shows up only to ask him to secure her sons place even though he can hardly move and has been asked to rest? Selfish. She also expects everyone in the court to be on her side even though she’s hardly done a single thing to earn their respect. She won’t know what it’s like for Alicent who can’t refuse or go against the orders of the king like she can and just blames Alicent for being forced into a marriage.
I also feel l like if the blacks want to take a son for a son so seriously then they should have done the same for and eye for an eye.
Now don’t take this as me liking team green because I don’t, Rhaenyra would definitely be a better queen than Aegon, + I hate Aegon, I hate Otto and the others I just see a grey characters except for Helaena, she is an angel. The whole point of Hotd ,I feel, is that everyone does morally questionable things and should be seen as grey (except for the very few that are either just evil or good) and the whole reason I wrote this out is because I feel like everyone just makes the blacks the people that do no wrong, I’ve even seen people say that they’re excited for blood and cheese and excited to see this innocent child be killed and that it’s deserved when it really isn’t. If there was a punishment then Aemond wouldn’t have been so bitter.
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houseofpendragons · 2 years
Thoughts of Teen Wolf the Movie while watching it pt.3
Derek still sneaking around corners and just randomly appearing 😂 "🎶I always feel like somebody's watching me🎶"
Feel like Derek could scare Eli himself...give him that s1 Derek stare "I'm not afraid of you" 😠 "okay maybe I am afraid of you"
Eli is so me, clumsy af😭
Derek "😠" Hale
Malia! you can't just cut people open🤦‍♀️
Make the plan. Execute the plan. Expect the plan to go wrong...throw away the plan
Man Allison pulled a Derek 🏃‍♀️💨
Allison's tweaking dudes
Why the hospital lockers look like the ones at high school? Would've been coll if that was one of Nogi's illusions to manipulate her
She's very confused and is supposed to be very dead
Split up!?! One of the biggest rules in horror movies is to never split up
Cause a ball cap is such a good disguise 🧢👍
I got her 👊💥🤛💥🤜💥 I don't got her
"Fuck me man" me whenever my alarm wakes me up for school😭
Allison is karate kid 👍
"Scott Who?" ...oop
"Where's the alpha, I have to find the alpha." "What do you want with Derek Hale?" "No, not Hale. McCall. Scott McCall." Vibes. Oh no, now Braedon flashbacks for me😢
Where is Braedon?! She's supposed to be Eli's badass step-mama
Damn to be honest, I wouldn't have taken that. Woulda thrown them scissors back at that zombie bitch ✂️🧟‍♀️
Poor Argent, imagine the pain of seeing your daughter again after 11 years of her being dead and she runs away
Move, bitch! We know she's back, now let us go catch her🙄
But...isn't it your job to hear about the crimes...sheriff?
oh never mind😂
How didn't he know he was a kitsune? Wouldn't weird shit start happening to him like it did Kira? C'mon you can't tell me this man ain't never got his picture taken w/ the flash on before
Could've made him Hikari's family in some way to add some emotional depth for her and give her more ties to the pack
Or he could've been a host for Nogi like his dad I think? If his brother was that one dude wouldn't that make his dad the man who was possessed by Nogi during Chris's first gun deal?
"I don't want to kill you" oh really?👀
🎶I wish that I could wake up with amnesia🎶
So the hunter thingy place is still here but Monroe's peeps are gone🤨
"who are you🏹" "a friend👹" yea okay Pennywise🤚
Nogitsune: "time to hunt" Pennywise:"time to float" I rest my case
No i would not trust my mother who's a psychotic bitch, especially when she looking at me like I just took the last shrimp fried egg roll that she wanted to save for later😑
bitch so was you 30 minutes ago ⚰
Hey don't talk about my smexy dilf werewolf man Derek like that
Oop, that light was a paid actor
Omg I love Jackson 😂 I never thought I'd say that😶
hahaha Derek holding Eli like a baby
"Yes you did, I saw it🥺"
Man Derek such a good dad, got me all up I my feels
I wonder how Talia was as a parent, especially with Derek since he had such trouble learning control 🤔
Man, Allison honestly fuck you. You had to ruin a good father-son moment by trying to take off Eli's head smh I could never. Stay unproblematic people💅
Not the Chinese ring daggers
Honestly flashbacks to the supply closet when Allison told Isaac that. Hey, wait a minute...no one thought to tell Isaac that his late girlfriend is back (bc they were still together when she died)
"Allison?" No bitch it's Katniss🙄
Hey foul play! You shot my man's while his back was turned!! Now you turn around allison, it's my turn! Imma pull a Peter...Peter where u at, she attacking your fav nephew, Kate her ass
Yayy Liam
dude Hikari that was fire 🔥 (no pun intended 🤣; I'm so sorry guys)
Awww he don't even care if he's hurting himself worse, he just cares about his son🥺
Shut up, Scott! Let the man talk!
Damn Scott, couldn't even take my man's pain?
Everyone but Stiles, Isaac, Theo, Kira, Cora, Corey, Hayden, and Braeden... *clears my throat and looks directly at the camera*
The oni really said, "Suprise shawty!"
I knew I should've retired 🤣🤣
Awww first thing he said was his son's name
if this was a short series we totally should've got a scene of Eli, similar to the scene where Scott Howard first transforms in the og teen wolf movie, and then he just passes out. It would've been so funny😭
I'm sorry but the song that popped in my head when that oni floated down was 🎶I'm spinning like a ballerina🎶
Why's mason's gun sound like its popping popcorn
Sheriff Stilinski said, I can be a ninja toooo
Peter's entrance is iconic and so him, such a western-soap opra villain😂
Deaton and Chris:🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
oh c'mon Peter, I thought we were past the whole throat slashing thing😬
How does Peter always know everything 🤔
Also I want to see Eli and Peter bonding, feel like they should have a relationship ay peast similar to when Derek and Peter were younger (hell I just want to see young Derek and Peter again, give me a Hale prequel)
Peter: "Is it me? Am I the drama?"
Ofc they have a plan Scott 🙄 not everyone just makes it up as they go and pretends that hunters aren't dangerous (that's always pissed me off about Scott, not everyone is redeemable)
Allison Argent that is a child
There's gonna be an explosion
There was an explosion
Jackson worried about his tail, please bye💀🤚
Would've been better if it was actually an illusion and not really Allison
You better hobble a little faster Eli
Oh, you can't hobbled fast but ur ass can climb
Me personally, I woulda stayed in that car
"Allison stop" bc that'll work🙄
Damn Scott pulled a Satomi, nice. Why he look confused though, you forget you have supernatural reflexes my guy?🤨
lmao not him trying negotiate as she shoots arrows at them
oh but what if I'm not a werewolf? Really Eli HALE?!
Pretty eyes though 😁
Run, Forest, run
"She's tryna get an arrow through you" Omg Eli is meee like fr Scott listen to the kid
"You faint at the sight of blood?!" "No, but I might at the sight of a chopped of arm!"
You think?!
Scott flashbacks, Eli's future partner is in that car "omg we almost hit someone" jk it's Sheriff Stilinski
Peter has a right to be filled with such anger, legit family was burned alove infront of him and was in a coma for 6 years, I would've been forever angry too bc that's not just something you get over
"Allison stOoOoOp" bc that worked so well last time
also backtrack to Chris saying that Allison wouldn't kill a 15 year old, what about Boyd and Erica? Legit grl went psycho in season 2 and I don't want to here and "Well Gerard..." She still did it
"sure lets talk" 🗡🗡🏃‍♀️💨 we have very different definitions of talking
Eli and Derek are the best part of this movie🥺
Hikari said, "I got one of those too mfs"🗡
Flashbacks to when Hayden got taken by the ghost riders 😭
Meanwhile in the Hale house:
Pt. 3- 5
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eneiryu · 10 months
ooh if you’re taking prompts for the “theo does everything liam asks” drabbles, maybe: pre relationship theo and liam and the puppy pack is asking theo to take them somewhere and they’re arguing back and forth and then liam walks in and is like “hey mason texted that were all going to _____” and after noticing theo is like “oh are you taking us theo?”
or maybe a missing scene like from where they’re all in hiding after they told scott’s dad they would leave town and scott’s divvying up what they all need to do and before he even gets to theo theo is like “i’m not doing anything i almost died multiple times im sitting this one out you have enough people” and scott just leaves instead of dealing with theo cause he has more important things to do and a few hours later liam shows up like “i have this batshit crazy plan and i want you to help me” and theos automatically on board.
or more vaguely theo yelling at someone or getting mad at someone about their plan or something (like how he got mad at jiang and tierney before even knowing what they did and while they were getting tortured with him) and a few days later liam gets them into a situation 10x worse and theo is just comforting liam over it and helping him deal (like how theo was so nice to liam after the zoo and helping him deal with all that happened even though technically he had more of a reason to be mad at liam than jiang and tierney since liam almost got them exposed and theo had to carry liam, keep him knocked out and somehow sneak out of the zoo without getting caught and killed by like 2 dozen hunters)
or something sillier like the pack asking theo to go somewhere fun and theo refusing and refusing everybody and liam asks once and theo shamelessly agrees immediately in front of everybody and doesn’t even care that everyone can see how whipped he is
or something sadder argent or sheriff or somebody wanting theo to go to a pack alliance thing (maybe with quentin) and theo adamantly refusing saying how much danger he’d be in and when argent or whoever says they need theo there to help guide them on how to handle everything and who’s who and who’s temperament is what etc and theo just keeps refusing saying how an alliance with that pack doesn’t even matter and the whole pack is better off not going there or even trying an alliance with quentin’s pack and they leave it at that. but a few days later argent decides they need to go through with it with or without theo and theos like whatever i did my part to warn them not to but then he finds out one of the people going is liam and he changes his mind instantly
Hmmm yes, all very good thoughts. The Theo comforting Liam one caught my attention in particular, as did the last one…
I might approach this from multiple angles, writing some of the more lighthearted ones as drabble-type fics (a la that first one), and some of the more serious ones as a longer, connected story. 🤔
Thanks for all the great ideas!
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flowercrowngods · 1 year
For the writer ask game!
Questions: 23, 24, and 30 if that's okay!
Also, I hope you're having a lovely weekend friend!
thank you, friend! 🥰🤍 my weekend was okay, i hope yours is even better 🌷
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
usually when i wanna write things i just do it, even if it's just for a scene or two instead of a full-fledged story, so uhh 🤔 I've never written an outsider POV au (except I have, with that one Clarkson fic from Scott's POV on Wayne's flashback nightmare)– okay no. i don't know. this is really hard.
maybe kid fic, because the concept of children rocks and there's something healing about making the blorbos become parents. but other than that, i usually just write things when i wanna write them. :D
24. Are there any easter eggs in [insert fic], and if so, what are they?
you didn't specify the fic, so i'm choosing the fluffball that is nice to meet you, where you been? (the tattoo shop au)
i made a playlist for that fic that i'm playing an embarrassing amount of time at home, and the songs of that are also playing in Steve's studio
Eddie recognises most of these songs, which means he's lame and secretly a swiftie (though he blames Chrissy, which is a safe bet to make)
Steve unironically listens to Hannah Montana songs because they slap and hype him up before and after work
the tattoo Eddie ends up getting is inspired by the actual tattoo that @poebin got while i was writing the story, bc that story is for them. and the thing's name that steve never reveals is Vanderlyle, for reasons that robin is weird and listens to The National too much <3
uhh i think that's all :D
30. Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter?
the first thing that came to mind was every action scene I've ever had to write, especially in I'll try. I'll try. (but I couldn't be better), all of the Demogorgon scenes. I have a writing style that works kinda well with introspection and an onslaught of emotions and thoughts, a lot of sentences starting with conjunctions (and, but, or, etc.), which makes for a rather narrative style, but I feel like it might not work too well with action-packed scenes. feels a lot like "and then, and then, and then", telling instead of showing, a lot of thoughts between one strike and the next, there's no real flow of action, no scene. (like kuzco hitting pause and explaining what's happening instead of letting the viewer watch it unfold. wait, ouch xD)
my approach to writing fic thereafter hasn't changed, because writing fic isn't entirely about comfort zones. sometimes things just have to happen, and I apologise for how they happen, and then we collectively move on :D but I have also learned that it's absolutely okay to ask people if a scene is okay like that, or for them to tell you why it was okay (@violetsteve I owe you my sanity 🤍)
fic writer asks
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28 April 2023 Friday 3:31 pmpt
The blackberry plant 🪴 was covering a fence. It was probably 6 feet 🦶 tall and maybe 🤔 10+ feet 🦶 in length? It’s been years since I have seen it in Santa 🎅🏾 Clara. 3:33 pmpt it was at my moms best friends husbands house 🏠. 3:34 pmpt I remember I was wanting more money 💰 and I didn’t realize how long it was going to take, and I was like you need vacuuming? I tried to start moving the vacuum and he laughed at me and stopped me. 3:35 pmpt
3:36 pmpt what
3:40 pmpt what was the walrus looking for when he went to the Tupperware party 🎉? A tight seal 🦭. 3:41 pmpt
4:26 pmpt I n
5:36 pmpt we need to do a survey of every maroon 5 music 🎶 video (Brain 🧠 gum pain 5:38 pmpt). How many does the incubus roll around with, kiss 💋, Et Cetera.
5:41 Pmpt from memory:
Sunday morning: no
this love 💗: yes - Kelly?
she will be loved 🥰: ...yes
goodnight goodnight?: Candace Bailey- yes
makes me wonder 💭?: yes
Wake up 🆙 call ☎️: yea
misery: Anne v - yea
pay 💰 phone ☎️: no?
one ☝️ more night: hmmm 🤔 no?
stay in this bed 🛌: Anne v - a little
.... 5:49 pmpt does including your current gurlfriend serve as a memory device for him for who he has been with? (Brain 🧠 rough acid hot pain 5:51 pmpt) if there is an established pattern showing that can we assume including Melissa cuen might be a hint of that? Me and Melissa are around the same height. We both have dark hair. Both were in the same clique in school 🏫. The mutual friend we had (acid throat pain 5:54 pmpt) gave me the Nick name “Tiny.” We all went out somewhere with a public restroom 🚻. Our mutual friend called out “Tiny” while I was trying to pee. I’m very shy 🙈 in public restrooms 🚽 that I feel I (acid throat pain 5:55 pmpt) can’t or don’t want to speak 🗣. Melissa responded to her as if “Tiny” was her name, and then our friend said “oh you respond to that name too” in a very kind surprised reaction. 5:57 pmpt so it’s almost as if Melissa cuen in that music 🎶 video is my stand-in. Incubus likes 👍 to fake me out and punished me, for stuff about Q. Makes me believe I am a slave decoy for Q. Bcz incubus likes 👍 to play decoy fake out games, we should believe the same about his friends carter and Scott and Nick V./B. Friendly unicorn 🦄 means incubus likes to be magical 🧙‍♂️ and mysterious and have the first turn in trying a young woman 👩🏼’s vag first. Nick V./B. And NSYNC no strings attached album 💿 was a... catalyst???? A path to “Brendan.” Psychologically possibly a man’s ego wants to be stroked. He probably wants me to think 💭 he’s the best. Better than Nick V./B. He wants me to want him for actual attraction but he doesn’t want me to know his face. He already decided hiding his real voice later on is easy. After one of the nights we had phone ☎️ s*x, (I wrote many posts ago:) I heard 👂 a car 🚗 pull up 🆙 near our place and I make believed in my imagination 💭 that it was “Brendan.” I maybe 🤔 fell asleep 😴 with my legs 🦵 butterfly 🦋 position (my legs 🦵 went down to the mattress flat in this position) 6:08 pmpt. So I was probably ready for s*x in that moment. 6:08 pmpt I was 16 years old. 6:09 pmpt
6:22 pmpt unfortunately for me Q lived close to south San Jose blossom hill. But I did not meet Q until 2004? And then Jessica and then Scott. It’s possible the chronology of events was I scowled at Scott then incubus showed up 🆙 at my place and scowled at me. If men like a “tight seal” 🦭 popping Cherries 🍒 it’s probably possible that he used us all as whores. I heard 👂 in Victorian times even if a man 👨 was married he would still go to the whore house 🏠 to have fun 🤩. 6:27 pmpt do little women provide tight seals 🦭? But taller women have safer pregnancy 🤰? 6:28 pmpt
6:30 🕡 pmpt did garrido look 👀 for a tighter seal 🦭 in dugard? Did Carter in Ruth? 6:31 pmpt
6:54 pmpt unfortunately they attacked my heart ♥️ with massive heat after I typed last. I was born to be a sacrifice to make them look 👀 good 😌 to people they want to manipulate. But they are not genuine about it. It will probably go on hidden. 6:55 pmpt
7:37 pmpt [email protected]. Search 🔦 MySpace to see if Brendan behan. /sieuno ? is still there. 7:38 pmpt
7:41 pmpt b4 they attacked me with massive heat my heart ♥️ they want me to believe I make weird environments. They made me weird first. 4 years old? Humping mickey mouse’s plush toy 🧸 head? Da me cabeza *sshole. He wants me to think 💭 that’s my fault 🤦‍♀️. He is a true jerk. 7:44 pmpt probably (Ionesco what???? 7:45 pmpt autocorrect sh*t) I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ anymore. I’m tired 😖😭😫😩😤🥵😤🥵 7:46 pmpt
7:47 pmpt this is serious. I feel my heart ♥️ is weak. 7:47 pmpt
7:48 pmpt https:// Instagram.com /p/gJzCO8Ow71/
sie1mih. 7:50 pmpt
7:59 pmpt October 31 2013 post
8:14 pmpt 8:27 pmpt can not add pictures. Acid throat pain left eye acid after sharp pain. Stomach? Burn 🔥 pain 8:28 pmpt
8:41 pmpt a lot of acid in throat pain minute ago. I did graffiti is art 🖼 thesis for señior project in high school 🏫 Bcz “Brendan” made me think 💭 Sieone’s graffiti art 🖼 work was his back in 2001. I proved to him that I authentically knew his website was on geocities and I recalled a “Mina” but he didn’t respond to everything I wrote. Spencer billman a cop 👮‍♂️ did graffiti art 🖼 during his high school 🏫 years I guess, someone mentioned it to me, and then we ran into each other the night at the library 📚 and I held many graffiti research 🔬 books 📚 in my hands 🙌 and he chose to talk to me Bcz of this to which I couldn’t give an intelligent reply Bcz I got nervous and my confidence and self esteem dipped. 8:47 pmpt
8:48 pmpt Spencer billman is one of Scott’s friends. 8:49 pmpt
Put [email protected] in to your search 🔦 engine 9:53 pmpt he formerly had a YouTube channel but I can’t find it anymore. I think 💭 incubus instructed him to hide or delete it. 9:54 pmpt
9:59 pmpt YouTube.com. /@scottservo. 10:01 pmpt
Pinterest too 10:02 pmpt
11:10 pmpt I feel extra stupid now. I’m missing a lot of bones 🦴 from my groin. Bcz there are still men around like this, it really does mean I will be sacrificed. 11:12 pmpt I was in denial still. Tried to fight it. They were also being manipulative saying stuff back to me when I thought 💭 a bunch of times that I was wrong that there’s nothing to fight for. They would say yes there is something to fight for, but they never elaborate when they say statements like that so they can easily turn around and say I misinterpreted what they said. Or they will play the card of harder to breathe 🧘🏻‍♀️ and say you didn’t listen to me 👂. 11:15!pmpt they are twisted and tell you things you want to hear 👂 to everyone. But it’s usually the guy who wins and the girls who lose. 11:16 pmpt ultimately.
11:16 pmpt how much more blessings and fun 🤩 did Scott have compared to me? ☹️😖😢😤🥵😤🥵😖😭😫😩 more right hip bone 🦴 pain. 11:17 pmpt Bcz rapists are still around that’s a sure sign 🪧 you know the apocalypse is going to repeat 🔁 when I’m dead 😵. Nick carter knows which is why he named his son Odin and he has the ki (katakana) tattoo with like a sunflower 🌻 surrounding it. Odin Norse god of the hunt in the sky 🌌 11:19 pmpt
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evilfarmin · 2 years
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Welcome to New♡Life, a rom com magical girl 3rd life AU filled with life, love, death, and destruction.
@mcytblraufest gift for @jackassbroadcast hii! They are magical girls ♡♡♡
Designs / worldbuilding/ etc under the cut
i really wanted to focus on different patterns of ribbon lacing across them. i also was experimenting with the pearlescent ribbons, and shiny gold.
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- what if... lace up v*rgin killer sweater 🤔
- his shoes are my favorites out of all of them, tbh. i'm a sucker for backwards laced shoes, especially in magical girl designs.
- gotta love a magical girl with big beautiful humungerahonkerous wings.
- i tried to make his design very airy, yet secure feeling, so there's not much fluttering in the breeze in his outfit.
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- what if matress store... but s*xy?
- his boots are done up with corset lacing, for funsies.
- gotta love a magical girl with big beautiful humungerahonkerous titties.
- my main inspiration in his design was matador meets Victorian dandy, hence the cummerbund and sock garters
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- gee Scott how come you get Four Coattails in this design? Because i hate myself.
- i really like the side-laced corset i feel like there's a lot of potential there.
- boots are laced with spiral corset lacing.
- i really wanted his design to be very crystal focused, so i included a lot of sharp edges in his corset belt, shirtails, and even his boots, as he is the only member with actual high heels.
Grian and Scar are roommates who have known each other for ages. Grian has been indebted to Scar for the entire time. One day, as they are walking to school, Scar saves a strange plushie from a tree. They are both shocked, when it comes to life and starts talking! "Thank you for saving me," it says, "My name is ☆Pizza☆ and I can grant you any wish!☆" Grian tells Scar to throw that thing away, but Scar keeps it. After school, they are hanging out on the roof, when Scar says something stupid, and Grian shoves him. He doesn't realize how close Scar is to the edge of the roof, and Scar falls off the roof. Grian rushes down to the ground but Scar is dead. After Grian cries and panics for a bit, Pizza flies out of Scar's backpack and tells Grian that it can revive Scar, for a favor. Grian agrees, and after a pouf of smoke, Scar is alive again! But, he's also wearing a silly outfit. Grian asks Pizza, "Where did his shirt go?" and Pizza tells him, "I revived Scar by making him a ☆Magical Girl☆!" and then a pouf of smoke surrounds Grian, and when it clears, he is also wearing a silly outfit. Then, a pouf of smoke appears in the bushes, and Scott stumbles out, disorientated. "What am I wearing?" he asks. Pizza explains. "We can't leave any ♡witnesses!♡" It turns out that Scott was skulking around the school late, and saw the commotion happening outside. Suddenly, they have to fight monsters that pop up at night around town. Can they keep up their grades while keeping the town safe, and maybe fall in love along the way? Probably not, but time will tell.
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edith-moonshadow · 3 years
Harringrove black mirror episode uss callister au. billy copies the minds of people who wrong him in the real world and make them do whatever he wants all while trapped in the world of his favorite 80s fantasy tv show.
Spoilers for Black Mirror: USS Callister (2017)
Hi, I really enjoyed this episode of Black Mirror, it’s dark but with a happy ending (well for most of the characters) and I’m a huge Star Trek nerd (especially the original series Star Trek) so it was fun on many levels. I like the idea of a Billy who copies people who have wronged him in the real world and then he can do whatever he wants to them in his own little world. And with this concept, you can explore so much whether it’s Billy centric or Harringrove. Thinking about the episode I can imagine him treating it like his own personal therapy, and for fans of Billy too, I think everyone wants to see Neil punished in some way as in canon it feels like he got to walk away Scott free, almost like he was a footnote that the writers used for one scene to explain something then forgot about 🤔🤔🤔
So I’m just going to use Star Trek here but you can substitute it with any fantasy show you want for example Quantum Leap (1989-1994) fun for history buffs and Billy making people be a different person each time, maybe he could decide whether he wants to save them or he could force Steve to be Sam and Billy is Al. Making Billy the only real person Steve can interact with.
Or go a little crazy with something like Knightrider(1982-1986) I can’t help thinking that Billy would be Michael and he’d force Steve to be KITT, Beauty and the Beast (1987-1993) you could play this either way but maybe Billy as Vincent and Steve as Catherine (part therapy part romance), Manimal (1983) Billy turning into animals to help the police solve crimes or like a horror anthology series like Tales From The Crypt, Tales From The Darkside or Monsters where he forces his enemies to live through horrific stories where they get punished. This might be getting into crackfic territory but what was 1980’s fantasy television if not a crackfic? The ‘80s was a weird time 💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️
Billy was obsessed with Star Trek when he was younger, he used to watch reruns with his parents every week before things got too bad between them but once his mom left he found it hard to watch. Filled with too many painful memories.
Then in the 80’s it gets a reboot of sorts and he ends up watching it, even though he would never admit it to anyone and it feels familiar but different. He starts to dream about a utopian society where everything would have order and meaning, he would be a member of Starfleet going on adventures and discovering new worlds. Thus fantasy becomes even more important when his dad marries Susan and he's expected to fall in line so they can be a perfect family.
Billy loses himself in Star Trek but he also works hard in school so that one day he can finally escape his real-life nightmare.
He excels at computers and especially coding and finally develops the Enterprise, a revolutionary new VR game that will change everything, all he needs is the capital. Through connections at college, he's introduced to a bunch of rich kids who have no ideas of their own all they have is their inherited wealth and connections. Billy remains engrossed in his code but he can’t help being fascinated by Steve Harrington even though he is a stuck up rich kid who looks down on him and they go into business together and with Steve’s connections they become a great success.
Steve is the face of the business, he is charming and friendly to everyone but still mostly ignores Billy who he treats mostly like another employee. Billy wants so much more from their relationship, not just romantic but to also be treated like an equal as without him there would be no business. They spar regularly as Billy wants his code to be perfect and Steve is only interested in making money.
After a particularly explosive fight between them Billy can’t help feeling out of control, what if things were different and that their roles were reversed, if Steve had to recognise his contribution and treat him as an equal, he becomes fixated on the idea and in his spare time he develops code to create a world of his own, one where he would be in complete control. He also researches DNA and figures out how to replicate someone perfectly in his make-believe world.
Once these are both complete he waits for the perfect opportunity to steal Steve’s DNA, sneaking into his office to steal a coffee cup. He set up the programme to run and waited with bated breath for it to complete. It isn’t complete by that night and he goes into work with it weighing heavily on his mind. He can’t help paying extra attention to Steve that day, feeding his imagination, every time he’s ignored or he sees him spending time with other people in the way that he doesn’t with Billy, he thinks about when he’ll get home and have his own world.
When he gets home he is filled with excitement, almost sick with it as it churns in his stomach, he boots up the game, he’s modelled it after the enterprise but this version will be offline, a space for him only, he has designed his costume after that of a Starfleet captain and when he enters the bridge he finds a confused and angry Steve Harrington as his first officer. Billy is in complete control of everything, he is essentially God but Steve has retained his personality and memories and still treats him like he’s better than him. It takes a long time for Billy to subdue Steve but finally, he learns how to bend him to his will and it makes his experiences with the real Steve a little easier to bear. However, Steve’s attitude towards him has bled out to the other employees and soon he’s stealing other people’s DNA and putting them through the same thing.
Then something changes in the real world. Maybe a new person starts and they capture Steve’s eye or they have to work a little closer on a project together and Billy realises that his frustration towards Steve runs so deep because of how deeply he’s fallen for him but he knows that Steve will never reciprocate. Maybe after this time, he starts becoming more amorous towards the fake Steve, maybe plays out some old fantasy style tropes where Steve is in danger and the only one who can save him is Billy through his genius.
Could have Steve and Billy after this time grow closer, they spend more time together even after the project and Steve apologises, he was just trying to impress his dad with his great business skills and be more like him so that maybe he’d finally show him some respect but after successfully setting up this business with Billy he doesn’t want to be that way, it’s not who he is. He could finally acknowledge Billy’s contributions and promise to be better and to his shock he is and because of how much everyone loves Steve they start to treat Billy differently.
As he and Steve grow closer Billy becomes conflicted about the online world he’s created, there he has moulded Steve into what he wants but what if he could have it in real life, something real and tangible, can he let go of the fantasy for a slim chance at it being a reality? How would Steve react if he ever found out the truth?
You could also have something like Billy running it as a date like simulation for Steve. So he’s obsessed with him in reality but can’t get Steve to pay attention but he has a copy of Steve that he can date over and over until he figures out the best way to approach real Steve. Also side note Nanette Cole gave me strong Steve vibes, her hair, big does eyes, brave, loyal and willing to tell Daly where to go (plus Steve in her Starfleet uniform, no just me?) 💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️
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You could also treat this as a story that works as a character exploration of Billy, so you could set it during canon for example and it’s not a big game available to anyone it’s just Billy who is a computer genius on his home computer (could stay in the 80’s even though DNA technology wouldn’t be anywhere near proficient but it’s a story so you can do whatever you want, time and reality has no meaning), he has no control in his everyday life due to his dad’s abuse so anyone who wrongs him or who he just wants some control over he steals their DNA and places them in his own universe where he is essentially God, he can explore anything he wants, he can be mean or nice, he can kill and bring them back, it helps him feel that semblance of control missing in his life and the possibilities of how he is in this story are endless.
With that in mind, it’s a story that can be bittersweet, dark, a fun adventure type story (you could introduce elements from Star Trek, like the holodeck so really Billy and whoever he’s with can go on lots of mini-adventures within this one story), really you can do anything you like 💜💜💜
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akane171 · 3 years
So, thought I'd switch here right away instead of writing into your comments again🙈 (Sry if this fails, I barely know anything about tumblr other than the ask box😅):
Ugh, yes, one would assume professional writers would know how to show not tell even with limited time🙄 
And jup about the strong woman thing, but I feel like this is a rather universal problem professional writers seem to have...😑 
Haha, I used to be cynical about the finale, too, but by now I've had so many sad/tragic/painful post-finale scenarios running through my head that I need to fake posivity till I make it cause the paaaaaaiiiinnn😂🙈
Six of Crows 😍😍😍 I love those idiots so much, I'm so glad they are even included in the Netflix Show 😍 But yeah, I haven't even actually read the Shadow&Bone books cause I saw parts of it and the way the story and characters developed and was like "NOPE! Not going through another anger issue trip like I did with The Mortal Instruments, nope nope nope." And oh god, yesss! PLEASE let's erase the love triangle trope from existence (past, present and future!)🤢🤮
Aww, I'm so sorry for you...😞😔 I have to admit that while I've seen Gundam SEED, it's been so long ago that I barely remember anything about it 😅🙈 And aww, the good ol' days of ff.net☺ So sad how dead it feels these days (for ao3 really is better...🙈)
Tbh, I'm afraid of getting my hopes up about the film, esp. after hearing Dylan O., Tyler H. and Arden probably won't be in it and even the rest wasn't clear yet😅 But seeing Parrish again would be awesome😍 Hopefully him and the "adults" (aka Chris, Melissa and the Sheriff, and hopefully Peter) will get their time to shine🙈 
But ohh, you hate Stiles? Don't worry, I'm not gonna sue you (😉), but may I ask why you don't like him? (I'm not really one to talk anyway, I've disliked Scott from very much the get go cause he was so annoyingly focused only on love🙈)
And excuse me? You PREDICTED his name?😱😍 How awe&some ARE you?!?😂😂😂
The Lightbringer is starting to sound better and better... You had me at "alternate version to Mon-El" (Mon's another of my all time faves AND a comfort character, so anyone who is like him? Shut up and take my money😉😂) And ohh, Karris really CAN'T be a coincidence!😅 (Maybe they are another reincarnation of Karamel from Lone Wulffe's PiaD?🤔) ...Now I'm REALLY itching to read the books🙈😅😂
CS was great, esp. very early CS cause they were a chaotic mess too😂 (Tho the shipping war-similarities between Captain Swan/Swan Queen and Karamel/Supercorp still terrify me to bits...🙈) 
And noooo, you gotta read PJO, those books are just too funny 😍 (I feel like no one's too old for those, but that's probably my biased constantly rereading butt talking😂). The SnowPiercer show is really nice! I can only recommend it 😁😍
PS: Well, "A Definite Maybe" IS a masterpiece!😏😌 And haha, yes, I did come by once (Wait, facepalming-since-chernobyl is you too?😂 Lol, I didn't even realize although I do tend to check in once a day or so😂🙈)
Anyway, sorry for the novel-length message and I hope you have an awe&some day!☺
XXX Welcome in hell 🤣 And they had six fucking seasons and I fell Kara from s2 and 2 was stronger than Kara from the last seasons, what is ridiculous 😑 but that's a fact. Can someone tell writers kicking butts and idiotic peptalks, mixed with boss girl trope is not powerful just... dumb? I see the finale made all people super pumped about possible future scenarios,awwwww 😑😑😑 great job, writers! I hope you cherish your collected money 😑😑😑 I'm on the fence with 6 of crows. I like the world but the characters should have been 30 years olds, not teens xD The person who invented the love triangle trope,I hope her she burns in hell. The only love triangle I accept is when they all end together but I guess this world doesn't meet my standards. The only thing about gundam you need to remember is that SEED was awesome and DESTINY sucked balls and we ignore its existence. But well,it was the anime that forceme to write the fics. They could fix marrish... but it's TW, so I'm sure they are goingto fuck it more. On the other hand,melissa and Chris are endgame there xD Predicting Stiles name waseasy when you are Polish. It hadto be long and dumb, so of course they chose Mieczysław. Mieciu for short. I'm still cackling about it. Read it! It's finished and cool. The magic system is awesome and characters are damn good and a lot is happening. Also, in the plot that there are many other universes exist,so why supergirl's world can't be apart of it? 😗 Yeah,I noticed a lot of ex sq are modern sc. I'm glad i was never part of the ouat fandom :,) Ok,I will put them on mynever ending lostof books to read. Maybe I will read them on my retirement... Yeaaaaah, it's me too. I like having blogs, I guess xD You are always welcomed here in the breaks of making LW happy with your sweet anons xD Thanks for coming 🥰
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12 fe bru ar y 2023 Sunday sun🌞 8:29 am pdt
Gurgled. #3 mins ago 😞. Gurgling usually happens now b4 #3. & not being able to breathe sometimes happens afterwards. Probably incubus assistants again w/vinegar. 8:33 am pdt my aunt came home & told me to do like 12 our father prayers. Now she’s gone. 8:34 am pdt
sweat shirt the incubus is wearing says HELL incubus is warning me “HELLO HELLFIRE” I guess that’s what they call it. When Jesus de ends descends autocorrect:”devil death” into hell for 3 days - it’s more then 3 days in reality. 8:39 am pdt every one lies. Some people say they do white lies. What is a white lie? I confessed recently here. Not something I’m proud of. But it seems white lies are essentially when there are people wanting to tear your neck apart when you are finally summoning up the courage to be honest about romantic feelings to try to do things differently. To end something that I really had felt like for a while after giving a chance to & finding that it wasn’t going to work out. I t could have been we were not the right fit for each other, but he started showing a pattern that I don’t think it’s going to work out. 8:44 right breast stabbing piercing pain he incubus might be extracting tissue again to make it smaller 😞 8:45 am pdt & then he’s going to give to someone else???? 8:46 am pdt
when I was in the first grade I heard my dad talking to his doctor in the phone ☎️ & I repeated it to my teacher. She just smiled & nodded & said uh huh. It was something personal & probably gross. Something about blood 🩸in the toilet 🚽. 8:48 am pdt kids say the darnedest things. 8:49 am pdt
miranda lambert I don’t know why ... white? Liar... & it spreads just like a fire ... like turpentine 8:50 am pdt
HE🏒🏒🥅 double hockey sticks goals ... Nick played hockey in the streets or parking lots? Somehow I heard. Maybe he bragged in class. 8:52 am pdt
9:37 am pdt
10:28 am pdt I believe Scott lied to me, about why he didn’t call me back after I went to live on campus at university. I was glad he didn’t call me back. 10:30 am I don’t care to argue with him about it. I suppose that was his “white lie.” Also when I saw him again in 2010, I think I said something about abstaining from s*x bcz I remember his response was “me, too. I m a virgin again.” Something like that. I don’t know when he’s telling the truth & some guys like strip clubs & prostitutiin & his dad’s’ rich si he lived at home w/his parents in a neighborhood where the houses cost $2 million now. (Coughing & peeing left shin bones pain 😖😭😖😭 literally 20 minutes ago was in bathroom 🚽) 10:35 am pdt
10:36 am pdt his girlfriend he was with b4 me once posted pictures online of herself in lingerie bust covering bra top thing? Spelling (I’ve never bought lingerie) it seemed like maybe revenge for him ignoring her maybe? Once at Q’s party he made flirty eyes 👀 with me in front of her & she seemed to get mad. I think 🤔 they probably had s*x. & dated for more than a year. (Keep feeling #3 coming. 😞😖😭tired) 10:41 am pdt bcz they were together when I met her in 2004, & that was probably end of 2005 or 2006? Bcz I think 🤔 my ex boyfriend already broke with me then. The high school 🏫 graduate 👩‍🎓? Typed on his wall calling him “Mr.Big” so it seems he probably had s*x w/ her too even though they had not been together long yet? His 🍆is big like a horse’s p*nis. Looks like he probably broke up with her after she went to college in Las Vegas? There was a picture of the two of them probably in Vegas w/his hand up her T-shirt to feel her breasts. 10:46 am pdt no shame? 10:47 am pdt
11:29 am pdt the #3 keeps on coming. 😞😖😭😤🥵😤🥵anus very acidic pain 😖😭😖😭😖😭😖😭 I think this is how incubus kills people. #3 & burning 🔥 hellfire. 11:31 am pdt
Left arm pain 😖😭😖😭😖😭😤🥵😤🥵 when my friend called Nick out of curiosity, his little brother answered the phone ☎️. There might have been caller id back then? Trying to remember. But her number was private probably. She said to him “be nice to your brother,” in a very soft but firm way. 11:35 am pdt
11:46 47 am pdt hellfire on my back 😤🥵😱😵 don’t feel good.
11:49 am pdt I think the incubus likes to give me signs 🪧 to let me know that no matter what, whether it’s right or wrong, I’m going to die & Scott & Nick will live on & get what they want. 11:51 am pdt
They are his favorites. It’s the way the 🌎 world works & will continue to work. 😞🥵😭😖😵😵😵😵11:53 am pdt once I read in a Bible, I think the incubus planted it in my home 🏠 & then took it back after I read it, I think 🤔 it was around 2017, & it was weird & shocking & I wonder if he did this to anyone else. I don’t want to write it or type it though. 😵😞😤🥵😤🥵😤🥵😤🥵11:55 am pdt
11:57 back muscles or organ feels scorched 🥵 & pained.
11:59 I think her name was Courtney. Am pdt
12 pm pdt stuff I thought 💭 about while I was in the bathroom 🚽 & suffering from stinging anus pain...: Nick borrowed my graphing calculator junior year that I wrote in a previous post. That was English or history class. Why would he ask to borrow my calculator then? Krystle, I saw in the year book 📖 she had taken accounting 🧾? Class. I think 🤔... she hung out in the clique that usually looked very polished & preppy. Was he trying to help her w/ something? 12:04 pmpdt that same year I was taking algebra 2, & one day I went in I think for a question & unfortunately Nick was there, too, & trying to make small talk w/ the teacher I guess smiling. Said something about liking small towns? 12:06 pmpdt I didn’t talk to him & he didn’t talk to me. 12:08 pmpdt brain 🧠 stabbing pain . @ this high school 🏫 we had A days & B days. I guess he had algebra 2 on the Opposite Day of the history English classes which were intentionally back to back w/ the same students that year. 12:11 pmpdt left shin pain left side ribs pain. Exhaling hot air. 12:12 pmpdt
12:31 pmpdt I thought I saved this... did I open it again 😖😭😞gurgled 12:32 pmpdt
12:56 pmpdt Nick worked @ Safeway then Whole Foods. I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ for how long, I saw 👀 it on MySpace. Scott’s friend also worked @ Whole Foods in 2010. Saw on his friend’s girlfriend’s Facebook she befriended some one from Nick’s & my middle school 🏫. Small world 🌎. Small towns. 12:59 pmpdt I don’t know if either of them went to college. 1 pm pdt
2:59 pmpdt 3pm pdt I’m having difficulty remembering when I did this. Courtney here Courtney there Courtney everywhere. There was a Courtney in our freshman year English class,too. She was prettty, cute, & she had a friend who was also cute & pretty who was obvious when she looked 👀 @ Nick in a flirty way. But I saw the way Courtney & Nick looked at each other, looked like there was something there mutually. Wasn’t until a following year that Nick finally made a move to ask her out. I forget when that was. (I’m burning up 🥵 probably falling apart bcz of the heat. 3:05 pmpdt) I forget what I was feeling when I heard the news I don’t even remember how I learned it. When I instant messaged him I don’t even remember his response for some reason. But I think I wanted to test him so I said “I like love you.” I think he still dated her for 2 days or a week. Didn’t last long. But obviously 🙄 to me he didn’t love me, & confession I didn’t love him. A friend during sophomore year thought 💭 I was in love bcz my cheeks blushed while I talked about him, but I thought 💭 this is a crappy way to feel ? Or crappy situation? To think 🤔 that love should be this way? Something. It would I thought have been wonderful to be in love , to really love someone but this situation btwn me & him was not beautiful. 3:10 pmpdt he never asked me to be his girlfriend. He never asked me out for a real date. Only to “finger” me in the back room of his work. 3:12 pmpdt when the Courtney thing happened it was after the friends with benefits had ended. I think 🤔 I ended it? Bcz I started talking to “Brendan.” 3:13 pmpdt
3:16 pmpdt so there’s another karma reason for me not to trust Scott or incubus. I think it was also the last time we had dinner in 2010? After dinner, he said he wanted dessert? I think? I remember? But he didn’t mean dessert.. if he said that. Then he said he wanted to “make love” & we were in his car 🚗 in my neighborhood? It was the only time I had ever heard him say “love.” I don’t believe he loves me. He made an excuse that was probably a lie why he didn’t call me when I went to university. He went with Courtney to her college it seemed. He calls me back in 2010 saying he found the phone he lost w/ my number on it. Bites me in the neck which was painful & vicious, then says wants to make love.... weird... no thanks. But I don’t say anything & I don’t fight back & I stupidly cooperate when he wants me in the back seat 💺 & I am in an awkward uncomfortable position with my head/neck bent & pushed up against the 💺 seat. Why the hell did I continue seeing him after he bit me???? 3:27 Merlin 🧙‍♂️/incubus???? Spells 🪄???? 3:28 pmpdt I feel numb from the waist down. I thought ‘‘twas the beer 🍺 I drank but I started remembering that it was uncomfortable for my head & neck. 3:29 pmpdt I should have been running 🏃🏻‍♀️ away from him after he did that to me. 3:30 🕞 pmpdt
3:30 pmpdt incubus doesn’t (brain pain 😖😭😖😭😖😖😤🥵😤🥵 3:31 pmpdt) he doesn’t like me. I get signs 🪧 from him he’s going to cut off my legs 🦵. 3:32 pmpdt
3:33 pmpdt I worked a lot on my legs 🦵, & I’ve done ✅ some physically challenging work. I probably would have continued doing physically challenging work like printmaking if I didn’t have eczema. Even though it went away temporarily when I visited New York in 2010, I still had to figure out why/how. & fear also kept me from making the move. I procrastinated. I think 🤔 the incubus was messing with me, making me fearful of moving. 3:37 pmpdt I tried to figure out if I could find a cure for it even though a doctor 👨‍⚕️ has told me there’s no cure. 3:38 pmpdt
3:39 pmpdt Scott had a long big bar & big weights at each end for weight lifting 🏋️‍♀️ in his bedroom which I tripped over & it hurt my big toe when I did. 3:41 pmpdt but I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ if he ever did any hard work. He showed off his strength when he flipped the rods fast 💨 on the foosball table to whip the little paddles that look like little athletes so I didn’t have a chance to hit the ball ⚽️. 3:43 pmpdt
3:44 pmpdt what’s the point on staying quiet about it if he’s already hurting me b4 I said something publicly like this? I never reported Scott or “Brendan” or Nick to the police 👮‍♀️. Maybe I should have? In Oakland police 👮‍♂️ officers were guilty of prostitution of a 16 year old girl/young woman 👩🏻 3:47 pmpdt 3:47 pmpdt
3:48 pmpdt bcz I was stupid all my life, not questioning whether “Brendan” was a bad guy or not until it was too late. Mvrykv_, everything has been weird since 2017. It’s not mercury in retrograde?? It’s bcz: incubus. 3:50 pmpdt
4:12 pmpdt I fear every thing. I fear incubus changing history. I fear incubus double crossing/back stabbing/ lying 🤥 to me. I fear that I don’t really see the real internet bcz he showed me 2 different versions of goodnight goodnight & his brother Sam’s account name changed. I fear people’s memory changing w/ deep fake memories created by incubus + company. 4:17 pmpdt I fear this awful wicked heat feels like flames 🔥???? 4:18 pmpdt getting scorched 🥵. 4:18 pmpdt head/brain, etc. I dont know if people really are responding me bcz incubus controls people’s thoughts 💭 so it looks like they’re responding to me when they are not. 4:20 pmpdt
6 pmpdt incubus is going too far, abusing me & going too far w/ his jokes that he’s my husband & that we have kids together. TOO FAR! No one should joke about that EVER! 6:02 pmpdt
I also fear that I am not a good person to befriend. That I have major flaws that make it difficult for me to be myself around anyone. I fear people seeing my confessions. I fear the real me. 6:05 pmpdt
7:24 pmpdt Instagram suspended my friend’s account. She doesn’t know why. It says type in email 📧. Which is weird. She thinks she only used her phone number. Not an email. 📧 7:26 pmpdt or code from email? 7:27 pmpdt shouldn’t there be an option to send to the email 📧 address or phone number on file? Not have to type it in? At least make it an option. 7:28 pmpdt
Tumblr media
it won’t let me add more... 7:35 pmpdt
7:42 pmpdt friend reread what it was ... still think it’s weird. Just make it available via the app too w/ option to send to email 📧 to self later. ??? Incubus stole my passwords. It’s too hard to keep making new email accounts bcz lost passwords. 7:44 pmpdt 7:59 pmpdt looks (left knee pain 😖😭😤🥵😤🥵8 pmpdt) looks as though incubus decided to delete a photo from my phone 📱???? I should check th trash 🗑 first. I think it was the French kissing part of goodnight goodnight music video. 8 pmpdt 8:02 pmpdt nothing in trash 🗑. Weird. 8:03 pmpdt
8:05 pmpdt #3 pain. 😖😭😤🥵😤🥵 mayb I should not believe in soulmate stuff. It maybe is brain 🧠 washing from incubus to torment me. 8:07 pmpdt he does not look like he believes in that. He looks like he’s all about casual s*x. Maybe 🤔 it’s ridiculous to believe? Even though I had hoped for one? But I was unreasonable to think that I should look 👀 for someone attractive. The first guy I thought I was going to marry isn’t that handsome. But I thought 💭 he was. He was handsome enough. But I was never good enough until I was accepted into university. 8:10 pmpdt the #1 public university at the time. I was told on the phone ☎️ after I was accepted. But not for a academically challenging enough probably for anyone to really be impressed. It was challenging. But it wasn’t physics or science 🧪. 8:12 pmpdt 8:13 pmpdt incubus makes me see reality? That soulmate stuff is invented. Lose all faith in men. Egalitarianism. Et cetera Et cetera. Let’s go backwards again. 8:14 pmpdt bcz that’s what’s real.
8:37 pmpdt incubus are terrorist aliens from outer space, come to guilt trip you and manipulate you about everything & abuse you. And they ruin your life from day one and murder you everyday. & they pretend they love you to manipulate you into doing things they want to do to kill other people. 8:39 pmpdt they should be outlawed.
They will guilt trip you on things that relatively small in comparison to the things they chose to do to everyone. 8:40 pmpdt
8:49 pmpdt incubus burned top left side of brain 🧠 then put acid & sand papered it. 8:51 pmpdt incubus are extremely detached & don’t care about me. They lie about love & marriage. They only care about keeping power. They’re is no softness to their hearts ♥️ they pretend. They are extremely unfeeling beings that only look human on the outside. They’re cold blooded killers. 8:53 pmpdt
I don’t know if anyone sees & hears & reads the same things I do on the internet.... Jaycee dugard stuff.... 9:23 pmpdt
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5th fe bru ar y 2023 4:43 am pdt Sunday ☀️
I typed more on the last post but the save button grayed out, so it’s not getting up. Demon lord is making it impossible 2 write more on my aunt & cousin. Looks like I’m getting eczema again in my left hand. Have diarrhea again , difficulty breathing again. Incubus made the little bedroom 🛌 air feel toxic bcz he’s trying 2 kill me 4 trying to be less noisy so my mom can sleep without my coughing waking her up. My aunt didn’t want to give this room back to me when I asked if I should stay in the bedroom bcz my coughing is keeping up my mom even though they had been sleeping @ the same time. 4:48 am pdt
4:49 am pdt a lot of shot got screwed up. I think my aunt & cousin are incubus slaves? Or willing worshippers? Can’t tell. It’s hard. How can you worship someone who hurts you? 4:51 am pdt
5:31 am pdt difficulty breathing & heavy bleeding 🩸
5:32 am pdt I 5:34 am pdt I think incubus wants me to get shot down like a “Wendy bird” tinker bell 🔔 cannot trust her. 5:35 am pdt I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ nick carter. I liked Backstreet Boys, but when I was a kid I thought Brian was the cute one. Now, I don’t trust nick carter. 5:37 am pdt I also thought Justin Timberlake was cute. I once had a dream that he rejected me bcz I was short like an elf was it? Mini... I think they are shrinking my mom, too 😭 5:40 am pdt ≈2000 years ago they thought Jesus was perfect? Idea of perfect person existed back then? But sacrificed at ≈33 years old. 5:42 am pdt 5:43 am pdt
6:42 am pdt my ex bf b4 he was my BF asked me if I was being myself. I felt like I lied to him. I thought I lied to him. I said yes. Difficult 2 know when nothing is real? Stuck in the matrix. Red pill 💊 blues. When I transferred to university I told a school 🏫 mate I had difficulty being myself. She told me she thought she liked me anyways & that I was the nice kind of crazy. 6:46 am pdt
6:47 am pdt a step in the right direction? Still having pain nausea heavy bleeding 🩸 & the air bugs me again. Incubus released poison ☠️ into the air. Poison ☠️ control number is 222? 6:49 am pdt if written 2 like a, & mirrored 🪞 it looks 👀 like 666? 6:50 am pdt dr. Jeckyl? Spelling. 6:50 am pdt
6:53 am pdt different girls same song 🎵 serenading. In 2020 when I was trying 2 move on from incubus & was texting 💬 a man I met b4 years ago at college, my mom turns on the radio 📻 to the station Alice? & not long after m5’s nobody’s love 💕 comes on. He’s toying 🧸 w/me. It had been more than or about a year I think 🤔? Since I checked on the incubus? Stroh news 📰 comes out & vids of her playing beautiful mistakes & wearing probably a large locket necklace. 6:58 am pdt he writes his own songs??? Or pay 💰 his own Shakespeare 2 write ✍️ sonnets = poems meant 2 convince women 2 have s*x with his clients/ (back is burning 🔥 coughing difficulty breathing. Had diarrhea essentially @ 6:17 am pdt) 4got the word commission pops n2 head I think 🤔 that’s the word. 7:02 am pdt Scott did choose 2 insert himself w/o condom w/o permission from me verbally & I did not nod my head & I also yelled out immediately when he started that we shouldn’t be doing that/this. Other guys at least respect that part. I think 🤔 maybe he is too used to getting what he wants? 7:05 am pdt after that, it was easy for him to stop talking to me/calling me. 7:06 am pdt
7:12 am pdt Instagram
Sumner stroh’s ig October 2021 post 7:17 am pdt
7:22 am pdt pain all around rib cage bone breaking now feels tight as if rib cage is a corset around my lungs 🫁... kagome... bird cage... incubus did this to me 2019. 😵😞😖😭😤🥵😤🥵 not nice. 7:24 am pdt incubus is extremely unkind to me. 7:25 am pdt every time I think I don’t have a husband, he hurts my ribs. 7:26 am pdt incubus is the worst husband in the universe. 7:27 am pdt incubus is the monster 👹 that lives in my dreams. 7:27 am pdt 🎶🎼🎵🎸
8:58 am pdt there was a (cramps feels like period or diarrhea while having a lot of rib cage area pain more gurgle more heat 😖😭😖😭😖😭😖😖😖😖😖😭😭😭😭 8:59 am pdt) an attractive young man working at the grocery store 🏬 & I think 🤔 he was maybe interested in me too. But, I felt like I maybe would lose control around him & I think I was also mayb shy around him. Bcz I was afraid & felt I could not trust myself around him , I tried to stay away from him. Bcz I was also shy a coworker misinterpreted/assumed the way I felt about him Bcz I maybe I didn’t say much to him so she shunned me. It was hard to put up 🆙 w/ being treated that way when I was trying to keep out if trouble due to boundary? Issues when dating men I was attracted to. Also when I took accounting 🧾 class a young man showed interest in me once, he was probably too young for me but I also 9:07 am pdt toilet 🚽
6 fe bru ar y 2023 Moon 🌙 day lunes getsuyoubi
9:35 am pdt I have never 👎 cut off anyone’s legs 🦵 that I can recall ⚖️🐍🦎🐊♎️🎹 9:36 am pdt 🗽👀👁👁9:38 am pdt 🧜‍♀️🧜‍♂️🧜9:41 am pdt ☯️9:44 am pdt
10:01 am pdt b4 2006, I was a little clumsy, & my hips would collide w/door knobs & sharp corners of kitchen counter tops? I have weird memories of doing that a lot it hurt a lot. 10:03 am pdt I guess it was prepaid karma bcz I don’t remember doing that to anyone b4 that happened to me. 10:04 am pdt I didn’t hang out w/many people either b4 then. 10:05 am pdt
I 10:25 am pdt when I lived in blossom hill, & I think I felt that Nick & “Brendan” had moved on, in an attempt to be cool 😎 I jumped off a few steps above ground from the stairs a few times. Each time I did it I felt my legs 🦵 hurt a lot. I think it shortened my legs 🦵. I don’t think I ever did that to anyone either. 10:30 🕥 am pdt
6:40 pm pdt I think 🤔 the incubus is against me bcz I embarrassed Nicolatian Nick. On MySpace years after high school 🏫 graduation 👩‍🎓 I found his account & he had changed his name to “nickolai” on it. I think 🤔 I embarrassed him Bcz I told a person & then it probably spread from there. I don’t have friends anymore. I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ much bcz rarely anyone tells me anything but I thought I overheard something 2 make me believe that bcz my friend that I told did not tell me anything. One of his friends afterwards did treat me in a sorta not respectful way thinking back on it. I had started to like one of his friends & we flirted senior year, but he didn’t consider dating me, he instead went for a sophomore or freshman, & I heard he slept 🛌 w/ one of my friends. 6:50 pm pdt I felt guilty flirting w/him after she told me but whatever what is there to do. We never kissed. We touched each other’s hands 🙌 & he tickled my knees & he flipped my hair on a dare it seemed. 6:54 pm pdt (7:14 pm pdt even though we didn’t go that far , it felt sexually charged to me... I don’t know if he felt that way about the way we touched each other, but it was enough to trigger feelings of guilt when I thought 💭 about my friend 7:16 pm pdt) Nick wanted me to come to his workplace, on the opposite side of town, opposite direction of school 🏫, but I guess it wasn’t that far. 6:55 pm pdt he described he wanted me in the back room & he wanted to finger me. & then he asked me if I could come the upcoming weekend. I m guessing he probably would have taken it further if I chose to meet him there. Coincidentally I had to go to my dad’s place that weekend so I told him that. & then he didn’t ask again. It was the first time probably that I mentioned my dad bcz I don’t recall him having any curiosity to ask me anything personal. I wonder 💭 if it scared him that I had a dad? I wonder if he somehow knew things about me without asking... maybe 🤔 he had access to someone? Bcz it was weird, once I stepped away from the place I usually ate lunch at school 🏫, heart ♥️ pain 7:23 pmpdt, & it was the same place as his locker, & when I came back someone said he came by to his locker. Makes me think 🤔 that maybe 🤔 he’s psychic? Or he had lackeys. 🙇🙇🙇🙇. Why would a high school 🏫 student have lackeys? He rich 🤑 & powerful & I didn’t know any better? I guess that’s why he didn’t want to date me but use me like a prostitute. 7:26 pm pdt he dated someone named Chelsea in middle school 🏫 & I heard randomly that she did a blowjob on him the summer btwn 8th & 9th grade & I didn’t even talk to him until freshman year English class. But we rarely said a word to each other; I was shy & didn’t know much to say. This Chelsea I heard is the niece of a famous band from Bay Area. 7:30 🕢 pmpdt incubus is warning me I’m going to die or get destroyed if mention his work place. So I guess I’m not allowed 🚫 to say much. I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ much about nicolatian but if involves treating women like playing cards & prostitutes I’m not sure 🤔 if I’d want to be married to a guy like that. Is that what swinging is? Hoshi = star ⭐️ nihongo. There’s a Mika nakashima song 🎵 I don’t know enough Japanese to know every word in the 🎵 song 🎶. Jordi? 7:36 pm pdt
7:50 pmpdt Nick’s mom I think 🤔 probably divorced Nick’s dad, remarried a Filipino man 👨, & Nick took his last name. His father’s... autocorrect says “name death cousin” so I guess I’m being threatened by the incubus. Cousin in the hotel 🏨? The one you told to that I have bad vibes? Why would anything I write ✍️ affect her now? Does Nick have lackeys at her current hotel 🏨 in the Bay Area & they are assassins? 7:55 pmpdt
8:12 pmpdt incubus is burning 🥵 me up 🆙 again I might as well be walking 🚶🏿‍♀️ on the sun ☀️ 🎵
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