#maybe cale will let alberu cuddle him
ringoahiru · 1 year
When Alberu is stressed/having a mental breakdown:
Cale: *answering Alberu's call* Is there any problem, your highness?
Alberu: Cale Henituse, I need you to come and kill me. RIGHT. NOW.
Cale: I'll be there as soon as possible.
Alberu: ... Thank you.
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amarylliasky · 28 days
Number 27!
Five Times Calyan Fell Alseep on His Family and One Time He…
4. Eruhaben
Calyan took a moment to breathe in the almost frigid night air. Who knew late winter could be so cold? He’d gotten too used to the small bit of insulation in the cave where the Super Rock Villa resides, and almost forgotten that there was still snow on the ground and below freezing temperatures on the surface.
That and the Henituse territory has always gotten pretty cold in the winter.
It’s been awhile since he’d stayed at his “first” house. Lately, he’s taken to staying in the Villa or the black castle. And while the castle is definitely above ground, Lord Sherrit has a particular way of regulating temperature so that the cold air of the Forest of Darkness stays mostly outside.
Well, maybe it’s his fault for coming out to the balcony so late at night. Watching as his breath creates little white puffs of stream in the night air, he can’t help but think of the beings currently occupying his bedroom.
The children are sprawled across his large bed, tangled in the plush comforter with a mountain of pillows to cuddle (along with each other); his brother, Cale, at some point during Calyan’s nap, had fallen asleep on the sofa, and Choi Han, as always, had stayed near the door, ready to fend off any potential intruders. Even Alberu, who had been occupied with the aftermath of the last battle of Puzzle City, now sleeps in Calyan’s own room, slouched over a pile of paperwork at a desk he’d gotten from who knows where. He’d also seen traces of magic device blueprints and some ashes on a table in Raon’s experiment corner, no doubt Eruhaben and Rosalyn are around here somewhere; most likely off in their own guest quarters.
His family is here with him. Both the Henituse’s and his new family members are all within arms reach, not going anywhere.
They are safe, but he is not satisfied.
He really is so selfish.
Why now, of all times, does he suddenly feel like something is very wrong? After the years he and everyone else spent to attain this victory, why now does nothing feel right?
He’s spent the last twenty years as Calyan Henituse, a young master of the prosperous Henituse Duchy, but right now, he feels nothing but disdain for his identity. He feels like he doesn’t belong here. He thought he’d long since accepted this new person he’d become, but recently, he can’t even look in the mirror without feeling an overwhelming sense of disgust. What a time to develop imposter syndrome.
What is wrong with him?
“Child? What are you doing out here at this hour?”
Eek! He almost gasped out loud.
He hadn’t heard the doors open, though he made sure to close them softly as he came outside in order to not let in any of the cold air. Of course, the ancient dragon could have teleported out here, but how did he know that Calyan was on the balcony in the first place? And why was Eruhaben still up?
“I didn’t expect you to still be up, Eruhaben-nim.” He spoke softly, still mindful of the sensitive hearing of those inside.
The dragon sighed, “Unlucky human, I asked you why you were up so late. Weren’t you the one who claimed that you would do nothing but roll around on your bed for the foreseeable future?”
Eruhaben walked over to the railing, placing one hand on the cooled marble that made up the entire balcony. Calyan couldn’t say anything to that. He had told them something of the sort, and he’d planned to do just that, but he didn’t foresee this anxious feeling and the intrusive thoughts that came with it. So he just said whatever sounded good enough to placate the ancient dragon.
“I just couldn’t fall asleep.” He looked out over the Henituse castle. It wasn’t exactly a lie, he just left out the fact of why he couldn’t fall back asleep. “It’s fine though. I’ve slept pretty much the entire day, I can last a few hours without.” Well, that and, thanks to The Vitality of the Heart, he didn’t exactly need that much sleep to feel energized.
Eruhaben observed him, not entirely satisfied with that answer, but he must have decided it wasn’t an issue since he didn’t pry. What a relief. Calyan wasn’t sure how to even begin explaining how he was feeling, let alone why. The mental strain of trying to come to terms with who he had been for seventeen years and then thirty-six, before finally figuring it out at twenty; and then having an identity crisis at almost twenty-one would be a bit too much to process, even for a great and mighty dragon.
So yeah, he decided to stick with ‘can’t sleep’ as his go to excuse.
The elder looked out at the rest of the castle as well, not saying anything. Although Calyan had come out here to avoid everyone, the ancient dragon’s presence brought a strange sort of calmness to him. Huh, maybe living for over a thousand years does that to someone? Then again, a dragon’s presence; what should be intimidating to him, usually doesn’t affect him thanks to the Dominating Aura, so maybe he’s not the best judge of what should or shouldn’t be comforting. But that’s something he’ll think about much later. For now, all he does is stand next to the dragon as they watch the knights patrol along the castle walls.
Minutes pass gradually, and his eyes start to become heavy. Amidst the voices of his ancient powers, who had been silent until now, urging him to rest, he listens to the wind blowing softly through the trees. It’s nice, to just exist in the moment. How long has it been since he just existed outside of the never ending battles and his records constantly tethering him to the past? He doesn’t care to recall.
He stays out there for a few minutes longer, savoring the last bits of peace he would have before his thoughts threatened to consume him when he eventually has to go back inside. Just a few more minutes.
Eventually, he doesn’t know when, but Eruhaben had guided them both to sit on a nearby bench at some point. That’s fine. He doesn’t know how long he could continue standing like that. And this way, he can lean on the ancient dragon for warmth. Surely, he won’t mind just this once? It is getting rather cold out here.
He lets his eyes close and imagines himself being able to sleep as much as he wants for the rest of his days alongside his family and friends. With more moments like these.
He wouldn’t even mind not sleeping if it meant that he would get to spend more time with them. That is what they all fought for, isn’t it?
He feels a shift under his head.
“Hah. Such an unlucky human.” He stirs as he hears an almost indistinguishable voice speak. “Let’s get you to bed. The children will throw a fit if you catch a cold from something like this. You’ve had enough air for tonight.” But it hasn’t been that long? Wait, how long were they sitting there? Had he fallen asleep? Groggily, he opens his eyes, gearing up to make the short yet long trek back to his bed.
But before he can, he suddenly finds himself in the young looking dragon’s arms. How he got there, he hasn’t a clue.
He stutters, not sure how to react at the sudden action. “E-Eruhaben-nim? I can walk -“
“Nonsense. You would have spent the rest of the night outside in the cold.” Sigh “Just go to sleep, child. You clearly need it.”
He can’t refute that. Despite the fact that he slept nearly the entire day, he feels as if he could fall asleep standing up at this point. So despite his pride screaming at him to be put down, his exhaustion wins and he allows his eyes to close, content to let the ancient dragon do all the work.
He hears one last sentence as he finally succumbs to sleep, warm and comfortable in his bed.
“My unlucky child, just rest. It is okay to lean on us.”
With a light brush of a hand upon his head, the ancient dragon leaves the room. Calyan sleeps and dreams of the present, where they are all happy and alive. At least for now, he casts aside the fear and restlessness plaguing him. It can wait. He has more than enough time to figure things out.
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roseadleyn · 2 years
𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐞 || 𝐀𝐥𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐮 𝐂𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐧.
a gift for @elychee!! this is not, by the way, part of my gifting-my-mutuals-badly-written-work event. this is just because ely slays <3
the strawberry tree title might seem odd, but i picked it for two reasons: one, it means esteem and love in the language of flowers (which technically includes non-flowering plants too) and two, because ely is sensitive to flower pollen so yeah <33
once again, i have failed ely with this.. can you tell where i started falling asleep? but either way,
i hope you all, and especially ely, enjoy alberu 💞
— rose.
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activities — what do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
alberu enjoys anything, but his favorite thing to do is cuddles in his library!! buried under mounds of blankets, darkness and chilly wind outside, reading aloud to each other, completely content and unmoving.
beauty — what do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
absolutely everything. he's such a huge simp for his s/o, and loves every part of them, inside and out. if he'd see his s/o struggling with insecurities, he'd literally shower them with love and reassurances, trying his level best to lift up their spirits.
comfort — how would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
soft hugs and even softer words, giving you space if you need it and staying by your side at all times if wanted. he'll be worried but gentle, slowly letting you calm down on their own instead of forcing you into any specific state of mind.
dreams — how do they picture their future with their s/o?
alberu isn't particularly concerned about it as long as you're there. all he sees when he envisions his future with you is warmth — flowers, dancing, maybe a little kid. he doesn't know, doesn't care, if he has you by his side he'll be perfectly okay.
equal — are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
alberu is more of a switch, honestly. there are days where he takes the lead, touring you around town and generally being more adventurous. then there are also days in which he's tired and exhausted and wants you to take the reins (either way, he's adorable).
fight — would they easily forgive their s/o? how are they fighting?
he'd rather not fight with you. every time you two fight, he feels guilty and anxious, twisting and turning all night, like there's a constant knife in his side. however, if it is a serious fight, then just give him some space. he'll calm down and he'll forgive you — well, he'll almost always forgive you.
gratitude — how grateful are they in general? are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
he's overflowing with gratitude, for all the times he has a nightmare, or gets angry, or has a bad day; for you, since you always deal with it. for all your patience with him, he's really grateful.
honesty — do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? or do they share everything?
nothing major. just small embarrassing tidbits that Cale tells you anyways so 🤷‍♀️ this is because he wouldn't hide anything from you since he likes talking about his day with you, and listening about yours.
inspiration — did their s/o change them somehow, or was it the other way around? for example, trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
alberu has helped you become a bit more level headed, to step back and view a seemingly large crisis as a minor issue. in his point of view, you've taught him to stop using silvery words around people to use them, to try out things he hasn't before, and generally both of you have helped each other. he wouldn't have it any other way.
jealousy — do they get jealous easily? how do they handle it?
he does get jealous, (not that easily either) but he normally doesn't act on it unless he can see that you're uncomfortable. then he guides you away with a firm but gentle hand on your waist, and a cold glare to the person that was bothering you a few minutes ago.
kiss — are they a good kisser? how was the first kiss?
he's clumsy but soft, a hand on your cheek and another on your waist, completely losing himself for a few blissful minutes <33
the first kiss was so featherlight, so tender and sweet that you could cry just thinking about it. his hands, interlinked with yours, his larger frame pressed against your smaller one, the two of you off in your own little world.
love confession — how would they confess to their s/o?
literally a scene straight from an anime. flushed red cheeks, fancy restaurant, causal hand-holding, simple and sweet. you can see the fear of rejection in his heart, but all this effort makes your heart break with how adorable he's being. don't you dare say no i am holding you on gunpoint.
marriage - do they want to get married? if so, how would they propose? what would the wedding, and marriage afterwards, be like?
since he's of such high status, he cannot just keep courting you forever. his proposal would be somewhere solitary, isolated, where you two are alone, and the wedding.. well, he'll let you pick. he's fine with whatever as long as you're happy.
and if you ask about married life, well... sleeping in late, cuddles, forehead kisses forehead kisses are so intimate i'm gonna cry, just peaceful and serene all around.
nicknames — what do they call their s/o?
old, classic nicknames, like 'love' or 'darling', but occasionally adds small words in front to tease. for example, 'little love', 'pretty sweetheart' etc. but he also loves calling you by your name, loves how easily it rolls off of his tongue, like second nature.
on cloud nine - what are they like when they are in love? is it clear that they are in love for others? how do they express their feelings?
oh my goodness. he's been driving cale mad with his lovesick rambles about you. and it's not just cale, everybody notices the spring in his step and pink blush on his cheeks everytime he interacts with you. he's just.. it's like puppy love, if you get what i mean.
pda - are they straightforward about their relationship? do they brag with their s/o in front of others? or are they rather shy to kiss, hug etc., when others are watching?
it depends, honestly. if he's feeling confident and cocky, then sure. he'll kiss you breathless, wrap you in his jacket when you're cold. and then there are those days where he won't start it but if you take the initiative and give him some soft affection, he'll melt.
quirk — do they have any random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship?
uhm, he's really good at setting the tone. his humor and uplifted spirit causes you to be cheerful in his presence as well, while when he's upset, you feel grief-stricken as well, smoothing back the fluffy blonde hair to wipe the tears from his eyes.
romance — how romantic are they? what would they do to make their s/o happy? are they cliché or rather creative?
he's.. uhm, he means well but he can be a bit cheesy at times. he'd do absolutely anything and everything to make you happy and he's a natural romantic, even if he's not really trying — his buttery words, soft gestures and the tender look in his eyes just make you go a deep shade of pink all over.
thrill - do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? or are they okay with a certain routine?
if you're more on the thrill seeking spectrum, that's okay, if you're on the calmer side, that's perfectly fine. he's alright with either and is the most supportive s/o ever, cheering you on through every high and low (mm cheerleader alberu).
understanding — how good do they know their partner? are they empathetic?
he knows you like the back of his hand — and most days can tell when you're upset. offers you silent comfort, rubbing circles on your hand and letting the world hold you two.
value — how important is the relationship to them? what is the worth of the relationship in comparison to other things in their life?
nothing is more important than you, nothing. no major battle, no important meeting, absolutely nothing. his relationship with you is his utmost priority — you're his utmost priority. always, no matter what anyone else says.
wild card - random fluff headcanon!
alberu has a quiet way of making you feel better after a bad day. like, you could just come into you two's bedroom, silently fuming, and he'll take your face in his hands and just.. kiss you, let you feel better on your own, reveling in the time together.
xoxo — are they very affectionate? do they love to kiss and cuddle?
i already mentioned the pda part, but in private? he's the biggest cuddle bug ever, not letting you sleep at night or leave the bed in the mornings without his daily dose of cuddles. sulks if he doesn't get them.
yearning — how will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
immerses himself in work just so he can finish as quick as possible, and return to you. if it's a longer period of separation, he writes long, descriptive letters to you and just hopelessly daydreams (yes, i know all the angst potentials for 'missing their partner' but since this is a fluff alphabet i'll spare you guys).
zeal — are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? if so, what kind of lengths?
he's willing to do whatever. anything, if he gets to have you, happy and content by his side, then he'll do every arduous tasks assigned to him. anything, absolutely anything for you. he knows he loves you. maybe you do too.
tagging ; @parkykwho, @hmerus, @dxmoness, @nxccolo, @sidra-29, @cerisearan, @lady-navier0357, @giyuus0nlywife, @ylxntis / @ykassu, @dion-s-lawyer, @ithil-lucien, @that-one-pretty-bitch, and @d10nsaint.
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icyteaa · 3 years
AlbeCale Headcanon
[Rainy Day]
It was raining outside but Cale and Alberu are still trapped in the mountain of tasks they should do.
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Maybe visiting Alberu today was the wrong decision.
Cale thought if he could report the progress of their plan for future war quickly, he could rest faster too. But the Crown Prince in front of him didn't let him just go and drag another small meeting between them; make him stuck in his study, looking very distracted because of the cozy atmosphere and sound of rain from the window that made him twice more sleepy than he normally does.
"Don't fall asleep before we finish our talk." Alberu glared at Cale before lending him a blanket that was large enough to cover up his figure that sat on the couch with two fur bundles beside him and one young dragon in his lap. As the young dragon dropped his chin to his shoulder, Cale's chin leaned to the black dragon's body. He sighed as he found the warmth he needed from the dragon and the kittens that glued more tight in his right and left side.
Actually, Cale has his own blanket—a few of them, to be more specific, in his spatial pocket just so he can cover the children if the weather is too cold. Given the fact that even Raon, the little dragon, could get sick because of the weather before. But he will not budge to use his too if the Crown Prince just gives him without Cale even asking. Free things are always more after all, let alone this is a thing from the royal family. The fluffy and warm blanket he uses now is definitely more comfortable than the one he has.
"Your highness, the sun of our Roan Kingdom. Don't you think this weather makes our discussion disturbed? This lowly subject demands that we should choose another time to have this meeting."
Cale tried to persuade Alberu to let him just fall asleep in this perfect situation, but of course, Alberu didn't buy Cale's bullshit.
Cale didn't know why Alberu was so persistent to make Cale stay here and so moody today, but the two of them ended up repeatedly bickering with each other after a few serious sentences. Of course, their bickering is always with flowery words that will make everyone misunderstand with their 'intimate' conversation.
Thankfully, the children are the only witnesses of their conversation today. And as they feel this conversation just like any other day, they choose to fall asleep while surrounding Cale's warm body.
As they always had another little argument while having a meeting, their conversation got longer than they normally do. Cale thought maybe Alberu was so stressed and needed some distracting today. That is why he is so different and didn't act as Perfect Prince that the man always wanted everyone to think of him.
But man, why is Cale the one who is stuck with Alberu? Honestly speaking, seeing the mountain of paper between him and Alberu already makes him want to sleep even more. Let alone cozy and cold temperatures that made him just want to cuddle with the children's warm fur and body while having a nice dream.
Cale's head repeatedly falls and up again as he holds back from falling asleep. And as his body screaming to let him sleep in this situation, he couldn't pay much attention to the Prince in front of him and ended up not seeing an amusing smile in Alberu's face when he saw Cale.
Alberu still dragging conversation with Cale for a few minutes after that, so he can enjoy this rare cute side of Cale. Seeing the man that is always scowling or making flat expressions desperately holds back from falling asleep like a child really amusing to him. But after he was satisfied enough, he let this so-called hero by everyone to fall asleep soundly on his couch.
Alberu sighed when he realized he was the only one who was still awake in this room. He saw the paperwork in front of him that got abandoned as he was too focused while having a meeting-half-bickering with his dongsaeng. He didn't know that he had this kind of side; the side that made him doesn't use time efficiently and let not related conversation distract him from finishing his work.
But maybe, it was fair enough. Honestly speaking, he felt very pressured right now because the nobles and royal family tried to suppress him and demand great results for the upcoming war. It was such a headache and made him feel restless from a few days ago until today. And just like he needed Cale for his plan, it looked like he needed Cale too so he could stay human, sane and rational.
Cale is the only person who Alberu could pull such a thing for. Maybe because the man already knew his nature and deepest secret, and obviously didn't expect perfection from him. The one that doesn't just see him as a Prince, but as Alberu Crossman, a human (and quarter black elf) that has his own limit.
Alberu saw the man who was 3 years younger than him once again before he stretched his back and stood from his couch. He took another blanket and covered Cale and his three children, so they couldn't get cold in this kind of weather.
Alberu peak to the window before walking to his couch again. He could feel the cold atmosphere in his skin, heard the sound of water that competed with each other to fall on earth vaguely, and saw the hazy look of outside his study from the window that was covered with condensed vapor.
And just like that, he continues his work with a light hearted as he finally charged his energy with the presence of his dongsaeng.
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