#maybe I’ll post these things along weekly updates?
fallen-if · 1 year
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neopuppy · 9 months
I want to start writing and posting my very hush hush🤫 battle of the bands AU without anyone bothering me about updates. im not asking for a lot in actuality BUT……the way people act on here…
if I do this it would be a series. I think I will split up how each part gets posted too……since two groups are involved.
but also if it’s a waste of my time….I’ll just move along and keep rolling out one shots instead.
THIS WILL BE A CROSSOVER AU: nct dream/enhypen🤨
the premise: two childhood best friends(Heeseung/Jeno) fight over a girl in middle school and end up going to different high schools/both have little garage bands that play local shows but both gain notoriety in their districts, enough that a lot of people vote for them to make it to the top 5 for Battles of the Bands in their county
here’s where you come in- you are friends with the ‘00 liners and often help them sling demos/sell merch bc they let you go to all their shows for free, and offer to pay for stuff etc. throughout high school you always had the same boyfriend whose a year older than you and right before you’re ready to graduate you find out he’s been cheating on you in college. broken hearted and full of despair, your buddy Jeno’s like ‘hey if we win this battle of the bands thing we get a spot on Warped tour, you should come, it runs through summer. once in a lifetime opportunity.’
ur like nahhhh, but you go to the battle of the bands and meet their rival group(enha hyung line) for the first time and the singers REALLY into you, which leads to a run-in between him and *gasp* his ex-childhood bestie Jeno, they start talking shit to each other and you’re like😅😅😅??? ‘Why are you yelling at my potential rebound’ to which Jeno shouts ‘ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! HIM(yes.. its heeseung) NEVER!!!!’
yaddayaddya blah blah……you end up going on the tour, both bands come in as the top 2 finalists, and it ends up being the most chaotic memorable summer of your life……tons of drama, LOTS of guys, a lot of hooking up, some feelings, some confessions, jealousy, first times, etc etc. very coming of age with y/n running train on the whole squad as usual. I want to also really focus on each character and sort of how they all ended up in their bands/became friends, very ‘my teenage angst has a body count’-esque. each character has a song attached to them that delves more into their personal story/persona, etc……it wouldn’t be a super long AU, but maybe.
these updates would be SLOW, not weekly!!!! and tbfh if you even ask me once🤏 abt updates I may block you. Boom was like the last series I rly consecutively updated and it STRESSED me out/ruined how fun it was to write toward the end bc of the constant nagging for updates. its actually so much more annoying to read that message more than anything…maybe..
I want to write this bc, I love both groups and I think this type of story is something *I* personally could make something really fun out of, but yeah, like I’ve explained… the ‘when are you posting again/when will you update’ etc or snarky ass ‘FINALLY YOU UPDATED’ etc…..don’t do that!!!
with that being said..…I dare to ask the audience…
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bvannn · 20 hours
Weekly Update September 20, 2024
I’m still recovering from strep and I’m taking medicine that’s got me a little loopy so apologies in advance if this isn’t the most coherent update. My mood has also been volatile all week but I’m on an upswing right now and have put in place everything I need for that to last until Monday so I should be good to work on projects as best I can this weekend.
Still chipping away at the WOTW video, new animation strategy is coming along nicely so that I should be able to get the most intense animations done at a reasonable pace. One is already done and another only needs 4 more frames and cleanup and colors. Smaller shots are also coming along, albeit a bit slower. I am enjoying animation again even if I still prefer Flash to CSP. I’d like to do some smaller flash stuff at some point, maybe I’ll take a break once the WOTW video is done and do a little parody animation. At the beginning of the year I scrapped a pretty big animation for a YouTube group that I thought was disbanding, but since it seems like that may not be the case after all, so I could either revive that project or repurpose some of the work that was done. We’ll play by ear.
Comic: I’m real upset because I had all my ducks in a row and was ready to make progress on the comic during the week at work while doing the animation stuff at home, but then I got sick and that threw a giant wrench into everything. Page 10 should be done pretty soon, just needs shading, backgrounds, and lettering, and then I’ll move on to sketching page 11. We’re hovering around 1/3 done for episode 1 altogether. I really should start looking into places to post it. I’ll for sure post at least a tease on here and Newgrounds, maybe deviantart, reddit, or sheezy if I’m feeling up to it, but I’d prefer the full episode to be on a website made specifically for comics. I’ll try to look at webtoon or tapas at some point, although I’ve heard bad things about webtoon.
No epithet ttrpg news this week, if I can stay in a good mood this weekend I’ll try to get some more maps and minis done. I’m trying to get preparation done for everything before I start gathering players, so I don’t end up with a campaign that dies midway.
Music: I threw together a couple small instrumental pieces while I was sick, one of which I really like. It’ll be a while before it gets posted in full or anything, I’m going to mostly focus on WOTW, and then round up some of the smaller ones to post.
I’m really jittery this week but it’s fine because I’m taking steps to do what I can about it. I have my foot in the door for a couple nice jobs, they’re just going to take their sweet time getting through everything because they’re so competitive. I feel like I’m qualified enough for them though. I’m just going to do what I can until I can’t anymore, I guess.
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caendtowntrash · 6 months
I should probably write my thoughts more as I post here given threads are monthly instead of weekly, gives insight into my process and all as I chug along with updates. I like Tumblr lets me post multiple gifs to supplement my infinite ramble.
I entertained the idea of showing only the aftermath of Burbank speaking to the topside crews about the brain harvesting Topsiders did for their tech. I decided against skipping the actual reveal because showing the reactions of these people trying to survive is a good contrast to casually showing off Bernard and Maria finding the lost truck and dittos only pages prior.
Topside Tales has a lot of dramatic irony in that the audience knows what’s going on before the characters, I realize I like clueing in the audience and winking at them while the characters hem and haw over something someone else knows but has no means to share. Maybe it’s because it contrasts Endtown where it perpetually keeps people in the dark about silly things like character motivation or what the fuck happened to Benny (yes I am STILL on that) until the last second where it cheesily tries jumpscaring you with a giant eyeball.
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Oooooh scary!!!
Eye aside, I wanted to die drawing that big room shot of all the anthros listening to Burbank, I hated myself a lot for making it. After the fact I’m glad I did because composition wise it breaks up all the shots I’m doing and grounds the audience to the space a bit more.
Finally, uhhhh sometimes I wonder if I’m making Dr. Burbank too perfect or nice given he isn’t as shitty as many many many MANY other people in Endtown or Topside Tales but then I remember that not everyone in the world is a miserable amoral piece of shit and that sets me back to being relaxed again. I can have good people just…exist! Wow! Being a writer is so damn amazing.
That’s all! I’ll yap again when I’ve done more updates!
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ask-sonata-dusk · 10 months
Hi My Ask-Sonata-Dusk followers! ASD mod here!
I’m here to let you know that starting next week, I will consider posting Ask Sonata Dusk pages “semi-Daily”.
What do I mean by this? Between 8:00pm-9:00pm Eastern Standard Time, every week day (most likely Monday, Wednesday, and Friday), I will most likely post. If I don’t by Friday, I will inform you. I’ll also try to be more “vocal” about the status and updates of ASD. The reasons why I’ve finally considered this now is because:
I feel randomly posting whenever I want isn’t really doing it for me at this point in time, and maybe giving more of consistent schedule for myself will improve my motivation to do ASD.
I really want to start pumping out pages more frequently/weekly so I can more along with the story. It’s been years since EQG ended and I’m still on the “Sonata & Daddykins” plot, and it’s….kind of disappointing to say the least lol
Health issues, work and the lack of motivation are the main reasons why ASD has token so long to finish, but I really want to try to finish. Of course I don’t wanna push myself, but I just want to tell this blog’s story already 😅 I’m a gal who prefers quality over quantity, but I want to find a way to provide both without overworking myself.
With all of this said, I hope things to work out in the future! If anyone has questions or suggestions to make the story better in anyway, then drop an ask in the box! ASD mod, out! 👋
You can find me here, at @misssakurapetal27 !
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fennecthunderfox · 2 years
First Update of the Year I Guess
I tend to appear and disappear without warning, so I figured perhaps I should update people on my progress on things and my plans for them. 
First off- I know I complain about this a lot in comic descriptions- but part of the reason why it's been taking me so long to make any kind of art in general is because of mandatory overtime at work. We have been on mandatory overtime for over 2 years at this point. I have been real low-energy because of that. With that fact out of the way, I'm going to try not to talk about it anymore cause I complain too much about it.
  An upcoming blockade to art progress is a wedding (for a family member) and then I'm going to try to get my wisdom teeth out sometime in February. I'll be taking a leave of absence from work during this time, but considering I'll be recovering from a surgery, I don't know if I can be super productive in Feb. Speaking of comics, let's move on to the plans for the comics.
Defnodel is back to being my top priority... when I actually have time and energy to work on it. I have some amount of determination to finally finish chapter 3 before the end of this year. Which is also along the lines of what I said last year, but never mind all that. I'm somewhat torn on how to do the updates for it. I liked it better when I could draw and post a page Saturday morning after work. I'll see if I can ease myself back into a weekly update schedule once I feel normal after my surgery again.
The problem with Vesseltale right now is that where it's currently paused is the best place to keep it on pause until I can get back into some form of routine with art again. It sucks cause it's been stuck for so long already, but if I did my sporadic updates with VT as I've been doing with Defnodel it may be more annoying to have large gaps in updates. That said I'm open to feedback. If you think any progress is good progress I can try to work on VT in tandem with Defnodel. Defnodel would still take priority, however.
I don't think many people follow me for animatics, but I have a lot of ideas in my head. "The Ram Guy" was a fun one to make and I have ideas for other ways to intertwine Distractible audio with Undertale and Deltarune characters. Why? I listen to Distractible at work and imagining someone from the cast raging about a fridge or telling chaotic childhood stories makes work more fun. (I also listen to GO! and am itching to make something from the cricket primer but I'm stuck on who to cast for the roles.)
It's been so long since I've done a music video animatic, but I have plans to do some excerpts of songs at some point and possibly even a full music video. But that's uh... optimistic for me all things considered. I can't even update a comic consistently, so no one expect big animatics. Except for one that I've been trying to make for the UT anniversary for literally 2 years now. Maybe if I had a proper animation program it wouldn't be so difficult (I use fire alpaca and the default windows movie maker for animatics currently).
I have too many things I WANT to do and not enough dopamine to motivate me to do it. But I haven't given up on anything yet. As of now, I fully intend to continue the comics, animatics, and art in general.
As always I am eternally grateful for everyone's patience with me. Thank you for listening.
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ladyazulina · 2 months
Azu is Talking - Weekly Log #1?
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I've been trying to start this since a few weeks ago. Thought about how I wasn't ready yet and immediately retorted myself saying that I would never be ready and I just should jump into it, right?
Well, I'm trying.
I've been thinking about this more or less like a lot.
At first, I wanted to start with an introductory post, but I really hate introductions and it has been taking me so long, delaying my own process. And I shouldn't be sabotaging myself, so I decided to go ahead without it.
If you stay long enough, you will get to know me.
That's how usually works, isn't that right?
Also, you shouldn't come just because of who I am or what I do, but stay because you like or are interested in what I have to say. At least I hope that's the case.
Even though I'm still figuring out what I have to say.
I do talk a lot, but sometimes (more often than not) it's so hard for me to speak up. Or talk about myself.
Here's another try in my long list of attempts.
I should be writing this weekly, as a sort of accountability. There won't be a particular topic, I doubt I can keep myself on track enough as to talk about only one thing at a time, so it will be an assortment of things I went through the week. In the end, I should have some kind of route of how the next week could go. Usually, I'm annoyingly organized: my writing on one side, my readings and reviews on another, my games in a third space… but all of those juggle together along the week, so it's only natural that it goes that way on here as well; these sort of writings could come with some sections to highlight the different parts and aspects that conform my life.
I hope to not bore you too much and to infect you with the emotions of the things I'm most excited about.
I'm going through a lot, but I'm hopeful and, as always, I would like to share my life with people. Maybe this is the moment I get to do it. Maybe not. But I would like to try.
I started my week going to the dentist. I was told a few weeks ago that I needed to take a panoramic to see what could be done with a few difficult pieces, and the moment when I brought it back? I left the place terrified. I have an absurd dread and hatred toward the dentists, so even if a toothache was about to be solved, I didn’t feel relieved. I don’t feel relieved.
According to the dentist, I should have gone back last Friday to start with the removal of three pieces, but they never ask if I can or if it’s possible. It wasn’t. It’s not at the moment. So the appointment and the extraction have been postponed for like a month to get the money needed for it. Maybe in a month I can update you on this. Feel my excitement.
Believing it can’t get worse than that (it can, it always can!), I started working with my stuff.
This was the very first week in which I completely tried my “new” method of organization. I assigned a specific task to each day of the week, to try to keep myself productive, don’t waste momentum, and avoid burnout by lengthening the excitement for a particular project or having to tone it down until the next week. Maybe it helps to keep me motivated long enough to finish something.
Though, of course, if there are some sparks along the week, outside of the assigned day, I wrote them done because they are ✨ precious ✨. You can’t risk losing something good just because it wasn’t the day. That’s bullshit.
But so far, I believe I’ve had a good first week.
I’m so excited about a lot of things, it’s hard to choose which one to start talking about. I’m sure I’ll talk a lot about all of them at some point, but right about now? I’m still trying to figure out how I will organize myself to write this.
Hopefully I can tell you something about it next week.
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eyebeastposts · 1 year
June 2023 Update
Here's what's going on with the Patreon, stories, and myself for this month.
Upcoming Stories/Change to Story Releases
The winner of last month's story poll was an interesting tale of fusing Juri and Chun-li into a single, obese woman. Will be working a little slower on this one to try and incorporate aspects from their versions in the new Street Fighter, but shouldn't take too long. Aside from that, I should have the usual output of commissioned stories, plus maybe a few fun things along the way.
This would be the part where I usually talk about how $3 and up Patrons can get early access to previews and stories. While that's still true, I'm going to be updating how the stories release. You might have noticed that I've started to include word counts for each of the stories. In the past, regardless of the length, there would only be a one day exclusivity for Patrons. In an effort to better thank those that support me and give myself a bit of an extra reward for the longer stories, I'll be changing things to have the meatier stories take a few extra days to be released.
The new system is as follows: 5000 words and below: 1 day exclusivity 6000-10,000 words: 2 day exclusivity Over 10,000 words: 3 day exclusivity
Patreon Link: https://t.co/36C0cEkTAu
Prompt Requests
The newest version of the prompt request post is up. As a reminder, $5 and up Patrons can make weekly prompt requests: https://www.patreon.com/posts/june-2023-prompt-83842869
And for those that would prefer to do a one time donation in exchange for a prompt request, it can be done via my Ko-fi page: https://ko-fi.com/post/Ko-Fi-Prompt-Request-Guidelines-S6S2HGJCV
June Story Poll Suggestions
Off of the heels of the event I threw for reaching 5000 watchers on DA, I would like to mention that you can suggest stories for the monthly story poll by being a $10 or higher Patron. The due date for submitting ideas for this month is JUNE 15TH AT 11:59 PM CST: https://www.patreon.com/posts/june-2023-story-83843045
Made a couple of additions to the Discord server in the form of two new channels. First, is the idea brainstorming channel, a place where people can make suggestions (within certain limitations) for myself and others to peruse. No guarantee that these will be written, but if you have something to share, that's the place. Secondly, I've created a channel for polls that's still a little in a rough state, but seems to be working for now.
If you would like to join the server and participate in/ignore these channels, here's the latest version of the server invite. If it expires and you still want to join, feel free to message me: https://discord.gg/p66ahTQw
Life Update/Miscellaneous Stuff
As of time of writing, I am still unemployed. Good news is that I think I'm getting close to finding a stable job. Downside of this is that it would mean things would slow down on the writing side. As much as I would like to do this as a living, it's not making quite enough yet to sustain myself. Hopefully that day will come in the future. For now, I'll be working on writing and a few other projects.
As a final note, no matter who you go to bed with or who you go to bed as, I appreciate your support. Thank you so much for indulging me in my strange stories.
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angelicyoongie · 3 years
Hello 💖
These last two years have been rough, and I know that many of us found 2021 harder to deal with than 2020. Personally, all the plans and goals I had for the year never happened and it was discouraging to see my only escape from the pandemic (tumblr and writing) becoming more of a chore rather than something I enjoyed doing. My creativity was at an all time low this past year, and whenever I felt a tiny spark of inspiration, my hand injury would hinder me from writing. It was tough to accept that I couldn’t ignore my pain anymore and that my passion for writing was slowly dwindling. I know my updates were infrequent and far between, and I’m terribly sorry for that. You have all shown me so much love and support for my stories and I desperately wish I could’ve repayed it with more updates – but it just wasn’t possible for me. I wish I could go back to the weekly and bi-weekly updates I had at the start of the pandemic, but the truth is that I’m tired. I don’t think I quite understand just how big of a toll this pandemic has taken on me, and my mind and body finally seems to be catching up with everything I’ve been trying to ignore for the past two years.
But, that being said, this is not a goodbye so please don’t get worried that I’m going to abandon Abundance or any of my other stories. I love all of the characters and worlds that I’ve created and I intend to see all of them through to the end, however long that might take. I’m not quite sure what the purpose of this post is, but I guess I just wanted to come on here and tell you that it’s okay if you’re not performing the way you’re used to or want to. The world is still scary and unpredictable, and you shouldn’t blame yourself for finding it hard to deal with. I think that’s my goal for 2022 – to accept that it’s okay to not be okay, but also that somehow, things will get better. I know my creativity and inspiration will return once other things begin to fall into place, and in the mean time I just have to be kind to myself. Even though I can’t promise more frequent updates, I hope you will all stick with me as I try to find my way back to the person I was before this pandemic started. I miss her. I miss the hunger and joy she had for writing. I know she’s out there somewhere, I’m just not quite sure how I’m going to find her again. Maybe I’ll find her by working exclusively on Abundance, or maybe going back to writing member/member fics will do the trick. I don’t know. I’m sure it’s going to be a long journey, but I’ll get there eventually. Either way – I hope you’ll be along for the ride.
I think what I want to say is; Please be kind to yourself this year. I hope things will get better for all of us soon. I love you all very much, and please stay safe.
Have the best 2022 you possibly can.
💖 Love, Maggy 💖
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farfromsugafanfic · 4 years
Sutures - Chapter Two: Conjugate
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Genre: Soulmates AU, Idiots to Lovers, slight Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Yoongi/Named Reader
Warnings (chapter specific): invasions of privacy
Synopsis: “A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” –Jean de la Fontaine
There was only one thing you and Min Yoongi had in common that night. You were both brokenhearted. You only intended to be together for one night, but when you both end up in the hospital the next day you discover that you are soulmates. It could kill you to be apart. As you and Yoongi attempt to sever the bond between you, will another be formed?
Notes: This was originally written and completed on Wattpad between 2018 and the beginning of 2020. I’ll be slowly posting the chapters here. I may make a tag list depending on if enough people want to follow along with updates. Leave me some feedback if you would like added to a tag list.
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You sighed as the nurse pulled the IV out of your arm. The muscles in your body relaxing for the first time in hours.
"There we are," the nurse said. "Looks like you'll be out of here in a few hours. Just make sure not to get too far from that man of yours."
You smiled up at her, not wanting to explain that he wasn't your man and that you'd only just learned his name from a news broadcast a few hours ago. When Eunji had texted you that he was an idol, you'd thought she was joking. She was drunk after all and probably would've called any guy flirting with you an idol.
"This is crazy," Eunji said. "What're you going to do?"
"I don't know," you said. "I guess I'll have to contact him somehow."
"Did you get his number?"
"No, we never intended to see each other again."
"Well, he's looking for you."
"Jang Sumi?" a man asked, knocking politely as he entered.
He bowed politely as he entered.
"I'm Bang Sihyuk, CEO of BigHit Entertainment," he said.
Your eyes grew wide and you immediately bowed, feeling slightly embarrassed you hadn't recognized him and done so before.
"We would like to discuss a proposal with you. If you'd please sit down," he said, pointing to the newly made hospital bed.
You sat down and the man sat down in the chair Eunji sat when you first awoke. "We have reason to believe you are Min Yoongi's soulmate. I'm sure the doctors have already explained that this means the two of you must remain near each other."
You nodded.
"In order to protect his career, we would like you to move into the BTS dorm. We will pay you and compensate you for any trouble."
"What about my career?" you asked.
The man nodded, his shoulders relaxing as if he'd expected you to question him.
"We've done our research and you're an English tutor? You can continue online sessions and do occasional in-person sessions away from the dorm. We don't want to take away your livelihood by any means. We want to protect both of you."
Your mind overflowed with thoughts. You'd be living with seven guys. Seven idols. Would girls get jealous? Would their fans even know? You had too many questions for the man to possibly answer.
You could certainly use the extra money and without having to pay rent, it would allow you to begin saving money. Something you'd wanted since you'd moved out.
You'd have to work less though, but you were sure the compensation that BigHit offered would be more than enough to make up for the fewer hours.
"All right," you said. "As long as I can keep my job, I agree."
"Boys, this is Jang Sumi," Bang PD said.
You bowed to the seven boys in front of you, secretly wishing the much more charming Eunji hadn't gone home. Even though it was obvious they had rushed to the hospital based on the various array of sweatpants and messy hair, they all still looked gorgeous.
The boys bowed back and their gazes wandered down to your neck, their eyes wide. You hadn't noticed the bruises there from the night before. You shyly broke eye contact and looked over to Yoongi who sat with his feet dangling off the hospital bed.
You met his dark eyes. Instead of the mysterious and hungry look they'd held the night before, they now looked exhausted and slightly annoyed. His gaze left yours momentarily as his eyes looked down at the bruises on your neck. His face remained expressionless except for a small flick of his tongue between his lips.
"The doctors need to run a few more tests and talk with Yoongi and Sumi," Bang PD said. "We should leave them alone"
The six other boys filed out of the room and you took a seat on the bed next to Yoongi, leaving a large space between you, so that it would be nearly impossible to accidentally brush against one another.
"Hi," you said. "So, it's been an interesting day, huh?"
The boy didn't respond and before you could make more futile attempts to fill the silence two doctors walked into the room.
"Min Yoongi and Jang Sumi?"
You both nodded and bowed.
"All right, I know this is all a bit overwhelming right now, but once we all discuss and decide on the various options, I'm sure you'll feel better." The doctor flipped a few pages on his clipboard before looking back up at you. "So, as you both know, this is still a fairly rare condition. Finding one's soulmate and having it cause heart attack like symptoms is not well understood. Due to this, we request at least monthly check-ups for at least the first year for both of you to ensure your heart is okay and to check your overall health. The rest depends on how the two of you choose to proceed. Are you two currently in a relationship?"
"No," you both answered.
The doctor nodded.
"The easiest and best way to proceed is to attempt a relationship. While it might be awkward at first, for your overall general health, it will be the best way to adjust and will allow the withdrawals to be less frequent and violent in the future. If--"
"No," Yoongi said. "We can't do a relationship."
"What do you mean?" you asked, your head whipping around to face him. The last thing you wanted was to be in a relationship with a man you barely knew, especially the day after you'd officially ended it with your ex. But if the doctors said it was the best way to deal with the situation, you were inclined to listen.
"It's for both of our own good," he said. "You have no idea what a relationship with an idol would be like."
"Well, there are other options," the doctor said, glancing between the two of you. "If you truly don't want to be together, we can work on trying to weaken or even sever the connection between you. It is rare and difficult to do, but it has been achieved. You will have to stay in the same building as the other person most of the time. There do seem to be some exceptions such as work or situations where the other absolutely can't be present. However, at first, these withdrawals will be powerful and you may not be able to leave the building without the other person at all. For the first week, we suggest not doing so.
"In order to attempt to sever the connection, we will have to monitor your mental health and work to keep the relationship on track. While you don't have to remain distant from each other, it is important to not have feelings for each other, or else it will not work. You will have monthly or bi-weekly appointments with a psychiatrist who is trained to work with cases like this.
"You will also experience something we like to call urges. These are instances of extreme attraction to one another. It will be extremely difficult to be apart from each other during these times. It is important that you be together in these times, but if you are choosing not to pursue a relationship, you must do your best to resist the attraction."
After the doctor was done explaining everything and had recorded your decision to attempt and sever the connection, they drew blood from both of you and allowed you to leave.
You'd spent the rest of the day packing. Your things were going to be confined mostly to one room, meaning you had to downsize and choose what was most important to you.
You heard a knock on the door and before you could answer it, it was already open and Eunji and the entirety of BTS came through your door.
"Sorry if I scared you," Eunji said. "I let them in."
"Sumi," the tallest one said. He was the leader, Kim Namjoon, according to Google. You figured you should at least try to learn your new roommates. He introduced himself and the rest of the boys, other than Yoongi. "We decided to help you pack up before the movers get here. I'm sure it's quite overwhelming to have to move all of a sudden."
"Yes," you said. "This is very sweet. I guess, um, you could help clean up a bit? I haven't had a chance to clean the kitchen since I got home. And, maybe someone else wouldn't mind getting dinner?"
"No problem," Namjoon said, motioning to the members.
"I'll be in my bedroom if you have any questions or need me for anything."
Eunji was already bonding with the younger members of the band and showed them where all of the cleaning supplies were kept. You smiled at her ability to make friends quickly and headed back to your bedroom.
Your suitcase laid open on your bed as you sorted through your clothes, trying to decide what to keep. You'd already packed the essentials, the rest of your closet spread out around the suitcase.
You felt something soft beneath your foot. You bent down and picked up the fabric, recognizing it as the dress you'd worn out the night before. You hated to leave it behind it, but you weren't sure you would need such a nice dress again. And if you did, you could just borrow one of Eunji's. You folded the dress and were attempting to make a decision when a knock sounded on your door.
"Come in."
The door opened and Yoongi walked in. He wore a beanie, a sweatshirt, and a pair of jeans. You almost liked the more casual look on him more than the slightly more dressed up look he'd worn when you first met. You weren't sure if you truly liked it better or if it was just the connection between you talking.
"Sorry to intrude," he said. "I was just wondering if you needed any more help? The rest of the boys pretty much have it handled out there."
You tried to put aside the resentment you felt for the boy from earlier in the day when he so bluntly decided not to follow the best option and try the relationship.
"You can pack up my knitting stuff," you said pointing over to your desk in the corner where you kept yarn, knitting needles, and the various guides. "Just be careful not to tangle the different yarns together."
He nodded and grabbed an empty box and carefully placing each skein in the box. You turned back to the dress in your hands. You fingered the soft fabric and sighed as you went to set aside. Before you could set the dress with the rest of your discarded clothes, you felt a hand take it from you. You looked up at Yoongi, who held the dress and placed it into the suitcase.
"It looks good on you."
"You like to knit?" Yoongi asked, a few minutes later.
"Yeah," you said. "It calms me down when I'm stressed."
He nodded as he placed the rest of the items from the desk into the box.
"Sumi!" someone called from the hallway.
"What do you want us to do with this?" one of the boys asked, you believed his name was Jimin, followed by a blond-haired boy, Taehyung. Jimin dangled your stuffed cat in the air, a smirk across his face.
"Hey!" you said. "Don't hold Kitty that way!"
The boy laughed as you snatched the stuffed animal from him. One of Kitty's button eyes was loose and dangled slightly, causing her eyes to look uneven.
"You named it Kitty?" Jimin asked laughing.
Eunji came into the room. She seemed slightly annoyed with the two boys who had run off from their duties.
"I was four!" you said, looking down at the stuffed cat. "Besides, it's an English name!"
"All right, all right," Jimin said, relenting his taunts. "Do you want to take Kitty or not?"
You made eye contact with Eunji who's eyes were wide. She knew what Kitty meant to you, but Kitty was also falling apart. Her eye was the least of her trouble, you'd sewed the majority of her seams back together multiple times. You didn't want to risk Kitty getting lost or falling apart altogether. You knew it was time to let her go.
"She is pretty old and I'm getting too old for toys anyway. Um, I guess put her in with the donation pile." You handed the stuffed animal back to Jimin who took it and hesitantly walked from the room.
You felt tears pricking at your eyes, but you held them back and went back to sorting through your clothes. The task felt harder all of a sudden, but eventually, you finished, zipping up the suitcase.
It was late by the time you arrived at the dorm. It was huge, the biggest apartment you'd ever seen. It was surprisingly clean for being inhabited by seven boys, but you figured they were just too busy to cause much of a mess.
The extra bedroom they'd been using as storage was already clear for you. You made your bed and then opened your suitcase and began emptying it into the dresser.
"Need some help?" Namjoon asked, standing in the doorway.
You smiled at the boy as he began sorting your clothes, making it easier for you to put away.
"Thank you," you said. "I'm exhausted and I'm honestly dreading the rest of the boxes getting here tomorrow."
He nodded.
"We've moved a lot," he said. "Sometimes I feel more tired after moving than dance practice."
You both laughed lightly.
"They told me you're an English tutor?"
"Yeah," you said.
"It'll be nice having someone else who can speak English."
"None of the other boys can?"
He shook his head.
"No, they all understand a little. But none of them are fluent."
"We'll have to change that then," you said, laughing.
"How'd you learn it?"
"My mom grew up in the US. Her parents were from here but moved to the US when my mom was a baby. She met my dad when she was here visiting family and she ended up moving when they got married. So, I grew up speaking both Korean and English. My parents recently moved to the US actually, to be closer to my grandparents."
"Wow," he said. "That's a better story than mine. I just watched Friends."
You laughed.
"That's more impressive though. You taught yourself. I kind of just learned it the same time I learned Korean."
You felt some of the nerves you'd felt coming into the dorm beginning to leave you. While you were sure it would talk longer for you to adjust, the boys had all tried to be as helpful and welcoming as possible. Even Yoongi. Despite the fact he'd barely talked to you, he still helped pack up your apartment.
"Sumi," you heard another voice say. You turned around and saw Yoongi standing in the doorway, his eyes focused on his phone. "We have a problem."
"What?" you asked, your eyebrows knitting together.
"Someone found your shoes."
"My shoes? You mean, the ones I left at the bar last night?"
Yoongi nodded.
"Someone is selling them online. They're using the connection to me to get attention. The bidding ends tomorrow."
You grabbed onto the dresser and tried to steady yourself. You'd expected something like this to happen eventually, but just twenty four hours after you'd even met Min Yoongi?
You heard Namjoon say something to Yoongi, but you didn't catch what it was. You felt a hand on your shoulder and saw the leader looking straight at you.
"We're going to get this figured out."
All you could do was nod.
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bvannn · 2 years
Weekly Update Feb 24 2023
Almost done with Tim and Emile’s test animations. I want to throw together a quick promotional one before colosseum, but it’ll have to be pretty simple. I think I can probably do it, but no promises. I could put the current test on pause for that, since that’ll also be a good chance to test a different way of animating the feet, but feet are a pretty low priority since they won’t be seen too often. The only thing left for the current test are ~13 frames (already partially done) and animating the Boys’ faces, which is moderately time consuming but also moderately fun.
Oc stuff coming along slowly but surely. Might throw together a comic as a proof of concept of a story at some point, but it likely won’t go further than that, since my OCs have always wanted to be animated. I could push myself to learn transparency, lighting, or particle effects for animation, but it’ll be slow, and I’ll keep using TRG animated as a tool to push myself, since it’s lower stakes.
Other OC story outline stuff also coming along, will be in a tweakable state to run past friends at some point. I’ve been slowly throwing together doodles to try to get the plot across, maybe I’ll keep going on those, they’re a low priority.
I keep getting swept up with stuff, but spring break starts during TRG Colo, so I’ll hopefully be on a TRG rush around then, which should push me to getting a proper animation started, assuming all the tests I need are done by then. I’ll keep testing ideas to push myself as much as I can, which will all be posted here, but having something solid would be nice to get myself out there a bit more. Even if it’s for a hobby, it’s better than being caught up in nothing but life stuff. I’d love to do more art stuff in general, maybe once I have free time I can organize stuff for commissions, but I need to be worth commissioning first, and I’ll keep working towards that.
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buckbarnesjames · 3 years
Chapter One (Updated)
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Summary: “If I cannot get it right now, I don’t want it at all”.
Pairings: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: discussions of sugar daddy/sugar baby relationships. swearing. discussions of sex. 
Word Count: 2216
A/N: Hey guys, I’ll be back to writing this soon as inspiration has hit again, I’m just updating the previous chapters! I had to repost this one as I couldn’t find the original post to edit it. Please enjoy and as always, feedback is welcomed. The taglist is OPEN so feel free to ask to be tagged! 
Masterlist | Series Masterlist | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Bucky spent the rest of Friday afternoon mulling over how to broach the subject with you. He didn't want to make you uncomfortable in the work environment, but he had secretly always dreamed of having a more personal relationship with you and it wasn’t as if he was new to the sugar baby/sugar daddy dynamic - in fact, he rather enjoyed it. Eventually, he decides to let it go for now and think more about it over the weekend. Meanwhile, whilst Bucky is preparing to spend the weekend overthinking his predicament, you’re preparing to spend time with Nat and Wanda.
Saturday evening you meet them for drinks at a popular nightclub. “Hey, sugar baby” Nat teases you. You roll your eyes and stick your tongue out at her. “Enough of that, Natalia. I told you to drop it” you sass back at her. After a few more minutes of teasing from Nat and Wanda, they finally drop the subject. The waiter approaches your table and you order a round for you and the girls - a Cosmopolitan for Wanda, a white Russian for Nat and a Daiquiri in your favourite flavour for yourself. After a few rounds, you’re feeling brave enough to hit the dance floor.
You and the girls dance close together, the feeling of the bass pumping through your ears. You feel a pair of eyes watching you but brush it off and continue to dance. Halfway through the next song, you feel Nat’s hands on your waist as she leans in close enough that you’re able to hear you, “Hey...isn’t that Mr Barnes?” she says, tilting her head in the direction of the bar. Sure enough, there he is and he’s watching you rather intently. “Let’s give our boss a show, shall we?” she says before spinning you around. You throw your head back laughing, the alcohol probably clouding your judgement, and try to scold her in between giggles. You and the girls dance for a while, with Nat periodically confirming that Mr Barnes - and his friend - are indeed watching you.
Eventually the dancing wears you out, and you all head back to your booth. The waiter approaches again with a fresh round when he notices you all taking your seats. As he places the final drink down, he points towards the bar where Bucky and his friend previously stood, “The gentleman over there would like a moment of your time” he says, smiling knowingly. You look over to see that he’s still there along with his friend, who you now recognise is his business partner, Steve Rogers, nursing glasses of whiskey. As if he can sense your eyes on him, he looks up at you and smiles.
“I’ll be back in a moment” you say to Nat and Wanda. They look between you and Bucky in surprise before Nat drunkenly declares, “Uh oh, you’re in trouble” and giggles. Wanda tries to shush her whilst motioning for you to go as you stand there nervously tugging your dress down, which you now feel is way too short, and taking a long sip of your drink.
You approach Bucky and Steve, “Mr Barnes, are you trying to proposition me?” You joke, the fresh drink in your system giving you a little confidence. If only you had an idea of the thought that had swirled around his mind all day. He had originally called you over to discuss the conversation he had overheard, the alcohol in his system impairing his judgement, but now that you’re standing in front of him he can’t get the words out so instead chuckles at your joke. “Of course not, Miss Y/L/N. I just wanted to offer you a drink, you've worked hard this week” he smiles at you and awaits your answer as you try to ignore your brain suggesting that he’s also referring to the little dance show earlier.
“I appreciate that, Mr Barnes, but we were just about to leave.” Bucky looks a little disappointed at your reply. “Maybe another time though?” you smile at him brightly before realising what you had said. You could feel embarrassment coursing through your body. You had no idea why you’d suggested grabbing a drink with your boss. You excuse yourself quickly after that and head home with the girls, missing the way Bucky smoothes his tongue over his lips. You looked good in that dress.
“Is that the girl you were talking about? Your assistant?” Steve interrupts the tirade of dirty thoughts racing through his mind, and he’s grateful. He shouldn’t be thinking about you like that. The whole sugar baby/sugar daddy thing was a ridiculous idea, a momentary lapse in his judgement. He nods at Steve in reply and downs his whiskey, ordering another one as he places his glass down on the bar. “You have it bad, dude” Steve laughs and Bucky scowls at him. “I can see why, but I prefer redheads” Steve continues joking, looking to the exit as you, Wanda and Nat leave. “Nat would eat you alive, pretty boy. She’s ruthless and that’s why she’s head of the finance department” Bucky bites back. Steve laughs and proudly declares that he could handle her, to which Bucky continuously denies for the rest of the night as Steve tries to convince him to give him Nat’s number.
You arrive on time to work on Monday, your car having spent the weekend in the garage, and the next few days pass by in a blur of meetings, business proposals and coffee making. You don’t see much of Bucky through the week but put it down to the time of year and not the encounter you’d had with him Saturday night. You knew he was probably planning the end of month gala to celebrate acquiring an important business deal. Before you know it, Thursday arrives.
Bucky is working late again. As usual, you’d order him some food and placed it on his desk. You’re packing your bag to head home when Bucky enters the office, closing the door behind him. “Miss Y/L/N, could I talk to you for a moment?” he says, his tone serious and you begin to worry that you’ve done something wrong. “Of course, Mr Barnes. Is everything okay? I haven’t messed something up have I?” you ramble on. You couldn’t afford to lose this job, the pay was great and allowed you to live comfortably in a decent Manhattan apartment. “Y/N,” Bucky interrupts your inner monologue, “Everything’s fine. I just wanted to talk to you about a conversation I overheard the other week.” Your stomach drops. Oh, shit. He’d heard you, Nat and Wanda.
You look to the floor, embarrassed. “Mr Barnes, I can explain…” Bucky interrupts you again, this time by placing his finger under your chin and lifting your head so your graze meets his. You gasp at the contact. Bucky had never been this informal with you before. “You’re not in trouble, Y/N. In fact, I found the conversation rather interesting.” Bucky says, removing his hand from underneath your chin once he’s sure you won’t break eye contact. “Look, I’ve been thinking about this for the past week and I don’t want to overstep any boundaries but well, If I don’t ask then I’ll never know.”
“Thinking about what, Mr Barnes?” You look at him in confusion, your head tilted slightly to the left. Bucky finds the action endearing. You look so innocent. He takes a deep breath before speaking again, “Look, you know as well as anybody around here that If I can’t get what I want right now, then I don’t want it and well right now… I want you. I want you in the capacity that you and your friends were talking about on Friday.” Bucky hears as you sharply inhale. “You mean, you want me as...as your sugar baby?” you ask, your voice an octave higher than usual. Bucky chuckles softly at your nervousness. “Yes, Y/N. You’re free to say no, I’ll never broach the subject again and we can continue to work together in a professional capacity but...I’d really like it if you were to say yes”.
“Why me?” you ask. You don’t know why but it’s the only thing you can say. For some reason, your feet aren’t carrying you out of the office and home as fast as possible, like you’d wished when this conversation had begun. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that you’d secretly fantasized about your attractive boss since the moment you began working at Barnes Industries. “I have more money than I have sense, Y/N, and if I’ve gotta spend it on someone other than myself then I choose the beautiful girl who has sat at the desk across from me for the past two years”. Bucky watches you, surveying your reaction. He was pushing the boundaries so far right now but god, he hadn’t been able to get this idea out of his head all week. “Beautiful?” You ask, as if that was the most ridiculous thing he had said in the last five minutes. “Beautiful” he says firmly.
“How would this even work, Mr Barnes?” you ask, the wheels in your head are spinning a thousand miles and hour and you can’t stop yourself from entertaining the idea. BUcky smiles and you see him visibly relax. He pulls a recognisable Tiffany & Co box out of the pocket of his suit pants. “Well...if you were to agree, I’d love for you to accept this gift and wear it every day around the office.” He opens the box to reveal a drop pendant with five, shining stones. You gasp at the simplistic beauty of it. “And what then...if I accept?” you whisper. You had no idea why you were whispering, you knew that you and Bucky were alone in the office. “If you were to accept, I would take you on an initial spending spree and buy you whatever clothes, shoes and products you desired. I would then give you a weekly allowance of an agreed upon amount” Bucky says, his tone similar to the one he uses in business meetings. “And what would you require from me?” you ask. He knows what you’re implying. “You wouldn’t have to do anything you were uncomfortable with. I’d require your company at any events I have to attend and I would love to spend time with you outside of the work environment, taking you to dinner and things but that would only happen if you wanted it to” he answers, watching as a mixture of emotions flash across your face - surprise, confusion and relief. It stings a little when he recognises the look of relief on your face, he’d always been attracted to you and hoped the feeling was mutual.
“This is all so sudden, James” given the situation, you address him informally. His heart flutters at the way you say his name. “I know, and you don’t have to agree but if you decide this is something you want...then text this number before eight tomorrow morning and I’ll send a car for you” he says and he hands you a card with a cellphone number that you don’t recognise.”It’s my drivers number” he answers the question he can see formulating in your mind. You smile, knowing he’d given you that number because his personal phone tended not to be charged unless you’d done it. “I’ll let you go home now and think about things,” he says, taking a step back from you and giving you some breathing room. You silently pick your bag up and make your way to the door of the office, with shaky legs. You turn back to look at him offering him a small smile and a “Goodnight, Mr Barnes”.
You toss and turn all night, mulling the idea over. It wasn’t like you needed the money, Barnes Industries paid you well - probably above the national salary of an executive assistant - but the idea of spending time with Bucky in a more personal way was gnawing at your mind. It was no secret between you and your friends that you had always harbored a little crush on him, and now he was practically on his hands and knees in front of you offering himself - and his money - to you. You get out of bed at seven AM, deciding there was no point in lying around any longer. You get dressed for the day quickly and attempt to eat some breakfast but the nervousness in your stomach doesn’t allow you to eat much so you just drink a coffee and eat a few spoonfuls of oatmeal. You pick up your phone and the piece of paper Bucky had given you last night and take a deep breath before typing out the words that would change your life forever.
I thought about it, Mr Barnes. You type out, clicking send immediately after - giving yourself no chance to change your mind for the millionth time. And what did you decide, Miss Y/L/N? The reply is instant, as if he had been waiting around all morning for you to come to a decision. You quickly type and send your reply.
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qingxintea · 3 years
➼ chongyun || hiraeth
tw: mention of knives (no violence), kidnapping, explosion _______
you angled your camera to catch your face and upper body correctly and adjusted your blinds for the correct lighting. you put thin pieces of yellow and pink paper over your lamp to give off a sunset lighting sort of aesthetic in your minimalist room. your tiny cacao tree sat in the corner of your room, setting some sort of simple beach vibe.
then, you began to stream.
you watched as majority of your followers came to view as you sat in your rolly gaming chair. the greetings came rushing in and you noticed two of your friends had came along too, xingqiu and chongyun.
"hey gang, it's kingexplosionmurder here with your weekly sunday stream," you smiled and watched as comments came in asking you to notice them. beginning to select randomly, you flicked a short strand of hair behind your ear. "you have been noticed, yourlocalsugardaddy," you blessed them. and you swore you chose randomly.
on the other side of the screen, chongyun's face slightly flushed before eating his popsicle again. yes, that was his username, selected by xingqiu after the guhua heir was somehow able to trick him into selecting so. the situation must've been that he accidentally consumed some jueyun chili's, that was also xingqiu's doing.
he watched you smile as you explained your schedule for this stream, when he noticed you suddenly began laughing. it sounded genuine, he wanted to believe it was genuine, but there was a trace of disappointment in it. he observed your face, noticing you were looking at the chat box. "i agree too, scarymoose."
scarymoose: this streamer's kinda dog shit ngl 😐
by instinct, his fingers grazed over the keyboard as he analyzed the tone. this kid wasn't joking around with himself, he was really out to bring you down. he exhaled, shaking his head, wondering how you would deal in the situation.
yourlocalsugardaddy: miss karen this isn't yelp 🙄
he wasn't content with that yet, things could've gone onto more serious matters, but he knew you liked to keep your chat clean and peaceful. you went to the farther extents to keep that from happening, agreeing with rude comments yourself as a said joke, but actually have it sometimes harming you.
so chongyun tried his best to keep you happy.
redrumreaper: yo moose chill 😳
he recognized his friend xingqiu also trying to calm the situation as you just laughed it off and attempted to continue, sooner enough just beginning to ignore all his comments. some other viewers came up to your defense but in all honesty, you wanted to move on.
"s-so, i found some silk flowers outside of wangshuu inn yesterday, aren't they pretty?" you took a tiny bouquet of the said silk flowers and presented it to your viewers, holding it next to your cheek. the pink tone of the flowers matched the color of your cheeks and made for a nice picture. chongyun would've screenshotted it, but he respected your privacy.
yourlocaldumba$$: yes they're so pretty we love you 😍
13lue13erry: yes ong ong 💕 thiccer than my granny
Straw13erry: don't bring madame ping into this 💀💀
colino: are you sure it's alright to take from someone's legally owned property ?? much less from their garden
Straw13erry: u mean ur neighbors don't harvest ur flowers every day? 🙄 privilege spoke 🤚
yourlocalsugardaddy: vv pretty 😳
redrumreaper: simp 💀
you slightly choked over on your side and xingqiu calling chongyun a simp, for you. quickly clearing your throat, you regained your composure. your viewers could see that your cheeks had been dusted with a darker shade now.
13lue13erry: 👀
Straw13erry: 👀
yourlocaldumba$$: 👀
redrumreaper: 👀
sireluck: 💀
bazinga: 👀
dandelionn: 👀
poetichoe: 👀
"okay- anyways," you pushed that aside, watching the chain of 👀's coming in. you weren't too sure at what they were referring to, but just assumed that they were interested in xingqiu exposing chongyun. but, there was no way chongyun really felt like that, right? it was just a friendly compliment from what you believed. "just a tiny flex but y'all guys, i am so cracked at apex, not gonna lie. for all the new followers out there," you randomly commented. 'and to change the subject.'
"actually, you know what? fuck the schedule, let's go to trolling little eight year old kids posting selfies on instagram. due to certain reasons i'm just not gonna be blurring their usernames out, but please don't spam these people, i don't wanna be cancelled 💗" you sweetly smiled as you pulled up instagram and started streaming on your phone.
of course your sus notifications ruined it 🤡🤡
because xingqiu took advantage of the situation, sending messages to your discord. nothing mentioning your romantic life because he knew better than that, but just trolling. 'HEY GANG. ITS ME, TONY, AND TODAY WE'RE GONNA SEE IF IM FASTER THAN THIS MOUSE TRAP.' 'TURNS OUT, I AM NOT FASTER THAN THIS MOUSE TRAP.' 'AN UPDATE, IT HURTS. ALRIGHT. BYE GUYS.' you tried hard to contain your laughter, but certain giggles came out in the end, giggles that made chongyun's heart flutter.
xingqiu just kept spamming without a stop, to the point that you accidentally clicked into the notification instead of someone's username on a selfie post. so now everyone could see your group chat with xingqiu, chongyun, and a few other viewers that were actually your other friends.
13lue13erry: oh no 🤡
Straw13erry: 🗿
yourlocaldumba$$: HAHAHAHA WE'RE EXPOSED 🤡👌
just water support boy 😔: image.png
oh my god he's sending chongyun catboy edits. you made this concerning noise, glad no one really seemed to know who chongyun really was on twitch. you went back to instagram, beginning to dm a random kid, ignoring the situation that had just happened.
chongyun choked, slight heat running to his cheeks. what the fuck was xingqiu doing- how did he even get those pictures? maybe it was that one time xingqiu forced him to go to a furry con, but how did he ever get the time to photograph these? he nervously fidgeted and played with his fingers.
13lue13erry: 🤡
Straw13erry: 🤡
yourlocaldumba$$: 🤡
redrumreaper: 🤡
<— oraoraoraor
kingexplosionmurder: chav check
oraoraoraor: what
kingexplosionmurder: chav: check 😹😹
oraoraoraor: bruh
oraoraoraor: who tf are you
kingexplosionmurder: hope you like baddies cause i'm bad at everything 💗
oraoraoraor: bruh ok i'm blocking
kingexplosionmurder: stop dming me
oraoraoraor: 😐
kingexplosionmurder: stop dming me
oraoraoraor: wtf
kingexplosionmurder: stop dming me
oraoraoraor: wait wait UR that one twitch streamer?
kingexplosionmurder: stop dming me
oraoraoraor: ig ur fans gonna be so disappointed in you
kingexplosionmurder: stop dming me
oraoraoraor: hahaha wtf i'm gonna post this and tag you
kingexplosionmurder: stop dming me
afterwards you sent a barrage of really cursed images and left the person on read when they tried to complain and get a reaction out of you. you chuckled, extremely satisfied with yourself. this is what your viewers followed you for. you went on hunting for another user, "GO Y/N GO" filling up your chat.
you were just about to dm this other kid until you heard a ring from your doorbell. "oh what the fuck, i didn't invite anyone. but you know what, i'll pull something up to entertain y'all guys while i'm afk." searching on youtube, you typed in 'banana fish ep. 1' and clicked on the longest video you saw. then you got up from your chair, making your way to the front door.
you didn't mute yourself before because you thought there was really no need to, and you underestimated your mic sensitivity. god did you wish that you could go back and time and do just that.
twisting the doorknob, you opened your door and was met with... a certain, someone.
someone that you recognized and has caused you so much pain, and it was all so fun and games before they had to come along. "bruh. aight what you here for fam?" you played it super chill, though you were really sick and tired of this person's shit.
"(y/n). we need to talk," her stern voice made you flinch as you just stared straight into her eyes. you simply nodded your head and crossed your arms, shifting your weight onto your right leg. "we're thinking of taking you back home."
your froze, your breath hitching as you just stood there, waiting for her to go on. clenching your fists and looking down, you stayed silent for a little moment and questioned, "...why?"
"well, you have a stable income source, right?" she asked, putting her hands on her hips. "you can finally be of use to us," she clasped her hands together, a bright smile on her face. your finger twitched, awaiting an explanation. "you're a streamer, yeah? so you can be a useful asset to our family name."
"...you only want me to come back so i can make you all seem... good?"
and here you thought, just for a second, that you would be accepted back into the place where you really belonged. your shoulders slumped, as small tears began to well up in your eyes. "and for our profitable gain of course, it would be a shame to not acquire that from you."
you composed yourself and looked up. "im afraid my profit can only cover for one person, and it would be myself that i focus to make a suitable and independent living out of. you've kicked me out ever since i've graduated from college and had me fend for myself, now inviting me back once i have a stable job?" you breathed, fiddling with the sleeves of your black hoodie.
"oh, not inviting, dear. taking."
confused by her words, you let your guard down as she suddenly pushed a warm cloth over your mouth as you let out a constrained scream. you tried to break free of her grasp, reaching for the switchblade in your pocket, but the drowsing chemicals from the cloth took control of you and you felt disoriented. "you... bitch..."
your head hit the floor.
》●✿ time ● skip ✿●
thats all you heard when you awoke.
pure, unfiltered silence that overwhelmed you as you were completely lost. what was happening?
you tried turning to the other side of your childhood bed, the moon casting light shadows into your 'room'. there was a rope around your wrists you noticed, so you brought them up to your lips and starting gnawing on them until it broke apart. (guys we feral its not a furry instinct ok?/ ??  ?)
the material had irritated your skin, but you put that aside for now. escape- thats what you really needed to do. it was fairly dark, but you didn't have a good estimate of time. the analog clock was broken and set to a different time that displayed 11AM. you sat up, your fingers running along the frame of the window next to you.
for a moment, you stopped, thoughts rushing into your head. what if you could start a whole other life here where things could finally be peaceful, what if you didn't have to feel so isolated anymore, what if you could- ...
no. (y/n), get yourself together. what has happened will anyways stay there, and there is no healing scars. ...still, you couldn't shake off the feeling of missing this home so much when you had an amazing childhood, though full of fake actors who had manipulated you.
opening all the cabinets silently, you grabbed things that you assumed would come to your aid. a tiny backpack, which you then stuffed with other things around it. a first aid kit, a spare knife just in case, along with a clean oversized sweater and a couple dollar bills. all that, along with a compass.
you turned towards your window, stepping on your bed.
pushing open the sides of your window, your stepped on, the brown coldness of the frame coming in contact with your feet. you shivered just a little bit before stopping to think. what would you do once you were out of here? you barely knew your way here. and not to mention, your devices were still left at your other house, so there was no way of contact.
did your stream ever end? even if it did, had you muted yourself before leaving? no, you didn't, and you could remember in precise detail. someone out there, anyone, would be willing to help, right? you couldn't possibly be here forever, not when you're basically blown up all over your socials?
your friends, yes, your friends! xingqiu and chongyun were watching the stream and had made obvious interaction in doing so, and they'd be willing to protect you. if they just had a lead...
but... what lead was there? all they heard was the woman's voice and, that was probably it, wasn't it? only a voice with no other clear features that could identify her. it looked like you were doing this on your own.
you came in contact with the blades of grass tickling your feet and conveniently found a pair of sneakers outside. it definitely wasn't yours, and it smelled like the scent of your old room. most likely, it belonged to someone from inside your house, lavender and mint, but who inside there was in the age range to wear modern day sneakers..?
brushing that question aside, you unhesitatingly laced them on and they were just a bit too big, but you could manage.
you breathed, inhaling the freedom intertwined air, a much needed factor of bringing you back to your lost sense of happiness. then, the fear struck you once again, because you needed to improvise now. you needed to run, but which direction? you barely knew this place at all.
you dug around your pocket for the compass you had and it was pointing east. you remember that stepping out of your house was facing west, so you were going the right way... but who knows how messy the path was? it couldn't have been an exact pathway, but going directly ahead was your simplest option.
you heard a pair of footsteps coming from inside the house, probably a few seconds away to opening the door. you sucked in your breath and ran, ran as far as your legs could take you. your intimidating speed and played into your advantage, and taking one last look, you saw the lights on, before continuing.
a few minutes into it, you felt some elemental energy. it was a sense you learned to develop since you were young, giving you the upper hand in a variety of situations. you followed the trail of glowing lines, the air starting to get colder and colder. you shuddered, the crisp coldness nipping at your skin.
you sat below a tree, taking your backpack off your shoulder and took out the oversized sweater. you put it on over your black tee and light blue skinny jeans, its nostalgic aroma filling your sense of smell.
it was... warm.
it shouldn't be warm.
the warmth proved as a sign that someone had worn it before, but this size was from what you knew, too small to fit the woman you came across again, and you absolutely did not recall any other beings within the house. it was a small household.
suddenly, you remembered what she said.
we're thinking of taking you back home. you can finally be of use to us.
plural. you should've noticed it before and you shook your head, slightly disappointed in yourself. you didn't remember any other birth siblings. could it be the fact that during the time, they had, in a way, replaced you?
you sat up, then suddenly went drowsy. your eyelids were getting heavy as your back hit the same tree. ah, that clever bitch. you chuckled to yourself, but still unsatisfied how this was gonna end. reaching inside your pocket, you grabbed a bomb that a little kid gave you, and threw it as far as you could. it wasn't as far as you hoped, but it was exceptionally far considered your sleepy state.
in a few couple seconds or so, it was going to explode. you did that to divert the attention of her and slowly ran as far as you could. a few seconds in, you gave in, hoping that your efforts were enough. 》●✿ perspective ● shift ✿●
chongyun heard an explosion.
he raised his head in the direction smoke was coming from, and made a run for it, then stopping to think. no, you're smarter than this. he gathered his shit together and remembered that one day klee gave you a bomb. he deducted that you had used it as a diversion, and began to search around the area.
and finally, he came across your sleeping body. to ensure your living state, he crouched down and let two fingers travel across your neck, searching for a pulse, and was relieved when he found one, pulsing at a normal rate.
he then carried you on his back, picking up the pace since he deducted someone was out for you, would you need a distraction. he remembered some details of the woman, she had ended your stream with your sleeping form in her hands, a dirty smirk coming across her lips. she had dark hair with some natural highlights, but that was all he saw because the rest was concealed by a cloak.
a few minutes, maybe half an hour later, you began to stir. chongyun decided that he ventured far enough to liyue and slowed down for your comfort. he wanted you to get some well deserved rest. but slowly, you woke up, but only the tiniest movement was made. your eyes were still droopy and you wanted to return to sleep.
but the sight of pastel blue hair kept you from doing so.
you felt the familiar silk coming in contact with your arms as he kept on trudging forward at a more consistent and smooth pace. "..chongyun?" you muttered out weakly, earning a small smile from the male. he hummed in response, continuing forward.
your mind was cloudy, unable to interpret the language of the world. but softly, words effortlessly escaped your lips, "... did i do the right... thing?" blinking multiple times, you awaited his answer.
"yes, yes you did," his soft voice reached your ears, making you smile a bit. you nuzzled deeper into his shoulder, clinging onto him tighter, unwilling to let go.
"thank you," you whispered.
he chuckled a bit before responding, "anything for you."
bro ending is a little off because i'm wrote this at 2:53AM and so my brain has went ⬇️⬇️ also i'm just hungry
copy and pasted from my wattpad,, @ppeachtea_
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duckymcdoorknob · 3 years
BNHA Boys Headcannons:
He Hears You Sing for the First Time.
Hi fellas!! Welcome to my BNHA headcannons! I wanted to write something other than my normal fics, so I’ll be posting a master list of these scenarios and updating them mostly bi-weekly! ❤️✨
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Katsuki Bakugo:
Tonight was a calm night during the sports festival. Classes 1-A and 1-B were at a shady bar, engaged in a heavy karaoke contest. It all started with a certain Monoma deciding that 1-B could be superior to 1-A in anything they wanted. Jirou decided to pick a karaoke contest.
Inside, you were mentally cursing yourself. You had never revealed your talent and it didn’t match with your quirk whatsoever. Nonetheless, If it would get that corn-headed bastard to shut up, you were willing to make a personal sacrifice.
After Jirou finished her rendition of I Hate Myself for Lovin’ You, she received almost max on the applause-o-meter. Next it was Tetsutetsu’s turn. You spaced out trying to figure out what you were going to sing. Then it hit. The best song. You didn’t even have to sing, just speak fast. It was perfect.
Tetsutetsu received low applause, making you feel bad in a way, but not too much.
“Next to the stage. Class 1-A, (Y/N) Tamayaki” Monoma announced.
As you passed by him, he flicked your shoulder. You turned your head and scowled at him, “if you’re scared about me beating your 5 on the meter...” you walked on the stage and tapped the mic, “you should be.”
You whispered to the DJ, selecting your most straightforward repertoire song, It’s The End of The World As We Know It
The familiar tinking of the intro played, gaining some hoots and hollers from the crowds. You took to the microphone, “that’s great it starts with an earthquake, birds, snakes and aeroplanes, Lenny Bruce is not afraid”
You masterfully complete the first verse, without a misstep or stutter. Seeing Monoma look like a deer in headlights made it all the more satisfying. When moving into the chorus, you notice a head full of blonde spikes walk through the door.
“Six o’ clock, Tv hour...” you spoke so fluidly it was almost mechanical. The usually stoic boy turned to look at you with a hint of shock in face. You moved through the second verse with a little wobble, mixing a word or two after seeing the explosive blonde.
“The other night I tripped a nice continental drift divide. Mt. St. Edelide...”
After the entirety of the bar shouted “Leonard Bernstein” at you, your turn was almost up. You finished the song with full power in your voice.
The audience erupted into boisterous cheering, leaving you dazed on the stage. Jirou ushered you away with a, “why the hell didn’t you tell us you sang?”
As you passed by Bakugo, you felt a rough hand on your shoulder.
“Oy extra,” a gruff voice sounded, “that was pretty damn cool. Since when do you do that shit?”
Your cockiness from Monoma never left you, “it’s always been there, pretty boy, just never let anyone know it.” You get on your toes and whisper in his ear, “it goes much deeper than this. Let me know when you want to hear more.”
You walk off with Jirou, earning a high five from her. Bakugo stood dumbfounded. Maybe you weren’t an extra after all.
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Izuku Midoriya:
Class 1-A’s antics never did end. Kirishima insisted on the whole class hearing his singing voice, a god awful one may I add. So, the class was broken out into full on song.
You had never shown anyone you could sing, it just didn’t fit with your quirk. So you held it off. As soon as the whole ordeal started growing, you found yourself walking to the front of the school.
You plant down on a bench, plugging in your earbuds. You scroll through your Spotify playlist, but ultimately let it shuffle. You un-tensed as the beginning of The Boys of Summer echoed in your ears. You closed your eyes and let lazy lyrics escape your lips.
“Nobody on the road, nobody on the beach...” you quietly echoed the song.
This was the true symbol of peace: no one to bother you while you listened to a bomb ass song. You didn’t notice the added weight on the bench next to you until it was too late.
“Well I can see you, your brown skin shining in the sun...” you quietly let the words escape your lips like clockwork.
You opened your eyes to take in the world around you. You nearly jumped out of your skin when you saw Izuku sitting right next to you.
“I-uh h-h-hi! Sorry to bother you, but you just disappeared. I wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
You chuckled softly. How could you be mad at this stuttering mess?
“Um (Y-Y-Y/N)? C-could you keep singing for me?” Izuku was flushed. He was embarrassed with himself, clearly.
You let out a soft breath of air, your lips curving into a smile. You let the next words of the song release from you. You leaned back onto Izuku’s lap, not thinking anything of it. You felt the boy tense up in your lap, but he ultimately relaxed and began to play with your hair.
Okay you lied, this was the true symbol of peace. You spent the whole afternoon in the same position; singing along to whatever song happened to be next in the shuffle.
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Denki Kaminari: (got a little carried away here. I’m a Kami hoe)
Certain days bring certain events that you can never plan for. The spring festival most definitely had the it’s surprises in store.
You were hanging out with your friends, Mina, Bakugo, Kirishima, Sero and Kaminari. Today has been the best day you’ve ever experienced. So many fun filled events! Bakugo dominated ring toss and won a giant stuffed zebra for himself, plus a giant stuffed Pikachu for Denki. Sero won the ropes course, receiving a small teddy bear. Mina and Kirishima took on a milk bottle toss, in which they both walked away with a stuffie of their own.
“(Y/N)-Chan! You haven’t won a prize yet! What game can we all play to get one?” Mina chimed
“Oh! I’m not sure! I’m not very athletically inclined, if you catch my drift.” You rubbed the back of your neck in embarrassment.
“That’s okay! Neither am I, I just have a good throwing arm” Mina beamed back in response.
You gave her a closed-eyed grin as you continued with the group. You had to admit that you wanted a stuffie of your own, but how were you supposed to win one?
“Ooooh! Look! Look!” Kirishima’s voice suddenly rang.
You look up to see a midsize stage, a huge crowd of your fellow students and Present Mic setting up a microphone. This should be good...
“Attention studennnnntsssssaah!” A booming voice echoed through the field, “come to the stage for a cool talent show! Winner receives a speeeeeecial prizzzeee!~”
You looked at Kiri with furrowed eyebrows. You hadn’t told anyone about your singing voice yet, so you played dumb.
“What could I possibly bring to the stage? My quirk? You’ve all seen it already.” You snapped in defense while fiddling with your hair.
“You can sing! I heard you humming in the common room!” Kirishima bit back in rebuttal.
“That doesn’t mean a damn thing! And even if I could, Ive got tons of other people to go against!”
You looked amongst your friends, who all had the same look in their eyes. You hung your head down and went to Present Mic to sign up.
After a few minutes, your name was called. You mentally cursed yourself as you shuffled onto the stage.
“Next in our competition, (Y/N) Tamayaki!” Present Mic announced.
You looked at Kirishima, who gave you a thumbs up. As the music started, you sucked in a breath. This is it. The tempo grows and accompaniment becomes more intense. You can’t help but smile.
“Movin’ on the floor now baby, you’re a bird of paradise” you began to sing.
Kirishima cheered. Rio was a favorite amongst you and Kiri. You moved through the first verse with great ease.
“Her name is Rio and she dances on the sand.” You were feeling free, not holding back a bit. You sang your heart out through the next verse, masterfully completed the second chorus, and chuckled as the instrumental break sounded.
As the saxophone began to play, you felt a hand on yours and soon you were spun around. Kirishima has come up to the stage to get you to “loosen up”, but he just wanted to perform with you.
“You make me feel alive, alive alive! Luck is on my side or somethin’, I know what you’re thinkin!” You chimed as Kirishima spun you again.
You started the final chorus, while Kirishima beckoned the whole audience to sing. They all obliged except for one...
A dazed Denki stood with a pink tinge on his cheeks. He was awestruck for sure, for you had never revealed this side of you to him.
As the song ended, you stuck your microphone up in the air and smiled wide. The audience roared in applause, and you won a (favorite animal) plushie.
You exited the stage and tried to grab the voluptuous plushie, but it was so heavy you stumbled backwards.
“Woa-! Careful (Y/N)!” Kaminari cried as he caught you by your underarms, “dude! What the hell that was SO cool!!”
You chuckled and helped yourself to your feet, taking one end of the plush and Kami on the other. You both met with your group while Kaminari pestered you with questions.
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Ejirou Kirishima:
Finally! Your first semester of U.A High was complete! Today was a great day for you and your classmates to hang out. So, you and your friend group decided to go have lunch somewhere fun.
“Oye Bakugo, I don’t know If I’m comfortable with you driving. Especially considering you road rage something awful.” Denki intervened your thoughts.
“Oh yeah definitely. Do not let blasty over here behind the wheel.” You agreed.
Bakugo glared daggers at the two of you. “I’m a more than adEQUATE DRIVER THANK YOU!”
“You’re welcome! But you’re not driving.” You chimed in response, “Kirishima can”
“Hell yeah!” Kirishima beamed as he trudged to the driver’s seat of his Mustang.
Bakugo called shotgun first, so you were stuck in the backseat with Denki and Sero. Middle set between these two tricksters? Can’t be as innocent as it seems.
Nonetheless, Kirishima started up the car and put the top down. “We’re riding in style today my friends.”
You chuckled and relaxed in your seat. It would be about a 45 minute drive to go where you all agreed, but it would be a fun one. Kirishima turned on his spotify, letting it shuffle. Some slow song came on and you felt your eyes get heavy...
All of the sudden, you saw your eyelids again. You opened your eyes to see that you had fallen asleep on Kami’s shoulder, and that he had done the same.
“Long day at the mill I guess?” Kirishima asked, looking at you in the rear-view mirror with a grin.
You chuckled softly, he was right. You definitely needed that nap. At that moment, your favorite song played on Kirishima’s spotify, Fallen Angel by Poison.
“WAIT! You’re a poison fan too?!” You shot up, forgetting about poor Kaminari on your shoulder. The boy woke up upon impact with the seat, and you gave him an amused puff of air.
“Jeez (y/n) I let you sleep on my shoulder and tried not to move you. But all of the sudden the tables turn and you don’t do the same? Not cool.” Denki said with a pout.
“It’s just guitar right now.” Kaminari responded as he yawned.
“ITS SO MUCH BETTER THOUGH!” You cried, “She stepped off the bus and out into the city streets.” You began to sing.
Kirishima looked in the rear-view again. He saw you absolutely jamming as you sang. He smiled fondly and turned his attention back to the road.
“Just a step away from the edge of the fall. Sometimes you can’t choose-“
“It’s like a heads you win, tails you’re gonna lose!” Kirishima started to sing with you.
“WIN BIG, MAMA’S FALLEN ANGEL, LOSE BIG, LIVIN’ OUT HER LIES.” You both erupted in to song, causing an angry Bakugo to roll his eyes and let out a fond scoff.
You and Kirishima sang your hearts out until the song ended. You repeated this pattern with all of Kirishima’s other music. You and this boy shared such similar music taste.
Kaminari and Bakugo tried to be annoyed, but they couldn’t seem to find a reason to not be amused. When a song you all knew came on, everyone started singing, even Bakugo. Upon arrival at the restaurant, everyone was smiling and ready for a nice lunch.
“I never knew you had such a nice voice (y/n)!” Kirishima cooed, “you and Jirou should totally team up and make music together!”
Your face heated up. “Oh- uh! Heh, thanks Kiri! I’m happy to hear that you’re a man of culture as well. Not many people our age know about Poison.” You rubbed the back of your neck in embarrassment.
Kirishima’s eyebrows raised with excitement, “oh yeah! I love older music! There’s just something about it! I mean the backing music isn’t the main focus of the song, it’s like an accompaniment for the vocals and-“
“Jesus Christ Kirishima. Get a fucking room you two, you sound like Deku with all that rambling” Bakugo’s annoyed voice sounded. You both felt your faces heat up at the comment, walking into the restaurant with a new idea in both of your minds.
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Shoto Todoroki: (got carried away here too uwu)
A lonely rainy day. The boys were all at the pool for some “extra training”. It was close to your birthday and the girls were out to find a present for you. You chuckled softly at the thought. You knew straight away what the girls were planning.
“(Y/n) Chan!” Uraraka’s voice echoed through your thoughts, “were going to the shop to get a-“ she cut herself off, “some snacks for you today! We want to get some (favorite chip flavor) chips!” She beamed.
You nodded in response with a goofy grin. They’re the best friends you could ask for. All of the girls took off in an instant, leaving you in the dorms by yourself.
“Waste not want not.” You hummed to yourself as you made your way into the common room. You prepared yourself a mug of (favorite warm drink) (hot choccy gang) and planted down by the large bay window.
The world was silent. Nothing daring to make a sound, but the pitter-patter of the rain outside of the window. You sighed with great satisfaction. How could this day possibly get better? You grabbed your phone and earbuds from the couch and turned on your Spotify.
“Well... it’s just me here. I can practice my audition music if I wanted.” You thought out loud. You clicked in the playlist containing all of the songs that suited your voice the most.
You instantly relaxed and prepared to start as the familiar tweets and twitters of Green Finch and Linnet Bird played through your earbuds.
“Green finch and linnet bird, nightingale, blackbird, how is it you sing?” You began to softly sing, “how can you jubilate sitting in cages, never taking wing?”
You stared out the window, as if you were acting out the scene yourself, “Outside the sky waits beckoning, beckoning, just beyond the bars.” You stood to your feet and let the music run through you. No one was here to judge you, no one could laugh or glare or, in Bakugo’s case, sneer at you. “How can you remain, staring at the rain? Maddened by the stars?”
You were now in the center of the room, sitting on the couch. “How is it you sing? Anything?” The music crescendoed into a melodious break. You continued to the window, singing the song ever so softly, as if you were singing a lullaby. “Green finch and linnet bird, nightingale, blackbird, teach me how to sing.”
The rain fell harder as you plopped down on the window ledge, “if I cannot fly... let me sing.” You stared out the window with a soft smile on your face. Yes... this is the best way to spend your birthday. Completely alone, cup of (drink) in hand, singing your heart out... Nothing could beat it.
You noticed that you were out of (drink) and returned to the kitchen to pour yourself some more. Upon exiting, the cord of your earbuds snagged along the handle of a drawer. Before you had time to react, a small beam of ice froze your drink, keeping you from burning yourself.
“Are you alright, Tamayaki?”
You stood dazed, unable to process everything. Your mouth sat agape as you tried to usher a sentence.
“(Y/N)? Everything’s fine, you didn’t fall, I caught you.”
That’s when you noticed the arm gripped around yours. You turned to meet the concerned eye of your best friend, Shoto Todoroki.
“A-Ah! Gomenasai Todoroki-San!” You stuttered as your face heated up, “gee how embarrassing.”
Todoroki simply grinned with an exhale of air. Your eyes widened and eyebrows furrowed as you swallowed, “that means you’ve been here the whole time... and you heard me-“
“Singing? Yes. Your voice is quite beautiful. It was a great accompaniment to my embroidering.” Todoroki admitted with a soft smile.
“-was gonna say talk to myself but...” you covered your face with your hands, “no one’s ever heard me sing before! I was always so careful!”
“You shouldn’t be embarrassed. You truly have a gift.” Todoroki said softly, “if you don’t mind, I would like to embroider while you sing to me.”
You pondered. “Well you’ve already heard me, so there’s no sense in hiding. But, I do need some more (drink), because you kinda like froze my original cup.” Shoto nodded with a chuckle and turned on his heel to grab his supplies.
You smiled and retreated to the kitchen for a new cup of (drink). You then sat down on the couch, scrolling through your playlist to find something slow and quiet. When you felt the ouch weigh down next to you, you absentmindedly rested your head on his shoulder.
“Happy birthday (Y/N). Such a peaceful afternoon must be a gift.”
“Hanging with you is a gift enough.” You muttered, hoping he wouldn’t hear you.
“I feel the same. Now, I want to hear your beautiful voice again. Hop to it.” Shoto gently commanded.
You obliged and spent your quiet time with him. Hours passed and still you both sat, attention on each of your hobbies. Nothing could ruin this incredible moment. Until Uraraka bursted through the door, causing you to spill an entire mug of scalding (drink) in your lap...
“Happy friggin birthday.” You cringed as Todoroki patted your lap with a cold dish towel.
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justjstuff · 3 years
I just wanted to let you know that I am a ginormous fan of DOF and looked forward to Fire Friday every week! Your writing skills are astounding and I’m so thankful for your incredible depiction of Sakura’s bad-ass personality and story in this fic. Not only that, I am amazed at all the consistently LARGE contribution you used to upload weekly because the quality is literally off the charts. I’m so thankful that you’re taking a break because I know that accomplishing all of this as well as you do cannot be easy! Nonetheless, I would like for you to know that you have a huge fan in me and I will continue to look forward to new chapters (whenever they may come-excellence takes time 😉). Really though, I can’t stop gushing about this fic and I guess just thank you for all of the hard work you put in it so people like me can get some free serotonin each time we read it lol. You’re amazing!!
Anon-san, your sweet words give me life, thank you so so much. I've had a lot of people tell me how much the weekly updates were grounding and a breath of fresh air in this pandemilovato but your comment has to be one of the best I've got so far because.... oh man, I desperately need not only others but also myself to realise just how taxing it was.
So yeah, thank you for loving my story but also thank you for reminding myself that it was a HUGE accomplishment and that it's okay if I maybe can't meet it anymore. I've recently begun digging deep into myself and started going to more intensive (and intrusive) therapy and had some diagnosis that are pretty mindblowing in a way and now I'm trying to be mindful not to push myself to my limits. It's hard af, let me tell you, I know the potential I have and it feels normal to always want to achieve it but I gotta remind myself that maybe my "full potential" isn't as healthy as I thought it was.
I'm extremely glad that I got the opportunity to give y'all that experience of nice 8-12k long chapters a week, with lots of character and plot work, at roughly the same time, every Fire Friday. *aggressively throws serotonin everywhere I can •̀.̫•́✧*
(pagebreak bc y'all didn't sign up for hugeass posts in your dash lol)
For a bit of an update on how my process is coming along: I got sick. Covid got me y'all and I still only had the first dose and suffer from asthma so daaamn this motherfucker's got hands. No need to worry about me tho!! My tests are coming back okay and at least my fever is gone BUT that means my brain is a bit like mush rn and while I'm still working, I'm doing so veeery much slower. Anyways, covid was just the cherry on top this month but I don't want to get too deep into it.
I genuinely think Fire Fridays were good not only for you guys (esp during that time back in 2020 where literally everyone was at home and routines were thrown out the window faster than you can say defenestration) but also for me, it gave me a nice sense of "normal" when everything was shit. Uuhh as you've seen in my last AN, I dropped out of college and am currently pursuing other dreams/way of living so I think having that set date will help me A LOT while juggling real life and fandom life. That being said, some things had to change.
First of all is the way of seeing Fire Fridays as if it's a deadline set by my boss. Nah, I don't get paid for writing fanfiction and I'm done treating it as a job. I know not a lot of people have the same care that you did while commenting and there is a lot of nagging and grumbling about Fire Fridays (even if sometimes those comments are even sweet while they do it) but I'm incredibly proud to say that comments from people in the internet I don't know hardly have an affect on me. Lol y'all haters can hate but I'm my worse critic and I fkn know it, nothing you say will change the way I see myself and my work. That being said, a lot of that nagging was being unconsciously done by me *gasp* I know. I'm an overachiever. Shocking.
Next order of business is how I was going about Fire Fridays. My first break came because I literally didn't have any "spare chapters" meaning, I wrote, edited, sent for my Beta to edit, and then edited myself again a whole ass 9k monster every week and that shit was like a kick to the ass right into the general direction of Burnout City. Not fun. So I took a "break" which wasn't really a break because I still wrote 71k words in that month and when I started back up with Fire Fridays, I had a lot of chapters to post, right? WRONG. If each chapter had 10k words (which is roughly what was happening on an average), that meant I only had 7 new chapters to post with severe burnout making it practically impossible for me to write anything else to the point that I couldn't even bring myself to edit the first drafts of those chapters. Again. Not fun.
So now, my idea has been: try to aim for Fire Fridays in a healthy way but also let my readers know they might not get another batch of those lovely what? six months of new chapters every friday. What does that mean? Well, it means I'm trying to write some chapters ahead! So while y'all aren't really getting anything since the last chapter, that has been a conscious decision on my part not to leave y'all with horrible cliffhangers when I can't be sure I'll make quick enough updates (and that definition has changed to maybe twice a month? We'll see). I'm writing. It's going fairly slowly by my standards but since I've come really close to giving up on DoF in favour of RL original content, I'm proud of it.
YOU're amazing, Anon-san. Thank you so much for reaching out, I hope you have a lovely end of the week and that you and your loved ones are safe and happy as can be in late stage capitalism <3
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gubesboo · 4 years
That should be me
HEY!! ITS MEEE! I posted quite some time ago that maybe I should post a fic so HERE IT IS FINALLY MY FIRST FIC! I’m in nursing school so it can be difficult to write also I read all of these amazing stories and think I could never so hopefully you enjoy this!
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Warnings: uhhh cursing, suggestive sexual language, mutual pining, fluff (cause I’m a fluff whor3), maybeeee angst? idk I think that’s it other than pretty bad writing!
Italicized = readers thoughts 
Bolded= spencer’s thoughts
Word count: 3.5k
Working at the BAU is not what you were expecting. Long hours, early mornings, sleepless nights. Don’t kid yourself, you loved your job, but at times it can seem that the bad outweighs the good. Only one thing could lighten you up on your darkest days and it was him. Doctor Spencer Reid. Spencer was everything that you hope for in a potential partner. He’s patient, caring, intelligent, also did I mention insanely attractive. Over the years of working there you and Spencer had become best friends, even rivaling Derek Morgan as his, and Penelope Garcia as yours. See being best friends is great, although completely platonic, the late night movie marathons, weekly coffee meets, along with working right beside him on your darkest days, you have come to love the brown mop of curly hair and hazel eyes that is Spencer Reid. Well, the problem that now is… BEING in love with Spencer Reid.
The bullpen having it’s normal hustle and bustle left you with your thoughts. You didn’t even recognize the man of the hour as he called out to you.
 “Y/N…? Y/N... Y/N!!”.
 “Oh.. sorry Spence, what’s up?”, you blushed a little, embarrassed that this man could have the power to zoned you out any minute of the day.
“Are you okay? You seem a little out of it.” Spencer so worriedly responded.
It’s the little things like this that could someone so easily make anyone fall in love. Spencer Reid could read you like a book, which is not something out of the ordinary for him. These microscopic gestures is something he knows that you take close to heart. 
“What? OH! Yeah I’m fine Spencer this paperwork is seriously getting to me now.” 
He let out a little laugh at your response. “Yeah I can see that, that’s why I offered you a fill on your cup of coffee.” 
Yeah you know what else you can fill. You thought in your head for the quickest second but just as quickly you could feel the heat rising in your face. With this you were quick to stand up to take the attention off of you. “You know what yeah Spence that would a-actually be great! I’m just gonna...uh… go see Penny real quick, I forgot I was meeting her to give her back her… s-sweatshirt she left at my place!”.
Oh god are you screwed. Dammit Y/N get it the FUCK together. “Oh ha.. You know, that might be helpful” you reply trying to act aloof. Spencer just smiles hesitantly parting your ways as he walks towards the break room for coffee, and you go to Garcia’s to give her the ‘sweater’. 
Spencer looked at you quizzically causing you to quickly turn to head that way. Just before you walked out of the bullpen you heard Spencer say “Uh.. Y/N.. do you want your bag?”. 
Barging through the door of Penelope’s headquarters, she turns around at you wide eyed like you have just escaped a wild tiger. 
“Y/N are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” 
Great. “Penny I am LOSING it here.”
She looks at you worried like you actually have tossed your head off of your shoulder. “Oh this is about boy wonder now isn’t it” she so dubiously recognized. 
“Yes Penny I have no idea what I’m doing here, I can’t focus on my work, I’m embarrassing myself left and right, and to make matters worse this whole thing is completely one sided!”. 
Penelope looks at you sadly, she wants more than anything for you and Dr. 187 to get together but the stress of seeing you in this state almost breaks her heart. “Y/N, have you tried talking to him about it, we see the way he acts with you. Always going out of his way to make sure you are safe and happy, he doesn’t do that with just anyone…” 
You had to give it to her, Penelope always puts on the bravest face for you, that’s why you love her so much. “It’s not just me Penny, what about JJ… or Emily even, he does the same for them… look I’m just trying to be realistic. Someone like Spencer would never go for someone like me. He IS a genius, and I can barely make it through one day where my mind doesn’t get sidetracked.”
Penelope had had enough with your self doubt, she knew you were one of the most talented on the team. “Y/N ENOUGH! First of all, JJ and Emily never stay with Spencer and binge watch Doctor Who til’ the break of dawn. We all notice the longing stares on the jet between him and you, the maybe a tad too long hugs before you guys leave… it’s obvious he’s into you. You know Spencer has a thing for germs yet he shook your hand on your first day here. Let that sink in for a second Y/N. Secondly, you are one of the smartest and talented people on this team. Remember last week when you guys were in Dallas, and YOU pieced together the unsub had a partner.. Y/N there would’ve been so many other victims if it weren’t for you, you have no idea how much everyone respects and values your accomplishments on the team, INCLUDING Spencer.”
Tears had welled up in your eyes, you never knew how much you needed these words of endearment. Sometimes it can be hard to believe this when you are always in your head about what you could've done better or simple mistakes that could've been avoided, sending you into a downward spiral. “Thanks Pen”, you smiled subtly. “I think I’m gonna go to lunch, do you want anything?” 
“No Y/N I’m good. Please go talk to Spencer, I have faith that it will really end happily for you” Garcia replied kindly.
 “You know what I will, also one more thing…” She turned back in her chair cautiously at what you might say next.
“Um.. if anyone comes in here asking what I was doing, can you say I returned a sweater to you?”
 “Oh Y/N” Garcia said, releasing a school girl giggle, “You have SO got it bad”. 
You laughed out of her office, timid of what the rest of the day had left to offer.
Ok that was odd, I hope Y/N is okay. Was it something I said? Oh God what if Morgan spilled the beans on how I feel about her. She’s my best friend, no what Morgan would never do that...well...would he? Just my luck Morgan was in the break room filling up his mug, walking in he gave me the slightest smirk. 
“Well pretty boy how is it going with Y/N? Ask her out yet?” he said, taking a sip of his coffee giving him the side eye. 
“What!? No.. Morgan you know she doesn’t feel the same about me, she’s never demonstrated anything that could elude to being more than friends. I know it will never happen.” sadly stated, Spencer began filling up the two mugs. 
“Oh and you have?”  Morgan said chuckling at Spencer’s reply, it was obvious that not even the genius had shown any type of actions that would sway Y/N into thinking he wanted to be more than friends. Spencer of course recognizes this but the simple things must account for something right? The subtle cuddles on the couch, constantly getting her refills on coffee, late night hangouts when Y/N was having a crying breakdown. He doesn’t just do that for anybody, she has to know this right? Maybe it wasn’t too obvious. 
“Look Morgan, I’m trying alright? You haven’t told her anything have you, she’s been dodgy around me lately.” Spencer crouched into himself, thinking how he could mess up something that hasn’t even started yet? 
“Come on Spencer, I mess with you a lot, but not when it comes to ya girl man. Look if you think something is bothering her just ask her about it, I think you guys are close enough as friends to where you can ask her about something like that right? And if she does know about your feelings then you have your answer, if not, lay it on her Reid. You always miss 100% of the shots you don’t shoot.”
Listening to these words almost encouraged Spencer but the weight of the fact that he might be rejected by the one girl he has opened up his heart to is too much to handle. It is easier to sit on the sidelines and wait for the opportunity to erupt then seize it himself. 
“Yeah Morgan you’re probably right. I’ll ask Y/N about it at lunch. Thanks Morgan I’ll keep you updated.” 
Morgan chuckled to himself “Well hopefully you don’t have to tell me, you can show me when you get back.” 
With that, Spencer walked out of the breakroom with his and Y/N’s coffee right as she walked back into the bullpen looking slightly disheveled. “Hey Y/N! Lunch?” Spencer smiled at Y/N. 
“Ummm… Yeah! Sandwiches?” Y/N replied, Spencer realized she usually had sandwiches when she was stressed. Carb loading seemed to make everything better. He mentally noted this to ask about later. 
“Sounds perfect.” 
With that Spencer and Y/N walked out of the office timidly, overwhelmed with their inner battle tension fighting at them.
Walking into their go to sandwich shop down the street had a warm and inviting atmosphere. Almost like a hug from your grandma, it never gets old. The smell of freshly baked bread spread through the room and even calmed the nervousness that had surrounded Y/N and Spencer. The girl at the register you’ve come to know as Jessica, noticed her most loyal customers and greeted them with a warm smile.
“Y/N! Spencer! Welcome back you guys! Are we having our usual today?”
Almost embarrassed by the amount of times that they come in that the waitress knows their order. They nod in agreement. A BLT with mayo for Y/N and a ham and turkey club for Spencer. 
“Don’t you know it Jessica” you replied, giving her a wink and handing her a 20. “Keep the change” you smiled.
“I’ll have it out to you guys soon!” She replied before going to the counter to assemble the lunch.
Spencer has seemed on edge since he asked you to lunch. Oh no had he caught on? Did he hear me and Penelope.. No he couldn’t have. Just breathe. It’s okay. You noticed Spencer about to say something when you were pulled out of your thoughts by an unfamiliar voice.
“Hi...Y/N?” you turned around to reveal a rather handsome man. What some would consider tall, dark and handsome. His black hair sat wavy on his head. He was cute you had to admit, just the perfect balance of toned without it being overbearing. 
“Uh, Hi. I’m sorry I don’t mean to come across rude but...Do I know you?”. There was something about him that was right at the tip of your tongue. He did look familiar but you couldn’t place the face with a name. 
“Oh right. Hi um Chase! From Easton Heights? We went to high school together.”
“OH MY GOD! Yes! Chase! We had Biology together right? Wow look at you! You look amazing, how are you?” Wow he has definitely aged well.
Spencer shifted uncomfortably. Maybe it was in his head but he could definitely see a connection between the two of them. 
“Oh sorry Chase this is my friend Spencer, we work together.” Ugh friends, even saying the word left a sad tone on your tongue. So much hope and wanting in the word, that the one you hope would notice was completely blind to the idea.
Chase extended his hand for a handshake but was matched with Spencer’s typical skepticism, waving back at him instead of returning the endeavor.
“Don’t mind him, it's a germ thing.” you said to Chase seeming almost offended by Spencer’s action but nodded in an almost condolence type of way.
This brought you back to your first day with the team. After exchanging handshakes with Hotch, JJ, Rossi, Emily, Morgan and a bone crushing hug from Penelope (you knew at that second this woman was going to be your rock), last up was the genius himself. To his surprise along with everyone else's he extended his hand to meet yours to introduce himself. Everyone around gave skeptic looks to the other, but to be honest, it was hard to notice everyone else when looking into Spencer’s eyes. From that moment on, you were hook line and sinker to the pipe cleaner with eyes. 
You reminisce about this moment along with Penelope’s words from earlier when you are pulled out of your thoughts by Jessica calling from the counter.
“Y/N, Spencer! Your sandwiches are up!” Jessica shouted from the counter.
Spencer went to grab the sandwiches from the counter while you and Chase continued the small talk. What he walked back in on made his heart sink to the pit of his stomach.
“Look Y/N I don’t mean to be forward but you obviously look great. I-I mean you’ve always looked great, I’m just saying adulting looks a-amazing on you. Anyways is there any way you are free tonight? Maybe we could meet up at this great Italian place in the city? Catch up a little?” Chase offered.
You had to hand it to him, he knew how to play his cards. As much as you wanted to hold out for Spencer, it was a stagnant relationship. No pull or tug anywhere as much as you wanted to, you didn’t want to set yourself up for heartbreak if you didn’t have to. You looked over at him. His face seemed unbothered by Chase’s actions. If he cared about you in more than a friend's way this would have bothered him right? If it did, he didn’t show it so you know what? Fuck it. Maybe it is self sabotage but, maybe this would be good for you.
“Uh, you know what? Yeah that would be nice. Maybe we can meet up around 7:30? Today is paperwork day at the office so I should be off at 5, gives me enough time to go home and change. Unless a case comes in of course.” You said handing him a card with your name and number on it, usually for business, but why waste time writing it down anywhere else right?
“Great I’ll see you then. It was nice meeting you Spencer.” Chase said with a warm smile before making his way out of the shop leaving you and Spencer in a limbo.
Well… THAT just happened. You thought to yourself as you walked out of the shop. Spencer seemed awfully quiet the walk back to the office only nodding and responding to your thoughts when absolutely necessary. Not even so much as the facts that you found completely endearing. You tried to brush it off as the midday lag, the sleep deprivation finally catching up to him, but that didn’t seem like the whole story. But at this point, you were tired of trying to read Spencer. Bigger and better things were waiting for you besides the man walking next to you. Or at least you hope there were.
After an afternoon full of methodical paperwork, coffee, and self deprecation. Spencer goes home to his empty apartment, something that seems so full of light when Y/N is there.
If he had to admit it, this is something that Spencer had nightmares about. He knows it’s no one's fault but himself but he was right there. At lunch he was finally going to grow some balls and tell Y/N just how much he liked, probably loved her. But Chase happened. What if you fall in love with him, leaving Spencer in the dust. There is no way there could be time for a best friend AND a boyfriend. Especially not when Spencer wants to fill both rolls. He wants to be the one whose arms you wake up in. Who tries and horribly fails to make dinner for. To possibly get married and have kids with. 
He ponders this while staring at you contact information on his phone, finger hovering over the call button. It is now or never. Spencer thinks. 
“Fuck it.” Spencer says before grabbing his keys and coat, heading out the door.
Walking though your door and shedding your coat, you walk into your barren apartment thinking about the day you had. The rest of the work day had trudged along unbearably slow. You couldn't help but feel guilty accepting the date in front of Spencer. Sure, you guys were friends but on the way back and the rest of the day in the bullpen, Spencer had been avoiding you. When you looked over your eyes would meet, Spencer would clench his jaw and look immediately back down. He stopped the coffee refills, which was fine, but at some point he walked in on you pouring coffee just to do a straight 180 to walk out the door.
Ultimately feeling blue you decide to pick up your phone and text Chase to cancel the date. Not that you want to, but your head just wasn’t in the right place to go out. Even through the guilt of saying yes to Chase to get over Spencer, you thought this would be good for you, but it has only resulted in disappointment. Spencer should be happy for you! But it is obvious that this has affected him negatively. But why? Unless… no it can’t be. 
A knock at the door pulled you out of your thoughts. Checking your phone it read 6:17 p.m. 
“Huh?” you thought out loud. 
Looking through the peephole you notice Spencer at the doorstep. Albeit sweaty like he ran a marathon, curls sticking out each and every way, you answer the door.
“Spencer? What are you doing here? Are you okay?” 
Bending down to put his hands on his knees he holds up a finger to catch his breath. Finally waiting for a beat he straightens up. 
“Don’t go.” He puts simply.
“What? Spencer.. What are you talking about? The date?” you say heart hammering against your ribs. This is actually happening right?
“Yes the date Y/N. Don’t play dumb. I can’t sit here and know you're going out with him Y/N. I… I love you. And I know it has taken me way too long to admit it but I thought about the future you could have with him, and to be honest that should be me there in that image, not him. I’m sorry if this is bad timing or if I’m too late, but I don’t care. I had to come here and tell you before I lost my nerve. I love you Y/N.”
You sat there mouth gaping open, staring him in the eyes. It felt like you just jumped into a freezing lake. Body frozen and heart hammering in your ears. Apparently this is the wrong move because Spencer noticed this reaction and turned to walk out the front door. 
“SPENCER WAIT!” you called out to him. It was now or never too.
“I cancelled the date.” 
“Spencer, I cancelled the date. After I saw how you were acting, I.. don’t know… I felt guilty? Maybe it's because I’m trying to get you out of my mind. And I felt guilty for using Chase because Spencer, I am hopelessly in love with you. I mean unfathomably so. I just didn’t know you felt the same that’s why I never said anything. And I’d be lying if I hadn’t thought of the future with you in it Spence. I love you Spencer.” you say walking over to him grabbing his hands, intertwining fingers. 
You never even noticed the tears in your eyes while you stared into his. The world seemed to melt around you as he leaned in locking his lips with yours. Salty tears mixed with the taste of him and everything felt right. It felt safe and normal. 
You pulled away both of you smiling ear to ear as you wiped away the tears on his cheek. Leaning back in to place a chaste kiss on his lips.
“So what you’re saying is you have no plans for the evening?” Spencer so cheekily replied. 
“Only with you.” You grin back with a soft chuckle pulling him to your couch for a long overdue Doctor Who marathon filled with cuddles and soft kisses. 
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