#maybe I need to start using ‘previously on Lost World of the Warlord’
zahri-melitor · 5 months
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- Nightwing #10 (2016)
Dick. He’s just like me!!!!
Dick 🤝 Me: both keeping tabs on Skartaris actually
Shakira skipping Machiste’s wedding would be fully on brand actually as she doesn’t like Mariah (or Tara for that matter)
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"Maybe if I punish you then it'll help you to remember who you belong to next time"
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Fandom: Ikémen Sengoku Suitor: Masamune Date Author: @otome-smut-queen Tags: Smut, NSFW, Modern AU, fingering, unwanted male advances
Mai was busy checking her appearance over in the mirror, her bright eyes shining at the prospect of a girls’ night out for the first time in months. Life had caught them all unaware, and it had just gotten away from the small group with ease. The Friday night had been a few weeks in the planning since it was the first date that all of them could make, and all their partners had been told that it wasn’t up for debate after confirmation. She played with her curls, adding a touch more hairspray and then a quick coat of bold, red lipstick before she caught sight of her boyfriend in the mirror. Masamune had caught her attention a few years previously on a night out, especially since he had the distinctive eye patch. She smiled warmly at him in her reflection, before busying herself with finding the right handbag to keep her phone, keys and purse in.
What she missed was the way that his eye followed her bare legs, glaring at the length of her dress, though he was loathed to admit that she looked delectable in her choice of clothes. While normally Masamune was content to let Mai do her thing, it reminded him of the circumstances in which they met. It wasn’t often that he was filled with jealousy, but at that moment, he wanted to peel off every piece of clothing Mai was wearing, and subject her to a display of dominance that would have her forgetting the rest of the world around them.
He was already texting his friends, making a plan to go out himself as he forced himself to not stare a hole into the back of her dress. The group of girls were easy to predict, they liked certain wine bars and nightclubs which were slightly exclusive to stop it from getting too crowded as he proposed to follow the girls around the later clubs. Nobunaga was intrigued by his friend’s motive, as Hideyoshi was already lecturing them about giving Mai her space until someone made a mention of his girlfriend being in the group that Mai was going out with, and then Hideyoshi already had the plan of bars and rough time estimates. It was much easier with the investigative powers of his friends to push his jealousy down, sharing a kiss with his girlfriend before he watched her leave, knowing that he’d surprise her in the Azuchi club later.
It was getting hotter in the club as the girls were bouncing and dancing along with the tunes. Unknown to Mai, Masamune was watching her from near the DJ’s booth, and the man wasn’t watching his drink as closely as he would be usually with Mitsuhide around. What she also wasn’t aware of, was that it wasn’t just Masamune’s eye on her dancing figure. The way she swayed her hips and circled her body in time to the beat was one of the sexiest things about her, as Masamune pulled at his jeans in the crotch area, trying to ignore the hard-on that was starting to form from watching her so closely. The girls were attractive, which was evident to anyone just looking at them as a few men decided to make their approach before Hideyoshi could stop Masamune from standing up.
Mai’s eyes were wide, her body was turned around 180 degrees and found herself smiling down at someone who obviously considered themselves God’s gift to women. His hands were grabbing at hers before she could duck out of the way, and she was trying to subtly get the man to let go as she chuckled nervously.
“What’s a pretty thing like you doing out without a ring on?” He crooned, swinging her away from her friends to corner her in the crowd.
“Enjoying myself with my friends, I’d like to get back to them,” she firmly replied, managing to get a hand free and pushing against his chest to get some space from the stranger. Which he then used to spin her instead, and straight into the chest of Masamune.
Normally, her temper would have flared at her boyfriend interfering, but instead, she felt relief blooming in her chest as the stranger tried to yank Mai back out of his grasp. He narrowed his eye, forcefully removing the stranger’s hand from her arm as Mai clung to his shirt.
“Your girlfriend’s a whore,” the stranger snarled, recoiling as though he had been burned.
Mai wasn’t expecting Masamune to punch the guy, sending him sprawling through the crowd and the whole room was watching them. It was probably going to be another bar they weren’t going to be allowed in as she wrapped her arms around Masamune’s neck. “Let’s go home, yeah?” She smiled up at him, trying to reassure him before he picked her up with ease, chuntering under his breath as the bouncers carefully escorted the couple out. Mai was already texting her girlfriends as they hailed a taxi, the inner warlord in Masamune already looking for a fight as he growled at the driver to keep his eyes on the road instead of on the length of Mai’s dress and her amazing dress.
He was grateful that she didn’t seem to have noticed, instead focused on reassuring her friends that she was fine as they arrived home. It didn’t take much for him to hitch Mai over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, grinning wildly at his girlfriend in the mirror of the elevator as he chuckled at her cute attempt of a glare. He had an arm covering the end of her dress, making sure that no one could get a look up it as the elevator headed up the building. The other residents of the block were in their own spaces since it was a rare uninterrupted visit as Masamune was replying to a text from Hideyoshi about where he had gone to. It was effortless to carry his girlfriend in such a manner and cute that she allowed him to do such things with her. Mostly after learning in the early days of their dating that Masamune was a one-speed kind of guy. Once he had an idea in his head, then he was set on that path and nothing, but a force of nature could stop him.
Masamune hummed an upbeat tune as he unlocked the door and let them both into the flat. He locked the door and dropped the keys in the bowl before letting Mai down and chuckled as she hit him on the arm to voice her complaints about his macho display of dominance. He found it adorable that she took it all in her stride as she sat in front of her dressing table and began to take off her makeup.
He growled and covered the ground quickly before burying his head into her neck, and biting forcefully at her skin. Her moans were like breathing to him, he needed them to live as he lifted his head to stare her down in the mirror. “Maybe if I punish you, it’ll help you to remember who you belong to next time,” he grunted, his fingers tugging her dress up over her delectable thighs as he considered tearing it into multiple pieces.
“Please, Masamune,” she gasped, already beginning to help him by shimmying out of the dress. The way her lacy bra clung to her breasts, he was transfixed in the mirror, his hands automatically plucking and playing with her nipples through the material as he watched her face in the mirror. “Please, I need you. Ruin me,” she begged as one of his hands slid down her stomach, to the matching panties. He traced a finger over her damp slit, groaning to find out how wet she was through the fabric before slipping under it and plunging a finger into her. She was hot and tight around his digit, and he groaned thinking of how she would feel around his cock momentarily. A second finger was added without any resistance, curling inside of her as his thumb ground down on her clit. His blue eye trained on watching her in the mirror as she began to bounce and buck her hips against his hand. His cock was throbbing under his jeans, desperate for a taste of her delectable pussy as Mai’s voice grew higher in crescendo and louder in tone. The neighbours often grumbled about their vicious and rambunctious lovemaking at all hours of the day, but Masamune could never resist her as her first climax washed over her, and she soaked his fingers with her cum.
The colour dusting her cheeks was cute, while Masamune sucked his fingers clean before standing up. She knew that this was only the start as Mai rose unsteadily onto her feet. He watched as she pulled her soaked panties to the floor, and unclipped the hooks of her bra to let it join them on the carpet next to the bed.
“Please, come and ruin me,” she cooed, opening her arms to him while standing with her back to the bed.
“Kitten, don’t tell me twice,” he grunted, before steamrolling into her. Her body bounced against the bedding, as he struggled out of his clothes, his kisses demanding and domineering as the sounds of items hitting the floor bounced around the room. Everything lost to Masamune’s whirlwind speed as her knee was held towards her chest, and his whole length thrust deep into her core.
“I’ll remind you exactly who you belong to, Kitten,” he promised, his voice raspy against her ear as he entered her relentlessly, pounding his hips into hers. A pace that was kept up until the early colours of dawn were shining in the morning haze.
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ashleyfanfic · 5 years
Y'all done made me get my laptop out so I can type this and not on my phone. That’s how damn tired I am of it.
I am a Dany fan(Stan). But let me be clear in saying that I am also a Jon Snow fan(Stan). You people out here spewing your hate on one or the other are getting on my last fucking nerve because you’re all missing the fucking point of Jon and Dany’s entire arc! 
Dany’s Arc since coming to the North She’s having to contend with a people who didn’t sign up to be her people. Their king, the man they named king, named her his queen. Now, not one of them have asked why he did this, but you can tell they’re looking at him and her and made assumptions that it’s just because they’re together. But like Jon had to do when he was at Dragonstone, maybe it would make a little too much sense for them to ask why he’s so devoted to her. So, her arc is first coming to a place she doesn’t necessarily want to be, fighting a war she hadn’t intended on fighting, beside the man she loves. That’s all hard going for her. I think ep 3 will add some more layers onto this. Jon’s Arc since coming to the North Trying to logically reason with illogical people about bending the knee. Even his own sisters have doubts about why he did what he did and don’t actually ask as much as accuse him of being disloyal to his family or forgetting who he was. Then Sam drops the truth on him, not in a way that would have softened the blow for his best friend, the man who had always protected him but drops it in such a way it’s a gut punch and meant to drive a wedge between Jon and Daenerys. 
I know people take issue with Dany’s reaction to what Jon said to her, but wouldn’t you? I mean, you just got told that the man you love is a long lost relative and people will say he has a better claim simply because he’s a man? And then these same people turn around and chastise the fact that Jon will tell her he doesn’t want it and that makes him a bad person because he’s stepping away from it because of her? He loves her, you dope. He also doesn’t want to be a king, has never wanted to be a king, and if you don’t understand that, then you don’t fucking understand Jon Snow. He took positions of power because they named him or he was the best person. If he steps aside it’s because he believes in Daenerys. 
I don’t give a shit about your “A man steps in front of a woman to take her place even though she’s been working for it her whole life”. Correction, she’s been working for it since she decided she wasn’t just going to be a pet for Drogo and actively started taking on the role of Khaleesi. Jon didn’t know the opportunity was even out there.
But even if he did, what are you implying? That Jon has done nothing? Jon joined the Night’s Watch and became a steward to the Lord Commander and saved his fucking life from a wight. That’s how he got Longclaw. Then he goes beyond the wall with his brothers and gets captured by Wildlings and kills one of his own men in order to ingratiate himself with those people. In doing so, he learns that they aren’t as horrible as he thought. They were people who had the misfortune of being born on the wrong side of the wall and were trying to survive. Some are bloodthirsty cannibals, but your more rational Wildlings, like Ygritte and Tormund, don’t like that group. He still gets back to the Wall and helps his brothers fortify Castle Black and fights against them. It’s because of Jon that they win that battle. He executes Janos Slynt for not following order (and good thing Janos didn’t have any family that would have made him sympathetic to the group). Then we have him go save the Wildlings, fight the Army of the Dead, and watch in horror as all those killed were resurrected as dead. He was killed for this. Those people he saved, the Wildlings, came to fight and protect Jon even in death. He fought to win back Winterfell even knowing that the odds were against them. And he went south to meet with a potential enemy/ally because he saw they needed help. Jon didn’t know he was a prince. No one thought to tell him that before he went to the Wall, but I wouldn’t say he’s done nothing to deserve the crown.
And then there’s Dany, and the ole girl had a shit time of it as well. Her own family member sold her to a warlord for his army. Said family member was abusive and her husband raped her repeatedly. Even to the point where sitting in the saddle was painful. Her husband died, her baby died, all because of decisions she made. Those events made her even less trusting in others than she was previously. But she hatched Dragons in the fire. She made it through the Red Waste, the exact opposite environment that Jon Snow was living in. Her people were slaughtered so the dragons could be taken. She survived that and managed, through her own wits and not informing any of her advisors as to her plan, to acquire the Unsullied army who chose to follow her after she freed them. She takes Yunkai and Meereen and even marries a man she despises and reopens the fighting pits because she’s looking to make the people happy. She didn’t sail to Westeros when she was able. She stayed to try to make the lives of the freed slaves better. She learned the pitfalls of ruling and how hard it was. You know what she did learn? You can’t make everybody happy. She took the Dothraki, not with her dragons, but with her own plans. Everyone proclaims she’s nothing without her dragons, yet she managed to kill all the khals and took the Khalasar with fire and a well-placed lock on the door. She finally settles the issue with the Masters (by showing her ultimate power). She sails to Westeros and because she abandons her plans in favor of Tyrion’s plan, clever men, she loses all of her allies. She’s spitting mad when she learns about Highgarden but turns to someone who isn’t in her counsel and asks what he would do. Because Dany has proven that she will listen. She defeated the Lannister army coming back from Highgarden. 
But the same can be said for Jon which is why I don’t think EITHER of them will take it. Love is the death of duty. Jon and Dany love one another. Yes, fam, she loves him. He loves her. They have been beating us over the head with it over two years. They love one another. Yeah, they’re adding in drama, but they kind of have to. People would bitch, moan, and complain if there wasn’t some drama around this revelation.  But let’s go back to how he tells hers: They’re alone. He’s been avoiding her and she’s finally had enough and seeks him out. She finds him in the crypts and doesn’t approach him any further until he smiles at her and nods. She wraps her arms around him, he holds her hands as he stares at Lyanna’s statue. She asks who they’re looking at and he only says “Lyanna Stark”. She then starts speaking about her brother Rhaegar and how he was good and decent, loved to sing and gave money to orphans, and he raped her. She couldn’t wrap her mind around that. Jon tells her that he didn’t. They were in love. It’s not meant to hurt her, but I believe he was hoping that by telling her that, it was meant to soften some of what she believed about her brother, a brother she clearly loves even though she never met him. The look on her face is heartbreak and disbelief. She knows this changes everything. Because it’s not what either of them thinks their claim is, it’s what other people will think. They’ll push her aside for the male heir. And speaking of a male heir, Jon is the last of the Targaryens. The only one who can carry on the line. Dany has a habit of thinking of the long term, and she sees what’s going to happen. He’ll have to marry someone else, he’ll have to for their house to survive. And then people will really support his claim for the Iron Throne. 
But here’s how I think this plays out. I said above that I don’t think either of them will sit the throne, and I don’t. I think the world is going to change with this battle in ep3 and possibly ep5. I don’t really think there will be a throne to sit. Davos has already offered up the easiest solution: marry them. But Dany will be against this because she doesn’t believe she’ll be able to have children. She’ll make him go away because of this belief. I don’t believe Jon will ever do this willingly. He loves her. The throne means nothing to him, but belonging to a family does, and right now, Dany is his family. Sansa and Arya have already put themselves at odds against him because of how he feels for her. So he’s possibly going to fight Dany on this. I think we’ll get some trickery that will make them both realize how stupid they are for each other. Dany will have Jon’s baby, and I think this goes back to Emilia’s comment about how the end fucked her up. Think of it from her perspective. What has been Dany’s goal for the entire series, almost? To take the Iron Throne. She might have even expected Dany to die. But does anyone expect her to give up the throne to live out a peaceful life with the man she loves and her child(ren)? No. Dany wants to break the wheel that her ancestor Aegon built. What better way than to dissolve the monarchy? So, let’s say the last vision we see of Dany is that of a mother to an actual child, Jon at her side, with their dragons, living somewhere far away from Westeros. That would cause some people to be irate, but others to go, yeah, that’s what’s best for these two people who have done nothing but suffer. 
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artemwild-blog · 5 years
Story is begin
The wind was so cold than it touched my face I felt like it burned me. It was strange, because before I thought that Libya one of the hottest countries world. It was only partly true, in the afternoon always got so hot that my new friends Billy and Mayke used hood our Humvee to fry soldering bacon. Now in the desert in the middle of the night, I clearly felt the blue that covered my flask. It is an interesting fact care me more than our mission. The mission was easy, some warlord of terrorists has taken hostages and our division got the order to find a solution. For us, these cases were usually, we were the clerics. At the end of 2026 ear, our world changed forever. Adam was born in a small city in east Europe.   He was the first of us. Children's how got the supernatural ability. But they named it the supernatural ability, but for us it was normal. Of course, the powers of the world saw in our powers the future. I was lucky because I was born in Russia. Children like me. that was born in another country's subjected to experiments. But theses all had a bad end. They grasped that the volume of our powers depends on our mental health. Only strong in spirit can hold power in their hands. I remember like cry my mother then she understood that her the little boy is another. This is meant that she should lose him forever. Or it could be dangerous for her and all the people that she knew. I don't remember her and my father. First my memory it is a secret underground complex in Siberia where I and my brothers grow and study how to use our ability to help people that we love. I didn't know a lot of people, but among them were a few that I want to save. And now I here in the middle of the desert, middle of the world, wait for the order to become our operation. We waited for a long time before we had started. Two on the left side, another two on the right side I and Mike should go to the front gate to draw attention. Usually, I worked whit, Mike. He was my gunner. His first goal is covering my ass while I do my work. In this time everything was the same. This camp looked empty. Terrorists tried to look like nomads and of course, this would be strang if nomads had armed guards. So our plan was to wake up these gays and gave them to understand that we know who they are. I show them my ability and they would throw all their strength on me and Mike. While how they would get out of their holes our colleges from left and right flangs would make a warm welcome by sniper rifles. Camp had a slimpsy fencing perimeter, many small buildings, and tents and one large stone house in the Center. From intelligence data, we learned that this building they use as a command center. In it, they settled commanders, and in the basement they held hostages. The same intelligence reported that under the building there is a chain of tunnels, which the bad guys can use to leave. We arrived at a gate. I put my right hand in front of me and not really straining snatched them from the ground and throw it in front of us for twenty meters. The camp that was absolutely silent two seconds ago noticeably quickened. From corner to corner began to run goats were jingling they bells, chicken, dogs. After that, we heard scrims a lot of people and clang of automates. On the right side of us was a small building. It had only two walls, another two replaced awning. I used my powers and borrow one of these walls to use it as a shield. For one second it seemed to me that I had seen a woman inside this house, but a second later the awning had fallen off and covered everything that had previously hidden the walls. Despite that now we have a shield there was no great need for it. Just everyone who shows his nose outside was immediately shot down by the guys from left and right flanks. A few minutes later we have got the main house. Use a piece of the wall like a battering ram we entered the house. Inside all was covered by the dark. We made a few steps into and were drowned in the darkness. Clerks can’t see in the dark but a few of us can feel other people. They feel like they think and some of the themes even understand thoughts. I wasn’t one of these lucky ones. Because of it, we had used night vision goggles. The room field up to a green light. Here we saw that these people have a money. Despite that, we were in the middle of the desert house was furnished with the latest technology. Calm and serenity this place was interrupted. Our major captain Ian Pac gave the order for the snipers to use thermal imagers and cover us. The walls the house here and there began to flash bright flashes. All of this new furniture and new TV screens and other equipment began to explode, crashed and scatter into hundreds of fragments. It was like a tv show that I saw in my childhood before then the government came to my hose and stole me from my parents. In this show, some strange man from Asia put different things in a blender. Now I felt that I in his blender. Fight minutes later this is advanced, the modern house looks like a piece of a shooting range where a new machine gun has just been tested. Blood is dripping through the holes in the ceiling. Somewhere we heart scream of pain. We had to go into the basement to find there were hostages and started the most interesting part of our operation, because there, underground we had no more support. It was time to show my own abilities. The command center was right. There below we found a series of underground tunnels. I thought that it may be a problem, but courteous terrorists showed the path for us by the sounds of shots. Here we didn't meet professional fighters, only young boys with guns. It was strange because usually elite of camp defense commanders and live near with theme. Maybe native general like then his ass defend the young boys, who knows. I knew those young soldiers always more dangerous because they don't know pity. To be more safety I forced them shooting into each other, or for example, dropped a grenade on the ground. Tunnels were different narrow and spacious, but most of them are dark, despite the wires stretching along the walls and ceiling. A few minutes later we saw some light. I took off my night vision device and able to understand what was the source of the glow. Twenty miters forward tunnel was broken off and after them was light-flooded room. When there were less than ten steps to the room I heard a voice. "Hello, my friends and welcome! I had a step outside of the dark and could see the room. About twenty women and children sat along the walls. In the middle was a man of forty years in military uniform, absolutely bald but with a thick beard. In his right hand, he held a pistol, and with his left, he pressed a little girl to himself. She looked strange, bright red hair against the background of an absolutely pale face. She wore a gray stained with blood, mud a shirt, from which strange wires stretched. "You should not make rash decisions, there are so many explosives in this baby that it’s enough to smash a room and roll all the tunnels. We will never be found again." His voice was calm and sure. I believe that you don't want to die, and me too. I tell you the rules. “I sewed there are enough explosives in this girl to smash the whole room, me with you, all these beautiful creatures and all the tunnels. We will not be found when. This bomb is connected to my heart and if I die, you will all die with me. But I prefer to think that I am a businessman. Therefore, I used to solve complex problems. My suggestion is, I turn around and leave through that door.”  He pointed to the huge steel door behind him. “When I go off the bomb will lose touch with my heart and when it does, it will turn off ten minutes later.” He spoke absolutely confidently, and looked like a balanced and sensible person, of course in the realities of the situation. I realized that I didn’t have enough time to think about the plan, so I agreed. When he leaves the premises, we will contact the guys outside and give them information about the situation and they will meet him outside.  I said, “You can go.” He turned without hesitation and headed for the door. After taking two steps forward, I sat on one knee in front of the girl and looked into her blue eyes. I promise “I will save you.” Her face was as fabulously beautiful as sad. The look is completely empty from under curly red hair. You can not Verlaam. Almost in a whisper, she said. I did not know who it is Verlaam,  but I realized that she just wanders because of post-traumatic syndrome. I heard how the big steel door closed behind her. You can not Verlaam. She repeated and a tear rolled down her cheek. Then she raised her arms and with all the forces that she had tried to push me away. At that moment I experienced a feeling that only Clerics can experience. The feeling of irreversible and mortal danger. At the level of reflexes, I put a mental shield in front of me and at that moment time stopped. A flash of light lit up the already bright room. The blast wave bestowed on my shield and pushed me out of the room into the tunnel. having fallen on my back, I blocked most of the tunnel with a shield, after which the room in front of me collapsed and I lost consciousness.
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twitchesandstitches · 6 years
I have an idea for two new factions to play parts as antagonists, but I need suggestions since I’m sort of operating a bit outside my usual series and I don’t want them to become like super over-saturated with just a few specific series.
Opening up suggestions for characters for two other factions, and I really would appreciate it if you send in suggestions ASAP!
First group is the Ringers, a warlike faction that’s intended to be a lot more morally darker than the Cobalts and serve as ideological opponents to the fleet, though they have some ulterior motives that make what they do reasonable, if not sympathetic at all. Their goal is to plunge the multiverse into endless war and conflict, in a fashion similar to Talon from Overwatch; they believe that warfare and conflict force people to evolve and become better people, and also seem to know something about an upcoming disaster or terrible shift in the multiverse that will make it necessary for people to be hardened in order to survive it.
Their overall themes include: Conflict Is Good, War as desirable or natural (with possible social darwinism), the craving of bloodshed and warfare in general, frowning upon idealism and notions of honor, building character through strife, and in terms of moral alignment, being a lighter shade of black; they’re not pure evil (for the most part, and those that are may be tolerated) and they’re better than the uncertain forces they have foreseen, but to those affected by their rampages and plots, but not by much.
Generally they go about stirring up conflict or engaging others in massive battles, attempting to attack people and force them to build alliances or exaggerate rivalries, and are usually plotting to find some relic or secret to do the one thing to make everyone start fighting.
Alternatively, they may be out to conquer the multiverse, or much of it as they can, in order to safeguard it from this unknown threat, and have a mentality that only they have the authority to do so and the will to do it. They may also have different sub-factions with different views, but in the end it comes down to the same methods.
I have some characters in mind, and may switch around others from various factions if they might fit better here, but i mainly need more Big Lady characters. Generally I would appreciate suggestions from some of the following fandoms: Marvel, Disney, DC, RPG-style games I can update for the setting, but I’m good for stuff I’m not familiar with. Just suggest whoever and I’ll see if they fit!
Some possible characters for this group of endless battle: Javik from Mass Effect, with elements of Doomfist from Overwatch (giant gauntlet that amplifies powers, the same motive, and goals). Azula from the Avatarverse, in full Evil Overlord lady mode, and perhaps Kuvira from Legend of Korra as a more straightforward warlord queen?
Airachnid from Transformers Prime, with characteristics of her IDW incarnation; less sadistic and more experiment-minded, and interested in psychological experiments on a vast scale. Also the Combaticons, all female here, as rough and tough soldiers that are like anti-Dinobots.
Maleficent from Disney, playing up her fae aspects to the full; she may have little interest in the actual purpose behind a multiverse of endless war, but is going with it for her own plans or amusement. Depends on how the Disney stuff interacts with this? She might be a dark goddess of magic backing them, too
The Condesce/Meenah Peixes, from Homestuck. In this continuity she was originally doing her endless war against all the multiverse in an attempt to build a homeland for the trolls, after their lost their homeworld of Beforus. After eons of endless war, she’s become incredibly bloodthirsty and perhaps a little addicted to slaughter, and may be losing track of her original goal in favor of slaking her bloodlust. (Alternatively, I may choose to put her into a criminal organization as part of the Midnight Crew and other groups that are criminals but not, y’know, total bastards. Depends on whether I want to play up her canon traits, or soften them.)
Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka from Warhammer 40k: he’s the embodiment of ‘orcs as warlike brutes’, how could i not?? Maybe a girl version for Ork Amazon fun?
Yellow Diamond: I previously implied that she, White and Blue were captives of Megatron and mere jewelery for him, but I might have it that she has become freed and joined up with these guys, embittered and coming to believe in their cause, desperate as she is to save her people.
Hel from Marvel, but with more traits of her mythical inspiration (perhaps she shifts between two extremes, one cold but fair, the other rather playfully malicious and hungry for death), acting as a divine backer for them?
General demony characters associated with battle and warfare: no specifics here at the moment, but characters that fit this motif would be good
In general, blood knight-types, femme fatales that can be read as warriors, and anyone that has a big character emphasis on strength would fit well here!
The second faction is a variant on the Suicide Squad/TAsk Force X from DC; an elite group of agents working on behalf of mysterious benefactors. Their true numbers are in the millions, but this refers specifically to a squad that is a recurring set of characters. They are not normally antagonistic, though their goals may bring them into conflict with the Fleet, and certainly they don't like the militant guys up there and the Cobalts fight with them….. A Lot.
This task force consists exclusively of anti-heroes, reformed villains, and characters who were once straight up pure bad but have since reformed. They are people looking for a chance to find a new life, atone for their misdeeds, or simply are looking for a better cause and were never bad to begin with.
They are run by Amanda Waller of DC, who may either be part of, or answer to, a governing assembly of big multiversal figures trying to bring some stability to the cosmos. They might also have divine backing; some of their agents are people who are definitely dead, but are still looking for a second chance.
Some possible members:
Reaper/Gabriel Reyes from Overwatch, playing up both his ghostly qualities and the idea that he is a double agent. Most likely the leader and role model for them, and is a straight up ‘anti hero that kills bad guys who deserve it’ character here, rather than the vengeful wraith he is in canon at present.
Blue Diamond: Assuming that its the same case with Yellow, she’s come to regret what she has enabled over the eons and come to conclude that Pink/Rose Quartz had been right all along. Note that her true form is likely planet-sized here. A good chunk of her loyal gems may attend as the squad’s brute muscle.
Shockwave: From Cybertron, mostly using his IDW characterization. Specifically, this is Senator Shockwave. Once this famously cold, heartless and logical ‘Con was a hopeful idealist until the corrupt leaders of his homeworld took his face, his hands, and his ability to feel anything but cold logic. Following recent events, though, his mind has been freed, and he is in shock at millions of years of horrifying cruelty, and he would like nothing better than tho put his scientific acumen to work helping the multiverse.
Bucky Barnes/The White Wolf: He’s Wallers’ attendant, representative in the squad, and something of a political officer, muddled by his tendency to be everyone’s obnoxious brother.
Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy: A two-for-one deal, both of them usually giant ladies or even a full on fusion, and their canon tendency to become better people by being around each other has blossomed into full on attempts to go Good. Harley’s actual job is to be an on-team psychiatrist, while Ivy has transformed into a full on plant monster lady who sees it as her job to restore devastated worlds to full health again.
Lust, from Fullmetal Alchemist. Honestly undecided if she belongs here or with the warmonger faction; either way, she is mostly akin to the canon Lust from the manga and Brotherhood, but with the motivations of her first anime counterpart. Big, busty and largely embodying bloodlust, she has somehow incorporated most of her fellow homunculi and gained their powers, most obviously Pride and Gluttony, becoming absolutely ravenous and death to all that face her, and she is called in to devour entire planets and absorb their souls if there is no other way to save them from otherwise certain doom. They can then be extracted from her and given new bodies at some later date.
Giganta, from DC. Drawing on the more benign or ‘hey, being a baddie is just a job, y’know?’ takes of her. With a bit of the friendly valley girl vibes she had in the DCU!
Slade Wilson/Deathstroke and DEadpool: Considered as one unit here because this version of Deadpool is a flawed clone of Slade, who was a highly skilled super soldier for hire. The squad dealt with Deadpool’s frustrated actions his makers forced him to do, and subsequently recruited both Slade and Deadpool into their ranks, with the latter being treated as an obnoxious little brother to Slade. This Slade is heavily based on his Arrowverse actor, and Deadpool looks like a melted version thereof.
Any additional characters are, again, highly encouraged! Generally I’m looking for characters who were anti-heroes or reluctant villains at best (think Mr. Freeze types; ones that felt they had no choice and they made you REAl SAD) or you could see them regretting what they did and wanting to atone for it.
Generally speaking, these guys aren’t antagonists except in the most genuine sense; they might have opposing goals to the fleet, but they are more likely allies than not. Occasionally their purposes might run counter and a fight starts, and they should ideally be so skilled as to pose a serious threat to even the most extreme numbers.
I’m rather lacking in Sexy Lady-Types for this faction, so I especially welcome suggestions on that score. Send ‘em in, please!
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myahle · 7 years
Fanfiction Recommendations
*shyly slides in* ... I have read a lot of fanfics in my free time. Occasionally, my tumblr dashboard is filled with posts that share story recommendations in different fandoms; thus, I thought it would be a nice gesture to share these authors’ works as well. The stories below are simply AMAZING, and I have read each of them at least twice. I could gush on-and-on about some of them, but I will just summarize and say that all of these stories are well-written and worth the read. Feel free to check them out below and let the authors know how wonderful their stories are~ 
Ratings: K, T, M. EX = If indicated ‘Explicit’ on AO3.
“Tell Yourself” by Princess-Kitty1 (@geek-fashionista) [M] Characters/Pairings: Ulquiorra/Orihime. Complete. 100/100. They've survived the war. He's gained a heart. Now Ulquiorra and Orihime get to face their most interesting challenge yet: living together. A series of drabbles and interrelated one-shots in which shenanigans ensue.
“7 Minutes” by Princess-Kitty1 (@geek-fashionista) [T] Characters/Pairings: Ulquiorra/Orihime. Complete. 1/1. AU. Seven Minutes in Heaven is only fun when you're not twelve, terrified, and tricked into playing with someone you've never met.
“Impasse” by Rawrchelle [T] Characters/Pairings: Ulquiorra/Orihime. Complete. 1/1. AU. They say he's a clinically diagnosed psychopath, but she thinks he just lost something along the way. 
“The Girl Downstairs” by DarksKnight [M] Characters/Pairings: Ulquiorra/Orihime, Gin, Grimmjow. Complete. 1/1. AU. The woman who lives down below him is rather… odd.
“Mile High Club” by Terrified-By-Logic [M] Characters/Pairings: Gin/Rangiku. Complete. 1/1. AU. She hated flying, it was the worst form of transportation yet. But when Rangiku meets a certain grinning stranger that supposedly saves her, she figures maybe this flight won't be as bad as the rest.
“The Broken Orrery” by CymbalinesHalo [M] Characters/Pairings: Sephiroth/Aerith. Ongoing. 39/?? Doomed to an existence that neither of them asked for, Aerith and Sephiroth struggle for survival in the bleak desolation of the Northern Crater.
“The Smell of Lillies” by Up_sideand_down [EX] Characters/Pairings: Sephiroth/Aerith. Complete. 1/1 AU. Sephiroth didn't really want a slave, but he needed one. She becomes the best thing in his life, until his own status threatens their relationship.
“After The Fall” by Ardwynna-Morrigu (@ardwynna) [T] Characters/Pairings: Sephiroth/Aerith, Cloud, OC. Complete. 6/6. AU. Sephiroth and Aeris suffer a loss great enough to threaten everything else that lies between them. 
“Northern Lights” by The-Shameful-Narcissist/AshRose (@the-queen-of-sevens) [M] Characters/Pairings: Sephiroth/Aerith. Complete. 25/25. The truth will transform you… Drowning in memories, bound to the past, and consumed by mortal regret, the penitent former general seeks the grave and forgiveness of the true mother never known, but not before he fulfills an obligation to the flower girl whose life he once claimed.
“Unspoken” by Mihoyonagi [T] Characters/Pairings: Sephiroth/Aerith. Complete. 51/51. AU. Actions speak louder than words, but without a voice, can the words inside you speak louder than those actions? A tale of unexpected friendship, struggle, love, and everything that goes with it. 
“Sensory Overload” by RandomTeenager [M] Characters/Pairings: Cloud/Tifa, Marlene, Denzel. Complete. 6/6. Cloud's mako injection bestowed him with heightened senses: seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching. Perfect for battle, not so much for home.
“Could Do Without” by Bleueyz [T] Characters/Pairings: Vincent/Yuffie. Complete. 98/98. Yuffie contemplates what she could do without. And ends up trying to convince herself Vincent is one of them.
“Fragments of Memories” by J-Mercuryuk [K] Characters/Pairings: Squall/Rinoa, Laguna. Complete. 31/31. In a bid to become closer to his son, and get to know each other, Laguna suggests that they share moments from their past. Reluctantly Squall agrees.
“Karma” by CrimsonCobwebs [M] Characters/Pairings: Zidane/Garnet. Complete. 3/3. AU. How one rainy night can change a person's life forever.
“On Salvation” by H-Thar [M] Characters/Pairings: Older!Hope/Lightning. Complete. 11/11. Post-game AU. Landing on a new and untamed world is far from convenient for Lightning and company. Even in a seemingly godless existence, humanity's flaws persist, some wrongs can never be righted and memories bind them to the past. Hope fears the ties are unbreakable.
“A Series of Firsts” by Cartoon-Moomba [T] Characters/Pairings: Older!Hope/Lightning. Complete. 14/14. AU. Claire first meets their new neighbors when she is seven. OR, that one AU where Lightning fails as the savior and Hope and Snow go back in time to ensure that the future never happens.
“Hearts in Chaos” by GenesisArclite (@genesisarclite​) [T] Characters/Pairings: Caius/Lightning. Complete. 47/47. Knowledge previously unknown to Lightning gives her the ability to defeat Caius in Valhalla, but she must become his immortal companion to stop him for good and he must go with her to New Bodhum. The future is now fraught with unknowns, with a new government and rising tensions between Cocoon and Pulse - made no easier by Caius and Lightning now sharing the Heart of Chaos.
“Play It Straight” by Shatteredjewels [T] Characters/Pairings: Older!Hope/Lightning. Complete. 1/1. Post-Game AU. He knows what he wants. Now he just needs to get her on the same page. 
“Glasses” by Ariel’s-Lament [T] Characters/Pairings: Prompto/Cindy, Noctis, Ignis, Gladiolus. Complete. 6/6. Noctis takes a deep breath to calm himself, because if he's going to have to stick his finger in Prompto's eye, it's probably best that he isn't angry when he does it.
“Knots” by Sadladybug [T] Characters/Pairings: Sesshōmaru/Older!Rin. Complete. 3/3. It's like she tells Kaede: Lord Sesshomaru might not be predictable, but he's dependable. Any day now, he'll come back to the village and they can be together again. Right? A story about watching and waiting, almosts and should-haves, and what happens when the waiting is finally over. 
“Kimono” by Pardon-The-Insanity [T] Characters/Pairings: Sesshōmaru/Older!Rin. Complete. 1/1 Lord Sesshomaru's gifts always meant the world to Rin. But as she got older, they started to hold a different significance...
“Sharp and Dangerous” by FeckedSpectrum [EX] Characters/Pairings: Akura-ou/Kayako. Complete. 1/1 She's a temperamental psychic and he's a deposed demon warlord. They aren't soft people by nature, but they can get close enough for each other.
“Red” by Angelhart79 (@angelhart79) [M] Characters/Pairings: Tomoe-centric, Nanami. Complete. 1/1 Struck by mixed emotions Tomoe is not feeling like himself. In attempts of gaining back his former youkai self he however finds himself still thinking about the one thing he desired and allowed to slip away.
“The God’s Wedding Night” by Angelhart79 (@angelhart79) [M] Characters/Pairings: Tomoe/Nanami. Complete. 1/1 Tomoe and Nanami have arrived at Izumo, ready to start their new life as husband and wife. Upon arrival they expect a simple welcome and maybe a short ceremony in which Nanami will return the Land God mark and Tomoe will be turned into a human. But a surprise awaits them, a gift from Ookuninunishi. One last night, their wedding night, to spend together as god and youkai.
“Lucky Us” by Princess-Kitty1 (@geek-fashionista​) [T] Characters/Pairings: Adrien/Marinette, etc. Ongoing. 29/30. AU. Marinette Dupain-Cheng's life isn't going as planned: twenty-six, recently dumped, and running her parents' bakery. The highlights of her day are the emails sent by her mysterious pen pal, Chat Noir. That is, until handsome model Adrien Agreste starts swinging by the bakery after hours. But how is he to know the Ladybug he loves is standing right in front of him?
“Serendipitous Fate” by SKayLanphear [M] Characters/Pairings: Adrien/Marinette, etc. Ongoing. 22/32. Adrien is excited to reveal his true identity, while Marinette is terrified. But Master Fu says they can't afford to be distant any longer. Chat Noir and Ladybug are meant to work in tandem both in and out of uniform, their strength stemming from the bond created between them. Yet, teenagers are sometimes better at dancing blind than running with wide open eyes, even with the steps laid out before them. Steps in the path of an expanding world. Apart, they'll flounder. But together, they might just stand a chance.
“Snow Trouble” by Arallion [K] Characters/Pairings: Abel/Esther. Complete. 1/1. Father Nightroad returns from a solo mission on a snowy evening. It always comes as a surprise when someone misses you enough to wait out in the cold... 
“Milk Tea & Thirteen Sugars” by Darth Stitch [K] Characters/Pairings: Abel/Esther. Complete. 1/1. Inspired by Chelsea's Blanket Scenario challenge, Abel is diving deep into the River Denial when it comes to what he feels for a certain red-haired nun.
“Not a Saint” by Lucere [T] Characters/Pairings: Abel/Esther. Complete. 2/2 She is not a Saint, not a Krusnik nor a Lilith. She is Esther, plain Esther, with sometimes a Sister attached before.
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loeyparker · 8 years
honest - dick grayson
word count: 1.744
warnings: can’t have an imagine without angst
plot: inspired by honest by the neighborhood
a/n: i just really love him i couldn’t resist not making this my first 2017 written thing alsO I WROTE SOMETHING FINALLY!!! !
The wooden floor was clustered and you could barely make out the shapes of the objects in the darkness that took over the loft.
About four boxes lay unopened next to each other and a fifth, larger one is on the kitchen table. Fairy lights hang down from its sides but they’re left abandoned, unplugged.
There are dirty dishes in the sink and a half empty coffee mug on the counter close to the dish soap. There’s also a wine bottle not far away from the mess, and it’s almost empty –you were guilty of that one.
Faint voices could be heard in the living room, but not yours or Dick’s. They were coming from a random movie Dick has chosen after dinner.
A blue hoodie was right next to the TV. It was probably thrown there by Dick when he got home a few hours back, but you couldn’t make yourself to pick it up.
On the coffee table that was placed between the green couch you were sitting on and the TV were stacked two books about self-discovery, owned by Dick. A small plant you bought was also on there, along with some Christmas ornaments you were meant to put up before being interrupted by a phone call that messed up your entire festive mood.
Dick was sitting on the opposite side of the couch to you. One of his legs was resting on the coffee table, the other on the carpet. He kept glancing your way every few minutes and didn’t seem interested in the movie at all.
You were leaning against the right armrest of the couch, pretending to care about the film.  
Even through you wanted to ask Dick a million questions per minute, you stayed patient. You didn’t move; you just waited for him to say something – anything.
The only thing running through your mind was the thought that maybe, you made it too hard for him to open up. You’ve known ever since you met him that there was something big going on in his life and that he was secretive about it.
However, you had hoped he’d open up and share his burdens with you.
You hoped until this afternoon, when you answered a call to his phone from the landlord, thinking it had something to do with the loft both of you shared.
Only it wasn’t your building’s landlord –it was a lady from Blüdhaven, wanting to set a time and place with Dick to give him the keys of his new apartment.
You just wanted him to tell you what was going on, you just wanted him to say something. He had been gone for a few months and now after coming home and avoiding the topic of his trip, you found out he wants to move to a different city.
You were wrong thinking he’ll open up eventually.
You were wrong and you wanted to tell him that –to just rant about him not trusting you despite all your efforts and love. You couldn’t stand the silence between you two anymore; you just wanted to fill out the space.
A few more moments passed of you glancing his way with unease, waiting for something –you didn’t know for what.
Dick noticed you looking at him at last, but he didn’t exactly know what to do. He could feel the tension in the room and he could read the distress, the anxiety on your face. After all, he was best at reading people and he was even better at reading you.
He placed his feet on the fluffy, pink carpet you chose after moving in, and rested his elbows on his knees. From the position he was in, with his head down, he noticed a bit of his Nightwing costume peeking out from underneath the couch, where he previously stashed it so you wouldn’t notice it.
Could he have saved your relationship if he shared his secret?
He wasn’t sure. He wasn’t sure about anything anymore.
You had noticed in the past weeks that Dick wasn’t acting like his usual self. He was less chatty, gloomier. He stopped doing the things he loved. He bought self-help books and it caused you actual, physical pain to know he was hurting but not knowing why or how you could help.
With a soft sigh, you scooted over to Dick on the couch and placed your head on his back and held him close to you.
You just wanted to help him.
“I wish you could be honest with me.” You whispered and he sighed.
He wanted that too, he really did. But he also didn’t want to bring you into that dangerous part of his life. For a while, he was able to leave Nightwing at the door and just be Dick Grayson with you, in that shared loft of yours. And he loved that.
But lately, he couldn’t separate the two lives anymore. He felt like he lost himself and he was aware that was hurting everyone around him –especially you.
“Why are you still here?” Dick turned to you and you backed away slightly, frowning.
“What do you mean?”
“I haven’t been the best boyfriend lately, I can’t bring myself to tell you all the work stuff and-“ He looked away and clenched his jaw, before continuing with “why’d you stick around? Why’d you stay with me?”
“Because I love you, Dick.” You tucked a few strands of your hair behind your ears. “I stuck around even though I knew you weren’t always honest about your work stuff, about your trip,” you took a deep breath before adding “about Blüdhaven.”
Hearing that, Dick shut his eyes and leaned back into the sofa, hands covering his face.
You knew about the apartment.
“Why’d you fake it? The way you felt about me –about us?” You simply asked, eyes not leaving his tired face.
He looked at you. “I never faked my feelings for you.”
None of you moved from your spots. Your heart was beating faster than ever and your hands were shaking. You placed them under your thighs so your nerves wouldn’t be too visible to Dick.
“But?” You raised your eyebrows, feeling as if he had more to say.
Dick looked at you with hesitance. Just like he did every time he contemplated coming to you in full Nightwing suit and just tell the truth.
“I’ve been thinking about us.” He spoke slowly, his voice low.
Your heart sank.
“Something happened during my trip and I-“ God, he wanted to tell you about The Court, The Raptor, everything. Then it would all make sense.
But he just couldn’t burden you with all of that –with his life as Nightwing.
“I lost myself.” He leaned forward and grabbed his books. He held them in his hands and you glanced at them quickly –the self-help books that he came home with one night and tried to read before bed. “I tried to fix it with these but I couldn’t.”
With a swift motion, he threw them all the way across the room where they hit a wall.
“I tried to save this” he motioned between you two “but I can’t, (Y/N).”
You nodded “You have to take care of yourself first, Dick. You need to get out of Gotham, focus on finding who you are again.” You spoke softly.
“That’s why I got that apartment in Blüdhaven-“
“I know now, I just wish you would’ve told me yourself, and not your future landlady.” You gave him a small smile.
He puffed.
“We’re just gonna take a break until I fix myself, ok?” He placed his palms on either side of your face, and you placed your palms over his. “And I know you want to help, but I have to do it on my own.” He wanted to get away from his friends and family for a while and just focus on himself.
You nodded.
“It’s not a break-up.” He spoke again.
“We’re just hitting pause?” Your voice cracked.
“We’re just hitting pause.” He slowly pulled you closer in a kiss. It was meant to be short, but passionate –a farewell kiss. Both your heartbeats quickened, the TV noise faded away. Dick’s hands felt soft against your cheeks –almost like silk. It was strange, considering how much he fights and grips things, like the acrobat he is. His lips were soft compared to your slightly chapped ones that became victims of all the nervous biting you had done earlier.
Dick didn’t mind, though.
He was about to pull you closer, when you broke the kiss to take a breather. Both your chests rose and fell rapidly, as you regulated your breathing. Your foreheads touched, your gazes were fixed on each other.
You loved him, and he loved you.
“You go to Blüdhaven, find yourself. I won’t stand in your way.” Your hands were slowly going through his hair, pulling back the black strands that reached his eyes. “You have to find a way to be yourself again.”
Dick just pulled you closer between his legs, wrapped his arms around your torso and rested his head on your shoulder. You leaned into him and while one hand of yours stayed in his hair, the other trailed down his neck and you began drawing shapes on his back.
“The change of scenery, the lower crime-rate and the lack of super villains will be great. Maybe you can find a less stressful job and start trusting people again. Maybe you can even watch that show you’ve been wanting to see” you paused, trying to remember its name “Lost world of the warlord, I think it’s called?”
Dick chuckled and held you tighter.
“I only want the best for you, Dick.” At that, a lump began to grow in your throat. You had to pause ‘cause you would’ve gotten chocked up otherwise. Your eyes began to sting and you closed them in hope of stopping the forming tears.
“That’s why I love you, (Y/N)." He said softly.
You kept quiet after that and stayed in that position as long as Dick needed. He held you tightly, and you drew flowers on his back absentmindedly, as your eyes stayed fixed on his Nightwing suit that was poking from underneath the couch.
All you wished was for him to trust you enough to tell you about his secret identity, but you weren’t going to push.
He’ll tell you when he’s ready.
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